E9-10277. [No title available]  

  • [Federal Register Volume 74, Number 89 (Monday, May 11, 2009)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 21969-21990]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: E9-10277]
    [[Page 21969]]
    Part XI
    Department of Transportation
    Semiannual Regulatory Agenda
    [[Page 21970]]
    Office of the Secretary
    14 CFR Chs. I-III
    23 CFR Chs. I-III
    33 CFR Chs. I and IV
    46 CFR Chs. I-III
    48 CFR Ch. 12
    49 CFR Subtitle A, Chs. I-VI and Chs. X-XII
    OST Docket 99-5129
    Department Regulatory Agenda; Semiannual Summary
    AGENCY: Office of the Secretary, DOT.
    ACTION: Semiannual regulatory agenda.
    SUMMARY: The regulatory agenda is a semiannual summary of all current 
    and projected rulemakings, reviews of existing regulations, and 
    completed actions of the Department. The agenda provides the public 
    with information about the Department of Transportation's regulatory 
    activity. It is expected that this information will enable the public 
    to be more aware of and allow it to more effectively participate in the 
    Department's regulatory activity. The public is also invited to submit 
    comments on any aspect of this agenda.
         You should direct all comments and inquiries on the agenda in 
    general to Neil R. Eisner, Assistant General Counsel for Regulation 
    and Enforcement, Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey 
    Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590, (202) 366-4723.
         You should direct all comments and inquiries on particular 
    items in the agenda to the individual listed for the regulation or 
    the general rulemaking contact person for the operating 
    administration in Appendix B. Individuals who use a 
    telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) may call (202) 755-
    Table of Contents
     Supplementary Information:
    Significant/Priority Rulemakings
    Explanation of Information on the Agenda
    Request for Comments
    Appendix A-Instructions for Obtaining Copies of Regulatory Documents
    Appendix B-General Rulemaking Contact Persons
    Appendix C-Public Rulemaking Dockets
    Appendix D-Review Plans for Section 610 and Other Requirements Agenda
         Improvement of our regulations is a prime goal of the 
    Department of Transportation (Department or DOT). There should be 
    no more regulations than necessary, and those that are issued 
    should be simpler, more comprehensible, and less burdensome. 
    Regulations should not be issued without appropriate involvement of 
    the public; once issued, they should be periodically reviewed and 
    revised, as needed, to assure that they continue to meet the needs 
    for which they originally were designed. To view additional 
    information about the Department of Transportation's regulatory 
    activities online, go to http://regs.dot.gov.
         To help the Department achieve these goals and in accordance 
    with Executive Order 12866 ``Regulatory Planning and Review'' (58 
    FR 51735; October 4, 1993) and the Department's Regulatory Policies 
    and Procedures (44 FR 11034; February 26, 1979), the Department 
    prepares a semiannual regulatory agenda. It summarizes all current 
    and projected rulemaking, reviews of existing regulations, and 
    completed actions of the Department. These are matters on which 
    action has begun or is projected during the succeeding 12 months or 
    such longer period as may be anticipated or for which action has 
    been completed since the last agenda.
         The agendas are based on reports submitted by the offices 
    initiating the rulemaking and are reviewed by the Department 
    Regulations Council. The Department's last agenda was published in 
    the Federal Register on November 24, 2008 (73 FR 71402). The next 
    one is scheduled for publication in the Federal Register in October 
         The Internet is the basic means for disseminating the Unified 
    Agenda. The complete Unified Agenda is available online at 
    www.reginfo.gov, in a format that offers users a greatly enhanced 
    ability to obtain information from the Agenda database.
         Because publication in the Federal Register is mandated for 
    the regulatory flexibility agendas required by the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 602), DOT's printed agenda entries 
    include only:
    1. The Agency's agenda preamble;
    2. Rules that are in the Agency's regulatory flexibility agenda, in 
    accordance with the Regulatory Flexibility Act, because they are likely 
    to have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities; and
    3. Any rules that the Agency has identified for periodic review under 
    section 610 of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
         Printing of these entries is limited to fields that contain 
    information required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act's Agenda 
    requirements. These elements are: Sequence Number; Title; Section 
    610 Review, if applicable; Legal Authority; Abstract; Timetable; 
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required; Agency Contact; and 
    Regulation Identifier Number (RIN). Additional information (for 
    detailed list see section heading ``Explanation of Information on 
    the Agenda'') on these entries is available in the Unified Agenda 
    published on the Internet.
    Significant/Priority Rulemakings
         The agenda covers all rules and regulations of the Department. 
    We have classified rules as a DOT agency priority in the agenda if 
    they are, essentially, very costly, controversial, or of 
    substantial public interest under our Regulatory Policies and 
    Procedures. All DOT agency priority rulemaking documents are 
    subject to review by the Secretary of Transportation. If the Office 
    of Management and Budget (OMB) decides a rule is subject to its 
    review under Executive Order 12866, we have classified it as 
    significant in the agenda.
    Explanation of Information on the Agenda
         The format for this agenda is required by a spring 2009 
    memorandum from the Office of Management and Budget.
         First, the agenda is divided by initiating offices. Then, the 
    agenda is
    [[Page 21971]]
    divided into five categories: (1) Prerule stage, (2) proposed rule 
    stage, (3) final rule stage, (4) long-term actions, and (5) 
    completed actions. For each entry, the agenda provides the 
    following information: (1) Its ``significance''; (2) a short 
    descriptive title; (3) its legal basis; (4) the related regulatory 
    citation in the Code of Federal Regulations; (5) any legal deadline 
    and, if so, for what action (e.g., NPRM, final rule); (6) an 
    abstract; (7) a timetable, including the earliest expected date for 
    a decision on whether to take the action; (8) whether the 
    rulemaking will affect small entities and/or levels of government 
    and, if so, which categories; (9) whether a Regulatory Flexibility 
    Act (RFA) analysis is required (for rules that would have a 
    significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities); (10) a listing of any analyses an office will prepare or 
    has prepared for the action (With minor exceptions, DOT requires an 
    economic analysis for all its rulemakings.); (11) an agency contact 
    office or official who can provide further information; (12) a 
    Regulation Identifier Number (RIN) assigned to identify an 
    individual rulemaking in the agenda and facilitate tracing further 
    action on the issue; (13) whether the action is subject to the 
    Unfunded Mandates Reform Act; (14) whether the action is subject to 
    the Energy Act; and (15) whether the action is major under the 
    congressional review provisions of the Small Business Regulatory 
    Enforcement Fairness Act. If there is information that does not fit 
    in the other categories, it will be included under a separate 
    heading entitled ``Additional Information.''
         For nonsignificant regulations issued routinely and frequently 
    as a part of an established body of technical requirements (such as 
    the Federal Aviation Administration's Airspace Rules), to keep 
    those requirements operationally current, we only include the 
    general category of the regulations, the identity of a contact 
    office or official, and an indication of the expected number of 
    regulations; we do not list individual regulations.
         In the ``Timetable'' column, we use abbreviations to indicate 
    the particular documents being considered. ANPRM stands for Advance 
    Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, SNPRM for Supplemental Notice of 
    Proposed Rulemaking, and NPRM for Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. 
    Listing a future date in this column does not mean we have made a 
    decision to issue a document; it is the earliest date on which we 
    expect to make a decision on whether to issue it. In addition, 
    these dates are based on current schedules. Information received 
    subsequent to the issuance of this agenda could result in a 
    decision not to take regulatory action or in changes to proposed 
    publication dates. For example, the need for further evaluation 
    could result in a later publication date; evidence of a greater 
    need for the regulation could result in an earlier publication 
         Finally, a dot () preceding an entry indicates that 
    the entry appears in the agenda for the first time.
    Request for Comments
         Our agenda is intended primarily for the use of the public. 
    Since its inception, we have made modifications and refinements 
    that we believe provide the public with more helpful information, 
    as well as make the agenda easier to use. We would like you, the 
    public, to make suggestions or comments on how the agenda could be 
    further improved.
         We also seek your suggestions on which of our existing 
    regulations you believe need to be reviewed to determine whether 
    they should be revised or revoked. We particularly draw your 
    attention to the Department's review plan in Appendix D.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
         The Department is especially interested in obtaining 
    information on requirements that have a ``significant economic 
    impact on a substantial number of small entities'' and, therefore, 
    must be reviewed under the Regulatory Flexibility Act. If you have 
    any suggested regulations, please submit them to us, along with 
    your explanation of why they should be reviewed.
         In accordance with the Regulatory Flexibility Act, comments 
    are specifically invited on regulations that we have targeted for 
    review under section 610 of the Act. The phrase (Section 610 
    Review) appears at the end of the title for these reviews. Please 
    see Appendix D for the Department's section 610 review plans.
         Executive Order 13132 requires us to develop an accountable 
    process to ensure ``meaningful and timely input by State and local 
    officials in the development of regulatory policies that have 
    federalism implications.'' ``Policies that have federalism 
    implications'' are defined in the Executive order to include 
    regulations that have substantial direct effects on the States, on 
    the relationship between the National Government and the States, or 
    on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various 
    levels of government. Therefore, we encourage State and local 
    governments to provide us with information about how the 
    Department's rulemakings impact them.
         The Department is publishing this regulatory agenda in the 
    Federal Register to share with interested members of the public the 
    Department's preliminary expectations regarding its future 
    regulatory actions. This should enable the public to be more aware 
    of the Department's regulatory activity and should result in more 
    effective public participation. This publication in the Federal 
    Register does not impose any binding obligation on the Department 
    or any of the offices within the Department with regard to any 
    specific item on the agenda. Regulatory action, in addition to the 
    items listed, is not precluded.
    Dated: March 25, 2009.
     Ray LaHood,
    Secretary of Transportation.
    Appendix A--Instructions for Obtaining Copies of Regulatory Documents
         To obtain a copy of a specific regulatory document in the 
    agenda, you should communicate directly with the contact person 
    listed with the regulation at the address below. We note that most 
    if not all such documents, including the semiannual agenda, are 
    available through the Internet at http://www.regulations.gov. See 
    Appendix C for more information.
    Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
        (Name of contact person), Federal Highway Administration, 1200 
    New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590.
    Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)
        LaKisha Pearson, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, 
    [[Page 21972]]
    New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590.
    Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)
        Michelle Silva, Docket Clerk, Federal Railroad Administration, 
    1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Room W31-109, Washington, DC 20590; 
    telephone (202) 493-6030.
    National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
        (Name of contact person), National Highway Traffic Safety 
    Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590.
    Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
        (Name of contact person), Federal Transit Administration, 1200 
    New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590.
    Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation (SLSDC)
        (Name of contact person), Saint Lawrence Seaway Development 
    Corporation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590.
    Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA)
        (Name of contact person), Pipeline and Hazardous Materials 
    Safety Administration (PHMSA), 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., 
    Washington, DC 20590.
    Maritime Administration (MARAD)
        Kimberly Lewis, Maritime Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue 
    SE., Washington, DC 20590, (202) 366-5158.
    The Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA)
        (Name of contact person), The Research and Innovative 
    Technology Administration (RITA),1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., 
    Washington, DC 20590.
    Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
         To obtain a copy of a specific Federal Aviation Administration 
    (FAA) regulatory document in the agenda, you should communicate 
    directly with the contact person listed with the regulation at the 
    address or telephone number listed; access the FAA's Regulations 
    and Policies web page at http://www.faa. gov/regulations--policies/
    ; call (202) 267-9680; or write to us at Federal Aviation 
    Administration, Office of Rulemaking, ARM-1, 800 Independence 
    Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591.
    Office of the Secretary (OST)
         To obtain a copy of a specific regulatory document or to 
    receive future copies of the Department's regulatory agenda write 
    to: Assistant General Counsel for Regulation and Enforcement, C-50, 
    Office of the General Counsel, Department of Transportation, 1200 
    New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590, (202) 366-4723.
    Appendix B--General Rulemaking Contact Persons
         The following is a list of persons who can be contacted within 
    the Department for general information concerning the rulemaking 
    process within the various operating administrations.
        FAA - Rebecca MacPherson, Office of Chief Counsel, Regulations 
    and Enforcement Division, 800 Independence Avenue SW., Room 915A, 
    Washington, DC 20591; telephone (202) 267-3073.
        FHWA - Jennifer Outhouse, Office of Chief Counsel, 1200 New 
    Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590; telephone (202) 366-0761.
        FMCSA - Steven J. LaFreviere, Regulatory Ombudsman, 1200 New 
    Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590; telephone (202) 366-0596.
        NHTSA - Steve Wood, Office of Chief Counsel, 1200 New Jersey 
    Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590; telephone (202) 366-2992.
        FRA - Kathryn Shelton, Office of Chief Counsel, 1200 New Jersey 
    Avenue SE., Room W31-214, Washington, DC 20590; telephone (202) 
        FTA - Linda Lasley, Office of Chief Counsel, 1200 New Jersey 
    Avenue SE., Room E56-202, Washington, DC 20590; telephone (202) 
        SLSDC - Carrie Mann Lavigne, Chief Counsel, 1200 New Jersey 
    Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590; telephone (202) 366-0091.
        PHMSA - Patricia Burke, Office of Chief Counsel, 1200 New 
    Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590; telephone (202) 366-4400.
        MARAD - Christine Gurland, Office of Chief Counsel, Maritime 
    Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590; 
    telephone (202) 366-5157.
        RITA - Robert Monniere, Office of Chief Counsel, 1200 New 
    Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590; telephone (202) 366-5498.
        OST - Neil Eisner, Office of Regulation and Enforcement, 1200 
    New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590; telephone (202) 366-
    Appendix C--Public Rulemaking Dockets
         All comments via the Internet are submitted through the 
    Federal Docket Management System (FDMS) at the following address: 
    http://www. regulations.gov. The FDMS allows the public to search, 
    view, download, and comment on all Federal agency rulemaking 
    documents in one central online system. The above referenced 
    Internet address also allows the public to sign up to receive 
    notification when certain documents are placed in the dockets.
         The public also may review regulatory dockets at, or deliver 
    comments on proposed rulemakings to, the Dockets Office at 1200 New 
    Jersey Avenue SE., Room W12-140, Washington, DC 20590, 1-800-647-
    5527. Working Hours: 9-5.
    Appendix D--Review Plans for Section 610 and Other Requirements
    Part I--The Plan
         The Department of Transportation has long recognized the 
    importance of regularly reviewing its existing regulations to 
    determine whether they need to be revised or revoked. Our 1979 
    Regulatory Policies and Procedures require such reviews. We also 
    have responsibilities under Executive Order 12866 ``Regulatory 
    Planning and Review'' and section 610 of the Regulatory Flexibility 
    Act to conduct such reviews. This includes the use of plain 
    language techniques in new rules and considering its use in 
    existing rules when we have the opportunity and resources permit 
    its use. We are committed to continuing our reviews of existing 
    rules and, if needed, will initiate rulemaking actions based on 
    these reviews.
    Section 610 Review Plan
         Section 610 requires that we conduct reviews of rules that (1) 
    have been published within the last 10 years and (2) have a 
    ``significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities'' (SEIOSNOSE). It also requires that we publish in the 
    Federal Register each year a list of any such rules that we will 
    review during the next year. The Office of the Secretary and each 
    of the Department's Operating
    [[Page 21973]]
    Administrations have a 10-year review plan. These reviews comply 
    with section 610 of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
    Other Review Plan(s)
         All elements of the Department, except for the Federal 
    Aviation Administration (FAA), have also elected to use this 10-
    year plan process to comply with the review requirements of the 
    Department's Regulatory Policies and Procedures and Executive Order 
    Changes to the Review Plan
         Some reviews may be conducted earlier than scheduled. For 
    example, to the extent resources permit, the plain language reviews 
    will be conducted more quickly. Other events, such as accidents, 
    may result in the need to conduct earlier reviews of some rules. 
    Other factors may also result in the need to make changes; for 
    example, we may make changes in response to public comment on this 
    plan or in response to a Presidentially mandated review. If there 
    is any change to the review plan, we will note the change in the 
    following agenda. For any section 610 review, we will provide the 
    required notice prior to the review.
    Part II--The Review Process
    The Analysis
         Generally, the agencies have divided their rules into 10 
    different groups and plan to analyze one group each year. For 
    purposes of these reviews, a year will coincide with the fall-to-
    fall schedule for publication of the agenda. Thus, Year 1 (2008) 
    begins in the fall of 2008 and ends in the fall of 2009; Year 2 
    (2009) begins in the fall of 2009 and ends in the fall of 2010; and 
    so on. We request public comment on the timing of the reviews. For 
    example, is there a reason for scheduling an analysis and review 
    for a particular rule earlier than we have? Any comments concerning 
    the plan or particular analyses should be submitted to the 
    regulatory contacts listed in Appendix B, General Rulemaking 
    Contact Persons.
    Section 610 Review
         The Agency will analyze each of the rules in a given year's 
    group to determine whether any rule has a SEIOSNOSE and, thus, 
    requires review in accordance with section 610 of the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act. The level of analysis will, of course, depend on 
    the nature of the rule and its applicability. Publication of 
    agencies' section 610 analyses listed each fall in this agenda 
    provides the public with notice and an opportunity to comment 
    consistent with the requirements of the Regulatory Flexibility Act. 
    We request that public comments be submitted to us early in the 
    analysis year concerning the small entity impact of the rules to 
    help us in making our determinations.
         In each fall agenda, the agency will publish the results of 
    the analyses it has completed during the previous year. For rules 
    that had a negative finding on SEIOSNOSE, we will give a short 
    explanation (e.g., ``these rules only establish petition processes 
    that have no cost impact'' or ``these rules do not apply to any 
    small entities''). For parts, subparts, or other discrete sections 
    of rules that do have a SEIOSNOSE, we will announce that we will be 
    conducting a formal section 610 review during the following 12 
    months. At this stage, we will add an entry to the Agenda in the 
    prerulemaking section describing the review in more detail. We also 
    will seek public comment on how best to lessen the impact of these 
    rules and provide a name or docket to which public comments can be 
    submitted. In some cases, the section 610 review may be part of 
    another unrelated review of the rule. In such a case, we plan to 
    clearly indicate which parts of the review are being conducted 
    under section 610.
    Other Reviews
         The Agency will also examine the specified rules to determine 
    whether any other reasons exist for revising or revoking the rule 
    or for rewriting the rule in plain language. In each fall agenda, 
    the Agency will also publish information on the results of the 
    examinations completed during the previous year.
         The FAA, in addition to reviewing its rules in accordance with 
    the Section 610 Review Plan, has established a Tri-annual process 
    to comply with the review requirements of the Department's 
    Regulatory Policies and Procedures, Executive Order 12866, and 
    Plain Language Review Plan. The FAA's latest review notice was 
    published November 15, 2007 (72 FR 64170). In that notice, the FAA 
    requested comments from the public to identify those regulations 
    currently in effect that it should amend, remove, or simplify. The 
    FAA also requested the public provide any specific suggestions 
    where rules could be developed as performance-based rather than 
    prescriptive, and any specific plain-language that might be used, 
    and provide suggested language on how those rules should be 
    written. The FAA will review the issues addressed by the commenters 
    against its regulatory agenda and rulemaking program efforts and 
    adjust its regulatory priorities consistent with its statutory 
    responsibilities. At the end of this process, the FAA will publish 
    a summary and general disposition of comments and indicate, where 
    appropriate, how it will adjust its regulatory priorities.
    Part III-- List of Pending Section 610 Reviews
         The Agenda identifies the pending DOT Section 610 Reviews by 
    inserting (Section 610 Review) after the title for the specific 
    entry. For further information on the pending reviews, see the 
    agenda entries at www.reginfo.gov. For example, to obtain a list of 
    all entries that are Section 610 Reviews under the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act, a user would select the desired responses on the 
    search screen (by selecting advanced search) and, in effect, 
    generate the desired ``index'' of reviews.
                                                 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY
                                              SECTION 610 AND OTHER REVIEWS
       Year                            Regulations To Be Reviewed                             Year       Review Year
    1           49 CFR parts 91 through 99 and 14 CFR parts 200 through 212.............          2008          2009
    2           48 CFR parts 1201 through 1253, and new parts and subparts..............          2009          2010
    3           14 CFR parts 213 through 232............................................          2010          2011
    4           14 CFR parts 234 through 254............................................          2011          2012
    [[Page 21974]]
    5           14 CFR parts 255 through 298 and 49 CFR part 40.........................          2012          2013
    6           14 CFR parts 300 through 373............................................          2013          2014
    7           14 CFR parts 374 through 398............................................          2014          2015
    8           14 CFR part 399 and 49 CFR parts 1 through 11...........................          2015          2016
    9           49 CFR parts 17 through 28..............................................          2016          2017
    10          49 CFR parts 29 through 39 and parts 41 through 89......................          2017          2018
    Year 1 (fall 2008) List of rules that will be analyzed during the next 
    49 CFR part 91 - International Air Transportation Fair Competitive 
    49 CFR part 92 - Recovering Debts to the United States by Salary Offset
    49 CFR part 93 - Aircraft Allocation
    49 CFR part 95 - Advisory Committees
    49 CFR part 98 - Enforcement of Restrictions on Post-Employment 
    49 CFR part 99 - Employee Responsibilities and Conduct
    14 CFR part 200 - Definitions and Instructions
    14 CFR part 201 - Air carrier authority under subtitle VII of title 49 
    of The United States Code [Amended]
    14 CFR part 203 - Waiver of Warsaw Convention liability limits and 
    14 CFR part 204 - Data to support fitness determinations
    14 CFR part 205 - Aircraft accident liability insurance
    14 CFR part 206 - Certificates of public convenience and necessity: 
    Special authorizations and exemptions
    14 CFR part 207 - Charter trips by U.S. scheduled air carriers
    14 CFR part 208 - Charter trips by U.S. charter air carriers
    14 CFR part 211 - Applications for permits to foreign air carriers
    14 CFR part 212 - Charter rules for U.S. and foreign direct air 
                                             FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION
                                                 SECTION 610 REVIEW PLAN
       Year                            Regulations to be Reviewed                             Year       Review Year
    1           14 CFR parts 119 through 129 and parts 150 through 156..................          2008          2009
    2           14 CFR parts 133 through 139 and parts 157 through 169..................          2009          2010
    3           14 CFR parts 141 through 147 and parts 170 through 187..................          2010          2011
    4           14 CFR parts 189 through 198 and parts 1 through 16.....................          2011          2012
    5           14 CFR parts 17 through 33..............................................          2012          2013
    6           14 CFR parts 34 through 39 and parts 400 through 405....................          2013          2014
    7           14 CFR parts 43 through 49 and parts 406 through 415....................          2014          2015
    8           14 CFR parts 60 through 77..............................................          2015          2016
    9           14 CFR parts 91 through 105.............................................          2016          2017
    10          14 CFR parts 417 through 460............................................          2017          2018
     The FAA has elected to use the two-step, 2-year process used by most 
    DOT modes in past plans. As such, the FAA has divided its rules into 10 
    groups as displayed in the table above. During the first year (the 
    ``analysis year''), all rules published during the previous 10 years 
    within a 10 percent block of the regulations will be analyzed to 
    identify those with a SEIOSNOSE. During the second year (the ``review 
    year''), each rule identified in the analysis year as having a SEIONOSE 
    will be reviewed in accordance with section 610 (b) to determine if it 
    should be continued without change or changed to minimize impact on 
    small entities. Results of those reviews will be published in the DOT 
    semiannual regulatory agenda.
    Year 10 (fall 2007) List of rules analyzed and summary of the results
    14 CFR part 91 - General Operating and Flight Rules
    Section 610: The agency has conducted a 610 Review for this part and 
    found three Amendments with SEIOSNOSE.
    Amendment No. 91-203
     Amendment No. 91-203, pursuant to two legislative mandates, 
    established requirements for an aircraft to have an operating 
    transponder (basic transponder or Mode S transponder) with automatic 
    altitude reporting equipment (Mode C transponder) when operating in the 
    vicinity of certain primary airports for which a terminal radar 
    approach control service area had been established and in other 
    airspace at and above 10,000 feet mean sea level. The Airport and 
    Airway Safety and Capacity Expansion Act of 1987 (Pub. L. 100-223, Dec. 
    30, 1987) required the FAA to issue regulations requiring the use of a 
    transponder with Mode C capability in terminal airspace above a minimum 
    [[Page 21975]]
    to be determined by the FAA. These revisions were intended to reduce 
    the potential for midair collisions between aircraft under the control 
    of air traffic control (ATC) and those that chose to operate without 
    ATC assistance.
        Original FAA finding: Initially, the FAA found that this 
    amendment would not have a SEIOSNOSE. However, during the NPRM 
    phase of this rulemaking, the FAA received numerous comments 
    suggesting that the proposed rules would significantly impact small 
    businesses. The FAA received many comments from private airports, 
    state aviation organizations, and private trade associations that 
    indicated there would be a significant economic impact to private 
    and public airports, as well as fixed based operators at those 
    airports. Comments from businesses engaged in aerial agriculture 
    and pest control, as well as aerial advertising, indicated that the 
    proposed rules would have significant economic impact on these 
    businesses also. Therefore, the FAA reconsidered its finding and 
    agreed that the comments indicated that there would be a SEIOSNOSE.
         To mitigate the impact on small entities, the FAA considered 
    three alternative approaches to this rulemaking: (1) Delay 
    implementation for a longer period; (2) establish different 
    standards for small entities; and (3) design the airspace to 
    minimize the impact. The FAA rejected the second and third 
    approaches because it found them to be contrary to the legislative 
    mandates, inequitable, and would result in a diminished safety 
    benefit. The FAA recognized the economic benefit in delaying the 
    implementation of this amendment for a longer period of time to 
    allow for an increase in the supply of the required avionics that 
    should lower the cost of this equipment. However, the FAA stated 
    that the safety need was so great that it was necessary to move 
    forward with the regulations. Therefore, instead of completely 
    delaying the implementation date, the FAA implemented the 
    regulations in two phases over a period of 18 months.
         Finding of this 5 U.S.C. section 610 analysis and review: 
    Although the FAA attempted to mitigate the economic impact on small 
    entities by delaying the implementation period, compliance with the 
    amendment still imposes a SEIOSNOSE. Therefore, based on this 
    periodic analysis of the current impact of amendment No. 91-203 on 
    small entities, there continues to be a SEIOSNOSE. No changes are 
    needed because these regulations are mandated by statute and impose 
    the least burden.
        Amendment No. 91-263
         Amendment No. 91-263 required that certain airplanes be 
    equipped with an FAAapproved terrain awareness and warning system 
    (TAWS) (also referred to as an enhanced ground proximity warning 
    system). It is an operating rule that affects all U.S.-registered 
    turbine-powered airplanes with six or more passenger seats 
    (exclusive of pilot and copilot seating). The rule promotes safety 
    by increasing the warning times and situational awareness of flight 
    crews to decrease the risk of controlled flight into terrain 
         Original FAA finding: The FAA determined that this amendment 
    would have a SEIOSNOSE. The FAA noted that the types of entities 
    potentially affected by this rule would include manufacturers of 
    transport category airplanes, manufacturers of ground proximity 
    warning equipment, scheduled air carriers, and nonscheduled air 
    carriers. The small entities that operate under part 91 that were 
    expected to be impacted by this rule would include corporate, 
    business, personal, instruction, aerial application, and local 
    governments. The FAA estimated that the fleet of aircraft to which 
    the rule would apply would be approximately 6,000 turbojets and 
    6,000 turboprops. The small entities associated with this size 
    fleet constituted a substantial number and the cost impact was 
    considered to be potentially significant. Therefore, the FAA took 
    measures to mitigate the economic impact on small entities.
         The FAA made efforts to reduce the impact on these potentially 
    affected small entities by requiring a substantially less expensive 
    and easier to install TAWS for part 91 operators. The FAA 
    determined that there are two classes of TAWS equipment that can 
    provide the desired level of safety: Class A, which includes a 
    terrain situational awareness display, and Class B, which includes 
    only the basic TAWS safety features. The FAA allowed part 91 
    operators to achieve the desired safety levels by installing the 
    less expensive Class B TAWS equipment. This approach significantly 
    reduced the cost of compliance to small entities, and still met the 
    rule's safety goals.
         Finding of this 5 U.S.C. section 610 analysis and review: 
    Although the FAA attempted to reduce the impact on the potentially 
    affected small entities by requiring a substantially less expensive 
    and easier to install TAWS for part 91 operators, compliance with 
    the amendment still imposes a SEIOSNOSE. Therefore, based on this 
    periodic analysis of the current impact of amendment No. 91-263 on 
    small entities, there continues to be a SEIOSNOSE. The benefits 
    justify their costs and the regulations impose the least burden 
    while still meeting the rule's safety goals.
        Amendment No. 91-276 (Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum in 
    Domestic United States Airspace)
         Amendment No. 91-276, Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum in 
    Domestic United States Airspace, expanded Reduced Vertical 
    Separation Minimum (RVSM) operations to aircraft operating between 
    29,000 and 41,000 feet in the airspace of the contiguous 48 States 
    of the United States and the District of Columbia, Alaska, that 
    portion of the Gulf of Mexico where the FAA provides air traffic 
    services, the San Juan Flight Information Region (FIR), and the 
    airspace between Florida and the San Juan FIR. The amendment also 
    required any aircraft that is equipped with TCAS II and flown in 
    RVSM airspace to incorporate a version of TCAS II software that is 
    compatible with RVSM operations. The goals of this amendment were 
    to assist aircraft operators to save fuel and time, to enhance air 
    traffic control flexibility, and to enhance airspace capacity.
         Original FAA finding: The FAA initially determined that this 
    amendment would have a SEIOSNOSE. The FAA found through analysis 
    that approximately 380 small operators would be significantly 
    impacted by this amendment. These small operators were expected to 
    experience some disadvantages relative to large transport carriers, 
    such as less flexibility for rotating their fleets through the RVSM 
    approval process without a disruption in service, or suffering a 
    significant fuel penalty by continuing to operate below 29,000 feet 
    if electing to not upgrade or to delay aircraft upgrade plans.
    [[Page 21976]]
     Therefore, the FAA considered alternatives to mitigate the 
    economic impact on these small entities.
         To reduce this economic impact, the FAA considered several 
    alternative approaches to this rulemaking, including not enforcing 
    the rule on small entities. Under this scenario, small operators 
    would avoid $285.5 million in upgrade costs and downtime costs, but 
    safety would be compromised as a result of some 2,400 non-approved 
    aircraft operating in the RVSM stratum. Therefore, the FAA rejected 
    this alternative. The FAA also considered a phased implementation 
    of RVSM alternative to give small entities greater flexibility. It 
    considered implementation of RVSM for a smaller band such as 33,000 
    to 37,000 feet with eventual expansion to the full RVSM envelope of 
    29,000 to 41,000 feet. This alternative was rejected on the basis 
    of simulations that revealed system safety and airspace management 
    were negatively impacted when RVSM was applied in any altitude band 
    other than 29,000 to 41,000 feet. In addition, controller workload, 
    the potential for controller error, and operational complexity all 
    increased. The FAA rejected this alternative in favor of the rule, 
    as well. The FAA concluded that the final rule represented the best 
    balance of costs and benefits for airspace users and air traffic 
    providers without a reduction in aviation safety.
         Finding of this 5 U.S.C. section 610 analysis and review: 
    Since promulgation of this rule, circumstances have remained such 
    that there is a continued need for the rule as implemented. Small 
    entities retain the option of not upgrading their equipment to take 
    advantage of RVSM operations and continuing to operate below 29,000 
    feet if they feel this is more to their advantage. However, based 
    on this periodic analysis of the current impact of amendment No. 
    91-276, Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum in Domestic United 
    States Airspace, on small entities, there continues to be a 
    SEIOSNOSE. The FAA concludes that the final rule represents the 
    best balance of costs and benefits for airspace users and air 
    traffic providers without a reduction in aviation safety.
                                             FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION
                                              SECTION 610 AND OTHER REVIEWS
       Year                             Regulations To Be Reviewed                            Year       Review Year
    1           None....................................................................          2008          2009
    2           23 CFR parts 1 through 260..............................................          2009          2010
    3           23 CFR parts 420 through 470............................................          2010          2011
    4           23 CFR part 500.........................................................          2011          2012
    5           23 CFR parts 620 through 637............................................          2012          2013
    6           23 CFR parts 645 through 669............................................          2013          2014
    7           23 CFR parts 710 through 924............................................          2014          2015
    8           23 CFR parts 940 through 973............................................          2015          2016
    9           23 CFR parts 1200 through 1252..........................................          2016          2017
    10          New parts and subparts..................................................          2017          2018
    Federal-Aid Highway Program
     The FHWA has adopted regulations in title 23 of the CFR, chapter I, 
    related to the Federal-Aid Highway Program. These regulations implement 
    and carry out the provisions of Federal law relating to the 
    administration of Federal aid for highways. The primary law authorizing 
    Federal aid for highways is chapter I of title 23 of the U.S.C. Section 
    145 of title 23 expressly provides for a federally assisted State 
    program. For this reason, the regulations adopted by the FHWA in title 
    23 of the CFR primarily relate to the requirements that States must 
    meet to receive Federal funds for the construction and other work 
    related to highways. Because the regulations in title 23 primarily 
    relate to States, which are not defined as small entities under the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act, the FHWA believes that its regulations in 
    title 23 do not have a significant economic impact on a substantial 
    number of small entities. The FHWA solicits public comment on this 
    preliminary conclusion.
                                       FEDERAL MOTOR CARRIER SAFETY ADMINISTRATION
                                              SECTION 610 AND OTHER REVIEWS
       Year                            Regulations To Be Reviewed                             Year       Review Year
    1           49 CFR parts 372, subpart A, and 381....................................          2008          2009
    2           49 CFR parts 386, 389, and 395..........................................          2009          2010
    3           49 CFR parts 325, 388, 350, and 355.....................................          2010          2011
    4           49 CFR parts 380 and 382 to 385.........................................          2011          2012
    5           49 CFR parts 390 to 393 and 396 to 399..................................          2012          2013
    6           49 CFR parts 356, 367, 369 to 371, 372, subparts B-C....................          2013          2014
    7           49 CFR parts 373, 374, 376, and 379.....................................          2014          2015
    8           49 CFR parts 360, 365, 366, and 368.....................................          2015          2016
    9           49 CFR parts 377, 378, and 387..........................................          2016          2017
    10          49 CFR parts 303, 375, and new parts and subparts.......................          2017          2018
    [[Page 21977]]
    Year 1 (fall 2008) List of rules that will be analyzed during the next 
    49 CFR part 372, subpart A - Exemptions
    49 CFR part 381 - Waivers, exemptions, and pilot programs
    Year 10 (fall 2007) List of rules analyzed and a summary of results
    49 CFR part 375 - Transportation of Household Goods in Interstate 
    Commerce; Consumer Protection regulations
     Section 610: An ongoing review of the regulations indicates 
    there is a SEIONOSE. This part applies to small household goods firms 
    that are engaged in interstate operations.
     General: The Agency will assess the need for changes once the 
    review of these regulations is complete. FMCSA's plain language review 
    of these regulations indicates no need for substantial revision.
    49 CFR part 395 - Hours of Service of Drivers
                                              SECTION 610 AND OTHER REVIEWS
       Year                            Regulations To Be Reviewed                             Year       Review Year
    1           49 CFR 571.223 through 571.500, and parts 575 and 579...................          2008          2009
    2           23 CFR parts 1200 and 1300..............................................          2009          2010
    3           49 CFR parts 501 through 526 and 571.213................................          2010          2011
    4           49 CFR 571.131, 571.217, 571.220, 571.221, and 571.222..................          2011          2012
    5           49 CFR 571.101 through 571.110, and 571.135, 571.138 and 571.139........          2012          2013
    6           49 CFR parts 529 through 578, except parts 571 and 575..................          2013          2014
    7           49 CFR 571.111 through 571.129 and parts 580 through 588................          2014          2015
    8           49 CFR 571.201 through 571.212..........................................          2015          2016
    9           49 CFR 571.214 through 571.219, except 571.217..........................          2016          2017
    10          49 CFR parts 591 through 595 and new parts and subparts.................          2017          2018
    Year 1 (fall 2008) List of rules that will be analyzed during the next 
    49 CFR part 571.223 - Standard No. 223; Rear impact guards
    49 CFR part 571.224 - Standard No. 224; Rear impact protection
    49 CFR part 571.225 - Standard No. 225; Child restraint anchorage 
    49 CFR part 571.301 - Standard No. 301; Fuel system integrity
    49 CFR part 571.302 - Standard No. 302; Flammability of interior 
    49 CFR part 571.303 - Standard No. 303; Fuel system integrity of 
    compressed natural gas vehicles
    49 CFR part 571.304 - Standard No. 304; Compressed natural gas fuel 
    container integrity
    49 CFR part 571.305 - Standard No. 305; Electric-powered vehicles: 
    electrolyte spillage and electrical shock protection
    49 CFR part 571.401 - Standard No. 401; Interior trunk release
    49 CFR part 571.403 - Standard No. 403; Platform lift systems for motor 
    49 CFR part 571.404 - Standard No. 404; Platform lift installations in 
    motor vehicles
    49 CFR part 571.500 - Standard No. 500; Low-speed vehicles
    49 CFR part 575 - Consumer information
    49 CFR part 579 - Reporting of Information And Communications About 
    Potential Defects
    Plan for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Vehicle and Behavioral 
    Programs, 2008-2012
     In addition to reviewing its rules in accordance with the Section 610 
    Review Plan, NHTSA issued an Evaluation Program Plan, 2008-2012, on 
    August 21, 2008. This document describes the Office of Regulatory 
    Analysis and Evaluation's ongoing and planned evaluations of existing 
    Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards and other vehicle-safety, 
    behavioral-safety and consumer programs. It also summarizes the results 
    of completed program evaluations. On August 29, 2008, NHTSA also issued 
    a notice in the Federal Register (page 51045) inviting public comment 
    on the plan. You may review this plan at http://www-nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/
    Pubs/810983.PDF. You may review the Federal Register notice at http://
    edocket.access.gpo.gov/2008/pdf/E8-20061.pdf or in HTML format at 
                                             FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION
                                              SECTION 610 AND OTHER REVIEWS
       Year                             Regulations To Be Reviewed                            Year       Review Year
    1            49 CFR parts 200 and 201...............................................          2008          2009
    2            49 CFR parts 207, 209, 211, 215, 238, and 256..........................          2009          2010
    3            49 CFR parts 210, 212, 214, 217, and 268...............................          2010          2011
    4            49 CFR part 219........................................................          2011          2012
    5            49 CFR parts 218, 221, 241, and 244....................................          2012          2013
    6            49 CFR parts 216, 228, and 229.........................................          2013          2014
    7            49 CFR parts 223 and 233...............................................          2014          2015
    [[Page 21978]]
    8            49 CFR parts 224, 225, 231, and 234....................................          2015          2016
    9            49 CFR parts 222, 227, 235, 236, 250, 260, and 266.....................          2016          2017
    10           49 CFR parts 213, 220, 230, 232, 239, 240, and 265.....................          2017          2018
    Year 10 (fall 2007) List of rules analyzed and a summary of results
    49 CFR part 213 - Track Safety Standards
     Section 610: There is a SEIOSNOSE. These are minimum safety 
    requirements for railroad track that is part of the general railroad 
    system of transportation. The FRA will conduct a formal review to 
    identify whether opportunities may exist to reduce the burden on small 
    railroads without compromising safety standards.
     Plain Language: FRA's plain language review of this rule 
    indicates no need for substantial revision.
     General: Since the rule prescribes minimum safety requirements 
    for railroad track that is part of the general railroad system of 
    transportation, it will enhance the safety of rail transportation, 
    protecting both those traveling and working on the system and those off 
    the system who might be adversely affected by a rail incident.
    49 CFR part 220 - Railroad Communications
     Section 610: There is a SEIOSNOSE. These are minimum 
    requirements governing the use of wireless communications in connection 
    with railroad operations. The FRA will conduct a formal review to 
    identify whether opportunities may exist to reduce the burden on small 
    railroads without compromising safety standards.
     Plain Language: FRA's plain language review of this rule 
    indicates no need for substantial revision.
     General: Since the rule prescribes minimum requirements 
    governing the use of wireless communications in connection with 
    railroad operations, uniform standard communications procedures and 
    requirements throughout the railroad industry are necessary to ensure 
    the protection and safety of railroad employees and general public, and 
    to minimize the number of casualties.
    49 CFR part 230 - Steam Locomotive Inspection and Maintenance Standards
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     Plain Language: FRA's plain language review of this rule 
    indicates no need for substantial revision.
     General: Since the rule prescribes minimum Federal safety 
    standards of inspection and maintenance for all steam locomotives 
    operated on railroads, these requirements are necessary to ensure the 
    protection and safety of railroad employees and general public, and to 
    minimize the number of casualties.
    49 CFR part 232 - Brake System Safety Standards for Freight and Other 
    Non-Passenger Train and Equipment; End- of-Train Devices
     Section 610: There is a SEIOSNOSE. These are minimum Federal 
    safety standards for freight and other non-passenger train track 
    systems and equipment as well as for freight and other non-passenger 
    train brake systems. The FRA will conduct a formal review to identify 
    whether opportunities may exist to reduce the burden on small railroads 
    without compromising safety standards.
     Plain Language: FRA's plain language review of this rule 
    indicates no need for substantial revision.
     General: Since the rule prescribes minimum Federal safety 
    standards for freight and other non-passenger train track systems and 
    equipment as well as for freight and other non-passenger train brake 
    systems, it will enhance the safety of rail transportation, protecting 
    both those traveling and working on the system and those off the system 
    who might be adversely affected by a rail incident.
    49 CFR part 239 - Passenger Train Emergency Preparedness
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     Plain Language: FRA's plain language review of this rule 
    indicates no need for substantial revision.
     General: Since the rule prescribes minimum Federal safety 
    standards for the preparation, adoption and implementation of emergency 
    preparedness plans by railroads, these requirements are necessary to 
    ensure the protection and safety of railroad passengers and employees 
    as well as the general public, and to minimize the number of 
    49 CFR part 240 - Qualification and Certification of Locomotive 
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     Plain Language: FRA's plain language review of this rule 
    indicates no need for substantial revision.
     General: Since the rule prescribes minimum Federal safety 
    standards and guidelines for the eligibility, training, testing, 
    certification and monitoring of all locomotive engineers, it will 
    ensure and enhance the protection and safety of railroad employees and 
    general public and minimize the number of casualties.
    49 CFR part 265 - Nondiscrimination in Federally Assisted Railroad 
     Section 610: There is no SEIOSNOSE.
     Plain Language: FRA's plain language review of this rule 
    indicates no need for substantial revision.
     General: The purpose of the rule is to ensures that no person 
    in the United States shall on the grounds of race, color, national 
    origin, or sex be excluded from participation in, or denied the 
    benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under, any project, 
    program or activity funded in part through financial assistance under 
    the Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976, or any 
    provision of law amended by the Act.
    [[Page 21979]]
    Year 1 (fall 2008) List of rule(s) that will be analyzed during next 
    49 CFR part 200 - Informal Rules of Practice for Passenger Safety
    49 CFR part 201 - Formal Rules of Practice for Passenger Service
                                             FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION
                                              SECTION 610 AND OTHER REVIEWS
       Year                             Regulations To Be Reviewed                            Year       Review Year
     1          49 CFR parts 604, 605, and 633..........................................          2008          2009
    2           49 CFR parts 661 and 665................................................          2009          2010
    3           49 CFR part 633.........................................................          2010          2011
     4          49 CFR parts 609 and 611................................................          2011          2012
     5          49 CFR parts 613 and 614................................................          2012          2013
     6          49 CFR part 622.........................................................          2013          2014
    7           49 CFR part 630.........................................................          2014          2015
    8           49 CFR part 639.........................................................          2015          2016
    9           49 CFR parts 659 and 663................................................          2016          2017
    10          49 CFR part 665.........................................................          2017          2018
    Year 10 (fall 2007) List of rules analyzed and summary of results
    49 CFR part 624 - Clean Fuels Program
     Section 610: The Agency has determined that the rule will not 
    have a significant effect on a substantial number of small entities. 
    This rule imposes no new costs because it merely modifies the 
    application procedures for an existing grant program.
     Plain Language: The rule was drafted using plain language 
     General: No changes are necessary since the benefits of the 
    rule justify its costs and the regulation imposes the least burden.
    Year 1 (fall 2008) List of rules that will be analyzed during the next 
    49 CFR part 604 - Charter Services
    49 CFR part 605 - School Bus Operations
    49 CFR part 633 - Project Management Oversight
                                                 MARITIME ADMINISTRATION
                                              SECTION 610 AND OTHER REVIEWS
       Year                            Regulations To Be Reviewed                             Year       Review Year
    1           46 CFR parts 201 through 205............................................          2008          2009
    2           46 CFR parts 221 through 232............................................          2009          2010
    3           46 CFR parts 249 through 296............................................          2010          2011
    4           46 CFR part 298.........................................................          2011          2012
    5           46 CFR parts 307 through 309............................................          2012          2013
    6           46 CFR part 310.........................................................          2013          2014
    7           46 CFR parts 315 through 340............................................          2014          2015
    8           46 CFR parts 345 through 381............................................          2015          2016
    9           46 CFR parts 382 through 389............................................          2016          2017
    10          46 CFR parts 390 through 393............................................          2017          2018
    Year 10 (fall 2007) List of rules analyzed and a summary of the results
    46 CFR part 390 - Capital Construction Fund
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. Some small entities may be 
    affected, but the economic impact on small entities will not be 
     Plain Language: Where confusing or wordy language has been 
    identified, we will make revisions.
     General: No overall revision of the rule is needed at this 
    time; however, technical amendments were made to the rule so that it 
    correctly referenced sections in the United States Code.
    46 CFR part 391 - Federal Income Tax Aspects of the Capital 
    Construction Fund
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. Some small entities may be 
    affected, but the economic impact on small entities will not be 
     Plain Language: Where confusing or wordy language has been 
    identified, we will make revisions.
     General: No changes are needed.
    Year 1 (fall 2008) List of rules that will be analyzed during the next 
    46 CFR part 201 - Rules of Practice and Procedure
    46 CFR part 202 - Procedures Relating to Review by Secretary of 
    Transportation of Actions by Maritime Subsidy Board
    [[Page 21980]]
    46 CFR part 203 - Procedures Relating to Conduct of Certain Hearings 
    Under the Merchant Marine Act, 1936
    46 CFR part 204 - Claims Against the Maritime Administration Under the 
    Federal Tort Claim Act
    46 CFR part 205 - Audit Appeals; Policy and Procedure
                                              SECTION 610 AND OTHER REVIEWS
       Year                            Regulations To Be Reviewed                             Year       Review Year
    1           Part 178................................................................          2008          2009
    2           Parts 178, 179, 180.....................................................          2009          2010
    3           Parts 172 and 175.......................................................          2010          2011
    4           Sections 171.15 and 171.16..............................................          2011          2012
    5           Parts 106, 107, 171, 190, 195...........................................          2012          2013
    6           Parts 174, 177, 191, 192................................................          2013          2014
    7           Parts 176, 199..........................................................          2014          2015
    8           Parts 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178.................................          2015          2016
    9           Parts 172, 173, 174, 176, 177, 193......................................          2016          2017
    10          Parts 173, 194..........................................................          2017          2018
    Year 8 (fall 2005) List of rules analyzed and a summary of the results
    49 CFR part 110 - Hazardous Materials Public Sector Training and 
    Planning Grants
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE. The vast majority of grant 
    applicants are not considered small entities as SBA defines that term. 
    In the past 10 years, only eight entities meeting the small business 
    definition have applied for and received HMEP grants. Further, the 
    grant application process is specifically designed to minimize the 
    burden on all grantees, including those that meet the definition of 
    small entity.
     Plain Language: Where confusing or wordy language has been 
    identified, we will make revisions.
     General: No changes are necessary since the benefits of the 
    rule justify its costs and the regulation imposes the least burden.
    49 CFR part 195 - Transportation of Hazardous Liquids by Pipeline
     Section 610: NO SEIOSNOSE. The vast majority of hazardous 
    liquid operators are not small entities as defined by the SBA.
     Plain Language: We will make revisions where wordy or 
    confusing language is identified.
     General: No changes are necessary since the benefits of the 
    rule justify its costs and the regulation imposes the least burden.
    Year 1 (fall 2008) List of rules that will be analyzed during the next 
    49 CFR part 178 - Specifications for packagings
                                              SECTION 610 AND OTHER REVIEWS
       Year                            Regulations To Be Reviewed                             Year       Review Year
    1           14 CFR part 241, form 41................................................          2008          2009
    2           14 CFR part 241, schedule T-100, and part 217...........................          2009          2010
    3           14 CFR part 298, 49 CFR 1420............................................          2010          2011
    4           14 CFR part 241, section 19-7...........................................          2011          2012
    5           14 CFR part 291.........................................................          2012          2013
    6           14 CFR part 234.........................................................          2013          2014
    7           14 CFR part 249.........................................................          2014          2015
    8           14 CFR part 248.........................................................          2015          2016
    9           14 CFR part 250.........................................................          2016          2017
    10          14 CFR part 374a, ICAO..................................................          2017          2018
    Year 6 (fall 2003) List of rule(s) analyzed and a summary of results
    14 CFR part 234 - Airline Service Quality Performance Reports
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE.
     Plain Language: This rule is being reviewed as part of an 
    overall aviation data requirements review and modernization program, 
    which will also take into account the plain language initiative.
     General: This rule is being reviewed as part of an overall 
    aviation data requirements review and modernization program.
    Year 7 (fall 2004) List of rule(s) analyzed and a summary of results
    14 CFR part 249 - Preservation of Air Carrier Records
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE.
    [[Page 21981]]
     Plain Language: This rule is being reviewed as part of an 
    overall aviation data requirements review and modernization program, 
    which will also take into account the plain language initiative.
     General: This rule is being reviewed as part of an overall 
    aviation data requirements review and modernization program.
    Year 8 (fall 2005) List of rule(s) analyzed and a summary of results
    14 CFR part 248 - Submission of Audit Reports
     Section 610: No SEIOSNOSE.
     Plain Language: This rule is being reviewed as part of an 
    overall aviation data requirements review and modernization program, 
    which will also take into account the plain language initiative.
     General: This rule is being reviewed as part of an overall 
    aviation data requirements review and modernization program.
    Year 1 (fall 2008) List of rules that will be analyzed during the next 
    14 CFR part 241 -- Uniform System of Accounts and Reports for Large 
    Certificated Air Carriers, Form 41
                                      SAINT LAWRENCE SEAWAY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
                                              SECTION 610 AND OTHER REVIEWS
       Year                            Regulations to be Reviewed                             Year       Review Year
    1           33 CFR parts 401 through 403............................................          2008          2009
    Year 1 (fall 2008) List of Rules that will be analyzed during the next 
    33 CFR part 401 - Seaway Regulations and Rules
    33 CFR part 402 - Tariff of Tolls
    33 CFR part 403 - Rules of Procedure of the Joint Tolls Review Board
                                  Federal Aviation Administration--Proposed Rule Stage
     Sequence                                           Title                                            Identifier
      Number                                                                                               Number
    244         [rplus]Commuter Operations in Very Light Jets (VLJs)..................................    2120-AI84
    245         [rplus]Qualification, Service, and Use of Crewmembers and Aircraft Dispatchers........    2120-AJ00
     [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
                                    Federal Aviation Administration--Final Rule Stage
     Sequence                                           Title                                            Identifier
      Number                                                                                               Number
    246         [rplus]Automatic Dependent Surveillance--Broadcast (ADS-B) Equipage Mandate To Support    2120-AI92
                Air Traffic Control Service...........................................................
    247         [rplus]Production and Airworthiness Approvals.........................................    2120-AJ44
     [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
                                   Federal Aviation Administration--Long-Term Actions
     Sequence                                           Title                                            Identifier
      Number                                                                                               Number
    248         [rplus]Flight Crewmember Duty Limitations and Rest Requirements.......................    2120-AI93
     [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
                                   Federal Aviation Administration--Completed Actions
     Sequence                                           Title                                            Identifier
      Number                                                                                               Number
    249         [rplus]Washington, DC, Metropolitan Area Special Flight Rules Area....................    2120-AI17
    250         [rplus]Production and Airworthiness Approvals.........................................    2120-AI78
     [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
    [[Page 21982]]
                            Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration--Proposed Rule Stage
     Sequence                                           Title                                            Identifier
      Number                                                                                               Number
    251         [rplus]Unified Registration System....................................................    2126-AA22
     [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
                              Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration--Final Rule Stage
     Sequence                                           Title                                            Identifier
      Number                                                                                               Number
    252         Interstate Van Operations.............................................................    2126-AA98
    253         [rplus]Commercial Driver's License Testing and Commercial Learner's Permit Standards..    2126-AB02
     [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
                             Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration--Long-Term Actions
     Sequence                                           Title                                            Identifier
      Number                                                                                               Number
    254         [rplus]Safety Monitoring System and Compliance Initiative for Mexico-Domiciled Motor      2126-AA35
                Carriers Operating in the United States...............................................
    255         [rplus]National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners...............................    2126-AA97
     [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
                             Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration--Completed Actions
     Sequence                                           Title                                            Identifier
      Number                                                                                               Number
    256         [rplus]New Entrant Safety Assurance Process...........................................    2126-AA59
    257         [rplus]Requirements for Intermodal Equipment Providers and Motor Carriers and Drivers     2126-AA86
                Operating Intermodal Equipment........................................................
     [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
                            National Highway Traffic Safety Administration--Final Rule Stage
     Sequence                                           Title                                            Identifier
      Number                                                                                               Number
    258         Early Warning Reporting Information...................................................    2127-AK28
                                    Federal Transit Administration--Final Rule Stage
     Sequence                                           Title                                            Identifier
      Number                                                                                               Number
    259         Bus Testing: Phase-In of Brake Performance and Emissions Testing, and Program Updates     2132-AA95
                (Section 610 Review)..................................................................
    260         Buy America; Petition for Rulemaking (Section 610 Review).............................    2132-AA99
    [[Page 21983]]
                                    Federal Transit Administration--Long-Term Actions
     Sequence                                           Title                                            Identifier
      Number                                                                                               Number
    261         School Bus Operations (Section 610 Review)............................................    2132-AB00
                                    Federal Transit Administration--Completed Actions
     Sequence                                           Title                                            Identifier
      Number                                                                                               Number
    262         [rplus]Major Capital Investment Projects--New/Small Starts............................    2132-AA81
     [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
                        Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration--Completed Actions
     Sequence                                           Title                                            Identifier
      Number                                                                                               Number
    263         [rplus]Hazardous Materials: Enhancing Rail Transportation Safety and Security for         2137-AE02
                Hazardous Materials Shipments.........................................................
     [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
                                      Maritime Administration--Proposed Rule Stage
     Sequence                                           Title                                            Identifier
      Number                                                                                               Number
    264         [rplus]Cargo Preference--Compromise, Assessment, Mitigation, Settlement and Collection    2133-AB75
                of Civil Penalties....................................................................
     [rplus] DOT-designated significant regulation
    Department of Transportation (DOT)                  Proposed Rule Stage
    Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
    Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 1155; 49 USC 40103; 49 USC 
    40113; 49 USC 40119; 49 USC 40120; 49 USC 44101; 49 USC 44111; 49 USC 
    44701; 49 USC 44705; 49 USC 44709 to 44713; 49 USC 44715 to 44717; 49 
    USC 44722; 49 USC 44901; 49 USC 44903; 49 USC 44912; 49 USC 46105; 49 
    USC 46306; 49 USC 46316; 49 USC 46504; 49 USC 46506; 49 USC 47122; 49 
    USC 47508; 49 USC 47528 to 47531; 49 USC 44702; 49 USC 44904; 49 USC 
    Abstract: This rulemaking would establish a rule to allow passenger-
    carrying commuter operations to be conducted under the provisions of 
    part 135 using multiengine turbojets, certificated under either part 23 
    or part 25, configured with 9 or fewer passenger seats. The rulemaking 
    would allow multiengine turbojet operators to provide commuter service 
    to the traveling public, thus accommodating new techonologies and a new 
    generation of turbojet airplanes that otherwise would not be allowed in 
    part 135 commuter service. Since 1995, turbojets used in scheduled 
    operations must operate under the provisions of part 121. This current 
    rulemaking resulted, in part, from recommendations from the Aviation 
    Rulemaking Committee for parts 14 CFR 135/125 and covers pilot crew, 
    equipment, training, and dispatch requirements for the safe operation 
    of this new generation airplane.
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    NPRM                            10/00/09
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Alberta Brown, Air Transportation Division, Department 
    of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
    Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
    Phone: 202 267-8321
    RIN: 2120-AI84
    Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 40119; 49 USC 
    44101; 49 USC 44701 and 44702; 49 USC 44705; 49 USC 44709 to 44711; 49 
    USC 44713; 49 USC 44716 and 44717; 49 USC 44722; 49 USC 44901; 49 USC 
    44903 and 44904; 49 USC 44912; 49 USC 46105
    Abstract: This rulemaking would amend the regulations for crewmember 
    and dispatcher training programs in domestic, flag, and supplemental 
    operations. The rulemaking would enhance traditional training programs
    [[Page 21984]]
    by requiring the use of flight simulation training devices for flight 
    crewmembers and including additional training requirements in areas 
    that are critical to safety. The rulemaking would also reorganize and 
    revise the qualification and training requirements. The changes are 
    intended to contribute significantly to reducing aviation accidents.
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    NPRM                            01/12/09                     74 FR 1280
    Notice of Public Meeting        03/12/09
    NPRM Comment Period Extended    04/20/09                    74 FR 17910
    NPRM Comment Period End         05/12/09
    Extended NPRM Comment Period End08/10/09
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Edward Cook, Flight Standards Service, Department of 
    Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Suite 400, 100 
    Hartsfield Centre Parkway, Atlanta, GA 30354
    Phone: 404 832-4700
    Email: edward.cook@faa.gov
    RIN: 2120-AJ00
    Department of Transportation (DOT)                     Final Rule Stage
    Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
    Legal Authority: 49 USC 1155; 49 USC 40103; 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 40120; 
    49 USC 44101; 49 USC 44111; 49 USC 44701; 49 USC 44709; 49 USC 44711 
    and 44712; 49 USC 44715 to 44717; 49 USC 44722; 49 USC 46306; 49 USC 
    46315 and 46316; 49 USC 46504; 49 USC 46506; 49 USC 47122; 49 USC 
    47508; 49 USC 47528 to 47531; 49 USC 106(g); Articles 12 and 29 of 
    61stat.1180; 49 USC 46507
    Abstract: This rulemaking would require Automatic Dependent 
    Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Out equipment on aircraft to operate in 
    certain classes of airspace within the United States National Airspace 
    System. The rulemaking is necessary to accommodate the expected 
    increase in demand for air transportation, as described in the Next 
    Generation Air Transportation System Integrated Plan. The intended 
    effect of this rule is to provide the Federal Aviation Administration 
    with a comprehensive surveillance system that accommodates the 
    anticipated increase in operations and would provide a platform for 
    additional flight applications and services.
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    NPRM                            10/05/07                    72 FR 56947
    NPRM Comment Period End         11/19/07                    72 FR 64966
    NPRM Comment Period Extended    01/03/08
    Comment Period End              03/03/08
    Reopened for Comments on ARAC 
    Recommendation                  10/02/08                    73 FR 57270
    Comment Period End              11/03/08
    Final Action                    04/00/10
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Vincent Capezzuto, Terminal Program Operations, 
    Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 
    Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
    Phone: 202 385-8637
    Email: vincent.capezzuto@faa.gov
    RIN: 2120-AI92
    Legal Authority: 42 USC 7572; 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40105; 49 USC 
    40113; 49 USC 44701; 49 USC 44704; 49 USC 44707; 49 USC 44709; 49 USC 
    44711; 49 USC 44713; 49 USC 44715; 49 USC 45303; 49 USC 44702
    Abstract: This rulemaking would amend the certification procedures and 
    identification requirements for aeronautical products and articles. 
    These amendments would update and standardize those requirements for 
    production approval holders (PAHs), revise export airworthiness 
    approval requirements to facilitate global manufacturing, move all part 
    marking requirements from part 21 to part 45, and amend the 
    identification requirements for products and articles. The intent of 
    these changes is to continue to promote safety by ensuring that 
    aircraft, and products and articles designed specifically for use in 
    aircraft, wherever manufactured, meet appropriate minimum standards for 
    design and construction. This rulemaking was split from RIN 2120-AI78.
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    Final Action                    08/00/09
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Barbara Capron, Department of Transportation, Federal 
    Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 
    Phone: 202 267-3343
    Email: barbara.capron@faa.gov
    RIN: 2120-AJ44
    [[Page 21985]]
    Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Long-Term Actions
    Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
    Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 40119; 49 USC 
    44101; 49 USC 44701 to 44703; 49 USC 44705; 49 USC 44709 to 44713; 49 
    USC 44712 and 44713; 49 USC 44715 to 44717; 49 USC 44722; 49 USC 44901; 
    49 USC 44903; 49 USC 44912; 49 USC 44904
    Abstract: This rulemaking would amend the regulations on duty period 
    limitations, flight time limitations, and rest requirements for flight 
    crewmembers engaged in air transportation. The changes would respond to 
    the need to ensure that the rules will continue to provide the minimum 
    level of safety. This rulemaking responds to public and congressional 
    interest in regulating flight crewmember rest requirements, NTSB Safety 
    Recommendations, petitions for rulemaking, and scientific data. This 
    action is considered significant because of substantial public 
    interest. The FAA is considering proposing additional changes in 
    response to comments received on the NPRM.
    Timetable: Next Action Undetermined
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Larry Youngblut, Flight Standards Service, Department 
    of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
    Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20951
    Phone: 202 267-9360
    Email: larry.youngblut@faa.gov
    RIN: 2120-AI93
    Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Completed Actions
    Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
    Legal Authority: 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40103; 49 USC 40106; 49 USC 
    40109; 49 USC 40113; 49 USC 44502
    Abstract: This rulemaking would codify restrictions for certain 
    aircraft operations in the Washington, DC, Metropolitan Area. This 
    action is necessary because of the ongoing threat of terrorist attacks. 
    The FAA intends by this action to help the Department of Homeland 
    Security and the Department of Defense protect national assets in the 
    National Capital region. We are developing the rule in conjunction with 
    the Department of Defense and Department of Homeland Security.
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    NPRM                            08/04/05                    70 FR 45250
    Correction                      08/24/05                    70 FR 49515
    NPRM Comment Period End         11/02/05
    NPRM                            11/07/05                    70 FR 67388
    End of Extended Comment Period  02/06/06
    Final Rule                      12/16/08                    73 FR 76195
    Correction                      12/29/08                    73 FR 79313
    Final Rule Effective            02/17/09
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Ellen Crum, Air Traffic Systems Operations, Department 
    of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence 
    Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591
    Phone: 202 267-8783
    Email: ellen.crum@dot.gov
    RIN: 2120-AI17
    Legal Authority: 42 USC 7572; 49 USC 106(g); 49 USC 40105; 49 USC 
    40113; 49 USC 44701; 49 USC 44704; 49 USC 44707; 49 USC 44709; 49 USC 
    44711; 49 USC 44713; 49 USC 44715; 49 USC 45303; 49 USC 44702
    Abstract: This rulemaking would change certification procedures and 
    identification requirements for aeronautical products and parts. The 
    changes would address standardizing requirements for production 
    approval holders; requiring production approval holders to issue 
    airworthiness approvals for aircraft engines, propellers, and other 
    aviation parts; requiring manufacturers to mark all parts and 
    components; and revising export airworthiness approval requirements to 
    facilitate global manufacturing. The intent of these changes is to 
    promote safety by ensuring that aircraft, and parts designed 
    specifically for use in aircraft, wherever manufactured, meet 
    applicable standards. This action is also necessary to update our 
    regulations to reflect the current global aircraft and aircraft parts 
    manufacturing environment. Some of the information reported here, under 
    RIN 2120-AI78, was inadvertently included. It pertains to RIN 2120-
    AJ44. The rulemaking under RIN 2120-AI78 was published on 11/23/2007 
    and became effective on 1/14/2008. Rulemaking 2120-AI78 is complete and 
    will not be on the next report.
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    NPRM                            10/05/06                    71 FR 58914
    NPRM Comment Period Extended    12/20/06                    71 FR 76224
    NPRM Comment Period End         01/03/07
    End of Extended Comment Period  02/05/07
    Notice of Availability and 
    Request for comments            02/14/07                     72 FR 6968
    Comment Period End              04/02/07
    Final Rule                      11/13/07                    72 FR 63797
    Final Rule Effective            01/14/08
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Barbara Capron, Department of Transportation, Federal 
    Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 
    Phone: 202 267-3343
    Email: barbara.capron@faa.gov
    RIN: 2120-AI78
    BILLING CODE 4910--13--S
    [[Page 21986]]
    Department of Transportation (DOT)                  Proposed Rule Stage
    Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)
    Legal Authority: PL 104-88; 109 Stat. 803, 888 (1995); 49 USC 13908; PL 
    109-159, sec 4304
    Abstract: This rulemaking would replace three current identification 
    and registration systems: the US DOT number identification system, the 
    commercial registration system, and the financial responsibility 
    system, with an online Federal unified registration system. This 
    program would serve as a clearinghouse and depository of information 
    on, and identification of, brokers, freight forwarders, and others 
    required to register with the Department of Transportation. The Agency 
    is revising this rulemaking to address amendments directed by SAFETEA-
    LU. The replacement system for the Single State Registration System, 
    which the ICC Termination Act originally directed be merged under URS, 
    will be addressed separately.
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    ANPRM                           08/26/96                    61 FR 43816
    ANPRM Comment Period End        10/25/96
    NPRM                            05/19/05                    70 FR 28990
    NPRM Comment Period End         08/17/05
    Supplemental NPRM               03/00/10
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Valerie Height, Management Analyst, Department of 
    Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Office of 
    Policy Plans and Regulation (MC-PRR), 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, 
    Washington, DC 20590
    Phone: 202 366-0901
    Email: valerie.height@dot.gov
    RIN: 2126-AA22
    Department of Transportation (DOT)                     Final Rule Stage
    Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)
    Legal Authority: PL 109-59 (2005), sec 4136
    Abstract: This rulemaking would make the requirements concerning driver 
    qualifications; driving of CMVs; parts and accessories necessary for 
    safe operations; hours of service; and inspection, repair, and 
    maintenance applicable to the operation of vehicles designed or used to 
    transport between 9 and 15 passengers (including the driver) for direct 
    compensation, in interstate commerce, regardless of the distance 
    traveled. Currently the safety regulations apply to such vans when the 
    vehicle is operated beyond a 75 air-mile radius of the driver's work 
    reporting location. This action is in response to SAFETEA-LU.
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    Final Action                    07/00/09
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Thomas Yager, Driver and Carrier Operations Division, 
    Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
    Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590
    Phone: 202 366-4325
    Email: tom.yager@dot.gov
    RIN: 2126-AA98
    Legal Authority: PL 109-347, sec 703; 49 USC 31102; PL 105-178, 112 
    Stat 414 (1998); PL 99-570, title XII, 100 Stat 3207 (1086); PL 102-
    240, sec 4007(a)(1), Stat. 1914, 2151; PL 109-59 (2005), sec 4122; 49 
    USC 31136
    Abstract: This rulemaking would establish revisions to the commercial 
    driver's license knowledge and skills testing standards as required by 
    section 4019 of TEA-21, implement fraud detection and prevention 
    initiatives at the State driver licensing agencies as required by the 
    SAFE Port Act of 2006, and establish new minimum Federal standards for 
    States to issue commercial learner's permits (CLPs), based in part on 
    the requirements of section 4122 of SAFETEA-LU. In addition, to 
    ensuring the applicant has the appropriate knowledge and skills to 
    operate a commercial motor vehicle, this rule would establish the 
    minimum information that must be on the CLP document and the electronic 
    driver's record. The rule would also establish maximum issuance and 
    renewal periods, establish a minimum age limit, address issues related 
    to a driver's State of Domicile, and incorporate previous regulatory 
    guidance into the Federal regulations. This rule would also address 
    issues raised in the SAFE Port Act.
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    NPRM                            04/09/08                    73 FR 19282
    NPRM Comment Period Extended    06/09/08                    73 FR 32520
    NPRM Comment Period End         06/09/08
    Second NPRM Comment Period End  07/09/08
    Final Action                    02/00/10
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Robert Redmond, Senior Transportation Specialist, 
    Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
    Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590
    Phone: 202 366-5014
    Email: robert.redmond@dot.gov
    RIN: 2126-AB02
    [[Page 21987]]
    Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Long-Term Actions
    Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)
    Legal Authority: PL 107-87, sec 350; 49 USC 113; 49 USC 31136; 49 USC 
    31144; 49 USC 31502; 49 USC 504; 49 USC 5113; 49 USC 521(b)(5)(A)
    Abstract: This rule would implement a safety monitoring system and 
    compliance initiative designed to evaluate the continuing safety 
    fitness of all Mexico-domiciled carriers within 18 months after 
    receiving a provisional Certificate of Registration or provisional 
    authority to operate in the United States. It also would establish 
    suspension and revocation procedures for provisional Certificates of 
    Registration and operating authority, and incorporate criteria to be 
    used by FMCSA in evaluating whether Mexico-domiciled carriers exercise 
    basic safety management controls. The interim rule included 
    requirements that were not proposed in the NPRM but which are necessary 
    to comply with the FY-2002 DOT Appropriations Act. On January 16, 2003, 
    the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals remanded this rule, along with two 
    other NAFTA-related rules, to the agency, requiring a full 
    environmental impact statement and an analysis required by the Clean 
    Air Act. On June 7, 2004, the Supreme Court reversed the Ninth Circuit 
    and remanded the case, holding that FMCSA is not required to prepare 
    the environmental documents. FMCSA is waiting for Interim Final Rule 
    experience after the border opens before deciding what to do next on 
    this rulemaking. FMCSA originally planned to publish a final rule by 
    November 28, 2003.
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    NPRM                            05/03/01                    66 FR 22415
    NPRM Comment Period End         07/02/01
    Interim Final Rule              03/19/02                    67 FR 12758
    IFR Comment Period End          04/18/02
    IFR Effective*                  05/03/02
    Notice of Intent To Prepare an 
    EIS                             08/26/03                    68 FR 51322
    EIS Public Scoping Meetings     10/08/03                    68 FR 58162
    Next Action Undetermined
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Dominick Spataro, Chief, CDL Division (MC-ESL), 
    Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
    Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590
    Phone: 202 366-2995
    Email: dominick.spataro@dot.gov
    RIN: 2126-AA35
    Legal Authority: PL 109-59 (2005), sec 4116
    Abstract: This rulemaking would establish training, testing and 
    certification standards for medical examiners responsible for 
    certifying that interstate commercial motor vehicle drivers meet 
    established physical qualifications standards; provide a database (or 
    National Registry) of medical examiners that meet the prescribed 
    standards for use by motor carriers, drivers, and Federal and State 
    enforcement personnel in determining whether a medical examiner is 
    qualified to conduct examinations of interstate truck and bus drivers; 
    and require medical examiners to transmit electronically to FMCSA the 
    name of the driver and a numerical identifier for each driver that is 
    examined. The rulemaking would also establish the process by which 
    medical examiners that fail to meet or maintain the minimum standards 
    would be removed from the National Registry. This action is in response 
    to section 4116 of Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient, 
    Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users.
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    NPRM                            12/01/08                    73 FR 73129
    NPRM Comment Period End         01/30/09
    Final Action                    04/00/10
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Dr. Mary D. Gunnels, Director, Office of Medical 
    Programs, Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
    Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590
    Phone: 202 366-4001
    Email: maggi.gunnels@dot.gov
    RIN: 2126-AA97
    Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Completed Actions
    Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)
    Legal Authority: PL 106-159, sec 210; 113 Stat 1748 (1999); PL 107-87, 
    sec 350; 49 USC 31144
    Abstract: This rule will change the New Entrant Safety Assurance 
    Process by raising the standard of compliance for passing the new 
    entrant safety audit. It also makes clarifying changes to some of the 
    existing new entrant regulations. The rule also proposes a separate 
    application procedure and safety oversight system for non-North 
    America-domiciled motor carriers. The rule will improve the Agency's 
    ability to identify at-risk new entrant carriers and will ensure 
    deficiencies in basic safety management controls are corrected before 
    the new entrant is granted permanent registration. These changes will 
    not impose additional operational requirements on any new entrant 
    carrier. All new entrants will continue to receive educational 
    information on how to comply with the safety regulations and be given 
    an opportunity to correct any deficiencies found. FMCSA recognizes many 
    new entrants are small businesses that are unaware of these 
    requirements and continue to need our assistance.
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    Interim Final Rule (IFR)        05/13/02                    67 FR 31978
    IFR Comment Period End          07/12/02
    IFR Effective                   01/01/03
    NPRM                            12/21/06                    71 FR 76730
    NPRM Comment Period End         02/20/07
    Final Rule                      12/16/08                    73 FR 76472
    Final Rule Effective            02/17/09
    [[Page 21988]]
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Stephanie Haller, Enforcement and Compliance Division, 
    Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
    Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590
    Phone: 202 366-0178
    Email: stephanie.haller@dot.gov
    RIN: 2126-AA59
    Legal Authority: 49 USC 31136; 49 USC 31151; PL 109-59 (2005), sec 
    4118; 49 USC 31502
    Abstract: This rulemaking would require entities that offer intermodal 
    container chassis for transportation in interstate commerce to: file a 
    Motor Carrier Identification Report (Form MCS-150); display a USDOT 
    identification number on each chassis offered for such transportation; 
    establish a systematic inspection, repair, and maintenance program to 
    ensure the safe operating condition of each chassis offered for 
    transportation and maintain documentation of the program; and provide a 
    means for effectively responding to driver and motor carrier complaints 
    about the condition of intermodal container chassis. The rulemaking is 
    considered significant because of substantial industry and 
    congressional interest and because it involves other departmental 
    modes. It is required by SAFETEA-LU.
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    NPRM                            12/21/06                    71 FR 76796
    NPRM Comment Period End         03/21/07
    Comment Period Extended         04/13/07                    72 FR 18615
    Extended Comment Period End     05/21/07
    Final Rule                      12/17/08                    73 FR 76794
    Final Rule Effective            06/17/09
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Deborah M. Freund, Senior Transportation Specialist, 
    Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
    Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590
    Phone: 202 366-5370
    Email: deborah.freund@dot.gov
    RIN: 2126-AA86
    BILLING CODE 4910--EX--S
    Department of Transportation (DOT)                     Final Rule Stage
    National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
    Legal Authority: 49 USC 30166
    Abstract: This rulemaking would amend certain provisions of the early 
    warning reporting (EWR) rule published pursuant to the Transportation 
    Recall, Enhancement, Accountability and Documentation (TREAD) Act. This 
    rulemaking would modify the threshold for submitting quarterly EWR 
    reports for some manufacturers and add new requirements to maintain the 
    consistency of the EWR data from quarter to quarter. This rulemaking 
    has been downgraded and will not appear on next month's report.
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    NPRM                            12/05/08                    73 FR 74101
    NPRM Comment Period End         02/03/09
    Final Action                    02/00/10
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Christina Morgan, Chief, Early Warning Reporting, 
    Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety 
    Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590
    Phone: 202 366-4238
    Email: tina.morgan@dot.gov
    RIN: 2127-AK28
    BILLING CODE 4910--59--S
    Department of Transportation (DOT)                     Final Rule Stage
    Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
    Legal Authority: 49 USC 5318(a)
    Abstract: This rulemaking would modify the Bus Testing rule to 
    incorporate tests for brake performance and emissions. This rulemaking 
    would also update and clarify the existing regulation found at 49 CFR 
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    NPRM                            09/30/08                    73 FR 56781
    NPRM Comment Period End         12/01/08
    Final Action                    10/00/09
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No
    Agency Contact: Richard Wong, Attorney-Advisor, Department of 
    Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue 
    SE, Washington, DC 20590
    Phone: 202 366-6067
    Fax: 202 366-3809
    Email: richard.wong@dot.gov
    RIN: 2132-AA95
    Legal Authority: 49 USC 5323(j)
    Abstract: This rulemaking would address the treatment of bi-metallic 
    aluminum rail under FTA's Buy America rule. Presently, both running 
    rail (carrying the weight of the train) and power rail (carrying the 
    electric power supply) are treated alike under the Buy America 
    regulation, i.e., all rail
    [[Page 21989]]
    products must be produced in the United States, including all 
    manufacturing processes, except metallurgical processes involving 
    refinement of steel additives. During its recent Buy America 
    rulemaking, FTA received several requests to classify bi-metallic 
    aluminum rail as ``traction power equipment.'' Such a move would 
    subject bi-metallic aluminum rail to a 60/40% domestic/non-domestic 
    content requirement, provided that final assembly takes place in the 
    United States.
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    NPRM                            11/24/08                    73 FR 70950
    NPRM Comment Period End         01/23/09
    Final Action                    06/00/09
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No
    Agency Contact: Richard Wong, Attorney-Advisor, Department of 
    Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue 
    SE, Washington, DC 20590
    Phone: 202 366-6067
    Fax: 202 366-3809
    Email: richard.wong@dot.gov
    RIN: 2132-AA99
    Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Long-Term Actions
    Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
    Legal Authority: 49 USC 5323(f)
    Abstract: This rulemaking would amend the regulations that govern the 
    provision of services to school students and personnel by recipients of 
    Federal funds from the Federal Transit Administration for consistency 
    with the statutory provisions enacted by SAFETEA-LU regarding penalties 
    for violations of the regulations. This rulemaking would also clarify 
    the existing requirements for differentiating permissible services from 
    prohibited services to school students and personnel.
    Timetable: Next Action Undetermined
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No
    Agency Contact: Michael Culotten, Attorney-Advisor, Department of 
    Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue 
    SE, Washington, DC 20590
    Phone: 202 493-0509
    Fax: 202 366-3809
    RIN: 2132-AB00
    Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Completed Actions
    Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
    Legal Authority: PL 109-59, sec 3011
    Abstract: This rulemaking would establish a simplified evaulation 
    process for projects seeking less than $75 million in New Starts funds. 
    The rule will set out FTA's evaluation and rating process for proposed 
    projects based on the results of project justification and local 
    financial commitment. This action is mandated by SAFETEA-LU. The 2008 
    Appropriations Act prohibited a Final Rule. A Continuing Resolution 
    (Pub. L. 110-329, Division A) continues in effect the prohibition of 
    the 2008 Appropriations Act on the issuance of a Final Rule.
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    ANPRM                           01/30/06                     71 FR 4864
    ANPRM Comment Period End        03/10/06
    NPRM                            08/03/07                    72 FR 43328
    NPRM Comment Period End         11/01/07
    Withdrawn                       02/17/09                     74 FR 7388
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Christopher VanWyk, Attorney-Advisor, Department of 
    Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue 
    SE, Washington, DC 20590
    Phone: 202 366-1733
    Email: christopher.vanwyk@fta.dot.gov
    RIN: 2132-AA81
    BILLING CODE 4910--57--S
    Department of Transportation (DOT)                    Completed Actions
    Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA)
    Legal Authority: 49 USC 5101 to 5127
    Abstract: In consultation with the Federal Railroad Administration 
    (FRA), PHMSA would revise the current requirements on the safe and 
    secure transportation of hazardous materials transported in commerce by 
    rail. It may require rail carriers to (1) compile annual data on 
    certain shipments of hazardous materials and use the data to analyze 
    safety and security risks along rail transportation routes where those 
    materials are transported; (2) assess alternative routing options and 
    make routing decisions based on those assessments; and (3) clarify the 
    current security plan requirements to address en route storage and 
    delays in transit. This rulemaking was scheduled to have a final rule 
    published by 12/24/2007.
    [[Page 21990]]
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    Request for Comments            08/10/04                    69 FR 50987
    Comment Period End              10/18/04
    NPRM                            12/21/06                    71 FR 76834
    NPRM Comment Period End         02/20/07
    Interim Final Rule              04/16/08                    73 FR 20751
    Interim Final Rule Effective    06/01/08
    Final Rule                      11/26/08                    73 FR 72182
    Final Rule Effective            12/26/08
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Susan Gorsky, Senior Regulations Specialist, Department 
    of Transportation, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety 
    Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590
    Phone: 202 366-8553
    Email: susan.gorsky@dot.gov
    RIN: 2137-AE02
    BILLING CODE 4910--60--S
    Department of Transportation (DOT)                  Proposed Rule Stage
    Maritime Administration (MARAD)
    Legal Authority: PL 110-417
    Abstract: This rulemaking would establish part 383 of the Cargo 
    Preference regulations. This rulemaking would cover Public Law 110-417, 
    section 3511, National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2009 statutory 
    changes to the cargo preference rules, which have not been 
    substantially revised since 1971. The rulemaking also would include 
    compromise, assessment, mitigation, settlement, and collection of civil 
    Action                            Date                      FR Cite
    NPRM                            04/00/09
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Yes
    Agency Contact: Christine Gurland, Department of Transportation, 
    Maritime Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 
    Phone: 202 366-5157
    Email: christine.gurland@dot.gov
    RIN: 2133-AB75
    [FR Doc. E9-10277 Filed 05-08-09; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-81-S

Document Information

Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Semiannual regulatory agenda.
Document Number:
21969-21990 (22 pages)
Docket Numbers:
FR Doc. E9-10277 Filed 05-08-09, 8:45 am
PDF File:
CFR: (55)
14 CFR 17
14 CFR 33
14 CFR 34
14 CFR 39
14 CFR 43
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