98-11283. Americans With Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines; Play Areas  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 83 (Thursday, April 30, 1998)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 24080-24096]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-11283]
    [[Page 24079]]
    Part VIII
    Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance
    36 CFR Part 1191
    Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines; Play Areas; 
    Proposed Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 83 / Thursday, April 30, 1998 / 
    Proposed Rules
    [[Page 24080]]
    36 CFR Part 1191
    [Docket No. 98-2]
    RIN 3014-AA21
    Americans With Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines; Play 
    AGENCY: Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board.
    ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
    SUMMARY: The Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board 
    (Access Board) proposes to amend the Americans with Disabilities Act 
    Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) by adding a special application 
    section for play areas. The section was developed by a regulatory 
    negotiation committee composed of persons who represent interests 
    affected by accessibility guidelines for play areas. The section would 
    ensure that newly constructed and altered play areas are readily 
    accessible to and usable by children with disabilities.
    DATES: Comments should be received by July 29, 1998.
        The Access Board will hold a public hearing on the proposed 
    guidelines on Wednesday, June 3, 1998 from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
    ADDRESSES: Comments should be sent to the Office of Technical and 
    Information Services, Architectural and Transportation Barriers 
    Compliance Board, 1331 F Street NW., suite 1000, Washington, DC 20004-
    1111. Fax number (202) 272-5447. To facilitate posting comments on the 
    Board's Internet site, commenters are requested to submit comments in 
    electronic format, preferably as a Word or WordPerfect file, either by 
    e-mail or on disk. Comments sent by e-mail will be considered only if 
    they include the full name and address of the sender in the text. E-
    mail comments should be sent to play@access-board.gov. Comments will be 
    available for inspection at the above address from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 
    p.m. on regular business days.
        The public hearing will be held at the Westin Hotel, 1672 Lawrence 
    Street in Denver, Colorado. Interested members of the public may 
    contact the Board at (202) 272-5434 ext. 18 or (202) 272-5449 (TTY) to 
    preregister to give testimony or may register on the day of the 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Peggy Greenwell, Office of Technical 
    and Information Services, Architectural and Transportation Barriers 
    Compliance Board, 1331 F Street, NW., suite 1000, Washington, DC, 
    20004-1111. Telephone number (202) 272-5434 extension 34 (Voice); (202) 
    272-5449 (TTY). E-mail address: greenwell@access-board.gov.
    Availability of Copies and Electronic Access
        Single copies of this publication may be obtained at no cost by 
    calling the Access Board's automated publications order line (202) 272-
    5434, by pressing 1 on the telephone keypad, then 1 again, and 
    requesting publication S-35 (Play Areas Notice of Proposed Rulemaking). 
    Persons using a TTY should call (202) 272-5449. Please record a name, 
    address, telephone number and request publication S-35. This document 
    is available in alternate formats upon request. Persons who want a copy 
    in an alternate format should specify the type of format (cassette 
    tape, Braille, large print, or computer disk). This document is also 
    available on the Board's Internet site (http://www.access-board.gov/
        The Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board 
    (Access Board) is responsible for developing accessibility guidelines 
    under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) to ensure that 
    new construction and alterations of facilities covered by titles II and 
    III of the ADA are readily accessible to and usable by individuals with 
    disabilities.1 The Access Board initially issued the 
    Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) in 
    1991 (36 CFR part 1191, Appendix A). ADAAG consists of general sections 
    (ADAAG 1 to 4) that apply to all types of buildings and facilities, and 
    special application sections (ADAAG 5 to 12) that contain additional 
    requirements for certain types of buildings.2
        \1\ The Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. 12101 et 
    seq.) is a comprehensive civil rights law which prohibits 
    discrimination on the basis of disability. Titles II and III of the 
    ADA require, among other things, that newly constructed and altered 
    State and local government buildings, places of public 
    accommodation, and commercial facilities be readily accessible to 
    and usable by individuals with disabilities.
        The Access Board is an independent Federal agency established by 
    section 502 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 792) whose primary 
    mission is to promote accessibility for individuals with 
    disabilities. The Access Board consists of 25 members. Thirteen are 
    appointed by the President from among the public, a majority of who 
    are required to be individuals with disabilities. The other twelve 
    are heads of the following Federal agencies or their designees whose 
    positions are Executive Level IV or above: The departments of Health 
    and Human Services, Education, Transportation, Housing and Urban 
    Development, Labor, Interior, Defense, Justice, Veterans Affairs, 
    and Commerce; General Services Administration; and United States 
    Postal Service.
        \2\ The special application sections cover the following 
    buildings and facilities: restaurants and cafeterias (ADAAG 5); 
    medical care facilities (ADAAG 6); business, mercantile and civic 
    (ADAAG 7); libraries (ADAAG 8); transient lodging (ADAAG 9); 
    transportation facilities (ADAAG 10); judicial, legislative, and 
    regulatory facilities (ADAAG 11); and detention and correctional 
    facilities (ADAAG 12).
        Under the ADA, the Department of Justice is responsible for issuing 
    regulations to implement titles II and III of the Act. The regulations 
    issued by the Department of Justice must include accessibility 
    standards for newly constructed and altered facilities covered by 
    titles II and III of the ADA. The standards must be consistent with the 
    accessibility guidelines issued by the Access Board. The Department of 
    Justice has adopted ADAAG as the Standard for Accessible Design for 
    title III of the ADA. (28 CFR part 36, Appendix A).3
        \3\ The Department of Justice's regulations currently include 
    ADAAG 1 to 10. State and local governments currently have the option 
    of using ADAAG or an earlier standard, the Uniform Federal 
    Accessibility Standards (UFAS), when constructing or altering 
    facilities under the Department of Justice regulations for title II 
    of the ADA. (28 CFR 35.151(c)). The Department of Justice has issued 
    a notice of proposed rulemaking to eliminate this option. 59 FR 
    31808 (June 20, 1994).
        Titles II and III of the ADA cover a wide variety of recreation 
    facilities such as boating and fishing facilities, golf courses, parks, 
    places of amusement, play areas, sports facilities, and trails. Newly 
    constructed and altered recreation facilities are required to comply 
    with ADAAG, as adopted by the Department of Justice as the Standards 
    for Accessible Design, where the provisions can be applied. For 
    example, parking areas, entrances, and toilet rooms that are part of 
    newly constructed and altered recreation facilities must comply with 
    ADAAG. Some recreation facilities have unique features for which 
    additional provisions and special application sections need to be 
    developed. The Access Board convened a Recreation Access Advisory 
    Committee (RAAC) in July 1993 as the first step in developing the 
    additional provisions and special application sections. The RAAC issued 
    a report in July 1994 which addressed the various types of recreation 
    facilities and identified the features of each facility type that are 
    not adequately addressed by ADAAG. The RAAC made recommendations for 
    [[Page 24081]]
    accessibility guidelines for those features.
        The Access Board published an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking 
    (ANPRM) in September 1994 requesting public comment on the RAAC's 
    recommendations. 59 FR 48542 (September 21, 1994). The public comments 
    expressed support for many of the RAAC's recommendations. However, the 
    public comments also revealed a lack of consensus on some major issues 
    regarding play areas among interests that potentially would be affected 
    by accessibility guidelines for those facilities. Consequently, the 
    Access Board decided to develop a special application section for play 
    areas through regulatory negotiation. Regulatory negotiation is a 
    supplement to the traditional rulemaking process that allows for face-
    to-face negotiations among representatives of affected interests, 
    including the agency, with a goal of arriving at a consensus decision 
    on the text of a proposed rule. The proposed rule is then published in 
    the Federal Register and the public has an opportunity to comment. 
    Based on public comments received, the final rule may differ from the 
    proposed rule.
        The regulatory negotiation committee on accessibility guidelines 
    for play areas was established in March 1996. A notice of intent to 
    form a regulatory negotiation committee was published in the Federal 
    Register on December 22, 1995 (60 FR 66537). This notice proposed a 
    committee membership and requested comments on the establishment of the 
    committee and the proposed membership. The final membership of the 
    committee included:
        American Society of Landscape Architects
        ASTM Public Playground Committee (F15.29)
        ASTM Soft Contained Play Committee (F15.36)
        ASTM Playground Surfacing Systems Committee (F 08.63)
        International Play Equipment Manufacturers Association
        National Association of Counties
        National Association of Elementary School Principals
        National Child Care Association
        National Council on Independent Living
        National Easter Seal Society
        National League of Cities
        National Parent-Teacher Association
        National Recreation and Park Association
        Spina Bifida Association of America
        United Cerebral Palsy Associations
        U.S. Access Board
        The committee met seven times between March 1996 and July 1997 as a 
    full committee. In addition, several workgroups met to gather 
    information or develop recommendations for the full committee. 
    Committee members sought input from the public on issues related to 
    accessibility in play areas. The meetings were held in different 
    locations across the country and were attended by over 250 members of 
    the public. A formal public comment period was held at the end of each 
    day of the full committee meetings. In August 1996, the committee met 
    in the suburbs of Minneapolis, Minnesota. As a part of this meeting, 
    the committee participated in a day long tour of playground sites, 
    representing the various elements under discussion by the committee. In 
    October 1996, the committee met in conjunction with the National 
    Recreation and Park Association Annual Congress. This meeting was 
    attended by over 100 members of the public. All committee meetings were 
    facilitated by the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. An 
    interest based model of negotiation was used during the negotiations.
        The committee began its deliberations examining available 
    information related to providing access for children with disabilities 
    in play areas. The committee relied heavily upon three documents: the 
    Recreation Access Advisory Committee (RAAC) Recommendations for 
    Accessibility Guidelines: Recreational Facilities and Outdoor Developed 
    Areas (July 1994), the ASTM F 1487-95 Public Playground Equipment 
    Safety Standard, and the Recommendations for Accessibility Standards 
    for Children's Environments Technical Report (July 1992). This 
    technical report was based on a research project conducted for the 
    Access Board by the National Center on Accessible Housing, North 
    Carolina State University.
        The committee identified basic principles to guide its 
    negotiations. The committee agreed that accessibility guidelines 
         be based on children's anthropometric dimensions and other 
    resource information;
         be based on children with disabilities using a variety of 
    assistive devices;
         provide opportunity for use by children who have a variety 
    of abilities;
         support social interaction and encourage integration;
         create challenge, not barriers;
         maintain safety consistent with ASTM requirements;
         be reasonable in terms of cost relative to benefit;
         be based on independent use, as much as possible;
         address access for parents and care givers;
         provide access to elevated structures (additional ground 
    level accessible play components may be required, depending on the type 
    of vertical access provided to elevated structures); and
         provide advisory information in an understandable format 
    to assist designers, operators, and owners, to effectively incorporate 
    access into their designs.
        The committee reached consensuses on the accessibility guidelines 
    for newly constructed and altered play areas covered by the ADA. 
    Committee members represented the diverse interests of those affected 
    by this rulemaking, including persons with disabilities, owners and 
    operators of play areas, State and local governments, designers, 
    manufacturers, and voluntary standards groups. Where safety, cost, and 
    access interests conflicted, consensus was difficult. Committee members 
    explored many approaches and compromised in many areas to reach 
    agreement on minimum accessibility guidelines for play areas.
        The proposed accessibility guidelines for play areas include 
    requirements for accessible play components with interactive 
    manipulative features to be within certain reach ranges ( Reach 
    Ranges). Examples of manipulative or interactive features of a play 
    component include the opening of a talk tube or the letters of a tic-
    tac-toe board. The committee considered it important for children with 
    disabilities to reach these features to use the play component fully. 
    The committee used a modified version of the dimensions for reach 
    ranges that were included in the proposed accessibility guidelines for 
    children's facilities, which were available during the committee's 
    deliberations. (61 FR 37964, July 22, 1996). Final guidelines for 
    building elements designed for children's use were issued after the 
    committee's deliberations. (63 FR 2060, January 13, 1998.) Those final 
    guidelines include reach range specifications for children of various 
    age groups in the appendix as advisory information for designers to use 
    where appropriate. This flexibility was incorporated into the final 
    guidelines since it is not always clear which building elements are 
    used primarily by children and should be within these reach ranges. In 
    a play area, however, play components are designed specifically for use 
    by children. Therefore, the proposed accessibility guidelines for play 
    [[Page 24082]]
    require that where manipulative or interactive features are provided on 
    accessible play components, they must be within the reach ranges of 
    children with disabilities.
    Section-by-Section Analysis
        This section of the preamble contains a summary of the proposed 
    guidelines for play areas. The text of the proposed rule follows this 
    16. Play Areas
        This section defines terms used in the proposed rule. To avoid 
    potential confusion, terms and definitions already established within 
    the industry have been used to the greatest extent possible.
        The term play area is defined as a portion of a site containing 
    play components designed and constructed for children in a specified 
    age range as designated by ASTM F 1487-95, a voluntary safety standard. 
    ASTM F 1487-95 recommends that play areas designed for children 2-5 
    years old and children 5-12 years old be separated. Where play areas 
    are designed and constructed for specified age groups, each play area 
    is required to meet the requirements in section 16.
        Question 1. Safety standards for play areas require play equipment 
    designed for children ages 2-5 and 5-12 to be separated. In assessing 
    the benefits of these proposed accessibility guidelines, the Board is 
    interested in gathering more data on the incidence of disabilities 
    within these different age groupings. The Board is interested in any 
    specific data sources where this information can be obtained.
        The term play component is defined as an element intended to 
    generate specific opportunities for play, socialization, or learning. 
    The committee carefully reviewed definitions established by the 
    industry and the Recreation Access Advisory Committee in developing 
    this definition. The committee wanted the proposed definition to 
    address the variety of play components. The committee considered 
    elements that generate specific opportunities for play, socialization, 
    or learning. Elements that provide experiences such as sliding, 
    swinging, rocking, spinning, climbing, crawling, pretending, and 
    bouncing are considered play components. Conversely, elements not 
    specifically intended for play, socialization, or learning such as 
    ramps, decks, steps, transfer systems, and roofs are not play 
        Play components may be manufactured or natural. Examples of natural 
    play components include children's gardens and land forms designed to 
    create gathering places. Manufactured play components may be stand 
    alone or a part of a composite structure. Spring rockers and sand 
    tables are generally placed in stand alone locations. Manufactured 
    composite structures often combine slides, climbers, and activity 
    panels on one unit. Landscape architects and other designers supported 
    including natural elements in the description of play components. They 
    were concerned that the definition would focus solely on manufactured 
    play equipment.
        A composite play structure is defined as two or more play 
    components attached or functionally linked to create an integrated unit 
    that provides more than one play activity. This definition clarifies 
    that composite structures include play components combined to provide 
    multiple play experiences. The manner in which play components are 
    combined is not relevant so long as they are functionally linked. When 
    individual parts of a composite structure act as a single unit, they 
    are considered functionally linked, even if the parts are not 
    physically attached to the structure. Examples may include a balance 
    beam that may not be attached to the main structure, but serves as a 
    play opportunity adjoining the main play structure. Although not 
    physically attached, the balance beam allows a child to progress from 
    one structure to another.
        An elevated play component is defined as a play component that is 
    part of a composite play structure and approached above or below grade. 
    A stand alone slide, for example, would not be considered an elevated 
    play component since it is not part of a composite play structure and 
    is not approached above or below grade.
        A ground level play component is a play component that is 
    approached and exited at the ground level. Stand alone slides, balance 
    beams, swings, and spring rockers are examples of ground level play 
    components. Although portions of a ground level play component may be 
    elevated, the key element of this definition is that the play component 
    (slide, balance beam, swing, or a spring rocker) is approached and 
    exited at the ground level.
        The proposed definition of use zone includes the ground level area 
    beneath and immediately adjacent to a play structure or equipment that 
    is designated for unrestricted circulation around the equipment and on 
    whose surface it is predicted that a user would land when falling from 
    or exiting the equipment. This definition is consistent with the ASTM 
    definition, except that the term ``ground level'' is added to clarify 
    that the area beneath a play structure or equipment includes the ground 
    level area. Designers and operators sometimes use the term ``fall 
    zone'' to identify the ``use zone''.
        The term soft contained play equipment is defined as a play 
    structure made up of one or more components where the user enters a 
    fully enclosed play environment that uses pliable material(s) (e.g., 
    plastic, netting, fabric). These structures are often associated with 
    fast serve restaurants and other retail establishments and differ from 
    most play areas found in parks and schools. Soft contained play areas 
    are fully enclosed environments designed for users to enter the 
    structures at various entry points. This definition was developed in 
    cooperation with the ASTM Soft Contained Play Subcommittee F 15.36.
    16.1  Play Areas
        This section applies to each play area designed for children ages 
    two and over and requires compliance with the applicable provisions in 
    this section. The application of these guidelines is consistent with 
    ASTM F 1487-95, which establishes safety standards beginning at age 
        The committee considered developing accessibility guidelines for 
    children under the age of two years. It did not, however, believe that 
    there was sufficient information available to establish guidelines for 
    accessible play areas for children with disabilities in this age group. 
    The committee also considered that regardless of disability, many 
    children in this age group need assistance in using a play area. The 
    absence of safety guidelines or standards for this age group was also 
    recognized. While specific accessibility guidelines have not been 
    developed for play areas for children under the age of two, these areas 
    are covered by the ADA and the Department of Justice title II and title 
    III regulations.
        Several technical provisions are proposed that include a range of 
    dimensions, which permits a designer to consider the primary user 
    population served. The voluntary safety standard, ASTM F 1487-95, 
    recommends play areas to be separated by age groups. Specifically, this 
    standard recommends play areas designed for children 2-5 years old and 
    5-12 years old to be separated. These proposed accessibility guidelines 
    also consider areas designed for these age groups to be separate play 
    areas even if they are in the same facility.
    [[Page 24083]]
        The Board recognizes the value and importance of innovation in the 
    design of play area surfaces and components. It is expected that new 
    devices, technologies, and creativity will result in play area 
    innovations not seen today. These changes are invited and welcome. 
    ADAAG Section 2.2 (Equivalent Facilitation) permits ``departures from 
    particular technical and scoping requirements'' where the result will 
    provide substantially equivalent or greater access to and usability of 
    the facility. Section 2.2 applies to every section in ADAAG, including 
    proposed section 16 Play Areas.
    16.1  Exception 1
        Exception 1 to this section refers to the requirements of ADAAG 
    4.1.6 (Alterations). This exception permits play equipment to be 
    relocated to create safe use zones without triggering the alterations 
    requirements of ADAAG 4.1.6, if the surface is not changed or extended 
    for more than one use zone. Many existing play areas are considered 
    unsafe because of the close proximity of the various pieces of play 
    equipment. This situation is commonly addressed by moving play 
    equipment apart and extending the impact attenuating (also referred to 
    as ``resilient'') surfaces to create a safe use zone.
        This exception is proposed to minimize the potential cost impact of 
    creating safer play areas, while balancing the need for accessibility 
    for children with disabilities. This exception has been limited to 
    surface changes that are not more than one use zone. The use zone of 
    playground equipment is defined in ASTM F 1487-95 and generally 
    requires a six foot radius of resilient surfacing underneath play 
    equipment, except for swings and slide exits. Any surface alteration or 
    change beyond one use zone would be subject to the alteration 
    requirements of ADAAG 4.1.6.
    16.1  Exception 2
        Exception 2 to this section permits the use of platform lifts 
    (wheelchair lifts) complying with ADAAG 4.11 and applicable State or 
    local codes as part of an accessible route within a play area. The 
    committee proposed that platform lifts be permitted so that they may be 
    used in newly constructed play areas that may have unique environments 
    where ramp access may not be feasible. The committee considered the use 
    of platform lifts in play areas similar to the use of platform lifts on 
    an accessible vertical route to a performing area in an assembly 
    occupancy as permitted by ADAAG 4.1.3 Exception 4.
    16.1  Exception 3
        Exception 3 to this section exempts play areas from complying with 
    the provisions for protruding objects in ADAAG 4.4. ADAAG 4.4 generally 
    requires that elements mounted along circulation paths not project more 
    than 4 inches, if the leading edge is above 27 inches and below 80 
    inches. The committee carefully considered the unique environments of 
    play areas. In many cases, eliminating protruding objects from all 
    circulation paths may have the effect of substantially altering the 
    nature and design of a play area. The committee discussed several 
    approaches to providing access for children who are blind or visually 
    impaired, and the effect on the nature or design of a play area. The 
    committee proposed that at least one accessible route be free of 
    protruding objects. Section requires that objects shall not 
    protrude into the accessible route for a height of 80 inches measured 
    from the surface. Because accessible routes must maintain a clear 
    minimum unobstructed width, this requirement will provide at least one 
    route within the play area that is clear of protrusions.
    16.1.1(1) Ground Level Play Components
        Paragraph 1 of this section requires one of each type of ground 
    level play component to be accessible. The technical requirements for 
    an accessible play component are addressed in 16.1.5. The committee 
    proposed this requirement to give children with disabilities a choice 
    of at least one of each of the different types of play components 
    provided at the ground level. Swings, climbers, and spring rockers are 
    examples of the different types of play components often found at the 
    ground level in a play area. Providing choice and variety in play areas 
    can facilitate social growth and interaction among children. The 
    committee considered requiring all of the ground level play components 
    to be accessible, however, it concluded that the additional cost may be 
    prohibitive. Requiring at least one of each type to be accessible is 
    also consistent with other ADAAG provisions where multiple elements 
    serving the same function and in the same location are provided.
        Paragraph 2 of this section requires accessible ground level play 
    components to be provided in a number equal to at least 50% of the 
    total number of elevated play components. The committee added paragraph 
    2 as a result of its discussion related to providing vertical access to 
    elevated play components. The committee wanted to provide additional 
    accessible ground level play components based on the total number of 
    elevated play components provided. Elevated play components that are 
    only accessible to children who are able to or choose to transfer have 
    limited play value for children who are unable to or choose not to 
    transfer. This provision is an attempt to provide children with 
    disabilities additional opportunities where only transfer access is 
    provided to elevated play components.
        Accessible ground level play components required by paragraph 1 can 
    satisfy this requirement. For example, if ten elevated play components 
    are provided, a total of five ground level play components must be 
    accessible under paragraph 2. If three different types of ground level 
    play components are provided, paragraph 1 would require one of each of 
    the three types to be accessible. Paragraph 2 would require an 
    additional two ground level play components to be accessible for a 
    total of five.
    16.1.1(2) Exception
        The committee proposed an exception to this requirement when ramp 
    access is provided to each elevated play component. Under this 
    exception, additional accessible ground level play components are not 
    required, when each elevated play component can be accessed by a ramp. 
    Since children using wheelchairs and other mobility devices would have 
    access to the entire structure, additional accessible play components 
    are not required at the ground level.
        Paragraph 3 of this section requires accessible ground level play 
    components to be integrated in the play area. In some play area 
    designs, accessible play components are grouped into one area. These 
    designs have the effect of segregating children with disabilities. 
    Under the ADA, segregation of people with disabilities is not 
    permitted. This provision is critical to promote social interaction 
    among children with and without disabilities.
    16.1.2 Elevated Play Components
        This section requires at least 50% of all elevated play components 
    to be accessible. Since elevated play components are often the most 
    popular elements of a play area for children, the committee wanted to 
    ensure that children with disabilities have adequate opportunities to 
    use them. The committee also considered 50%
    [[Page 24084]]
    appropriate given the types of elements provided on composite 
    structures. For example, an elevated composite structure with ten play 
    components may include two slides, four climbers, and four activity 
    panels. Using this example, at least five of the elevated components 
    must be accessible. Section 16.1.2 allows the designer and operator to 
    decide which elevated play components will be accessible.
        The committee debated this requirement at great length. The 
    committee frequently heard from members of the public who were 
    concerned with the costs associated with providing an accessible route, 
    as well as those concerned with ensuring a variety of accessible 
    elevated play components. Section 16.1.3 (Accessible Route) addresses 
    the requirements for an accessible route connecting accessible elevated 
    play components.
        The committee found a requirement for the integration of accessible 
    elevated play components to be unnecessary since integration should 
    occur naturally due to the number of elevated play components required 
    to be accessible. Moreover, the committee recognized that designs using 
    a single point of entry to access a number of elevated structures may 
    be cost effective.
    16.1.3 Accessible Routes
        This section requires at least one accessible route within the 
    boundary of a play area. Auxiliary pathways may also be provided 
    throughout a play area. These other pathways are not required to be 
    accessible and may incorporate changes in level and varying slopes.
        The accessible route is required to connect accessible play 
    components, including entry and exit points. Access to both entry and 
    exit points is required to ensure usability by children with 
    disabilities. This provision, applied to an accessible slide, will 
    require an accessible route, with accessible surfacing, serving the 
    entry and exit points of the slide. The committee recognized that many 
    children with disabilities will require some assistance in moving 
    mobility aids to the exit points of accessible play components. This 
    provision will also provide access to parents and care givers with 
        Entry and exit points of accessible play components may be on the 
    ground level or be elevated. The committee carefully considered when 
    access by ramp, transfer system, and other means should be provided to 
    elevated play components. Committee members examined how the RAAC 
    approached the issue of providing ramp access to elevated structures. 
    The RAAC differentiated between larger and smaller structures, based on 
    the number of elevated play components provided. During the comment 
    period of the ANPRM, commenters supported the concept of 
    differentiating between larger and smaller play structures, however, 
    there was no consensus on the number of elevated play components that 
    should trigger a requirement for ramp access.
        Like the RAAC, the committee used an approach that differentiates 
    between play areas based on the numbers of elevated play components. 
    They contrasted the relative cost of providing a ramp system and 
    transfer system with the total cost of the structure and the amount of 
    area required. Ramp access costs always exceeded the costs of transfer 
    access. For example, the cost of providing a transfer system to 3 feet 
    above the ground is approximately 6-10 percent of the cost of a ramp 
    system. For the ramp to be cost effective, the committee proposed to 
    require ramp access only on larger structures that contain 20 or more 
    play components.
    16.1.3 Exception 1
        Exception 1 permits accessible elevated play components to be 
    connected by transfer systems, where less than 20 elevated play 
    components are provided. This exception is based on the committee's 
    consideration of the cost impact and available area. The committee was 
    concerned that ramp access to smaller structures might result in a 
    reduction in the number of play components that can be purchased within 
    a specified budget.
        To illustrate the application of the exception, a play structure 
    with 18 elevated play components is required to provide at least 9 (50% 
    minimum) accessible elevated components by 16.1.2. The exception would 
    permit these accessible elevated components to be connected by a 
    transfer system. Of course, ramp access is also permitted.
        Where a transfer system is used to connect accessible play 
    components on an elevated structure, an accessible play component may 
    be used to connect to another accessible play component. For example, a 
    transfer system may connect to an accessible crawl tube. Additional 
    accessible play components complying with 16.1.5 may be located at the 
    end of an accessible crawl tube on an elevated structure.
    16.1.3 Exception 2
        Exception 2 permits no more than 50% of accessible elevated play 
    components to be connected by transfer systems, where 20 or more 
    elevated play components are provided. To illustrate the application of 
    this exception, a play structure with 24 elevated play components is 
    required to have at least 12 (50% minimum) accessible elevated play 
    components by 16.1.2. Assuming that 12 accessible elevated play 
    components are provided, the exception would permit no more than 6 of 
    these play components to be connected by a transfer system. The other 6 
    play components must be connected by ramps. Of course, ramp access is 
    also permitted to all accessible elevated play components.
        As discussed in 16.1.3 Exception 1, where a transfer system is used 
    to connect accessible play components on an elevated structure, an 
    accessible play component may be used to connect to another accessible 
    play component. For example, a transfer system may connect to an 
    accessible crawl tube. Additional accessible play components complying 
    with 16.1.5 may be located at the end of an accessible crawl tube on an 
    elevated structure.
    16.1.3 Exception 3
        This exception does not require handrails at ramps located in the 
    use zone of a play area. The committee considered this an important 
    safety precaution because obstacles such as handrails cannot be in 
    these areas where it is predicted that users may fall. Clear Width and Height
        This provision requires the accessible route to be a minimum of 60 
    inches wide and to be clear of protrusions at or below 80 inches above 
    the surface. The minimum 60 inch width is proposed for the accessible 
    route for several purposes. Since this may be the only area where 
    accessible surfacing is required, the committee considered a minimum 60 
    inch width necessary for adequate maneuvering space. This route will 
    support and encourage interaction on the play area between children 
    with and without disabilities. Unlike typical interior environments, 
    the minimum width established in this provision is likely to be the 
    only width requirement. For example, corridors in office buildings tend 
    to be far wider than the minimum 36 inches required for accessible 
    routes. Designers and landscape architects consider the minimum 60 inch 
    width requirement necessary so that children may maneuver freely and 
    pass each other without meeting transition points or edges between 
    loose fill and firm surfaces. This requirement is also consistent with 
    the recommendations of the RAAC and ASTM F 1487-95.
    [[Page 24085]] Exception 1
        Exception 1 permits the use of a minimum 44 inch wide accessible 
    route in play areas less than 1,000 square feet, provided that there is 
    at least one turning space complying with ADAAG 4.2.3 where the route 
    exceeds 30 feet in length. The committee proposed this exception based 
    on concerns expressed by the child care industry regarding smaller 
    facilities. Many child care facilities are often limited in the amount 
    of space to designate for play. Concerns were raised about the 
    potential impact of a wider accessible route in reducing the number of 
    play components provided at smaller facilities. This exception is 
    proposed to address these concerns. Exception 2
        Exception 2 permits the width of the accessible route to be reduced 
    to a minimum 36 inches for a maximum distance of 60 inches. This 
    reduction in the width of the accessible route is permitted if multiple 
    segments are separated by 60 inch wide minimum segments that are at 
    least 60 inches in length. The committee considered an occasional 
    reduction in the minimum clear width necessary to accommodate obstacles 
    such as trees and boulders in the play area. Because the accessible 
    route also serves as a play area, any reduction in the clear width 
    affects opportunities for socialization and interaction. Therefore, the 
    committee developed these minimum criteria for spacing the narrowed 
    segments and to ensure that adequate turning space is provided between 
    narrowed segments of the accessible route. Exception 3
        Exception 3 permits the width of an elevated accessible route to be 
    a minimum of 36 inches. Elevated accessible routes may include ramps 
    between the ground and elevated structures, or ramps between elevated 
    structures. This is consistent with the recommendations from the RAAC 
    and ASTM F 1487-95. The committee considered a minimum 36 inch width to 
    be appropriate for elevated structures where features such as edge 
    protection and handrails typically are provided. Commonly available 
    manufactured products will comply with this provision. Exception 4
        Exception 4 permits the clear width of the elevated accessible 
    route to be reduced to 32 inches minimum for a maximum distance of 24 
    inches. This proposed exception is consistent with existing ADAAG 
    sections 4.2.1 and 4.13.5. Ramp Slope
        This section requires ramps provided within the boundary of a play 
    area to meet the requirements of ADAAG 4.8 with some modifications. 
    Ground level accessible routes may not exceed a slope of 1:16. The 
    committee proposed this requirement for several reasons. Initial 
    concerns were raised about the ability of children with disabilities to 
    move around within a play area where there is no limitation on the 
    length of the accessible route connecting accessible play components. A 
    more gradual slope requires wheelchair users and many others to expend 
    less energy to traverse a distance. Additionally, proposed 16.1.3 
    Exception 3 does not require handrails on ramps in a use zone. Since 
    ramps in the use zone will not have handrails, the committee considered 
    this another reason for limiting the slope of the accessible route on 
    the ground level. Additionally, preliminary information regarding some 
    artificial or synthetic surfaces shows that they may perform more 
    efficiently where slopes are gradual. Ramp Rise
        This provision requires that any ramp run have a maximum rise of 12 
    inches. The RAAC recommended that there be a 12 foot limitation on the 
    length of a ramp run to limit the distance between landings and other 
    areas where children gather on a structure. The committee has proposed 
    a maximum rise, rather than run, for ramps. This solution limits 
    distance without increasing slopes unnecessarily. The committee 
    believed that limiting ramp run is important to promote interaction 
    between children with and without disabilities. ASTM F 1487-95 also 
    uses a 12 foot limitation on ramp runs to discourage inappropriate and 
    unsafe use of ramps. Handrail Height
        This section requires ramp handrails to be provided 20 inches 
    minimum to 28 inches maximum above the ramp surface. This height is 
    considered appropriate for children. This is not an additional handrail 
    requirement. Instead, the committee proposed that handrails are only 
    provided to serve children. This range is based on a research project 
    sponsored by the Access Board.
    16.1.4 Transfer Systems
        Section 16.1.3 permits some accessible elevated play components to 
    be connected by a transfer system complying with 16.1.4. The transfer 
    system provides one method of reaching the play equipment and is 
    designed for use by children with disabilities who can transfer from 
    their wheelchair or mobility device. Similar transfer systems are used 
    to provide access into swimming pools. Manufactured transfer systems 
    for play areas have been available since 1990. The transfer system 
    consists of two components, a transfer platform and transfer steps. The 
    transfer platform serves as an entry platform and is provided at a 
    height that allows wheelchair users to transfer from wheelchairs. 
    Transfer steps are designed to facilitate movement above or below the 
    platform to accessible play components. Transfer Platforms Size
        This section requires transfer platforms to have a level surface 14 
    inches minimum in depth and 24 inches minimum in width. This minimum 
    size requirement allows for adequate space for transferring and 
    maneuvering. The committee based this size requirement on the 
    recommendations of the RAAC and ASTM F 1487-95. Transfer platforms can 
    be designed in unique shapes such as a triangle, if the minimum clear 
    space is provided. Height
        This section requires the transfer platform to be 11 inches minimum 
    to 18 inches maximum above the ground or floor surface. The committee 
    proposed a height range to allow designers flexibility to design for 
    the intended age group and to accommodate existing manufactured 
    composite play structures. The height ranges are also consistent with 
    ASTM F 1487-95 and recommendations from the RAAC, and within the range 
    of transfer height for other functions requiring transfer such as 
    toileting. Transfer Space
        This section requires a level, clear and unobstructed space 
    complying with ADAAG 4.2.4 to be provided along a 24 inch minimum side 
    of the transfer platform. An unobstructed side of a transfer platform 
    is necessary to permit a transfer. A level, clear space allows space 
    for a stationary wheelchair adjacent to the transfer platform. Transfer 
    steps connected below the platform may be used to facilitate access 
    closer to the ground or floor surface. However, transfer steps shall 
    not be connected to the unobstructed side of the platform.
    [[Page 24086]] Transfer Supports
        This section requires a means of support to be provided for 
    transferring. Such means may consist of a gripable edge of the transfer 
    platform or some other element that provides a means of support. The 
    committee agreed that this was integral to the process of transferring, 
    but did not have sufficient information or technical data to require a 
    specific location for the transfer support.
        Question 2. What types of transfer supports are most effective in 
    facilitating transfer? What is the most effective placement and why? Transfer Steps Size
        This section requires transfer steps to comply with 
    Thus, the transfer step and platform are required to be the same 
    minimum size. This regularity is important as the function of the step 
    and platform are similar; serving as a deck to sit and push off of to 
    move around. Transfer steps provide the opportunity for a child to 
    ascend to the next level on an elevated structure. Height
        This provision requires a transfer step to be 8 inches high 
    maximum. A maximum height is necessary to ensure use by children with 
    disabilities in their movement from a transfer platform to an 
    accessible play component. The 8 inches coincides with knee to foot 
    range measurements and the maximum distance for children to move from 
    step to step. Transfer Supports
        Similar to the requirement for the transfer platform, this section 
    requires a means of support for transferring to be provided. Such means 
    may consist of a gripable edge of the transfer step or some other 
    element that provides a means of support. Transfer supports are also 
    important to support the effort involved in moving from a transfer 
    platform to an accessible play component. The accessible play component 
    will often be located above the level of the transfer platform and may 
    require movement over a series of transfer steps. (See Question 2.)
    16.1.5 Accessible Play Components
        This provision includes technical requirements for accessible play 
    components. The committee examined what features of a play component 
    make it accessible. Initially the committee focussed on individual play 
    components and developed draft provisions for components such as 
    climbers, spring rockers, and swings. Through this detailed 
    examination, the committee identified features critical to making play 
    components accessible for children with a variety of disabilities. 
    These key features included clear space adjacent to the play component, 
    maneuvering space on the same level as the play component, providing 
    manipulative and interactive features of the play component within the 
    reach of children with disabilities, and having the entry point or seat 
    at an appropriate height for transfer and with transfer supports. The 
    identification of these features provided the basis for the proposed 
    technical provisions of this section. Establishing the general features 
    will provide more flexibility to designers, and also should guide the 
    development of emerging technologies and play component designs. Maneuvering Space
        This section requires maneuvering space to be provided on the level 
    of the accessible play component. This maneuvering space is necessary 
    so that children with disabilities can negotiate within a play area. 
    This provision requires the space to be on the same level as the 
    accessible play component that it serves. Maneuvering space shall have 
    a slope not steeper than 1:48 in all directions. Except for swings, the 
    maneuvering space is not required to be located adjacent to the 
    accessible play component. The committee considered the location of the 
    maneuvering space critical for use of a swing. This maneuvering space 
    is required to be located at the swing to facilitate both transfer onto 
    the swing and to allow space for a parent or care giver to assist 
    children. Consistent with existing ADAAG requirements, maneuvering 
    space and clear space may overlap. Exception
        This exception eliminates the requirement for maneuvering space on 
    elevated structures with transfer access only. These systems are 
    designed for movement on the structure without a wheelchair, therefore 
    the maneuvering space is not needed. Clear Floor or Ground Space
        This provision requires a clear floor or ground space at accessible 
    play components. This space is required to comply with ADAAG 4.2.4 
    which provides space for a stationary wheelchair or mobility device. 
    This space is important for the use of play components. Since each play 
    component is used differently, designers may choose the appropriate 
    orientation and location of this space. The clear floor or ground space 
    shall have a slope not steeper than 1:48 in all directions. Exception
        This exception eliminates the requirement for clear floor or ground 
    space for elevated structures with transfer access only. Accessible 
    clear floor or ground space is not necessary where structures are not 
    designed to accommodate wheelchairs. Where ramp access is not provided, 
    a transfer system is required. Reach Ranges
        This provision specifies reach ranges for heights of manipulative 
    and interactive features of accessible play components. These features 
    may include steering wheels, tic-tac-toe boards, and other operable 
    equipment provided for use by children with disabilities on accessible 
    play components. This section modifies the reach range requirements of 
    ADAAG 4.2 which are based on adult dimensions and anthropometrics.
        The table in this section specifies high and low reach ranges for 
    children according to age: 36 inches high and 20 inches low for ages 2 
    through 5; and 40 inches high and 18 inches low for ages 5 through 12. 
    These age ranges correspond to those specified in ASTM F 1487-95. The 
    selection shall correspond to the age range of the primary user group 
    served. Height of Play Components
        This provision specifies that when an accessible play component 
    requires transfer, the entry point or seat must be located between 11 
    inches minimum and 24 inches maximum above the clear ground or floor 
    space. This height is necessary for children using wheelchairs and 
    other mobility devices to transfer onto the play component. The 
    committee based these dimensions on information in a Board sponsored 
    research project that examined seat heights and other elements that are 
    often designed for transferring. The committee used these dimensions, 
    since transfer height is also critical to these elements. A range has 
    been established to avoid conflicts with height requirements of play 
    components designed for movement (rocking, springing, bending).
        Play components may be designed without an entry point or seat. In 
    this case, the provisions of do not apply. Swings and spring 
    rockers are examples of play components with seats or entry points. 
    Play components where seats or entry points are not provided include 
    climbers and balance beams.
    [[Page 24087]] Transfer Supports
        Similar to the requirement for the transfer platform and transfer 
    steps, this section requires a means of support for transferring to be 
    provided. Where an accessible play component requires transfer to the 
    entry point or seat, such means may consist of a gripable edge of the 
    play component or some other element that provides a means of support. 
    Transfer supports are also important to support the effort involved in 
    moving from a wheelchair or assistive device to an accessible play 
    component. (See Question 2.)
    16.1.6 Accessible Surfaces
        This provision requires accessible surfaces located within play 
    areas at ground level to comply with ADAAG 4.5.1 and this section. 
    Surfaces within the play area that are required to be accessible must 
    be firm, stable, and slip resistant and also meet the requirements of 
    the ASTM PS 83 (Provisional Standard Specification for Determination of 
    Accessibility of Surface Systems Under and Around Playground 
    Equipment).4 The Board will request approval to incorporate 
    by reference ASTM PS 83 in these guidelines from the Director of the 
    Office of the Federal Register prior to publication of the final 
        \4\ Copies of ASTM PS 83 are available through the American 
    Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West 
    Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. Telephone (610) 832-9585.
        The committee has proposed to use ASTM PS 83 to measure the 
    accessibility of a surface in a play area. This provisional standard 
    provides a specification for determining the accessibility of the 
    various surfaces used in play areas. The committee agreed to this 
    approach to provide more specific guidance to operators and designers 
    when selecting surfaces for play areas. Owners and operators are often 
    required to make this determination without sufficient guidance related 
    to the factors that make a surface accessible to people using 
    wheelchairs and other mobility aids.
        The ASTM F 08.63 subcommittee has worked since May 1994 to prepare 
    a specification for measuring surfaces to determine accessibility. 
    ASTM's work was done at the urging of the Access Board and others 
    interested in identifying objective methods of measuring the level of 
    accessibility of various surfaces used in play areas. A playground 
    surface would have to meet the specifications in the ASTM provisional 
    standard before it would be considered an accessible surface.
        The ASTM provisional standard specifically addresses the issue of 
    ``maneuverability''. Maneuverability measures the effort needed to move 
    a wheelchair across a surface. The development of this ASTM provisional 
    standard included testing with people with disabilities who use 
    wheelchairs and other mobility devices and was conducted at Beneficial 
    Designs in Santa Cruz, CA. Effort required for turning and straight 
    line movements were measured on different surfaces and slopes. The ASTM 
    provisional standard assumes that the more difficult a surface is to 
    turn and travel across, the less accessible it is. When compared to 
    effort to travel across a very accessible surface, such as concrete, a 
    minimum acceptable level of effort is yielded.
        This provision requires accessible surfaces located within the use 
    zone to be impact attenuating and to comply with the ASTM F 1292 
    provision for drop testing. The Board will request approval to 
    incorporate by reference ASTM F 1292 in the guidelines from the 
    Director of the Office of the Federal Register prior to publication of 
    the final guidelines. The need for play areas to include safe surfaces, 
    which are impact attenuating in case of a fall, is critical for 
    children and for owners and operators. While the committee did not 
    consider the requirement for an impact attenuating surface in a play 
    area to be an accessibility issue, several playground surfaces may be 
    considered accessible but would not meet the requirements for impact 
    attenuation as defined by ASTM. For example, accessible surfaces such 
    as concrete or pavement would not meet the requirements for impact 
    attenuation as defined by ASTM.
        There is controversy about which surfaces currently available meet 
    the requirements for impact attenuation and accessibility. Cost is also 
    an important factor. General estimates provided to the committee show 
    large differences in costs between non-accessible loose fill surfaces 
    that are impact attenuating and surfaces considered both accessible and 
    impact attenuating. Sand and other loose fill materials, for example, 
    presently range from approximately $.25 to $1.25 per square foot. 
    However, rubber matting, poured-in-place rubber, and other accessible 
    impact attenuating surfaces, presently range from approximately $6.00 
    to $20.00 per square foot.
        The committee did not propose to require an entire play surface to 
    be accessible because of a variety of considerations. These include a 
    desire to maximize play value, allow for diversity in the play 
    experience, and balance the costs with the benefits. The committee 
    identified those areas where accessible surfacing is necessary so that 
    children with disabilities can use and enjoy play components.
        Question 3. Impact attenuating surfaces have been used to cover 
    concrete for safety purposes in play areas. The border between the 
    resilient surface and adjacent surfaces forms a transition between the 
    two surfaces. Some manufacturers have noted difficulty in meeting the 
    requirements of ADAAG 4.5.2 for changes in level and for beveled 
    surfaces. Should there be an exception? If so, under what conditions 
    should the exception apply?
    16.1.7 Handrails
        This provision proposes that the diameter or width of handrails be 
    0.95 inch minimum to 1.55 inch maximum, or a shape that provides an 
    equivalent gripping surface. This requirement will apply to all 
    handrails within the play area. The committee proposed this requirement 
    to be consistent with ASTM F 1487-95.
    16.2 Soft Contained Play Structures
        This section requires soft contained play structures to comply with 
    16.2. Soft contained play structures are designed differently than the 
    more traditional play areas found in parks, schools, and child care 
    centers. They are designed to promote play inside a structure and were 
    originally developed as an alternative to the more open designs to 
    reduce injuries due to falls. Users must fully enter the play system to 
    participate in this opportunity. The play experience is provided 
    largely within the structure and can include elements such as ball 
    pools, slides, climbing nets, and crawl tubes. Children maneuver 
    through the system by crawling, climbing, pulling and sliding.
    16.2.1 Access to Entry Points
        This section requires that where three or fewer entry points are 
    provided for each structure, a minimum of one entry point shall be on 
    an accessible route. Where four or more entry points are provided, an 
    accessible route is required to at least two entry points. The 
    committee agreed that the proposed accessibility guidelines developed 
    for the more traditional play environments would not be appropriate for 
    soft contained play structures. As a result, the committee proposed 
    requirements to ensure access to the entry points of soft contained 
    play structures. The committee did not consider the interior space of 
    these structures suitable for
    [[Page 24088]]
    wheelchairs or other mobility devices. Additionally, these structures 
    do not include open decks or platforms that would accommodate a 
    16.2.1 Exception 1
        Exception 1 to this section permits the use of a transfer system 
    complying with 16.1.4 to be a part of the accessible route connecting 
    the entry points. The committee considered the use of transfer systems 
    appropriate to connect entry points, since the interior space is not 
    suitable for wheelchairs or other mobility devices. For example, a 
    child either independently or with assistance can enter into a system 
    at a transfer point, play in a ball pool, maneuver through a tube, and 
    exit through a slide.
    16.2.1 Exception 2
        Exception 2 to this section permits the use of platform lifts 
    (wheelchair lifts) complying with ADAAG 4.11 and applicable State or 
    local codes as part of an accessible route for a soft contained play 
    structure. The committee proposed that platform lifts be permitted so 
    that they may be used in newly constructed play areas that may have 
    unique environments where ramp access may not be feasible. The 
    committee considered the use of platform lifts to connect entry points 
    in soft contained play structures similar to the use of platform lifts 
    on an accessible vertical route to a performing area in an assembly 
    occupancy as permitted by ADAAG 4.1.3 Exception 4.
    Regulatory Process Matters
    Executive Order 12866: Regulatory Assessment
        The Access Board has determined that this proposed rule is an 
    economically significant regulatory action under Executive Order 12866 
    and has prepared a regulatory assessment of the potential costs and 
    benefits of the rule. The regulatory assessment has been placed in the 
    docket and is available for public inspection.
        This proposed rule is the result of regulatory negotiation among 17 
    organizations representing the various interests affected by the rule. 
    These interests include child care centers, elementary schools, park 
    and recreation agencies, city and county governments, persons with 
    disabilities, play equipment designers and manufacturers, and voluntary 
    consensus standards groups. The regulatory negotiation committee 
    considered many proposals made by the various interests. As discussed 
    in the background section of the preamble, the regulatory negotiation 
    committee agreed to basic principles to guide its negotiations. Among 
    those principles are that the guidelines should provide opportunity for 
    children with a variety of abilities to use play areas, support social 
    interaction and integration, be based on independent use as much as 
    possible, create challenge not barriers, maintain safety, and be 
    reasonable in terms of cost relative to benefit. The section-by-section 
    analysis of the preamble discusses the factors that the regulatory 
    negotiation committee considered in reaching consensus on the proposed 
    rule. Where alternatives were presented, the regulatory negotiation 
    committee aimed for the most cost effective approach for achieving the 
    regulatory objectives. For example, section 16.1.3 of the proposed rule 
    requires at least 50 percent of elevated play components to be 
    accessible and contains different provisions for connecting the 
    accessible elevated play components by transfer system or ramp based on 
    the number of elevated play components provided.
        The major alternatives which were considered and rejected by the 
    committee included the following:
        (1) Requiring the entire surface of a play area to be accessible 
    and requiring ramp access to all play components on an elevated 
    structure. While both alternatives would ensure access for all children 
    with disabilities in a play area, the cost was considered excessive. 
    Many owners and operators have an established budget to work within 
    when designing and constructing play areas. The cost impact of these 
    alternatives would reduce the amount of ``play value'' and fewer play 
    components would be designed or purchased. The guidelines identify only 
    those areas where accessible surfacing is necessary so that children 
    with disabilities can use and enjoy play components.
        (2) Providing a lower level of access for children with 
    disabilities. The committee considered requiring only transfer access 
    to all of the elevated structures and requiring ramp access to a 
    certain height. While these were considered lower cost alternatives, 
    there was little support from committee members who felt that these 
    approaches limited access for children with disabilities in a way that 
    was not consistent with the intent and purposes of the ADA. 
    Specifically, the committee did not believe these approaches gave 
    children with disabilities sufficient opportunity to interact and 
    socialize with other children.
        The regulatory assessment examines the potential cost impact of the 
    proposed rule on three play areas: (1) a medium-size play area such as 
    may be found in an elementary school; (2) a small play area such as may 
    be found in a child care center; and (3) a large play area such as may 
    be found in a public park. Baseline costs were established for each 
    play area based on the Department of Justice's ``Americans with 
    Disabilities Act Title II Technical Assistance Manual'' (1994 
    Supplement), administrative complaints, ASTM F 1487-95 and ASTM PS 83, 
    and common industry practices.
        The regulatory assessment estimates equipment and surfacing cost 
    increases over the baseline for providing access to elevated and ground 
    level play components. For equipment, installation costs are estimated 
    separately at 20 percent to 40 percent of equipment costs. If installed 
    and maintained properly, it appears that engineered wood fiber, rubber 
    mats or tiles, and poured-in-place rubber would be permitted for 
    surface materials. The regulatory assessment considers two surfacing 
    options for each play area: (1) using engineered wood fiber for the 
    entire play area; and (2) using a unitary material such as rubber 
    matting for accessible surfaces and loose fill material such as sand, 
    wood chips, or pea gravel for the rest of the play area. The estimated 
    cost range for engineered wood fiber is $.85 to $3.00 per square foot 
    installed and for rubber matting is $6.00 to $15.00 per square foot 
    installed. The cost ranges are fairly wide due to the wide range of 
    existing site conditions.
        The medium-size play area examined in the regulatory assessment is 
    for children age 5 to 12 years old and has a composite play structure 
    with 4 levels and 10 elevated play components. For the baseline, 8 
    elevated play components are included and a transfer system is provided 
    to the first level of the composite structure making 2 play components 
    on that level accessible. The play area also has a set of swings and 4 
    other ground level play components. For the baseline, the swing set and 
    2 other ground level play components are included and the accessible 
    route does not extend to any of the ground level play components where 
    a combination of unitary and loose fill surfacing materials is used. 
    The total baseline costs for the play area range from $16,446 to 
    $24,361 using engineered wood fiber, and from $16,197 to $26,116 using 
    a combination of unitary and loose fill materials.
        Providing a transfer step between the first and second levels to 
    make a play component on the second level accessible and adding another 
    play activity to both the first and second levels so that at least 50 
    percent of the elevated play components are accessible
    [[Page 24089]]
    would increase the equipment costs $1,871, plus $374 to $748 for 
    installation. Adding 2 play activities at the ground level so that the 
    number of ground level play components equals at least 50 percent of 
    the total number of elevated play components would increase equipment 
    costs $992, plus $199 to $397 for installation. Where engineered wood 
    fiber is used for the entire play area, the surfacing costs would 
    increase $238 to $786 because the use zone is made larger by the 
    addition of 2 ground level activities. Where a combination of unitary 
    and loose fill materials is used, the surfacing costs would increase 
    $2,447 to $5,811 because additional unitary material is needed to 
    extend the accessible route to reach the base of one of the elevated 
    play components and each of the ground level play components. The total 
    costs for the play area applying the proposed rule would range from 
    $20,120 to $29,155 using engineered wood fiber (a 21 percent change 
    over the baseline), and from $21,937 to $32,592 using a combination of 
    unitary and loose fill materials (a 38 percent change over the 
        The small play area examined in the regulatory assessment is 
    divided by age groups. One area is for infants and toddlers up to 24 
    months old. The other area is for children age 2 to 5 years old. The 
    infant and toddler area is not affected by the proposed rule and thus 
    there is no cost impact for that area. The area designed for children 
    age 2 to 5 years old has a composite play structure with 4 elevated 
    play components on one level, a sand and water play table, portable 
    painting easels, and 3 imaginative play items on the ground level. For 
    the baseline, a transfer system is provided to the composite play 
    structure making at least 50 percent of the elevated play components 
    accessible. The sand and water table and the paint easels are located 
    along an existing sidewalk when in use since they are not required to 
    be located over impact alternating material, and one of the imaginative 
    play items is located on an accessible route within the play area. The 
    total baseline costs for the play area range from $12,548 to $16,980 
    using engineered wood fiber, and from $12,961 to $17,639 using a 
    combination of unitary and loose fill materials. The proposed rule 
    would not require any changes over the baseline for the small play 
    area. The proposed rule allows accessible routes in play areas smaller 
    than 1,000 square feet to be 44 inches minimum clear width which may 
    offer some cost savings over the 60 inches minimum clear width 
    specified in the ASTM F 1487-95 standard.
        The large play area examined in the regulatory assessment is for 
    children age 5 to 12 years old and has a composite structure with 
    multiple decks on 4 levels and 20 elevated play components. For the 
    baseline, 19 elevated play components are included and a transfer 
    system is provided to a deck on the first level which is connected by a 
    bridge to another deck on the same level, making 5 play components on 
    that level accessible by a transfer system. The play area also has a 
    set of swings, an independent slide, a sand play area, and 7 other 
    ground level play components. For the baseline, the swing set, the 
    independent slide, the sand play area, and 3 other ground level play 
    components are included and the accessible route is located along a 
    side of the sand play area but does not extend to any of the other 
    ground level play components where a combination of unitary and loose 
    fill surfacing materials is used. The total baseline costs for the play 
    area range from $40,223 to $54,578 using engineered wood fiber, and 
    from $40,965 to $54,409 using a combination of unitary and loose fill 
        In addition to providing access to at least 25 percent of the 
    elevated play components by a transfer system, the proposed rule would 
    require at least 25 percent of the elevated play components to be 
    accessible by ramp since the composite play structure has 20 or more 
    elevated play components. A sloped earth berm is used to gain 24 inches 
    elevation along the accessible route outside the use zone and a ramp is 
    used to connect the berm to a 36 inch high deck, making 4 play 
    components on that deck accessible. The berm costs $4,100, including a 
    retaining wall, paving, fill, landscaping materials, and installation. 
    Using a ramp and landings to reach the same elevation as the berm (24 
    inches) would cost from $4,205 to $18,420 depending on the type of 
    equipment and surfacing materials used. Berms may be more economical 
    than ramps for elevation gains of 2 feet or less, especially if these 
    natural topographic conditions exist on a site and can be incorporated 
    into the play area with ramp access. In addition to the berm and ramp, 
    the size of the deck connected by the ramp is increased and a play 
    activity is added to the deck so that at least 25 percent of the 
    elevated play components are accessible. The additional cost for the 
    berm, ramp, increasing the size of the deck, and adding a play activity 
    to the deck is $6,892, plus $1,378 to $2,757 for installation.
        Adding a transfer system to the sand play area and 4 play 
    activities at the ground level so that the number of ground level play 
    components equals at least 50 percent of the total number of elevated 
    play components would increase equipment costs $3,039, plus $608 to 
    $1,216 for installation. The surfacing costs would increase $128 to 
    $450 where engineered wood fiber is used for the entire play area 
    because the use zone is made larger by the addition of the ramp, and 
    $2,735 to $7,800 where a combination unitary and loose fill materials 
    is used because additional unitary material is needed to extend the 
    accessible route to reach the required number of ground level play 
    components. The total costs for the play area applying the proposed 
    rule would range from $51,546 to $67,590 using engineered wood fiber (a 
    26 percent change over the baseline), and from $54,796 to $74,471 using 
    a combination of unitary and loose fill materials (a 35 percent change 
    over the baseline).
        The regulatory assessment also examines the potential cost impact 
    of the proposed rule on soft contained play structures. The proposed 
    rule would require at least one entry point to be located on an 
    accessible route where three or fewer entry points are provided, and at 
    least two entry points to be located on an accessible route where four 
    or more entry points are provided. Transfer systems are permitted. The 
    proposed rule would add $400 to $1,200 in equipment and surfacing costs 
    on a structure with three or fewer entry points and $800 to $2,400 on a 
    structure with four or more entry points, which is 2 percent to 6 
    percent of the original structure cost.
        The variety of play area designs is nearly limitless. It is not 
    possible to examine every design and develop precise cost data for the 
    proposed rule. From the designs examined in the regulatory assessment, 
    some general conclusions can be made. The total cost increase for play 
    areas designed to meet the requirements of the proposed rule generally 
    can be kept within 20 percent to 40 percent of the baseline that would 
    be provided in the absence of the proposed rule. In the case of small 
    play areas, there may be no additional cost incurred over the baseline. 
    For soft contained play structures, the cost increase is expected to be 
    2 percent to 6 percent of the original structure cost. The most 
    important factor in controlling cost is good design and careful 
    planning to find the most efficient balance of costs, safety, 
    maintenance, desired features, and accessibility.
        The average cost of a play area has risen approximately 25 percent 
    to 30
    [[Page 24090]]
    percent over the past seven years. This increase in cost is largely due 
    to increased safety measures incorporated into the design of 
    manufactured play equipment (both modular and individual play 
    components) and resilient playground surfacing. Despite these increases 
    in cost, equipment sales have increased by approximately 21 percent 
    each year over the past five years.
        Question 4. The Board is interested in what, if any, effects any 
    increased cost to provide accessibility for children with disabilities 
    will have on new play areas. Similar to what occurred with safety 
    measures, is it reasonable to assume that any additional costs 
    associated with accessibility will be absorbed? What alternatives will 
    designers and operators consider in meeting the proposed accessibility 
    guidelines without sacrificing play value? Will schools and parks 
    consider decreasing the size of play areas to ensure that both children 
    with and without disabilities will have equal opportunities?
        The Play Equipment Section of the National School Supply and 
    Equipment Association (NSSEA) maintains a voluntary reporting system 
    for play equipment sales. Participating companies reported $205 million 
    in equipment sales for 1996. Non-participating companies are estimated 
    to have $125 million in equipment sales for 1996. Assuming installation 
    costs at 30 percent of equipment sales, surfacing costs at 12 percent 
    of equipment sales, and professional design fees, grading, landscaping, 
    and other expenses at 10 percent of the equipment sales, the total 
    estimated expenditures for play areas in 1996 is estimated to be $502 
    million, of which approximately 80 percent is for new construction. 
    This amount does not include soft contained play structures, which are 
    estimated to have $86 million in total expenditures for 1996, with 
    approximately 85 percent of the amount for new construction. It is 
    estimated that there are 250,000 play areas in the country and that 
    licensed child care facilities operate 95,000 (38 percent) of the play 
    areas, elementary schools operate 53,900 (22 percent) of the play 
    areas, and parks operate 101,000 (40 percent) of the play areas. 
    Assuming each of these entities builds new play areas in the same 
    proportion as it operates them and a 20 percent to 40 percent cost 
    increase based on the examples of the medium and large size play areas 
    examined in the regulatory assessment, the economic impact of the 
    proposed rule on elementary schools and parks is estimated to be $50 
    million to $100 million annually. For purposes of the proposed rule, it 
    is assumed that licensed child care facilities have an average capacity 
    of 65 to 70 children, that the children use the play areas in small 
    groups, and that the play areas operated by those entities are likely 
    to be small. Since no additional cost was projected in the example of 
    the small play area examined in the regulatory assessment, no economic 
    impact is estimated for small play areas operated by licensed child 
    care facilities.
        Question 5. The Board seeks information on licensed child care 
    facilities, including the size of play areas operated, types of play 
    equipment used, and current practices for providing access to new play 
        For soft contained play structures, the economic impact of the 
    proposed rule is estimated to be $1.5 million to $4.5 million annually.
    Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980, 5 U.S.C. 601, et seq. 
    (RFA), was enacted to ensure that small entities are not unnecessarily 
    burdened by government regulations. The RFA requires agencies to review 
    rules that may have a ``significant economic impact on a substantial 
    number of small entities.'' The Board has determined that this proposed 
    rule is an economically significant regulatory action and therefore the 
    preparation of an Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (IRFA) is 
    appropriate. Accordingly, pursuant to the RFA, the Board's IRFA is as 
    I. Need For and Final Objectives of the Guidelines
        The Access Board is responsible for developing accessibility 
    guidelines under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) to 
    ensure that new construction and alterations of facilities covered by 
    titles II and III of the ADA are readily accessible to and usable by 
    individuals with disabilities. Titles II and III of the ADA cover a 
    wide variety of recreation facilities such as boating and fishing 
    facilities, golf courses, parks, places of amusement, play areas, 
    sports facilities, and trails. While these facilities are covered by 
    the existing provisions of ADAAG, some recreation facilities have 
    unique features for which additional provisions and special application 
    sections are needed.
        In July 1993, the Access Board convened the Recreation Access 
    Advisory Committee (RAAC) to make recommendations concerning the 
    development of additional guidelines to address areas unique to 
    recreation facilities. The RAAC issued a report in July 1994 which 
    addressed the various types of recreation facilities and identified the 
    features of each facility type that were not adequately addressed by 
    ADAAG. In September 1994, the Board published an Advance Notice of 
    Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) requesting public comment on the RAAC's 
    recommendations. Following the issuance of the ANPRM, the Access Board 
    established a regulatory negotiation committee on accessibility 
    guidelines for play areas in March 1996. The regulatory negotiation 
    committee developed these proposed guidelines which address newly 
    constructed and altered play areas.
        As proposed, these guidelines address access to ground level and 
    elevated play components. Additional ground level accessible play 
    components may be required, depending on the type of vertical access 
    provided to elevated structures. The guidelines are based on children's 
    anthropometric dimensions and other resource information, including 
    children with disabilities using a variety of assistive devices. Where 
    possible, the guidelines are based on independent use of the facility 
    by children with disabilities. The guidelines also address access for 
    parents and care givers who may have a disability.
        The guidelines maintain safety standards consistent with ASTM F 
    1487-95 and provide information to assist designers, operators, and 
    owners to effectively incorporate access into their designs. The 
    guidelines are intended to be reasonable in terms of cost relative to 
    these benefits.
    II. Description and Estimate of the Number of Small Businesses to 
    Which These Guidelines Will Apply
        These guidelines address play facilities covered under titles II 
    and III of the ADA and ensure that the construction or alteration of 
    those facilities is readily accessible to and usable by individuals 
    with disabilities. Title II of the ADA covers buildings constructed or 
    altered by, on behalf of, or for the use of State and local 
    governments, while title III of the ADA addresses places of public 
    accommodation and commercial facilities.
    Small Businesses
        The term small business is defined by the RFA as having the same 
    meaning as the term small business concern under section 632 of the 
    Small Business Act, 15 U.S.C. 632. A small business concern is defined 
    as ``one which is independently owned and operated and which is not 
    dominant in its field of operation.'' The Administrator of the
    [[Page 24091]]
    Small Business Administration may provide additional criteria by which 
    a concern may be determined to be a small business concern.
        There are 10 industry categories established by the Small Business 
    Administration which are applicable to these guidelines. However, as 
    discussed below, many of the categories noted are overbroad in the 
    inclusion of potential businesses affected by these proposed guidelines 
    and accordingly the number of potential business provided in the census 
    data is higher than the actual estimate. For example, in the category 
    of landscape counseling and planning services, only those businesses 
    which are engaged in designing play areas would be impacted by the 
    provisions proposed in these guidelines. Similarly, in the category of 
    amusement parks and kiddie parks, these guidelines would apply to play 
    areas in those facilities, but do not address mechanical rides, 
    refreshment stands or picnic grounds. Additional examples are discussed 
    in the list of categories of businesses potentially affected by the 
    guidelines which follows:
        (1) Establishments primarily engaged in the manufacturing of 
    sporting and athletic goods. This category would include gymnasium and 
    playground equipment; golf and tennis goods; baseball, football, 
    basketball and boxing equipment; fishing tackle; roller skates and ice 
    skates; billiard and pool tables; and bowling alleys and equipment. 
    5 These establishments are considered to be small businesses 
    if they have 500 or less employees. (See 13 CFR 121.201.) Census data 
    indicates that there are 2,115 such entities, of which 98% or 2,064 are 
    considered small businesses. 6 However, because these 
    guidelines are limited to equipment manufactured for play areas, this 
    category is over inclusive and many of the manufacturers included in 
    the census data for this class would not be impacted by these 
        \5\  Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and 
    Budget, Standard Industrial Classification Manual (1987) (SIC 3949).
        \6\  U.S. Small Business Administration, Industry and Employment 
    Size of Enterprise for 1993, Table 3, SIC 3949 (U.S. Bureau of the 
    Census data under contract to the SBA).
        (2) Establishments primarily engaged in child day care services. 
    This would include the care of infants or children, or providing 
    prekindergarten education, where medical care or delinquency correction 
    is not a major element. These establishments may or may not have 
    substantial educational programs. They generally care for 
    prekindergarten or preschool children, but may care for older children 
    when they are not in school. 7 These establishments are 
    considered to be small businesses if they have $5 million or less in 
    annual receipts. (See 13 CFR 121.201.) Census data indicates that there 
    are 43,449 such establishments, of which 99% or 43,321 are small 
    business concerns. 8
        \7\  Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and 
    Budget, Standard Industrial Classification Manual (1987) (SIC 8351).
        \8\  U.S. Small Business Administration, Industry and Employment 
    Size of Enterprise for 1993, Table 3, SIC 8351 (U.S. Bureau of the 
    Census data under contract to the SBA).
        (3) Elementary and secondary schools. This would include elementary 
    and secondary schools furnishing academic courses, ordinarily for 
    kindergarten through grade 12. Included in this industry are parochial 
    schools and military academies furnishing academic courses for 
    kindergarten through grade 12, and secondary schools which furnish both 
    academic and technical courses. 9 With respect to private 
    schools, these establishments are considered to be small businesses if 
    they have $5 million or less in annual receipts. (See 13 CFR 121.201.) 
    Census data indicates that there are 16,646 elementary or secondary 
    schools which are private or military establishments, of which 91% or 
    13,341 are small business concerns. 10 Because these 
    guidelines address play areas, typically only the elementary schools, 
    and not secondary schools, included in the census data would be 
    impacted. With respect to public schools, there are 60,052 elementary 
    public schools. 11 However, only those elementary schools 
    operated by government entities with populations of less than 50,000 
    are considered small entities for purposes of the RFA. 12
        \9\  Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and 
    Budget, Standard Industrial Classification Manual (1987) (SIC 8211).
        \10\  U.S. Small Business Administration, Industry and 
    Employment Size of Enterprise for 1993, Table 3, SIC 8211 (U.S. 
    Bureau of the Census data under contract to the SBA).
        \11\  Department of Education, National Center for Education 
    Statistics, Digest of Education Statistics 1995, Table 5.
        \12\  5 U.S.C. 601(5).
        (4) Civic, Social, and Fraternal Associations. This category would 
    include organizations engaged in civic, social or fraternal activities. 
    13 These establishments are considered to be small 
    businesses if they have $5 million or less in annual receipts. (See 13 
    CFR 121.201.) Census data indicates that there are 39,962 such 
    establishments, of which 99% or 39,883 are small business concerns. 
    14 However, many of the entities identified in the category 
    and included in the census data would not be impacted by these 
    guidelines. For example, this category includes booster clubs, 
    citizens' unions, university clubs, tenant associations and other such 
    organizations. Only those entities such as parent-teacher associations 
    or community groups which might be engaged in providing play facilities 
    would be impacted by the guidelines.
        \13\  Executive Office of the President, Office of Management 
    and Budget, Standard Industrial Classification Manual (1987) (SIC 
        \14\  U.S. Small Business Administration, Industry and 
    Employment Size of Enterprise for 1993, Table 3, SIC 8641 (U.S. 
    Bureau of the Census data under contract to the SBA).
        (5) Eating places. This would include establishments primarily 
    engaged in the retail sale of prepared food and drinks for on-premise 
    or immediate consumption. Caterers and industrial and institutional 
    food service establishments are also included in this 
    industry.15 These establishments are considered to be small 
    businesses if they have $5 million or less in annual receipts. (See 13 
    CFR 121.201.) Census data indicates that there are 262,563 such 
    establishments, of which 98% or 256,281 are small business 
    concerns.16 As with previous categories, not all of the 
    businesses identified in this category will be impacted by these 
    proposed guidelines. Only those eating places which provide play areas 
    for patrons such as fast serve restaurants will be affected by the 
        \15\ Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and 
    Budget, Standard Industrial Classification Manual (1987) (SIC 5812).
        \16\ U.S. Small Business Administration, Industry and Employment 
    Size of Enterprise for 1993, Table 3, SIC 5812 (U.S. Bureau of the 
    Census data under contract to the SBA).
        (6) Sporting goods stores and bicycle shops. This category includes 
    establishments primarily engaged in the retail sale of sporting goods, 
    sporting equipment, and bicycles, bicycle parts, and 
    accessories.17 These establishments are considered to be 
    small businesses if they have $5 million or less in annual receipts. 
    (See 13 CFR 121.201.) Census data indicates that there are 20,345 such 
    establishments, of which 99% or 20,192 are small business 
    concerns.18 However, only those establishments which are 
    engaged in the retail sale of playground equipment would be affected by 
    these proposed guidelines.
        \17\ Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and 
    Budget, Standard Industrial Classification Manual (1987) (SIC 5941).
        \18\ U.S. Small Business Administration, Industry and Employment 
    Size of Enterprise for 1993, Table 3, SIC 5941 (U.S. Bureau of the 
    Census data under contract to the SBA).
        (7) Sporting and recreational camps. This would include 
    establishments primarily engaged in operating sporting and recreational 
    camps, such as boys' and girls' camps, and fishing and
    [[Page 24092]]
    hunting camps.19 These establishments are considered to be 
    small businesses if they have $5 million or less in annual receipts. 
    (See 13 CFR 121.201.) Census data indicates that there are 2,812 such 
    establishments, of which 100% or 2,812 are small business 
        \19\ Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and 
    Budget, Standard Industrial Classification Manual (1987) (SIC 7032).
        \20\ U.S. Small Business Administration, Industry and Employment 
    Size of Enterprise for 1993, Table 3, SIC 7032 (U.S. Bureau of the 
    Census data under contract to the SBA).
        (8) Establishments of the type known as amusement parks and kiddie 
    parks which group together and operate in whole or in part a number of 
    attractions, such as mechanical rides, amusement devices, refreshment 
    stands, and picnic grounds.21 These establishments are 
    considered to be small businesses if they have $5 million or less in 
    annual receipts. (See 13 CFR 121.201.) Census data indicates that there 
    are 861 such establishments, of which 93% or 797 are small business 
        \21\ Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and 
    Budget, Standard Industrial Classification Manual (1987) (SIC 7996).
        \22\ U.S. Small Business Administration, Industry and Employment 
    Size of Enterprise for 1993, Table 3, SIC 7996 (U.S. Bureau of the 
    Census data under contract to the SBA).
        (9) Establishments primarily engaged in landscape counseling and 
    planning services.23 As determined by the Small Business 
    Administration, these establishments are considered to be small 
    businesses if they have $5 million or less in annual receipts. (See 13 
    CFR 121.201.) According to the U.S. Bureau of the Census data, there 
    are approximately 4,581 such firms, of which approximately 100% qualify 
    as small businesses.24
        \23\ Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and 
    Budget, Standard Industrial Classification Manual (1987) (SIC 0781).
        \24\ U.S. Small Business Administration, Industry and Employment 
    Size of Enterprise for 1993, Table 3, SIC 0781 (U.S. Bureau of the 
    Census data under contract to the SBA).
        (10) Lumber and other Building Materials Dealers. This would 
    include establishments engaged in selling primarily lumber, or lumber 
    and a general line of building materials, to the general public. While 
    these establishments may sell primarily to construction contractors, 
    they are considered as retail in the trade.25 These 
    establishments are considered to be small businesses if they have $5 
    million or less in annual receipts. (See 13 CFR 121.201.) Census data 
    indicates that there are 19,713 such establishments, of which 85% or 
    16,718 are small business concerns.26 Not all of the 
    entities which are engaged in selling lumber and other building 
    materials would be impacted by these guidelines. Many of the businesses 
    included in this category are engaged in the sale of brick, tile, 
    doors, flooring and other materials not typically utilized in a play 
    area and therefore would not be affected by the requirements of this 
        \25\ Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and 
    Budget, Standard Industrial Classification Manual (1987) (SIC 5211).
        \26\ U.S. Small Business Administration, Industry and Employment 
    Size of Enterprise for 1993, Table 3, SIC 5211 (U.S. Bureau of the 
    Census data under contract to the SBA).
        This rule applies to State and local governments under title II of 
    the ADA and would therefore apply to parks and recreational areas 
    operated by these entities. The National Recreation and Park 
    Association estimates that there are 4,800 park and recreation 
    departments operated by municipalities, public/private entities and 
    counties. For purposes of the RFA, governments of cities, counties, 
    towns, townships and villages are considered small governmental 
    jurisdictions if they have a population of less than 
    50,000.27 Available U.S. Census Bureau data does not 
    identify the number of local governments which have populations of less 
    than 50,000. The Board is seeking information on the number of small 
    governmental jurisdictions which would be impacted by these guidelines.
        \27\ 5 U.S.C. 601(5).
    III. Description of Reporting, Recordkeeping and Other Compliance 
        Owners and operators developing new play areas will be required to 
    provide a minimum level of accessibility for children with 
    disabilities. For components which are not elevated, at least one of 
    each type of play component must be accessible. (See 16.1.1 Ground 
    Level Play Components.) In many playgrounds, this will mean that at 
    least one rocking or spring animal, or at least one sand digger in a 
    series of diggers must be accessible. Accessible play components must 
    be reachable by children seated in wheelchairs through accessible 
    surfacing. (See 16.1.5 Accessible Play Components.)
        For elevated play components, different levels of accessibility are 
    required based on the size of the structures. Since additional costs 
    are often incurred when providing ramp access to elevated structures, 
    many small structures are not required to have ramp access. Instead, 
    small structures are permitted to have a ``transfer system.'' (See 
    16.1.4 Transfer System.) ``Transfer systems'' provide an opportunity 
    for children with disabilities to transfer from their wheelchairs or 
    other mobility devices to use play components. To provide opportunities 
    for children who are unable to transfer to the elevated structures, a 
    certain percentage of additional accessible play components are 
    required on the ground level. This requirement may be partially met 
    through making ``one of each type'' of ground level play component 
        When owners and operators alter a play area, they would be required 
    to follow the proposed accessibility guidelines as it applies to the 
    element that they are altering. For example, if an existing spring 
    animal is altered, the accessibility guidelines for accessible ground 
    level play components would apply. If no other accessible spring 
    rockers are already provided, this would require the operator to design 
    the altered spring rocker to be accessible for children with 
        An important exception has been included in the proposed 
    accessibility guidelines to limit the impact of alterations that may be 
    triggered by safety surface replacement. As proposed, the guidelines 
    would allow play equipment to be relocated to create safe use zones 
    without triggering the alterations requirements of ADAAG 4.1.6 if the 
    surface is not changed or extended for more than one use zone.
        Several additional exceptions have been included within the 
    proposed accessibility guidelines which will minimize the impact of the 
    guidelines. Those exceptions include:
        (1) Application. These guidelines apply to play areas designed for 
    children ages two and over which is consistent with voluntary safety 
    standards for playgrounds. They do not apply to play areas for children 
    ages two and under. (See 16.1 Play Areas.)
        (2) Alterations. As discussed previously, the guidelines allow play 
    equipment to be relocated to create safe use zones without triggering 
    the alterations requirements of ADAAG 4.1.6 if the surface is not 
    changed or extended for more than one use zone. This will minimize the 
    potential cost impact of creating safer play areas, while balancing the 
    need for accessibility for children with disabilities. (See 16.1 Play 
    Areas, Exception 1.)
        (3) Platform lifts. This exception allows the use of a platform 
    lift as part of an accessible route to an elevated structure. This 
    provides designers and operators with another way to provide vertical 
    access in these unique environments. (See 16.1 Play Areas, Exception 
    [[Page 24093]]
        (4) Protruding objects. This exception exempts play areas from the 
    prohibitions against protruding objects contained in ADAAG 4.4 
    (Protruding Objects) except for the accessible route within a play 
    area. Generally, elements mounted along circulation paths may not 
    project more than 4 inches, if the leading edge is above 27 inches and 
    below 80 inches. The regulatory negotiation committee considered the 
    unique environment of the play area and believed that this requirement 
    may have the effect of substantially altering the nature and design of 
    a play area and therefore proposed an exception. (See 16.1 Play Areas, 
    Exception 3.)
        (5) Accessible routes. The guidelines permit the width of the 
    accessible route in play areas to be reduced. These exceptions reduce 
    the amount of accessible surfacing that is required where there are 
    special conditions. The accessible route can be reduced to 44 inches, 
    for example, in play areas with less than 1,000 square feet. This 
    provision will assist the smaller child care facilities in meeting 
    these guidelines. (See Clear Width and Height, Exception 1.)
        (6) Soft contained play structures. Soft contained play structures 
    are designed to promote play inside the structure and are often found 
    in fast serve restaurants and other retail establishments. Exceptions 
    have been proposed which consider these unique environments and limit 
    access to the entry points of the structure. (See 16.2 Soft Contained 
    Play Structures.)
        In addition to these exceptions, ADAAG Section 2.2 (Equivalent 
    Facilitation) which would apply to these proposed guidelines, provides 
    that covered entities may depart from the particular technical and 
    scoping requirements where the result will provide substantially 
    equivalent or greater access to and usability of the facility.
        As discussed in further detail in this Regulatory Process section, 
    the Board has prepared a regulatory assessment which examines the 
    potential cost impact of these guidelines on three play areas including 
    a small, medium and a large size play area. (See Executive Order 12866: 
    Regulatory Assessment.) The baseline costs for the assessment were 
    based on the Department of Justice's ``Americans with Disabilities Act 
    Title II Technical Assistance Manual'' (1994) Supplement, 
    administrative complaints, ASTM F 1487-95 and ASTM PS 83, and common 
    industry practices. In small play areas, the proposed guidelines would 
    not result in any additional costs; for medium size play areas, the 
    cost increase would be approximately 21 to 38 percent depending on the 
    type of surfacing materials used; and for larger play areas, the 
    increased cost would be from 26 to 35 percent depending on the surface 
    materials. For soft contained play structures, the proposed rule would 
    result in an increase of 2 to 6 percent of the original structure 
        As proposed, there are no recordkeeping requirements in these 
    IV. Description of Steps Taken to Minimize the Significant Economic 
    Impact Consistent with the Stated Objectives and Significant 
    Alternatives Considered and Rejected
    Efforts to Minimize Impact
        As previously discussed, these proposed guidelines were the result 
    of a regulatory negotiation process. The regulatory negotiation 
    committee members included individuals representing small businesses 
    and entities including the National Child Care Association, 
    International Play Equipment Manufacturers Association, National 
    Recreation and Park Association, National League of Cities, National 
    Association of Counties, and the National Parent-Teacher Association. 
    Various State and local government entities also participated in the 
    discussions of the committee. Meetings of the committee were held in 
    different locations across the country. At the conclusion of each day 
    of a full committee meeting, public comment was invited and over 250 
    members of the public attended. In addition, the committee members 
    visited play area sites operated by small entities. One of the 
    committee meetings was held in conjunction with the National Recreation 
    and Park Association Annual Congress and over 100 members of the public 
    attended. The National Recreation and Park Association includes small 
    municipal park and recreation agencies.
        Throughout its deliberations, the committee carefully considered 
    and incorporated several alternatives which minimized the impact of the 
    guidelines on small entities. Those provisions include the following:
        (1) The Board's ANPRM requested public comment on the RAAC's 
    recommendation to include a requirement that, in the design process, 
    covered entities document accessible routes of travel for play areas, 
    accessible points of access for elevated equipment and provision of 
    play components accessible by ramp and transfer systems. The ANPRM also 
    requested comment on requiring covered entities to document 
    consultation with person with disabilities during the planning process 
    of a play area. The majority of the comments received in response to 
    this recommendation did not support the inclusion of a requirement for 
    such documentation. The regulatory negotiation committee viewed the 
    requirements for documentation as too onerous and not practical in all 
    settings. The guidelines do not propose a recordkeeping requirement.
        (2) The committee differentiated between play areas with a smaller 
    number of play components and those with a greater number of 
    components. As ramp access costs always exceed the costs of transfer 
    access, the committee has proposed to require ramp access only on 
    larger structures with a great number of components. For the ramp to be 
    cost effective, the committee determined that the play structure should 
    contain 20 or more play components before a ramp is required. (See 
    16.1.3 Exception 1.) In addition, the committee has proposed that 
    platform lifts may be used in lieu of ramps to elevated play 
    structures. (See 16.2.1 Access to Entry Points, Exception 2.)
        (3) In play areas with less than 1,000 square feet, the guidelines 
    provide that ground accessible routes shall be permitted to be 44 
    inches minimum clear width, a reduction from the 60 inches minimum 
    clear width required in larger play areas. (See Clear Width 
    and Height.)
        (4) Where soft contained play structures have three or less entry 
    points, the committee has recommended that only one entry point be 
    required to be on an accessible route. Where four or more entry points 
    are provided, only two are required to be on an accessible route. (See 
    16.2.1 Access to Entry Points.)
        (5) The committee proposed a maximum height for transfer platforms 
    consistent with existing manufactured composite play structures. (See Height.)
        In addition to the foregoing provisions, the Access Board provides 
    technical assistance and training to small businesses covered by the 
    ADA and these guidelines. The Access Board's toll-free number allows 
    callers to receive technical assistance at no cost and to order 
    informational publications. The Access Board conducts in-depth training 
    programs to advise and educate the general public, as well as 
    architects and other professionals on the accessibility guidelines and 
    [[Page 24094]]
    Significant Alternatives That Were Rejected
        Throughout its deliberations, the regulatory negotiation committee 
    addressed a number of alternatives to providing accessibility within a 
    play area for children with disabilities. The major alternatives which 
    were considered and rejected by the committee included the following:
        (1) Requiring the entire surface of a play area to be accessible 
    and requiring ramp access to all play components on an elevated 
    structure. While both alternatives would ensure access for all children 
    with disabilities in a play area, the cost was considered excessive. 
    Many owners and operators have an established budget to work within 
    when designing and constructing play areas. The cost impact of these 
    alternatives would reduce the amount of ``play value'' and less play 
    components would be designed or purchased. The guidelines identify only 
    those areas where accessible surfacing is necessary so that children 
    with disabilities can use and enjoy play components.
        (2) Providing a lower level of access for children with 
    disabilities. The committee considered requiring only transfer access 
    to all of the elevated structures and requiring ramp access to a 
    certain height. While these were considered lower cost alternatives, 
    there was little support from committee members who felt that these 
    approaches limited access for children with disabilities in a way that 
    was not consistent with the intent and philosophy of the ADA. 
    Specifically, the committee did not believe these approaches gave 
    children with disabilities sufficient opportunity to interact and 
    socialize with other children.
    Executive Order 12612: Federalism
        The proposed rule is issued under the authority of the Americans 
    with Disabilities Act. Ensuring the civil rights of individuals with 
    disabilities has been recognized as a responsibility of the Federal 
    government. The proposed rule does not otherwise affect the 
    relationship between the Federal government and the States or the 
    distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of 
    government to warrant an assessment of federalism implications under 
    Executive Order 12612.
    Executive Order 12875: Intergovernmental Partnership
        The Access Board has involved State and local governments in the 
    development of the proposed rule. The National Association of Counties, 
    National League of Cities, National Recreation and Park Association, 
    and National Association of Elementary School Principals were members 
    of the regulatory negotiation committee. Members disseminated 
    information regarding the rulemaking through their organizations and 
    presented their concerns during the regulatory negotiation process. The 
    regulatory negotiation committee also met in different cities and 
    provided an opportunity for public comment at each meeting. In 
    addition, the Access Board published an ANPRM requesting public comment 
    on the Recreation Access Advisory Committee's report, which included 
    recommendations for providing access to play areas. State and local 
    governments commented on the ANPRM. The regulatory negotiation 
    committee was convened in response to the public comments on the ANPRM 
    to allow State and local governments and other interests affected by 
    the rulemaking to be more directly involved in the development of the 
    proposed rule.
    Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
        The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act does not apply to proposed or 
    final rules that enforce constitutional rights of individuals or 
    establish or enforce any statutory rights that prohibit discrimination 
    on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, 
    handicap, or disability. Since the proposed rule is issued under the 
    authority of the Americans with Disabilities Act, an assessment of the 
    rule's effects on State, local, and tribal governments, and the private 
    sector is not required by the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act.
    List of Subjects in 36 CFR Part 1191
        Buildings and facilities, Civil rights, Individuals with 
    disabilities, Transportation.
        Authorized by vote of the Access Board on July 9, 1997.
    Patrick D. Cannon,
    Chair, Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board.
        Editorial Note: This document was received at the Office of the 
    Federal Register on April 23, 1998.
        For the reasons set forth in the preamble, the Architectural and 
    Transportation Barriers Compliance Board proposes to amend Part 1191 
    of title 36 of the Code of Federal Regulations as follows:
        1. The authority citation for 36 CFR Part 1191 continues to read as 
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 12204.
    Appendix A to Part 1191 [Amended]
        2. Appendix A to Part 1191 is amended by adding and reserving a new 
    section 15.
        3. Appendix A to Part 1191 is amended by adding a new section 16 to 
    read as follows:
    Appendix A to Part 1191--Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) 
    Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities
    * * * * *
    16.  PLAY AREAS.
        Composite Play Structure. Two or more play components attached 
    or functionally linked to create an integrated unit that provides 
    more than one play activity.
        Elevated Play Component. A play component that is part of a 
    composite play structure and approached above or below grade.
        Ground Level Play Component. A play component that is approached 
    and exited at the ground level.
        Play Area. A portion of a site containing play components 
    designed and constructed for children in a specified age range as 
    designated by ASTM F 1487-95.
        Play Component. An element intended to generate specific 
    opportunities for play, socialization, or learning. Play components 
    may be manufactured or natural, and be stand alone, or part of a 
    composite play structure.
        Soft Contained Play Equipment. A play structure made up of one 
    or more components where the user enters a fully enclosed play 
    environment that uses pliable material(s) (e.g., plastic, netting, 
        Use Zone. The ground level area beneath and immediately adjacent 
    to a play structure or equipment that is designated for unrestricted 
    circulation around the equipment and on whose surface it is 
    predicted that a user would land when falling from or exiting the 
    equipment as designated by ASTM F 1487-95.
        16.1 Play Areas. Where provided, each play area designed for 
    children ages 2 and over shall comply with the applicable provisions 
    in section 4, except as modified or otherwise provided in this 
        Exception 1: This section does not apply to existing play areas 
    where play equipment is relocated to create safe use zones and where 
    the surface is not changed or extended for more than one use zone.
        Exception 2: Platform lifts (wheelchair lifts) complying with 
    4.11 and applicable State or local codes are permitted to be used as 
    part of an accessible route within a play area.
        Exception 3: The provisions of 4.4 shall not apply within the 
    boundary of the play area.
    [[Page 24095]]
    16.1.1  Ground Level Play Components
        (1) Where ground level play components are provided, at least 
    one of each type shall comply with 16.1.5.
        (2) Where elevated play components are provided, ground level 
    play components complying with 16.1.5 shall be provided in a number 
    at least equal to 50% of the total number of elevated play 
        Exception: Where ramp access is provided to each elevated play 
    component, 16.1.1(2) shall not apply.
        (3) Where more than one accessible ground level play components 
    are provided, they shall be integrated in the play area.
        16.1.2 Elevated Play Components. Where elevated play components 
    are provided, at least 50% shall comply with 16.1.5.
        16.1.3 Accessible Routes. At least one accessible route shall be 
    located within the boundary of the play area and shall connect 
    accessible play components, including accessible entry and exit 
    points of accessible play components, and accessible elements.
        Exception 1: Where less than 20 elevated play components are 
    provided, accessible elevated play components required by 16.1.2 
    shall be permitted to be connected by a transfer system complying 
    with 16.1.4 (See Table 1). An accessible play component may be used 
    to connect to another accessible play component.
        Exception 2: Where 20 or more elevated play components are 
    provided, no more than 50% of the accessible elevated play 
    components required by 16.1.2 shall be permitted to be connected by 
    a transfer system complying with 16.1.4 (See Table 1). An accessible 
    play component may be used to connect to another accessible play 
                                                         Table 1                                                    
                                                                       percentage          Minimum                  
                                                                     required to be       percentage                
    Number of elevated play components provided throughout a play    accessible and     required to be      Total   
                                 area                                 accessed by       accessible and    (percent) 
                                                                    transfer system    accessed by ramp             
                                                                        or ramp                                     
    1-19.........................................................                 50               none           50
    20 plus......................................................                 25                 25           50
        Exception 3: Handrails are not required at ramps located in the 
    use zone of a play area.  Clear Width and Height. Accessible routes shall be 60 
    in (1525 mm) minimum clear width. Objects shall not protrude into 
    the accessible route at or below 80 in (2030 mm) above the surface.
        Exception 1: In play areas less than 1,000 square feet, ground 
    accessible routes shall be permitted to be 44 in (1120 mm) minimum 
    clear width. At least one turning space complying with 4.2.3 shall 
    be provided where the accessible route exceeds 30 feet (9.14 m) in 
        Exception 2: Ground level accessible routes shall be permitted 
    to be 36 in (915 mm) minimum clear width for a distance of 60 in 
    (1525 mm) maximum, provided that multiple 36 in (915 mm) wide 
    segments are separated by segments that are 60 in (1525 mm) minimum 
    in length and 60 in (1525 mm) minimum in width.
        Exception 3: Elevated accessible routes shall be permitted to be 
    36 in (915 mm) minimum clear width.
        Exception 4: The clear width of elevated accessible routes shall 
    be permitted to be reduced to 32 in (815 mm) minimum for a distance 
    of 24 in (610 mm) maximum.  Ramp Slope and Rise. Ramps shall comply with 4.8 
    except as modified by  Slope. The maximum slope for ground level accessible 
    routes within the boundary of a play area shall be 1:16.  Ramp Rise. Where a ramp is a part of an elevated 
    accessible route, the maximum rise of any ramp run shall be 12 in 
    (305 mm).  Handrail Height. Top of gripping surfaces of 
    handrails shall be 20 in (510 mm) minimum to 28 in (710 mm) maximum 
    above the ramp surface.
        16.1.4  Transfer Systems. Transfer systems connecting levels 
    having accessible play components shall include transfer platforms 
    complying with or transfer steps complying with  Transfer Platforms. Transfer platforms shall comply 
    with  Size. Platforms shall have a level surface 14 in 
    (335 mm) minimum in depth and 24 in (610 mm) minimum in width.  Height. Platform surfaces shall be 11 in (280 mm) 
    minimum to 18 in (455 mm) maximum above the ground or floor surface.  Transfer Space. A level space complying with 4.2.4 
    shall be provided along a 24 in (610 mm) minimum unobstructed side 
    of the transfer platform.  Transfer Supports. A means of support for 
    transferring shall be provided.  Transfer Steps. Transfer steps shall comply with  Size. Transfer steps shall comply with  Height. A transfer step shall be 8 in (205 mm) 
    maximum high.  Transfer Supports. A means of support for 
    transferring shall be provided.
        16.1.5  Accessible Play Components. Accessible play components 
    shall comply with 16.1.5.  Maneuvering Space. Maneuvering space complying with 
    4.2.3 shall be provided on the same level as the play components 
    served. Maneuvering space shall have a slope not steeper than 1:48 
    in all directions. The maneuvering space required for accessible 
    swings shall be located at the swing.
        Exception: Maneuvering space is not required at accessible 
    elevated play components connected only by a transfer system.  Clear Floor or Ground Space. Clear floor or ground 
    space shall be provided at accessible play components and shall be 
    30 in (760 mm) by 48 in (1220 mm) minimum. Clear floor or ground 
    space shall have a slope not steeper than 1:48 in all directions.
        Exception: Clear floor or ground space is not required at 
    accessible play components connected only by a transfer system.  Reach Ranges. Manipulative and interactive features of 
    accessible play components shall be within the reach ranges 
    specified in  Forward and Side Reach. The high forward or high 
    side reach, and the low forward or low side reach shall comply with 
    Table 2 below and shall correspond to the age range of the primary 
    user group;.
                                            Table 2.--Forward and Side Reach                                        
                    Age Range                      High Reach  (not more than)         Low Reach  (not less than)   
    Ages 2 through 5.........................  36 in (915 mm)                      20 in (510 mm)                   
    Ages 5 through 12........................  40 in (1015 mm)...................  18 in (455 mm)                   
    [[Page 24096]]
     Height of Play Components. Where an accessible play 
    component requires transfer to the entry point or seat, the entry 
    point or seat shall be 11 in (280 mm) minimum and 24 in (610 mm) 
    maximum above the required clear ground or floor space.  Transfer Supports. Where an accessible play component 
    requires transfer to the entry point or seat, a means of support for 
    transfers shall be provided.
        16.1.6  Accessible Surfaces. Accessible surfaces located within 
    play areas at ground level shall comply with 4.5.1 and 16.1.6.  Accessible surfaces located within play areas shall 
    comply with the provisions of ASTM PS 83 Provisional Standard 
    Specification for Determination of Accessibility of Surface Systems 
    Under and Around Playground Equipment (April 1997).  If located within use zones, accessible surfaces shall 
    be impact attenuating and shall comply with ASTM F 1292.
        16.1.7  Handrails. Where handrails are provided within a play 
    area, the handrails shall have a diameter or width of 0.95 in (24.1 
    mm) minimum to 1.55 in (39.4 mm) maximum, or the shape shall provide 
    an equivalent gripping surface.
        16.2  Soft Contained Play Structures. Soft contained play 
    structures shall comply with 16.2.
        16.2.1  Access to Entry Points. Where three or fewer entry 
    points are provided, at least one shall be located on an accessible 
    route. Where four or more entry points are provided, at least two 
    shall be located on an accessible route. Accessible routes shall 
    comply with 4.3.
        Exception 1: A transfer system complying with 16.1.4 shall be 
        Exception 2: Platform lifts (wheelchair lifts) complying with 
    4.11 and applicable State or local codes are permitted to be used as 
    part of an accessible route for soft contained play structures.
    * * * * *
    [FR Doc. 98-11283 Filed 4-29-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 8150-01-P

Document Information

Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of proposed rulemaking.
Document Number:
Comments should be received by July 29, 1998.
24080-24096 (17 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 98-2
3014-AA21: Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities: Play Areas
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
36 CFR 1191