96-7944. Job Training Partnership Act; Lower Living Standard Income Level  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 65 (Wednesday, April 3, 1996)]
    [Pages 14824-14827]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-7944]
    Job Training Partnership Act; Lower Living Standard Income Level
    AGENCY: Employment and Training Administration, Labor.
    ACTION: Notice of determination of lower living standard income level.
    SUMMARY: The Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) provides that the term 
    ``economically disadvantaged'' may be defined as 70 percent of the 
    ``lower living standard income level'' (LLSIL). To provide the most 
    accurate data possible, the Department of Labor is issuing revised 
    figures for the LLSIL.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: This notice is effective on April 3, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: Send written comments to: Ms. Diane Mayronne, Office of 
    Employment and Training Programs, Employment and Training 
    Administration, Department of Labor, Room N-4463, 200 Constitution 
    Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20210.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Diane Mayronne, Telephone: 202-
    219-5305 (this is not a toll free number).
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: It is a purpose of the Job Training 
    Partnership Act (JTPA) ``to afford job training to those economically 
    disadvantaged individuals . . . who are in special need of such 
    training to obtain productive employment.'' JTPA Section 2; see 20 CFR 
    626.1 and 626.3(b). JTPA Section 4(8) defines, for the purposes of JTPA 
    eligibility, the term ``economically disadvantaged'' in part by 
    reference to the ``lower living standard income level'' (LLSIL). See 20 
    CFR 626.5.
        The LLSIL figures published in this notice shall be used to 
    determine whether an individual is economically disadvantaged for 
    applicable JTPA purposes. JTPA Section 4(16) defines the LLSIL as 
        The term ``lower living standard income level'' means that 
    income level (adjusted for regional, metropolitan, urban, and rural 
    differences and family size) determined annually by the Secretary 
    [of Labor] based on the most recent ``lower living family budget'' 
    issued by the Secretary.
        The most recent lower living family budget was issued by the 
    Secretary in the fall of 1981. Using those data, the 1981 LLSIL was 
    determined for programs under the now-repealed Comprehensive Employment 
    and Training Act. The four-person urban family budget estimates 
    previously published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) provided 
    the basis for the Secretary to determine the LLSIL for training and 
    employment program operators. BLS terminated the four-person family 
    budget series in 1982, after publication of the Fall 1981 estimates.
        Under JTPA, the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) 
    published the 1995 updates to the LLSIL in the Federal Register of 
    April 25, 1995. 60 FR 20283. ETA has again updated the LLSIL to reflect 
    cost of living increases for 1995 by applying the percentage change in 
    the December 1995 Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CIP-U), 
    compared with the December 1994 CPI-U, to each of the April 25, 1995, 
    LLSIL figures. Those updated figures for a family of four are listed in 
    Table 1 below by region for both metropolitan and nonmetropolital 
    areas. Since eligibility is determined by family income at 70 percent 
    of the LLSIL, pursuant to Section 4(8) of JTPA, those figures are 
    listed below as well.
        Jurisdictions included in the various regions, based generally on 
    Census Divisions of the U.S. Department of Commerce, are as follows:
    Connecticut                       New York                              
    Maine                             Pennsylvania                          
    Massachusetts                     Rhode Island                          
    New Hampshire                     Vermont                               
    New Jersey                        Virginia Islands                      
    Illinois                          Missouri                              
    Indiana                           Nebraska                              
    Iowa                              North Dakota                          
    Kansas                            Ohio                                  
    Michigan                          South Dakota                          
    Minnesota                         Wisonsin                              
    Alabama                           Kentucky                              
    American Samoa                    Lousiana                              
    Arkansas                          Marshall Islands                      
    Delaware                          Maryland                              
    District of Columbia              Mississippi                           
    Florida                           Micronesia                            
    Georgia                           North Carolina                        
    Northern Marianas                 Tennessee                             
    Oklahoma                          Texas                                 
    Palau                             Virginia                              
    Puerto Rico                       West Virginia                         
    South Carolina                                                          
    Arizona                           New Mexico                            
    California                        Oregon                                
    Colorado                          Utah                                  
    Idaho                             Washington                            
    Montana                           Wyoming                               
        Additionally, separate figures have been provided for Alaska, 
    Hawaii,and Guam as indicated in Table 2 below.
        For Alaska, Hawaii, and Guam, the 1996 figures were updated by 
    creating a ``State Index'' based on the ratio of the urban change in 
    the State (using Anchorage for Alaska and Honolulu for Hawaii and Guam) 
    compared to the
    [[Page 14825]]
    West regional metropolitan change, and then applying that index to the 
    West regional nonmetropolitan change.
        Data on 25 selected Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) are also 
    available. These are based on monthly, bimonthly or semiannual CPI-U 
    changes for a 12-month period ending in December 1995. The updated 
    LLSIL figures for these MSAs, and 70 percent of the LLSIL, rounded to 
    the next highest ten, are set forth in Table 3 below.
        Table 4 below is a listing of each of the various figures at 70 
    percent of the updated 1996 LLSIL for family sizes of one to six 
    persons. For families larger than six persons, an amount equal to the 
    difference between the six-person and the five-person family income 
    levels should be added to the six-person family income level for each 
    additional person in the family. Where the poverty level for a 
    particular family size is greater than the corresponding LLSIL figures, 
    the figure is indicated in parentheses.
        Section 4(8) of JTPA defines ``economically disadvantaged'' as, 
    among other things, an individual whose family income was not in excess 
    of the higher of the poverty level or 70 percent of the LLSIL. The 
    Department of Health and Human Services published the annual update of 
    the poverty-level guidelines at 61 FR 8286 (March 4, 1996).
    Use of These Data
        Based on these data, Governors should provide the appropriate 
    figures to service delivery areas (SDAs), State Employment Security 
    Agencies, and employers in their States to use in determining 
    eligibility for JTPA. The Governor should designate the appropriate 
    LLSILs for use within the State from Tables 1 through 3. Table 4 may be 
    used with any of the levels designated.
        Information may be provided by disseminating information on MSAs 
    and metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas within the State, or it may 
    involve further calculations. For example, the State of New Jersey May 
    have four or more figures: Metropolitan, nonmetropolitan, for portions 
    of the State in the New York City MSA, and for those in the 
    Philadelphia MSA. If an SDA includes areas that would be covered by 
    more than one figure, the Governor may determine which is to be used. 
    Pursuant to the JTPA regulations at 20 CFR 627.200, guidelines, 
    interpretations, and definitions adopted by the Governor shall be 
    accepted by the Secretary for the extent that they are consistent with 
    the JTPA and the JTPA regulations.
    Disclaimer on Statistical Uses
        It should be noted that the publication of these figures is only 
    for the purpose of determining eligibility for applicable JTPA 
    programs. BLS has not revised the lower living family budget since 
    1981, and has no plans to do so. The four-person urban family budget 
    estimates series has been terminated. The CPI-U adjustments used to 
    update the LLSIL for this publication are not precisely comparable, 
    most notably because certain tax items were included in the 1981 LLSIL, 
    but are not in the CPI-U.
        Thus, these figures should not be used for any statistical 
    purposes, and are valid only for eligibility determination purposes 
    under the JTPA program.
        Signed at Washington, DC, this 25th day of March, 1996.
    Josephine Nieves,
    Associate Assistant Secretary.
           Table 1.--Lower Living Standard Income Level by Region \1\       
                        Region                        adjusted    70 percent
                                                       LLSIL        LLSIL   
      Metro.......................................       26,840       18,790
      Non-Metro...................................       26,920       18,840
      Metro.......................................       24,840       17,390
      Non-Metro...................................       23,640       16,550
      Metro.......................................       23,700       16,590
      Non-Metro...................................       22,340       15,640
      Metro.......................................       26,290       18,400
      Non-Metro...................................       26,110       18,270
     \1\ For ease of calculation, these figures have been rounded to the    
      next highest ten dollars.                                             
      Table 2.--Lower Living Standard Income Level--Alaska, Hawaii and Guam 
                        Region                        adjusted    70 percent
                                                       LLSIL        LLSIL   
      Metro.......................................       33,980       23,790
      Non-Metro...................................       33,070       23,150
      Metro.......................................       36,940       25,860
      Non-Metro...................................       35,950       25,160
    \1\ Rounded to the next highest ten dollars.                            
