98-11450. Investment and Deposit Activities; Corporate Credit Unions  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 84 (Friday, May 1, 1998)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 24103-24105]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-11450]
    12 CFR Parts 703 and 704
    Investment and Deposit Activities; Corporate Credit Unions
    AGENCY: National Credit Union Administration (NCUA).
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: NCUA is adopting as final the interim final amendments to the 
    investment regulation as issued last year. The final amendments revise 
    the broker-dealer and safekeeping provisions. NCUA is also deleting the 
    references to the High Risk Securities Test for CMOs/REMICs in its 
    regulations on investments and corporate credit unions. These 
    amendments will clarify certain procedures related to credit unions' 
    involvement with broker-dealers and safekeeping of securities.
    DATES: The interim final amendments published at 62 FR 64146 are 
    adopted as final effective May 1, 1998. Amendments in this rule to part 
    703 are effective October 1, 1998. Amendments in this rule to part 704 
    are effective May 1, 1998.
    ADDRESSES: National Credit Union Administration, 1775 Duke Street, 
    Alexandria, Virginia 22314-3428.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Daniel Gordon, Senior Investment 
    Officer, Office of Investment Services, (703) 518-6620 or Kim Iverson 
    (Program Officer), Office of Examination and Insurance (703) 518-6360, 
    or at the above address.
    A. Interim Final Rule
        On November 24, 1997, NCUA issued an interim final rule that made 
    substantive revisions and technical changes to part 703. 62 FR 64146, 
    December 4, 1997. NCUA received eleven comment letters, three from 
    trade associations, two from credit union leagues, three from federal 
    credit unions, two from corporate credit unions, and one from a state-
    chartered credit union. Five commenters supported the technical changes 
    and offered no other comments. The remaining six had specific comments, 
    as discussed below.
        The interim final rule amended Sec. 703.50 to state that a federal 
    credit union may use a third party that is not rregistered with the 
    Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or is not a federally 
    regulated depository institution to purchase a certificate of deposit 
    (CD) as long as the credit union purchases the CD directly from a bank, 
    credit union, or other depository institution. One commenter requested 
    clarification that wiring funds to a correspondent bank for further 
    credit to the issuing institution is an acceptable practice. Another 
    suggested that the rule should simply state whether credit unions are 
    prohibited from using third-parties, passing their funds through third 
    parties, or passing funds through unregistered brokers. Another 
    commenter suggested the reason for the amendment was that entities that 
    sell only CDs are not usually subject to comprehensive regulatory 
    oversight, and NCUA should not inadvertently force credit unions to 
    stop buying CDs from legitimate, regulated CD brokers (banks and 
    registered broker-dealers).
        NCUA wishes to clarify that it is permissible to send funds to an 
    agent depository institution either of the credit union (credit union's 
    correspondent) or of the issuing depository institution (issuer's 
    correspondent) for credit to an issuing depository institution 
    (issuer). For example, a credit union can send its funds directly to 
    the issuer's correspondent. Alternatively, it is permissible for a 
    credit union to send funds to its correspondent and this correspondent 
    can send those funds to the issuer's correspondent or the issuer. A 
    federal credit union may not wire, or send in any manner, funds to an 
    agent depository institution of an unregistered entity to purchase a 
    CD. The account relationship must be directly with the issuer unless 
    the credit union is using a broker-dealer that is SEC-registered or is 
    a federally regulated depository institution. NCUA believes that the 
    amendment made by the interim final rule is sufficiently clear in this 
    area and is not making additional changes to the provision in this 
    final rule.
        This interim final rule also established that a credit union may 
    safekeep securities with a selling broker-dealer as long as the 
    safekeeper used by the broker-dealer is regulated by the SEC. Two 
    commenters suggested that the preamble recommend that a safekeeping 
    agreement prohibit a third party from pledging or lending the credit 
    union's securities without notice of each specific transaction. Without 
    notice of each specific transaction, the credit union would have an 
    unknown counterparty exposure. The NCUA Board agrees it is a sound 
    business practice for every credit union to carefully read and 
    understand the details of any agreement it enters into and encourages 
    credit unions to do so. In the absence of a delegation of authority, a 
    credit union must specifically authorize any actions its
    [[Page 24104]]
    broker-dealer may take with its securities (purchases, sales, pledges, 
    securities lending, etc.), and must not sign an account agreement with 
    a broker-dealer that permits the broker-dealer to take any action with 
    its securities without the credit union's consent and knowledge. The 
    credit union must participate in the monetary gains derived from such 
        The interim final rule also clarified that the requirement to 
    obtain two price quotes prior to purchasing a security does not apply 
    to new issues issued at original issue discount, in addition to those 
    issued at par. Two commenters suggested that the preamble encourage 
    credit unions to compare prices regardless of whether new issue 
    securities are offered at par or at discount. The commenters believe 
    securities purchase decisions should be made within the context of how 
    they compare to similar Treasury securities.
        In the interim final rule, the original issue discount securities 
    that NCUA was primarily concerned with were Treasury securities. Credit 
    unions certainly should consider whether other securities sold at 
    original issue discount compare to similar Treasurys. NCUA encourages 
    price comparisons to comparable Treasurys even for new issues issued at 
    original issue discount or at par.
        Two commenters requested that NCUA clarify the applicability of 
    Section 703.60(d) to CDs. That provision requires a credit union to 
    obtain and reconcile monthly a statement of purchased investments and 
    repurchase collateral held in safekeeping. The commenters were 
    concerned about CD investments, since monthly safekeeping statements 
    are generally not received from depository institutions. The NCUA Board 
    wishes to clarify that this requirement does not apply to CDs where the 
    credit union has made the investment (deposit) directly with the 
    depository institution and where there is no third party safekeeping of 
    the CD.
        In summary, the NCUA Board is adopting the interim final amendments 
    in final, without any changes.
    B. Deletion of MDP High Risk Tests
        NCUA is deleting the requirements regarding mortgage derivative 
    product (MDP) high risk tests in parts 703 and 704. NCUA no longer 
    believes that the pass/fail criteria of the high risk tests as applied 
    to specific instruments are necessary to constitute effective 
    monitoring of investment activities. The rescission of the high risk 
    tests as a constraint on a credit union's investment activities does 
    not signal that MDPs with high levels of price risk are either 
    appropriate or inappropriate investments. NCUA continues to believe 
    that the stress testing of MDP investments, as well as other 
    investments, is prudent and has significant value for risk management 
        An effective risk management process, through which an institution 
    identifies, measures, monitors, and controls the risks of all its 
    investment activities, provides a better framework. Whether a security, 
    MDP or others, is an appropriate investment depends upon a variety of 
    factors, including the credit union's capital level, the security's 
    impact on the aggregate risk of the portfolio, and management's ability 
    to measure and manage risk. Credit unions should employ valuation 
    methodologies that take into account all of the risk elements necessary 
    to price these investments.
        For natural person federal credit unions that purchase securities 
    having certain characteristics, as defined in paragraph 703.90(b), in 
    an amount exceeding the credit union's net capital, part 703 requires a 
    reasonable and supportable estimate of the potential impact of an 
    immediate and sustained parallel shift in market interest rates of plus 
    and minus 300 basis points.
        Part 704 requires corporate credit unions to subject all their 
    assets and liabilities to a 300 basis point instantaneous, parallel, 
    and sustained shock in interest rates for purposes of generating ``net 
    economic value'' (NEV) volatility measures. Proper NEV calculations 
    will capture the risk of the underlying cash-flows and their 
    corresponding price sensitivity.
    C. Corrections
        Section 703.50(b)(2) of the current rule refers to the North 
    American State Administrators Association. The correct reference is the 
    North American Securities Administrators Association and the final 
    amendments reflect the proper terminology.
    Regulatory Procedures
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act requires NCUA to prepare an analysis 
    to describe any significant economic impact any final regulation may 
    have on a substantial number of small credit unions, defined as those 
    having less than $1 million in assets. The NCUA Board has determined 
    and certifies that the final rule will not have a significant economic 
    impact on a substantial number of small credit unions.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        NCUA has determined that the final amendments do not increase 
    paperwork requirements under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 and 
    regulations of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
    Executive Order 12612
        Executive Order 12612 requires NCUA to consider the effect of its 
    actions on state interests. The final rule applies directly only to 
    federal credit unions. NCUA has determined that the final rule does not 
    constitute a ``significant regulatory action'' for purposes of the 
    Executive Order.
    Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act
        The Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 
    (Pub. L. 104-121) provides generally for congressional review of agency 
    rules. The reporting requirement is triggered in instances where NCUA 
    issues a final rule as defined by Section 551 of the Administrative 
    Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. 551. NCUA is currently awaiting the Office of 
    Management and Budget's decision on whether this is a major rule.
    List of Subjects
    12 CFR Part 703
        Credit unions, Investments, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    12 CFR Part 704
        Credit union, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
        The National Credit Union Administration Board approved the final 
    amendments to Part 703 and Part 704 on April 16, 1998 and approved as 
    final the interim final amendments to Part 703 on April 22, 1998.
    Becky Baker,
    Secretary of the Board.
        Accordingly NCUA adopts the interim final rule amending 12 CFR part 
    703 which was published at 62 FR 64146 on December 4, 1997, as a final 
    rule without change and amends 12 CFR parts 703 and 704 as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 703 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1757(7), 1757(8), 1757(15).
    Sec. 703.30  [Amended]
        2. Section 703.30 is amended by removing paragraph (g) and 
    redesignating paragraphs (h), (i), (j), (k),
    [[Page 24105]]
    and (l) as paragraphs (g), (h), (i), (j), and (k).
        3. Section 703.50 is amended by revising paragraph (b)(2) to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 703.50  What rules govern my dealings with entities I use to 
    purchase and sell investments (``broker-dealers'')?
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (2) Information available from state or federal securities 
    regulators and securities industry self-regulatory organizations, such 
    as the National Association of Securities Dealers and the North 
    American Securities Administrators Association, about any enforcement 
    actions against the broker-dealer, its affiliates, or associated 
    * * * * *
        4. Section 703.100 is amended by revising paragraph (e) to read as 
    Sec. 703.100  What investments and investment activities are 
    permissible for me?
    * * * * *
        (e) You may invest in fixed or variable rate CMOs/REMICs.
    * * * * *
        5. Section 703.130 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 703.130  May I continue to hold investments purchased before 
    January 1, 1998, that will be impermissible after that date?
        (a) Subject to safety and soundness considerations, you may hold a 
    CMO/REMIC residual, SMBS, or zero coupon security with a maturity 
    greater than 10 years, if you purchased the investment:
        (1) Before December 2, 1991; or
        (2) On or after December 2, 1991, but before January 1, 1998, if 
    for the purpose of reducing interest rate risk and you meet the 
        (i) You have a monitoring and reporting system in place that 
    provides the documentation necessary to evaluate the expected and 
    actual performance of the investment under different interest rate 
        (ii) You use the monitoring and reporting system to conduct and 
    document an analysis that shows, before purchase, that the proposed 
    investment will reduce your interest rate risk;
        (iii) After purchase, you evaluate the investment at least 
    quarterly to determine whether or not it actually has reduced your 
    interest rate risk; and
        (iv) You classify the investment as either trading or available-
        (b) All grandfathered investments are subject to the valuation and 
    monitoring requirements of Secs. 703.70, 703.80, and 703.90.
        6. The authority citation for part 704 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1757(7), 1757(8), 1757(15).
        7. Section 704.5 is amended by revising paragraph (c)(6) to read as 
    Sec. 704.5  Investments.
    * * * * *
        (c) * *  *
        (6) CMOs/REMICs.
    * * * * *
    Appendix B to Part 704--[Amended]
        8. Appendix B to part 704 is amended as follows:
        a. A heading is added to the beginning of the Appendix; and
        b. In Part I paragraph (c)(6) is removed and paragraphs (c)(7) 
    through (c)(9) are redesignated as paragraphs (c)(6) through (c)(8); 
        c. In Part II paragraph (c)(6) is removed and paragraphs (c)(7) and 
    (c)(8) are redesignated as paragraphs (c)(6) and (c)(7).
        The addition reads as follows:
    Appendix B to Part 704--Expanded Authorities and Requirements
    Part I
    * * * * *
    [FR Doc. 98-11450 Filed 4-30-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 7535-01-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
National Credit Union Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
The interim final amendments published at 62 FR 64146 are adopted as final effective May 1, 1998. Amendments in this rule to part 703 are effective October 1, 1998. Amendments in this rule to part 704 are effective May 1, 1998.
24103-24105 (3 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (5)
12 CFR 703.30
12 CFR 703.50
12 CFR 703.100
12 CFR 703.130
12 CFR 704.5