96-8358. Federal Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Standard; Final Listing of Model Year 1997 High-Theft Vehicle Lines  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 68 (Monday, April 8, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 15390-15394]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-8358]
    National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
    49 CFR Part 541
    [Docket No. 96-17; Notice 01]
    RIN: 2127-AG34
    Federal Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Standard; Final Listing of 
    Model Year 1997 High-Theft Vehicle Lines
    AGENCY: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 
    Department of Transportation.
    [[Page 15391]]
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: This final rule announces NHTSA's determination, for Model 
    Year (MY) 1997, of high-theft vehicle lines that will be subject to the 
    parts-marking requirements of the Federal motor vehicle theft 
    prevention standard and high-theft lines that will be exempted from the 
    parts-marking requirements because the vehicles are equipped with 
    agency-approved antitheft devices, pursuant to the statute relating to 
    motor vehicle theft prevention.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: The amendment made by this final rule is effective 
    April 8, 1996.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Rosalind Proctor, Motor Vehicle 
    Theft Group, Office of Planning and Consumer Programs, NHTSA, 400 
    Seventh Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20590. Ms. Proctor's telephone 
    number is (202) 366-0846. Her fax number is (202) 493-2739.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The ``Anti Car Theft Act of 1992'' amended 
    the law relating to the parts-marking of major component parts on 
    designated high-theft vehicle lines and other motor vehicles. One 
    amendment made by the Anti Car Theft Act was to 49 U.S.C. 33101(10), 
    where the definition of ``passenger motor vehicle'' now includes a 
    ``multipurpose passenger vehicle or light duty truck when that vehicle 
    or truck is rated at not more than 6,000 pounds gross vehicle weight.'' 
    Since ``passenger motor vehicle'' was previously defined to include 
    passenger cars only, the effect of the Anti Car Theft Act is that 
    certain multipurpose passenger vehicle (MPV) and light-duty truck (LDT) 
    lines may be determined to be high-theft vehicles, subject to the 
    Federal motor vehicle theft prevention standard (49 CFR Part 541).
        The purpose of the Theft Prevention Standard is to reduce the 
    incidence of motor vehicle theft by facilitating the tracing and 
    recovery of parts from stolen vehicles. The standard seeks to 
    facilitate such tracing by requiring that vehicle identification 
    numbers (VINs), VIN derivative numbers, or other symbols be placed on 
    major component vehicle parts. The Theft Prevention Standard requires 
    motor vehicle manufacturers to inscribe or affix VINs onto covered 
    original equipment major component parts and to inscribe or affix a 
    symbol identifying the manufacturer and a common symbol identifying the 
    replacement component parts for those original equipment parts on all 
    vehicle lines selected as high-theft.
        Another amendment made by the Anti Car Theft Act was to 49 U.S.C. 
    33103. This section required NHTSA to promulgate a parts-marking 
    standard applicable to major parts installed by manufacturers of 
    ``passenger motor vehicles (other than light duty trucks) in not to 
    exceed one-half of the lines not designated under section 33104 as 
    high-theft lines.'' NHTSA published the final rule amending 49 CFR Part 
    541, which now includes the definitions of MPV and LDT, and major 
    component parts. (See 59 F.R. 64164, December 13, 1995). In carrying 
    out section 33103, NHTSA reviewed theft rates of the 231 vehicle lines 
    that were listed in the 1990/91 theft rate data. (See 59 F.R. 12400, 
    March 16, 1994) A total of 116 vehicle lines (any line rated a number 
    116 or lower) was in the eligible pool of lines potentially subject to 
    parts-marking pursuant to section 33103.
        Pursuant to the statutory mandate, NHTSA removed all light-duty 
    truck lines from the eligible pool. Section 33103(a) further directs 
    NHTSA to select only lines ``not designated under section 33104 of this 
    title as high theft lines.'' Thus, the agency removed any passenger 
    motor vehicle line that NHTSA had previously determined to be high 
    theft. After removing the ineligible lines, the agency determined that 
    there were 57 lines below the median still eligible for selection under 
    section 33103. Out of the 57 below-median lines left, the agency 
    designated the 45 lines with the highest theft rates to be marked 
    pursuant to section 33103 and section 33104(a)(1)(C).
        49 U.S.C. 33104(a)(3) specifies that NHTSA shall select high-theft 
    vehicle lines with the agreement of the manufacturer, if possible. 
