97-11244. Second Record of Decision for a Dry Storage Container System for the Management of Naval Spent Nuclear Fuel  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 84 (Thursday, May 1, 1997)]
    [Pages 23770-23772]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-11244]
    Department of the Navy
    Second Record of Decision for a Dry Storage Container System for 
    the Management of Naval Spent Nuclear Fuel
    SUMMARY: Pursuant to section 102(2) of the National Environmental 
    Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969; the Council on Environmental Quality 
    regulations implementing NEPA procedures, 40 CFR Parts 1500-1508; Chief 
    of Naval Operations Environmental and Natural Resources Program Manual, 
    OPNAV Instruction 5090.1B; and the Department of Energy NEPA 
    regulations (10 CFR Part 1021); the Department of the Navy and the 
    Department of Energy, as a Cooperating Agency, announce their decisions 
    regarding the location of temporary dry storage facilities for naval 
    spent nuclear fuel and special case waste at the Idaho National 
    Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL). The need for these 
    decisions was identified in the final Environmental Impact Statement 
    for a Container System for the Management of Naval Spent Nuclear Fuel 
    (EIS) dated November 1996. The Department of Energy (DOE), which 
    participated as a cooperating agency, formally adopted that final EIS 
    on October 9, 1996 (designated as DOE/EIS-0251). The need for the 
    decisions was also identified in the first Record of Decision (ROD) (62 
    FR 1095, January 8, 1997) for that EIS, in which the Department of the 
    Navy and the Department of Energy announced their decision regarding 
    selection of a dual-purpose canister system for the loading, storage, 
    transport, and possible disposal of naval spent nuclear fuel following 
        In this second ROD, the Navy and DOE announce their decision that 
    the naval spent nuclear fuel which is, or which will be, stored at the 
    Idaho Chemical Processing Plant (ICPP) will be loaded into dual purpose 
    canisters at the Naval Reactors Facility (NRF). Both the ICPP and the 
    NRF are located on the INEEL in southeastern Idaho. The Navy and DOE 
    also announce the additional decision that all dual purpose canisters 
    loaded with naval spent nuclear fuel and special case waste will be 
    stored at a site adjacent to the Expended Core Facility (ECF) at the 
    NRF. The storage of these canisters containing naval spent nuclear fuel 
    at the NRF will occur regardless of whether the contained fuel had 
    previously been stored at the ICPP, or had been received at INEEL 
    before or after the dry storage facility at the NRF commenced 
    operations. This Record of Decision neither decides nor presumes that 
    naval special case waste will be shipped to a geologic repository or a 
    centralized interim storage facility as will naval spent nuclear fuel.
    ADDRESSES: Copies of the final EIS and other information related to 
    this second Record of Decision or the first Record of Decision are 
    available in the public reading rooms and libraries identified in the 
    Navy's Federal Register notice that announced the availability of the 
    Final EIS (61 FR 59423, November 22, 1996). For further information on 
    the Navy's utilization of a dry storage container system for naval 
    spent nuclear fuel, or to receive a copy of the final EIS and the first 
    ROD, contact William Knoll, Department of the Navy, Code NAVSEA 08U, 
    2531 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22242-5160, (703)603-6126. 
    For information on the DOE's NEPA process, please contact Carol M. 
    Borgstrom, Director, Office of NEPA Policy and Assistance (EH-42), U.S. 
    Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, D.C. 
    20585, (202)586-4600 or leave a message at 1-800-472-2756.
        More than 40% of the Navy's principal combatant warships are 
    nuclear powered. Since 1955, U.S. nuclear powered warships have steamed 
    safely more than one hundred ten million miles and accumulated over 
    4,800 reactor years of safe operation. Continued operation of the 
    Navy's nuclear powered warships remains a vital element of the Navy's 
    ability to fulfill its national security mission in support of our 
    nation's defense.
        The Navy creates spent nuclear fuel through the operation of its 
    nuclear powered warships and training reactors. When a warship is 
    refueled for continued service or is defueled because it is being 
    inactivated, its spent nuclear fuel is removed at a shipyard. 
    Similarly, naval spent nuclear fuel is removed from afloat and land-
    based training reactors when they are refueled or deactivated. In all 
    cases, the naval spent nuclear fuel is transported to the INEEL in 
    southeastern Idaho where it is examined at the Expended Core Facility 
    (ECF) located at the Naval Reactors Facility (NRF). This examination is 
    essential to verify the performance of current naval nuclear fuel and 
    to support the effort to design naval fuel with longer lifetimes. After 
    examination, the naval spent nuclear fuel is transferred to the Idaho 
    Chemical Processing Plant (ICPP) for storage in water pools pending 
    final disposition. Currently, there are approximately 13 metric tons of 
    heavy metal of naval spent nuclear fuel at the INEEL. A total of 
    approximately 65 metric tons of heavy metal of naval spent nuclear fuel 
    will exist by the year 2035.
        The Navy is committed to ensuring that post-examination naval spent 
    nuclear fuel is managed in a fashion which: (1) facilitates ultimate 
    safe shipment to a permanent geologic repository or centralized interim 
    storage facility outside the State of Idaho once one becomes available; 
    (2) protects the environment while being temporarily stored at the 
    INEEL; (3) is consistent with the DOE Programmatic Spent Nuclear Fuel 
    Management and INEL Environmental Restoration and Waste Management 
    Programs Final Environmental Impact Statement (April 1995) and Records 
    of Decision dated May 30, 1995 and February 28, 1996; and (4) complies 
    with the Settlement Agreement/Consent Order among the State of Idaho, 
    the DOE, and the Navy, which is discussed in this Record of Decision 
        Until a geologic repository or centralized interim storage facility
    [[Page 23771]]
    outside the State of Idaho (discussed in Section 2.8.2 of the final 
    EIS) is available, the Navy is committed to a number of actions to 
    ensure uninterrupted operation of the Navy's nuclear powered fleet. 
    These actions include transfer of all naval spent nuclear fuel at the 
    INEEL out of wet storage facilities into dry storage, completion of a 
    Dry Cell expansion project at the ECF, completion of Hot Cell facility 
    upgrades at the ECF, construction of an ECF dry storage container 
    loading station, and performance of certain environmental restoration 
    work at the NRF. The high integrity and rugged nature of naval spent 
    nuclear fuel make it exceptionally well suited for safe transport, 
    storage, and ultimate disposal after service. It is expected that the 
    naval spent nuclear fuel will be stored at the INEEL until the time 
    that a geologic repository or centralized interim storage facility is 
    ready to accept it, and in any event not later than 2035.
        To aid in determining the dry storage container system to be used 
    in managing naval spent nuclear fuel, the Department of the Navy, with 
    the Department of Energy (DOE) participating as a cooperating agency, 
    prepared the final Environmental Impact Statement for a Container 
    System for the Management of Naval Spent Nuclear Fuel (EIS) dated 
    November 1996 (61 FR 59435, November 22, 1996). (The Department of 
    Energy formally adopted that final EIS and designated it as DOE/EIS-
    0251.) In the first Record of Decision (ROD)(62 FR 1095) for that EIS, 
    the Department of the Navy and the Department of Energy, as a 
    cooperating agency, announced their decision regarding selection of a 
    dual-purpose canister system for the loading, storage, transport, and 
    possible disposal of naval spent nuclear fuel following examination. 
    The EIS and the first ROD identified that a decision was still needed 
    on the location(s) for the loading, into dual purpose canisters, of 
    that naval spent nuclear fuel which is, or which will be, stored at the 
    Idaho Chemical Processing Plant (ICPP). Those documents further stated 
    that a decision was also needed on the location(s) for temporary 
    storage of the dual purpose canisters loaded with naval spent nuclear 
    fuel and special case waste.
        The Navy and DOE have determined the location where naval spent 
    nuclear fuel which is, or which will be, stored at the ICPP will be 
    loaded into dual purpose canisters, and the location where all dual 
    purpose canisters loaded with naval spent nuclear fuel and special case 
    waste will be temporarily stored prior to the naval spent nuclear fuel 
    being shipped to a permanent geologic repository or centralized interim 
    storage facility outside of the State of Idaho when one becomes 
    available. In this second Record of Decision, the Navy and DOE announce 
    the decision to load the naval spent nuclear fuel which is, or which 
    will be, stored at the ICPP, into dual purpose canisters at the Naval 
    Reactors Facility (NRF). Both the ICPP and the NRF are located on the 
    INEEL in southeastern Idaho. The Navy and DOE also announce the 
    additional decision that all dual purpose canisters loaded with naval 
    spent nuclear fuel and special case waste will be stored at a developed 
    area on the INEEL site to the east of the Expended Core Facility (ECF) 
    at the NRF. This storage of canisters loaded with naval spent nuclear 
    fuel at the NRF will occur regardless of whether the fuel had 
    previously been stored at the ICPP, or had been received at INEEL 
    before or after the dry storage facility at the NRF commenced 
    operations. This location offers several important advantages, 
    including immediate proximity to existing fuel handling facilities, 
    rail access, and trained personnel. In addition, use of the site 
    adjacent to ECF eliminates the need to develop previously undisturbed 
    areas. Development of these undisturbed sites would incur increased 
    adverse environmental impacts while offering no technical or other 
    advantage. This Record of Decision neither decides nor presumes that 
    naval special case waste will be shipped to a geologic repository or a 
    centralized interim storage facility as will naval spent nuclear fuel.
        When evaluating options for the above decisions, the Navy and DOE 
    considered existing facilities at INEEL and currently undeveloped 
    locations potentially not above the Snake River Aquifer. The technical 
    feasibility of building a dry storage facility within INEEL at a point 
    removed from above the Snake River Plain Aquifer was considered in the 
    final EIS. Only two potential locations were identified, one along the 
    west boundary of INEEL and the other in the northwest corner of the 
    INEEL reservation. However, analyses in the final EIS indicate that 
    neither of these locations is hydrologically removed from above the 
    Snake River Plain and both would be closer to seismic faults than 
    existing INEEL facilities. The State of Idaho, in its comments on the 
    Final Environmental Impact Statement for a Container System for the 
    Management of Naval Spent Nuclear Fuel, agreed that the seismic 
    disadvantages of these locations would, in all probability, eliminate 
    them from further consideration.
        In addition, both of these locations are technically less desirable 
    than locations at the NRF and the ICPP. A facility located at either of 
    these remote sites would be closer to the site boundaries 
    (approximately 1 mile from the INEEL boundary at its closest point) and 
    the local population than existing INEEL facilities. Environmental 
    impacts would result from construction of a road and possibly a rail 
    spur to the location as well as construction of facilities at the 
    location. An evaluation of these areas indicates that the development 
    of a dry storage facility at either of these remote locations might 
    have a greater impact on Native American cultural resources and 
    ecological resources than providing for dry storage at a previously 
    developed site adjacent to the ECF at the NRF or at an ICPP site.
        A number of factors were considered in evaluating potential sites 
    at the NRF and the ICPP for loading of naval spent nuclear fuel into 
    canisters and the storage of the loaded canisters. These factors 
    included: (1) The effort required for the Navy to achieve compliance 
    with quality assurance requirements, such as verification of individual 
    spent fuel unit identity and condition, recording of each spent fuel 
    unit's permanent location in a storage canister, and the control of the 
    resultant records; (2) minimization of the number of organizations 
    needing to interact in connection with obtaining certifications for 
    transportation of canisters loaded with naval spent nuclear fuel and 
    for the acceptability of those loaded canisters for placement in a 
    permanent geologic repository or a centralized interim storage facility 
    outside the State of Idaho when one becomes available; (3) simplicity 
    of procedures and facilities involved in loading and storage of the 
    canisters; (4) operational flexibility, since facilities which would be 
    built at ECF to accommodate the return of naval spent nuclear fuel from 
    the ICPP for loading into dry storage canisters would be more easily 
    used to support possible future emergent naval spent nuclear fuel 
    loading or unloading/reloading needs than facilities which had been 
    built at the ICPP; (5) the potential for delays and emergent problems 
    caused by performing dry storage canister loadings of both naval and 
    non-naval spent nuclear fuel at a single facility; (6) the amount of 
    handling of the naval spent nuclear fuel required; (7) cost; (8) the 
    time needed to load the existing inventory of naval spent nuclear fuel 
    into dry storage canisters; (9) environmental
    [[Page 23772]]
    consequences, which were similar and small for both the NRF and the 
    ICPP sites, thus both would be environmentally preferred to the remote 
    undeveloped sites considered; and (10) the expected condition of the 
    naval spent nuclear fuel which would be handled in the loading process. 
    The evaluations of these factors supported the selection of the NRF as 
    the location for loading the naval spent nuclear fuel from the ICPP and 
    for storage of loaded canisters.
        The DOE and the Navy have orders and regulations for conduct of 
    spent nuclear fuel management operations and have adopted stringent 
    controls for minimizing occupational and public radiation exposure. The 
    policy of these programs is to reduce radiation exposures to as low as 
    reasonably achievable (ALARA). Singly and collectively, these measures 
    minimize potentially significant adverse environmental impacts from 
    spent nuclear fuel management activities, including those associated 
    with dry storage. The Navy and the DOE have not identified a need for 
    additional mitigation measures.
    Legal and Regulatory Considerations
        The first Record of Decision for the DOE Programmatic Spent Nuclear 
    Fuel Management and Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Environmental 
    Restoration and Waste Management Programs Final Environmental Impact 
    Statement was published on May 30, 1995 (60 FR 28680). On October 17, 
    1995, the Federal District Court entered a Consent Order that resolved 
    all issues related to the EIS raised by the State of Idaho and the 
    Governor of Idaho. The Consent Order incorporated as requirements all 
    of the terms and conditions of the parties' Settlement Agreement, 
    including a reduction in the number of spent nuclear fuel shipments 
    coming to the State of Idaho.
        The settlement agreement among the State of Idaho, the U.S. Navy, 
    and the DOE included obligations to request funding for a dry storage 
    container loading station and to commence moving DOE spent nuclear fuel 
    currently in water pool storage into dry storage by July 1, 2003. 
    Proposed actions by the Navy will commence placing naval spent nuclear 
    fuel into dry storage on a schedule consistent with that required of 
    the DOE in the Settlement Agreement/Consent Order and will be in full 
    compliance with the requirements of that agreement.
        No on-site land use restrictions due to Native American treaty 
    rights would exist for any of the alternatives. The INEEL site does not 
    lie within any of the land boundaries established by the Fort Bridger 
        The Department of the Navy and DOE are mandated to comply with 
    various laws, regulations and other requirements applicable to the 
    management of naval spent nuclear fuel. The Department of the Navy 
    Final Environmental Impact Statement for a Container System for the 
    Management of Naval Spent Nuclear Fuel, in Chapter 8, identifies the 
    major applicable laws and regulations. The selected dry storage loading 
    and temporary storage locations provide for compliance with these and 
    other applicable laws and regulations governing actions within the 
    Navy's and DOE's responsibilities.
    Public Involvement
        On October 24, 1994, the DOE published a Notice of Intent in the 
    Federal Register (59 FR 53442) to prepare an EIS for a multi-purpose 
    canister system for the management of civilian spent nuclear fuel. As 
    part of the public scoping process, the scope of the EIS for the multi-
    purpose canister system was broadened to include naval spent nuclear 
    fuel. This determination was included in the Implementation Plan whose 
    availability was announced in the Federal Register on August 30, 1995 
    (60 FR 45147). However, DOE halted its proposal to fabricate and deploy 
    a multi-purpose canister based system and ceased preparation of that 
        On December 7, 1995 the Department of the Navy published a notice 
    in the Federal Register (60 FR 62828) assuming the lead responsibility 
    for an Environmental Impact Statement evaluating container systems for 
    the management of naval spent nuclear fuel. The Department of the Navy 
    assumed the lead responsibility from the DOE and narrowed the focus of 
    the EIS to include only naval spent nuclear fuel. Despite the narrowing 
    of the focus to only naval spent nuclear fuel and the change in lead 
    agency, the range of container alternatives being considered did not 
    change. Thus, the EIS did not require another scoping process. The DOE 
    participated as a cooperating agency rather than the lead agency in the 
    preparation of the EIS.
        On May 1, 1996, the Navy distributed the Draft EIS. The Navy's 
    Notice of Availability of the Draft EIS was published in the Federal 
    Register on May 14, 1996 along with the locations and dates of the 
    public hearings. The Draft EIS was widely distributed to public 
    officials, tribal officials, and state agencies in the areas of 
    potential interest, as well as to individuals requesting the document. 
    The public comment period for the EIS was originally scheduled to be 45 
    days, but a 15-day extension was granted based on a request from the 
    State of Nevada. During the public comment period, six public hearings 
    were held and both written and oral comments were received. Oral and 
    written comments were received from 51 parties, representing: federal, 
    state, and local agencies and officials; special interest groups; and 
    individuals. No substantive changes to the Draft EIS were needed as a 
    result of public comments, although several clarifications and 
    editorial changes were made in response to comments.
        A new Chapter 11 was added to the Final Environmental Impact 
    Statement in which each comment was reprinted in its entirety, followed 
    immediately by individual responses to each of the major points. The 
    Environmental Protection Agency formally announced the availability of 
    the final EIS on November 22, 1996 (61 FR 59435). The Navy also 
    announced the availability of the final EIS on November 22, 1996 (61 FR 
        This Record of Decision constitutes the Navy's and The Department 
    Of Energy's final action with regard to a location where the naval 
    spent nuclear fuel which is, or which will be, stored at the Idaho 
    Chemical Processing Plant will be loaded into dual purpose canisters. 
    It also constitutes final action for a location for the temporary dry 
    storage of all dual purpose canisters containing naval spent nuclear 
    fuel and special case waste.
        Issued in Washington, D.C. this 16th day of April 1997.
    Richard Danzig,
    Acting Secretary of the Navy.
    Alvin L. Alm,
    Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management, U.S. Department of 
    [FR Doc. 97-11244 Filed 4-30-97; 8:45 am]

Document Information

Energy Department
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23770-23772 (3 pages)
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