98-11873. Supplemental Notice for the Finding of Significant Contribution and Rulemaking for Certain States in the Ozone Transport Assessment Group Region for Purposes of Reducing Regional Transport of Ozone  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 90 (Monday, May 11, 1998)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 25902-25994]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-11873]
    [[Page 25901]]
    Part II
    Environmental Protection Agency
    40 CFR Parts 51, 76, and 96
    Supplemental Notice for the Finding of Significant Contribution and 
    Rulemaking for Certain States in the Ozone Transport Assessment Group 
    Region for Purposes of Reducing Regional Transport of Ozone; Proposed 
    Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 90 / Monday, May 11, 1998 / Proposed 
    [[Page 25902]]
    40 CFR Parts 51, 76, and 96
    RIN 2060-AH10
    Supplemental Notice for the Finding of Significant Contribution 
    and Rulemaking for Certain States in the Ozone Transport Assessment 
    Group Region for Purposes of Reducing Regional Transport of Ozone
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (SNPR).
    SUMMARY: In accordance with the Clean Air Act (CAA), today's action is 
    a SNPR to EPA's November 7, 1997 notice of proposed rulemaking (NPR). 
    This action augments EPA's proposal to require certain States to submit 
    State implementation plan (SIP) measures to ensure that emissions 
    reductions are achieved as needed to mitigate transport of ozone (smog) 
    pollution and one of its main precursors--emissions of oxides of 
    nitrogen (NOX)--across State boundaries in the eastern half 
    of the United States.
        Ozone has long been recognized, in both clinical and 
    epidemiological research, to affect public health. There is a wide 
    range of ozone-induced health effects, including decreased lung 
    function (primarily in children active outdoors), increased respiratory 
    symptoms (particularly in highly sensitive individuals), increased 
    hospital admissions and emergency room visits for respiratory causes 
    (among children and adults with pre-existing respiratory disease such 
    as asthma), increased inflammation of the lung, and possible long-term 
    damage to the lungs.
        Today's action includes proposed rule language for the November 7, 
    1997 NPR for the 23 jurisdictions, revised statewide emissions budgets 
    and cost analysis, proposed State reporting requirements and SIP 
    approvability criteria, a proposed model cap-and-trade rule, a 
    discussion of the interaction between this proposal and the title IV 
    NOX rule, and air quality analyses of the proposed statewide 
    emissions budgets.
        The EPA intends to finalize today's action and the November 7, 1997 
    NPR simultaneously in the September 1998 timeframe.
    DATES: The EPA is establishing a 45-day comment period, ending on June 
    25, 1998. Comments must be postmarked by the last day of the comment 
    period and sent directly to the Docket Office listed in ADDRESSES (in 
    duplicate form if possible). A public hearing will be held on May 29, 
    1998, beginning at 9:00 am. Please refer to SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION 
    for details.
    ADDRESSES: Comments may be submitted to the Air and Radiation Docket 
    and Information Center (6101), Attention: Docket No. A-96-56, US 
    Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M Street SW, room M-1500, 
    Washington, DC 20460, telephone (202) 260-7548, between 8:00 a.m. and 
    4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. A 
    reasonable fee may be charged for copying. Comments and data may also 
    be submitted electronically by following the instructions under 
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION of this document. No Confidential Business 
    Information (CBI) should be submitted through e-mail. A courtesy copy 
    of comments to David Cole would be appreciated at Office of Air Quality 
    Planning and Standards, Air Quality Strategies and Standards Division, 
    MD-15, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711, telephone (919) 541-5565, Fax 
    (919) 541-0824. An electronic copy would also be helpful to 
    cole.david@epa.gov. The address for sending overnight packages is US 
    EPA, Air Quality Strategies and Standards Division, 411 W. Chapel Hill 
    St., Durham, NC 27701. The public hearing will be held at the EPA 
    Auditorium at 401 M Street SW, Washington, DC, 20460.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: General questions concerning today's 
    action should be addressed to Kimber Smith Scavo, Office of Air Quality 
    Planning and Standards, Air Quality Strategies and Standards Division, 
    MD-15, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711, telephone (919) 541-3354. 
    Please refer to SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION below for a list of contacts 
    for specific subjects described in today's action.
    Reopening of November 7, 1997 NPR Comment Period and Technical 
        The Agency will ensure that all comments and technical analyses 
    received on the November 7, 1997 NPR (62 FR 60318) and this SNPR are 
    made publicly available in the docket to this rulemaking. The EPA will 
    accept comments on all issues raised in today's SNPR, as well as 
    comments concerning the implications that any such issues may have for 
    issues raised in the November 7, 1997 NPR. In addition, on April 9, 
    1998 (63 FR 17349), EPA published a notice in the Federal Register that 
    discussed additional items related to the November 7, 1998 NPR for 
    which the Agency is reopening the comment period. Therefore, the 
    comment period for the November 7, 1997 NPR is reopened until June 25, 
    1998 for the items specified in the April 9, 1998 notice.
    Public Hearing
        The EPA will conduct a public hearing on today's proposal on May 
    29, 1998 beginning at 9:00 a.m. The public hearing will be held at the 
    EPA Auditorium at 401 M Street SW., Washington, DC 20460. The metro 
    stop is Waterfront which is on the green line. Persons planning to 
    present oral testimony at the hearing should notify JoAnn Allman, 
    Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Air Quality Strategies 
    and Standards Division, MD-15, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711, 
    telephone (919) 541-1815 no later than May 22, 1998. Oral testimony 
    will be limited to 5 minutes each. Any member of the public may file a 
    written statement before, during, or by the close of the comment period 
    after the hearing. For written statements concerning the proposed 
    amended 40 CFR Part 76, the hearing record will be kept open for 30 
    days after the hearing date, under section 307(d)(5)(iv) of the CAA to 
    provide an opportunity for submission of rebuttal and supplementary 
    information. Written statements (duplicate copies preferred) should be 
    submitted to the docket at the above address. A hearing schedule 
    including a list of speakers will be posted on EPA's SIP call webpage 
    at http://www.epa.gov/ttn/oarpg/otagsip.html prior to the hearing.
        Following the hearing, a verbatim transcript of the hearing and 
    written statements will be made available for copying during normal 
    working hours at the Air and Radiation Docket Information Center at the 
    above address. The Agency does not plan to schedule any additional 
    hearings on the proposed rule.
    Electronic Availability
        The official record for this rulemaking, as well as the public 
    version, has been established under docket number A-96-56 (including 
    comments and data submitted electronically as described below). A 
    public version of this record, including printed, paper versions of 
    electronic comments, which does not include any information claimed as 
    CBI, is available for inspection from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through 
    Friday, excluding legal holidays. The official rulemaking record is 
    located at the address in ADDRESSES at the beginning of this document.
    [[Page 25903]]
    Electronic comments can be sent directly to EPA at: A-and-R-
    Docket@epamail.epa.gov. Electronic comments must be submitted as an 
    ASCII file avoiding the use of special characters and any form of 
    encryption. Comments and data will also be accepted on disks in 
    WordPerfect in 6.1 (or 5.1) file format or ASCII file format. All 
    comments and data in electronic form must be identified by the docket 
    number A-96-56. Electronic comments on this proposed rule may be filed 
    online at many Federal Depository Libraries.
    Availability of Related Information
        Documents related to the Ozone Transport Assessment Group (OTAG) 
    are available on the Agency's Office of Air Quality Planning and 
    Standards' (OAQPS) Technology Transfer Network (TTN) via the web at 
    http://www.epa.gov/ttn/. If assistance is needed in accessing the 
    system, call the help desk at (919) 541-5384 in Research Triangle Park, 
    NC. Documents related to OTAG can be downloaded directly from OTAG's 
    webpage at http://www.epa.gov/ttn/otag. The OTAG's technical data are 
    located at http://www.iceis.mcnc.org/OTAGDC. The October 10, 1997 
    signature version of the proposed SIP call, the November 7, 1997 
    Federal Register version, and associated documents are located at 
    http://epa.gov/ttn/oarpg/otagsip.html. Information related to Section 
    VII, Air Quality Assessment of the Statewide Emissions Budgets can be 
    obtained in electronic form from the following EPA website: http://
    For Additional Information
        For technical questions related to the air quality analyses, please 
    contact Norm Possiel; Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, 
    Emissions, Monitoring, and Analysis Division; MD-14, Research Triangle 
    Park, NC 27711, telephone (919) 541-5692. For legal questions, please 
    contact Howard Hoffman, Office of General Counsel, 401 M Street SW, MC-
    2344, Washington, DC, 20460, telephone (202) 260-5892. For questions 
    concerning the statewide emissions budget revisions, please contact 
    Laurel Schultz; Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards; 
    Emissions, Monitoring, and Analysis Division; MD-14, Research Triangle 
    Park, NC 27711, telephone (919) 541-5511. For questions concerning SIP 
    reporting requirements, please contact Bill Johnson, Office of Air 
    Quality Planning and Standards, Air Quality Strategies and Standards 
    Division, MD-15, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711, telephone (919) 541-
    5245. For questions concerning the model cap-and-trade rule, please 
    contact Rob Lacount, Office of Atmospheric Programs, Acid Rain 
    Division, MC-6204J, 401 M Street SW, Washington, DC 20460, telephone 
    (202) 564-9122. For questions concerning the regulatory cost analysis 
    of electricity generating sources, please contact Ravi Srivastava, 
    Office of Atmospheric Programs, Acid Rain Division, MC-6204J, 401 M 
    Street SW, Washington DC 20460, telephone (202) 564-9093. For questions 
    concerning the regulatory cost analysis of other stationary sources, 
    please contact Scott Mathias, Office of Air Quality Planning and 
    Standards, Air Quality Strategies and Standards Division, MD-15, 
    Research Triangle Park, NC 27711, telephone (919) 541-5310.
    I. Background
        A. Summary of November 7, 1997 NPR
        B. Updates With 1994-96 Air Quality Data for the Findings of 
    Significant Contribution
    II. Proposed Rule for the 23 Jurisdictions
    III. Emissions Budgets Analyses
        A. Explanation of Revised Budgets
        1. Electricity Generating Units
        a. Addition of Sources
        b. Growth Factors
        c. Revised Budget Component
        d. Alternative Approach to Calculating the Component of the 
    Budget for Electricity Generation
        2. Non-Electricity Generating Point Sources
        a. Addition of Sources
        b. Application of Controls
        c. Revised Budget Component
        d. Options for Calculating the Budgets
        3. Revised State Budgets
        B. Revised Cost Analyses
        1. Electricity Generating Sources
        2. Non-Electricity Generating Point Sources
        3. Cost Analysis Results
    IV. SIP Criteria and Emissions Reporting Requirements
        A. SIP Criteria
        1. Introduction
        2. Completeness Determination
        3. Approvability Criteria
        a. Additional Control Strategy Approvability Criteria
        i. Introduction
        ii. General Recommendations
        iii. New Proposed Approval Criteria
        b. Emissions Inventory Preparation Guidance and Control 
    Strategies Guidance
        c. Growth Estimates
        d. Emissions Growth and Projection Guidance
        B. Emissions Reporting Requirements
        1. Use of Inventory Data
        2. Legal Authority
        3. Background for Reporting Requirements
        4. Proposal
        5. Annual Reporting
        a. Point Sources
        b. Area Sources
        c. Mobile Sources
        6. Reporting Every Third Year (3-year cycle reporting)
        7. 2007 Report
        8. Ozone Season Reporting
        9. Data Reporting Procedures
        10. Reporting Schedule
        11. Confidential Data
        12. Data Elements to be Reported
    V. NOX Budget Trading Program
        A. Program Summary
        1. Purpose of the NOX Budget Trading Program
        2. Emissions Reductions Required by the Proposed Transport 
        3. Benefits of Participating in the NOX Budget 
    Trading Program
        4. EPA's Proposal
        B. Evolution of the NOX Budget Trading Program
        1. OTC's NOX Budget Program
        2. OTAG Process
        3. EPA Model Trading Program Workshops
        4. RECLAIM Program
        C. NOX Budget Trading Program
        1. General Provisions
        a. Purpose
        b. Definitions, Measurements, Abbreviations and Acronyms
        c. Applicability
        i. Monitoring
        ii. Responsible Party
        iii. Inclusion of Additional Source Categories
        iv. Individual Opt-Ins
        v. Additional Options for Applicability
        vi. Area and Mobile Sources
        d. Retired Unit Exemption
        e. Standard Requirements
        f. Computation of Time
        2. NOX Authorized Account Representative (AAR)
        3. Permits
        a. General Requirements
        b. Title V/Non-title V Permits
        c. NOX Budget Permit Application Deadlines
        d. NOX Budget Trading Program Permit Application
        e. NOX Budget Permit Issuance
        f. NOX Budget Permit Revisions
        4. Compliance Certification
        5. NOX Allowance Allocations
        a. Development of State Trading Program Budget
        b. Timing Requirements
        c. Options for NOX Allowance Allocation 
        i. Basis for Developing an Allocation Recommendation
        ii. Options for an Allocation Recommendation
        iii. Framework for an Allocation Recommendation
        6. NOX Allowance Tracking System
        a. Compliance Accounts
        b. Overdraft Accounts
        c. Compliance
        d. General Accounts
        7. Banking
        a. General Discussion
        i. Banking After the Start of the Program
        ii. Banking Prior to the Start of the Program
        iii. Management of Banking
        b. Options
        i. Option 1: No Banking
        ii. Option 2: Banking After Program Start Only
    [[Page 25904]]
        iii. Option 3: Early-Reduction Credits
        iv. Option 4: Phased-In Program
        8. Allowance Transfers
        9. Emissions Monitoring and Reporting
        a. Requirements for Point Sources
        b. Output Information
        10. Opt-Ins
        a. Applicability for Opt-In Units
        b. Allowance Allocations for Opt-In Units
        c. Units Sharing Stacks or Fuel Pipe Headers with NOX 
    Budget Units
        d. Withdrawal and Termination of Opt-In Units
        11. Program Audits
        12. Administration of Program
        D. SIP Approvability
        E. OTC Integration
        1. Applicability
        a. State Applicability
        b. Source Applicability
        2. Allocations
        3. Emissions Banking
        4. Emissions Monitoring and Reporting
        5. Permitting
        F. New Source Review
        G. End Use Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
        1. Background
        2. Energy Efficiency and Renewables Set-Aside Options
    VI. Interaction with Title IV NOX Rule
    VII. Air Quality Assessment of the Statewide Emissions Budgets 
        A. Background Information
        B. Emissions Scenarios
        1. Development of Emissions Inputs
        a. Electric Generation Sources
        b. Non-Electric Generation Point Sources
        c. Mobile and Area Sources
        2. Emissions Summaries
        C. Analysis of Modeling Results
        1. Technical Procedures
        a. State-Level Analysis
        i. Selection of Grid Cells for Analysis
        ii. Procedures for Calculating State-Level Metrics
        b. OTAG Standard Table of Metrics
        D. Analysis Results and Findings
        1. Introduction
        a. Impacts on 1-Hour Ozone Concentrations
        i. State-Level Analyses--1-Hour Concentrations
        ii. Ozone Problem Area Analyses--1-Hour Concentrations
        b. Impacts on 8-Hour Ozone Concentrations
        i. State-Level Analyses--8-Hour Concentrations
        ii. Ozone Problem Area Analyses--8-Hour Concentrations
        2. Summary and Conclusions
        E. Alternative Approaches
    VIII. Impact on Small Entities
    IX. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
    X. Paperwork Reduction Act
    XI. Judicial Review
    I. Background
    A. Summary of November 7, 1997 NPR
        The EPA's November 7, 1997 proposal 1 (hereafter 
    referred to as the ``proposed SIP call'' or ``SIP call'') proposed to 
    find that the transport of ozone and ozone precursors from 22 States 
    and the District of Columbia (23 jurisdictions) significantly 
    contributes to nonattainment of the ozone national ambient air quality 
    standards (NAAQS), or interferes with maintenance of the NAAQS, in 
    downwind States. The proposed SIP call explained the basis for 
    determining significant contribution or interference with maintenance 
    for the 23 jurisdictions. Further, the SIP call proposed the 
    appropriate levels of NOX emissions that each of the 23 
    jurisdictions would be required to achieve. The EPA also conducted a 
    regulatory cost analysis which is available in the docket to this 
    rulemaking (docket number II-B-01) as a technical support document 
    (TSD) to the proposed SIP call. A detailed explanation of how EPA 
    established the budgets is also available as a TSD to the proposal 
    (docket number III-B-02). These TSDs have been revised as explained in 
    Section III, Emissions Budgets Analyses.
        \1\ The EPA signed the November 7, 1997 NPR on October 10, 1997 
    and made it immediately available to the public on EPA's homepage at 
        The SIP call proposed SIP requirements under CAA section 110(a)(1) 
    and section 110(k)(5) in order to meet the requirements of section 
    110(a)(2)(D), as it pertains to the ozone NAAQS, to prohibit ozone 
    precursor emissions from sources or activities in those States from 
    ``contribut[ing] significantly to nonattainment in, or interfer[ing] 
    with maintenance by,'' a downwind State.
        Based on this determination, the EPA proposed to require SIP 
    revisions in order to take steps toward ensuring that the necessary 
    regional reductions are achieved that will enable current ozone 
    nonattainment areas in the eastern half of the United States to prepare 
    attainment demonstrations and that will enable all areas to demonstrate 
    noninterference with maintenance of the ozone standard. This 
    requirement permits each State to choose for itself what measures to 
    adopt to meet the necessary emissions budget. Consistent with OTAG's 
    recommendations to achieve NOX emissions decreases primarily 
    from large stationary sources in a trading program, EPA encourages 
    States to consider electric utility and large boiler controls under a 
    cap-and-trade program as a cost-effective strategy. The cap-and-trade 
    program is described in more detail in Section V, NOX Budget 
    Trading Program.
    B. Updates With 1994-96 Air Quality Data for the Findings of 
    Significant Contribution
        In the proposed SIP call, EPA followed a weight of evidence 
    approach to determine which States cause a significant contribution to 
    nonattainment in downwind States. Part of the information EPA 
    considered in this determination included air quality modeling based on 
    the OTAG 2007 Base Case and OTAG ``zero-out'' subregional UAM-V 
    simulations. The results of the 2007 Base Case modeling were analyzed 
    with 1993-1995 ambient air quality measurements to identify areas which 
    (a) currently violate the NAAQS (based on monitoring) and (b) are 
    expected to continue to violate the NAAQS in the future (based on 
    modeling). The ``zero-out'' subregional modeling data were then used to 
    quantify the ``ppb'' contributions to ozone in these ``nonattainment'' 
    areas. The resulting ``ppb'' contributions were provided in the SIP 
    call Tables II-10 and II-12 for the 1-hour and 8-hour NAAQS, 
        The EPA stated in the SIP call that it would review more recent air 
    quality data and, in the event that these data alter the results of the 
    significant contribution assessment in any meaningful way, EPA would 
    make the appropriate adjustments to the findings. Since the SIP call 
    was published, EPA has reviewed 1996 air quality data to determine 
    which counties violate the 1-hour and 8-hour NAAQS based on 1994-1996 
    measurements. A list of the 1-hour and 8-hour violating counties based 
    on these data is provided in the docket. The EPA recalculated the 
    ``ppb'' contributions to downwind nonattainment using the 1994-1996 1-
    hour and 8-hour violating counties and the OTAG 2007 Base Case and 
    ``zero-out'' subregional modeling. The resulting updated 1-hour and 8-
    hour contribution tables are provided in the docket. Based upon a 
    review of the information in these tables, EPA finds no basis for 
    altering its conclusions on significant contribution.
    II. Proposed Action for the 23 Jurisdictions
        This SNPR includes the proposed rule language for the CFR for the 
    basic elements of the proposed SIP call, including the requirements 
    imposed on the 23 jurisdictions to submit SIP revisions, under both the 
    1-hour and 8-hour standard, providing for implementation of the 
    applicable statewide NOX emissions budget, as well as the 
    definition of the NOX
    [[Page 25905]]
    budget. The rule language is located at the end of the preamble.
    III. Emissions Budgets Analyses
    A. Explanation of Revised Budgets
        A number of changes were made to the emissions inventory used to 
    calculate the budget. These changes apply to the electricity generating 
    and non-electricity generating point source sectors only and were made 
    to correct errors found subsequent to publication of the proposed SIP 
    call (NPR). These source sectors are discussed separately below. 
    Detailed information concerning the changes can be found in the revised 
    Budget TSD titled ``Development of Modeling Inventory and Budgets for 
    the Ozone Transport SIP Call'' (revised Budget TSD).
    1. Electricity Generating Units
        The changes that were made to the electricity generating component 
    of the budgets fall into two general categories: addition of sources 
    and changes in growth factors. Both of these changes increase the 
        a. Addition of Sources. The changes that were made in the 
    population of the utility and non-utility owned electricity generating 
    units since the November 7, 1997 notice are summarized in Table III-1. 
    This SNPR includes 1,757 units compared to 1,180 units in the NPR. This 
    reflects an addition of 577 units to the State budget inventories. 
    These units include electricity generating sources 25 megawatts of 
    electrical output (MWe) or smaller and additional units not affected 
    under the Acid Rain Program (40 CFR part 76). Detailed information on 
    the sources of data for these additional units is contained in the 
    revised Budget TSD.
                     Table III-1.--Inventory Change From NPR                
                                                        NPR          SNPR   
                        Source                       population   population
    Utility.......................................         1062         1510
    Non-Utility...................................          118          247
        Total.....................................         1180         1757
        b. Growth Factors. The EPA's ``Proposed Ozone Transport Rulemaking 
    Regulatory Analysis'' (September 1997, docket number III-B-01) used a 
    1995 forecast of future electricity demand prepared by the North 
    American Electric Reliability Council (NERC), with adjustments for 
    EPA's 1996 estimates of the electricity demand reductions that the 
    Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) was projected to produce from the 
    year 2000 and on. Details on how EPA prepared this electricity demand 
    forecast can be found in EPA's ``Analyzing Electric Power Generation 
    under the Clean Air Act,'' (July 1996, docket number II-A-07). The EPA 
    used this electricity demand forecast in analyses conducted for OTAG 
    and the Clean Air Power Initiative (CAPI). Further, EPA also used this 
    forecast when establishing the State-specific growth factors used in 
    the NPR (referred to as the ``original'' projections).
        While EPA is continuing to use the electricity generating industry 
    growth projections described in the NPR when establishing the budget 
    component for that sector, this SNPR is correcting one error in the 
    growth factor calculation of the NPR. The EPA corrected its estimates 
    of State-specific growth rates from 1996 to 2007. The estimates were 
    interpolated from the average annual growth of each State as forecasted 
    by EPA using the Integrated Planning Model (IPM) and EPA's baseline 
    electricity generation forecast. In developing the average annual 
    growth, EPA relied on unit-specific summer energy use from 2000 to 2010 
    as forecasted by the IPM. The average annual growth was determined 
    using the State-specific growth from 2000 to 2010. However, when 
    calculating the growth for the year 2010, EPA inadvertently omitted 
    information on many of the new combustion turbine and combined-cycle 
    units that IPM forecasts to be built by 2010. Thus new electricity-
    generating capacity, expected to be built between 2000 and 2010 was not 
    included when estimating the industry growth between 2000 and 2010. 
    This error resulted in an underestimation of the expected average 
    annual growth for each affected State. In the revision of the budget 
    for the electric power industry, this error has been corrected. The 
    change leads to a higher electricity generating component of the 
    NOX budget for all affected States. The corrected growth 
    factors are shown in Table III-2 (referred to as the ``corrected'' 
                              Table III-2.--Corrected Electricity Generation Growth Factors                         
                                                                       Original  96-  Corrected  96-      Percent   
                                  State                                  07 factor       07 factor       increase   
    Alabama.........................................................            1.03            1.16           12.92
    Connecticut.....................................................            0.92            1.22           32.99
    District of Columbia............................................            1.00            1.00            0.00
    Delaware........................................................            1.68            1.80            6.77
    Georgia.........................................................            1.14            1.21            6.32
    Illinois........................................................            1.23            1.34            8.63
    Indiana.........................................................            1.27            1.30            2.64
    Kentucky........................................................            1.20            1.28            6.41
    Massachusetts...................................................            1.62            1.71            5.62
    Maryland........................................................            1.14            1.23            7.37
    Michigan........................................................            1.13            1.18            4.60
    Missouri........................................................            1.13            1.24            9.28
    North Carolina..................................................            1.10            1.26           15.04
    New Jersey......................................................            0.99            1.26           27.37
    New York........................................................            1.11            1.22           10.16
    Ohio............................................................            1.10            1.14            3.19
    Pennsylvania....................................................            1.07            1.15            7.07
    Rhode Island....................................................            0.43            0.48           11.83
    South Carolina..................................................            1.32            1.63           23.22
    Tennessee.......................................................            0.92            1.25           35.78
    Virginia........................................................            1.18            1.43           20.50
    Wisconsin.......................................................            1.07            1.13            6.30
    West Virginia...................................................            1.02            1.05            3.26
    [[Page 25906]]
        Since the NPR, EPA has also updated its electricity demand forecast 
    to include more up-to-date information. The information was obtained 
    from the same sources used in developing the forecast used in the NPR. 
    The EPA's more recent forecast uses the 1997 forecast of future 
    electricity demand prepared by NERC with adjustments for the 
    Administration's 1997 estimates of electricity demand reductions that 
    the CCAP is projected to produce from 2000 on (referred to as the 
    ``revised'' projections). The EPA found that this revised estimate 
    leads to lower growth rates for the electricity generating industry 
    than the estimate used in the NPR analyses. However, in this SNPR, EPA 
    uses the corrected forecast when calculating State-specific budgets 
    because of the inherent uncertainty in any projection, and EPA's 
    willingness to provide States flexibility in achieving their budgets. 
    Further, when evaluating the cost effectiveness of NOX 
    controls, EPA considered both the corrected and revised future 
    electricity demand forecasts. However, for all other analyses under 
    this SNPR, EPA is using the corrected future electricity demand 
    forecast. Further, EPA solicits comment on whether to use only the 
    revised future electricity demand forecast for the budget and cost 
    effectiveness calculations.
        c. Revised Budget Component. Both the 2007 electricity generating 
    Base Case and the electricity generating Budget component were revised 
    based on the changes described above. These revisions are shown in 
    Tables III-3 and III-4. The difference between the 2007 Base Case and 
    Budget emissions that were proposed and the revised Base Case and 
    Budget emissions is shown in Table III-3. The revised percent reduction 
    from the 2007 Base Case to the Budget is shown in Table III-4.
           Table III-3.--Changes to Proposed Base Case and Budget Components for Electricity Generating Units       
                                                    [tons NOX/season]                                               
                                               Proposed     Revised     Percent    Proposed     Revised     Percent 
                      State                      base        base      increase     budget      budget     increase 
    Alabama.................................      81,704      85,201           4      26,946      30,644          14
    Connecticut.............................       5,715       7,048          23       3,409       5,245          54
    Delaware................................      10,901      10,727          -2       4,390       4,994          14
    District of Columbia....................         385         236         -39         152         152           0
    Georgia.................................      92,946      84,890          -9      30,158      32,433           8
    Illinois................................     115,053     119,756           4      31,833      36,570          15
    Indiana.................................     177,888     159,917         -10      48,791      51,818           6
    Kentucky................................     128,688     130,919           2      35,820      38,775           8
    Maryland................................      35,332      37,575           6      11,364      12,971          14
    Massachusetts...........................      28,284      24,998         -12      12,956      14,651          13
    Michigan................................      82,057      73,585         -10      25,402      29,458          16
    Missouri................................      92,313      81,799         -11      22,932      26,450          15
    New Jersey..............................      14,553      17,484          20       5,041       8,191          62
    New York................................      39,639      43,705          10      24,653      31,222          27
    North Carolina..........................      83,273      86,872           4      27,543      32,691          19
    Ohio....................................     185,757     167,601         -10      46,758      51,493          10
    Pennsylvania............................     125,195     120,979          -3      39,594      45,971          16
    Rhode Island............................         773       1,351          75         905       1,609          78
    South Carolina..........................      43,363      57,146          32      15,090      19,842          31
    Tennessee...............................      71,994      83,844          16      19,318      26,225          36
    Virginia................................      45,719      51,113          12      16,884      20,990          24
    West Virginia...........................      83,719      76,374          -9      23,306      24,045           3
    Wisconsin...............................      51,004      45,538         -11      15,755      17,345          10
        Total...............................   1,596,255   1,568,655          -2     489,000     563,784          15
           Table III-4.--Revised NOX Budget Components and Percent Reduction for Electricity Generating Units       
                                                                                          Revised         Percent   
                                  State                                Revised base       budget         reduction  
    Alabama.........................................................          85,201          30,644              64
    Connecticut.....................................................           7,048           5,245              26
    Delaware........................................................          10,727           4,994              53
    District of Columbia............................................             236             152              36
    Georgia.........................................................          84,890          32,433              62
    Illinois........................................................         119,756          36,570              69
    Indiana.........................................................         159,917          51,818              68
    Kentucky........................................................         130,919          38,775              70
    Maryland........................................................          37,575          12,971              65
    Massachusetts...................................................          24,998          14,651              41
    Michigan........................................................          73,585          29,458              60
    Missouri........................................................          81,799          26,450              68
    New Jersey......................................................          17,484           8,191              53
    New York........................................................          43,705          31,222              29
    North Carolina..................................................          86,872          32,691              62
    Ohio............................................................         167,601          51,493              69
    Pennsylvania....................................................         120,979          45,971              62
    Rhode Island....................................................           1,351           1,609             -19
    [[Page 25907]]
    South Carolina..................................................          57,146          19,842              65
    Tennessee.......................................................          83,844          26,225              69
    Virginia........................................................          51,113          20,990              59
    West Virginia...................................................          76,374          24,045              69
    Wisconsin.......................................................          45,538          17,345              62
        Total.......................................................       1,568,655         563,784              64
        d. Alternative Approach to Calculating the Component of the Budget 
    for Electricity Generation. In this regulatory action, the component of 
    each State's budget assigned to electricity generation is determined 
    using the State's total heat input, applicable emission rate (0.15 lb/
    million British thermal units per hour (mmBtu)), and projected growth 
    to 2007. Consequently, for each State this budget component is based on 
    the amount of fossil fuel each State uses to produce electricity.
        However, States use other fuel sources to generate electricity, 
    notably nuclear and hydro energy, as well as solar and wind energy. 
    Furthermore, some facilities that rely on fossil fuel sources are more 
    efficient, in terms of lower NOX emissions, than other 
    facilities. In addition, each State's use of sources to generate 
    electricity may change over time. For example, electricity now produced 
    by the combustion of fossil fuels may, in the future, be produced using 
    alternative sources and vice versa.
        Because of the shifts in generation from one fuel source to 
    another, an alternative approach to determining each State's share of 
    the total regionwide budget component based on total heat input may be 
    a consideration of total electricity generation within the State. Under 
    this approach (referred to as ``output-based''), the electricity 
    generation component (i.e., 563,784 tons of NOX) of the 
    regionwide budget would be apportioned among the States based on total 
    electricity generation, not only fossil-fuel generation. Since the 
    total regionwide budget component would be the same as that proposed in 
    this notice, and assuming a multistate trading program, the 
    environmental effects and cost effectiveness of such an allocation 
    should be similar to the proposed approach.
        The data used to apportion the regionwide budget component to each 
    State under the output-based approach would be State-specific 
    generation (in MWh) for the time period May 1 to September 30. One 
    source of such information is the Energy Information Administration's 
    (EIA) Form 759, where electricity generating sources report their 
    monthly generation. To more equitably account for shifts from State-to-
    State, it may be appropriate to use the higher of summer 1995 or 1996 
    generation for each State in determining the output-based State budget 
    components, or perhaps the average of the highest two out of three 
    summer periods. The first approach is similar to that used in 
    generating the proposed budget for this sector.
        This alternative approach has the effect of rewarding States that 
    have invested in methods of electricity generation that result in no, 
    or fewer, NOX emissions. At the same time, because most 
    electricity generation relies on fossil-fuel inputs that, in turn, 
    result in NOX emissions, even under this output-based 
    approach, the State budgets would bear a strong relationship to amount 
    of actual NOX emissions on a State-by-State basis.
        Even so, the resulting budgets for each State would be different, 
    to some degree, from the budgets currently proposed. If a regionwide 
    trading program is ultimately used, it may be assumed that emissions 
    would be reallocated so that each State's budget under the alternative 
    approach would be the same as under the currently proposed approach. Of 
    course, in this case, the cost effectiveness and environmental benefit 
    associated with this alternative approach would be the same as that of 
    the currently proposed approach. It seems plausible to assume that 
    States subject to the NOX SIP call would opt for regionwide 
    trading due to the cost effectiveness of this approach.
        However, in this rulemaking, EPA is not attempting to require 
    regionwide trading, and if the States opt not to employ such a system, 
    the air quality impacts of an output-based approach and its cost 
    effectiveness may be different from the air quality impacts under the 
    proposed budget. If for some States, the budget under the output-based 
    approach is significantly lower than that under the proposed approach, 
    the absence of a regionwide trading system may result in required 
    control levels that are not technically achievable.
        Other issues that arise under the output-based approach concern the 
    representativeness and quality of the required data. Specifically, the 
    EIA data used in the output-based approach may not include all 
    electricity generating sources, such as Independent Power Producers 
    (IPPs) and Non-Utility Generators (NUGs). Additionally, some may argue 
    that it is inappropriate to incorporate the non-NOX-emitting 
    sources in the calculation of each State's electricity generation 
    component of the budget. In addition, the alternative budget fails to 
    consider the fact that nuclear-, hydro-, solar-, or wind-powered 
    facilities generate steam output, as well as electricity. Accordingly, 
    it may be logical to adjust the alternative budgets further to take 
    account of steam output. Further, as discussed in Section V.C.9.b, 
    Output Information, of this preamble, there are a number of issues 
    associated with measuring and using electricity- or steam-related 
    output data. The EPA solicits comments on all issues concerning this 
    alternative approach, including the appropriateness, legality, 
    rationale, and methodology for incorporating the output-based approach 
    when calculating the electricity generation component of each State's 
    2. Non-Electricity Generating Point Sources
        Changes that were made to the non-electricity generating point 
    source component of the budgets fall into two categories: addition of 
    sources and application of controls. Addition of sources increases the 
    budgets, while correction in the application of controls tends to 
    decrease the budgets.
        a. Addition of Sources. Based on the matching that was done to 
    identify electricity generating sources, it was determined that a 
    number of sources
    [[Page 25908]]
    that were identified in the OTAG inventory as utilities were, in fact, 
    not utility sources. In the budgets that were proposed on November 7, 
    1997, these sources were left out of the inventory when the OTAG 
    utility data were replaced by the acid rain data. These sources have 
    since been identified and added back into the budgets. A list of the 
    sources that were moved from the electricity generating to non-
    electricity generating sector is contained in the revised Budget TSD.
        b. Application of Controls. The non-electricity generating point 
    source budget components were calculated based on the OTAG 
    recommendations as follows:
         70 percent control for large (> 250 mmBtu/hr) sources 
    (measured from uncontrolled 2007 emissions);
         Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT)-level 
    controls for all other NOX sources with more than 1.0 tons 
    per day (tpd) of NOX emissions (medium-sized sources);
         Small source NOX emissions were estimated using 
    OTAG Base 1c scenario emission values.
        For the budgets that were proposed, RACT was erroneously applied 
    only to those sources that were in areas required to adopt RACT. The 
    intent of the proposed approach was to apply RACT to all medium-sized 
    sources, regardless of whether they are located in an area that would 
    otherwise be required to apply RACT. The revised budgets reflect the 
    application of RACT to all medium-sized sources in the affected States. 
    A list of the sources that were treated as large and medium sources is 
    contained in the appendices to the revised Budget TSD.
        c. Revised Budget Component. Both the 2007 Base Case and Budget 
    component for non-electricity generating point sources were revised 
    based on the changes described above. These revisions are shown in 
    Tables III-5 and III-6. The difference between the 2007 Base Case and 
    Budget emissions that were proposed and the revised Base Case and 
    Budget emissions for non-electricity generating units is shown in Table 
    III-5. The revised percent reduction from the 2007 Base Case to the 
    Budget is shown in Table III-6.
         Table III-5.--Changes to Proposed Base Case and Budget Components for Non-Electricity Generating Units     
                                                    [tons NOX/season]                                               
                                               Proposed     Revised     Percent    Proposed     Revised     Percent 
                                                 base        base      increase     budget      budget     decrease 
    Alabama.................................      47,182      48,187           2      25,131      24,416           3
    Connecticut.............................       4,732       5,254          11       4,475       3,103          31
    Delaware................................       5,205       5,276           1       3,206       2,271          29
    District of Columbia....................         312         311           0         312         259          17
    Georgia.................................      34,012      33,939           0      20,472      14,305          30
    Illinois................................      63,642      65,351           3      39,855      40,719          -2
    Indiana.................................      51,432      51,839           1      35,603      29,187          18
    Kentucky................................      18,817      19,019           1      12,258      11,996           2
    Maryland................................       6,729      10,710          59       4,825       5,852         -21
    Massachusetts...........................      10,683       9,978          -7       7,590       6,207          18
    Michigan................................      57,190      61,656           8      35,317      35,957          -2
    Missouri................................      12,248      12,320           1       8,174       9,012         -10
    New Jersey..............................      32,663      22,228         -32      26,741      12,786          52
    New York................................      19,889      20,853           5      16,930      14,644          14
    North Carolina..........................      32,107      34,412           7      21,113      19,267           9
    Ohio....................................      50,946      53,329           5      32,799      30,923           6
    Pennsylvania............................      64,224      74,839          17      59,622      41,824          30
    Rhode Island............................         328         327           0         328         327           0
    South Carolina..........................      34,791      34,994           1      20,097      18,671           7
    Tennessee...............................      65,051      67,774           4      32,138      34,308          -7
    Virginia................................      23,333      25,509           9      15,529      10,919          30
    West Virginia...........................      41,510      42,733           3      31,377      21,066          33
    Wisconsin...............................      21,209      21,263           0      12,269      11,401           7
        Total...............................     698,233     722,101           3     466,158     399,416          14
         Table III-6.--Revised NOX Budget Components and Percent Reduction for Non-Electricity Generating Units     
                                                                                          Revised         Percent   
                                                                       Revised base       budget         reduction  
    Alabama.........................................................          48,187          24,416              49
    Connecticut.....................................................           5,254           3,103              41
    Delaware........................................................           5,276           2,271              57
    District of Columbia............................................             311             259              17
    Georgia.........................................................          33,939          14,305              58
    Illinois........................................................          65,351          40,719              38
    Indiana.........................................................          51,839          29,187              44
    Kentucky........................................................          19,019          11,996              37
    Maryland........................................................          10,710           5,852              45
    Massachusetts...................................................           9,978           6,207              38
    Michigan........................................................          61,656          35,957              42
    [[Page 25909]]
    Missouri........................................................          12,320           9,012              27
    New Jersey......................................................          22,228          12,786              42
    New York........................................................          20,853          14,644              30
    North Carolina..................................................          34,412          19,267              44
    Ohio............................................................          53,329          30,923              42
    Pennsylvania....................................................          74,839          41,824              44
    Rhode Island....................................................             327             327               0
    South Carolina..................................................          34,994          18,671              47
    Tennessee.......................................................          67,774          34,308              49
    Virginia........................................................          25,509          10,919              57
    West Virginia...................................................          42,733          21,066              51
    Wisconsin.......................................................          21,263          11,401              46
        Total.......................................................         722,101         399,416              45
        d. Options for Calculating the Budgets. In the November 7, 1997 
    NPR, EPA proposed budgets and developed cost effectiveness data for 
    non-utility boilers and gas turbines together with other non-utility 
    point sources. The budgets for these sources were based on the 
    applicable OTAG recommendation of 70 percent reduction from 
    uncontrolled levels at large units (greater than 250 mmBtu/hr), RACT at 
    medium units (other sources greater than 1 ton per day) and no controls 
    beyond the baseline for small sources. The revised budgets described in 
    Section III.A.2, Non-Electricity Generating Point Sources, of today's 
    action are based on the same approach. Costs were estimated for these 
    sources using a least cost approach for each State budget which assumed 
    incremental emissions reductions at the most cost-effective sources in 
    each State, including small, medium, and large units. In contrast, 
    electric generation sources were analyzed separately using an emissions 
    rate approach to develop the budgets and the Integrated Planning Model 
    (IPM) was run to estimate costs under an interstate trading program. 
    The November 7, 1997 NPR invited comment on the size cutoffs used in 
    the above analyses and also specifically invited comment on treating 
    large combustion sources, such as industrial boilers greater than 250 
    mmBtu (this level approximately corresponds to greater than 1 ton per 
    day), at control levels equal to that for large electric generation 
        In today's action, EPA is proposing to include the non-utility 
    boilers and gas turbines greater than 250 mmBtu/hr together with 
    electric generation sources as the core group of sources in the 
    NOX Budget Trading Program and analyze both using IPM. As a 
    result, EPA intends to conduct additional analyses as described below.
        For the non-utility boilers and gas turbines greater than 250 
    mmBtu/hr, EPA intends to estimate costs using IPM and assuming a 
    trading program involving these sources and the electric generation 
    sources. The emissions budget would be calculated for these sources the 
    same as it was in the November 7, 1997 NPR. The EPA also solicits 
    comments on whether to calculate budgets for the non-utility boilers 
    and gas turbines through the alternative means of an emission rate 
    basis (e.g., 0.20 lbs/mmBtu), similar to the approach used by EPA for 
    electric generation sources in the November 7, 1997 NPR. The EPA 
    invites comment on these and other approaches for calculating the 
    budget component and costs for the non-utility boilers and gas turbines 
    greater than 250 mmBtu/hr.
        Additionally, EPA intends to further analyze the point source 
    categories that are not part of the proposed core group of sources in 
    the NOX Budget Trading Program (e.g., process heaters, 
    stationary internal combustion engines, and cement manufacturing). 
    These analyses will look at applying (1) various cost-effectiveness 
    ceilings (e.g., maximum of $2000 per ton); (2) percentage reduction 
    floors (e.g., minimum of 50 percent reduction); and (3) combinations 
    (e.g., $2000 per ton maximum and 50 percent reduction minimum). These 
    analyses will cover individual source categories not in the proposed 
    core group of sources of the NOX Budget Trading Program as 
    well as all such sources in the aggregate. The EPA invites comment on 
    these and other approaches for calculating the budget component and 
    costs for this group of sources.
        In the November 7, 1997 NPR, EPA noted that information on 
    emissions and potential control measures was generally lacking for 
    small sources. The EPA believes that there are several medium and large 
    units for which such information is also lacking. In the November 7, 
    1997 NPR (and in the revised budgets described in Section III.A.2, Non-
    Electricity Generating Point Sources), these units were assigned a 70 
    percent reduction target for large and RACT for medium sized units, 
    consistent with the OTAG recommendation. However, since EPA cannot 
    identify specific control measures for these sources due to the lack of 
    available technical information, EPA now proposes to keep them in the 
    statewide budgets at baseline levels, without additional emission 
        As the above analyses are completed, EPA intends to place them in 
    the docket.
    3. Revised Statewide Budgets
        The revised statewide budgets that reflect the changes to the 
    electricity generating and non-electricity generating point source 
    sectors described above are shown in Table III-7.
    [[Page 25910]]
                                       Table III-7.--Revised Statewide NOX Budgets                                  
                                  State                                    Base           Budget       Percent red. 
    Alabama.........................................................         241,564         155,617              36
    Connecticut.....................................................          52,014          39,909              23
    Delaware........................................................          30,568          21,010              31
    District of Columbia............................................           7,978           7,000              12
    Georgia.........................................................         246,243         159,013              35
    Illinois........................................................         350,154         218,679              38
    Indiana.........................................................         340,084         200,345              41
    Kentucky........................................................         263,855         158,360              40
    Maryland........................................................         118,065          73,628              38
    Massachusetts...................................................         103,445          73,575              29
    Michigan........................................................         283,821         199,238              30
    Missouri........................................................         185,104         116,246              37
    New Jersey......................................................         132,032          93,464              29
    New York........................................................         230,310         185,537              19
    North Carolina..................................................         234,300         153,106              35
    Ohio............................................................         391,012         236,443              40
    Pennsylvania....................................................         328,433         207,250              37
    Rhode Island....................................................          12,175          10,132              17
    South Carolina..................................................         169,572         109,267              36
    Tennessee.......................................................         291,225         187,250              36
    Virginia........................................................         219,835         162,375              26
    West Virginia...................................................         158,240          81,701              48
    Wisconsin.......................................................         142,759          95,902              33
    Total...........................................................       4,532,790       2,945,046              35
    B. Revised Cost Analyses
        The EPA has revised the cost estimates presented in the November 7, 
    1997 notice. As discussed in Section III.A, Explanation of Revised 
    Budgets, additional emissions sources were included in the emissions 
    budgets and several changes to the emissions inventory were made. Also, 
    revised unit control cost estimates for Selective Catalytic Reduction 
    (SCR) and Selective Non Catalytic Reduction (SNCR) were prepared for 
    non-electricity generating point sources. The revised costs are now 
    more consistent with the way estimates were developed for electricity 
    generating sources. Details on the revised cost analysis are presented 
    in ``Supplemental Ozone Transport Rulemaking Regulatory Analysis'' 
    (Supplemental Regulatory Analysis TSD).
    1. Electricity Generating Sources
        The OTAG recognized the value of market-based approaches to 
    lowering emissions from power plants and large industrial sources. The 
    Agency agrees that a market-based approach with trading is preferable 
    as more cost effective and encourages all States covered by this 
    rulemaking to establish such a program. The Agency's regulatory 
    analysis is based on this view. As in the original proposal analysis, 
    analytical limitations kept EPA from estimating the costs of a single 
    cap-and-trade program for the electric power industry and other large 
    stationary sources. In this SNPR, the analysis of a cap-and-trade 
    program, across all States covered in the rulemaking, is limited to 
    sources in the electric power industry.
        The analysis of the electric power industry has been expanded to 
    include additional electricity-generating sources (see Section III.A, 
    Explanation of Revised Budgets). Additionally, EPA also updated many of 
    the assumptions included in the Integrated Planning Model (IPM), 
    including more recent energy demand forecasts and more recent 
    information on future planned new units. These changes are discussed in 
    the Supplemental Regulatory Analysis TSD.
        The EPA analyzed the cost of a NOX cap-and-trade program 
    with a summer NOX emissions cap of 563,784 tons, assuming 
    reductions are effective by the 2003 ozone season. Annual cost 
    estimates are provided for 2003 and 2007.
    2. Non-Electricity Generating Point Sources
        The costs for non-electricity generating point sources are 
    estimated using two alternative approaches. The first approach, called 
    the Least Cost Scenario, attempts to identify the mix of sources and 
    control technologies that achieve each State's non-electricity 
    generating budget level for point sources at the lowest possible 
    control cost. The sources controlled under the Least Cost Scenario may 
    not be the same sources that are controlled for the purpose of 
    establishing each State's emissions budget. The results of the Least 
    Cost Scenario are a proxy for State-level emissions trading programs 
    free of transactions costs. If it were possible to consider 
    transactions costs, the Least Cost Scenario would result in higher cost 
    estimates than are presented here. On the other hand, if the Least Cost 
    Scenario had been modeled assuming the States participate collectively 
    in a trading program for non-electricity generating sources (i.e., 
    domain-wide trading as modeled in the electricity generating sector), 
    the resulting cost estimates would likely be lower than presented here.
        The second approach, termed the Command-and-Control Scenario, 
    attempts to estimate the cost of controlling just those sources that 
    were used to establish each State's emissions budget. This method does 
    not take into account possible cost savings that can be realized by 
    more efficient regulatory schemes, such as emissions trading, and 
    therefore tends to overstate the cost of meeting the non-electricity 
    generating point source emissions budget.
        The EPA has revised the cost of controls associated with non-
    electricity generating sources based on information previously 
    developed for the revised IPM for electricity generating sources. The 
    new method for estimating SCR and SNCR costs for non-electricity 
    generating sources is now more
    [[Page 25911]]
    consistent with the estimates for electricity generating sources. The 
    annual costs for non-electricity generating sources are estimated based 
    on the 2007 non-electricity generating source emissions projections. 
    Unlike the IPM analysis for electricity generating sources, the cost 
    analysis framework for non-electricity generating sources did not allow 
    distinctions to be made between the estimated annual cost of compliance 
    in 2003 relative to the year 2007. As shown in Section III.B.3, Cost 
    Analysis Results, the electricity generating sector annual cost 
    estimates vary only 5 percent between 2003 and 2007. It is reasonable 
    to believe that non-electricity generating sector annual cost would 
    also not vary significantly between 2003 and 2007.
        For NOX point sources, EPA estimated annual compliance 
    costs for achieving a total summer NOX emissions budget of 
    416,619 tons. This budget is slightly higher (4 percent) than the 
    399,416 ton budget presented in Section III.A.2, Non-Electric 
    Generation Point Sources, because the cost analysis for non-electricity 
    generating point sources was completed before all adjustments to the 
    proposed budgets had been finalized. If the final 399,416 ton budget 
    had been analyzed the cost estimates for non-electricity generating 
    point sources would have been only slightly higher.
    3. Cost Analysis Results
        Tables III-8 and III-9 show the analysis results based on the 
    changes to the proposed emissions budgets and cost methodology 
    improvements. Table III-8 shows the population of sources covered by 
    each element of the cost analysis and the resulting NOX 
    emissions levels. Table III-9 shows the estimated annual compliance 
    costs and average cost effectiveness.
      Table III-8.--Population of Emissions Sources and NOX Emissions After 
                 Compliance with the Ozone Transport Rulemaking             
                                                              Ozone season  
             Budget component               Number of      emissions  (1,000
                                             sources*          NOX tons)    
    Electricity generating sources....              1,757                564
    Non-Electricity generating                                              
     sources: Least Cost--2007........             13,373                409
    Non-Electricity generating                                              
     sources: Command-and-Control-2007              1,774                394
    * The number of electricity generating sources reflects the number of   
      sources in 1996 that were used to establish the summer season NOX     
      budget. The number of non-electricity generating sources reflects     
      sources controlled for the purpose of estimating costs.               
       Table III-9.--Incremental Annual Control Costs and Average Cost Effectiveness for Compliance with the Ozone  
                                                  Transport Rulemaking                                              
                                                                                  Average ozone      Average annual 
                                                               Annual control      season cost            cost      
                        Budget component                       cost  (million   effectiveness  ($/ effectiveness  ($/
                                                               1990 dollars)           ton)               ton)      
    Electricity generating sources--2003...................              1,308              1,455              1,161
    Electricity generating sources--2007...................              1,378              1,469              1,165
    Non-Electricity generating sources: Least Cost--2007...                456              1,500                640
    Non-Electricity generating Sources: Command-and-                                                                
     Control--2007.........................................              1,170              3,700              2,600
        Based on the Least Cost Scenario for non-electricity generating 
    sources, the incremental annual cost of the proposed SIP call in 2007 
    for both electricity and non-electricity generating sources is $1.8 
    billion (1990 dollars).
    IV. SIP Criteria and Emissions Inventory Reporting Requirements
    A. SIP Criteria
    1. Introduction
        The November 7, 1997 NPR explained that each State would be 
    required to submit a SIP demonstrating ``that each State will meet the 
    assigned statewide emission budget'' (62 FR 60365). It further 
    explained that each ``SIP revision should include the following general 
    elements related to the regional strategy: (1) Baseline 2007 statewide 
    NOX emissions inventory (which includes growth and existing 
    control requirements)--this would generally be the emissions inventory 
    that was used to calculate the required statewide budget; (2) a list 
    and description of control measures to meet [the] statewide budget; (3) 
    fully-adopted State rules for the regional transport strategy with 
    compliance dates providing for control between September 2002 and 
    September 2004, depending on the date EPA adopts in its final 
    rulemaking; (4) clearly documented growth factors and control 
    assumptions; and (5) a 2007 projected inventory that demonstrates that 
    the State measures along with national measures will achieve the State 
    budget in 2007.'' Id.
        The purpose of this Section is to identify criteria for determining 
    completeness and approvability of a State submittal in response to the 
    final SIP call. The criteria are set forth in proposed regulatory 
    language (40 CFR 51.121). In addition, this section describes the 
    actions the Agency intends to take if a State fails to make a 
    submittal, or the Agency makes a finding of incompleteness or 
    disapproves the SIP.
    2. Completeness Determination
        Any submittal that is made with respect to the final SIP call first 
    will be determined to be either incomplete or complete. A finding of 
    completeness means that EPA will review the submittal to determine 
    whether it is approvable. It is not a determination that the submittal 
    is approvable; rather, it means the submittal is administratively and 
    technically sufficient for EPA to determine whether it meets the 
    statutory and regulatory requirements for approval. In order for any 
    submittal to be complete, 40 CFR 51.121 provides that the submittal 
    must meet the criteria described in 40 CFR, part 51, Appendix V, 
    ``Criteria for Determining the Completeness of Plan Submissions.'' 
    These criteria apply generally to SIP submissions and so should be 
    familiar to States submitting transport SIPs.
        Section 1.2 of Appendix V, in accordance with section 110(k)(1) of 
    [[Page 25912]]
    CAA, requires EPA to notify States within 60 days of EPA's receipt of a 
    submittal, but no later than 6 months after the submittal is due. If a 
    completeness determination is not made within 6 months after 
    submission, the submittal is deemed complete by operation of law. For 
    purposes of rules submitted in response to the SIP call, EPA intends to 
    make completeness determinations expeditiously. In addition, EPA 
    expects to make findings of failure to submit no later than the Agency 
    makes completeness determinations.
        A finding of failure to submit or incompleteness triggers an 18-
    month sanctions clock that can only be stopped by an affirmative EPA 
    finding that the State has made a complete submittal. The findings also 
    trigger the requirement that EPA promulgate a Federal implementation 
    plan (FIP) within 2 years of the date of the finding, if the deficiency 
    has not yet been corrected. The EPA intends to propose FIPs in the fall 
    of 1998 and move quickly to promulgate a FIP where necessary. In 
    addition, sanctions and FIP clocks are triggered if a State submits a 
    complete SIP, but EPA subsequently disapproves it, in whole or in 
        \2\ A more detailed discussion of sanctions and FIPs appeared in 
    the November 7, 1997 NPR at page 60368-69.
    3. Approvability Criteria
        In the November 7, 1997 NPR, EPA highlighted several general 
    elements that must be included in ozone transport SIP revisions. 
    Without these general elements, a SIP submission will not be approved. 
    This Section (1) identifies EPA's proposed additional approvability 
    criteria for control strategies that will help States meet their 
    NOX budgets; and (2) provides guidance to assist States in 
    preparing emissions inventories for purposes of identifying emissions 
    benefits of possible control strategies. The existing guidance 
    documents listed below will help States incorporate existing EPA 
    guidance into their SIPs. Much of the pertinent guidance is available 
        Each State must start with a baseline 2007 statewide NOX 
    emissions inventory, including growth and existing control 
    requirements. The 2007 projected control inventory must demonstrate 
    that the State measures, along with national measures, will achieve the 
    State budget in 2007. The EPA has issued documents to assist States in 
    developing emissions inventories. Specifically, these documents 
    describe how to clearly define the particular control measures and 
    document the methods used to estimate emissions reductions from 
    implementation measures. A State need not define these measures in its 
    SIP to the extent it chooses to achieve the required reductions through 
    the model rule for the NOX Budget Trading Program, which is 
    being proposed in this notice.
        a. Additional Control Strategy Approvability Criteria.
        i. Introduction. The approvability criteria for transport SIP 
    submissions appear in proposed 40 CFR 51.121. Most of the criteria are 
    substantially identical to those that already apply to attainment SIPs. 
    For example, each submission must describe the control measures that 
    the State intends to employ, identify the enforcement methods for 
    monitoring compliance and handling violations, and demonstrate that the 
    State has legal authority to carry out its plan. This part of the 
    preamble focuses on approvability criteria that are being proposed for 
    the first time to ensure States meet their NOX budgets.
        ii. General Recommendations. As discussed in the NPR (62 FR 60365-
    66), regulatory requirements that employ a maximum mass emissions 
    limitation for a source or group of sources provide the greatest 
    certainty that a specific level of emissions will be attained and 
    maintained. With respect to transport of pollution, a mass emissions 
    limitation also provides the greatest assurance to downwind States that 
    air emissions from upwind States will be effectively managed over time. 
    Regulatory requirements designed and enforced as an emissions rate 
    limitation can achieve a measurable emissions reduction, but the 
    targeted level of emissions may or may not be reached depending on the 
    actual activity level of the affected source(s). Finally, regulatory 
    requirements designed as a specific technology or measure have the 
    greatest uncertainty for achieving a targeted emissions level due to 
    uncertainty in both the activity level of the affected source(s) and 
    uncertainty in the effectiveness of the technology or measure.
        Based on the desire to establish regulatory requirements with the 
    greatest likelihood of achieving and maintaining the statewide 
    NOX emissions budget, EPA recommends that, to the maximum 
    extent practicable, all regulatory requirements be in the form of a 
    maximum level of emissions for a source or group of sources. The EPA 
    recognizes that this option may be difficult for some sources because 
    the available emissions control options may be limited, and the 
    techniques for quantifying mass emissions to ensure compliance with a 
    tonnage budget may not be adequate.
        iii. New Proposed Approval Criteria. While mass emissions 
    limitations may be difficult for some sources, EPA believes that, if 
    the State chooses to meet the budget through control requirements for 
    electric generators and large industrial boilers, the State can 
    feasibly require these sources to quantify mass emissions through 
    reasonably available measurement technology. For this reason, as well 
    as others discussed below, EPA proposes the following additional SIP 
    approvability criteria which would apply if the State selected 
    regulatory requirements covering NOX sources serving 
    electric generators with a nameplate capacity greater than 25 MWe and 
    boilers with a maximum design heat input greater than 250 mmBtu/hr:
         Regulatory requirements to meet the 2007 budget for these 
    sources would need to be expressed in one of three ways: (1) In terms 
    of mass emissions, which would limit total emissions from a source or 
    group of sources; (2) in terms of emissions rates that when multiplied 
    by the affected sources' maximum operating capacity would meet the 
    tonnage component of the emissions budget for this source or for these 
    sources; or (3) an alternative approach for expressing regulatory 
    requirements, provided the State demonstrates to EPA that its 
    alternative provides equivalent or greater assurance than options (1) 
    or (2) that seasonal emissions budgets will be attained and maintained.
         Sources would be required to demonstrate that they have 
    met these applicable emissions control provisions using continuous 
    emissions monitors. Further, EPA is taking comment on whether sources 
    should be required to demonstrate that they met these requirements 
    using the monitoring provisions of the Acid Rain Program for monitoring 
    NOX mass emissions in 40 CFR part 75.
        The EPA believes control approaches and monitoring for this group 
    \3\ of sources have advanced to the point that complying with, 
    tracking, and enforcing a maximum mass emissions limitation or tonnage 
    budget is reasonable. A variety of regulatory programs are currently in 
    use or under development that utilize a mass emissions limitation for 
    large combustion devices. These
    [[Page 25913]]
    regulatory systems include the EPA's Acid Rain Program for sulfur 
    dioxide (SO2) emissions, the South Coast Air Quality 
    Management District's Regional Clean Air Incentives Market for 
    SO2 and NOX, and the Ozone Transport Commission's 
    NOX Budget Program. Experience with these regulatory 
    programs indicates that establishing a tonnage budget for large 
    combustion sources is currently feasible and cost effective. These 
    approaches exist because there is a range of reasonable options 
    available for controlling emissions from these sources. In general, 
    large combustion sources have several effective control options for 
    reducing NOX emissions, including combustion modifications, 
    post-combustion technologies, and fuel switching. This range of options 
    provides flexibility for these sources or groups of sources to maintain 
    a tonnage budget for emissions.
        \3\ NOX sources serving electric generators with a 
    nameplate capacity greater than 25 MWe and boilers with a maximum 
    design heat input greater than 250 mmBtu/hr.
        For measuring emissions, continuous emissions monitors, currently 
    installed at most sources participating in these programs, provide 
    accurate, complete and timely accounting of emissions which enable the 
    administrators of these programs to easily track and enforce emissions 
    on a mass emissions basis. Therefore, EPA proposes that all of the 
    sources in this group must employ continuous emissions monitoring. 
    Further, EPA seeks comment on what specifications, if any, to require 
    for such continuous emissions monitoring systems (CEMS). More 
    specifically, EPA is taking comment on requiring these sources to meet 
    the NOX mass emissions monitoring and reporting provisions 
    that are contained in a proposed new subpart to the monitoring and 
    reporting provisions of the acid rain regulations in 40 CFR part 75. 
    These revisions are being proposed in a separate notice entitled ``Acid 
    Rain Program; Continuous Emission Monitoring Revisions'' that will be 
    published in the Federal Register in the near future. Electric utility 
    units have been meeting the current 40 CFR part 75 requirements since 
    at least 1995. The EPA believes that the proposed 40 CFR part 75 
    provisions will provide accurate monitoring of NOX mass 
    emissions and also provide flexibility, particularly for smaller and 
    infrequently operated sources. Additional information on the proposed 
    40 CFR part 75 requirements can be found in Section V.C.9.a, 
    Requirements for Point Sources. Also, EPA has prepared a memorandum for 
    the docket that compares the proposed provisions of 40 CFR part 75 to 
    other available CEMS requirements.\4\
        \4\ See Memorandum from Kevin Culligan, EPA, Acid Rain Division, 
    to Docket regarding ``Transport SIP Call: Potential Continuous 
    Emissions Monitoring Systems Requirements'' April 8, 1998, Docket 
    Number A-96-56, IV-B-01.
        Another reason that States choosing to control electricity 
    generating sources should use available means to assure that the 
    source's mass emissions stay within the State's projected levels is 
    that recent changes in the utility industry may foster substantial 
    shifts in electricity production from State to State for market 
    reasons. Given the changing market forces in the electricity generating 
    industry today, State measures to limit electricity generating unit 
    emission rates without accounting for potential utilization increases 
    would provide little assurance that mass emissions from these sources 
    would be reduced to the levels necessary to meet the proposed budgets. 
    For this reason, too, EPA believes that regulatory requirements for 
    large combustion sources to meet a State's NOX budget can 
    and should be expressed and enforced as mass emissions limitations or 
    an alternative providing equivalent assurance that the mass reductions 
    will occur.
        Finally, while EPA has not heretofore imposed the proposed 
    approvability criteria on State ozone control measures, EPA believes 
    they are reasonable (as described above) and appropriate in the context 
    of this transport rulemaking. This SIP call addresses the regional 
    problem of emissions transport--i.e., the problem of one State's effect 
    on one or more other States. The EPA believes it is appropriate to take 
    reasonable and feasible steps to minimize the potential ``commons'' 
    phenomenon inherent in this problem. Under the theory of the commons, a 
    State has less interest in controlling pollution that is produced 
    within its borders but primarily affects the health of non-residents, 
    compared to its interest in controlling pollution that has intrastate 
    effects. The additional approvability criteria proposed today offer 
    downwind States the assurance that upwind States, to the extent they 
    elect to control the applicable group of sources, will implement 
    measures that offer transparent certainty of success. Given the 
    availability of reasonable measures to control the applicable group of 
    sources in this way, and the potential for substantial shifts in 
    utilization in the utility sector in coming years, EPA believes it is 
    appropriate for this transport SIP call to propose additional SIP 
    approvability criteria to address the potential commons phenomenon.\5\
        \5\ Authority for the proposed additional SIP approval criteria 
    described above resides in sections 110(a) and 301(a) of the Clean 
    Air Act. Specifically, the requirement in section 110(a)(2)(A) that 
    SIPs include enforceable emissions limitations and other control 
    measures ``as may be necessary or appropriate'' to meet the Clean 
    Air Act, together with the requirement in section 110(a)(2)(D) that 
    SIPs include ``adequate provisions'' to mitigate certain transport 
    effects on other States, implicitly authorize EPA to impose the 
    additional SIP approval criteria described above to ensure that 
    affected States adequately mitigate their contribution to ozone 
    transport, given the reasons and circumstances described above. 
    Additionally, section 301(a) grants EPA broad authority to prescribe 
    such regulations as are necessary to carry out its functions under 
    the Clean Air Act. The proposed additional SIP approval criteria are 
    necessary for EPA to meet its obligation to approve only SIPs that 
    contain ``necessary or appropriate'' and ``adequate'' provisions for 
    the applicable State to mitigate its contribution to ozone 
        To assist States with the development and implementation of an 
    emissions budget for large combustion sources, EPA is proposing the 
    NOX Budget Trading Program in section V of today's notice. 
    States may voluntarily choose to participate in the NOX 
    Budget Trading Program by adopting the model rule. This multistate 
    trading program would provide sources the flexibility and cost 
    effectiveness of a market based system, while meeting the additional 
    SIP approvability criteria for States that are proposed in this 
        The EPA intends to approve the portion of any State's SIP 
    submission that adopts the model rule, provided: (1) The State has the 
    legal authority to adopt the model rule and implement its 
    responsibilities under the model rule, and (2) the SIP submission 
    accurately reflects the NOX reductions to be expected from 
    the State's adoption of the model rule. As noted above, today's action 
    proposes that transport SIP submissions comply with various approval 
    criteria that are substantially identical to existing approval criteria 
    for attainment SIPs. Those criteria include: (1) A demonstration by the 
    State that it has the legal authority to adopt and implement each of 
    the control measures contained in the SIP submission, and (2) a 
    demonstration of the expected emissions reductions to be achieved from 
    each new control measure. Provided a State meets these two criteria 
    with respect to its adoption of the model rule, then EPA intends to 
    approve the model rule portion of the State's SIP submission.
        A State or group of States may also choose to develop, adopt, and 
    implement their own cap-and-trade program separate from today's 
    proposed NOX Budget Trading Program. In developing these 
    alternative programs,
    [[Page 25914]]
    States should follow the available guidance in the Economic Incentive 
    Program requirements (see 40 CFR part 51, subpart U) and EPA's 
    Emissions Trading Policy Statement (see 51 FR 43814, December 4, 1986) 
    in addition to the transport SIP approval criteria in proposed 40 CFR 
        Regulatory requirements used to meet the 2007 budget for other 
    sources not identified in the above description may be expressed as (1) 
    a mass emissions limit, (2) an emissions rate, or (3) specific 
    technology or measure. As discussed above, EPA recognizes that it may 
    not be reasonable to require regulatory requirements to be expressed as 
    mass emissions limitations for all of these sources because of 
    limitations with control options and the ability to measure mass 
    emissions. Moreover, EPA believes that the likelihood of substantial 
    shifts in demand (and corresponding changes in emissions compared to 
    historical actuals) is lower for these other sources. Therefore, EPA 
    believes there is substantially less risk with respect to these sources 
    that past representative production rates will prove unreliable 
    predictors of future activity. However, EPA recommends that mass 
    emissions budgets also be used for these sources to the maximum extent 
        The EPA solicits comments on the proposed SIP approvability 
    criteria for regulatory requirements that govern emissions from large 
    combustion sources. In addition, EPA solicits comments as to the 
    reasonableness of expressing regulatory requirements as mass emissions 
    limitations for other sources.
        b. Emissions Inventory Preparation Guidance and Control Strategies 
    Guidance. This Section presents guidance that States should follow when 
    initiating the planning and development of an emissions inventory. The 
    documents referenced below describe control measures a State may wish 
    to consider for purposes of meeting a statewide NOX budget. 
    Most of these documents can be obtained directly by computer download 
    from the EPA's Clearinghouse for Inventories and Emission Factors 
    (CHIEF) Web Site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief) or by contacting the 
    InfoCHIEF helpline at (919) 541-5285.
        Descriptions of a number of potential data sources that can be 
    consulted for emission estimation methods are provided below. Site-
    specific source tests are generally expected to provide a better 
    estimate for the tested site than average emission factors (including 
    factors cited in ``Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors (AP-
    42)'') derived from testing at similar sources. Site-specific tests 
    should be based on a reliable test procedure and should represent 
    typical operating conditions at the site before being assumed to be 
    superior to an average emission factor. The CEMS data for a given site 
    can be considered a superior form of site-specific source test data. 
    Material balances for NOX sources, and particularly 
    combustion NOX sources, are not appropriate and should not 
    be used.
        If reliable site-specific tests or calculation methods are not 
    available or are not feasible to use for all sources, an emission 
    factor or emission model approach can be used. The EPA's Factor 
    Information Retrieval (FIRE) Data System provides a searchable 
    electronic listing of all criteria, toxic, and greenhouse gas emission 
    factors appearing through the latest printed AP-42 supplement for 
    stationary sources. The FIRE database also contains a number of non-AP-
    42 factors, but only for sources where no AP-42 factor exists. In 
    addition, FIRE contains a reference indicating if the factor is from 
    AP-42 or another source, and it contains the factor quality rating if 
    one exists. Note that mobile source emission factors do not appear in 
    FIRE. The most recently finished AP-42 stationary source revisions can 
    only be found on the CHIEF web site (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/
        If an emission factor is not available from one of the above 
    sources, or if the inventory preparer wants to improve the emissions 
    estimates for sources deemed significant, the following data sources 
    may be of use.
         ``Volume I, Introduction to the Emission Inventory 
    Improvement Program (EIIP)'' (EPA-454/R-97-004a)--
         ``Volume II, Preferred and Alternative Methods for 
    Estimating Air Emissions from Point Sources'' (EPA-454/R-97-004b)--
         ``Volume III, Preferred and Alternative Methods for 
    Estimating Air Emissions from Area Sources'' (EPA-454/R-97-004c)--
         ``Volume IV, Preferred and Alternative Methods for 
    Estimating Air Emissions from Mobile Sources'' (EPA-454/R-97-004d)--
         ``Procedures for the Preparation of Emission Inventories 
    for Carbon Monoxide and Precursors of Ozone, Volume I: General Guidance 
    for Stationary Sources'' (EPA-450/4-91-016)--
        This document provides general procedures for estimating emissions 
    from point and area stationary sources; it may still be useful for 
    estimating emissions from area sources that are not yet covered in the 
    EIIP area source guidance document (e.g., small publicly owned 
    treatment works, aircraft refueling, on-site incineration, residential 
    heating (excluding wood fuel), barge and tank drum cleaning). It is not 
    available in electronic form. Paper copies are available from the 
    InfoCHIEF help desk (919) 541-5285.
         ``Procedures for the Preparation of Emission Inventories 
    for Carbon Monoxide and Precursors of Ozone, Volume II: Emission 
    Inventory Requirements for Photochemical Air Quality Simulation 
    Models'' (Revised) (EPA-450/R-92-026)--
        This document offers technical assistance to those engaged in the 
    planning and development of detailed emissions inventories for use in 
    photochemical air quality simulation models. It includes guidance for 
    identifying and incorporating the additional detail required by 
    photochemical air quality simulation models into an existing base year 
    inventory. It is not available in electronic form. Paper copies are 
    available from the InfoCHIEF help desk (919) 541-5285.
         ``Procedures for Emission Inventory Preparation, Vol. IV: 
    Mobile Sources'' (EPA-450/4-81-026d [Revised]) (You can download a 
    zipped WordPerfect file of this document from the ``Emission Inventory 
    Guidance'' Section of the CHIEF Web Site.)
        c. Growth estimates. In order for EPA to approve a SIP for the 
    proposed Ozone Transport Rule, the State must clearly document growth 
    factors and control assumptions used in the budget calculations. To the 
    extent the State uses EPA growth factors and control assumptions, the 
    SIP need only include a statement attesting to this. If a State wants 
    to substitute its own growth factors or control assumptions in the 
    budget analysis, it must provide adequate justification for using the 
    alternative numbers. As stated in the November 7, 1997 NPR (62 FR 
    60367), EPA believes it is important that consistent emissions growth 
    estimates be used for the State's budget
    [[Page 25915]]
    demonstration and for EPA's calculation of the required statewide 
    emissions budget. The EPA will evaluate any revision to these growth 
    factors or control assumptions that is suggested during the comment 
    period on this rule and may recalculate the required statewide budget 
    to reflect the State's change. Because the revised growth estimates 
    will be included in EPA's budget calculation, lower growth rates could 
    not be considered part of a State's NOX control strategy to 
    attain that budget unless the change in growth is the result of clearly 
    identified control strategies that can be shown to provide real, 
    permanent, and quantifiable changes in growth. In the November 7, 1997 
    NPR, EPA encouraged States to request any changes to growth estimates 
    or control assumptions during the comment period for the proposal so 
    that budgets given in the final rulemaking would reflect these changes. 
    Guidance on how to prepare emission growth and projections is listed 
        The EPA is currently considering an optional alternative approach 
    for States to use to meet the major source offset requirements under 
    section 173 of the Act (new source review (NSR) for nonattainment 
    areas).6 This approach would allow States to create an 
    offset ``pool'' composed of actual emissions reductions that generally 
    will be achieved as a result of NOX control strategies 
    adopted in response to the SIP call. To create an offset pool, at the 
    time States revise their SIPs to include statewide NOX 
    control measures, under certain conditions states could set aside a 
    subset of their emissions reductions generated from those measures for 
    the purpose of offsetting anticipated emissions increases of ozone 
    precursors from new and modified major sources that would be subject to 
    nonattainment NSR preconstruction permitting. (The EPA is considering 
    modifying the NSR regulations to consider both NOX and VOC 
    ozone precursors in all areas. Under such an approach, for offset 
    purposes, VOC emissions increases from new and modified major sources 
    could be offset with NOX emissions decreases where 
        \6\ The EPA is not now seeking comment on the optional 
    alternative approach of an offset pool. The approach is described 
    here solely for the purpose of informing States of the potential for 
    such an approach and its potential relationship to the growth 
    estimates in the SIP call rulemaking. If EPA pursues this approach, 
    the agency will propose it for comment in a separate Federal 
    Register notice and intends to take final action by the end of this 
    year. In particular, to the extent that the offset pool option might 
    elaborate upon or vary from existing Agency policy or guidance, such 
    differences will be addressed in the later notice.
        The EPA currently anticipates that those States subject to the 
    NOX SIP call will be able to take advantage of the offset 
    pool idea, as compliance with the SIP call will necessitate emissions 
    reductions that are likely to be creditable as offsets. Specifically, 
    because States' budgets under the SIP call account for a certain 
    increment of new major source growth, states may set aside that 
    increment in an offset pool and still comply with the budgets mandated 
    by the SIP call. Thus, to take full advantage of the offset pool 
    approach, States would need to ensure that they have projected 
    sufficient growth considering major new sources and major modifications 
    to existing major sources that will be locating in existing and new 
    nonattainment areas. In general, EPA believes that sufficient growth 
    assumptions have been built into the budget calculations to allow an 
    adequate margin for new source offsets. Nevertheless, before EPA 
    finalizes the NOX budgets, States have an opportunity to 
    reevaluate and adjust growth factors and control assumptions to ensure 
    that the final budgets accurately reflect State-specific forecasts of 
    major new source growth. Consequently, EPA recommends that States 
    covered by this rulemaking and interested in using offset pools review 
    their emissions growth assumptions and projections for anticipated new 
    and modified major sources that will become part of their 2007 baseline 
    emissions inventories under this rulemaking to ensure that growth 
    projections accurately reflect the expected new emissions that will be 
    required to be offset under major NSR.
        d. Emissions Growth Projection Guidance.
         ``Procedures for Preparing Emissions Projections'' EPA-
    450/4-91-019, July 1991 (Hard copy only available).
         ``Guidance for Growth factors, Projections, and Control 
    Strategies for the 15 Percent Rate-Of-Progress Plans'' EPA 452/R-93-
    002, March 1993 (Hard copy only available).
    B. Emissions Reporting Requirements for States
        As stated in the November 7, 1997 NPR, the EPA believes it is 
    essential that compliance with the regional control strategy be 
    verified. Tracking emissions is the principal mechanism to ensure 
    compliance with the budget and to assure the downwind affected States 
    and EPA that the ozone transport problem is being mitigated. Emissions 
    reporting requirements for States subject to this SIP call are 
    discussed in this Section.
    1. Use of Inventory Data
        If tracking and periodic reports indicate that a State is not 
    implementing all of its NOX control measures beginning in 
    September 2002 7 or is off track to meet its statewide 
    budget by 2007, EPA will work with the State to determine the reasons 
    for noncompliance and what course of remedial action is needed. The EPA 
    will expect the State to submit a plan showing what steps it will take 
    to correct the problems. As described more fully in the NPR (62 FR 
    60364--60369), noncompliance with the NOX transport SIP may 
    lead EPA to make a finding of failure to implement the SIP and 
    potentially to implement sanctions, if the State does not take 
    corrective action within a specified time period.
        \7\ In this discussion of reporting requirements, September 2002 
    is presumed to be the compliance date for NOX transport 
    call controls. As discussed earlier, the final rule may adopt a 
    different date for compliance which may, in turn, affect the dates 
    in the final requirements for State reporting.
        The EPA will use 2007 data to assess how each State's SIP actually 
    performed in meeting the statewide NOX emissions budget. If 
    emissions exceed the required budget in any year after 2006, the 
    control strategies in the SIP will need to be strengthened. The EPA 
    will evaluate the circumstances for the budget failure and may issue a 
    call for States to revise their SIPs, as appropriate.
    2. Legal Authority
        The legal authority for the proposed State reporting requirements 
    described in this Section resides in sections 110(a) and 301(a) of the 
    Clean Air Act. Specifically, the requirement in section 110(a)(2)(D) 
    that SIPs include ``adequate provisions'' to mitigate certain transport 
    effects on other States implicitly authorizes emissions inventory 
    reporting to EPA, as reporting will be needed and appropriate to verify 
    that a State is in fact meeting its NOX budget. Section 
    110(a)(2)(F) provides additional authority for requiring that SIP call 
    submissions include provisions for emissions reporting by sources to a 
    State, correlation of source information by the State, and steps by the 
    State to make the correlated information available to the public. 
    Section 110(a)(2)(K), in turn, requires a State to submit to EPA as 
    requested, data related to modeling the effect of NOX and 
    other emissions on ambient air quality. The reported emissions 
    inventory data described in this Section will be used by EPA in air 
    quality modeling to assess the effectiveness of the transport 
    rulemaking's regional strategy. Finally, section 301(a) grants EPA 
    [[Page 25916]]
    authority to prescribe such regulations as are necessary to carry out 
    its functions under the CAA. These proposed regulations are necessary 
    for EPA to properly carry out its evaluation of compliance with the SIP 
    3. Background for Reporting Requirements
        In the November 7, 1997 NPR, EPA indicated that it intended to work 
    with affected States to determine what reporting procedures are needed 
    to provide adequate assurance that the emissions budgets are being 
    achieved. On January 13, 1998, EPA held a 1-day workshop with the 
    States to discuss tracking issues. The objectives of the workshop were 
    to determine what type and frequency of inventory reporting are 
    feasible for the different source sectors (power generating sources, 
    other point sources, area sources, and mobile sources) to identify key 
    reporting issues related to each sector, and to develop recommendations 
    on reporting requirements to ensure compliance with the SIP call. The 
    goal was to share information and ideas rather than to reach consensus. 
    A summary of the meeting is contained in the docket (docket number V-B-
    18) for this rulemaking.
        The workshop participants generally thought that existing reporting 
    requirements for attainment SIPs should be used whenever possible to 
    minimize any new reporting burden. The States further recommended that 
    the degree of reporting rigor should be directly related to the sectors 
    that the State chooses to control in its NOX transport 
    strategy. Reporting every 3 years was considered feasible for all 
    source sectors. Reporting on an annual basis was considered both 
    achievable and necessary for all source sectors that a State chooses to 
    regulate specifically for the purpose of meeting the NOX 
    budgets proposed in the SIP call. This would include all NOX 
    sources within the State which are subject to measures included by the 
    State in its transport SIP revision in response to this SIP call. In 
    addition, it was noted that sources or source categories that would be 
    participating in a trading program would need to meet the reporting 
    protocols specific to that program. Consideration was also given to 
    establishing uniform monitoring and reporting requirements and a 
    centralized data base for reporting for other sources. Several States 
    indicated support for this concept if there were easy access to the 
    data by all parties. For all source sectors, the States suggested that 
    emissions rather than indicators should be reported.
    4. Proposal
        After taking into account the suggestions on tracking of the 
    participants in the workshop, EPA today is proposing inventory 
    reporting requirements for States subject to the NOX SIP 
    call. The regulatory text appears in proposed Sec. 51.122 and is 
    described below.
        The EPA is proposing that States report emissions annually starting 
    with data for the year 2003 8 for any emissions source 
    (point, area, or mobile) to which additional controls are being applied 
    for the purpose of meeting the NOX budget, with certain 
    exceptions as discussed below, and from any emissions source that will 
    either sell or buy NOX emission allowances. The EPA is also 
    proposing that States develop and submit comprehensive statewide 
    NOX inventories, including all NOX sources, 
    controlled and uncontrolled, every 3 years, starting with data for the 
    year 2002.
        \8\ 2003 would be the year for which the data would be reported. 
    The actual reporting schedule is given in the Reporting Schedule 
        The tracking requirements for meeting the NOX SIP call 
    budget attempt to make use of existing inventory reporting mechanisms 
    as much as possible so that existing requirements are not duplicated. 
    However, the reporting requirements outlined below are more 
    comprehensive than current reporting requirements for attainment SIPs 
    in two respects. This is because EPA proposes that States report 
    emissions from area sources and mobile sources annually if the State 
    adopts new measures to reduce emissions from these sources for purposes 
    of meeting the NOX budget. Currently, there is no annual 
    reporting requirement for area or mobile sources. In addition, States 
    are not currently required to report on a 3 year cycle emissions from 
    area and mobile sources in attainment areas. States would be required 
    to report Statewide area and mobile source ozone season emissions every 
    third year under the proposed requirements.
        Details of reporting for specific source types are set forth below.
    5. Annual Reporting
        Annual NOX emissions reporting requirements for point, 
    area and mobile source emissions are to start for the year 2003. The 
    State must submit annual reports for all sources the State chooses to 
    regulate specifically for the purpose of meeting the NOX 
    budgets proposed in the SIP call. This would include all NOX 
    sources within the State which are subject to measures included by the 
    State in its transport SIP revision in response to this SIP call. For 
    example, a State would not have to submit an annual report for 
    NOX emissions for a cement kiln which was controlled prior 
    to 1998 for RACT purposes. However, if the State chose to go beyond 
    RACT requirements for the cement kiln in order to meet its budget, the 
    State would have to report annually the emissions for the source. 
    Emissions inventory reports are to be submitted according to the 
    Reporting Schedule Section below.
        a. Point Sources.9 The EPA proposes that States be 
    required to report NOX emissions annually for all point 
    sources that are subject to regulations specifically for the purpose of 
    meeting the NOX budgets proposed in this SIP call. The State 
    must report emissions from such point sources both for the whole year 
    and for the ozone season (May 1 to September 30). The direct reporting 
    from sources to EPA of data used for compliance with the requirements 
    of a trading program meeting the requirements of 40 CFR Part 96 can be 
    used to satisfy this requirement. The EPA is also taking comment on 
    requiring electrical generating units and large industrial boilers to 
    use the monitoring provisions in 40 CFR Part 75 to account for their 
    emissions. This topic is more thoroughly discussed in Section IV.A.3, 
    Approvability Criteria.
        \9\ The EPA is proposing to define point source for this rule as 
    a non-mobile source which emits 100 tons or more per year of 
    NOX emissions. Non-mobile sources which emit less than 
    100 tons per year of NOX would be considered area 
    sources. This definition of point source is consistent with current 
    reporting requirements for NOX emissions.
        b. Area Sources. The EPA proposes that the State determine area 
    source NOX ozone season emissions for source categories that 
    are controlled beyond otherwise applicable Federal, State or local 
    measures to meet the NOX budget and report these annually to 
    EPA. A State need not report annually the emissions from an area source 
    sector if the State does not require additional NOX 
    reductions from that sector in order to meet the transport rule's 
    NOX budget.
        c. Mobile Sources. The EPA proposes that a State determine 
    statewide mobile source NOX ozone season emissions and 
    report these to EPA annually if the State is requiring additional 
    controls for purposes of meeting the NOX budget. Reductions 
    from Federal measures are already assumed in the budget. A State need 
    not report annually the emissions from mobile sources if the State does 
    not require additional NOX reductions from that sector in 
    order to meet the transport rule's NOX budget.
    [[Page 25917]]
    6. Reporting Every Third Year (3-Year Cycle or Triennial Reporting)
        Consistent with current 3-year reporting requirements, EPA proposes 
    that for every third year, starting in 2002, States would be required 
    to submit to EPA statewide NOX emissions data from all 
    NOX sources (point, area, and mobile) within the 
    State.10 These data would include data from all source 
    categories in the State regardless of whether those sources are being 
    controlled to meet the requirements of the transport rulemaking. For 
    triennial reporting for area and mobile sources, only ozone season 
    emissions must be reported. For triennial reporting for point sources, 
    both ozone season and annual emissions must be reported.
        \10\ The actual submittal of data by the State would only be 
    required 12 months after the end of 2002. The data should be 
    submitted according to the schedule in the Reporting Schedule 
    7. 2007 Report
        The EPA proposes that in 2007, States submit to EPA statewide 
    NOX emissions data from all NOX sources (point, 
    area, and mobile) within the State. This would include data from all 
    source categories in the State regardless of whether those sources are 
    being controlled to meet the requirements of the transport rulemaking. 
    For the 2007 report, only ozone season emissions must be reported for 
    area and mobile sources, while both ozone season and annual emissions 
    must be reported for point sources. The data reporting requirements are 
    identical to the reporting requirements for the 3-year cycle 
    inventories, and this reporting requirement is being proposed to allow 
    evaluation of whether budget requirements are met for 2007. This one-
    time special inventory is necessary because the ordinary 3-year 
    reporting cycle does not fall in the year 2007. States which must 
    submit the 2007 inventory may project incremental changes in emissions 
    from 2007 to 2008 to allow the 2008 inventory requirement to be more 
    easily met and to reduce the burden on States which must submit full 
    NOX inventories in consecutive years, i.e., 2007 and 2008.
    8. Ozone Season Reporting
        The EPA is proposing that the States provide ozone-season 
    inventories for the sources for which the State reports annual, 
    triennial and 2007 emissions. The ozone season emissions may be 
    calculated from annual data by prorating emissions from the ozone 
    season by utilization factors that must be reported and that are 
    further defined in 40 CFR 51.122. For area and mobile sources, only 
    ozone season data must be reported for the annual, triennial, and 2007 
    inventories. For point sources, the State must report emissions for the 
    whole year, as well as for the ozone season, since States are already 
    required under other existing inventory provisions to submit the data 
    for the whole year. For the annual report, emissions need only be 
    reported for source categories that a State chooses to regulate 
    specifically for the purpose of meeting the NOX budgets 
    proposed in the SIP call. This would include all NOX sources 
    within the State which are subject to measures included by the State in 
    its transport SIP revision in response to this SIP call. For the 
    triennial and 2007 reports, ozone season emissions from all 
    NOX source categories within the State, controlled or 
    uncontrolled, must be reported. The EPA is proposing that each State 
    provide its ozone season calculation method to EPA for approval.
    9. Data Reporting Procedures
        When submitting a formal NOX budget emissions report and 
    associated data, the State should formally notify the appropriate EPA 
    Regional Office of its activities. The EPA proposes that States would 
    be required to report emissions data in an electronic format to the 
    location given below. Several options are available for data reporting. 
    The State may choose to continue reporting to the EPA Aerometric 
    Information Retrieval System (AIRS) using the AIRS facility subsystem 
    (AFS) format for point sources. (This option will continue for point 
    sources for some period of time after AIRS is reengineered (before 
    2002), at which time this choice may be discontinued or modified.) A 
    second option is for the State to convert its emissions data into the 
    Emission Inventory Improvement Program/Electronic Data Interchange 
    (EIIP/EDI) format. This file can then be made available to any 
    requestor, either using E-mail, floppy disk, or value added network, or 
    can be placed on a file transfer protocol (FTP) site. As a third 
    option, the State may submit its emissions data in a proprietary format 
    based on the EIIP data model. For the last two options, the terms 
    ``submitting'' and ``reporting'' data are defined as either providing 
    the data in the EIIP/EDI format or the EIIP based data model 
    proprietary format to EPA, Office of Air Quality Planning and 
    Standards, Emission Factors and Inventory Group, directly or notifying 
    that group that the data are available in the specified format and at a 
    specific electronic location (e.g., FTP site). A fourth option for 
    annual reporting (not for third year reports) is to have sources submit 
    the data directly to EPA. This option will be available to any source 
    in a State that is both participating in a trading program meeting the 
    requirements of 40 CFR part 96 and that has agreed to submit data in 
    this format. The EPA will make both the raw data submitted in this 
    format and summary data available to any State that chooses this 
    option. The EPA also solicits comment on whether this option should be 
    expanded to additional stationary sources.
        For the latest information on data reporting procedures, call the 
    EPA Info Chief help desk at (919) 541-5285 or email to 
    10. Reporting Schedule
        The EPA is proposing that States submit the required annual and 
    triennial emissions inventory reports no later than 12 months after the 
    end of the calendar year for which the data are collected. Because 
    downwind nonattainment areas will be relying on the upwind 
    NOX reductions to assist them in reaching attainment by the 
    required dates, EPA believes it is important that data be submitted as 
    soon as practicable to verify that the necessary emissions reductions 
    are being achieved. Early reports will allow States to more quickly 
    respond to implementation problems detected by the reports. States 
    should formally notify the appropriate EPA Regional Office when making 
    the submittals.
        In a related rulemaking effort, EPA is currently developing the 
    consolidated emissions inventory reporting rule. Among other things, 
    the rule will be proposing that all States in the Nation submit 
    statewide inventories of ozone precursors (NOX, VOC, CO) 
    every 3 years beginning with 1999 data. The third year reporting 
    requirement for the transport rule has been developed to be consistent 
    with that reporting cycle. However, the proposed 2002 start date for 
    the transport rule emissions reports is 3 years later than the start 
    date for the consolidated rule reports. The EPA is considering an 18-
    month reporting schedule for the latter rule. The EPA expects that, as 
    States gain experience in developing statewide emissions inventories, 
    less time will be needed to gather and quality assure the data. Once 
    States have completed the first cycle of reporting for 1999 under the 
    consolidated rule, they may have sufficient procedures in place to 
    allow for an accelerated reporting schedule. Therefore, because of the 
    importance of the NOX inventory reports for determining 
    compliance with the NOX budgets, EPA believes it is 
    [[Page 25918]]
    to require a 12-month reporting schedule for the transport rulemaking.
        The EPA recognizes that there are different constraints on data 
    collection for the point, mobile, and area source categories. 
    Therefore, EPA is also soliciting comment on whether different 
    reporting schedules should be established for the different source 
    categories, such that data that can be obtained more readily should be 
    submitted sooner. For example, because point sources are already known 
    to State agencies, and their operating parameters will not change 
    significantly from year to year, the time needed to collect and quality 
    assure data may be shorter than for the other categories. The new data 
    submission procedures discussed above may allow further reductions in 
    the reporting time. The EPA is soliciting comment on whether the State 
    reporting time for point source emissions should be shortened to no 
    later than 6 or 9 months after the end of the calendar year for which 
    the data are collected.
        For mobile and area sources, the necessary reporting time frames 
    may be longer than for point sources due to the delay in obtaining 
    activity data from information sources outside the inventory preparing 
    agency. In many cases, surveys to collect new activity data are 
    required by the inventory preparing agency to be able to calculate 
    emissions estimates. As with point sources, the new data submission 
    procedures may allow reductions in the reporting time. The EPA is 
    soliciting comment on whether no later than 6 or 9 months after the end 
    of the applicable calendar year would be a feasible time frame for 
    submitting mobile and area source emissions inventory reports.
        If different reporting schedules are established for the different 
    source categories in the final rule, the EPA is proposing that, for the 
    third year complete statewide inventory, States submit a summary report 
    identifying the separate submittals and totaling the statewide 
    NOX ozone season emissions to demonstrate progress toward, 
    and ultimately compliance with, their NOX budget.
    11. Confidential Data
        Emissions data being requested in today's proposal would not be 
    considered confidential by the EPA (See 42 U.S.C. 7414). However, some 
    States may restrict the release of certain types of data, such as 
    process throughput data. Where Federal and State requirements are 
    inconsistent, the EPA Regional Office should be consulted for final 
    12. Data Elements To Be Reported
        In addition to reporting ozone season NOX emissions, the 
    State should report other critical data necessary to generate and 
    validate these values. This includes data used to identify source 
    categories such as site name, location and (source classification code) 
    SCC codes. It also includes data used to generate the NOX 
    emissions values such as fuel heat content and activity level. The 
    specific data elements required for each source category are further 
    defined in 40 CFR 51.122.
    V. NOX Budget Trading Program
        In the November 7, 1997 proposed rulemaking to reduce the transport 
    of ozone and facilitate attainment of the NAAQS for ozone, EPA offered 
    to develop and administer a multistate NOX trading program 
    to assist States in the achievement of these goals; today's notice 
    proposes such a program. The trading program being proposed employs a 
    cap on total emissions in order to ensure that emissions reductions 
    under the proposed transport rulemaking are achieved, while providing 
    the flexibility and cost effectiveness of a market-based system. This 
    Section provides background information and a description of the 
    NOX Budget Trading Program, as well as an explanation of how 
    the trading program would interface with other State and Federal 
    programs. In addition, a model rule for the trading program is 
    proposed. States can voluntarily choose to participate in the 
    NOX Budget Trading Program by adopting the model rule, which 
    is a fully approvable control strategy for achieving emissions 
    reductions required under the proposed transport rulemaking.
        Should the States voluntarily choose to participate in the 
    NOX Budget Trading Program by adopting the model rule, EPA's 
    authority to cooperate with and assist the States in the implementation 
    of the trading program resides in both State law and the CAA. With 
    respect to State law, any State which elects to adopt the model rule as 
    part of its transport SIP will be authorizing EPA to assist the State 
    in implementing the trading program with respect to the sources in that 
    State. With respect to the CAA, EPA believes that the Agency's 
    assistance to those States that choose to participate in the trading 
    program will facilitate the implementation of the program and minimize 
    any administrative burden on the States. One purpose of title I of the 
    CAA is to offer assistance to States in implementing title I air 
    pollution prevention and control programs (42 U.S.C. 101(b)(3)). In 
    keeping with that purpose, section 103(a) and (b) generally authorize 
    EPA to cooperate with and assist State authorities in developing and 
    implementing pollution control strategies, making specific note of 
    interstate problems and ozone transport. Finally, section 301(a) grants 
    EPA broad authority to prescribe such regulations as are necessary to 
    carry out its functions under the CAA. Taken together, EPA believes 
    that these provisions of the Act authorize EPA to cooperate with and 
    assist the States in implementing the NOX Budget Trading 
    Program in the ways set forth in the model rule.
    A. Program Summary
    1. Purpose of the NOX Budget Trading Program
        The OTAG concluded that an emissions trading program could 
    facilitate cost effective emissions reductions from large combustion 
    sources (for more information on OTAG, see Section V.B.1.). When 
    designed and implemented properly, a market-based program offers many 
    advantages over its traditional command-and-control counterpart. The 
    OTAG articulated five principal advantages of market-based systems: (1) 
    Reduced cost of compliance; (2) creation of incentives for early 
    reductions; (3) creation of incentives for emissions reductions beyond 
    those required by regulations; (4) promotion of innovation; and (5) 
    increased flexibility without resorting to waivers, exemptions and 
    other forms of administrative relief (OTAG 1997 Executive Report, pg. 
    57). These benefits result primarily from the flexibility in compliance 
    options available to sources and the monetary reward associated with 
    avoided emissions in a market-based system. The cost of compliance in a 
    market-based program is reduced because sources have the freedom to 
    pursue various compliance strategies, such as switching fuels, 
    installing pollution control technologies, or buying authorizations to 
    emit from a source that has over-complied. Since an emission rate or 
    emissions level below the level mandated allows the generation of 
    credits or allowances that may be sold on the market, pollution 
    prevention becomes more cost effective, and innovations in less-
    polluting alternatives and control equipment are encouraged.
        A market system that employs a fixed tonnage limitation (or cap) 
    for a source or group of sources provides the greatest certainty that a 
    specific level of emissions will be attained and maintained since a 
    predetermined level
    [[Page 25919]]
    of reductions is ensured. With respect to transport of pollution, an 
    emissions cap also provides the greatest assurance to downwind States 
    that emissions from upwind States will be effectively managed over 
    time. The capping of total emissions of pollutants over a region and 
    through time ensures achievement of the environmental goal while 
    allowing economic growth through the development of new sources or 
    increased use of existing sources. In an uncapped system, (where, for 
    example, sources are required only to demonstrate that they meet a 
    given emission rate), the addition of new sources to the regulated 
    sector or an increase in activity at existing sources can increase 
    total emissions even though the desired emission rate control is in 
        In the NOX Budget Trading Program, EPA proposes to 
    implement jointly with participating States, a capped market-based 
    program for certain combustion sources to achieve and maintain an 
    emissions budget consistent with the proposed transport rulemaking. An 
    emissions cap or budget trading program for large combustion sources is 
    a proven and cost-effective method for achieving emissions reductions 
    while allowing regulated sources compliance flexibility.
        Although participation in the NOX Budget Trading Program 
    is discretionary, EPA encourages States to participate in the trading 
    program as a cost-effective way of meeting their emissions reductions 
    obligations under the proposed transport rulemaking. Specifically, 
    today's proposal is designed to assist States in: (1) Achieving, 
    through a program covering certain large stationary combustion sources, 
    emissions reductions required under the proposed transport rulemaking; 
    (2) ensuring flexibility for regulated sources; (3) reducing compliance 
    costs for sources; and (4) reducing administrative costs to States.
        Adoption of the NOX Budget Trading Rule would ensure 
    consistency in certain key operational elements of the program among 
    participating States, while allowing each State flexibility in other 
    important program elements. Uniformity of the key operational elements 
    across the NOX Budget Trading Program region is necessary to 
    ensure a viable and efficient trading program with low transaction 
    costs and minimum administrative costs for sources, States, and EPA.
        The effect of NOX emissions on air quality in down wind 
    nonattainment areas depends, in part on the distance between sources 
    and receptor areas. Sources that are closer to the nonattainment area 
    tend to have much larger effects on air quality than sources that are 
    far away. In light of this, and as discussed in Section VII, the Agency 
    plans to evaluate alternative approaches in developing the final rule.
        The Agency solicits comments on whether a trading program should 
    factor in differential effects of NOX emissions in an 
    attempt to strike a balance between achieving the cost savings from a 
    broader geographic scope of trading and avoiding the adverse effects on 
    air quality that could result if the geographic domain for trading is 
    inappropriately large or trades across areas are not appropriately 
    adjusted to reflect differential environmental effects. The Agency 
    could consider establishing ``exchange ratios'' for tons traded between 
    areas. The large number of areas in the region violating the standards 
    and the several different weather patterns associated with summertime 
    ozone pollution episodes complicate the development of a stable set of 
    trading ratios. Alternatively, the Agency could consider establishing 
    subregions for trading within the 23-jurisdiction area and apply a 
    discount to or prohibit trades between regions.
        The Agency solicits comments on this issue. If after review of 
    alternative approaches (including sub-regional modeling analysis 
    submitted by the States and other commenters), EPA concludes that an 
    alternative approach is appropriate, EPA will issue a SNPR.
    2. Emissions Reductions Required by the Proposed Transport Rulemaking
        Each of the 22 States and the District of Columbia, determined by 
    EPA in the proposed transport rule to make a significant contribution 
    to nonattainment or interfere with maintenance in another jurisdiction, 
    has been assigned a statewide NOX emissions budget. Each of 
    these States must submit a SIP revision delineating the controls that 
    will be implemented to meet its specified budget. Each State has 
    complete discretion to develop and adopt a mix of control measures 
    appropriate for meeting its assigned emissions budget. Today's proposal 
    assumes that compliance with the emissions reductions requirements for 
    the transport rulemaking will begin on May 1, 2003, as proposed in the 
    transport rulemaking. If a different compliance deadline is required in 
    the final transport rulemaking, the deadlines in the proposed trading 
    rule will be adjusted accordingly.
        In the proposed transport rulemaking, EPA calculated seasonal 
    NOX emissions budgets for States, assuming activity growth 
    levels through 2007 and the application of reasonable, cost-effective 
    controls that are currently available to achieve NOX 
    reductions. The statewide budgets were developed by applying 
    appropriate controls to each sector of the total State emissions 
    inventory: large electricity generating devices, point sources other 
    than large electricity generators, nonroad engines, highway vehicles, 
    and area sources. The statewide NOX budget development 
    process is fully described in Section III.B. of the November 7, 1997 
    proposal (62 FR 60346).
        As outlined in the proposed transport rulemaking, budget levels 
    calculated for nonroad engine, highway vehicle, and area source 
    inventory sectors assume continued application of controls already 
    required for those source sectors in addition to implementation of 
    Federal measures, such as the National Low Emissions Vehicle Program. 
    The statewide seasonal NOX budgets proposed for the large 
    electricity generating source sector (fossil-fuel burning electricity 
    utility units and nonutility units serving electricity generators 
    greater than 25 MWe) were based on applying a uniform NOX 
    emission rate of 0.15 lb/mmBtu to projected generating activity levels. 
    Budget estimates for States' nonutility point source sector were 
    developed assuming a 70 percent reduction from future emissions levels 
    of large sources (greater than 250 mmBtu/hour), and application of RACT 
    to medium sized sources (100-250 mmBtu/hour) in this category.
        Though States are free to independently determine their control 
    strategies to achieve their statewide budgets, several Federal and/or 
    State programs are already under way or planned for most of the 
    inventory source sectors to assist States in meeting their budgets. For 
    example, meeting individual budget components for highway vehicles and 
    nonroad engines can be achieved through Federal programs without 
    adopting additional new control strategies. In addition, EPA is 
    offering to administer certain aspects of today's proposed regional 
    NOX Budget Trading Program in order to assist States in 
    developing a regulatory strategy for large stationary combustion 
    3. Benefits of Participating in the NOX Budget Trading 
        Participation in the NOX Budget Trading Program would 
    enable States that have been identified in the proposed transport 
    rulemaking to achieve the required emissions reductions from stationary 
    combustion sources while minimizing the
    [[Page 25920]]
    administrative burden faced by both States and sources. The SIP 
    revision process required by the proposed transport rulemaking would be 
    significantly streamlined for States choosing to include the 
    NOX Budget Trading Program as a part of the SIP. The EPA 
    proposes that adoption of the model rule will be considered a SIP-
    approvable control strategy for the proposed transport rulemaking. 
    States electing to participate in the trading program may either adopt 
    the model rule by reference or develop State regulations that are in 
    accordance with the model rule.
        The permitting process under the trading program would be 
    significantly streamlined since there will be no need for enforceable 
    compliance plans and few circumstances necessitating permit revisions. 
    Emissions monitoring, a central requirement of the trading program, as 
    well as the availability to the public of emissions data, allowance 
    data, and annual reconciliation information, would ensure that 
    participating States and the public have confidence that the required 
    emissions reductions are being achieved.
        Cost savings for sources in States included in the trading program 
    are projected to be substantial. As estimated in the ``Proposed Ozone 
    Transport Rulemaking Regulatory Analysis'' (September 1997 docket # 
    III-B-01), annual incremental costs for a rate-based control approach 
    (at 0.15 lbs/mmBtu) are estimated to be $501 million higher in 2005 
    than the costs of participating in the NOX Budget Trading 
    Program (assuming the same emission rate) for the 23 jurisdictions in 
    the proposed transport rulemaking. Moreover, the annual average cost 
    effectiveness of emissions reductions achieved through a regional 
    trading program for the electric power industry is projected to be 
    approximately $1,250 per ton by 2010, while the cost effectiveness of 
    the rate-based approach is projected to be $2,050 per ton by 2010 
    (pages 2-24 through 2-27).
        Sources included in the trading program can also expect increased 
    compliance flexibility, as compared to a rate-based approach that 
    requires each affected source to comply with the 0.15 lbs/mmBtu 
    emission rate and necessitates installation of control equipment for 
    any affected source that cannot meet the limit. Participation in the 
    trading program provides sources the choice of numerous compliance 
    strategies. Moreover, sources can choose to over-comply and generate 
    excess allowances that can be sold on the market or, as discussed 
    below, possibly banked for future use. In addition, sources may change 
    their control approach at any time without regulatory agency approval.
    4. EPA's Proposal
        Initially, the following sources would be included in the 
    NOX Budget Trading Program: fossil fuel-fired units (i.e., 
    stationary boilers, combustion turbines, and combined cycle systems) 
    that serve an electrical generator of capacity greater than 25 MWe; and 
    fossil fuel-fired units that do not serve a generator and that have a 
    heat input capacity greater than 250 mmBtu/hr. All such sources located 
    within a State that chooses to join the trading program would be 
    required to participate in the program. Conversely, sources located in 
    States that do not join the trading program would not be eligible to 
    participate. The NOX budget sources initially included in 
    the trading program represent about 80 percent of the point source 
    portion of the 2007 NOX baseline emissions inventory and 
    about 65 percent of the point source portion of the 2007 NOX 
    budget as proposed in the ozone transport rulemaking. Additionally, 
    these sources represent about 90 percent of the emissions reductions 
    required in the proposed ozone transport rulemaking. This core group of 
    sources, therefore, captures the majority of NOX emissions 
    from the point source sector. States, however, have the option of 
    extending the program to include additional point sources at their 
    discretion, provided these additional point sources can fulfill the 
    requirements set forth for the trading program in this proposal. The 
    EPA is also taking comment on allowing certain new and modified major 
    sources to participate in the trading program at their discretion as a 
    way of potentially meeting the new source offset provisions under 
    section 173 of the CAA, provided the source meets the permitting, 
    monitoring, and accountability requirements of the trading 
    program.11 The EPA requests comments on broadening the 
    applicability of this trading program to include more types of sources 
    such as process sources, mobile sources, or area sources. Commenters 
    should address each type of source that they recommend be included in 
    the applicability of this program. For each source type, commenters 
    should describe procedures for monitoring emissions and identify 
    responsible parties for the source type. Criteria for monitoring and 
    for responsible parties are outlined below. Additionally, comment is 
    requested on any other types of concerns or issues associated with 
    inclusion of these other source types (e.g., environmental justice; net 
    cost savings likely to accrue from trading; administrative costs for 
    sources, States, and EPA).
        \11\ For discussion on this subject, see Section F, below, that 
    addresses New Source Review.
        Sources in the trading program would be required to monitor and 
    report their emissions in accordance with relevant portions of 40 CFR 
    part 75, which is currently under revision to provide greater 
    flexibility to regulated sources. (40 CFR part 75 revisions will be 
    proposed in a notice entitled ``Acid Rain Program; Continuous Emission 
    Monitoring Revisions'' that will be published in the Federal Register 
    in the near future.) The monitoring of emissions is necessary for 
    accountability and to ensure that a ton from one source in one State is 
    equivalent to a ton from another source in the same or another State.
        The NOX allowances--each allowance representing a 
    limited authorization to emit one ton of NOX--would be the 
    currency used in the trading program. An emissions budget and an 
    allowance-based system ensure achievement of environmental goals within 
    a cost-effective, market-based program and can be implemented through 
    existing infrastructure. A fixed number of NOX allowances 
    would be allocated to regulated sources in each State for each ozone 
    season in the amount of the NOX budget set for the trading 
    program in the State. States would have the responsibility for 
    allocating allowances among regulated sources. The proposed 
    NOX Budget Trading Rule establishes timing requirements for 
    the submission of NOX allowance allocations to EPA by 
    participating States for inclusion into the NOX Allowance 
    Tracking System (NATS), which would be operated by EPA.
        In addition to timing requirements, today's proposal provides 
    options for a recommended methodology for States to allocate 
    NOX allowances to their sources covered by the 
    NOX Budget Trading Program. A specific recommendation would 
    be included in the final trading rule. States would have the 
    flexibility to deviate from EPA's recommendation as long as the timing 
    requirements (40 CFR 96.41) are met and total NOX allowances 
    allocated to regulated sources do not exceed the number of tons that 
    the State apportions to these sources in the SIP. This would help 
    ensure that the trading program can operate efficiently and effectively 
    across multiple States.
        In addition to EPA's traditional role in the approval and oversight 
    of the SIP, EPA would be responsible for managing the emissions data 
    and market functions
    [[Page 25921]]
    of the program, as well as performing annual reconciliation of 
    monitored emissions and allowances. States choosing to join the trading 
    program would be responsible for promulgating the supporting State 
    regulations; submitting NOX allowance allocations to EPA for 
    inclusion in NATS; and enforcing the permitting, monitoring and excess 
    emissions requirements. As established in the proposed transport 
    rulemaking, the control period would extend from May through September. 
    Based on results presented in the regulatory analysis for the proposed 
    transport rule that suggest no significant changes in the location of 
    emissions reductions resulting from an unrestricted trading program 
    with a consistent control level (``Proposed Ozone Transport Rulemaking 
    Regulatory Analysis,'' September 1997, pages 2-20 and 2-23, docket # 
    III-B-01), trading could occur across participating States free from 
    restrictions (other than the requirement to comply with existing 
    emissions limits under title I and title IV of the Act). These and 
    other program parameters, however, are predicated on the proposed 
    transport rule and may be modified if the final transport rule differs 
    from the proposal.
    B. Evolution of the NOX Budget Trading Program
        Market-based systems to control NOX emissions have been 
    developed within the United States, including: The South Coast Air 
    Quality Management District's Regional Clean Air Incentives Market 
    (RECLAIM) and the Ozone Transport Commission's (OTC) NOX 
    Budget Program. Today's proposed NOX Budget Trading Program 
    builds directly upon the OTC program and recommendations from OTAG. In 
    addition, EPA held two public workshops in November and December of 
    1997 specifically to solicit input on the development of the trading 
    program. The proceedings of these workshops are also summarized in this 
    1. OTC's NOX Budget Program
        The goals and implementation strategy of the OTC's NOX 
    Budget Program are similar to those of the proposed transport rule and 
    today's proposed NOX Budget Trading Program. Taking into 
    account the work that has been done by the OTC, EPA has tried to 
    develop a proposal that will minimize conflicts between the two 
    programs by building upon the terms and provisions in the OTC program. 
    Section V.E of this preamble further discusses the integration issues 
    for the two programs.
        On September 27, 1994, the OTC adopted a Memorandum of 
    Understanding (MOU) committing the signatory States to the development 
    and proposal of regionwide NOX emissions reductions in two 
    phases beginning in 1999 and 2003. The signatory States were Maine, New 
    Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, 
    New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, and the District of 
        The OTC MOU requires reductions in ozone season NOX 
    emissions from utility and large industrial combustion facilities in 
    order to further the effort to achieve the health-based NAAQS for 
    ozone. These emissions reduction requirements will be implemented 
    through a regionwide cap-and-trade program. The OTC States, in 
    collaboration with EPA, industry, and environmental groups, drafted and 
    approved a model rule in May 1996. This model rule serves as a template 
    for States to adopt their own rules to implement the budget program 
    defined by the OTC MOU. In addition to adopting rules, States in the 
    OTC program are responsible for allocating NOX allowances 
    among regulated sources, certifying monitors and monitoring plans, 
    auditing and recertifying sources, and enforcing the provisions of 
    their State rules. In addition to EPA's traditional role in the 
    approval and oversight of the SIP, EPA serves as the administrator for 
    the NATS and the Emissions Tracking System (ETS), the data systems used 
    to implement the OTC program. This entails issuing NOX 
    allowances and opening accounts, processing transfers and quarterly 
    emissions reports, conducting annual reconciliation of emissions and 
    allowances, and providing technical assistance to States and sources as 
        To implement the program, the OTC MOU emissions reduction 
    requirements were applied to a 1990 baseline for NOX 
    emissions in the Ozone Transport Region (OTR) to create an emissions 
    budget for each of the 2 target years: 1999 (Phase II) and 2003 (Phase 
    III). (Phase I required the installation of RACT by May 1995.) This 
    budget was apportioned among all the States; each State is responsible 
    for allocating its budget to regulated sources in its State. Sources 
    are allowed to buy, sell, or trade NOX allowances, and 
    ultimately must hold allowances sufficient to cover all NOX 
    emitted during the ozone season. Beginning in 1999, the total 
    NOX emissions from regulated sources cannot exceed the 
    number of allowances allocated in the OTR.
        In order to ensure that NOX emissions reductions are 
    achieved and allowances are fungible, budget sources are required to 
    monitor and report their NOX emissions. Most sources use 
    CEMS, as approved by EPA under 40 CFR Part 75. For smaller oil-and gas-
    burning units, alternative monitoring methods are available.
        At the conclusion of each ozone season, sources have an opportunity 
    to evaluate their reported emissions and obtain any additional 
    NOX allowances they may need to offset their emissions 
    during the ozone season. By December 31 of each year, a regulated 
    source submits a compliance certification report. Should a source lack 
    sufficient allowances to offset emissions for the season, the OTC model 
    rule requires subtraction of allowances from that source's allocation 
    for the following year. If enough NOX allowances are not 
    held, an automatic offset will be imposed during the following year's 
    ozone season where an amount of NOX allowances will be 
    deducted from the source in an amount equaling three NOX 
    allowances for each ton of excess emissions. The source is also subject 
    to the application of existing State and Federal enforcement protocols 
    and penalties.
        The NOX allowances that are not used are automatically 
    carried over into the following year as banked allowances. The banking 
    provisions of the OTC model rule provide for unlimited banking of 
    allowances with a ``progressive flow control'' management scheme to 
    control the withdrawal and use of banked allowances. (For a more 
    detailed discussion of banking, see Section V.E.). Explicit program 
    audit provisions are established in the OTC model rule to ensure that 
    the use of banked NOX allowances does not threaten the 
    integrity of the system.
        Finally, the OTC model rule makes provisions for possible rule 
    modifications in the future. This ``mid-course correction'' provides an 
    opportunity to revise the 2003 emissions reduction target and budget 
    and to modify the OTC model rule in response to refined air quality 
    modeling or other altered circumstances.
    2. OTAG Process
        The OTAG, a partnership among the 37 easternmost States and the 
    District of Columbia, EPA, industry representatives and environmental 
    groups, was charged with assessing the significance of ozone transport 
    and with recommending to EPA control strategies for reducing this 
    transport. The OTAG's initial meetings were in May and June of 1995, 
    and its final recommendations were issued to
    [[Page 25922]]
    EPA on July 8, 1997 (see 62 FR 60376, Appendix B). The OTAG completed 
    an extensive and comprehensive analysis of ozone transport and control, 
    and EPA has taken OTAG's work and conclusions into account in 
    developing this rulemaking.
        The analysis and conclusions of the Trading and Incentives 
    Workgroup of OTAG are particularly relevant to EPA's creation of the 
    NOX Budget Trading Program. The Trading and Incentives 
    Workgroup was charged with designing market-based approaches to reduce 
    NOX emissions. This group identified two basic paths to 
    market system implementation--identified as ``Track One'' and ``Track 
    Two''--which could be used to facilitate achievement of the statewide 
    budgets delineated in the proposed transport rulemaking. ``Track One'' 
    was defined as an interstate cap-and-trade program for stationary 
    sources, administered by a central regulatory authority, such as EPA. 
    ``Track Two'' was defined as a market-based system without an emissions 
    cap. As discussed above, trading with a cap better ensures that 
    environmental goals will be met than trading without a cap. Therefore, 
    for the purposes of assisting State achievement of the statewide 
    budgets set forth in the proposed transport rulemaking, EPA is focusing 
    on implementing a ``Track One'' type of program with today's proposed 
    rule and is building upon OTAG's analysis and recommendations regarding 
    the development of Track One programs.
    3. EPA Model Trading Program Workshops
        The EPA held two public workshops to solicit comments and 
    suggestions from States and other stakeholders on a NOX cap-
    and-trade program prior to developing today's proposed NOX 
    Budget Trading Rule. This Section describes the workshop process. 
    Greater detail regarding program development and feedback received 
    through the workshop process is provided within relevant Sections of 
    this preamble.
        The trading rule workshops were held on November 4 and 5, 1997 in 
    Washington DC, and December 10 and 11, 1997 in Arlington, Virginia. 
    Written comments during this pre-proposal phase were welcomed through 
    December 31, 1997. Each workshop consisted of a 2-day forum: the first 
    day was devoted to EPA/State discussions, and the second day was open 
    to all interested parties. Over 150 people participated in each of the 
    workshops. To facilitate meaningful comments from these participants, 
    EPA developed working papers on critical issues that were made 
    available for review prior to each workshop. These papers discussed 
    major issues relevant to developing a NOX Budget Trading 
    Rule, delineated options and, in some cases, offered recommendations. 
    The issues associated with each working paper were presented at the 
    workshops, followed by open discussion periods allowing workshop 
    participants to comment and discuss each issue.
        The first workshop, addressed the foundations of the NOX 
    Budget Trading Program development. To achieve the required 
    NOX emissions reductions in the most cost-effective manner, 
    the goals of the trading program were defined as meeting the budget, 
    facilitating trading, and creating a workable program. The necessity of 
    operating the NOX Budget Trading Program within the 
    framework of the proposed transport rulemaking dictated further 
    requirements, such as a seasonal control period. Four fundamental 
    trading rule components (applicability, monitoring, emissions 
    limitations, and banking) were discussed at length.
        After broad concepts for the NOX Budget Trading Program 
    framework were introduced and discussed at the first workshop, EPA 
    revised and augmented the working papers in accordance with comments 
    and discussion. At the second workshop, EPA presented recommendations 
    and considerations of additional issues, seeking further input from 
    participants. The original working papers on applicability, monitoring, 
    emissions limitations, and banking were expanded, and new papers on the 
    use of output in allocations and the creation of an energy efficiency 
    set-aside were introduced in response to interest expressed at the 
    first workshop. In addition, a paper presenting a skeleton of all the 
    components of a model rule was presented to provide context for input 
    and an indication of how the NOX Budget Trading Rule as a 
    whole was evolving.
        The EPA found the workshop process to be very helpful in generating 
    useful recommendations for developing the framework for the model rule. 
    Today's NOX Budget Trading Rule proposal incorporates 
    comments and suggestions raised at both workshops, along with nearly 
    fifty written comments received following the workshops. Listening to 
    issues important to States through the workshop process was essential 
    for EPA to develop a program that would meet States' needs. Since the 
    ultimate cost savings of the regional trading program will increase 
    with the number of participating States, it is advantageous to design a 
    regional trading program that will likely be adopted by the greatest 
    number of States. The workshops also served as a forum to discuss which 
    program elements should be consistent among participating States, since 
    consistency in State-adopted rules is essential for a viable regional 
    cap-and-trade program. Also of importance in the workshop process was 
    working with stakeholders, such as affected sources, in order to ensure 
    that the trading program offers the necessary flexibility, as well as 
    compatibility with other programs.
        The working papers, a detailed summary of the input received during 
    both workshops, and written comments are included in the proposed 
    transport rulemaking docket (A-96-56, Section 2a).
    4. RECLAIM Program
        The RECLAIM program, which was adopted by the South Coast Air 
    Quality Management District in October, 1993, and began January 1, 
    1994, provides another example of a cap-and-trade market system. This 
    program regulates NOX and sulfur oxides (SOX) 
    emissions from facilities that generally emit four or more tons per 
    year of either pollutant from permitted equipment in the South Coast 
    Air Basin, centered in Los Angeles.12 The RECLAIM program 
    currently includes approximately 330 facilities.
        \12\ Some sources with annual emissions less than four tons are 
    included in the program by virtue of their inclusion in a SIC 
    category in which the majority of sources emit greater than four 
    tons per year.
        The RECLAIM program replaced command-and-control regulations with a 
    market program to provide facilities with added flexibility and lowered 
    compliance costs in achieving reductions required to meet State and 
    Federal requirements for clean air programs. Facilities in the program 
    are collectively required to cut their emissions by a specific amount 
    each year under the program, resulting in an almost 80 percent 
    reduction by 2003 for both SOX and NOX. Each 
    facility participating in RECLAIM is allocated RECLAIM trading credits 
    (RTCs) equal to its annual emissions limit. Initially, allocations are 
    based on past peak production and the requirements of existing rules 
    and control measures for each facility. Allocations decline annually 
    through the 2003 compliance year, then remain constant during 
    subsequent years. The RTCs, each representing the limited authorization 
    to emit one pound of pollutant, expire annually. Facilities may trade 
    these RTCs among themselves, providing that every quarter, each 
    facility holds credits
    [[Page 25923]]
    equal to or greater than their actual emissions for that quarter.
        In terms of NOX emitters, the RECLAIM program generally 
    requires stationary sources that emit ten or more tons of 
    NOX annually or which burn any solid fuels to use CEMS to 
    quantify their emissions. Smaller sources have additional monitoring 
    options. Sources that emit four or more tons of NOX and less 
    than ten tons may use default emission rates. They must demonstrate 
    that these rates are appropriate by monitoring process variables, 
    performing periodic emissions testing, and conducting periodic tune-ups 
    of equipment. The smallest sources in the RECLAIM program (those with 
    annual emissions of less than four tons) may choose to use default 
    emission rates that require less extensive testing and demonstration 
    than those available to the larger sources.
        The program's annual report for 1996 concluded that RECLAIM was 
    continuing to meet its emissions reduction goals; an active trading 
    market had developed; and the compliance rate, once it is finalized for 
    the 1996 compliance year, will be in the 85 to 90 percent range.
    C. NOX Budget Trading Program
    1. General Provisions
        Today's proposed NOX Budget Trading Rule will be 
    incorporated into the 40 CFR as a new part 96. The subparts of 40 CFR 
    part 96 are described below. The provisions of 40 CFR part 96 will 
    become effective and apply to sources only if a State incorporates 40 
    CFR part 96 by reference into the State's regulation or adopts 
    regulations that are in accordance with 40 CFR part 96.
        a. Purpose. Subpart A of today's proposed NOX Budget 
    Trading Rule includes Sections describing: To whom the NOX 
    trading program would apply; the standard requirements for participants 
    in the program (permitting, NOX allowances, monitoring, 
    excess emissions, and liability provisions); exemptions for retired 
    units from the program requirements; definitions, measurements, and 
    abbreviations; and computation of deadlines stated within the proposal.
        b. Definitions, Measurements, Abbreviations, and Acronyms.
        Many of the definitions, measurements, abbreviations, and acronyms 
    are the same as those used in 40 CFR part 72 of the Acid Rain Program 
    regulations, in order to maintain consistency among programs. However, 
    additional terms specific to the NOX Budget Trading Program, 
    such as control period (the period beginning May 1 of each year and 
    ending on September 30 of the same year), NOX Budget unit (a 
    unit subject to the emissions limitation under the NOX 
    Budget Trading Program), and several others are added. Key definitions 
    are discussed in relevant Sections below describing the rule.
        c. Applicability. The EPA proposes that the NOX Budget 
    Trading Rule be applicable to a core group of sources that includes all 
    fossil fuel-fired, stationary boilers, combustion turbines, and 
    combined cycle systems (i.e., ``units'') that serve an electrical 
    generator of capacity greater than 25 MWe and to any fossil fuel-fired, 
    stationary boilers, combustion turbines, and combined cycle systems not 
    serving a generator that have a heat input capacity greater than 250 
    mmBtu/hr. A unit is considered fossil fuel-fired if fossil fuels 
    account for more than 50 percent of the unit's heat input on an annual 
    basis. These sources represent about 80 percent of the point source 
    portion of the 2007 NOX baseline emissions inventory and 
    about 65 percent of the point source portion of the 2007 NOX 
    budget in the proposed ozone transport rulemaking. Additionally, these 
    sources represent about 90 percent of the emissions reductions required 
    in the proposed ozone transport rulemaking.
        The EPA proposes the above core group of sources based on their 
    significant contribution of NOX emissions, range of cost-
    effective emissions reduction options, ability to monitor emissions, 
    and ability to identify responsible parties. The following discussion 
    examines the monitoring and responsible party criteria for the 
    NOX Budget Trading Program's applicability. Additional 
    options for the trading program's applicability are also presented for 
    consideration. The EPA solicits comment on the appropriateness of 
    including all categories described above in the core group of sources, 
    whether the size cut-offs should be higher or lower for these source 
    categories, and the appropriateness of including other source 
    categories in the core group.
        i. Monitoring. In general, sources that participate in a cap-and-
    trade program must have the ability to accurately and consistently 
    account for their emissions. Accuracy is an important design parameter 
    because it ensures that emissions for all sources covered by the 
    trading program are within the cap. In addition, because each 
    NOX allowance will have economic value, it is important to 
    ensure that emissions (and thus allowances used) are accurately 
    quantified. Consistency is an important feature because it ensures that 
    accuracy is maintained from source to source and year to year. It also 
    ensures that the sources in the trading program are treated equitably. 
    Finally, consistency facilitates administration of the program for both 
    the regulated community and State and Federal agencies.
        When considering what source types to include in the proposed 
    trading program (e.g., large boilers, process sources, mobile sources, 
    area sources), EPA determined that the core sources were capable of 
    accurate and consistent monitoring as outlined below.
         Large Electric Utility Units: For several years, units 
    serving electricity generators greater than 25 MWe (with some 
    exemptions for cogeneration and nonutility electricity generating 
    units) have been complying with the title IV monitoring provisions. The 
    EPA proposes to include these sources in the NOX Budget 
    Trading Program.
         Other Large Electricity Generating Units: Additionally, 
    with deregulation of electric utilities, it is not clear how ownership 
    of the electricity generating facilities will evolve. Therefore, EPA 
    proposes to include all large electricity generating sources, 
    regardless of ownership, in the trading program. As there is no 
    relevant physical or technological difference between utilities and 
    other power generators, the same monitoring provisions and the size 
    cut-off of greater than 25 MWe are applicable to all units which serve 
         Other Large Steam Producing Units: There is also no 
    fundamental physical or technological difference between a boiler, 
    combustion turbine, or combined cycle system that produces steam for 
    eventual production of electricity or for other industrial 
    applications. Thus, EPA believes that the same monitoring provisions 
    can be applied to a boiler, combustion turbine, or combined cycle 
    system used for industrial steam.13
        \13\ Further, assuming a generator efficiency of approximately 
    \1/3\, the 25 MWe cutoff being used for electrical power producers 
    is roughly equal to a 250 mmBtu/hr cutoff for steam producing 
    boilers, combustion turbines, and combined cycle systems.
        ii. Responsible Party. Another critical element of a trading 
    program is to be able to identify a responsible party for each 
    regulated source. The responsible party for a source covered by the 
    trading program would be required to demonstrate compliance with the 
    provisions of the NOX Budget Trading Program. In general, 
    the large sources included in the proposed trading program have readily 
    identifiable owners and operators that would serve as the responsible 
    [[Page 25924]]
        iii. Inclusion of Additional Source Categories. During the public 
    workshops, several commenters recommended allowing a State to include 
    additional sources beyond the core group into the trading program. As 
    the applicability criteria proposed today are intended to define the 
    minimum set of units required to participate in a trading program, 
    inclusion of additional sources is allowed. Some States have existing 
    or planned programs very similar to the one proposed today, but with 
    different applicability criteria (e.g., the OTC NOX Budget 
    Program). States may choose to modify the applicability language to 
    bring in smaller sources of the same type as those included in the core 
    group or additional source categories. All additional sources (e.g., a 
    certain industrial process) must meet all trading program requirements 
    (including monitoring requirements of 40 CFR part 75 subpart H) and be 
    able to identify a responsible party. The EPA believes that smaller 
    sources of the same type as those included in the core group should be 
    able to meet the trading program requirements and, thus, could be 
    included in a State's trading rule without affecting EPA's streamlined 
    approval of the SIP as described in Section V.D of this preamble.
        The EPA is also taking comment on allowing or requiring additional 
    stationary source categories beyond the proposed core group to be part 
    of the trading program. There are three ways that some or all of the 
    sources included in these additional categories could be included. The 
    sources could be included as part of the core program applicability, as 
    an additional list of source categories that a State could choose to 
    include 14, or they could be individually opted-in according 
    to the provisions under 40 CFR part 96 subpart I of the trading rule.
        \14\ 40 CFR part 96 subpart E of the proposed trading rule 
    addresses the allocation of NOX allowances to 
    NOX Budget units which includes the core group of sources 
    as well as any additional sources the State may choose to include in 
    the trading program.
        The EPA believes that there are a number of additional source 
    categories that could account for their emissions using the monitoring 
    protocols in 40 CFR part 75. Bringing a source or source category that 
    meets these protocols into the trading program would also not affect 
    EPA's streamlined approval of the SIP. The EPA proposes to develop a 
    list of additional source categories beyond the core group that a State 
    may bring into the trading program without affecting EPA's streamlined 
    approval of the SIP.
        If a State chose to bring other source categories beyond those 
    included in this proposed list into the trading program, a more 
    thorough EPA review may be needed. There are two main reasons for this 
    review. The first is to ensure that the monitoring protocols that the 
    State intended to use for the source or source category would provide 
    accurate information and be consistent with the monitoring protocols 
    being used for the core sources in the program. The second is to ensure 
    that EPA could successfully administer the regional NOX 
    trading program with the addition of these sources. For example, EPA 
    would have to determine that the reporting requirements for these 
    source categories could be supported with the information systems that 
    EPA develops and the resources that EPA employs to administer the 
        The EPA believes that the source categories that are simplest to 
    consider adding are sources that vent all of their emissions to a 
    stack, because existing monitoring protocols (e.g., 40 CFR part 75) can 
    be used to accurately and consistently quantify mass emissions for 
    these categories of sources. The two existing capped NOX 
    trading programs (the OTC program and the RECLAIM program) have also 
    focused on these types of sources.
        The OTC program has generally focused on the same types of sources 
    that are in the proposed core group, electrical generating units and 
    large industrial boilers that burn primarily fossil fuels. One notable 
    exception to this is that Connecticut intends to cover municipal waste 
    incinerators in Phase III of their program, which starts in 2003. The 
    RECLAIM program has focused on a larger breadth of sources. These 
    include industrial boilers and electrical generating units, but they 
    also include: internal combustion engines, heaters, furnaces, kilns and 
    calciners, ovens, fluid catalytic cracking units, dryers, fume 
    incinerators/afterburners, test cells, tail gas units, sulfur acid 
    production units and waste incinerators. In both programs, the 
    monitoring requirements have been based on a tiered system that 
    requires more stringent monitoring for units with higher emissions. 
    Both programs require CEMS for larger units. In general, this would 
    include units larger than 250 mmBtu with capacity factors of greater 
    than 10 percent for the OTC program and units with emissions of ten or 
    more tons of NOX per year for the RECLAIM program. Both 
    programs also offer less stringent, non-CEMS alternatives for smaller 
        While RECLAIM has been able to account for emissions from a larger 
    group of source categories than EPA is proposing to include in the core 
    group, RECLAIM has had difficulty with some of these additional source 
    categories. For instance, RECLAIM's 1996 audit explained that the 
    standing working group on RECLAIM CEMS Technical issues (a group formed 
    to address issues relating to RECLAIM monitoring) has focused on issues 
    ``associated mainly with the difficult situations faced by refineries 
    in implementing CEMS requirements.'' The audit goes on to explain that 
    ``this is attributed to the variability of the fuel used in refinery 
    equipment [e.g., catalytic cracking units] as compared to natural gas, 
    the operational variability of much of the affected equipment, and the 
    fact that many of the sources in an older refinery were never 
    constructed with CEMS monitoring in mind''. Additionally, discussions 
    with RECLAIM staff have indicated that units that have high 
    concentrations of particulate emissions and emit to open baghouses, 
    such as asphalt heaters and metal melting furnaces, have been difficult 
    to monitor because of the high concentration of particulates. In short, 
    RECLAIM's experience has indicated that the problems faced by these 
    source categories require more resources for both the regulated 
    community and the regulatory agency. Therefore, while EPA is taking 
    comment on including all types of stationary sources that emit to 
    stacks in the program, EPA believes that some sources are better suited 
    for participating in a trading program because their emissions can more 
    easily be accurately and consistently quantified.
        Based on information available to EPA at this time, the specific 
    additional source categories for which EPA is particularly interested 
    in taking comment are: Process heaters, internal combustion engines, 
    kilns and calciners, and municipal waste incinerators. If any of these 
    source categories are included in the final rule as a part of the core 
    group, EPA is proposing that they be included with applicability cut-
    offs roughly equivalent to the 25 megawatt cut-off used for electrical 
    generating facilities and the 250 mmBtu cutoff used for industrial 
    boilers. The EPA requests comment on the appropriateness of these cut-
        The EPA is taking comment on these particular additional categories 
    because EPA believes these sources have the capacity to generate 
    significant amounts of NOX and are capable of monitoring 
    using the protocols set forth in 40 CFR part 75. These are also source 
    categories that are currently participating in the RECLAIM trading 
    program or those that
    [[Page 25925]]
    at least one of the States in the northeast region has considered 
    including in the OTC NOX Budget Trading Program.
        The EPA believes that these source categories are capable of using 
    40 CFR part 75 monitoring because they vent all of their emissions to a 
    stack or stacks, which could be monitored using CEMS. The EPA believes 
    that the particular monitoring protocols in 40 CFR part 75 that would 
    be applicable for these sources would be dependent on the fuel burned, 
    the size of the source, and the magnitude of the emissions of the 
    particular unit that was being included in the program. This is 
    consistent with the way that the monitoring protocols are set forth for 
    core sources. For example, all units that burned solid fuel (including 
    all municipal waste combustors and cement kilns and process heaters 
    that burned coal) would use a NOX emission rate CEM and a 
    flow CEM to determine NOX mass.
        Units that burn oil or gas (internal combustion engines and some 
    process heaters and kilns) would have several other options depending 
    upon their size. Large oil or gas units could use a NOX 
    emission rate CEM and a fuel flow meter to determine NOX 
    mass. Infrequently operated units could qualify to use the emission 
    rate curve methodology set forth in Appendix E of 40 CFR part 75, and 
    units with potential emissions 15 of under 25 tons per year 
    could use the default emission factor protocols for low mass emitters 
    set forth in 40 CFR 75.19.
        \15\ The phrase ``potential emissions'' has a different meaning 
    than the phrase ``potential to emit'' used elsewhere by the Agency.
        The EPA notes that the currently proposed provisions in 40 CFR 
    75.19 do not contain default emission factors applicable for these 
    types of units and requests comments on what factors would be 
    appropriate. While smaller and less frequently operated units could use 
    these simplified monitoring methodologies, they would also be allowed 
    to use any of the monitoring methodologies available to other units in 
    the program. The low mass emitter methodology as it is currently 
    proposed was designed to provide very low emitting units a very cost 
    effective way to account for their emissions using conservative 
    uncontrolled default emission factors. Because it is based on 
    conservative uncontrolled default emission factors, it does not allow 
    units that use it to quantify emissions reductions. The owner or 
    operator of a unit that qualified to use this methodology might choose 
    to use another methodology such as the Appendix E methodology or CEMS 
    because this would be more representative of the unit's actual emission 
    rate. Another option that is not in the proposed 40 CFR part 75 
    rulemaking would be to change the low mass emitter methodology to allow 
    units to use unit specific emission rates and actual unit heat inputs 
    to get more accurate emissions estimates. Since the emission rates that 
    were being used would not be as conservative, units would have to do 
    more quality assurance to demonstrate that their reported emissions 
    were more representative of their actual emissions. This might include 
    periodic testing of emission rates and/or periodic tuning requirements 
    for the equipment. These concepts could also be used in conjunction 
    with controlled default emission rates to verify that the controls are 
    operating properly and that the lower default rates are appropriate. 
    All of these concepts are similar to the monitoring methodologies 
    allowed for the smallest size units in the RECLAIM program.
        The EPA is seeking comment on the following issues related to 
    monitoring for both the specific additional source categories that EPA 
    believes are most able to account for their emissions consistently and 
    accurately and any additional stationary source categories that emit to 
    a stack. (All comments related to the use of 40 CFR part 75 for 
    monitoring for these sources should be submitted in the separate 
    rulemaking on 40 CFR part 75 revisions--40 CFR part 75 revisions will 
    be proposed in a notice entitled ``Acid Rain Program; Continuous 
    Emission Monitoring Revisions'' that will be published in the Federal 
    Register in the near future--rather than in the instant proceeding.)
        1. Can these source categories monitor and report 
    NOX mass emissions using the protocols set forth in the 
    proposed revisions to 40 CFR part 75? If not, why not?
        2. Are there other protocols that should be included which would 
    provide emissions measurement and reporting for these additional 
    sources with accuracy and consistency comparable to that provided under 
    40 CFR part 75?
        3. Are the thresholds set forth in 40 CFR part 75 for different 
    monitoring methodologies appropriate for these types of sources? For 
    example, in order to qualify to use the load vs. emission rate curve 
    methodology set forth in Appendix E of 40 CFR part 75, a unit must have 
    an average capacity factor of less than 10 percent for 3 years and have 
    a maximum capacity factor of no more than 20 percent in any one of 
    those years.
        The EPA is also seeking comment on the following issues related to 
    these source categories:
        1. Should any of these source categories be included in the core 
    program applicability, i.e., should their inclusion be mandatory for a 
    State to participate in the NOX Budget Trading Program?
        2. Should States, at their option, be allowed to include any of 
    these source categories and still receive streamlined approval of their 
        In addition, EPA is taking comment on whether any other additional 
    stationary source categories should be included. Finally, EPA is taking 
    comment on whether individual States including these source categories 
    would raise concerns about shifting of production activity (and thus 
    emissions) to other States that do not choose to include these 
        There is more uncertainty for the ability of source categories not 
    identified in the core group or in the list of additional source 
    categories to meet the trading program requirements. Adding other 
    source categories not identified in the final NOX Budget 
    Trading Program would entail additional obligations for the State 
    (e.g., allocating allowances, certifying monitors, and enforcing 
    trading program requirements), would mean that EPA's approval of the 
    SIP would not be as streamlined, and could affect EPA's ability to 
    administer the region-wide program. Therefore, EPA would strongly 
    encourage any State wishing to participate in the trading program to 
    work with EPA before proposing a rule with expanded applicability 
    criteria beyond that identified in the final NOX Budget 
    Trading Rule.
        iv. Individual Opt-Ins. The EPA is proposing that individual point 
    sources, not otherwise subject to the trading program and located in a 
    State that is participating in the NOX Budget Trading 
    Program, be allowed to opt-in to the program. For a source to opt-in, 
    it must meet the same monitoring and accountability requirements as 
    other NOX Budget sources. Thus, under the proposed rule, 
    initial opt-ins would be boilers, combustion turbines, and combined 
    cycle systems below the proposed (or State defined) applicability 
    threshold. The EPA requests comment on whether individual opt-ins 
    should also include any additional sources that may be included as part 
    of the core group of sources as a result of the above discussion under 
    Section iii, Inclusion of Additional Source Categories. The proposed 
    opt-in provisions are further discussed in the opt-in Section of this 
    [[Page 25926]]
        v. Additional Options for Applicability. The EPA solicits comments 
    on three different options that may be incorporated into the core 
    applicability provision of the proposed trading rule. One option is to 
    expand the trading program's core applicability to include smaller, new 
    sources of the same type as are now proposed for the core applicability 
    that commence operation on or after May 1, 2003, the start of the first 
    ozone season (the first compliance period, after September, 2002). For 
    example, the trading program could apply to all new units serving 
    electricity generators 10 MWe or greater and new units not serving 
    electricity generators and having a heat input capacity equal to or 
    greater than 100 mmBtu/hr. The possibility exists that a significant 
    number of smaller new units would be constructed and that activity from 
    existing NOX Budget units could be shifted to these new 
    units. Over time, the increased number of smaller, new units not 
    included in the trading program could make up a significant portion of 
    the overall NOX emissions in comparison to the 
    NOX emissions from the source categories purportedly 
    included in the NOX Budget Trading Program. To reduce this 
    potential, it may be desirable to adjust the applicability criteria for 
    new units to ensure that the trading program continues to cover a 
    significant portion of the NOX emissions for the source 
    categories covered by the program.
        A second option would be to expand the core applicability to 
    include all new and modified sources that meet the definition of major 
    new or modified source under the part D nonattainment NSR program and 
    that are of the same type of source included in the proposed core 
    applicability, even if these sources are smaller than the source size 
    under option one, above. This would enable the trading program to 
    integrate more fully with the NSR program. Under this option, the 
    trading program applicability would include all new and modified units 
    (whether or not they serve electricity generators) that commence 
    operation on or after May 1, 2003. If smaller new sources were included 
    in the trading program, these sources would have to meet the monitoring 
    requirements of subpart H of 40 CFR part 75; the proposed revisions to 
    40 CFR part 75 contain new protocols for units with low NOX 
    mass emissions. Sources' compliance requirements could be streamlined 
    significantly if they could meet their NSR offset obligations by 
    participating in the NOX Budget Trading Program (see Section 
    F, below).
        A third option would be to provide an exemption from the trading 
    program for existing units that have a very low federally enforceable 
    NOX emissions limit (e.g., 25 tons per year), regardless of 
    the nameplate capacity or the maximum potential hourly heat input of 
    the unit. Commenters at the public workshops raised this option noting 
    that a trading program generally reduces the cost of compliance. 
    However, for some very infrequently used or very low emitting units, 
    there may be more cost-effective ways to ensure any necessary 
        vi. Area and Mobile Sources. Comments were received at the public 
    workshops about the opportunity to include additional sources beyond 
    large stationary sources in the trading program. There was not 
    consensus among workshop participants on this issue. However, most 
    States in attendance were opposed to including area and mobile sources 
    in the trading program at this time.
        As noted above, EPA has identified key criteria that are important 
    to the success of the trading program. First, it is essential that 
    these sources are able to monitor at a level of accuracy consistent 
    with the basic objectives of the program. In addition, the proposed 
    trading program requires that all sources covered under the program be 
    held accountable through a responsible party for their total emissions 
    that occur from May through September of each year.
        The EPA may consider inclusion of portions of mobile source or area 
    source categories which best meet the key concerns mentioned above 
    (e.g., measurement and accounting of all emissions and identification 
    of responsible parties). Over the past decade, EPA and the States have 
    developed procedures and protocols for Mobile Source Emissions 
    Reduction Credit programs. This effort has focused on the generation of 
    credits for specific categories of programs, including scrappage and 
    clean-fueled fleet programs.
        Key issues for the development of these mobile source programs 
    include ensuring that the credits generated reflect real emissions 
    reductions, development and implementation of an effective monitoring 
    program, and identification of a responsible party for the 
    implementation of the program and the ensuing emissions reductions. The 
    EPA requests comment on the adequacy of the existing programs in 
    addressing key issues for mobile source credit programs. Comment is 
    also requested on whether these types of programs, as existing or with 
    modification, should be considered for inclusion in the NOX 
    Budget Trading Program.
        The EPA is interested in innovative ideas for including area and 
    mobile sources in cap-and-trade type trading programs. Comments should 
    address the categories of each source type that could most successfully 
    be incorporated into a cap-and-trade program and that best address the 
    key issues. Commenters should address how inclusion of the specific 
    category recommended may be implemented and the expected effects of 
    including these source types in the program (e.g., integrity of the 
    program, public support, flexibility, cost savings, administrative 
    feasibility). Additionally, comment is requested on any other types of 
    concerns or issues associated with inclusion of these source types 
    (e.g., environmental justice \16\).
        \16\ The EPA is aware of concerns relating to environmental 
    justice issues. These concerns focus on the possibility that car 
    scrappage programs might allow significant toxic VOC emissions 
    increases in specific areas by concentrating region wide emissions 
    in a local area. The National Environmental Justice Advisory Council 
    (NEJAC) has recommended that the Agency involve stakeholders, 
    analyze local environmental impacts of existing and proposed trading 
    programs, and report back to NEJAC. Refer to Document IV-H-10 in EPA 
    Air Docket A-96-56.
        d. Retired Unit Exemption. 40 CFR part 96 subpart A of today's 
    proposal provides an exemption from NOX Budget Trading 
    Program requirements for retired units. The purpose of this provision 
    is to free retired NOX Budget units from unnecessary 
    requirements (e.g., emissions monitoring and reporting). The EPA 
    proposes an exemption beginning on the day the unit permanently 
    retires, requiring no notice and comment period regarding the 
    retirement. This provision proposes that the NOX AAR (i.e., 
    the person authorized by the owners and operators to make submissions 
    and handle other matters) submit notification to the permitting 
    authority of the NOX Budget unit's retirement within 30 days 
    of the cessation of activity. In response, the permitting authority 
    would amend the operating permit in accordance with the exemption and 
    notify EPA of the unit's status as exempt. Criteria within this 
    provision ensure that all program requirements prior to the exemption 
    are fulfilled and records are kept on site to verify the non-emitting 
    status of the retired unit. A retired unit could continue to hold 
    NOX allowances previously allocated or be allocated 
    NOX allowances in the future depending on the allocation 
    provisions adopted by the State where the retired unit is located. The 
    number of future year NOX allowances that a retired unit 
    would be allocated would be dependent on the
    [[Page 25927]]
    given State's allocation system. The NOX allowance 
    allocations are discussed below in Section V.C.5 of this preamble.
        In order to resume operation without violating program 
    requirements, the NOX AAR of the NOX Budget unit 
    must submit a permit application to the permitting authority no less 
    than 18 months (or less, if so specified by the applicable State 
    permitting regulations) prior to the date on which the unit is first to 
    resume operation, to allow the permitting authority time to review and 
    approve the application for the unit's re-entry into the program. If a 
    retired unit resumes operation, EPA proposes to automatically terminate 
    the exemption under this part.
        e. Standard Requirements. Today's proposal delineates, in proposed 
    40 CFR part 96 subpart A the standard requirements, that NOX 
    budget units and their owners, operators, and NOX AARs must 
    meet under the NOX Budget Trading Program. This provision 
    sets forth and provides references to other portions of the trading 
    rule for the full range of program requirements: permits, monitoring, 
    NOX emissions limitations, excess emissions, recordkeeping 
    and reporting, liability, and effect on other authorities. For example, 
    the permitting, monitoring, and emissions limit requirements are 
    discussed in general and the relevant Sections of the trading rule are 
    cited. The liability provisions state that the requirements of the 
    trading program must be met, and any knowing violations or false 
    statements are subject to enforcement under the applicable State or 
    Federal law. Violations and the associated liability are established to 
    be unit-specific, except in the case of common stacks. The provision 
    addressing the effect on other authorities establishes that no 
    provision of the trading program can be construed to exempt the owners 
    or operators of a NOX Budget unit from compliance with any 
    other provision of the applicable, approved SIP, any federally 
    enforceable permit, or the CAA. This provision ensures, for example, 
    that a State may set a binding source-specific NOX 
    limitation and, regardless of how many allowances a NOX 
    Budget unit holds under the trading program, the emissions limit 
    established in the SIP cannot be violated.
        f. Computation of Time. Proposed 40 CFR 96.7 clarifies how to 
    determine the deadlines referenced in the proposal. For example, 
    deadlines falling on a weekend or holiday are extended to the next 
    business day. These are the same computation-of-time provisions as are 
    in the regulation for the Acid Rain Program.
    2. NOX Authorized Account Representative
        40 CFR part 96 subpart B of today's proposed NOX Budget 
    Trading Rule establishes the process for certifying the NOX 
    AAR and describes his or her duties. A NOX AAR is the 
    individual who is authorized to represent the owners and operators of 
    each NOX budget unit at a NOX budget source in 
    matters pertaining to the NOX Budget Trading Program. 
    Because the NOX AAR is representing the owners and operators 
    of all the NOX Budget units at a NOX Budget 
    source, the NOX AAR must certify that he or she was selected 
    by an agreement binding on all such owners and operators and is 
    authorized to act on their behalf. The NOX AAR's 
    responsibilities include: the submission of permit applications to the 
    permitting authority, submission of monitoring plans and certification 
    applications, holding and transferring NOX allowances, and 
    submission of emissions data and compliance reports. While the Acid 
    Rain Program refers to the ``designated representative'' as the 
    representative of owners and operators for non-allowance matters and 
    the ``authorized account representative'' as the person for allowance 
    matters, today's proposal uses only one term for all matters and 
    somewhat streamlines the procedures for selection.
        The Agency recognizes that the NOX AAR cannot always be 
    available to perform his or her duties. Therefore, the rule proposes to 
    allow for the appointment of one alternate NOX AAR 
    (alternate NOX AAR) for a NOX budget source. The 
    alternate NOX AAR would have the same authority and 
    responsibilities as the NOX AAR. Therefore, unless expressly 
    provided to the contrary, whenever the term ``NOX authorized 
    account representative'' is used in the rule, it should be read to 
    apply to the alternate NOX AAR as well. While the alternate 
    NOX AAR would have full authority to act on behalf of the 
    NOX AAR, all correspondence from EPA, including reports, 
    would be sent only to the NOX AAR.
        Today's proposal requires the completion and submission of the 
    account certificate of representation form in order to certify a 
    NOX AAR for a NOX budget source and all 
    NOX budget units at the source. There would be one standard 
    form which would be submitted by sources to EPA. The EPA would 
    establish a compliance account for each unit in the NATS. The form 
    would include: The plant name, State, and identifying number (ORIS or 
    facility code); the NOX AAR name, the NOX AAR 
    identification number (if already assigned), address, phone, fax, and 
    e-mail (as well as similar information for the alternate NOX 
    AAR, if applicable); the name of every owner and operator of the source 
    and each NOX budget unit at the source; and certification 
    language and signature of the NOX AAR and alternate, if 
        In order to change the NOX AAR, alternate NOX 
    AAR, or list of owners and operators, EPA is proposing that a new 
    complete account certificate of representation be submitted. The EPA 
    believes the NOX AAR requirements afford the regulated 
    community with flexibility, while ensuring source accountability and 
    simplifying the administration of the trading program.
    3. Permits
        a. General Requirements. The EPA has attempted to minimize the 
    number of new procedural requirements for NOX Budget 
    permitting and to defer, whenever possible, to the permitting programs 
    already established by the permitting authority. The proposed 
    NOX Budget Trading Program regulations assume that the 
    NOX budget permit would be a portion of a federally 
    enforceable permit issued to the NOX Budget source and 
    administered through permitting vehicles such as operating permits 
    programs established under title V of the CAA and 40 CFR part 70. The 
    term ``NOX budget permit'' throughout this preamble and the 
    NOX Budget Trading Program regulations therefore refers to 
    the NOX Budget Trading Program portion of the permit issued 
    by the permitting authority to a NOX budget source.
        b. Title V/Non-Title V Permits. Although many of the NOX 
    Budget sources that would participate in the NOX Budget 
    Trading Program must apply for and receive a title V permit, this would 
    not be the case for every NOX budget source. Sources 
    presently required to have a title V permit are those that are 
    ``major'' sources, as defined in title V and 40 CFR parts 70 and 71. 
    Since there would be some NOX budget sources that are not 
    major sources, the NOX Budget Trading Program would require 
    only that a NOX budget source have a federally enforceable 
    permit, rather than require that each NOX Budget source have 
    a title V permit. The EPA believes that requiring all NOX 
    budget sources to have a title V permit would be unduly burdensome and 
    that proper implementation of a NOX Budget Trading Program 
    can be achieved through federally enforceable permitting vehicles in 
    addition to those established under title V and 40 CFR part 70 or 71.
    [[Page 25928]]
        For sources required to have a title V permit, the NOX 
    Budget Trading Program attempts, wherever possible, to allow the 
    regulations promulgated by the permitting authority under title V and 
    40 CFR part 70 or 71 to determine how the NOX budget permit 
    would be administered. For those sources not required to have a title V 
    permit, the NOX Budget Trading Program attempts, wherever 
    possible, to allow the permitting authority's non-title V permit 
    regulations to govern how the NOX budget permit would be 
    administered. Essentially, this would enable the NOX Budget 
    Trading Program to operate within the regulatory framework already 
    established by permitting authorities for both title V and non-title V 
        The proposed rule requires that every NOX budget unit 
    have a federally enforceable permit. The EPA is concerned, however, 
    that some States may not currently have permitting vehicles for the 
    issuance of federally enforceable permits to smaller units that would 
    be subject to the proposed trading rule. For such States, adoption of 
    the NOX budget rule would also require the State either to 
    issue permits under its title V program to sources that would not 
    otherwise require title V permits or to develop other permitting 
    programs through which federally enforceable permits could be issued to 
    such units.
        Therefore, EPA requests comment on the option, for States without 
    programs for issuing federally enforceable permits for smaller 
    NOX budget units, of not requiring such units to obtain 
    federally enforceable permits. Under this option, the State's 
    NOX Budget Trading Rule would state that NOX 
    budget units that are not covered by a federally enforceable permit 
    would still be subject to the emissions, monitoring, and other non-
    permit requirements of the trading rule, would have their emissions 
    reported to and recorded on the EPA-administered Emissions Tracking 
    System, and would have their NOX allowance allocations, 
    deductions, and transfers recorded on the EPA-administered NATS. The 
    EPA requests comment on whether, under these circumstances, the units' 
    obligations (e.g., to hold sufficient NOX allowances each 
    control period to cover NOX emissions and to monitor 
    emissions in accordance with 40 CFR part 75 subpart H) would be 
    federally enforceable, with or without a federally enforceable permit 
    reiterating the unit's requirements under the NOX Budget 
    Trading Program.
        The EPA is soliciting comment on several other aspects of this 
    issue. First, EPA is interested in State assessments of the extent of 
    the problem in issuing federally enforceable permits to all sources 
    included in the trading program. In particular, EPA seeks information 
    on how many NOX budget units (or what percent of States' 
    NOX budget units) would not be issued federally enforceable 
    permits, but for the permit requirements of the proposed trading rule, 
    and on the extent to which non-title V permitting programs are 
    currently established and available for permitting NOX 
    budget units. Second, EPA seeks comments regarding the feasibility of 
    the approach described above, under which federally enforceable permits 
    would not be required for smaller NOX budget units if the 
    State lacked an existing program for issuing federally enforceable 
    permits to such units. Lastly, EPA is interested in receiving 
    suggestions regarding other possible approaches to address this matter.
        c. NOX Budget Permit Application Deadlines. The proposed 
    rule sets the initial NOX budget permit application 
    deadlines for units in operation before January 1, 2000 with either 
    title V or non-title V permits so that the permits will be issued by 
    May 1, 2003. May 1, 2003 is the beginning of the first control period 
    for the NOX Budget Trading Program, and therefore also the 
    date by which initial NOX budget permits for existing units 
    must be effective. Application submission deadlines are based on the 
    permitting authority's title V and non-title V requirements for final 
    action on a permit application. For instance, if a permitting 
    authority's permitting regulations allowed 12 months for final action 
    by the permitting authority on a permit application, the application 
    deadline for units in operation before 2000 governed by the permitting 
    rule would be May 1, 2002 (12 months prior to May 1, 2003). The same 
    principle applies to NOX budget units commencing operation 
    on or after January 1, 2000, except that the application submission 
    deadline is calculated from the later of the date the NOX 
    budget unit commences operation or from May 1, 2003. The NOX 
    budget permit renewal application deadlines are the same as those that 
    apply to permit renewal applications in general for sources with title 
    V or non-title V permits. For instance, if a permitting authority 
    requires submission of a title V permit renewal application by a date 
    which is 12 months in advance of a title V permit's expiration, the 
    same date would also apply to the NOX budget permit 
        d. NOX Budget Trading Program Permit Application. The 
    NOX Budget Trading Program requires that a NOX 
    budget permit application properly identify the source and include the 
    standard requirements under proposed 40 CFR 96.6. The NOX 
    Budget Trading Program permit application should include all elements 
    of the program (including the standard requirements). Such an approach 
    allows the permitting authority to incorporate virtually all of the 
    applicable NOX Budget Trading Program requirements into a 
    NOX budget permit by including as part of such permit the 
    NOX budget permit application submitted by the source. 
    Directly incorporating the NOX budget permit application 
    into the NOX budget permit and, thus, into the source's 
    operating permit or the overarching permit minimizes the administrative 
    burden on the permitting authority of including the NOX 
    Budget Trading Program applicable requirements, and mirrors the 
    approach successfully implemented by many permitting authorities in 
    issuing Phase II Acid Rain permits under titles IV and V.
        e. NOX Budget Permit Issuance. As stated earlier, most 
    of the procedures needed by a permitting authority to issue 
    NOX budget permits have already been established by the 
    permitting authority through permitting vehicles such as operating 
    permits programs under title V and 40 CFR part 70 or 71. Generally, the 
    permits regulations promulgated by the permitting authority cover: 
    Permit application, permit application shield, permit duration, permit 
    shield, permit issuance, permit revision and reopening, public 
    participation, and State and EPA review. The proposed NOX 
    Budget Trading Program permit regulations generally require use of the 
    procedures under these other regulations and add some requirements such 
    as NOX budget permit application submission and renewal 
    deadlines, NOX budget permit application information 
    requirements and permit content, and initial NOX budget 
    permit effective dates.
        f. NOX Budget Permit Revisions. For revisions to the 
    NOX budget permit, the NOX Budget Trading Program 
    again defers to the regulations addressing permits revisions 
    promulgated by the permitting authority under title V and 40 CFR part 
    70 or 71 (for sources requiring a title V permit) or to non-title V 
    permitting regulations (for sources not requiring a title V permit). 
    The proposal also provides that the allocation, transfer, or deduction 
    of NOX allowances is automatically incorporated in the 
    NOX budget permit, and does not require a permit revision or 
    reopening by the permitting authority. The NOX budget permit 
    must, however, expressly state that each unit
    [[Page 25929]]
    must hold enough NOX allowances to account for 
    NOX emissions by the allowance transfer deadline for each 
    control period and that there are offsets if the unit does not. The EPA 
    believes that requiring the permitting authority to revise or reopen a 
    NOX budget permit each time a NOX allowance 
    allocation, transfer, or deduction is made would be burdensome and 
    unnecessary. This is similar to the approach taken in the Acid Rain 
    Program, where the transfer of SO2 allowances are treated as 
    ``automatic permit amendments'' that do not require any action by the 
    permitting authority.
    4. Compliance Certification
        40 CFR part 96 subpart D of today's proposed NOX Budget 
    Trading Rule sets forth the requirements concerning certification by 
    the NOX AAR at the end of each control period that the unit 
    was in compliance with the emissions limitation and other requirements 
    of the NOX Budget Trading Program. The NOX AAR 
    must submit a compliance certification report for each NOX 
    budget unit, by November 30 following the control period, to both the 
    permitting authority and the Administrator. This report must identify 
    the NOX budget unit and include a compliance certification 
    statement. The compliance certification statement must indicate whether 
    all of the applicable requirements of the NOX Budget Trading 
    Program, including the requirement to hold allowances greater than or 
    equal to emissions and the requirement to monitor and report according 
    to the provisions in 40 CFR part 96 subpart H of today's proposal, were 
    met by the unit for the most recent control period. The report also 
    allows the NOX AAR to specify which allowances (by serial 
    number) should be deducted from the NOX budget unit's 
    compliance account and to specify the proportion of NOX 
    allowances to deduct for each unit if a group of units share a common 
        The EPA is proposing that annual compliance certification reports 
    must be submitted for several reasons. First, the report provides 
    important information, such as whether there were any changes to the 
    unit's monitoring plan used by EPA to evaluate the unit's monitoring 
    and to determine compliance. Second, the report provides an opportunity 
    for the owner or operator to use the flexibilities allowed in today's 
    proposal to choose which NOX allowances would be deducted to 
    meet emissions reduction requirements rather than using the default 
    methodologies for deducting allowances that are also set forth in 
    today's proposal. The EPA is proposing that a copy of the compliance 
    certification report be sent to both EPA and to the permitting 
    authority because EPA needs the information in order to administer the 
    compliance period reconciliation process and the permitting authority 
    needs the information in order to ensure compliance with the SIP. The 
    EPA is proposing a deadline of November 30 following the control period 
    for submission because EPA believes this is sufficient time to compile 
    the information required in the report, while still allowing EPA to 
    perform reconciliation before the next control period begins.
    5. NOX Allowance Allocations
        40 CFR part 96 subpart E of today's proposed model rule addresses 
    the allocation of NOX allowances to NOX budget 
    units. Within each participating State, the NOX Budget 
    Trading Program would establish a State trading program budget (i.e., a 
    cap of seasonal NOX emissions for all units included in the 
    program) equal to a fixed total number of NOX allowances 
    that each State allocates to its NOX budget units for each 
    control period. States would have the ultimate responsibility for 
    determining the size of their respective trading program budgets. 40 
    CFR part 96 subpart E of today's proposed rule sets timing requirements 
    for when the allocations should be completed by each State and 
    submitted to EPA for inclusion into the NATS and provides an option for 
    how States may allocate NOX allowances to the NOX 
    budget units.
         a. Development of State Trading Program Budget. Today's proposal 
    establishes in 40 CFR part 96 subpart E the total number of 
    NOX tons for the NOX Budget Trading Program 
    within a specific State. The proposed rule sets the State trading 
    program budget at the level of NOX emissions apportioned by 
    an approved SIP for the ozone transport rulemaking to the State's 
    sources meeting the definition of ``NOX budget unit'' in the 
    2007 statewide emissions budget. Sources meeting the definition of 
    ``NOX budget unit'' would include the sources in the trading 
    program's core group of sources as well as additional sources that a 
    State may choose to include in the program as discussed above in 
    Section V.C.1.c. The proposed transport rulemaking provides States the 
    flexibility to meet the statewide emissions budgets with a different 
    mix of control measures than were calculated in the transport 
    rulemaking, thus potentially changing the total amount of 
    NOX tons apportioned to the NOX budget units. 
    Therefore, a State may determine the number of NOX tons 
    allotted for the State trading program budget provided the State 
    complies with the overall requirements of the proposed transport 
    rulemaking. Once a State sets the trading program budget, the limit is 
    set for the total number of NOX allowances that the State 
    may allocate to the State's NOX budget units for any one 
    control period.
        b. Timing Requirements. Today's proposed rule sets requirements for 
    when a State would finalize NOX allowance allocations for 
    each control period in the NOX Budget Trading Program and 
    submit them to EPA for inclusion into the NATS. This topic was 
    discussed at both of the public workshops as explained later in this 
    Section. The timing requirements ensure that all NOX budget 
    units would have sufficient time and the same amount of time to plan 
    for compliance for each control period, and sufficient time and the 
    same amount of time to trade NOX allowances. The timing 
    requirements would also contribute to the efficient administration of 
    the NOX Budget Trading Program. By establishing this 
    schedule at the outset of the trading program, both the States and EPA 
    would be able to develop internal procedures for effectively 
    implementing the NOX allowance provisions of the trading 
    program. This is particularly important for EPA with its role as 
    administrator of the NATS for all participating States. The timing 
    requirements would ensure that EPA would be able to record in the NATS 
    the time sensitive NOX allowance allocations for the 
    NOX budget units in all participating States at the same 
    time for each control period.
        At the public workshops, a range of options were discussed and 
    commented on for the timing requirements. The timing options generally 
    range from year-by-year allocations, in which the NOX 
    allowance allocations would be placed into the NATS on an annual basis 
    for the upcoming control period; to a 5 to 10 year allocation where 
    NOX allowance allocations would be periodically placed into 
    the NATS for 5 to 10 control periods; to a single, permanent allocation 
    where the NOX allowance allocations would be set only once 
    at the beginning of the trading program and recorded in the NATS for an 
    extended, rolling block of time (e.g., a rolling 30 year period).
        Some commenters stated that timing options which provide an 
    opportunity to periodically update the allocation of NOX 
    allowances to NOX budget units have certain advantages. 
    First, the current restructuring of the electricity industry may 
    significantly affect the mix
    [[Page 25930]]
    of electricity generators that produce electricity in the future. As 
    the utilization of existing electricity generators changes and new 
    electricity generators begin operations, an allocation regime which is 
    periodically updated would provide an opportunity to reallocate 
    NOX allowances based on this changing environment. Second, 
    depending on the formula that is used to allocate the NOX 
    allowances, trading programs that periodically update the allocations 
    may provide an opportunity to reward energy efficiency improvements at 
    specific NOX budget units. Incentives may be provided for 
    energy efficiency improvements by rewarding NOX budget units 
    that increase their production efficiency over time with a larger 
    number of NOX allowances during the next allocation period. 
    However, commenters also noted that allocation systems that are 
    adjusted annually may restrict a NOX budget unit's ability 
    to plan for compliance by creating uncertainty year to year about the 
    amount of future allocations that the NOX budget unit would 
    receive. In addition, annual allocations prevent a NOX 
    budget unit from officially transferring future year NOX 
    allowances because the NATS only contains the current year's 
    NOX allowances under this type of system. These commenters 
    generally favored an allocation system that periodically allocates 
    NOX allowances for 5 to 10 control periods at a time.
        Other commenters noted the advantages of a single, permanent 
    allocation where the NOX allowance allocations would be set 
    only once at the beginning of the trading program. Permanent 
    allocations provide a long planning horizon for the NOX 
    budget units that receive an allocation. Some commenters noted that 
    permanent allocations provide a strong incentive for the owners or 
    operators of high emitting units to retire or replace the units. 
    Additionally, permanent allocations provide an incentive to improve a 
    NOX budget unit's energy efficiency and require less 
    resources to administer as compared to updating allocation systems. In 
    a permanent allocation system, all NOX allowances are 
    allocated to NOX budget units at the beginning of the 
    trading program. New NOX budget units that begin operations 
    after the allocation of NOX allowances would be required to 
    obtain NOX allowances from the market in order to comply 
    with the trading program requirements, or there would need to be a new 
    source set-aside that increased from year to year, coupled with a 
    declining allocation to existing sources. Therefore, commenters that 
    support an allocation mechanism that provides NOX allowances 
    to new NOX budget units were generally opposed to the 
    permanent allocation approach.
        In light of the comments from the public workshops, today's 
    proposed rule attempts to strike a balance between systems that change 
    the allocations on an annual basis and systems that establish a single, 
    permanent allocation by proposing a system that allocates 
    NOX allowances for 5 to 10 years at a time. The proposed 
    rule includes the following timing requirements for the allocation of 
    NOX allowances: by September 30, 1999, the State would 
    submit to EPA NOX allowance allocations for the control 
    periods in the years 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007. This initial 
    submission date would provide the initial allocation information to 
    NOX budget units more than 3 years before the start of the 
    trading program and would enable a State to include the first five 
    years of NOX allowance allocations as a part of its overall 
    SIP submission to meet the requirements of the proposed transport 
    rulemaking. After this initial allocation, two timing options are 
    proposed for the allocations following the year 2007. One option, which 
    is set forth in the proposed rule, is: by January 1, 2003 and January 1 
    of each year thereafter, the State would submit to EPA allocations for 
    the control period in the year that is 5 years after the applicable 
    submission deadline. Under this option, a State would ensure that its 
    NOX budget units are always allocated 5 years worth of 
    NOX allowances in the NATS. A second option, on which 
    comment is also requested, is: By January 1, 2003, a State would submit 
    to EPA NOX allowance allocations for the control periods in 
    2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012. The State would maintain this 
    schedule of submitting NOX allowance allocations for 5 
    control periods by January 1 every five years after January 1, 2003. 
    This option would ensure that the State's NOX budget units 
    are allocated no less than 5 years, and as much as 10 years, worth of 
    NOX allowances in the NATS at any one time. Under the second 
    option, future allocations are made less frequently and, for some 
    years, based on older data on unit utilization. The second option would 
    also require a larger new source set-aside (as discussed below) to span 
    the longer time frame before new sources would be incorporated in the 
    updated allocation. In addition to the specific options described 
    above, EPA also solicits comments on the full range of possible timing 
    requirements including a single, permanent allocation system and an 
    annually changing allocation system.
        Today's proposed trading rule includes a provision that if a State 
    were to fail to meet the timing requirements for submitting 
    NOX allowance allocations to EPA, EPA would allocate 
    NOX allowances to NOX budget units in that State 
    in accordance with 40 CFR 96.42 within 60 days of the applicable 
    deadline. Section 96.42 is the Section of the model rule that will 
    contain EPA's recommended approach for allocating NOX 
    allowances to NOX budget units, which is discussed below. 
    This provision is designed to ensure that all NOX budget 
    units included in the NOX Budget Trading Program would 
    receive NOX allowance allocations at the same time for each 
    control period. The EPA solicits comment on this provision.
    c. Options for NOX Allowance Allocation Recommendation
        i. Basis for Developing an Allocation Recommendation. The EPA 
    proposes that the final NOX Budget Trading Rule include a 
    recommended NOX allowance allocation. This was discussed at 
    length at the public workshops. Three approaches to addressing 
    NOX allowance allocations in the trading program were 
    presented at the workshops. First, the rule could prescribe one method 
    for allocating NOX allowances. States that choose to 
    participate in the NOX Budget Trading Program would need to 
    allocate NOX allowances as prescribed by the rule. This 
    option would have the benefit of going through public comment as a part 
    of the rule development process. The second approach was for the rule 
    to recommend one method for allocating NOX allowances. 
    States may choose to use the recommendation, to adjust the 
    recommendation, or to develop an allocation method that is completely 
    different from the recommendation. The third approach was for the rule 
    to be silent on the method for allocating NOX allowances and 
    require the participating States to independently develop State 
    specific allocation methods.
        Workshop participants covered the entire range of approaches in 
    their comments. Commenters in favor of a prescriptive allocation method 
    argued that a standard system ensures that there is equity between 
    NOX budget units in different States, that the same 
    environmental goals are pursued within all participating States (e.g., 
    promotion of energy efficient units through output based emission 
    limitations), that all State programs have the necessary consistency to 
    promote interstate trading, and that a standard system
    [[Page 25931]]
    reduces industry and government resources necessary to develop and 
    implement NOX allowance allocations in each State. On the 
    other end of the spectrum, commenters in favor of States having 
    complete flexibility in the allocation method asserted that it is 
    important for States to have the freedom to develop systems that 
    address their specific needs. Furthermore, as long as all States follow 
    the timing requirements for allocations in the proposed rule, the 
    different State methods should be sufficiently compatible to realize 
    the benefits of trading.
        The EPA is sensitive to the argument that a more prescriptive 
    proposed rule would ensure a consistent and administratively efficient 
    multi-state program that is equitable for similar NOX budget 
    units. However, EPA also recognizes that the States which have 
    commented on this subject have unanimously supported some degree of 
    flexibility for developing allocation methods. Because EPA believes it 
    is important for as many States as possible to participate in the 
    NOX Budget Trading Program, EPA is proposing that the final 
    rule contain a recommendation for how States may allocate 
    NOX allowances but allow States the flexibility to differ 
    from the recommendation. By including the recommended allocation 
    method, the final rule would provide a complete model for the 
    NOX Budget Trading Program. This has the potential to ease 
    the regulatory process for States that prefer the recommendation by 
    providing a rule that can be quickly adapted for promulgation as a 
    State rule and, as discussed below, more quickly considered by EPA as 
    part of SIP review. In addition, in order to help facilitate 
    administration of the program, EPA plans on ensuring that the necessary 
    data collection protocols exist to support the option recommended in 
    the final rule. This would include both standard data collection 
    requirements and standard data reporting requirements.
        ii. Options for an Allocation Recommendation. NOX 
    allowances could be distributed to NOX budget units and 
    other private parties by allocations based on actual operating data, 
    via auctions, or by a variety of other mechanisms. Most of the workshop 
    discussions and comments focused on how to allocate NOX 
    allowances based on actual operating data. In general terms, three 
    different processes at a unit may be measured and used as a metric for 
    allocating NOX allowances: (1) The actual emissions (in tons 
    of NOX) from the unit, (2) the actual heat input (in mmBtu) 
    of the unit, and (3) the actual production output (in terms of 
    electricity generation and/or steam energy) of the unit. The option of 
    allocating NOX allowances based on a unit's actual 
    NOX emissions was not generally recommended because it is 
    regarded as providing a perverse incentive by rewarding more 
    NOX allowances to units that have the greatest 
    NOX emissions. Heat input and output are regarded as more 
    neutral measures of a unit's utilization, and therefore, more equitable 
    options for basing allocations.
        The EPA solicits comments on three options using input or output 
    data for the allocation recommendation that would be included in the 
    final trading rule.17 The first option is to base the 
    allocation recommendation on heat input data. This option may be 
    desirable because accurate protocols exist for monitoring this data and 
    reporting it to EPA, and several years of certified data are available 
    for most of the affected sources. Additionally, methods currently exist 
    for calculating allocations based on heat input data. It should be 
    noted that in some specific instances, these protocols are designed to 
    conservatively estimate heat input. For instance, new units that do not 
    certify their monitors by the compliance deadline, may report heat 
    input using the unit's maximum potential heat input. In another 
    instance, low mass emitting units that use a simplified emissions 
    estimation methodology would also report using the unit's maximum 
    potential heat input. In both of these cases, the potential over-
    reporting of heat input, could lead to a larger percentage of 
    allowances being allocated to these units. One potential option for 
    these instances would be to require units in these types of situations 
    to report one heat input value to be used for emissions estimation 
    purposes and another less conservative value to be used for purposes of 
    allowance allocations. Another option would be to apply a discount to 
    reported heat input values in certain circumstances (e.g., during 
    periods when monitors are not certified) for purposes of allocating 
    allowances. The EPA seeks comment on whether this issue needs to be 
    addressed to ensure equitable allocation of allowances. The other two 
    options incorporate the use of output data for the allocation 
    recommendation. The EPA believes that basing allocations on output has 
    the potential benefit of promoting energy efficiency in an allocation 
    system that periodically reallocates the NOX allowances (see 
    Section V.C.9.b of this preamble).
        \17\ It is important to note that in today's trading program 
    proposal, a State would have the flexibility of determining 
    allocations to its NOX budget units by whatever system it 
    desires regardless of EPA's allocation recommendation.
        The second option for which EPA solicits comments would base the 
    allocation recommendation on heat input data for the first five control 
    periods of the trading program (control periods in the years 2003-
    2007). The allocation recommendation would then be converted to use 
    output data for the control periods after the year 2007. Under this 
    option, heat input data would be used for the first five years because 
    a number of issues for the measurement, collection, and use of output 
    data may not be fully resolved for all of the NOX budget 
    units that would be included in the trading program prior to the time 
    that the allocation recommendation would need to be finalized for the 
    initial allocation period. Section V.C.9.b of this preamble discusses a 
    number of the issues associated with measuring and using output data. 
    To facilitate the use of output data under this option, EPA proposes to 
    work with stakeholders to design the output based system that would be 
    used after the initial allocation period. As a part of this output 
    based system, EPA would amend its Electronic Data Reporting format so 
    that output data would be available for States through EPA's Emissions 
    Tracking System.
        In order to implement this option, EPA suggests the following 
    schedule for developing the output based system that would be used in 
    the allocation recommendation for the control periods after the year 
    2007: (1) EPA would issue a proposed system for output based 
    allocations by the spring of 1999; (2) EPA would finalize an output 
    based system by fall of 1999; (3) States wishing to use an output based 
    system would adopt the necessary rules by fall of 2000; (4) output data 
    could be measured and collected at NOX budget units during 
    the control periods in the years 2001 and 2002; (5) output data would 
    be available for States to calculate allocations for the control 
    periods after the year 2007, in time to meet the allocation timing 
    requirements established in today's proposed rule. As discussed under 
    Section V.C.5.b, allocations for the control period in the year 2008 
    would be submitted to EPA by January 1, 2003 for inclusion into the 
    NATS. The EPA solicits comments on this suggested schedule for 
    establishing a method for output based allocations and comments on the 
    issues raised under Section V.C.9.b of this preamble.
    [[Page 25932]]
        The third option for which EPA solicits comments would base the 
    allocation recommendation on output data, to the extent practicable, 
    for all NOX budget units from the start of the trading 
    program. The allocations for the first five control periods of the 
    trading program would be based on output data currently reported to 
    government agencies other than EPA (such as the Department of Energy's 
    Energy Information Agency, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or 
    State Public Utility Commissions). Depending upon the availability of 
    information, it may be necessary in this option to use output for 
    electricity generating facilities and input data for non-electricity 
    generating facilities for the initial allocation period. The allocation 
    recommendation would then be converted to use output data for all 
    NOX budget units for the control periods after the year 
    2007. As in the second option described above, EPA proposes to work 
    with stakeholders to design a complete output based system that would 
    be used after the initial allocation period. Unlike the output data 
    used in the initial allocation period, the allocations for control 
    periods after the year 2007 would be based on output data that would be 
    reported in EPA's Electronic Data Reporting format and designed 
    specifically to support a NOX allowance allocation system. 
    The EPA suggests the same schedule as outlined above in the second 
    option for developing the complete output based system for allocating 
    NOX allowances.
        iii. Framework for an Allocation Recommendation. As discussed above 
    under Section V.C.5.c.i, EPA proposes to include a specific 
    recommendation in the final trading rule for allocating NOX 
    allowances to NOX budget units. This allocation 
    recommendation may be based on either input or output data as outlined 
    in one of the three options presented above under Section V.C.5.c.ii. 
    In addition to the data used to support the allocations, EPA also 
    solicits comments on two other key elements for an allocation 
    recommendation: (1) Using a portion of the State's NOX 
    allowances as a set-aside for new NOX budget units for 
    control periods for which the unit was not allocated NOX 
    allowances, and (2) using either a fuel neutral or output neutral 
    calculation to determine allocations for NOX budget units.
        Today's proposed rule includes an example of a specific allocation 
    methodology that uses heat input data and addresses the above key 
    elements. This allocation methodology would be appropriate for 
    implementing an allocation system entirely based on heat input data or 
    for implementing the initial allocation period of an allocation system 
    that starts out using input data and later is converted to the use of 
    output data. The allocation methodology would need to be modified for 
    the use of output data to implement an allocation system that 
    eventually converts to output data or for an allocation system that 
    begins with using output data. The EPA solicits comment on the 
    following allocation methodology for using input data and on the 
    appropriateness of using the basic framework of this methodology for an 
    output based allocation system. Furthermore, the allocation methodology 
    establishes an allocation set-aside account equaling 2 percent of the 
    State trading program budget for each control period for new 
    NOX budget units (i.e., units that commence operation during 
    or after the period on which general NOX allowance 
    allocations are based). Based on analyses conducted using the 
    Integrated Planning Model (IPM) and on the proposal to reallocate 
    allowances every five years, 2 percent appears to be a reasonable 
    portion of NOX allowances to set aside for new units. The 
    remaining 98 percent of the NOX allowances are to be 
    allocated to existing NOX budget units. The EPA requests 
    public comment on the use of a set-aside and on the proposed size of 
    the set-aside, which EPA believes should be large enough to accommodate 
    all new units entering the trading program.
        Initial, unadjusted allocations to existing NOX budget 
    units, which equal 98 percent of the State trading program budget, 
    would be based on actual heat input data (in mmBtu) for the units 
    multiplied by an emission rate of 0.15 lb/mmBtu. For the control 
    periods in the years 2003 through 2007, the heat input used in the 
    allocation calculation equals the average of the heat input for the two 
    highest control periods for the years 1995, 1996, and 1997. For the 
    control periods after 2007, the heat input equals the heat input 
    measured during the control period of the year that is six years before 
    the year in which the allocations are being calculated. Therefore, the 
    allocation calculation combined with the timing requirements discussed 
    under Section V.C.5.b of this preamble results in the following 
    schedule: The allocation for the control period in 2008 should be 
    submitted to EPA by January 1, 2003 and based on heat input data for 
    the control period in the year 2002; the allocation for the 2009 
    control period should be submitted to EPA by January 1, 2004 and based 
    on 2003 control period heat input data. This schedule would continue 
    indefinitely or until revised (e.g., to base allocations on output) 
    through rulemaking. The heat input data used for calculating the 
    allocations is to be data collected in accordance with the requirements 
    of 40 CFR part 75 for units that were subject to these requirements for 
    the year or years specified by the allocation calculation. For units 
    not subject to 40 CFR part 75 requirements for the year or years 
    specified by the allocation calculation, the heat input data used in 
    the calculation should be the best available heat input data reported 
    by the unit to the State. Once the initial allocation calculation is 
    completed for all the existing NOX budget units, the 
    allocation for each unit would be adjusted proportionately so that the 
    total allocation equals 98 percent of the State trading program budget.
        A separate, allocation set-aside for new units would be established 
    for each control period. Each set-aside would initially hold 
    NOX allowances equal to 2 percent of the NOX 
    allowances in the State trading program budget 18. 
    NOX allowances in the allocation set-aside would be 
    available to NOX budget units for control periods that the 
    unit was not allocated allowances because the unit commenced operation 
    during or after the period on which general NOX allowance 
    allocations are based. To receive NOX allowances from the 
    allocation set-aside, the NOX AAR for a unit would submit to 
    the State a NOX allowance request, in writing or in a format 
    specified by the State. The request would be for no more than 5 
    consecutive control periods, starting with the control period during 
    which the unit is projected to commence operation. For the 6th year and 
    later, there would be sufficient operating data for the unit to be 
    incorporated into the NOX allowance allocations with 
    existing NOX budget units. The NOX allowance 
    request would be submitted prior to May 1 of the first control period 
    for which NOX allowances are requested and after the date on 
    which the State issues a permit to construct the NOX budget 
    unit. The NOX AAR may not request an amount of 
    NOX allowances for each control period that exceeds 0.15 lb/
    mmBtu multiplied by the NOX
    [[Page 25933]]
    budget unit's maximum design heat input (in mmBtu) for the hours in the 
    control period starting with the first day in which the unit is 
    projected to operate. Maximum design heat input is used because actual 
    heat input information for the baseyear period used for existing units 
    would not be available since the new unit would have commenced 
    operation during or after the baseline period.
        \18\ The EPA is soliciting comment in Section F, below, on 
    allowing certain sources, to which the trading program would not be 
    generally applicable, to opt into the NOX Budget Trading 
    Program in order to fulfill the new source offset provisions under 
    section 173 of the CAA. If this alternative is incorporated into the 
    final trading rule, then the size of the allocation set-aside should 
    be based on the expected new sources that are covered by the general 
    applicability criteria and the additional sources that may opt in.
        Under this proposal, the State would review and allocate 
    NOX allowances to new units requesting NOX 
    allowances according to the order that the requests were received. Upon 
    review, the State would make any necessary adjustments to the requests 
    according to the requirements governing NOX allowance 
    requests. If the allocation set-aside for the control period for which 
    NOX allowances are requested has an amount of NOX 
    allowances not less than the number requested and verified by the 
    State, the State would allocate the full (or adjusted) amount of 
    NOX allowances requested to the NOX budget unit. 
    If the set-aside for the control period for which NOX 
    allowances are requested has a smaller amount of NOX 
    allowances than the number requested and verified, the State would deny 
    in part the request and only allocate the remaining number of 
    NOX allowances in the set-aside to the NOX budget 
    unit. Once the set-aside for a control period has been depleted of all 
    NOX allowances, the State would not allocate any 
    NOX allowances to additional units requesting NOX 
    allowances for the control period. NOX budget units with 
    NOX allowance requests that were denied in whole or part 
    would be responsible for obtaining the necessary amount of 
    NOX allowances from the NOX allowance market in 
    order to demonstrate compliance with the provisions of the proposed 
    rule. The State would act on all NOX allowance requests 
    within 60 days upon receipt of the request and notify the 
    NOX AAR that submitted the request and the EPA of the number 
    of NOX allowances (if any) allocated for the control period. 
    After September 30 of each year, the EPA would transfer NOX 
    allowances remaining in the set-aside for the control period to the 
    set-aside for the following control period.
        For new NOX budget units that have been allocated 
    NOX allowances from the allocation set-aside, the EPA would 
    deduct NOX allowances following each control period based on 
    the unit's actual utilization for the control period, determined in 
    accordance to the requirements under 40 CFR part 96 subpart H of the 
    proposed rule. Because, as discussed above, the allocation for a new 
    unit from the set-aside is based on maximum design heat input, this 
    procedure adjusts the allocation by actual heat input for the control 
    period of the allocation. This adjustment is a surrogate for the use of 
    actual utilization in a prior baseline period which is the approach 
    used on allocating NOX allowances to existing units. Without 
    the adjustment procedures, a new unit (e.g., a peaking unit) could be 
    allocated NOX allowances assuming utilization far out of 
    proportion to actual utilization and the set-aside could be 
    insufficient to provide NOX allowances for all new units at 
    such an allocation level.
        Under the actual utilization adjustment procedure, EPA would deduct 
    a number of NOX allowances according to the following 
    equation: NOX allowances deducted for actual utilization 
    adjustment = (Number of NOX allowances allocated for control 
    period)-((actual control period utilization (in mmBtu)  x  0.15 lb/
    mmBtu)). The NOX allowances deducted must have the same or 
    an earlier compliance use date as the year of the control period for 
    which NOX allowances were allocated from the set-aside. (As 
    discussed below in Section V.C.7.b of this preamble, the proposed rule 
    reflects unlimited banking of NOX allowances once the 
    trading program begins in 2003. However, EPA is proposing several 
    options concerning banking (including no banking) and requesting 
    comment on them.) The NOX AAR may identify the serial 
    numbers of the NOX allowances to be deducted. In the absence 
    of such identification, the EPA would deduct NOX allowances 
    on a first-in, first-out basis. The EPA would transfer the 
    NOX allowances deducted into the State's set-aside for the 
    following control period.
        If additional NOX allowances are moved into a set-aside 
    resulting from the transfer of NOX allowances from a 
    previous year's set-aside or from the actual utilization adjustment, 
    the State would allocate NOX allowances to those 
    NOX allowance requests that were denied in whole or in part 
    pursuant to the NOX allowance request provisions under this 
    Section of the proposed rule. However, requests for NOX 
    allowances by new units would not be granted retrospectively for 
    control periods that have ended.
        An additional option that was considered for inclusion in an EPA 
    recommended allocation methodology was the use of a price signal 
    auction for a portion of NOX allowances. The transparency of 
    the first SO2 allowance auctions under Title IV accelerated 
    price discovery and provided useful information to industry for making 
    compliance decisions in the early years of the program. The value for 
    this type of auction for NOX allowances was discussed at the 
    December public workshop. Commenters generally questioned the need for 
    a price signal auction for NOX allowances because of the 
    market instruments currently available from the private sector, 
    including several allowance price indexes. Based on these comments, EPA 
    did not include a price signal auction in the proposed options for the 
    allocation recommendation. The EPA solicits comment on this option.
        The EPA solicits comments on any other allocation recommendation 
    that may be made in the final rule. Comments should be of comparable 
    detail to the example outlined in this Section.
    6. NOX Allowance Tracking System
        40 CFR part 96 subpart F of today's proposed trading rule covers 
    the NATS. The proposed rule is intended to be reasonably consistent 
    with the NATS that was developed for implementation of the OTC's 
    NOX Budget Program. Such consistency would help to allow the 
    integration of the two programs in the future. It would also save 
    industry and government the time and resources necessary to develop new 
    tracking systems.
        The NATS would be an automated system used to track NOX 
    allowances held by NOX budget units under the NOX 
    Budget Trading Program, as well as those allowances held by other 
    organizations or individuals. Specifically, the NATS would track the 
    allocation of all NOX allowances, holdings of NOX 
    allowances in accounts, deduction of NOX allowances for 
    compliance purposes, and transfers between accounts. The primary role 
    of NATS is to provide an efficient, automated means of monitoring 
    compliance with the NOX Budget Trading Program. The NATS 
    would also provide the allowance market with a record of ownership of 
    allowances, dates of allowance transfers, buyer and seller information, 
    and the serial numbers of allowances transferred. Although today's 
    proposal assigns each allowance a unique serial number, EPA requests 
    comments on the necessity of serial numbers and on whether the 
    administrative burden to allowance holders and EPA of tracking and 
    reporting serial numbers outweighs the benefits of serial numbers for 
    tax and accounting purposes.
        The EPA is proposing that NATS contain three primary types of 
    accounts: compliance accounts, overdraft accounts, and general 
    [[Page 25934]]
    Compliance accounts are created for each NOX budget unit, 
    and overdraft accounts are created for each source with two or more 
    NOX budget units, upon receipt of the account certificate of 
    representation form. General accounts are created for any organization 
    or individual upon receipt of a general account information form.
        a. Compliance Accounts. As part of the implementation of the 
    NOX Budget Trading Program, EPA is proposing to establish 
    compliance accounts for each NOX budget unit upon receipt of 
    the account certificate of representation form. These accounts would be 
    identified by a 12-digit account number incorporating the plant's 
    Office of Regulatory Information System's (ORIS) code or facility 
    identification number as well as the number of the unit for which the 
    compliance account is established. Allocations for the first six years 
    (2003-2008), as prescribed by each State, would be transferred into 
    these compliance accounts prior to the first control period in 2003. 
    Prior to the second control period, in 2004, and each year thereafter, 
    allocations for the new sixth year, as prescribed by each State, would 
    be transferred into each compliance account (e.g., in 2004, year 2009 
    NOX allowances would be allocated). As for the deadline for 
    transferring NOX allowances to cover emissions in the 
    control period (i.e., the NOX allowance transfer deadline of 
    midnight on November 30), each compliance account (supplemented as 
    discussed below by an overdraft account) must hold sufficient 
    NOX allowances to cover the NOX budget unit's 
    NOX emissions for that year's control period.
        b. Overdraft Accounts. Today's proposed trading rule provides for 
    an overdraft account that would be automatically created for each 
    source with two or more NOX budget units, and represented by 
    the source's NOX AAR. The NOX AAR may choose 
    whether he or she wishes to utilize the account by transferring 
    allowances into the account before the annual reconciliation process. 
    NOX allowances transferred into the overdraft account for a 
    NOX budget source by the NOX allowance transfer 
    deadline would be available for deduction during annual reconciliation 
    if a NOX budget unit at that source fails to hold sufficient 
    NOX allowances to cover emissions in its compliance account. 
    This is similar to the approach used in the OTC NOX Budget 
    Program and provides additional flexibility for owners and operators in 
    complying with the requirement to hold NOX allowances 
    covering emissions. If the compliance account and the overdraft account 
    together do not contain enough NOX allowances, then the unit 
    would be out of compliance. The compliance account must be depleted of 
    all NOX allowances before the overdraft account is utilized.
        The proposed rule would deduct NOX allowances from the 
    overdraft account beginning with the unit having the lowest NATS 
    account number. The unit that fails to hold sufficient NOX 
    allowances between the compliance account and the overdraft account 
    would be subject to the same consequences that would apply were only 
    its compliance account being tapped for compliance, including the 
    automatic excess emissions offset deduction and the applicable 
    penalties under State law and the CAA. If the final trading rule 
    includes provisions for the banking of NOX allowances, such 
    provisions would apply to the NOX allowances held in the 
    overdraft accounts as well as those held in compliance accounts.
        Today's proposal allows the NOX AAR to identify specific 
    serial numbers for deduction from a compliance account. In the absence 
    of a specific identification of NOX allowances to be 
    deducted, a FIFO (first-in, first-out) method would determine the order 
    in which NOX allowances would be deducted. The proposal does 
    not, however, allow for the identification of specific NOX 
    allowances to be deducted from an overdraft account because 
    NOX allowance deductions from the overdraft account would 
    take place automatically, in a set order, after the NOX 
    allowance transfer deadline has passed.
        c. Compliance. Once a control period has ended, NOX 
    budget units would have a window of opportunity (i.e., until the 
    NOX allowance transfer deadline of midnight on November 30) 
    to evaluate their reported emissions and obtain any additional 
    NOX allowances they may need to cover the emissions during 
    the ozone season. On November 30 of each year, the NOX AAR 
    must also submit a compliance certification report for each 
    NOX budget unit. Should the NOX budget unit not 
    obtain sufficient NOX allowances to offset emissions for the 
    season, three NOX allowances for each ton of excess 
    emissions would be deducted from the unit's compliance account for the 
    following control period. EPA believes that it is important to set up 
    this automatic offset deduction because it ensures that non-compliance 
    with the NOX emission limitations of this part is a more 
    expensive option than controlling emissions. The automatic offset 
    provisions do not limit the ability of the permitting authority or EPA 
    to take enforcement action under State law or the CAA.
        d. General Accounts. Today's proposal allows any person or group to 
    open a general account in NATS. These accounts would be identified by 
    the ``9999'' that would compose the first four digits of the NATS 
    account number. Unlike compliance accounts and overdraft accounts, 
    general accounts cannot be used for compliance but can be used for 
    holding or trading NOX allowances (e.g., by NOX 
    allowance brokers or owners of multiple NOX budget units). 
    General accounts are currently used for SO2 allowances in 
    the Acid Rain Program.
        To open a general account, a person or group must complete the 
    standard general account information form, which is similar to the 
    account certificate of representation that precedes the opening of a 
    compliance account and any overdraft account. The form would include: 
    the NOX AAR name, phone, fax, and e-mail (as well as similar 
    information for the Alternate NOX AAR, if applicable); 
    NOX AAR mailing address; the names of all parties with an 
    ownership interest with the respect to the NOX allowances in 
    the account; and certification language and signatures of the 
    NOX AAR and alternate, if applicable.
        Revisions to information regarding an existing general account are 
    made by submitting a new general account information form which would 
    be sent to EPA in all cases, whether the form is used to open a new 
    account, or revise information on an existing one. The EPA would notify 
    the NOX AAR cited on the application of the establishment of 
    his or her account in the NATS or of the registration of requested 
    7. Banking
        a. General Discussion. Banking is the retention of unused 
    allowances from one control period for use in a later control period. 
    Banking allows sources to create reductions beyond required levels and 
    ``bank'' the unused allowances for use later. Generally speaking, 
    banking has several advantages: it can encourage earlier or greater 
    reductions than are required from sources, stimulate the market and 
    encourage efficiency, and provide flexibility in achieving emissions 
    reduction goals (e.g., by allowing for periodic increased generation 
    activity that may occur in response to interruptions of power supply 
    from non-NOX emitting sources). In addition, a banked 
    allowance is one less ton of pollutant emitted in a given year. On the 
    other hand, banking may result in banked allowances being used to allow 
    emissions in a given year to exceed a State's trading program budget. 
    [[Page 25935]]
    following discussion summarizes the general issues associated with 
    banking and then presents four specific banking options for 
        i. Banking After the Start of the Program. Banking after a program 
    starts and the budget is imposed allows sources to retain any 
    allowances not surrendered for compliance at the end of each control 
    period. Once the trading program budget is in place, sources may over-
    control for one or more seasons and withdraw from the bank in a later 
    season. This type of banking provides the general advantages as 
    described above (encourages early reductions, stimulates the market, 
    and provides flexibility to sources), while also potentially causing 
    NOX emissions in some control periods to be greater than the 
    allowances allocated for those seasons.
        ii. Banking Prior to the Start of the Program. Banking of credits 
    or allowances for reductions prior to the start of the program allows 
    sources to accumulate NOX allowances for compliance use once 
    the program begins. In addition to the general advantages of banking, 
    this option allows sources to possibly delay required emissions 
    reductions for some sources once the program begins by using banked 
    allowances for compliance. As OTAG analyses concluded, the accumulation 
    of significant amounts of allowances prior to the start of the program 
    could defer the date at which the trading program budget is actually 
    achieved, even though the early reductions may enable some air quality 
    benefits to be realized sooner than anticipated. Early reductions can 
    be realized either through the award of early reduction credits or the 
    creation of a phased-in program.
        iii. Management of Banking. Banking clearly introduces another 
    variable into a cap-and-trade program; it may, in fact, inhibit or 
    prohibit achievement of the desired emissions budget in a given season. 
    To limit this variability and promote achievement of a budget, OTAG 
    suggested several different management options: Adjusting the trading 
    program budget downward by decreasing allocations so that expected 
    variations would stay below the desired emissions level; imposing an 
    accelerated rate of retirement on allowances used for emissions during 
    ozone episodes; establishing an absolute limit on the amount of banked 
    allowances that could be used each season or a discount rate on the use 
    of banked allowances over a given level (flow control); and applying a 
    transaction-specific discount rate to all banked allowances used in the 
    future. In considering these options identified by OTAG for managing 
    the use of banked allowances, it is important to remember that the 
    model trading rule is being developed to attain the seasonal budget set 
    forth in the proposed transport rulemaking.
        The ``flow control'' option would allow banking, but would 
    discourage the ``excessive use'' of banked allowances by establishing 
    either an absolute limit on the number of banked allowances that could 
    be used each season or a rate discounting the use of allowances over a 
    given level. In the latter case, the number of banked allowances in the 
    system would be tabulated each year to determine what percentage of the 
    overall budget was banked, and therefore whether flow control could 
    affect the use of banked allowances for compliance in the upcoming 
    control period. If this percentage were below a predetermined amount 
    (e.g., 10 percent as is the case with the OTC, since this level roughly 
    equated emissions variations in years of low nuclear power 
    availability), all banked allowances could be used without discounts in 
    the upcoming control period. If this percentage were above the 
    predetermined amount, a withdrawal ratio would be applied to each 
    account holding banked NOX allowances that could be used for 
    compliance to determine the number that could be used to cover 
    emissions at a 1-to-1 rate, and the number which, if used, would have 
    to be used at a 2-to-1 rate. It is important to note that the 
    withdrawal ratio would be applied only to banked NOX 
    allowances that could be used for compliance purposes, and therefore 
    only to NOX allowances banked in compliance and overdraft 
    accounts. The withdrawal ratio would be determined each year prior to 
    the control period to which it would pertain, but it would not be 
    applied until the time of compliance certification at the end of that 
    control period. This schedule provides the sources one full control 
    period to plan for the application of flow control on their compliance 
    and overdraft accounts.
        To illustrate flow control, assume the total trading program budget 
    across all participating States was 300,000 allowances, and 35,000 
    allowances were banked following a control period. Since more than 10 
    percent of the total trading program budget is banked, a withdrawal 
    ratio would be applied to all accounts holding banked allowances that 
    can be used for compliance in the upcoming control period. In this 
    case, the ratio applied to accounts with banked allowances would be 
    0.86 (determined by dividing 10 percent of the total trading program 
    budget by the total number of banked allowances, or 30,000/35,000). 
    Thus, if a source holds 1,000 banked allowances at the end of this 
    upcoming control period, it will be able to use 860 on a 1-for-1 basis, 
    but will have to use the remaining 140, if necessary, on a 2-for-1 
    basis. As a result, if the source used all its banked NOX 
    allowances to cover emissions in the upcoming control period, the 1,000 
    allowances would equate to 930 tons of NOX emissions (860 + 
        In this manner, flow control manages the use of banked allowances 
    beyond a predetermined level, here 10 percent of the region wide 
    trading program budget. This discourages but does not prohibit the use 
    of banked allowances and, thus, mitigates the effects of ``excessive 
    use'' of banked allowances in a given control period. While limiting 
    the annual flow of emissions on the one hand, flow control also 
    preserves the benefits of banking, granting flexibility to sources, 
    stimulating the market and maintaining some incentive to over-comply. 
    Since the withdrawal ratio is known to sources prior to the control 
    period, sources have certainty about how excessive use of banked 
    allowances will be treated, and both States and EPA can minimize their 
    involvement and let the market function relatively unfettered.
        b. Options. The EPA is proposing, and requests comment on, four 
    options for whether and how banking may be incorporated into the 
    NOX Budget Trading Program: (1) Banking is not a feature; 
    (2) banking begins when the trading program begins; (3) units may 
    generate early reduction credits for use after the start of the program 
    and banking continues after the program begins; and (4) banking begins 
    with the first-phase of a two-phase trading program and continues 
    thereafter. The EPA is not adopting or recommending an option in this 
    proposal. In the final rule, EPA intends to adopt a specific approach 
    to banking based on the comments received on the four options and any 
    other approaches suggested by commenters. Although EPA has not focused 
    on any one approach at this time, the proposed rule reflects, for the 
    purpose of illustration, option 2 (i.e., banking when the trading 
    program begins and without any management of banked NOX 
        Each of the four options is discussed below. If banking is allowed, 
    development of a banking provision involves trade offs on the following 
    design features: the length of time (if any) permitted for reductions 
    yielding NOX allowances prior to the start of the
    [[Page 25936]]
    trading program as determined in the proposed transport rulemaking; the 
    level at which these reductions can be generated; and the type of 
    management imposed on the use of banked NOX allowances. The 
    longer the period of time allowed for early reductions and the less 
    stringent the level at which NOX allowances can be 
    generated, the more concern there will be about exceeding the program 
    budget once the program begins. Because of this concern, arising from 
    the potentially numerous banked NOX allowances available at 
    the start of the program, there may be a need for management of the use 
    of banked NOX allowances.
        The EPA used the IPM model to help investigate the ramifications of 
    different options. The results of this analysis were presented in the 
    working paper on emissions banking presented at EPA's December 1997 
    model rule workshop, entitled ``Second Draft Working Paper: Emissions 
    Banking. December 1997 Analysis of Banking in a NOX Trading 
    Program''. This paper is available as item number V-A-28 in Docket No. 
    A-96-56 of the Air and Radiation Docket (see the ADDRESSES Section at 
    the beginning of today's notice for further guidance on obtaining 
    information from the docket). The EPA hopes that these analyses will 
    help stakeholders consider the trade-offs in designing programs with 
    banking and provide EPA comments on the best way to structure a trading 
    program. Commenters should consider how best to strike a balance 
    between the advantages of flexibility, encouraged early reductions, and 
    potential lower compliance costs versus the potential exceedance of 
    prescribed budgets due to excessive use of banked allowances in a given 
    control period.
        i. Option 1: No Banking. Not allowing banking in the NOX 
    Budget Trading Program would result in the automatic retirement of any 
    NOX allowances not surrendered for compliance following each 
    control period. Under this option, the only NOX allowances 
    available for compliance in each control period would be those 
    allocated within the budget for that control period. As a result, 
    States would be assured of achieving their budgets established under 
    the NOX Budget Trading Program each control period. However, 
    the ``no banking'' option does eliminate incentives for early 
    reductions, reduces the program's flexibility, and may contribute to a 
    ``use or lose'' mentality for the use of allowances by sources at the 
    end of each control period.
        ii. Option 2: Banking After Program Start Only. This option, which 
    does not provide for early reductions, but allows banking of 
    NOX allowances after the start of the program, was the 
    approach used in the supporting analysis for the proposed transport 
    rulemaking. This option is presented without the imposition of a 
    management system on the use of banked NOX allowances 
    because the volume of banked NOX allowances is not expected 
    to be excessive absent the opportunity for early reductions.
        iii. Option 3: Early Reduction Credits. This option allows for the 
    generation of early reduction credits for some time period prior to the 
    start of the trading program; the NOX allowances resulting 
    from early reductions are banked for use once the program starts, and 
    banking is an option throughout the life of the program.
        Sources demonstrating tonnage emissions reductions in excess of a 
    predetermined level in the year or years prior to the start date for 
    the program earn early reduction credits; each credit is redeemed for a 
    one-time award of one NOX allowance. The NOX 
    allowances awarded for the generation of early reduction credits may be 
    created as additional to the trading program budget, or may be drawn 
    from the budget. If the NOX allowances awarded for early 
    reductions come from the trading program budget, each State 
    participating in the NOX Budget Trading Program would 
    establish a set-aside of a small percentage of its seasonal trading 
    program budget for purposes of awarding the generation of early 
    reduction credits. For example, this set-aside could be 2-3 percent of 
    the State trading program budget, pulled from each of the first five 
    years of allocated NOX allowances. The resulting set-aside 
    could be distributed at the conclusion of the period in which early 
    reduction credits can be generated, on a pro rata basis. Any 
    NOX allowances not awarded from this reserve would be 
    returned to the State trading program budget for distribution as 
    allocations. The EPA requests comment on this option of taking early 
    reduction credits from the State trading program budgets and details 
    regarding how this could be accomplished, if in a different manner than 
    that suggested here.
        If the NOX allowances awarded for early reductions 
    originate from within the trading program budget, their award could 
    pose a threat to achievement of the budget once the program begins, 
    even though future allocations will necessarily be decreased by an 
    amount equivalent to the NOX allowances awarded for early 
    reductions. The shift of available NOX allowances to the 
    beginning of the program could potentially result in more emissions 
    than budgeted levels in the early years of the program. If the 
    NOX allowances awarded for early reductions are created 
    outside of the trading program budget, there should be even more 
    concern regarding potential exceedance of the trading program budget 
    since all awarded NOX allowances are in excess of budgeted 
    levels of emissions and thus, potentially have a more pronounced and 
    extended impact on the achievement of the trading program budget. This 
    concern is addressed later in this Section.
        The award of NOX allowances for early reductions under 
    the NOX Budget Trading Program, whether from within or 
    outside of the budget, would require a case-by-case determination by 
    participating States that the reductions claimed were real, surplus, 
    and quantifiable. Part of this determination would be made based on 
    monitored data. This monitored data should be based on the same 
    standards that are being used to support the ongoing trading program. 
    Therefore, any source wishing to receive early reduction credits would 
    be required to have monitors in place and certified for the entire 
    period that the awards are being made. Early reduction credits could be 
    determined and awarded on either a unit-, source-, company-, or State-
    level basis. A unit- or source-level determination would necessitate a 
    more substantial proof of legitimacy due to concerns of load-shifting 
    to other units or sources. Load shifting is a particular concern in 
    this instance because relatively few units would be pursuing the early 
    reduction credits, leaving the majority of similar sources at a less 
    stringent control level or no required level. Generally speaking, the 
    opportunity for load shifting from sources subject to some emission 
    control (e.g., units seeking early reduction credits) increases with 
    the number of similar units or sources that are not subject to an 
    equivalent emission control. Whether the load shifting is to units or 
    sources with the same owner or with a different owner as compared to 
    the original unit or source, such load shifting could eliminate the 
    environmental benefit of reduced emissions at the original unit or 
    source. The applicant would have to demonstrate that the requested 
    credits were real and surplus, and not the result of load or production 
    shifting. A company or State-level determination, on the other hand, 
    would reduce, but may not eliminate, load-shifting concerns. The 
    activity of all units owned by the company in the State (but not any 
    other units) would be accounted for in the consideration of eligibility 
    [[Page 25937]]
    early reduction credits. The EPA solicits comment on using a company-
    level determination in order to reduce concern over utilization 
        Incorporating early reduction credits into the NOX 
    Budget Trading Program would also require determinations of the control 
    level beyond which to award early reduction credits and the time period 
    during which the credits can be earned. The control level should be set 
    within the range of the already established title IV and title I levels 
    and the level in the proposed transport rulemaking; EPA solicits 
    comment on the level of 0.15 lb/mmBtu as proposed in the transport 
    rulemaking. The time in which the credits could be earned could be 
    either one, two, or three years prior to the start of the program; EPA 
    solicits comment on a time period of two years. If the NOX 
    allowances awarded for early reductions come from outside of the 
    trading program budget, a control level above 0.15 lb/mmBtu or a time 
    period longer than two years may threaten program integrity by allowing 
    the possibility of a large bank being established prior to the start of 
    the program that could significantly delay achievement of the budget. 
    If the NOX allowances are awarded from within the budget, 
    this control level and time period are still appropriate to protect 
    program integrity, and also ensure that the NOX allowance 
    set-aside to reward early reductions does not withdraw too many 
    NOX allowances from the future trading program budget, and 
    pose undue burden on sources in the program. Placing a limit on the 
    number of NOX allowances which may be awarded for early 
    reductions, such as two percent of the first budget period, and 
    reducing the first period budget by a like amount, could help to 
    protect program integrity and ensure that too many allowances are not 
    withdrawn from the first budget period.
        The existence of early reduction credits in the NOX 
    Budget Trading Program could necessitate the consideration of a 
    management scheme to control the use of banked allowances. A management 
    scheme could be required even if the NOX allowances are 
    withdrawn from the budget, since exceedance of the budget would still 
    be quite possible due to the shift of available NOX 
    allowances to the beginning of the program. As discussed above, a flow 
    control management scenario, whereby the use of banked NOX 
    allowances over a predetermined percentage of the trading program 
    budget would be constricted by a weighted withdrawal ratio, would be 
    one way of discouraging the ``excessive use'' of banked allowances 
    throughout a control period. Under this approach, a withdrawal ratio of 
    two banked NOX allowances to one for the current control 
    period would be imposed on the use of some banked NOX 
    allowances whenever the percentage of banked NOX allowances 
    in the NOX Budget Trading Program region exceeds 10 percent 
    of the trading program budget for that control period. EPA acknowledges 
    other percentages and withdrawal ratios are also feasible, but solicits 
    comment on 10 percent and 2-for-1 as reasonable levels to ensure 
    program integrity while providing the opportunity to bank 
    NOX allowances. The proposed flow control management 
    scenario is the same system used in the OTC's model rule to manage the 
    use of banked NOX allowances. This system simply acts as a 
    safeguard against excessive withdrawals of banked allowances in a given 
    control period; if large amounts of banked NOX allowances 
    are not used, it will not be invoked.
        These four factors together--the origin of the NOX 
    allowances awarded for early reductions, the time period for 
    reductions, the level beyond which credits can be earned, and the 
    subsequent management scheme for banked NOX allowances--
    together determine the impact of the award of early reduction credits 
    on achievement and maintenance of the NOX Budget Trading 
    Program budget.
        iv. Option 4: Phased-In Program. For this option of a program 
    utilizing phased-in emissions reductions, an initial limit or cap would 
    be set at a level representing an emissions reduction less stringent 
    than the desired budget that is the ultimate goal of the trading 
    program. A NOX budget source could over-control with respect 
    to this preliminary level at one or more units and accrue 
    NOX allowances, building up a bank to be used to defer 
    emissions reduction requirements when the first phase level is 
    ratcheted downward to achieve the final budget under the trading 
    program. Banking would begin with the first phase of the program and be 
    allowed throughout the life of the program.
        Implementing the NOX Budget Trading Program as a phased-
    in program requires similar trade-offs to those required to implement 
    early reduction credits, including consideration of the time period of 
    the first phase during which banked allowances can be accumulated, the 
    stringency of the control level and resulting budget mandated in the 
    first phase, and the management scheme imposed. The implementation of a 
    phased-in program, however, unlike the award of early reduction 
    credits, requires all sources to participate in the first phase. In 
    effect, a phased-in program creates an earlier compliance deadline for 
    sources in all States participating in the NOX Budget 
    Trading Program. Unlike an early reduction credit approach, a phased-in 
    approach would not require applicants to demonstrate that 
    NOX allowances were surplus of load shifting or States to 
    conduct case-by-case reviews of applications because load shifting 
    would be much less of a concern. This lowered environmental risk should 
    allow a less stringent performance level to be used in the early phase, 
    which would increase the opportunity to bank NOX allowances. 
    Monitoring and reporting in accordance with prescribed methodologies 
    would be required by the new, earlier compliance deadline in order to 
    track compliance and ensure the integrity of reductions and resulting 
    generation of excess allowances.
        To provide time for such monitoring and reporting to be put in 
    place for all NOX budget units, the first phase could be no 
    sooner than two years prior to the start of the trading program at the 
    level of control and timing mandated in the proposed transport 
    rulemaking. The EPA solicits comment on a time period of two years. As 
    would be the case with early reduction credits, the level of control 
    for the first phase would be set at a level within the range of the 
    title IV level and the level established in the proposed transport 
    rulemaking. The EPA solicits comment on a level of 0.25 lb/mmBtu, a 
    somewhat less stringent level than that considered without a phased-in 
    program. However, even this level of control would enhance the ability 
    of units to bank NOX allowances and so would increase the 
    need for a management scheme to ensure program integrity. The EPA also 
    solicits comment on a flow control approach incorporating a withdrawal 
    ratio of two to one for some banked NOX allowances used for 
    compliance in the current control period whenever the percentage of 
    banked allowances in the NOX Budget Trading Program region 
    exceeds 10 percent of the trading program budget for that control 
    period. Once again, it is important to note the interdependence of the 
    time period for reductions prior to the program start, the level beyond 
    which allowances can be earned, and subsequent management scheme for 
    banked NOX allowances.
    8. Allowance Transfers
        The EPA is proposing that once a NOX AAR is appointed 
    and an account is established in the NATS, NOX allowances 
    can be transferred to or from the accounts with the submission of an 
    allowance transfer form to EPA.
    [[Page 25938]]
    Transfers can occur between any accounts at any time of year with one 
    exception: transfers of current and past year allowances into and out 
    of compliance accounts and overdraft accounts are prohibited after the 
    NOX allowance transfer deadline (November 30) of each year 
    until EPA completes the annual reconciliation process by deducting the 
    necessary allowances.
        There would be one standard NOX allowance transfer form. 
    This form would be submitted to the EPA in all cases. The form would 
    include: The transferror and transferee NATS account numbers; the 
    transferror's printed name, phone number, signature, and date of 
    signature; and a list of allowances to be transferred, by serial 
        The EPA is moving towards electronic submission of allowance 
    transfers. Full capability is expected by 2000. AARs would be informed 
    of developments and/or requirements for electronic submissions as they 
    9. Emissions Monitoring and Reporting
        a. Requirements for Point Sources. 40 CFR part 96 subpart H of 
    today's proposed model rule sets forth the emissions monitoring and 
    reporting requirements for the NOX Budget Trading Program. 
    The EPA is proposing that units subject to the NOX Budget 
    Trading Program be required to meet the monitoring and reporting 
    provisions that are contained in a proposed new 40 CFR part 75 subpart 
    H to the monitoring and reporting provisions of the Acid Rain 
    regulations. These revisions are being proposed in a separate 
    rulemaking that contains a new subpart H of 40 CFR part 75, which 
    addresses how NOX mass emissions (i.e., tons of 
    NOX emitted) should be monitored and reported and which 
    references relevant provisions in the other subparts of 40 CFR part 75 
    (revisions to be published in the Federal Register in the near future). 
    All comments on the new subpart H of 40 CFR part 75 should be submitted 
    in the separate rulemaking on 40 CFR part 75 revisions rather than in 
    the instant proceeding.
        The EPA is proposing that States use the proposed 40 CFR part 75 
    subpart H to support the monitoring and reporting for this program to 
    ensure that emissions are consistently and accurately monitored and 
    reported from unit to unit and from State to State. This consistency 
    and accuracy in monitoring is necessary to ensure that a NOX 
    allowance actually represents one ton of emissions and that one ton of 
    reported emissions from one source is equivalent to a ton of reported 
    emissions from another source. This establishes the integrity of the 
    NOX allowance (i.e., the authority to emit one ton of 
    NOX) and instills confidence in the market mechanisms that 
    are designed to provide sources with flexibility in achieving 
    compliance. The consistency and accuracy in reporting is necessary to 
    ensure that compliance can be determined quickly and consistently and 
    that buyers and sellers of NOX allowances can determine the 
    value of what they are trading.
        The EPA believes that the NOX mass emissions monitoring 
    provisions in 40 CFR part 75, as it is proposed to be revised, provide 
    a reasonable and cost effective way to consistently and accurately 
    monitor NOX mass. One of the main advantages of using these 
    provisions to support this program is that many of the NOX 
    budget units, i.e., existing utility units subject to the Acid Rain 
    program, are already required to meet the monitoring and reporting 
    requirements in the existing 40 CFR part 75. Under the proposed 
    revisions to 40 CFR part 75, the main new requirement for these units 
    would be to calculate and report hourly, quarterly, seasonal and annual 
    NOX mass emissions. In almost all cases, these values could 
    be determined using existing 40 CFR part 75 monitoring systems.
        In addition to sources currently subject to the Acid Rain Program, 
    many additional sources in the OTC that are not subject to the Acid 
    Rain Program, but that are covered by both the OTC's NOX 
    Budget Program and this proposal, will be meeting many of the 
    monitoring and reporting requirements in existing 40 CFR part 75 by 
    April 1, 1998 in order to comply with the OTC's NOX Budget 
    Program. Units covered by the proposed trading rule but not required to 
    use the provisions of 40 CFR part 75 to comply with either the Acid 
    Rain Program or the OTC's NOX Budget Program will also 
    benefit from using monitoring and reporting requirements that are based 
    in large part on existing 40 CFR part 75 requirements that are already 
    being used by a large number of units. Since existing State monitoring 
    regulations vary greatly, and since many States do not currently 
    require the monitoring and reporting of NOX mass, it is 
    necessary, for purposes of supporting the proposed trading program, to 
    create consistent monitoring and reporting requirements. If 40 CFR part 
    75 monitoring and reporting are used in the trading program, units not 
    currently using 40 CFR part 75 will have the benefit of much of the 
    expertise and software that has already been developed to support the 
    Acid Rain Program and the OTC NOX Budget Program.
        The notice of the proposed rulemaking concerning revisions to 40 
    CFR part 75 sets forth in detail the proposed revisions related to 
    monitoring NOX mass emissions. While comments on the 
    proposed revisions to 40 CFR part 75 (including proposed 40 CFR part 75 
    subpart H) should be submitted in the separate 40 CFR part 75 
    rulemaking, an overview of the 40 CFR part 75 revisions is provided 
    here to assist commenters in the instant rulemaking. The proposed 40 
    CFR part 75 revisions require units to determine NOX mass 
    emissions by monitoring NOX emission rate (in lbs/mmBtu) and 
    heat input (in mmBtu) on an hourly basis and by multiplying those two 
    values together. Coal units and other units that burn solid fuel that 
    are covered by the NOX Budget Trading Program would be 
    required to measure NOX emission rate using a NOX 
    emission rate CEM consisting of a NOX concentration CEM and 
    a diluent CEM (CO2 or O2 CEM) and measure heat 
    input using a diluent CEM and a flow CEM. All gas and oil units covered 
    by the NOX Budget Trading Program would be allowed to use 
    this option or alternatively could measure heat input by using a fuel 
    flowmeter and performing fuel sampling and analysis. This option for 
    determining heat input is set forth in Appendix D of 40 CFR part 75 and 
    referenced in the new subpart H of 40 CFR part 96. Gas and oil units 
    that qualified as either peaking units or low mass emitting units under 
    40 CFR part 75 would also have additional lower cost monitoring 
    methodologies available to them. Peaking units, for example, could do 
    source testing to create heat input versus NOX emission rate 
    curves. Then based on hourly measurement of heat input from a fuel 
    flowmeter and fuel sampling and analysis, the heat input versus 
    NOX emission rate curves would be used to estimate the 
    hourly NOX emission rate. This option for determining 
    NOX emission rate is set forth in Appendix E of 40 CFR part 
    75 and referenced in 40 CFR part 96 subpart H. This rate would be used 
    in conjunction with heat input determined using the provisions in 
    Appendix D of 40 CFR part 75 to determine NOX mass. A unit 
    that qualifies as a low mass emitting unit could use a default 
    NOX emission rate and the unit's maximum rated hourly heat 
    input to determine NOX mass emissions. The low mass 
    emissions unit provisions are in proposed 40 CFR 75.19 and referenced 
    in 40 CFR part 96 subpart H.
        The proposed 40 CFR part 75 subpart H requires units to report 
    hourly NOX mass emissions throughout the year, rather than 
    just in the seasonal control period. The EPA is proposing to make
    [[Page 25939]]
    the monitoring and reporting requirements year round, as under the Acid 
    Rain Program, because EPA believes that this will facilitate 
    integration with other monitoring and reporting requirements, such as 
    New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) requirements, Compliance 
    Assurance Monitoring (CAM) requirements and other State requirements. 
    In the long run, EPA believes that this consolidation can help to ease 
    the overall monitoring and reporting burden on sources.
        The proposed changes to 40 CFR part 75 also highlight several 
    additional issues that are particularly pertinent to monitoring 
    NOX mass emissions. These include: an alternative way to 
    measure NOX mass emissions using a NOX 
    concentration CEM and a flow CEM, specific requirements for monitoring 
    NOX emission rate at common stacks and heat input at common 
    stacks and common fuel pipes, and the reporting of NOX mass 
    emissions on a total hourly basis rather than on an hourly mass 
    emissions rate basis. More information on these issues can be found in 
    the notice of proposed rulemaking for 40 CFR part 75 which will be 
    published in the Federal Register in the near future. All comments on 
    the proposed revisions to 40 CFR part 75, including any related to 
    NOX mass emissions, should be submitted in the 40 CFR part 
    75 rulemaking proceeding, rather than in the instant proceeding.
        While units would be required to meet the technical monitoring 
    requirements set forth in 40 CFR part 75, the general and 
    administrative requirements related to monitoring are set forth in the 
    proposed trading rule. These include: compliance dates, prohibitions, 
    requirements for certification and recertification of monitors, 
    recordkeeping and reporting requirements and procedures for requests 
    for alternatives to the monitoring requirements.
        The EPA is proposing that units that commence operation before 
    January 1, 2000 have certified monitors installed and operating for 
    this program by May 1, 2001, which is earlier than the compliance date 
    (May 1, 2003) for emissions reductions in the proposed transport 
    rulemaking and this trading program. Since no precertification of 
    emissions reductions is needed for sources to make trades, it is 
    important to make sure that the monitoring that is used to certify the 
    emissions is verified before the start of the trading program. While 
    up-front certification of monitors provides a great deal of assurance 
    that sources would be able to account for their emissions, up-front 
    reporting verifies that they can report their emissions. In addition, 
    other aspects of the trading program that are discussed in other parts 
    of this proposal, including a rolling allocation scheme based on 
    updated monitored data and the banking of allowances before the 
    beginning of the program, would require monitoring earlier than May 1, 
    2003. If a unit commences operation on or after January 1, 2000, it 
    would be required to have certified monitors installed and operating by 
    the later of: May 1, 2001; or 180 days after the unit commences 
    operations or, if the unit is subject to any Acid Rain emission 
    limitation, 90 days after the unit commences commercial operation. 
    Deadlines for installation and certification of monitors are also 
    established with regard to new stacks or flues constructed after the 
    general installation and certification deadlines. Regardless of the 
    deadline for installation and certification of monitors, if any unit is 
    operating on or before May 1, 2001, but the monitors for that unit are 
    not certified by May 1, 2001, the owner or operator must still account 
    for emissions beginning on May 1, 2001 so that this data will be 
    available to support the allocation provisions and possible provisions 
    providing the opportunity to bank allowances before the beginning of 
    the program. Similarly, if any unit is not operating on or before May 
    1, 2001 the owner or operator must account for emissions from the date 
    and hour the unit commences operation. The owner or operator has three 
    options for accounting for emissions until all of the required monitors 
    are certified: Reference method monitoring; maximum potential values; 
    or data from the monitors before certification is completed if certain 
    quality assurance and data validation procedures are followed. This 
    would be consistent with the requirement to hold NOX 
    allowances for all emissions in the ozone season and would assist with 
    NSR integration, which requires accounting of all emissions.
        The prohibitions Section of the trading rule sets forth several 
    general prohibitions that would apply to all units included in the 
    program. Units would not be able to use alternatives to the 
    requirements in proposed subpart H of 40 CFR part 96 (and proposed 
    revised 40 CFR part 75) unless that alternative was approved according 
    to the procedures set forth for approval of alternatives to the 
    monitoring requirements. The procedures for requests for alternatives 
    to the monitoring requirements vary depending upon whether or not the 
    unit involved is also subject to 40 CFR part 75 for purposes of 
    compliance with title IV of the Act.
        Units subject to 40 CFR part 75 for purposes of compliance with an 
    Acid Rain emission limitation would already meet most of the 
    requirements for the NOX Budget Trading Program, by meeting 
    the requirements for title IV. Before an owner or operator could 
    deviate from the monitoring requirements for 40 CFR part 75 for this 
    trading program or both this program and title IV, approval would have 
    to be obtained from EPA. The EPA would take action on the petition for 
    alternative monitoring in consultation with the appropriate State 
    agency. This differs from the requirements for sources not subject to 
    title IV who would need approval from both the State and EPA. The EPA 
    believes that this is appropriate because EPA currently has authority 
    to approve petitions for these sources. The additional requirements 
    would involve reporting new data and, in a few cases, use of monitors 
    not being used for purposes of title IV. The NOX budget 
    units subject to title IV would continue to meet the same requirements 
    as other units subject to title IV, but would be required to include 
    some additional data in the quarterly reports that they are already 
    submitting for title IV purposes. This data would include hourly, 
    quarterly, annual and ozone season NOX mass emissions data. 
    In addition, if a unit subject to title IV had to install additional 
    monitors to comply with this program, those monitors would have to meet 
    the certification and recertification requirements of the 
    NOX Budget Trading Program. The only reason that a unit 
    would have to install additional monitors for this program would be if 
    its currently installed monitors did not allow it to calculate 
    NOX mass. This would only be an issue if a unit shared a 
    common stack with other units and chose to measure NOX 
    emission rate at the unit level, but measured heat input at the common 
    stack level. For purposes of the Acid Rain Program, this unit would be 
    allowed to apportion heat input to the unit level. While EPA believes 
    this methodology is accurate enough for purposes of using heat input to 
    determine reduced utilization, EPA does not believe that it is accurate 
    enough for purposes of determining NOX mass; EPA's rationale 
    is discussed in the preamble to the 40 CFR part 75 rulemaking which 
    will be published in the Federal Register in the near future.
        The NOX budget units not subject to title IV would be 
    subject to essentially the same requirements for certification
    [[Page 25940]]
    and recertification and monitoring and reporting. The owner or operator 
    of a unit would be responsible for initially certifying monitors. The 
    owner or operator would be responsible for providing the permitting 
    authority both a monitoring plan and notification of the time and date 
    of the original certification tests in advance of those tests. The 
    owner or operator would also be responsible for recertifying monitors 
    if any major changes were made to the monitors and would be required to 
    report emissions and other supporting data on a quarterly basis.
        An owner or operator wishing to deviate from the monitoring 
    requirements set forth in 40 CFR part 75 would have to petition for 
    approval to do so. Unlike certifications and recertifications which 
    would only have to be approved by the permitting authority, these 
    petitions would have to be approved by both EPA and the permitting 
    authority. There are three main reasons that petitions would have to be 
    approved jointly. The first is that in order to ensure that emissions 
    are accounted for equivalently from source to source and State to 
    State, it is important that there be consistency in approving any 
    alternatives to the allowed monitoring methodologies. By working with 
    the permitting authority in all of the approvals for alternatives, EPA 
    can help ensure this consistency. The second is that in order for EPA 
    to fulfill its role as the repository for emissions data, it is 
    important that all of the data be reported in a consistent format and 
    that EPA be aware of any deviations from that consistent format. The 
    final reason is that EPA cannot approve a SIP that allows a State the 
    unlimited ability to approve alternatives not specifically spelled out 
    in the SIP. If a State wants to approve a methodology that is not 
    specifically part of the SIP, EPA would have to be involved in this 
        b. Output Information. In general, the information available 
    concerning the operation of a unit can be placed into one of three 
    categories: Input, process, and output. Heat input is a measure of 
    input; specifically, it is the chemical energy of the fuel burned. 
    Variables related to combustion, such as temperature, are process 
    variables. Measures of output from a unit include emissios; steam 
    energy, and, for a unit serving an electricity generator, electrical 
    power produced. Today's proposal presents options for allocating 
    NOX allowances based on actual information on unit 
    operation. The EPA has received comments that allocations of 
    NOX allowances under the trading program should be made on 
    the basis of electrical and/or steam output, rather than heat input, 
        A system where NOX allowances are reallocated on an 
    ongoing basis (as is being proposed today) may decrease the incentives 
    for reducing NOX emissions through the use of more efficient 
    fuels or more efficient equipment. For example, assume a certain unit 
    currently uses 500 mmBtu/hr to generate 50 MWe. Under a simple heat 
    input based allocation scenario, if that unit increased its efficiency 
    by 20 percent, so that it could produce 50MWe while using only 420 
    mmBtu/hr, it would lose 20 percent of its NOX allowances in 
    the next NOX allowance reallocation, even though it is 
    producing the same electricity. However, under an allocation scheme 
    based on output, if this unit's electricity production did not change, 
    it would receive the same number of NOX allowances. Since a 
    decrease in the amount of fuel needed is generally accompanied by a 
    decrease in NOX emissions, a unit increasing its efficiency 
    would either have more NOX allowances to sell on the market 
    or would need to purchase less NOX allowances to be in 
    compliance. Thus, basing allocations on output gives units additional 
    efficiency options for compliance, which should reduce the overall cost 
    of the program. As an additional benefit, decreases in fuel usage would 
    reduce emissions of other pollutants such as SO2, mercury, 
    and carbon dioxide (CO2).
        However, EPA is concerned that there may be some issues not yet 
    fully addressed concerning allocation of NOX allowances 
    based on output. First are issues concerning the development of 
    measurement protocols for output. Measurement protocols are critical 
    for making a fair and expeditious allocation of NOX 
    allowances. There are two general locations at which power output of an 
    electricity generating facility could be measured: gross generation at 
    the generator, or net generation after plant power requirements have 
    been consumed. Gross generation seems less appropriate, since an 
    allocation based on output would primarily be intended to address 
    efficiency improvements and allocation by gross generation fails to 
    account for a plant's power requirements whose efficiency could be 
    improved. To the extent the power is sold, net generation could be 
    measured at the point of sale. Measurement at the point of sale has an 
    advantage in that it is tracked by the source and the dispatch 
    authority for crediting sales. A workable program requires only that 
    all participants measure generation at the same general location and 
    with the same method.
        A second set of issues in allocating using output concerns how to 
    relate product output to emissions output. Electrical generation and 
    distribution systems at plants can be complex, with multiple units 
    emitting through one or more stacks and serving multiple generators. If 
    output is to be measured at the plant level, then it would be 
    appropriate to measure total emissions from the plant, even if that 
    meant measuring emissions from small units. Alternatively, the 
    electrical output from small units could be measured and subtracted 
    from plant-level electrical output to avoid the need to monitor 
    emissions from small or infrequently used units.
        For units producing steam that does not feed into a generator, 
    different issues arise. These sources have steam production in addition 
    to (or instead of) power generation as their final output. Allocating 
    emissions to both types (steam producing and power generating) of 
    sources would require the development of a method for converting the 
    steam energy to an electrical power equivalent. The method would likely 
    require assumptions about the efficiency of the conversion. The use of 
    any general efficiency assumption, without considering the 
    configuration and operation of each individual plant, could lead to 
    penalizing plants that operate more efficiently than the general case 
    (by not allocating enough allowances) and giving windfalls to plants 
    that operate less efficiently than the general case (by allocating more 
    allowances than warranted).
        The EPA solicits comments on how the issues discussed above could 
    be addressed in order to allow States to base the initial 
    NOX allowance allocations for this trading program on an 
    output measure or convert an allocation system initially based on input 
    to one based on output. As further explained in the allocation Section 
    of the preamble, EPA may use this information in the development of a 
    final rule that would provide States the opportunity of using output 
    based allocations.
    10. Opt-Ins
        The NOX Budget Trading Program includes provisions 
    allowing for units that otherwise would not be subject to the trading 
    program and that are located in a State that is participating in the 
    trading program to voluntarily elect to participate (i.e., opt in). The 
    opt-in provisions can further reduce the cost of complying with the 
    NOX budget by allowing those units, which may not otherwise 
    be required to reduce NOX emissions for a State to meet its 
    [[Page 25941]]
    to opt in to the trading program and make incremental, lower-cost 
    reductions. The NOX allowances freed up by the opt-in 
    source's control action can be sold to other NOX budget 
    units for their compliance with the NOX emission limitation. 
    In general, units that opt in are treated like other NOX 
    budget units and are subject to the same requirements to monitor, to 
    hold allowances to account for emissions, and to have a NOX 
    budget permit. Units that have opted in may also elect to withdrawal 
    from the program if certain requirements are met.
        a. Applicability for Opt-In Units. Today's proposal allows sources 
    (i.e., units) to opt-in that are similar to, but smaller in capacity 
    than, the sources covered under the proposed applicability provisions 
    of the NOX Budget Trading Program. A State would account for 
    the opt-in unit in the State's SIP by adding the opt-in unit's 
    NOX emissions to the trading program budget in the SIP and 
    subtracting the opt-in unit's NOX emissions from the part of 
    the SIP not covered under the NOX Budget Trading 
    Program.19 The applicability Section of this preamble 
    discusses and requests comment on the participation of other source 
    types and sizes under the trading program. It also discusses whether 
    other additional source categories should be included in the trading 
    program. The sources in these categories could be included as part of 
    the core program applicability, they could be included as an additional 
    list of source categories that a State could choose to include as core 
    sources, or they could be listed as sources that could choose to 
    individually opt in.
        \19\ Today's proposal also solicits comment on allowing sources 
    not meeting the above description to opt in, at their discretion, if 
    they are subject to part D nonattainment NSR preconstruction 
    permitting requirements as major new sources or major modifications 
    to existing sources and they can meet the other eligibility criteria 
    of this trading program. The trading program budget in the SIP would 
    not be increased for the new emissions at these opt-in sources 
    because they would be entering the trading program in order to 
    offset their new emissions (see Section F, below).
        b. Allowance Allocations for Opt-In Units. Today's proposal 
    allocates NOX allowances to an opt-in unit on a year-by-year 
    basis. An opt-in unit is required to monitor and report the 
    NOX emission rate and the heat input according to the 
    provisions under 40 CFR part 96 subpart H of the proposed rule for one 
    control period prior to the unit entering the trading program. The 
    NOX emission rate and heat input measured at the unit during 
    this initial period of time would become the unit's baseline emission 
    rate and baseline heat input, respectively. The EPA requests comment on 
    whether emissions rate or heat input data from periods prior to this 
    initial period should also be used to set these baselines. The 
    allocation for an opt-in unit is calculated by multiplying the lesser 
    of the unit's baseline emission rate (in lb/mmBtu) or the most 
    stringent State or Federal emissions limitation applicable to the 
    NOX budget opt-in source during the control period by the 
    lesser of the unit's baseline heat input or the unit's actual heat 
    input (in mmBtu) measured during the control period prior to the 
    allocation calculation. The State would notify EPA by December 1 to 
    allocate NOX allowances to an opt-in unit for the next 
    year's control period. While the proposal recommends opt-in allowance 
    allocations based on heat input, EPA solicits comment on whether the 
    allocations should be based on output. The options for using output and 
    the factors considered are analogous to those discussed above 
    concerning general allocations to NOX budget units.
        The EPA proposes to allocate NOX allowances to opt-in 
    units on a year-by-year basis to ensure that shifts in utilization from 
    these units to other units not covered under the cap do not result in 
    any significant increases in overall NOX emissions. Such 
    increases in emissions may occur if units outside the cap increase 
    their utilization (and emissions) while NOX allowances 
    remain under the cap from an opt-in unit that reduces its utilization. 
    The year-by-year allocation regime limits this potential problem while 
    still maintaining continuing economic benefits for a unit to opt in 
    because each of the future year allocations are calculated based on the 
    unit's baseline emissions rate multiplied by the lesser of the baseline 
    heat input or the previous year's utilization. By reducing a unit's 
    actual emission rate below the baseline emission rate, an opt-in unit 
    would continue to earn NOX allowances to sell in the market 
    in future years as long as they continued to operate at the same level. 
    The EPA solicits comment on the appropriateness of the year-by-year 
    allocations to account for the potential shifts in utilization for the 
    different types of possible opt-in units including units that serve 
    electricity generators as well as other types of industrial units.
        c. Units Sharing Stacks or Fuel Pipe Headers With NOX 
    Budget Units. Today's proposal does not include special or simplified 
    opt-in provisions for non-NOX budget units that share a 
    common stack or common fuel pipe header with a NOX budget 
    unit. Allowing these units to participate in the trading program may 
    streamline the monitoring and reporting requirements for the 
    NOX budget units. For example, if a non-NOX 
    budget unit sharing a common stack with a NOX budget unit is 
    opted in to the trading program, it may no longer be necessary to 
    apportion common stack emissions between two units. The NOX 
    AAR may simply elect the percentage of NOX allowances to be 
    deducted for each unit, provided that the total number deducted covers 
    the common stack emissions. The EPA solicits comment on the 
    desirability and method of opting in such units.
        d. Withdrawal and Termination of Opt-In Units. The proposed trading 
    rule addresses how an opt-in unit may withdraw from the trading 
    program. An opt-in unit may withdraw from the NOX Budget 
    Program at any time, but a request to withdraw may be effective only on 
    a date specified by the NOX AAR that is before or after a 
    control period. The EPA believes that the administrative burden for a 
    permitting authority in processing a withdrawal effective during a 
    control period, particularly in ascertaining the disposition of 
    NOX allowances and in determining compliance for a partial 
    control period, is sufficient to warrant the prohibition of an 
    effective date of withdrawal during a control period. Further, an opt-
    in source could seek to withdraw during a control period because the 
    opt-in source projects that it will not hold enough NOX 
    allowances to account for its NOX emissions for that control 
    period. Under such a scenario, allowing the unit to ``opt out'' of the 
    program during a control period could easily result in higher 
    NOX emissions, since an opt-in unit could emit enough 
    NOX to use up its NOX allowance allocation for 
    the control period prior to the end of that control period, withdraw 
    from the program, and continue to emit NOX after withdrawal 
    during the control period. Such emissions would not be accounted for 
    with the requisite surrender of NOX allowances required 
    under the NOX Budget Program and could occur outside of a 
    State's overall budget for NOX.
        If a NOX budget opt-in unit becomes a NOX 
    budget unit under 40 CFR 96.4, the opt-in permit is terminated. This 
    change in status for an opt-in unit could occur as a result of a 
    modification, reconstruction, or repowering that may take place at the 
    unit. An opt-in unit that becomes a NOX budget unit under 40 
    CFR 96.4 is required to notify the permitting authority within 30 days 
    of the change in status of the opt-in unit. The permitting authority 
    revises the opt-in permit to reflect the NOX budget permit 
    content requirements of 40 CFR 96.23 effective as of the date of the
    [[Page 25942]]
    change in status. The NOX allowances are deducted or 
    allocated as necessary to ensure that the appropriate number of 
    allowances are allocated to the unit consistent with 40 CFR part 96 
    subpart E of the proposed trading rule for each partial or full control 
    period after the effective date of the change in status. In addition to 
    the potential of an opt-in unit changing its status and becoming a 
    NOX budget unit under 40 CFR 96.4, it is also possible that 
    an opt-in unit may become subject to the major new source review (NSR) 
    requirements under section 173 of the Act by making a physical change 
    or a change in the method of operation. In this case, triggering 
    nonattainment NSR may also terminate an opt-in permit as discussed 
    above. In Section C.1.c.v above, EPA seeks comment on treating all 
    sources that are subject to major nonattainment NSR and that are of the 
    same type of source included in the proposed core applicability as 
    NOX budget units.
    11. Program Audits
        The EPA would publish a report annually, commencing after the first 
    year of compliance, that would contain, for each NOX budget 
    unit, the control period NOX emissions and the number of 
    NOX allowances deducted for all reasons. This would be done 
    in order for States to track emissions and NOX allowance 
    transaction activity in neighboring and upwind States. The proposed 
    transport rulemaking has requirements for reporting of additional data 
    to determine compliance for affected States. The EPA would also publish 
    a report beginning in 2007 and every five years thereafter to assess 
    the level of activity and/or emissions shifting from sources included 
    in the NOX Budget Program to sources not included. An 
    assessment of opt-in sources (e.g., how many, from what sector, source 
    size, duration of participation in program) would also be included in 
    this periodic report.
    12. Administration of Program
        The administration of this program would be somewhat different from 
    the administration of a typical State program. This is both because of 
    the trading aspects of the program and because of the regional nature 
    of the trading program. In order for the market forces underlying the 
    trading program to work, the sources that participate in the trading 
    program must have confidence in the market. This confidence stems from 
    a number of factors including: a belief that all of the sources 
    included in the program are following the same set of rules, and a 
    belief that trades can be made easily, quickly and with a great deal of 
    confidence that they will not be altered or denied. Several things can 
    help to foster these beliefs and thus a confidence in the market. The 
    first is to start with a consistent set of rules. This can be done by 
    developing a model rule and having all States and sources that 
    participate in the trading program abide by the ground rules set forth 
    in the model rule. The second is to implement those rules in a 
    consistent and efficient manner. Because of the multi-state nature of 
    the program, it would be difficult for any individual State to do that 
    by itself. Therefore, EPA is proposing that this program be implemented 
    jointly by EPA and the States that choose to participate in the 
    program. As part of this joint implementation, States would have 
    specific roles, EPA would have specific roles, and there would be roles 
    that States and EPA would perform jointly.
        States would be responsible for developing and promulgating rules 
    consistent with the model rule and for submitting those rules as part 
    of the SIP. States would also be responsible for identifying sources 
    subject to the rule, issuing new or revised permits as appropriate, and 
    determining NOX allowance allocations. In addition, they 
    would be responsible for receiving, reviewing and approving most 
    monitoring plans and monitoring certification applications, observing 
    monitor certification and ongoing quality assurance testing and 
    performing audits. The final primary area of State responsibility would 
    be enforcement of the trading program. If violations occur, the State 
    would take the lead in pursuing enforcement action. However, once the 
    rules are approved as part of the SIP, they would become federally 
    enforceable, and EPA could also take enforcement action.
        The EPA would have two primary roles in administration of the 
    program. The first role would be EPA's traditional role in the approval 
    and oversight of the SIP. The second would be a more unique role for 
    EPA, in which EPA would administer significant portions of the program.
        In EPA's traditional role in the SIP process, EPA would be 
    responsible for taking action to approve or disapprove the SIP revision 
    once it was submitted to EPA. Once the SIP revision was approved, EPA 
    would play an oversight role in ensuring that the SIP was completely 
    implemented. This oversight role might include audits of the State 
    program, or taking enforcement action, if EPA believed that sources 
    were violating the SIP.
        In EPA's more unique role as administrator of portions of the 
    program, EPA would run both the emissions tracking system (ETS) and the 
    NATS. ETS is the system that units would use to report their emissions 
    data and that EPA would then use to verify total emissions for the 
    control season. The EPA would use the same system that it is currently 
    using to track emissions data from the Acid Rain Program and that it 
    will soon be using to track emissions data from the OTC NOX 
    Budget Program. There are a number of advantages to the sources, 
    States, and EPA to using this existing system. Since many units are 
    already reporting to the system for purposes of the Acid Rain Program 
    and more units will soon be reporting to the system for purposes of the 
    OTC NOX Budget Program, using this existing system will 
    represent little change for many units and EPA. This will help to 
    reduce administrative costs for both units and EPA and will help to 
    minimize startup problems associated with a new program. It also means 
    that each State will not need to develop, maintain and operate such a 
        In addition to receiving the emissions data, quality assuring it, 
    and providing reports to both States and units about the emissions 
    data, EPA would have several other responsibilities as the 
    administrator of ETS. The EPA would be involved in approval of any 
    petitions for alternatives to the allowable monitoring methods. The EPA 
    would also be involved in providing units and States assistance in 
    using ETS. This assistance may include: Answering individual questions 
    from units and States, providing guidance documents and training for 
    units and States, and providing software to assist in the submittal of 
    emissions data.
        As the administrator of NATS, EPA would be responsible for 
    receiving applications for NOX AARs, tracking all official 
    transfers of NOX allowances, and using the end of control 
    season emissions data and NOX allowance data to determine 
    compliance for the control season. In order for EPA to play this role, 
    each State would have to provide EPA with its NOX allowance 
    allocations consistent with a prescribed schedule and format. The 
    NOX AARs for individual sources would have to provide EPA 
    with information about all official NOX allowance transfers 
    in a prescribed format. The NOX AAR's would also have to 
    provide EPA with an end of control season compliance certification. At 
    the end of the control season, EPA would use all of this data to 
    determine how many NOX allowances should be deducted from 
    each unit's compliance account or each source's overdraft account. In 
    the event
    [[Page 25943]]
    that there were not enough NOX allowances to cover a unit's 
    emissions for a control period, EPA would notify the State and would 
    automatically deduct NOX allowances for the next year's 
    control period according to the emissions offset provisions set forth 
    in the proposed trading rule.
        The main joint role that EPA and States would have is for the 
    approval of alternatives to the allowable monitoring methods. This role 
    is more fully discussed in Section V.C.9 of the preamble on monitoring.
    D. SIP Approvability
        The EPA's proposed ozone transport rulemaking set forth the general 
    elements that a SIP needed to include (see 62 FR 60364-71). These 
    criteria are more fully explained in Section IV.A of this supplemental 
    proposal. One of the components of an approvable SIP is that it include 
    fully adopted State rules for the regional transport strategy with 
    compliance dates. One possible control strategy that a State might 
    choose would be to implement this NOX Budget Trading Rule 
    (40 CFR part 96). If a State chooses to implement the NOX 
    Budget Trading Rule, the proposed ozone transport rulemaking explains 
    that the trading rule will incorporate all necessary SIP criteria into 
    the program design. In general, today's proposed trading rule meets the 
    necessary SIP criteria. However, Section IV.A describes two criteria 
    that a SIP must meet for EPA to approve the NOX Budget 
    Trading Rule portion of the SIP (see Section IV.A.3 for further 
    E. OTC Integration
        Twelve of the thirteen OTC jurisdictions have committed to the 
    implementation of a cap-and-trade program in order to achieve region-
    wide NOX emissions reductions starting in 1999 to help 
    reduce ozone transport and make progress toward attainment. Nine of 
    those twelve jurisdictions are also included in the proposed ozone 
    transport rulemaking. The goals and implementation strategy of the OTC 
    program are similar to those of the proposed transport rule and today's 
    proposed NOX Budget Trading Program. However, there is a 
    potential for conflict between the OTC Program and today's proposal. 
    The EPA was involved in the development of the OTC Program and is aware 
    of the issues that the OTC States faced in developing that program. 
    Taking into account the work that has been done, EPA has tried to 
    develop a proposal that will minimize conflicts between the two 
    programs. Some differences still exist concerning applicability, 
    allocations, banking and the use of banked allowances, emissions 
    monitoring, and permitting. The purpose of this Section is to identify 
    how EPA believes that these specific issues can be resolved, so that 
    the goals of the OTC program can be achieved in concert with today's 
    proposal. The EPA believes that these differences can be resolved as 
    the OTC States undertake rulemakings to implement Phase III (beginning 
    in 2003) of the OTC program.
    1. Applicability
        a. State Applicability. On a regional level, the NOX 
    Budget Trading Program is applicable to any of the 23 jurisdictions 
    identified in the proposed transport rulemaking electing to 
    participate. Three of the OTC States (Maine, New Hampshire, and 
    Vermont), however, are not among the 23 jurisdictions cited in the 
    proposed transport rulemaking. The OTC States have requested EPA to 
    consider how these States may participate in the trading program. The 
    EPA sees, and requests comment on, two options for addressing these 
    States. One option is to exclude Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont from 
    participation in the NOX Budget Trading Program; the other 
    is to offer the States the opportunity to join the trading program by 
    complying with the overall requirements of the proposed transport 
    rulemaking. The EPA proposes the two alternative options and requests 
    comment on them.
        Denying Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont the opportunity to 
    participate in the NOX Budget Trading Program can be 
    justified by their exclusion from the proposed transport rulemaking. 
    Based on analysis of the entire 37 State OTAG region, EPA proposed to 
    determine that only 23 jurisdictions are significant contributors to a 
    nonattainment or maintenance problem in another State. Since these 
    three States were not among the 23 jurisdictions covered by the 
    proposed transport rulemaking, arguably they should not be permitted to 
    participate in the trading program designed to help achieve mandated 
    reductions in the targeted States. Excluding Maine, New Hampshire, and 
    Vermont from the trading program would restrict the ability for sources 
    in these States to trade NOX allowances with sources in 
    other OTC States that are included in the proposed transport rulemaking 
    and participating in today's proposed trading program. A second option 
    would be to allow Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont to participate in 
    the NOX Budget Trading Program by voluntarily enrolling in 
    the proposed ozone transport rulemaking and implementing the 
    requirements therein. This second option would assist with the 
    integration of the OTC program with the NOX Budget Trading 
    Program by maintaining the ability for sources located in Maine, New 
    Hampshire, and Vermont to trade NOX allowances with sources 
    located in the other participating OTC States.
        b. Source Applicability. The source applicability criteria for 
    today's proposed NOX Budget Trading Program identifies a 
    minimum, core group of sources. These core sources are fossil fuel-
    fired units (i.e., stationary boilers, combustion turbines, and 
    combined cycle systems) serving electrical generators greater than 25 
    megawatts and other units not serving generators and having a heat 
    input greater than 250 mmBtu per hour. Beyond the core sources, this 
    proposal contains criteria for States to include additional sources in 
    the trading program, as well as the process for allowing individual 
    units to opt in.
        The OTC program applies to a similar universe: fossil fuel-fired 
    boilers and indirect heat exchangers of 250 mmBtu or greater, 
    electricity generating units of 15 megawatts or greater, and ``opt-in'' 
    sources. The main difference in applicability criteria between the OTC 
    program and today's proposed NOX Budget trading program is 
    that the OTC includes units between 15 and 25 megawatts. However, 
    today's proposal allows States to include smaller sources of the same 
    type as those included in the core group such as electrical generating 
    units between 15 and 25 megawatts, without affecting EPA's streamlined 
    approval of the SIP as described in Section V.D of this preamble. This 
    allows the OTC program applicability provisions to be reasonably 
    compatible with those in the NOX Budget Trading Program.
    2. Allocations
        Today's proposal establishes NOX allowances as the 
    currency for the NOX Budget Program, and recommends a 
    methodology for participating States to allocate NOX 
    allowances among NOX budget sources. States are provided the 
    flexibility to deviate from the recommendation, as long as the timing 
    requirements for completion of allocations and submission of the 
    information to EPA for inclusion into the NATS are met, the control 
    periods for which allowances are allocated are the same, and total 
    NOX allowances allocated do not exceed the number of tons 
    that the State apportions to NOX budget sources in the SIP.
        The OTC provides States full discretion to develop and adopt their 
    own allocation methodologies. The
    [[Page 25944]]
    resulting allocation processes are in some cases incompatible with 
    EPA's software capabilities, beyond the scope of EPA's resources to 
    administer, and inconsistent with the efficient and orderly functioning 
    of a NOX allowance market. This experience showed the need 
    for greater consistency among States for the allocation process. As a 
    result, the OTC States would need to revise their allocation 
    methodologies for Phase III of the OTC to be consistent with the timing 
    requirements of the NOX Budget Trading Program. Since the 
    OTC is still discussing the implementation of Phase III, EPA believes 
    that the schedule for this proposal provides an opportunity to develop 
    allocation plans that meet the timing requirements in today's proposed 
    trading program. Each OTC State would still be able to determine the 
    specific allocation to each source provided the total number of 
    allowances allocated did not exceed the trading program budget.
    3. Emissions Banking
        The OTC program provides for the banking of early reductions in 
    1997 and 1998 and of excess Phase II NOX allowances in 1999 
    through 2002. Furthermore, the OTC program includes the use of a flow 
    control mechanism to manage the use of banked allowances as described 
    under Section V.C.7 of this preamble and an audit to assess the 
    program's performance. Today's proposal solicits comments on four 
    banking options that are discussed under the banking Section of this 
    preamble. The EPA requests comments on how the OTC banking provisions 
    may be integrated with the banking options under the proposed 
    NOX Budget Trading Program.
    4. Emissions Monitoring and Reporting
        The monitoring and reporting requirements in the proposed 
    NOX Budget Trading Program are based on the requirements in 
    proposed revisions to 40 CFR part 75, the monitoring and reporting 
    regulations under the Acid Rain Program. The monitoring and reporting 
    requirements in the OTC's NOX Budget Program are based on 
    the current version of 40 CFR part 75 and on additional guidance that 
    was developed in a collaborative process among States, sources, and 
    EPA. This additional guidance sets forth requirements for reporting 
    NOX mass emissions which are not currently set forth in 40 
    CFR part 75 and provides some additional flexibilities for sources not 
    subject to the Acid Rain Program. For sources that are subject to both 
    the Acid Rain Program and the OTC NOX Budget Program, use of 
    the revised 40 CFR part 75 would require few changes to address the 
    NOX mass monitoring and reporting requirements in this 
    proposal. However, for some sources that are only subject to the OTC 
    NOX Budget Program, the use of the revised 40 CFR part 75 in 
    the proposal may require some changes.
        The most significant change under the proposed NOX 
    Budget Trading Program would be that all units that burn coal or other 
    solid fuels would be required to use a flow monitor and a diluent 
    monitor to measure heat input. Under the OTC NOX Budget 
    Program, these units currently have two options for monitoring heat 
    input: the first option is to use a flow monitor and a diluent monitor, 
    and the second is to petition the State to use an alternative heat 
    input methodology. There are two main reasons that EPA is proposing to 
    limit the options for monitoring heat input for these types of units. 
    First, EPA believes that in order to ensure fairness and to ensure that 
    the emissions reductions required by this program are realized, it is 
    important to have accurate and consistent monitoring across all of the 
    sources. To date, no source under the OTC NOX Budget Program 
    has completed any testing to demonstrate that the alternatives are as 
    consistent and accurate as the flow monitoring methodology. Second, EPA 
    does not believe that there are significant cost savings associated 
    with allowing the alternatives. In order to demonstrate that the 
    alternative is as consistent and accurate as the flow monitoring 
    methodology, the source is required to do initial certification testing 
    and ongoing quality assurance testing very similar to the testing 
    required for the use of flow monitoring methodology. The capital costs 
    associated with setting up platforms and ladders so that this testing 
    can be performed is one of the most significant capital costs 
    associated with the flow monitor methodology, but this cost would also 
    have to be incurred in order to perform testing on the alternative 
    methodology. Similarly, some of the most significant costs associated 
    with the ongoing use of the flow monitor methodology are ongoing 
    quality assurance and data reporting. Performing similar quality 
    assurance and data reporting is also a requirement for any alternative 
    methodology. For these reasons, EPA believes the costs would be 
    similar. In addition, if the alternatives are allowed, there would be 
    an additional administrative burden placed on both States and sources 
    in preparing and reviewing applications for alternative methodologies.
        In addition to the specific requirement to use flow monitors for 
    coal-fired facilities, the proposed revisions to 40 CFR part 75 change 
    some of the ongoing quality assurance tests for flow monitors. The 
    number of levels at which flow relative accuracy test audits (RATAs) 
    have to be performed is reduced, but an additional quarterly quality 
    assurance of the flow monitors has been added. The EPA believes that 
    the combined effect of these changes reduces the overall cost of flow 
    monitoring, while at the same time improving the quality of the data.
        Another significant change between the OTC NOX Budget 
    Program and the proposed NOX Budget Trading Program would be 
    in the options allowed for low mass emitting units, or peaking units, 
    that burn oil and/or gas. The OTC NOX Budget Program offers 
    a number of different options for these units, in addition to the CEM 
    options that are allowed for all sources in the program. While these 
    different options provide more flexibility, they also create more 
    confusion and complexity for smaller sources. The EPA believes that by 
    proposing fewer options, and simplifying these allowable options as 
    much as possible, both cost and confusion for smaller sources can be 
    minimized. The two non-CEM options that the proposed revisions to 40 
    CFR part 75 will allow for smaller sources are the use of a default 
    emission rate based on unit type and fuel burned, and the use of source 
    testing to determine unit specific NOX emission rate versus 
    load curves. The use of default emission rates is proposed to be 
    limited to units that have actual emissions and projected emissions 
    using such default emission rates of less than 25 tons per year. The 
    use of the unit specific NOX emission rate versus load 
    curves is proposed to be limited to units that qualify as peaking units 
    (a unit that has an average capacity of no more than 10.0 percent for 
    three years, with a maximum capacity of no more than 20.0 percent in 
    any one of those years.)
        Most of the other changes in the proposed revisions to 40 CFR part 
    75 that would affect OTC NOX Budget Trading Program sources 
    are designed to reduce monitoring costs and provide additional 
    flexibilities. These include: a reduction in fuel sampling for units 
    that use fuel sampling and analysis to determine heat input; more 
    flexibility for the scheduling of quality assurance testing to 
    accommodate unexpected unit outages; and an option to reduce the amount 
    of missing data that must be reported during periods of monitor 
    recertification. More information on all of the proposed revisions to 
    40 CFR part
    [[Page 25945]]
    75 can be found in the proposal for that rule (notice entitled ``Acid 
    Rain Program; Continuous Emission Monitoring Revisions'' that will be 
    published in the Federal Register in the near future); comments on them 
    should be submitted in that separate rulemaking.
    5. Permitting
        The OTC program does not explicitly require permits that are issued 
    or modified for use under the OTC program to be federally enforceable. 
    The proposed NOX Budget Trading Rule requires federally 
    enforceable permits. The EPA's rationale for requiring federally 
    enforceable permits is further explained in Section V.C.3 of this 
    preamble. This would potentially require the OTC States to amend the 
    permitting provisions in the OTC program.
    F. New Source Review
        Under section 173 of the CAA, new and modified major sources 
    located in nonattainment areas must offset their new emissions. The EPA 
    believes that this requirement can be met through a source's 
    participation in the NOX Budget Trading Program defined in 
    today's proposed rule. Simply put, in a system where the level of 
    emissions cannot exceed an absolute mass emissions cap, new sources of 
    emissions subject to the system must acquire sufficient NOX 
    allowances elsewhere in the system to offset any new emissions. Those 
    sources from whom NOX allowances are acquired must also hold 
    sufficient NOX allowances to cover their emissions. 
    Therefore, since the trading program budget would not be increased for 
    sources seeking offsets, NOX allowances which are acquired 
    necessarily come from actual emissions decreases that take place from 
    other sources that are covered by the cap.
        A key issue is how sources whose emissions increases are subject to 
    the major NSR offset requirements may become participants in the 
    trading program. All new units meeting the proposed applicability 
    criteria, and all emissions increases at existing units meeting these 
    criteria, would be subject to the NOX Budget Trading Rule 
    and, therefore, would be participants in the trading program. However, 
    sources in need of NSR offsets but which do not meet the proposed 
    applicability criteria may wish to participate in the trading program 
    so as to satisfy their NSR offset requirement. The EPA notes that 
    today's proposed rule makes no specific provision for the inclusion of 
    these types of sources. Since EPA believes there may be significant 
    benefits to integrating any new source review requirements with the 
    NOX Budget Trading Program, inclusion in the trading program 
    of new sources that do not meet the proposed applicability criteria may 
    well be helpful to both those sources and States that are concerned 
    about finding offsets for new sources. The EPA solicits comments on 
    allowing the opt in of new and modified sources, not otherwise subject 
    to the program, in order to satisfy the section 173 offset provisions 
    through participation in the trading program. Commenters should 
    consider how these sources would be integrated into the trading program 
    in a simple and straightforward manner which would not compromise any 
    of the program's goals or requirements. For example, EPA expects that 
    any source opting into the trading program would have to meet the 
    permitting, monitoring, and accountability requirements applicable to 
    core sources. At this time, EPA also solicits recommendations on: (1) 
    How the section 173(c)(1) requirements pertaining to the geographic 
    location of offsets can be met under the NOX Budget Trading 
    Program and (2) how to reconcile the seasonal nature of the proposed 
    rule with the NSR requirements that the total annual tonnage of new 
    emissions increases must be offset.
    G. End Use Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
    1. Background
        This Section discusses the potential for a provision within a 
    State's NOX Budget Trading Rule to recognize and encourage 
    the contribution that energy efficiency and renewables can make in 
    meeting the NOX budget. The December workshop with State, 
    industry and non-governmental organization representatives included a 
    discussion of a possible role for energy efficiency and renewables. As 
    stated in the December workshop, energy efficiency and renewables can 
    be important components of an effective NOX reduction 
    strategy. Greater deployment of energy efficiency and renewables 
    technologies cannot only be a cost-effective means of preventing 
    emissions of NOX. It can also be a cost-effective way of 
    preventing emissions of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide 
    (CO2), and toxic substances, such as mercury.
        There is a large potential for greater energy efficiency 
    improvements that reduce energy demand. In addition, renewable 
    resources that reduce demand at the consumer level are available, 
    including technologies that generate electricity, such as rooftop 
    photovoltaics, and technologies that reduce electricity demand such as 
    solar hot water heaters. Greater penetration of energy efficiency and 
    distributed renewable resources in the marketplace can save companies 
    and individuals money and promote economic growth, thus reducing the 
    economic cost of compliance with environmental requirements. These 
    savings can be passed on to consumers through lower electricity rates.
        The EPA has examined the potential for energy efficiency and 
    renewables in the SIP call region. The most recent information on this 
    potential comes from the Department of Energy's (DOE's) ``5-lab 
    study,'' which quantifies the potential for energy efficiency and 
    renewables to reduce carbon emissions in the U.S. via two scenarios. 
    The first is the study's ``Efficiency'' case which consists of the 
    potential for cost-effective energy efficiency and renewables 
    technologies to penetrate the market given an invigorated promotion 
    effort for greater market transformation. The second scenario is the 
    ``High Efficiency'' case, which demonstrates the potential for 
    emissions reductions from energy efficiency and renewables measures 
    that are optimistic, but feasible to undertake. Both the DOE study and 
    the findings and results from similar analyses that have been conducted 
    in the last several years in different States or groups of States 
    within the proposed ozone transport rulemaking region show substantial 
    potential for NOX reductions and ancillary benefits from 
    greater adoption of energy efficiency and renewable technologies. 
    According to an analysis based on the DOE 5-lab study, approximately 
    1,700 TBtu of energy can be saved by 2007, resulting in over 100,000 
    tons of avoided seasonal NOX emissions in the SIP call 
    region if the area achieves the increased rate of energy efficiency 
    improvement outlined in the ``Efficiency'' case. These potentials 
    increase to over 3,000 TBtu of energy saved and over 200,000 tons of 
    avoided seasonal NOX emissions (or 13 percent of the total 
    tons of reductions needed) under the 5-lab ``High Efficiency'' case. 
    The associated carbon emissions reductions are nearly 30 million metric 
    tons of carbon equivalent (MMTCE) by 2007 for the ``Efficiency'' case, 
    and over 50 MMTCE for the ``High Efficiency'' case.
        In a recent study of energy efficiency opportunities in the mid-
    Atlantic States region (including New York, New Jersey and 
    Pennsylvania), the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy 
    (ACEEE) concluded that over
    [[Page 25946]]
    2,800 TBtu of energy could be saved in this area by 2010 under their 
    aggressive efficiency scenario. This translates into over 200,000 tons 
    of seasonal NOX reduced by 2007, and nearly 160 million 
    metric tons (MMT) of carbon emissions avoided. Enhanced deployment of 
    energy efficiency technologies and distributed renewable resources, 
    therefore, may be an important policy tool for States to consider in 
    achieving multiple environmental objectives.
        There are substantial economic benefits and compliance cost 
    implications for using energy efficiency as a NOX reduction 
    strategy in the proposed ozone transport rulemaking region. The 
    economic benefits of achieving the 5-lab study's ``Efficiency'' case 
    level of improvement include the potential for creating a net increase 
    of over 80,000 jobs. For the ``High Efficiency'' case, over 160,000 new 
    jobs would be created. The mid-Atlantic study shows a net increase of 
    approximately 16,000 new jobs created in the region, with a 
    corresponding increase in gross State product (GSP) of over $60 billion 
    by achieving the efficiency potential outlined in the study. Taking 
    advantage of all of the energy efficiency and renewables potential in 
    the SIP call region prior to applying other NOX control 
    methods, such as selective catalytic reduction (SCR) or selective non-
    catalytic reduction (SNCR), can lower the overall compliance costs of 
    meeting the NOX budget as well as reduce overall societal 
    costs. The EPA's initial analyses show that compliance costs can be 
    reduced in 2005 by nearly $150 million through accelerated adoption of 
    energy efficiency and renewables consistent with the 5-lab study in the 
    proposed ozone transport rulemaking region.
    2. Energy Efficiency and Renewables Set-Aside Options
        The EPA recognizes and has performed analyses that demonstrate the 
    benefits of aggressive adoption of energy efficiency and renewables 
    technologies as a NOX reduction strategy in the proposed 
    NOX Budget Trading Program for the proposed ozone transport 
    rulemaking region. However, EPA is not proposing a specific approach 
    for an energy efficiency and renewables set-aside for NOX 
    Budget Trading Program in this action.
        During the December workshop and in the discussion paper that was 
    distributed afterward, EPA stated that an energy efficiency and 
    renewables set-aside approach put forward by the Agency should meet 
    three important goals: (1) reduce the total economic cost of meeting 
    the proposed NOX budget, (2) promote energy efficiency and 
    renewables as effective NOX and pollutant-reducing 
    strategies through the accelerated adoption of such practices and 
    technologies, and (3) reduce future CO2-related liabilities 
    by recognizing the positive impacts of energy efficiency and renewables 
    on carbon emissions. In addition, EPA stressed that two key principles 
    should guide the design of its approach for a set-aside program: (1) A 
    set-aside program should encourage actions that increase efficiency 
    that would not otherwise occur without the program, and (2) the set-
    aside program should maintain the integrity of the NOX cap. 
    The EPA noted in its December workshop discussion paper that the 
    difficulties in designing an approach consistent with our objectives of 
    reducing cost and meeting the goals and principles above are not 
    trivial. At this time, EPA does not have adequate information to 
    propose an approach that will accomplish the goals and meet the 
    Agency's purposes, while adhering to the principles and addressing the 
    design issues outlined at the December workshop.
        The EPA is not including a proposal in this notice to include an 
    energy efficiency and renewables set-aside in the NOX Budget 
    Trading Program. The EPA continues to consider whether and how to 
    develop an approach to include energy efficiency and renewables in the 
    NOX Budget Trading Program. As part of this action, EPA 
    today requests that interested parties submit information addressing 
    the design issues and questions that require further investigation 
    which are outlined below. Should EPA conclude in the future that there 
    is adequate information to design an approach for including an energy 
    efficiency and renewables set-aside to meet its purposes, EPA will 
    either issue a proposal or guidance as appropriate.
        While EPA continues to examine the possibility of designing an 
    approach for a set-aside, EPA encourages States to consider including 
    energy efficiency and renewables in their State NOX Budget 
    Trading programs.
     Issue (1) Rewarding Efficiency Improvements Above ``Business 
    as Usual''
        In developing an approach for energy efficiency and renewables in 
    the NOX Budget Trading Program, EPA believes it is important 
    that the system encourage actions that increase the penetration of 
    energy efficiency and renewables improvements beyond the normal rate at 
    which they are currently and continuously incorporated into all sectors 
    of the U.S. economy. Some remarks received in response to the 
    discussion paper were of the opinion that it is unnecessary to be 
    concerned with business-as-usual projects (or ``anyway'' tons or 
    ``anyway'' projects), specifically because the respondents believe that 
    the restructuring of the electric utility industry will result in the 
    decline of demand side management (DSM) programs and reduce the rate of 
    business-as-usual energy efficiency and renewables adoption to below a 
    meaningful level. However, because energy efficiency projects often 
    yield very attractive internal rates of return, many above 35 percent, 
    and because there are many public information programs and private 
    businesses aiming at getting more energy efficient and renewables 
    products and choices into the market, there is likely to be a 
    continuing level of energy efficiency improvement in the U.S. economy. 
    Allocating NOX allowances to existing, mandated and expected 
    energy efficiency and renewables measures means that fewer allowances 
    will be available to encourage incremental projects. The issue is in 
    determining how to differentiate between the various types of measures 
    and, particularly in future years, determining what types of measures 
    were likely to have happened without the set-aside program. In regard 
    to the amount of ``business-as-usual'' energy improvement due to energy 
    efficiency and renewables, EPA requests the following information:
        Question 1. How do States determine the amount of ``business-as-
    usual'' energy efficiency and renewables occurring across all sectors 
    of the economy?
        Question 2. What information do States and other entities have 
    about the amounts and types of energy efficiency and renewables that 
    have been occurring over the last 3-5 years?
        The EPA suggested three options for determining projects eligible 
    for set-aside NOX allowances in its December workshop 
    discussion paper. One option is to limit the reward of ``business-as-
    usual'' projects may be to require that projects attain a sizable 
    efficiency improvement, over and above a set minimum. This will require 
    the development of a set of average energy improvement metrics for the 
    residential, commercial and industrial sectors. As an example, projects 
    for efficiency in the commercial building sector would be compared to a 
    target set below the average energy use per square foot that achieves a 
    particular and higher level of efficiency than that of ``business as 
    usual'' in that sector. Only projects that meet or exceed the target 
    would be eligible to be awarded allowances, and
    [[Page 25947]]
    the size of the award would be based on the increment of improvement 
    between the ``business as usual'' average and the achievement or 
    exceedance of the target.
        Two other options involve varying the length of the efficiency 
    reward for different types of energy efficiency improvement measures, 
    or restricting the number of NOX allowances available to 
    certain types of improvements. Under the second approach, certain types 
    of energy efficiency improvements that have already been implemented or 
    are likely to be implemented without an additional incentive (e.g., 
    regulatorily mandated improvements unless implemented early, or energy 
    efficiency improvements of products that bring them up to the industry 
    average) would be allocated a shorter stream of allowances, while new 
    and innovative energy efficiency improvements (incremental projects 
    above ``business-as-usual'') would be allocated a longer stream of 
    NOX allowances. Under the third approach, the number of 
    NOX allowances allocated to energy efficiency improvements 
    likely to occur anyway is restricted to some portion (e.g., 50 percent) 
    of the full number of NOX allowances they qualify for given 
    the actual or expected load reduction.
        Of the three options, the first seems to offer the best possibility 
    for limiting rewards for energy efficiency improvements that would have 
    occurred anyway. Options two and three would allocate a potentially 
    smaller portion of NOX allowances to projects that have 
    already been implemented, are mandated, or are deemed to belong to a 
    classification of improvements judged to be those likely to occur 
    anyway. Either of these latter two approaches is difficult because it 
    requires that a State be able to differentiate between those measures 
    that would have been implemented anyway versus other types of energy 
    efficiency improvements. Option one would require that projects attain 
    a sizable efficiency improvement, over and above a set minimum. This 
    would require the development of a set of energy improvement metrics 
    for the residential, commercial and industrial sectors to use to 
    distinguish baseline from accelerated or enlarged adoption of energy 
    efficiency and renewables. One possibility for energy efficiency 
    projects under this option would be to develop a set of energy use or 
    intensity benchmarks that these projects would be required to meet or 
    exceed in order to be eligible.
        The EPA could use information from its own energy efficiency 
    programs, such as Energy Star Buildings and Energy Star Homes, as a 
    starting point for developing benchmarks in the residential and 
    commercial buildings sectors. For example, in its Energy Star Homes 
    program, home builders agree to construct new homes that will be 30 
    percent more energy efficient than the Model Energy Code (MEC). The EPA 
    could establish the ``30 percent better than MEC'' as the benchmark 
    that must be attained for applicants wishing to receive set-aside 
    NOX allowances based on new home developments that are more 
    energy efficient. The applicant would have to first demonstrate that 
    the homes built meet this benchmark, and then could be awarded 
    NOX allowances based on the improvement that reaching the 
    benchmark represents in that sector. In considering the development of 
    benchmarks to limit the rewarding of ``business-as-usual'' projects, 
    EPA requests the following information:
        Question 3. Do States and potential applicants for energy 
    efficiency and renewables NOX allowances have sufficient 
    information about energy improvement metrics (e.g., energy use per 
    square foot, MEC) or can they gather sufficient information about 
    upgrade projects in order to be able to compare the results of these 
    projects with a benchmark developed for that category (residential, 
    commercial or industrial) of upgrade?
        Question 4. If so, specifically what types of energy improvement 
    measurements and information about upgrade projects are recorded or 
    gathered by States and/or potential applicants for energy efficiency 
    and renewables upgrades or projects?
        Question 5. In addition to Energy Star Buildings and Energy Star 
    Homes what other options are there for developing benchmarks in the 
    residential and commercial buildings sectors?
        Question 6. What kinds of benchmarks could be developed for 
    industrial sector energy efficiency and renewables improvements, and 
    how could they be developed? Since industries have both process and 
    non-process energy use, how could benchmarks be developed for process 
    (e.g., motors, compressed air, fans) and non-process (facility lighting 
    and HVAC) efficiency measures in the industrial sector?
        Question 7. In order to be able to use benchmarks for industrial 
    sector energy efficiency it is necessary to separate the facility's 
    non-process energy use from its process-related energy use. What 
    methods might be used for distinguishing between an industrial 
    facility's non-process energy use from its process energy use?
     Issue (2) Appropriate Size of the Set-Aside Allowance Pool
        The EPA indicated in the December workshop discussion paper that 
    the energy efficiency and renewables allowance pool within the budget 
    for the NOX Budget Trading Program should be set at an 
    amount large enough to maximize the opportunities to promote energy 
    efficiency and renewables projects, but not so large as to overstate 
    the efficiency potential so that there are excess NOX 
    allowances that go unallocated. As pool size is related to the 
    rewarding ``business-as-usual'' issue, EPA listed two alternatives in 
    the December workshop discussion paper: (1) Limit the size of the pool 
    and allocate NOX allowances based on criteria that would 
    minimize their allocation to ``business-as-usual'' projects, or (2) 
    establish a larger pool so that there is room for both ``business-as-
    usual'' projects as well as incremental energy efficiency projects 
    being undertaken. Using three different methods and the projections for 
    energy efficiency potential from the 5-lab study, EPA showed that a 
    set-aside pool in the range of 5-20 percent of the total electricity 
    NOX budget for a State or across the region could be 
        Note: these figures do not include a portion of the nonutility 
    boiler NOX budget.
        The EPA received remarks indicating that a set-aside pool should be 
    not less than 20 percent to allow for the full potential of both energy 
    efficiency and renewables projects. Another recommendation made to EPA 
    is that no specific pool size should be set within the budget for the 
    NOX Budget Trading Program. Rather, a State could opt to 
    take all proposals for efficiency and renewables ``off-the-top'' of the 
    allocation pool, and allocate the remainder to NOX Budget 
    units. Other respondents to the December discussion paper remarked that 
    an ``off-the-top'' scheme would allow too little certainty for 
    NOX Budget units in planning for how to meet the 
    NOX cap. With regard to pool size, EPA requests the 
    following information:
        Question 8. What is a reasonable estimate for a pool size within 
    the budget for the NOX Budget Trading Program to award 
    incremental energy efficiency projects that would not be undertaken 
    without the availability of set-aside NOX allowances?
        Question 9. For States that may be interested in an ``off-the-top'' 
    allocation method as opposed to a fixed percentage set-aside for energy 
    efficiency and renewables projects, what allocation mechanisms could be 
    designed to provide greater certainty to NOX budget
    [[Page 25948]]
    units about the number of non-set-aside NOX allowances for 
    planning purposes for the upcoming ozone season?
        Once a pool size is determined, the main issue of concern is how to 
    translate load reductions into allowances. The December workshop 
    discussion paper outlines three basic methods under consideration by 
    EPA. The first method would be to develop a flat, region-wide, average 
    NOX rate that represents the average NOX 
    emissions reductions expected for a kWh reduced. For this method, the 
    rate could be based on one of three NOX rates: (1) The 
    average NOX rate calculated by dividing the total 
    NOX emissions in an area on an annual or seasonal basis by 
    the total fossil fuel generation in that area for the same time period, 
    expressed in lbs per kWh State or region specific data; (2) an average 
    NOX rate calculated by multiplying the proposed ozone 
    transport rulemaking NOX rate of 0.15 lbs per mmBtu by a 
    system wide average heat rate in Btu per kWh; or (3) an average 
    ``marginal'' NOX rate in lbs per kWh representing the 
    generation mix most likely to be backed out on the ``margin.'' This 
    marginal NOX rate is calculated by dividing the difference 
    in NOX emissions in an uncapped scenario between a reference 
    or baseline amount of electricity demand and a reduced amount of demand 
    (e.g., from energy efficiency) by the amount of generation (kWh) 
    avoided due to the reduction in energy demand.
        The second method would be to develop a regional or a State 
    specific NOX rate (average or marginal) in lbs/kWh utilizing 
    the IPM model which would more accurately take into account the 
    generation mix in each State and the power pools in which they 
    participate. Developing a regional or a State specific rate would 
    therefore take into account the amount of NOX reduction 
    actually attributed to energy efficiency in an uncapped NOX 
    environment. This method would likely result in different 
    NOX factors for each State. The third method would be to 
    develop measure-specific marginal NOX rates which would more 
    accurately represent the load shape associated with particular energy 
    efficiency measures (i.e., commercial lighting or industrial motors), 
    or alternatively, NOX factors for ``typical'' residential, 
    commercial and industrial loads. This method would therefore more 
    accurately represent the marginal generation units that would likely be 
    dispatched less.
        The third method, if used to develop measure-specific factors, 
    could potentially result in dozens of different NOX rates 
    and would likely be too administratively burdensome. The first and 
    second methods may result in either overstating or understating 
    emissions reductions for a particular State. One respondent expressed a 
    preference for State-specific NOX factors to be used in 
    translating energy savings into NOX reductions and the 
    corresponding NOX allowances. Although State-by-State 
    factors may more accurately reflect the fuel mix of a particular State, 
    the use of different rates and whether States consistently use either 
    an average or a marginal NOX rate may impact the value of 
    allowances. If inconsistent methods are used from one State to the 
    next, then one State's efficiency allowances may be construed to be of 
    greater value than another State's. In order to evaluate the three 
    methods or an alternative to these methods, EPA requests the following 
        Question 10. What access do States or end users have to information 
    necessary to obtain or calculate the average NOX rate or the 
    marginal NOX rate for their State or power pool that may be 
    used for translating energy efficiency savings into tons of 
    NOX reductions?
        Question 11. If a marginal NOX rate is not available or 
    calculable and an average NOX rate is used, how would a 
    State or end user take into account the type of different fossil fuel 
    mix that the efficiency savings is coming from? Is this necessary to 
     Issue (3) Eligibility of and Allocation to Applicants and 
        Although the scope of the set-aside comprises appropriate end use 
    energy efficiency and distributed renewables improvements, it is not 
    intended to limit the types of entities that may apply for allowances 
    based on completed end use efficiency and renewables upgrades. But 
    keeping in mind EPA's overall objective of rewarding real reductions, 
    States may want to consider what types of end users could implement 
    efficiency and renewables actions that best fit the criteria of 
    providing real reductions, and focus their efforts on providing 
    incentive for those types of entities. The EPA generally believes that 
    entities that would be provided this incentive should be entities that 
    would not otherwise be holding allowances for the purposes of being 
    able to emit NOX. Entities holding such NOX 
    allowances for these purposes have a direct incentive to take actions 
    that will lower their need for NOX allowances or free up 
    NOX allowances for trading, and so do not need an additional 
    incentive. With regard to the industrial sector, the previous 
    discussion and questions about whether benchmarks can be determined for 
    improvements in the industrial sector, and whether or not industrial 
    building energy use can be separated from industrial process use may be 
    relevant to this discussion. Concerning which end users it may be more 
    or less appropriate to award with NOX allowances for 
    reductions achieved through greater energy efficiency and use of 
    renewable resources, EPA requests the following information:
        Question 12. In determining which entities should be eligible to 
    apply for set-aside NOX allowances, is it appropriate to 
    limit eligibility to those entities that would not otherwise be holding 
    NOX allowances for the purposes of being able to emit 
    NOX? If not, why not?
        In addition, for reasons of administrative ease, it may be best for 
    entities to be required to meet a minimum level of efficiency 
    improvement or NOX reduction. The purpose of this 
    requirement would be to prevent the submission of large numbers of 
    applications for small amounts of reductions, which may cause an 
    excessive administrative burden, particularly in terms of time required 
    for processing and verification. For example, applications for 
    NOX allowances of less than one ton of NOX may be 
    impractical because an allowance is defined as one ton of 
    NOX emissions. It may be advisable to set a higher threshold 
    of NOX reductions, such as five or ten tons or more, as a 
    minimum for application. This would mean that an applicant for set-
    aside NOX allowances would have to bring in energy 
    efficiency and renewables projects that total no less than five or ten 
    tons of NOX reductions in order to be considered for an 
    award. Concerning minimum thresholds for an award, EPA requests the 
    following information:
        Question 13. How many applications could a State reasonably review 
    on an annual basis for the set-aside without causing an inordinate 
    administrative burden? What would be the incremental administrative 
    cost associated with the application process for the set-aside?
        There is also a concern about whether or not the location of the 
    applying entity or where the energy efficiency or renewables 
    improvement is implemented matters. The location of the applying entity 
    theoretically should not matter, as long as the energy efficiency and 
    renewables improvements result in NOX reductions in the 
    proposed ozone transport rulemaking region.
        However, there may be concern about awarding allowances for end use 
    efficiency for projects in a State within the ozone transport 
    rulemaking region where the load reduction or the majority
    [[Page 25949]]
    of the load reduction is realized at an electricity generating unit 
    that is located outside the NOX Budget Trading Program 
    region. If it is likely that the end use efficiency will result in load 
    reductions occurring outside of the proposed ozone transport rulemaking 
    region, then the amount of NOX allowances to be awarded 
    should perhaps be adjusted to exclude the reductions occurring outside 
    the region. This is in keeping with the principle of maintaining the 
    integrity of the NOX budget. However, in order to do this, 
    States must be able to reasonably estimate what amount of generation is 
    produced within the region versus that which is being imported from 
    outside the area. In this regard, EPA requests the following 
        Question 14. Will States be able to reasonably estimate the amount 
    of generation produced within their States and being imported from 
    within the proposed ozone transport rulemaking region versus that which 
    is being imported from outside the region? How?
        Question 15. Is it necessary to make adjustments that would be to 
    account for reductions from energy efficiency or renewables occurring 
    outside the proposed ozone transport rulemaking region, and if so, what 
    mechanisms are there for doing so?
        There is also the matter of whether allowances for energy 
    efficiency improvements should be awarded for actions that occur during 
    the years prior to the start date for the NOX Budget Trading 
    Program. Since the first year for the trading program is 2003, it may 
    be possible to award NOX allowances for energy efficiency 
    and renewables measures that are initiated and come on line between the 
    finalization of the proposed NOX Budget Trading Rule and the 
    2003 control period. This would effectively give end users credit for 
    early actions taken to become more energy efficient or to bring on new 
    renewable resources prior to the need for additional/other controls to 
    meet the NOX budget. In considering giving credit for early 
    actions in the form of NOX allowances from the set-aside 
    pool, EPA requests the following information:
        Question 16. What amount or level of incremental energy efficiency 
    improvements or renewable resources, greater than ``business-as-
    usual,'' could/may come on line if credit for early action is given in 
    the form of NOX allowances from a set-aside that would be 
    available for trading once the trading program begins?
        Question 17. If no incremental projects could come on line under an 
    early credit scheme, what are the barriers preventing them?
        Another topic of importance in this area is the timing of 
    applications for projects to be considered for NOX 
    allowances and how entities should apply. This concerns whether or not 
    an end user may be awarded energy efficiency or renewables 
    NOX allowances prior to the implementation of the 
    improvement, or if an award can only be made after the improvement is 
    in place and has demonstrated results. While it would be unwise to 
    award allocations based on estimated savings alone, greater incentive 
    is provided to potential projects if the applicant has some degree of 
    reasonable certainty of receiving allowances for a project that is 
    being considered, provided that the expected energy savings and 
    NOX reductions are achieved. One option is to design a two-
    step application process, where an applicant makes a submission 
    sufficiently prior to the first ozone season for which that efficiency/
    renewable project will be operational. The State would review the 
    project proposal and pre-qualify that the project is eligible for 
    allowances. Then prior to an ozone season, the applicant must make a 
    demonstration (e.g., of six months or more) and verify whether the 
    appropriate efficiency standard(s) or benchmark(s) has been met. If the 
    demonstration and verification requirements are met, the State would 
    then issue the appropriate amount of an allowance award. This option 
    may provide more certainty to the project sponsor or applicant prior to 
    undertaking the project and may give the State a better estimate of 
    what level of activity will occur for efficiency set-aside allowances 
    prior to the ozone season. However, this option will require two rounds 
    of review for each project or application and so may be more 
    administratively burdensome.
        Another option would be to use a single-step application process, 
    where applications would be made several months ahead of an ozone 
    season for projects that are in place and can demonstrate and verify 
    reductions at time of application. If the project meets eligibility 
    criteria and expected reductions have occurred in line with efficiency 
    standard or benchmark, the State would certify that applicant be 
    awarded allowances for the appropriate ozone season(s). This second 
    option may be less burdensome, but it may be more difficult to 
    determine under this method which projects could be interpreted as 
    ``business-as-usual'' types of projects, since they will already have 
    been put in place without any guarantee of receiving NOX 
    allowances. In regard to determining the process for a project to apply 
    for allowances, EPA requests the following information:
        Question 18. Which option for reviewing and processing of 
    applications for energy efficiency and renewables NOX 
    allowances is preferable and why? What is the estimated administrative 
    burden associated with each option?
        Question 19. Are there other options for reviewing and processing 
    applications that offer a reasonable degree of incentive and certainty 
    to applicants while minimizing the administrative burden to States? 
    What is the estimated administrative burden?
        The final matter in this issue area is how to handle over or under 
    subscription of an energy efficiency and renewables set-aside pool. Two 
    options outlined in EPA's December workshop discussion paper for 
    dealing with leftover NOX allowances in a given year or 
    period include: (1) Banking the allowances to be used for potential 
    shortfalls in future years, or (2) retiring them. The two options 
    outlined in the December workshop discussion paper for dealing with 
    shortfalls in NOX allowances in a given year or period 
    include: (1) Deferring allocation of allowances for later applicants in 
    the cycle until the following year, or (2) setting aside a larger 
    portion of allowances from the NOX budget to award end use 
    energy efficiency and renewables if shortfalls become a chronic 
    problem. One response to this issue in the December workshop discussion 
    paper recommends not setting a specific level of allowances in the set-
    aside, but rather allocating all NOX allowances necessary to 
    cover the eligible applications for efficiency and renewables measures 
    in a given period first, then allocating the balance of allowances to 
    NOX budget units. However, the EPA is concerned that this 
    method provides too little certainty to NOX budget units in 
    terms of being able to plan for the number of allowances they will need 
    for a given ozone season and to consider allowance trading. Another 
    suggestion received recommends discounting the allowances in the pool 
    sufficiently to be able to cover any over subscription in a given 
    period. This method would likely result in differences in the amount of 
    allowances allocated to equivalent projects that are submitted for 
    consideration in different periods. With respect to under or over 
    subscription of the allowance pool, EPA requests the following 
        Question 20. Which of the options listed above for over 
    subscription and for under subscription of the set-aside
    [[Page 25950]]
    pool is more administratively feasible for a State, and why?
        Question 21. What other options or suggestions could be considered 
    for handling the over subscription or under subscription of the set-
    aside pool?
     Issue (4) Persistence of Efficiency Award
        Because energy efficiency and renewables measures result in 
    permanent improvements in energy use and NOX reductions, it 
    may be appropriate to award energy efficiency and renewables 
    NOX allowances to these projects for more than one year. 
    This provides a stream of allowances and provides greater incentive for 
    incremental projects to be undertaken. There are tradeoffs, however, 
    between the length of the stream of allowances awarded to a project and 
    the ability to maintain sufficient availability of allowances over time 
    to provide incentive for new projects that might not otherwise be 
    financially viable. A shorter stream of energy efficiency 
    NOX allowances provides greater availability of such 
    NOX allowances over time to reward new projects, but 
    provides less of an incentive (due to lower value) to undertake such 
    projects. A longer stream provides more financial incentive, but limits 
    the availability of allowances for future projects.
        One respondent to the EPA December workshop discussion paper 
    suggested that a five-year stream of allowances should be sufficient to 
    provide incentive for new projects that might not otherwise be 
    financially viable. And since the proposed NOX Budget 
    Trading Rule sets a five-year period as the duration of the initial 
    allowance allocation to NOX budget units, EPA believes that 
    it is appropriate to set the duration of energy efficiency awards to 
    five years. With regard to an appropriate duration of award for energy 
    efficiency and renewables projects, EPA requests the following 
        Question 22. How large an incentive would a multi-year or a five-
    year stream of allowances provide for new energy efficiency or 
    renewables projects that might not occur otherwise?
        Question 23. What kinds of incremental projects might be 
    implemented as the result of a multi-year or five-year stream of 
    NOX allowances?
     Issue (5) Verification Requirements and Procedures
        In order to ensure that energy savings are measured in a reliable 
    and consistent manner that provides valid information about the 
    NOX reductions achieved, and that can be used in translating 
    these savings into their associated NOX reductions for 
    purposes of awarding NOX allowances, a set-aside program 
    should have effective verification requirements and procedures.
        Some respondents to the December workshop discussion paper affirmed 
    the need for strong measurement and verification protocols, but also 
    stressed that it is important that the methods chosen should not be too 
    complex. In addition, it was suggested that the methods and the degree 
    of verification fit the type of measure and the entity. However, it is 
    important that the methods used for measurements are reasonably 
    consistent among all entities participating in any set-aside programs 
    in the proposed ozone transport rulemaking region. Further, some 
    respondents stated that the methods used for awarding set-aside 
    allowances should be as accurate as the methods used for monitoring 
    NOX budget units for their use of allowances.
        There are three major existing energy efficiency measurement 
    protocols that may be used to verify reductions for purposes of a set-
    aside program: (1) The Conservation Verification Protocol (CVP) of the 
    Acid Rain Program, (2) the International Performance Measurement and 
    Verification Protocol (IPMVP) developed by DOE with energy service 
    company (ESCO) input, and (3) New Jersey's Measurement Protocol for 
    Commercial, Industrial and Residential Facilities (MPCIRF).
        The CVP prescribes measurement methods and confidence levels for 
    utilities to use in claiming sulfur dioxide (SO2) allowances 
    for savings produced by DSM measures. Although the CVP is 
    comprehensive, this protocol may not be appropriate to EPA's purposes 
    in a NOX set-aside program because the CVP was developed for 
    utilities, and the set-aside focuses on demand side improvements. DOE 
    developed the IPMVP with ESCOs so they could use them with their 
    customers to develop performance contracts for efficiency measures. The 
    IPMVP however, has no regulatory component, and some of the 
    verification methods it prescribes do not require the actual 
    measurement of energy savings. The MPCIRF prescribes precise monitoring 
    and verification methodologies by project type and also provides 
    procedures for developing new monitoring and verification methods. In 
    order to determine what kinds of reliable protocols exist or may need 
    to be developed, EPA requests the following information:
        Question 24. What is the degree of reliability and validity of the 
    verification methods used in these protocols? What is the 
    administrative burden associated with the use of one or more of these 
        Question 25. Are there particular parts or sections of one or more 
    of these protocols that work particularly well and should be included 
    in or used as a model in developing a new measurement and verification 
    protocol? Why?
        Question 26. What other protocols besides the CVP, the IPMVP and 
    the MPCIRF exist that States or other entities have used to monitor and 
    verify energy efficiency projects?
        Question 27. What is the degree of reliability and validity of the 
    verification methods used in these alternative protocols, and what is 
    the associated administrative burden?
        Where the degree of reliability and validity in the measurement of 
    energy efficiency and renewables improvements is low, it is possible 
    for a tradeoff to be made between the level of verification required 
    (i.e., the certainty of load reduction) and the possibility that a 
    given measure will not result in the expected load reduction. A 
    discount factor or rate that is commensurate with the level of 
    uncertainty of the reductions can be applied to lower the total amount 
    of load reduction that would be awarded allowances. The less stringent 
    the verification requirements, the higher the discount rates should be 
        One option in developing alternative verification/NOX 
    allowance discounting strategies is to determine the uncertainty bounds 
    associated with a specific verification approach, and then set the 
    discount rate such that there is, for example, a 90 or 95 percent 
    probability that all of the allowances that would be awarded represent 
    true load reductions. For a more conservative approach, the rate could 
    be set at a 99 percent probability level. One variation on this option 
    is to establish several verification/discount strategies rather than 
    just one. These strategies could range from a low verification/high 
    discount rate to a high verification/low or no discount rate. With 
    regard to verification/allowance discounting strategies, EPA requests 
    the following information:
        Question 28. What are other options to the verification/allowance 
    discounting strategies outlined above?
        Question 29. What kinds of record keeping are currently done by 
    States or others to monitor the progress and track the results of 
    energy efficiency and renewables projects being done?
        Question 30. Which option seems most manageable for States? Why?
    [[Page 25951]]
    VI. Interaction with Title IV NOX Rule
        On April 13, 1995, EPA promulgated NOX emission rate 
    limitations (in lb/mmBtu) for certain types of coal-fired utility 
    boilers for the Acid Rain Program under title IV of the Act (60 FR 
    18751, April 13, 1995). The EPA set limits of 0.45 and 0.50 lb/mmBtu, 
    respectively, for tangentially fired boilers and dry bottom, wall fired 
    boilers (``Group 1 boilers''). On December 19, 1996, EPA promulgated 
    additional NOX emission rate limitations for Phase II of the 
    program, i.e., revised limits for Group 1 boilers and new limits for 
    cell burner, cyclone, wet bottom, and vertically fired boilers (``Group 
    2 boilers'') (61 FR 67112, December 19, 1996). In setting the December 
    19, 1996 NOX limits, EPA also promulgated a final rule 
    provision (which was to be included in 40 CFR part 76 of the acid rain 
    regulations) that addressed the relationship between NOX 
    requirements under titles I and IV of the CAA. As part of recent 
    litigation in which the December 19, 1996 regulations were upheld by 
    the Court (Appalachian Power v. U.S. EPA, No. 96-1497, slip op. (D.C. 
    Cir., February 13, 1998)), EPA requested a remand, which was granted by 
    the Court, of 40 CFR 76.16 in order to provide additional opportunity 
    for public comment on the provision. The EPA is therefore including in 
    today's action a proposed 40 CFR 76.16 that is largely the same as the 
    remanded rule provision. Obviously, in proposing a new 40 CFR 76.16, 
    EPA is not requesting comment on any aspect of the December 19, 1996 
    final rule, including any issues addressed by the Court in Appalachian 
        The EPA believes that NOX reduction initiatives under 
    title I and title IV should be coordinated, consistent with statutory 
    requirements, in a way that promotes the goal of achieving necessary 
    NOX reductions in a cost-effective manner. In particular, 
    today's proposed 40 CFR 76.16, which is proposed to be added to 40 CFR 
    part 76 of the Acid Rain regulations under title IV, promotes this goal 
    through provisions that address the interaction of: (i) efforts under 
    title I, e.g., the proposed transport rulemaking, to reduce 
    NOX emissions through cap-and-trade programs; and (ii) the 
    establishment of the title IV Phase II NOX limits, i.e., the 
    revised limits of 0.40 and 0.46 lb/mmBtu respectively for tangentially 
    fired and dry bottom, wall-fired utility boilers and the new limits of 
    0.68, 0.86, 0.84, and 0.80 lb/mmBtu respectively for cell burner, 
    cyclone, wet bottom, and vertically fired utility boilers.
        Many utility boilers subject to the title IV Phase II 
    NOX limits are likely to face significant, additional 
    NOX reduction requirements as a result of the proposed SIP 
    call. If, as EPA recommends, the proposed SIP call requirements are 
    implemented in the form of a cap-and-trade program and the program 
    results in utility NOX emission reductions exceeding those 
    that would be required by utility boilers complying with title IV Phase 
    II NOX limits, EPA believes that the cap-and-trade system 
    should be relied on, in lieu of the title IV Phase II NOX 
    limits, to the fullest extent permissible under the CAA. Under such an 
    approach, the reductions achievable under title IV will still be 
    realized but in a manner that allows utilities to take advantage of the 
    cost savings that result from flexibility, within a cap, to trade 
    allowances among utilities, as well as among boilers owned by a single 
    utility. Under the Acid Rain Program in title IV (as under other 
    emission limit programs), each individual utility boiler must generally 
    meet the applicable NOX limit; only boilers with the same 
    owner or operator may average their emissions and comply with a 
    weighted average NOX limit under a NOX averaging 
    plan.20 Relief from the title IV Phase II NOX 
    limits is appropriately limited to utility boilers in the State or 
    States covered by the cap-and-trade regime.
        \20\ In addition, if it is demonstrated that a boiler with 
    installed NOX control technology designed to meet the 
    applicable standard NOX limit cannot meet that limit, the 
    boiler may be assigned a less stringent, alternative emission 
    limitation under title IV.
        Under today's proposed Sec. 76.16, the Administrator retains the 
    authority to relieve boilers subject to a cap-and-trade program under 
    title I from the Phase II NOX limits under section 407(b)(2) 
    if the Administrator finds that alternative compliance through the cap-
    and-trade program will achieve the same or more overall NOX 
    reductions from those boilers than will the section 407(b)(2) emission 
    limitations. Section 76.16 sets forth the criteria that the cap-and-
    trade program must meet in order to ensure that the program will yield 
    the necessary NOX reductions. Since alternative compliance 
    will be allowed only if the necessary NOX reductions will 
    still be made, this approach is consistent with the purposes of title 
    IV and the Act in general.
        The EPA believes that it has the authority under section 407(b)(2) 
    to provide relief from the revised Group 1 limits and the Group 2 
    limits where the cap-and-trade program, replacing those limits, 
    provides for the same or greater NOX emissions reductions 
    and thus the same or greater environmental protection. With regard to 
    Group 1 boilers not subject to the existing Group 1 limits until 2000 
    (i.e., Group 1 Phase II boilers), section 407(b)(2) provides that the 
    Administrator ``may'' establish more stringent emission limitations if 
    more effective low NOX burner technology is available (42 
    U.S.C. 7651f(b)(2)). The Administrator exercised her discretion to 
    revise generally the Group 1 limits because more effective low 
    NOX burner technology is available, and the resulting 
    additional reductions are cost effective, represent a reasonable step 
    toward achieving regional NOX reductions that are likely to 
    be needed, and are consistent with section 401(b) (61 FR 671137). If it 
    is determined that, for boilers in certain States, NOX 
    emissions will be the same or lower under a cap-and-trade program than 
    under the revised Group 1 limits (and the Group 2 limits), it is 
    reasonable to conclude that it is not necessary to revise the Group 1 
    limits for those boilers. Imposing the revised Group 1 limits on 
    boilers subject to such a cap-and-trade program could limit the 
    flexibility of utilities under the cap-and-trade program and thereby 
    limit the potential cost savings from trading. While emissions 
    averaging under section 407(e) provides some flexibility for a utility 
    to overcontrol at its cheaper-to-control boilers and undercontrol at 
    its more-expensive-to-control boilers, averaging is limited by statute 
    to boilers with the same owner or operator. In contrast, under a cap-
    and-trade program, utilities may overcontrol at some of their units and 
    sell NOX allowances to other utilities that may undercontrol 
    at some of their units. It is this greater flexibility, within a total 
    annual emissions cap, that provides the opportunity to reduce 
    compliance costs. If boilers subject to a cap-and-trade program are 
    relieved of compliance with the revised Group 1 limits, this will 
    likely result in achievement of reductions in a more cost-effective 
    manner than if the revised Group 1 limits continued to be imposed on 
    these boilers.
        Section 407(b)(2) gives the Administrator discretion to make more 
    stringent the initial Group 1 limits established in 1995, i.e., 0.45 
    and 0.50 lb/mmBtu respectively for tangentially fired and dry bottom 
    wall-fired utility boilers (60 FR 18751), but not to relax these 
    initial limits. Thus, the initial Group 1 limits will apply to Group 1 
    boilers covered by a cap-and-trade program. While retaining the initial 
    Group 1 limits means that there may be less flexibility than if there 
    were no
    [[Page 25952]]
    section 407 limits on these boilers, relieving the boilers of the 
    revised Group 1 limits still results in some increased flexibility and 
    therefore is likely to yield cost savings.
        Similarly, with regard to Group 2 boilers, section 407(b)(2) 
    requires that the Administrator, taking account of environmental and 
    energy impacts, set emission limits that are based on the reductions 
    achievable using available control technologies with cost effectiveness 
    comparable to low NOX burners on Group 1 boilers. In setting 
    the Group 2 limits, the Administrator relied in part on the additional 
    NOX reductions that will result and determined that these 
    reductions are cost effective, represent a reasonable step toward 
    achieving necessary regional NOX reductions, and are 
    consistent with section 401(b) (61 FR 67114). Again, if greater 
    reductions from boilers in a State or group of States can be achieved 
    through a cap-and-trade program in a more cost-effective manner than 
    through imposition of Group 2 limits (and revised Group 1 limits) on 
    the boilers, it is reasonable to relieve those units of the Group 2 
    limits. Taking account of these environmental and cost impacts, the 
    Administrator can, in such circumstances, allow the cap-and-trade 
    program to apply in lieu of the Group 2 limits.
        Proposed 40 CFR 76.16 establishes the procedural and substantive 
    requirements for relieving boilers of the revised Group 1 limits and 
    the Group 2 limits. The proposed rule itself does not grant or require 
    such relief. Instead, under the proposed rule, the Administrator has 
    the discretion to act, on a case-by-case basis consistent with the 
    established procedures, to provide such relief if he or she determines 
    that the substantive requirements are met.
        Consideration of whether to relieve boilers under a cap-and-trade 
    program of the section 407(b)(2) limits may be initiated either by a 
    petition by a State or group of States or on the Administrator's own 
    motion. Because of the large number of utility companies and coal-fired 
    boilers and the complexities that would result if relief from the 
    section 407(b)(2) limits were considered on a boiler-by-boiler or 
    utility-by-utility basis, the rule requires that any request for, and 
    any determination whether to grant, such relief be made for an entire 
    State or entire group of States. The cap-and-trade program involved 
    must cover, for an entire State or group of States, all the units for 
    which relief is sought or considered. This approach has the added 
    benefit of making it more likely that the cap-and-trade program 
    involved will be broad enough to provide a robust NOX 
    allowance market.
        Further, the cap-and-trade program may be established through SIPs 
    or FIPs covering the States involved. The relief from section 407(b)(2) 
    limits is potentially available whether the cap-and-trade program is 
    adopted voluntarily by States or imposed by EPA under title I. State 
    petitions for such relief may be submitted, and the Administrator's 
    consideration of whether to grant relief may begin, before the SIPs or 
    FIPs (including revised SIPs or FIPs) establishing the cap-and-trade 
    program are final and federally enforceable. This allows the process of 
    deciding whether to grant relief from the section 407(b)(2) limits to 
    be coordinated with the processing of these SIPs or FIPs. However, 
    relief may not be granted until the SIPs or FIPs establishing the cap-
    and-trade program are actually in place, i.e., are final and federally 
        The substantive requirements that must be met by the cap-and-trade 
    program are essentially the same whether the program is implemented 
    through a SIP or FIP and whether the consideration of relief from 
    section 407(b)(2) limits is initiated by petition or on the 
    Administrator's own motion. The Administrator has discretion to grant 
    relief only if the cap-and-trade program meets certain requirements 
    aimed at ensuring that the necessary NOX reductions will 
    still be achieved and that the program creates an opportunity for cost 
    savings. First, each unit that is in the State or group of States and 
    that would otherwise be subject to title IV NOX emission 
    limits must be subject to either (i) a cap on total annual 
    NOX emissions or (ii) two or more seasonal caps that 
    together limit total annual NOX emissions. This allows for a 
    cap-and-trade program with different caps during different seasons, 
    e.g., a summer cap consistent with the proposed trading rule and a cap 
    for the rest of the year.
        Second, the units must be allowed to trade authorizations to emit 
    NOX within the applicable cap. This element is what provides 
    utilities the flexibility to reduce the costs of making the reductions 
    necessary for achievement of the cap. If a utility demonstrates that 
    relief from the title IV Phase II NOX limits for units in a 
    given State will make compliance less cost effective by limiting the 
    utility's ability to use NOX averaging plans to comply with 
    the title IV NOX limits that will still be applicable to the 
    utility's units, the Administrator is required to take this into 
    consideration in determining whether to approve such relief for units 
    in that State.
        Third, the units must surrender authorizations to emit 
    NOX (i.e., NOX allowances) to account for their 
    NOX emissions during the period covered by the cap. It 
    should be noted that this provision--and indeed the proposed 40 CFR 
    76.16 in general--do not address, and do not either require or bar, 
    banking of NOX allowances.
        In addition, the units must be required to surrender allowances to 
    account for any NOX emissions consequences of reducing 
    utilization at the generation facilities covered by the cap and 
    shifting utilization to generation facilities not covered by the cap. 
    This addresses a problem that potentially arises if a cap-and-trade 
    program covers some but not all generation facilities. If, for example, 
    a utility can reduce the use of a unit covered by the cap and offset 
    the resulting reduced generation with increased generation at a unit 
    not covered by the cap, circumvention of the cap may result. Shifting 
    of utilization may be accomplished because of the nature of the 
    electricity industry, which in general operates through an interstate 
    transmission grid to which the generation facilities are connected. 
    Because of the offsetting utilization changes at the two units, the 
    atmosphere may receive the same total amount of NOX 
    emissions from the units. In addition, since only the reduced-
    utilization unit is subject to the cap and so allowances are used only 
    to account for that unit's emissions, the unused allowances are 
    available for use by other units subject to the cap. The net result is 
    that the total emissions in the atmosphere (including emissions by the 
    reduced-utilization unit, the increased-utilization unit, and the units 
    acquiring and using the unused allowances) may exceed the cap. This is 
    analogous to the reduced utilization problem in the SO2 cap-
    and-trade program in Phase I, during which most units in the U.S. are 
    not covered by the requirement to hold allowances for their 
    SO2 emissions (58 FR 60950, 60951, January 11, 1993). 
    Section 408(c)(1)(B) of the CAA and 40 CFR 72.91 and 72.92 of the acid 
    rain regulations require SO2 allowance surrender to account 
    for the emissions consequences of reduced utilization (60 FR 18462-63, 
        The NOX cap-and-trade program must include appropriate 
    allowance surrender provisions to address this problem by requiring 
    NOX allowance surrender to the extent necessary to account 
    for the increased NOX emissions, if any, at generation 
    facilities (i.e., combustion devices serving
    [[Page 25953]]
    generators) not covered by the cap. The EPA recognizes that any 
    allowance surrender provisions can only approximate the emissions 
    consequences of shifting utilization from within-the-cap facilities to 
    outside-the-cap facilities, (60 FR 18466). The EPA will evaluate 
    NOX allowance surrender provisions in light of this 
    limitation and of the importance of adopting provisions that are 
    workable and not overly complicated. The EPA believes that effective 
    NOX allowance surrender provisions can be developed that are 
    less complex than those in place for reduced utilization in the 
    SO2 allowance trading program. The EPA also notes that the 
    larger the group of States covered by the cap, and the more 
    comprehensive the coverage by the cap of generation facilities in such 
    States, the smaller the potential for shifting utilization from units 
    under the cap to units outside the cap. The proposed rule, therefore, 
    provides that the Administrator will consider showings that accounting 
    for shifting utilization is not necessary because such shifting will 
    not likely result in higher total NOX emissions from sources 
    in the State or the group of States involved or other States.
        Fourth, the total annual emissions by all units that are subject to 
    the cap and that would otherwise be subject to the section 407(b) 
    limits must be equal to or less than the total annual emissions of such 
    units if they were subject to the section 407(b) limits (without 
    adjusting for alternative emission limitations and NOX 
    averaging plans). In determining the units' total annual emissions 
    under the section 407(b) limits, the effect of alternative emission 
    limitations--which reduce the amount of NOX reductions 
    achieved and whose precise levels for individual units would be 
    difficult if not impossible to project--will not be considered. 
    Requiring the cap-and-trade program to yield the same or fewer total 
    annual emissions than the section 407(b) limits without considering 
    alternative emission limitations will help ensure that the 
    environmental benefits of the section 407(b)(2) are preserved under the 
    cap-and-trade program (Economic Incentive Program Rules, 59 FR 16690, 
    16694, April 7, 1994).
        In addition, the effect of averaging will not be considered in 
    determining the units' total annual NOX emissions because of 
    the following reasons. If averaging is limited to units that are also 
    subject to the cap-and-trade program, averaging is unnecessary to 
    consider separately because it would not affect the total emissions of 
    the averaging units under the section 407(b) limits (60 FR 18756 which 
    explains that, considering actual annual utilization, actual weighted 
    average emission rate of units in averaging plan cannot exceed weighted 
    average emission rate if each unit had emitted at its 40 CFR 76.5, 
    76.6, or 76.7 limit and 60 FR 18769). If averaging includes units not 
    subject to the cap-and-trade program and those units select emission 
    rates under the plan that exceed the standard limits, this could have 
    the effect of understating the reductions achieved under the title IV 
        In order to avoid disputes over what period to use in comparing 
    total annual emissions under the cap-and-trade program and the section 
    407(b) limits, the rule specifies how to select the period. The 
    approach in the rule ensures that actual data is available for such 
        In addition to the substantive requirements for relieving units of 
    the section 407(b)(2) limits, the rule addresses the procedures that 
    the Administrator must follow in determining whether to exercise his or 
    her discretion to grant relief. The Administrator must make this 
    determination in a draft decision, subject to notice and comment, and 
    then in a final decision. The draft decision must set forth not only 
    the determination and its basis but also the specific procedures that 
    will govern the issuance and any appeal of the final decision.
        The proposed 40 CFR 76.16 imposes certain minimum procedural 
    provisions that must be set forth in the draft decision. These 
    procedural requirements are closely modeled after the procedures in 40 
    CFR part 72 of the Acid Rain regulations for the issuance of Acid Rain 
    permits. Notice of the draft decision must be provided by service on 
    interested persons, designated representatives of any sources with 
    units otherwise subject to the title IV Phase II NOX limits, 
    and the air pollution control agencies in States that may be affected 
    by the draft decision. The State agencies that must be provided notice 
    include not only the States in which the units involved are located, 
    but also neighboring States. The description in the proposed rule of 
    the neighboring States (and areas in which there are federally 
    recognized Indian Tribes) on which notice must be served is based on 
    the provisions of the definition of ``affected States'' and the 
    affected State review provisions in the 40 CFR part 71 regulations, 
    which govern federal issuance of title V operating permits (61 FR 
    34202, 34229, and 34242-43, July 1, 1996). Notice must also be provided 
    in the Federal Register and equivalent State publications. Notice in 
    newspapers in general circulation in the areas in which the units 
    involved are located is not required. The EPA maintains that newspaper 
    notice in these circumstances is unnecessary, particularly since any 
    NOX cap-and-trade program being evaluated will have to go 
    through notice and comment in order to be included in a SIP or FIP. 
    Newspaper notice could also be unworkable in light of the number of 
    units and States that could be involved.
        The provisions for public comment period and public hearing are 
    essentially the same as those in 40 CFR part 72. Notice must be given 
    of the final decision in the same manner as notice of the draft 
    decision. Any appeals of the final decision are governed by 40 CFR part 
    78, which governs other acid-rain-related decisions of the 
        Finally, after the Administrator decides to relieve units of the 
    section 407(b)(2) limits in light of a given cap-and-trade program, the 
    SIP or FIP could potentially be revised in a way that may affect the 
    cap-and-trade program and the basis for the Administrator's decision. 
    In such circumstances, the Administrator may reconsider the decision to 
    grant relief from the section 407(b)(2) limits. The ability to 
    reconsider is explicitly preserved in the rule in order to ensure that 
    the environmental benefit of the section 407(b)(2) limits that would 
    otherwise apply to the units involved continues to be realized.
    VII. Air Quality Assessment of the Statewide Emissions Budgets
    A. Background Information
        This Section contains an assessment of the impacts of the proposed 
    budgets on ozone concentrations within the OTAG region. The assessment 
    is based on photochemical modeling of the entire OTAG region for three 
    emissions scenarios, a Base Year, a 2007 Base Case and the proposed 
    statewide budgets. Modeling was performed for the four OTAG episodes 
    using the OTAG version of UAM-V. The emissions associated with each 
    State's budget were modeled collectively to examine the net benefits of 
    the budgets applied across the 23 jurisdictions. The procedures for 
    developing the emissions inputs for the Base Case and the Budget 
    scenario are described in Section VII.B, Emissions Scenarios. A number 
    of metrics were used to evaluate the impacts of the budgets on ozone 
    concentrations, as described in Section VII, C, Analysis of Modeling 
    Results. Finally, the results of
    [[Page 25954]]
    this assessment are provided in Section VII.D, Analysis Results and 
    Findings. All of the model-ready emissions inputs and model predictions 
    can be obtained in electronic form from the following EPA website: 
    B. Emissions Scenarios
        The EPA modeled three emissions scenarios for each of the four OTAG 
    episodes: Base Year, 2007 CAA Base Case, and 2007 Budget (command and 
    control). Collectively, these scenarios are designed to provide a means 
    to examine the expected impacts of the proposed budgets on ozone within 
    the OTAG modeling domain. The Base Year scenario is intended to 
    generally reflect emissions during the 1994-1996 time period. The CAA 
    Base Case reflects growth to 2007 and controls mandated by the 1990 
    Clean Air Act Amendments, similar to the OTAG ``2007 Base1c'' scenario. 
    The 2007 Budget scenario caps NOX emissions, by State, at 
    the level in the SIP call, as modified to correct minor errors and 
    omissions identified by EPA subsequent to the November 7, 1997 SIP 
    1. Development of Emissions Inputs
        a. Electric Generation Sources. For electric generation units 
    (EGU), the Base Year is a composite of 1995 and 1996. The 1996 
    emissions were used unless heat input at a State level was higher in 
    1995. For those States, 1995 emissions were used. This is consistent 
    with the budget development approach. For the 2007 Base Case, growth 
    was applied to existing sources and CAA mandated controls, including 
    title IV and RACT, were applied to all sources in the modeling domain. 
    No additional controls beyond those mandated by the CAA were applied. 
    For the 2007 Budget scenario, growth was applied to existing sources 
    and the emission rate for each source >25 MWe in the 23 jurisdictions 
    covered by the SIP call was set at .15 lb/mmBtu. Note that this 
    application of the .15 lb/MMBtu limit does not reflect an emissions 
    trading program. For sources outside the 23 jurisdictions but inside 
    the modeling domain, the 2007 CAA Base Case emission rates were 
    retained. Details on the development of these emissions scenarios are 
    described in the revised Budget TSD.
        b. Non-Electric Generation Point Sources. For the non-EGU point 
    sources, the Base Year is 1995. The emissions are essentially the OTAG 
    1990 emissions projected to 1995 with a few minor changes. The 2007 
    emissions are the OTAG Base1c emissions with changes. The main change 
    that was made was to reclassify certain sources as non-utility where 
    they were incorrectly classified as utilities in the OTAG inventory. 
    For the Budget scenario, a 70 percent reduction was applied to 
    uncontrolled 2007 projected emissions for large sources (i.e. >250 
    MMBtu/hr). For medium sources (i.e. <=250 mmbtu/hr="" and="" emitting="" more="" than="" 1="" ton/day)="" ract="" was="" applied.="" for="" all="" small="" sources="" in="" the="" 23="" jurisdictions="" and="" all="" sources="" outside="" these="" areas="" but="" inside="" the="" modeling="" domain,="" the="" 2007="" caa="" base="" case="" emissions="" were="" used.="" c.="" mobile="" and="" area="" sources.="" for="" the="" highway,="" nonroad="" and="" stationary="" area="" source="" sectors,="" epa="" used="" the="" otag="" 1995="" emissions="" for="" the="" base="" year="" and="" the="" otag="" 2007="" basic="" emissions="" for="" the="" 2007="" caa="" base="" case.="" for="" the="" budget="" scenario,="" emissions="" for="" these="" sectors="" were="" modeled="" using="" otag="" ``level="" 0''="" for="" highway="" mobile="" and="" otag="" ``level="" 1''="" for="" stationary="" and="" nonroad="" area="" sources="" within="" the="" 23="" jurisdictions="" covered="" by="" the="" sip="" call.="" for="" areas="" outside="" these="" areas="" but="" inside="" the="" modeling="" domain,="" the="" 2007="" caa="" base="" case="" emissions="" were="" used.="" 2.="" emission="" summaries="" state-level="" summaries="" of="" the="" weekday="">X emissions used 
    for modeling the Base Year, 2007 CAA Base Case, and Budget scenario are 
    shown in Tables VII-1 through VII-3, respectively. For the purpose of 
    these summaries, area sources include both stationary and nonroad area 
    sources. The mobile emissions are day-specific and are presented for 
    July 7, 1988. Where partial States are included in the modeling domain, 
    only the emissions from the part of the State in the domain are 
    presented. Table VII-4 shows the percent reduction between the 2007 CAA 
    Base Case and the Budget NOX emissions used as input for 
    C. Analysis of Modeling Results
    1. Technical Procedures
        The impacts of the proposed budgets on 1-hour and 8-hour ozone 
    concentrations in each State are evaluated using various ozone 
    ``metrics'' 21. The focus of the analysis is on ozone 
    predictions above the 1-hour and 8-hour NAAQS in areas which currently 
    measure violations of these standards. This State-level assessment is 
    supplemented with the OTAG Standard Table of Metrics to quantify the 
    impacts in several ozone ``problem areas'' identified by OTAG. The 
    remainder of this Section describes the procedures for calculating the 
    metrics used in this assessment.
        \21\ Metrics are an aggregate of ozone concentrations or the 
    difference in ozone concentrations between two or more scenarios. 
    Metrics are used to provide a means of quantitatively evaluating 
    multiple strategies.
        a. State-Level Analysis. Nine metrics were used to quantify the 
    impacts of the budgets on ozone concentrations in each State. The 
    metrics are listed below and defined in Section C.1.a.ii, Procedures 
    for Calculating State-Level Metrics.
    1-Hour Metrics
        Metric 1--the number of grid cells with 1-hour daily maximum ozone 
    concentrations >=125 ppb,
        Metric 2--the magnitude and frequency of the ``ppb'' reductions in 
    1-hour daily maximum ozone concentrations >=125 ppb,
        Metric 3--the number of days with 1-hour daily maximum ozone 
    concentrations >=125 ppb, and
        Metric 4--the ``areal exposure'' to hourly ozone concentrations 
    >=125 ppb 22 (see definition in Section C.1.a.ii, Procedures 
    for Calculating State-Level Metrics).
        \22\ In brief, this metric represents the sum of the 
    concentrations for all hourly ozone values >=125 ppb, divided by the 
    area (km2) covered by predictions >=125 ppb.
    8-Hour Metrics
        Metric 5--the number of grid cells with average second high 8-hour 
    ozone concentrations >=85 ppb,
        Metric 6--the magnitude and frequency of the ``ppb'' reductions in 
    average second high 8-hour ozone concentration >=85 ppb,
        Metric 7--the number of grid cells with 8-hour daily maximum ozone 
    concentrations >=85 ppb,
        Metric 8--the magnitude and frequency of the ``ppb'' reductions in 
    8-hour daily maximum 8-hour ozone concentrations >=85 ppb, and
        Metric 9--the number of days with 8-hour daily maximum ozone 
    concentrations >=85 ppb.
        i. Selection of Grid Cells for Analysis. As noted above, the focus 
    of this analysis is to evaluate the impacts of the budgets on 
    concentrations in areas which violate the NAAQS. In this regard, the 
    first step in calculating the metrics was to select appropriate sets of 
    grid cells for analysis. The approach to grid cell selection is similar 
    to that used in the proposed SIP call, Section II, ``Weight of Evidence 
    Determination of Significant Contribution'' to quantify the 
    contributions from upwind subregions on downwind nonattainment. 
    Different sets of grid cells were selected for analyzing the results 
    relative the 1-hour NAAQS and the 8-hour NAAQS. For both standards, 
    there are two generic types of grid cells. The first type must meet the 
    [[Page 25955]]
    two-part test: (a) The grid cell must correspond geographically to 
    (i.e. overlay) a county which currently violates the NAAQS and (b) the 
    grid cell must have predicted ozone concentrations above the 
    concentration level of the NAAQS (e.g. >=125 ppb for the 1-hour NAAQS 
    and >=85 ppb for the 8-hour NAAQS). The second generic type of grid 
    cell must meet only the second part of this two part test. That is, the 
    grid cell must have predicted ozone above the NAAQS but may or may not 
    be associated with a county violating the NAAQS. The 1-hour and 8-hour 
    State-level metrics identified above were calculated for both types of 
    grid cells. The rationale and procedures followed in the grid cell 
    selection process are described below.
        First, 1994-1996 ambient monitoring data were used to identify 
    counties which currently violate the 1-hour and 8-hour NAAQS. A list of 
    these counties is contained in the docket for this notice. The grid 
    cells in the OTAG region were then screened to identify those grids 
    which at least partially overlay one of the 1-hour violating counties. 
    The same procedure was followed using the 8-hour violating counties. 
    This process resulted in one set of grid cells associated with areas 
    violating the 1-hour NAAQS and a separate set associated with areas 
    violating the 8-hour NAAQS. The next step was to select the subset of 
    1-hour ``violating grid cells'' which also have predicted ozone 
    concentrations above the NAAQS. For this, the 1-hour daily maximum 
    concentrations for the 2007 Base Case model runs were examined to 
    identify which grid cells had predicted values >=125 ppb during any one 
    of the 4 episodes. The grid cells that met this test were then selected 
    for analysis using the 1-hour metrics.
        For the 8-hour analysis, the procedures for selecting the subset of 
    grid cells was more complicated due to the distinction between the form 
    of the 8-hour NAAQS and the episodic nature of the model predictions. 
    In this regard, two sets of 8-hour predictions were included for 
    analysis. One set considers those grid cells with 8-hour daily maximum 
    concentrations >=85 ppb in the 2007 Base Case model runs (this set is 
    analogous to the set of 1-hour data described above). Thus, a set of 
    grid cells which (a) corresponds to counties violating the 8-hour NAAQS 
    and (b) has 8-hour predictions >=85 ppb was selected for calculating 
    the 8-hour metrics. However, although the analysis of 8-hour daily 
    maximum values may provide useful information on the impacts of the 
    budgets relative to high 8-hour concentrations, these data do not 
    necessarily correspond to the form of the 8-hour NAAQS. In this regard, 
    we also considered the approach followed in the proposed SIP call for 
    dealing with this issue. That approach involved using ozone 
    measurements to ``link'' the fourth highest 8-hour form of the NAAQS, 
    based on three years of data, to the episodes modeled by OTAG (Staff 
    Report-Procedures for Linking the OTAG Episodes to the 8-Hour Ozone 
    NAAQS, October 1997, docket number, II-A-25). The results of that 
    analysis indicate that the episodic average of the second highest 8-
    hour observed concentrations during the 1991, 1993, and 1995 episodes 
    correspond best ``overall'' to the fourth highest 8-hour values 
    calculated using 3 years of measured data. For the assessment of the 
    budgets, the second highest 8-hour values averaged across the 1991, 
    1993, and 1995 episodes were calculated for each grid cell. Those grid 
    cells which (a) correspond to counties violating the 8-hour NAAQS and 
    (b) have an average second high 8-hour prediction >=85 ppb were 
    selected for calculating the 8-hour metrics. Thus, for the 8-hour 
    analysis, separate metrics were calculated for the daily maximum 8-hour 
    values and for the average second high 8-hour values.
        The previous discussion dealt with selecting grid cells which meet 
    the two-part ``monitoring plus modeling'' test for both the 1-hour and 
    8-hour NAAQS. The other type of grid cell selected for analysis must 
    only meet the model prediction part of the tests described above. The 
    rationale for using this second type of grid cell is discussed next. 
    Although the ``violating county'' grid cells may be most appropriate 
    for this assessment because they are associated with areas violating 
    the NAAQS, there are a number of limitations with this approach which 
    warrant further consideration. First, in terms of the modeling data, 
    the requirement that high ozone predictions spatially coincide with 
    violating counties may be overly limiting given the uncertainties in 
    the modeled wind regimes associated with the regional nature of the 
    meteorological inputs. Also, the set of ``violating county'' grid cells 
    excludes all grid cells that are over water and not touching any State 
    land areas. In the real atmosphere, sea breeze and lake breeze wind 
    flows can transport high ozone levels over water back on-shore to 
    affect coastal land areas. This meteorological process is not fully 
    treated in the model because of the coarse horizontal resolution of the 
    grid cells (i.e. 12 km). Thus, high concentrations predicted just 
    offshore may be inappropriately excluded from an analysis that is 
    limited to the set of ``violating county'' grid cells. In terms of 
    limitations to the monitoring data, there are relatively large areas in 
    some portions of the domain without any monitors. Since the model 
    predicts concentrations in grid cells which cover the entire domain, 
    the model predictions may indicate an ozone problem in areas without 
    monitors. In an attempt to address these concerns, grid cells were 
    selected for analysis based on model predictions only. The criteria for 
    selecting these grid cells involved the modeling part of the two part 
    test described above. That is, for the 1-hour NAAQS a set of grid cells 
    was selected if they have daily maximum 1-hour predictions >=125 ppb. 
    Similarly, there are two sets of 8-hour grid cells. One set contains 
    those grid cells with daily maximum 8-hour predictions >=85 ppb and the 
    other set contains grid cells with an average second high 8-hour value 
    >=85 ppb. Also, note that in this approach, all grid cells over land as 
    well as over each of the Great Lakes and in a band 60 km (5 grid cells) 
    wide along the East Coast are considered depending on whether or not 
    they passed these 1-hour and 8-hour concentration tests.
        ii. Procedures for Calculating State-Level Metrics. Each of the 1-
    hour and 8-hour metrics identified in Section C.1.a, State-Level 
    Analysis, was calculated for the two types of grid cells described 
    above. The procedures for calculating these metrics are described next. 
    The results are discussed in Section D, Analysis Results and Findings. 
    Metric 1 was calculated by first screening the 2007 Base Case 1-hour 
    daily maximum predictions for each grid cell to select only those days 
    with concentrations >=125 ppb. The daily maximum predictions from the 
    Budget scenario for these same days and grids were also selected for 
    analysis. The values from the Budget scenario were then subtracted from 
    the corresponding 2007 Base Case values to derive a set of ``ppb'' 
    differences for each day 23 and grid cell with ozone >=125 
    ppb in the Base Case. These ``ppb'' reductions were then grouped into 
    seven concentration ranges (i.e. 2-5 ppb, 5-10 ppb, 10-15 ppb, 15-20 
    ppb, 20-25 ppb, and >25 ppb) and tallied by State. Metric 2 is simply a 
    tabulation of the number of grid cells with at least one daily maximum 
    ozone 1-hour concentration >=125 ppb. This metric was calculated
    [[Page 25956]]
    for both the 2007 Base Case and the Budget scenario. For Metric 3, the 
    number of days with a daily maximum ozone prediction >=125 ppb was 
    tallied for each grid cell for both the 2007 Base Case and for the 
    Budget scenario. These data were aggregated to show the number of grid 
    cells that had 1 day, 2-4 days, 5-9 days, 10-14 days, or >=15 days with 
    predicted 1-hour daily maximum ozone concentrations >=125 ppb. Metric 4 
    (areal exposure) was calculated by first summing all hourly 
    concentrations that are >=125 ppb (i.e. add together the predicted 
    hourly ``ppb'' values that are >=125 ppb) for each grid cell 
    individually, for each day. These ``daily exposure'' values in each 
    grid were then summed by grid cell over all days in all 4 episodes to 
    produce the total exposure for each grid cell. The resulting grid cell 
    exposure values were summed by State for all grid cells (with 
    predictions >=125 ppb) in the State. The State total exposure values 
    were then divided by the total area covered by the grid cells used in 
    the calculations to produce the ``areal exposure'' values in units of 
    ppb-hrs per km \2\.
        \23\ Note that EPA followed the procedures established by OTAG 
    by excluding predictions from the first three days of each episode 
    from the calculation of metrics. These days are considered ``ramp-
    up'' days when ``initial'' conditions to the model might effect 
        Procedures for calculating the five 8-hour metrics are similar to 
    those followed for calculating the corresponding 1-hour metrics except 
    that the 8-hour values (i.e. the 8-hour daily maxima and the average 
    second high 8-hour values) were used in the calculations.
        b. OTAG Standard Table of Metrics. As part of OTAG, a Standard 
    Table of Metrics was developed to evaluate the relative effectiveness 
    of OTAG's strategies. This table contains a set of 22 metrics which are 
    calculated for each of 22 geographic areas. The OTAG Standard Table of 
    Metrics for the Budget scenario compared to the 2007 Base Case is 
    provided in the docket. From this full set of data, five of the metrics 
    calculated for the 12 OTAG ozone ``problem areas'' were selected for 
    analysis because of their relevance to this assessment. These metrics 
    are listed below. The remaining OTAG metrics were not considered as 
    applicable primarily because they do not focus on concentrations above 
    the NAAQS. The 12 OTAG ``ozone problem areas'' are shown in Figure 1. 
    The other 10 areas for which the OTAG metrics were calculated overlap 
    these 12 areas. Note that the OTAG metrics are calculated using all 
    grid cells that meet the criteria of the individual metrics. No attempt 
    was made by OTAG to relate the grid cells used in these calculations to 
    counties violating the NAAQS.
    1-hr Metrics
         Number of grid cells with a 1-hour daily maximum ozone 
    concentrations >124 and >140 ppb,
         ``Weighted sum of differences'' when the 2007 Base Case 
    prediction is >124 ppb,
         Number of grid cells with a decrease of more than 4 ppb 
    (2007 Base vs Budget) in daily maximum ozone when the 2007 Base Case 
    ozone is >124 ppb, and
         Number of grid cells with an increase of more than 4 ppb 
    (2007 Base vs Budget) in daily maximum ozone when the 2007 Base Case 
    ozone is >124 ppb.
    8-hr Metrics
         Number of grid cells with 8-hour daily maximum ozone 
    concentrations >84 and >100 ppb.
        The preceding 1-hour and 8-hour OTAG metrics are self-explanatory, 
    except for the ``weighted sum of differences.'' In calculating this 
    metric the change in daily maximum 1-hour ozone in a grid cell is 
    multiplied by the corresponding 2007 Base Case ozone prediction in that 
    grid cell. These concentration-``weighted'' differences are calculated 
    for each day and then summed for the episode. Finally, the sum of 
    ``weighted'' differences is divided by the sum of the 2007 Base Case 
    daily maximum concentrations to produce the values for this metric. 
    This metric provides a means for examining the ``average'' ozone 
    reduction in a way that gives more importance or ``weight'' to 
    reductions that occur at high concentrations.
    D. Analysis Results and Findings
    1. Introduction
        The results and conclusions found in this Section are based on the 
    suite of metrics outlined above in Section C, Analysis of Modeling 
    Results. The discussion is organized such that the impacts on 1-hour 
    concentrations and the impacts on 8-hour concentrations are presented 
    separately. For each NAAQS the results for the State-level metrics are 
    followed by the results for the OTAG ``problem areas.''
        As indicated in Section C.1, Technical Procedures, the focus of 
    this assessment is on the impacts of the budgets on 1-hour and 8-hour 
    ozone above the NAAQS in areas which currently measure violations of 
    these standards. In this regard, the discussion of the State-level 
    impacts addresses only those metrics calculated using the ``violating 
    county'' grid cells. The data for all metrics calculated using the set 
    of grid cells selected based on model predictions only are included in 
    the docket. Also, the discussion for the 8-hour NAAQS is based on the 
    metrics calculated for the average second high 8-hour concentrations 
    since this was found to best represent the form of the 8-hour NAAQS. 
    The data for metrics calculated using the 8-hour daily maximum 
    predictions are included in the docket.
        For the State-level analyses, the modeling domain was divided into 
    several regions. The impacts across the 23 jurisdictions subject to the 
    SIP call are addressed separately for States in the Midwest, Southeast, 
    and Northeast. The States included in each of these regions are listed 
    in Table VII-5. For completeness, all of the metrics were also 
    calculated for those States within the domain that are not subject to 
    the SIP call. These data are included in the docket.
        a. Impacts on 1-Hour Ozone Concentrations. The State-level analyses 
    of 1-hour concentrations included Metrics 1-4: (1) The number of grid 
    cells with 1-hour daily maximum concentrations >= 125 ppb; (2) the 
    magnitude and frequency of the ``ppb'' reductions in 1-hour daily 
    maximum ozone concentrations >= 125 ppb; (3) the number of days with 1-
    hour daily maximum ozone concentrations >= 125 ppb; and, (4) the 
    ``areal exposure'' to hourly ozone concentrations >= 125 ppb. For ease 
    of communication in the discussion of results, the following 
    terminology is used in referring to these metrics:
        Metric 1: the extent of ``nonattainment,''
        Metric 2: the magnitude and frequency of ``nonattainment,''
        Metric 3: the number of ``nonattainment'' days in each grid cell, 
        Metric 4: exposure to ``nonattainment.''
        In addition to the State-level analysis, the impacts on 1-hour 
    ozone in the OTAG ``problem areas'' were investigated using several of 
    the standard OTAG metrics, including: (1) The number of grid cells with 
    daily maximum 1-hour ozone >124 ppb; and the number of grid cells with 
    daily maximum 1-hour ozone >140 ppb; (2) the weighted sum of 
    differences when the 2007 Base Case prediction is >124 ppb; and, (3) 
    the number of grid cells with an increase of more than 4 ppb when the 
    2007 Base Case ozone is >124 ppb versus the number of grid cells with a 
    decrease of more than 4 ppb when the 2007 Base Case ozone is >124 ppb. 
    This last metric is designed to compare the regional benefits of 
    NOX emissions reductions to possible local disbenefits.
    [[Page 25957]]
    The results for these OTAG metrics follow the discussion of the State-
    level results.
        i. State-Level Analyses--1-Hour Concentrations. The 1-hour metrics 
    for States in the Midwest, Southeast, and Northeast are provided in 
    Tables VII-6, VII-7, and VII-8, respectively. For the Midwest, the 
    results indicate that the overall extent of 1-hour nonattainment 
    (Metric 1) is reduced by 74 percent in this region as a result the 
    emissions reductions provided by the Budget scenario. The results for 
    Metric 2 indicate that over 50 percent of the ``ppb'' reductions in 
    ozone are in the 10-15 ppb range or greater, with reductions in the 
    magnitude of nonattainment at more than 25 ppb in Illinois and Indiana. 
    In Michigan, nearly all of the reductions were in the range of 10-15 
    ppb or more. The results for Metric 3 show a large reduction in the 
    number of 1-hour nonattainment days in four out of the five States 
    having nonattainment in the 2007 Base Case. Note that although the 
    number of nonattainment days in Ohio did not decline, the 
    concentrations on these days were reduced, but not to below 125 ppb. In 
    terms of exposure to nonattainment (Metric 4), there were large 
    reductions in exposure for each of the 3 episodes that produced high 
    concentrations in this region (i.e. 1988, 1991, and 1995). Overall, 
    exposure to nonattainment was reduced by 77 percent in the Midwest as a 
    result of the emissions reductions associated with the budget.
        States in the Southeast are also predicted to have large benefits 
    in mitigating the 1-hour nonattainment problem as a result of the 
    budgets. The overall extent of nonattainment (Metric 1) is predicted to 
    decline by 44 percent in this region with reductions of approximately 
    50 percent in Tennessee and Alabama. Large ``ppb'' reductions are also 
    predicted using Metric 2. The four States with 1-hour nonattainment 
    problems in the region (Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, and Virginia) have 
    reductions of 15 ppb or more. In Alabama, 34 percent of the reductions 
    exceed 20 ppb and in Georgia, 48 percent of the reductions exceed 20 
    ppb. The number of nonattainment days is also reduced in the Southeast 
    (Metric 3), but not to the same degree as in the Midwest. Still, the 
    number of grid cells with one or more nonattainment days is reduced by 
    25 percent in Georgia and by 38 percent and 43 percent in Alabama and 
    Tennessee, respectively. Looking at Metric 4 indicates that the total 
    exposure to nonattainment across the Southeast was cut in half. For 
    individual States and specific episodes, the reduction in exposure in 
    this region ranged from 30 percent to 100 percent.
        The emissions reductions in the budget are predicted to produce an 
    overall 48 percent decline in the extent of nonattainment in the 
    Northeast (Metric 1). The extent of nonattainment in Maryland and 
    Pennsylvania was reduced by approximately 50 percent and by more than 
    70 percent in Delaware, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Rhode Island. 
    The ``ppb'' reductions (Metric 2) were greater than 25 ppb in Delaware, 
    Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. The results for 
    Metric 2 also indicate that the magnitude of nonattainment is reduced 
    by 15 ppb or more in seven of the Northeast States (Connecticut, 
    Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and 
    Pennsylvania). The total number of grid cells across the region with 
    more than two nonattainment days declined by 46 percent (Metric 3), 
    while the number of grid cells with more than five nonattainment days 
    declined by 75 percent. Also, the exposure to nonattainment (Metric 4) 
    in the Northeast was reduced in half as a result of the budgets. Except 
    for Washington, DC, which had relatively low exposure because it covers 
    a much smaller area than the Northeast States, the total exposure to 
    nonattainment was reduced in the range from 44 percent in Connecticut 
    to 89 percent in Maine.
        ii. Ozone Problem Area Analyses--1-Hour Concentrations. In 
    reviewing the metrics for the ozone ``problem areas,'' the analyses are 
    restricted to the 3 sections of the Northeast Corridor and selected 
    ozone problem areas: Richmond, Atlanta, Nashville, St. Louis, 
    Louisville-Cincinnati, Lake Michigan Area, Detroit, Pittsburgh and 
    Charlotte. The metrics are presented in Table VII-9 for each episode 
    considered along with a composite for all four episodes.
        The results for the three portions of the Northeast Corridor 
    indicate that there is an overall decline of 40 percent to 67 percent 
    in the number of grid cells with concentrations exceeding 124 and a 
    somewhat comparable decrease of 51 percent to 65 percent in exceedences 
    of 140 ppb. Reductions in these two metrics occur across all four 
    episodes. The ``weighted sum of differences'' metric provides a way to 
    quantify the ``ppb'' reductions in ozone with greater ``weight'' given 
    to the reductions when concentrations are high. The results for this 
    metric indicate that most of the ``ppb'' reductions in the three 
    Northeast Corridor areas range from approximately 12 ppb to 18 ppb.
        Examining the 1-hour metrics for the other problem areas indicates 
    that all of the areas were predicted to have large decreases in the 
    number of grid cells exceeding 124 ppb and 140 ppb. In general, the 
    reductions in this metric are comparable to what was predicted for the 
    Northeast Corridor. Specifically, in six areas (Nashville, Louisville-
    Cincinnati, Richmond, St Louis, Pittsburgh, and Charlotte), the number 
    of grid cells >124 ppb decreases by 70 percent or more. Considering the 
    ``weighted sum of differences'' metric, the ``ppb'' reduction in six of 
    the areas outside the Northeast Corridor (Atlanta, Richmond, Nashville, 
    Louisville-Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, and Charlotte) were generally close 
    to, or greater than, 20 ppb.
        In addition to evaluating the impact of the budgets in terms of 
    ozone reductions, the model predictions were also examined to determine 
    the extent of any increase or ``disbenefit'' in ozone concentrations. 
    In this regard, EPA compared the number of grid cells exceeding 124 ppb 
    that had more than a 4 ppb increase versus the number of such grid 
    cells with more than a 4 ppb decrease. The results indicate that the 
    extent of reductions in ozone far exceeds any increases. In two of the 
    three Northeast Corridor areas, as well as in all of the other problem 
    areas, more than 90 percent of the daily maximum values exceeding 124 
    ppb were reduced by 4 ppb or more. In terms of ozone ``disbenefits,'' 
    five areas had no increases greater than 4 ppb. In those areas with a 
    predicted increase, these increases represent a very small fraction of 
    the total number of exceedences of 124 ppb.
        b. Impacts on 8-Hour Ozone Concentrations. The analyses presented 
    in this Section for the 8-hour ozone concentrations follow the same 
    format as the previous discussion on 1-hour ozone concentration 
    metrics. The State-level analysis is presented first followed by the 
    analysis of the OTAG Metrics. The State-level metrics include Metric 5: 
    the number of grid cells with average second high 8-hour ozone 
    concentrations >= 85 ppb and Metric 6: the magnitude and frequency of 
    the ``ppb'' reductions in average second high 8-hour ozone 
    concentrations >= 85 ppb. Note that fewer 8-hour metrics are considered 
    in this analysis because the link to the form of the 8-hour NAAQS 
    results in a single average second high value in each grid cell. Thus, 
    metrics involving ``multiple days'' or ``multiple hours'' are not 
    directly applicable to the 8-hour NAAQS. Like the 1-hour discussion, 
    for ease of communication of results, the following terminology is used 
    in referring to these metrics:
    [[Page 25958]]
        Metric 5: the extent of ``nonattainment'' and
        Metric 6: the magnitude and frequency of reductions in 
        The 8-hour analysis includes the same geographic regions as the 1-
    hour analysis.
        i. State-Level Analyses--8-Hour Concentrations. The results for the 
    8-hour metrics are presented for the Midwest, Southeast and Northeast 
    in Tables VII-10, VII-11, and VII-12, respectively. In the Midwest, the 
    proposed budgets reduced the overall extent of 8-hour nonattainment 
    (Metric 5) by 89 percent. Six States (Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, 
    Michigan, Ohio, and West Virginia) have reductions of more than 80 
    percent. The magnitude and frequency of reductions is also large 
    (Metric 6). Specifically, 97 percent of all of the ``ppb'' reductions 
    are 5 ppb or greater and 21 percent of the reductions are 15 ppb or 
    greater. In the Southeast, the overall extent of nonattainment (Metric 
    5) declines by 78 percent. All of the States in this region (Alabama, 
    Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia) show 
    a decline in this metric of 60 percent or more. In addition, 80 percent 
    of the ``ppb'' reductions are 10 ppb or greater with reductions of over 
    20 ppb in North Carolina. The Northeast region has a somewhat lesser 
    reduction in the extent of 8-hour nonattainment (Metric 5) compared to 
    the other two regions, with an overall reduction in this metric of 65 
    percent. Two States (New Jersey and Connecticut) have reductions in the 
    extent of 8-hour nonattainment of approximately 60 percent while two 
    other States (Delaware and Pennsylvania), along with Washington, DC 
    have reductions in this metric of over 90 percent. In terms of the 
    magnitude of the ``ppb'' reductions in nonattainment (Metric 6), 
    approximately 97 percent of the reductions are greater than 5 ppb, 62 
    percent are greater than 10 ppb, and 9 percent are greater than 15 ppb. 
    Looking at the individual States indicates that four States (Delaware, 
    Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania) all have ``ppb'' reductions in 
    the 15-20 ppb range.
        ii. Ozone Problem Area Analyses--8-Hour Concentrations.
        To investigate impacts on 8-hour ozone in the OTAG ``problem 
    areas,'' two of the standard OTAG metrics were analyzed:
         the number of grid cells with 8-hour daily maximum ozone > 
    84 ppb; and
         the number of cells with 8-hour daily maximum ozone > 100 
        The results, as provided in Table VII-13, indicate that the extent 
    of high 8-hour concentrations in the northern and central portions of 
    Northeast Corridor is generally reduced by 30 percent to 40 percent, 
    considering all 4 episodes combined. The reductions are somewhat 
    greater in the southern Corridor at 46 percent to 67 percent. For the 
    problem areas outside the Corridor, seven of the areas (Atlanta, 
    Charlotte, Louisville-Cincinnati, Nashville, Pittsburgh, and Richmond) 
    had reductions of approximately 60 percent or more in the extent of 8-
    hour concentrations exceeding 84 ppb and 100 ppb.
    2. Summary and Conclusions
        In summary, the air quality impacts of the proposed budgets were 
    modeled for the four OTAG episodes. The result were evaluated by 
    comparing ozone predictions from the Budget scenario to a 2007 Base 
    Case reflecting emissions reductions associated with CAA control 
    programs. A number of 1-hour and 8-hour metrics were used to quantify 
    the impacts at the State-level. In addition, several of the relevant 
    metrics from the OTAG Standard Table of Metrics were examined to 
    evaluate the impacts in ozone ``problem areas'' within the region.
        The results of this analysis lead to the following major 
        (1) The emissions reductions associated with the proposed statewide 
    budgets are predicted to produce large reductions in both 1-hour and 8-
    hour concentrations in areas which currently violate the NAAQS and 
    which would likely continue to have violations in the future without 
    the SIP call budget reductions.
        (2) Looking at individual ozone ``problem areas'' considered by 
    OTAG shows similar results, based on the available metrics.
        (3) Any ``disbenefits'' due to the NOX reductions 
    associated with the budgets are expected to be very limited compared to 
    the extent of the ``benefits'' expected from these budgets.
        (4) Even though the budgets are expected to reduce 1-hour and 8-
    hour ozone concentrations across all 23 jurisdictions, the analysis 
    indicates that nonattainment problems requiring additional local 
    control measures will likely continue in some areas currently violating 
    the NAAQS (see also Section I.B, Updates with 1994-96 Air Quality 
    E. Alternative Approaches
        The effect of NOX emissions on air quality in areas 
    violating air quality standards depends, in part, on the distance 
    between sources and receptor areas. Sources that are closer to areas 
    violating air quality standards tend to have larger effects on air 
    quality than sources that are far away. If there is significant 
    variation in the contribution of emissions in different subregions 
    within the 23-jurisdiction area, alternative approaches to calculating 
    States' budgets other than those based on the application of uniform 
    control measures will be evaluated. On the other hand, the large number 
    of nonattainment areas spread out over the region and the several 
    different weather patterns associated with summertime ozone pollution 
    episodes should also be considered when evaluating a subregional 
    approach. The EPA plans to evaluate alternative approaches in 
    developing the final rule. These will consider alternative uniform 
    approaches at levels below and above the proposal level as well as 
    regional approaches that apply different control levels to different 
    geographic regions.
        The EPA solicited comment in the November 7, 1997 NPR on approaches 
    for establishing State emissions budgets that factor in the 
    differential effects on air quality in areas violating a standard. 
    Comments advocating alternative approaches would be most helpful if 
    they set forth concrete proposals on what analysis should form the 
    basis of budget calculations. For example, some have suggested an 
    approach that would attempt to quantify more explicitly the cost 
    effectiveness of emissions reductions in terms of improvements in 
    ambient ozone concentrations in areas violating a standard (measured, 
    for example, as cost per population-weighted changes in parts per 
    billion peak ozone concentration) taking into account the location of 
    control measures through subregional modeling. If after review of 
    alternative approaches (including sub-regional modeling analyses 
    submitted by the States and other commenters), EPA concludes that a new 
    approach is appropriate, EPA will issue a SNPR.
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P
    [[Page 25959]]
    Figure VII-1. Twelve of the Ozone ``Problem Areas'' Selected by 
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-C
    [[Page 25960]]
                               Table VII-1.--Base Year (1995/96) Modeling Emissions of NOX                          
                         State                           EGU        Non-EGU        Area       Highway       Total   
    Alabama........................................       720.16       246.58       351.01       431.09      1748.84
    Arkansas.......................................       188.47        58.55       212.98       232.64       692.64
    Connecticut....................................        54.10        36.10       128.47       211.86       430.53
    Delaware.......................................        58.64        28.26        45.35        63.44       195.69
    District of Columbia...........................         3.97         2.58        18.52        19.96        45.03
    Florida........................................      1004.44       121.73       375.44       793.65      2295.26
    Georgia........................................       634.73       185.30       290.50       655.60      1766.13
    Illinois.......................................       862.93       519.40       552.99       724.46      2659.78
    Indiana........................................      1138.63       280.04       380.34       495.91      2294.92
    Iowa...........................................       252.19        69.31       179.77       239.78       741.05
    Kansas.........................................       277.06       159.31       430.15       193.23      1059.75
    Kentucky.......................................      1107.62       103.18       457.30       358.09      2026.19
    Louisiana......................................       346.66       870.30       720.25       300.05      2237.26
    Maine..........................................         9.43        52.03        32.32       118.05       211.83
    Maryland.......................................       336.13        90.36       186.20       307.20       919.89
    Massachusetts..................................       111.40        73.86       235.31       290.73       711.30
    Michigan.......................................       555.44       353.14       383.65       633.21      1925.44
    Minnesota......................................       215.18        61.45       182.61       360.58       819.82
    Mississippi....................................       194.65       173.26       278.40       270.34       916.65
    Missouri.......................................       588.13        74.08       237.45       417.50      1317.16
    Nebraska.......................................        96.15        36.86       142.89       116.47       392.37
    New Hampshire..................................        65.36         6.97        43.95        96.20       212.48
    New Jersey.....................................       143.02       143.33       265.11       404.10       955.56
    New York.......................................       375.07       126.63       494.87       823.37      1819.94
    North Carolina.................................       969.62       186.09       238.08       608.02      2001.81
    North Dakota...................................         0.00         0.46        26.11        16.53        43.10
    Ohio...........................................      1701.82       307.42       478.37       757.73      3245.34
    Oklahoma.......................................       337.30       100.69       400.76       316.23      1154.98
    Pennsylvania...................................       878.45       531.22       402.97       630.38      2443.02
    Rhode Island...................................        21.82         2.21        28.05        53.40       105.48
    South Carolina.................................       429.77       169.16       164.21       352.85      1115.99
    South Dakota...................................        44.54         0.37        23.65        51.03       119.59
    Tennessee......................................       957.50       371.13       452.50       474.18      2255.31
    Texas..........................................      1172.84      1290.89       760.77      1200.77      4425.27
    Vermont........................................         0.20         1.04        13.32        60.65        75.21
    Virginia.......................................       432.34       146.16       357.88       578.05      1514.43
    West Virginia..................................       873.65       282.88       137.26       168.66      1462.45
    Wisconsin......................................       311.71       110.90       224.92       360.40      1007.93
        Total......................................     17471.12      7373.23     10334.68     14186.39     49365.42
                               Table VII-2.--2007 CAA Base Case Modeling Emissions of NOX                           
                         State                           EGU        Non-EGU        Area       Highway       Total   
    Alabama........................................       619.16       314.95       361.70       416.80      1712.61
    Arkansas.......................................       241.34        67.74       278.52       218.21       805.81
    Connecticut....................................        62.85        37.62       120.02       159.47       379.96
    Delaware.......................................        85.86        34.82        40.33        60.30       221.31
    District of Columbia...........................         3.81         2.03        26.99        20.96        53.79
    Florida........................................      1193.66       143.06       396.06       935.38      2668.16
    Georgia........................................       635.45       224.98       306.47       599.03      1765.93
    Illinois.......................................       908.72       442.08       558.24       622.86       2531.9
    Indiana........................................      1164.89       344.53       426.76       491.79      2427.97
    Iowa...........................................       318.51        79.17       193.78       242.36       833.82
    Kansas.........................................       278.16       200.10       387.65       206.14      1072.05
    Kentucky.......................................       958.00       125.90       486.02       338.91      1908.83
    Louisiana......................................       370.72       797.24       764.56       288.99      2221.51
    Maine..........................................         7.31        62.32        39.78       116.31       225.72
    Maryland.......................................       289.05        94.67       227.65       271.66       883.03
    Massachusetts..................................       188.69        72.86       239.72       240.22       741.49
    Michigan.......................................       511.62       402.98       428.71       622.31      1965.62
    Minnesota......................................       269.07        74.35       188.95       375.95       908.32
    Mississippi....................................       239.02       180.66       406.62       246.82      1073.12
    Missouri.......................................       604.78        81.31       224.18       420.19      1330.46
    Nebraska.......................................        93.92        41.46       136.45       119.41       391.24
    New Hampshire..................................       118.61         8.03        36.31        86.94       249.89
    New Jersey.....................................       154.00       145.28       271.11       381.86       952.25
    [[Page 25961]]
    New York.......................................       356.59       138.02       391.91       777.35      1663.87
    North Carolina.................................       672.59       227.44       250.26       551.56      1701.85
    North Dakota...................................         0.00         0.40        37.24        17.47        55.11
    Ohio...........................................      1237.97       361.08       494.11       710.83      2803.99
    Oklahoma.......................................       365.45       124.90       521.39       316.14      1327.88
    Pennsylvania...................................       906.73       558.46       382.86       556.86      2404.91
    Rhode Island...................................        10.47         2.34        22.85        51.46        87.12
    South Carolina.................................       437.29       235.36       186.94       365.30      1224.89
    South Dakota...................................        49.91         0.64        34.31        51.89       136.75
    Tennessee......................................       610.64       461.38       517.64       496.75      2086.41
    Texas..........................................      1271.05      1114.13       825.12      1073.35      4283.65
    Vermont........................................         0.20         1.04        13.76        63.05        78.05
    Virginia.......................................       415.27       168.41       411.85       603.89      1599.42
    West Virginia..................................       571.47       283.37       115.44       158.49      1128.77
    Wisconsin......................................       325.87       141.67       225.54       315.35      1008.43
        Total......................................     16548.70      7796.78     10977.80     13592.61     48915.89
                                   Table VII-3.--2007 Budget Modeling Emissions of NOX                              
                         State                           EGU        Non-EGU        Area       Highway       Total   
    Alabama........................................       224.26       159.58       335.69       386.24      1105.77
    Arkansas.......................................       241.34        67.74       262.83       202.88       774.79
    Connecticut....................................        47.31        22.25       101.66       118.71       289.93
    Delaware.......................................        40.59        15.18        36.83        57.67       150.27
    District of Columbia...........................         2.45         1.69        26.75        15.46        46.35
    Florida........................................      1193.66       143.06       351.44       875.17      2563.33
    Georgia........................................       246.29        96.16       267.79       529.59      1139.83
    Illinois.......................................       278.01       278.58       477.65       529.99      1564.23
    Indiana........................................       377.70       195.89       398.19       454.61      1426.39
    Iowa...........................................       318.51        79.17       176.64       227.15       801.47
    Kansas.........................................       278.16       200.10       373.76       194.01      1046.03
    Kentucky.......................................       283.92        79.77       462.46       315.42      1141.57
    Louisiana......................................       370.72       797.24       717.26       274.46      2159.68
    Maine..........................................         7.31        62.32        37.87       109.26       216.76
    Maryland.......................................       103.61        51.86       196.22       195.28       546.97
    Massachusetts..................................       112.86        43.88       208.53       157.66       522.93
    Michigan.......................................       203.44       235.01       388.17       555.53      1382.15
    Minnesota......................................       269.07        74.35       166.35       353.51       863.28
    Mississippi....................................       239.02       180.66       370.67       229.32      1019.67
    Missouri.......................................       196.28        60.26       194.63       375.51       826.68
    Nebraska.......................................        93.92        41.46       127.59       112.49       375.46
    New Hampshire..................................       118.61         8.03        34.64        86.94       248.22
    New Jersey.....................................        83.04        83.57       241.65       268.82       677.08
    New York.......................................       266.18        96.55       340.98       642.00      1345.71
    North Carolina.................................       252.33       127.56       214.94       498.25      1093.08
    North Dakota...................................         0.00         0.40        36.37        16.33         53.1
    Ohio...........................................       381.07       207.70       458.48       631.24      1678.49
    Oklahoma.......................................       365.45       124.90       503.59       294.70      1288.64
    Pennsylvania...................................       357.05       314.54       343.61       499.34      1514.54
    Rhode Island...................................        10.81         2.34        18.98        38.89        71.02
    South Carolina.................................       151.97       127.09       164.62       337.58       781.26
    South Dakota...................................        49.91         0.64        31.29        48.65       130.49
    Tennessee......................................       191.00       240.31       451.78       461.03      1344.12
    Texas..........................................      1271.05      1114.13       712.99       974.78      4072.95
    Vermont........................................         0.20         1.04        12.50        59.13        72.87
    Virginia.......................................       176.69        73.05       379.47       544.69       1173.9
    West Virginia..................................       179.92       141.03       107.50       147.62       576.07
    Wisconsin......................................       124.49        77.21       192.28       284.20       678.18
        Total......................................      9108.20      5626.30      9924.65     12104.11     36763.26
    [[Page 25962]]
      Table VII-4.--Percent Reduction Between 2007 CAA Base Case and Budget 
                           N0X Emissions for Modeling                       
                                        2007 Base                  Percent  
                  State                    case        Budget     reduction 
    Alabama..........................      1712.61      1105.77         35.4
    Arkansas.........................       805.81       774.79          3.9
    Connecticut......................       379.96       289.93         23.7
    Delaware.........................       221.31       150.27         32.1
    District of Columbia.............        53.79        46.35         13.8
    Florida..........................      2668.16      2563.33          3.9
    Georgia..........................      1765.93      1139.83         35.5
    Illinois.........................       2531.9      1564.23         38.2
    Indiana..........................      2427.97      1426.39         41.3
    Iowa.............................       833.82       801.47          3.9
    Kansas...........................      1072.05      1046.03          2.4
    Kentucky.........................      1908.83      1141.57         40.2
    Louisiana........................      2221.51      2159.68          2.8
    Maine............................       225.72       216.76          4.0
    Maryland.........................       883.03       546.97         38.1
    Massachusetts....................       741.49       522.93         29.5
    Michigan.........................      1965.62      1382.15         29.7
    Minnesota........................       908.32       863.28          5.0
    Mississippi......................      1073.12      1019.67          5.0
    Missouri.........................      1330.46       826.68         37.9
    Nebraska.........................       391.24       375.46          4.0
    New Hampshire....................       249.89       248.22          0.7
    New Jersey.......................       952.25       677.08         28.9
    New York.........................      1663.87      1345.71         19.1
    North Carolina...................      1701.85      1093.08         35.8
    North Dakota.....................        55.11         53.1          3.6
    Ohio.............................      2803.99      1678.49         40.1
    Oklahoma.........................      1327.88      1288.64          3.0
    Pennsylvania.....................      2404.91      1514.54         37.0
    Rhode Island.....................        87.12        71.02         18.5
    South Carolina...................      1224.89       781.26         36.2
    South Dakota.....................       136.75       130.49          4.6
    Tennessee........................      2086.41      1344.12         35.6
    Texas............................      4283.65      4072.95          4.9
    Vermont..........................        78.05        72.87          6.6
    Virginia.........................      1599.42       1173.9         26.6
    West Virginia....................      1128.77       576.07         49.0
    Wisconsin........................      1008.43       678.18         32.7
        Total........................     48915.89     36763.26         24.8
              Table VII-5.--List of States in Each Analysis Region          
    Midwest...................................  Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky,
                                                 Michigan, Missouri, Ohio,  
                                                 West Virginia, Wisconsin.  
    Southeast.................................  Alabama, Georgia, North     
                                                 Carolina, South Carolina,  
                                                 Tennessee, Virginia.       
    Northeast.................................  Connecticut, Delaware,      
                                                 District of Columbia,      
                                                 Maryland, Massachusetts,   
                                                 New Jersey, New York,      
                                                 Pennsylvania, Rhode Island.
    Non-SIP Call States.......................  Arkansas, Florida, Iowa,    
                                                 Kansas, Louisiana, Maine,  
                                                 Minnesota, Mississippi,    
                                                 Nebraska, New Hampshire,   
                                                 North Dakota, Oklahoma,    
                                                 South Dakota, Texas,       
              Table VII-6.--1-Hr Air Quality Metrics for Midwest Region (Grid Cells Selected Based on ``Monitored'' and ``Modeled'' Nonattainment)          
                                                   [Modeled values include Daily Max 1-hr for all 4 Episodes]                                               
                                                               MO         WI         IL         IN         MI         OH         KY         WV       Total  
                                            Metric 1: Number of Grid Cell-Days with a Daily Max Ozone Value>=125 ppb                                        
    2007 Base............................................          4          0         10          3         23          3          0          0         43
    2007 Budget..........................................          2          0          2          0          4          3          0          0         11
          Difference.....................................         -2          0         -8         -3        -19          0          0          0        -32
          Percent........................................     -50.00       0.00     -80.00    -100.00     -82.61       0.00       0.00       0.00     -74.42
                                    Metric 2: Number of Grid Cell-Days with Ozone Reductions, by Magnitude of the Reduction                                 
                 Magnitude of ozone reduction                                                                                                               
    2-5 ppb..............................................          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
    5-10 ppb.............................................          1          0          1          1          1          1          0          0          5
    10-15 ppb............................................          2          0          3          0         15          1          0          0         21
    15-20 ppb............................................          0          0          3          0          7          1          0          0         11
    20-25 ppb............................................          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
    >25 ppb..............................................          0          0          2          2          0          0          0          0          4
    [[Page 25963]]
                                                   Metric 3: Number of Grid Cells>=125 ppb, by Number of Days                                               
                        Baseline 2007                          MO         WI         IL         IN         MI         OH         KY         WV       Total  
    Number of Days >=125 ppb:                                                                                                                               
        =1 day...........................................          2          0          6          5          0          3          3          0         19
        2-4 days.........................................          1          0          2          9          0          0          0          0         12
        5-9 days.........................................          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
        10-14 days.......................................          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
        >=15 days........................................          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
          Total..........................................          3          0          8         14          0          3          3          0         31
    NOX SIP Call:                                                                                                                                           
        =1 day...........................................          0          0          2          4          0          0          3          0          9
        2-4 days.........................................          1          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          1
        5-9 days.........................................          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
        10-14 days.......................................          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
        >=15 days........................................          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
          Total..........................................          1          0          2          4          0          0          3          0         10
          Difference (days)..............................         -2          0         -6        -10          0         -3          0          0        -21
          Percent........................................      -66.7        0.0      -75.0      -71.4        0.0     -100.0        0.0        0.0      -67.7
                                                Metric 4: Percent Reduction in Areal Exposures to ozone >=125 ppb                                           
                                                            July '88   July '91   July '93   July '95     All                                               
    MO...................................................       58.3       49.5          *          *       40.4                                            
    WI...................................................          *          *          *          *          *                                            
    IL...................................................       84.8       49.9          *      100.0       75.0                                            
    MI...................................................          *          *          *       88.6       88.6                                            
    KY...................................................          *          *          *          *          *                                            
    IN...................................................          *          *          *      100.0      100.0                                            
    OH...................................................          *          *          *          *          *                                            
    WV...................................................          *          *          *          *          *                                            
          Total..........................................       73.7       51.3          *       90.2       76.6                                            
    *No areas >=125 ppb                                                                                                                                     
       Table VII-7.--1-Hr Air Quality Metrics for Southeast Region (Grid cells selected based on ``monitored'' and  
                                               ``modeled'' nonattainment)                                           
                               [Modeled values include Daily Max 1-hr for all 4 Episodes]                           
                                             TN         AL         GA         SC         NC         VA       Total  
                       Metric 1: Number of Grid Cell-Days with a Daily Max Ozone Value >+ 125 ppb                   
    2007 Base..........................         27        108        203          0          0         14        352
    2007 Budget........................         13         53        117          0          0         13        196
          Difference...................        -14        -55        -86          0          0         -1       -156
          Percent......................     -51.85     -50.93     -42.36       0.00       0.00      -7.14     -44.32
                 Metric 2: Number of Grid Cell-Days with Ozone Reductions, by Magnitude of the Reduction            
        Magnitude of ozone reduction                                                                                
    2-5 ppb............................          4          1          2          0          0          1          8
    5-10 ppb...........................         11         20          9          0          0          6         46
    10-15 ppb..........................          7         27         31          0          0          4         69
    15-20 ppb..........................          3         23         64          0          0          1         91
    20-25 ppb..........................          0         16         53          0          0          0         69
    >25 ppb............................          0         21         44          0          0          0         65
                              Metric 3: Number of Grid Cells >= 125 ppb, by Number of Days                          
               Baseline 2007                 TN         AL         GA         NC         VA         SC       Total  
    Number of Days >= 125 ppb                                                                                       
        = 1 day........................          7          9          5          0          0          0         21
        2-4 days.......................          6         14         15          0          1          0         36
        5-9 days.......................          1          8         17          0          2          0         28
        10-14 days.....................          0          1          3          0          0          0          4
        >= 15 days.....................          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
          Total........................         14         32         40          0          3          0         89
    NOx SIP Call:                                                                                                   
        = 1 day........................          6          6          8          0          0          0         20
        2-4 days.......................          2         11         10          0          1          0         24
        5-9 days.......................          0          3         11          0          2          0         16
        10-14 days.....................          0          0          1          0          0          0          1
        >=15 days......................          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
          Total........................          8         20         30          0          3          0         61
          Difference (days)............         -6        -12        -10          0          0          0        -28
          Percent......................     -42.9%     -37.5%     -25.0%       0.0%       0.0%       0.0%     -31.5%
                           Metric 4: Percent Reduction in Areal Exposures to Ozone >= 125 ppb                       
                                          July '88   July '91   July '93   July '95     All                         
    TN.................................      100.0       29.5       72.0       52.4       60.2                      
    AL.................................       71.7      100.0       57.7       63.0       60.0                      
    [[Page 25964]]
    GA.................................       59.4      100.0       46.9       55.6       51.0                      
    NC.................................          *          *          *          *          *  .........  .........
    VA.................................      18.7%          *          *      58.2%      24.1%  .........  .........
    SC.................................          *          *          *          *          *  .........  .........
          Total........................       50.1       89.7       51.0       57.5       53.0  .........  .........
    *No areas >= 125 ppb.                                                                                           
             Table VII-8.--1-Hr Air Quality Metrics for Northeast Region (Grid cells selected based on ``monitored'' and ``modeled'' nonattainment)         
                                                   [Modeled values include Daily Max 1-hr for all 4 Episodes]                                               
                                                    MD         DC         DE         PA         NJ         NY         CT         RI         MA       Total  
                                           Metric 1: Number of Grid Cell-Days with a Daily Max Ozone Value >= 125 ppb                                       
    2007 Base.................................        251          3         12         34        183        221        231          8         61        738
    2007 Budget...............................        111          3          3         17         54        154        141          2         13        381
          Difference..........................       -140          0         -9        -17       -129        -67        -90         -6        -48       -357
          Percent.............................     -55.78       0.00     -75.00     -50.00     -70.49     -30.32     -38.96        -75     -78.69     -48.37
                                     Metric 2: Number of Grid Cell-Days with Ozone Reductions, by Magnitude of the Reduction                                
           Magnitude of ozone reduction                                                                                                                     
    2-5 ppb...................................          7          0          0          3          5         26         16          0          3         60
    5-10 ppb..................................         27          1          0          7         12         63         58          2          7        177
    10-15 ppb.................................         43          0          0         14         41         89        115          6         27        335
    15-20 ppb.................................         91          0          1          6         90         24         25          0         15        252
    20-25 ppb.................................         40          0          6          2         19          1          0          0          2         70
    >25 ppb...................................         32          0          5          1         12          0          0          0          7         57
                                                  Metric 3: Number of grid Cells >= 125 ppb, by Number of Days                                              
                   Baseline 2007                    PA         NY         MD         DC         DE         NJ         CT         MA         RI       Total  
    Number of Days >= 125 ppb:                                                                                                                              
        =1 days...............................         16          0          5          0          6         22          2         17          4         72
        2-4 days..............................          7         15         26          1          3         35         41         13          2        143
        5-9 days..............................          0         28         25          0          0          9         17          3          0         82
        10-14 days............................          0          0          1          0          0          0          0          0          0          1
        >=15 days.............................          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
          Total...............................         23         43         57          1          9         66         60         33          6        298
    NOX SIP Call:                                                                                                                                           
        =1 days...............................         15          6         12          0          3         24         18         13          2         93
        2-4 days..............................          1         27         23          1          0         12         37          0          0        101
        5-9 days..............................          0         11          7          0          0          0          3          0          0         21
        10-14 days............................          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
        >=15 days.............................          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
          Total...............................         16         44         42          1          3         36         58         13          2        215
          Difference (days)...................         -7          1        -15          0         -6        -30         -2        -20         -4        -83
          Percent.............................      -30.4        2.3      -26.3        0.0      -66.7      -45.5       -3.3      -60.6      -66.7      -27.9
                                               Metric 4: Percent Reduction in Areal Exposures to Ozone >= 125 ppb                                           
                                                 July '88   July '91   July '93   July '95     All                                                          
    PA........................................       63.7     100.00          *      100.0       67.3                                                       
    NY........................................       40.2      55.33          *       43.5       47.2                                                       
    MD........................................       51.8      86.79       49.0       78.6       59.8                                                       
    DC........................................        8.9          *          *          *        8.9                                                       
    DE........................................       82.0          *          *      100.0       84.5                                                       
    NJ........................................       74.5      95.81      100.0      100.0       81.2                                                       
    CT........................................       31.6      68.51      100.0       61.1       43.9                                                       
    MA........................................       82.2      95.78          *       85.2       86.7                                                       
    ME........................................       92.3      82.80          *          *       89.3                                                       
          Total...............................       52.4      71.08       51.0       67.9       59.1                                                       
    *No areas >= 125 ppb                                                                                                                                    
                                                                          Table VII-9.--Selected OTAG Metrics for 1-Hr Standard                                                                     
                                                                    No.         Cn        So.                                        Louis-                Lk. MI                                   
                                                                  corridor   corridor   corridor   Richmond   Atlanta   Nashville    Cinci    St. Louis     area     Detroit   Pittsburgh  Charlotte
                                                                                Peak 1-Hr Total--# of Grid Cells >124 ppb                                                                           
    July 4-11, 1988:                                                                                                                                                                                
        2007 Base Case.........................................        337        484        522        148         38         56         71         10         46         54          27        157
        2007 Budget............................................        147        314        214         27         19         14         22          4          0         34           1         19
          Difference...........................................       -190       -170       -308       -121        -19        -42        -49         -6        -46        -20         -26       -138
          Percent..............................................     -56.4%     -35.1%    -59.90%     -81.8%     -50.0%     -75.0%     -69.0%     -60.0%    -100.0%     -37.0%      -96.3%     -87.9%
    July 16-21, 1991:                                                                                                                                                                               
        2007 Base Case.........................................        497        282        111          1         10          0         19          5        113          0           0          0
        2007 Budget............................................        160        141         19          0          0          0         10          2         58          0           0          0
          Difference...........................................       -337       -141        -92         -1        -10          0         -9         -3        -55          0           0          0
          Percent..............................................     -67.8%     -50.0%     -82.9%    -100.0%    -100.0%       0.0%     -47.4%     -60.0%     -48.7%       0.0%        0.0%       0.0%
    [[Page 25965]]
    July 22-29, 1993:                                                                                                                                                                               
        2007 Base Case.........................................          1          5        105         38        178         39          4          1          0          0           0        123
        2007 Budget............................................          0          3         28         11         84          7          0          0          0          0           0         23
          Difference...........................................         -1         -2        -77        -27        -94        -32         -4         -1          0          0           0       -100
          Percent..............................................    -100.0%     -40.0%     -73.3%     -71.1%     -52.8%     -82.1%    -100.0%    -100.0%       0.0%       0.0%        0.0%     -81.3%
    July 10-18, 1995:                                                                                                                                                                               
        2007 Base Case.........................................        217        127        165         49        149         35         43          6        343          4           1         20
        2007 Budget............................................        137         74         37         19         47          6          9          0        233          1           0          3
          Difference...........................................        -80        -53       -128        -30       -102        -29        -34         -6       -110         -3          -1        -17
        Percent................................................     -36.9%     -41.7%     -77.6%     -61.2%     -68.5%     -82.9%     -79.1%    -100.0%     -32.1%     -75.0%     -100.0%     -85.0%
        2007 Base Case.........................................        217        127        165         49        149         35         43          6        343          4           1         20
        2007 Budget............................................        137         74         37         19         47          6          9         00        233          1           0          3
          Difference...........................................        -80        -53       -128        -30       -102        -29        -34         -6       -110         -3          -1        -17
          Percent..............................................     -36.9%     -41.7%     -77.6%     -61.2%     -68.5%     -82.9%     -79.1%    -100.0%     -32.1%     -75.0%     -100.0%     -85.0%
    All Episodes:                                                                                                                                                                                   
        2007 Base Case.........................................       1052        898        903        236        375        130        137         22        502         58          28        300
        2007 Budget............................................        444        532        298         57        150         27         41          6        291         35           1         45
          Difference...........................................       -608       -366       -605       -179       -225       -103        -96        -16       -211        -23         -27       -255
          Percent..............................................     -57.8%     -40.8%     -67.0%     -75.8%     -60.0%     -79.2%     -70.1%     -72.7%     -42.0%     -39.7%      -96.4%     -85.0%
                      Peak 1-Hr Total--#    \ 140                   
    July 4-11, 1988:                                                                                                                                                                                
        2007 Base Case.........................................        122        219        229         35         20         21          5          2          0         16           1         34
        2007 Budget............................................         52        139         95          4          6          9          0          0          0          2           0          4
          Difference...........................................        -70        -80       -134        -31        -14        -12         -5         -2          0        -14          -1        -30
          Percent..............................................     -57.4%     -36.5%     -58.5%     -88.6%     -70.0%     -57.1%    -100.0%    -100.0%       0.0%     -87.5%     -100.0%     -88.2%
    July 16-21, 1991:                                                                                                                                                                               
        2007 Base Case.........................................        149        114         11          0          4          0          5          0         28          0           0          0
        2007 Budget............................................         29         20          4          0          0          0          4          0          0          0           0          0
          Difference...........................................       -120        -94         -7          0         -4          0         -1          0        -28          0           0          0
          Percent..............................................     -80.5%     -82.5%     -63.6%       0.0%    -100.0%       0.0%     -20.0%       0.0%    -100.0%       0.0%        0.0%       0.0%
    July 22-29, 1993:                                                                                                                                                                               
        2007 Base Case.........................................          0          0         21         14         99          8          0          0          0          0           0         38
        2007 Budget............................................          0          0          4          0         38          1          0          0          0          0           0          5
          Difference...........................................          0          0        -17        -14        -61         -7          0          0          0          0           0        -33
          Percent..............................................       0.0%       0.0%     -81.0%    -100.0%     -61.6%     -87.5%       0.0%       0.0%       0.0%       0.0%        0.0%     -86.8%
    July 10-18, 1995:                                                                                                                                                                               
        2007 Base Case.........................................        142         59         35         22         49          3         14          0        191          0           0          4
        2007 Budget............................................         63         32          3          4         20          0          1          0         96          0           0          0
          Difference...........................................        -79        -27        -32        -18        -29         -3        -13          0        -95          0           0         -4
          Percent..............................................     -55.6%     -45.8%     -91.4%     -81.8%     -59.2%    -100.0%     -92.9%       0.0%     -49.7%       0.0%        0.0%    -100.0%
    All Episodes:                                                                                                                                                                                   
        2007 Base Case.........................................        413        392        296         71        172         32         24          2        219         16           1         76
        2007 Budget............................................        144        191        106          8         64         10          5          0         96          2           0          9
          Difference...........................................       -269       -201       -190        -63       -108        -22        -19         -2       -123        -14          -1        -67
          Percent..............................................     -65.1%     -51.3%     -64.2%     -88.7%     -62.8%     -68.8%     -79.2%    -100.0%     -56.2%     -87.5%     -100.0%     -88.2%
                                                                         Weighted Sum of Differences When the Base is > 124 ppb                                                                     
    July 4-11, 1988............................................      -13.8       -9.6      -18.5      -22.3      -18.3      -23.9      -17.4      -18.5      -13.8        -10       -24.5      -25.1
    July 16-21, 1991...........................................      -15.1      -13.7      -16.9      -10.4        -29          0      -13.3       -6.1      -10.9          0           0          0
    July 22-29, 1993...........................................       -5.7       -4.6      -15.8        -20      -21.3      -21.7      -26.2      -10.9          0          0           0      -22.6
    July 10-18, 1995...........................................      -15.8      -11.5      -16.8        -19      -21.5      -22.1      -27.4        -16      -12.6       -8.5       -40.8      -23.7
                                                                   # Grid Cells with more than a 4 ppb Decrease when Base is > 124 ppb                                                              
    July 4-11, 1988............................................        330        386        496        144         38         55         67         10         46         51          27        156
    Percent of Total...........................................      97.9%      79.8%      95.0%      97.3%     100.0%      98.2%      94.4%     100.0%     100.0%      94.4%      100.0%      99.4%
    July 16-21, 1991...........................................        496        276        104          1         10          0         16          3        104          0           0          0
    Percent of Total...........................................      99.8%      97.9%      93.7%     100.0%     100.0%       0.0%      84.2%      60.0%      92.0%       0.0%        0.0%       0.0%
    July 22-29, 1993...........................................          1          3        102         38        178         37          4          1          0          0           0        123
    Percent of Total...........................................     100.0%      60.0%      97.1%     100.0%     100.0%      94.9%     100.0%     100.0%       0.0%       0.0%        0.0%     100.0%
    July 10-18, 1995...........................................        217        111        161         48        149         35         43          6        326          4           1         20
    Percent of Total...........................................     100.0%      87.4%      97.6%      98.0%     100.0%     100.0%     100.0%     100.0%      95.0%     100.0%      100.0%     100.0%
    All Episodes...............................................       1044        776        863        231        375        127        130         20        476         55          28        299
    Percent of Total...........................................      99.2%      86.4%      95.6%      97.9%     100.0%      97.7%      94.9%      90.9%      94.8%      94.8%      100.0%      99.7%
                                                                   # Grid Cells with more than a 4 ppb Increase when Base is > 124 ppb                                                              
    July 4-11, 1988............................................          2         32          7          2          0          0          1          0          0          1           0          0
    Percent of Total...........................................       0.6%       6.6%       1.3%       1.4%       0.0%       0.0%       1.4%       0.0%       0.0%       1.9%        0.0%       0.0%
    July 16-21, 1991...........................................          0          0          2          0          0          0          2          0          2          0           0          0
    Percent of Total...........................................       0.0%       0.0%       1.8%       0.0%       0.0%       0.0%      10.5%       0.0%       1.8%       0.0%        0.0%       0.0%
    July 22-29, 1993...........................................          0          1          3          0          0          0          0          0          0          0           0          0
    Percent of Total...........................................       0.0%      20.0%       2.9%       0.0%       0.0%       0.0%       0.0%       0.0%       0.0%       0.0%        0.0%       0.0%
    July 10-18, 1995...........................................          0          0          1          0          0          0          0          0          0          0           0          0
    Percent of Total...........................................       0.0%       0.0%       0.6%       0.0%       0.0%       0.0%       0.0%       0.0%       0.0%       0.0%        0.0%       0.0%
    [[Page 25966]]
    All Episodes...............................................         2%        33%        13%         2%         0%         0%         3%         0%         2%         1%          0%         0%
    Percent of Total...........................................       0.2%       3.7%       1.4%       0.8%       0.0%       0.0%       2.2%       0.0%       0.4%       1.7%        0.0%       0.0%
              Table VII-10.--8-Hr Air Quality Metrics for Midwest Region (Grid Cells Selected Based on ``Monitored'' and ``Modeled'' Nonattainment)         
                                                               MO         WI         IL         IN         MI         OH         KY         WV       Total  
                                        Metric 5: Number of Grid Cell-Days with an Average 2nd High Ozone Value >=85 ppb                                    
    2007 Base............................................          2          0          7         31         21         39         43          7        150
    2007 Budget..........................................          2          0          1          3          1          2          7          0         16
          Difference.....................................          0          0         -6        -28        -20        -37        -36         -7       -134
          Percent........................................       0.00       0.00     -85.71     -90.32     -95.24     -94.87     -83.72    -100.00     -89.33
                                     Metric 6: Number of Grid Cell-Days with Ozone Reductions, by Magnitude of the Reduction                                
                 Magnitude of Ozone Reduction                                                                                                               
    2-5 ppb..............................................          1          0          0          1          1          0          2          0          5
    5-10 ppb.............................................          1          0          5          2         12         16          6          0         42
    10-15 ppb............................................          0          0          2         16          8         21         19          6         72
    15-20 ppb............................................          0          0          0          9          0          2         12          1         24
    20-25 ppb............................................          0          0          0          3          0          0          4          0          7
    >25 ppb..............................................          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
      Table VII-11.--8-Hr Air Quality Metrics for Southeast Region (Grid Cells Selected Based on ``Monitored'' and  
                                               ``Modeled'' Nonattainment)                                           
                                             TN         AL         GA         SC         NC         VA       Total  
                Metric 5: Number of Grid Cell-Days with an Average 2nd High Ozone Value=85ppb            
    2007 Base..........................         48         39         44         13         52         16        212
    2007 Budget........................         10         12         17          1          4          3         47
          Difference...................        -38        -27        -27        -12        -48        -13       -165
          Percent......................     -79.17     -69.23     -61.36     -92.31     -92.31     -81.25     -77.83
                 Metric 6: Number of Grid Cell-Days with Ozone Reductions, by Magnitude of the Reduction            
        Magnitude of Ozone Reduction                                                                                
    2-5 ppb............................          5          0          0          0          0          0          5
    5-10 ppb...........................         23          3          4          5          2          1         38
    10-15 ppb..........................         17         28         32          6         42         13        138
    15-20 ppb..........................          2          8          8          2          5          2         27
    20-25 ppb..........................          0          0          0          0          3          0          3
    >25 ppb............................          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
             Table VII-12.--8-Hr Air Quality Metrics for Northeast Region (Grid Cells Selected Based on ``Monitored'' and ``Modeled'' Nonattainment)        
                                                    MD         DC         DE         PA         NJ         NY         CT         RI         MA       Total  
                                         Metric 5: Number of Grid Cell-Days with an Average 2nd High Ozone Value>=85 ppb                                    
    2007 Base.................................         84          1         30         73         99         45         29          0         11        257
    2007 Budget...............................         40          0          1          4         37         33         11          0          6         91
          Difference..........................        -44         -1        -29        -69        -62        -12        -18          0         -5       -166
          Percent.............................     -52.38    -100.00     -96.67     -94.52     -62.63     -26.67     -62.07       0.00     -45.45        -65
                                     Metric 6: Number of Grid Cell-Days with Ozone Reductions, by Magnitude of the Reduction                                
           Magnitude of Ozone Reduction                                                                                                                     
    2-5 ppb...................................          1          0          0          1          1          6          1          0          1         11
    5-10 ppb..................................         18          1          3         19         17         34         28          0          9        129
    10-15 ppb.................................         57          0         13         46         75          0          0          0          1        192
    15-20 ppb.................................          7          0         14          7          6          0          0          0          0         34
    20-25.....................................          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
    >25 ppb...................................          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
                                                                         Table VII-13.--Selected OTAG Metrics for 8-Hr Standard                                                                     
                                                                    No.        Cn.        So.                                        Louis-                Lk. MI                                   
                                                                  corridor   corridor   corridor   Richmond   Atlanta   Nashville    Cinci    St. Louis     Area     Detroit   Pittsburgh  Charlotte
                                                                                  Peak 8-Hr Total--#  of Grids > 84 ppb                                                                             
    July 4-11, 1988:                                                                                                                                                                                
        2007 Base Case.........................................       1624       1959       1696        580        154        485       1653        196        853        478         850       1195
        2007 Budget............................................       1132       1256       1115        313         68        139        447         32        435        253         197        450
          Difference...........................................       -492       -703       -581       -267        -86       -346      -1206       -164       -418       -225        -653       -745
          Percent..............................................     -30.3%     -35.9%     -34.3%     -46.0%     -55.8%     -71.3%     -73.0%     -83.7%     -49.0%     -47.1%      -76.8%     -62.3%
    [[Page 25967]]
    July 16-21, 1991:                                                                                                                                                                               
        2007 Base Case.........................................       1333       1034       1058        112         56         93        875        129        615        172         605         71
        2007 Budget............................................       1019        573        552         12         21         10        198         37        512         51          81          0
          Difference...........................................       -314       -461       -506       -100        -35        -83       -677        -92       -103       -121        -524        -71
          Percent..............................................     -23.6%     -44.6%     -47.8%     -89.3%     -62.5%     -89.2%     -77.4%     -71.3%     -16.7%     -70.3%      -86.6%    -100.0%
    July 22-29, 1993:                                                                                                                                                                               
        2007 Base Case.........................................        161        204        610        206        855        395        545         56         79         23          59       1562
        2007 Budget............................................         88        134        315         92        374        125         78         17         24          2           0        387
          Difference...........................................        -73        -70       -295       -114       -481       -270       -467        -39        -55        -21         -59      -1175
          Percent..............................................     -45.3%     -34.3%     -48.4%     -55.3%     -56.3%     -68.4%     -85.7%     -69.6%     -69.6%     -91.3%     -100.0%     -75.2%
    July 10-18, 1995:                                                                                                                                                                               
        2007 Base Case.........................................        653        714       1489        527        693        708       1072        124        994        311         468        754
        2007 Budget............................................        437        321        642        142        260        160        215         52        712        150          20         96
          Difference...........................................       -216       -393       -847       -385       -433       -548       -857        -72       -282       -161        -448       -658
          Percent..............................................     -33.1%     -55.0%     -56.9%     -73.1%     -62.5%     -77.4%     -79.9%     -58.1%     -28.4%     -51.8%      -95.7%     -87.3%
    All Episodes:                                                                                                                                                                                   
        2007 Base Case.........................................       3771       3911       4853       1425       1758       1681       4145        505       2541        984        1982       3582
        2007 Budget............................................       2676       2284       2624        559        723        434        938        138       1683        456         298        933
          Difference...........................................      -1095      -1627      -2229       -866      -1035      -1247      -3207       -367       -858       -528       -1684      -2649
          Percent..............................................     -29.0%     -41.6%     -45.9%     -60.8%     -58.9%     -74.2%     -77.4%     -72.7%     -33.8%     -53.7%      -85.0%     -74.0%
                                                                                  Peak 8-Hr Total--Grid Cells > 100 ppb                                                                             
    July 4-11, 1988:                                                                                                                                                                                
        2007 Base Case.........................................        817        862        975        302         64        149        383         25        320        139         215        458
        2007 Budget............................................        418        555        413         96         26         32         50          6         92         74          13         75
          Difference...........................................       -399       -307       -562       -206        -38       -117       -333        -19       -228        -65        -202       -383
          Percent..............................................     -48.8%     -35.6%     -57.6%     -68.2%     -59.4%     -78.5%     -86.9%     -76.0%     -71.3%     -46.8%      -94.0%     -83.6%
    July 16-21, 1991:                                                                                                                                                                               
        2007 Base Case.........................................        868        501        448         13         21          1        190         22        302         18          62          0
        2007 Budget............................................        511        305        109          0          4          0         22          7        204          1           0          0
          Difference...........................................       -357       -196       -339        -13        -17         -1       -168        -15        -98        -17         -62          0
          Percent..............................................     -41.1%     -39.1%     -75.7%    -100.0%     -81.0%    -100.0%     -88.4%     -68.2%     -32.5%     -94.4%     -100.0%       0.0%
    July 22-29, 1993:                                                                                                                                                                               
        2007 Base Base Case....................................         34         59        212         85        322         97         71          4          0          0           0        399
        2007 Budget............................................         11         30         63         25        151         23          1          0          0          0           0         81
          Difference...........................................        -23        -29       -149        -60       -171        -74        -70         -4          0          0           0       -318
          Percent..............................................     -67.6%     -49.2%     -70.3%     -70.6%     -53.1%     -76.3%     -98.6%    -100.0%       0.0%       0.0%        0.0%     -79.7%
    July 10-18, 1995:                                                                                                                                                                               
        2007 Base Case.........................................        328        255        544        105        259        159        225         27        553         60          15         98
        2007 Budget............................................        230        139        139         34        112         28         27          1        423         17           1          6
          Difference...........................................        -98       -116       -405        -71       -147       -131       -198        -26       -130        -43         -14        -92
          Percent..............................................     -29.9%     -45.5%     -74.4%     -67.6%     -56.8%     -82.4%     -88.0%     -96.3%     -23.5%     -71.7%      -93.3%     -93.9%
    All Episodes:                                                                                                                                                                                   
        2007 Base Case.........................................       2047       1677       2179        505        666        406        869         78       1175        217         292        955
        2007 Budget............................................       1170       1029        724        155        293         83        100         14        719         92          14        162
          Difference...........................................       -877       -648      -1455       -350       -373       -323       -769        -64       -456       -125        -278       -793
          Percent..............................................     -42.8%     -38.6%     -66.8%     -69.3%     -56.0%     -79.6%     -88.5%     -82.1%     -38.8%     -57.6%      -95.2%     -83.0%
    VIII. Impact on Small Entities
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq. (RFA), 
    provides that whenever an agency is required to publish a general 
    notice of proposed rulemaking, it must prepare and make available a 
    regulatory flexibility analysis, unless it certifies that the proposed 
    rule, if promulgated, will not have ``a significant economic impact on 
    a substantial number of small entities.'' Id., section 605(b). Courts 
    have interpreted the RFA to require a regulatory flexibility analysis 
    only when small entities will be subject to the requirements of the 
    rule. See, e.g., Mid-Tex Electric Cooperative, Inc. v. FERC, 773 F.2d 
    327 (D.C. Cir. 1985) (agency's certification need only consider the 
    rule's impact on regulated entities and not indirect impact on small 
    entities not regulated).
        In the proposed rulemaking, which EPA published by notice dated 
    November 7, 1997, 62 FR 60318, EPA noted that the proposed rule would 
    not directly regulate small entities. Instead, the proposed rule would 
    require States to develop, adopt, and submit SIP revisions that would 
    achieve the necessary NOX emission reductions, and would 
    leave to the States the task of determining how to obtain those 
    reductions, including which entities to regulate. The EPA also noted, 
    in the proposed rule, that because affected States would have 
    discretion to choose which sources to regulate and how much emissions 
    reductions each selected source would have to achieve, EPA could not, 
    at the time of the proposal, predict the effect of the rule on small 
        The purposes of the RFA, the RFA's statutory requirements for 
    regulatory flexibility analyses, and the caselaw all shed light on the 
    meaning of the term ``impact'' as used in the RFA. These sources 
    indicate that a rule can have an ``impact'' of concern under the RFA 
    only with respect to sources subject to the requirements of the rule.
    [[Page 25968]]
        The RFA's ``Findings and Purposes'' section states,
        It is the purpose of this Act to establish as a principle of 
    regulatory issuance that agencies shall endeavor, consistent with 
    the objective of the rule and of applicable statutes, to fit 
    regulatory and information requirements to the scale of the 
    businesses, organizations, and governmental jurisdictions subject to 
    Pub. L. 96-354, section 2(b). This statement of purpose indicates that 
    Congress intended the RFA to ensure that agencies tailored the 
    requirements of their regulations to the resources and capabilities of 
    entities ``subject to [such] regulation.'' Other provisions of the RFA 
    reflect this statement of purpose. For example, RFA sections 603 and 
    604 require that the initial and final regulatory flexibility analyses 
    identify the types and estimate the numbers of small entities ``to 
    which the proposed rule will apply'' (sections 603(b)(3) and 
    604(a)(3)); and other RFA provisions make clear that the regulatory 
    flexibility analyses are to focus on how to minimize rule requirements 
    for small entities (sections 603(c)(1) and (4), 605(a)(5)). Taken as a 
    whole, these provisions suggest that agencies should undertake the RFA 
    analyses only with respect to rules to which small entities are 
        Two Federal court cases support this interpretation of ``impact': 
    Mid-Tex Elec. Co-op v. FERC, 773 F.2d 327, 342 (D.C. Cir. 1985), 
    summarized above, and United Distribution Companies v. FERC, 88 F.3d 
    1105 (D.C. Cir. 1996). In United Distribution Companies, the court 
    stated that the Mid-Tex court--
        * * * conducted an extensive analysis of the RFA provisions 
    governing when a regulatory flexibility analysis is required and 
    concluded that no analysis is necessary when an agency determines 
    ``that the rule will not have a significant economic impact on a 
    substantial number of small entities that are subject to the 
    requirements of the rule.''
    Id. at 1170 (quoting Mid-Tex court, emphasis added by United 
    Distribution court). For a more detailed analysis by EPA of the RFA, 
    see ``Final Rule: National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone,'' 
    62 FR 38856, 38888 (July 18, 1997).
        For the reasons indicated above, EPA certified that the proposed 
    rule would ``not have, if promulgated, a significant economic impact on 
    a substantial number of small entities.'' The Agency received a number 
    of comments on this certification, including several challenging the 
    certification as improper under the RFA. The EPA is currently 
    considering these comments and will respond to them in light of the 
    rulemaking record after comments are received on this supplemental 
        Today's supplemental proposal does not contain anything that would 
    adversely affect small entities. The SIP criteria and emissions 
    reporting requirements proposed in today's action would apply only to 
    States, and would not, by themselves, subject any other entities to any 
    regulation. The NOX budget trading program is a 
    recommendation to States, but not a requirement, and thus does not 
    subject any entities to any requirements. In addition, the trading 
    program, if adopted by a State, would provide sources subject to the 
    State NOX controls additional flexibility in meeting SIP 
    requirements. Thus, the trading program would have a beneficial effect 
    on State-regulated sources, including small entities subject to those 
    State requirements. Accordingly, EPA certifies that this supplemental 
    proposal will not, if promulgated, have a significant economic impact 
    on a substantial number of small entities.
        As noted in Section VI, Interaction with Title IV NOX 
    Rule, today's supplemental proposal includes, in addition to provisions 
    directly related to the NOX SIP call, a revision to the 40 
    CFR Part 76, which implements the NOX requirements of the 
    acid rain provisions in Title IV of the CAA Amendments and which 
    applies directly to sources. The revision is designed to lessen the 
    administrative requirements imposed on sources affected by the acid 
    rain program that are in States that adopt a NOX cap-and-
    trade program. Because the only impact of this revision will be to ease 
    administrative requirements, it will not have any adverse effect on any 
    small entity that may be subject to the rule's requirements. 
    Accordingly, I certify that this part of today's proposed rule will not 
    have a significant economic effect on a substantial number of small 
    IX. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
        Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA), Public 
    Law 104-4, establishes requirements for Federal agencies to assess the 
    effects of their regulatory actions on State, local, and tribal 
    governments and the private sector. Under section 202 of the UMRA, 2 
    U.S.C. 1532, EPA generally must prepare a written statement, including 
    a cost-benefit analysis, for any proposed or final rule that ``includes 
    any Federal mandate that may result in the expenditure by State, local, 
    and tribal governments, in the aggregate, or by the private sector, of 
    $100,000,000 or more * * * in any one year.'' A ``Federal mandate'' is 
    defined under section 421(6), 2 U.S.C. 658(6), to include a ``Federal 
    intergovernmental mandate'' and a ``Federal private sector mandate.'' A 
    ``Federal intergovernmental mandate,'' in turn, is defined to include a 
    regulation that ``would impose an enforceable duty upon State, local, 
    or tribal governments,'' section 421(5)(A)(i), 2 U.S.C. 658(5)(A)(i), 
    except for, among other things, a duty that is ``a condition of Federal 
    assistance,'' section 421(5)(A)(i)(I). A ``Federal private sector 
    mandate'' includes a regulation that ``would impose an enforceable duty 
    upon the private sector,'' with certain exceptions, section 421(7)(A), 
    2 U.S.C. 658(7)(A).
        Before promulgating an EPA rule for which a written statement is 
    needed under section 202 of the UMRA, section 205, 2 U.S.C. 1535, of 
    the UMRA generally requires EPA to identify and consider a reasonable 
    number of regulatory alternatives and adopt the least costly, most 
    cost-effective or least burdensome alternative that achieves the 
    objectives of the rule.
        Under section 203 of UMRA, 2 U.S.C. 1533, before EPA establishes 
    any regulatory requirements ``that might significantly or uniquely 
    affect small governments'' EPA must have developed a small government 
    agency plan. The plan must provide for notifying potentially affected 
    small governments; enabling officials of affected small governments to 
    have meaningful and timely input in the development of EPA regulatory 
    proposals with significant Federal intergovernmental mandates; and 
    informing, educating, and advising small governments on compliance with 
    the regulatory requirements.
        Under section 204 of UMRA, 2 U.S.C. 1534, if an agency proposes a 
    rule that contains a ``significant Federal intergovernmental mandate[], 
    the agency must develop a process to permit elected officials of State, 
    local, and tribal governments to provide input into the development of 
    the proposal.
        The EPA addressed these issues, in the proposed rulemaking as to 
    the proposed NOX SIP call. However, as noted in Section VI, 
    Interaction with Title IV NOX Rule, today's supplemental 
    proposal includes, in addition to provisions directly related to the 
    proposed NOX SIP call, a revision to the 40 CFR Part 76, 
    which implements the NOX requirements of the acid rain 
    provisions in Title IV of the CAA Amendments and which applies directly 
    to sources. The revision is designed to lessen the administrative 
    requirements imposed on sources affected by the acid rain program that
    [[Page 25969]]
    are in States that adopt a NOX cap-and-trade program. 
    Because the only impact of this part of the rule will be to ease 
    administrative requirements, it will not impose costs that would 
    trigger the requirements of UMRA sections 202, 204, or 205. For the 
    same reason, this part of the rule would not result in regulatory 
    requirements that might significantly affect small governments; 
    moreover, this part of the proposed rule would not impose requirements 
    unique to small governments. Thus, the requirements of section 203 (2 
    U.S.C. 1533) do not apply to the revisions to 40 CFR Part 76.
    X. Paperwork Reduction Act
        The information collection requirements in this proposed rule have 
    been submitted for approval to the Office of Management and Budget 
    (OMB) under the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. An 
    Information Collection Request (ICR) document has been prepared by EPA 
    (ICR No. 1857.01) and a copy may be obtained from Sandy Farmer, OPPE 
    Regulatory Information Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 
    (2137), 401 M St. SW, Washington, DC 20460 or by calling (202) 260-
        The EPA believes that it is essential that compliance with the 
    regional control strategy be verified. Tracking emissions is the 
    principal mechanism to ensure compliance with the budget and to assure 
    the downwind affected States and EPA that the ozone transport problem 
    is being mitigated. If tracking and periodic reports indicate that a 
    State is not implementing all of its NOX control measures 
    beginning with the compliance date for NOX controls or is 
    off track to meet its statewide budget by 2007, EPA will work with the 
    State to determine the reasons for noncompliance and what course of 
    remedial action is needed. The reporting requirements are mandatory and 
    the legal authority for the proposed reporting requirements resides in 
    section 110(a) and 301(a) of the CAA. Emissions data being requested in 
    today's proposal would not be considered confidential by EPA. Certain 
    process data may be identified as sensitive by a State and are then 
    treated as ``State-sensitive'' by EPA.
        The reporting and record keeping burden for this collection of 
    information is described below:
        Respondents/Affected Entities: States, along with the District of 
    Columbia, which are included in the NOX SIP call.
        Number of Respondents: 23.
        Frequency of Response: Annually, triennially.
        Estimated Annual Hour Burden per Respondent: 282.
        Estimated Annual Cost per Respondent: $7,942.68.
        Estimated Total Annual Hour Burden: 6,486.
        Estimated Total Annualized Cost: $182,682.00.
        There are no additional capital or operating and maintenance costs 
    associated with the reporting requirements of the proposed rule. During 
    the 1980s, an EPA initiative established electronic communication with 
    each State environmental agency. This included a computer terminal for 
    any States needing one in order to communicate with the EPA's national 
    data base systems. Costs associated with replacing and maintaining 
    these terminals, as well as storage of data files, have been accounted 
    for in the ICR for the existing annual inventory reporting requirements 
    (OMB # 2060-0088).
        Burden means the total time, effort, or financial resources 
    expended by persons to generate, maintain, retain, or disclose or 
    provide information to or for a Federal agency. This includes the time 
    needed to review instructions; develop, acquire, install, and utilize 
    technology and systems for the purposes of collecting, validating, and 
    verifying information, processing and maintaining information, and 
    disclosing and providing information; adjust the existing ways to 
    comply with any previously applicable instructions and requirements; 
    train personnel to be able to respond to a collection of information; 
    search data sources; complete and review the collection of information; 
    and transmit or otherwise disclose the information.
        An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required 
    to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a 
    currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control numbers for EPA's 
    regulations are listed in 40 CFR part 9 and 48 CFR chapter 15.
        Send comments on the Agency's need for this information, the 
    accuracy of the provided burden estimates, and any suggested methods 
    for minimizing respondent burden, including through the use of 
    automated collection techniques to the Director, OPPE Regulatory 
    Information Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2137), 401 
    M St., SW, Washington, DC 20460; and to the Office of Information and 
    Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, 725 17th St. NW, 
    Washington, DC 20503, marked ``Attention: Desk Officer for EPA.'' 
    Comments are requested by June 22, 1998. Include the ICR number in any 
    XI. Judicial Review
        Section 307(b)(1) of the CAA indicates which Federal Courts of 
    Appeal have venue for petitions of review of final actions by EPA. This 
    Section provides, in part, that petitions for review must be filed in 
    the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit if (i) the 
    agency action consists of ``nationally applicable regulations 
    promulgated, or final action taken, by the Administrator,'' or (ii) 
    such action is locally or regionally applicable, if ``such action is 
    based on a determination of nationwide scope or effect and if in taking 
    such action the Administrator finds and publishes that such action is 
    based on such a determination.''
        Any final action related to the NOX SIP Call is 
    ``nationally applicable'' within the meaning of section 307(b)(1). As 
    an initial matter, through this rule, EPA interprets section 110 of the 
    Act in a way that could affect future actions regulating the transport 
    of pollutants. In addition, the SIP Call, as proposed, would require 22 
    States and the District of Columbia to establish emissions budgets for 
    NOX. The SIP Call also is based on a common core of factual 
    findings and analyses concerning the transport of ozone and its 
    precursors between the different States subject to the SIP Call. 
    Finally, EPA plans to establish in the final rule uniform approvability 
    criteria that would be applied to all States subject to the SIP call. 
    For these reasons, the Administrator also is determining that any final 
    action regarding the NOX SIP Call is of nationwide scope and 
    effect for purposes of section 307(b)(1). Thus any petitions for review 
    of final actions regarding the SIP Call must be filed in the Court of 
    Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit within 60 days from the 
    date final action is promulgated in the Federal Register.
    XII. Regulatory Analysis
        Under Executive Order 12866 (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993), the 
    Agency must determine whether the regulatory action is ``significant'' 
    and therefore subject to Office of Management and Budget (OMB) review 
    and the requirements of the Executive Order. The Order defines 
    ``significant regulatory action'' as one that is likely to result in a 
    rule that may:
        (1) Have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more or 
    adversely affect in a material way the economy, a sector of the 
    economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, public 
    health or safety, or
    [[Page 25970]]
    State, local, or tribal governments or communities;
        (2) Create a serious inconsistency or otherwise interfere with an 
    action taken or planned by another agency;
        (3) Materially alter the budgetary impact of entitlements, grants, 
    user fees, or loan programs or the rights and obligations of recipients 
    thereof; or
        (4) Raise novel legal or policy issues arising out of legal 
    mandates, the President's priorities, or the principles set forth in 
    the Executive Order.
        As EPA indicated in the proposed rulemaking, this action is a 
    ``significant regulatory action'' because it would have an annual 
    effect on the economy of approximately $2 billion. 62 FR 60318, 60373. 
    Accordingly, the notice of proposed rulemaking was submitted to OMB for 
    review. For the same reason, today's supplemental notice of proposed 
    rulemaking was submitted to OMB for review. Any written comments from 
    OMB to EPA and any written EPA response to those comments are included 
    in the docket. The docket is available for public inspection at the 
    EPA's Air Docket Section, which is listed in the ADDRESSES section of 
    this preamble.
    List of Subjects
    40 CFR Part 51
        Environmental protection, Administrative practice and procedure, 
    Air pollution control, Carbon monoxide, Intergovernmental relations, 
    Nitrogen dioxide, Ozone, Particulate matter, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Sulfur oxides, Transportation, Volatile 
    organic compounds.
    40 CFR Part 76
        Environmental protection, Acid rain program, Air pollution control, 
    Nitrogen dioxide, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    40 CFR Part 96
        Environmental protection, Administrative practice and procedure, 
    Air pollution control, Nitrogen dioxide, Reporting and recordkeeping 
        Dated: April 28, 1998.
    Carol M. Browner,
        For the reasons set forth in the preamble, parts 51, 76, and 96 of 
    chapter I of title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations are proposed 
    to be amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 51 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401, 7410, 7411, 7412, 7413, 7414, 7470-
    7479, 7501-7508, 7601, and 7602.
    Subpart G--Control Strategy
        2. Subpart G is amended to add Secs. 51.121 and 51.122 to read as 
    Sec. 51.121  Requirements for state implementation plan revisions 
    relating to budgets for emissions of oxides of nitrogen.
        (a) The EPA Administrator finds that the State implementation plans 
    (SIPs) for the States listed in paragraph (c) of this section are 
    substantially inadequate to comply with the requirements of section 
    110(a)(2)(D) of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7410(a)(2)(D), and to 
    mitigate adequately the interstate pollutant transport described in 
    section 184 of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7511c, with respect to 
    nonattainment areas under the 1-hour ozone national ambient air quality 
    standards (NAAQS), to the extent that those SIPs do not provide for 
    compliance with a budget of emissions of nitrogen oxides 
    (``NOX budget'') as described in paragraph (e) of this 
    section. To cure such inadequacy, each of the States listed in 
    paragraph(c) of this section must submit to EPA a SIP revision that 
    provides for compliance with such NOX budget and associated 
    SIP provisions described in this section.
        (b) The EPA Administrator determines that the States listed in 
    paragraph (c) of this section must submit SIP revisions under section 
    110(a)(1) of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7410(a)(1), that provide for 
    compliance with a NOX budget, as described in paragraph (e) 
    of this section and associated SIP provisions described in this 
    section, to comply with the requirements of section 110(a)(2)(D) of the 
    Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7410(a)(2)(D), with respect to nonattainment 
    areas under the 8-hour ozone NAAQS.
        (c) The States subject to paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section 
    are: Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, 
    Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, New 
    York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, 
    Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and the District of 
        (d)(1) The SIP submissions required under paragraphs (a) and (b) of 
    this section must be submitted by no later than September 30, 1999.
        (2) The State makes an official submission of its SIP revision to 
    EPA only when:
        (i) The submission conforms to the requirements of appendix V to 
    this part; and
        (ii) The State delivers five copies of the plan to the appropriate 
    Regional Office, with a letter giving notice of such action.
        (e)(1) The NOX budget for a State listed in paragraph 
    (c) of this section is defined as the total amount of NOX 
    emissions allowed from all sources in that State, as indicated in 
    paragraph (e)(4) of this section with respect to that State.
        (2) The SIP must provide for compliance with the NOX 
    budget during each ozone season, which includes May 1 through September 
    30 of the year 2007 and each subsequent year.
        (3) The SIP must require implementation of its control measures by 
    no later than September 30, 2002.
        (4) The State-by-State amounts of the NOX budget are as 
                               State                                Budget  
    Alabama....................................................      155,617
    Connecticut................................................       39,909
    Delaware...................................................       21,010
    District of Columbia.......................................        7,000
    Georgia....................................................      159,013
    Illinois...................................................      218,679
    Indiana....................................................      200,345
    Kentucky...................................................      158,360
    Maryland...................................................       73,628
    Massachusetts..............................................       73,575
    Michigan...................................................      199,238
    Missouri...................................................      116,246
    New Jersey.................................................       93,464
    New York...................................................      185,537
    North Carolina.............................................      153,106
    Ohio.......................................................      236,443
    Pennsylvania...............................................      207,250
    Rhode Island...............................................       10,132
    South Carolina.............................................      109,267
    Tennessee..................................................      187,250
    Virginia...................................................      162,375
    West Virginia..............................................       81,701
    Wisconsin..................................................       95,902
        Total..................................................    2,945,046
        (f) Each SIP revision must set forth control measures to meet the 
    NOX budget which include the following:
        (1) A description of enforcement methods including, but not limited 
        (i) Procedures for monitoring compliance with each of the selected 
    control measures;
        (ii) Procedures for handling violations; and
        (iii) A designation of agency responsibility for enforcement of 
    [[Page 25971]]
        (2) Should a State elect to impose control measures on 
    NOX sources serving electric generators with a nameplate 
    capacity greater than 25 MWe or boilers with a maximum design heat 
    input greater than 250 mmBtu/hr as a means of meeting its 
    NOX budget, then those measures must either:
        (i) Impose a NOX mass emissions cap on each source;
        (ii) Impose a NOX emission rate limit on each source and 
    assume maximum operating capacity for every such source for purposes of 
    estimating mass NOX emissions; or
        (iii) Impose any other regulatory requirement which the State has 
    demonstrated to EPA provides equivalent or greater assurance than 
    options in paragraphs (e)(2) (i) or (ii) of this section that the State 
    will meet its NOX budget.
        (g)(1) Each SIP revision must demonstrate that the measures, rules, 
    and regulations contained in it are adequate to provide for the timely 
    compliance with the NOX budget during the 2007 ozone season.
        (2) The demonstration must include the following:
        (i) Each revision must contain a detailed baseline inventory of 
    NOX mass emissions from point, area, and mobile sources in 
    the year 2007 absent the control measures specified in the SIP 
    submission. The State must use the same baseline inventory that EPA 
    used in calculating the State's NOX budget.
        (ii) Each revision must contain a summary of NOX mass 
    emissions in 2007 projected to result from implementation of each of 
    the new control measures and from all NOX sources together 
    following implementation of such control measures. The summary must 
    assume the same NOX mass emissions for mobile sources 
    assumed by EPA in calculating the State's budget, unless the State has 
    adopted measures more stringent than the Federal measures incorporated 
    into the budget calculation. The State must provide EPA with a summary 
    of the computations, assumptions, and judgments used to determine the 
    degree of reduction of projected emissions that will result from the 
    implementation of the control measures.
        (iii) Each revision must identify the sources of the data used in 
    the projection of emissions.
        (h) Each revision must comply with Sec. 51.116 (regarding data 
        (1) Each revision must provide for monitoring the status of 
    compliance with any rules and regulations adopted to meet the 
    NOX budget. Specifically, the revision must meet the 
    following requirements:
        (i) The revision must provide for legally enforceable procedures 
    for requiring owners or operators of stationary sources to maintain 
    records of and periodically report to the State--
        (A) Information on the amount of NOX emissions from the 
    stationary sources; and
        (B) Other information as may be necessary to enable the State to 
    determine whether the sources are in compliance with applicable 
    portions of the control measures;
        (ii) The revision must comply with Sec. 51.212 of this part 
    (regarding testing, inspection, enforcement, and complaints);
        (iii) If the revision contains any transportation control measures, 
    then the revision must comply with Sec. 51.213 (regarding 
    transportation control measures);
        (iv) If the revision contains measures to control NOX 
    sources serving electric generators with a nameplate capacity greater 
    than 25 MWe or greater or boilers with a maximum design heat input 
    greater than 250 mmBtu/hr, then the revision must require such sources 
    to use a continuous emissions monitoring system.
        (2) [Reserved]
        (i) [Reserved]
        (j) Each revision must show that the State has legal authority to 
    carry out the revision, including authority to:
        (1) Adopt emissions standards and limitations and any other 
    measures necessary for attainment and maintenance of the State's 
    NOX budget specified in paragraph (e) of this section;
        (2) Enforce applicable laws, regulations, and standards, and seek 
    injunctive relief;
        (3) Obtain information necessary to determine whether air pollution 
    sources are in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and 
    standards, including authority to require recordkeeping and to make 
    inspections and conduct tests of air pollution sources.
        (4) Require owners or operators of stationary sources to install, 
    maintain, and use emissions monitoring devices and to make periodic 
    reports to the State on the nature and amounts of emissions from such 
    stationary sources; also authority for the State to make such data 
    available to the public as reported and as correlated with any 
    applicable emissions standards or limitations.
        (k)(1) The provisions of law or regulation which the State 
    determines provide the authorities required under this section must be 
    specifically identified, and copies of such laws or regulations be 
    submitted with the SIP revision.
        (2) Legal authority adequate to fulfill the requirements of 
    paragraphs (j)(3) and (4) of this section may be delegated to the State 
    under section 114 of the Act.
        (l)(1) A revision may assign legal authority to local agencies in 
    accordance with section 51.232.
        (2) Each revision must comply with section 51.240 (regarding 
    general plan requirements).
        (m) Each revision shall contain legally enforceable compliance 
    schedules setting forth September 30, 2002 as the date by which all 
    sources or categories of such sources must be in compliance with any 
    applicable requirement of the SIP revision.
        (n) Each revision must comply with section 51.280 (regarding 
        (o) For purposes of the SIP revisions required by this section, EPA 
    may make a finding under section 179(a)(1) through (4) of the Act, 42 
    U.S.C. 7509(a)(1)-(4), starting the sanctions process set forth in 
    section 179(a) of the Act. Any such finding will be deemed a finding 
    under section 52.31(c) and sanctions will be imposed in accordance with 
    the order of sanctions and the terms for such sanctions established in 
    section 52.31.
        (p) Each revision must provide for State compliance with the 
    reporting requirements set forth in section 51.122 of this part.
    Sec. 51.122  Emissions reporting requirements for SIP revisions 
    relating to budgets for NOx emissions.
        (a) For its transport SIP revision under section 51.121 of this 
    part, each State must submit to EPA NOX emissions data as 
    described in this section.
        (b) Each revision must provide for periodic reporting by the State 
    of NOX emissions data to demonstrate that the emissions 
    budget set forth in section 51.121(e)(4) is being met.
        (1) Annual reporting. Each revision must provide for annual 
    reporting of NOX emissions data from all of the following 
    sources and source categories:
        (i) All NOX sources within the State which the State 
    chooses to regulate specifically for the purpose of meeting the 
    NOX budgets submitted under section 51.121(e)(4). This would 
    include all NOX sources within the State which are subject 
    to measures included by the State in its transport SIP revision 
    submitted under section 51.121. On road and nonroad mobile sources are 
    not included unless controls greater than those Federally mandated are 
    required for these sources.
        (ii) The direct reporting of data from sources to EPA used for 
    [[Page 25972]]
    with the requirements of a trading program meeting the requirements of 
    40 CFR part 96 and/or direct reporting of data from sources to EPA used 
    for meeting the monitoring and reporting requirements of subpart H of 
    40 CFR part 75 can be used to satisfy this requirement.
        (2) Triennial reporting. Each plan must provide for triennial 
    (i.e., every third year) reporting of NOX emissions data 
    from all sources within the State.
        (3) Year 2007 reporting. Each plan must provide for reporting of 
    year 2007 NOX emissions data from all sources within the 
        (4) The data availability requirements in section 51.116 must be 
    followed for all data submitted to meet the requirements of paragraphs 
    (b)(1), (2) and (3) of this section.
        (c) The data reported in paragraph (b) of this section for 
    stationary point sources must meet the following minimum criteria:
        (1) For annual data reporting purposes the data must include the 
    following minimum elements:
        (i) Inventory year.
        (ii) State FIPS code.
        (iii) County FIPS code.
        (iv) Federal ID code (plant).
        (v) Federal ID code (point).
        (vi) Federal ID code (process).
        (vii) Federal ID code (stack).
        (vii) Site Name.
        (viii) Physical Address.
        (ix) SCC.
        (x) Pollutant code.
        (xi) Annual emissions.
        (xii) Ozone Season emissions.
        (xiii) Area designation.
        (2) In addition, the annual data must include the following minimum 
    elements as applicable to the emissions estimation methodology.
        (i) Fuel heat content (annual).
        (ii) Fuel heat content (seasonal).
        (iii) Source of fuel heat content data.
        (iv) Activity throughput (annual).
        (v) Activity throughput (seasonal).
        (vi) Source of activity/throughput data.
        (vii) Winter throughput (%).
        (viii) Spring throughput (%).
        (ix) Summer throughput (%).
        (x) Fall throughput (%).
        (xi) Work weekday emissions.
        (xii) Emission factor.
        (xiii) Source of emission factor.
        (xiv) Hr/day in operation.
        (xv) Operations Start time (hour).
        (xvi) Day/wk in operation.
        (xvii) Wk/yr in operation.
        (3) The triennial and 2007 inventories must include the following 
    data elements:
        (i) The data required in paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this 
        (ii) X coordinate (latitude).
        (iii) Y coordinate (longitude).
        (iv) Stack height.
        (v) Stack diameter.
        (vi) Exit gas temperature.
        (vii) Exit gas velocity.
        (viii) Exit gas flow rate.
        (ix) SIC.
        (x) Boiler/process throughput design capacity.
        (xi) Maximum design rate.
        (xii) Maximum capacity.
        (xiii) Primary control efficiency.
        (xiv) Secondary control efficiency.
        (xv) Control device type.
        (d) The data reported in paragraph (b) of this section for area 
    sources must include the following minimum elements:
        (1) For annual inventories it must include:
        (i) Inventory year.
        (ii) State FIPS code.
        (iii) County FIPS code.
        (iv) SCC.
        (v) Emission factor.
        (vi) Source of emission factor.
        (vii) Activity/throughput level (annual).
        (viii) Activity throughput level (seasonal).
        (ix) Source of activity/throughput data.
        (x) Spring throughput (%).
        (xi) Summer throughput (%).
        (xii) Fall throughput (%).
        (xiii) Control efficiency (%).
        (xiv) Pollutant code.
        (xv) Ozone Season emissions.
        (xvi) Source of emissions data.
        (xvii) Hr/day in operation.
        (xviii) Day/wk in operation.
        (xix) Wk/yr in operations.
        (2) The triennial and 2007 inventories must contain at a minimum 
    all the data required in paragraph (d)(1) of this section.
        (e) The data reported in paragraph (b) of this section for mobile 
    sources must meet the following minimum criteria:
        (1) For the annual, triennial, and 2007 inventory purposes the 
    following data must be reported:
        (i) Inventory year.
        (ii) State FIPS code.
        (iii) County FIPS code.
        (iv) Emission factor.
        (v) Source of emission factor.
        (vi) Activity (VMT by Roadway Class).
        (vii) Source of activity data.
        (viii) Pollutant code.
        (ix) Summer work weekday emissions.
        (x) Ozone season emissions.
        (xi) Source of emissions data.
        (2) [Reserved.]
        (f) Approval of ozone season calculation by EPA. Each State must 
    submit for EPA approval an example of the calculation procedure used to 
    calculate ozone season emissions along with sufficient information for 
    EPA to verify the calculated value of ozone season emissions.
        (g) Reporting schedules. (1) Annual reports are to begin with data 
    for the year 2003.
        (2) Triennial reports are to begin with data for the year 2002.
        (3) Year 2007 data are to be submitted for the year 2007.
        (4) States must submit data for a required year by 12 months after 
    the end of the calendar year for which the data are collected.
        (h) Data Reporting Procedures. When submitting a formal 
    NOX budget emissions report and associated data, States 
    shall notify the appropriate EPA regional office.
        (1) States are required to report emissions data in an electronic 
    format to the location given in paragraph (h)(5) of this section. 
    Several options are available for data reporting.
        (2) An agency may choose to continue reporting to the EPA 
    Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS) system using the AIRS 
    facility subsystem (AFS) format for point sources. (This option will 
    continue for point sources for some period of time after AIRS is 
    reengineered (before 2002), at which time this choice may be 
    discontinued or modified.)
        (3) An agency may convert its emissions data into the Emission 
    Inventory Improvement Program/Electronic Data Interchange (EIIP/EDI) 
    format. This file can then be made available to any requestor, either 
    using E-mail, floppy disk, or value added network (VAN), or can be 
    placed on a file transfer protocol (FTP) site.
        (4) An agency may submit its emissions data in a proprietary format 
    based on the EIIP data model.
        (5) For options in paragraphs (h)(3) and (4) of this section, the 
    terms submitting and reporting data are defined as either providing the 
    data in the EIIP/EDI format or the EIIP based data model proprietary 
    format to EPA, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Emission 
    Factors and Inventory Group directly or notifying this group that the 
    data are available in the specified format and at a specific electronic 
    location (e.g., FTP site).
        (6) For annual reporting (not for triennial reports) a State may 
    have sources submit the data directly to EPA. This option will be 
    available to any source in a State that is both participating in a 
    trading program meeting the requirements of part 96 of this chapter and 
    that has agreed to accept data in this format. The EPA will
    [[Page 25973]]
    make both the raw data submitted in this format and summary data 
    available to any State that chooses this option.
        (i) Definitions. As used in this section, the following words and 
    terms shall have the meanings set forth below:
        (1) Annual emissions. Actual emissions for a plant, point, or 
    process, either measured or calculated.
        (2) Ash content. Inert residual portion of a fuel.
        (3) Area designation. The designation of the area in which the 
    reporting source is located with regard to the ozone national ambient 
    air quality standard. This would include attainment or nonattainment 
    designations. For nonattainment designations, the classification of the 
    nonattainment area must be specified, i.e., transitional, marginal, 
    moderate, serious, severe, or extreme.
        (4) Boiler design capacity. A measure of the size of a boiler, 
    based on the reported maximum continuous steam flow. Capacity is 
    calculated in units of MMBtu/hr.
        (5) Control device type. The name of the type of control device 
    (e.g., wet scrubber, flaring, or process change).
        (6) Control efficiency. The emissions reduction efficiency of a 
    primary control device, which shows the amount of reduction of a 
    particular pollutant from a process' emissions due to controls or 
    material change. Control efficiency is usually expressed as a 
    percentage or in tenths.
        (7) County/parish/reservation (FIPS). Federal Information Placement 
    System (FIPS). FIPS is the system of unique numeric codes developed by 
    the government to identify States, counties, towns, and townships for 
    the entire United States, Puerto Rico, and Guam.
        (8) Day/wk in operations. Days per week that the emitting process 
        (9) Emission factor. Ratio relating emissions of a specific 
    pollutant to an activity or material throughput level.
        (10) Exit gas flow rate. Numeric value of stack gas flow rate.
        (11) Exit gas temperature. Numeric value of an exit gas stream 
        (12) Exit gas velocity. Numeric value of an exit gas stream 
        (13) Fall throughput (%). Portion of throughput for the three Fall 
    months (September, October, November). This represents the expression 
    of annual activity information on the basis of four seasons, typically 
    spring, summer, fall, and winter. It can be represented either as a 
    percentage of the annual activity (e.g., production in summer is 40 
    percent of the year's production), or in terms of the units of the 
    activity (e.g., out of 600 units produced, spring = 150 units, summer = 
    250 units, fall = 150 units, and winter = 50 units).
        (14) Federal ID code (plant). Unique codes for a plant or facility, 
    containing one or more pollutant-emitting sources.
        (15) Federal ID code (point). Unique codes for the point of 
    generation of emissions, typically a physical piece of equipment.
        (16) Federal ID code (stack number). Unique codes for the point 
    where emissions from one or more processes are released into the 
        (17) Federal Information Placement System (FIPS). The system of 
    unique numeric codes developed by the government to identify States, 
    counties, towns, and townships for the entire United States, Puerto 
    Rico, and Guam.
        (18) Heat content. The thermal heat energy content of a solid, 
    liquid, or gaseous fuel. Fuel heat content is typically expressed in 
    units of Btu/lb of fuel, Btu/gal of fuel, joules/kg of fuel, etc.
        (19) Hr/day in operations. Hours per day that the emitting process 
        (20) Maximum design rate. Maximum fuel use rate based on the 
    equipment's or process' physical size or operational capabilities.
        (21) Maximum nameplate capacity. A measure of the size of a 
    generator, and is put on the unit's nameplate by the manufacturer. The 
    data element is reported in MW or KW.
        (22) Ozone season. The period May 1 through September 30 of a year.
        (23) Physical address. Street address of facility.
        (24) Point source. A non-mobile source which emits 100 tons of 
    NOX or more per year. A non-mobile source which emits less 
    NOX per year than this amount is an area source.
        (25) Pollutant code. A unique code for each reported pollutant that 
    has been assigned in the EIIP Data Model. Character names are used for 
    criteria pollutants, while Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) numbers are 
    used for all other pollutants. Some States may be using SAROAD codes 
    for pollutants, but these should be able to be mapped to the EIIP Data 
    Model pollutant codes.
        (26) Process rate/throughput. A measurable factor or parameter that 
    is directly or indirectly related to the emissions of an air pollution 
    source. Depending on the type of source category, activity information 
    may refer to the amount of fuel combusted, the amount of a raw material 
    processed, the amount of a product that is manufactured, the amount of 
    a material that is handled or processed, population, employment, number 
    of units, or miles traveled. Activity information is typically the 
    value that is multiplied against an emission factor to generate an 
    emissions estimate.
        (27) SCC. Source category code. A process-level code that describes 
    the equipment or operation emitting pollutants.
        (28) Secondary control efficiency (%). The emission reduction 
    efficiency of a secondary control device, which shows the amount of 
    reduction of a particular pollutant from a process' emissions due to 
    controls or material change. Control efficiency is usually expressed as 
    a percentage or in tenths.
        (29) SIC. Standard Industrial Classification code. U.S. Department 
    of Commerce's categorization of businesses by their products or 
        (30) Site name. The name of the facility.
        (31) Spring throughput (%). Portion of throughput or activity for 
    the three spring months (March, April, May). See the definition of Fall 
        (32) Stack diameter. Stack physical diameter.
        (33) Stack height. Stack physical height above the surrounding 
        (34) Start date (inventory year). The calendar year that the 
    emissions estimates were calculated for and are applicable to.
        (35) Start time (hour). Start time (if available) that was 
    applicable and used for calculations of emissions estimates.
        (36) State/providence/territory (FIPS). Federal Information 
    Placement System (FIPS). FIPS is the system of unique numeric codes 
    developed by the government to identify States, counties, towns, and 
    townships for the entire United States, Puerto Rico, and Guam.
        (37) Summer throughput (%). Portion of throughput or activity for 
    the three summer months (June, July, August). See the definition of 
    Fall Throughput.
        (38) Summer work weekday emissions. Average day's emissions for a 
    typical day.
        (39) VMT by Roadway Class. VMT stands for vehicle miles traveled 
    and is an expression of vehicle activity that is used with emission 
    factors. The emission factors are usually expressed in terms of grams 
    per mile of travel. Since VMT does not directly correlate to emissions 
    that occur while the vehicle is not moving, these non-moving emissions 
    are incorporated into EPA's MOBILE model emission factors.
        (40) Winter throughput (%). Portion of throughput or activity for 
    the three winter months (December, January, February). See the 
    definition of Fall Throughput.
        (41) Week/year in operation. Weeks per year that the emitting 
    process operates.
        (42) Work Weekday. Any day of the week except Saturday or Sunday.
    [[Page 25974]]
        (43) X coordinate (latitude). East-west geographic coordinate of an 
        (44) Y coordinate (longitude). North-south geographic coordinate of 
    an object.
        3. The authority citation for part 76 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7601 and 7651, et seq.
        4. Section 76.16 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 76.16  Alternative compliance.
        (a)(1) A State or group of States may submit a petition requesting 
    that the Administrator, on his or her own motion, may:
        (i) Require the owners or operators of the Group 1, Phase II coal-
    fired utility units with a tangentially fired boiler or a dry bottom 
    wall fired boiler in the State or the group of States to be subject to 
    the applicable emission limitations for NOX in Sec. 76.5, in 
    lieu of the applicable emission limitations for NOX in 
    Sec. 76.7; and
        (ii) Provide that the owners or operators of the Group 2 coal-fired 
    utility units with a cell burner boiler, cyclone boiler, wet bottom 
    boiler, or vertically fired boiler in the State or the group of States 
    are not subject to the applicable emission limitations for 
    NOX in Sec. 76.6.
        (2) A petition under paragraph (a)(1) of this section must 
    demonstrate that the requirements in paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this 
    section are met.
        (3) A petition under paragraph (a)(1) of this section may be 
    submitted, but may not be approved by the Administrator, before the 
    State implementation plan or Federal implementation plan covering the 
    entire State, or the State implementation plans or Federal 
    implementation plans covering the entire group of States, under 
    paragraph (b) of this section become final and federally enforceable.
        (b) The Administrator may take the actions in paragraphs (a)(1)(i) 
    and (ii) of this section if he or she finds that, under the State 
    implementation plan or Federal implementation plan covering the entire 
    State or the State implementation plans or Federal implementation plans 
    covering the entire group of States:
        (1) Each unit that is in the State or the group of States and that, 
    but for the provisions of this section, would be subject to emission 
    limitations under this part
        (i) Is subject to:
        (A) A cap on total annual NOX emissions; or
        (B) Two or more seasonal caps that together limit total annual 
    NOX emissions;
        (ii) May trade authorizations to emit NOX within each 
    such cap, provided that the Administrator will consider (to the extent 
    demonstrated to his or her satisfaction) whether the cost savings from 
    trading will be offset by elimination of the ability of an owner or 
    operator of a unit in the State or the group of States to use a 
    NOX averaging plan under Sec. 76.11 in lieu of emission 
    limitations under Sec. 76.5, Sec. 76.6, or Sec. 76.7 that remain 
    applicable under the provisions of this section; and
        (iii) Must use authorizations to emit NOX to account 
        (A) Any NOX emissions by such unit; and
        (B) Any NOX emissions resulting from reducing 
    utilization of such unit below its baseline utilization (adjusted for 
    changes in demand for electricity) and shifting utilization to any 
    other unit, or combustion device serving a generator, that is not 
    subject to each such cap, unless it is demonstrated to the satisfaction 
    of the Administrator that any NOX emissions under this 
    paragraph (b)(1)(iii)(B) will not result in higher total NOX 
    emissions from sources in the State or group of States or in other 
    States; and
        (2)(i) Total annual NOX emissions by all units that are 
    in the State or the group of States and that, but for the provisions of 
    this section, would be subject to emission limitations under this part 
    will be equal to or lower than total annual NOX emissions by 
    such units if each such unit is treated as subject to the applicable 
    emission limitation in Sec. 76.5, Sec. 76.6, or Sec. 76.7 that would 
    apply but for the provisions of this section.
        (ii) In the case of a petition under paragraph (a) of this section, 
    total annual NOX emissions by the units will be determined 
    using the actual utilizations of the units for the last 4 calendar 
    quarters prior to submission of the petition. In the case of action by 
    the Administrator on his or her own motion under paragraph (a) of this 
    section, total annual NOX emissions by the units will be 
    determined using the actual utilizations of the units for the last 4 
    calendar quarters prior to issuance of the draft decision under 
    paragraph (c) of this section.
        (c) In acting on a petition or on his or her own motion under 
    paragraph (a) of this section, the Administrator will issue, for public 
    comment, a draft decision on the petition or a draft decision to act on 
    his or her own motion and then a final decision. The Administrator may 
    issue a draft decision, but not final decision, on a petition or on his 
    or her own motion before the State implementation plan or Federal 
    implementation plan covering the entire State, or the State 
    implementation plans or Federal implementation plans covering the 
    entire group of States, under paragraph (b) of this section become 
    final and federally enforceable. The draft decision will set forth 
    procedures that will govern issuance of the final decision and will 
    provide for:
        (1) Service of notice of issuance of the draft decision on.
        (i) Any interested person;
        (ii) The designated representative of each source with one or more 
    units that, but for the provisions of this section, would be subject to 
    the applicable emission limitation in Sec. 76.6 or Sec. 76.7; and
        (iii) The air pollution control agencies that:
        (A) Have jurisdiction over a unit covered by the draft decision;
        (B) Are in a State, or area in which there is a federally 
    recognized Indian tribe, whose air quality may be affected by the draft 
    decision and that is contiguous to the State, or the area in which 
    there is a federally recognized Indian tribe, where a unit covered by 
    the draft decision is located; or
        (C) Are in a State, or area in which there is a federally 
    recognized Indian tribe, within 50 miles of a unit covered by the draft 
        (2) Publication of notice of issuance of the draft decision in the 
    Federal Register and in any State publication designed to give general 
    public notice in the States in which the units covered by the draft 
    decision are located;
        (3) A public comment period of at least 30 days and extension or 
    reopening of the comment period by the Administrator for good cause;
        (4) A public hearing, upon request or on the Administrator's own 
    motion, to the extent the Administrator determines that a public 
    hearing will contribute to the decision-making process by clarifying 
    one or more significant issues affecting the draft decision;
        (5) Consideration by the Administrator of the comments on the draft 
    decision received during the public comment period or any public 
    hearing and written response by the Administrator to any such relevant 
        (6) Notice of issuance of a final decision using the methods set 
    forth in paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this section for providing notice 
    of the draft decision; and
    [[Page 25975]]
        (7) Appeals, governed by part 78 of this chapter, of the final 
        (d) If, after the Administrator issues a final decision under 
    paragraph (c) of this section and takes the actions set forth in 
    paragraphs (a)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section with regard to a State or 
    group of States, a State implementation plan or Federal implementation 
    plan covering the entire State or entire group of States is revised in 
    a way that may affect the basis for the findings on which such decision 
    is based, the Administrator may, upon petition or on his or her own 
    motion, reconsider such decision.
        (e) For purposes of this section, the term ``State'' shall mean one 
    of the 48 contiguous States or the District of Columbia.
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401, 7403, 7410, and 7601.
        5. Part 96 is added consisting of Secs. 96.1 through 96.88 to read 
    as follows:
    Subpart A--NOX Budget Trading Program General Provisions
    96.1  Purpose.
    96.2  Definitions.
    96.3  Measurements, abbreviations, and acronyms.
    96.4  Applicability.
    96.5  Retired unit exemption.
    96.6  Standard requirements.
    96.7  Computation of time.
    Subpart B--Authorized Account Representative for NOX Budget 
    96.10  Authorization and responsibilities of the NOX 
    authorized account representative.
    96.11  Alternate NOX authorized account representative.
    96.12  Changing the NOX authorized account 
    representative, alternate NOX authorized account 
    representative; changes in the owners and operators.
    96.13  Account certificate of representation.
    96.14  Objections concerning the NOX authorized account 
    Subpart C--Permits
    96.20  General NOX Budget permit requirements.
    96.21  Submission of NOX Budget permit applications.
    96.22  Information requirements for NOX Budget permit 
    96.23  NOX Budget permit contents.
    96.24  Effective date of initial NOX Budget permit.
    96.25  NOX Budget permit revisions.
    Subpart D--Compliance Certification
    96.30  Compliance certification report.
    96.31  Permitting authority's and Administrator's action on 
    compliance certifications.
    Subpart E--NOX Allowance Allocations
    96.40  State trading program budget.
    96.41  Timing requirements for NOX allowance allocations.
    96.42  NOX allowance allocations.
    Subpart F--NOX Allowance Tracking System
    96.50  NOX Allowance Tracking System accounts.
    96.51  Establishment of accounts.
    96.52  NOX Allowance Tracking System responsibilities of 
    NOX authorized account representative.
    96.53  Recordation of NOX allowance allocations.
    96.54  Compliance.
    96.55  Banking. [Reserved]
    96.56  Account error.
    96.57  Closing of general accounts.
    Subpart G--NOX Allowance Transfers
    96.60  Scope and submission of NOX allowance transfers.
    96.61  EPA recordation.
    96.62  Notification.
    Subpart H--Monitoring and Reporting
    96.70  General requirements.
    96.71  Initial certification and recertification procedures.
    96.72  Out of control periods.
    96.73  Notifications.
    96.74  Recordkeeping and reporting.
    96.75  Petitions.
    Subpart I--Individual Unit Opt-ins
    96.80  Applicability.
    96.81  General.
    96.82  NOX authorized account representative.
    96.83  Applying for NOX Budget opt-in permit.
    96.84  Opt-in process.
    96.85  NOX Budget opt-in permit contents.
    96.86  Withdrawal from NOX Budget Trading Program.
    96.87  Change in regulatory status.
    96.88  NOX allowance allocations to opt-in units.
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401, 7403, 7410, and 7601.
    Subpart A--NOX Budget Trading Program General Provisions
    Sec. 96.1  Purpose.
        This part establishes general provisions and the applicability, 
    permitting, allowance, excess emissions, monitoring, and opt-in 
    provisions for the NOX Budget Trading Program as a means of 
    mitigating the interstate transport of ozone and nitrogen oxides, an 
    ozone precursor. The owner or operator of a unit, or any other person, 
    shall comply with the requirements of this part only if such compliance 
    is required by a State that has jurisdiction over the unit and that 
    incorporates by reference or otherwise adopts the requirements of this 
    part. A State that adopts the requirements of this part authorizes the 
    Administrator to assist the State in implementing the NOX 
    Budget Trading Program by carrying out the functions set forth for the 
    Administrator in this part.
    Sec. 96.2  Definitions.
        The terms used in this part shall have the meanings set forth in 
    this section as follows:
        Account certificate of representation means the completed and 
    signed submission required by subpart B of this part for certifying the 
    designation of a NOX authorized account representative for a 
    NOX Budget source or a group of identified NOX 
    Budget sources who is authorized to represent the owners and operators 
    of such source or sources and of the NOX Budget units at 
    such source or sources with regard to matters under the NOX 
    Budget Trading Program.
        Account number means the identification number given by the 
    Administrator to each NOX Allowance Tracking System account.
        Acid Rain emissions limitation means, as defined in Sec. 72.2 of 
    this chapter, a limitation on emissions of sulfur dioxide or nitrogen 
    oxides under the Acid Rain Program under title IV of the Clean Air Act.
        Administrator means the Administrator of the United States 
    Environmental Protection Agency or the Administrator's duly authorized 
        Allocate or allocation means the determination by the permitting 
    authority or the Administrator of the number of NOX 
    allowances to be initially credited to a NOX Budget unit or 
    an allocation set-aside.
        Automated data acquisition and handling system or DAHS means that 
    component of the CEMS, or other emissions monitoring system approved 
    for use under subpart H of this part, designed to interpret and convert 
    individual output signals from pollutant concentration monitors, flow 
    monitors, diluent gas monitors, and other component parts of the 
    monitoring system to produce a continuous record of the measured 
    parameters in the measurement units required by subpart H of this part.
        Boiler means an enclosed fossil or other fuel-fired combustion 
    device used to produce heat and to transfer heat to recirculating 
    water, steam, or other medium.
        Clean Air Act means the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7401, et seq., as 
    amended by Pub. L. No. 101-549 (November 15, 1990).
        Combined cycle system means a system comprised of one or more 
    combustion turbines, heat recovery steam generators, and steam turbines
    [[Page 25976]]
    configured to improve overall efficiency of electricity generation or 
    steam production.
        Combustion turbine means an enclosed fossil or other fuel-fired 
    device that is comprised of a compressor, a combustor, and a turbine, 
    and in which the flue gas resulting from the combustion of fuel in the 
    combustor passes through the turbine, rotating the turbine.
        Commence commercial operation means, with regard to a unit that 
    serves a generator, to have begun to produce steam, gas, or other 
    heated medium used to generate electricity for sale or use, including 
    test generation. For purposes of Sec. 96.70 and except as provided in 
    Sec. 96.5, for a unit that is a NOX Budget unit under 
    Sec. 96.4 on the date the unit commences commercial operation, such 
    date shall remain the unit's date of commencement of commercial 
    operation even if the unit is subsequently modified, reconstructed, or 
    repowered. For purposes of Sec. 96.70 and except as provided in 
    Sec. 96.5 or subpart I of this part, for a unit that is not a 
    NOX Budget unit under Sec. 96.4 on the date the unit 
    commences commercial operation, the date the unit becomes a 
    NOX Budget unit under Sec. 96.4 shall be the unit's date of 
    commencement of commercial operation.
        Commence operation means to have begun any mechanical, chemical, or 
    electronic process, including, with regard to a unit, start-up of a 
    unit's combustion chamber. For purposes of Sec. 96.21, Sec. 96.42, or 
    Sec. 96.70 and except as provided in Sec. 96.5, for a unit that is a 
    NOX Budget unit under Sec. 96.4 on the date of commencement 
    of operation, such date shall remain the unit's date of commencement of 
    operation even if the unit is subsequently modified, reconstructed, or 
    repowered. For purposes of Sec. 96.21, 96.42, or 96.70 and except as 
    provided in Sec. 96.5 or subpart I of this part, for a unit that is not 
    a NOX Budget unit under Sec. 96.4 on the date of 
    commencement of operation, the date the unit becomes a NOX 
    Budget unit under Sec. 96.4 shall be the unit's date of commencement of 
        Common stack means a single flue through which emissions from two 
    or more units are exhausted.
        Compliance account means a NOX Allowance Tracking System 
    account, established by the Administrator for the NOX Budget 
    unit under subpart F of this part, in which the NOX 
    allowance allocations for the unit are initially recorded and in which 
    are held NOX allowances available for use by the unit for a 
    control period for the purpose of meeting the unit's NOX 
    Budget emissions limitation.
        Compliance certification means a submission to the permitting 
    authority or the Administrator, as appropriate, that is required under 
    subpart D of this part to report a NOX Budget source's or a 
    NOX Budget unit's compliance or noncompliance with this part 
    and that is signed by the NOX authorized account 
    representative in accordance with subpart B of this part.
        Compliance use date means the first control period for which a 
    NOX allowance can be used for the purpose of meeting a 
    unit's NOX Budget emissions limitation.
        Continuous emission monitoring system or CEMS means the equipment 
    required under subpart H of this part to sample, analyze, measure, and 
    provide, by readings taken at least once every 15 minutes, a permanent 
    record of emissions, expressed in pounds per million British thermal 
    units (lb/mmBtu) for nitrogen oxides. The equipment also provides, for 
    each hour, a permanent record of emissions, expressed in tons per hour 
    for nitrogen oxides. The following systems are component parts included 
    in a continuous emission monitoring system:
        (1) Flow monitor;
        (2) Nitrogen oxides pollutant concentration monitors;
        (3) Diluent gas monitor (oxygen or carbon dioxide);
        (4) A continuous moisture monitor when such monitoring is required 
    by subpart H of this part; and
        (5) An automated data acquisition and handling system.
        Control period means the period beginning May 1 of a year and 
    ending on September 30 of the same year, inclusive.
        Emissions means air pollutants exhausted from a unit or source into 
    the atmosphere, as measured, recorded, and reported to the 
    Administrator by the NOX authorized account representative 
    and as determined by the Administrator in accordance with subpart H of 
    this part.
        Energy Information Administration means the Energy Information 
    Administration of the United States Department of Energy.
        EPA means the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Excess 
    emissions means any tonnage of nitrogen oxides emitted by a 
    NOX Budget unit during a control period that exceeds the 
    NOX Budget emissions limitation for the unit.
        Fossil fuel means natural gas, petroleum, coal, or any form of 
    solid, liquid, or gaseous fuel derived from such material.
        Fossil fuel-fired means the combustion of fossil fuel, alone or in 
    combination with any other fuel, where the fossil fuel comprises more 
    than 50 percent of the annual heat input on a Btu basis.
        General account means a NOX Allowance Tracking System 
    account, established under subpart F of this part, that is not a 
    compliance account or an overdraft account.
        Generator means a device that produces electricity.
        Heat input means the product (in mmBtu/time) of the gross calorific 
    value of the fuel (in Btu/lb) and the fuel feed rate into a combustion 
    device (in mass of fuel/time), as measured, recorded, and reported to 
    the Administrator by the NOX authorized account 
    representative and as determined by the Administrator in accordance 
    with subpart H of this part, and does not include the heat derived from 
    preheated combustion air, recirculated flue gases, or exhaust from 
    other sources.
        Life-of-the-unit, firm power contractual arrangement means a unit 
    participation power sales agreement under which a utility or industrial 
    customer reserves, or is entitled to receive, a specified amount or 
    percentage of nameplate capacity and associated energy from any 
    specified unit and pays its proportional amount of such unit's total 
    costs, pursuant to a contract:
        (1) For the life of the unit;
        (2) For a cumulative term of no less than 30 years, including 
    contracts that permit an election for early termination; or
        (3) For a period equal to or greater than 25 years or 70 percent of 
    the economic useful life of the unit determined as of the time the unit 
    is built, with option rights to purchase or release some portion of the 
    nameplate capacity and associated energy generated by the unit at the 
    end of the period.
        Maximum design heat input means the ability of a unit to combust a 
    stated maximum amount of fuel per hour on a steady state basis, as 
    determined by the physical design and physical characteristics of the 
        Maximum potential hourly heat input means an hourly heat input used 
    for reporting purposes when a unit lacks certified monitors to report 
    heat input. If the unit intends to use appendix D of part 75 of this 
    chapter to report heat input, this value should be calculated, in 
    accordance with part 75 of this chapter, using the maximum fuel flow 
    rate and the maximum gross calorific value. If the unit intends to use 
    a flow monitor and a diluent gas monitor, this
    [[Page 25977]]
    value should be reported, in accordance with part 75 of this chapter, 
    using the maximum potential flowrate and either the maximum carbon 
    dioxide concentration (in percent CO2) or the minimum oxygen 
    concentration (in percent O2).
        Maximum potential NOX emission rate means the emission 
    rate of nitrogen oxides (in lb/mmBtu) calculated in accordance with 
    section 3 of appendix F of part 75 of this chapter, using the maximum 
    potential nitrogen oxides concentration as defined in section 2 of 
    appendix A of part 75 of this chapter, and either the maximum oxygen 
    concentration (in percent O2) or the minimum carbon dioxide 
    concentration (in percent CO2), under all operating 
    conditions of the unit except for unit start up, shutdown, and upsets.
        Monitoring system means any monitoring system that meets the 
    requirements of subpart H of this part, including a continuous 
    emissions monitoring system, an excepted monitoring system, or an 
    alternative monitoring system.
        Most stringent State or Federal NOX emissions limitation 
    means, with regard to a NOX Budget opt-in source, the lowest 
    NOX emissions limitation (in terms of lb/mmBtu) that is 
    applicable to the unit under State or Federal law, regardless of the 
    averaging period to which the emissions limitation applies.
        Nameplate capacity means the maximum electrical generating output 
    (in MWe) that a generator can sustain over a specified period of time 
    when not restricted by seasonal or other deratings as measured in 
    accordance with the United States Department of Energy standards.
        Non-title V permit means a federally enforceable permit 
    administered by the permitting authority pursuant to the Clean Air Act 
    and regulatory authority under the Clean Air Act, other than title V of 
    the Clean Air Act and part 70 or 71 of this chapter.
        NOX allowance means an authorization by the permitting 
    authority or the Administrator under the NOX Budget Trading 
    Program to emit up to one ton of nitrogen oxides during the control 
    period of the specified year or of any year thereafter.
        NOX allowance deduction or deduct NOX 
    allowances means the permanent withdrawal of NOX allowances 
    by the Administrator from a NOX Allowance Tracking System 
    compliance account or overdraft account to account for the number of 
    tons of NOX emissions from a NOX Budget unit for 
    a control period, determined in accordance with subpart H of this part, 
    or for any other allowance surrender obligation under this part.
        NOX allowances held or hold NOX allowances 
    means the NOX allowances recorded by the Administrator, or 
    submitted to the Administrator for recordation, in accordance with 
    subpart G of this part, in a NOX Allowance Tracking System 
        NOX Allowance Tracking System means the system by which 
    the Administrator records allocations, deductions, and transfers of 
    NOX allowances under the NOX Budget Trading 
        NOX Allowance Tracking System account means an account 
    in the NOX Allowance Tracking System established by the 
    Administrator for purposes of recording the allocation, holding, 
    transferring, or deducting of NOX allowances.
        NOX allowance transfer deadline means midnight of 
    November 30 or, if November 30 is not a business day, midnight of the 
    first business day thereafter and is the deadline by which 
    NOX allowances may be submitted for recordation in a 
    NOX Budget unit's compliance account, or the overdraft 
    account of the source where the unit is located, in order to meet the 
    unit's NOX Budget emissions limitation for the control 
    period immediately preceding such deadline.
        NOX authorized account representative means, for a 
    NOX Budget source or NOX Budget unit at the 
    source, the natural person who is authorized by the owners and 
    operators of the source and all NOX Budget units at the 
    source, in accordance with subpart B of this part, to represent and 
    legally bind each owner and operator in matters pertaining to the 
    NOX Budget Trading Program or, for a general account, the 
    natural person who is authorized, in accordance with subpart F of this 
    part, to transfer or otherwise dispose of NOX allowances 
    held in the general account.
        NOX Budget emissions limitation means the tonnage 
    equivalent of the NOX allowances allocated to a 
    NOX Budget unit for use in a control period adjusted, as of 
    the NOX allowance transfer deadline, by transfers to or from 
    the unit's compliance account, or the overdraft account of the source 
    where the unit is located, of NOX allowances available for 
    compliance deductions for the unit for the control period in accordance 
    with Sec. 96.54.
        NOX Budget opt-in permit means a NOX Budget 
    permit covering a NOX Budget opt-in source.
        NOX Budget opt-in source means a unit that has been 
    elected to become a NOX Budget unit under the NOX 
    Budget Trading Program and whose opt-in permit has been issued and is 
    in effect under subpart I of this part.
        NOX Budget permit means the legally binding and 
    federally enforceable written document, or portion of such document, 
    issued by the permitting authority under this part, including any 
    permit revisions, specifying the NOX Budget Trading Program 
    requirements applicable to a NOX Budget source, to each 
    NOX Budget unit at the NOX Budget source, and to 
    the owners and operators and the NOX authorized account 
    representative of the NOX Budget source and each 
    NOX Budget unit.
        NOX Budget source means a source that includes one or 
    more NOX Budget units.
        NOX Budget Trading Program means a regional nitrogen 
    oxides air pollution control and emission reduction program established 
    in accordance with this part and pursuant to Sec. 51.121 of this 
    chapter, as a means of mitigating the interstate transport of ozone and 
    nitrogen oxides, an ozone precursor.
        NOX Budget unit means a unit that is subject to the 
    NOX Budget Trading Program emissions limitation under 
    Sec. 96.4 or Sec. 96.80.
        Operating means, with regard to a unit under Secs. 96.22(d)(2) and 
    96.80, having documented heat input for more than 876 hours in the 6 
    months immediately preceding the submission of an application for an 
    initial NOX Budget permit under Sec. 96.83(a).
        Operator means any person who operates, controls, or supervises a 
    NOX Budget unit, a NOX Budget source, or unit for 
    which an application for a NOX Budget opt-in permit under 
    Sec. 96.83 is being or has been submitted and shall include, but not be 
    limited to, any holding company, utility system, or plant manager of 
    such a unit or source.
        Opt-in means to be elected to become a NOX Budget unit 
    under the NOX Budget Trading Program through a final, 
    effective NOX Budget opt-in permit under subpart I of this 
        Overdraft account means the NOX Allowance Tracking 
    System account, established by the Administrator under subpart F of 
    this part, for each NOX Budget source where there are two or 
    more NOX Budget units.
        Owner means any of the following persons:
        (1) Any holder of any portion of the legal or equitable title in a 
    NOX Budget unit or in a unit for which an application for a 
    NOX Budget opt-in permit under Sec. 96.83 is being or has 
    been submitted; or
        (2) Any holder of a leasehold interest in a NOX Budget 
    unit or in a unit for which an application for a NOX Budget 
    opt-in permit under Sec. 96.83 is being or has been submitted; or
    [[Page 25978]]
        (3) Any purchaser of power from a NOX Budget unit or 
    from a unit for which an application for a NOX Budget opt-in 
    permit under Sec. 96.83 is being or has been submitted under a life-of-
    the-unit, firm power contractual arrangement. However, unless expressly 
    provided for in a leasehold agreement, owner shall not include a 
    passive lessor, or a person who has an equitable interest through such 
    lessor, whose rental payments are not based, either directly or 
    indirectly, upon the revenues or income from the NOX Budget 
    unit or the unit for which an application for a NOX Budget 
    opt-in permit under Sec. 96.83 is being or has been submitted; or
        (4) With respect to any general account, any person who has an 
    ownership interest with respect to the NOX allowances held 
    in the general account and who is subject to the binding agreement for 
    the NOX authorized account representative to represent that 
    person's ownership interest with respect to NOX allowances.
        Permitting authority means the State air pollution control agency, 
    local agency, other State agency, or other agency authorized by the 
    Administrator to issue or revise permits to meet the requirements of 
    the NOX Budget Trading Program in accordance with subpart C 
    of this part.
        Receive or receipt of means, when referring to the permitting 
    authority or the Administrator, to come into possession of a document, 
    information, or correspondence (whether sent in writing or by 
    authorized electronic transmission), as indicated in an official 
    correspondence log, or by a notation made on the document, information, 
    or correspondence, by the permitting authority or the Administrator in 
    the regular course of business.
        Recordation, record, or recorded means, with regard to 
    NOX allowances, the movement of NOX allowances by 
    the Administrator from one NOX Allowance Tracking System 
    account to another, for purposes of allocation, transfer, or deduction.
        Reference method means any direct test method of sampling and 
    analyzing for an air pollutant as specified in appendix A of part 60 of 
    this chapter.
        Serial number means, when referring to NOX allowances, 
    the unique identification number assigned to each NOX 
    allowance by the Administrator, under Sec. 96.53(c).
        Source means any governmental, institutional, commercial, or 
    industrial structure, installation, plant, building, or facility that 
    emits or has the potential to emit any regulated air pollutant under 
    the Clean Air Act. For purposes of section 502(c) of the Clean Air Act, 
    a ``source,'' including a ``source'' with multiple units, shall be 
    considered a single ``facility.''
        State means one of the 48 contiguous States and the District of 
    Columbia specified in Sec. 51.121(c) of this chapter, or any non-
    federal authority in or including such States or the District of 
    Columbia (including local agencies, and Statewide agencies) or any 
    eligible Indian tribe in an area of such State or the District of 
    Columbia, that adopts a NOX Budget Trading Program pursuant 
    to Sec. 51.121 of this chapter. To the extent a State incorporates by 
    reference this part, the term ``State'' shall mean the incorporating 
    State. The term ``State'' shall have its conventional meaning where 
    such meaning is clear from the context.
        State trading program budget means the total number of 
    NOX tons apportioned to all NOX Budget units in a 
    given State, in accordance with the NOX Budget Trading 
    Program, for use in a given control period.
        Submit or serve means to send or transmit a document, information, 
    or correspondence to the person specified in accordance with the 
    applicable regulation:
        (1) In person;
        (2) By United States Postal Service; or
        (3) By other means of dispatch or transmission and delivery. 
    Compliance with any ``submission,'' ``service,'' or ``mailing'' 
    deadline shall be determined by the date of dispatch, transmission, or 
    mailing and not the date of receipt.
        Title V operating permit means a permit issued under title V of the 
    Clean Air Act and part 70 or part 71 of this chapter.
        Title V operating permit regulations means the regulations that the 
    Administrator has approved as meeting the requirements of title V of 
    the Clean Air Act and part 70 or 71 of this chapter.
        Ton or tonnage means any ``short ton'' (i.e., 2,000 pounds). For 
    the purpose of determining compliance with the NOX Budget 
    emissions limitation, total tons for a control period shall be 
    calculated as the sum of all recorded hourly emissions (or the tonnage 
    equivalent of the recorded hourly emissions rates) in accordance with 
    subpart H of this part, with any remaining fraction of a ton equal to 
    or greater than 0.50 ton deemed to equal one ton and any fraction of a 
    ton less than 0.50 ton deemed to equal zero tons.
        Unit means a stationary boiler, combustion turbine, or combined 
    cycle system.
        Unit load means the total (i.e., gross) output of a unit in any 
    control period (or other specified time period) produced by combusting 
    a given heat input of fuel, expressed in terms of:
        (1) The total electrical generation (MWe) for use within the plant 
    and for sale; or
        (2) In the case of a unit that uses heat input for purposes other 
    than electrical generation, the total steam pressure (psia) produced by 
    the unit.
        Unit operating day means a calendar day in which a unit combusts 
    any fuel.
        Unit operating hour or hour of unit operation means any hour (or 
    fraction of an hour) during which a unit combusts any fuel.
        Utilization means the heat input (expressed in mmBtu/time) for a 
    Sec. 96.3  Measurements, abbreviations, and acronyms.
        Measurements, abbreviations, and acronyms used in this part are 
    defined as follows:
    Btu--British thermal unit.
    Kwh--kilowatt hour.
    mmBtu--million Btu.
    MWe--megawatt electrical.
    ton--2000 pounds
    CO2--carbon dioxide.
    NOX--nitrogen oxides.
    Sec. 96.4  Applicability.
        The following units in a State shall be NOX Budget 
    units, and any source that includes one or more such units shall be a 
    NOX Budget source, subject to the requirements of this part:
        (a) Any unit that, any time on or after January 1, 1995, serves a 
    generator with a nameplate capacity greater than 25 MWe; or
        (b) Any unit that is not a unit under paragraph (a) of this section 
    and that, any time on or after January 1, 1995, does not serve a 
    generator and has a maximum design heat input greater than 250 mmBtu/
    Sec. 96.5  Retired unit exemption.
        (a) This section applies to any NOX Budget unit, other 
    than a NOX Budget opt-in source, that is permanently 
        (b)(1) Any NOX Budget unit, other than a NOX 
    Budget opt-in source, that is permanently retired shall be exempt from 
    the NOX Budget Trading Program, except for the provisions of 
    this section, Secs. 96.2, 96.3, 96.4, 96.7 and subparts E, F, and G of 
    this part.
        (2) The exemption under paragraph (b)(1) of this section shall 
    become effective the day on which the unit is permanently retired. 
    Within 30 days of permanent retirement, the NOX authorized 
    account representative (authorized in accordance with subpart
    [[Page 25979]]
    B of this part) shall submit a statement to the permitting authority 
    otherwise responsible for administering a NOX Budget permit 
    for the unit. A copy of the statement shall be submitted to the 
    Administrator. The statement shall state (in a format prescribed by the 
    permitting authority) that the unit is permanently retired and will 
    comply with the requirements of paragraph (c) of this section.
        (3) After receipt of the notice under paragraph (b)(2) of this 
    section, the permitting authority will amend the permit covering the 
    source at which the unit is located to add the provisions and 
    requirements of the exemption under paragraphs (b)(1) and (c) of this 
        (c) Special provisions. (1) A unit exempt under this section shall 
    not emit any nitrogen oxides, starting on the date that the exemption 
    takes effect. The owners and operators of the unit will be allocated 
    allowances in accordance with subpart E of this part.
        (2)(i) A unit exempt under this section and located at a source 
    that is required, or but for this exemption would be required, to have 
    a title V operating permit shall not resume operation unless the 
    NOX authorized account representative of the source submits 
    a complete NOX Budget permit application under Sec. 96.22 
    for the unit not less than 18 months (or such lesser time provided 
    under the permitting authority's title V operating permits regulations) 
    prior to the later of May 1, 2003 or the date on which the unit is to 
    first resume operation.
        (ii) A unit exempt under this section and located at a source that 
    is required, or but for this exemption would be required, to have a 
    non-title V permit shall not resume operation unless the NOX 
    authorized account representative of the source submits a complete 
    NOX Budget permit application under Sec. 96.22 for the unit 
    not less than 18 months (or such lesser time provided under the 
    permitting authority's non-title V permits regulations) prior to the 
    later of May 1, 2003 or the date on which the unit is to first resume 
        (3) The owners and operators and, to the extent applicable, the 
    NOX authorized account representative of a unit exempt under 
    this section shall comply with the requirements of the NOX 
    Budget Trading Program concerning all periods for which the exemption 
    is not in effect, even if such requirements arise, or must be complied 
    with, after the exemption takes effect.
        (4) A unit that is exempt under this section is not eligible to be 
    a NOX Budget opt-in source under subpart I of this part.
        (5) For a period of 5 years from the date the records are created, 
    the owners and operators of a unit exempt under this section shall 
    retain at the source that includes the unit, records demonstrating that 
    the unit is permanently retired. The 5-year period for keeping records 
    may be extended for cause, at any time prior to the end of the period, 
    in writing by the permitting authority or the Administrator. The owners 
    and operators bear the burden of proof that the unit is permanently 
        (6) Loss of exemption. (i) On the earlier of the following dates, a 
    unit exempt under paragraph (b) of this section shall lose its 
        (A) The date on which the NOX authorized account 
    representative submits a NOX Budget permit application under 
    paragraph (c)(2) of this section; or
        (B) The date on which the NOX authorized account 
    representative is required under paragraph (c)(2) of this section to 
    submit a NOX Budget permit application.
        (ii) For the purpose of applying monitoring requirements under 
    subpart H of this part, a unit that loses its exemption under this 
    section shall be treated as a unit that commences operation or 
    commercial operation on the first date on which the unit resumes 
    Sec. 96.6  Standard requirements.
        (a) Permit Requirements. (1) The NOX authorized account 
    representative of each NOX Budget source and each 
    NOX Budget unit at the source shall:
        (i) Submit to the permitting authority a complete NOX 
    Budget permit application under Sec. 96.22 in accordance with the 
    deadlines specified in Sec. 96.21(b) and (c);
        (ii) Submit in a timely manner any supplemental information that 
    the permitting authority determines is necessary in order to review a 
    NOX Budget permit application and issue or deny a 
    NOX Budget permit.
        (2) The owners and operators of each NOX Budget source 
    and each NOX Budget unit at the source shall have a 
    NOX Budget permit issued by the permitting authority and 
    operate the unit in compliance with such NOX Budget permit.
        (b) Monitoring requirements. (1) The owners and operators and, to 
    the extent applicable, the NOX authorized account 
    representative of each NOX Budget source and each 
    NOX Budget unit at the source shall comply with the 
    monitoring requirements of subpart H of this part.
        (2) The emissions measurements recorded and reported in accordance 
    with subpart H of this part shall be used to determine compliance by 
    the unit with the NOX Budget emissions limitation under 
    paragraph (c) of this section.
        (c) Nitrogen oxides requirements. (1) The owners and operators of 
    each NOX Budget source and each NOX Budget unit 
    at the source shall hold NOX allowances available for 
    compliance deductions under Sec. 96.54, as of the NOX 
    allowance transfer deadline, in the unit's compliance account and the 
    source's overdraft account in an amount not less than the total 
    NOX emissions for the control period from the unit, as 
    determined in accordance with subpart H of this part, plus any amount 
    necessary to account for actual utilization under Sec. 96.42(d) for the 
    control period.
        (2) Each ton of nitrogen oxides emitted in excess of the 
    NOX Budget emissions limitation shall constitute a separate 
    violation of this part, the Clean Air Act, and applicable State law.
        (3) A NOX Budget unit shall be subject to the 
    requirements under paragraph (c)(1) of this section starting on the 
    later of May 1, 2003 or the date on which the unit commences operation.
        (4) NOX allowances shall be held in, deducted from, or 
    transferred among NOX Allowance Tracking System accounts in 
    accordance with subparts E, F, G, and I of this part.
        (5) A NOX allowance shall not be deducted, in order to 
    comply with the requirements under paragraph (c)(1) of this section, 
    for a control period in a year prior to the year for which the 
    NOX allowance was allocated.
        (6) A NOX allowance allocated by the permitting 
    authority under the NOX Budget Trading Program is a limited 
    authorization to emit one ton of nitrogen oxides in accordance with the 
    NOX Budget Trading Program. No provision of the 
    NOX Budget Trading Program, the NOX Budget permit 
    application, the NOX Budget permit, or an exemption under 
    Sec. 96.5 and no provision of law shall be construed to limit the 
    authority of the United States or the State to terminate or limit such 
        (7) A NOX allowance allocated by the permitting 
    authority or the Administrator under the NOX Budget Trading 
    Program does not constitute a property right.
        (8) Upon recordation by the Administrator under subpart F, G, or I 
    of this part, every allocation, transfer, or deduction of a 
    NOX allowance to or from a NOX Budget unit's 
    compliance account or the overdraft account of the source where the 
    unit is located is
    [[Page 25980]]
    deemed to amend automatically, and become a part of, the NOX 
    Budget unit's NOX Budget permit by operation of law without 
    any further review.
        (d) Excess emissions requirements. (1) The owners and operators of 
    a NOX Budget unit that has excess emissions in any control 
    period shall:
        (i) Surrender the NOX allowances required for deduction 
    under Sec. 96.54(d)(1); and
        (ii) Pay any fine, penalty, or assessment or comply with any other 
    remedy imposed under Sec. 96.54(d)(3).
        (2) [Reserved]
        (e) Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements. (1) Unless otherwise 
    provided, the owners and operators of the NOX Budget source 
    and each NOX Budget unit at the source shall keep on site at 
    the source each of the following documents for a period of 5 years from 
    the date the document is created. This period may be extended for 
    cause, at any time prior to the end of 5 years, in writing by the 
    permitting authority or the Administrator.
        (i) The account certificate of representation for the 
    NOX authorized account representative for the source and 
    each NOX Budget unit at the source and all documents that 
    demonstrate the truth of the statements in the account certificate of 
    representation, in accordance with Sec. 96.13; ``provided'' that the 
    certificate and documents shall be retained on site at the source 
    beyond such 5-year period until such documents are superseded because 
    of the submission of a new account certificate of representation 
    changing the NOX authorized account representative.
        (ii) All emissions monitoring information, in accordance with 
    subpart H of this part; ``provided'' that to the extent that subpart H 
    of this part provides for a 3-year period for recordkeeping, the 3-year 
    period shall apply.
        (iii) Copies of all reports, compliance certifications, and other 
    submissions and all records made or required under the NOX 
    Budget Trading Program.
        (iv) Copies of all documents used to complete a NOX 
    Budget permit application and any other submission under the 
    NOX Budget Trading Program or to demonstrate compliance with 
    the requirements of the NOX Budget Trading Program.
        (2) The NOX authorized account representative of a 
    NOX Budget source and each NOX Budget unit at the 
    source shall submit the reports and compliance certifications required 
    under the NOX Budget Trading Program, including those under 
    subparts D, H, or I of this part.
        (f) Liability. (1) Any person who knowingly violates any 
    requirement or prohibition of the NOX Budget Trading 
    Program, a NOX Budget permit, or an exemption under 
    Sec. 96.5 shall be subject to enforcement pursuant to applicable State 
    or Federal law.
        (2) Any person who knowingly makes a false material statement in 
    any record, submission, or report under the NOX Budget 
    Trading Program shall be subject to criminal enforcement pursuant to 
    the applicable State or Federal law.
        (3) No permit revision shall excuse any violation of the 
    requirements of the NOX Budget Trading Program that occurs 
    prior to the date that the revision takes effect.
        (4) Each NOX Budget source and each NOX 
    Budget unit shall meet the requirements of the NOX Budget 
    Trading Program.
        (5) Any provision of the NOX Budget Trading Program that 
    applies to a NOX Budget source (including a provision 
    applicable to the NOX authorized account representative of a 
    NOX Budget source) shall also apply to the owners and 
    operators of such source and of the NOX Budget units at the 
        (6) Any provision of the NOX Budget Trading Program that 
    applies to a NOX Budget unit (including a provision 
    applicable to the NOX authorized account representative of a 
    NOX budget unit) shall also apply to the owners and 
    operators of such unit. Except with regard to the requirements 
    applicable to units with a common stack under subpart H of this part, 
    the owners and operators and the NOX authorized account 
    representative of one NOX Budget unit shall not be liable 
    for any violation by any other NOX Budget unit of which they 
    are not owners or operators or the NOX authorized account 
    representative and that is located at a source of which they are not 
    owners or operators or the NOX authorized account 
        (g) Effect on Other Authorities. No provision of the NOX 
    Budget Trading Program, a NOX Budget permit application, a 
    NOX Budget permit, or an exemption under Sec. 96.5 shall be 
    construed as exempting or excluding the owners and operators and, to 
    the extent applicable, the NOX authorized account 
    representative of a NOX Budget source or NOX 
    Budget unit from compliance with any other provision of the applicable, 
    approved State implementation plan, a federally enforceable permit, or 
    the Clean Air Act.
    Sec. 96.7  Computation of time.
        (a) Unless otherwise stated, any time period scheduled, under the 
    NOX Budget Trading Program, to begin on the occurrence of an 
    act or event shall begin on the day the act or event occurs.
        (b) Unless otherwise stated, any time period scheduled, under the 
    NOX Budget Trading Program, to begin before the occurrence 
    of an act or event shall be computed so that the period ends the day 
    before the act or event occurs.
        (c) Unless otherwise stated, if the final day of any time period, 
    under the NOX Budget Trading Program, falls on a weekend or 
    a State or Federal holiday, the time period shall be extended to the 
    next business day.
    Subpart B--NOX Authorized Account Representative for 
    NOX Budget Sources
    Sec. 96.10  Authorization and responsibilities of the NOX 
    authorized account representative.
        (a) Except as provided under Sec. 96.11, each NOX Budget 
    source, including all NOX Budget units at the source, shall 
    have one and only one NOX authorized account representative, 
    with regard to all matters under the NOX Budget Trading 
    Program concerning the source or any NOX Budget unit at the 
        (b) The NOX authorized account representative of the 
    NOX Budget source shall be selected by an agreement binding 
    on the owners and operators of the source and all NOX Budget 
    units at the source.
        (c) Upon receipt by the Administrator of a complete account 
    certificate of representation under Sec. 96.13, the NOX 
    authorized account representative of the source shall represent and, by 
    his or her representations, actions, inactions, or submissions, legally 
    bind each owner and operator of the NOX Budget source 
    represented and each NOX Budget unit at the source in all 
    matters pertaining to the NOX Budget Trading Program, not 
    withstanding any agreement between the NOX authorized 
    account representative and such owners and operators. The owners and 
    operators shall be bound by any decision or order issued to the 
    NOX authorized account representative by the permitting 
    authority, the Administrator, or a court regarding the source or unit.
        (d) No NOX Budget permit shall be issued, and no 
    NOX Allowance Tracking System account shall be established 
    for a NOX Budget unit at a source, until the Administrator 
    has received a complete account certificate of representation under 
    Sec. 96.13 for a NOX authorized account representative of 
    the source and the NOX Budget units at the source.
        (e) (1) Each submission under the NOX Budget Trading 
    Program shall be submitted, signed, and certified by the NOX 
    authorized account representative
    [[Page 25981]]
    for each NOX Budget source on behalf of which the submission 
    is made. Each such submission shall include the following certification 
    statement by the NOX authorized account representative: ``I 
    am authorized to make this submission on behalf of the owners and 
    operators of the NOX Budget sources or NOX Budget 
    units for which the submission is made. I certify under penalty of law 
    that I have personally examined, and am familiar with, the statements 
    and information submitted in this document and all its attachments. 
    Based on my inquiry of those individuals with primary responsibility 
    for obtaining the information, I certify that the statements and 
    information are to the best of my knowledge and belief true, accurate, 
    and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for 
    submitting false statements and information or omitting required 
    statements and information, including the possibility of fine or 
        (2) The permitting authority and the Administrator will accept or 
    act on a submission made on behalf of owner or operators of a 
    NOX Budget source or a NOX Budget unit only if 
    the submission has been made, signed, and certified in accordance with 
    paragraph (e)(1) of this section.
    Sec. 96.11  Alternate NOX authorized account representative.
        (a) An account certificate of representation may designate one and 
    only one alternate NOX authorized account representative who 
    may act on behalf of the NOX authorized account 
    representative. The agreement by which the alternate NOX 
    authorized account representative is selected shall include a procedure 
    for authorizing the alternate NOX authorized account 
    representative to act in lieu of the NOX authorized account 
        (b) Upon receipt by the Administrator of a complete account 
    certificate of representation under Sec. 96.13, any representation, 
    action, inaction, or submission by the alternate NOX 
    authorized account representative shall be deemed to be a 
    representation, action, inaction, or submission by the NOX 
    authorized account representative.
        (c) Except in this section and Secs. 96.10(a), 96.12, 96.13, and 
    96.51, whenever the term ``NOX authorized account 
    representative'' is used in this part, the term shall be construed to 
    include the alternate NOX authorized account representative.
    Sec. 96.12  Changing the NOX authorized account 
    representative alternate NOX authorized account 
    representative; changes in the owners and operators.
        (a) Changing the NOX authorized account representative. 
    The NOX authorized account representative may be changed at 
    any time upon receipt by the Administrator of a superseding complete 
    account certificate of representation under Sec. 96.13. Notwithstanding 
    any such change, all representations, actions, inactions, and 
    submissions by the previous NOX authorized account 
    representative prior to the time and date when the Administrator 
    receives the superseding account certificate of representation shall be 
    binding on the new NOX authorized account representative and 
    the owners and operators of the NOX Budget source and the 
    NOX Budget units at the source.
        (b) Changing the alternate NOX authorized account 
    representative. The alternate NOX authorized account 
    representative may be changed at any time upon receipt by the 
    Administrator of a superseding complete account certificate of 
    representation under Sec. 96.13. Notwithstanding any such change, all 
    representations, actions, inactions, and submissions by the previous 
    alternate NOX authorized account representative prior to the 
    time and date when the Administrator receives the superseding account 
    certificate of representation shall be binding on the new alternate 
    NOX authorized account representative and the owners and 
    operators of the NOX Budget source and the NOX 
    Budget units at the source.
        (c) Changes in the owners and operators. (1) In the event a new 
    owner or operator of a NOX Budget source or a NOX 
    Budget unit is not included in the list of owners and operators 
    submitted in the account certificate of representation, such new owner 
    or operator shall be deemed to be subject to and bound by the account 
    certificate of representation, the representations, actions, inactions, 
    and submissions of the NOX authorized account representative 
    and any alternate NOX authorized account representative of 
    the source or unit, and the decisions, orders, actions, and inactions 
    of the permitting authority or the Administrator, as if the new owner 
    or operator were included in such list.
        (2) Within 30 days following any change in the owners and operators 
    of a NOX Budget source or a NOX Budget unit, 
    including the addition of a new owner or operator, the NOX 
    authorized account representative or alternate NOX 
    authorized account representative shall submit a revision to the 
    account certificate of representation amending the list of owners and 
    operators to include the change.
    Sec. 96.13  Account certificate of representation.
        (a) A complete account certificate of representation for a 
    NOX authorized account representative or an alternate 
    NOX authorized account representative shall include the 
    following elements in a format prescribed by the Administrator:
        (1) Identification of the NOX Budget source and each 
    NOX Budget unit at the source for which the account 
    certificate of representation is submitted.
        (2) The name, address, e-mail address (if any), telephone number, 
    and facsimile transmission number (if any) of the NOX 
    authorized account representative and any alternate NOX 
    authorized account representative.
        (3) A list of the owners and operators of the NOX Budget 
    source and of each NOX Budget unit at the source.
        (4) The following certification statement by the NOX 
    authorized account representative and any alternate NOX 
    authorized account representative: ``I certify that I was selected as 
    the NOX authorized account representative or alternate 
    NOX authorized account representative, as applicable, by an 
    agreement binding on the owners and operators of the NOX 
    Budget source and each NOX Budget unit at the source. I 
    certify that I have all the necessary authority to carry out my duties 
    and responsibilities under the NOX Budget Trading Program on 
    behalf of the owners and operators of the NOX Budget source 
    and of each NOX Budget unit at the source and that each such 
    owner and operator shall be fully bound by my representations, actions, 
    inactions, or submissions and by any decision or order issued to me by 
    the permitting authority, the Administrator, or a court regarding the 
    source or unit.''
        (5) The signature of the NOX authorized account 
    representative and any alternate NOX authorized account 
    representative and the dates signed.
        (b) Unless otherwise required by the permitting authority or the 
    Administrator, documents of agreement or notice referred to in the 
    account certificate of representation shall not be submitted to the 
    permitting authority or the Administrator. Neither the permitting 
    authority nor the Administrator shall be under any obligation to review 
    or evaluate the sufficiency of such documents, if submitted.
    [[Page 25982]]
    Sec. 96.14  Objections concerning the NOX authorized account 
        (a) Once a complete account certificate of representation under 
    Sec. 96.13 has been submitted and received, the permitting authority 
    and the Administrator will rely on the account certificate of 
    representation unless and until a superseding complete account 
    certificate of representation under Sec. 96.13 is received by the 
        (b) Except as provided in Sec. 96.12(a) or (b), no objection or 
    other communication submitted to the permitting authority or the 
    Administrator concerning the authorization, or any representation, 
    action, inaction, or submission of the NOX authorized 
    account representative shall affect any representation, action, 
    inaction, or submission of the NOX authorized account 
    representative or the finality of any decision or order by the 
    permitting authority or the Administrator under the NOX 
    Budget Trading Program.
        (c) Neither the permitting authority nor the Administrator will 
    adjudicate any private legal dispute concerning the authorization or 
    any representation, action, inaction, or submission of any 
    NOX authorized account representative, including private 
    legal disputes concerning the proceeds of NOX allowance 
    Subpart C--Permits
    Sec. 96.20  General NOX budget trading program permit 
        (a) Each NOX Budget source shall have a federally 
    enforceable permit, which shall include a NOX Budget permit, 
    administered by the permitting authority.
        (1) For NOX Budget sources required to have a title V 
    operating permit, the NOX Budget portion of the title V 
    permit shall be administered in accordance with the permitting 
    authority's title V operating permits regulations promulgated under 
    part 70 or 71 of this chapter, except as provided otherwise by this 
    subpart or subpart I of this part. The applicable provisions of such 
    title V operating permits regulations shall include, but are not 
    limited to, those provisions addressing operating permit applications, 
    operating permit application shield, operating permit duration, 
    operating permit shield, operating permit issuance, operating permit 
    revision and reopening, public participation, and State and EPA review.
        (2) For NOX Budget sources required to have a non-title 
    V permit, the NOX Budget portion of the non-title V permit 
    shall be administered in accordance with the permitting authority's 
    regulations promulgated to administer non-title V permits, except as 
    provided otherwise by this subpart or subpart I of this part. The 
    applicable provisions of such non-title V permits regulations may 
    include, but are not limited to, provisions addressing permit 
    applications, permit application shield, permit duration, permit 
    shield, permit issuance, permit revision and reopening, public 
    participation, and State and EPA review.
        (b) Each NOX Budget permit (including a draft or 
    proposed NOX Budget permit, if applicable) shall contain all 
    applicable NOX Budget Trading Program requirements and shall 
    be a complete and segregable portion of the permit under paragraph (a) 
    of this section.
    Sec. 96.21  Submission of NOX Budget permit applications.
        (a) Duty to apply. The NOX authorized account 
    representative of any NOX Budget source with one or more 
    NOX Budget units shall submit to the permitting authority a 
    complete NOX Budget permit application under Sec. 96.22 by 
    the applicable deadline in paragraph (b) of this section.
        (b)(1) For NOX Budget sources required to have a title V 
    operating permit:
        (i) For any source, with one or more NOX Budget units 
    under Sec. 96.4 that commence operation before January 1, 2000, the 
    NOX authorized account representative shall submit a 
    complete NOX Budget permit application under Sec. 96.22 
    covering such NOX Budget units to the permitting authority 
    at least 18 months (or such lesser time provided under the permitting 
    authority's title V operating permits regulations for final action on a 
    permit application) before May 1, 2003.
        (ii) For any source, with any NOX Budget unit under 
    Sec. 96.4 that commences operation on or after January 1, 2000, the 
    NOX authorized account representative shall submit a 
    complete NOX Budget permit application under Sec. 96.22 
    covering such NOX Budget unit to the permitting authority at 
    least 18 months (or such lesser time provided under the permitting 
    authority's title V operating permits regulations for final action on a 
    permit application) before the later of May 1, 2003 or the date on 
    which the NOX Budget unit commences operation.
        (2) For NOX Budget sources required to have a non-title 
    V permit:
        (i) For any source, with one or more NOX Budget units 
    under Sec. 96.4 that commence operation before January 1, 2000, the 
    NOX authorized account representative shall submit a 
    complete NOX Budget permit application under Sec. 96.22 
    covering such NOX Budget units to the permitting authority 
    at least 18 months (or such lesser time provided under the permitting 
    authority's non-title V permits regulations for final action on a 
    permit application) before May 1, 2003.
        (ii) For any source, with any NOX Budget unit under 
    Sec. 96.4 that commences operation on or after January 1, 2000, the 
    NOX authorized account representative shall submit a 
    complete NOX Budget permit application under Sec. 96.22 
    covering such NOX Budget unit to the permitting authority at 
    least 18 months (or such lesser time provided under the permitting 
    authority's non-title V permits regulations for final action on a 
    permit application) before the later of May 1, 2003 or the date on 
    which the NOX Budget unit commences operation.
        (c) Duty to Reapply. (1) For a NOX Budget source 
    required to have a title V operating permit, the NOX 
    authorized account representative shall submit a complete 
    NOX Budget permit application under Sec. 96.22 for the 
    NOX Budget source covering the NOX Budget units 
    at the source in accordance with the permitting authority's title V 
    operating permits regulations addressing operating permit renewal.
        (2) For a NOX Budget source required to have a non-title 
    V permit, the NOX authorized account representative shall 
    submit a complete NOX Budget permit application under 
    Sec. 96.22 for the NOX Budget source covering the 
    NOX Budget units at the source in accordance with the 
    permitting authority's non-title V permits regulations addressing 
    permit renewal.
    Sec. 96.22  Information requirements for NOX Budget permit 
        A complete NOX Budget permit application shall include 
    the following elements concerning the NOX Budget source for 
    which the application is submitted, in a format prescribed by the 
    permitting authority:
        (a) Identification of the NOX Budget source, including 
    plant name and the ORIS (Office of Regulatory Information Systems) or 
    facility code assigned to the source by the Energy Information 
    Administration, if applicable;
        (b) Identification of each NOX Budget unit at the 
    NOX Budget source and whether it is a NOX Budget 
    unit under Sec. 96.4 or under subpart I of this part;
        (c) The standard requirements under Sec. 96.6; and
        (d) For each NOX Budget opt-in unit at the 
    NOX Budget source, the following
    [[Page 25983]]
    certification statements by the NOX authorized account 
        (1) ``I certify that each unit for which this permit application is 
    submitted under subpart I of this part is not a NOX Budget 
    unit under 40 CFR 96.4 and is not covered by a retired unit exemption 
    under 40 CFR 96.5 that is in effect.''
        (2) If the application is for an initial NOX Budget opt-
    in permit, ``I certify that each unit for which this permit application 
    is submitted under subpart I is currently operating, as that term is 
    defined under 40 CFR 96.2.''
    Sec. 96.23  NOX Budget permit contents.
        (a) Each NOX Budget permit (including any draft or 
    proposed NOX Budget permit, if applicable) will contain, in 
    a format prescribed by the permitting authority, all elements required 
    for a complete NOX Budget permit application under 
    Sec. 96.22 as approved or adjusted by the permitting authority.
        (b) Each NOX Budget permit is deemed to incorporate 
    automatically the definitions of terms under Sec. 96.2 and, upon 
    recordation by the Administrator under subparts F, G, or I of this 
    part, every allocation, transfer, or deduction of a NOX 
    allowance to or from the compliance accounts of the NOX 
    Budget units covered by the permit or the overdraft account of the 
    NOX Budget source covered by the permit.
    Sec. 96.24  Effective date of initial NOX budget permit.
        The initial NOX Budget permit covering a NOX 
    Budget unit for which a complete NOX Budget permit 
    application is timely submitted under Sec. 96.21(b) shall become 
    effective by the later of:
        (a) May 1, 2003;
        (b) May 1 of the year in which the NOX Budget unit 
    commences operation, if the unit commences operation on or before May 1 
    of that year;
        (c) The date on which the NOX Budget unit commences 
    operation, if the unit commences operation during a control period; or
        (d) May 1 of the year following the year in which the 
    NOX Budget unit commences operation, if the unit commences 
    operation on or after October 1 of the year.
    Sec. 96.25  NOX Budget permit revisions.
        (a) For a NOX Budget source with a title V operating 
    permit, except as provided in Sec. 96.23(b), the permitting authority 
    will revise the NOX Budget permit, as necessary, in 
    accordance with the permitting authority's title V operating permits 
    regulations addressing permit revisions.
        (b) For a NOX Budget source with a non-title V permit, 
    except as provided in Sec. 96.23(b), the permitting authority will 
    revise the NOX Budget permit, as necessary, in accordance 
    with the permitting authority's non-title V permits regulations 
    addressing permit revisions.
    Subpart D--Compliance Certification
    Sec. 96.30  Compliance certification report.
        (a) Applicability and deadline. For each control period in which 
    one or more NOX Budget units at a source are subject to the 
    NOX Budget emissions limitation, the NOX 
    authorized account representative of the source shall submit to the 
    permitting authority and the Administrator by November 30 of that year, 
    a compliance certification report for each source covering all such 
        (b) Contents of report. The NOX authorized account 
    representative shall include in the compliance certification report 
    under paragraph (a) of this section the following elements, in a format 
    prescribed by the Administrator, concerning each unit at the source and 
    subject to the NOX Budget emissions limitation for the 
    control period covered by the report:
        (1) Identification of each NOX Budget unit;
        (2) At the NOX authorized account representative's 
    option, the serial numbers of the NOX allowances that are to 
    be deducted from each unit's compliance account under Sec. 96.54 for 
    the control period;
        (3) At the NOX authorized account representative's 
    option, for units sharing a common stack and having NOX 
    emissions that are not monitored separately or apportioned in 
    accordance with subpart H of this part, the percentage of allowances 
    that is to be deducted from each unit's compliance account under 
    Sec. 96.54(e); and
        (4) The compliance certification under paragraph (c) of this 
        (c) Compliance certification. In the compliance certification 
    report under paragraph (a) of this section, the NOX 
    authorized account representative shall certify, based on reasonable 
    inquiry of those persons with primary responsibility for operating the 
    source and the NOX Budget units at the source in compliance 
    with the NOX Budget Trading Program, whether each 
    NOX Budget unit for which the compliance certification is 
    submitted was operated during the calendar year covered by the report 
    in compliance with the requirements of the NOX Budget 
    Trading Program applicable to the unit, including:
        (1) Whether the unit was operated in compliance with the 
    NOX Budget emissions limitation;
        (2) Whether the monitoring plan that governs the unit has been 
    maintained to reflect the actual operation and monitoring of the unit, 
    and contains all information necessary to attribute NOX 
    emissions to the unit, in accordance with subpart H of this part;
        (3) Whether all the NOX emissions from the unit, or a 
    group of units (including the unit) using a common stack, were 
    monitored or accounted for through the missing data procedures and 
    reported in the quarterly monitoring reports, including whether 
    conditional data were reported in the quarterly reports in accordance 
    with subpart H of this part. If conditional data were reported, the 
    owner or operator shall indicate whether the status of all conditional 
    data has been resolved and all necessary quarterly report resubmissions 
    has been made;
        (4) Whether the facts that form the basis for certification under 
    subpart H of this part of each monitor at the unit or a group of units 
    (including the unit) using a common stack, or for using an excepted 
    monitoring method or alternative monitoring method approved under 
    subpart H of this part, if any, has changed; and
        (5) If a change is required to be reported under paragraph (c)(4) 
    of this section, specify the nature of the change, the reason for the 
    change, when the change occurred, and how the unit's compliance status 
    was determined subsequent to the change, including what method was used 
    to determine emissions when a change mandated the need for monitor 
    Sec. 96.31  Permitting authority's and Administrator's action on 
    compliance certifications.
        (a) The permitting authority or the Administrator may review and 
    conduct independent audits concerning any compliance certification or 
    any other submission under the NOX Budget Trading Program 
    and make appropriate adjustments of the information in the compliance 
    certifications or other submissions.
        (b) The Administrator may deduct allowances from or return 
    allowances to a unit's compliance account or a source's overdraft 
    account based on the information in the compliance certifications or 
    other submissions, as adjusted under paragraph (a) of this section.
    [[Page 25984]]
    Subpart E--NOX Allowance Allocations
    Sec. 96.40  State trading program budget.
        The State trading program budget allocated by the permitting 
    authority under Sec. 96.42 will equal the total number of tons of 
    NOX emissions apportioned to the NOX Budget units 
    under Sec. 96.4 in the State, as determined by the applicable, approved 
    State implementation plan.
    Sec. 96.41  Timing requirements for NOX allowance 
        (a) By September 30, 1999, the permitting authority will submit to 
    the Administrator the NOX allowance allocations, in 
    accordance with Sec. 96.42, for the control periods in 2003, 2004, 
    2005, 2006, and 2007. If the permitting authority fails to submit to 
    the Administrator the NOX allowance allocations in 
    accordance with this paragraph (a), the Administrator will allocate 
    NOX allowances for the applicable control periods, in 
    accordance with Sec. 96.42, within 60 days of the deadline for 
    submission by the permitting authority.
        (b) By December 31, 2002 and December 31 of each year thereafter, 
    the permitting authority will submit to the Administrator the 
    NOX allowance allocations, in accordance with Sec. 96.42, 
    for the control period in the year that is 6 years after the year of 
    the applicable deadline for submission under this paragraph (b). If the 
    permitting authority fails to submit to the Administrator the 
    NOX allowance allocations in accordance with this paragraph 
    (b), the Administrator will allocate NOX allowances for the 
    applicable control period, in accordance with Sec. 96.42, within 60 
    days of the applicable deadline for submission by the permitting 
    Sec. 96.42  NOX allowance allocations.
        (a)(1) The heat input (in mmBtu) used for calculating 
    NOX allowance allocations for each NOX Budget 
    unit under Sec. 96.4 will be:
        (i) For a NOX allowance allocation under Sec. 96.41(a), 
    the average of the two highest amounts of the unit's heat input for the 
    control periods in 1995, 1996, and 1997; and
        (ii) For a NOX allowance allocation under Sec. 96.41(b), 
    the unit's heat input for the control period in the year that is 6 
    years before the year for which the NOX allocation is being 
        (2) The unit's total heat input for the control periods in each 
    year specified under paragraph (a)(1) of this section will be 
    determined in accordance with part 75 of this chapter if the 
    NOX Budget unit was otherwise subject to the requirements of 
    part 75 of this chapter for the year, or will be based on the best 
    available data reported to the permitting authority for the unit if the 
    unit was not otherwise subject to the requirements of part 75 of this 
    chapter for the year.
        (b) For each control period under Sec. 96.41, the permitting 
    authority will allocate to all NOX Budget units under 
    Sec. 96.4 in the State that commenced operation before May 1 of the 
    period used to calculate heat input under paragraph (a)(1) of this 
    section, a total number of NOX allowances equal to 98 
    percent of the tons of NOX emissions in the State trading 
    program budget under Sec. 96.40 in accordance with the following 
        (1) The permitting authority will allocate NOX 
    allowances to each NOX Budget unit in an amount equaling 
    0.15 lb/mmBtu multiplied by the heat input determined under paragraph 
    (a) of this section.
        (2) If the initial total number of NOX allowances 
    allocated to all NOX Budget units in the State for a control 
    period under paragraph (a)(1) of this section does not equal 98 percent 
    of the number of tons of NOX emissions in the State trading 
    program budget, the permitting authority will adjust the total number 
    of NOX allowances allocated to all such NOX 
    Budget units for the control period under paragraph (a)(1) of this 
    section so that the total number of NOX allowances allocated 
    equals 98 percent of the number of tons of NOX emissions in 
    the State trading program budget. This adjustment will be made by: 
    multiplying each unit's allocation by the total number of 
    NOX allowances allocated under paragraph (a)(1) of this 
    section divided by 98 percent of the number of tons of NOX 
    emissions in the State trading program budget, and rounding to the 
    nearest whole allowance as appropriate.
        (c) For each control period under Sec. 96.41, the permitting 
    authority will allocate NOX allowances to NOX 
    Budget units under Sec. 96.4 in the State that commenced operation on 
    or after May 1 of the period used to calculate heat input under 
    paragraph (a)(1) of this section, in accordance with the following 
        (1) The permitting authority will establish a separate allocation 
    set-aside for each control period. Each allocation set-aside will be 
    allocated NOX allowances equal to 2 percent of the tons of 
    NOX emissions in the State trading program budget under 
    Sec. 96.40.
        (2) The NOX authorized account representative of a 
    NOX Budget unit under paragraph (c) of this section may 
    submit to the permitting authority a request, in writing or in a format 
    specified by the permitting authority, to be allocated NOX 
    allowances for no more than five consecutive control periods under 
    Sec. 96.41, starting with the control period during which the 
    NOX Budget unit is projected to commence operation. The 
    NOX allowance allocation request must be submitted prior to 
    May 1 of the first control period for which the NOX 
    allowance allocation is requested and after the date on which the 
    permitting authority issues a permit to construct the NOX 
    Budget unit.
        (3) In a NOX allowance allocation request under 
    paragraph (c)(2) of this section, the NOX authorized account 
    representative may request for a control period NOX 
    allowances in an amount that does not exceed 0.15 lb/mmBtu multiplied 
    by the NOX Budget unit's maximum design heat input (in 
    mmBtu/hr) multiplied by the number of hours remaining in the control 
    period starting with the first day in the control period on which the 
    unit is projected to operate.
        (4) The permitting authority will review, and allocate 
    NOX allowances pursuant to, NOX allowance 
    allocation requests under paragraph (c)(2) of this section in the order 
    that the requests are received by the permitting authority.
        (i) Upon receipt of a NOX allowance allocation request, 
    the permitting authority will determine whether, and will make any 
    necessary adjustments to the request to ensure that, the control period 
    and the number of allowances specified are consistent with the 
    requirements of paragraphs (c)(2) and (3) of this section.
        (ii) If the allocation set-aside for the control period for which 
    NOX allowances are requested has an amount of NOX 
    allowances not less than the number requested (as adjusted under 
    paragraph (c)(4)(i) of this section), the permitting authority will 
    allocate the full, adjusted amount of the NOX allowances 
    requested to the NOX Budget unit.
        (iii) If the allocation set-aside for the control period for which 
    NOX allowances are requested has a smaller amount of 
    NOX allowances than the number requested (as adjusted under 
    paragraph (b)(4)(i) of this section), the permitting authority will 
    deny in part the request and allocate only the remaining number of 
    NOX allowances in the allocation set-aside to the 
    NOX Budget unit.
        (iv) Once an allocation set-aside for a control period has been 
    depleted of all NOX allowances, the permitting authority 
    will deny, and will not allocate any NOX allowances pursuant 
    to, any NOX allowance allocation requests under which 
    NOX allowances
    [[Page 25985]]
    have not already been allocated for the control period.
        (5) Within 60 days of receipt of a NOX allowance 
    allocation request, the permitting authority will take appropriate 
    action under paragraph (c)(4) of this section and notify the 
    NOX authorized account representative that submitted the 
    request and the Administrator of the number of NOX 
    allowances (if any) allocated for the control period to the 
    NOX Budget unit.
        (6) After September 30 of each year, the Administrator will 
    transfer any NOX allowances remaining in the allocation set-
    aside for the control period for the year to the allocation set-aside 
    for the following control period.
        (7) If additional NOX allowances are placed in the 
    allocation set-aside for the control period pursuant to paragraphs 
    (c)(6) or (d)(2) of this section, the permitting authority will 
    allocate NOX allowances, in accordance with paragraph (c)(4) 
    of this section, to any NOX allowance allocation requests 
    that were originally denied in whole or in part. The permitting 
    authority will notify the NOX authorized account 
    representative that submitted the request and the Administrator of the 
    number of NOX allowances (if any) allocated under this 
    paragraph (c)(7).
        (d) For a NOX Budget unit that is allocated 
    NOX allowances under paragraph (c) of this section for a 
    control period, the Administrator will deduct NOX allowances 
    under Sec. 96.54(b) or (e) to account for the actual utilization of the 
    unit during the control period.
        (1) The Administrator will calculate the number of NOX 
    allowances to be deducted to account for the unit's actual utilization 
    using the following formula, provided that the number of NOX 
    allowances to be deducted shall be zero if the number calculated is 
    less than zero:
        Unit's NOX allowances deducted for actual utilization = 
    (Unit's NOX allowances allocated for control period)--
    (Unit's actual control period utilization x 0.15 lb/mmBtu) where:
        ``Unit's NOX allowances allocated for control period'' 
    is the number of NOX allowances allocated to the unit for 
    the control period under paragraph (c) of this section.
        ``Unit's actual control period utilization'' is the utilization (in 
    mmBtu), as defined in Sec. 96.2, of the unit during the control period.
        (2) Any NOX allowances deducted by the Administrator in 
    accordance with paragraph (d) of this section will be transferred by 
    the Administrator to the permitting authority's allocation set-aside 
    for the following control period.
    Subpart F--NOX Allowance Tracking System
    Sec. 96.50  NOX Allowance Tracking System accounts.
        (a) Nature and function of compliance accounts and overdraft 
    accounts. Consistent with Sec. 96.51(a), the Administrator will 
    establish one compliance account for each NOX Budget unit 
    and one overdraft account for each source with one or more 
    NOX Budget units. Allocations of allowances pursuant to 
    subpart E of this part, transfers of allowances pursuant to subpart G 
    of this part, and deductions of allowances to cover NOX 
    emissions, account for actual utilization, or offset excess emissions 
    of NOX pursuant to Sec. 96.54 will be recorded in the 
    compliance accounts or overdraft accounts in accordance with this 
        (b) Nature and function of general accounts. Consistent with 
    Sec. 96.51(b), the Administrator will establish, upon request, a 
    general account for any person. Transfers of allowances pursuant to 
    subpart G of this part will be recorded in the general account in 
    accordance with this subpart.
    Sec. 96.51  Establishment of accounts.
        (a) Compliance accounts and overdraft accounts. Upon receipt of a 
    complete account certificate of representation under Sec. 96.13, the 
    Administrator will establish:
        (1) A compliance account for each NOX Budget unit for 
    which the account certificate of representation was submitted; and
        (2) An overdraft account for each source for which the account 
    certificate of representation was submitted and that has two or more 
    NOX Budget units.
        (b) General accounts. (1) Any person may apply to open a general 
    account for the purpose of holding and transferring allowances. A 
    complete application for a general account shall be submitted to the 
    Administrator and shall include the following elements in a format 
    prescribed by the Administrator:
        (i) Name, mailing address, e-mail address (if any), telephone 
    number, and facsimile transmission number (if any) of the 
    NOX authorized account representative and any alternate 
    NOX authorized account representative;
        (ii) At the option of the NOX authorized account 
    representative, organization name and type of organization;
        (iii) A list of all persons subject to a binding agreement for the 
    NOX authorized account representative to represent their 
    ownership interest with respect to the allowances held in the general 
        (iv) The following certification statement by the NOX 
    authorized account representative and any alternate NOX 
    authorized account representative: ``I certify that I was selected as 
    the NOX authorized account representative or the 
    NOX alternate authorized account representative, as 
    applicable, by an agreement that is binding on all persons who have an 
    ownership interest with respect to allowances held in the general 
    account. I certify that I have all the necessary authority to carry out 
    my duties and responsibilities under the NOX Budget Trading 
    Program on behalf of such persons and that each such person shall be 
    fully bound by my representations, actions, inactions, or submissions 
    and by any order or decision issued to me by the Administrator or a 
    court regarding the general account.''
        (v) The signature of the NOX authorized account 
    representative and any alternate NOX authorized account 
    representative and the dates signed.
        (2) Upon receipt by the Administrator of a complete application for 
    a general account under paragraph (b)(1) of this section:
        (i) The Administrator will establish a general account for the 
    person or persons for whom the application is submitted.
        (ii) The NOX authorized account representative and any 
    alternate NOX authorized account representative for the 
    general account shall represent and, by his or her representations, 
    actions, inactions, or submissions, legally bind each person who has an 
    ownership interest with respect to NOX allowances held in 
    the general account in all matters pertaining to the NOX 
    Budget Trading Program, not withstanding any agreement between the 
    NOX authorized account representative or any alternate 
    NOX authorized account representative and such person. Any 
    such person shall be bound by any order or decision issued to the 
    NOX authorized account representative or any alternate 
    NOX authorized account representative by the Administrator 
    or a court regarding the general account.
        (iii) Each submission concerning the general account shall be 
    submitted, signed, and certified by the NOX authorized 
    account representative or the alternate NOX authorized 
    account representative for the persons having an ownership interest 
    with respect to NOX allowances held in the general account. 
    Each such submission shall include the following certification 
    statement by the NOX authorized account representative: ``I 
    am authorized to make this
    [[Page 25986]]
    submission on behalf of the persons having an ownership interest with 
    respect to the NOX allowances held in the general account. I 
    certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined, and am 
    familiar with, the statements and information submitted in this 
    document and all its attachments. Based on my inquiry of those 
    individuals with primary responsibility for obtaining the information, 
    I certify that the statements and information are to the best of my 
    knowledge and belief true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that 
    there are significant penalties for submitting false statements and 
    information or omitting required statements and information, including 
    the possibility of fine or imprisonment.''
        (iv) The Administrator will accept or act on a submission 
    concerning the general account only if the submission has been made, 
    signed, and certified in accordance with paragraph (b)(2)(iii) of this 
        (3)(i) An application for a general account may designate one and 
    only one NOX authorized account representative and one and 
    only one alternate NOX authorized account representative who 
    may act on behalf of the NOX authorized account 
    representative. The agreement by which the alternate NOX 
    authorized account representative is selected shall include a procedure 
    for authorizing the alternate NOX authorized account 
    representative to act in lieu of the NOX authorized account 
        (ii) Upon receipt by the Administrator of a complete application 
    for a general account under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, any 
    representation, action, inaction, or submission by the alternate 
    NOX authorized account representative shall be deemed to be 
    a representation, action, inaction, or submission by the NOX 
    authorized account representative.
        (4)(i) The NOX authorized account representative for a 
    general account may be changed at any time upon receipt by the 
    Administrator of a superseding complete application for a general 
    account under paragraph (b)(1) of this section. Notwithstanding any 
    such change, all representations, actions, inactions, and submissions 
    by the previous NOX authorized account representative prior 
    to the time and date when the Administrator receives the superseding 
    application for a general account shall be binding on the new 
    NOX authorized account representative and the persons with 
    an ownership interest with respect to the allowances in the general 
        (ii) The alternate NOX authorized account representative 
    for a general account may be changed at any time upon receipt by the 
    Administrator of a superseding complete application for a general 
    account under paragraph (b)(1) of this section. Notwithstanding any 
    such change, all representations, actions, inactions, and submissions 
    by the previous alternate NOX authorized account 
    representative prior to the time and date when the Administrator 
    receives the superseding application for a general account shall be 
    binding on the new alternate NOX authorized account 
    representative and the persons with an ownership interest with respect 
    to the allowances in the general account.
        (iii)(A) In the event a new person having an ownership interest 
    with respect to NOX allowances in the general account is not 
    included in the list of such persons in the account certificate of 
    representation, such new person shall be deemed to be subject to and 
    bound by the account certificate of representation, the representation, 
    actions, inactions, and submissions of the NOX authorized 
    account representative and any alternate NOX authorized 
    account representative of the source or unit, and the decisions, 
    orders, actions, and inactions of the Administrator, as if the new 
    person were included in such list.
        (B) Within 30 days following any change in the persons having an 
    ownership interest with respect to NOX allowances in the 
    general account, including the addition of persons, the NOX 
    authorized account representative or alternate NOX 
    authorized account representative shall submit a revision to the 
    application for a general account amending the list of persons having 
    an ownership interest with respect to the NOX allowances in 
    the general account to include the change.
        (5)(i) Once a complete application for a general account under 
    paragraph (b)(1) of this section has been submitted and received, the 
    Administrator will rely on the application unless and until a 
    superseding complete application for a general account under paragraph 
    (b)(1) of this section is received by the Administrator.
        (ii) Except as provided in paragraph (b)(4) of this section, no 
    objection or other communication submitted to the Administrator 
    concerning the authorization, or any representation, action, inaction, 
    or submission of the NOX authorized account representative 
    for a general account shall affect any representation, action, 
    inaction, or submission of the NOX authorized account 
    representative or the finality of any decision or order by the 
    Administrator under the NOX Budget Trading Program.
        (iii) The Administrator will not adjudicate any private legal 
    dispute concerning the authorization or any representation, action, 
    inaction, or submission of the NOX authorized account 
    representative for a general account, including private legal disputes 
    concerning the proceeds of NOX allowance transfers.
        (c) Account identification. The Administrator will assign a unique 
    identifying number to each account established under paragraph (a) or 
    (b) of this section.
    Sec. 96.52  NOX Allowance Tracking System responsibilities 
    of NOX authorized account representative.
        (a) Following the establishment of a NOX Allowance 
    Tracking System account, all submissions to the Administrator 
    pertaining to the account, including, but not limited to, submissions 
    concerning the deduction or transfer of NOX allowances in 
    the account, shall be made only by the NOX authorized 
    account representative for the account.
        (b) Authorized account representative identification. The 
    Administrator will assign a unique identifying number to each 
    NOX authorized account representative.
    Sec. 96.53  Recordation of NOX allowance allocations.
        (a) The Administrator will record the NOX allowances for 
    2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007 in the NOX Budget units' 
    compliance accounts and the allocation set-asides, as allocated under 
    subpart E of this part. The Administrator will also record the 
    NOX allowances allocated under Sec. 96.88(a)(1) and (b) for 
    each NOX Budget opt-in source in its compliance account.
        (b) Each year, after the Administrator has made all deductions from 
    a NOX Budget unit's compliance account and the overdraft 
    account pursuant to Sec. 96.54, the Administrator will record 
    NOX allowances, as allocated to the unit under subpart E of 
    this part or under Sec. 96.88(a)(2) and (b), in the compliance account 
    for the year after the last year for which allowances were previously 
    allocated to the compliance account. Each year, the Administrator will 
    also record NOX allowances, as allocated under subpart E of 
    this part, in the allocation set-aside for the year after the last year 
    for which allowances were previously allocated to an allocation set-
        (c) Serial numbers for allocated NOX allowances. When 
    allocating NOX allowances to and recording them in an 
    account, the Administrator will assign each NOX allowance a 
    [[Page 25987]]
    identification number that will include digits identifying the year for 
    which the NOX allowance is allocated.
    Sec. 96.54  Compliance.
        (a) NOX allowance transfer deadline. The NOX 
    allowances are available to be deducted for compliance with a unit's 
    NOX Budget emissions limitation for a control period in a 
    given year only if the NOX allowances:
        (1) Have compliance use dates prior to or the same as that year; 
        (2) Are held in the unit's compliance account, or the overdraft 
    account of the source where the unit is located, as of the 
    NOX allowance transfer deadline for that control period or 
    are transferred into the compliance account or overdraft account by a 
    NOX allowance transfer correctly submitted for recordation 
    under Sec. 96.60 by the NOX allowance transfer deadline for 
    that control period.
        (b) Deductions for compliance. (1) Following the recordation, in 
    accordance with Sec. 96.61, of NOX allowance transfers 
    submitted for recordation in the unit's compliance account or the 
    overdraft account of the source where the unit is located by the 
    NOX allowance transfer deadline for a control period, the 
    Administrator will deduct NOX allowances available under 
    paragraph (a) of this section to cover the unit's NOX 
    emissions (as determined in accordance with subpart H of this part), or 
    to account for actual utilization under Sec. 96.42(d), for the control 
        (i) From the compliance account; and
        (ii) Only if no more NOX allowances available under 
    paragraph (a) of this section remain in the compliance account from the 
    overdraft account. In deducting allowances for units at the source from 
    the overdraft account, the Administrator will begin with the unit 
    having the compliance account with the lowest NOX Allowance 
    Tracking System account number and end with the unit having the 
    compliance account with the highest NOX Allowance Tracking 
    System account number (with account numbers sorted beginning with the 
    left-most character and ending with the right-most character and the 
    letter characters assigned values in alphabetical order and less than 
    all numeric characters).
        (2) The Administrator will deduct NOX allowances first 
    under paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section and then under paragraph 
    (b)(1)(ii) of this section:
        (i) Until the number of NOX allowances deducted for the 
    control period equals the number of tons of NOX emissions, 
    determined in accordance with subpart H of this part, from the unit for 
    the control period for which compliance is being determined, plus the 
    number of NOX allowances required for deduction to account 
    for actual utilization under Sec. 96.42(d) for the control period; or
        (ii) Until no more NOX allowances available under 
    paragraph (a) of this section remain in the respective account.
        (c)(1) Identification of NOX allowances by serial 
    number. The NOX authorized account representative for each 
    compliance account may identify by serial number the NOX 
    allowances to be deducted from the unit's compliance account under 
    paragraph (b), (d), or (e) of this section. Such identification shall 
    be made in the compliance certification report submitted in accordance 
    with Sec. 96.30.
        (2) First-in, first-out. The Administrator will deduct 
    NOX allowances for a control period from the compliance 
    account, in the absence of an identification or in the case of a 
    partial identification of NOX allowances by serial number 
    under paragraph (c)(1) of this section, or the overdraft account on a 
    first-in, first-out (FIFO) accounting basis in the following order:
        (i) Those NOX allowances with a compliance use date the 
    same as the year of the control period and that were allocated to the 
    unit under subpart E or I of this part;
        (ii) Those NOX allowances with a compliance use date the 
    same as the year of the control period and that were transferred and 
    recorded in the account pursuant to subpart G of this part, in order of 
    their date of recordation;
        (iii) Those NOX allowances with an earlier compliance 
    use date than the year of the control period and that were allocated to 
    the unit under subpart E or I of this part; and
        (iv) Those NOX allowances with an earlier compliance use 
    date than the year of the control period and that were transferred and 
    recorded in the account pursuant to subpart G of this part, in order of 
    their date of recordation.
        (d) Deductions for excess emissions. (1) After making the 
    deductions for compliance under paragraph (b) of this section, the 
    Administrator will deduct from the unit's compliance account or the 
    overdraft account of the source where the unit is located a number of 
    NOX allowances, with a compliance use date the same as the 
    year after the control period in which the unit has excess emissions, 
    equal to three times the number of the unit's excess emissions.
        (2) If the compliance account or overdraft account does not contain 
    sufficient NOX allowances, the Administrator will deduct the 
    required number of NOX allowances, regardless of their 
    compliance use date, whenever NOX allowances are recorded in 
    either account.
        (3) Any allowance deduction required under paragraph (d) of this 
    section shall not affect the liability of the owners and operators of 
    the NOX Budget unit for any fine, penalty, or assessment, or 
    their obligation to comply with any other remedy, for the same 
    violation, as ordered under the Clean Air Act or applicable State law. 
    The following guidelines will be followed in assessing fines, penalties 
    or other obligations:
        (i) For purposes of determining the number of days of violation, if 
    a NOX Budget unit has excess emissions for a control period, 
    each day in the control period (153 days) constitutes a day in 
    violation unless the owners and operators of the unit demonstrate that 
    a lesser number of days should be considered.
        (ii) Each ton of excess emissions is a separate violation.
        (e) Deductions for units sharing a common stack. In the case of 
    units sharing a common stack and having emissions that are not 
    separately monitored or apportioned in accordance with subpart H of 
    this part, the NOX authorized account representative of the 
    units may identify the percentage of NOX allowances to be 
    deducted from each such unit's compliance account to cover the unit's 
    share of NOX emissions from the common stack for a control 
    period. Such identification shall be made in the compliance 
    certification report submitted in accordance with Sec. 96.30.
        Notwithstanding paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section, the 
    Administrator will deduct NOX allowances until the number of 
    NOX allowances equals the identified percentage of the 
    number of tons of NOX emissions, as determined in accordance 
    with subpart H of this part, from the common stack for the control 
    period in the year for which compliance is being determined or, if no 
    percentage is identified, an equal percentage for each such unit.
        (f) The Administrator will record in the appropriate compliance 
    account or overdraft account all deductions from such an account 
    pursuant to paragraphs (b), (d), or (e) of this section.
    Sec. 96.55  Banking [Reserved].
    Sec. 96.56  Account error.
        The Administrator may, at his or her sole discretion and on his or 
    her own motion, correct any error in any NOX Allowance 
    Tracking System account. Within 10 business days of making such 
    correction, the Administrator will notify
    [[Page 25988]]
    the NOX authorized account representative for the account.
    Sec. 96.57  Closing of general accounts.
        (a) The NOX authorized account representative of a 
    general account may instruct the Administrator to close the account by 
    submitting a statement, in writing or in a format specified by the 
    Administrator, requesting deletion of the account from the 
    NOX Allowance Tracking System and by correctly submitting 
    for recordation under Sec. 96.60 an allowance transfer of all 
    NOX allowances in the account to one or more other 
    NOX Allowance Tracking System accounts.
        (b) If a general account shows no activity for a period of a year 
    or more and does not contain any NOX allowances, the 
    Administrator may notify the NOX authorized account 
    representative for the account that the account will be closed and 
    deleted from the NOX Allowance Tracking System following 20 
    business days after the notice is sent. The account will be closed 
    after the 20-day period unless before the end of the 20-day period the 
    Administrator receives a correctly submitted transfer of NOX 
    allowances into the account under Sec. 96.60 or a statement, in writing 
    or in a format specified by the Administrator, submitted by the 
    NOX authorized account representative demonstrating to the 
    satisfaction of the Administrator good cause as to why the account 
    should not be closed.
    Subpart G--NOX Allowance Transfers
    Sec. 96.60  Scope and submission of NOX allowance transfers.
        The NOX authorized account representatives seeking 
    recordation of a NOX allowance transfer shall submit the 
    transfer to the Administrator. To be considered correctly submitted, 
    the NOX allowance transfer shall include the following 
    elements in a format specified by the Administrator:
        (a) The numbers identifying both the transferror and transferee 
        (b) A specification by serial number of each NOX 
    allowance to be transferred; and
        (c) The printed name and signature of the NOX authorized 
    account representative of the transferror account and the date signed.
    Sec. 96.61  EPA recordation.
        (a) Within 5 business days of receiving a NOX allowance 
    transfer, except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the 
    Administrator will record a NOX allowance transfer by moving 
    each NOX allowance from the transferror account to the 
    transferee account as specified by the request, provided that:
        (1) The transfer is correctly submitted under Sec. 96.60;
        (2) The transferror account includes each NOX allowance 
    identified by serial number in the transfer; and
        (3) The transfer meets all other requirements of this part.
        (b) A NOX allowance transfer that is submitted for 
    recordation following the NOX allowance transfer deadline 
    and that includes any NOX allowances with a compliance use 
    date that is prior to or the same as the year of the control period to 
    which the NOX allowance transfer deadline applies will not 
    be recorded until after completion of the process of recordation of 
    NOX allowance allocations in Sec. 96.53(b).
        (c) Where a NOX allowance transfer submitted for 
    recordation fails to meet the requirements of paragraph (a) of this 
    section, the Administrator will not record such transfer.
    Sec. 96.62  Notification.
        (a) Notification of recordation. Within 5 business days of 
    recordation of a NOX allowance transfer under Sec. 96.61, 
    the Administrator will notify each party to the transfer. Notice will 
    be given, in writing or in a format to be specified by the 
    Administrator, to the NOX authorized account representatives 
    of both the transferror and transferee accounts.
        (b) Notification of non-recordation. Within 10 business days of 
    receipt of a NOX allowance transfer that fails to meet the 
    requirements of Sec. 96.61(a), the Administrator will notify, in 
    writing or in a format to be specified by the Administrator, the 
    NOX authorized account representatives of both accounts 
    subject to the transfer of:
        (1) A decision not to record the transfer; and
        (2) The reasons for such non-recordation.
        (c) Nothing in this section shall preclude the submission of a 
    NOX allowance transfer for recordation following 
    notification of non-recordation.
    Subpart H--Monitoring and Reporting
    Sec. 96.70  General requirements.
        The owners and operators, and to the extent applicable, the 
    NOX authorized account representative of a NOX 
    Budget unit, shall comply with the monitoring and reporting 
    requirements as provided in this subpart and in subpart H of part 75 of 
    this chapter. For purposes of complying with such requirements, the 
    definitions in Sec. 96.2 and in Sec. 72.2 of this chapter shall apply, 
    and the terms ``affected unit,'' ``designated representative,'' and 
    ``continuous emission monitoring system'' (or ``CEMS'') in part 75 of 
    this chapter shall be replaced by the terms ``NOX Budget 
    unit,'' ``NOX authorized account representative,'' and 
    ``continuous emission monitoring system'' (or ``CEMS''), respectively, 
    as defined in Sec. 96.2.
        (a) Compliance dates. (1)(i) The owner or operator of each 
    NOX Budget unit under Sec. 96.4 that commences operation 
    before January 1, 2000 shall ensure that all monitoring systems 
    required under this subpart for monitoring NOX emission rate 
    and heat input are installed, all certification tests required under 
    Sec. 96.71 are successfully completed, and all other provisions of this 
    subpart and part 75 of this chapter applicable to such systems are met 
    on or before May 1, 2000.
        (ii) The owner or operator of each NOX Budget unit under 
    paragraph (a)(1) of this section that has not successfully completed 
    all certification tests required under Sec. 96.71 by May 1, 2001 shall 
    determine and report hourly NOX emission rate and heat 
    input, starting on such date until all such certification tests are 
    successfully completed, using either:
        (A) The maximum potential NOX emission rate and the 
    maximum potential hourly heat input of the unit;
        (B) Reference methods under Sec. 75.22 of this chapter; or
        (C) Monitored data validated using the procedures in 
    Sec. 75.20(b)(3) of this chapter where the term ``recertification'' is 
    replaced by the term ``initial certification.''
        (2)(i) The owner or operator of each NOX Budget unit 
    under Sec. 96.4 that commences operation on or after January 1, 2000 
    shall ensure that all monitoring systems required under this subpart 
    for monitoring NOX emission rate and heat input are 
    installed, all certification tests required under Sec. 96.71 are 
    successfully completed, and all other provisions of this subpart and 
    part 75 applicable to such systems are met on or before the later of 
    the following dates:
        (A) May 1, 2001; or
        (B) Not later than the earlier of 180 days after the date on which 
    the unit commences operation or, for units under Sec. 96.4(a), 90 days 
    after the date on which the unit commences commercial operation.
        (ii) The owner or operator of each NOX Budget unit under 
    paragraph (a)(2) of this section that has not successfully completed 
    all certification tests required under Sec. 96.71 by the later of May 
    1, 2001 or the date on which the unit
    [[Page 25989]]
    commences operation shall determine and report hourly NOX 
    emission rate and heat input, starting on such date until all such 
    certification tests are successfully completed, using either:
        (A) The maximum potential NOX emission rate and the 
    maximum potential hourly heat input of the unit;
        (B) Reference methods under Sec. 75.22 of this chapter; or
        (C) Monitored data validated using the procedures in 
    Sec. 75.20(b)(3) of this chapter where the term ``recertification'' is 
    replaced by the term ``initial certification.''
        (3)(i) The owner-operator of a NOX Budget unit that 
    completes construction of a new stack or flue after the applicable 
    deadline in paragraph (a)(1)(i) or (2)(i) of this section or under 
    subpart I of this part, shall ensure, with regard to such new stack or 
    flue, that all monitoring systems required under this subpart for 
    monitoring NOX emission rate and heat input are installed, 
    all certification tests required under Sec. 96.71 are successfully 
    completed, and all other provisions of this subpart and part 75 are met 
    not later than 90 days after the date on which emissions first exit to 
    the atmosphere through such new stack or flue.
        (ii) The owner or operator of each NOX Budget unit under 
    paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section that has not successfully completed 
    all certification tests required under Sec. 96.71 by not later than 90 
    days after the date on which emissions first exit to the atmosphere 
    through the new stack or flue under paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section 
    shall determine and report hourly NOX emission rate and heat 
    input, starting on such date until all such certification tests are 
    successfully completed, using either:
        (A) The maximum potential NOX emission rate and the 
    maximum potential hourly heat input of the unit;
        (B) Reference methods under Sec. 75.22 of this chapter; or
        (C) Monitored data validated using the procedures in 
    Sec. 75.20(b)(3) of this chapter where the term ``recertification'' is 
    replaced by the term ``initial certification.''
        (4) The provisions of this subpart are applicable to a unit for 
    which an application for a NOX Budget opt-in permit is being 
    or has been submitted, as provided in subpart I of this part.
        (b) Prohibitions. (1) No owner or operator of a NOX 
    Budget unit shall use any alternative monitoring system, alternative 
    reference method, or any other alternative for the required continuous 
    emission monitoring system without having obtained prior written 
    approval in accordance with Sec. 96.75.
        (2) No owner or operator of a NOX Budget unit shall 
    operate the unit so as to discharge, or allow to be discharged, 
    NOX emissions to the atmosphere without accounting for all 
    such emissions in accordance with the applicable provisions of this 
    subpart and part 75 of this chapter.
        (3) No owner or operator of a NOX Budget unit shall 
    disrupt the continuous emission monitoring system, any portion thereof, 
    or any other approved emission monitoring method, and thereby avoid 
    monitoring and recording NOX mass emissions discharged into 
    the atmosphere, except for periods of recertification or periods when 
    calibration, quality assurance testing, or maintenance is performed in 
    accordance with the applicable provisions of this subpart and part 75 
    of this chapter.
        (4) No owner or operator of a NOX Budget unit shall 
    retire or permanently discontinue use of the continuous emission 
    monitoring system, any component thereof, or any other approved 
    emission monitoring system under this subpart, except under any one of 
    the following circumstances:
        (i) During the period that the unit is covered by a retired unit 
    exemption under Sec. 96.5 that is in effect;
        (ii) The owner or operator is monitoring emissions from the unit 
    with another certified monitoring system approved, in accordance with 
    the applicable provisions of this subpart and part 75 of this chapter, 
    by the permitting authority for use at that unit that provides emission 
    data for the same pollutant or parameter as the retired or discontinued 
    monitoring system; or
        (iii) The NOX authorized account representative submits 
    notification of the date of certification testing of a replacement 
    monitoring system in accordance with Sec. 96.71(b)(2)(i).
    Sec. 96.71  Initial certification and recertification procedures.
        (a) The owner or operator of a NOX Budget unit that is 
    subject to an acid rain emissions limitation shall comply with the 
    initial certification and recertification procedures of part 75 of this 
    chapter, except that:
        (1) If, prior to January 1, 1998, the Administrator approved a 
    petition under Sec. 75.17(a) or (b) of this chapter for apportioning 
    the combined NOX emission rate measured in a common stack or 
    a petition under Sec. 75.66 of this chapter for an alternative to a 
    requirement in Sec. 75.17 of this chapter, the petition shall be 
    resubmitted to the Administrator under Sec. 96.75(a) to determine if 
    the approval should apply under the NOX Budget Trading 
        (2) For any additional NOX emission rate CEMS required 
    under the common stack provisions in Sec. 75.72 of this chapter, the 
    owner or operator shall meet the requirements of paragraph (b) of this 
        (b) The owner or operator of a NOX Budget unit that is 
    not subject to an acid rain emissions limitation shall comply with the 
    following initial certification and recertification procedures, and the 
    owner or operator of a NOX Budget unit that is subject to an 
    acid rain emissions limitation shall meet the following initial 
    certification and recertification procedures for any additional 
    NOX emission rate CEMS required under the common stack 
    provisions in Sec. 75.72 of this chapter.
        (1) Requirements for initial certification or recertification. (i) 
    The owner or operator shall ensure that each monitoring system required 
    by subpart H of part 75 of this chapter (which includes the automated 
    data acquisition and handling system) successfully completes all of the 
    initial certification testing required under Sec. 75.20 of this chapter 
    and shall ensure that all applicable certification tests are 
    successfully completed by the deadlines specified in Sec. 96.70(a). In 
    addition, whenever the owner or operator installs a monitoring system 
    in order to meet the requirements of this part, in a location where no 
    such monitoring system was previously installed, initial certification 
    is required.
        (ii) Whenever the owner or operator makes a replacement, 
    modification, or change in a certified monitoring system that is 
    determined by the permitting authority or the Administrator to 
    significantly affect the ability of the system to accurately measure or 
    record NOX emission rate or heat input or to meet the 
    requirements of Sec. 75.21 of this chapter or appendix B to part 75 of 
    this chapter, the owner or operator shall recertify the monitoring 
    system by performing all of the recertification testing required under 
    Sec. 75.20 of this chapter. Furthermore, whenever the owner or operator 
    makes a replacement, modification, or change to the flue gas handling 
    system or the unit's operation that is determined by the permitting 
    authority or the Administrator to significantly change the flow or 
    concentration profile, the owner or operator shall recertify the 
    continuous emissions monitoring system. Examples of changes which 
    require recertification include: replacement of the analyzer, change in 
    location or orientation of the sampling probe or site, or changing of 
    flow rate monitor polynomial coefficients. Any change to a continuous 
    emissions monitoring system for which
    [[Page 25990]]
    the permitting authority or the Administrator determines that a 
    relative accuracy test audit (RATA) is not necessary, shall not require 
    recertification, and any other tests that the permitting authority or 
    the Administrator determines to be necessary (e.g., linearity checks, 
    calibration error tests, automated data acquisition and handling system 
    (DAHS) verifications) shall be performed. These other tests shall be 
    considered diagnostic tests rather than recertification tests. The data 
    validation procedures in Sec. 75.20(b)(3) of this chapter shall be 
    applied (replacing the term ``recertification'' with the term 
    ``diagnostic'') to linearity checks, 7-day calibration error tests, and 
    cycle time tests when these are required as diagnostic tests.
        (2) Certification approval process for initial certifications and 
    recertification. (i) Notification of certification. The NOX 
    authorized account representative shall submit to the permitting 
    authority a written notice of the dates of certification in accordance 
    with Sec. 96.73.
        (ii) Certification application. The NOX authorized 
    account representative shall submit to the permitting authority a 
    certification application for each monitoring system required under 
    subpart H of part 75 of this chapter. A complete certification 
    application shall include the information specified in Sec. 75.73 of 
    this chapter.
        (iii) Upon the earlier of the successful completion of the required 
    certification procedures of paragraph (b)(1) of this section or the 
    hour in which data that were considered conditionally valid according 
    to the procedures in Sec. 75.20(b)(3) of this chapter for the 
    monitoring system or component thereof, the monitoring system or 
    component thereof shall be deemed provisionally certified for use under 
    the NOX Budget Trading Program for a period not to exceed 
    120 days after receipt by the permitting authority of the complete 
    certification application for the monitoring system or component 
    thereof under paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this section. Data measured and 
    recorded by the provisionally certified monitoring system or component 
    thereof, in accordance with the requirements of part 75 of this 
    chapter, will be considered valid quality-assured data (retroactive to 
    the date and time of provisional certification), provided that the 
    permitting authority does not invalidate the provisional certification 
    by issuing a notice of disapproval within 120 days of receipt of the 
    complete certification application by the permitting authority.
        (iv) Certification application formal approval process. The 
    permitting authority will issue a written notice of approval or 
    disapproval of the certification application to the owner or operator 
    within 120 days of receipt of the complete certification application 
    under paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this section. In the event the permitting 
    authority does not issue such a notice within such 120-day period, each 
    monitoring system which meets the applicable performance requirements 
    of part 75 of this chapter and is included in the certification 
    application will be deemed certified for use under the NOX 
    Budget Trading Program.
        (A) Approval notice. If the certification application is complete 
    and shows that each continuous emission monitoring system meets the 
    applicable performance requirements of part 75 of this chapter, then 
    the permitting authority will issue a written notice of approval of the 
    certification application within 120 days of receipt.
        (B) Incomplete application notice. A certification application will 
    be considered complete when all of the applicable information required 
    to be submitted under paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this section has been 
    received by the permitting authority. If the certification application 
    is not complete, then the permitting authority will issue a written 
    notice of incompleteness that sets a reasonable date by which the 
    NOX authorized account representative must submit the 
    additional information required to complete the certification 
    application. If the NOX authorized account representative 
    does not comply with the notice of incompleteness by the specified 
    date, then the permitting authority may issue a notice of disapproval 
    under paragraph (b)(2)(iv)(C) of this section.
        (c) Disapproval notice. If the certification application shows that 
    any monitoring system or component thereof does not meet the 
    performance requirements of this part, or if the certification 
    application is incomplete and the requirement for disapproval under 
    paragraph (b)(2)(iv)(B) of this section has been met, the permitting 
    authority will issue a written notice of disapproval of the 
    certification application. Upon issuance of such notice of disapproval, 
    the provisional certification is invalidated by the permitting 
    authority and the data measured and recorded by each uncertified 
    monitoring system or component thereof shall not be considered valid 
    quality-assured data beginning with the date and hour of provisional 
    certification. The owner or operator shall follow the procedures for 
    loss of certification in paragraph (b)(2)(v) of this section for each 
    monitoring system or component thereof which is disapproved for initial 
        (D) Audit decertification. The permitting authority may issue a 
    notice of disapproval of the certification status of a monitor in 
    accordance with Sec. 96.72(b).
        (v) Procedures for loss of certification. If the permitting 
    authority issues a notice of disapproval of a certification application 
    under paragraph (b)(2)(iv)(C) of this section or a notice of 
    disapproval of certification status under paragraph (b)(2)(iv)(D) of 
    this section, then:
        (A) The owner or operator shall substitute, for each hour of unit 
    operation during the period of invalid data, the maximum potential 
    NOX emission rate or the maximum potential hourly heat input 
    of the unit as applicable, until the earlier of the time, date, and 
    hour (after the monitoring system or component thereof is adjusted, 
    repaired, or replaced) when certification tests are successfully 
    completed or the time, date, and hour specified under the data 
    validation procedures under Sec. 75.20(b)(3) of this chapter;
        (B) The NOX authorized account representative shall 
    submit a notification of certification retest dates and a new 
    certification application in accordance with the procedures in 
    paragraphs (b)(2)(i) and (ii) of this section; and
        (C) The owner or operator shall repeat all certification tests or 
    other requirements that were failed by the monitoring system, as 
    indicated in the permitting authority's notice of disapproval, no later 
    than 30 unit operating days after the date of issuance of the notice of 
    Sec. 96.72  Out of control periods.
        (a) Whenever any monitoring system fails to meet the quality 
    assurance requirements of Appendix B of part 75 of this chapter, data 
    shall be substituted using the applicable procedures in subpart D of 
    part 75 of this chapter.
        (b) Audit decertification. Whenever both an audit of a monitoring 
    system and a review of the initial certification or recertification 
    application reveal that any system or component should not have been 
    certified or recertified because it did not meet a particular 
    performance specification or other requirement under Sec. 96.71 or the 
    applicable provisions of part 75 of this chapter, both at the time of 
    the initial certification or recertification application submission and 
    at the time
    [[Page 25991]]
    of the audit, the permitting authority will issue a notice of 
    disapproval of the certification status of such system or component. 
    For the purposes of this paragraph, an audit shall be either a field 
    audit or an audit of any information submitted to the permitting 
    authority or the Administrator. By issuing the notice of disapproval, 
    the permitting authority revokes prospectively the certification status 
    of the system or component. The data measured and recorded by the 
    system or component shall not be considered valid quality-assured data 
    from the date of issuance of the notification of the revoked 
    certification status until the date and time that the owner or operator 
    completes subsequently approved initial certification or 
    recertification tests. The owner or operator shall follow the initial 
    certification or recertification procedures in Sec. 96.71 for each 
    disapproved system.
    Sec. 96.73  Notifications.
        The NOX authorized account representative for a 
    NOX Budget unit shall submit written notice to the 
    permitting authority and the Administrator in accordance with 
    Sec. 75.61 of this chapter, except that if the unit is not subject to 
    an acid rain emissions limitation, the notification is only required to 
    be sent to the permitting authority.
    Sec. 96.74  Recordkeeping and reporting.
        (a) The owner or operator of a NOX Budget unit that is 
    subject to an acid rain emissions limitation shall meet recordkeeping 
    and reporting requirements in subparts F and G of part 75 of this 
    chapter and paragraph (b) of this section, except that:
        (1) For any additional NOX emission rate CEMS required 
    under the common stack provisions of Sec. 75.72 of this chapter, the 
    owner or operator shall meet the requirements of paragraph (b)(2) of 
    this section;
        (2) If the NOX authorized account representative for the 
    unit is not the same person as the designated representative for the 
    unit under subpart B of part 72 of this chapter, all submissions under 
    subpart F or G of part 75 of this chapter must be signed by both the 
    NOX authorized account representative and the designated 
    representative; and
        (3) Each quarterly report submitted to meet the requirements of 
    Sec. 75.64 of this chapter shall also include the data and information 
    required in Sec. 75.73 of this chapter.
        (b) For NOX Budget units that are not subject to an acid 
    rain emissions limitation:
        (1) Monitoring Plans. The owner or operator shall comply with 
    requirements of Sec. 75.62 of this chapter, except that the monitoring 
    plan shall include all of the information required by Sec. 75.73 of 
    this chapter.
        (2) Certification Applications. The NOX authorized 
    account representative shall submit an application to the permitting 
    authority within 45 days after completing all initial certification or 
    recertification tests including the information required under 
    Sec. 75.73 of this chapter.
        (3) Quarterly reports. (i) (A) Except as provided in paragraph 
    (b)(3)(i)(B) of this section, the NOX authorized account 
    representative shall submit electronically a quarterly report for each 
    calendar quarter beginning with the earlier of the calendar quarter 
    that includes the date of initial provisional certification under 
    Sec. 96.71(b)(2)(iii) or May 1, 2001. Data shall be reported from the 
    earlier of the date and hour corresponding to the date and hour of 
    provisional certification or May 1, 2001.
        (B) If the unit commences operation after May 1, 2001, the 
    NOX authorized account representative shall submit 
    electronically a quarterly report for each calendar quarter beginning 
    with the calendar quarter in which the unit commences operation. Data 
    shall be reported from the date and hour corresponding to the date that 
    the unit commenced operation.
        (ii) Each quarterly report shall be submitted to the Administrator 
    within 30 days following the end of each calendar quarter and shall 
    include, for each NOX Budget unit (or group of units using a 
    common stack), all of the data and information required in Sec. 75.73 
    of this chapter.
        (iii) Compliance certification. The NOX authorized 
    account representative shall submit to the Administrator a compliance 
    certification in support of each quarterly report based on reasonable 
    inquiry of those persons with primary responsibility for ensuring that 
    all of the unit's emissions are correctly and fully monitored. The 
    certification shall state that:
        (A) The monitoring data submitted were recorded in accordance with 
    the applicable requirements of this subpart and part 75 of this 
    chapter, including the quality assurance procedures and specifications; 
        (B) With regard to a unit with add-on emission controls and for all 
    hours where data are substituted in accordance with Sec. 75.34(a)(1) of 
    this chapter, the add-on emission controls were operating within the 
    range of parameters listed in the monitoring plan and the substitute 
    values do not systematically underestimate NOX emissions.
        (iv) The NOX authorized account representative shall 
    comply with all of the quarterly reporting requirements in 
    Sec. 75.64(d), (f), and (g) of this chapter.
    Sec. 96.75  Petitions.
        (a)(1) The NOX authorized account representative of a 
    NOX Budget unit that is subject to an acid rain emissions 
    limitation may submit a petition under Sec. 75.66 of this chapter to 
    the Administrator requesting approval to apply an alternative to any 
    requirement of this subpart. Application of an alternative to any 
    requirement of this subpart is in accordance with this subpart only to 
    the extent that the petition is approved by the Administrator, in 
    consultation with the permitting authority.
        (2) Notwithstanding paragraph (a)(1) of this section, if the 
    petition requests approval to apply an alternative to a requirement 
    concerning any additional CEMS required under the common stack 
    provisions of Sec. 75.70 of this chapter, the petition is governed by 
    paragraph (b) of this section.
        (b)(1) The NOX authorized account representative of a 
    NOX Budget unit that is not subject to an acid rain 
    emissions limitation may submit a petition under Sec. 75.66 of this 
    chapter to the permitting authority and the Administrator requesting 
    approval to apply an alternative to any requirement of this subpart. 
    The NOX authorized account representative of a 
    NOX Budget unit that is subject to an acid rain emissions 
    limitation may submit a petition under Sec. 75.66 of this chapter to 
    the permitting authority and the Administrator requesting approval to 
    apply an alternative to a requirement concerning any additional CEMS 
    required under the common stack provisions of Sec. 75.50 of this 
    chapter. (2) Application of an alternative to any requirement of this 
    subpart is in accordance with this subpart only to the extent the 
    petition under paragraph (b)(1) of this section is approved by both the 
    permitting authority and the Administrator.
    Subpart I--Individual Unit Opt-Ins
    Sec. 96.80  Applicability.
        A unit that is in the State, is not a NOX Budget unit 
    under Sec. 96.4, and is operating, may qualify, under this subpart, to 
    become a NOX Budget opt-in source. A unit that is a 
    NOX Budget unit, is covered by a retired unit exemption 
    under Sec. 96.5 that is in effect, or that is not operating, is not 
    eligible to become a NOX Budget opt-in source.
    [[Page 25992]]
    Sec. 96.81  General.
        Except otherwise as provided in this part, a NOX Budget 
    opt-in source shall be treated as a NOX Budget unit for 
    purposes of applying subparts A through H of this part.
    Sec. 96.82  NOX authorized account representative.
        A unit for which an application for a NOX Budget opt-in 
    permit is being or has been submitted, or a NOX Budget opt-
    in source, located at the same source as one or more NOX 
    Budget units, shall have the same NOX authorized account 
    representative as such NOX Budget units.
    Sec. 96.83  Applying for NOX Budget opt-in permit.
        (a) Applying for initial NOX Budget opt-in permit. In 
    order to apply for an initial NOX Budget opt-in permit, the 
    NOX authorized account representative of a unit qualified 
    under Sec. 96.80 may submit to the permitting authority at any time, 
    except as provided under Sec. 96.86(g):
        (1) A complete NOX Budget permit application under 
    Sec. 96.22;
        (2) A monitoring plan submitted in accordance with subpart H of 
    this part; and
        (3) A complete account certificate of representation under 
    Sec. 96.13, if no NOX authorized account representative has 
    been previously designated for the unit.
        (b) Duty to reapply. The NOX authorized account 
    representative of a NOX Budget opt-in source shall submit a 
    complete NOX Budget permit application under Sec. 96.22 to 
    renew the NOX Budget opt-in permit in accordance with 
    Sec. 96.21(c) and, if applicable, an updated monitoring plan in 
    accordance with subpart H of this part.
    Sec. 96.84  Opt-in process.
        The permitting authority will issue or deny a NOX Budget 
    opt-in permit for a unit for which an initial application for a 
    NOX Budget opt-in permit under Sec. 96.83 is submitted, in 
    accordance with Sec. 96.20 and the following:
        (a) Interim review of monitoring plan. The permitting authority 
    will determine, on an interim basis, the sufficiency of the monitoring 
    plan accompanying the initial application for a NOX Budget 
    opt-in permit under Sec. 96.83. A monitoring plan is sufficient, for 
    purposes of interim review, if the plan appears to contain information 
    demonstrating that the NOX emissions rate and heat input of 
    the unit are monitored and reported in accordance with subpart H of 
    this part. A determination of sufficiency shall not be construed as 
    acceptance or approval of the unit's monitoring plan.
        (b) If the permitting authority determines that the unit's 
    monitoring plan is sufficient under paragraph (a) of this section and 
    after completion of monitoring system certification under subpart H of 
    this part, the NOX emissions rate and the heat input of the 
    unit shall be monitored and reported in accordance with subpart H of 
    this part for one full control period during which monitoring system 
    availability is not less than 80 percent and during which the unit is 
    in full compliance with any applicable State or Federal emissions or 
    emissions-related requirements. Solely for purposes of applying the 
    requirements in the prior sentence, the unit shall be treated as a 
    ``NOX Budget unit'' prior to issuance of a NOX 
    Budget opt-in permit covering the unit.
        (c) Based on the information monitored and reported under paragraph 
    (b) of this section, the unit's baseline heat rate shall be calculated 
    as the unit's total heat input (in mmBtu) for the control period and 
    the unit's baseline NOX emissions rate shall be calculated 
    as the unit's total NOX mass emissions (in lb) for the 
    control period divided by the unit's baseline heat rate.
        (d) After calculating the baseline heat input and the baseline 
    NOX emissions rate for the unit under paragraph (c) of this 
    section, the permitting authority will serve a draft NOX 
    Budget opt-in permit on the NOX authorized account 
    representative of the unit.
        (e) Confirmation of intention to opt-in. Within 20 days after the 
    issuance of the draft NOX Budget opt-in permit, the 
    NOX authorized account representative of the unit must 
    submit to the permitting authority, in writing, a confirmation of the 
    intention to opt in the unit or a withdrawal of the application for a 
    NOX Budget opt-in permit under Sec. 96.83. The permitting 
    authority will treat the failure to make a timely submission as a 
    withdrawal of the NOX Budget opt-in permit application.
        (f) Issuance of draft NOX Budget opt-in permit. If the 
    NOX authorized account representative confirms the intention 
    to opt in the unit under paragraph (e) of this section, the permitting 
    authority will issue the draft NOX Budget opt-in permit in 
    accordance with Sec. 96.20.
        (g) Not withstanding paragraphs (a) through (f) of this section, if 
    at any time before issuance of a draft NOX Budget opt-in 
    permit for the unit, the permitting authority determines that the unit 
    does not qualify as a NOX Budget opt-in source under 
    Sec. 96.80, the permitting authority will issue a draft denial of a 
    NOX Budget opt-in permit for the unit in accordance with 
    Sec. 96.20.
        (h) Withdrawal of application for NOX Budget opt-in 
    permit. A NOX authorized account representative of a unit 
    may withdraw its application for a NOX Budget opt-in permit 
    under Sec. 96.83 at any time prior to the issuance of the final 
    NOX Budget opt-in permit. Once the application for a 
    NOX Budget opt-in permit is withdrawn, a NOX 
    authorized account representative wanting to reapply must submit a new 
    application for a NOX Budget permit under Sec. 96.83.
        (i) Effective date. The effective date of the initial 
    NOX Budget opt-in permit shall be May 1 of the first control 
    period starting after the issuance of the initial NOX Budget 
    opt-in permit by the permitting authority. The unit shall be a 
    NOX Budget opt-in source and a NOX Budget unit as 
    of the effective date of the initial NOX Budget opt-in 
    Sec. 96.85  NOX Budget opt-in permit contents.
        (a) Each NOX Budget opt-in permit (including any draft 
    or proposed NOX Budget opt-in permit, if applicable) will 
    contain all elements required for a complete NOX Budget opt-
    in permit application under Sec. 96.22 as approved or adjusted by the 
    permitting authority.
        (b) Each NOX Budget opt-in permit is deemed to 
    incorporate automatically the definitions of terms under Sec. 96.2 and, 
    upon recordation by the Administrator under subpart F, G, or I of this 
    part, every allocation, transfer, or deduction of NOX 
    allowances to or from the compliance accounts of each NOX 
    Budget opt-in source covered by the NOX Budget opt-in permit 
    or the overdraft account of the NOX Budget source where the 
    NOX Budget opt-in source is located.
    Sec. 96.86  Withdrawal from NOX Budget Trading Program.
        (a) Requesting withdrawal. To withdraw from the NOX 
    Budget Trading Program, the NOX authorized account 
    representative of a NOX Budget opt-in source shall submit to 
    the permitting authority a request to withdraw effective as of a 
    specified date prior to May 1 or after September 30. The submission 
    shall be made no later than 90 days prior to the requested effective 
    date of withdrawal.
        (b) Conditions for withdrawal. Before a NOX Budget opt-
    in source covered by a request under paragraph (a) of this section may 
    withdraw from the NOX Budget Trading Program and the 
    NOX Budget opt-in permit may be terminated under paragraph 
    (e) of this section, the following conditions must be met:
        (1) For the control period immediately before the withdrawal to be 
    effective, the NOX authorized account
    [[Page 25993]]
    representative must submit or must have submitted to the permitting 
    authority an annual compliance certification report in accordance with 
    Sec. 96.30.
        (2) If the NOX Budget opt-in source has excess emissions 
    for the control period immediately before the withdrawal is to be 
    effective, the Administrator will deduct or have deducted from the 
    NOX Budget opt-in source's compliance account, or the 
    overdraft account of the NOX Budget source where the 
    NOX Budget opt-in source is located, the full amount 
    required under Sec. 96.54(d) for the control period.
        (3) After the requirements for withdrawal under paragraphs (b)(1) 
    and (2) of this section are met, the Administrator will deduct from the 
    NOX Budget opt-in source's compliance account, or the 
    overdraft account of the NOX Budget source where the 
    NOX Budget opt-in source is located, NOX 
    allowances equal in number to and with the same or earlier compliance 
    use date as any NOX allowances allocated to that source 
    under Sec. 96.88 for any control period for which the withdrawal is to 
    be effective. The Administrator will close the NOX Budget 
    opt-in source's compliance account and will establish, and transfer any 
    remaining allowances to, a new general account for the owners and 
    operators of the NOX Budget opt-in source. The 
    NOX authorized account representative for the NOX 
    Budget opt-in source shall become the NOX authorized account 
    representative for the general account.
        (c) A NOX Budget opt-in source that withdraws from the 
    NOX Budget Trading Program shall comply with all 
    requirements under the NOX Budget Trading Program concerning 
    all years for which such NOX Budget opt-in source was a 
    NOX Budget opt-in source, even if such requirements arise or 
    must be complied with after the withdrawal takes effect.
        (d) Notification. (1) After the requirements for withdrawal under 
    paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section are met (including deduction of 
    the full amount of NOX allowances required), the permitting 
    authority will issue a notification to the NOX authorized 
    account representative of the NOX Budget opt-in source of 
    the acceptance of the withdrawal of the NOX Budget opt-in 
    source as of a specified effective date that is after such requirements 
    have been met and that is prior to May 1 or after September 30.
        (2) If the requirements for withdrawal under paragraphs (a) and (b) 
    of this section are not met, the permitting authority will issue a 
    notification to the NOX authorized account representative of 
    the NOX Budget opt-in source that the NOX Budget 
    opt-in source's request to withdraw is denied. If the NOX 
    Budget opt-in source's request to withdraw is denied, the 
    NOX Budget opt-in source shall remain subject to the 
    requirements for a NOX Budget opt-in source.
        (e) Permit amendment. After the permitting authority issues a 
    notification under paragraph (d)(1) of this section that the 
    requirements for withdrawal have been met, the permitting authority 
    will revise the NOX Budget permit covering the 
    NOX Budget opt-in source to terminate the NOX 
    Budget opt-in permit as of the effective date specified under paragraph 
    (d)(1) of this section. A NOX Budget opt-in source shall 
    continue to be a NOX Budget opt-in source until the 
    effective date of the termination.
        (f) Reapplication upon failure to meet conditions of withdrawal. If 
    the permitting authority denies the NOX Budget opt-in 
    source's request to withdraw, the NOX authorized account 
    representative may submit another request to withdraw in accordance 
    with paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section.
        (g) Ability to return to the NOX Budget Trading Program. 
    Once a NOX Budget opt-in source withdraws from the 
    NOX Budget Trading Program and its NOX Budget 
    opt-in permit is terminated under this section, the NOX 
    authority account representative may not submit another application for 
    a NOX Budget opt-in permit under Sec. 96.83 for the unit 
    prior to the date that is 4 years after the date on which the 
    terminated NOX Budget opt-in permit became effective.
    Sec. 96.87  Change in regulatory status.
        (a) Notification. When a NOX Budget opt-in source 
    becomes a NOX Budget unit under Sec. 96.4, the 
    NOX authorized account representative shall notify in 
    writing the permitting authority and the Administrator of such change 
    in the NOX Budget opt-in source's regulatory status, within 
    30 days of such change.
        (b) Permitting authority's and Administrator's action. (1)(i) When 
    the NOX Budget opt-in source becomes a NOX Budget 
    unit under Sec. 96.4, the permitting authority will revise the 
    NOX Budget opt-in source's NOX Budget opt-in 
    permit to meet the requirements of a NOX Budget permit under 
    Sec. 96.23 as of an effective date that is the date on which such 
    NOX Budget opt-in source becomes a NOX Budget 
    unit under Sec. 96.4.
        (ii)(A) The Administrator will deduct from the compliance account 
    for the NOX Budget unit under paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this 
    section, or the overdraft account of the NOX Budget source 
    where the unit is located, NOX allowances equal in number to 
    and with the same or earlier compliance use date as:
        (1) Any NOX allowances allocated to the NOX 
    Budget unit (as a NOX Budget opt-in source) under Sec. 96.88 
    for any control period after the last control period during which the 
    unit's NOX Budget opt-in permit was effective; and
        (2) If the effective date of the NOX Budget permit 
    revision under paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section is during a control 
    period, the NOX allowances allocated to the NOX 
    Budget unit (as a NOX Budget opt-in source) under Sec. 96.88 
    for the control period multiplied by the ratio of the number of days, 
    in the control period, starting with the effective date of the permit 
    revision under paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section, divided by the 
    total number of days in the control period.
        (B) The NOX authorized account representative shall 
    ensure that the compliance account of the NOX Budget unit 
    under paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section, or the overdraft account of 
    the NOX Budget source where the unit is located, includes 
    the NOX allowances necessary for completion of the deduction 
    under paragraph (b)(1)(ii)(A) of this section. If the compliance 
    account or overdraft account does not contain sufficient NOX 
    allowances, the Administrator will deduct the required number of 
    NOX allowances, regardless of their compliance use date, 
    whenever NOX allowances are recorded in either account.
        (iii) (A) For every control period during which the NOX 
    Budget permit revised under paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section is 
    effective, the NOX Budget unit under paragraph (b)(1)(i) of 
    this section will be treated, solely for purposes of NOX 
    allowance allocations under Sec. 96.42, as a unit that commenced 
    operation on the effective date of the NOX Budget permit 
    revision under paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section and will be 
    allocated NOX allowances under Sec. 96.42.
        (B) Notwithstanding paragraph (b)(1)(iii)(A) of this section, if 
    the effective date of the NOX Budget permit revision under 
    paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section is during a control period, the 
    following number of NOX allowances will be allocated to the 
    NOX Budget unit under paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section 
    under Sec. 96.42 for the control period: the number of NOX 
    allowances otherwise allocated to the NOX Budget unit under 
    Sec. 96.42(c) for the control period multiplied by the ratio of the 
    number of days, in the control period, starting with the effective date 
    of the permit revision under paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section,
    [[Page 25994]]
    divided by the total number of days in the control period.
        (2)(i) When the NOX authorized account representative of 
    a NOX Budget opt-in source does not renew its NOX 
    Budget opt-in permit under Sec. 96.83(b), the Administrator will deduct 
    from the NOX Budget opt-in unit's compliance account, or the 
    overdraft account of the NOX Budget source where the 
    NOX Budget opt-in source is located, NOX 
    allowances equal in number to and with the same or earlier compliance 
    use date as any NOX allowances allocated to the 
    NOX Budget opt-in source under Sec. 96.88 for any control 
    period after the last control period for which the NOX 
    Budget opt-in permit is effective. The NOX authorized 
    account representative shall ensure that the NOX Budget opt-
    in source's compliance account or the overdraft account of the 
    NOX Budget source where the NOX Budget opt-in 
    source is located includes the NOX allowances necessary for 
    completion of such deduction. If the compliance account or overdraft 
    account does not contain sufficient NOX allowances, the 
    Administrator will deduct the required number of NOX 
    allowances, regardless of their compliance use date, whenever 
    NOX allowances are recorded in either account.
        (ii) After the deduction under paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section 
    is completed, the Administrator will close the NOX Budget 
    opt-in source's compliance account. If any NOX allowances 
    remain in the compliance account after completion of such deduction and 
    any deduction under Sec. 96.54, the Administrator will close the 
    NOX Budget opt-in source's compliance account and will 
    establish, and transfer any remaining allowances to, a new general 
    account for the owners and operators of the NOX Budget opt-
    in source. The NOX authorized account representative for the 
    NOX Budget opt-in source shall become the NOX 
    authorized account representative for the general account.
    Sec. 96.88  NOX allowance allocations to opt-in units.
        (a) NOX allowance allocation. (1) By December 31 
    immediately before the first control period for which the 
    NOX Budget opt-in permit is effective, the permitting 
    authority will allocate NOX allowances to the NOX 
    Budget opt-in source and submit to the Administrator the allocation for 
    the control period in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section.
        (2) By no later than December 31, after the first control period 
    for which the NOX Budget opt-in permit is in effect, and 
    December 31 of each year thereafter, the permitting authority will 
    allocate NOX allowances to the NOX Budget opt-in 
    source, and submit to the Administrator allocations for the next 
    control period, in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section.
        (b) For each control period for which the NOX Budget 
    opt-in source has an approved NOX Budget opt-in permit, the 
    NOX Budget opt-in source will be allocated NOX 
    allowances in accordance with the following procedures:
        (1) The heat input (in mmBtu) used for calculating NOX 
    allowance allocations will be the lesser of:
        (i) The NOX Budget opt-in source's baseline heat input 
    determined pursuant to Sec. 96.84(c); or
        (ii) The NOX Budget opt-in source's heat input, as 
    determined in accordance with subpart H of this part, for the control 
    period in the year prior to the year of the control period for which 
    the NOX allocations are being calculated.
        (2) The permitting authority will allocate NOX 
    allowances to the NOX Budget opt-in source in an amount 
    equaling the heat input (in mmBtu) determined under paragraph (b)(1) of 
    this section multiplied by the lesser of:
        (i) The NOX Budget opt-in source's baseline 
    NOX emissions rate (in lb/mmBtu) determined pursuant to 
    Sec. 96.84(c); or
        (ii) The most stringent State or Federal NOX emissions 
    limitation applicable to the NOX Budget opt-in source during 
    the control period.
    [FR Doc. 98-11873 Filed 5-8-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (SNPR).
Document Number:
The EPA is establishing a 45-day comment period, ending on June 25, 1998. Comments must be postmarked by the last day of the comment
25902-25994 (93 pages)
Docket Numbers:
2060-AH10: Finding of Significant Contribution and Rulemaking for Certain States in the Ozone Transport Assessment Group (OTAG) Region for Purposes of Reducing Regional Transport of Ozone
RIN Links:
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CFR: (110)
40 CFR 96.51(b)
40 CFR 75.20(b)(3)
40 CFR 96.71(b)(2)(iii)
40 CFR 96.21(c)
40 CFR 96.42(c)
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