97-11138. Privacy Act of 1974; Establishment of New Systems of Records; Revision of Systems of Records; Deletion of a System of Records  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 83 (Wednesday, April 30, 1997)]
    [Pages 23485-23496]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-11138]
    Privacy Act of 1974; Establishment of New Systems of Records; 
    Revision of Systems of Records; Deletion of a System of Records
    AGENCY: International Trade Commission.
    ACTION: Request for comments on proposed establishment of new Privacy 
    Act systems of records, revision of systems of records, and deletion of 
    a system of records.
    SUMMARY: Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 522a(e)(4) of the Privacy Act of 1974, 
    the U.S. International Trade Commission (``Commission'') proposes the 
    following actions: (1) Consolidate and revise two existing systems of 
    records, currently entitled ``Budgetary and Payroll-Related Records'' 
    and ``Time and Attendance Records,'' into a new system of records 
    entitled ``Pay, Leave and Travel Records;'' (2) revise the existing 
    system of records entitled ``Grievance Records;'' (3) revise the 
    existing system of records entitled ``Office of Inspector General 
    Investigative Files General and Criminal'' by clarifying that there are 
    two separate systems of records entitled ``Office of Inspector General 
    Investigative Files (General)'' and ``Office of Inspector General 
    Investigative Files (Criminal);'' (4) establish a new system of records 
    entitled ``Telephone Call Detail Records;'' (5) establish a new system 
    of records entitled ``Security Access Records;'' (6) establish a new 
    system of records entitled ``Personnel Security
    [[Page 23486]]
    Investigative Files Records;'' (7) establish a new system of records 
    entitled ``Library Circulation Records;'' (8) establish a new system of 
    records entitled ``Parking Records;'' (9) establish a new system of 
    records entitled ``Mailing List Records;'' (10) establish a new system 
    of records entitled ``Congressional Correspondence Records;'' and (11) 
    eliminate a current system of records entitled ``Employment and 
    Financial Disclosure Records.''
    DATES: Comments must be received no later than June 9, 1997. The 
    proposed revisions and additions to the Commission's systems of records 
    will become effective on that date unless otherwise published in the 
    Federal Register.
    ADDRESSES: Written comments should be directed to the Secretary, U.S. 
    International Trade Commission, 500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Anjali K. Hansen, Esq., Office of the 
    General Counsel, U.S. International Trade Commission, tel. 202-205-
    3117. Hearing-impaired persons can obtain information on this matter by 
    contacting the Commission's TDD terminal on 202-205-1810. Persons with 
    mobility impairments who will need special assistance in gaining access 
    to the Commission should contact the Office of the Secretary at 202-
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Pursuant to the Privacy Act of 1974, these 
    revisions, deletions, and additions to the Commission's system of 
    records will be reported to the Office of Management and Budget, the 
    Chair of the Committee on Government Reform and Oversight of the House 
    of Representatives, and the Chair of the Committee on Governmental 
    Affairs of the Senate. The revisions to existing Commission systems of 
    records, the addition of new systems of records, and the deletion of a 
    system of records are in response to a comprehensive review of the 
    Commission's systems of records conducted by the Commission's Office of 
    Inspector General and Office of General Counsel. The Commission 
    proposes to revise and consolidate existing systems of records by 
    updating, clarifying and conforming the information in the Commission's 
    Privacy Act notices to reflect current procedures. The Commission 
    proposes to consolidate the ``Budgetary and Payroll-Related Records'' 
    and ``Time and Attendance Records'' into a new system of records 
    entitled ``Pay, Leave and Travel Records'' since these functions have 
    become more integrated. The Commission proposes to divide the current 
    Office of Inspector General notice into two separate notices (criminal 
    and general) because two separate records systems are maintained that 
    are subject to different exemptions under the Privacy Act. The 
    Commission also proposes to notice seven systems of records which are 
    new systems of records maintained by the Commission. The Commission 
    proposes to delete the current system of records entitled ``Employment 
    and Financial Disclosure Records'' because the Commission's records are 
    covered by Government-wide systems of records (OGE/GOVT-1 and OGE/GOVT-
    2). Finally, the Commission proposes to revise the routine uses 
    applicable to its systems of records to reflect current agency practice 
    and to standardize routine uses that are applicable to more than one 
    system of records. Because the establishment of the system covering 
    personnel security investigative files records requires the 
    promulgation of a Commission rule exempting this system from certain 
    provisions of the Privacy Act, the Commission will also be publishing a 
    notice of proposed rulemaking.
    Table of Contents
    ITC-1--Pay, Leave and Travel Records
    ITC-2--Grievance Records
    ITC-3--Office of Inspector General Investigative Files (General)
    ITC-4--Office of Inspector General Investigative Files (Criminal)
    ITC-5--Telephone Call Detail Records
    ITC-6--Security Access Records
    ITC-7--Personnel Security Investigative Files Records
    ITC-8--Library Circulation Records
    ITC-9--Parking Records
    ITC-10--Mailing List Records
    ITC-11--Congressional Correspondence Records
    Appendix A: General Routine Uses Applicable to More Than One System 
    of Records
    Appendix B: Government-Wide Systems of Records Applicable to the 
    System name:
        Pay, Leave and Travel Records.
    System locations:
        Office of Finance and Budget, U.S. International Trade Commission, 
    500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436; Administrative Service Center 
    Payroll Operations Division, Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of 
    the Interior, Mail Stop D-2600, 7201 West Mansfield Avenue, Lakewood, 
    CO 80235-2230; General Services Administration, 1500 East Bannister 
    Road, Kansas City, MO 64131; and in all Commission offices located at 
    the same address as the Office of Finance and Budget. For Retired 
    Personnel Files: National Archives and Records Administration National 
    Personnel Records Center (Civilian Personnel Records Center), 111 
    Winnebago Street, St. Louis, MO 63118.
    Categories of individuals covered by the system:
        All current and former Commission employees.
    Categories of records in the system:
        This system contains various records relating to pay, leave and 
    travel. This includes information such as: Name; date of birth; Social 
    Security number; W-2 address; grade; employing organization; timekeeper 
    number; salary; pay plan; number of hours worked; leave accrual rate, 
    usage, and balances; activity accounting reports; Civil Service 
    Retirement and Federal Retirement System contributions; FICA 
    withholdings; Federal, State, and local tax withholdings; Federal 
    Employee's Group Life Insurance withholdings; Federal Employee's Health 
    Benefits withholdings; charitable deductions; allotments to financial 
    organizations; levy, garnishment, and salary and administrative offset 
    documents; savings bonds allotments; union and management association 
    dues withholding allotments; Combined Federal Campaign and other 
    allotment authorizations; direct deposit information; information on 
    the leave transfer program; travel records; and tax fringe benefits.
    Authority for maintenance of the system:
        Authority for maintenance of the system includes the following with 
    any revisions or amendments: 5 U.S.C. Chapters 53, 55, 57 and 61; 31 
    U.S.C. 3131 and 3512; Executive Order 9397.
        These records are used for the purposes of administering pay and 
    leave, authorizing travel, activity accounting, and budget preparation.
    Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including categories 
    of users and the purposes of such uses:
        General Routine Uses A-K apply to this system.
