96-8827. Fiscal Year (FY) 1996 Funding Opportunities for Knowledge Development and Application Cooperative Agreements  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 69 (Tuesday, April 9, 1996)]
    [Pages 15810-15815]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-8827]
    Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
    Fiscal Year (FY) 1996 Funding Opportunities for Knowledge 
    Development and Application Cooperative Agreements
    AGENCY: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, HHS.
    ACTION: Notice of Funding Availability.
    SUMMARY: The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services 
    Administration's (SAMHSA) Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS), 
    Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP), and Center for Substance 
    Abuse Treatment (CSAT) announce that they anticipate that FY 1996 funds 
    will be available for Knowledge Development and Application cooperative 
    agreements for the following activities. These activities are discussed 
    in more detail under Section 4 of this notice.
                   Activity                   Application        Estimated funds available        No. of    Project 
                                               deadline                                           awards     period 
    Managed Care..........................        06/10/96  $10 million.......................         21     3 yrs.
    Homelessness Prevention...............        06/10/96  2.6 million.......................         16     3 yrs.
    Predictor Variables & Development.....        06/10/96  4.0 million.......................          9     3 yrs.
    Wrap Around Services..................        06/10/96  2.4 million.......................          2     3 yrs.
    Cannabis Dependence Treatment.........        06/10/96  1.2 million.......................          5     3 yrs.
        These programs are being announced prior to the full annual 
    appropriation for FY 1996 for SAMHSA's programs. Applications are 
    invited based on the assumption that sufficient funds will be 
    appropriated for FY 1996 to permit funding of a reasonable number of 
    applications being hereby solicited. These programs are being announced 
    in order to allow applicants sufficient time to plan and to prepare 
    applications. Solicitation of applications in advance of a final 
    appropriation will also enable the award of appropriated grant funds in 
    an expeditious manner and thus allow prompt implementation and 
    evaluation of promising projects. All applicants are reminded, however, 
    that we cannot guarantee sufficient funds will be appropriated to 
    permit SAMHSA to fund any applications. Questions regarding the status 
    of the appropriation of funds should be directed to the grants 
    management contacts listed in Section 4 of this notice.
        SAMHSA will publish a notice in the Federal Register regarding the 
    amount of funding available for its programs when the final 
    appropriation is enacted.
        SAMHSA's policies and procedures for peer review and Advisory 
    Council review of grant and cooperative agreement applications were 
    published in the Federal Register (Vol. 58, No. 126) on July 2, 1993.
        The Public Health Service (PHS) is committed to achieving the 
    health promotion and disease prevention objectives of Healthy People 
    2000, a PHS-led national activity for setting priority areas. The 
    SAMHSA Centers' substance abuse and mental health services activities 
    address issues related to Healthy People 2000 objectives of Mental 
    Health and Mental Disorders; Alcohol and Other Drugs; Clinical 
    Preventive Services; HIV Infection; and Surveillance and Data Systems. 
    Potential applicants may obtain a copy of Healthy People 2000 (Full 
    Report: Stock No. 017-001-00474-0) or Summary Report: Stock No. 017-
    001-00473-1) through the Superintendent of Documents, Government 
    Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402-9325 (Telephone: 202-783-3238).
    GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Applicants for grants and cooperative agreements 
    must use application form PHS 5161-1 (Rev. 7/92; OMB No. 0937-0189). 
    Application kits contain the PHS 5161-1, Standard Form 424 (Face Page) 
    and complete instructions for preparing and submitting applications. 
    Application kits may be obtained from the organization specified for 
    each activity covered by this notice (see Section 4).
        When requesting an application kit, the applicant must specify the 
    particular activity for which detailed information is desired. This is 
    to ensure receipt of all necessary forms and information,
    [[Page 15811]]
    including any specific program review and award criteria.
    APPLICATION SUBMISSION: Applications must be submitted to: SAMHSA 
    Programs, Division of Research Grants, National Institutes of Health, 
    Suite 1040, 6701 Rockledge Drive MSC-7710, Bethesda, Maryland 20892-
    7710* (* Applicants who wish to use express mail or courier service 
    should change the zip code to 20817.)
    APPLICATION DEADLINES: The deadlines for receipt of applications are 
    listed in the table above. Please note that the deadlines may differ 
    for the individual categories of cooperative agreements.
        Competing applications must be received by the indicated receipt 
    dates to be accepted for review. An application received after the 
    deadline may be acceptable if it carries a legible proof-of-mailing 
    date assigned by the carrier and that date is not later than one week 
    prior to the deadline date. Private metered postmarks are not 
    acceptable as proof of timely mailing.
        Applications received after the deadline date and those sent to an 
    address other than the address specified above will be returned to the 
    applicant without review.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Requests for activity-specific 
    technical information should be directed to the program contact person 
    identified for each activity covered by this notice (see Section 4).
        Requests for information concerning business management issues 
    should be directed to the grants management contact person identified 
    for each activity covered by this notice (see Section 4).
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: To facilitate the use of this Notice of 
    Funding Availability, information has been organized as outlined in the 
    Table of Contents below. For each activity, the following information 
    is provided:
         Application Deadline.
         Eligible Applicants.
         Cooperative Agreements/Amounts.
         Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number.
         Program Contact.
         Grants Management Contact.
         Application Kits.
    Table of Contents
    1. Program Background and Objectives
    2. Special Concerns
    3. Criteria for Review and Funding
        3.1 General Review Criteria
        3.2 Funding Criteria for Approved Applications
    4. FY 1996 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Activities
        4.1 Cooperative Agreements
        4.1.1 Managed Care and Vulnerable Populations Cooperative 
        4.1.2 Cooperative Agreements for CMHS/CSAT Collaborative Program 
    to Prevent Homelessness
        4.1.3 Cooperative Agreements for Prevention Intervention Studies 
    on Predictor Variables by Developmental Stage
        4.1.4 Cooperative Agreements for Wrap Around Services for 
    Clients in Substance Abuse Treatment Programs: Demonstrating Utility 
    and Cost Effectiveness in the Context of Changes in Health Care 
        4.1.5 Cooperative Agreements for a Multisite Study of the 
    Effectiveness of Brief Treatment for Cannabis (Marijuana) Dependency
    5. Public Health System Reporting Requirements
    6. PHS Non-use of Tobacco Policy Statement
    7. Executive Order 12372
    1. Program Background and Objectives
        SAMHSA's mission within the Nation's health system is to improve 
    the quality and availability of prevention, early intervention, 
    treatment, and rehabilitation services for substance abuse and mental 
    illnesses, including co-occurring disorders, in order to improve health 
    and reduce illness, death, disability, and cost to society.
        Reinventing government, with its emphases on redefining the role of 
    Federal agencies and on improving customer service, has provided SAMHSA 
    with a welcome opportunity to examine carefully its programs and 
    activities. As a result of that process, SAMHSA is moving assertively 
    to create a renewed and strategic emphasis on using its resources to 
    generate knowledge about ways to improve the prevention and treatment 
    of substance abuse and mental illness and to work with State and local 
    governments as well as providers, families, and consumers to 
    effectively use that knowledge in everyday practice.
        The agency has worked to transform its demonstration portfolio from 
    service-based projects to true knowledge-acquisition studies. For FY 
    1996, SAMHSA has developed an agenda of new programs designed to answer 
    specific important policy-relevant questions. These questions, 
    specified in this and subsequent Notices of Funding Availability, are 
    designed to provide critical information to improve the nation's mental 
    health and substance abuse treatment and prevention services.
        The new agenda is the outcome of a process whereby providers, 
    services researchers, consumers, Council members and other interested 
    persons participated in special meetings or responded to calls for 
    suggestions and reactions. From this input, each SAMHSA Center 
    developed a ``menu'' of suggested topics. The topics were discussed 
    jointly and an agency agenda of critical topics was agreed to. The 
    selection of topics depended heavily on policy importance and on the 
    existence of adequate research and practitioner experience on which to 
    base studies. While SAMHSA's FY 1996 programs will sometimes involve 
    the evaluation of some delivery of services, they are really services 
    studies, not merely evaluation, since they are aimed at answering 
    policy-relevant questions.
        SAMHSA differs from other agencies in focussing on needed 
    information at the services delivery level, and in its question-focus. 
    Dissemination is an integral, major feature of the programs. SAMHSA 
    believes that it is important to get the information into the hands of 
    providers as effectively as possible. Technical assistance, training, 
    preparation of special materials will be used, in addition to normal 
    communications means.
    2. Special Concerns
        SAMHSA's FY 1996 Knowledge Development and Application activities 
    discussed below do not provide funds for mental health and substance 
    abuse treatment and prevention services except for incremental costs 
    required by the particular activity's study design. Applicants are 
    required to propose true knowledge acquisition studies. Applications 
    seeking funding for services projects will be considered nonresponsive. 
    Applications that are incomplete or nonresponsive to the guidance for 
    applicants will be returned to the applicant without further 
    3. Criteria for Review and Funding
        Consistent with the statutory mandate for SAMHSA to support 
    activities that will improve the provision of treatment, prevention and 
    related services, including the development of national mental health 
    and substance abuse goals and model programs, competing applications 
    requesting funding under the specific project activities in Section 4 
    will be reviewed for technical merit in accordance with established 
    PHS/SAMHSA peer review procedures.
    3.1  General Criteria
        As published in the Federal Register on July 2, 1993 (Vol. 58, No. 
    126), SAMHSA's ``Peer Review and Advisory Council Review of Grant and 
    Cooperative Agreement Applications and Contract Proposals,'' peer 
    review groups will take into account, among
    [[Page 15812]]
    other factors as may be specified in the application guidance 
    materials, the following general criteria:
         Potential significance of the proposed project;
         Appropriateness of the applicant's proposed objectives to 
    the goals of the specific program;
         Adequacy and appropriateness of the proposed approach and 
         Adequacy of available resources, such as facilities and 
         Qualifications and experience of the applicant 
    organization, the project director, and other key personnel; and
         Reasonableness of the proposed budget.
    3.2  Funding Criteria for Approved Applications
        Applications recommended for approval by the peer review group and 
    the appropriate Advisory Council (if applicable) will be considered for 
    funding on the basis of their overall technical merit as determined 
    through the review process.
        Other funding criteria will include:
         Availability of funds.
        Additional funding criteria specific to the programmatic activity 
    may be included in the application guidance materials.
    4. Special FY 1996 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services 
    4.1  Cooperative Agreements
        Five major activities for SAMHSA cooperative agreement programs are 
    discussed below. Substantive Federal programmatic involvement is 
    required in cooperative agreement programs. Federal involvement will 
    include planning, guidance, coordination, and participating in 
    programmatic activities (e.g., participation in publication of 
    findings) and on steering committees. Periodic meetings, conferences 
    and/or communications with the award recipients may be held to review 
    mutually agreed-upon goals and objectives and to assess progress. 
    Additional details on the degree of Federal programmatic involvement 
    will be included in the application guidance materials.
    4.1.1  Cooperative Agreements for Managed Care and Vulnerable 
         Application Deadline: June 10, 1996.
         Purpose: Cooperative agreements will be awarded for a 
    program designed to enhance knowledge about how managed care in the 
    public sector affects the provision of substance abuse (alcohol and 
    other drugs--AOD) and mental health (MH) services. Applications are 
    being solicited for Study Sites to conduct research on a single well-
    defined approach to managed care for provision of AOD and MH services 
    in comparison to a traditional, publicly-funded approach to care and to 
    collaborate with other program participants in developing generalizable 
    findings across sites. Applications are also being sought for a 
    Coordinating Center to provide overall coordination of the program, to 
    manage and analyze the common data collected across Study Sites, and to 
    design and conduct a national survey of managed care organizations.
        The following types of questions should be considered by applicants 
    for Study Sites:
        What is the impact of managed care on utilization, outcomes and 
    costs for the defined population with mental health or substance use 
    problems? Does the impact vary for important subgroups within the 
    target population?
        What is the experience of providers, families, and consumers with 
    managed care; e.g., how satisfied are they with their managed care plan 
    compared with other persons served in traditional, publicly-funded 
        Are there different patterns of services provided to enrollees and 
    their dependents under managed care than are provided in traditional 
    programs? For example, are there differences in the prevention, 
    rehabilitation, or wraparound services being provided?
        Across Study Sites, the following types of questions should be 
        What are the comparative costs and benefits of different approaches 
    to managed care for AOD and MH services for specific target 
    populations? Across populations?
        Are there specific aspects of managed care (type of provider 
    organization; level and type of financial risks; etc.) that produce 
    better outcomes than others?
        Funds will be awarded and cooperative agreements administered 
    jointly by CMHS, CSAP and CSAT.
         Priorities: Applicants for Study Sites must propose to 
    study one, and only one, of the specific target populations that 
    follow. Applicants who wish to study more than one population must 
    submit a separate complete application for each population group to be 
        (1) Women and children who are categorically eligible for Medicaid. 
    Within this broader population, families with children with serious 
    emotional disturbances (SED) are of particular interest and will be 
    oversampled when necessary.
        (2) Adults who are seriously chemically dependent.
        (3) Adults with serious mental illness (SMI).
         Eligible Applicants: Applications may be submitted by 
    public and by private nonprofit and for-profit entities.
         Cooperative Agreements/Amounts: Approximately 20 
    individual Study Sites awards at an estimated $450,000 each per year in 
    total costs. One Coordinating Center award at an estimated $1,250,000 
    per year in total costs. Actual funding levels will depend upon the 
    availability of funds at the time of the award.
         Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: 93.230
         Program Contact: For programmatic or technical assistance, 
        For substance abuse treatment issues: Mady Chalk, Ph.D., CSAT, 
    Rockwall II, Room 840, (301) 443-8796.
        For substance abuse prevention issues: Ms. Ulonda Shamwell, CSAP, 
    Rockwall II, 9th Floor, (301) 443-9110.
        For mental health issues: Roger B. Straw, Ph.D., CMHS, Parklawn, 
    Room 11C-26, (301) 443-3606.
        Questions related to the cross-site aspects of the Coordinating 
    Center should be directed to Roger Straw (contact information above); 
    questions related to the survey should be directed to: Nancy Kennedy, 
    Dr. P.H., CSAP, Rockwall II, 9th Floor, (301) 443-9453.
        Grants Management Contact: For business management assistance, 
    contact: Ms. Mable Lam, CSAT, Rockwall II, 6th Floor, (301) 443-9360.
        The mailing address for all of the individuals listed above is: 
    5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, Maryland 20857.
         Application Kits: Application kits are available from: 
    National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information, P.O. Box 2345, 
    Rockville, Maryland 20847-2345, (800) 729-6686.
    4.1.2  Cooperative Agreements for CMHS/CSAT Collaborative Program To 
    Prevent Homelessness
         Application Deadline: June 10, 1996.
         Purpose: Cooperative agreements will be awarded to support 
    projects that will document homelessness prevention interventions for 
    individuals with serious mental illness and/or substance use disorders 
    who are formerly homeless or at risk for homelessness, and who are 
    engaged with the mental health and/or substance abuse treatment 
    systems. A second goal is to evaluate appropriate homelessness 
    prevention interventions for individuals with serious mental illnesses 
    and/or substance use disorders that address the following four topic 
    areas: housing
    [[Page 15813]]
    instability and eviction from housing; discharge planning from 
    psychiatric and substance abuse treatment facilities; models of family 
    respite services; and resource management and representative payee 
        This program is intended to answer the following question:
        What is the relative effectiveness of alternate models for 
    preventing homelessness among adults with serious mental illnesses and/
    or substance use disorders who are engaged with the treatment system?
        Funds will be awarded and cooperative agreements administered 
    jointly by CMHS and CSAT.
         Priorities: None.
         Eligible Applicants: Applications may be submitted by 
    public and by private nonprofit and for-profit entities. Applicants 
    must have an infrastructure in which the prevention program can be 
    provided for the target population and must have provided prevention 
    services for a minimum of two years prior to the date of the 
    application. Applicants must also be licensed, accredited, certified, 
    or chartered to provide substance abuse and mental health treatment 
    services by appropriate certification or credentialing bodies.
         Cooperative Agreements/Amounts: Approximately 16 awards at 
    an estimated $165,000 in total costs each for the first year. Actual 
    funding levels will depend upon the availability of funds at the time 
    of the award.
         Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: 93.230.
         Program Contact: For programmatic or technical assistance, 
    Lawrence Rickards, Ph.D. or Walter Leginski, Ph.D., CMHS, Parklawn, 
    Room 11C-05, (301) 443-3706.
    Hector Sanchez, M.S.W. or Joyce Johnson, D.O., M.A., CSAT, Rockwall II, 
    7th Floor, (301) 443-6534.
         Grants Management Contact: For business management 
    assistance, contact: Stephen J. Hudak, CMHS, Parklawn, Room 15C-05, 
    (301) 443-4456.
         Application Kits: Application kits are available from: 
    Homeless Programs Branch, CMHS, Parklawn, Room 11C-05, (301) 443-3706.
        The mailing address for all of the individuals/organizations listed 
    above is: 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, Maryland 20857.
    4.1.3  Cooperative Agreements for Prevention Intervention Studies on 
    Predictor Variables by Developmental Stage
         Application Deadline: June 10, 1996.
         Purpose: Cooperative agreements will be awarded to support 
    research studies to determine the most effective interventions to 
    change the developmental course of early predictor markers for 
    substance abuse in children at several defined developmental stages. 
    The goal of this program is the generation of new empirical knowledge 
    about effective approaches for changing the developmental trajectory of 
    children at risk of substance abuse. This program is designed to elicit 
    applications for research across identified age ranges that tests 
    interventions designed to (1) build social competence; (2) build self-
    regulation and control; (3) enhance school bonding and cognitive 
    development in children in the 3-5 age range, school bonding and 
    academic achievement in children in the other age ranges; and (4) 
    develop strong parental/care-giver involvement.
        The research question intended to be answered is as follows:
        At what developmental stage does enhancement of each of the 
    variables being investigated prove most effective in preventing/
    reducing negative behaviors that are predictive of substance abuse?
        Funds will be awarded and cooperative agreements administered by 
    CSAP. Applications are solicited for two types of cooperative 
    agreements: Research Sites and a Research Coordinating Center.
        Funds to support the program are limited to 3 years. Applicants 
    should plan data collection over a period of 2 years, with analysis 
    planned for the last 6 months of the program. Depending on the 
    availability of funds in subsequent years, it is hoped that long-term 
    follow-up and the study of continuing interventions will be permitted.
         Priorities: This program is targeted to children in four 
    different developmental stages--3-5 years, 6-8 years, 9-11 years, and 
    12-14 years. Children living in inner cities and in poor, rural areas 
    within the age ranges defined are the populations of interest.
         Eligible Applicants: Applications may be submitted by 
    public and by private nonprofit and for-profit entities.
         Cooperative Agreements/Amounts: Approximately 8 awards at 
    an estimated $500,000 each in total costs per year for Research Sites 
    and approximately $200,000 in total costs for a Research Coordinating 
    Center for the first year. Funds for the Research Coordinating Center 
    are expected to increase in years two and three. Actual funding levels 
    will depend upon the availability of funds at the time of the award.
         Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: 93.230.
         Program Contact: For programmatic or technical assistance, 
    contact: Mary A. Jansen, Ph.D., CSAP, Rockwall II, Room 9C-03, (301) 
         Grants Management Contact: For business management 
    assistance, contact: Ms. Mary Lou Dent, CSAP, Rockwall II, Room 640, 
    (301) 443-3958.
        The mailing address for all of the individuals listed above is: 
    5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, Maryland 20857.
         Application Kits: Application kits are available from: 
    National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information, P.O. Box 2345, 
    Rockville, Maryland 20847-2345, (800) 729-6686.
    4.1.4  Cooperative Agreements for Wrap Around Services for Clients in 
    Non-Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Programs: Evaluating Utility 
    and Cost Effectiveness in the Context of Changes in Health Care 
         Application Deadline: June 10, 1996.
         Purpose: Cooperative agreements will be awarded for the 
    purpose of generating new knowledge about the relative impact of wrap 
    around services on the success of the treatment of addictive disorders 
    and the relative cost-effectiveness of these services in light of 
    changes in health care financing, including managed care, as they 
    relate to substance abuse treatment. The goal of this demonstration is 
    to obtain information about the extent to which the provision of a 
    range of wrap around services (matched to client needs) in conjunction 
    with substance abuse treatment, improves outcome, and at what cost. For 
    the purposes of this study, wrap around services include (1) vocational 
    training; (2) educational services; (3) child care; (4) transportation; 
    and (5) advisory legal services.
        The following questions are of interest in assessing the impact of 
    wrap around services as part of comprehensive substance abuse 
        (1) What impact on treatment outcome is attributable to the 
    provision of various wrap around services matched to client needs?
        (2) What are the unit costs for providing wrap around services 
    matched to client needs?
        Funds will be awarded and cooperative agreements administered by 
    CSAT. Applications are solicited for Study Coordinating Center(s) with 
    a consortium of 8-10 substance abuse treatment providers (i.e., Study 
    Sites) each to provide overall study coordination.
         Priorities: The proposed target population is adults (18 
    years old or older); their primary drug of choice
    [[Page 15814]]
    must be cocaine, including crack-cocaine, or heroin, although the 
    majority of clients are likely to be poly-drug users. To the extent 
    that sampling constraints allow, the proposed sample should be 
    representative of gender and racial/ethnic groups in the United States.
         Eligible Applicants: Applications may be submitted by 
    public and by private nonprofit and for-profit entities.
         Cooperative Agreements/Amounts: Approximately 1-2 awards 
    at an estimated $1.2 million in total costs each for Study Coordinating 
    Centers. Actual funding levels will depend upon the availability of 
    funds at the time of the award. Funds cannot be used to pay for 
    substance abuse treatment or wrap around services.
         Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: 93.230.
         Program Contact: For programmatic or technical assistance, 
    contact: Mr. Randy Muck, CSAT, Rockwall II, Suite 618, (301) 443-6574.
         Grants Management Contact: For business management 
    assistance, contact: Ms. Mable Lam, CSAT, Rockwall II, Suite 618, (301) 
        The mailing address for the individuals listed above is: 5600 
    Fishers Lane, Rockville, Maryland 20857.
         Application Kits: Application kits are available from: 
    National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information, P.O. Box 2345, 
    Rockville, Maryland 20847-2345, (800) 729-6686.
    4.1.5  Cooperative Agreements for a Multisite Study of the 
    Effectiveness of Brief Treatment for Cannabis (Marijuana) Dependency
         Application Deadline: June 10, 1996.
         Purpose: Cooperative agreements will be awarded to 
    evaluate the effectiveness of brief interventions in the treatment of 
    marijuana (cannabis) dependency. The purpose of the program is to test 
    the efficacy of relatively brief treatments for adults from differing 
    socio-economic and racial and ethnic backgrounds who meet criteria for 
    marijuana dependence as currently defined by DSM-IV and are seeking 
    treatment for this dependence.
        The program is intended to provide answers to following questions:
        (1) Are brief interventions more effective for selected populations 
    than a single assessment interview and deferred treatment (waiting list 
    control) in reducing marijuana use?
        (2) How, for these populations, does a brief (3 sessions) 
    intervention compare in outcome to a still brief but somewhat extended 
    (up to 12 treatment sessions) intervention and to the controls 
    mentioned in number 1?
        (3) Are the effects of either of these interventions reflected in 
    better social functioning among patients at follow up? In cognitive 
    functioning (if funds are available)?
        Funds will be awarded and cooperative agreements administered by 
    CSAT. Applications are solicited for treatment sites and a coordinating 
         Priorities: The target population for this program is 
    adults (18 years old and older) dependent on cannabis as currently 
    defined by DSM-IV. Because much of the published work on brief 
    interventions for marijuana dependence was carried out on a largely 
    Caucasian, largely employed patient population, CSAT is interested both 
    in testing the replicability of these findings and in determining to 
    what degree these techniques are applicable to populations with higher 
    proportions of ethnic and racial minorities and/or a higher level of 
    unemployment or under-employment.
         Eligible Applicants: Applications may be submitted by 
    public and by private nonprofit and for-profit entities.
         Cooperative Agreements/Amounts: Approximately $1.2 million 
    will be available to support up to four treatment sites at 
    approximately $225,000 each and a coordinating center at approximately 
    $300,000. Actual funding levels will depend upon the availability of 
    funds at the time of the award.
         Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: 93.230.
         Program Contact: For programmatic or technical assistance, 
    contact: Mr. George Kanuck, CSAT, Rockwall II, Room 8A-131, (301) 443-
         Grants Management Contact: For business management 
    assistance, contact: Ms. Mable Lam, CSAT, Rockwall II, 6th Floor, (301) 
        The mailing address for all of the individuals listed above is: 
    5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, Maryland 20857.
         Application Kits: Application kits are available from: 
    National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information, P.O. Box 2345, 
    Rockville, Maryland 20847-2345, (800) 729-6686.
    5. Public Health System Reporting Requirements
        The Public Health System Impact Statement (PHSIS) is intended to 
    keep State and local health officials apprised of proposed health 
    services grant and cooperative agreement applications submitted by 
    community-based nongovernmental organizations within their 
        Community-based nongovernmental service providers who are not 
    transmitting their applications through the State must submit a PHSIS 
    to the head(s) of the appropriate State and local health agencies in 
    the area(s) to be affected not later than the pertinent receipt date 
    for applications. This PHSIS consists of the following information:
        a. A copy of the face page of the application (Standard form 424).
        b. A summary of the project (PHSIS), not to exceed one page, which 
        (1) A description of the population to be served.
        (2) A summary of the services to be provided.
        (3) A description of the coordination planned with the appropriate 
    State or local health agencies.
        State and local governments and Indian Tribal Authority applicants 
    are not subject to the Public Health System Reporting Requirements.
        Application guidance materials will specify if a particular FY 1996 
    activity described above is not subject to the Public Health System 
    Reporting Requirements.
    6. PHS Non-Use of Tobacco Policy Statement
        The PHS strongly encourages all grant and contract recipients to 
    provide a smoke-free workplace and promote the non-use of all tobacco 
    products. In addition, Public Law 103-227, the Pro-Children Act of 
    1994, prohibits smoking in certain facilities (or in some cases, any 
    portion of a facility) in which regular or routine education, library, 
    day care, health care, or early childhood development services are 
    provided to children. This is consistent with the PHS mission to 
    protect and advance the physical and mental health of the American 
        Specific application guidance materials may include more detailed 
    guidance as to how a Center will implement SAMHSA's policy on promoting 
    the non-use of tobacco.
    7. Executive Order 12372
        Applications submitted in response to all FY 1996 activities listed 
    above are subject to the intergovernmental review requirements of 
    Executive Order 12372, as implemented through DHHS regulations at 45 
    CFR Part 100. E.O. 12372 sets up a system for State and local 
    government review of applications for Federal financial assistance. 
    Applicants (other than Federally recognized Indian tribal governments) 
    should contact the State's Single Point of Contact (SPOC) as early as 
    possible to alert them to the prospective application(s) and to receive 
    any necessary instructions on the State's
    [[Page 15815]]
    review process. For proposed projects serving more than one State, the 
    applicant is advised to contact the SPOC of each affected State. A 
    current listing of SPOCs is included in the application guidance 
    materials. The SPOC should send any State review process 
    recommendations directly to: Office of Extramural Activities Review, 
    Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Parklawn 
    Building, Room 17-89, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, Maryland 20857.
        The due date for State review process recommendations is no later 
    than 60 days after the specified deadline date for the receipt of 
    applications. SAMHSA does not guarantee to accommodate or explain SPOC 
    comments that are received after the 60-day cut-off.
        Dated: April 4, 1996.
    Richard Kopanda,
    Acting Executive Officer, SAMHSA.
    [FR Doc. 96-8827 Filed 4-8-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4162-20-P

Document Information

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Entry Type:
Notice of Funding Availability.
Document Number:
15810-15815 (6 pages)
PDF File: