96-10446. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration; HUD Acquisition Regulation; Field Reorganization, Streamlining, and Simplification  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 85 (Wednesday, May 1, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 19468-19473]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-10446]
    [[Page 19467]]
    Part VII
    Department of Housing and Urban Development
    48 CFR Parts 2401, 2402, 2404, et al.
    HUD Acquisition Regulation; Field Reorganization, Streamlining, and 
    Simplification; Final Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 85 / Wednesday, May 1, 1996 / Rules 
    and Regulations
    [[Page 19468]]
    48 CFR Parts 2401, 2402, 2404, 2405, 2406, 2409, 2411, 2412, 2413, 
    2414, 2415, 2416, 2417, 2419, 2420, 2426, 2428, 2429, 2432, 2434, 
    2436, 2437, 2442, 2452 and 2453
    [Docket No. FR-3887-F-02]
    RIN No. 2535-AA23
    Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration; HUD 
    Acquisition Regulation; Field Reorganization, Streamlining, and 
    AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration, HUD.
    ACTION: Final rule; technical amendments.
    SUMMARY: The purpose of this final rule is to amend the HUD Acquisition 
    Regulation (HUDAR) to: implement the Department's Field reorganization, 
    particularly the establishment of the Administrative Service Centers; 
    implement the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994 (FASA); 
    augment Departmental efforts to streamline and simplify the procurement 
    process by removing unnecessary restrictions; make technical amendments 
    to the interim rule; and, correct obsolete references.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: May 31, 1996.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Edward L. Girovasi, Jr., Director, 
    Policy and Evaluation Division, Office of Procurement and Contracts, 
    Room 5262, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410-3000 (voice 
    (202) 708-0294, TTY (202) 708-1112). (These are not toll-free numbers.)
        The uniform regulation for the procurement of supplies and services 
    by Federal departments and agencies, the Federal Acquisition Regulation 
    (FAR), was promulgated on September 19, 1983 (48 FR 42102). The FAR is 
    codified in title 48, chapter 1, of the Code of Federal Regulations. 
    HUD promulgated its regulation to implement the FAR on March 1, 1984 
    (49 FR 7696).
        The HUDAR (title 48, chapter 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations) 
    is prescribed by the Assistant Secretary for Administration under 
    section 7(d) of the Department of HUD Act (42 U.S.C. 3535(d)); section 
    205(c) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 
    (40 U.S.C. 486(c)); the Secretary's delegation effective October 9, 
    1985 (50 FR 42097); and the general authorization in FAR 1.301.
        On September 5, 1995 (60 FR 46152), the Department published an 
    interim rule to amend the HUDAR to update existing coverage with 
    respect to the Department's structure and organizational 
    responsibilities, to implement the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act 
    (FASA) (Pub. L. 103-355, approved October 13, 1994), and to streamline 
    Departmental procurement practices. This rule responds to public 
    comment on the interim rule, and issues it as a final rule. This rule 
    also removes unnecessary restrictions and corrects obsolete references.
    Public Comments
        During the public comment period, one comment was received on the 
    interim rule.
        The commenter expressed concern regarding the language at 
    Sec. 2415.608(a)(2), which permits the identification of proposals 
    submitted in a best value procurement as being either ``acceptable'', 
    ``unacceptable but capable of being made acceptable'', or 
    ``unacceptable.'' The interim rule stated, ``However, under 
    solicitations where mandatory requirements are established, those 
    proposals that do not meet the mandatory requirements may be found 
    unacceptable without further review.''
        The commentor pointed out that this practice seems to set up a 
    dichotomy between best value procurements and those with mandatory 
    requirements, as though they are mutually exclusive. The commentor 
    stated that if a proposal fails to meet a minimum requirement, it could 
    be rejected as ``unacceptable'' without further review, which 
    contradicted the ability to identify a proposal as ``unacceptable but 
    capable of being made acceptable.'' The commentor stated that 
    presumably, there will be many proposals that fail to meet one or more 
    mandatory requirements in the initial round, but which, through minor 
    clarification or even discussions, could easily be corrected to meet 
    any such requirement. The commentor recommended that the language in 
    the last sentence of Sec. 2415.608(a)(2) either be revised to be 
    consistent with the preceding coverage, or deleted altogether.
        HUD agrees with the commentor and has deleted the last sentence of 
    Sec. 2415.608(a)(2) in the final rule. The language as written in the 
    interim rule could, to some extent, limit the Department's ability to 
    select the best contractor. Potentially, the initial proposal 
    representing the best value could be rejected as ``unacceptable'' for 
    failing to meet a mandatory requirement of the solicitation, when the 
    deficiency could possibly be corrected through minor clarification or 
    discussions. Such a proposal may represent an outstanding offer in all 
    other respects, but under the interim rule, it would have been rejected 
    as ``unacceptable''. Requiring the Department to reject as 
    ``unacceptable'' any proposal that fails to meet a solicitation's 
    mandatory requirements appears to defeat the purpose of a best value 
    procurement. Removal of the last sentence resolves this problem. In 
    addition, Sec. 2415.608(a)(2) and (3) are merged and redesignated as 
    Sec. 2415.608(a)(3) to conform to a corresponding FAR change.
    Additional Changes
        The following changes are also made by this rule:
        HUDAR 2401.102 through 2401.105 are redesignated as 2401.103 
    through 2401.106, respectively, to conform to corresponding FAR 
    structure recently published as FAC 90-29, effective July 3, 1995. The 
    heading titles and regulation text are unchanged.
        HUDAR 2409.508 through 2409.508-2 are redesignated as 2409.507 
    through 2409.507-2, respectively, to conform to the corresponding FAR 
    structure. The regulation text is unchanged.
        HUDAR part 2412, Contract delivery performance, is redesignated as 
    part 2411 and retitled to conform to the revised corresponding FAR 
    structure published as FAC 90-32, effective October 1, 1995.
        HUDAR 2412.1, Delivery or performance schedules, is redesignated as 
    Sec. 2411.4 to conform to the revised FAR structure published as FAC 
    90-32, effective October 1, 1995. The regulation text is unchanged.
        HUDAR 2412.104, Contract clause, is redesignated as Sec. 2411.404 
    to conform to the revised FAR structure published as FAC 90-32, 
    effective October 1, 1995. The text is revised to simplify the 
    prescriptive language.
        HUDAR 2413.106-2 is revised to reflect the changed procurement 
    method name.
        HUDAR 2413.505-1 is revised to authorize the use of Form HUD-2542, 
    Purchase Order and Payment Authorization, for any purchase using 
    simplified acquisition procedures charged to the FHA Fund, and to 
    remove information that is internal in nature.
        HUDAR 2414.406, Mistakes in bids, is redesignated as Sec. 2414.407 
    to conform to the FAR structure revision published as FAC 90-29, 
    effective July 3, 1995.
        HUDAR 2414.406-3, Other mistakes disclosed before award, is 
    redesignated as Sec. 2414.407-3 to conform to the FAR structure 
    revision published as FAC 90-
    [[Page 19469]]
    29, effective July 3, 1995. The regulation text is unchanged.
        HUDAR 2414.406-4, Mistakes after award, is redesignated as 
    Sec. 2414.407-4 to conform to the FAR structure revision published as 
    FAC 90-29, effective July 3, 1995. The regulation text is revised to 
    clarify that the concurrence of counsel should be obtained at 
    headquarters or the field, depending on the location of the contracting 
        The heading HUDAR 2414.408, Award, is added to conform to the FAR 
    structure revision published as FAC 90-29, effective July 3, 1995.
        HUDAR 2414.407-70, Award when only one bid is received, is 
    redesignated as Sec. 2414.408-70 to conform to the revised FAR 
    structure published in FAC 90-29, effective July 3, 1995. The 
    regulation text is unchanged.
        HUDAR 2415.407, Solicitation provisions, contains numerous 
    revisions to remove unnecessary restrictions, simplify the prescriptive 
    language, tailor proposal content to the specific solicitation, and 
    reduce paperwork burdens placed on offerors. The revisions will give 
    contracting officers more latitude when requesting other than certified 
    cost or pricing data in accordance with FAR 15.804-5(a)(2), and will 
    clarify distinctions in procedures when using the ``lowest-priced 
    technically acceptable proposal'' or ``best value'' approach to source 
        HUDAR 2415.413-1, Alternate I, is amended to eliminate 
    unnecessarily restrictive requirements regarding the evaluation of 
    proposals. This revision will allow the Department the flexibility to 
    have proposal evaluations performed by the most competent technical and 
    management sources available.
        HUDAR 2415.413-2, Alternate II, is added to establish a procedure 
    consistent with the FAR for instances when it is necessary for external 
    parties to evaluate proposals to meet the Department's evaluation 
        In HUDAR 2415.605, Evaluation factors, paragraphs (c) and (e) are 
    renumbered to conform to the revised FAR structure published as FAC 90-
    31, effective October 1, 1995.
        HUDAR 2415.1004, Protests against award, is renumbered to conform 
    to the revised FAR structure published as FAC 90-31, effective October 
    1, 1995. The text of the regulation is unchanged.
        HUDAR 2416.504, Indefinite-quantity contracts, is renumbered to 
    Sec. 2416.506, and the title is revised to Solicitation provisions and 
    contract clauses, to conform to recent FAR changes published in the 
    Federal Register September 26, 1995 as FAC 90-33, effective October 1, 
    1995. Paragraph (e) is redesignated as a new section, Sec. 2416.506-70, 
    Unpriced delivery/task orders, to more accurately reflect the text. The 
    text of the regulation is unchanged.
        HUDAR subpart 2417.2, Options, and Sec. 2417.204(e), Contracts, are 
    added in accordance with FAR 17.204(e) to give the Department more 
    flexibility for the acquisition of supplies or services and to 
    establish the Senior Procurement Executive as the approving official 
    for solicitations and contracts where the total of the basic and option 
    periods exceed 5 years.
        HUDAR part 2419, Small business and small disadvantaged business 
    concerns, is retitled to conform to the revised FAR structure published 
    as FAC 90-32, effective October 1, 1995.
        HUDAR 2419.201, General policy, contains numerous revisions to 
    include reference to women-owned small businesses to conform to 
    corresponding revisions in the FAR published as FAC 90-32, effective 
    October 1, 1995.
        HUDAR subpart 2419.7, Subcontracting with small businesses and 
    small disadvantaged business concerns, is retitled to conform to the 
    revised FAR structure published as FAC 90-32, effective October 1, 
    1995. The regulation text is unchanged.
        HUDAR subpart 2419.9, Contracting opportunities for women-owned 
    small businesses, is removed in its entirety to conform to 
    corresponding FAR changes published as FAC 90-32, effective October 1, 
        HUDAR part 2420, Labor surplus area concerns, is removed in its 
    entirety and reserved to conform to the revised FAR structure published 
    as FAC 90-32, effective October 1, 1995.
        HUDAR 2434.001, Definition, is removed in its entirety. The 
    threshold for major system acquisitions is addressed in internal 
        In HUDAR 2437.110, Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 
    paragraph (f) is revised by removing the last sentence to simplify the 
    prescriptive language. The forms identified in the clause prescription 
    are specified in the clause and do not also need to be in the 
        To remove unnecessary restrictions and reduce burdens on contractor 
    and HUD personnel, the dollar threshold for requiring HUD Form 441.1, 
    ``Project Management System Baseline Plan'', contained in HUDAR 
    2442.1106, Reporting requirements, is increased from $100,000 to 
    $500,000. In addition, the text is revised to allow the use of the 
    prescribed forms for contracts under $500,000, when determined 
    necessary by the Contracting Officer.
        Accordingly, the prescription at HUDAR 2442.1107, Contract clause, 
    is revised to reflect the increased dollar threshold of $500,000.
        HUDAR 2452.212-70, Contract period, is renumbered to conform to the 
    revised FAR structure published as FAC 90-32, effective October 1, 
    1995. The text of the regulation is corrected to cite the renumbered 
    HUDAR reference and revised to simplify the prescriptive language.
        HUDAR 2452.215-70, Proposal content and outline, is revised to 
    eliminate unnecessary restrictions and simplify the basic provision 
    concerning proposal content. A new Alternate I is added for 
    procurements using the lowest-priced technically acceptable approach to 
    source selection. A new Alternate II is added for situations where the 
    proposed contract requires work on, or access to, sensitive automated 
        HUDAR 2452.219-70, Small business and small disadvantaged business 
    subcontracting plan, is retitled and the text is revised to include 
    women-owned small businesses to conform to recent FAR changes published 
    as FAC 90-32, effective October 1, 1995, to eliminate repetition and 
    clarify the content of Alternate I.
        HUDAR 2452.237-75, Clearance of personnel, paragraph (a), is 
    amended to revise the forms to be submitted in the event contractor 
    personnel will be working on-site in any HUD office. The forms 
    originally specified have changed and this amendment merely revises the 
    paragraph to reflect the correct forms. Paragraphs (b) and (c) of the 
    section remain unchanged.
        The prescriptive language at HUDAR 2452.242-71, Project management 
    system, is revised to correspond to the clause prescription at HUDAR 
    2442.1107. The text of the clause remains unchanged.
    Other Matters
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        The information collection requirements contained in this rule have 
    been approved by the Office of Management and Budget in accordance with 
    the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501-3520), and assigned 
    OMB control number 2535-0091. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and 
    a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information 
    unless the collection displays a valid control number.
    Environmental Impact
        In accordance with 40 CFR 1508.4 of the regulations of the Council 
    [[Page 19470]]
    Environmental Quality and 24 CFR 50.20(k) of the HUD regulations, the 
    policies and procedures contained in this rule relate only to the 
    performance of accounting, auditing and fiscal functions and, 
    therefore, are categorically excluded from the requirements of the 
    National Environmental Policy Act.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The Secretary, in accordance with the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 
    U.S.C. 605(b)) has reviewed and approved this rule, and in so doing 
    certifies that this rule will not have a significant economic impact on 
    a substantial number of small entities. This rule merely makes 
    amendments to the Department's acquisition regulations that simplify 
    HUD's procurement process, revise internal HUD component references, 
    and implement FAR revisions without adding additional requirements.
    Executive Order 12612, Federalism
        The General Counsel, as the Designated Official under Section 6(a) 
    of Executive Order 12612, Federalism, has determined that the policies 
    contained in this rule will not have substantial direct effects on 
    States or their political subdivisions, or the relationship between the 
    Federal government and the States, or on the distribution of power and 
    responsibilities among the various levels of government. The rule makes 
    technical revisions and corrections to the agency's regulations. As a 
    result, the rule is not subject to review under the Order.
    Executive Order 12606, The Family
        The General Counsel, as the Designated Official under Executive 
    Order 12606, The Family, has determined that this rule will not have 
    potential for significant impact on family formation, maintenance, and 
    general well-being, and, thus, is not subject to review under the 
    Order. The rule involves Departmental procurement procedures only.
    List of Subjects in 48 CFR Parts 2401, 2402, 2404, 2405, 2406, 2409, 
    2411, 2412, 2413, 2414, 2415, 2416, 2417, 2419, 2420, 2426, 2428, 2429, 
    2432, 2434, 2436, 2437, 2442, 2452 and 2453
        Government procurement, HUD acquisition regulations.
        Accordingly, title 48, Chapter 24, of the Code of Federal 
    Regulations is amended by adopting as final the interim rule published 
    on September 5, 1995 (60 FR 46152), with the following changes:
        1. The authority citation for part 2401 continues to read as 
        Authority: 40 U.S.C. 486(c); 42 U.S.C. 3535(d).
    2401.105  [Redesignated]
        2. Section 2401.105 is redesignated as 2401.106.
    2401.104-2  [Redesignated]
        3. Section 2401.104-2 is redesignated as 2401.105-2.
    2401.104  [Redesignated]
        4. Section 2401.104 is redesignated as 2401.105.
    2401.103  [Redesignated]
        5. Section 2401.103 is redesignated as 2401.104.
    2401.102  [Redesignated]
        6. Section 2401.102 is redesignated as 2401.103.
        7. The authority citation for part 2409 continues to read as 
        Authority: 40 U.S.C. 486(c); 42 U.S.C. 3535(d).
    2409.508  [Redesignated]
        8. Section 2409.508 is redesignated as 2409.507.
    2409.508-1  [Redesignated]
        9. Section 2409.508-1 is redesignated as 2409.507-1.
    2409.508-2  [Redesignated]
        10. Section 2409.508-2 is redesignated as 2409.507-2.
        11. The authority citation for part 2412 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 40 U.S.C. 486(c); 42 U.S.C. 3535(d).
    Part 2412  [Redesignated]
        12. Part 2412 is redesignated as Part 2411 and the heading is 
    revised to read as follows:
    2411.1  [Redesignated]
        13. Newly designated subpart 2411.1 is redesignated as 2411.4.
    2411.104  [Redesignated]
        14. Newly designated 2411.104 is redesignated as 2411.404 and 
    revised to read as follows:
    2411.404  Contract clause.
        (a) The Contracting Officer may insert the clause at 48 CFR 
    2452.211-70, Contract Period, in all solicitations and contracts.
        15. The authority citation for part 2413 continues to read as 
        Authority: 40 U.S.C. 486(c); 41 U.S.C. 253; 42 U.S.C. 3535(d).
        16. Section 2413.106-2 is revised to read as follows:
    2413.106-2  Data to support purchases.
        (d) Contracting officers may use Form HUD-24007, Purchase/Delivery 
    Order Data File, to record all relevant data pertaining to a purchase 
    using simplified acquisition procedures, including recording written 
    and oral quotations received and documenting orders against GSA 
        17. Section 2413.505-1 is revised to read as follows:
    2413.505-1  Optional Form (OF) 347, order for supplies and services, 
    and Optional Form 348, order for supplies and services schedule-
        (b) For purchases charged to the FHA Fund using simplified 
    acquisition procedures, contracting officers may use Form HUD-2542, 
    Purchase Order and Payment Authorization.
        18. The authority citation for part 2414 continues to read as 
        Authority: 40 U.S.C. 486(c); 41 U.S.C. 253; 42 U.S.C. 3535(d).
    2414.406  [Redesignated]
        19. Section 2414.406 is redesignated as 2414.407.
    2414.406-3  [Redesignated]
        20. Section 2414.406-3 is redesignated as 2414.407-3.
    2414.406-4  [Redesignated]
        21. Section 2414.406-4 is redesignated as 2414.407-4, and revised 
    to read as follows:
    2414.407-4  Mistakes after award.
        (d) For determinations under FAR 14.407-4(b) (1) and (2), the Head 
    of the Contracting Activity will obtain the concurrence of legal 
    counsel before notification to the Contractor. The Contracting Officer 
    shall be notified promptly of action to be taken.
        22. A new section, ``2414.408 Award,'' is added immediately 
    following redesignated 2414.407-4, to read as follows:
    [[Page 19471]]
    2414.408  Award.
    2414.407-70  [Redesignated]
        23. Section 2414.407-70 is redesignated as 2414.408-70.
        24. The authority citation for part 2415 continues to read as 
        Authority: 40 U.S.C. 486(c); 41 U.S.C. 253; 42 U.S.C. 3535(d).
        25. Section 2415.407 is revised to read as follows:
    2415.407  Solicitation provisions.
        (a) The Contracting Officer shall insert a provision substantially 
    the same as the provision at 48 CFR 2452.215-70, Proposal Content, in 
    all solicitations for negotiated procurements using the best value 
    approach selection method expected to exceed the simplified acquisition 
    limit. The Contracting officer shall adapt paragraph (c) of the 
    provision (i.e., include, delete, and provide additional detail to 
    subparagraphs) to address the particular requirements of the immediate 
    solicitation. The provision may be used in simplified acquisitions when 
    it is necessary to obtain technical and management information in 
    making the award selection. When award selection will be made through 
    the lowest-priced technically acceptable proposal method, the provision 
    shall be used with its Alternate I. If the proposed contract requires 
    work on, or access to, sensitive automated systems as required by the 
    clause at 48 CFR 2452.237-76, the provision shall be used with its 
    Alternate II.
        26. Section 2415.413-1 is revised to read as follows:
    2415.413-1  Alternate I.
        It is HUD's policy to have proposals evaluated by the most 
    competent technical and management sources available. The Department's 
    preferred procedure for evaluation of proposals is not to disclose the 
    proposals outside the Government for evaluation purposes. If external 
    parties will not be used to evaluate proposals, the procedures in FAR 
    15.413-1 Alternate I, shall be used.
        27. A new section 2415.413-2 is added to read as follows:
    2415.413-2  Alternate II.
        When it is necessary to disclose proposals outside the Government 
    to meet the Department's evaluation needs, the procedures in FAR 
    15.413-2 Alternate II, shall be used.
        (f)(1) The HCA is authorized to make decisions regarding the 
    release of proposals outside the Government.
        (2) The written agreement shall be obtained prior to releasing 
    proposals to the evaluator.
        (3) The HCA shall make the written determination, which shall be 
    retained permanently in the official contract file.
    2415.605  [Amended]
        28. In section 2415.605, paragraph (c) is redesignated (d)(1) and 
    paragraph (e) is redesignated as paragraph (d)(2).
        29. In section 2415.608, paragraph (a) is revised to read as 
    2415.608  Proposal evaluation.
        (a) After receipt of proposals, the Contracting Officer will 
    forward copies of the technical portion of each proposal to the TEP 
    Chairperson or his or her designee. The cost/price portion of each 
    proposal shall be retained by the Contracting Officer pending initial 
    technical evaluation by the TEP.
        (3) Technical evaluation. The TEP shall rate each proposal based on 
    the evaluation factors specified in the solicitation. The TEP shall 
    identify each proposal as being either acceptable, unacceptable but 
    capable of being made acceptable, or unacceptable. A proposal shall be 
    considered unacceptable if it is so clearly deficient that it cannot be 
    corrected through written or oral discussions. Under the best value 
    approach, predetermined cut-off scores designed to determine a 
    threshold level of acceptability of proposals shall not be employed. A 
    technical evaluation report, which complies with FAR 15.608(a)(3), 
    shall be prepared and signed by the technical evaluator(s), furnished 
    to the contracting officer, and maintained as a permanent record in the 
    official procurement file.
    * * * * *
    2415.1004  [Redesignated]
        30. Section 2415.1004 is redesignated as 2415.1005.
        31. The authority citation for part 2416 continues to read as 
        Authority: 40 U.S.C. 486(c); 41 U.S.C. 253; 42 U.S.C. 3535(d).
    2416.504  [Redesignated]
        32. Section 2416.504 is redesignated as 2416.506 and the heading is 
    revised to read as follows:
    2416.506  Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.
        33. In the newly redesignated section 2416.506, paragraph (e) is 
    redesignated as section 2416.506-70 and the heading is added to read as 
    2416.506-70  Unpriced delivery/task orders.
        (e) * * *
        34. The authority citation for part 2417 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 31 U.S.C. 1535; 40 U.S.C. 486(c); 42 U.S.C. 3535(d).
        35. A new subpart 2417.2 is added to read as follows:
    Subpart 2417.2--Options
        36. A new section 2417.204 is added to read as follows:
    2417.204  Contracts.
        (e) The Senior Procurement Executive shall approve any solicitation 
    or contract which exceeds the five (5) year maximum for acquisitions of 
    supplies or services.
        37. The heading of part 2419 is revised to read as set forth above.
        38. The authority citation for part 2419 continues to read as 
        Authority: 40 U.S.C. 486(c); 42 U.S.C. 3535(d).
        39. Section 2419.201(c), (d)(1) through (7) and (d)(9) are revised 
    to read as follows:
    2419.201  General policy.
        (c) The Director, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business 
    Utilization (OSDBU), Headquarters, is responsible for the 
    administration of HUD's small business programs. This includes 
    Department-wide responsibility for developing, implementing, executing, 
    and managing these programs, providing advice on these programs, and 
    representing HUD before other government agencies on matters primarily 
    affecting small, small disadvantaged and women-owned small businesses.
        (d) Each head of a contracting activity shall designate a small 
    business specialist who shall perform the following functions:
        (1) Maintain a program designed to locate capable small business 
    sources as referenced in 48 CFR 2419.201(c) for current and future 
        (2) Coordinate inquiries and requests for advice from such 
    businesses on procurement matters;
        (3) Review proposed requirements for supplies and services, ensure 
    that all such business concerns will be afforded an equitable 
    opportunity to compete, and, as appropriate, initiate
    [[Page 19472]]
    recommendation for small business or Section 8a set-asides (under the 
    Small Business Act);
        (4) Take action to ensure the availability of adequate 
    specifications and drawings, when necessary, to obtain participation by 
    such businesses in a procurement;
        (5) Review proposed procurements for possible breakout of items 
    suitable for procurement from such businesses;
        (6) Advise such businesses with respect to the financial assistance 
    available under existing laws and regulations and assist such 
    businesses in applying for financial assistance;
        (7) Ensure that adequate records are maintained and accurate 
    reports are prepared concerning such businesses participation in the 
    procurement program;
    * * * * *
        (9) Act as liaison between the Contracting Officer and the 
    appropriate SBA office in connection with set-asides, certificates of 
    competency, size classification, and any other matter in which the 
    small business program may be involved.
        40. The heading of subpart 2419.7 is revised to read as follows:
    Subpart 2419.7--Subcontracting With Small Business, Small 
    Disadvantaged Business and Women-Owned Small Business Concerns
    Subpart 2419.9  [Removed]
        41. Subpart 2419.9 is removed.
    Subpart 2419.901  [Removed]
        42. Section 2419.901 is removed.
        43. The authority citation for part 2420 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 3535(d).
        44. Part 2420, consisting of subpart 2420.1 and Sec. 2420.102, is 
    removed and reserved.
        45. The authority citation for part 2434 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 40 U.S.C. 486(c); 42 U.S.C. 3535(d).
    2434.001  [Removed]
        46. Section 2434.001 is removed.
        47. The authority citation for part 2437 continues to read as 
        Authority: 40 U.S.C. 486(c); 42 U.S.C. 3535(d).
        48. In Sec. 2437.110, paragraph (f) is revised to read as follows:
    2437.110  Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.
    * * * * *
        (f) The Contracting Officer shall insert the clause at 48 CFR 
    2452.237-75, Clearance of Personnel, in all solicitations and contracts 
    where contractor personnel will be working on-site in any HUD office.
    * * * * *
        49. The authority citation for part 2442 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 40 U.S.C. 486(c); 42 U.S.C. 3535(d).
        50. Section 2442.1106 is revised to read as follows:
    2442.1106  Reporting requirements.
        (a) All contracts for professional or technical services exceeding 
    $500,000 shall use HUD Form 441.1, ``Project Management System Baseline 
    Plan,'' to outline how the Contractor proposes to carry out the 
    contract work and HUD Form 661.1, ``Project Management System Progress 
    Report,'' to monitor quantitative progress against the baseline plan. 
    Each of these forms shall be accompanied by a narrative description. 
    The Contracting Officer may waive the requirement to use these forms if 
    he or she believes the Statement of Work or contractor's technical 
    proposal are sufficiently specific or another acceptable means for 
    project management is substituted. Contracts awarded under the Acquired 
    Property Program are exempt from use of this reporting requirement. The 
    prescribed forms may be used for contracts under $500,000, when 
    determined necessary by the Contracting Officer.
        51. Section 2442.1107 is revised to read as follows:
    2442.1107  Contract clause.
        The Contracting Officer shall insert the clause at 48 CFR 2452.242-
    71, Project Management System, in solicitations and contracts for 
    professional or technical services exceeding $500,000, unless the 
    Contracting Officer determines that the Statement of Work or technical 
    proposal is sufficiently specific, or another acceptable method for 
    project management is substituted. Use of this clause in contracts 
    below the stated threshold is at the discretion of the Contracting 
        52. The authority citation for part 2452 continues to read as 
        Authority: 40 U.S.C. 486(c); 42 U.S.C. 3535(d).
    2452.212-70  [Redesignated]
        53. Section 2452.212-70 is redesignated as Sec. 2452.211-70 and the 
    introductory text is revised to read as follows:
    2452.211-70  Contract period.
        As prescribed in 2411.404(a), insert the following clause in all 
    solicitations and contracts:
    * * * * *
        54. Section 2452.215-70 is revised to read as follows:
    2452.215-70  Proposal content.
        As prescribed in 2415.407(a), insert a provision substantially the 
    same as the following:
    Proposal Content (Oct 1995)
        (a) Proposals shall be submitted in two parts as described in 
    paragraphs (b) and (c) below. Each of the parts must be complete in 
    itself so that evaluation of each part may be conducted 
    independently, and so that the technical and management part may be 
    evaluated strictly on its own merit. Proposals shall be submitted in 
    the format, if any, prescribed elsewhere in this solicitation. 
    Proposals shall be enclosed in sealed packaging and addressed to the 
    office specified in the solicitation. The offeror's name and 
    address, the solicitation number and the date and time specified in 
    the solicitation for proposal submission must appear in writing on 
    the outside of the package.
        (b) Proposals shall be submitted in original and [insert number] 
    copies of Part I and [insert number] copies of Part II.
        (c) Part I--Technical and Management.
        (1) Prior experience. The offeror shall provide evidence of the 
    offeror's (i.e., firm's or organization's) prior and current 
    experience in performing the work and/or providing the deliverables 
    required by the solicitation.
        (2) Past Performance. The offeror shall provide evidence of the 
    offeror's past performance in accomplishing work--including meeting 
    delivery dates and schedules--the same as, or substantially similar 
    to, that required by the solicitation. The offeror shall provide 
    references as follows [Contracting Officer insert specific 
    instruction for reference check information required].
        (3) Personnel qualifications. The offeror shall provide the 
    names, position descriptions and information to support the 
    qualifications--including relevant experience, specialized training 
    and education--of all proposed key personnel (see the clause 
    entitled ``Key Personnel'' in this solicitation for further 
    definition). The
    [[Page 19473]]
    term ``personnel'' shall include any proposed consultants and 
    subcontractor employees who will perform duties of key personnel.
        (4) Management Capability. The offeror shall provide evidence of 
    his/her organization's ability to manage the work required under the 
    proposed contract. The offeror shall describe how the work will be 
    organized, the proposed staffing and the responsibilities and 
    existing commitments of proposed staff.
        (5) Technical Capability. The offeror shall provide a detailed 
    description of how he/she proposes to conduct the work required 
    under the proposed contract.
        (6) Mandatory Minimum Requirements. The offeror shall provide 
    evidence, including copies of documents, as appropriate of 
    [contracting officer insert description of requirement(s), e.g., 
    licenses, minimum experience, etc., or delete this paragraph if not 
        (d) Part II--Business Proposal.
        (1) The Offeror shall complete the Representations and 
    Certifications provided in Section K of this solicitation and 
    include them in this Part II.
        (2) The offeror shall provide information to support the 
    offeror's proposed costs or prices as prescribed elsewhere in this 
    Section L.
    (End of Provision)
    Alternate I (Oct 1995)
        Substitute paragraph (c) with the following:
        (c) Part I--Technical and Management Information.
        (1) Prior experience. The offeror shall provide evidence that 
    the offeror's (i.e., firm's or organization's) prior experience 
    meets the following minimum standards: [contracting officer insert 
    specific experience requirements].
        (2) Past Performance. The offeror shall provide evidence of the 
    offeror's past performance as follows: [contracting officer insert 
    specific performance requirements]. The offeror shall provide 
    references as follows [contracting Officer insert specific 
    instruction for reference check information required].
        (3) Personnel qualifications. The offeror shall provide the 
    names, position descriptions and evidence that proposed key 
    personnel (see the clause entitled ``Key Personnel'' elsewhere in 
    this solicitation for definition) meet the minimum qualifications 
    described below. The term ``personnel'' includes any proposed 
    consultants and subcontractor employees who will perform duties of 
    key personnel. The minimum qualifications are: [contracting officer 
    insert descriptions]
        (4) Management Capability. The offeror shall provide evidence of 
    his/her organization's ability to manage the work required under the 
    proposed contract. The offeror shall describe how the work will be 
    organized, the proposed staffing and the responsibilities and 
    existing commitments of proposed staff.
    (End of provision)
    Alternate II (Oct 1995)
        Add the following subparagraph, numbered sequentially, to 
    paragraph (c):
        The offeror shall describe in detail how the offeror will 
    maintain the security of automated systems as required by clause 
    2452.237-76 in Section I of this solicitation.
    (End of provision)
        55. Section 2452.219-70 is amended by revising the section heading, 
    the intrductory text, the clause heading, paragraphs (b) through (d), 
    and Alternate I to read as follows:
    2452.219-70   Small, Small Disadvantaged, and Women-Owned Small 
    Business Subcontracting Plan.
        As prescribed in 2419.708, insert the following provision:
    Small, Small Disadvantaged and Women-Owned Small Business 
    Subcontracting Plan (Oct 1995)
    * * * * *
        (b) Consistent with the national interest, it is HUD policy that 
    small business, women-owned small business and small business 
    concerns that are owned and controlled by socially and economically 
    disadvantaged individuals shall have the maximum practicable 
    opportunity to participate in the performance of HUD work at the 
    prime and subcontract level. Therefore, any contract awarded as a 
    result of this solicitation shall fully comply with the intent of 
    this policy, and the successful offeror shall agree to pursue an 
    effective and comprehensive small business, small disadvantaged 
    business and women-owned small business subcontracting program in 
    compliance with the clause entitled ``Utilization of Small, Small 
    Disadvantaged and Women-Owned Small Business Concerns.''
        (c) Prior compliance with subcontracting plans shall be 
    considered in determining the responsibility of an offeror (see FAR 
    9.104-3). Therefore, offerors having previous contracts with 
    subcontracting plans shall provide the following information: agency 
    name; agency point of contact; contract number; total contract 
    value; a synopsis of the work required under the contract; the 
    role(s) of the subcontractor(s) involved; and, the applicable goals 
    and actual performance (dollars and percentages) for subcontracting 
    with small, small disadvantaged and women-owned small business 
    concerns. This information shall be provided for the three most 
    recently (within the last three years) completed contracts with such 
    subcontracting plans.
        (d) The contract expected to result from this solicitation will 
    contain the clause at FAR 52.219-9, ``Small, Small Disadvantaged and 
    Women-Owned Small Business Subcontracting Plan.'' In accordance with 
    that clause, the offeror shall submit the complete subcontracting 
    plan with the response to this solicitation. The content of the 
    final plan is subject to negotiation. Failure to submit a complete 
    subcontracting plan and negotiate its content in good faith shall 
    make the offeror ineligible for the contract award.
    (End of provision)
    Alternate I (Dec 1992)
        This alternate is required for all sealed bid solicitations 
    exceeding $500,000 ($1,000,000 for construction) that are not set 
    aside for small business. In such cases, insert the following 
    paragraph (d) for that in the basic clause:
        (d) The contract expected to result from this solicitation will 
    contain the clause at FAR 52.219-9, ``Small, Small Disadvantaged and 
    Women-Owned Small Business Subcontracting Plan (Alternate I).'' The 
    offeror submitting the apparent low bid, upon request by the 
    Contracting Officer, shall submit a subcontracting plan, where 
    applicable, which addresses separately subcontracting with small, 
    small disadvantaged business and women-owned small business 
    concerns, and which shall be included in and made a part of the 
    resultant contract. The Contracting Officer will review the adequacy 
    of the subcontracting plan as part of the responsibility 
    determination (FAR Subpart 9.1). Failure to submit an adequate 
    subcontracting plan where applicable shall make the bidder 
    ineligible for the contract award.
    (End of provision)
        56. In Sec. 2452.237-75, the clause heading and paragraph (a) are 
    revised to read as follows:
    2452.237-75   Clearance of personnel.
    * * * * *
    Clearance of Personnel (June 1995)
        (a) The contractor shall submit to the Contracting Officer 
    within five days after contract award, two (2) completed Forms FD-
    258, ``Fingerprint Chart'', one original and one copy of the SF 85P, 
    ``Questionnaire for Public Trust Positions'', and one original and 
    one copy of the OF 306, ``Declaration for Federal Employment'', for 
    the contractor and all employees who have access to the building in 
    performance of the contract work. These forms must be submitted for 
    all replacement employees prior to entrance on duty. Necessary forms 
    will be furnished by HUD. If the Contracting Officer receives an 
    unsuitable report on any employee after processing these forms or if 
    the Contracting Officer finds a prospective employee to be 
    unsuitable or unfit for his/her duties, the contractor shall be 
    advised immediately that such employee cannot continue to work or be 
    assigned to work under the contract.
    * * * * *
        57. In Sec. 2452.242-71, the introductory text is revised to read 
    as follows:
    2452.242-71   Project management system.
        As prescribed in 2442.1107, insert the following clause:
    * * * * *
        Dated: April 19, 1996.
    Marilynn A. Davis,
    Assistant Secretary for Administration.
    [FR Doc. 96-10446 Filed 4-30-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4210-01-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Housing and Urban Development Department
Entry Type:
Final rule; technical amendments.
Document Number:
May 31, 1996.
19468-19473 (6 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. FR-3887-F-02
PDF File:
CFR: (3)
48 CFR 2411.4
48 CFR 2416.506
48 CFR 2414.407-4