99-8850. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Determination of Threatened Status for the Jarbidge River Population Segment of Bull Trout  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 67 (Thursday, April 8, 1999)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 17110-17125]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-8850]
    Fish and Wildlife Service
    50 CFR Part 17
    RIN 1018-AF01
    Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Determination of 
    Threatened Status for the Jarbidge River Population Segment of Bull 
    AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), determine 
    threatened status for the Jarbidge River distinct population segment of 
    bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) from the Jarbidge River basin in 
    northern Nevada and southern Idaho, with a special rule, pursuant to 
    the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act). The Jarbidge 
    River population segment, composed of a single subpopulation with few 
    individuals, is threatened by habitat degradation from past and ongoing 
    [[Page 17111]]
    management activities such as road construction and maintenance, 
    mining, and grazing; interactions with non-native fishes; and 
    incidental angler harvest. We based this final determination on the 
    best available scientific and commercial information including current 
    data and new information received during the comment period. This 
    action continues protection for this population segment of the bull 
    trout which was effective for a 240-day period beginning when we 
    emergency listed this population segment on August 11, 1998.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: This rule is effective on April 8, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: The complete administrative file for this rule is available 
    for inspection, by appointment, during normal business hours at the 
    U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Nevada Fish and Wildlife Office, 1340 
    Financial Boulevard, Suite 234, Reno, Nevada 89502-7147.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Robert D. Williams, Field Supervisor, 
    at the above address (telephone 775/861-6300; facsimile 775/861-6301).
        Bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus), members of the family 
    Salmonidae, are char native to the Pacific northwest and western 
    Canada. They historically occurred in major river drainages in the 
    Pacific northwest from about 41 deg. N to 60 deg. N latitude, from the 
    southern limits in the McCloud River in northern California and the 
    Jarbidge River in Nevada, north to the headwaters of the Yukon River in 
    Northwest Territories, Canada (Cavender 1978; Bond 1992). To the west, 
    bull trout range includes Puget Sound, various coastal rivers of 
    Washington, British Columbia, Canada, and southeast Alaska (Bond 1992; 
    Leary and Allendorf 1997). Bull trout are relatively dispersed 
    throughout tributaries of the Columbia River basin, including its 
    headwaters in Montana and Canada. Bull trout also occur in the Klamath 
    River basin of south-central Oregon. East of the Continental Divide, 
    bull trout are found in the headwaters of the Saskatchewan River in 
    Alberta and the MacKenzie River system in Alberta and British Columbia 
    (Cavender 1978; Brewin and Brewin 1997). Bull trout habitat in the 
    Jarbidge River basin is a mosaic of land ownership, including Federal 
    lands administered by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and U.S. Bureau of 
    Land Management (BLM); State lands in Idaho; and private lands.
        Bull trout were first described as Salmo spectabilis by Girard in 
    1856 from a specimen collected on the lower Columbia River (Cavender 
    1978). Bull trout and Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma) were previously 
    considered a single species (Cavender 1978; Bond 1992); however, they 
    were formally recognized as separate species by the American Fisheries 
    Society in 1980 (Robins et al. 1980).
        Bull trout exhibit both resident and migratory life history 
    strategies through much of the current range (Rieman and McIntyre 
    1993). Resident bull trout complete their life cycles in the tributary 
    streams in which they spawn and rear. Migratory bull trout spawn in 
    tributary streams, and juvenile fish rear from 1 to 4 years before 
    migrating to either a lake (adfluvial), river (fluvial), or in certain 
    coastal areas, saltwater (anadromous), to mature (Fraley and Shepard 
    1989; Goetz 1989). Resident and migratory forms may be found together, 
    and bull trout may produce offspring exhibiting either resident or 
    migratory behavior (Rieman and McIntyre 1993).
        Compared to other salmonids, bull trout have more specific habitat 
    requirements (Rieman and McIntyre 1993) that appear to influence their 
    distribution and abundance. These habitat components include water 
    temperature, cover, channel form and stability, valley form, stream 
    elevation, spawning and rearing substrates, and migratory corridors 
    (Oliver 1979; Pratt 1984, 1992; Fraley and Shepard 1989; Goetz 1989; 
    Hoelscher and Bjornn 1989; Sedell and Everest 1991; Howell and Buchanan 
    1992; Rieman and McIntyre 1993, 1995; Rich 1996; Watson and Hillman 
    1997). Watson and Hillman (1997) concluded that watersheds must have 
    specific physical characteristics to provide the necessary habitat 
    requirements for bull trout spawning and rearing, and that the 
    characteristics are not necessarily ubiquitous throughout watersheds in 
    which bull trout occur. Because bull trout exhibit a patchy 
    distribution, even in undisturbed habitats (Rieman and McIntyre 1993), 
    fish would not likely occupy all available habitats simultaneously 
    (Rieman et al. 1997).
        Bull trout are typically associated with the colder streams in a 
    river system, although individual fish can occur throughout larger 
    river systems (Fraley and Shepard 1989; Rieman and McIntyre 1993, 1995; 
    Buchanan and Gregory 1997; Rieman et al. 1997). For example, water 
    temperature above 15 deg. C (59 deg. F) is believed to negatively 
    influence bull trout distribution, which partially explains the 
    generally patchy distribution within a watershed (Fraley and Shepard 
    1989; Rieman and McIntyre 1995). Spawning areas are often associated 
    with cold-water springs, groundwater infiltration, and the coldest 
    streams in a given watershed (Pratt 1992; Rieman and McIntyre 1993; 
    Rieman et al. 1997).
        All life history stages of bull trout are associated with complex 
    forms of cover, including large woody debris, undercut banks, boulders, 
    and pools (Oliver 1979; Fraley and Shepard 1989; Goetz 1989; Hoelscher 
    and Bjornn 1989; Sedell and Everest 1991; Pratt 1992; Thomas 1992; Rich 
    1996; Sexauer and James 1997; Watson and Hillman 1997). Jakober (1995) 
    observed bull trout overwintering in deep beaver ponds or pools 
    containing large woody debris in the Bitterroot River drainage, 
    Montana, and suggested that suitable winter habitat may be more 
    restrictive than summer habitat. Maintaining bull trout populations 
    requires stream channel and flow stability (Rieman and McIntyre 1993). 
    Juvenile and adult bull trout frequently inhabit side channels, stream 
    margins, and pools with suitable cover (Sexauer and James 1997). These 
    areas are sensitive to activities that directly or indirectly affect 
    stream channel stability and alter natural flow patterns. For example, 
    altered stream flow in the fall may disrupt bull trout during the 
    spawning period and channel instability may decrease survival of eggs 
    and young juveniles in the gravel during winter through spring (Fraley 
    and Shepard 1989; Pratt 1992; Pratt and Huston 1993).
        Preferred spawning habitat generally consists of low gradient 
    streams with loose, clean gravel (Fraley and Shepard 1989) and water 
    temperatures of 5 to 9 deg. C (41 to 48 deg. F) in late summer to early 
    fall (Goetz 1989). However, biologists collected young-of-the-year bull 
    trout in high gradient stream reaches with minimal gravel within the 
    Jarbidge River basin, indicating that spawning occurred in these areas 
    or further upstream (Gary Johnson, Nevada Division of Wildlife (NDOW), 
    pers. comm. 1998a; Terry Crawforth, NDOW, in litt. 1998). Pratt (1992) 
    reported that increases in fine sediments reduce egg survival and 
        The size and age of maturity for bull trout is variable depending 
    upon life history strategy. Growth of resident fish is generally slower 
    than migratory fish; resident fish tend to be smaller at maturity and 
    less fecund (Fraley and Shepard 1989; Goetz 1989). Resident adults 
    range from 150 to 300 millimeters (mm) (6 to 12 inches (in)) total 
    length and migratory adults commonly reach 600 mm (24 in) or more 
    (Goetz 1989).
        Bull trout normally reach sexual maturity in 4 to 7 years and live 
    as long
    [[Page 17112]]
    as 12 years. Repeat and alternate year spawning have been reported, 
    although repeat spawning frequency and post-spawning mortality are not 
    well known (Leathe and Graham 1982; Fraley and Shepard 1989; Pratt 
    1992; Rieman and McIntyre 1996). Bull trout typically spawn from August 
    to November during periods of decreasing water temperatures. However, 
    migratory bull trout may begin spawning migrations as early as April, 
    and move upstream as far as 250 kilometers (km) (155 miles (mi)) to 
    spawning grounds in some areas of their range (Fraley and Shepard 1989; 
    Swanberg 1997). Temperatures during spawning generally range from 4 to 
    10 deg. C (39 to 51 deg. F), with redds (spawning beds) often 
    constructed in stream reaches fed by springs or near other sources of 
    cold groundwater (Goetz 1989; Pratt 1992; Rieman and McIntyre 1996). 
    Depending on water temperature, egg incubation is normally 100 to 145 
    days (Pratt 1992), and juveniles remain in the substrate after 
    hatching. Time from egg deposition to emergence may surpass 200 days. 
    Fry normally emerge from early April through May depending upon water 
    temperatures and increasing stream flows (Pratt 1992; Ratliff and 
    Howell 1992).
        Bull trout are opportunistic feeders, with food habits primarily a 
    function of size and life history strategy. Resident and juvenile bull 
    trout prey on terrestrial and aquatic insects, macro-zooplankton, 
    amphipods, mysids, crayfish, and small fish (Wyman 1975; Rieman and 
    Lukens 1979 in Rieman and McIntyre 1993; Boag 1987; Goetz 1989; Donald 
    and Alger 1993). Adult migratory bull trout are primarily piscivorous 
    (fish eating) and are known to feed on various trout and salmon species 
    (Onchorynchus spp.), whitefish (Prosopium spp.), yellow perch (Perca 
    flavescens) and sculpin (Cottus spp.) (Fraley and Shepard 1989; Donald 
    and Alger 1993).
        In the Jarbidge River basin, bull trout occur with native redband 
    trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), mountain whitefish (Prosopium 
    williamsoni), sculpin, bridgelip sucker (Catostomus columbianus), and 
    various minnow (Cyprinidae) species. Introductions of non-native 
    fishes, including brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis), and hatchery 
    rainbow trout (O. mykiss), have also occurred within the range of bull 
    trout in the Jarbidge River basin. These non-native fishes have been 
    associated with local bull trout declines and extirpations elsewhere in 
    the species' range (Bond 1992; Ziller 1992; Donald and Alger 1993; 
    Leary et al. 1993; Montana Bull Trout Scientific Group (MBTSG) 1996a).
        Stocked brook trout failed to establish a self-sustaining 
    population in the Jarbidge River system, but an introduced population 
    still occurs in Emerald Lake, a high-elevation lake within the Jarbidge 
    River watershed (T. Crawforth, in litt. 1998; Rich Haskins, NDOW, pers. 
    comm. 1998; G. Johnson, pers. comm. 1998). Brook trout may spill out of 
    the lake into the East Fork of the Jarbidge River during peak runoff 
    events, although the lack of a defined outlet makes such an event 
    appear unlikely (G. Johnson, pers. comm. 1994). NDOW's rainbow trout 
    stocking program in the Jarbidge River system has been ongoing since 
    the 1970s, and the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) stocked 
    rainbow trout in the Idaho portion of the East and West Forks of the 
    Jarbidge River from 1970 to 1989 (Fred Partridge, IDFG, in litt. 1998).
        Migratory corridors link seasonal habitats for all bull trout life 
    history forms. The ability to migrate is important to the persistence 
    of local bull trout subpopulations (Rieman and McIntyre 1993; Mike 
    Gilpin, University of California, in litt. 1997; Rieman and Clayton 
    1997; Rieman et al. 1997). Migrations facilitate gene flow among local 
    subpopulations if individuals from different subpopulations interbreed 
    when some return to non-natal streams. Migratory fish may also re-
    establish extirpated local subpopulations.
