96-8676. Exchange Visitor Program  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 68 (Monday, April 8, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 15372-15374]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-8676]
    22 CFR Part 514
    Exchange Visitor Program
    AGENCY: United States Information Agency.
    ACTION: Interim final rule with request for comment.
    SUMMARY: The Agency is amending its regulations which will clarify the 
    procedures for requesting an extension of program duration for 
    designated sponsors seeking such extension on behalf of a professor or 
    research scholar participating in activities conducted by the sponsor. 
    This amendment will also provide new procedures whereby the Agency may 
    authorize a sponsor to design and conduct research programs that allow 
    for the participation of a professor or research scholar for a period 
    of time in excess of three years. Limitations governing the eligibility 
    for program participation of professor and research scholar 
    participants are also set forth. These limitations are set forth to 
    enhance the integrity and programmatic effectiveness of the Exchange 
    Visitor Program.
    DATES: These rules are effective April 8, 1996. Written comments 
    regarding this rule will be accepted until May 23, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: Comments regarding this rule must be presented in duplicate 
    and addressed as follows: United States Information Agency, Office of 
    the General Counsel, Rulemaking 120, 301 4th Street, SW., Washington, 
    DC 20547.
    Stanley S. Colvin, Assistant General Counsel, United States Information 
    Agency, 301 4th Street, SW., Washington, DC 20547; Telephone, (202) 
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On March 19, 1993, the Agency published a 
    final rule that set forth comprehensive regulations for the Exchange 
    Visitor Program (See 58 FR 15180.) This final rule defined clearly, the 
    obligations, duties and relationships owed to or existing between the 
    Agency, its designated exchange program sponsors, and exchange 
    participants. This rule also set forth, for the first time, specific 
    regulations governing professor and research scholar exchange 
        In formulating this comprehensive rule, the Agency consulted 
    extensively with designated sponsors conducting various exchange 
    activities under the umbrella of the Exchange Visitor Program. Thus, 
    the academic community was instrumental in assisting the Agency in its 
    drafting of regulations governing academic-based exchanges. This 
    assistance resulted in the devotion of particular attention to the 
    development of regulations governing professor and research scholar 
    regulations and the length of time such exchange visitors should be 
    permitted to participate in the Exchange Visitor Program.
        Since 1949, a three year period of program duration has been 
    afforded to professor and research scholar participants. During the 
    development of the comprehensive rules published in 1993, the Agency 
    received numerous comments suggesting that the period of program 
    duration for professors and research scholars should be greater than 
    three years. The Agency studied these comments at length but was unable 
    to identify a compelling public diplomacy reason to abandon the long-
    standing three year limitation governing the program participation of 
    professors and research scholars.
        However, the Agency did recognize that in some circumstances an 
    extension of this three year period of program participation would 
    enhance the effectiveness of the Exchange Visitor Program. Accordingly, 
    and in consultation with the academic community, the Agency adopted 
    provisions that would allow the Responsible Officer of a designated 
    exchange program to extend, in his or her discretion and for a six 
    month period, the permitted length of program duration for a professor 
    or research scholar participating in that sponsor's program. Such six 
    month extension, if given, was to allow the professor or research 
    scholar to complete his or her program.
        In similar fashion, the Agency adopted provisions whereby a 
    Responsible Officer could request that the Agency extend the program 
    duration of a professor or research scholar for up to an additional 
    three years. This regulatory provision, set forth at Sec. 514.20(j)), 
    has resulted in the false impression by some members of the academic 
    community that the period of time that a professor or research scholar 
    could participate in the program was now six, rather than three years. 
    [[Page 15373]]
    impression is, in part, due to the Agency's use of the phrase ``good 
    cause'' in the regulations governing requests to the Agency for program 
    extensions. The academic community suggests that a professor or 
    research scholar's involvement in on-going research or an institution's 
    heavy reliance upon the professor or research scholar is sufficient to 
    satisfy the ``good cause'' threshold set forth in this regulation.
        The Agency is of the opinion that on-going research and heavy 
    reliance as justification for an extension are not reconcilable with 
    the Agency's stated position that the period of program duration for a 
    professor or research scholar should remain at three years. 
    Accordingly, and in an effort to clarify and reinforce the Agency's 
    three year limitation on program duration, the ``good cause'' standard 
    is removed from Sec. 514.20(j) and replaced with an exceptional or 
    unusual'' circumstance standard. The Agency anticipates that 
    ``exceptional or unusual'' circumstance will generally involve 
    situations in which the professor or research scholar has been 
    prevented from completing his or her program due to factors not 
    directly related to the project.
        Due to the importance of maintaining valid program status and the 
    work authorization that flows therefrom, the Agency is adopting a time 
    requirement for the filing of extension requests. Such requests must be 
    filed with the Agency no less than 90 days from the expiration of the 
    exchange visitor's three year period of program duration. This time 
    limitation will permit the Agency to review the request and notify the 
    requesting sponsor well in advance of the expiration of the visitor's 
    program. Requests that are not timely filed will not be reviewed or 
    acted upon. The Agency will notify the requesting sponsor of its 
    decision which shall be the Agency's final decision. Requests for 
    reconsideration will not be accepted or acted upon.
        At Sec. 514.20(i), the Agency restates the three year limitation on 
    program participation for professor and research scholar participants. 
    Also set forth in this regulation are new provisions whereby a 
    designated sponsor may request advance authorization from the Agency to 
    design and conduct a program in excess of three years duration. The 
    Agency is adopting very specific criteria for the authorization of such 
    programs in order to further the objectives and mission of the Exchange 
    Visitor Program. It is anticipated that participants in such programs 
    will be well advanced in their fields of study and considered senior 
    researchers or the equivalent thereof.
        To this end, the Agency will readily authorize an extended program 
    in order to further international science projects conducted in the 
    United States. Also of interest to the Agency would be those programs 
    in which foreign-educated professor or research scholar participants 
    are selected for participation in foreign or United States Government 
    funded activities. Such projects and activities clearly promote the 
    public diplomacy mission underlying the Exchange Visitor Program.
        The Agency adopts the foreign-educated requirement in order to 
    promote the exchange of international scholars. Such participants will 
    not, by definition, have spent years in undergraduate and graduate 
    studies at United States institutions or generally been afforded 
    assorted opportunities to work in the United States. The Agency 
    concludes that persons having previously spent years at United States 
    academic institutions as students or researchers will not further the 
    goals and objectives of the Exchange Visitor Program by participating 
    in yet another long-term project that prevents their return to their 
    home country.
        Finally, the Agency adopts at Sec. 514.20(d), a new provision 
    directly limiting the eligibility for program participation of a 
    professor or research scholar. This provision is adopted as a safeguard 
    to the integrity of the Exchange Visitor Program. The Agency seeks to 
    prevent abuse of the exchange Visitor Program by prohibiting 
    participation by persons that have been in J visa status for a twelve 
    month period immediately preceding their participation as a professor 
    or research scholar. Accordingly, this regulation will bring to an end 
    the practice of issuing an IAP-66 form to a participant that has 
    completed a three year program as a professor or research scholar and 
    having that person exit the country and reenter under a ``new'' 
    program. Further, this regulation will prohibit a student in J status 
    from becoming a professor research scholar participant unless Agency 
    authorization is given pursuant to Sec. 514.41.
        The Agency concludes that these regulatory amendments increase the 
    clarity of promulgated regulations and will result in an enhanced 
    consistency of application. Further, these amendments will allow for 
    the more efficient utilization of scarce Agency resources. The Agency 
    invites comments regarding this interim final rule notwithstanding the 
    fact that it is under no legal requirement to do so. The oversight and 
    administration of the Exchange Visitor Program are deemed to be foreign 
    affairs functions of the Untied States Government. The Administrative 
    Procedures Act, 5 U.S.C. 553(a)(1)(1989), specifically exempts foreign 
    affairs functions from the rulemaking requirements of the Act.
        The agency will accept comments for 45 days following publication 
    of this interim final rule. A final rule will be adopted upon Agency 
    review of all comments received.
        In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 605(b), the Agency certifies that this 
    rule does not have a significant adverse economic impact on a 
    substantial number of small entities. This rule is not considered to be 
    a major rule within the meaning of section 1(b) of E.O. 12291, nor does 
    it have federal implications warranting the preparation of a Federalism 
    Assessment in accordance with E.O. 12612.
    List of Subjects in 22 CFR Part 514
        Cultural Exchange Programs.
        Dated: April 3, 1996.
    R. Wallace Stuart,
    Acting General Counsel.
        Accordingly, 22 CFR part 514 is amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 514 continues to read as 
        Authority: 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)(J), 1182, 1258; 22 U.S.C. 1431-
    1442, 2451-2460; Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1977, 42 FR 62461, 3 
    CFR, 1977 Comp. p 200; E.O. 12048, 43 FR 13361, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp. p 
    168, USIA Delegation Order No. 85-5 (50 FR 27393.)
        2. Section 514.20 is amended by revising paragraphs (d), (i), and 
    (j) to read as follows:
    Sec. 514.20  Professors and research scholars.
    * * * * *
        (d) Visitor eligibility. An individual may be selected for 
    participation in the Exchange Visitor Program as a professor or 
    research scholar subject to the following conditions:
        (i) The participant is not placed in a tenure track position; and
        (ii) The participant has not held or been afforded nonimmigrant 
    status under the provisions of 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)(J) for the twelve 
    month period immediately preceding a sponsor's issuance of an IAP-66 
    form to the participant, unless the participant is transferring to the 
    sponsor's program as provided in Sec. 514.42.
    * * * * *
        (i) Duration of participation. The permitted duration of program
    [[Page 15374]]
    participation for a professor or research scholar shall be as follows:
        (1) General limitation. The professor and research scholar shall be 
    authorized to participate in the Exchange Visitor Program for the 
    length of time necessary to complete his or her program, which time 
    shall not exceed three years.
        (2) Exceptional circumstance. The Agency may authorize a designated 
    Exchange Visitor Program sponsor to conduct an exchange activity 
    requiring a period of program duration in excess of three years. A 
    sponsor seeking to conduct an activity requiring more than the 
    permitted three years of program duration shall make written request to 
    the Agency and secure written Agency approval. Such request shall 
        (i) A detailed explanation of the exchange activity;
        (ii) A certification that only foreign educated research scholars 
    will be selected to participate in the activity;
        (iii) A certification that the research scholar will be supported 
    by United States or foreign government funds or that the research 
    scholar was selected for participation in the activity by a foreign 
        (3) Change of category. A change between the categories of 
    professor and research scholar shall not extend an exchange visitor's 
    permitted period of participation beyond three years.
        (j) Extension of program. Professors and research scholars may be 
    authorized program extensions as follows:
        (1) Responsible officer authorization. A responsible officer may 
    extend, in his or her discretion and for a period not to exceed six 
    months, the three year period of program participation permitted under 
    Sec. 514.20(i). The responsible officer exercising his or her 
    discretion shall do so only upon their affirmative determination that 
    such extension is necessary in order to permit the research scholar or 
    professor to complete a specific project or research activity.
        (2) Agency authorization. The Agency may extend, upon request and 
    in its sole discretion, the three year period of program participation 
    permitted under Sec. 514.20(i). A request for Agency authorization to 
    extend the period of program participation for a professor or research 
    scholar shall:
        (i) Be submitted to the Agency no less than 90 days prior to the 
    expiration of the participant's permitted three year period of program 
    participation; and
        (ii) Present evidence, satisfactory to the Agency, that such 
    request is justified due to exceptional or unusual circumstances and is 
    necessary in order to permit the researcher or professor to complete a 
    specific project or research activity.
        (3) Timeliness. The Agency will not review a request for Agency 
    authorization to extend the three year period of program participation 
    permitted under Sec. 514.20(i) unless timely filed.
        (4) Final decision. The Agency will respond to requests for Agency 
    authorization to extend the three year period of program participation 
    permitted under Sec. 514.20(i) within 45 days of Agency receipt of such 
    request. Such response shall constitute the Agency's final decision.
    [FR Doc. 96-8676 Filed 4-5-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 8230-01-M

Document Information

Effective Date:
United States Information Agency
Entry Type:
Interim final rule with request for comment.
Document Number:
These rules are effective April 8, 1996. Written comments regarding this rule will be accepted until May 23, 1996.
15372-15374 (3 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (2)
22 CFR 514.20(i)
22 CFR 514.20