    [[Page 14826]]
            Table 3.--Lower Living Standard Income Level--25 MSAs \1\       
                      Region MSA                      adjusted    70 percent
                                                       LLSIL        LLSIL   
    Anchorage, AK.................................       33,980       23,790
    Atlanta, GA...................................       23,620       16,530
    Baltimore, MD.................................       25,060       17,542
    Boston-Lawrence-Salem, MA/NH..................       28,120       19,680
    Buffalo-Niagara Falls, NY.....................       24,360       17,050
    Chicago-Gary-Lake County, IL/IN/WI............       25,990       18,200
    Cinicinnati-Hamilton, OH/KY/IN................       25,140       17,600
    Cleveland-Akron-Lorain, OH....................       25,600       17,920
    Dallas-Ft Worth, TX...........................       22,570       15,800
    Denver-Boulder, CO............................       25,460       17,820
    Detroit-Ann Arbor, MI.........................       24,010       16,800
    Honolulu, HI..................................       36,940       25,860
    Houston-Galveston-Brazoria, TX................       22,280       15,600
    Kansas City, MO/KS............................       23,870       16,700
    Los Angeles-Anaheim-Riverside, CA.............       27,150       19,010
    Milwaukee, WI.................................       25,290       17,700
    Minneapolis-St Paul, MN/WI....................       24,250       16,980
    New York-Northern N.J.-Long Island, NY/NJ/CT..       28,010       19,610
    Philadelphia-Wilmington-Trenton, PA/NJ/DE/MD..       26,310       18,420
    Pittsburgh-Beaver Valley, PA..................       25,140       17,600
    St Louis-East St Louis, MO/IL.................       24,050       16,800
    San Diego, CA.................................       27,390       19,170
    San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, CA............       27,050       18,940
    Seattle-Tacoma, WA............................       28,130       19,690
    Washington, DC/MD/VA..........................       28,540       19,980
    \1\ Rounded to the next highest ten dollars.                            
       Table 4.--Seventy Percent of Updated 1996 LLSIL, by Family Size\1\   
     Family of                                                              
        one          Two         Three       Four        Five         Six   
    (5,620)....     (9,200)     (12,640)      15,600      18,410      21,530
    (5,630)....     (9,230)     (12,670)      15,640      18,460      21,580
    (5,690)....     (9,320)     (12,800)      15,800      18,640      21,800
    (5,950)....     (9,750)      13,390       16,530      19,510      22,810
    (5,960)....     (9,770)      13,410       16,550      19,530      22,840
    (5,970)....     (9,790)      13,440       16,590      19,580      22,890
    (6,010)....     (9,850)      13,530       16,700      19,710      23,050
    (6,050)....     (9,910)      13,610       16,800      19,820      23,180
    (6,110)....    (10,020)      13,750       16,980      20,040      23,430
    (6,140)....    (10,060)      13,810       17,050      20,120      23,530
    (6,260)....    (10,260)      14,090       17,390      20,520      24,000
    (6,320)....    (10,350)      14,210       17,540      20,700      24,210
    (6,340)....     10,380       14,260       17,600      20,770      24,290
    (6,370)....     10,440       14,340       17,700      20,890      24,430
    (6,420)....     10,510       14,430       17,820      21,030      24,590
    (6,450)....     10,570       14,520       17,920      21,150      24,730
    (6,550)....     10,740       14,740       18,200      21,480      25,120
    (6,580)....     10,780       14,800       18,270      21,560      25,210
    (6,620)....     10,860       14,900       18,400      21,710      25,390
    (6,630)....     10,870       14,920       18,420      21,740      25,420
    6,760......     11,090       15,220       18,790      22,170      25,930
    6,780......     11,120       15,260       18,840      22,230      26,000
    6,820......     11,180       15,340       18,940      22,350      26,140
    6,840......     11,220       15,400       19,010      22,430      26,230
    6,900......     11,310       15,530       19,170      22,620      26,460
    7,060......     11,570       15,880       19,610      23,140      27,060
    7,090......     11,610       15,940       19,680      23,220      27,160
    7,090......     11,620       15,590       19,690      23,230      27,170
    7,190......     11,790       16,180       19,980      23,580      27,570
    8,330......     13,660       18,750       23,150      27,320      31,950
    8,560......     14,040       19,270       23,790      28,070      32,830
    9,060......     14,840       20,380       25,160      29,690      34,720
    9,310......     15,260       20,950       25,860      30,520      35,690
    \1\ Figures provided in Tables 1-3 of this notice are for a family of   
      four persons. To use Table 4, the appropriate figure should be found  
      in the Family of Four column. Then one may read across the row for    
      family sizes other than four in the appropriate column.               
    [[Page 14827]]
    [FR Doc. 96-7944 Filed 4-2-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4510-30-M

Document Information

Effective Date:
Labor Department
Entry Type:
Notice of determination of lower living standard income level.
Document Number:
This notice is effective on April 3, 1996.
14824-14827 (4 pages)
PDF File: