96-11734. Announcement of National Customs Automation Program Test Regarding Reconciliation  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 92 (Friday, May 10, 1996)]
    [Pages 21534-21537]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-11734]
    Customs Service
    Announcement of National Customs Automation Program Test 
    Regarding Reconciliation
    AGENCY: U.S. Customs Service, Department of the Treasury.
    ACTION: General notice.
    SUMMARY: This notice announces Customs plan to conduct a voluntary 
    prototype test regarding reconciliation. This reconciliation test will 
    cover entries to which antidumping and countervailing duties apply. 
    This notice invites public comments concerning any aspect of the 
    planned test, informs interested members of the public of the 
    eligibility requirements for voluntary participation in the testing of 
    this prototype, and describes the basis on which Customs will select 
    EFFECTIVE DATES: The test of this prototype will commence no earlier 
    than July 9, 1996. This test will end when liquidation or reliquidation 
    of all Reconciliations has become final. Comments concerning the 
    methodology of this prototype must be received on or before June 10, 
    1996. To participate in this prototype test, the necessary information, 
    as outlined in this notice, must be filed with Customs on or before 
    June 10, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: Written comments regarding this notice, and information 
    submitted to be considered for voluntary participation in this 
    prototype should be addressed to Reconciliation Prototype Team, U.S. 
    Customs Service, 1301 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Room 1322, Washington, 
    D.C. 20229-0001.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For questions on reconciliation: 
    Rychelle Ingram (202) 927-1131.
        For questions on Antidumping and Countervailing duties: Frank Crowe 
    (202) 927-0402.
        Title VI of the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation 
    Act (the Act), Public Law 103-182, 107 Stat. 2057 (December 8, 1993), 
    contains provisions pertaining to Customs Modernization (107 Stat. 
    2170). Subtitle B of Title VI establishes the National Customs 
    Automation Program (NCAP)--an automated and electronic system for the 
    processing of commercial importations. Section 637 of the Act amends 
    Section 484 of the Tariff Act of 1930 by establishing a new subsection 
    (b) entitled ``Reconciliation.'' Reconciliation is a planned component 
    of the NCAP. Section 631 authorizes tests of planned NCAP components. 
    Section 101.9(b) of the Customs Regulations (19 CFR 101.9(b)), 
    implements the testing of NCAP components. See T.D. 95-21 (60 FR 14211, 
    March 16, 1995). This test is established pursuant to those 
        Previous NCAP initiatives include Customs prototype of remote 
    location filing (60 FR 17605), and the announcement of a reconciliation 
    prototype for related party importers making upward adjustments to the 
    price of imported merchandise, pursuant to 26 U.S.C. 482. (60 FR 46141 
    and 60 FR 64470.)
    I. Description of Proposed Test
    The Concept of Reconciliation
        Reconciliation will allow an importer to provide Customs with 
    information (other than that related to the admissibility of 
    merchandise), which is not available at the time of entry summary 
    filing, at a subsequent time. A notice of intention to file a 
    Reconciliation (``Notice of Intent'') permits the liquidation of an 
    entry as to all issues other than those which are transferred to the 
    Reconciliation. By filing a Notice of Intent, an importer is requesting 
    that a certain issue be separated from the entry. The importer 
    voluntarily requests and accepts that the issue identified in the 
    Notice of Intent remains open and outstanding and is transferred to the 
    Reconciliation. In this prototype, the issue of liability for 
    antidumping and countervailing duties (AD/CVD) will be transferred to 
    the Reconciliation. This permits Customs to liquidate the underlying 
    entry as to the other issues, e.g., classification, but the issue of 
    liability for AD/CVD is held open at the request of the importer, and 
    is transferred to the Reconciliation.
        Upon liquidation of the entry, any decision by Customs entering 
    into that liquidation, e.g., classification, may be protested pursuant 
    to 19 U.S.C. 1514. When the outstanding information, e.g., final 
    antidumping duty owed as per the assessed rate, is later furnished in 
    the Reconciliation, the Reconciliation may be liquidated. The 
    Reconciliation will operate as an entry for purposes of liquidation and 
    protest of the issue in the Reconciliation. The liquidation of the 
    Reconciliation may be protested but
    [[Page 21535]]
    the protest may only pertain to elements contained in the liquidated 
    Reconciliation, i.e., the protest may not re-visit elements previously 
    liquidated in the entry.
        The Reconciliation shall be filed within 90 days of posting of 
    liquidation instructions by the Customs Service. Customs posting of the 
    liquidation instructions will serve as the notice to the importer by 
    the Customs Service that a period of review for antidumping or 
    countervailing duty purposes has been completed. Consequently, because 
    the Reconciliation is filed after the suspension of liquidation has 
    been lifted, the liquidation of the Reconciliation is subject to 19 
    U.S.C. 1504(a), but not subject to 19 U.S.C. 1504(d).
    Description of the Reconciliation Prototype
        This prototype will commence no sooner than July 9, 1996. Customs 
    would like to afford the opportunity to participate to all those who 
    volunteer for this test. However, the number of participants may be 
    limited in view of the fact that this prototype will be conducted with 
    minimal computer changes, requiring Customs to manually intervene in 
    tracking and processing. While all interested parties are encouraged to 
    apply for participation, Customs, in conjunction with the Department of 
    Commerce (DOC), will specifically be targeting those AD/CVD cases for 
    which liquidation instructions will be issued in the short term. All 
    procedures and processes will be closely coordinated with the selected 
    and affected parties. The purpose of this prototype is to test such 
    operational issues as establishment of the Notice of Intent, 
    liquidation of the underlying entry summaries, and processing and 
    liquidation of the Reconciliation.
        This prototype will cover entries to which antidumping and 
    countervailing duties apply. As required by Section 637 of the Act, 
    Customs has coordinated with the DOC in the development of this test, 
    and will continue to consult with the DOC throughout the test.
        There are several reasons Customs has selected AD/CVD for this 
    reconciliation prototype. First, this test can be initiated prior to 
    having full computer mainframe programming, partially due to the fact 
    that drawback cannot be claimed on AD/CVD duties. In addition, Customs 
    will no longer have to suspend liquidation as to all issues affecting 
    the entry until final instructions have been issued for all AD/CVD 
    cases on the entry. Faster processing of refunds will result in a cash-
    flow benefit to importers. Should the AD/CVD assessment result in an 
    increase due Customs, faster processing will enable the government to 
    collect duties more timely. As intended by the Act, liquidation of the 
    non-reconciliation issues on the subject entries will result in a 
    reduction of contingent liabilities for the importer. Finally, this 
    prototype will result in a workload savings for the government. Of all 
    entries currently being withheld from liquidation, 75% are suspended 
    for pending AD/CVD cases. Reconciliation provides Customs with the 
    authority to liquidate the underlying entries as to all issues other 
    than the liability for the AD/CVD case, which is identified by the 
    importer in the Notice of Intent, and at his request, transferred to 
    the Reconciliation. By submitting a Notice of Intent, an importer is 
    requesting that the issue of liability for AD/CVD remain open and be 
    transferred to the Reconciliation.
        There are various situations which lend themselves to this 
    prototype, including (1) entries having one AD/CVD case, for which the 
    importer wants to reduce its contingent liabilities and leave only the 
    AD/CVD case open on the Reconciliation, and (2) entries having multiple 
    AD/CVD cases, one or more of which has been terminated, or one or more 
    of which has had liquidation instructions issued. Also, parties who 
    have drawback claims against import entries that are suspended for AD/
    CVD will expedite the liquidation of their drawback entries if they use 
    this prototype to transfer the AD/CVD issue off the import entries.
        The following is an example of a situation which would benefit from 
    this prototype. Importer X has 800 entries filed in the port of 
    Cleveland, all of which have merchandise which is subject to three 
    antidumping cases. The DOC has previously provided Customs with 
    liquidation instructions on two of the cases, each having an assessed 
    rate lower than the deposit rate. As a result, Customs owes importer X 
    refunds based on the results of the two cases. However, the 800 entries 
    presently must continue to be suspended from liquidation, pending 
    instructions on the third case. No money is refunded until the entries 
    can be liquidated. In the case of a separate Notice of Intent being 
    filed for each of the three cases, Customs is capable of isolating each 
    case on a single Reconciliation and liquidating the underlying entries 
    as to the other issues. As the DOC provides instructions, each case can 
    be liquidated individually. In this example, this prototype provides 
    for more efficient processing by Customs and quicker refunds to the 
    importer. Additionally, Customs would issue one check for each 
    Reconciliation, as opposed to the current obligation of issuing 800 
    separate checks.
        Customs posting of the AD/CVD liquidation instructions on the 
    Customs Electronic Bulletin Board and the Administrative Message System 
    will initiate the 90 days in which the participant has to file the 
    Reconciliation. Customs posting of the liquidation instructions will 
    serve as the notice to the importer by the Customs Service that a 
    period of review for antidumping or countervailing duty purposes has 
    been completed. The publication in the Federal Register by the 
    International Trade Administration (DOC) does not constitute Commerce's 
    instructions to Customs to liquidate, and as such, will NOT trigger the 
    90 day period for submission of the Reconciliation.
    Prerequisites for Reconciliation Under this Prototype
        The following are the prerequisites for this prototype covering AD/
    CVD transactions:
        A. Common Elements: Each Reconciliation under this prototype will 
    be limited to entries filed by one importer and one filer, and in one 
    port location. Importers who file entries at more than one port may 
    participate if the other prerequisites are met; however, they will have 
    to file one Notice of Intent/Reconciliation for each port. Each 
    Reconciliation is limited to one Antidumping or Countervailing duty 
    case (the individual ten digit case number), and will cover only one 
    manufacturer/shipper/grower. Each Reconciliation will cover only one 
    review period, as defined in 19 CFR 353.22 and 19 CFR 355.22.
        B. Bonding: Adequate bonding will be required for each 
    Reconciliation. Since there is no additional liability created on the 
    Reconciliation, the bond filed on the underlying entries will in most 
    cases be used to cover the Reconciliation. However, Customs will 
    analyze each participant's individual situation, and take action to 
    ensure sufficient bond coverage exists. While Customs prefers to have 
    one common set of legally responsible parties for each Reconciliation, 
    importers with entries filed within one review period which were 
    secured by more than one surety will not be excluded from participation 
    in this prototype.
        C. Eligible Entries: The following types of entries will be 
    eligible for this prototype: (1) Entry type 03--Antidumping and 
    Countervailing duty consumption entries, (2) Entry type 06--Foreign 
    trade zone consumption entries, and (3) Entry type 07--Quota/Visa and
    [[Page 21536]]
    Antidumping/Countervailing duty consumption entries.
        Customs is developing a system to accommodate the details involved 
    on Reconciliations covering warehouse withdrawals. Importers interested 
    in filing a Reconciliation on warehouse withdrawals (Entry type 34--
    Antidumping/Countervailing duty warehouse withdrawal, and Entry type 
    38--Quota/Visa and Antidumping/Countervailing duty warehouse 
    withdrawal) are encouraged to submit comments and apply for 
    participation, if interested.
        D. Time frame: Those entries filed via ABI between February 1, 1990 
    and the start of this test will be considered eligible for this 
    prototype. (Entries filed prior to February 1, 1990 are not eligible 
    for this test because prior to such date, Customs did not track AD/CVD 
    case information by entry summary line within the Automated Commercial 
        E. Notice of Intent/Reconciliation: Once a participant is selected, 
    a Notice of Intent must be filed. The Notice of Intent is irrevocable. 
    The Notice of Intent must contain the Reconciliation number and the 
    common elements of the Reconciliation, (i.e., importer/filer/AD-CVD 
    case/review period/manufacturer/Port).
        The Reconciliation will be due within 90 days of Customs' posting 
    of the liquidation instructions. For AD/CVD cases which have had 
    liquidation instructions previously posted by Customs, the filing of 
    the Notice of Intent will trigger the 90 days for submission of the 
    Reconciliation. For purposes of this prototype, the Reconciliation will 
    be submitted to Customs in an ASCII text, tab-delimited file format, 
    both on hard copy and diskette, and will contain the following 
    information for each entry line subject to the Reconciliation:
        (1) Entry number;
        (2) Date of entry;
        (3) Date of export from foreign country (if Reconciliation pertains 
    to CVD case);
        (4) Entered value;
        (5) AD/CVD duty deposited (Indicate ``B'' if bonded);
        (6) Amount of supplemental AD/CVD duty payment(s), if any;
        (7) Date(s) of supplemental payment(s), if any;
        (8) Total quantity (only if liquidation instructions provide 
    specific rate of duty);
        (9) AD/CVD duty due as per assessed rate; and
        (10) Net difference in duty.
        Participants will be provided with a sample Reconciliation.
        F. Liquidation: Importers who chose to participate in this 
    prototype will recognize that the liquidation of the underlying entries 
    pertains only to those issues not identified by the importer on the 
    Notice of Intent. Upon liquidation of the underlying entries, any 
    decisions of the Customs Service entering into that liquidation can be 
    protested pursuant to 19 U.S.C. 1514. The liquidation of the 
    Reconciliation will be posted to the Bulletin Notice of Liquidation. 
    The liquidation of the Reconciliation may also be protested, but the 
    protest may only pertain to elements contained in the liquidated 
    Reconciliation, i.e. the protest may not re-visit elements previously 
    liquidated in the entry.
        Under this prototype, once the participant files the Notice of 
    Intent, the referenced entries will be liquidated as to all issues 
    other than that identified in the Notice of Intent, barring any 
    outstanding non-reconciliation issue. The AD/CVD liability issue is 
    transferred to the Reconciliation. The liquidation of tariff 
    classification/rate of duty and/or the appraised value under 19 U.S.C. 
    1401a shall not preclude the assessment on the Reconciliation of AD/CVD 
    duties according to the instructions issued by the DOC to Customs.
    Regulatory Provisions Suspended
        Section 113.62 of the Customs Regulations (19 CFR 113.62), 
    pertaining to basic importation and entry bond conditions, will be 
    suspended during this prototype test. Certain provisions in Part 159 of 
    the Customs Regulations (19 CFR Part 159), pertaining to liquidation of 
    duties, will also be suspended during this prototype test.
    II. Eligibility Criteria
        The following requirements must be met to be considered for 
    selection in this prototype:
        (1) All entries and entry summaries subject to the Reconciliation 
    must have been filed via ABI on or after February 1, 1990 and before 
    the start of this test.
        (2) There can be no more than 1,000 entries subject to a single 
        (3) Adequate bond coverage must exist for the Reconciliation.
        (4) Participants may not be the subject of a current audit or 
    investigation by the Customs Service. Closed audits/investigations will 
    not necessarily preclude an importer from participating. However, the 
    findings will be taken into consideration, as will the importer's 
    demonstrated efforts to correct past problems.
        (5) Participants must be willing and able to supply the information 
    identified above in the Reconciliation in the specified text, tab-
    delimited file format.
        (6) Participants must agree to participate in the evaluation of 
    this test.
        Note that participation in this test will not constitute 
    confidential information and that lists of participants will be made 
    available on the Customs Electronic Bulletin Board and the 
    Administrative Message System.
    Reconciliation Prototype Application
        This notice requests importers, or brokers or attorneys on behalf 
    of importers, to voluntarily apply for participation in this prototype 
    by submitting to the Reconciliation Prototype Team, U.S. Customs 
    Service, 1301 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Room 1322, Washington, D.C. 
    20229-0001, on or before the date set forth in the effective date 
    paragraph at the beginning of this notice, the following information:
        (1) Importer name and IR number;
        (2) Broker name and filer code;
        (3) Surety name(s) and surety code(s);
        (4) Bond coverage, i.e., whether a continuous bond and/or single 
    entry bonds were used for coverage on the subject entries;
        (5) Supplier name, address, and manufacturer's number;
        (6) AD/CVD case number at the 10 digit level and the review period 
    being reconciled;
        (7) Commodities covered under the Reconciliation;
        (8) Port(s) at which entries have been filed and at which the 
    Notice(s) of Intent will be filed;
        (9) Number of entries covered under the Reconciliation;
        (10) Any supplemental payments made on the subject entries;
        (11) Main contact person and telephone number for participation 
    questions; and
        (12) Any comments on prototype participation.
        By applying to participate in this test, the importer is agreeing 
    to participate pursuant to the terms of the test as defined in this 
    Basis for Participant Selection
        Eligible importers or importers with brokers will be considered for 
    selection as participants in this prototype. Selection will be based on 
    electronic capabilities and volume of entries within the designated 
    criteria. In addition, Customs will work with the DOC to identify those 
    cases which lend themselves to this prototype. The amount and timing of 
    supplemental payments made for an AD/CVD case may have impact on 
    participant selection. Customs is looking for a variety of 
    circumstances and
    [[Page 21537]]
    participants in this prototype; however, a limited number of 
    participants will be selected. This prototype will be limited to 25 
    Reconciliations, due to the minimal automated programming available to 
    support this test. We stress that those applicants not selected for 
    participation, and any interested parties, are invited to comment on 
    the design, conduct, and evaluation of this prototype. Participants 
    selected will be notified in writing. The list of participants will be 
    made available on the Customs Electronic Bulletin Board and the 
    Administrative Message System.
    III. Test Evaluation Criteria
        Once participants are selected, Customs and the participants will 
    meet to review all public comments received concerning any aspect of 
    the test program or procedures, finalize procedures in light of those 
    comments, form problem-solving teams, and establish baseline measures 
    and evaluation methods and criteria. Interim evaluations of the 
    prototype will be published on the Customs Electronic Bulletin Board, 
    and the results of the final prototype evaluation will be published in 
    the Federal Register as required by 19 CFR 101.9(b). The following 
    evaluation methods and criteria have been suggested:
        1. Baseline measurements to be established through dataqueries and 
        2. Reports to be run through use of dataquery throughout the 
    prototype; and
        3. Questionnaires from both trade and Customs participants to be 
    used before, during, and after the prototype period. Preliminary 
    suggestions for evaluation criteria are workload impact (workload 
    shifts, cycle time, etc.), cost savings (staff, interest, issuance of 
    fewer checks or bills, tracking refunds or bills, reduction in 
    contingent liabilities, etc.), policy and procedural accommodation, 
    trade compliance impact, problem solving and system efficiency.
        Customs will request that test participants be active in the 
    evaluation, identifying costs and savings experienced in this 
        Customs intends to conduct several prototypes of the reconciliation 
    component of the NCAP. These tests will determine the system and 
    operational design of reconciliation which will allow all filers to 
    participate in this type of entry process at a national level. At this 
    time, how the final reconciliation program will operate is unknown. 
    Prototype participants must recognize that these are true prototypes to 
    test the benefits and potential problems of reconciliation for Customs, 
    the trade community, and other parties impacted by this program. It is 
    important to note that time and money spent on these prototypes may not 
    carry forward to the final program.
        The next reconciliation prototype is tentatively scheduled to 
    commence no sooner than January, 1997. This subsequent prototype will 
    continue to address operational impact and procedures, and begin 
    addressing additional systemic needs. This prototype is intended to 
    include AD/CVD, as well as other issues which lend themselves to 
    processing by reconciliation. The experience gained from the 
    reconciliation prototype for AD/CVD transactions will be incorporated 
    into subsequent prototypes.
        Dated: May 6, 1996.
    Samuel H. Banks,
    Assistant Commissioner, Office of Field Operations.
    [FR Doc. 96-11734 Filed 5-9-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4820-02-P

Document Information

Customs Service
Entry Type:
General notice.
Document Number:
The test of this prototype will commence no earlier than July 9, 1996. This test will end when liquidation or reliquidation of all Reconciliations has become final. Comments concerning the methodology of this prototype must be received on or before June 10, 1996. To participate in this prototype test, the necessary information, as outlined in this notice, must be filed with Customs on or before June 10, 1996.
21534-21537 (4 pages)
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