96-8829. Duquesne Light and Company, et al.; Electric Rate and Corporate Regulations Filings  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 69 (Tuesday, April 9, 1996)]
    [Pages 15799-15801]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-8829]
    [Docket No. EC96-15-000, et al.]
    Duquesne Light and Company, et al.; Electric Rate and Corporate 
    Regulations Filings
    April 3, 1996.
        Take notice that the following filings have been made with the 
    1. Duquesne Light Company
    [Docket No. EC96-15-000]
        Take notice that on March 28, 1996, Duquesne Light Company filed an 
    application under Section 203 of the Federal Power Act to transfer its 
    interest in the jurisdictional transmission facilities associated with 
    the Fort Martin Generating Unit 1 to AYP Capital, Inc., a subsidiary of 
    the Allegheny Power System, Inc.
        Copies of the application were served on the Pennsylvania Public 
    Utility Commission.
        Comment date: April 23, 1996, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    2. MidAmerican Energy Company
    [Docket No. EC96-16-000]
        Take notice that on March 29, 1996, MidAmerican Energy Company 
    filed an application for an order authorizing corporate reorganization. 
    Specifically, MidAmerica proposes to form a holding company to be known 
    as MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company (Holdings) which, upon 
    completion of the reorganization, will own all of the outstanding 
    common stock of MidAmerican and two of its current subsidiaries.
        The proposed reorganization will be accomplished through a 
    statutory share-for-share exchange whereby the holders of MidAmerican 
    common stock will receive one share of Holdings common stock in 
    exchange for each share of MidAmerican common stock as set forth in the 
    Exchange Agreement entered into by MidAmerica and Holdings. This 
    transaction will result in Holdings becoming the owner of all of the 
    outstanding shares of MidAmerican common stock and MidAmerican becoming 
    a wholly-owned subsidiary of Holdings. Immediately after the share 
    exchange, MidAmerican will transfer its ownership of the capital stock 
    of InterCoast Energy Company (InterCoast) and Midwest Capital Group, 
    Inc. (Midwest Capital) to Holdings. As a result of these transfers, 
    InterCoast and Midwest Capital will become wholly-owned subsidiaries of 
    Holdings. MidAmerican states that Holdings has a good faith basis upon 
    which to claim an exemption from registration as a holding company 
    under the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, as amended, 
    pursuant to Section 3(a)(1) and Rule 2 thereof.
        MidAmerican, an Iowa corporation, is engaged in the generation, 
    transmission and distribution of electric energy to retail and 
    wholesale customers in Iowa, Illinois and South Dakota and the 
    transmission and distribution of natural gas to retail customers in 
    Iowa, Illinois, South Dakota and Nebraska. Holdings was incorporated on 
    January 24, 1996, for the purpose of becoming the parent of MidAmerican 
    and effectuating the reorganization proposed by MidAmerican.
        Comment date: April 29, 1996, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    3. Kansas City Power & Light Company and UtiliCorp United Inc.
    [Docket No. EC96-17-000]
        Take notice that on March 29, 1996, UtiliCorp United Inc. 
    (UtiliCorp), Kansas City Power & Light Co. (KCPL) (collectively, the 
    ``Applicants'') filed a Joint Application pursuant to Section 203 of 
    the Federal Power Act and Part 33 of the Commission's regulations 
    requesting authorization and approval of the merger described therein 
    between UtiliCorp and KCPL. UtiliCorp and KCPL will be merged with and 
    into KC United Corp. (KCU), with KCU being the surviving corporation. 
    KCU will provide electric service through separate control areas in 
    Colorado, Missouri-Kansas, and West Virginia. KCU will directly own 
    UtiliCorp's and KCPL's existing subsidiaries, including Aquila Power 
    Corp. and KLT Power Inc. (which holds a majority interest in Northwest 
    Power Marketing Company). KCU will also operate the existing gas 
    operations of UtiliCorp.
        The Applicants have submitted testimony and other evidence in 
    support of the request that the merger be approved. The Applicants have 
    requested that the Commission issue its approval of the merger 
    expeditiously without conducting an evidentiary hearing.
        Comment date: April 29, 1996, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    4. New Hampshire Electric Cooperative Inc. v. New Hampshire Public 
    Service Company
    [Docket No. EL96-43-000]
        Take notice that on March 27, 1996, New Hampshire Electric 
    Cooperative, Inc. tendered for filing a complaint and request for the 
    initiation of proceedings against the New Hampshire Public Service 
    Company under section 206 of
    [[Page 15800]]
    the Federal Power Act, and a motion for deferral of action pending the 
    conclusion of a proceeding before the New Hampshire Public Utilities 
        Comment date: May 3, 1996, in accordance with Standard Paragraph E 
    at the end of this notice. Answers to the complaint shall be due on or 
    before May 3, 1996.
    5. Alabama Power Company
    [Docket No. EL96-44-000]
        Take notice that on March 29, 1996, Alabama Power Company (APCo) 
    tendered for filing a petition for waiver of Commission's fuel 
    adjustment clause regulations to permit the recovery from its full and 
    partial requirements wholesale customers of an appropriate share of the 
    cost of one-one (70,000 ton) buyout under a long-term supply agreement. 
    APCo states that its purchase of replacement coal at more favorable 
    prices will produce cumulative savings to its customers in excess of 
    the buyout costs that it proposes to recover as fuel costs through the 
    fuel cost recovery mechanisms applicable to these customers. The waiver 
    is proposed to be made effective April 1, 1996.
        Comment date: April 29, 1996, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    6. Modesto Irrigation District
    [Docket No. EL96-45-000]
        Take notice that on March 26, 1996, Modesto Irrigation District 
    tendered for filing an Application for an Order Directing the 
    Establishment of Physical Interconnection of Facilities Pursuant to 
    Sections 202 and 210 of the Federal Power Act and Part 32 of the 
    Commission's Regulations, 18 CFR 32 (1995). The application seeks an 
    order requiring Pacific Gas and Electric Company to interconnect its 
    transmission system with Modesto's Linde Substation in the City of 
    Pittsburg, California.
        Modesto also seeks an order requiring Pacific Gas and Electric 
    Company to file an interconnection agreement or electric tariff 
    establishing just and reasonable terms, conditions and charges under 
    which such interconnection shall be operated and maintained.
        Comment date: April 29, 1996, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    7. Western Resources, Inc.
    [Docket No. ER96-1371-000]
        Take notice that on March 22, 1996, Western Resources, Inc., 
    (Western Resources) tendered for filing a proposed change in its Rate 
    Schedule FERC No. 264 and to Kansas Gas and Electric Company's (KGE) 
    Rate Schedule FERC No. 183. Western Resources states that the change is 
    in accordance with its Electric Power Transmission and Service Contract 
    with Kansas Electric Power Cooperative (KEPCo) and further that the 
    proposed change for KGE is in accordance with the Electric Power, 
    Transmission and Service contract between KGE and KEPCo. Revised 
    Exhibits B set forth Nominated Capacities for transmission, 
    distribution and dispatch service for the contract year beginning June 
    1, 1996 and for the four subsequent contract years, pursuant to Article 
    IV, Section 4.1 of Rate Schedule FERC Nos. 264 and 183. Revised 
    Exhibits C set forth KEPCO's Nominated Capacities for the Points of 
    Interconnection, pursuant to Article IV, Section 4.1 of Rate Schedule 
    FERC No. 264 and 183. Revised Exhibits D set forth KEPCo's load 
    forecast and KEPCo's Capacity Resources intended to provide power and 
    energy to meet the forecast requirements for ten years into the future, 
    pursuant to Article V, Section 5.1 of Rate Schedule FERC Nos. 264 and 
        Copies of the filing were served upon Kansas Electric Power 
    Cooperative, Inc. and the Kansas Corporation Commission.
        Comment date: April 17, 1996, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    8. Illinois Power Company
    [Docket No. ER96-1380-000]
        Take notice that on March 25, 1996, Illinois Power Company 
    (Illinois Power), 500 South 27th Street, Decatur, Illinois 62526, 
    tendered for filing a Power Sales Tariff, Service Agreement under which 
    Enron Power Marketing, Inc. will take service under Illinois Power 
    Company's Power Sales Tariff. The agreements are based on the Form of 
    Service Agreement in Illinois Power's tariff.
        Comment date: April 17, 1996, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    9. Illinois Power Company
    [Docket No. ER96-1381-000]
        Take notice that on March 25, 1996, Illinois Power Company 
    (Illinois Power), 500 South 27th Street, Decatur, Illinois 62526, 
    tendered for filing a Power Sales Tariff, Service Agreement under which 
    The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company (CG&E), an Ohio corporation, PSI 
    Energy, Inc. (PSI), an Indiana corporation, (collectively Cinergy 
    Operating Companies) and Cinergy Services, Inc. (Cinergy Services, a 
    Delaware corporation, as an agent on behalf of the Cinergy Operating 
    Companies) will take service under Illinois Power Company's Power Sales 
    Tariff. The agreements are based on the Form of Service Agreement in 
    Illinois Power's tariff.
        Comment date: April 17, 1996, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    10. Illinois Power Company
    [Docket No. ER96-1382-000]
        Take notice that on March 25, 1996, Illinois Power Company 
    (Illinois Power), 500 South 27th Street, Decatur, Illinois 62526, 
    tendered for filing a Power Sales Tariff, Service Agreement under which 
    KN Marketing, Inc. will take service under Illinois Power Company's 
    Power Sales Tariff. The agreements are based on the Form of Service 
    Agreement in Illinois Power's tariff.
        Comment date: April 17, 1996, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    11. Washington Water Power
    [Docket No. ER96-1384-000]
        Take notice that on March 25, 1996, Washington Water Power Company, 
    tendered for filing with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 
    pursuant to 18 CFR 35.13, two signed service agreements under FERC 
    Electric Tariff Volume No. 4 with Coral Power, L.L.C. and Federal 
    Energy Sales, Inc.
        Comment date: April 17, 1996, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    12. New Energy Ventures, Inc.
    [Docket No. ER96-1387-000]
        Take notice that on March 25, 1996, New Energy Ventures, Inc. (NEV) 
    applied to the Commission for acceptance of NEV Rate Schedule FERC No. 
    1; the granting of certain blanket approvals, including the authority 
    to sell electricity at market-based rates; and the waiver of certain 
    Commission regulations.
        NEV intends to engage in wholesale electric power and energy 
    purchases and sales as a marketer. NEV is not in the business of 
    generating, transmitting, or distributing electric power. NEV is not 
    affiliated with any other entity.
        Comment date: April 17, 1996, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    13. Entergy Services, Inc.
    [Docket No. ER-96-1389-000]
        Take notice that on March 25, 1996, Entergy Services, Inc. (Entergy 
    Services), on behalf of the Gulf States
    [[Page 15801]]
    Utilities (GSU), tendered for filing a letter, dated March 13, 1996, 
    from the Executive Committee of the Western Systems Power Pool (WSPP) 
    approving GSU's application for membership in the WSPP. Entergy 
    Services requests GSU be permitted to become a member of the WSPP. In 
    order to receive the benefits of pool membership, Entergy Services 
    requests waiver of the Commission's prior notice requirement to allow 
    GSU's membership to become effective as soon as possible, but in no 
    event later than 60 days from this filing.
        Comment date: April 17, 1996, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    14. Louisville Gas and Electric Company
    [Docket No. ER96-1390-000]
        Take notice that on March 26, 1996, Louisville Gas and Electric 
    Company (LG&E), tendered for filing a service agreement between LG&E 
    and Virginia Electric and Power Company under Rate PSS--Power Sales 
        A copy of the filing has been mailed to the Kentucky Public Service 
        Comment date: April 17, 1996, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    E at the end of this notice.
    15. Calpine Corporation
    [Docket No. QF96-54-000]
        On March 27, 1996, Calpine Corporation of 50 W. San Fernando 
    Street, San Jose, California 95113, submitted for filing an application 
    for certification of a facility as a qualifying cogeneration facility 
    pursuant to Section 292.207(b) of the Commission's Regulations. No 
    determination has been made that the submittal constitutes a complete 
        According to the applicant, the topping-cycle cogeneration 
    facility, which will be located in Pasadena, Texas, will consist of a 
    gas turbine generator and a steam turbine generator, and a heat 
    recovery steam generator. The primary energy source will be natural 
    gas. The thermal output of the facility will be sold to Phillips 
    Petroleum Company for use at the Houston Chemical Complex for various 
    process uses. The maximum net electric power production capacity of the 
    facility is 223 MW. Electric power produced by the facility is to be 
    sold to Houston Lighting & Power Company. Installation of the facility 
    is scheduled to commence in November of 1996.
        Comment date: Thirty days after the date of publication of this 
    notice in the Federal Register, in accordance with Standard Paragraph E 
    at the end of this notice.
    Standard Paragraph
        E. Any person desiring to be heard or to protest said filing should 
    file a motion to intervene or protest with the Federal Energy 
    Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20426, 
    in accordance with Rules 211 and 214 of the Commission's Rules of 
    Practice and Procedure (18 CFR 385.211 and 18 CFR 385.214). All such 
    motions or protests should be filed on or before the comment date. 
    Protests will be considered by the Commission in determining the 
    appropriate action to be taken, but will not serve to make protestants 
    parties to the proceeding. Any person wishing to become a party must 
    file a motion to intervene. Copies of this filing are on file with the 
    Commission and are available for public inspection.
    Linwood A. Watson, Jr.,
    Acting Secretary.
    [FR Doc. 96-8829 Filed 4-8-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6717-01-M

Document Information

Energy Department
Entry Type:
Document Number:
April 23, 1996, in accordance with Standard Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
15799-15801 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. EC96-15-000, et al.
PDF File: