96-8481. Agency Information Collection Activities up for Renewal  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 67 (Friday, April 5, 1996)]
    [Pages 15246-15251]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-8481]
    Agency Information Collection Activities up for Renewal
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Notice.
    SUMMARY: In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 
    et seq.), this notice announces that EPA is planning to submit the 
    following continuing Information Collection Request (ICR) to the Office 
    of Management and Budget (OMB). Before submitting the ICR to OMB for 
    review and approval, EPA is soliciting comments on specific aspects of 
    the proposed information collection as described below.
    DATES: Comments must be submitted on or before June 4, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: Oil Program Center, 401 M Street SW (5203G), Washington, DC 
    20460. Materials relevant to this ICR may be inspected from 8:30 a.m. 
    to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, by visiting Public Docket No. 
    SPCC-4, located at 1235 Jefferson Davis Highway (ground floor), 
    Arlington, Virginia. A reasonable fee may be charged for copying docket 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kevin Mould, (703) 603-8728. Facsimile 
    number: (703) 603-9116. Electronic address: 
    mould.kevin@epamail.epa.gov. Note that questions but not comments will 
    be accepted electronically.
    Affected Entities
        The Oil Pollution Prevention regulation applies only to non-
    transportation-related facilities that could reasonably be expected to 
    discharge oil into or upon the navigable waters of the U.S. or 
    adjoining shorelines, and that have: (1) A total underground buried 
    storage capacity of more than 42,000 gallons; or (2) A total 
    aboveground oil storage capacity of more than 1,320 gallons, or an 
    aboveground oil storage capacity of more than 660 gallons in a single 
        The specific private industry sectors expected to be affected by 
    this action include: (1) large oil distribution (SIC 28/29/5171); (2) 
    oil production (SIC 131); (3) transportation and utilities (SIC 401/
    411/413/414/417/42/448/449/458/46/491); (4) other manufacturing (SIC 20 
    - 39); (5) small oil distribution/auto services (SIC 554/5983/751); (6) 
    mining and construction (SIC 12/14/15/16/17); (7) commercial and 
    institutional services (SIC 801/802/803/804/805/806/807/821/822/97); 
    (8) food manufacturing (SIC 20); and (9) farming (SIC 01/02).
        ``Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans,'' OMB 
    Control Number: 2050-0021. EPA Control Number: 328. Expiration Date: 
    September 30, 1996.
        Under Section 311 of the Clean Water Act, EPA's Oil Pollution 
    Prevention regulation requires facilities to prepare and implement SPCC 
    Plans to help ``minimize the potential for oil discharges.'' This 
    regulation is codified at 40 CFR Part 112. The SPCC Plan must be ``a 
    carefully thought-out plan, prepared in accordance with good 
    engineering practices.'' Preparation of the SPCC Plan requires that a 
    facility's staff analyze how the facility will prevent oil discharges, 
    thereby encouraging appropriate facility design and operations. The 
    information in the SPCC Plan also promotes efficient response in the 
    event of a discharge. Finally, proper maintenance of the SPCC Plan will 
    promote important spill-reducing measures, facilitate leak detection, 
    and generally ensure that the facility is at peak capability for 
    deterring discharges. The specific activities and reasons for the 
    information collection are described below.
    New Plan
        Preparation of the Plan, required under Sec. 112.3, involves 
    several tasks, mostly conducted by the facility's technical personnel. 
    These tasks include: field investigations to understand facility design 
    and possible failures and to predict the flow paths of spilled oil and 
    the potential harm that the spilled oil would have on nearby navigable 
    waters; a regulatory review to ensure that personnel are fully aware of 
    all requirements and limitations imposed in the rule; an evaluation of 
    the current spill prevention and control practices employed by the 
    facility; preparation of the Plan according to the specifications of 
    Sec. 112.7; and certification by a Registered Professional Engineer 
    Modification of Plan
        Under Sec. 112.5(a), the SPCC Plan must be amended whenever there 
    is a change in the facility's design, construction, operation, and 
    maintenance that materially affects the facility's potential to 
    discharge oil into navigable waters or onto adjoining shorelines. The 
    amended Plan must also be certified by a P.E.
    Triennial Review
        Under Sec. 112.5(b) owners or operators of regulated facilities 
    must review and evaluate the Plan at least once every three years. This 
    involves review of spill prevention and control procedures being 
    implemented under the current Plan, as well as a regulatory review. 
    Facility owners/operators must amend the SPCC Plan within six months of 
    the review to include more effective prevention and control technology 
    if: (1) such technology will significantly reduce the likelihood of a 
    spill event; and (2) such technology has been field-
    [[Page 15247]]
    proven at the time of the review. If amended, the Plan must also be 
    certified by a P.E.
    Oil Discharge
        Under Sec. 112.4, in the event of certain oil discharges, facility 
    owner/operators must submit information to the Regional Administrator 
    within 60 days. Discharges of oil that trigger the reporting 
    requirements are: (1) a single spill event of more than 1,000 U.S. 
    gallons into navigable waters; or (2) two or more spills (in a 12 month 
    period) of harmful quantities as defined in 40 CFR Part 110.
        Submitting a Plan after a discharge involves time to collect the 
    required information, as well as time for review by management. The 
    facility must also submit a copy of this information to the appropriate 
    state agency in charge of water pollution control activities. After the 
    Regional Administrator and the appropriate state agency have reviewed 
    the Plan, the Regional Administrator may require amendment of the SPCC 
    Plan. The amended Plan must be certified by a P.E. prior to 
    implementation. Facilities may appeal a decision made by the Regional 
    Administrator requiring an amendment to an SPCC Plan.
        Under Sec. 112.3, the facility owner/operator must maintain a copy 
    of the SPCC Plan at the facility, or under certain circumstances, at 
    the nearest field office. The Plan must be available for review during 
    normal working hours. In addition, facilities must maintain (and 
    update) records of Plan-specific inspections as outlined under 
    Sec. 112.7(e).
    Purpose of Data Collection
        EPA does not collect the information required by the Oil Pollution 
    Prevention regulation (i.e., the SPCC Plan) on a routine basis. 
    Preparation, implementation, and maintenance of the SPCC Plan by the 
    facility help prevent oil discharges, and mitigate the environmental 
    damage caused by such discharges. Therefore, the primary user of the 
    data is the facility itself. For example:
        (i) As facility staff accumulate the necessary data, they must 
    analyze the facility's capability to prevent oil discharges, facilitate 
    safety awareness, and promote appropriate modifications to facility 
    design and operations;
        (ii) Because facility staff keep the required information in a 
    single document, they can respond efficiently in the event of a 
        (iii) To implement the Plan according to the specifications of 
    Sec. 112.7, the facility must meet certain design and operational 
    standards that reduce the likelihood of an oil discharge;
        (iv) Inspection records help facilities to promote important 
    maintenance, facilitate leak detection, and demonstrate compliance with 
    the SPCC requirements; and
        (v) When facility staff review the Plan every three years, they 
    ensure the implementation of more effective spill prevention control 
        Although the facility is the primary data user, EPA also uses the 
    data in certain situations. EPA primarily uses SPCC plan data to ensure 
    that facilities comply with the regulation, including design and 
    operation specifications and inspection requirements. EPA reviews SPCC 
    Plans: (1) when facilities submit the Plans because of oil discharges, 
    and (2) as part of EPA's inspection program. State and local 
    governments also use the data, which is not necessarily available 
    elsewhere and can greatly assist local emergency preparedness planning 
    efforts. Coordination with state governments is facilitated when, after 
    certain spill events, a facility sends a copy of the SPCC Plan and 
    additional information on the spill to the relevant state agency.
        EPA recognizes that additional data would help to better 
    demonstrate the effectiveness of the program and better understand the 
    nature of the threat of oil pollution posed by facilities regulated 
    under the SPCC program. As such, in 1995 EPA surveyed a random sample 
    of potentially regulated facilities that represent the diverse range of 
    facilities that produce, use, or store oil products. EPA is currently 
    analyzing the survey results related to facility-specific information, 
    such as the size, type, and location of the facility; the size, number 
    and type of storage tanks; spill prevention systems; and the number and 
    size of oil discharges.
        The survey results should provide data to address a number of 
    program issues, including:
        (i) The verification of general information about the regulated 
    community, such as the number and type of facilities subject to the 
    regulation; and
        (ii) The estimation of the extent to which spills vary with 
    characteristics of facilities.
        The survey should provide data to characterize the difference in 
    spill rates and volumes released from various categories of facilities.
        The results of this characterization, combined with data on 
    regulatory compliance costs, should help the Agency to evaluate the 
    effectiveness of the SPCC program and to consider appropriate revisions 
    to regulatory requirements. Also, survey data may help to address 
    important analytical issues, such as the extent to which secondary 
    containment systems (e.g., dikes) prevent spills from reaching 
    navigable waters.\1\
        \1\ See pages 3-3 to 3-5 of the ``Regulatory Impact Analysis of 
    the Proposed Revisions to the Oil Pollution Prevention Regulation 
    (40 CFR Part 112)'' (Emergency Response Division, EPA, February 
    1993) for a discussion about the quality of the oil spill data 
    provided by ERNS and the uncertainties in using these data.
        As part of the Agency's efforts to reduce the overall paperwork 
    burden on regulated facilities, EPA would like to solicit comments on 
    how the Agency could best reduce the total paperwork burden hours for 
    this rule while maintaining an effective level of environmental 
        EPA would also like to solicit public comments to:
        (i) Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is 
    necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Agency, 
    including whether the information will have practical utility;
        (ii) Evaluate the accuracy of the Agency's estimate of the burden 
    of the proposed collection of information, including the validity of 
    the methodology and assumptions used;
        (iii) Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information 
    to be collected; and
        (iv) Minimize the burden of the collection of information on those 
    who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated 
    electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques, 
    or other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting electronic 
    submission of responses.
    Burden Statement
        This notice first presents the estimated number of existing and new 
    storage and production facilities regulated under the Oil Pollution 
    Prevention Regulation. Next, the estimated burden hours and costs to 
    facilities to perform required actions are presented. Finally, the 
    estimated total annual burden hours and costs for all facilities to 
    comply with the requirements of this regulation are presented. The 
    burden hours shown for each action represent the hours in both the 
    existing ICR and the ICR renewal, since the renewal of the request does 
    not change the burden hours associated with each activity. Costs have 
    been updated to December 31, 1995 dollars.
    [[Page 15248]]
        As of January 1996, approximately 459,000 existing facilities are 
    assumed to be regulated under the SPCC program with approximately 4,590 
    new facilities joining the program in 1996. These numbers are based on 
    the previous ICR estimate of 450,630 facilities. A one percent annual 
    growth rate in the number of facilities is assumed.\2\ For purposes of 
    this ICR, all facilities were grouped into two distinct categories: 
    production facilities (facilities whose operations and oil storage 
    activities are exclusively limited to oil production) and storage 
    facilities (all other SPCC-regulated facilities whose operations do not 
    include oil production). This categorization of facilities reflects 
    differences in the estimated burden of compliance activities depending 
    on the nature of the facility's operations.
        \2\ ``Renewal of Information Collection Request for the Oil 
    Pollution Prevention Regulation (40 CFR Part 112),'' 1994.
        The current ICR assumes that storage facilities make up 61 percent 
    of small facilities, 38 percent of medium facilities, and all large 
    facilities, production facilities make up 39 percent of small 
    facilities and 62 percent of medium facilities. The definitions of a 
    small, medium, and large facility are based on oil storage capacity and 
    are defined as follows based on the Agency's 1991 SPCC Facilities Study 
        \3\ ``SPCC Facilities Study,'' January 1991.
        (i) Small facility--a facility that has aboveground storage 
    capacity greater than 1,320 gallons (or 660 gallons in a single 
    container), but less than or equal to 42,000 gallons;
        (ii) Medium facility--a facility that has total (aboveground or 
    underground) storage capacity greater than 42,000 gallons but less than 
    or equal to one million gallons; and
        (iii) Large facility--a facility that has total storage capacity 
    greater than one million gallons.
        The estimated number of existing and new storage and production 
    facilities in 1996 are shown in Exhibits 1 and 2.
               Exhibit 1.--Estimated Number of Existing Facilities          
                                    Small      Medium     Large      Total  
    Storage.....................    227,749     30,909      4,791    263,449
    Production..................    145,272     50,691          0    195,963
          Total.................    373,021     81,600      4,791    459,412
                 Exhibit 2.--Estimated Number of New Facilities             
                                    Small      Medium     Large      Total  
    Storage.....................      2,277        309         48      2,634
    Production..................      1,453        507          0      1,960
          Total.................      3,730        816         48      4,594
        The facility cost estimates for each category of activities are 
    based on hourly wage rates for managerial ($38.72), technical ($28.37), 
    and clerical ($17.48) work. Each exhibit presents separate burden 
    estimates for small, medium, and large storage and production 
        Exhibits 3 through 8 summarize the estimated facility burden 
    associated with performing each separate task associated with an SPCC 
    Plan. Not all of the activities will be performed on an annual basis by 
    all facilities.
    New Plan
        Exhibit 3 presents the estimated burden and costs for a facility to 
    perform the activities associated with preparing an SPCC Plan. All new 
    facilities must prepare and implement an SPCC Plan.
                          Exhibit 3.--Estimated Burden Hours and Costs--Preparation of New Plan                     
                                                                  Burden hours                                      
                                                    ---------------------------------------    Burden               
                    Type of facility                  Managerial   Technical     Clerical      hours         Cost   
                                                      $38.72/hr.   $28.37/hr.   $17.48/hr.                          
        Small......................................          6.0         25.0          4.0         35.0       $1,012
        Medium.....................................          6.0         44.0          6.0         56.0        1,586
        Large......................................          6.0         76.0          8.0         90.0        2,528
        Small......................................          6.0         28.0          4.0         38.0        1,097
        Medium.....................................          6.0         46.0          6.0         58.0        1,642
        Large......................................          6.0         77.0          8.0         90.0        2,557
    Modification of Plan
        Exhibit 4 presents the burden hours and costs for a facility to 
    revise an SPCC Plan after any modification that materially affects the 
    facility's potential to discharge oil into navigable waters. An 
    estimated ten percent of facilities will need to modify their SPCC 
    Plans each year.
    [[Page 15249]]
                        Exhibit 4.--Estimated Annual Burden Hours and Costs--Modification of Plan                   
                                                                  Burden hours                                      
                                                    ---------------------------------------    Burden               
                    Type of facility                  Managerial   Technical     Clerical      hours         Cost   
                                                      $38.72/hr.   $28.37/hr.   $17.48/hr.                          
        Small......................................          0.0          4.5          1.0          5.5         $145
        Medium.....................................          0.0          4.5          1.0          5.5          145
        Large......................................          0.0          4.5          1.0          5.5          145
        Small......................................          0.0          4.5          1.0          5.5          145
        Medium.....................................          0.0          4.5          1.0          5.5          145
        Large......................................          0.0          4.5          1.0          5.5          145
    Triennial Review
        Exhibits 5 and 6 present the estimated burden hours and costs for a 
    facility to complete a triennial review, with and without amendment. As 
    a result of the review process, the facility may need to amend its 
    Plan, incurring additional costs. Annual burdens and costs per facility 
    are one-third of the values in Exhibits 5 and 6. An estimated three 
    percent of all existing facilities will need to amend their Plans each 
                      Exhibit 5.--Estimated Burden Hours and Costs--Triennial Review--No Amendment                  
                                                                  Burden hours                                      
                                                    ---------------------------------------    Burden               
                    Type of facility                  Managerial   Technical     Clerical      hours         Cost   
                                                      $38.72/hr.   $28.37/hr.   $17.48/hr.                          
        Small......................................          1.0          2.5          0.5          4.0         $118
        Medium.....................................          1.0          4.5          1.0          6.5          184
        Large......................................          1.0          9.0          1.0         10.0          283
        Small......................................          1.0          3.5          0.5          5.0          147
        Medium.....................................          1.0          5.5          1.0          7.5          212
        Large......................................          1.0          8.0          1.0         11.0          312
                        Exhibit 6.--Estimated Burden Hours and Costs--Triennial Review--Amendment                   
                                                                  Burden hours                                      
                                                    ---------------------------------------    Burden               
                    Type of facility                  Managerial   Technical     Clerical      hours         Cost   
                                                      $38.72/hr.   $28.37/hr.   $17.48/hr.                          
        Small......................................          1.0          7.0          2.0         10.0         $272
        Medium.....................................          1.0          9.0          2.0         12.0          329
        Large......................................          1.0         12.5          2.0         15.5          428
        Small......................................          1.0          8.0          2.0         11.0          301
        Medium.....................................          1.0         10.0          2.0         13.0          357
        Large......................................          1.0         13.5          2.0         16.5          457
    Oil Discharge
        Exhibit 7 presents estimated burden hours and costs for a facility 
    to submit information to the Regional Administrator in the event of 
    certain discharges of oil into navigable waters. It is assumed that the 
    probability of a facility having such a spill in any given year is 0.15 
                               Exhibit 7.--Estimated Burden Hours and Costs--Oil Discharge                          
                                                                  Burden hours                                      
                                                    ---------------------------------------    Burden               
                    Type of facility                  Managerial   Technical     Clerical      hours         Cost   
                                                      $38.72/hr.   $28.37/hr.   $17.48/hr.                          
        Small......................................          1.0          1.0          0.0          2.0          $67
        Medium.....................................          1.0          1.0          0.0          2.0           67
        Large......................................          1.0          1.0          0.0          2.0           67
        Small......................................          1.0          1.0          0.0          2.0           67
        Medium.....................................          1.0          1.0          0.0          2.0           67
    [[Page 15250]]
        Large......................................          1.0          1.0          0.0          2.0           67
        Exhibit 8 presents the burden hours and costs for a facility to 
    perform Plan maintenance and Plan-specific recordkeeping activities. 
    All regulated facilities are subject to these requirements.
                               Exhibit 8.--Estimated Burden Hours and Costs--Recordkeeping                          
                                                                  Burden hours                                      
                                                    ---------------------------------------    Burden               
                    Type of facility                  Managerial   Technical     Clerical      hours         Cost   
                                                      $38.72/hr.   $28.37/hr.   $17.48/hr.                          
        Small......................................          0.0          2.0          0.5          2.5          $65
        Medium.....................................          0.0          4.5          0.5          5.0          136
        Large......................................          0.0          9.5          0.5         10.0          278
        Small......................................          0.0          3.0          0.5          3.5           94
        Medium.....................................          0.0          3.0          0.5          3.5           94
        Large......................................          0.0          3.0          0.5          3.5           94
    Annual Expected Facility Burden
        The total annual burden per facility reflects the sum of the annual 
    burdens incurred by the facility for each category of activities 
    outlined above. The estimated annual burden for an existing facility is 
    shown in Exhibit 9. Exhibit 10 presents the estimated annual burden for 
    a new facility.
                     Exhibit 9.--Estimated Burden Hours and Costs per Facility--Existing Facilities                 
                                                              Annual burden hours                                   
                                                    ---------------------------------------    Total                
                    Type of facility                  Managerial   Technical     Clerical      burden    Annual cost
                                                      $38.72/hr.   $28.37/hr.   $17.48/hr.     hours                
        Small......................................          0.3          3.3          0.8          4.4         $121
        Medium.....................................          0.3          6.5          0.9          7.7          214
        Large......................................          0.3         12.7          0.9         13.9          389
        Small......................................          0.3          4.7          0.8          5.8          159
        Medium.....................................          0.3          5.3          0.9          6.5          181
        Large......................................          0.3          6.5          0.9          7.7          214
                    Exhibit 10.--Estimated Annual Burden Hours and Costs per Facility--New Facilities               
                                                              Annual burden hours                                   
                                                    ---------------------------------------    Total                
                    Type of facility                  Managerial   Technical     Clerical      burden    Annual cost
                                                      $38.72/hr    $28.37/hr    $17.48/hr      hours                
        Small......................................          6.0         27.5          4.6         38.1       $1,092
        Medium.....................................          6.0         49.0          6.6         61.6        1,737
        Large......................................          6.0         86.0          8.6        100.6        2,821
        Small......................................          6.0         31.5          4.6         42.1        1,205
        Medium.....................................          6.0         49.5          6.6         62.1        1,751
        Large......................................          6.0         80.5          8.6         95.1        2,665
    Total Annual Expected Facility Burdens
        The total annual burdens for all existing facilities and all new 
    facilities are shown in Exhibits 11 and 12. The approximately 459,000 
    existing facilities will incur a combined burden of about 2.5 million 
    hours and $68 million. In addition, around 4,590 new facilities will 
    incur a combined burden of 207,000 hours and $5.8 million. The total 
    annual reporting and recordkeeping burden to the regulated community as 
    a result of the SPCC Program is estimated to be approximately 2.7 
    million hours at a cost of about $74 million.
    [[Page 15251]]
                      Exhibit 11.--Estimated Annual Burden Hours and Costs--All Existing Facilities                 
                                                              Annual burden hours              Total                
                    Type of facility                ---------------------------------------    burden    Annual cost
                                                      Managerial   Technical     Clerical      hours                
        Small......................................       75,157      758,404       17,644    1,013,485  $27,581,027
        Medium.....................................       10,200      200,909       29,054      240,163    6,607,489
        Large......................................        1,581       60,654        4,504       66,739    1,862,563
        Small......................................       47,940      676,968      113,312      838,220   23,088,383
        Medium.....................................       16,728      270,183       47,650      334,561    9,158,414
        Large......................................            0            0            0            0            0
          Total....................................      151,606    1,967,118      212,164    2,493,168   68,297,876
                        Exhibit 12.--Estimated Annual Burden Hours and Costs--All New Facilities                    
                                                              Annual burden hours              Total                
                    Type of facility                ---------------------------------------    burden    Annual cost
                                                      Managerial   Technical     Clerical      hours                
        Small......................................       13,662       62,504       10,474       86,640   $2,486,233
        Medium.....................................        1,854       15,126        2,039       19,019      536,768
        Large......................................          288        4,126          413        4,827      135,181
        Small......................................        8,718       45,697        6,684       61,099    1,750,741
        Medium.....................................        3,042       25,071        3,346       31,459      887,491
        Large......................................            0            0            0            0            0
          Total....................................       27,564      152,524       22,956      203,044    5,796,414
        No person is required to respond to a collection of information 
    unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB 
    control numbers for EPA's regulations are displayed at 40 CFR Part 9.
        Send comments regarding these matters, or any other aspects of the 
    information collection, including suggestions for reducing the burden, 
    to the address listed above under ADDRESSES near the top of this 
        Dated: April 1, 1996.
    Elaine F. Davies,
    Acting Director, Office of Emergency and Remedial Response.
    [FR Doc. 96-8481 Filed 4-4-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Document Number:
Comments must be submitted on or before June 4, 1996.
15246-15251 (6 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File: