96-10692. Capacity Reservation Open Access Transmission Tariffs  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 92 (Friday, May 10, 1996)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 21847-21854]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-10692]
    Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 92 / Friday, May 10, 1996 / Proposed 
    [[Page 21847]]
    Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
    18 CFR Part 35
    [Docket No. RM96-11-000]
    Capacity Reservation Open Access Transmission Tariffs
    April 24, 1996.
    AGENCY: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, DOE.
    ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
    SUMMARY: The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission) is 
    proposing a rule that specifies filing requirements to be followed by 
    public utilities in making transmission tariff filings based on 
    capacity reservations for all transmission users. The proposed capacity 
    reservation open access transmission tariff, if adopted, would replace 
    the open access transmission tariff required by the Commission in 
    Promoting Wholesale Competition Through Open Access Non-discriminatory 
    Transmission Services by Public Utilities; Recovery of Stranded Costs 
    by Public Utilities and Transmitting Utilities, Order No. 888, FERC 
    Stats. & Regs. para. 31,036 (1996). The Commission is seeking public 
    comment on whether to require this type of tariff for all public 
    utilities that must comply with the Commission's open access 
    requirements, and on the specific provisions that should be contained 
    in a capacity reservation tariff. The Commission will convene a 
    technical conference on these issues.
    DATES: Written comments must be received by the Commission by August 1, 
    1996. The Commission also will convene a technical conference to be 
    held over two days in September 1996 at the Commission, 888 First 
    Street NE., Washington, D.C. 20426. The Commission will announce the 
    dates, time, and agenda of the technical conference at a later date.
    Jan Macpherson (Legal Information), Office of the General Counsel, 
    Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE., Washington, 
    D.C. 20426, Telephone: (202) 208-0921
    Roland W. Wentworth (Technical Information), Office of Economic Policy, 
    Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE., Washington, 
    D.C. 10426, Telephone: (202) 208-1288.
    ADDRESSES: Send comments to: Office of the Secretary, Federal Energy 
    Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE., Washington, D.C. 20426.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In addition to publishing the full text of 
    this document in the Federal Register, the Commission also provides all 
    interested persons an opportunity to inspect or copy the contents of 
    this document during normal business hours in the Public Reference Room 
    at 888 First Street NE., Washington, D.C. 20426.
        The Commission Issuance Posting System (CIPS), an electronic 
    bulletin board service, provides access to the texts of formal 
    documents issued by the Commission. CIPS is available at no charge to 
    the user and may be accessed using a personal computer with a modem by 
    dialing 202-208-1997 if dialing locally or 1-800-856-3520 if dialing 
    long distance. CIPS is also available through the Fed World system (by 
    modem or Internet). To access CIPS, set your communications software to 
    19200, 14400, 12000, 9600, 7200, 4800, 2400, or 1200 bps, full duplex, 
    no parity, 8 data bits and 1 stop bit. The full text of this order will 
    be available on CIPS indefinitely in ASCII and WordPerfect 5.1 format. 
    The complete text on diskette in WordPerfect format may also be 
    purchased from the Commission's copy contractor, La Dorn Systems 
    Corporation, also located in the Public Reference Room at 888 First 
    Street NE., Washington, D.C. 20426.
    I. Introduction
        The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission) is today 
    adopting a final rule (Open Access Final Rule) 1 requiring each 
    public utility that owns, operates or controls facilities used for the 
    transmission of electric energy in interstate commerce to file an open 
    access non-discriminatory transmission tariff (Final Rule tariff). The 
    Open Access Final Rule also requires these utilities to take 
    transmission service for their own wholesale sales and purchases of 
    electric energy under this tariff. The Final Rule tariff specifies that 
    service is to be provided on both a network basis and a flexible point-
    to-point basis; the network service is a load-based service, while the 
    point-to-point service is based on transmission capacity reservations.
        \1\ Promoting Wholesale Competition Through Open Access Non-
    discriminatory Transmission Services by Public Utilities, Docket No. 
    RM95-8-000, Order No. 888, FERC Stats. & Regs. para. 31,036 (1996). 
    The Open Access Final Rule is being published concurrently in the 
    Federal Register.
        This Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (``NOPR'') requests comment on 
    whether there are certain disadvantages inherent in offering 
    transmission service on both a network and a point-to-point basis. If 
    so, the Commission requests comment on whether comparability of 
    transmission service can be better accomplished by requiring that 
    transmission service be rendered using a single methodology. In 
    particular, the Commission requests comment on the capacity reservation 
    tariff (``CRT'') approach described herein. The Commission also 
    requests comment on whether there are other methodologies that can 
    fulfill the policy goals served by a single capacity allocation 
    methodology as well as, or better than, the proposed CRT approach.
        The proposed CRT approach would be based on the point-to-point 
    service in the Final Rule tariff and would allow all transmission 
    customers to have the same degree of flexibility in reserving and using 
    transmission service. This NOPR proposes that no later than December 
    31, 1997, the Open Access Final Rule's network and point-to-point 
    tariff be replaced by a CRT that provides only reservation-based 
    transmission service for all jurisdictional service.
        The Commission will hold a technical conference on this proposal 
    prior to adopting a final rule.
    II. Public Reporting Burden
        The proposed rule specifies filing requirements to be followed by 
    public utilities in making tariff filings that reflect transmission 
    capacity reservations for all wholesale transmission customers and any 
    unbundled retail transmission customers and would replace the open 
    access transmission tariffs required by the Commission in the Open 
    Access Final Rule. The information collection requirements of the 
    proposed rule are attributable to FERC-516 ``Electric Rate Schedule 
    Filings.'' The current total annual reporting burden for FERC-516 is 
    828,300 hours.
        The proposed rule requires public utilities filing capacity 
    reservation transmission tariffs to provide certain information to the 
    Commission. The public reporting burden for the information collection 
    requirements contained in the proposed rule is estimated to average 250 
    hours per response. This estimate includes time for reviewing the 
    requirements of the Commission's regulations, searching existing data 
    sources, gathering and maintaining the necessary data, completing and 
    reviewing the collection of information, and filing the required 
        There are approximately 328 public utilities, including marketers 
    and wholesale generation entities. The Commission estimates that 
    approximately 166 of these entities own, operate, or control facilities 
    used for the
    [[Page 21848]]
    transmission of electric energy in interstate commerce and will respond 
    to the information collection. The respondents would be the same as 
    those for the Open Access Final Rule, i.e., all public utilities 
    required to file non-discriminatory open access tariffs. Accordingly, 
    the public reporting burden is estimated to be 41,000 hours.
        Interested persons may send comments regarding the burden estimates 
    or other aspects of this collection of information, including 
    suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Federal Energy Regulatory 
    Commission, 888 First Street NE., Washington, DC 20426 [Attention: 
    Michael Miller, (202) 208-1415], and to the Office of Information and 
    Regulatory Affairs of the Office of Management and Budget, Washington, 
    DC 20503 (Attention: Desk Officer for the Federal Energy Regulatory 
    Commission (202) 395-3087).
    III. Background
        In the Open Access Final Rule, the Commission has adopted a pro 
    forma tariff containing the minimum acceptable terms and conditions of 
    transmission service for network service and for flexible point-to-
    point service. This type of tariff, in conjunction with other 
    requirements imposed in the Open Access Final Rule and in the related 
    final rule in Open Access Same-Time Information System,2 is 
    sufficient to remedy undue discrimination in the provision of 
    transmission services. However, in analyzing the comments in the Open 
    Access proceeding, it became apparent that a single service open access 
    tariff might better accommodate competitive changes occurring in the 
    industry while ensuring that all interstate transmission service 
    subject to the Commission's jurisdiction is provided in a fair and non-
    discriminatory manner.
        \2\ Open Access Same-Time Information System (formerly Real-Time 
    Information Networks) and Standards of Conduct, Docket No. RM95-9-
    000, Order No. 889, FERC Stats. & Regs. para. 31,037 (1996) (OASIS 
    Final Rule). This rule also is being published concurrently in the 
    Federal Register.
        Network transmission service, in the Open Access Final Rule, 
    defines rights and sets prices based on customer load. It allows the 
    transmission customer to use the transmission provider's entire grid to 
    serve designated loads from designated resources without having to pay 
    a separate charge for each pairing of resource and load. Thus, network 
    service enables the transmission customer to use the network flexibly 
    to integrate its resources and loads efficiently and to dispatch 
    economically its system, in the same way as the owner of the 
    transmission system.
        Firm flexible point-to-point service in the Open Access Final Rule, 
    on the other hand, defines rights and sets prices based on transmission 
    capacity reservations. The transmission user designates points of 
    delivery (PODs) and points of receipt (PORs) and makes a capacity 
    reservation for each POD and for each POR. Consistent with the 
    comparability principle that is one of the cornerstones of the Open 
    Access Final Rule, firm point-to-point transmission service provided to 
    a customer must be comparable to that which the utility provides to 
    itself. For example, the customer should be able to use any available 
    unreserved service without an additional charge, as long as the use 
    does not exceed its capacity reservation.
        The Commission proposes to replace the network and point-to-point 
    services in the Open Access Final Rule tariff with a CRT that would 
    accommodate both network and point-to-point needs. The CRT would be 
    based on the point-to-point service in the Final Rule tariff and would 
    allow all jurisdictional transmission customers to have the same degree 
    of flexibility in reserving and using transmission service. Under the 
    CRT, all transmission customers would specify the amount of power to be 
    received and delivered at multiple receipt and delivery points, and 
    would have substantial flexibility in rearranging these receipt and 
    delivery points. All nominations for capacity reservations would be 
    evaluated in the same manner.3
        \3\ A ``nomination'' is a request; a ``reservation'' is a 
    confirmed nomination that can be held or traded.
    IV. Reasons for Proposing a CRT
        In adopting the Final Rule tariff in the Open Access Final Rule, 
    our purpose was to remedy undue discrimination in the provision of 
    interstate transmission service, not to reform traditional tariff 
    design. We believe that the Final Rule tariff, in conjunction with the 
    OASIS Final Rule, remedies undue discrimination in transmission 
    service. The network section of the Final Rule tariff is based on the 
    prevailing industry practice of traditional load-ratio pricing.
        Many commenters responded to our initial proposed open access pro 
    forma tariffs by asking us to adopt either more flexible or more 
    innovative tariffs in the Open Access Final Rule. Some commenters 
    suggested that the basic design of the Open Access NOPR pro forma 
    tariffs may be too inflexible to accommodate industry innovations. The 
    capacity reservation tariff proposed here is an alternative that may 
    better suit the needs of the changing electric power industry.
        The Final Rule tariff offers two types of transmission service. 
    Network service provides enough transmission capacity to satisfy a 
    customer's consumption of electric power. Point-to-point service sets 
    aside as much transmission capacity as the customer reserves. Thus, 
    network service is based on use, and point-to-point service is based on 
        Network customers get and pay for the capacity they use, and point-
    to-point customers get and pay for the capacity they reserve. The fixed 
    costs of the transmission system are allocated among network customers 
    on the basis of use, that is, the customers' loads. The fixed costs of 
    the transmission system are allocated among point-to-point customers on 
    the basis of their reservations, that is, their contract demands.
        Offering two types of service in one tariff may have disadvantages. 
    At the end of this NOPR we ask questions about whether this is so. If 
    it is, a solution may be to put all jurisdictional transmission users 
    on the same basis: The transmission provider would serve and charge all 
    customers (including its own jurisdictional uses of the system) on the 
    basis of how much transmission capacity they either use or ask for. 
    That is, it would make the entire tariff either load-based or 
    reservation-based. If we do reform the tariff to put all transmission 
    users on the same basis, we believe that, for the reasons set out next, 
    putting all on a reservation basis may be more consistent with the 
    industry's direction in its competitive restructuring. We seek comment 
    on whether this premise concerning reservation-based service is in fact 
        First, reservation-based service appears to be more compatible with 
    our new OASIS and the requirement that market participants know how 
    much transmission is available for their use. In the OASIS Final Rule, 
    we require public utilities to post electronically their available 
    transmission capability, or ATC. They must do this by calculating total 
    transmission capability and subtracting transmission capacity committed 
    to other uses. It is relatively easy to subtract point-to-point service 
    reservations, but there is no amount of transmission capacity 
    explicitly reserved for network customers or for the transmission 
    provider's own network uses.
        The transmission provider is committed to having available enough 
    transmission capacity to serve its native
    [[Page 21849]]
    load and the loads of its network customers. But the transmission 
    provider knows only the customers' historical loads, not their future 
    loads. Although the customers (as well as the transmission provider 
    itself) must forecast their loads, they may have no incentive to 
    forecast accurately because the utility must meet all transmission 
    needs for serving load regardless of the forecast. This requires the 
    transmission provider to predict its future native load and that of 
    each of its network customers in order to determine its ATC.
        While this process can work reasonably well in a regime in which 
    utilities make bundled generation and transmission sales to 
    requirements customers, it may not work as well now that various kinds 
    of power sellers and marketers are eligible for unbundled network 
    service. The transmission provider may not have any good way to 
    forecast the increases or decreases in the loads of customers that it 
    has no obligation to serve. It seems appropriate to ask all 
    transmission customers, including the transmission provider, to state 
    explicitly how much transmission capacity they want set aside for their 
    needs. In this way, they effectively would be making a capacity 
    reservation. This would simplify the transmission provider's 
    determination of ATC and make the information available on the OASIS.
        Under a CRT approach, each transmission customer (including the 
    transmission provider for its own uses) would have to state its 
    transmission capacity needs, as in the current point-to-point tariff. 
    The requirement that reservations be stated in order to be subtracted 
    from total transmission capability would ensure that all customers are 
    treated comparably without the transmission provider having to make 
    forecasts only for some.
        On the other hand, an argument can be made that the CRT approach 
    may lead to an understatement of ATC. For example, in reserving 
    transmission service, customers might base such reservations on an 
    estimate of their maximum non-coincident peak (``NCP'') load. This 
    conceivably could result in an understatement of ATC, because the 
    diversity of customer loads at the time of the system peak would no 
    longer be a relevant factor in determining ATC. The Commission requests 
    comment on whether in practice this would be a problem and, if so, 
    whether it can be remedied.
        Second, a reservation-based tariff would put all jurisdictional 
    transmission customers, including the transmission provider for its own 
    jurisdictional uses, on the same basis. All customers would not only 
    have to reserve transmission capacity but also would have to pay for 
    the transmission capacity that they reserve.
        It may be disadvantageous to have different bases for the pricing 
    of two services in a tariff. For example, suppose a transmission 
    provider has two nearly identical transmission customers. Each has a 
    load of 50 MW, and each thinks its load next year could be as little as 
    40 MW or as much as 60 MW. However, one takes network service, and the 
    other takes 60 MW of point-to-point service. Suppose these are the only 
    customers on the system and they have coincident peak loads; if each 
    actually uses 60 MW next year, each pays half the cost of the 
    transmission system. But if each uses 40 MW, the point-to-point 
    customer pays 60 percent of the cost 4 while the network customer 
    pays only 40 percent.
        \4\ This is based on a 60-MW reservation divided by the sum of 
    the network loads and the capacity reservations at the time of 
    system peak.
        Customers also may attempt to exploit to their advantage the 
    different terms and conditions of the two services. As commenters in 
    the Open Access proceeding pointed out, the many differences between 
    capacity reservation-based (point-to-point) and load-based (network) 
    services mean that transmission customers are treated differently. 
    Having two services in a tariff may create an incentive for a customer 
    to switch back and forth from one service to another in a way that may 
    allow it to avoid paying a fair share of system costs. This would not 
    be the case if all customers are served under a reservation-based (or 
    load-based) tariff.
        Third, a reservation-based approach may be a better basis for 
    accommodating electric industry innovations and pricing reforms. The 
    industry is in a period of rapid change, and many ideas are being 
    considered for independent system operators (ISOs), regional 
    transmission groups, regional power exchanges, generation divestiture, 
    distribution company spin-offs, unified regional transmission 
    ownership, regional transmission tariffs, megawatt-mile transmission 
    pricing, marginal cost pricing, and congestion pricing, among other 
    innovations. Innovations are being considered or implemented in such 
    places as California, the Midwest, the large eastern power pools, and 
    other places. Most proposals assume that all jurisdictional users of 
    the transmission system will be treated alike.
        Many commenters in the Open Access proceeding raised concerns that 
    our pro forma tariffs with two separate services, one based on load and 
    another based on capacity reservation, may be an obstacle to putting 
    all transmission customers on the same basis and hence an obstacle to 
    innovation. For example, the Commission would need to make special 
    tariff accommodations to permit California public utilities to carry 
    out the reforms mandated by the California Public Utilities Commission 
    for an ISO, a regional power exchange, and congestion pricing. Although 
    we have indicated that we are prepared to accept other tariff designs 
    that further the goal of fostering robust competition in the bulk power 
    market, the number of parties concerned with the traditional nature of 
    our tariff suggests that our tariff may inhibit other parties from 
    considering innovative industry structures and pricing policies.
        This NOPR, among other things, indicates that the Commission is not 
    committed to traditional tariff design. Further, it proposes a tariff 
    design that supports calculation of ATC and treats all jurisdictional 
    transmission users alike. We believe that the proposed CRT concept 
    would provide a flexible base on which industry participants can build 
    a variety of innovative tariff designs. We expect the CRT concept to be 
    more compatible with various ISO and power pool pricing proposals than 
    the traditional Open Access Final Rule tariff. We ask for comment on 
    whether this is so. In addition, we request comment on whether there 
    are other transmission capacity allocation methodologies (for instance, 
    an ``all network service'' methodology) that, when compared to the two-
    service approach in the Final Rule, are more compatible with proposed 
    and contemplated marketplace innovations.
        In particular, we expect that a CRT would provide a better basis 
    for regional flow-based transmission pricing. In the comments we 
    received in the Open Access proceeding, a large number of industry 
    participants stressed that the Commission should not codify contract 
    path pricing in its Final Rule. As we explain more fully in the Open 
    Access Final Rule, they were concerned that the proposed pro forma 
    tariffs would codify the contract path approach to pricing. We explain 
    in the Open Access Final Rule that this is not our intention; we 
    continue to encourage the industry to explore solutions to regional 
    loop flow problems through innovative regional flow-based pricing 
        It is unlikely that an efficient tariff for a large region would 
    allocate some transmission costs on the basis of various subregional 
    loads and other costs on the basis of capacity reserved over various 
    multipath interfaces within
    [[Page 21850]]
    the region. Most regional tariff proposals would allocate costs on the 
    latter basis alone, recognizing, of course, that the configuration of 
    regional loads is a starting point for any load flow study. For this 
    reason, we believe that the proposed CRT approach to tariff design may 
    be more compatible with the intent of some in the industry to move to 
    flow-based pricing than a tariff that combines services based on usage 
    and reservations. We ask for comments on whether this is the case. In 
    addition, we ask for comment on whether there are other non-CRT 
    approaches that may be more compatible with flow-based pricing.
        Fourth, as discussed in the Open Access Final Rule, load-based 
    network service generally cannot be resold. This reduces the amount of 
    transmission products and services that can enter the secondary market. 
    As a result, the secondary market could be thinner and less effective 
    as a risk management tool for market participants. In addition, 
    independent generators and marketers could be hampered in making 
    efficiency-enhancing transactions that do not involve a load-serving 
    entity, such as trading power between generators in different market 
    centers. The Commission seeks comments on whether a capacity 
    reservation service or some other alternative to the two-service 
    approach in the Final Rule would better allow market participants to 
    freely make efficient deals that involve combining transmission 
    entitlements with power products in new and creative ways.
        Fifth, we believe that additional comments should be received on 
    whether the goal of unbundling transmission and generation services can 
    be fully achieved under load-based network service. It would appear 
    that transmission service would be fully unbundled from generation 
    service under a CRT because the generation and transmission products 
    are reserved and used independently. For example, reservations for 
    flexible grid use, including interface capacity, could be held 
    independently of load. In addition, generation resources and load would 
    not need to be designated as under the network service; a transmission 
    customer would have to pay for the capacity it reserved at PODs and 
    PORs, but it would not have to designate any resources or loads.
        Sixth, a capacity reservation approach may facilitate transmission 
    planning. Under a CRT, all wholesale transmission users and unbundled 
    retail transmission customers would be required to specify and pay for 
    all of their transmission needs, including capacity needed for 
    contingencies. The costs of contingency margins needed by only some 
    users would not be allocated to all users of the grid. A CRT would 
    allow each customer flexibility in managing its own risk, e.g., a 
    customer could factor reasonable reserve margins into its reservation 
    for contingencies. This approach may be consistent with some innovative 
    proposals that seek to accommodate customer-driven transmission 
    expansion, in addition to traditional utility-planned transmission 
        Finally, some commenters in the Open Access proceeding encouraged 
    us to treat the retail function of a public utility transmission 
    provider as a separate wholesale customer for purposes of the 
    transmission tariff. While we do not require this in the Open Access 
    Final Rule, we propose here that the transmission used on behalf of the 
    transmission provider's bundled retail native load be nominated and 
    reserved in the same way as all other transmission service.5 
    Requiring the same reservation system for all transmission capacity 
    needs would help to assure that all uses of the transmission system are 
    treated in a comparable, non-discriminatory manner. We seek comment on 
    whether the retail function of a public utility transmission provider 
    should be treated as a separate wholesale customer for purposes of the 
    CRT tariff.
        \5\ As discussed below, this is not the same as requiring 
    bundled retail customers to take service under the CRT.
    V. Capacity Reservation Service
    A. Discussion
        The Commission's CRT proposal is as follows. Each public utility 
    subject to the Open Access Final Rule would be required to file a CRT 
    no later than December 31, 1997. Under the CRT, which would replace 
    existing transmission tariffs, all firm transmission users, including 
    the transmission owner on behalf of its wholesale requirements and 
    bundled retail customers, would nominate and reserve transmission 
    capacity; they would nominate and reserve firm rights to receive 
    specific amounts of power at specific grid PORs and to deliver specific 
    amounts of power at specific grid PODs. PORs could include 
    interconnections with other systems or generator bus bars. PODs could 
    include interconnections with other systems or substations where the 
    transmission provider's transmission and distribution systems are 
    connected. Reservation holders could flexibly schedule power among some 
    or all of their PORs and PODs within their reservation limits and could 
    reassign their reservations. Thus, capacity reservation service could 
    be used both for point-to-point types of transactions and in a network 
    manner (integration of a set of generating resources with a dispersed 
        The capacity reservation approach would be based on the flexible 
    point-to-point service in the Open Access Final Rule. A customer could 
    specify a single POR and a single POD, or it could reserve service from 
    multiple PORs to multiple PODs. The transmission provider would set 
    aside sufficient transmission capacity to satisfy its firm reservation 
    needs for any potential combinations of power receipts and deliveries 
    among the designated receipt and delivery points.
        An entity with dispersed generation and load could use CRT service 
    to dispatch its generation economically within its capacity 
    reservation. When one generating unit is ramped down, the customer 
    could ramp up another generating unit located at another designated 
    receipt point. The flexibility to serve load when the transmission 
    customer is using less than its capacity reservation would be the same 
    as under Final Rule network service. CRT service could also be used for 
    simple point-to-point transactions if the customer does not want or 
    need much flexibility.
        Under a CRT, a customer also could have the flexibility to 
    rearrange, or modify, its firm reservation to deal with unforeseen 
    circumstances. Such a rearrangement could be accomplished as long as 
    the customer's capacity reservation is not exceeded and firm 
    transmission capacity is available. The flexibility of the proposed CRT 
    service would not be unlimited, however. For example, a transmission 
    customer might have very little flexibility to modify its reservation 
    on a firm basis to accommodate an unanticipated dispatch pattern when 
    the grid is operating at or close to capacity. Under such conditions, 
    modifications likely would infringe on other firm reservations. To 
    manage this risk, the customer would have two basic options. One would 
    be to take non-firm transmission or ancillary service on an as-
    available basis (and potentially pay opportunity costs) when the need 
    to alter the planned operation arises. The other option would be to 
    subscribe to sufficient firm capacity in advance so as to build in the 
    desired operating flexibility. While either option would have financial 
    risks, all jurisdictional transmission customers would have the same 
    opportunity to manage this risk, since the transmission service would 
    be the same for all users.
    [[Page 21851]]
        Under a CRT, all unbundled transmission service in interstate 
    commerce, including unbundled retail service, would be taken under the 
    tariff unless the Commission in an individual case determined otherwise 
    (as discussed in the Open Access Final Rule in Section IV.I). The 
    rates, terms, and conditions for unbundled transmission service would 
    be in accordance with the tariff. In addition, all public utilities 
    would nominate and reserve firm transmission service under the tariffs, 
    including nominating and reserving transmission used for native load 
    (i.e., bundled wholesale requirements and bundled retail customers). 
    This means that nominations and reservations would have to be made for 
    specific receipt and delivery points for all firm transmission 
    services. The purpose of this requirement would be that it may better 
    ensure comparability. Moreover, the requirement for utilities to hold 
    reservations on behalf of bundled wholesale and retail customers would 
    be consistent with our responsibility under FPA section 213(b) to make 
    information available about ATC and transmission constraints. The 
    physical quantities of transmission service available to unbundled 
    users cannot be measured accurately as long as the physical quantities 
    used for bundled service are not measured in the same way.
        However, we wish to emphasize that we are not proposing to set the 
    rates, terms or conditions for the transmission component of bundled 
    retail service. Nor would we determine the amount of capacity to be 
    reserved for retail load. Traditional ratemaking prerogatives of state 
    commissions would be unchanged by this nomination and reservation 
    requirement. If the CRT is adopted, the Commission would allocate 
    transmission costs based on the sum of all reservations for wholesale 
    customers, unbundled retail customers, and bundled retail customers. 
    State commissions could adopt a similar approach; however, they would 
    remain free to use an inter-jurisdictional allocation formula of their 
    own choosing, just as they may now. We note that in the Open Access 
    Final Rule we have provided for procedures to facilitate jurisdictional 
    line-drawing regarding cost allocation, and for deference to state 
    recommendations. Therefore, we do not expect significant conflicts.
        Under a CRT, a public utility would have an opportunity to recover 
    all of its transmission fixed costs, just as it does today. While it is 
    possible that the federal and state allocations could add up to less or 
    more than 100 percent of the utility's fixed transmission costs, that 
    is a risk that a utility faces anytime it is subject to the rate 
    jurisdiction of more than one regulatory authority. Moreover, we would 
    work with state commissions to develop compatible cost allocation 
    procedures and to minimize the possibility of any over- or under-
    recovery of transmission costs.
    B. Proposed Principles
        A capacity reservation tariff might have terms and conditions very 
    much like those for point-to-point service in the Final Rule tariff. 
    These would need to be modified to accommodate former network service 
    customers. It is premature to specify detailed terms and conditions of 
    capacity reservation service in advance of the comments and technical 
    conference. However, we propose certain general capacity reservation 
    tariff principles for comment.
    1. Purpose of Reservation Service
        Transmission products and services should be provided on an open 
    access, comparable basis. In order to ensure comparability, 
    transmission service should be nominated and reserved on a non-
    discriminatory basis. Transmission for wholesale sales of electric 
    energy should be made available on an unbundled basis.
    2. Basic Service Concept
        All firm transmission service would be reserved, and all reserved 
    service would be firm service. Reservations of transmission capacity 
    should permit the customer to receive up to a specific amount of power 
    into the grid at specified PORs, and to deliver up to a specific amount 
    of power from the grid at specified PODs, on a firm basis. Individual 
    PORs and PODs need not be ``paired'' with each other. The customer's 
    capacity reservation would be the higher of either (1) the sum of the 
    reservations at all PORs or (2) the sum of the reservations at all 
    PODs. All nominations for a capacity reservation would be evaluated 
    using the same standard; for example, the utility could apply a 
    feasibility criterion that states that the grid must be able to 
    accommodate the scheduled use of all capacity reservations 
    3. Use of Capacity Reservations
        A customer with a capacity reservation could use the reservation to 
    deliver or receive any type of power product (such as firm or non-firm 
    power). That is, use of the capacity reservation should not be 
    restricted to particular power products. Any such restriction would be 
    inconsistent with unbundling. This would allow the capacity reservation 
    holder to combine transmission and power products in any way that 
    satisfies its needs.
    4. Applicability to All Customers
        Capacity reservations for all firm transmission service would be 
    made under the CRT, including reservations nominated on behalf of the 
    transmission provider's bundled wholesale and retail customers. This 
    would make it possible to allocate capacity and costs comparably among 
    all transmission users. This would not require the unbundling of the 
    transmission component of bundled retail rates or affect state 
    authority with regard to the rates, terms, and conditions of service to 
    bundled retail customers.
    5. Application of Penalties for Overuse
        Any charges for exceeding capacity reservations should be non-
    discriminatory. If a CRT penalizes use in excess of reserved amounts, 
    these penalties should be applied comparably to all reservations. Any 
    dispositions of penalties assessed against the utility for violating 
    bundled retail capacity reservations would be under the state 
    commission's ratemaking authority. If penalties are not authorized by 
    the state commission's ratemaking authority, the Commission would not 
    authorize recovery of such penalties from other transmission customers.
    6. Standard for Accepting Nominations
        A nomination for a capacity reservation would be accepted if the 
    transmission provider determines that it can be reliably accommodated 
    without infringing on other firm reservations. If transmission capacity 
    expansion is needed and approved by state siting authorities, a 
    nomination should be accepted if the nominating customer is willing to 
    pay its appropriate share of the cost of the expansion.
    7. Non-firm Transmission Service
        In addition to reserved firm service, transmission providers would 
    offer non-firm transmission service. Non-firm service could be provided 
    from transmission capacity not scheduled by customers with reservations 
    or from capacity that is not previously reserved. Non-firm service 
    would be allocated to the highest valued use by opportunity cost 
    pricing as described in the Open Access Final Rule or by some other 
    pricing consistent with the Commission's Transmission Pricing Policy 
    [[Page 21852]]
    8. Open Season for New Facilities
        We would anticipate requiring a transmission provider to publicly 
    announce its plans for capacity expansion projects to allow market 
    participants to reserve capacity. Participants would pay an appropriate 
    share of the costs of the project. All market participants would be 
    treated comparably in securing additional transmission capacity 
    reservations when the grid capacity is expanded.
    9. Cost Allocation and Pricing
        The fixed costs of the transmission network would be allocated 
    among reservation holders on the basis of their capacity reservations. 
    Rates would be designed to recover these costs and would be revised 
    from time to time to reflect changes in the level of fixed costs or 
    changes in reserved amounts. In this way, transmission providers would 
    have an opportunity to fully recover their fixed costs. Transmission 
    providers would be expected to propose specific mechanisms for 
    recovering fixed costs from transmission customers.
    10. Standardized Products and Priority Protocols
         Just as the Commission has required under the Open Access Final 
    Rule tariff, the CRT would offer standardized transmission products and 
    services, defining reserved and non-reserved transmission service and 
    setting reservation priorities and curtailment protocols. This would 
    reduce uncertainty and facilitate the trading of any transmission 
    capacity in a secondary market. Such trading can be an important tool 
    in price discovery and risk management.
    11. Service Modifications
        Customers with a capacity reservation would be allowed to modify 
    their capacity reservations at no additional charge if the modification 
    can be accommodated without infringing upon any other firm capacity 
    reservations. Modifications should not result in the customer's 
    capacity reservation being exceeded. Modifications could include 
    reallocation among the customer's already specified receipt and 
    delivery points or reallocation from existing to new receipt and 
    delivery points.
    12. Scheduling Flexibility
        Customers with capacity reservations would be given the option of 
    scheduling (using) less than their full capacity reservation at each 
    POR or POD. In addition, the transmission provider also could offer an 
    ``obligation'' type of capacity reservation under which the customer 
    would be required to use all of the capacity it has reserved.
    13. Reassigning Reservations
        Customers would be allowed to reassign their reservations to other 
    entities eligible to take service under the CRT at no additional cost, 
    subject to certain limitations, such as those in the Open Access Final 
    Rule point-to-point tariff provisions.
    14. Opportunity Cost Pricing
        Opportunity cost pricing would still be an option under a capacity 
    reservation service. Under a CRT, a holder of a capacity reservation 
    would not pay opportunity costs for use of its own capacity when the 
    utility encounters a transmission constraint; instead, it would be 
    eligible to receive opportunity cost payments if it did not use its 
    full capacity reservation across the constrained interface. In 
    contrast, a customer seeking a capacity reservation or using non-firm 
    service might have to pay opportunity costs.
    15. Planning Obligation
        Each market participant would be responsible for planning its own 
    transmission needs. The transmission provider would not be responsible 
    under Federal rules for planning the CRT nominations of others, even 
    relatively small customers. Transmission providers, of course, would be 
    free to enter voluntary arrangements to perform this task, or they may 
    be required to do so under state laws. The Commission would consider 
    approving negotiated rates and conditions between a small customer and 
    a transmission utility that reflect different risks accepted by each 
    party when one plans for the other.
    VI. Questions
        In addition to the questions discussed above, the Commission also 
    seeks comments on the following questions:
        1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having two services 
    in one tariff?
        2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having all 
    transmission users on a load-based network service tariff? Are there 
    ways of overcoming the disadvantages without moving away from network 
        3. Does network service provide any transmission use that could not 
    be provided under a CRT?
        4. Is the CRT or a network approach better suited to encouraging 
    efficiency-enhancing transactions and encouraging wholesale power 
    markets in which the greatest number of sellers have a chance to 
    compete? Are they equally-suited to achieving these goals?
        5. The proposed rule would require that all transmission uses, 
    including bundled retail service, be reserved. Is this appropriate? The 
    Commission intends that bundled wholesale and retail load would have 
    reservation priority and seeks comments on how best to achieve this. Is 
    it appropriate or necessary to have federal rules regarding such 
    matters as physical scheduling and reservation priority for bundled 
    retail load as well as for other transmission customers? How can 
    transmission service for bundled retail load be separated from 
    transmission service for others and how would such a separation be 
        6. Would a CRT requirement by the Commission facilitate or hinder 
    any of the industry's current restructuring efforts?
        7. Would a CRT facilitate or hinder any of the innovative 
    transmission pricing approaches now being considered by the industry? 
    Specifically, would it accommodate flow-based pricing that does not 
    depend on a contract path?
        8. Should nominations for longer-term capacity reservation receive 
    priority over those for shorter terms? Are there other ways to allocate 
    capacity nominations? Would an initial open season, with bundled 
    wholesale and retail load priority, be appropriate?
        9. How should points of receipt and points of delivery be defined? 
    Is the distinction between transmission and distribution relevant in 
    determining eligible points?
    VII. Regulatory Flexibility Act Certification
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) \6\ requires rulemakings to 
    contain either a description and analysis of the effect that the 
    proposed rule will have on small entities or a certification that the 
    rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial 
    number of small entities. We note, if this proposed rule is adopted, 
    only public utilities that are subject to the Open Access Final Rule 
    will have to file CRTs. In other words, the proposed rule would be 
    applicable to public utilities that own, control or operate interstate 
    transmission facilities, not to electric utilities per se. Almost all 
    public utilities that own, control or operate interstate transmission 
    facilities do not fall within the RFA definition of small entities.
        \6\ 5 U.S.C. Secs. 601-612.
    [[Page 21853]]
        In Mid-Tex Electric Coop., Inc. v. FERC,7 the court accepted 
    with the Commission's conclusion that, since virtually all of the 
    public utilities that it regulates do not fall within the meaning of 
    the term ``small entities'' as defined in the RFA,8 the Commission 
    did not need to prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis in connection 
    with its proposed rule governing the allocation of costs for 
    construction work in progress (CWIP).9 The CWIP rules applied to 
    all public utilities. The proposed rule in contrast would apply to only 
    those public utilities that own, control or operate interstate 
    transmission facilities. These entities are a subset of the group of 
    public utilities found not to require preparation of a regulatory 
    flexibility analysis for the CWIP rule. Further, the Commission expects 
    that public utilities for good cause shown could seek waivers of the 
    proposed rule's requirement, just as they are able to seek waiver of 
    the Open Access Final Rule.
        \7\ 773 F.2d 327, 340-343 (D.C. Cir. 1985) (Mid-Tex).
        \8\ The RFA defines a ``small entity'' as ``one which is 
    independently owned and operated and which is not dominant in its 
    field of operation.'' See 5 U.S.C. 601(3) and 601(6) and 15 U.S.C. 
    632(a)(1) (definition of ``small business concern'').
        \9\ Mid-Tex, 773 F.2d at 340-43.
