96-8595. Minor Changes in Broadcast Facilities Without a Construction Permit  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 68 (Monday, April 8, 1996)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 15439-15441]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-8595]
    47 CFR Parts 1, 73, and 74
    [MM Docket No. 96-58, FCC 96-118]
    Minor Changes in Broadcast Facilities Without a Construction 
    AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: This Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) in MM Docket No. 
    96-58 seeks comment regarding various proposals to streamline the 
    Commission's rules and processes applicable to broadcast stations 
    seeking to make minor modifications in their transmission facilities. 
    The proposals set forth in this NPRM would allow broadcast stations to 
    effectuate certain types of minor modifications without first obtaining 
    a construction permit from the Commission authorizing the change. The 
    types of minor modifications that are proposed for this streamlined 
    procedure are those which would be expected to have no potential to 
    cause interference to other stations. The Commission also seeks 
    comments on other types of minor modifications that would be 
    appropriate for this streamlined one-step licensing procedure. The NPRM 
    also proposes some additional changes to relevant rule sections to make 
    clarifications and to conform the rules to existing policy.
    DATES: Initial comments are due May 16, 1996; reply comments are due 
    June 17, 1996. Written comments by the public on the proposed and/or 
    modified information collections are due May 16, 1996. Written comments 
    must be submitted by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) on the 
    proposed and/or modified information collections on or before June 7, 
    ADDRESSES: Office of the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, 
    Washington, D.C. 20554. In addition to filing comments with the 
    Secretary, a copy of any comments on the information collections 
    contained herein should be submitted to Dorothy Conway, Federal 
    Communications Commission, Room 234, 1919 M Street, N.W., Washington, 
    DC 20554, or via the Internet to dconway@fcc.gov, and to Timothy Fain, 
    OMB Desk Officer, 10234 NEOB, 725--17th Street, N.W., Washington, DC 
    20503 or via the Internet to fain__t@al.eop.gov.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dale Bickel, Mass Media Bureau, Audio 
    Services Division, (202) 418-2720, or Richard Waysdorf, Mass Media 
    Bureau, Audio Services Division, (202) 418-2679. For additional 
    information concerning the information collections contained in the 
    NPRM, contact Dorothy Conway at (202) 418-0217, or via the Internet at 
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is the synopsis of the Commission's 
    Notice of Proposed Rule Making in MM Docket No. 96-58, adopted March 
    19, 1996, and released March 22, 1996.
        The complete text of this NPRM, which was adopted in MM Docket No, 
    96-58, is available for inspection and copying during normal business 
    hours in the FCC Reference Center (Room 239), 1919 M Street, N.W., 
    Washington, DC, and may also be purchased from the Commission's copy 
    contractor, International Transcription Services, Inc., at (202) 857-
    3800, 2100 M Street, N.W., Suite 140, Washington, DC 20037.
    Synopsis of Order and Notice of Proposed Rule Making
        1. In the NPRM, the Commission seeks comment regarding various 
    proposals to streamline the Commission's rules and procedures relating 
    to modifications of broadcast station transmission facilities. The NPRM 
    proposes to modify portions of Section 73 and 74 of the rules to permit 
    broadcast stations to implement certain types of minor modifications of 
    their facilities without first obtaining a construction permit 
    authorizing the modifications. The Commission's Rules generally require 
    that modifications of broadcast licenses and permits may be 
    accomplished only through a two-step process: first, the station files 
    an application for a construction permit, and second, after the 
    facilities are modified, the station files an application for a license 
    for the modified facilities. However, because certain types of minor 
    modifications are unlikely to have any impact on other stations, the 
    requirement of prior review and authorization of the change by the 
    Commission staff often involves redundant analysis and unnecessarily 
    delays the implementation of such changes.
        2. Pursuant to a request from the Commission, Congress included in 
    the Telecommunications Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104-104, 110 Stat. 56 
    (1996), a specific provision (Section 403(m)) that authorized the 
    Commission to allow certain types of minor modifications without the 
    need for a construction permit. With this new authority, the 
    Commission, in the NPRM, has proposed that the types of minor license 
    modifications discussed below be permitted without first obtaining a 
    construction permit. In addition, in the NPRM, the Commission 
    explicitly seek suggestions from the public and the broadcast industry 
    as to additional types of minor modifications that could be effectuated 
    through a one-step licensing process without prior approval of the 
    Commission. The NPRM also proposes some additional changes to relevant 
    rule sections to make clarifications and to conform the rules to 
    existing policy.
        3. The NPRM proposes that the following types of minor license and 
    permit modifications would be permitted to be implemented without the 
    prior authorization of the Commission, provided that the licensee or 
    permittee file a modification of license application, using FCC Form 
    302, within 10 days of effectuating the change: 1) commercial FM 
    stations would be permitted to increase effective radiated power up to 
    the maximum level for the class of station; 2) FM and television 
    stations would be permitted to replace one directional antenna with 
    another; 3) FM stations would be permitted to delete contour protection 
    status under Section 73.215 of the rules where the stations they are 
    providing contour protection move to fully spaced
    [[Page 15440]]
    locations; 4) FM stations would be permitted to use formerly licensed 
    main transmission facilities as auxiliary broadcast facilities; 5) FM 
    and television stations would be permitted to change vertically 
    polarized effective radiated power (ERP); and 6) FM and television 
    stations would be permitted to make slight changes in antenna radiation 
    center height.
        4. In addition, the NPRM proposes that requests for waiver of the 
    main studio location rule be made by letter with supporting 
    documentation rather than by filing a construction permit application; 
    and that commercial stations seeking to change to noncommercial status 
    file a one-step modification of license application rather than a 
    construction permit application followed by a license application. In 
    both of these cases, prior Commission approval would still be required 
    before the proposed change could be implemented. In addition, the NPRM 
    proposes that directional FM stations would be allowed to commence 
    automatic program tests at reduced power upon completion of 
    construction without the prior approval of the Commission.
        5. The proposed rules set forth in the NPRM would allow broadcast 
    stations to make the types of specified modifications to their 
    facilities more quickly and at a lower cost. Additionally, the NPRM 
    seeks additional suggestions from the public as to other types of minor 
    modifications that could also be streamlined through use of the one-
    step licensing process.
    Initial Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 Analysis
        The Federal Communications Commission, as part of its continuing 
    effort to reduce paperwork burdens, invites the general public and 
    other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on the 
    following proposed and/or continuing information collections, as 
    required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), Public Law 104-
    13. The NPRM has been submitted to the Office of Management and Budget 
    (OMB) for review under Section 3507(d) of the PRA. Comments are 
    requested concerning (a) whether the proposed collection of information 
    is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the 
    Commission, including whether the information shall have practical 
    utility; (b) the accuracy of the Commission's burden estimates; (c) 
    ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information 
    collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of 
    information on the respondents, including the use of automated 
    collection techniques or other forms of information technology.
        This NPRM, MM Docket No. 96-58, ``Amendment of Parts 73 and 74 of 
    the Commission's Rules to Permit Certain Minor Changes in Broadcast 
    Facilities Without A Construction Permit'' which does not have an OMB 
    control number, proposes rules changes that will affect six existing 
    collections. The revisions are proposed to affect the following:
        Title: Section 73.1125 Station Main Studio Location.
        Form Numbers: FCC 301, FCC 302-AM, FCC 302-FM, FCC 302-TV, FCC 340.
        Type of Review: Revision to Existing Collections.
        Respondents: Broadcast Permittees/Licensees.
        OMB Control Number: 3060-0027.
        Title: Application for Construction Permit for Commercial Broadcast 
        Number of Respondents for FCC 301: 1825.
        Estimated time per response: The burden ranges from 37 hours to 159 
    hours. These hours include the hours included in the cost for 
    contracting out with attorneys and consulting engineers.
        Annual Burden: 7,247.
        OMB Control Number: 3060-0034.
        Title: Application for Construction Permit for Noncommercial 
    Educational Broadcast Station.
        Number of Respondents for FCC 340: 244.
        Estimated time per response: The burden ranges from 50 hours to 
    302.33 hours. These hours include the hours included in the cost for 
    contracting out with attorneys and consulting engineers.
        Annual Burden: 1,243.
        OMB Control Number: 3060-0627.
        Title: Application for AM Broadcast Station License.
        Number of Respondents for FCC 302-AM: 449.
        Estimated time per response: The burden ranges from 2 hours to 
    1039.75 hours. These hours include the hours included in the cost for 
    contracting out with attorneys and consulting engineers.
        Annual Burden: 1,758.
        OMB Control Number: 3060-0506.
        Title: Application for FM Broadcast Station License.
        Number of Respondents for FCC 302-FM: 757.
        Estimated time per response: The burden ranges from 3 to 25 hours. 
    These hours include the hours included in the cost for contracting out 
    with attorneys and consulting engineers.
        Annual Burden: 1,675.
        OMB Control Number: 3060-0029.
        Title: Application for TV Broadcast Station License.
        Number of Respondents for FCC 302-TV: 83.
        Estimated time per response: The burden ranges from 18 to 25 hours. 
    These hours include the hours included in the cost for contracting out 
    with attorneys and consulting engineers.
        Annual Burden: 306.
        OMB Control Number: 3060-0171.
        Title: Section 73.1125 Station main studio location.
        Number of Respondents for Section 73.1125: 155.
        Estimated time per response: 0.5 hours (this hour is split between 
    cost and burden, 15 minutes burden for the licensee and 30 minutes cost 
    for a communications attorney).
        Annual Burden: 39.
        Needs and Uses: On February 8, 1996, President Clinton signed into 
    law the Telecommunications Act of 1996 which revised Section 319(d) of 
    the Communications Act to remove the prohibition against changing the 
    permit requirement for minor broadcast station facilities changes. To 
    implement this change in the law, on March 19, 1996, the Commission 
    adopted a Notice of Proposed Rule Making in MM Docket No. 96-58 seeking 
    comment on revising our regulations to eliminate the two-step 
    application process where appropriate and replace it with a single step 
    licensing procedure. These proposals would cause revisions to the 
    following information collections: FCC 301 (3060-0027), FCC 340 (3060-
    0034), FCC 302-AM (3060-0627), FCC 302-FM (3060-0506), FCC 302-TV 
    (3060-0029), Section 73.1125 (3060-0171). Among other things, this NPRM 
    proposes to eliminate the present requirement for a construction permit 
    (FCC Forms 301/340) for a broadcast station in certain instances where 
    the changed facilities will not have an adverse impact on other 
    broadcast facilities. In these instances, we will permit the broadcast 
    licensee or permittee to make changes without prior authority from the 
    Commission and file a license application (FCC Forms 302-AM/302-FM/302-
    TV) with specified exhibits to reflect the change afterwards. 
    Additionally, we propose to eliminate the need to file an application 
    for construction permit on FCC 301/340 to request a main studio move. 
    We propose that these requests be made in a letter form with 
    appropriate justification. These proposed changes would eliminate the 
    delay and expense of completing the construction permit application and 
    will enable licensees/permittees to make changes with
    [[Page 15441]]
    minimal delay. In addition to these specific proposals, the Commission 
    is also seeking suggestions from the public and the broadcast industry 
    as to additional types of minor modifications that could be effectuated 
    through a one-step licensing process without prior approval of the 
    Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
        As required by Section 603 of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, the 
    Commission has prepared an Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis 
    (IRFA) of the expected impact on small entities of the proposals 
    suggested in the NPRM. Written public comments are requested on the 
    IFRA. These comments must be filed in accordance with the same filing 
    deadlines as comments on the rest of the NPRM, but they must have a 
    separate and distinct heading designating them as responses to the 
    Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis. The Secretary shall send a 
    copy of the NPRM, including the Initial Regulatory Flexibility 
    Analysis, to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business 
    Administration in accordance with paragraph 603 (a) of the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act, Public Law No. 96-354, 94 Stat. 1164, 5 U.S.C. Section 
    601, et seq. (1980).
        I. Reason for Action: This proposed action is necessary to provide 
    more flexibility for AM, FM and television stations to effectuate minor 
    modifications of their facilities in instances where there would not 
    likely be any significant impact on other stations. In addition, this 
    proposed action would allow such minor modifications to be made more 
    quickly than under the current procedures.
        II. Objectives: The objective of this proceeding is to allow AM, 
    FM, and television station licensees and permittees to bring improved 
    service to the public more efficiently and expeditiously while 
    controlling interference to other stations.
        III. Legal Basis: The action taken in this NPRM is authorized by 
    Sections 4(i), 5(c)(1), 302, and 303 of the Communications Act of 1934, 
    as amended, 47 U.S.C. Secs. 154(i), 155(c)(1), 302, and 303.
        IV. Description, Potential Impact and Number of Small Entities 
    Affected: The entities affected by this proposal are AM and FM radio 
    and television station licensees and permittees seeking to effect minor 
    modifications of facilities that have previously been authorized by the 
    Commission. The total number of such licensees and permittees is nearly 
    15,000. Because the Notice proposes provisions which allow for greater 
    flexibility in operation, the option of whether or not to take 
    advantage of the new rules rests with each licensee or permittee. There 
    is no requirement that any licensee or permittee make any change as a 
    result of these rule amendments. The number of licensees or permittees 
    who might decide to modify their stations pursuant to these rule 
    amendments is unknown, but under the present rules, approximately 150 
    stations each year file applications that propose the types of 
    facilities modifications that are the subject of these rule amendments.
        V. Recording, Record Keeping and Other Compliance Requirements: 
        VI. Federal Rules which Overlap, Duplicate or Conflict with these 
    Rules: None.
        VII. Any Significant Alternative Minimizing Impact on Small 
    Entities and Consistent with the Stated Objectives: None.
    List of Subjects
    47 CFR Part 1
        Administrative practice and procedure, Radio, Television.
    47 CFR Part 73
        Radio broadcasting, Television broadcasting.
    47 CFR Part 74
        Radio broadcasting, Television broadcasting.
    Federal Communications Commission.
    William F. Caton,
    Acting Secretary.
    [FR Doc. 96-8595 Filed 4-5-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6712-01-P

Document Information

Federal Communications Commission
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Initial comments are due May 16, 1996; reply comments are due June 17, 1996. Written comments by the public on the proposed and/or modified information collections are due May 16, 1996. Written comments must be submitted by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) on the proposed and/or modified information collections on or before June 7, 1996.
15439-15441 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
MM Docket No. 96-58, FCC 96-118
PDF File:
CFR: (3)
47 CFR 1
47 CFR 73
47 CFR 74