        The pay and leave records are transmitted electronically by the 
    Commission directly to the Administrative Service Center, U.S. Bureau 
    of Reclamation, U.S. Department of Interior, which provides payroll 
    services. The U.S. Department of Interior transmits relevant portions 
    of those records as necessary to the following:
        (a) To the Treasury Department for issuance of pay checks;
    [[Page 23487]]
        (b) To the Treasury Department for issuance of savings bonds;
        (c) To the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (``OPM'') for 
    retirement, health and life insurance purposes, and to carry out OPM's 
    Government-wide personnel management functions;
        (d) To the National Finance Center, U.S. Department of Agriculture 
    for the Thrift Savings Plan and Temporary Continuation of Coverage;
        (e) To the Social Security Administration for reporting wage data 
    in compliance with the Federal Insurance Compensation Act;
        (f) To the Internal Revenue Service and to State and local tax 
    authorities for tax purposes, including reporting of withholding, 
    audits, inspections, investigations, and similar tax activities;
        (g) To the Combined Federal Campaign for charitable contribution 
    purposes; and
        (h) To officials of labor organizations recognized under 5 U.S.C. 
    Chapter 71 for the purpose of identifying Commission employees 
    contributing union dues each pay period and the amount of dues 
        Travel records are transmitted to the Philadelphia Finance Center, 
    U.S. Department of Treasury for issuance of travel reimbursement 
        Relevant information in this system may be disclosed as necessary 
    to other Federal agencies or Federal contractors with statutory 
    authority to assist in the collection of Commission debts.
    Disclosure to consumer reporting agencies:
        Disclosures may be made from this system pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 
    552a(b)(12) and 31 U.S.C. 3711(f) to ``consumer reporting agencies'' as 
    defined in 31 U.S.C. 3701(a)(3).
    Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining, 
    and disposing of records in the system:
    Storage: These records are maintained on computer media, on paper in 
    file folders, and on microfiche. The computer records are shared 
    electronically with the Department of the Interior.
    Retrievability: These records are retrieved by the name and Social 
    Security Number of the individuals on whom they are maintained.
    Safeguards: These records are maintained in a building with restricted 
    public access. The records in this system are kept in limited access 
    areas within the building. The paper files are maintained in secure 
    file cabinets, and access is limited to persons whose official duties 
    require access. The computer files can only be accessed by authorized 
    individuals through the use of passcodes.
    Retention and disposal: Payroll and salary and administrative offset 
    records will be updated as required in accordance with the National 
    Archives and Records Administration's (NARA's) General Records Schedule 
    2. Time and attendance records generally will be destroyed after a 
    General Accounting Office (GAO) audit or when six years old, whichever 
    is sooner, in accordance with NARA's General Records Schedule 2. Tax 
    withholding records will be destroyed when four years old in accordance 
    with NARA's General Records Schedule 2. U.S. Savings Bond authorization 
    (SF 1192 or equivalent) will be destroyed when superseded or after 
    separation of employee in accordance with NARA's General Records 
    Schedule 2. Bond registration files, receipt and transmittal files will 
    be destroyed four months after date of issuance of bond in accordance 
    with NARA's General Records Schedule 2. Combined Federal Campaign and 
    other allotments will be destroyed after a GAO audit or when three 
    years old, whichever is sooner. Thrift Savings Plan Election forms will 
    be destroyed when superseded or after separation of employee in 
    accordance with NARA's General Records Schedule 2. Direct deposit sign-
    up forms will be destroyed when superseded or after separation of 
    employee in accordance with NARA's General Records Schedule 2. Levy and 
    garnishment records will be destroyed three years after garnishment is 
    terminated. Travel authorization records will be destroyed six years 
    after the period of the account in accordance with NARA's General 
    Records Schedule 9. Records will be disposed of in a secure manner.
    System manager(s) and address:
        Director, Office of Finance and Budget, U.S. International Trade 
    Commission, 500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436.
    Notification procedure:
        Individuals wishing to inquire whether this system of records 
    contains information about them should contact the Privacy Act Officer, 
    Office of the Director of Administration, U.S. International Trade 
    Commission, 500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436.
        Individuals must furnish the following information for their 
    records to be located and identified:
    1. Full name(s);
    2. Date of birth;
    3. Social Security Number;
    4. Dates of employment; and
    5. Signature.
    Record access procedure:
        Individuals wishing to request access to their records should 
    contact the Privacy Act Officer, Office of the Director of 
    Administration, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street, SW, 
    Washington, DC 20436.
        Individuals must furnish the following information for their 
    records to be located and identified:
    1. Full name(s);
    2. Date of birth;
    3. Social Security Number;
    4. Dates of employment; and
    5. Signature.
        Individuals requesting access must comply with the Commission's 
    Privacy Act regulations on verification of identity (19 CFR part 201).
    Contesting record procedure:
        Individuals wishing to request amendment of their records should 
    contact the Privacy Act Officer, Office of the Director of 
    Administration, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street, SW, 
    Washington, DC 20436.
        Individuals must furnish the following information for their 
    records to be located and identified:
    1. Full name(s);
    2. Date of birth;
    3. Social Security Number;
    4. Dates of employment; and
    5. Signature.
        Individuals requesting amendment must comply with the Commission's 
    Privacy Act regulations on verification of identity (19 CFR part 201).
    Record source categories:
        Information in this system comes from official personnel documents, 
    the individual to whom the record pertains, and Commission officials 
    responsible for pay, leave, travel and activity reporting requirements.
    System Name:
        Grievance Records.
    System Location:
        Offices of Personnel, Administration, Operations, General Counsel, 
    and the office where grievance originated, U.S. International Trade 
    Commission, 500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436.
    Categories of individuals covered by the system:
        All current and former Commission employees who have submitted 
    grievances in accordance with part 771 of the regulations of the Office 
    of Personnel Management (5 CFR part 771), under 5 U.S.C. 7121, or 
    through a negotiated grievance procedure.
    [[Page 23488]]
    Categories of records in the system:
        This system contains records of grievances filed by agency 
    employees under part 771 of regulations issued by the United States' 
    Office of Personnel Management, under 5 U.S.C. 7121 or under negotiated 
    grievance procedures. These case files contain all documents related to 
    the grievance, including statements of witnesses, reports of interviews 
    and hearings, examiner's findings and recommendations, a copy of the 
    original and final decisions, and related correspondence and exhibits. 
    The system includes files and records of internal grievance and 
    arbitration systems established through negotiations with recognized 
    labor organizations.
    Authority for maintenance of the system:
        Authority for maintenance of the system includes the following with 
    any revisions or amendments: 5 U.S.C. 7121; 5 CFR part 771.
        These records are used to process grievances submitted by 
    Commission employees for relief in a matter of concern or 
    dissatisfaction which is subject to the control of agency management, 
    and to provide individuals who submit grievances with a copy of their 
    records in accordance with the grievance process.
    Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including categories 
    of users and the purposes of such uses:
        General Routine Uses A, B, C, E, F, G, H, I, J, K and L apply to 
    this system.
        Information in this system may be disclosed as necessary to other 
    Federal agencies or Federal contractors with statutory authority to 
    assist in the collection of Commission debts.
    Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining, 
    and disposing of records in the system:
    Storage: These records are maintained on computer media on an internal 
    Commission system and on paper in file folders.
    Retrievability: These records are retrieved by the names of the 
    individuals on whom they are maintained.
    Safeguards: These records are maintained in a building with restricted 
    public access. The records in this system are kept in limited access 
    areas within the building. The paper files are maintained in secure 
    file cabinets, and access is limited to persons whose official duties 
    require access. The computer files can only be accessed by authorized 
    Retention and disposal: These records will be retained for a minimum of 
    four years but not longer than seven years after closing of the case in 
    accordance with the National Archives and Records Administration's 
    General Records Schedule 1. Records will be disposed of in a secure 
    System manager(s) and address:
        Director, Office of Administration, U.S. International Trade 
    Commission, 500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436.
    Notification procedure:
        Individuals wishing to inquire whether this system of records 
    contains information about them should contact the Privacy Act Officer, 
    Office of the Director of Administration, U.S. International Trade 
    Commission, 500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436.
        Individuals must furnish the following information for their 
    records to be located and identified:
    1. Full name(s);
    2. Date of birth;
    3. Social Security Number;
    4. Dates of employment; and
    5. Signature.
    Record access procedure:
        Individuals wishing to request access to their records should 
    contact the Privacy Act Officer, Office of the Director of 
    Administration, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street, SW, 
    Washington, DC 20436.
        Individuals must furnish the following information for their 
    records to be located and identified:
    1. Full name(s);
    2. Date of birth;
    3. Social Security Number;
    4. Dates of employment;
    5. Approximate date of closing of the case (if applicable); and
    6. Signature.
        Individuals requesting access must comply with the Commission's 
    Privacy Act regulations on verification of identity (19 CFR part 201).
    Contesting record procedure:
        Individuals wishing to request amendment of their records should 
    contact the Privacy Act Officer, Office of the Director of 
    Administration, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street, SW, 
    Washington, DC 20436.
        Individuals must furnish the following information for their 
    records to be located and identified:
    1. Full name(s);
    2. Date of birth;
    3. Social Security Number;
    4. Dates of employment;
    5. Approximate date of closing of the case (if applicable); and
    6. Signature.
        Individuals requesting amendment must comply with the Commission's 
    Privacy Act regulations on verification of identity (19 C.F.R. part 
    Record source categories:
        Information in this system of records is obtained from:
    a. The individual filing the grievance;
    b. The testimony of witnesses;
    c. Agency officials; and
    d. Related correspondence from organizations or persons.
    System name:
        Office of Inspector General (``OIG'') Investigative Files 
    System location:
        Office of Inspector General, U.S. International Trade Commission, 
    500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436.
    Categories of individuals covered by the system:
        This system contains records on individuals and contractors, who 
    are or have been the focus of an OIG investigation relating to the 
    programs and operations of the Commission.
    Categories of records in the system:
        This system contains investigatory materials collected by the OIG's 
    investigative unit for law enforcement purposes.
        This system contains documentation of any and all complaints and 
    allegations initiating investigations; all relevant correspondence and 
    interviews; witness statements; affidavits; copies of all subpoenas 
    issued; transcripts of any testimony taken in the investigation and 
    accompanying exhibits; documents and other records or copies obtained 
    during the investigation; internal staff memoranda, staff working 
    papers and other documents and records relating to the investigation; 
    and all reports on the investigation.
    Authority for maintenance of the system:
        Authority for maintenance of the system is the Inspector General 
    Act of 1978 (Pub. L. 95-452) with any revisions or amendments.
        These records are used to investigate and/or take other actions to 
    address allegations of fraud, waste and abuse of a non-criminal nature 
    by Commission employees or contractors.
    Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including categories 
    of users, and the purposes of such uses:
        General Routine Uses A-K apply to this system.
    [[Page 23489]]
    Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining, 
    and disposing of records in the system:
        These records are maintained on paper in binders or folders, and on 
    computer media on an internal Commission system.
        These records are retrieved by a unique control number assigned to 
    each investigation.
        These records are maintained in a building with restricted public 
    access. The records in this system are kept in a limited access area 
    within the building. The paper files are maintained in secure file 
    cabinets, and access is limited to persons whose official duties 
    require access. The computer files can only be accessed by authorized 
    Retention and disposal:
        These records will be retained for ten years following the end of 
    the fiscal year in which an investigation was closed in accordance with 
    the National Archives and Records Administration's General Records 
    Schedule 22. Records will be disposed of in a secure manner.
    System manager(s) and address:
        Inspector General, Office of Inspector General, U.S. International 
    Trade Commission, 500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436.
    Notification procedure:
        Individuals wishing to inquire whether this system of records 
    contains information about them should contact the Privacy Act Officer, 
    Office of the Director of Administration, U.S. International Trade 
    Commission, 500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436.
        Individuals must furnish the following information for their 
    records to be located and identified:
    1. Full name(s);
    2. Date of birth;
    3. Social Security Number (for employees);
    4. Dates of employment or dates of contractual relationship; and
    5. Signature.
    Record access procedure:
        Individuals wishing to request access to their records should 
    contact the Privacy Act Officer, Office of the Director of 
    Administration, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street, SW, 
    Washington, DC 20436.
        Individuals must furnish the following information for their 
    records to be located and identified:
    1. Full name(s);
    2. Date of birth;
    3. Social Security Number (for employees);
    4. Dates of employment or dates of contractual relationship; and
    5. Signature.
        Individuals requesting access must comply with the Commission's 
    Privacy Act regulations on verification of identity (19 CFR part 201).
    Contesting record procedure:
        Individuals wishing to request amendment of their records should 
    contact the Privacy Act Officer, Office of the Director of 
    Administration, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street, SW, 
    Washington, DC 20436.
        Individuals must furnish the following information for their 
    records to be located and identified:
    1. Full name(s);
    2. Date of birth;
    3. Social Security Number (for employees);
    4. Dates of employment or dates of contractual relationship; and
    5. Signature.
        Individuals requesting amendment must comply with the Commission's 
    Privacy Act regulations on verification of identity (19 CFR part 201).
    Record source categories:
        These files contain information supplied by the following: 
    Individuals, including those to whom the information relates where 
    practicable; witnesses; contractors, corporations, and other entities; 
    records of individuals and of the Commission; Federal, foreign, state 
    or local bodies and law enforcement agencies; documents; 
    correspondence; interview memoranda; transcripts of testimony; and 
    other miscellaneous sources.
    Systems exempted from certain provisions of the Act:
        Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(k)(2), this system of records is exempt 
    from (c)(3), (d), (e)(1), (e)(4)(G) through (I), and (f) of the Privacy 
    Act. These exemptions are established in the Commission's rules at 19 
    CFR 201.32.
    System name:
        Office of Inspector General (``OIG'') Investigative Files 
    System location:
        Office of Inspector General, U.S. International Trade Commission, 
    500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436.
    Categories of individuals covered by the system:
        This system contains records on individuals and contractors, who 
    are or have been the focus of an OIG criminal investigation relating to 
    the programs and operations of the Commission.
    Categories of records in the system:
        This system contains records maintained by the OlG's criminal 
    investigations subunit, and consists of information compiled for the 
    purpose of conducting criminal investigations.
        This system contains documentation of any and all complaints and 
    allegations initiating investigations; all relevant correspondence and 
    interviews; witness statements; affidavits; copies of all subpoenas 
    issued; transcripts of any testimony taken in the investigation and 
    accompanying exhibits; documents and other records or copies obtained 
    during the investigation; internal staff memoranda, staff working 
    papers and other documents and records relating to the investigation; 
    and all reports on the investigation.
    Authority for maintenance of the system:
        Authority for maintenance of the system is the Inspector General 
    Act of 1978 (Pub. L. 95-452) with any revisions or amendments.
        These records are used to investigate allegations of criminal 
    violations by Commission employees or contractors.
    Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including categories 
    of users, and the purposes of such uses:
        General Routine Uses A-K apply to this system.
    Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining, 
    and disposing of records in the system:
        TAhese records are maintained on paper in binders or folders, and 
    on computer media on an internal Commission system.
        These records are retrieved by a unique control number assigned to 
    each investigation.
        These records are maintained in a building with restricted public 
    access. The records in this system are kept in a limited access area 
    within the building. The paper files are maintained in secure file 
    cabinets, and access is limited to persons whose official duties 
    require access. The computer files can only be accessed by authorized 
    [[Page 23490]]
    Retention and disposal:
        These records will be retained for ten years following the end of 
    the fiscal year in which an investigation was closed in accordance with 
    the National Archives and Records Administration's General Records 
    Schedule 22. Records will be disposed of in a secure manner.
    System manager(s) and address:
        Inspector General, Office of Inspector General, U.S. International 
    Trade Commission, 500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436.
    Notification procedure:
        Individuals wishing to inquire whether this system of records 
    contains information about them should contact the Privacy Act Officer, 
    Office of the Director of Administration, U.S. International Trade 
    Commission, 500 E Street, SW., Washington, DC 20436.
        Individuals must furnish the following information for their 
    records to be located and identified:
    1. Full name(s);
    2. Date of birth;
    3. Social Security Number (for employees);
    4. Dates of employment or dates of contractual relationship; and
    5. Signature.
    Record access procedure:
        Individuals wishing to request access to their records should 
    contact the Privacy Act Officer, Office of the Director of 
    Administration, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street, SW., 
    Washington, DC 20436.
        Individuals must furnish the following information for their 
    records to be located and identified:
    1. Full name(s);
    2. Date of birth;
    3. Social Security Number (for employees);
    4. Dates of employment or dates of contractual relationship; and
    5. Signature.
        Individuals requesting access must comply with the Commission's 
    Privacy Act regulations on verification of identity (19 CFR part 201).
    Contesting record procedure:
        Individuals wishing to request amendment of their records should 
    contact the Privacy Act Officer, Office of the Director of 
    Administration, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street, SW., 
    Washington, DC 20436.
        Individuals must furnish the following information for their 
    records to be located and identified:
    1. Full name(s);
    2. Date of birth;
    3. Social Security Number (for employees);
    4. Dates of employment or dates of contractual relationship; and
    5. Signature.
        Individuals requesting amendment must comply with the Commission's 
    Privacy Act regulations on verification of identity (19 CFR part 201).
    Record source categories:
        These files contain information supplied by the following: 
    Individuals, including those to whom the information relates where 
    practicable; witnesses; contractors, corporations, and other entities; 
    records of individuals and of the Commission; Federal, foreign, state 
    or local bodies and law enforcement agencies; documents; 
    correspondence; interview memoranda; transcripts of testimony; and 
    other miscellaneous sources.
    Systems exempted from certain provisions of the Act:
        Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(j)(2), this system of records is exempted 
    from all provisions of the Privacy Act except (b), (c)(1) and (2), 
    (e)(4) (A) through (F), (e)(6), (7), (9), (10), and (11), and (i). 
    These exemptions are established in the Commission rules at 19 CFR 
    System Name:
        Telephone Call Detail Records.
    System location:
        Offices of Management Services and Information Systems, U.S. 
    International Trade Commission, 500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436; 
    General Services Administration, 13221 Woodland Park Rd., Herndon, VA 
    22071; U.S. Sprint, 8330 Ward Pkwy, Kansas City, MO 64114-2028.
    Categories of individuals covered by the system:
        All Commission employees and all contractors, sub-contractors, 
    consultants and other individuals who are assigned telephone numbers by 
    the Commission and who make long-distance telephone calls or long-
    distance facsimile transmissions from or charged to the Commission 
    telephone system.
    Categories of records in the system:
        Records relating to use of Commission telephones to place long-
    distance telephone calls or long-distance facsimile transmissions; 
    records indicating assignment of telephone numbers to room numbers and 
    employees; and records relating to location of telephones.
    Authority for maintenance of the system:
        Authority for maintenance of the system includes the following with 
    any revisions or amendments: 19 U.S.C. 1331(a)(1)(A)(iii); 41 CFR 201-
        Records in this system are used to verify telephone usage and to 
    resolve billing discrepancies so that telephone bills can be paid. They 
    may also be used to identify and seek reimbursement for unofficial 
    calls, and as a basis for taking action when agency employees or other 
    persons misuse or abuse Commission telephone services.
    Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including categories 
    of users and the purposes of such uses:
        General Routine Uses A, B, C, E, F, G, H, I, K and L apply to this 
        Relevant information in this system may be disclosed as necessary 
    to other Federal agencies or Federal contractors with statutory 
    authority to assist in the collection of Commission debts.
    Disclosure to consumer reporting agencies:
        Disclosures may be made from this system pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 
    552a(b)(12) and 31 U.S.C. 3711(f) to ``consumer reporting agencies'' as 
    defined in 31 U.S.C. 3701(a)(3).
    Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining, 
    and disposing of records in the system:
    Storage: These records are maintained on computer media on an internal 
    Commission system, on paper in file folders, and on computer tape in 
    file cabinets.
    Retrievability: These records are retrieved by the telephone number 
    assigned to an individual, by office, by date, by number called, and by 
    city called.
    Safeguards: These records are maintained in a building with restricted 
    public access. The records in this system are kept in limited access 
    areas within the building. The paper files and computer tapes are 
    maintained in secure file cabinets, and access is limited to persons 
    whose official duties require access. The computer files can only be 
    accessed by authorized individuals through the use of passcodes.
    Retention and disposal: These records are disposed of as provided in 
    the National Archives and Records Administration's General Records 
    Schedule 12. Records will be disposed of in a secure manner.
    System manager(s) and address:
        Director, Office of Information Services, U.S. International Trade 
    Commission, 500 E Street, SW., Washington, DC 20436.
    [[Page 23491]]
    Notification procedure:
        Individuals wishing to inquire whether this system of records 
    contains information about them should contact the Privacy Act Officer, 
    Office of the Director of Administration, U.S. International Trade 
    Commission, 500 E Street, SW., Washington, DC 20436.
        Individuals must furnish the following information for their 
    records to be located and identified:
    1. Full name(s);
    2. Date of birth;
    3. Social Security Number (for employees);
    4. Dates of employment (if applicable);
    5. Assigned phone number; and
    6. Signature.
    Record access procedure:
        Individuals wishing to request access to their records should 
    contact the Privacy Act Officer, Office of the Director of 
    Administration, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street, SW., 
    Washington, DC 20436.
        Individuals must furnish the following information for their 
    records to be located and identified:
    1. Full name(s);
    2. Date of birth;
    3. Social Security Number (for employees);
    4. Dates of employment (if applicable); and
    5. Assigned phone number; and
    6. Signature.
        Individuals requesting access must comply with the Commission's 
    Privacy Act regulations on verification of identity (19 CFR part 201).
    Contesting record procedure:
        Individuals wishing to request amendment of their records should 
    contact the Privacy Act Officer, Office of the Director of 
    Administration, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street, SW., 
    Washington, DC 20436.
        Individuals must furnish the following information for their 
    records to be located and identified:
    1. Full name(s);
    2. Date of birth;
    3. Social Security Number (for employees);
    4. Dates of employment (if applicable); and
    5. Assigned phone number; and
    6. Signature.
        Individuals requesting amendment must comply with the Commission's 
    Privacy Act regulations on verification of identity (19 CFR part 201).
    Record source categories:
        Telephone assignment records; call detail listings and electronic 
    files from the telephone service provider; supervisors' confirmation of 
    employees' responsibility for calls; and certification of telephone 
    System name:
        Security Access Records.
    System location:
        Office of Management Services, U.S. International Trade Commission, 
    500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436; Federal Protective Services 
    Division, General Services Administration, Southeast Federal Center, 
    Bldg. 202, Washington, D.C. 20407; and Kastle Systems, 1501 Wilson 
    Blvd., Arlington, VA 22209.
    Categories of individuals covered by the system:
        All Commission employees and all contractors, sub-contractors, 
    consultants and other individuals who are assigned electronic security 
    keys, and all visitors that sign in at the guard station upon entering 
    the Commission premises.
    Categories of records in the system:
        Records relating to the use of electronic security keys, including 
    records on which keys were used to gain or seek access to controlled 
    areas, and the time at which access was gained or sought; and records 
    relating to entry of Commission premises, including the times at which 
    entry and exit were made and location accessed within the Commission.
    Authority for maintenance of the system:
        Authority for maintenance of the system includes the following with 
    any revisions or amendments: 19 U.S.C. 1331(a)(1)(A)(iii).
        These records are used to permit tracking of individual movements 
    in circumstances such as when there has been a security breach or 
    theft, to monitor access to restricted areas, and to keep track of all 
    visitors to the Commission or those individuals who do not have 
    Commission identification cards.
    Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including categories 
    of users and the purposes of such uses:
        General Routine Uses A, B, C, E, F, G, H, I, K and L apply to this 
    Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining, 
    and disposing of records in the system:
    Storage: The visitor log records are maintained on paper in file 
    folders; the security key records are maintained on electronic tape and 
    magnetic disk.
    Retrievability: The visitor log records are retrieved by month and 
    year; the security key records are retrieved by area accessed, date and 
    time of entry, key number, and name of individual.
    Safeguards: The visitor log records are maintained by the Federal 
    Protective Service in a secure facility with access limited to persons 
    whose official duties require access. The security key records are 
    maintained by the contractor in a secure facility with access limited 
    to persons whose official duties require access.
    Retention and disposal: The visitor log records will be retained for 
    two years in accordance with the National Archives and Records 
    Administration's General Records Schedule 18. The security key records 
    are maintained for 60 days. Records will be disposed of in a secure 
    System manager(s) and address:
        Chief, Facilities Support Division, U.S. International Trade 
    Commission, 500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436.
    Notification procedure:
        Individuals wishing to inquire whether this system of records 
    contains information about them should contact the Privacy Act Officer, 
    Office of the Director of Administration, U.S. International Trade 
    Commission, 500 E Street, SW., Washington, DC 20436.
        Individuals must furnish the following information for their 
    records to be located and identified:
    1. Full name(s);
    2. Date of birth;
    3. Social Security Number (for employees);
    4. Dates of employment (if applicable);
    5. Date of visit(s) (for visitor log records); and
    6. Signature.
    Record access procedure:
        Individuals wishing to request access to their records should 
    contact the Privacy Act Officer, Office of the Director of 
    Administration, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street, SW., 
    Washington, DC 20436.
        Individuals must furnish the following information for their 
    records to be located and identified:
    1. Full name(s);
    2. Date of birth;
    3. Social Security Number (for employees);
    4. Dates of employment (if applicable);
    5. Date of visit(s) (for visitor log records); and
    6. Signature.
        Individuals requesting access must comply with the Commission's 
    [[Page 23492]]
    Act regulations on verification of identity (19 CFR part 201).
    Contesting record procedure:
        Individuals wishing to request amendment of their records should 
    contact the Privacy Act Officer, Office of the Director of 
    Administration, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street, SW., 
    Washington, DC 20436.
        Individuals must furnish the following information for their 
    records to be located and identified:
    1. Full name(s);
    2. Date of birth;
    3. Social Security Number (for employees);
    4. Dates of employment (if applicable);
    5. Date of visit(s) (for visitor log records); and
    6. Signature.
        Individuals requesting amendment must comply with the Commission's 
    Privacy Act regulations on verification of identity (19 CFR part 201).
    Record source categories:
        Information in this system comes from the visitor logs and, in the 
    case of security key records, from the Commission security contractor.
    System Name:
        Personnel Security Investigative Files.
    System location:
        Office of Personnel, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E 
    Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436.
    Categories of individuals covered by the system:
        All current and former employees and all applicants for employment.
    Categories of records in the system:
        Records relating to name, date of birth, place of birth, Social 
    Security Number, citizenship, fingerprints, credit references, credit 
    records, education, arrest records, Federal employee relatives, dates 
    and purposes of visits to foreign countries, passport number(s), names 
    of spouse(s), names of relatives, names of references, date(s) of 
    appointment, position title(s), grade, duty station(s), Office of 
    Personnel file folder location, type of clearance granted, clearance 
    date, clearance termination date, suitability date, investigation 
    basis, investigation completion date, background investigation update 
    and upgrade information, Commission termination date, security briefing 
    data, and security investigator's notes on information gathered during 
    the investigation.
    Authority for maintenance of the system:
        Authority for maintenance of the system includes the following with 
    any revisions or amendments: Executive Orders 10450 and 12065; 19 
    U.S.C. 1331(a)(1)(A)(iii).
        Records in this system are used to: determine whether to issue 
    security clearances; provide a current record of Commission employees 
    with security clearance(s); and provide access cards and keys to 
    Commission buildings and offices.
    Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including categories 
    of users and the purposes of such uses:
        General Routine Uses A, B, C, E, F, G, H, I, J, and K apply to this 
        Relevant information in this system may be disclosed as necessary 
    to other Federal agencies or Federal contractors with statutory 
    authority to assist in the collection of Commission debts.
    Disclosure to consumer reporting agencies:
        Disclosures may be made from this system pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 
    552a(b)(12) and 31 U.S.C. 3711(f) to ``consumer reporting agencies'' as 
    defined in 31 U.S.C. 3701(a)(3).
    Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining, 
    and disposing of records in the system:
    Storage: These records are maintained on paper in file folders.
    Retrievability: These records are retrieved by name.
    Safeguards: These records are maintained in a building with restricted 
    public access. The records in this system are kept in locked file 
    cabinets in a limited access area within the building. Access is 
    limited to persons whose official duties require access.
    Retention and disposal: These records will be retained not later than 
    five years after separation or transfer of employee in accordance with 
    the National Archives and Records Administration's General Records 
    Schedule 18. Records will be disposed of in a secure manner.
    System manager(s) and address:
        Director, Office of Administration, U.S. International Trade 
    Commission, 500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436.
    Notification procedure:
        Individuals wishing to inquire whether this system of records 
    contains information about them should contact the Privacy Act Officer, 
    Office of the Director of Administration, U.S. International Trade 
    Commission, 500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436.
        Individuals must furnish the following information for their 
    records to be located and identified:
        1. Full name(s);
        2. Date of birth;
        3. Social Security Number (for employees);
        4. Dates of employment (if applicable); and
        5. Signature.
    Record access procedure:
        Individuals wishing to request access to their records should 
    contact the Privacy Act Officer, Office of the Director of 
    Administration, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street, SW, 
    Washington, DC 20436.
