94-8058. Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 65 (Tuesday, April 5, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-8058]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: April 5, 1994]
    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
    [Announcement 427]
    Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance
        The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announces the 
    availability of fiscal year (FY) 1994 funds for cooperative agreements 
    to: (1) Continue monitoring the prevalence of major behavioral risks 
    associated with the leading causes of premature death through the 
    Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS); and (2) Improve the 
    State capacity to analyze program data collected through the BRFSS and 
    ensure the use of analyzed data in program planning, monitoring, 
    evaluation, determining program priorities, policy development, 
    assessing trends, and targeting relevant population groups. Survey data 
    collection will continue to be encouraged and supported, but the 
    emphasis of this announcement is the analysis and routine use of 
    collected data and information to actively direct successful program 
        This announcement addresses two distinct levels of support. The 
    first is a Core Capacity Program, which consists of using BRFSS data 
    for planning, developing, integrating, coordinating and evaluating 
    chronic disease(s) prevention and control programs, and monitoring the 
    prevalence of major behavioral risks associated with leading causes of 
    premature death. The second is an Enhanced Program, which is intended 
    to increase State capacity to analyze BRFSS data and institutionalize 
    routine use of BRFSS data to develop meaningful interventions and 
    direct program development. Applicants may apply for a Core Capacity 
    Program or for both a Core Capacity Program and an Enhanced Program. 
    Enhanced Program awards will only be considered for those applicants 
    which successfully compete and are funded for Core Capacity Program 
        The Public Health Service (PHS) is committed to achieving the 
    health promotion and disease prevention objectives of ``Healthy People 
    2000,'' a PHS-led national activity to reduce morbidity and mortality 
    and improve the quality of life. This announcement is related to the 
    priority area, Surveillance Data Systems. (For ordering a copy of 
    ``Healthy People 2000,'' see the section Where to Obtain Additional 
        This program is authorized under section 317(k)(3) (42 U.S.C. 
    247b(k)(3)) of the Public Health Service Act, as amended.
    Smoke-Free Workplace
        The Public Health Service strongly encourages all cooperative 
    agreement recipients to provide a smoke-free workplace and promote the 
    non-use of all tobacco products. This is consistent with the PHS 
    mission to protect and advance the physical and mental health of the 
    American people.
    Eligible Applicants
        Assistance will be provided only to the official health departments 
    of States or their bona fide agents or instrumentalities. This includes 
    the District of Columbia, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of Puerto 
    Rico, the Virgin Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, the 
    Northern Mariana Islands, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the 
    Republic of Palau.
        Funding priority consideration for the Core Capacity Program will 
    be given to States currently funded for BRFSS.
        Eligible applicants have been restricted to official health 
    departments of States or their bona fide agents or instrumentalities 
        1. The conduct of statewide health promotion, health education and 
    risk reduction programs directed towards reducing the prevalence of 
    these behavioral risks in the population lie solely with State health 
        2. The methodology for the conduct of this program has been 
    structured to support the national goals/objectives put forth in 
    ``Healthy People 2000.'' In many instances, State health departments 
    have already embraced or established their own goals/objectives which 
    match or are synonymous with those outlined in ``Healthy People 2000.''
        The information gathered under the BRFSS is expected to be of use 
    to State health departments to support risk reduction and disease 
    prevention activities. Because comparable methods are used from State 
    to State and from year to year, States can compare risk factor 
    prevalence with other States and monitor the effects of interventions 
    over time. Also, the use of consistent methods in a large group of 
    States permits the assessment of geographic patterns of risk factor 
    prevalence. These telephone survey techniques can also be applied at 
    the community level to guide local efforts in reducing risk factor 
    prevalence. Combined, the behavioral risk factor survey and 
    surveillance data provide a new resource to guide State and local 
    disease prevention efforts.
    Availability of Funds
        Approximately $2,250,000 is available in FY 1994 to fund 
    approximately 50 awards in the following two categories:
    A. Core Capacity Program
        Approximately $2,000,000 is available to fund approximately 50 
    awards. It is expected that the average award will be $39,000 ranging 
    from $24,000 to $54,000.
    B. Enhanced Program
        Approximately $250,000 is available to fund approximately 10 
    awards. It is expected that the average award will be $25,000 ranging 
    from $10,000 to $40,000. Enhanced Program awards will only be 
    considered for those applicants which successfully compete and are 
    funded for Core Capacity Program awards.
        It is expected that the awards will begin on or about September 1, 
    1994, and will be made for a 12-month budget period within a project 
    period of up to 5 years. Funding estimates may vary and are subject to 
        Continuation awards within the project period will be made on the 
    basis of satisfactory progress and the availability of funds.
        The purpose of this program is to provide financial and 
    programmatic assistance to State health departments to maintain and 
    expand State specific BRFSS activities and permanently establish the 
    analysis and routine use of BRFSS data and information in directing 
    program planning, evaluating programs, determining program priorities, 
    developing policy, assessing trends, and targeting relevant population 
        Potential enhancement options envisioned by CDC would include the 
        1. Expansion of State data analytic capacity and capabilities to 
    produce information necessary to support chronic disease prevention and 
    control activities at the State and local level through collaboration 
    with State health department programs, universities, CDC supported 
    Prevention Centers, and other relevant organizations.
        2. Expansion of present interviewing capacity to provide pilot or 
    validity testing of surveillance questions or questionnaires.
        3. Expansion of data collection and sampling frames to include 
    point-in-time surveys or over sampling of minority or other targeted 
    high-risk populations.
        4. Expansion of data management, collection, and analysis 
    activities by acquisition of hardware and software compatible with CDC 
        5. Participation in testing of newly designed sampling procedures 
    to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and strengthen statistical power.
        6. Expanded or innovative proposals by the State designed to meet 
    an identified program need, enhance State data analysis capability, and 
    promote the routine use and dissemination of analyzed data in the 
    development of chronic disease program interventions and in directing 
    chronic disease program management decisions.
    Program Requirements
        In conducting activities to achieve the purpose of this program, 
    the recipient shall be responsible for the activities under A., below, 
    and CDC shall be responsible for conducting activities under B., below:
    A. Recipient Activities
        1. Formulate a plan for the development, implementation, and 
    conduct of a BRFSS mechanism which conforms to recommended standards, 
    or continue current BRFSS data collection activities in conformance 
    with the BRFSS Operations Manual. (For ordering a copy of the BRFSS 
    Operations Manual, see the section Where to Obtain Additional 
        2. Develop and implement plans and written procedures for ongoing 
    analysis of behavioral risk factor data statewide and for selected 
    local areas.
        3. Develop and implement plans and written procedures to ensure the 
    routine use of analyzed BRFSS data in directing program planning, 
    evaluating programs, determining program priorities, developing 
    specific interventions, developing policy, assessing trends, and 
    targeting relevant population groups.
        4. Develop and implement plans for the use of BRFSS to address 
    emergency or critical chronic disease issues which may arise within the 
        5. Develop and implement procedures to increase collaboration with 
    and among State, local, and, as appropriate, national public, private, 
    voluntary, profit and non-profit agencies, organizations, and 
    universities which analyze data or seek to reduce chronic disease 
    morbidity and mortality.
        6. Develop and maintain staff with the capability and expertise 
    necessary to carry out proposed program activities.
    B. CDC Activities
        1. Collaborate and assist in the compilation of specific risk 
    factor information related to the leading causes of State morbidity and 
    mortality in a periodic, standardized, and uniform manner.
        2. Collaborate and assist in State staff training related to data 
    collection, data analysis, interpretation, and utilization.
        3. Assist in the development of program intervention strategies and 
    evaluation of program impact.
        4. Assist in the coordination of program activities among relevant 
    agencies and in the assessment of achievement of program and Year 2000 
        5. Coordinate and facilitate the interchange of technical 
    information among cooperative agreement recipients.
    Evaluation Criteria
        Core Capacity Program and Enhanced Program applications will be 
    allocated 100 points each and will be reviewed and evaluated according 
    to the following criteria:
    A. Background and Need
        The extent to which the applicant justifies the need for the 
    program. (Core 15 Points--Enhanced 20 Points)
    B. Goals and Objectives
        The extent to which (1) stated goal(s) are specific, measurable, 
    realistic, and time-phased, (2) Objectives are related to Background 
    and Need issues or Year 2000 objectives, and (3) There is a timetable 
    for accomplishment of goals and objectives. (Core 10 Points--Enhanced 
    10 Points)
    C. Data Use Plan
        The extent to which the plan describes current or proposed data 
    collection activities, methods employed for collection, and methods for 
    using data to develop interventions and measure program achievements. 