    Section 33104(d) provides that once a line has been designated as 
    likely high-theft, it remains subject to the Theft Prevention Standard 
    unless that line is exempted under Section 33106. Section 33106 
    provides that a manufacturer may petition to have a high-theft line 
    exempted from the requirements of section 33104, if the line is 
    equipped with an antitheft device as standard equipment. The exemption 
    is granted if NHTSA determines that the antitheft device is likely to 
    be as effective as compliance with the Theft Prevention Standard in 
    reducing and deterring motor vehicle thefts.
        The agency annually publishes the names of the lines that were 
    previously listed as high-theft and the lines that are being listed for 
    the first time and will be subject to the Theft Prevention Standard 
    beginning with MY 1997. It also identifies those lines that are 
    exempted from the Theft Prevention Standard for the 1997 model year 
    because of standard equipment antitheft devices.
        For MY 1997, the agency selected nine new vehicle lines as likely 
    to be high-theft lines, in accordance with the procedures published in 
    49 CFR Part 542. Of these newly selected lines, six have been exempted 
    by the agency from the parts-marking requirements of Part 541. The 
    three lines that have not been exempted are the Honda Passport, Honda 
    CRV, and Toyota RAV4. In addition to these newly selected lines, 45 
    existing vehicle lines were added that fell below the median. Further, 
    this listing of high-theft vehicles includes all those lines that were 
    selected as high-theft and listed for prior model years.
        The list of lines that have been exempted by the agency from the 
    parts-marking requirements of Part 541 includes high-theft lines newly 
    exempted in full beginning with MY 1997. The six vehicle lines newly 
    exempted in full are the BMW 5 Car Line, General Motors Chevrolet 
    Cavalier, Honda Acura CLX, Jaguar XK8, Nissan Infiniti QX4, and 
    Volkswagen Passat.
        Volkswagen also informed the agency that the MY 1996 final rule (60 
    FR 36231) listing of high-theft car lines inadvertently omitted from 
    Appendix A-I the following six lines: the Volkswagen Cabrio, the Jetta 
    III, the Audi Cabriolet, the Audi A6, S4, and S6. Further, Toyota 
    requested that the agency delete in the Appendix A-I listing: the 
    ``Lexus ES 250,'' the ``Lexus LS 400'' and the ``Lexus SC300.'' These 
    lines will now be listed as the ``Lexus ES,'' the ``Lexus LS,'' and the 
    ``Lexus SC.'' Additionally, the ``Lexus GS'' which was inadvertently 
    left off the listing published for MY 1996 is now added to this 
    listing. Finally, three lines were introduced after the final rule 
    listing of MY 1996 high-theft lines was published. These lines are 
    subject to the marking requirements of the Theft Prevention Standard, 
    the BMW Z3, the Porsche Boxster, and the Suzuki X90. The Porsche 
    Boxster received an exemption for the 1996 model year. The updated list 
    reflects this information.
        Furthermore, this final rule responds to comments received from 
    Porsche Cars North America, Inc. (Porsche) and Subaru of America, Inc. 
    (Subaru), each requesting that one car line be deleted from the list 
    because it is no longer being produced. Those lines are the Porsche 944 
    and the Subaru XT. The Porsche 944 will be deleted from Appendix B of 
    49 CFR Part 541, since it was not covered prior to MY 1997 and it has 
    not been produced since MY 1991.
    [[Page 15392]]
        The agency understands Subaru's reasons for requesting deletion of 
    the XT from the list of vehicles subject to the parts-marking 
    requirements of the Theft Prevention Standard. However, NHTSA cannot 
    delete the Subaru XT from the list because it has been covered by the 
    Theft Prevention Standard since MY 1987. Pursuant to 49 U.S.C. 
    Sec. 33104(d), a vehicle line on the list of lines subject to parts-
    marking cannot be removed from that list unless the manufacturer has 
    obtained an exemption from the parts-marking requirement based on the 
    installation of a qualified antitheft device as standard equipment on 
    the entire line.
        The vehicles listed as being subject to the parts-marking standard 
    have previously been selected as high-theft lines in accordance with 
    the procedures set forth in 49 CFR Part 542. Under these procedures, 
    manufacturers evaluate new vehicle lines to conclude whether those new 
    lines are likely to be high theft. Manufacturers submit these 
    evaluations and conclusions to the agency, which makes an independent 
    evaluation and, on a preliminary basis, determines whether the new line 
    should be subject to the parts-marking requirements. NHTSA informs the 
    manufacturer in writing of its evaluations and determinations and the 
    factual information considered by the agency in making them. The 
    manufacturer may request the agency to reconsider the preliminary 
    determinations. Within 60 days of the receipt of these requests, the 
    agency makes its final determination. NHTSA informs the manufacturer by 
    letter of these determinations and its response to the request for 
    reconsideration. If there is no request for reconsideration, the 
    agency's determination becomes final 45 days after sending the letter 
    with the preliminary determination. Each of the new lines on the high-
    theft list was the subject of a final determination either with section 
    33103 or section 33104.
        Similarly, the lines listed as being exempt from the standard have 
    previously been exempted in accordance with the procedures of 49 CFR 
    Part 543 and section 33106.
        Therefore, NHTSA finds for good cause that notice and opportunity 
    for comment on these listings are unnecessary. Further, public comment 
    on the listing of selections and exemptions is not contemplated by 49 
    U.S.C. Chapter 331 and is unnecessary since the selections and 
    exemptions have previously been made in accordance with the statutory 
    criteria and procedure.
        For the same reasons, since this revised listing only informs the 
    public of previous agency actions and does not impose additional 
    obligations on any party, NHTSA finds for good cause that the amendment 
    made by this notice should be effective as soon as it is published in 
    the Federal Register.
    Regulatory Impacts
    1. Costs and Other Impacts
        NHTSA has analyzed this rule and determined that it is not 
    ``significant'' within the meaning of the Department of 
    Transportation's regulatory policies and procedures. The agency has 
    also considered this notice under Executive Order 12866. As already 
    noted, the selections in this final rule have previously been made in 
    accordance with the provisions of 49 U.S.C. 33104, and the 
    manufacturers of the selected lines have already been informed that 
    those lines are subject to the requirements of 49 CFR Part 541 for MY 
    1997. Further, this listing does not actually exempt lines from the 
    requirements of 49 CFR Part 541; it only informs the general public of 
    all such previously granted exemptions. Since the only purpose of this 
    final listing is to inform the public of prior agency actions for MY 
    1997, a full regulatory evaluation has not been prepared.
    2. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The agency has also considered the effects of this listing under 
    the Regulatory Flexibility Act. I hereby certify that this rule will 
    not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities. As noted above, the effect of this final rule is simply to 
    inform the public of those lines that are subject to the requirements 
    of 49 CFR Part 541 for MY 1997. The agency believes that the listing of 
    this information will not have any economic impact on small entities.
    3. Environmental Impacts
        In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 
    the agency has considered the environmental impacts of this rule, and 
    determined that it will not have any significant impact on the quality 
    of the human environment.
    4. Federalism
        This action has been analyzed in accordance with the principles and 
    criteria contained in Executive Order 12612, and it has been determined 
    that this final rule does not have sufficient Federalism implications 
    to warrant the preparation of a Federalism Assessment.
    5. Civil Justice Reform
        This final rule does not have a retroactive effect. In accordance 
    with Sec. 33118 when the Theft Prevention Standard is in effect, a 
    State or political subdivision of a State may not have a different 
    motor vehicle theft prevention standard for a motor vehicle or major 
    replacement part. 49 U.S.C. 33117 provides that judicial review of this 
    rule may be obtained pursuant to 49 U.S.C. 32909. Section 32909 does 
    not require submission of a petition for reconsideration or other 
    administrative proceedings before parties may file suit in court.
    List of Subjects in 49 CFR Part 541
        Administrative practice and procedure, Labeling, Motor vehicles, 
    Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
        In consideration of the foregoing, 49 CFR Part 541 is amended as 
    PART 541--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for Part 541 continues to read as 
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 33102-33104 and 33106; delegation of 
    authority at 49 CFR 1.50.
        2. In Part 541, Appendices A, A-I and A-II are revised to read as 
        Appendix A to Part 541--Lines Subject to the Requirements of This   
             Manufacturer                        Subject lines              
    Alfa Romeo...................  Milano 161, 164.                         
    BMW..........................  Z3,1 3 Car Line, 6 Car Line.             
    [[Page 15393]]
    Chrysler.....................  Chrysler Cirrus, Chrysler Executive,     
                                    Sedan/Limousine, Chrysler Fifth Avenue/ 
                                    Newport, Chrysler Laser, Chrysler       
                                    LeBaron/Town & Country, Chrysler LeBaron
                                    GTS, Chrysler's TC, Chrysler New Yorker 
                                    Fifth Avenue, Chrysler Sebring, Chrysler
                                    Town & Country,2 Dodge 600, Dodge Aries,
                                    Dodge Avenger, Dodge Colt, Dodge        
                                    Daytona, Dodge Diplomat, Dodge Lancer,  
                                    Dodge Neon, Dodge Ramcharger (MPV),2    
                                    Dodge Ram Wagon/Van B-150,2Dodge Shadow,
                                    Dodge Spirit,2 Dodge Stratus, Dodge     
                                    Stealth, Eagle Summit, Eagle Talon, Jeep
                                    Cherokee (MPV),2 Jeep Wrangler (MPV), 2 
                                    Plymouth Acclaim,2 Plymouth Caravelle,  
                                    Plymouth Colt, Plymouth Laser, Plymouth 
                                    Gran Fury, Plymouth Neon, Plymouth      
                                    Reliant, Plymouth Sundance, Plymouth    
    Consulier....................  Consulier GTP.                           
    Ferrari......................  Mondial 8, 308, 328.                     
    Ford.........................  Aspire,2 Crown Victoria,2 Ford Escort,2  
                                    Ford Mustang, Ford Probe, Ford Taurus,2 
                                    Ford Tempo,2 Ford Thunderbird, Lincoln  
                                    Continental, Lincoln Mark, Mercury      
                                    Capri, Mercury Cougar, Mercury Grand    
                                    Marquis,2 Mercury Sable,2 Mercury       
                                    Tracer,2 Mercury Topaz,2 Merkur Scorpio,
                                    Merkur XR4Ti.                           
    General Motors...............  Buick Century,2 Buick Electra, Buick     
                                    Reatta, Buick Skylark,2 Chevrolet Astro 
                                    (MPV),2 Chevrolet Beretta,2 Chevrolet   
                                    Caprice,2 Chevrolet Corsica,2 Chevrolet 
                                    C-1500 Pickup,2 Chevrolet Lumina APV    
                                    (MPV),2 Chevrolet Monte Carlo (MYs 1987-
                                    88), Chevrolet Nova, Chevrolet Blazer   
                                    (MPV),2 Chevrolet S-10 Pickup,2 GEO     
                                    Tracker (MPV),2 GEO Storm, GMC Jimmy    
                                    (MPV),2 GMC Safari (MPV),2 GMC Sonoma   
                                    Pickup,2 GMC Sierra 1500 Pickup,2       
                                    Oldsmobile Achieva,2 Oldsmobile         
                                    Bravada,2 Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera,2    
                                    Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme, Pontiac     
                                    Fiero, Pontiac Grand Am,2 Pontiac Grand 
                                    Prix, Pontiac Sunfire,2 Saturn Sports   
    Honda........................  Accord,2 Civic,2 CRV (MPV),2 Passport,2  
                                    Prelude,2 Acura Integra,2 TL.           
    Hyundia......................  Accent, Excel,2 Scoupe,2 Sonata2.        
    Isuzu........................  Impulse, Rodeo,2 Stylus, Trooper/Trooper 
    Jaguar.......................  XJ, XJ-6, XJ-40.                         
    Lotus........................  Elan.                                    
    Maserati.....................  Biturbo, Quattroporte, 228.              
    Mazda........................  GLC, 626, MX-6, MX-5 Miata, MX-3.        
    Mercedes-Benz................  190 D, 190 E, 250D-T, 260 E, 300 SE, 300 
                                    TD, 300 SDL, 300 SEC/500 SEC, 300 SEL/  
                                    500 SEL, 420 SEL, 560 SEL, 560 SEC.     
    Mitsubishi...................  Cordia, Eclipse, Mirage, Montero (MPV),2 
                                    MPV,2 Pickup,2 Tredia, 3000GT.          
    Nissan.......................  240SX,2 Maxima, Pathfinder,2 Sentra,2    
    Peugeot......................  405.                                     
    Porsche......................  924S.                                    
    Subaru.......................  XT, SVX, Legacy.                         
    Suzuki.......................  X90 1, Samurai (MPV),2 Sidekick (MPV) 2. 
    Toyota.......................  4-Runner (MPV),2 Avalon, Camry, Celica,  
                                    Corolla/Corolla Sport, MR,2 RAV4 (MPV),2
                                    Starlet, Tercel 2.                      
    Volkswagen...................  Audi Quattro, Rabbit, Scirocco.          
    \1\ Lines added for MY 1996.                                            
    \1\ Lines added for MY 1997.                                            
        Appendix A-1---High-Theft Lines With Antitheft Devices Which Are    
     Exempted From the Parts-Marking Requirements of This Standard Pursuant 
                               to 49 CFR Part 543                           
             Manufacturer                        Subject lines              
    Austin Rover.................  Sterling.                                
    BMW..........................  5 Car Line,\2\ 7 Car Line, 8 Car Line.   
    Chrysler.....................  Chrysler Conquest, Imperial.             
    General Motors...............  Buick Regal, Buick Riviera, Cadillac     
                                    Allante, Chevrolet Cavalier\2\,         
                                    Chevrolet Corvette, Chevrolet Lumina/   
                                    Monte Carlo, Oldsmobile Aurora,         
                                    Oldsmobile Toronado.                    
    Honda........................  Acura CLX,\2\ Acura Legend, Acura NS-X,  
                                    Acura Vigor.                            
    Isuzu........................  Impulse (MYs 1987-1991).                 
    Jaguar.......................  XK8 \2\.                                 
    Mazda........................  929, RX-7, Millenia, Amati 1000.         
    Mercedes-Benz................  124 Car Line (the models within this line
                                    are): 300D, 300E, 300CE, 300TE, 400E,   
                                    500E; 129 Car Line (the models within   
                                    this line are): 300SL, 500SL, 600SL; 202
                                    Car Line, C-Class.                      
    Mitsubishi...................  Galant, Starion, Diamante.               
    Nissan.......................  300ZX, Infiniti M30, Infiniti QX4,\2\    
                                    Infiniti Q45, Infiniti J30, Infiniti I. 
    Porsche......................  911 928, 968, Boxster \1\                
    Saab.........................  900, 9000.                               
    Toyota.......................  Supra, Cressida, Lexus ES, Lexus GS,     
                                    Lexus LS, Lexus SC.                     
    Volkswagen...................  Audi 5000S, Audi 100, Audi 200, Audi A6, 
                                    Audi S4, Audi S6, Audi Cabriolet,       
                                    Volkswagen Cabrio, Volkswagen Corrado,  
                                    Volkswagen Golf/GTI, Volkswagen         
                                    Passat,\2\ Volkswagen Jetta/Jetta III.  
    \1\ Exempted in full beginning with MY 1996.                            
    \2\ Exempted in full beginning with MY 1997.                            
      Appendix A-II to Part 541--High-Theft Lines With Antitheft Devices Which Are Exempted in Part From the Parts- 
                            Marking Requirements of This Standard Pursuant to 49 CFR Part 543                       
                  Manufacturers                       Subject lines                    Parts to be marked           
    General Motors...........................  Buick LeSabre..............  Engine, Transmission.                   
    [[Page 15394]]
                                               Buick Park Avenue..........  Engine, Transmission.                   
                                               Cadillac Deville...........  Engine, Transmission.                   
                                               Cadillac Eldorado..........  Engine, Transmission.                   
                                               Cadillac Seville...........  Engine, Transmission.                   
                                               Cadillac Sixty Special \1\.  Engine, Transmission.                   
                                               Oldsmobile 98..............  Engine, Transmission.                   
                                               Pontiac Bonneville.........  Engine, Transmission.                   
                                               Pontiac Firebird...........  Engine, Transmission.                   
                                               Chevrolet Camaro...........  Engine, Transmission.                   
                                               Oldsmobile 88 Royale.......  Engine, Transmission.                   
    \1\ Renamed the Cadillac Concours beginning with MY 1994.                                                       
        Issued on: April 1, 1996.
    Barry Felrice,
    Associate Administrator for Safety Performance Standards.
    [FR Doc. 96-8358 Filed 4-5-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-59-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
The amendment made by this final rule is effective April 8, 1996.
15390-15394 (5 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 96-17, Notice 01
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
49 CFR 33104(d)