        Individuals must furnish the following information for their 
    records to be located and identified:
        1. Full name(s);
        2. Date of birth;
        3. Social Security Number (for employees);
        4. Dates of employment (if applicable); and
        5. Signature.
        Individuals requesting access must comply with the Commission's 
    Privacy Act regulations on verification of identity (19 CFR part 201).
    Contesting record procedure:
        Individuals wishing to request amendment of their records should 
    contact the Privacy Act Officer, Office of the Director of 
    Administration, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street, SW, 
    Washington, DC 20436.
        Individuals must furnish the following information for their 
    records to be located and identified:
        1. Full name(s);
        2. Date of birth;
        3. Social Security Number (for employees);
        4. Dates of employment (if applicable); and
        5. Signature.
        Individuals requesting amendment must comply with the Commission's 
    Privacy Act regulations on verification of identity (19 CFR part 201).
    Record source categories:
        Individual on whom record is maintained; Office of Personnel 
    Management; and any contractor who has been retained by the Commission 
    to conduct background investigations.
    Systems exempted from certain provisions of the Act:
        Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(k)(1), (k)(5) and (k)(6), this system of 
    records is exempted from (c)(3), (d), (e)(1), (e)(4)(G)-(I) and (f) of 
    the Privacy Act. These exemptions are established in the Commission 
    rules at 19 CFR 201.32.
    [[Page 23493]]
    System Name
        Library Circulation Records.
    System location:
        The National Library of International Trade (``Library''), U.S. 
    International Trade Commission. 500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436.
    Categories of individuals covered by the system:
        All Commission employees who have borrowed materials from the 
    Categories of records in the system:
        Records relating to titles and other identifying data on materials 
    borrowed from the Library, and agency, office, office telephone number, 
    and office room number of borrower, and the scheduled return date for 
    each item borrowed.
    Authority for maintenance of the system:
        Authority for maintenance of the system includes the following with 
    any revisions or amendments: 40 U.S.C. 483(b)(1); 19 U.S.C. 
        To locate Library materials in circulation and to control and 
    inventory Library materials loaned.
    Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including categories 
    of users and the purposes of such uses:
        General Routine Uses E, H, I and L apply to this system.
        Relevant information in this system may be disclosed as necessary 
    to other Federal agencies or Federal contractors with statutory 
    authority to assist in the collection of Commission debts.
    Disclosure to consumer reporting agencies:
        Disclosures may be made from this system pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 
    552a(b)(12) and 31 U.S.C. 3711(f) to ``consumer reporting agencies'' as 
    defined in 31 U.S.C. 3701(a)(3).
    Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining, 
    and disposing of records in the system:
    Storage: These records are maintained on computer media on an internal 
    Commission system and on paper in an index system.
    Retrievability: These records are retrieved by name, by title of item 
    borrowed, and by call number.
    Safeguards: These records are maintained in a building with restricted 
    public access. The records in this system are in a limited access area 
    within the building. The paper records are kept within the control of 
    Library staff during working hours and in a locked area at other times. 
    The computer files can only be accessed by authorized individuals.
    Retention and disposal: These records are maintained until the borrowed 
    material is returned or until an employee is no longer employed at the 
    Commission. Records will be disposed of in a secure manner.
    System manager(s) and address:
        Chief, Library Services, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E 
    Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436.
    Notification procedure:
        Individuals wishing to inquire whether this system of records 
    contains information about them should contact the Privacy Act Officer, 
    Office of the Director of Administration, U.S. International Trade 
    Commission, 500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436.
        Individuals must furnish the following information for their 
    records to be located and identified:
    1. Full name(s);
    2. Date of birth;
    3. Social Security Number;
    4. Dates of employment; and
    5. Signature.
    Record access procedure:
        Individuals wishing to request access to their records should 
    contact the Privacy Act Officer, Office of the Director of 
    Administration, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street, SW., 
    Washington, DC 20436.
        Individuals must furnish the following information for their 
    records to be located and identified:
    1. Full name(s);
    2. Date of birth;
    3. Social Security Number;
    4. Dates of employment; and
    5. Signature.
        Individuals requesting access must comply with the Commission's 
    Privacy Act regulations on verification of identity (19 CFR part 201).
    Contesting record procedure:
        Individuals wishing to request amendment of their records should 
    contact the Privacy Act Officer, Office of the Director of 
    Administration, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street, SW., 
    Washington, DC 20436.
        Individuals must furnish the following information for their 
    records to be located and identified:
    1. Full name(s);
    2. Date of birth;
    3. Social Security Number;
    4. Dates of employment; and
    5. Signature.
        Individuals requesting amendment must comply with the Commission's 
    Privacy Act regulations on verification of identity (19 CFR part 201).
    Record source categories:
        Information is obtained from the individual who borrows materials, 
    from library records on materials borrowed, and from the Commission 
    telephone directory.
    System Name:
        Parking Records.
    System location:
        Facilities Support Division of the Office of Management Services, 
    U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street, SW., Washington, DC 
    Categories of individuals covered by the system:
        All Commission employees and other authorized individuals who have 
    monthly parking permits or who are members of carpools.
    Categories of records in the system:
        Records relating to name, office room number, office phone number, 
    agency, home address, automobile type and license number, and length of 
    government service.
    Authority for maintenance of the system:
        Authority for maintenance of the system includes the following with 
    any revisions or amendments: 19 U.S.C. 1331(a)(1)(A)(iii); 40 U.S.C. 
    491; 41 CFR 101-20.1 et seq.
        To allocate and control parking spaces and to assist in creating 
    Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including categories 
    of users and the purposes of such uses:
        General Routine Uses A, B, C, E, F, G, H, I, K and L apply to this 
        Relevant information in this system may be disclosed as necessary 
    to other Federal agencies or Federal contractors with statutory 
    authority to assist in the collection of Commission debts.
    Disclosure to consumer reporting agencies:
        Disclosures may be made from this system pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 
    552a(b)(12) and 31 U.S.C. 3711(f) to ``consumer reporting agencies'' as 
    defined in 31 U.S.C. 3701(a)(3).
    [[Page 23494]]
    Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining, 
    and disposing of records in the system:
        These records are maintained on paper in file folders and on 
    computer media.
        These records are retrieved by applicant name or space assignment.
        These records are maintained in a building with restricted public 
    access. The records in this system are in a limited access area within 
    the building. Access is limited to persons whose official duties 
    require access.
    Retention and disposal:
        Records are maintained until parking permit expiration date or 
    cancellation. Records will be disposed of in a secure manner.
    System manager(s) and address:
        Facilities Management Specialist, Office of Management Services, 
    U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 
    Notification procedure:
        Individuals wishing to inquire whether this system of records 
    contains information about them should contact the Privacy Act Officer, 
    Office of the Director of Administration, U.S. International Trade 
    Commission, 500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436.
        Individuals must furnish the following information for their 
    records to be located and identified:
    1. Full name(s);
    2. Date of birth;
    3. Social Security Number (for employees);
    4. Dates of employment (if applicable); and
    5. Signature.
    Record access procedure:
        Individuals wishing to request access to their records should 
    contact the Privacy Act Officer, Office of the Director of 
    Administration, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street, SW, 
    Washington, DC 20436.
        Individuals must furnish the following information for their 
    records to be located and identified:
    1. Full name(s);
    2. Date of birth;
    3. Social Security Number (for employees);
    4. Dates of employment (if applicable); and
    5. Signature.
        Individuals requesting access must comply with the Commission's 
    Privacy Act regulations on verification of identity (19 CFR part 201).
    Contesting record procedure:
        Individuals wishing to request amendment of their records should 
    contact the Privacy Act Officer, Office of the Director of 
    Administration, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street, SW., 
    Washington, DC 20436.
        Individuals must furnish the following information for their 
    records to be located and identified:
    1. Full name(s);
    2. Date of birth;
    3. Social Security Number (for employees);
    4. Dates of employment (if applicable); and
    5. Signature.
        Individuals requesting amendment must comply with the Commission's 
    Privacy Act regulations on verification of identity (19 CFR part 201).
    Record source categories:
        Information is obtained from the individual to whom the records 
    System Name:
        Mailing List Records
    System location:
        Office of the Secretary, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E 
    Street, SW., Washington, DC 20436.
    Categories of individuals covered by the system:
        Individuals requesting placement on a Commission mailing list.
    Categories of records in the system:
        Name, organization, business or home address, telephone numbers, 
    facsimile numbers and electronic mail address.
    Authority for maintenance of the system:
        Authority for maintenance of the system includes the following with 
    any revisions or amendments: 19 U.S.C. 1331(a)(1)(A)(iii).
        Records in this system are used to address various agency 
    Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including categories 
    of users and the purposes of such uses:
        Address labels from these records are transmitted to the Government 
    Printing Office to be affixed to the Commission's mailings.
    Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining, 
    and disposing of records in the system:
    Storage: These records are maintained on computer media on an internal 
    Commission system.
    Retrievability: These records are retrieved by name and record number.
    Safeguards: These records are maintained in a building with restricted 
    public access. The records in this system are kept in a limited access 
    area within the building. Access to the files is limited to individuals 
    whose official duties require access.
    Retention and disposal: Records are maintained until individuals to 
    whom the records pertain request deletion or fail to respond to a 
    validation request. Records will be disposed of in a secure manner.
    System manager(s) and address:
        Secretary, Office of the Secretary, U.S. International Trade 
    Commission, 500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436.
    Notification procedure:
        Individuals wishing to inquire whether this system of records 
    contains information about them should contact the Privacy Act Officer, 
    Office of the Director of Administration, U.S. International Trade 
    Commission, 500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436.
        Individuals must furnish the following information for their 
    records to be located and identified:
    1. Full name(s);
    2. Date of birth;
    3. Social Security Number (for employees);
    4. Dates of employment (if applicable); and
    5. Signature.
    Record access procedure:
        Individuals wishing to request access to their records should 
    contact the Privacy Act Officer, Office of the Director of 
    Administration, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street, SW, 
    Washington, DC 20436.
        Individuals must furnish the following information for their 
    records to be located and identified:
    1. Full name(s);
    2. Date of birth;
    3. Social Security Number (for employees);
    4. Dates of employment (if applicable); and
    5. Signature.
        Individuals requesting access must comply with the Commission's 
    Privacy Act regulations on verification of identity (19 CFR part 201).
    Contesting record procedure:
        Individuals wishing to request amendment of their records should 
    contact the Privacy Act Officer, Office of the Director of 
    Administration, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street, SW, 
    Washington, DC 20436.
    [[Page 23495]]
        Individuals must furnish the following information for their 
    records to be located and identified:
    1. Full name(s);
    2. Date of birth;
    3. Social Security Number (for employees);
    4. Dates of employment (if applicable); and
    5. Signature.
        Individuals requesting amendment must comply with the Commission's 
    Privacy Act regulations on verification of identity (19 CFR part 201).
    Record source categories:
        Information is obtained from the individual to whom the records 
    System Name:
        Congressional Correspondence Records
    System location:
        Office of External Relations, U.S. International Trade Commission, 
    500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436, and other offices in the 
    Commission with information pertaining to the correspondence located at 
    the same address as the Office of External Relations.
    Categories of individuals covered by the system:
        Members of Congress.
    Categories of records in the system:
        Name, address and title of, and referrals of constituents' 
    inquiries, from Members of Congress and responses thereto, and any 
    other personal information in correspondence.
    Authority for maintenance of the system:
        Authority for maintenance of the system includes the following with 
    any revisions or amendments: 44 U.S.C. 3101; 19 U.S.C. 
        Records in this system are used to respond to Congressional 
    inquiries and inform Congress about Commission activities.
    Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including categories 
    of users and the purposes of such uses:
        General routine uses A, D, E, F, K and L apply to this system.
        Referral may be made to other Federal, State, or local government 
    agencies for appropriate action when the matter complained of or 
    inquired about comes within the jurisdiction of such agency.
    Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining, 
    and disposing of records in the system:
    Storage: These records are maintained on paper in file folders and on 
    computer media on an internal Commission system.
    Retrievability: These records are retrieved by name of Member of 
    Safeguards: These records are maintained in a building with restricted 
    public access. The records in this system are kept in limited access 
    areas within the building. The paper files are stored in secure file 
    cabinets and access is limited to persons whose official duties require 
    access. The computer files can only be accessed by authorized 
    Retention and disposal: Records are maintained at least two years 
    subsequent to the end of a Member of Congress' term in office. Records 
    will be disposed of in a secure manner.
    System manager(s) and address:
        Director, Office of External Relations, U.S. International Trade 
    Commission, 500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436.
    Notification procedure.
        Individuals wishing to inquire whether this system of records 
    contains information about them should contact the Privacy Act Officer, 
    Office of the Director of Administration, U.S. International Trade 
    Commission, 500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436.
        Individuals must furnish the following information for their 
    records to be located and identified:
    1. Full name(s);
    2. Date of birth;
    3. Social Security Number (for employees);
    4. Dates of employment (if applicable); and
    5. Signature.
    Record access procedure:
        Individuals wishing to request access to their records should 
    contact the Privacy Act Officer, Office of the Director of 
    Administration, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street, SW, 
    Washington, DC 20436.
        Individuals must furnish the following information for their 
    records to be located and identified:
    1. Full name(s);
    2. Date of birth;
    3. Social Security Number (for employees);
    4. Dates of employment (if applicable); and
    5. Signature.
        Individuals requesting access must comply with the Commission's 
    Privacy Act regulations on verification of identity (19 CFR part 201).
    Contesting record procedure:
        Individuals wishing to request amendment of their records should 
    contact the Privacy Act Officer, Office of the Director of 
    Administration, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street, SW, 
    Washington, DC 20436.
        Individuals must furnish the following information for their 
    records to be located and identified:
    1. Full name(s);
    2. Date of birth;
    3. Social Security Number (for employees);
    4. Dates of employment (if applicable); and
    5. Signature.
        Individuals requesting amendment must comply with the Commission's 
    Privacy Act regulations on verification of identity (19 CFR part 201).
    Record source categories:
        Members of Congress, their staffs, and individuals on whose behalf 
    there have been Congressional inquiries.