    (Core 25 Points--Enhanced 40 Points)
    D. Management and Staffing
        The extent to which the applicant identifies staff and other 
    entities having the responsibility and authority to carry out program 
    activities, as evidenced by job descriptions, resumes, organizational 
    charts, and letters of support. (Core 15 Points--Enhanced 10 Points)
    E. Capacity
        The extent to which the applicant demonstrates the organizational 
    capacity and ability to address the identified needs and to develop and 
    conduct program activities. (Core 20 Points--Enhanced 10 Points)
    F. Evaluation
        The feasibility of the evaluation methods or procedures to monitor 
    proposed activities, and the evaluation criteria to measure program 
    accomplishments. (Core 15 Points--Enhanced 10 Points)
    G. Budget
        The extent to which the budget and justification are consistent 
    with the stated objectives and program purpose. (Not Weighted)
    Executive Order 12372 Review
        Applications are subject to Intergovernmental Review of Federal 
    Programs governed by Executive Order (E.O.) 12372. E.O. 12372 set up a 
    system for State and local government review of proposed Federal 
    assistance applications. Applicants should contact their State Single 
    Point of Contact (SPOC) as early as possible to alert them to the 
    prospective applications and receive the necessary instructions on the 
    State process. For proposed projects serving more than one State, the 
    applicant is advised to contact the SPOC for each affected State. A 
    current list of SPOCs is included in the application kit. If SPOCs have 
    any State process recommendations on applications submitted CDC, they 
    should send them to Edwin L. Dixon, Grants Management Officer, Grants 
    Management Branch, Procurement and Grants Office, Centers for Disease 
    Control and Prevention (CDC), 255 East Paces Ferry Road, NE., Atlanta, 
    GA 30305, no later than 60 days after the application deadline date. 
    The Program Announcement Number and Program Title should be referenced 
    on the document. The granting agency does not guarantee to 
    ``accommodate or explain'' State process recommendations it receives 
    after that date.
    Public Health System Reporting Requirements
        This program is not subject to the Public Health System Reporting 
    Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number
        The catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance number is 93.945.
    Other Requirements
    HIV/AIDS Requirements
        Recipients must comply with the document entitled: Content of AIDS-
    Related Written Materials, Pictorials, Audiovisuals, Questionnaires, 
    Survey Instruments, and Educational Sessions (June 1992), a copy of 
    which is included in the application kit. To meet the requirements for 
    a program review panel, recipients are encouraged to use an existing 
    program review panel, such as the one created by the State health 
    department's HIV/AIDS prevention program. If the recipient forms its 
    own program review panel, at least one member must be an employee (or a 
    designated representative) of a State or local health department. The 
    names of the review panel members must be listed on the Assurance of 
    Compliance Form CDC 0.1113, which is also included in the application 
    kit. The recipient must submit the program review panel's report that 
    indicates all materials have been reviewed and approved.
    Application Submission and Deadline
        The original and two copies of the application PHS Form-5161-1 
    (Rev. 7/92) must be submitted to Edwin L. Dixon, Grants Management 
    Officer, Grants Management Branch, Procurement and Grants Office, 
    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 255 East Paces Ferry 
    Road, NE., Room 314, Mailstop E-18, Atlanta, GA 30305, on or before May 
    9, 1994.
        1. Deadline: Applications will be considered to meet the deadline 
    if they are either:
        (a) Received on or before the deadline date: or
        (b) Sent on or before the deadline date and received in time for 
    submission to the independent review group. (Applicant must request a 
    legibly dated U.S. Postal Service postmark or obtain a legibly dated 
    receipt from a commercial carrier or the U.S. Postal Service. Private 
    metered postmarks will not be accepted as proof of timely mailing.)
        2. Late Applications: Applications which do not meet the above 
    criteria in 1.(a) or 1.(b) above are considered late applications. Late 
    applications will not be considered in the current competition and will 
    be returned to the applicant.
    Where To Obtain Additional Information
        A complete program description, information on application 
    procedures, an application package, and business management technical 
    assistance may be obtained from Nealean K. Austin, Grants Management 
    Specialist, Grants Management Branch, Procurement and Grants Office, 
    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 255 East Paces Ferry 
    Road, NE., Room 314, Mailstop E-18, Atlanta, GA 30305, telephone (404) 
    842-6508. Programmatic technical assistance and a copy of the BRFSS 
    Operations Manual may be obtained from Michael Waller, Program Manager, 
    Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Branch, Office of Surveillance and 
    Analysis, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health 
    Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1600 
    Clifton Road, NE., Mailstop K-30, Atlanta, GA, 30333, telephone (404) 
        Please refer to Announcement Number 427 when requesting information 
    and submitting an application.
        Potential applicants may obtain a copy of ``Healthy People 2000'' 
    (Full Report; Stock No. 017-001-00474-0) or ``Healthy People 2000'' 
    (Summary Report; Stock No. 017-001-00473-1) referenced in the 
    Introduction through the Superintendent of Documents, Government 
    Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402-9325, telephone (202) 783-3238.
        Dated: March 30, 1994.
    Robert L. Foster,
    Acting Associate Director for Management and Operations, Centers for 
    Disease Control and Prevention.
    [FR Doc. 94-8058 Filed 4-4-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4163-18-P

Document Information

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Document Number:
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: April 5, 1994, Announcement 427