        Metapopulation concepts of conservation biology theory may be 
    applicable to the distribution and characteristics of bull trout 
    (Rieman and McIntyre 1993). A metapopulation is an interacting network 
    of local subpopulations with varying frequencies of migration and gene 
    flow among them (Meffe and Carroll 1994). Metapopulations provide a 
    mechanism for reducing risk because the simultaneous loss of all 
    subpopulations is unlikely. Although local subpopulations may become 
    extinct, they can be reestablished by individuals from other local 
    subpopulations. However, because bull trout exhibit strong homing 
    fidelity when spawning and their rate of straying appears to be low, 
    natural reestablishment of extinct local subpopulations may take a very 
    long time. Habitat alteration, primarily through construction of 
    impoundments, dams, and water diversions, has fragmented habitats, 
    eliminated migratory corridors, and isolated bull trout, often in the 
    headwaters of tributaries (Rieman et al. 1997).
    Distinct Population Segments
        The best available scientific and commercial information identifies 
    five distinct population segments (DPSs) of bull trout in the United 
    States--(1) Klamath River, (2) Columbia River, (3) Coastal-Puget Sound, 
    (4) Jarbidge River, and (5) St. Mary-Belly River. The final listing 
    determination for the Klamath River and Columbia River bull trout DPSs 
    on June 10, 1998 (63 FR 31647), includes a detailed description of the 
    rationale behind the DPS delineation. The approach is consistent with 
    the joint National Marine Fisheries Service and Fish and Wildlife 
    Service policy for recognizing distinct vertebrate population segments 
    under the Act, published on February 7, 1996 (61 FR 4722). This final 
    rule addresses only the Jarbidge River DPS. The Coastal-Puget Sound and 
    St. Mary-Belly River bull trout DPSs will be the subject of a final 
    rule expected to be published in June 1999.
        Three elements are considered in the decision on whether a 
    population segment could be treated as threatened or endangered under 
    the Act--discreteness, significance, and conservation status in 
    relation to the standards for listing. Discreteness refers to the 
    isolation of a population from other members of the species and is 
    based on two criteria--(1) marked separation from other populations of 
    the same taxon resulting from physical, physiological, ecological, or 
    behavioral factors, including genetic discontinuity; and (2) 
    populations delimited by international boundaries. Significance is 
    determined either by the importance or contribution, or both, of a 
    discrete population to the species throughout its range. Four criteria 
    were used to determine significance--(1) persistence of the discrete 
    population segment in an ecological setting unusual or unique for the 
    taxon; (2) evidence that loss of the discrete population segment would 
    result in a significant gap in the range of the taxon; (3) evidence 
    that the discrete population segment represents the only surviving 
    natural occurrence of the taxon that may be more abundant elsewhere as 
    an introduced population outside its historic range; and (4) evidence 
    that the discrete population segment differs markedly from other 
    populations of the taxon in its genetic characteristics. If a 
    population segment is discrete and significant, its evaluation for 
    endangered or threatened status is based on the Act's standards.
        The Jarbidge River in southwest Idaho and northern Nevada is a 
    tributary in the Snake River basin and contains the southernmost 
    habitat occupied by bull trout. This population segment is discrete 
    because it is geographically segregated from other bull trout in the 
    Snake River basin by more than 240 km (150 mi) of unsuitable habitat 
    [[Page 17113]]
    several impassable dams on the mainstem Snake River and the lower 
    Bruneau River. The occurrence of a species at the extremities of its 
    range is not necessarily sufficient evidence of significance to the 
    species as a whole. However, since the Jarbidge River possesses bull 
    trout habitat that is disjunct from other patches of suitable habitat, 
    the population segment is considered significant because it occupies a 
    unique or unusual ecological setting, and its loss would result in a 
    substantial modification of the species' range.
    Status and Distribution
        To facilitate evaluation of current bull trout distribution and 
    abundance for the Jarbidge River population segment, we analyzed data 
    on a subpopulation basis because fragmentation and barriers have 
    isolated bull trout. A subpopulation is considered a reproductively 
    isolated bull trout group that spawns within a particular area(s) of a 
    river system. In areas where two groups of bull trout are separated by 
    a barrier (e.g., an impassable dam or waterfall, or reaches of 
    unsuitable habitat) that may allow only downstream access (i.e., one-
    way passage), both groups would be considered subpopulations. In 
    addition, subpopulations were considered at risk of extirpation from 
    natural events if they were--
        (1) Unlikely to be reestablished by individuals from another 
    subpopulation (i.e., functionally or geographically isolated from other 
        (2) Limited to a single spawning area (i.e., spatially restricted); 
        (3) Characterized by low individual or spawner numbers; or
        (4) Consisted primarily of a single life history form.
    For example, a subpopulation of resident fish isolated upstream of an 
    impassable waterfall would be considered at risk of extirpation from 
    natural events if it had low numbers of fish that spawn in a relatively 
    restricted area. In such cases, a natural event such as a fire or flood 
    could eliminate the subpopulation, and subsequently, the impassable 
    waterfall would prevent reestablishment of the subpopulation by 
    downstream fish. However, a subpopulation residing downstream of the 
    waterfall would not be considered at risk of extirpation because of 
    potential reestablishment by fish from upstream. Because resident bull 
    trout may exhibit limited downstream movement (Nelson 1996), our 
    estimate of subpopulations at risk of extirpation by natural events may 
    be underestimated. We based the status of subpopulations on modified 
    criteria of Rieman et al. (1997), including the abundance, trends in 
    abundance, and the presence of life history forms of bull trout.
        We considered a bull trout subpopulation ``strong'' if 5,000 
    individuals or 500 spawners likely occur in the subpopulation, 
    abundance appears stable or increasing, and life history forms 
    historically present were likely to persist. A subpopulation was 
    considered ``depressed'' if less than 5,000 individuals or 500 spawners 
    likely occur in the subpopulation, abundance appears to be declining, 
    or a life history form historically present has been lost (Rieman et 
    al. 1997). If there was insufficient abundance, trend, and life history 
    information to classify the status of a subpopulation as either 
    ``strong'' or ``depressed,'' the status was considered ``unknown.'' It 
    should be noted that the assignment of ``unknown'' status implies only 
    a deficiency of available data to assign a subpopulation as ``strong'' 
    or ``depressed,'' not a lack of information regarding the threats. 
    Section 4 of the Act requires us to make a determination solely on the 
    best scientific and commercial data available.
        The Jarbidge River DPS is currently believed to contain a single 
    subpopulation in the East Fork, West Fork, and mainstem Jarbidge River 
    in Idaho and Nevada, and headwater tributaries in Nevada (Service 
    1998), however, further definitive genetic analysis of population 
    structure is needed. This population segment is isolated from other 
    bull trout by a large expanse of unsuitable habitat. Although accounts 
    of bull trout in the Jarbidge River basin date to the 1930s, both 
    sampling and actual collections of bull trout were infrequent (Miller 
    and Morton 1952; Johnson 1990; Johnson and Weller 1994). Therefore, 
    historical distribution and abundance data are limited.
        The current distribution of bull trout in the Jarbidge River basin 
    primarily includes headwater streams above 2,200 meters (m) (7,200 feet 
    (ft)) elevation within the Jarbidge Wilderness Area--the East Fork and 
    West Fork Jarbidge River and Slide, Dave, Pine, Sawmill, Fall, and 
    Cougar Creeks (Johnson and Weller 1994; G. Johnson, pers. comm. 1998a). 
    There is no definitive information on whether bull trout have been 
    extirpated from Jarbidge River headwater tributaries. However, recent 
    surveys indicate that bull trout have likely been extirpated from one 
    historical tributary, Jack Creek (G. Johnson, pers. comm. 1998a; T. 
    Crawforth, in litt. 1998).
        In 1934, bull trout were first collected in Dave Creek (East Fork 
    Jarbidge River drainage) downstream of the Idaho-Nevada border (Miller 
    and Morton 1952). They were later documented in the East Fork of the 
    Jarbidge River in 1951 and the West Fork in 1954 (T. Crawforth, in 
    litt. 1998). Zoellick et al. (1996) compiled survey data from 1954 
    through 1993 and estimated bull trout population size in the middle and 
    upper headwater areas of the West and East Forks of the Jarbidge River 
    at less than 150 fish/km (240 fish/mi). Low numbers of migratory 
    (fluvial) bull trout were documented in the West Fork of the Jarbidge 
    River from the 1970s through the mid-1980s (Johnson and Weller 1994). 
    In 1985, 292 resident-size bull trout were estimated to reside in the 
    West Fork (Johnson and Weller 1994). In 1993, the abundance of 
    resident-size bull trout in the East Fork was estimated at 314 fish 
    (Johnson and Weller 1994). During snorkel surveys conducted in October 
    1997, no bull trout were observed in 40 pools of the West Fork of the 
    Jarbidge River. Biologists did not observe bull trout during surveys in 
    the Idaho portion of the Jarbidge River basin in 1992 or 1995 (Warren 
    and Partridge 1993; Allen et al. 1996). However, traps operated on the 
    lower East and West Forks, during August through October 1997, captured 
    a single small bull trout in Idaho on the West Fork. (Zoellick et al. 
    1996; T. Crawforth, in litt. 1998). The Salvelinus confluentus 
    Curiosity Society (SCCS), a group of individuals interested in bull 
    trout conservation, surveyed bull trout in the Jarbidge River in August 
    1998. During this 1-day survey, a total of approximately 40 stations 
    were sampled throughout the West Fork of the Jarbidge River, Jack 
    Creek, Pine Creek and tributaries, Dave Creek, Fall Creek and 
    tributaries, Slide Creek and tributaries, and Sawmill Creek. A total of 
    66 adult and juvenile bull trout were reported as either collected or 
    observed (Selena Werdon, Service, pers. comm. 1998). No bull trout were 
    found in one historically occupied stream, Jack Creek, despite the 
    removal of a fish barrier in 1997.
        NDOW provided population estimates, based on extrapolations of SCCS 
    data and NDOW surveys, which totaled about 1,800 fish in the West and 
    East Forks of the Jarbidge River, and seven other creeks and 
    tributaries (G. Johnson, pers. comm. 1998a). However, the value of this 
    data is in question (see our response to ``Issue 2''). Also, it is 
    estimated that between 50 and 125 bull trout spawn throughout the 
    Jarbidge River basin annually (G. Johnson, pers. comm. 1998b). Exact 
    spawning sites and timing are uncertain (G. Johnson, pers. comm. 
    1998a). A total of three potential
    [[Page 17114]]
    resident bull trout redds were observed in the upper West Fork in 1995 
    and 1997 surveys (Ramsey 1997).
        Adequate population trend information for bull trout in the 
    Jarbidge River subpopulation is not available, although the current 
    characteristics of bull trout in the basin include low numbers and 
    disjunct distribution. These characteristics have been described as 
    similar to that observed in the 1950s (Johnson and Weller 1994). Based 
    on recent surveys, the bull trout population in the Jarbidge River 
    basin is considered ``depressed'' in all of the occupied range. 
    Migratory fish (fluvial) may be present in low abundance, but resident 
    fish are the predominant life history form. Past and present activities 
    within the Jarbidge River basin have likely restricted bull trout 
    migration, thus reducing opportunities for bull trout reestablishment 
    in areas where the fish are no longer found (Service 1998).
        In 1998, the SCCS collected fin clips for genetic analysis from 
    bull trout within the Jarbidge River basin. Although sample sizes from 
    each stream varied and were typically small (less than 30 individuals), 
    preliminary genetic analysis of these tissue samples using DNA 
    microsatellites indicated that fish in the East and West Forks were 
    highly differentiated, and that tributaries to the East Fork also 
    showed differentiation (Jason Dunham, University of Nevada-Reno, in 
    litt. 1998; Bruce Rieman, USFS, in litt. 1998; Paul Spruell, University 
    of Montana, in litt. 1998). These preliminary data indicate the 
    potential presence of multiple, tributary resident bull trout 
    subpopulations, with limited gene flow among them, within the Jarbidge 
    River basin (T. Crawforth, in litt. 1998; J. Dunham, in litt. 1998; B. 
    Rieman, in litt. 1998).
        In summary, we considered new, though limited, information 
    submitted on the abundance, trends in abundance, and distribution of 
    bull trout in the Jarbidge River population segment. Resident fish 
    inhabit the East Fork and West Fork of the Jarbidge River and tributary 
    streams, and extremely low numbers of migratory (fluvial) fish may 
    still be present in the watershed (Zoellick et al. 1996; K. Ramsey, 
    USFS, in litt. 1997; L. McLelland, NDOW, in litt. 1998; Crawforth, in 
    litt. 1998). If the Jarbidge River DPS is extirpated, individuals from 
    other areas are unlikely to reestablish this DPS due to the presence of 
    dams downstream on the Snake and Bruneau Rivers and the 240 km (150 mi) 
    of unsuitable, degraded habitat within these migratory corridors. Past 
    and present activities within the Jarbidge River basin have likely 
    restricted bull trout migration, thus reducing opportunities for bull 
    trout reestablishment in areas where the fish are no longer found 
    (Service 1998). There is no definitive information on whether bull 
    trout have been extirpated from Jarbidge River headwater tributaries. 
    However, recent surveys indicate that bull trout have likely been 
    extirpated from one historical tributary, Jack Creek.
    Previous Federal Action
        On October 30, 1992, we received a petition to list the bull trout 
    as an endangered species throughout its range from the following 
    conservation organizations in Montana: Alliance for the Wild Rockies, 
    Inc., Friends of the Wild Swan, and Swan View Coalition (petitioners). 
    The petitioners also requested an emergency listing and concurrent 
    critical habitat designation for bull trout populations in select 
    aquatic ecosystems where the biological information indicated that the 
    species was in imminent risk of extinction. A 90-day finding, published 
    on May 17, 1993 (58 FR 28849), determined that the petitioners had 
    provided substantial information indicating that listing of the species 
    may be warranted. We initiated a rangewide status review of the species 
    concurrent with publication of the 90-day finding.
        On June 6, 1994, we concluded in our original 12-month finding that 
    listing of bull trout throughout its range was not warranted due to 
    unavailable or insufficient data regarding threats to, and status and 
    population trends of, the species within Canada and Alaska. However, we 
    determined that sufficient information on the biological vulnerability 
    and threats to the species was available to support a warranted finding 
    to list bull trout within the coterminous United States but this action 
    was precluded due to higher priority listings.
        On November 1, 1994, Friends of the Wild Swan, Inc. and Alliance 
    for the Wild Rockies, Inc. (plaintiffs) filed suit in the U.S. District 
    Court of Oregon (District Court) arguing that the warranted but 
    precluded finding was arbitrary and capricious. After we ``recycled'' 
    the petition and issued another 12-month finding for the coterminous 
    population of bull trout on June 12, 1995 (60 FR 30825), the District 
    Court issued an order declaring the plaintiffs' challenge to the 
    original finding moot. The plaintiffs declined to amend their complaint 
    and appealed to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals (Circuit Court), 
    which found that the plaintiffs' challenge fell ``within the exception 
    to the mootness doctrine for claims that are capable of repetition yet 
    evading review.'' On April 2, 1996, the Circuit Court remanded the case 
    back to the District Court. On November 13, 1996, the District Court 
    issued an order and opinion remanding the original finding to us for 
    further consideration. Included in the instructions from the District 
    Court were requirements that we limit our review to the 1994 
    administrative record, and incorporate any emergency listings or high 
    magnitude threat determinations into current listing priorities. The 
    reconsidered 12-month finding based on the 1994 Administrative Record 
    was delivered to the District Court on March 13, 1997.
        On March 24, 1997, the plaintiffs filed a motion for mandatory 
    injunction to compel us to issue a proposed rule to list the Klamath 
    River and Columbia River bull trout populations within 30 days based 
    solely on the 1994 Administrative Record. On April 4, 1997, we 
    requested 60 days to prepare and review the proposed rule. In a 
    stipulation between the plaintiffs and us filed with the District Court 
    on April 11, 1997, we agreed to issue a proposed rule in 60 days to 
    list the Klamath River population of bull trout as endangered and the 
    Columbia River population of bull trout as threatened based solely on 
    the 1994 record.
        We proposed the Klamath River population of bull trout as 
    endangered and Columbia River population of bull trout as threatened on 
    June 13, 1997 (62 FR 32268). The proposal included a 60-day comment 
    period and gave notice of five public hearings in Portland, Oregon; 
    Spokane, Washington; Missoula, Montana; Klamath Falls, Oregon; and 
    Boise, Idaho. The comment period on the proposal, which originally 
    closed on August 12, 1997, was extended to October 17, 1997 (62 FR 
    42092), to provide the public with more time to compile information and 
    submit comments.
        On December 4, 1997, the District Court ordered us to reconsider 
    several aspects of the 1997 reconsidered finding. On February 2, 1998, 
    the District Court gave us until June 12, 1998, to respond. The final 
    listing determination for the Klamath River and Columbia River 
    population segments of bull trout and the concurrent proposed listing 
    rule for the Coastal-Puget Sound, St. Mary-Belly River, and Jarbidge 
    River DPSs constituted our response.
        We published a final rule listing the Klamath River and Columbia 
    River population segments of bull trout as threatened on June 10, 1998 
    (63 FR 31647). On the same date, we also published a proposed rule to 
    list the
    [[Page 17115]]
    Coastal-Puget Sound, Jarbidge River, and St. Mary-Belly River 
    population segments of bull trout as threatened (63 FR 31693). On 
    August 11, 1998, we issued an emergency rule listing the Jarbidge River 
    population segment of bull trout as endangered due to river channel 
    alteration associated with unauthorized road construction on the West 
    Fork of the Jarbidge River, which we found to imminently threaten the 
    survival of the distinct population segment (63 FR 42757).
    Summary of Comments and Recommendations
        In the June 10, 1998, proposed rule (63 FR 31693), we requested 
    interested parties to submit comments or information that might 
    contribute to the final listing determination for bull trout. We sent 
    announcements of the proposed rule and notice of public hearings to at 
    least 800 individuals, including Federal, State, county and city 
    elected officials, State and Federal agencies, interested private 
    citizens and local area newspapers and radio stations. We also 
    published announcements of the proposed rule in 10 newspapers, the 
    Idaho Statesman, Boise, Idaho; the Times-News, Twin Falls, Idaho; the 
    Glacier Reporter, Browning, Montana; the Daily Inter Lake; Kalispell, 
    Montana; the Great Falls Tribune, Great Falls, Montana; the Elko Daily 
    Free Press, Elko, Nevada; the Bellingham Herald, Bellingham, 
    Washington; the Olympian, Olympia, Washington; the Spokesman-Review, 
    Spokane, Washington, and the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Seattle, 
    Washington. We held public hearings on July 7, 1998, in Lacey, 
    Washington; July 9, 1998, in Mount Vernon, Washington; July 14, 1998, 
    in East Glacier, Montana; and July 21, 1998, in Jackpot, Nevada. We 
    accepted comments on the emergency rule for the Jarbidge River DPS 
    until the comment period on the proposed rule ended on October 8, 1998.
        We received 9 oral and 14 written comments (including electronic 
    mail) on the proposed rule which pertained to the Jarbidge River DPS; 
    other comments were generic to all three DPSs. Of those specific to the 
    Jarbidge River DPS, four written comments also addressed the emergency 
    rule. We also received comments on the Jarbidge River DPS from two 
    Federal agencies, two State agencies, one county in Nevada, four 
    environmental organizations, and nine individuals. We received comments 
    from a member of the Nevada Congressional delegation. In addition, we 
    solicited formal scientific peer review of the proposal in accordance 
    with our July 1, 1994, Interagency Cooperative Policy (59 FR 34270). We 
    requested six individuals, who possess expertise in bull trout biology 
    and salmonid ecology, and whose affiliations include academia and 
    Federal, State, and provincial agencies, to review the proposed rule by 
    the close of the comment period. One individual responded to our 
    request and their comments are also addressed in this section of the 
        We considered all comments, including oral testimony presented at 
    the public hearings, and also the comments from the only peer reviewer 
    who responded to our request to review the proposed rule. A majority of 
    comments supported the listing proposal for the Jarbidge River DPS, 
    while seven comments were in opposition. Opposition was based on 
    several concerns, including possible negative economic effects from 
    listing bull trout; potential restrictions on activities; lack of 
    solutions to the bull trout decline that would result from listing; and 
    interpretation of data concerning the status of bull trout and their 
    threats in the three population segments. The USFS (Ben Siminoe, USFS, 
    in litt. 1998; Dave Aicher, USFS, pers. comm. 1998), BLM (Jim Klott, 
    BLM, pers. comm. 1998), NDOW (G. Johnson, NDOW, pers. comm. 1998a; R. 
    Haskins, NDOW, in litt. 1998), and IDFG (F. Partridge, IDFG, in litt. 
    1998) provided us with information on respective agency efforts to 
    assess, evaluate, monitor, and conserve bull trout in habitats affected 
    by each agency's management. Because multiple respondents offered 
    similar comments, we grouped comments of a similar nature or point. 
    These comments and our responses are presented below.
        Issue 1: One respondent questioned our subpopulation definition and 
    asked whether absolute reproductive isolation was required or only some 
    level of population structuring that means reduced gene flow and some 
    local adaptation. Several respondents questioned our single 
    subpopulation designation for the Jarbidge River DPS given preliminary 
    new genetic information which indicates the potential presence of 
    multiple local tributary subpopulations, with limited gene flow. Some 
    respondents also suggested that the bull trout in the Jarbidge River 
    may better fit the definition of a metapopulation, as described in the 
    proposed rule (63 FR 31693). Respondents pointed out that genetic 
    information and changes in DPS population structuring have implications 
    for risk assessment, as well as management and recovery strategies.
        Our Response: We selected subpopulations as a convenient unit to 
    analyze bull trout within population segments, and defined a 
    subpopulation as ``a reproductively isolated group of bull trout that 
    spawns within a particular area of a river system.'' We identified 
    subpopulations based on documented or likely barriers to fish movement 
    (e.g., impassable barriers to movement and unsuitable habitat). To be 
    considered a single subpopulation, two-way passage at a barrier is 
    required, otherwise bull trout upstream and downstream of a barrier are 
    each considered a subpopulation. Because it is likely that fish above a 
    barrier could pass downstream and mate with fish downstream, absolute 
    reproductive isolation was not required to be considered a 
        We viewed metapopulation concepts (see Rieman and McIntyre 1993) as 
    useful tools in evaluating bull trout, but, in querying biologists both 
    within the Service and elsewhere, we found considerable variability in 
    the definition of a metapopulation and the types of data suggestive of 
    a metapopulation. Some biologists may consider a subpopulation, as 
    defined by us, as a metapopulation if it has multiple spawning areas. 
    Likewise, subpopulations without reciprocal interactions (i.e., 
    individuals from upstream of a barrier may mingle with individuals 
    downstream, but not vice versa) may be considered components of a 
    metapopulation consisting of more than one subpopulation. Because 
    little genetic and detailed movement information exists throughout bull 
    trout range in the population segments addressed in the proposed rule, 
    we believe that barriers to movement was an appropriate consideration 
    for identifying subpopulations.
        We reviewed preliminary new genetic and other biological data 
    developed since the June 10, 1998 (63 FR 31693), proposed rule and 
    determined that there is insufficient information available to further 
    divide the Jarbidge River DPS into more than one subpopulation at this 
    time. We believe that barriers to movement (including unsuitable 
    habitat) were an appropriate consideration for identifying 
    subpopulations. However, we believe that additional samples of genetic 
    data for several tributaries are needed to accurately define bull trout 
    population structure within the Jarbidge River basin. We still consider 
    this DPS to contain one subpopulation based on the following: (1) 
    conclusive genetic data are not available due to limited sample sizes 
    from many of the tributaries; (2) bull trout in these tributaries are 
    [[Page 17116]]
    physically reproductively isolated; and (3) barriers to movement exist.
        We did consider this new genetic information and potential 
    metapopulation structure in assessing the overall level of threat to 
    this DPS. Although the existence of a potential metapopulation may 
    reduce the risk of extinction for this DPS as a whole, the potential 
    presence of unique genetic material in each tributary further elevates 
    their individual relative importance within the DPS. The genetic 
    diversity of all bull trout within the basin will be fully considered 
    in future management and recovery planning in the Jarbidge River basin. 
    As more complete genetic data become available, management and recovery 
    actions may change accordingly.
        Issue 2: Numerous respondents provided conflicting comments on the 
    status and trend of bull trout in the Jarbidge River DPS. Respondents 
    variously claimed that population status is either stable, increasing, 
    or uncertain. Some respondents questioned the amount and reliability of 
    survey data and sampling methodologies. One respondent noted that we 
    did not evaluate the listing criteria with objective and quantitative 
    methods, making it difficult to interpret new information in a 
    consistent manner. The reviewer also noted that, although quantitative 
    data are lacking for many local populations of bull trout, sufficient 
    information exists to design an inventory program to describe their 
    current distribution, relative abundance, and population structure.
        Our Response: A species may be determined to be an endangered or 
    threatened species due to the five factors listed in section 4(a)(1) of 
    the Act (see the ``Summary of Factors Affecting the Species'' section). 
    The Act requires us to base listing determinations on the best 
    available commercial and scientific information.
        The listing process includes an opportunity for the public to 
    comment and provide new information for us to evaluate and consider 
    before making a final decision. Aside from previously cited studies and 
    reports in the proposed and emergency rules, we reviewed and considered 
    new information regarding bull trout distribution and abundance for the 
    Jarbidge River basin from NDOW (G. Johnson, pers. comm. 1998a; T. 
    Crawforth, in litt. 1998) and the SCCS (S. Werdon, pers. comm. 1998). 
    Data are often not available to make statistically rigorous inferences 
    about a species' status (e.g., abundance, trends in abundance, and 
    distribution). Historical and recent collections have consisted of a 
    few, sporadic presence and absence-type surveys occurring years or 
    decades apart, each reflecting a single point-in-time. No regular, 
    standardized, quantitative surveys designed to detect population trends 
    of bull trout over a period of time, with statistical testing to 
    qualify data accuracy, have been done.
        NDOW provided us with population estimates for streams in the 
    Jarbidge River basin which they derived by extrapolating the number of 
    bull trout collected or observed (via single-pass electrofishing or 
    snorkeling) within 30-m (100-ft) stations to kilometers (miles) of 
    stream habitat. For example, one bull trout per station equaled an 
    average population density of 85 bull trout/km (52.8 bull trout/mi) in 
    a particular stream reach. We believe these extrapolations are 
    inaccurate since past surveys confirm that bull trout exhibit patchy 
    distributions, and comparisons of such population estimates among years 
    does not provide an accurate analysis of population trends. We 
    specifically requested additional information from NDOW during the 
    comment period, however, they did not provide information on the actual 
    number of bull trout collected or observed, the sizes or life-stages of 
    the fish, or the specific locations where fish were collected during 
    1998 surveys. This information would be useful for comparison with 
    prior distribution and abundance data. Nevertheless, we believe overall 
    numbers in the subpopulation are low, and that concentrations of fish 
    are found in only a few headwater streams where suitable habitat 
    remains. Overall, we found sufficient evidence exists that demonstrates 
    the Jarbidge River population segment is threatened by a variety of 
    past and on-going threats and is likely to become endangered in the 
    foreseeable future.
        Issue 3: Numerous respondents provided conflicting comments on the 
    validity and level of impact from threats identified in the proposed 
    and emergency rules. Some respondents also suggested additional threats 
    to this population.
        Our Response: Threats identified in the proposed rule for the 
    Jarbidge River DPS include habitat degradation from past and ongoing 
    land management activities such as road construction and maintenance, 
    mining, and livestock grazing. Additional threats we evaluated included 
    non-native rainbow trout stocking, angling for other fish species, 
    migration barriers, and future natural events. We emergency listed the 
    population due to habitat destruction on the West Fork of the Jarbidge 
    River associated with unauthorized road construction, and the 
    substantial risk of continued loss of bull trout habitat through 
    additional unauthorized road construction. We believe the threats 
    identified in the proposed and emergency rules threaten the continued 
    existence of bull trout in the Jarbidge River system. However, 
    respondents may have misconstrued our perceived level of threat 
    associated with certain activities, livestock grazing in particular. We 
    recognize that existing levels of livestock grazing provide relatively 
    minor impacts to bull trout habitat throughout the Jarbidge River 
    basin; however, all potential threats must be considered during the 
    listing process.
        Many of the threats addressed in the proposed rule were associated 
    with residual effects from historical activities within the basin 
    (e.g., mining) and some respondents felt they were no longer valid 
    threats. We recognize that overall watershed conditions have improved 
    from early this century, but impacts to bull trout habitat from such 
    historical activities still exist (e.g., elevated water temperatures 
    from mine adit discharges). Road construction and associated 
    maintenance activities, especially those occurring within riparian 
    areas or adjacent to occupied bull trout streams, have documented 
    impacts on bull trout habitat conditions and thereby threaten bull 
        Issue 4: Many respondents provided comments regarding prior and 
    ongoing beneficial management and/or habitat rehabilitation measures 
    for bull trout throughout the Jarbidge River watershed. Some 
    respondents also stated that overall watershed conditions in the 
    Jarbidge River basin are improving.
        Our Response: Section 4(b)(1)(A) of the Act, requires us to make 
    listing decisions solely on the best scientific and commercial data 
    available after conducting a review of the status of the species. The 
    Act also instructs us to consider existing regulatory mechanisms, 
    including efforts by State, local and other entities to protect a 
    species, including conservation plans or practices.
        We recognize that numerous individual conservation actions and 
    restoration projects have been undertaken by the USFS, BLM, States, 
    conservation groups, and other entities for bull trout in the Jarbidge 
    River basin. For example, the Jarbidge Bull Trout Task Force, 
    established in 1994, completed a project to restore access for bull 
    trout to Jack Creek in 1997. However, no bull trout were found in Jack 
    Creek in 1998. The USFS has fenced some springs to protect riparian
    [[Page 17117]]
    areas and improve water quality, and implemented reclamation of old 
    mine sites. Idaho and Nevada State angler harvest regulations for bull 
    trout have also become more restrictive.
        We are required to evaluate the current status and existing threats 
    to bull trout in the Jarbidge River DPS in making this final listing 
    determination. Altogether, watershed habitat recovery and actions taken 
    to date are encouraging for initiating long-term bull trout 
    conservation. However, we have found no documentation of changes in 
    abundance and distribution of bull trout as a result of such actions. 
    For example, surveys conducted by biologists did not find bull trout in 
    Jack Creek during 1997 or 1998 after the removal of a culvert barrier. 
    Although impacts to bull trout from historical and on-going activities 
    still exist, we recognize that overall watershed conditions in the 
    Jarbidge River basin have improved, and we are now finalizing our 
    listing of bull trout as threatened, rather than as endangered (see 
    ``Issue 6'' for further discussion).
        Issue 5: Several respondents opposed the Federal listing entirely, 
    while others supported listing the population as threatened or 
    endangered. One respondent commented that we proposed this listing as a 
    result of a lawsuit, rather than sound scientific evidence, as required 
    by the Act.
        Our Response: Although the timing of recent listing actions were 
    prompted by petitions and legal action, we previously had substantial 
    information on biological vulnerability and threats on file to support 
    preparation of a bull trout listing proposal, and the decision to list 
    was based solely on scientific data and threats identified during the 
    status review process.
        Issue 6: One respondent stated that the August 11, 1998, emergency 
    listing was ``inappropriate based on the level of threat'' posed by 
    unauthorized road reconstruction activities to reopen 2.4 km (1.5 mi) 
    of road.
        Our Response: Road construction and maintenance activities, 
    especially those occurring within riparian areas or adjacent to 
    streams, have substantial documented adverse impacts on bull trout 
    habitats. The threats to bull trout from the unauthorized road 
    construction activities on the West Fork of the Jarbidge River include 
    both direct and indirect impacts. These activities occurred on a 
    migratory corridor during the period when bull trout migrate and spawn. 
    Migratory or resident bull trout may have been stranded and killed when 
    the entire river was diverted and the existing wetted channel was 
    filled. Elko County did not use Best Management Practices (BMPs) to 
    protect instream aquatic habitat during construction, and large 
    quantities of sediment from the disturbed area settled out in the river 
    immediately downstream, filling in pools and interstitial spaces. The 
    sediment plume traveled at least 5.6 km (3.5 mi) downstream (B. 
    Siminoe, pers. comm. 1998), within known bull trout habitats. The newly 
    created channel provided minimal instream or overhead cover, with few 
    resting areas for migratory or resident fish, and at low flow, would 
    impede bull trout migrations. We also anticipated long-term residual 
    impacts such as sedimentation from the new roadbed, floodplain 
    vegetation destruction, slope cuts, and channel instability. Elko 
    County expressed their intentions to continue road reconstruction 
    despite being informed of various regulatory prohibitions. The threat 
    of continued unauthorized road reconstruction without the use of BMPs 
    was considered in the emergency listing.
        Issue 7: Several respondents opposed the proposed listing of the 
    Jarbidge River population segment and expressed concerns because of 
    possible restrictions on local activities such as road construction, 
    livestock grazing, and mining, which might impact local residents. One 
    respondent stated that human use and bull trout conservation were 
    ``mutually compatible goals.'' Another respondent stated that future 
    actions needed for bull trout will be the same whether it is listed or 
    remains a ``sensitive species.''
        Our Response: Section 7(a)(2) of the Act, as amended, requires 
    Federal agencies to insure that activities that they authorize, fund, 
    or carry out are not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of a 
    listed species or to destroy or adversely modify its critical habitat. 
    This could include Federal activities such as road construction, 
    livestock grazing management, and mining permit issuance. If a Federal 
    action may affect a listed species or its critical habitat, the 
    responsible Federal agency must enter into formal consultation with us. 
    Portions of the Jarbidge River population segment occur on lands 
    administered by the USFS and BLM. We have already consulted with these 
    Federal agencies for several such projects in the Jarbidge River basin 
    during the emergency listing period. Federal and private actions that 
    we authorize through section 7 consultation or through section 10 of 
    the Act (Habitat Conservation Plans) will not result in significant 
    impacts to bull trout. Future impacts to local residents from this 
    final listing determination are expected to be minimal when compared 
    with the requirements of existing laws, regulations, and procedures. 
    See ``Available Conservation Measures'' section for a list of actions 
    that would not result in a take of this species.
        Issue 8: A respondent noted that we are probably correct in stating 
    that critical habitat is presently not determinable. They noted that 
    consistent patterns in juvenile fish distribution, primarily with 
    respect to stream elevation and water temperature, are useful in 
    predicting patches of spawning and rearing habitats, which are probably 
    sensitive to land use and important for the overall productivity of 
    local populations. Several respondents encouraged us to consider 
    several issues such as designating all historic and existing bull trout 
    habitat as critical, protecting roadless and riparian areas, providing 
    suitable water temperatures, limiting sediment delivery, and other 
    habitat management activities.
        Our Response: Section 3 of the Act defines critical habitat to 
    include the specific areas within the geographic area occupied by the 
    species at the time it is listed, on which are found those physical or 
    biological features essential to the conservation of the species and 
    which may require special management considerations or protection. 
    Critical habitat may also include specific areas outside of the 
    geographic area occupied by the species at the time it is listed, upon 
    determination that such areas are essential for the conservation of the 
    species. At this time, we find that critical habitat is not 
    determinable for the Jarbidge River population segment. We appreciate 
    the comments and believe that information on patterns in fish 
    distribution will likely be useful in future critical habitat 
    designations. This and other habitat considerations will also be 
    important during development of the recovery plan.
    Summary of Factors Affecting the Species
        After a thorough review and consideration of all information 
    available, we determine that the Jarbidge River population segment of 
    bull trout should be classified as a threatened species. We followed 
    procedures found at section 4(a)(1) of the Act and regulations (50 CFR 
    part 424) implementing the listing provisions of the Act. A species may 
    be determined to be an endangered or threatened species due to one or 
    more of the five factors described in section 4(a)(1). These factors 
    and their application to the Jarbidge River population segment of bull 
    trout (Salvelinus confluentus) are as follows:
    [[Page 17118]]
    A. The Present or Threatened Destruction, Modification, or Curtailment 
    of Its Habitat or Range
        Land and water management activities that degrade and continue to 
    threaten all of the bull trout population segments in the coterminous 
    United States include dams, forest management practices, livestock 
    grazing, agriculture and agricultural diversions, roads, and mining 
    (Furniss et al. 1991; Meehan 1991; Nehlsen et al. 1991; Sedell and 
    Everest 1991; Frissell 1993; McIntosh et al. 1994; MBTSG 1995a,b; 
        Ongoing threats affecting bull trout habitat have maintained 
    degraded conditions in the West Fork of the Jarbidge River (McNeill et 
    al. 1997; J. Frederick, pers. comm. 1998a; Kathy Ramsey, USFS, pers. 
    comm. 1998a). McNeill et al. (1997) indicates that at least 11.2 km (7 
    mi) of the West Fork of the Jarbidge River is affected by over a 
    century of human activities such as road development and maintenance, 
    mining, stream channelization and removal of large woody debris, 
    residential development, and road and campground development on USFS 
    lands. These activities removed the riparian canopy and much of the 
    upland forest, reduced recruitment of large woody debris, and decreased 
    channel stability (McNeill et al. 1997; K. Ramsey, in litt. 1997; J. 
    Frederick, in litt. 1998a), which can lead to increased stream 
    temperatures and bank erosion, and decreased long-term stream 
    productivity. However, there is little documentation of increased 
    stream temperatures and bank erosion and decreased stream productivity 
    in the Jarbidge River system, but there is documentation of these kinds 
    of degradation in other systems within the range of the bull trout.
        Strict, cold water temperature requirements make bull trout 
    particularly vulnerable to activities that warm spawning and rearing 
    waters (Goetz 1989; Pratt 1992; Rieman and McIntyre 1993). Bull trout 
    distribution in the Jarbidge River population segment is likely 
    affected by elevated stream temperatures as a result of past forest 
    practices. Although timber was historically removed from the Jarbidge 
    River basin, forest management is not thought to be a major factor 
    currently affecting bull trout habitat. However, existing habitat 
    conditions still reflect the impacts of past harvesting practices.
        Road construction and maintenance account for a majority of human-
    induced sediment loads to streams in forested areas (Shepard et al. 
    1984; Cederholm and Reid 1987; Furniss et al. 1991). Sedimentation 
    affects streams by reducing pool depth, altering substrate composition, 
    reducing interstitial space, and causing braiding of channels (Rieman 
    and McIntyre 1993), which reduce carrying capacity. Sedimentation and 
    the loss of pool-forming structures such as boulders and large wood 
    reduces quantities of large, deep pools (USDA et al. 1993). Increasing 
    stream basin road densities and associated effects have been shown to 
    cause declines in bull trout (Quigley and Arbelbide 1997). Fewer bull 
    trout are present within highly roaded basins, and bull trout are less 
    likely to use highly roaded basins for spawning and rearing (Quigley 
    and Arbelbide 1997).
        Road densities within the Jarbidge Canyon are currently 
    characterized as moderate (Ramsey 1998). Bull trout habitats in 
    portions of the Jarbidge River basin are negatively affected by the 
    presence and maintenance of roads, especially those immediately 
    adjacent to or crossing occupied streams. The unauthorized road 
    construction and associated alterations to the West Fork of the 
    Jarbidge River within the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest by the Elko 
    County (Nevada) Road Department prompted our emergency listing of the 
    Jarbidge River DPS on August 11, 1998 (63 FR 42757). On July 22, 1998, 
    a USFS employee observed a 5.6-km (3.5-mi) plume of sediment in the 
    West Fork, which extended downstream from a site where Elko County was 
    using heavy equipment to reconstruct part of a USFS road that washed 
    out during a flood in 1995 (B. Siminoe, pers. comm. 1998). By the 
    following day, Elko County road crews reconstructed approximately 275 m 
    (300 yards (yds)) of road. To create the road, sections of river were 
    loosely filled with material from adjacent hillsides and floodplain 
    debris. The entire river flow was diverted into a straight channel 
    created with a bulldozer and/or front-end loader. This channel lacked 
    pools and had minimal cover, as mature trees adjacent to the new 
    channel and other riparian vegetation were removed during channel 
    construction. Sedimentation in the river downstream of the construction 
    area was substantial. Federal agencies have implemented channel and 
    floodplain habitat restoration and stabilization practices, but impacts 
    from the road reconstruction to bull trout habitat will likely remain 
    for years. Impacts from County road maintenance practices within the 
    Jarbidge Canyon and elsewhere, such as surface grading and dumping fill 
    directly into the river to stabilize the road also continue to 
    negatively impact bull trout habitat.
        Improper livestock grazing can promote streambank erosion and 
    sedimentation, and limit the growth of riparian vegetation important 
    for temperature control, streambank stability, fish cover, and detrital 
    input. The steep terrain of the Jarbidge River basin is a deterrent to 
    livestock grazing (J. Frederick, in litt. 1998a). Approximately 40 
    percent of public and private lands within the watershed are grazed, 
    and ongoing livestock grazing is affecting about 3.2 km (2 mi) of the 
    East Fork of the Jarbidge River and portions of Dave Creek and Jack 
    Creek by increasing sediment input, removing riparian vegetation, and 
    trampling banks (J. Frederick, pers. comm. 1998; G. Johnson, pers. 
    comm. 1998b). However, the effects are localized, and livestock grazing 
    is considered only a minor localized threat to bull trout habitat in 
    the Jarbidge River basin.
        Mining can degrade aquatic systems by generating sediment and heavy 
    metals pollution, altering water pH levels, and changing stream 
    channels and flow. Although not currently active, the effects of past 
    mining in the Jarbidge River basin continue to adversely affect 
    streams. Cyanide and/or mercury amalgamation mills were operated 
    directly on the river, and spoil piles are still located adjacent to 
    the river. These piles may be sources of sediment, acidity, and heavy 
    metals. In addition, some old mine adits continue to discharge 
    thermally-elevated groundwater. Water quality and temperatures 
    associated with historical mining are still of concern.
        Migration barriers have precluded natural recolonization by bull 
    trout in the Jarbidge River basin into historically occupied sites. For 
    example, an Elko County road culvert had prevented upstream movement of 
    bull trout in Jack Creek, a tributary to the West Fork of the Jarbidge 
    River, for approximately 17 years. Private and public funding was used 
    to replace the culvert with a bridge in the fall of 1997 (J. Frederick, 
    in litt. 1998b), but bull trout have yet to return to this stream. In 
    addition to structural barriers, stream habitat conditions (e.g., water 
    temperature) are likely barriers to bull trout movement within the 
    Jarbidge River basin.
    B. Overutilization for Commercial, Recreational, Scientific, or 
    Educational Purposes
        Declines in bull trout abundance have prompted States to institute 
    restrictive fishing regulations and eliminate the harvest of bull trout 
    in all waters in Idaho and Nevada. Similar restrictive regulations 
    resulted in an increase in recent observations of adult bull trout in 
    other areas of their range. However,
    [[Page 17119]]
    illegal harvest and incidental harvest still threaten bull trout.
        Overutilization by angling is a concern for the Jarbidge River DPS 
    of bull trout. Idaho prohibited harvest of bull trout in the Jarbidge 
    River basin as of 1995 and has shortened fishing seasons and 
    implemented a two trout limit. Until recently, Nevada allowed harvest 
    of up to 10 trout per day, including bull trout. Anglers harvested an 
    estimated 100 to 400 bull trout annually in the Jarbidge River basin 
    (Johnson 1990; Pat Coffin, Service, pers. comm. 1994; P. Coffin, in 
    litt. 1995). On the West Fork of the Jarbidge River in Nevada, fishing 
    pressure is between 1,500 to 3,500 angler days per year; the East Fork 
    annually receives 500 to 1,500 angler days (P. Coffin, pers. comm. 
    1996). Nevada State fishing regulations were recently amended to 
    prohibit harvest of bull trout effective March 1, 1998 (Gene Weller, 
    NDOW, in litt. 1997; G. Johnson, pers. comm. 1998b). In addition, 
    Nevada reduced the daily and possession limits for other trout species 
    in the Jarbidge River basin from 10 to 5 trout. We anticipate that 
    these regulation changes will have a long-term positive effect on the 
    conservation of bull trout. Inaccurate identification of bull trout by 
    anglers could result in unauthorized harvest, further impacting already 
    low population levels in this DPS. Even though State regulations now 
    require all bull trout incidentally captured to be released 
    immediately, some residual injuries or mortality are likely associated 
    with capture and handling.
        Overutilization for scientific purposes can be a concern for the 
    Jarbidge River DPS of bull trout in the long-term. State regulations 
    require a scientific collection permit to collect bull trout for 
    educational and scientific purposes, but permit application and 
    reporting requirements are minimal. Although many bull trout collected 
    for scientific purposes may be documented as released alive (e.g., 
    after taking fin clips for genetic analysis), collection techniques 
    such as electrofishing, have documented short- and long-term harmful 
    effects on salmonids, including mortality, physical damage, behavioral 
    changes, and physiological disturbances. Other types of permitted 
    scientific research (e.g., implantation of radio tags) may also result 
    in the loss of individual bull trout.
    C. Disease or Predation
        Diseases affecting salmonids are likely to be present in the 
    Jarbidge River population segment, but are not thought to be a factor 
    threatening bull trout. Instead, interspecific interactions, including 
    predation, likely negatively affect bull trout where non-native 
    salmonids are introduced (Bond 1992; Donald and Alger 1993; Leary et 
    al. 1993; MBTSG 1996a; J. Palmisano and V. Kaczynski, Northwest 
    Forestry Resources Council, in litt. 1997).
        The NDOW and IDFG have introduced non-native salmonids, including 
    brook trout and hatchery rainbow trout within the range of bull trout 
    in the Jarbidge River basin. However, brook trout stocked in Nevada 
    failed to establish a self-sustaining population in the Jarbidge River 
    system and the NDOW has not stocked brook trout since 1960 (Johnson and 
    Weller 1994; G. Johnson, pers. comm. 1998b; T. Crawforth, in litt. 
    1998). In the West Fork of the Jarbidge River, only approximately 1 
    percent of the angler harvest from the 1960s through the 1980s was 
    brook trout (Johnson 1990). Hatchery-reared rainbow trout have been 
    stocked annually for decades in both Nevada and Idaho portions of the 
    basin. IDFG stocked a total of approximately 52,783 hatchery rainbow 
    trout in the East (75 percent) and West (25 percent) forks of the 
    Jarbidge River from 1970 through 1989 (F. Partridge, in litt. 1998), 
    but then discontinued their stocking program. NDOW's average annual 
    catchable rainbow trout stocking numbers on the West Fork of the 
    Jarbidge River were 4,242 fish in the1970s; 3,287 fish from 1980 to 
    1986; and 3,000 fish from 1987 to 1994 (except 1991) (Johnson and 
    Weller 1994). NDOW's rainbow trout stocking program continued through 
    1998, however, NDOW will not stock rainbow trout in the Jarbidge River 
    system in 1999 (Gene Weller, NDOW, pers. comm. 1999).
    D. The Inadequacy of Existing Regulatory Mechanisms
        The implementation and enforcement of existing Federal and State 
    laws designed to conserve fishery resources, maintain water quality, 
    and protect aquatic habitat have not been sufficient to prevent past 
    and ongoing habitat degradation leading to bull trout declines and 
    isolation. Regulatory mechanisms, including the National Forest 
    Management Act, the Federal Land Policy and Management Act, the Public 
    Rangelands Improvement Act, the Clean Water Act, the National 
    Environmental Policy Act, Federal Power Act, State Endangered Species 
    Acts and numerous State laws and regulations oversee an array of land 
    and water management activities that affect bull trout and their 
        Regulatory mechanisms have been inadequate to protect bull trout 
    habitat in the Jarbidge River basin. The Jarbidge Canyon Road parallels 
    the West Fork of the Jarbidge River for much of its length and includes 
    at least seven undersized bridges for the stream and floodplain. 
    Maintenance of the road and bridges requires frequent channel and 
    floodplain modifications that affect bull trout habitat, such as 
    channelization; removal of riparian trees and beaver dams; and 
    placement of rock, sediment, and concrete (McNeill et al. 1997; J. 
    Frederick, pers. comm. 1998a; J. Frederick, in litt. 1998a). Periodic 
    channelization in the Jarbidge River by unknown parties has occurred 
    without oversight by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) Clean Water 
    Act section 404 regulatory program (Mary Jo Elpers, Service, pers. 
    comm. 1998), and the USFS. Illegal road openings, such as the removal 
    of road barriers and unauthorized grading, have also occurred within 
    the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest.
        In 1995, a flood event washed out a 2.4-km (1.5-mi) portion of the 
    upper Jarbidge Canyon road, which led to the Jarbidge Wilderness Area 
    boundary. The USFS conducted an environmental analysis on options for 
    restoring access to the wilderness and initially planned to reconstruct 
    the road in the floodplain, which would have included channelizing the 
    river (McNeill et al. 1997). After an appeal, the USFS subsequently 
    completed additional environmental analyses and issued an environmental 
    assessment on June 29, 1998, with construction of a hillside trail as 
    the preferred alternative.
        On July 15, 1998, the Elko County Board of Commissioners passed a 
    resolution directing the Elko County Road Department to reconstruct the 
    road. On July 22, 1998, the USFS discovered that road construction was 
    in progress and observed a 5.6-km (3.5-mi) plume of sediment downstream 
    from the construction site. Prior to the issuance of cease and desist 
    orders from the COE and Nevada Division of Environmental Protection 
    (NDEP) on July 23, 1998, the County partially reconstructed 
    approximately 275 m (300 yds) of road, created a new river channel, and 
    diverted the flow of the river into the new channel. The County failed 
    to implement BMPs and damaged or destroyed habitat within the river 
    channel and floodplain. Elko County continues to publicly assert that 
    it has jurisdiction over the road, but the Service, USFS, and Elko 
    County are cooperatively exploring alternatives for public access in 
    the area that would not adversely impact bull trout habitat.
        The Nevada water temperature standards throughout the Jarbidge 
    [[Page 17120]]
    are 21 deg. C (67 deg. F) for May through October, and 7 deg. C 
    (45 deg. F) for November through April, with less than 1 deg. C (2 deg. 
    F) change for beneficial uses (NDEP, in litt. 1998). Water temperature 
    standards for May through October exceed temperatures conducive to bull 
    trout spawning, incubation, and rearing (Rieman and McIntyre 1993; 
    Buchanan and Gregory 1997). Also, several old mines are releasing small 
    quantities of warm groundwater and potential contaminants into the West 
    Fork of the Jarbidge River.
        In 1994, a local Bull Trout Task Force was formed to gather and 
    share information on bull trout in the Jarbidge River basin. The task 
    force is open to individuals from Elko and Owyhee counties, the towns 
    of Jarbidge (Nevada) and Murphy Hot Springs (Idaho), road districts, 
    private landowners, conservation organizations, NDOW, IDFG, BLM, USFS, 
    and the Service. The task force was successful in 1997 in obtaining 
    nearly $150,000 for replacing the Jack Creek culvert with a concrete 
    bridge to facilitate bull trout passage into Jack Creek. However, the 
    task force has not yet developed a comprehensive conservation plan 
    addressing threats to bull trout in the Jarbidge River basin.
        In 1995, the USFS amended its Forest Plan for the Humbolt National 
    Forest to include the Inland Native Fish Strategy, which was developed 
    by the USFS to provide an interim aquatic conservation strategy for 
    inland native fish in eastern Oregon and Washington, Idaho, western 
    Montana, and portions of Nevada. This strategy sets a ``no net loss'' 
    objective and is guiding USFS actions within bull trout habitat in the 
    Jarbidge River basin.
    E. Other Natural or Manmade Factors Affecting Its Continued Existence
        Natural and human factors affecting the continued existence of bull 
    trout include--previous introductions of non-native species that 
    compete with bull trout; subpopulation habitat fragmentation and 
    isolation caused by human activities; and the risk of local 
    extirpations due to natural events such as droughts and floods.
        Introductions of non-native species by the Federal government, 
    State fish and game departments and unauthorized private parties across 
    the range of bull trout has resulted in declines in abundance, local 
    extirpations, and hybridization of bull trout (Bond 1992; Howell and 
    Buchanan 1992; Leary et al. 1993; Donald and Alger 1993; Pratt and 
    Huston 1993; MBTSG 1995b; Platts et al. 1995; John Palmisano and V. 
    Kaczynski, in litt. 1997). Non-native species may exacerbate stresses 
    on bull trout from habitat degradation, fragmentation, isolation, and 
    species interactions (Rieman and McIntyre 1993). In some lakes and 
    rivers, introduced species including rainbow trout and kokanee may 
    benefit large adult bull trout by providing supplemental forage (Pratt 
    1992; MBTSG 1996a). However, the same introductions of game fish can 
    negatively affect bull trout due to increased angling and subsequent 
    incidental catch, illegal harvest of bull trout, and competition for 
    space (Rode 1990; Bond 1992).
        ``The smaller and more isolated parts of the range (such as the 
    bull trout remaining in the Jarbidge River basin) likely face a higher 
    risk'' of extirpation by natural events relative to other bull trout 
    populations (Rieman et al. 1997). One such risk factor is fire. In 
    1992, a 4,850 hectare (12,000 acre) fire (Coffeepot Fire) occurred at 
    elevations up to 2,280 m (7,500 ft), in areas adjacent to the Bruneau 
    River basin and a small portion of the Jarbidge River basin. Although 
    the Coffeepot Fire did not affect areas currently occupied by bull 
    trout, similar conditions likely exist in nearby areas where bull trout 
    occur. Adverse effects of fire on bull trout habitat may include loss 
    of riparian canopy, increased water temperature and sediment, loss of 
    pools, mass wasting of soils, altered hydrologic regime and debris 
    torrents. Fires large enough to eliminate one or two suspected spawning 
    streams are more likely at higher elevations where bull trout are 
    usually found in the Jarbidge River basin (J. Frederick, in litt. 
    1998a; K. Ramsey, pers. comm. 1998b).
        Other natural risks have been recently documented. The Jarbidge 
    River Watershed Analysis indicates that 65 percent of the upper West 
    Fork of the Jarbidge River basin has a 45 percent or greater slope 
    (McNeill et al. 1997). Debris from high spring runoff flows in the 
    various high gradient side drainages such as Snowslide, Gorge, and 
    Bonanza gulches provide the West Fork of the Jarbidge River with large 
    volumes of angular rock material. This material has moved down the 
    gulches at regular intervals, altering the river channel and damaging 
    the Jarbidge Canyon road, culverts, and bridge crossings. Most of the 
    river flows are derived from winter snowpack in the high mountain 
    watershed, with peak flows corresponding with spring snowmelt, 
    typically in May and June (McNeill et al. 1997). Rain-on-snow events 
    earlier in the year (January and February) can cause extensive flooding 
    problems and have the potential for mass-wasting, debris torrents, and 
    earth slumps, which could threaten the existence of bull trout in the 
    upper Jarbidge River and tributary streams. In June 1995, a rain-on-
    snow event triggered debris torrents from three of the high gradient 
    tributaries to the Jarbidge River in the upper watershed (McNeill et 
    al. 1997). The relationship between these catastrophic events and the 
    history of intensive livestock grazing, burning to promote livestock 
    forage, timber harvest and recent fire control in the Jarbidge River 
    basin is unclear. Debris torrents may potentially affect the long-term 
    viability of the Jarbidge River bull trout subpopulation.
        We have carefully assessed the best scientific and commercial 
    information available regarding the past, present, and future threats 
    faced by the Jarbidge River population segment of bull trout in 
    determining to issue this rule. This population segment is 
    characterized by low numbers of resident and migratory fish comprising 
    a single, isolated subpopulation, within marginal habitat conditions 
    for the species at the southern-most extremity of its range. The 
    Jarbidge River DPS is vulnerable to extinction due to threats from 
    activities such as road construction and maintenance, recreational 
    fishing (intentional and unintentional harvest), rainbow trout 
    stocking, mining, and grazing. Although some of these activities have 
    been modified or discontinued in recent years, the lingering effects 
    from these activities continue to affect water quality, contribute to 
    channel and bank instability, and inhibit habitat and species recovery.
        We emergency listed the Jarbidge River population segment of bull 
    trout as endangered on August 11, 1998 (63 FR 42757), due to channel 
    alteration associated with unauthorized road construction to repair the 
    Jarbidge Canyon Road, damaged by a 1995 flood, on the West Fork of the 
    Jarbidge River, and the substantial risk that such construction would 
    continue. The construction activity had completely destroyed all 
    aquatic habitat in this area, and introduced a significant amount of 
    sediment into the river. Continued unauthorized reconstruction of the 
    2.4 km (1.5 mi) of the Jarbidge Canyon Road would have impacted 27 
    percent of the known occupied bull trout habitat in the West Fork 
    Jarbidge River, which has among the highest reported densities of bull 
    trout within the Jarbidge River DPS (Johnson and Weller 1994). The road 
    construction would have also indirectly impacted an additional 21 km 
    (13 mi) of bull trout habitat downstream of the construction site in 
    the West Fork Jarbidge River, and potentially 45 km (28 mi) in the 
    mainstem Jarbidge River.
    [[Page 17121]]
        Since the emergency listing of the Jarbidge River population 
    segment, the USFS has restored some of the habitat. We have consulted 
    with Federal agencies for several projects in the Jarbidge River basin 
    such as old mining site reclamations, the creation of off-stream 
    livestock watering sites, and fencing streams from livestock, that have 
    helped reduce sedimentation into the Jarbidge River system. Following 
    the issuance of a cease and desist order by the State of Nevada and COE 
    to Elko County, the USFS hired stream restoration specialists to 
    restore the damaged portion of the West Fork Jarbidge River. The 
    specialists designed a plan to stabilize and enhance the river channel 
    in its new location. Work crews removed the fine sediment in the river 
    created by the road construction and placed large material such as 
    woody debris, large rocks and boulders back into the river for bull 
    trout habitat. The fine sediment removed from the river was used to 
    repair floodplain damage upslope, and the streambanks were partially 
    revegetated. The USFS will implement additional revegetation and 
    erosion control measures in 1999. These restoration actions have helped 
    to ameliorate some of the effects of the road construction on bull 
    trout habitat. A residual, inaccessible road still exists, but the 
    Service, USFS, and Elko County are cooperatively looking at 
    alternatives for public access in the area that would not adversely 
    impact bull trout habitat.
        We have carefully assessed the best scientific and commercial 
    information available regarding past, present, and future threats faced 
    by this species in determining to make this rule final. Based on this 
    evaluation, we have determined that the Jarbidge River population 
    segment of bull trout should be listed as threatened. We emergency 
    listed this species as endangered due to the threats posed by road 
    construction in the West Fork of the Jarbidge River. Because of the 
    restoration activity that has occurred in the West Fork of the Jarbidge 
    River to repair the road construction damage, we believe this distinct 
    population segment fits the definition of threatened as defined by the 
    Act. Therefore, the action is to list the bull trout as threatened in 
    the Jarbidge River population segment.
    Critical Habitat
        Critical habitat is defined in section 3 of the Act as--(i) the 
    specific area within the geographical area occupied by a species, at 
    the time it is listed in accordance with the Act, on which are found 
    those biological features (I) essential to the conservation of the 
    species and (II) that may require special management considerations or 
    protection; and (ii) specific areas outside the geographical area 
    occupied by a species at the time it is listed, upon a determination 
    that such areas are essential for the conservation of the species. 
    ``Conservation'' means the use of all methods and procedures needed to 
    bring the species to the point at which listing under the Act is no 
    longer necessary.
        Section 4(a)(3) of the Act, and implementing regulations (50 CFR 
    424.12) require that, to the maximum extent prudent and determinable, 
    the Secretary designate critical habitat at the time the species is 
    determined to be endangered or threatened. Our regulations (50 CFR 
    424.12(a)) state that critical habitat is not determinable if 
    information sufficient to perform required analysis of impacts of the 
    designation is lacking or if the biological needs of the species are 
    not sufficiently well known to permit identification of an area as 
    critical habitat. Section 4(b)(2) of the Act requires us to consider 
    economic and other relevant impacts of designating a particular area as 
    critical habitat on the basis of the best scientific data available. 
    The Secretary may exclude any area from critical habitat if he 
    determines that the benefits of such exclusion outweigh the 
    conservation benefits, unless to do such would result in the extinction 
    of the species.
        We find that the designation of critical habitat is not 
    determinable for this distinct population segment based on the best 
    available information. When a ``not determinable'' finding is made, we 
    must, within 2 years of the publication date of the original proposed 
    rule, designate critical habitat, unless the designation is found to be 
    not prudent. We reached a ``not determinable'' critical habitat finding 
    in the proposed rule and we specifically requested comments on this 
    issue. While we received a number of comments advocating critical 
    habitat designation, none of these comments provided information that 
    added to our ability to determine critical habitat. Additionally, we 
    did not obtain any new information regarding specific physical and 
    biological features essential for bull trout in the Jarbidge River bull 
    trout population segment during the open comment period including the 
    five public hearings. The biological needs of bull trout in this 
    population segment are not sufficiently well known to permit 
    identification of areas as critical habitat. Insufficient information 
    is available on the number of individuals or spawning reaches required 
    to support viable subpopulations throughout the distinct population 
    segment. In addition, we have not identified the extent of habitat 
    required and specific management measures needed for recovery of this 
    fish. This information is considered essential for determining critical 
    habitat for this population segment. Therefore, we find that 
    designation of critical habitat for the Jarbidge River population 
    segment is not determinable at this time. We will protect bull trout 
    habitat through enforcement of take prohibitions under section 9 of the 
    Act, through the recovery process, through section 7 consultations to 
    determine whether Federal actions are likely to jeopardize the 
    continued existence of the species, and through the section 10 process 
    for activities on non-Federal lands with no Federal nexus.
    Available Conservation Measures
        Conservation measures provided to species listed as endangered or 
    threatened under the Act include recognition, recovery actions, 
    requirements for Federal protection, and prohibitions against certain 
    activities. Recognition through listing encourages and results in 
    conservation actions by Federal, State, and private agencies, groups, 
    and individuals. The Act provides for possible land acquisition and 
    cooperation with the States and requires that recovery actions be 
    carried out for all listed species. The protection required of Federal 
    agencies and the prohibitions against taking and harm are discussed, in 
    part, below.
        Section 7(a) of the Act, as amended, requires Federal agencies to 
    evaluate their actions with respect to any species that is proposed or 
    listed as endangered or threatened and with respect to its critical 
    habitat, if any is being designated. Regulations implementing this 
    interagency cooperation provision of the Act are codified at 50 CFR 
    Part 402. Section 7(a)(2) requires Federal agencies to insure that 
    activities they authorize, fund, or carry out are not likely to 
    jeopardize the continued existence of a listed species or to destroy or 
    adversely modify its critical habitat. If a Federal action may affect a 
    listed species or its critical habitat, the responsible Federal agency 
    must enter into formal consultation with us.
        The Jarbidge River bull trout population segment occurs on lands 
    administered by the USFS and the BLM, and on various State-owned 
    properties in Idaho, and on private lands. Federal agency actions that 
    may require consultation as described in the preceding paragraph 
    include COE involvement in projects such as the construction of roads 
    and bridges, and the permitting of wetland filling and
    [[Page 17122]]
    dredging projects subject to section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 
    U.S.C. 1344); USFS and BLM timber, recreation, mining, and grazing 
    management activities; Environmental Protection Agency authorized 
    discharges under the National Pollutant Discharge System of the Clean 
    Water Act; and U.S. Housing and Urban Development projects.
        The Act and its implementing regulations found at 50 CFR 17.31 set 
    forth a series of general trade prohibitions and exceptions that apply 
    to all threatened wildlife. These prohibitions, in part, make it 
    illegal for any person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States 
    to take (includes harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, 
    or collect; or attempt any of these), import or export, ship in 
    interstate commerce in the course of commercial activity, or sell or 
    offer for sale in interstate or foreign commerce any listed species. It 
    is also illegal to possess, sell, deliver, carry, transport, or ship 
    any such wildlife that has been taken illegally. Certain exceptions 
    apply to our agents and State conservation agencies.
        We may issue permits under section 10(a)(1) of the Act, to carry 
    out otherwise prohibited activities involving threatened wildlife under 
    certain circumstances. Regulations governing permits are at 50 CFR 
    17.32. Such permits are available for scientific purposes, to enhance 
    the propagation or survival of the species, and/or for incidental take 
    in connection with otherwise lawful activities. Permits are also 
    available for zoological exhibition, educational purposes, or special 
    purposes consistent with the purpose of the Act. You may address your 
    requests for copies of the regulations concerning listed plants and 
    animals, and general inquiries regarding prohibitions and permits, to 
    the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services, Endangered 
    Species Permits, 911 N.E. 11th Avenue, Portland, Oregon, 97232-4181 
    (telephone 503/231-2063; facsimile 503/231-6243).
        It is our policy, published in the Federal Register on July 1, 1994 
    (59 FR 34272), to identify to the maximum extent practicable at the 
    time a species is listed those activities that would or would not 
    constitute a violation of section 9 of the Act. The intent of this 
    policy is to increase public awareness of the effect of this listing on 
    proposed and ongoing activities within the species' range. We believe 
    the following actions would not be likely to result in a violation of 
    section 9, provided the activities are carried out in accordance with 
    any existing regulations and permit requirements:
        (1) Actions that may affect bull trout in the Jarbidge River 
    population segment and are authorized, funded or carried out by a 
    Federal agency when the action is conducted in accordance with an 
    incidental take statement issued by us pursuant to section 7 of the 
        (2) Incidental catch and immediate release of Jarbidge River 
    population segment bull trout in accordance with applicable State fish 
    and wildlife conservation laws and regulations in effect on April 8, 
    1999 (see Special Rule section);
        (3) State, local and other activities approved by us under section 
    4(d) and section 10(a)(1) of the Act.
        With respect to the Jarbidge River bull trout population segment, 
    the following actions likely would be considered a violation of section 
        (1) Take of bull trout without a permit, which includes harassing, 
    harming, pursuing, hunting, shooting, wounding, killing, trapping, 
    capturing, or collecting, or attempting any of these actions, except in 
    accordance with applicable State fish and wildlife conservation laws 
    and regulations within the Jarbidge River bull trout population 
        (2) To possess, sell, deliver, carry, transport, or ship illegally 
    taken bull trout;
        (3) Unauthorized interstate and foreign commerce (commerce across 
    State or international boundaries) and import/export of bull trout (as 
    discussed earlier in this section);
        (4) Introduction of non-native fish species that compete or 
    hybridize with, or prey on bull trout;
        (5) Destruction or alteration of bull trout habitat by dredging, 
    channelization, diversion, in-stream vehicle operation or rock removal, 
    or other activities that result in the destruction or degradation of 
    cover, channel stability, substrate composition, temperature, and 
    migratory corridors used by the species for foraging, cover, migration, 
    and spawning;
        (6) Discharges or dumping of toxic chemicals, silt, or other 
    pollutants into waters supporting bull trout that result in death or 
    injury of the species; and
        (7) Destruction or alteration of riparian habitat and adjoining 
    uplands of waters supporting bull trout by recreational activities, 
    timber harvest, grazing, mining, hydropower development, or other 
    developmental activities that result in destruction or degradation of 
    cover, channel stability, substrate composition, temperature, and 
    migratory corridors used by the species for foraging, cover, migration, 
    and spawning.
        We will review other activities not identified above on a case-by-
    case basis to determine if a violation of section 9 of the Act may be 
    likely to result from such activity. We do not consider these lists to 
    be exhaustive and provide them as information to the public.
        Questions regarding whether specific activities may constitute a 
    violation of section 9 should be directed to the Field Supervisor of 
    our Nevada Fish and Wildlife Office (see ADDRESSES section) for the 
    Jarbidge River population segment.
    Special Rule
        Section 4(d) of the Act provides authority for us to promulgate 
    special rules for threatened species that would relax specific 
    prohibitions against taking. The final special rule included with this 
    final listing allows for take of bull trout within the Jarbidge River 
    DPS associated with certain activities for a period of 24 months. The 
    special rule allows take for educational purposes, scientific purposes, 
    the enhancement of propagation or survival of the species, zoological 
    exhibition, and other conservation purposes consistent with the Act. 
    The special rule also allows take that is incidental to recreational 
    fishing activities, when conducted in accordance with State 
    regulations, and provided that any bull trout caught are immediately 
    returned to the stream. This special rule shall be in effect until 
    April 9, 2001. At that time, all take prohibitions of the Act will be 
    reinstated for the Jarbidge River population segment of the bull trout.
        We believe that existing angling regulations and other bull trout 
    conservation measures developed independently by the States (see 
    following paragraphs) are adequate to provide continued short-term 
    conservation of bull trout in the Jarbidge River DPS. However, we 
    believe that the development by the States of Idaho and Nevada of a 
    management and conservation plan covering the entire range of bull 
    trout in the Jarbidge River DPS with the objective of recovery and 
    eventual delisting of this DPS would most effectively protect bull 
    trout from excessive taking, and thereby ensure the future continuation 
    of State sport fisheries programs in the Jarbidge River system. 
    Therefore, it is our intent to propose, in the near future, another 
    special rule that would provide the States of Idaho and Nevada the 
    opportunity to develop a management and conservation plan for the 
    Jarbidge River population segment of the bull trout that, if approved, 
    could extend the exceptions to the take prohibitions provided by the 
    special rule included in
    [[Page 17123]]
    this final listing. Such a plan would be developed with public input 
    (e.g., Jarbidge Bull Trout Task Force), peer-reviewed by the scientific 
    community, and presented to the appropriate State Fish and Game/
    Wildlife Commissions. We would provide public notice in the Federal 
    Register upon our approval of the plan.
        We find that State angling regulations have become more restrictive 
    in an attempt to protect bull trout in the Jarbidge River DPS in Idaho 
    and Nevada. Bull trout harvest prohibitions and reduced daily/
    possession limits on other trout within the basin are currently in 
    place throughout the Jarbidge River system, and the fishing season has 
    been shortened in Idaho. The States, to varying extent, have also 
    initiated public/angler awareness and education efforts relative to 
    bull trout status, biology, and identification. IDFG has not stocked 
    rainbow trout in the Jarbidge River system since 1989. NDOW will not 
    stock rainbow trout in the Jarbidge River system in 1999 (Gene Weller, 
    NDOW, pers. comm. 1999).
        IDFG has prepared a State-wide Bull Trout Conservation Program Plan 
    (Hutchinson et al. 1998). In the plan, IDFG commits to 1) ensuring that 
    management, research, hatchery, and scientific permitting programs are 
    consistent with the Endangered Species Act, and 2) implementing bull 
    trout recovery actions in Idaho.
        NDOW has a Bull Trout Species Management Plan that recommends 
    management alternatives to ensure that human activities will not 
    jeopardize the future of bull trout in Nevada (Johnson 1990). The 
    recommended program identifies actions including bull trout population 
    and habitat inventories, life history research, and potential 
    population reestablishment; State involvement in watershed land use 
    planning; angler harvest impact assessment; official State sensitive 
    species designation for regulatory protection; and non-native fish 
    stocking evaluation/prohibition and potential non-native fish 
    eradications. NDOW scheduled these activities for implementation from 
    1991 to 2000, but many have yet to be initiated or fully implemented.
        In the special rule for fishes we are making a minor editorial 
    correction in the paragraph designations.
    Paperwork Reduction Act for the Listing
        This listing rule does not contain any new collections of 
    information other than those already approved under the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq., and assigned Office of 
    Management and Budget clearance number 1018-0094. An agency may not 
    conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a 
    collection of information, unless it displays a currently valid control 
    number. For additional information concerning permit and associated 
    requirements for threatened species, see 50 CFR 17.32.
    Required Determinations for the Special Rule
    Regulatory Planning and Review, Regulatory Flexibility Act, and Small 
    Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act
        The special rule was not subject to Office of Management and Budget 
    (OMB) review under Executive Order 12866.
        a. This rule will not have an annual economic effect of $100 
    million or adversely affect an economic sector, productivity, jobs, the 
    environment, or other units of the government. Therefore, a cost-
    benefit and full economic analysis is not required. Section 4(d) of the 
    Act provides authority for us to promulgate special rules for 
    threatened species that would relax the prohibition against taking. We 
    find that State angling regulations have become more restrictive in an 
    attempt to protect bull trout in the Jarbidge River in Idaho and 
    Nevada. Bull trout harvest prohibitions and reduced daily/possession 
    limits on other trout within the basin are currently in place 
    throughout the Jarbidge River system, and the fishing season has been 
    shortened in Idaho. The States, to varying extent, have also initiated 
    public/angler awareness and education efforts relative to bull trout 
    status, biology, and identification. We believe that existing angling 
    regulations and other bull trout conservation measures developed 
    independently by the States are adequate to provide continued short-
    term conservation of bull trout in the Jarbidge River. As a result, 
    this special rule will allow recreational angling to take place in the 
    Jarbidge River during the next 24 months under existing State 
    regulations. The economic effects discussion addresses only the 
    economic benefits that will accrue to the anglers who can continue to 
    fish in the Jarbidge River.
        This special rule will remove the threat of a take prohibition 
    under section 9 of the Act and allow continued angling opportunities in 
    Idaho and Nevada under existing State regulations. Data on the number 
    of days of fishing under new State regulations are available for the 
    East and West forks of the Jarbidge River in Nevada. We used these data 
    to calculate angling days per river mile which was applied to the river 
    segment in Idaho. Because of the lack of definitive data, we decided to 
    do a worst case analysis. We analyzed the economic loss in angling 
    satisfaction, measured as consumer surplus, if all fishing were 
    prohibited in the Jarbidge River. Since there are substitute sites 
    nearby where fishing is available, this measure of consumer surplus is 
    a conservative estimate and would be a maximum estimate. The range of 
    angling days in Nevada is from 2,000 to 5,000 (figures combine angler 
    days in the East and West Fork of the Jarbidge River) annually. We 
    estimate for Idaho a range of 3,600 to 9,000 angling days per year. A 
    consumer surplus of $19.35 (1999 $) per day for trout fishing in Idaho 
    and Nevada results in a range of benefits of $109,000 to $271,000 per 
    year. The consumer surplus is a measurement of the satisfaction that an 
    angler gets from pursuing the sport of fishing. Since this special rule 
    will only be in place for 24 months, there is little need for 
    discounting. Consequently, this special rule will have a small economic 
    benefit on the United States economy, and even in the worst case, will 
    not have an annual effect of $100 million or more for a significant 
    rule making action.
        b. This special rule will not create inconsistencies with other 
    agencies' actions. The special rule allows for continued angling 
    opportunities in accordance with existing State regulations.
        c. This special rule will not materially affect entitlements, 
    grants, user fees, loan programs, or the rights and obligations of 
    their recipients. This special rule does not affect entitlement 
        d. This special rule will not raise novel legal or policy issues. 
    There is no indication that allowing for continued angling 
    opportunities in accordance with existing State regulations would raise 
    legal, policy, or any other issues.
        The Department of the Interior certifies that the final rule will 
    not have a significant economic effect on a substantial number of small 
    entities as defined under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 
    et seq.). A Regulatory Flexibility Analysis is not required. 
    Accordingly, a Small Entity Compliance Guide is not required. No 
    individual small industry within the United States will be 
    significantly affected by allowing for continued angling opportunities 
    in accordance with existing State regulations in the Jarbidge River for 
    24 months.
        The special rule is not a major rule under 5 U.S.C. 801 et seq., 
    the Small
    [[Page 17124]]
    Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act. This special rule:
        a. Does not have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or 
    more. Trout fishing in the Jarbidge River basin generates, on average, 
    expenditures by local anglers ranging from $168 thousand to $519 
    thousand per year. Consequently, the maximum benefit of this rule for 
    local sales of equipment and supplies is no more than $519 thousand per 
    year and most likely smaller because all fishing would not cease in the 
    area even if the Jarbidge River were closed to fishing. The 
    availability of numerous substitute sites would keep anglers spending 
    at a level probably close to past levels.
        b. Will not cause a major increase in costs or prices for 
    consumers, individual industries, Federal, State, or local government 
    agencies, or geographic regions. This special rule allows the 
    continuation of fishing in the Jarbidge River and, therefore, allows 
    for the usual sale of equipment and supplies by local businesses. This 
    special rule will not affect the supply or demand for angling 
    opportunities in southern Idaho or northern Nevada and therefore should 
    not affect prices for fishing equipment and supplies, or the retailers 
    that sell equipment.
        c. Does not have significant adverse effects on competition, 
    employment, investment productivity, innovation, or the ability of 
    United States based enterprises to compete with foreign-based 
    enterprises. The recreational spending of a small number of affected 
    anglers, ranging from just over 600 to slightly over 1,500 anglers, 
    will have only a small beneficial economic effect on the sportfish 
    Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
        In accordance with the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (2 U.S.C. 1501, 
    et seq.):
        a. This special rule will not ``significantly or uniquely'' affect 
    small governments. A Small Government Agency Plan is not required.
        b. This special rule will not produce a Federal mandate of $100 
    million or greater in any year; that is, it is not a ``significant 
    regulatory action'' under the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act.
    Takings Implication
        We have determined that this special rule has no potential takings 
    of private property implications as defined by Executive Order 12630. 
    The special rule would not restrict, limit, or affect property rights 
    protected by the Constitution.
        This special rule will not have substantial direct effects on the 
    States, in their relationship between the Federal Government and the 
    States, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among 
    various levels of government. Therefore, in accordance with Executive 
    Order 12612, we have determined that this special rule does not have 
    sufficient federalism implications to warrant a Federalism Assessment.
    Civil Justice Reform
        The Department of the Interior has determined that this special 
    rule meets the applicable standards provided in sections 3(a) and 
    3(b)(2) of Executive Order 12988.
    National Environmental Policy Act
        We have determined that an Environmental Assessment and 
    Environmental Impact Statement, as defined under the authority of the 
    National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, need not be prepared in 
    connection with regulations adopted pursuant to section 4(a) of the 
    Act. We published a notice outlining our reasons for this determination 
    in the Federal Register on October 25, 1983 (48 FR 49244).
    References Cited
        A complete list of all references cited herein is available upon 
    request from the Nevada Fish and Wildlife Office (see ADDRESSES 
        Author. The primary author of this proposed rule is Selena Werdon, 
    Nevada Fish and Wildlife Office, Reno, Nevada.
    List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 17
        Endangered and threatened species, Exports, Imports, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Transportation.
    Regulation Promulgation
        Accordingly, we amend part 17, subchapter B of chapter I, title 50 
    of the Code of Federal Regulations, as follows:
    PART 17--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 17 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361-1407; 16 U.S.C. 1531-1544; 16 U.S.C. 
    4201-4245; Pub. L. 99-625, 100 Stat. 3500, unless otherwise noted.
        2. Amend Sec. 17.11(h) by adding the following, in alphabetical 
    order under FISHES, to the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife:
    Sec. 17.11  Endangered and threatened wildlife.
    * * * * *
        (h) * * *
                            Species                                                    Vertebrate
    --------------------------------------------------------                        population where                                  Critical     Special
                                                                Historic range       endangered or         Status      When listed    habitat       rules
               Common name                Scientific name                              threatened
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *
        Trout, bull..................  Salvelinus            U.S.A. (Pacific      Jarbidge R. Basin    T                       659           NA     17.44(x)
                                        confluentus.          NW), Canada (NW      (U.S.A.--ID, NV).
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *
        3. Amend Sec. 17.44 by redesignating paragraph (v) bull trout as 
    paragraph (w).
        4. Amend Sec. 17.44 by adding paragraph (x) to read as follows:
    Sec. 17.44  Special rules--fishes.
    * * * * *
        (x) Bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus), Jarbidge River population 
        (1) Prohibitions. Except as noted in paragraph (x)(2) of this 
    section, all prohibitions of 50 CFR 17.31 and exemptions of 50 CFR 
    17.32 apply to the bull trout in the Jarbidge River
    [[Page 17125]]
    population segment within the United States.
        (2) Exceptions. No person may take this species, except in the 
    following instances in accordance with applicable State fish and 
    wildlife conservation laws and regulations relevant to protection of 
    bull trout in effect on April 8, 1999.
        (i) For educational purposes, scientific purposes, the enhancement 
    of propagation or survival of the species, zoological exhibition, and 
    other conservation purposes consistent with the Act;
        (ii) Incidental to State-permitted recreational fishing activities, 
    provided that any bull trout caught are immediately returned to the 
        (iii) The exceptions in paragraphs (x)(2) (i) and (ii) of this 
    section will be in effect until April 9, 2001. At that time, all take 
    prohibitions of the Act will be reinstated for the Jarbidge River 
    population segment unless exceptions to take prohibitions are otherwise 
    provided through a subsequent special rule.
        (3) Any violation of applicable State fish and wildlife 
    conservation laws or regulations with respect to the taking of this 
    species is also a violation of the Endangered Species Act.
        (4) No person may possess, sell, deliver, carry, transport, ship, 
    import, or export, any means whatsoever, any such species taken in 
    violation of this section or in violation of applicable State fish and 
    conservation laws and regulations.
        (5) It is unlawful for any person to attempt to commit, solicit 
    another to commit, or cause to be committed, any offense defined in 
    paragraphs (x)(2) through (4) of this section.
        Dated: April 5, 1999.
    Donald J. Barry,
    Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks.
    [FR Doc. 99-8850 Filed 4-7-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-55-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Fish and Wildlife Service
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
This rule is effective on April 8, 1999.
17110-17125 (16 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (2)
50 CFR 17.11
50 CFR 17.44