94-8032. Nectarines and Peaches Grown in California; Revision of Handling Requirements for Fresh Nectarines and Peaches  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 65 (Tuesday, April 5, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-8032]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: April 5, 1994]
    Agricultural Marketing Service
    7 CFR Parts 916 and 917
    [Docket No. FV94-916-1-IFR]
    Nectarines and Peaches Grown in California; Revision of Handling 
    Requirements for Fresh Nectarines and Peaches
    AGENCY: Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA.
    ACTION: Interim final rule with request for comments.
    SUMMARY: This rule revises the handling requirements for California 
    nectarines and peaches by expanding the regulatory periods and by 
    modifying the grade, maturity, size, container, and pack requirements 
    for fresh shipments of these fruits, beginning with 1994 season 
    shipments. This rule enables handlers to continue shipping fresh 
    nectarines and peaches meeting consumer needs in the interest of 
    producers, handlers, and consumers of these fruits.
    DATES: Effective April 1, 1994. Comments which are received by May 5, 
    1994 will be considered prior to issuance of any final rule.
    ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit written comments 
    concerning this rule. Comments must be sent in triplicate to the Docket 
    Clerk, Fruit and Vegetable Division, AMS, USDA, P.O. Box 96456, room 
    2523-S, Washington, DC 20090-6456; or by facsimile at 202-720-5698. All 
    comments should reference the docket number and the date and page 
    number of this issue of the Federal Register and will be made available 
    for public inspection at the office of the Docket Clerk during regular 
    business hours.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Gary D. Rasmussen, Marketing 
    Specialist, Marketing Order Administration Branch, Fruit and Vegetable 
    Division, AMS, USDA, P.O. Box 96456, room 2523-S, Washington, DC 20090-
    6456; telephone: (202) 720-5331; or Terry Vawter, California Marketing 
    Field Office, Marketing Order Administration Branch, Fruit and 
    Vegetable Division, AMS, USDA, 2202 Monterey Street, suite 102B, 
    Fresno, California, 93721; telephone: (209) 487-5901.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This rule is issued under Marketing 
    Agreement and Marketing Order Nos. 916 and 917 (7 CFR parts 916 and 
    917) regulating the handling of nectarines and peaches grown in 
    California, hereinafter referred to as the orders. The orders are 
    effective under the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, as 
    amended (7 U.S.C. 601-674), hereinafter referred to as the Act.
        The Department of Agriculture (Department) is issuing this rule in 
    conformance with Executive Order 12866.
        This rule has been reviewed under Executive Order 12778, Civil 
    Justice Reform. This rule is not intended to have retroactive effect. 
    This rule will not preempt any state or local laws, regulations, or 
    policies, unless they present an irreconcilable conflict with this 
        The Act provides that administrative proceedings must be exhausted 
    before parties may file suit in court. Under section 608c(15)(A) of the 
    Act, any handler subject to an order may file with the Secretary a 
    petition stating that the order, any provision of the order, or any 
    obligation imposed in connection with the order is not in accordance 
    with law and request a modification of the order or to be exempted 
    therefrom. A handler is afforded the opportunity for a hearing on the 
    petition. After the hearing the Secretary would rule on the petition. 
    The Act provides that the district court of the United States in any 
    district in which the handler is an inhabitant, or has his or her 
    principal place of business, has jurisdiction in equity to review the 
    Secretary's ruling on the petition, provided a bill in equity is filed 
    not later than 20 days after the date of the entry of the ruling.
        Pursuant to requirements set forth in the Regulatory Flexibility 
    Act (RFA), the Administrator of the Agricultural Marketing Service 
    (AMS) has considered the economic impact of this action on small 
    entities. The purpose of the RFA is to fit regulatory actions to the 
    scale of business subject to such actions in order that small 
    businesses will not be unduly or disproportionately burdened. Marketing 
    orders issued pursuant to the Act, and rules issued thereunder, are 
    unique in that they are brought about through group action of 
    essentially small entities acting on their own behalf. Thus, both 
    statutes have small entity orientation and compatibility.
        There are about 300 California nectarine and peach handlers subject 
    to regulation under the orders covering nectarines and peaches grown in 
    California, and about 1,800 producers of these fruits in California. 
    Small agricultural producers have been defined by the Small Business 
    Administration [13 CFR 121.601] as those having annual receipts of less 
    than $500,000, and small agricultural service firms are defined as 
    those whose annual receipts are less than $3,500,000. A majority of 
    these handlers and producers may be classified as small entities.
        The Nectarine Administrative Committee (NAC) recommended that the 
    handling requirements for California nectarines be revised, and the 
    Peach Commodity Committee (PCC) recommended that the handling 
    requirements for California peaches be revised. These committees meet 
    prior to and during each season to review the rules and regulations 
    effective on a continuous basis for California nectarines and peaches 
    under the orders. These committee meetings are open to the public, and 
    interested persons may express their views at these meetings. The 
    Department reviews committee recommendations and information, as well 
    as information from other sources, and determines whether modification, 
    suspension, or termination of the rules and regulations would tend to 
    effectuate the declared policy of the Act.
    Regulatory Periods (Nectarines)
        Under Sec. 916.350, California Nectarine Container and Pack 
    Regulation (7 CFR 916.350), fresh nectarine shipments are regulated by 
    container and pack during the period April 15 through October 31 each 
    year. Under Sec. 916.356, California Nectarine Grade and Size 
    Regulation (7 CFR 916.356, as amended at 58 FR 8534, February 16, 1993, 
    and 58 FR 29099, May 19, 1993), fresh nectarine shipments are also 
    regulated by grade, maturity, and size, during the period April 15 
    through October 31 each year. These regulations are effective on a 
    continuing basis subject to amendment, modification, or suspension by 
    the Secretary.
        This rule amends paragraph (a) in Sec. 916.350 and paragraph (a) in 
    Sec. 916.356 to change the regulatory periods in each of these sections 
    to April 1 through October 31 each year, so that all nectarine 
    shipments made each season are covered by these regulatory 
    requirements. Correspondingly, paragraph (a)(7) of Sec. 916.356 is 
    revised to change the beginning date of the regulatory requirements to 
    April 1 from April 15 each year. Handlers ship fresh nectarines during 
    the April 1--April 15 period when the harvest season begins early. The 
    NAC unanimously recommended this change.
    Container and Pack Requirements (Nectarines)
        Section 916.350 specifies container and pack requirements for fresh 
    nectarine shipments. Paragraph (a)(4)(iv) of Sec. 916.350 specifies the 
    tray-pack size designations which must be marked on loose-filled or 
    tight-filled containers, depending on the size of the fruit. The size 
    designations specify the maximum number of nectarines in a 16-pound 
    sample for each tray-pack size designation. This rule revises paragraph 
    (a)(4)(iv) of Sec. 916.350 by modifying Table 1 to specify weight-count 
    standards for early-season and mid-season nectarine varieties, and 
    adding a new Table 2 to specify weight-count standards for late-season 
    nectarine varieties.
        The NAC recommended these revised container marking requirements 
    for nectarines after a comprehensive review of the appropriate size 
    pack-count relationships between the tray-pack containers and loose-
    filled or tight-filled containers for all nectarine varieties. The 
    revised provisions more precisely reflect the characteristics of 
    different varieties of fruit during the course of the season.
        This rule also revises Sec. 916.350 by adding a proviso to 
    paragraph (a)(4)(iv), and revises Sec. 916.356 by redesignating current 
    paragraph (b) as (c) and adding a new paragraph (b) to that section. 
    These revisions specify the procedure to be used in determining whether 
    nectarines meet the minimum size requirements specified for each size 
    category in this section when applying the 16-pound sample 
    requirements. Under this procedure, a sample consisting of one-half of 
    the number of fruit specified for a 16-pound sample for a particular 
    size category shall be used, provided such sample weighs at least 8 
    pounds. When one-half the specified number of fruit in a sample results 
    in a number ending with one-half a fruit, the smaller full number of 
    fruit is used to determine the sample weight. If a sample fails with 
    respect to minimum size requirements on the basis of an 8-pound sample, 
    a full 16-pound sample must be used to determine if the fruit meets 
    minimum size requirements.
        The NAC recommended this sampling procedure change after 
    determining that the size of nectarines could be adequately determined 
    by using an 8-pound sample in most instances, and finding that 
    application of this procedure would reduce inspection time and 
    inspection costs.
    Maturity Requirements (Nectarines)
        Section 916.356 specifies maturity guides for fresh nectarines in 
    paragraph (a)(1)(i), including Table 1, for fruit being inspected and 
    certified as meeting the maturity requirements for ``well matured'' 
    fruit. Such maturity guides (e.g., color chips) are specified in Table 
    1 of Sec. 916.356 for nectarines. This rule revises Table 1 of 
    paragraph (a)(1)(i) of Sec. 916.356 for nectarines to add maturity 
    guides for 18 nectarine varieties and to change the maturity guide for 
    two nectarine varieties.
        The NAC recommended these maturity guide changes for these 
    nectarine varieties based on a continuing review of their individual 
    maturity characteristics, and the identification of the appropriate 
    color chip corresponding to the ``well matured'' level of maturity for 
    such varieties.
    Size Requirements (Nectarines)
        Section 916.356 specifies size requirements for fresh nectarines in 
    paragraphs (a)(2) through (a)(9). This rule revises Sec. 916.356 to 
    establish variety-specific size requirements for seven nectarine 
    varieties that were produced in commercially significant quantities of 
    more than 10,000 packages for the first time during the 1993 season. 
    Paragraph (a)(3) is revised to include the May Kist variety; and 
    paragraph (a)(6) of Sec. 916.356 is revised to include the Arctic Rose, 
    Del Rio Rey, Kay Diamond, Late Red Jim, Prima Diamond, and Red Glen 
        This rule also revises Sec. 916.356 to remove five nectarine 
    varieties from the variety-specific size requirements specified in the 
    section, because less than 5,000 packages of each of these varieties 
    were produced during the 1993 season. Paragraph (a)(4) of that section 
    is revised to remove the Apache and Early May Grande nectarine 
    varieties; and paragraph (a)(6) is revised to remove the Nectarine #4, 
    Tasty Free, and 9-86-04-87 nectarine varieties. Nectarine varieties 
    removed from the nectarine variety-specific list become subject to the 
    non-listed variety size requirements specified in paragraphs (a)(7), 
    (a)(8), and (a)(9) of Sec. 916.356.
        This rule also lowers the minimum size requirement for the Zee 
    Grand variety by permitting as many as 88 nectarines to be packed in a 
    lug box rather than 84 nectarines, and as many as 83 nectarines when 
    packed otherwise rather than 75 nectarines. This is accomplished by 
    reassigning that variety to paragraph (a)(4) from paragraph (a)(5) in 
    Sec. 916.356. The NAC recommended this change based on a more accurate 
    evaluation of this variety's sizing and maturity characteristics.
        Further, in Sec. 916.356, paragraphs (a)(6)(i) and (a)(9)(i) are 
    revised to permit as many as 84 nectarines to be packed in a No. 22D 
    standard lug box if they are ``well matured'', and paragraphs 
    (a)(6)(ii) and (a)(9)(ii) are revised to permit as many as 75 
    nectarines in a 16-pound sample if they are ``well matured''. These 
    changes permit late-season nectarine varieties to be shipped to the 
    fresh market at a slightly smaller size than in past seasons, if they 
    meet the higher ``well matured'' maturity standard. The higher maturity 
    standard is important for such smaller size fruit, because it will 
    assure that the smaller fruit is of acceptable maturity and quality to 
    be shipped to the fresh market in the interest of growers, handlers, 
    and consumers.
        In addition, this rule changes the minimum size requirements for 
    several varieties of nectarines packed in loose-filled and tight-filled 
    containers by revising the count-size for nectarines specified in 
    paragraphs (a)(2)(ii), (a)(3)(ii), (a)(4)(ii), (a)(5)(ii), (a)(7)(ii), 
    and (a)(8)(ii). These size changes correspond to the weight-count 
    changes made in column 2 of both Table 1 for early-season and mid-
    season nectarine varieties, and Table 2 for late-season nectarine 
    varieties cited in paragraph (a)(4)(iv) of Sec. 916.350.
        The NAC recommended these changes in the minimum size requirements 
    based on a continuing review of the sizing and maturity relationships 
    for these nectarine varieties, and consumer acceptance levels for 
    various sizes of fruit. This rule is designed to establish minimum size 
    requirements for fresh nectarines consistent with expected crop and 
    market conditions.
    Regulatory Periods (Peaches)
        Under Sec. 917.442, California Peach Container and Pack Regulation 
    (7 CFR 917.442), fresh California peach shipments are regulated by 
    container and during the period April 15 through November 23 each year. 
    Under Sec. 917.459, California Peach Grade and Size Regulation (7 CFR 
    917.459, as amended at 58 FR 32591, June 11, 1993, and 58 FR 43499, 
    August 17, 1993), fresh California peach shipments are also regulated 
    by grade, maturity, and size during the period April 15 through 
    November 23 each year. These regulations are effective on a continuing 
    basis subject to amendment, modification, or suspension by the 
        This rule amends paragraph (a) in Sec. 917.442 and paragraph (a) in 
    Sec. 917.459 to change the regulatory periods in each of these sections 
    to April 1 through November 23 each year, so that all peach shipments 
    made each season are covered by these regulatory requirements. 
    Correspondingly, paragraph (b) of Sec. 917.459 is revised to change the 
    beginning date of the regulatory requirements to April 1 from April 15 
    each year. Handlers ship fresh peaches during the April 1-April 15 
    period when the harvest season begins early. The PCC unanimously 
    recommended this change.
    Container and Pack Requirements (Peaches)
        Section 917.442 currently specifies container and pack requirements 
    for fresh peach shipments. Paragraph (a)(4)(iv) of Sec. 917.442 
    specifies the tray-pack size designations which must be marked on 
    loose-filled or tight-filled containers, depending on the size of the 
    fruit. The size designations specify the maximum number of peaches in a 
    16-pound sample for each tray pack size designation. This rule revises 
    paragraph (a)(4)(iv) of Sec. 917.442 by modifying Table 1 to specify 
    weight-count standards for early-season and mid-season peach varieties, 
    and adding a new Table 2 to specify weight-count standards for late-
    season peach varieties.
        The PCC recommended these revised container marking requirements 
    for peaches after a comprehensive review of the appropriate size pack-
    count relationships between the tray-pack containers and loose-filled 
    or tight-filled containers for all peach varieties. The revised 
    provisions more precisely reflect the characteristics of different 
    varieties of fruit during the course of the season.
        This rule also revises Sec. 917.442 by adding a proviso to 
    paragraph (a)(4)(iv), and revises Sec. 917.459 by redesignating current 
    paragraph (d) as (e) and adding a new paragraph (d) to that section. 
    These revisions specify the procedure to be used in determining whether 
    peaches meet the minimum size requirements specified for each size 
    category in this section when applying the 16-pound sample requirement. 
    Under this procedure a sample consisting of one-half of the number of 
    fruit specified for a 16-pound sample for a particular size category 
    shall be used, provided such sample weighs at least 8 pounds. When one-
    half the specified number of fruit in a sample results in a number 
    ending with one-half a fruit, the smaller full number of fruit is used 
    to determine the sample weight. If a sample fails with respect to 
    minimum size requirements on the basis of an 8-pound sample, a full 16-
    pound sample must be used to determine if the fruit meets the minimum 
    size requirements.
        The PCC recommended this sampling procedure change after 
    determining that the size of peaches could be adequately determined by 
    using an 8-pound sample in most instances, and finding that application 
    of this procedure would reduce inspection time and inspection costs.
    Grade Requirements (Peaches)
        Section 917.459 specifies grade requirements for peaches in 
    paragraph (a)(1), requiring peaches shipped fresh to meet the 
    requirements of the U.S. No. 1 grade. This rule revises paragraph 
    (a)(1) of Sec. 917.459 to provide an additional 25 percent tolerance 
    for fruit damaged by open sutures, but not seriously damaged, in 
    addition to the 10 percent general lot tolerance currently permitted 
    under the U.S. No. 1 grade.
        The PCC recommended this change to permit handlers to ship peaches 
    with additional amounts of open sutures. Open sutures are not 
    considered to be a serious grade defect since they affect only the 
    appearance of the fruit. The open suture condition occurs infrequently 
    in peaches and is most likely due to unusual weather and climatic 
    conditions. However, this condition can cause considerable economic 
    loss to growers when it does occur, because it sometimes affects a 
    large portion of their crop.
    Maturity Requirements (Peaches)
        Section 917.459 specifies maturity guides for fresh peaches in 
    paragraph (a)(1)(i), including TABLE I, for fruit being inspected and 
    certified as meeting the maturity requirements for ``well matured'' 
    fruit. Such maturity guides (e.g., color chips) are specified in Table 
    1 of Sec. 917.459 for peaches. This rule revises Table 1 of paragraph 
    (a)(1)(i) of Sec. 917.459 for peaches to add maturity guides for 19 
    peach varieties and to change the maturity guide for one peach variety.
        The PCC recommended these maturity guide changes for these peach 
    varieties based on a continuing review of their individual maturity 
    characteristics, and the identification of the appropriate color chip 
    corresponding to the ``well matured'' level of maturity for such 
    Size Requirements (Peaches)
        Section 917.459 specifies size requirements for fresh peaches in 
    paragraphs (a)(2) through (a)(6), and paragraphs (b) and (c). This rule 
    revises Sec. 917.459 by redesignating current paragraph (a)(6) as 
    paragraph (a)(3) and current paragraphs (a)(3), (a)(4), and (a)(5) as 
    paragraphs (a)(4), (a)(5), and (a)(6), respectively, so that the size 
    regulations are in sequential order. This rule also revises 
    Sec. 917.459 to establish variety-specific size requirements for five 
    peach varieties that were produced in commercially significant 
    quantities of more than 10,000 packages for the first time during the 
    1993 season. In Sec. 917.459 redesignated paragraph (a)(5) is revised 
    to include the Crimson Lady and Rich May peach varieties; and 
    redesignated paragraph (a)(6) is revised to include the Fancy Lady, 
    Snow Ball, and Sugar Lady peach varieties.
        This rule also revises Sec. 917.459 to remove four peach varieties 
    from the variety-specific size requirements specified in that section, 
    because less than 5,000 packages of each of these varieties were 
    produced during the 1993 season. In Sec. 917.459 redesignated paragraph 
    (a)(5) of Sec. 917.459 is revised to remove the Flavor Red peach 
    variety; and redesignated paragraph (a)(6) is revised to remove the 
    July Lady, Red Cal, and Redglobe peach varieties. Peach varieties 
    removed from the variety-specific list become subject to the non-listed 
    variety size requirements specified in paragraphs (b) and (c) of 
    Sec. 917.459.
        This rule also amends Sec. 917.459 by revising paragraph (b) to 
    change the ending date of the regulatory requirements for the non-
    listed peach varieties referred to in that paragraph to June 30 from 
    July 2, and paragraph (c) to change the beginning date of the 
    regulatory requirements for the non-listed peach varieties referred to 
    in that paragraph to July 1 from July 3. These changes reflect the 
    sizing characteristics of such peach varieties.
        Further, in Sec. 917.459 redesignated paragraph (a)(6)(i) is 
    revised to permit as many as 80 peaches to be packed in a No. 22D 
    standard lug box if they are ``well matured'', and redesignated 
    paragraph (a)(6)(iii) is revised to permit as many as 73 peaches in a 
    16-pound sample if they are ``well matured''. These changes permit 
    certain late-season peach varieties to be shipped to the fresh market 
    at a slightly smaller size than in past seasons, if they meet the 
    higher ``well matured'' maturity standard. The higher maturity standard 
    is important for such smaller size fruit, because it will assure that 
    the smaller fruit is of acceptable maturity and quality to be shipped 
    to the fresh market in the interest of growers, handlers, and 
        In addition, this rule changes the minimum size requirements for 
    several varieties of peaches packed in loose-filled and tight-filled 
    containers by revising the count-size for peaches specified in 
    paragraphs (a)(3)(iii), (a)(4)(iii), and (a)(5)(iii). These size 
    changes correspond to the weight-count changes made in column 2 of both 
    Table 1 for early-season and mid-season peach varieties, and Table 2 
    for late-season peach varieties cited in paragraph (a)(4)(iv) of 
    Sec. 917.442.
        The PCC recommended these changes in the minimum size requirements 
    based on a continuing review of the sizing and maturity relationships 
    for these peach varieties, and the consumer acceptance levels for 
    various sizes of fruit. This rule is designed to establish minimum size 
    requirements for fresh peaches consistent with expected crop and market 
        This rule reflects the committees' and the Department's appraisal 
    of the need to revise the handling requirements for California 
    nectarines and peaches, as specified. The Department's determination is 
    that this rule will have a beneficial impact on producers, handlers, 
    and consumers of California nectarines and peaches.
        This rule establishes handling requirements for fresh California 
    nectarines and peaches consistent with expected crop and market 
    conditions, and will help ensure that all shipments of these fruits 
    made each season will meet acceptable handling requirements established 
    under each of these orders. This rule will also help the California 
    nectarine and peach industries provide fruit desired by consumers. This 
    rule is designed to establish and maintain orderly marketing conditions 
    for these fruits in the interest of producers, handlers, and consumers.
        Based on the above, the Administrator of the AMS has determined 
    that this rule will not have a significant economic impact on a 
    substantial number of small entities.
        After consideration of all relevant matters presented, the 
    information and recommendations submitted by the committees, and other 
    information, it is found that the rule, as hereinafter set forth, will 
    tend to effectuate the declared policy of the Act.
        Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553, it is also found and determined, upon 
    good cause, that it is impracticable, unnecessary and contrary to the 
    public interest to give preliminary notice prior to putting this rule 
    into effect, and that good cause exists for not postponing the 
    effective date of this rule until 30 days after publication in the 
    Federal Register because: (1) California nectarine and peach growers 
    and handlers should be apprised of this rule as soon as possible, since 
    early shipments of these fruits are expected to begin about April 
    first; (2) this rule relaxes grade requirements for peaches and size 
    requirements for several nectarine and peach varieties; (3) California 
    nectarine and peach handlers are aware of these revised requirements 
    recommended by the committees at public meetings, and they will need no 
    additional time to comply with such requirements; and (4) the rule 
    provides a 30-day comment period, and any written comments received 
    will be considered prior to any finalization of this interim final 
    List of Subjects
    7 CFR Part 916
        Marketing agreements, Nectarines, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    7 CFR Part 917
        Marketing agreements, Peaches, Pears, Reporting and recordkeeping 
        For the reasons set forth in the preamble, 7 CFR parts 916 and 917 
    are amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for 7 CFR part 916 continues to read as 
        Authority: 7 U.S.C. 601-674.
        2. Section 916.350 is amended by revising paragraphs (a) 
    introductory text and (a)(4)(iv) to read as follows:
    Sec. 916.350  California Nectarine Container and Pack Regulation.
        (a) During the period beginning April 1 and ending October 31, no 
    handler shall ship any package or container of any variety of 
    nectarines except in accordance with the following terms and 
    * * * * *
        (iv) The size of nectarines, when packed in loose-filled or tight-
    filled containers, shall be marked in accordance with the following 
    Table 1 and Table 2 which specify the tray-pack size designation in 
    Column A with the corresponding maximum number of nectarines in a 16-
    pound sample of each size of the fruit in Column B: Provided, That the 
    following procedure shall be used in determining whether nectarines 
    meet the minimum size requirements specified for each size category in 
    this section applying the 16-pound sample. A sample consisting of one-
    half of the specified number of fruit for a particular size category 
    shall be used, provided such sample weighs at least eight pounds. When 
    one-half the specified number of fruit in a sample results in a number 
    ending with one-half a fruit, the smaller full number of fruit shall be 
    used to determine the sample weight. If a sample fails with respect to 
    minimum size requirements on the basis of an 8-pound sample, a 16-pound 
    sample shall be used to determine if the fruit meets the minimum size 
       Table 1.--Weight-Count Standards for Nectarines Packed in Loose- or  
                            Tight-Filled Containers.                        
                            Column A\1\                          Column B\2\
    108........................................................          100
    96.........................................................           90
    88.........................................................           83
    84.........................................................           78
    80.........................................................           76
    72.........................................................           67
    70.........................................................           60
    64.........................................................           56
    60.........................................................           49
    56.........................................................           46
    54.........................................................           40
    50.........................................................           38
    48.........................................................           35
    42.........................................................           31
    40.........................................................           30
    36.........................................................           25
    34.........................................................           23
    32.........................................................           22
    30.........................................................           19
    \1\Tray Pack Size Designation.                                          
    \2\Maximum Number of Nectarines in a 16-pound Sample Applicable to      
      Varieties Specified in Paragraphs (a)(2)(ii), (a)(3)(ii), (a)(4)(ii), 
      (a)(5)(ii), (a)(7)(ii), and (a)(8)(ii) of Sec. 916.356.               
       Table 2.--Weight-Count Standards for Nectarines Packed in Loose- or  
                            Tight-Filled Containers                         
                            Column A\1\                          Column B\2\
    108........................................................           92
    96.........................................................           87
    88.........................................................           78
    84.........................................................           75
    80.........................................................           67
    72.........................................................           61
    70.........................................................           56
    64.........................................................           51
    60.........................................................           46
    56.........................................................           43
    54.........................................................           39
    50.........................................................           36
    48.........................................................           33
    42.........................................................           28
    40.........................................................           26
    36.........................................................           25
    34.........................................................           23
    32.........................................................           22
    30.........................................................          19 
    \1\Tray Pack Size Designation.                                          
    \2\Maximum Number of Nectarines in a 16-pound Sample Applicable to      
      Varieties Specified in Paragraphs (a)(6)(ii) and (a)(9)(ii) of Sec.   
    * * * * *
        3. Section 916.356 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 916.356  California Nectarine Grade and Size Regulation.
        (a) During the period beginning April 1 and ending October 31, no 
    handler shall ship:
        (1) Any lot or package or container of any variety of nectarines 
    unless such nectarines meet the requirements of U.S. No. 1 grade: 
    Provided, That nectarines 2 inches in diameter or smaller, shall not 
    have fairly light colored, fairly smooth scars which exceed an 
    aggregate area of a circle \3/8\ inch in diameter, and nectarines 
    larger than 2 inches in diameter shall not have fairly light colored, 
    fairly smooth scars which exceed an aggregate area of a circle \1/2\ 
    inch in diameter: Provided further, That an additional tolerance of 25 
    percent shall be permitted for fruit that is not well formed but not 
    badly misshapen. The Federal or Federal-State Inspection Service shall 
    make final determinations on maturity through the use of color guides 
    or such other tests as determined appropriate by the inspection agency.
        (i) The Federal or Federal-State Inspection Service will use the 
    maturity guides listed in Table 1 in making maturity determinations for 
    the specified varieties when inspecting to the ``well matured'' level 
    of maturity. For these varieties, not less than 90 percent of any lot 
    shall meet the color guide established for the variety, and an 
    aggregate area of not less than 90 percent of the fruit surface shall 
    meet the color guide established for the variety, except that for the 
    Fairlane, Tom Grand, and 61-61 varieties of nectarines, not less than 
    an aggregate area of 80 percent of the fruit surface shall meet the 
    color guide established for the variety. For varieties not listed, the 
    Federal or Federal-State Inspection Service will use such tests as it 
    deems proper. A variance for any variety from the application of the 
    maturity guides specified in Table I may be granted during the season 
    to reflect changes in crop, weather, or other conditions that would 
    make the specified guides an inappropriate measure of ``well matured.''
                                     Table 1                                
                                                                  Column B  
                         Column A variety                         maturity  
    Alshir Red...............................................  L\1\         
    Ama Lyn..................................................  G            
    Apache...................................................  G            
    April Glo................................................  H            
    Armking..................................................  B            
    August Glo...............................................  L            
    August Red...............................................  J            
    Aurelio Grand............................................  F            
    Autumn Delight...........................................  M            
    Autumn Grand.............................................  L            
    Bob Grand................................................  L            
    Clinton-Strawberry.......................................  H            
    Del Rio Rey..............................................  G            
    Desert Dawn..............................................  G            
    Early Diamond............................................  J            
    Early May................................................  F            
    Early May Grand..........................................  H            
    Early Star...............................................  G            
    Early Sungrand...........................................  H            
    Fairlane.................................................  M            
    Fantasia.................................................  J            
    Firebrite................................................  H            
    Flamekist................................................  L            
    Flaming Red..............................................  K            
    Flavor Grand.............................................  G            
    Flavortop................................................  J            
    Flavortop I..............................................  K            
    Gee Red..................................................  H            
    Gold King................................................  H            
    Granderli................................................  J            
    Grand Stan...............................................  F            
    Hi-Red...................................................  J            
    Independence.............................................  H            
    July Red.................................................  L            
    June Glo.................................................  H            
    June Grand...............................................  G            
    Kent Grand...............................................  L            
    Kism Grand...............................................  J            
    Larry's Grand............................................  M            
    Late Le Grand............................................  L            
    Late Tina Red............................................  I            
    Le Grand.................................................  H            
    Maybelle.................................................  F            
    May Diamond..............................................  I            
    Mayfair..................................................  C            
    May Fire.................................................  H            
    May Glo..................................................  H            
    May Grand................................................  H            
    May Kist.................................................  H            
    Mayred...................................................  B            
    Mid Glo..................................................  L            
    Mike Grand...............................................  H            
    Moon Grand...............................................  M            
    Niagara Grand............................................  H            
    Pacific Star.............................................  G            
    P-R Red..................................................  L            
    Red Diamond..............................................  M            
    Red Delight..............................................  I            
    Red Free.................................................  L            
    Red Glen.................................................  J            
    Red Grand................................................  H            
    Red Jim..................................................  L            
    Red June.................................................  G            
    Red Lion.................................................  J            
    Red May..................................................  J            
    Regal Grand..............................................  L            
    Rio Red..................................................  L            
    Royal Delight............................................  F            
    Royal Giant..............................................  I            
    Ruby Grand...............................................  J            
    Ruby Sun.................................................  J            
    Scarlet Red..............................................  K            
    September Grand..........................................  L            
    September Red............................................  L            
    Sheri Red................................................  J            
    Sierra Star/181-119......................................  G            
    Son Red..................................................  L            
    Sparkling June...........................................  M            
    Sparkling May............................................  J            
    Sparkling Red............................................  L            
    Spring Diamond...........................................  M            
    Spring Grand.............................................  G            
    Spring Red...............................................  H            
    Springtop................................................  B            
    Stan's Grand.............................................  C            
    Star Bright..............................................  G            
    Star Brite...............................................  J            
    Star Grand...............................................  H            
    Summer Beaut.............................................  H            
    Summer Blush.............................................  J            
    Summer Bright............................................  J            
    Summer Diamond...........................................  M            
    Summer Fire..............................................  L            
    Summer Grand.............................................  L            
    Summer Lion..............................................  M            
    Summer Red...............................................  L            
    Summer Star..............................................  G            
    Sunburst.................................................  J            
    Sun Diamond..............................................  I            
    Sunfre...................................................  F            
    Sun Grand................................................  G            
    Super Star...............................................  G            
    Tasty Free...............................................  J            
    Tasty Gold...............................................  H            
    Tom Grand................................................  L            
    Zee Glo..................................................  J            
    61-61....................................................  J            
    \1\Except not less than an aggregate area of 95 percent of the fruit    
      surface shall meet the color standard established for the variety.    
        Note: Consult with the Federal or Federal-State Inspection 
    Service Supervisor for the maturity guides applicable to the 
    varieties not listed above.
        (ii) If a grower or handler believes his/her fruit is meeting the 
    appropriate maturity level but the fruit has not been so graded by the 
    inspector, he/she may appeal the inspection by calling the officer-in-
    charge of the local Federal-State Inspection Service office to arrange 
    for an on-site examination of the fruit.
        (2) Any package or container of May Glo variety nectarines through 
    May 5 of each year, or April Glo, Aurelio Grand, Maybelle, Mayfire, or 
    Royal Delight variety nectarines, unless:
        (i) Such nectarines, when packed in molded forms (tray pack) in a 
    No. 22D standard lug box, are of a size that will pack, in accordance 
    with the requirements of a standard pack, not more than 108 nectarines 
    in the lug box; or
        (ii) Such nectarines, when packed other than as specified in 
    paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section, are of a size that a 16-pound 
    sample, representative of the nectarines in the package or container, 
    contains not more than 100 nectarines.
        (3) Any package or container of May Glo variety nectarines on or 
    after May 6 of each year, or Earliglo, Early Diamond, or May Kist 
    variety nectarines, unless:
        (i) Such nectarines, when packed in molded forms (tray pack) in a 
    No. 22D standard lug box, are of a size that will pack, in accordance 
    with the requirements of a standard pack, not more than 96 nectarines 
    in the lug box; or
        (ii) Such nectarines, when packed other than as specified in 
    paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section, are of a size that a 16-pound 
    sample, representative of the nectarines in the package or container, 
    contains not more than 90 nectarines.
        (4) Any package or container of Early May, Mike Grand, Grand Stan, 
    June Brite, June Glo, May Grand, May Diamond, May Lion, Pacific Star, 
    Red Delight, Rose Diamond, Sparkling May, Star Brite, Sunfre, or Zee 
    Grand variety nectarines unless:
        (i) Such nectarines, when packed in molded forms (tray pack) in a 
    No. 22D standard lug box, are of a size that will pack, in accordance 
    with the requirements of a standard pack, not more than 88 nectarines 
    in the lug box; or
        (ii) Such nectarines, when packed other than as specified in 
    paragraph (a)(4)(i) of this section, are of a size that a 16-pound 
    sample, representative of the nectarines in the package or container, 
    contains not more than 83 nectarines.
        (5) Any package or container of Red May variety nectarines unless:
        (i) Such nectarines, when packed in molded forms (tray pack) in a 
    No. 22D standard lug box, are of a size that will pack, in accordance 
    with the requirements of a standard pack, not more than 84 nectarines 
    in the lug box; or
        (ii) Such nectarines, when packed other than as specified in 
    paragraph (a)(5)(i) of this section, are of a size that a 16-pound 
    sample, representative of the nectarines in the package or container, 
    contains not more than 78 nectarines.
        (6) Any package or container of Alshir Red, Alta Red, Arctic Rose, 
    August Glo, August Red, Autumn Delight, Autumn Grand, Big Jim, Bob 
    Grand, Del Rio Rey, Early Red Jim, Early Sungrand, Fairlane, Fantasia, 
    Firebrite, Flamekist, Flaming Red, Flavor Grand, Flavortop, Flavortop 
    I, Grand Diamond, Independence, July Red, King Jim, Kay Diamond, Kism 
    Grand, Late Le Grand, Late Red Jim, Le Grand, Mid Glo, Moon Grand, 
    Niagara Grand, Prima Diamond, P-R Red, Red Diamond, Red Free, Red Glen, 
    Red Jim, Red Lion, Rio Red, Royal Giant, Ruby Grand, Scarlet Red, 
    September Grand, September Red, Son Red, Sparkling June, Sparkling Red, 
    Spring Diamond, Spring Red, Summer Beaut, Summer Bright, Summer 
    Diamond, Summer Fire, Summer Grand, Summer Lion, Summer Red, Summer 
    Star, Sunburst, Sun Diamond, Sun Grand, Super Red, Super Star, Tasty 
    Gold, Tom Grand, Zee Glo, 181-119, or 80P-1135 variety nectarines 
        (i) Such nectarines, when packed in molded forms (tray pack) in a 
    No. 22D standard lug box, are of a size that will pack, in accordance 
    with the requirements of a standard pack, not more than 80 nectarines 
    in the lug box or if the nectarines are ``well matured'' not more than 
    84 nectarines in the lug box.
        (ii) Such nectarines, when packed other than as specified in 
    paragraph (a)(6)(i) of this section, are of a size that a 16-pound 
    sample, representative of the nectarines in the package or container, 
    contains not more than 67 nectarines or if the nectarines are ``well 
    matured'' not more than 75 nectarines.
        (7) During the period April 1 through May 31 of each fiscal year, 
    no handler shall handle any package or container of any variety of 
    nectarines not specifically named in paragraphs (a)(2), (a)(3), (a)(4), 
    (a)(5), or (a)(6) of this section unless:
        (i) Such nectarines, when packed in molded forms (tray pack) in a 
    No. 22D standard lug box, are of a size that will pack, in accordance 
    with the requirements of a standard pack, not more than 96 nectarines 
    in the lug box; or
        (ii) Such nectarines, when packed other than as specified in 
    paragraph (a)(7)(i) of this section, are of a size that a 16-pound 
    sample, representative of the nectarines in the package or container, 
    contains not more than 90 nectarines.
        (8) During the period June 1 through June 30 of each fiscal period, 
    no handler shall handle any package or container of any variety of 
    nectarines not specifically named in paragraphs (a)(2), (a)(3), (a)(4), 
    (a)(5), or (a)(6) of this section unless:
        (i) Such nectarines, when packed in molded forms (tray pack) in a 
    No. 22D standard lug box, are of a size that will pack, in accordance 
    with the requirements of a standard pack, not more than 88 nectarines 
    in the lug box; or
        (ii) Such nectarines, when packed other than as specified in 
    paragraph (a)(8)(i) of this section, are of a size that a 16-pound 
    sample, representative of the nectarines in the package or container, 
    contains not more than 83 nectarines.
        (9) During the period July 1 through October 31 of each fiscal 
    period, no handler shall handle any package or container of any variety 
    of nectarines not specifically named in paragraphs (a)(2), (a)(3), 
    (a)(4), (a)(5), or (a)(6) of this section unless:
        (i) Such nectarines, when packed in molded forms (tray pack) in a 
    No. 22D standard lug box, are of a size that will pack, in accordance 
    with the requirements of a standard pack, not more than 80 nectarines 
    in the lug box or if the nectarines are ``well matured'' not more than 
    84 nectarines in the lug box; or
        (ii) Such nectarines, when packed other than as specified in 
    paragraph (a)(9)(i) of this section, are of a size that a 16-pound 
    sample, representative of the nectarines in the package or container, 
    contains not more than 67 nectarines or if the nectarines are ``well 
    matured'' not more than 75 nectarines.
        (b) The following procedure shall be used in determining whether 
    nectarines meet the minimum size requirements specified for each size 
    category in this section applying a 16-pound sample. A sample 
    consisting of one-half of the number of fruit specified for a 16-pound 
    sample for a particular size category shall be used, provided such 
    sample weighs at least eight pounds. When one-half the specified number 
    of fruit in a sample results in a number ending with one-half a fruit, 
    the smaller full number of fruit shall be used to determine the sample 
    weight. If a sample fails with respect to minimum size requirements on 
    the basis of an 8-pound sample, a 16-pound sample shall be used to 
    determine if the fruit meets the minimum size requirements.
        (c) As used herein, ``U.S. No. 1'', ``mature'', and ``standard 
    pack'', mean the same as defined in the United States Standards for 
    Grades of Nectarines [7 CFR 51.3145 through 51.3160]; and ``No. 22D 
    standard lug box'' means the same as defined in section 1380.19 (17) of 
    the ``Regulations of the California Department of Food and 
    Agriculture''. ``Well matured'' means a condition distinctly more 
    advanced than ``mature''.
        1. The authority citation for 7 CFR part 917 continues to read as 
        Authority: 7 U.S.C. 601-674.
        2. Section 917.442 is amended by revising paragraphs (a) 
    introductory text and (a)(4)(iv) to read as follows:
    Sec. 917.442  California Peach Container and Pack Regulation.
        (a) During the period beginning April 1 and ending November 23, no 
    handler shall ship any package or container of any variety of peaches 
    except in accordance with the following terms and conditions:
    * * * * *
        (iv) The size of peaches, when packed in loose-filled or tight-
    filled containers, shall be marked in accordance with the following 
    Table 1 and Table 2 which specify the tray-pack size designation in 
    Column A with the corresponding maximum number of peaches in a 16-pound 
    sample of each size of the fruit in Column B: Provided, That the 
    following procedure shall be used in determining whether peaches meet 
    the minimum size requirements specified for each size category in this 
    section applying the 16-pound sample. A sample consisting of one-half 
    of the specified number of fruit for a particular size category shall 
    be used, provided such sample weighs at least eight pounds. When one-
    half the specified number of fruit in a sample results in a number 
    ending with one-half a fruit, the smaller full number of fruit shall be 
    used to determine the sample weight. If a sample fails with respect to 
    minimum size requirements on the basis of an 8-pound sample, a 16-pound 
    sample shall be used to determine if the fruit meets the minimum size 
     Table 1.--Weight-Count Standards for Peaches Packed in Loose or Tight- 
                                Filled Containers                           
                            Column A\1\                          Column B\2\
    96.........................................................           96
    88.........................................................           92
    84.........................................................           85
    80.........................................................           76
    72.........................................................           68
    70.........................................................           66
    64.........................................................           56
    60.........................................................           47
    56.........................................................           46
    54.........................................................           43
    50.........................................................           39
    48.........................................................           35
    42.........................................................           31
    40.........................................................           30
    36.........................................................           27
    34.........................................................           25
    32.........................................................           23
    30.........................................................          21 
    \1\Tray Pack Size Designation.                                          
    \2\Maximum Number of Peaches in a 16-pound Sample Applicable to         
      Varieties Specified in Paragraphs (a)(2)(ii), (a)(3)(ii), (a)(4)(iii),
      (a)(5)(iii), and (b)(3) of Sec. 917.459.                              
     Table 2.--Weight-Count Standards for Peaches Packed in Loose or Tight- 
                                Filled Containers                           
                            Column A\1\                          Column B\2\
    96.........................................................           96
    88.........................................................           83
    84.........................................................           79
    80.........................................................           73
    72.........................................................           64
    70.........................................................           59
    64.........................................................           53
    60.........................................................           46
    56.........................................................           45
    54.........................................................           43
    50.........................................................           39
    48.........................................................           35
    42.........................................................           31
    40.........................................................           30
    36.........................................................           27
    34.........................................................           25
    32.........................................................           23
    30.........................................................          21 
    \1\Tray Pack Size Designation.                                          
    \2\Maximum Number of Peaches in a 16-pound Sample Applicable Varieties  
      Specified in Paragraphs (a)(6)(iii), and (c)(3) of Sec. 917.459.      
    * * * * *
        3. Section 917.459 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 917.459  California Peach Grade and Size Regulation.
        (a) During the period beginning April 1 and ending November 23, no 
    handler shall ship:
        (1) Any lot or package or container of any variety of peaches 
    unless such peaches meet the requirements of U.S. No. 1 grade: 
    Provided, That an additional 25 percent tolerance shall be permitted 
    for fruit with open sutures which are damaged, but not seriously 
    damaged. The Federal or Federal-State Inspection Service shall make 
    final determinations on maturity through the use of color chips or 
    other tests as determined appropriate by the inspection agency.
        (i) The Federal or Federal-State Inspection Service will use the 
    maturity guides listed in Table 1 in making maturity determinations for 
    the specified varieties when inspecting to the ``well matured'' level 
    of maturity. For these varieties, not less than 90 percent of any lot 
    shall meet the color guide established for the variety, and an 
    aggregate area of not less than 90 percent of the fruit surface shall 
    meet the color guide established for the variety. For varieties not 
    listed, the Federal or Federal-State Inspection Service will use such 
    tests as it deems proper. A variance for any variety from the 
    application of the maturity guides specified in Table 1 may be granted 
    during the season to reflect changes in crop, weather, or other 
    conditions that would make the specified guides an inappropriate 
    measure of ``well matured.''
        (ii) If a grower or handler believes his/her fruit is meeting the 
    appropriate maturity level but the fruit has not been so graded by the 
    inspector, he/she may appeal the inspection by calling the officer-in-
    charge of the local Federal-State Inspection Service office to arrange 
    for an on-site examination of the fruit.
                                    Table 1                                 
                                                                  Column B  
                        Column A variety                          maturity  
    Angelus..................................................  I            
    Ambercrest...............................................  G            
    Armgold..................................................  D            
    August Sun...............................................  I            
    Autumn Crest.............................................  I            
    Autumn Gem...............................................  I            
    Autumn Lady..............................................  H            
    Autumn Rose..............................................  I            
    Bella Rosa...............................................  G            
    Belmont (Fairmont).......................................  I            
    Berenda Sun..............................................  I            
    Blum's Beauty............................................  G            
    Bonjour..................................................  F            
    Cardinal.................................................  G            
    Cal Red..................................................  I            
    Carnival.................................................  I            
    Cassie...................................................  H            
    Coronet..................................................  E            
    Crimson Lady.............................................  G            
    Crown Princess...........................................  J            
    Desertgold...............................................  B            
    Diamond Princess.........................................  J            
    Early Coronet............................................  D            
    Early Fairtime...........................................  I            
    Early May Crest..........................................  H            
    Early O'Henry............................................  I            
    Early Royal May..........................................  G            
    Early Top................................................  G            
    Elberta..................................................  B            
    Elegant Lady.............................................  M            
    Fairtime.................................................  G            
    Fancy Lady...............................................  J            
    Fay Elberta..............................................  C            
    Fayette..................................................  I            
    Fire Red.................................................  I            
    First Lady...............................................  D            
    Flamecrest...............................................  I            
    Flavorcrest..............................................  G            
    Flavor Queen.............................................  H            
    Flavor Red...............................................  G            
    Fortyniner...............................................  F            
    Franciscan...............................................  G            
    Goldcrest................................................  H            
    Golden Crest.............................................  H            
    Golden Lady..............................................  F            
    Honey Red................................................  G            
    Jody Gaye................................................  F            
    John Henry...............................................  J            
    Judy Elberta.............................................  C            
    July Lady................................................  G            
    June Crest...............................................  G            
    June Lady................................................  G            
    June Pride...............................................  J            
    June Sun.................................................  H            
    Kearney..................................................  I            
    Kern Sun.................................................  H            
    Kings Lady...............................................  I            
    Lacey....................................................  I            
    Mardigras................................................  G            
    Mary Ann.................................................  G            
    May Crest................................................  G            
    May Lady.................................................  G            
    Merrill Gem..............................................  G            
    Merrill Gemfree..........................................  G            
    Morning Sun..............................................  D            
    O'Henry..................................................  I            
    Pacifica.................................................  G            
    Parade...................................................  I            
    Pat's Pride..............................................  D            
    Preuss Suncrest..........................................  F            
    Prima Fire...............................................  H            
    Prima Lady...............................................  J            
    Prime Crest..............................................  H            
    Queen Crest..............................................  G            
    Ray Crest................................................  G            
    Red Cal..................................................  I            
    Redglobe.................................................  C            
    Redhaven.................................................  G            
    Red Lady.................................................  G            
    Redtop...................................................  G            
    Regina...................................................  G            
    Rich Lady................................................  J            
    Rich May.................................................  H            
    Rio Oso Gem..............................................  I            
    Royal April..............................................  D            
    Royal Lady...............................................  J            
    Royal May................................................  G            
    Ruby May.................................................  H            
    Ryan Sun.................................................  I            
    Scarlet Lady.............................................  F            
    September Sun............................................  I            
    Sierra Crest.............................................  H            
    Sierra Lady..............................................  I            
    Sparkle..................................................  I            
    Springcrest..............................................  G            
    Spring Lady..............................................  H            
    Springold................................................  D            
    Sugar Lady...............................................  J            
    Summer Lady..............................................  M            
    Summerset................................................  I            
    Suncrest.................................................  G            
    Sun Lady.................................................  I            
    Topcrest.................................................  H            
    Toreador.................................................  I            
    Tra Zee..................................................  J            
    Treasure.................................................  F            
    Willie Red...............................................  G            
    Windsor..................................................  I            
    Zee Lady.................................................  L            
    50-178...................................................  G            
        Note: Consult with the Federal or Federal-State Inspection 
    Service Supervisor for the maturity guides applicable to the 
    varieties not listed above.
        (2) Any package or container of Flordaprince variety peaches 
        (i) Such peaches when packed in molded forms (tray pack) in a No. 
    22D standard lug box are of a size that will pack, in accordance with 
    the requirements of standard pack, not more than 96 peaches in the box; 
        (ii) Such peaches in any container when packed other than as 
    specified in paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section are of a size that a 
    16-pound sample, representative of the peaches in the package or 
    container, contains not more than 96 peaches.
        (3) Any package or container of Goldcrest or Topcrest variety 
    peaches unless:
        (i) Such peaches when packed in molded forms (tray pack) in a No. 
    22D standard lug box are of a size that will pack, in accordance with 
    the requirements of standard pack, not more than 88 peaches in the box; 
        (ii) Such peaches in any container when packed other than as 
    specified in paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section are of a size that a 
    16-pound sample representative of the peaches in the package or 
    container, contains not more than 92 peaches.
        (4) Any package or container of any type of Morning Sun variety 
    peaches unless:
        (i) Such peaches when packed in molded forms (tray pack) in a No. 
    22D standard lug box are of a size that will pack, in accordance with 
    the requirements of standard pack, not more than 84 peaches in the box; 
        (ii) Such peaches when packed in a No. 12B standard fruit (peach) 
    box are of a size that will pack, in accordance with the requirements 
    of standard pack, not more than 65 peaches in the box: or
        (iii) Such peaches in any container when packed other than as 
    specified in paragraph (a)(4)(i) and (ii) of this section are of a size 
    that a 16-pound sample, representative of the peaches in the package or 
    container, contains not more than 85 peaches.
        (5) Any package or container of Babcock, Crimson Lady, Crown 
    Princess, David Sun, Early May Crest, First Lady, Flavorcrest, Golden 
    Crest, Golden Lady, Honey Red, June Lady, June Sun, Kern Sun, 
    Kingscrest, Kings Red, May Crest, Merrill Gem, Merrill Gemfree, 
    Queencrest, Ray Crest, Redtop, Regina, Rich May, Royal May, Sierra 
    Crest, Snow Flame, Springcrest, Spring Lady, Summer Crest, or 50-178 
    variety of peaches unless:
        (i) Such peaches when packed in molded forms (tray pack) in a No. 
    22D standard lug box are of a size that will pack, in accordance with 
    the requirements of standard pack, not more than 80 peaches in the box; 
        (ii) Such peaches when packed in a No. 12B standard fruit (peach) 
    box are of a size that will pack, in accordance with the requirements 
    of standard pack, not more than 65 peaches in the box; or
        (iii) Such peaches in any container when packed other than as 
    specified in paragraph (a)(5)(i) and (ii) of this section are of a size 
    that a 16-pound sample, representative of the peaches in the package or 
    container, contains not more than 76 peaches.
        (6) Any package or container of Amber Crest, Angelus, August Sun, 
    Autumn Crest, Autumn Gem, Autumn Lady, Belmont, Berenda Sun, Blum's 
    Beauty, Cal Red, Carnival, Cassie, Champagne, Diamond Princess, Early 
    Elegant Lady, Early O'Henry, Elegant Lady, Fairmont, Fairtime, Fancy 
    Lady, Fay Elberta, Fire Red, Flamecrest, John Henry, June Pride, Kings 
    Lady, Lacey, Late Ito Red, Mary Ann, O'Henry, Parade, Prima Gattie, 
    Prima Lady, Rich Lady, Ryan Sun, Scarlet Lady, September Sun, Sierra 
    Lady, Snow Ball, Sparkle, Sprague Last Chance, Sugar Lady, Summer Lady, 
    Suncrest, Tra Zee, White Lady, or Zee Lady variety of peaches unless:
        (i) Such peaches when packed in molded forms (tray pack) in a No. 
    22D standard lug box are of a size that will pack in accordance with 
    the requirements of standard pack, not more than 72 peaches in the lug 
    box or if the peaches are ``well matured'' not more than 80 peaches in 
    the lug box.
        (ii) Such peaches when packed in a No. 12B standard fruit (peach) 
    box are of a size that will pack in accordance with the requirements of 
    standard pack, not more than 65 peaches in the lug box.
        (iii) Such peaches in any container when packed other than as 
    specified in paragraphs (a)(6) (i) and (ii) of this section are of a 
    size that a 16-pound sample, representative of the peaches in the 
    package or container, contains not more than 64 peaches or if the 
    peaches are ``well matured'' not more than 73 peaches.
        (b) During the period April 1 through June 30 of each fiscal 
    period, no handler shall handle any package or container of any variety 
    of peaches not specifically named in paragraphs (a)(2), (a)(3), (a)(4), 
    (a)(5), or (a)(6) of this section unless:
        (1) Such peaches when packed in molded forms (tray pack) in a No. 
    22D standard lug box are of a size that will pack in accordance with 
    the requirements of standard pack, not more than 96 peaches in the box; 
        (2) Such peaches when packed in a No. 12B standard fruit (peach) 
    box are of a size that will pack in accordance with the requirements of 
    standard pack, not more than 65 peaches in the box; or
        (3) Such peaches in any container when packed other than as 
    specified in paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this section are of a size 
    that a 16-pound sample, representative of the peaches in the package or 
    container, contains not more than 96 peaches.
        (c) During the period July 1 through October 31 of each fiscal 
    period, no handler shall handle any package or container of any variety 
    of peaches not specifically named in paragraphs (a)(2), (a)(3), (a)(4), 
    (a)(5), or (a)(6) of this section unless:
        (1) Such peaches when packed in molded forms (tray pack) in a No. 
    22D standard lug box are of a size that will pack in accordance with 
    the requirements of standard pack, not more than 80 peaches in the box; 
        (2) Such peaches when packed in a No. 12B standard fruit (peach) 
    box are of a size that will pack in accordance with the requirements of 
    standard pack, not more than 65 peaches in the box; or
        (3) Such peaches in any container when packed other than as 
    specified in paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this section are of a size 
    that a 16-pound sample, representative of the peaches in the package or 
    container, contains not more than 73 peaches.
        (d) The following procedure shall be used in determining whether 
    peaches meet the minimum size requirements specified for each size 
    category in this section applying a 16-pound sample. A sample 
    consisting of one-half of the number of fruit specified for a 16-pound 
    sample for a particular size category shall be used, provided such 
    sample weighs at least eight pounds. When one-half the specified number 
    of fruit in a sample results in a number ending with one-half a fruit, 
    the smaller full number of fruit shall be used to determine the sample 
    weight. If a sample fails with respect to minimum size requirements on 
    the basis of an 8-pound sample, a 16-pound sample shall be used to 
    determine if the fruit meets the minimum size requirements.
        (e) As used herein, ``U.S. No. 1'', ``mature'', and ``standard 
    pack'', mean the same as defined in the United States Standards for 
    Grades of Peaches (7 CFR 51.1210 through 51.1223); and ``No. 22D 
    standard lug box'' and ``No. 12B standard fruit (peach) box'' mean the 
    same as defined in section 1380.19 (18) of the ``Regulations of the 
    California Department of Food and Agriculture''. ``Well matured'' means 
    a condition distinctly more advanced than ``mature''.
        Dated: March 29, 1994.
    Robert C. Keeney,
    Deputy Director, Fruit and Vegetable Division.
    [FR Doc. 94-8032 Filed 4-5-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3410-02-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Agricultural Marketing Service
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Interim final rule with request for comments.
Document Number:
Effective April 1, 1994. Comments which are received by May 5, 1994 will be considered prior to issuance of any final rule.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: April 5, 1994, Docket No. FV94-916-1-IFR
CFR: (4)
7 CFR 916.350
7 CFR 916.356
7 CFR 917.442
7 CFR 917.459