        Because: (a) Virtually all of the utilities that would be subject 
    to the proposed rule are not ``small entities'' as defined in the RFA; 
    and (b) the proposed rule will make adequate provision, through 
    allowances for waivers, for mitigation of the effects of the rule, the 
    Commission certifies that this proposed rule will not have a 
    significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
    VIII. Environmental Statement
        The Commission concludes that promulgating the proposed rule would 
    not represent a major federal action having a significant adverse 
    impact on the human environment under the Commission's regulations 
    implementing the National Environmental Policy Act.10
        \10\ See 18 CFR 380.4(a)(15) (categorically excluding electric 
    tariff filings under sections 205 and 206 of the FPA from the 
    obligation to prepare an environmental assessment or an 
    environmental impact statement).
    IX. Information Collection Statement
        The Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) regulations 11 
    require that OMB approve certain information and recordkeeping 
    requirements imposed by an agency.
        \11\ 5 CFR 1320.12.
        The information collection requirements in the proposed rule are 
    contained in FERC-516 ``Electric Rate Filings.'' The Commission uses 
    the data collected in this information collection requirement to carry 
    out its regulatory responsibilities under Part II of the Federal Power 
    Act. The Commission's Office of Electric Power Regulation uses the data 
    to review electric rate filings.
        The Commission is submitting notification of this proposed rule to 
    OMB. Interested persons may obtain information on the reporting 
    requirements by contacting the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 
    888 First Street NE., Washington, DC 20426 (Attention: Michael Miller, 
    Information Policy and Standards Branch, (202) 208-1415). Comments on 
    the requirements of this proposed rule can also be sent to the Office 
    of Information and Regulatory Affairs of OMB (Attention: Desk Officer 
    for Federal Energy Regulatory Commission).
    X. Public Comment Procedures
        The Commission invites comments on the proposed rule from 
    interested persons. An original and 14 copies of written comments on 
    the proposed rule must be filed with the Commission no later than 
    August 1, 1996.
        In addition, commenters are requested to submit a copy of their 
    comments on a 3\1/2\ inch diskette formatted for MS-DOS based 
    computers. In light of our ability to translate MS-DOS based materials, 
    the text need be submitted only in the format and version in which it 
    was generated (i.e., MS Word, WordPerfect, ASCII, etc.). It is not 
    necessary to reformat word processor text to ASCII. For Macintosh and 
    Macintosh-based users, it would be helpful to save the documents in 
    Macintosh word processor format and then to write them to files on a 
    diskette formatted for MS-DOS machines. All comments should be 
    submitted to the Office of the Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory 
    Commission, 888 First Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426, and should 
    refer to Docket No. RM96-11-000.
        All written comments will be placed in the Commission's public 
    files and will be available for public inspection in the Commission's 
    public reference room at 888 First Street, N.E., Washington, DC 20426, 
    during regular business hours.
    XI. Technical Conference
        The Commission intends to convene a technical conference for two 
    days in September 1996 at the Commission's office, 888 First Street 
    NE., Washington, DC 20426, at a date and time to be announced. The 
    first day of the technical conference will address the issue of whether 
    the Commission should require CRTs. The second day will address the 
    issue of how to implement any such requirement.
    List of Subjects in 18 CFR Part 35
        Electric power rates, Electric utilities, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements
        By direction of the Commission.
    Lois D. Cashell,
        In consideration of the foregoing, the Commission proposes to amend 
    part 35, chapter I, title 18, Code of Federal Regulations, as set forth 
        1. The authority citation for part 35 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 791a-825r, 2601-2645; 31 U.S.C. 9701; 42 
    U.S.C. 7101-7352.
        2. Section 35.28 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 35.28  Non-discriminatory open access transmission tariffs.
        (a) Every public utility that owns, controls or operates facilities 
    used for the transmission of electric energy in interstate commerce 
    must have on file with the Commission a capacity reservation tariff of 
    general applicability for transmission services, including ancillary 
    services, over these facilities consistent with the requirements of 
    Order No. ____, (Final Rule on Open Access Capacity Reservation 
    Tariffs). Subject to the exception in paragraph (b) of this section, 
    such tariff must be filed no later than the date on which the 
    Commission accepts for filing any agreement under which such public 
    utility would engage in a sale of electric energy at wholesale in 
    interstate commerce, or any agreement under which such public utility 
    would engage in the transmission of electric energy in interstate 
        (b) If a public utility owns, controls or operates facilities used 
    for the transmission of electric energy in interstate commerce as of 
    July 9, 1996. it must file a capacity reservation tariff of general 
    applicability for transmission services, including ancillary services, 
    over these facilities consistent with the requirements of Order No. -- 
    (Final Rule on Open Access Capacity Reservation Tariffs) no later than 
    December 31, 1997.
        (c) Any public utility that owns, controls or operates facilities 
    used for the transmission of electric energy in interstate commerce, 
    and that uses those facilities to engage in wholesale sales and/or 
    purchases of electric energy, or
    [[Page 21854]]
    unbundled retail sales of electric energy, must take transmission 
    service for such sales and/or purchases under the tariff filed pursuant 
    to this section.
    [FR Doc. 96-10692 Filed 5-09-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6717-01-P

Document Information

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of proposed rulemaking.
Document Number:
Written comments must be received by the Commission by August 1, 1996. The Commission also will convene a technical conference to be held over two days in September 1996 at the Commission, 888 First Street NE., Washington, D.C. 20426. The Commission will announce the dates, time, and agenda of the technical conference at a later date.
21847-21854 (8 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. RM96-11-000
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
18 CFR 35.28