    Appendix A--General Routine Uses Applicable to More Than One System of 
    A. Disclosure for Law Enforcement Purposes
        When information indicates a violation or potential violation of 
    law, whether civil, criminal or regulatory in nature, and whether 
    arising by general statute or particular program statute, or by 
    regulation, rule, or order issued pursuant thereto, disclosure may 
    be made to the appropriate agency, whether Federal, foreign, State, 
    local, or tribal, or other public authority responsible for 
    enforcing, investigating or prosecuting such violation or charged 
    with enforcing or implementing the statute, rule, regulation, or 
    order issued pursuant thereto, if the information disclosed is 
    relevant to any enforcement, regulatory, investigative or 
    prosecutive responsibility of the receiving entity.
    B. Disclosure Incident to Requesting Information
        Information may be disclosed to any source from which additional 
    information is requested (to the extent necessary to identify the 
    individual, inform the source of the purpose(s) of the request, and 
    to identify the type of information requested), when necessary to 
    obtain information relevant to an agency decision concerning 
    retention of an employee or other personnel action (other than 
    hiring), retention of a security clearance, the letting of a 
    contract, or the issuance or retention of a grant, or other benefit.
    C. Disclosure to Requesting Agency
        Disclosure may be made to a Federal, State, local, foreign, or 
    tribal or other public authority of the fact that this system of
    [[Page 23496]]
    records contains information relevant to the retention of an 
    employee, the retention of a security clearance, the letting of a 
    contract, or the issuance or retention of a license, grant, or other 
    benefit. The other agency or licensing organization may then make a 
    request supported by the written consent of the individual for the 
    entire record if it so chooses. No disclosure will be made unless 
    the information has been determined to be sufficiently reliable to 
    support a referral to another office within the agency or to another 
    Federal agency for criminal, civil, administrative, personnel, or 
    regulatory action.
    D. Disclosure to Office of Management and Budget
        Information may be disclosed to the Office of Management and 
    Budget at any stage in the legislative coordination and clearance 
    process in connection with private relief legislation as set forth 
    in OMB Circular No. A-19.
    E. Disclosure to Congressional Offices
        Information may be disclosed to a congressional office from the 
    record of an individual in response to an inquiry from the 
    congressional office made at the written request of the individual 
    about whom the record is maintained. Disclosure will not be made 
    until the congressional office has furnished appropriate 
    documentation of the individual's request, such as a copy of the 
    individual's written request.
    F. Disclosure to Department of Justice
        Information may be disclosed to the Department of Justice, or in 
    a proceeding before a court, adjudicative body, or other 
    administrative body before which the Commission is authorized to 
    appear, when:
    1. The Commission, or any component thereof; or
    2. Any employee of the Commission in his or her official capacity; 
    3. Any employee of the Commission in his or her individual capacity 
    where the Department of Justice or the Commission has agreed to 
    represent the employee; or
    4. The United States
    is a party to litigation or has an interest in such litigation, and 
    the Commission determines that the records are both relevant and 
    necessary to the litigation and the use of such records is deemed by 
    the Commission to be for a purpose that is compatible with the 
    purpose for which the records were collected.
    G. Disclosure to the National Archives and GSA
        Information may be disclosed to the National Archives and 
    Records Administration or General Services Administration for 
    records management inspections conducted under 44 U.S.C. 2904 and 
    H. Disclosure to Contractors, Grantees, Etc.
        Information may be disclosed to agency contractors, grantees, 
    consultants, or volunteers who have been engaged to assist the 
    agency in the performance of a contract, service, grant, cooperative 
    agreement, job, or other activity for the Commission related to this 
    system of records and who need to have access to the records in 
    order to perform the activity for the Commission. This includes 
    Federal agencies providing payroll, management, or administrative 
    services to the Commission. When appropriate, recipients shall be 
    required to comply with the requirements of the Privacy Act of 1974 
    as provided in 5 U.S.C. 552a(m).
    I. Disclosures for Administrative Claims, Complaints and Appeals
        Information from this system of records may be disclosed to an 
    authorized appeal grievance examiner, formal complaints examiner, 
    equal employment opportunity investigator, arbitrator or other 
    person properly engaged in investigation or settlement of an 
    administrative grievance, complaint, claim, or appeal filed by an 
    employee or former employee, but only to the extent that the 
    information is relevant and necessary to the proceeding. Agencies 
    that may obtain information under this routine use include, but are 
    not limited to, the Office of Personnel Management, Office of 
    Special Counsel, Merit Systems Protection Board, Federal Labor 
    Relations Authority, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and 
    Office of Government Ethics.
    J. Disclosure to the Office of Personnel Management
        Information from this system of records may be disclosed to the 
    Office of Personnel Management pursuant to that agency's 
    responsibility for evaluation and oversight of Federal personnel 
    K. Disclosure in Connection with Litigation
        Information from this system of records may be disclosed in 
    connection with litigation or settlement discussions regarding 
    claims by or against the Commission, including public filing with a 
    court, to the extent that disclosure of the information is relevant 
    and necessary to the litigation or discussions and except where 
    court orders are otherwise required under section (b)(11) of the 
    Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. 552a(b)(11).
    L. Disclosure to Labor Unions
        Information from this system of records may be disclosed to 
    provide information to officials of labor organizations when 
    relevant and necessary to their duties of exclusive representation 
    concerning personnel policies, practices, and matters affecting work 
    Appendix B--Government-Wide System Notices Applicable to the Commission
        The Commission maintains some records covered by Government-wide 
    system of records notices published by other agencies. There may not 
    be actual Commission files in all Government-wide systems. This list 
    includes all Government-wide system notices known as the publication 
    date, but any later established Government-wide system notices may 
    also be applicable.
    1. OGE/GOVT-1--Executive Branch Public Financial Disclosure Reports 
    and Other Ethics Program Records
    2. OGE/GOVT-2--Confidential Statements of Employment and Financial 
    3. EEOC/GOVT-1--Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Records and 
    Appeal Records.
    4. FEMA/GOVT-1--National Defense Executive Reserve System
    5. GSA/GOVT-2--Employment Under Commercial Activities Contracts
    6. GSA/GOVT-3--Travel Charge Card Program
    7. GSA/GOVT-4--Contracted Travel Service Program
    8. DOL/ESA-13--Employment Standards Administration, Office of 
    Workers' Compensation Programs, Federal Employees' Compensation Act 
    9. DOL/ETA-14--Employment Training Administration Job Corpsman 
    10. MSPB/GOVT-1--Appeal and Case Records
    11. OPM/GOVT-1--General Personnel Records
    12. OPM/GOVT-2--Employee Performance File System Records
    13. OPM/GOVT-3--Records of Adverse Actions and Actions Based on 
    Unacceptable Performance
    14. OPM/GOVT-5--Recruiting, Examining, and Placement Records
    15. OPM/GOVT-6--Personnel Research and Test Validation Records
    16. OPM/GOVT-7--Applicant--Race, Sex, National Origin and Disability 
    Status Records
    17. OPM/GOVT-9--File on Position Classification Appeals, Job Grading 
    Appeals, and Retained Grade or Pay Appeals
    18. OPM/GOVT-10--Employee Medical File System Records
        Issued: April 22, 1997.
        By order of the Commission.
    Donna R. Koehnke,
    [FR Doc. 97-11138 Filed 4-29-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 7020-02-P

Document Information

International Trade Commission
Entry Type:
Request for comments on proposed establishment of new Privacy Act systems of records, revision of systems of records, and deletion of a system of records.
Document Number:
Comments must be received no later than June 9, 1997. The proposed revisions and additions to the Commission's systems of records will become effective on that date unless otherwise published in the Federal Register.
23485-23496 (12 pages)
PDF File: