97-12406. Initiation of the Second Round of Accelerated Tariff Elimination Talks Under Provisions of the North American Free Trade Agreement  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 91 (Monday, May 12, 1997)]
    [Pages 25992-25995]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-12406]
    Initiation of the Second Round of Accelerated Tariff Elimination 
    Talks Under Provisions of the North American Free Trade Agreement
    AGENCY: Office of the United States Trade Representative.
    ACTION: Notification of an opportunity to file petitions requesting 
    accelerated tariff elimination under the North American Free Trade 
    SUMMARY: Section 201(b) of the North American Free Trade Agreement 
    Implementation Act of 1993 (``the Act'') grants the President, subject 
    to the consultation and lay-over requirements of section 103(a) of the 
    Act, the authority to proclaim any accelerated schedule for duty 
    elimination that may be agreed to by the United States, Mexico and 
    Canada under Article 302(3) of the North American Free Trade Agreement 
    (``the NAFTA''). This notice opens the second round of consideration 
    for accelerated tariff elimination under the NAFTA, and describes the 
    procedure for filing petitions. The closing date for filing petitions 
    requesting consideration is June 13, 1997. The three NAFTA governments 
    will announce the products being provided accelerated reductions on or 
    before December 15, 1997, with implementation planned for early 1998.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Office of Western Hemisphere Affairs, 
    Office of the United States Trade Representative, Room 522, 600 17th 
    Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20508; telephone: (202) 395-3412; fax: 
    (202) 395-9675.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Annex 302.2 of the NAFTA establishes the 
    timetable for the staged elimination of tariffs on all dutiable goods 
    traded between Mexico and the United States and most dutiable goods 
    traded between Mexico and Canada. Duties on goods traded between the 
    United States and Canada remain subject to the tariff elimination 
    timetables agreed to under the U.S-Canada Free Trade Agreement (CFTA). 
    All goods covered by the tariff elimination provisions agreed to by the 
    United States and Canada will be duty free as of January 1, 1998.
        Article 302(3) of the NAFTA provides that, at the request of any 
    party to the NAFTA, the parties shall consult to consider accelerating 
    the elimination of customs duties set out in the Agreement. Section 
    201(b) of the Act grants the President, subject to certain consultation 
    and layover requirements, the authority to proclaim any such agreed 
    acceleration of the elimination of a U.S. duty. The Statement of 
    Administrative Action (SAA) which was approved by the Congress along 
    with the NAFTA and Sec. 201(b)(2) of the Act state that the President 
    may not consider a request to accelerate the staging of duty reductions 
    for an article
    [[Page 25993]]
    for which the U.S. tariff phaseout period is more than 10 years if a 
    request for acceleration with respect to such an article has been 
    considered and denied in the preceding 3 calendar years. (That is, a 
    request denied in 1997 cannot be reconsidered before 2001.) However, no 
    such products were considered during the first NAFTA tariff 
    acceleration round. No decision has been made at this time regarding a 
    third round.
        Based on the above, and on the experience gained in conducting the 
    prior round, the following procedures will apply to the second tariff 
    acceleration round, subject to future modifications.
    I. Articles Which May Be Petitioned
        Petitions for accelerated tariff elimination may be filed only for 
    articles for which the duty is currently scheduled to be eliminated 
    after January 1, 1998, as noted in Annex 302.2 of the NAFTA, and 
    modified by the first tariff acceleration round and any addition tariff 
    reductions implemented by each of the parties. Requests may be made to 
    the United States government with respect to trade in originating 
    products between the United States and Mexico. As noted above, all 
    applicable trade between the United States and Canada will be duty free 
    on January 1, 1998, that is, before the conclusion of the second tariff 
    acceleration round. Therefore, no U.S.-Canada requests will be 
    considered. In addition, no U.S.-Mexico requests will be considered for 
    products with tariff elimination currently scheduled for January 1, 
    1998. Finally, requests for elimination of duties between Mexico and 
    Canada can be requested through the United States government only when 
    U.S.-Mexico duties are also subject to that request. Requests for 
    accelerated duty elimination on trade solely between Mexico and Canada 
    should be made to the governments of Mexico or Canada.
        USTR will generally not act on a petition unless most U.S. 
    producers of that particular product consider the request for 
    acceleration to be non-controversial. Petitions may request 
    acceleration of reductions by one or all of the NAFTA parties. 
    Normally, the acceleration of the elimination of tariffs will be 
    pursued on a reciprocal basis. Since the consultations will be 
    trinational, petitions requesting acceleration by other than all 
    parties must note the reasons for excluding any party.
    Regarding Products Subject to Petitions Filed in 1994
        (1) Products considered for, but not granted, accelerated 
    reductions are subject to the limitations noted above. If met, 
    petitions submitted in 1994 can be considered in this second round. 
    However, the NAFTA parties will consider petitions on previously 
    rejected requests only when there is evidence that conditions have 
    changed sufficiently since the prior decision to merit reconsideration. 
    As for any other request, petitioners must file new, complete, 
    petitions to have such requests considered.
        (2) Products subject to petitions filed in 1994 but not considered 
    in the first round can be considered in the second round, if they will 
    continue to be dutiable after January 1, 1998. However, due to the time 
    elapsed since these petitions were received, petitioners are asked to 
    file new petitions to confirm their continued interest and provide 
    updated information.
    II. Timetable
        Petitions requesting consideration of accelerated duty elimination 
    are due at USTR by 5:00 p.m., June 13, 1997. USTR will then published a 
    preliminary list of the products to be presented to Mexico and request 
    comments on this list as specified in that notice. Trinational meetings 
    will begin shortly thereafter, with the announcement of the agreed 
    package of accelerated tariffs to be made by December 15, 1997. 
    Implementation under the applicable domestic procedures will then begin 
    in each country, and should be completed in approximately 90 days. 
    Advice from the United States International Trade Commission (USITC) 
    and the Trade Advisory Committee will also be requested for all 
    products on the preliminary list.
    III. Format of Petitions
        A model petition format and the information requested is shown in 
    the annex to this notice. In order to be considered, petitions for 
    accelerated tariff eliminations must conform to the model format and 
    contain all essential data elements.
        If a submission contains business confidential material, the 
    specific material must be so identified in order to receive 
    confidential treatment. In such cases, both a non-confidential and a 
    business confidential version of the petition, each clearly marked as 
    to its status, must be submitted. None of the information provided in 
    sections A and B of the petition may be designated business 
        A copy of the petition format and this notice can be obtained from 
    the Office of the Western Hemisphere, Office of the United States Trade 
    Representative (USTR), Room 522, 600 17th Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 
    20508, telephone (202) 395-3412. Petitioners are encouraged to submit 
    requests to USTR via the Internet or on a properly formatted computer 
    disk. The form, and instructions for electronic submissions can be 
    obtained, beginning May 20, 1997, from the USTR Internet home page: 
    www.ustr.gov under the ``What's New'' heading.
    IV. General Instructions
        1. Each harmonized tariff system (HTS) number must have a separate 
    petition; that is, each petition may request accelerated tariff 
    elimination for a single product only. All information contained in a 
    petition must pertain solely to the single product that is the subject 
    of the petition. A single petition requesting acceleration on more than 
    one product cannot be considered.
        2. Product description (number 5). Petitions for acceleration of an 
    entire 8-digit tariff subheading must provide the HTS descriptions for 
    the United States and Mexico, and for Canada when relevant. Whenever 
    possible, petitions should be for the entire 8-digit tariff line. 
    However, petitions for acceleration for only certain products 
    classified within an 8-digit subheading can be considered when 
    necessary. Such petitions must provide the following additional 
    information in Section C:
        a. A full and complete description of the article;
        b. The article's principal use in the United States;
        c. The reason the full tariff line should not be considered;
        d. The article's commercial, common or technical name or 
    designation; and, as appropriate:
        (1) Illustrative literature;
        (2) The relative quantity by weight of each component materials for 
    articles composed of two or more materials;
        (3) Chemical analysis, flow charts, CAS number, etc.;
        e. Any other information that may assist in determining the 
    appropriate tariff classification of the article;
        f. A statement of the reason(s) the petitioner believes that the 
    article is classified in the 8-digit tariff subheading which the 
    petitioner has entered in number 7 of the petition (e.g., outstanding 
    classification by Customs or a classification by Customs on liquidated 
    entries of the article in question) and;
        g. A copy of any rulings issued by the U.S. Customs Service or the 
    appropriate authorities in the Government of Mexico specifying the 
    classification of the petitioned product in the Harmonized Tariff 
    Schedule of the United States, and the Tariff Schedule of Mexico.
    [[Page 25994]]
        h. A statement of the reasons why accelerated duty elimination 
    should be considered for only a portion of the 8-digit tariff 
    subheading. Petitions for products within an 8-digit which do not 
    provide the above information cannot be considered. Brand names or 
    trademarks are not acceptable as product descriptions for this purpose 
    and their use may result in rejection of the petition.
        3. 8-digit tariff subheading (number 6). Petitions for acceleration 
    of tariff elimination under the 1997 U.S. and Mexican tariff schedules 
    must provide the correct applicable 8-digit tariff subheading number 
    for each of the tariff schedules. As noted above, not more than one 8-
    digit subheading in each tariff schedule must be listed in a petition. 
    The tariff subheading is requested for Canada in the event Mexico and 
    Canada consider acceleration. Commodity numbers contained in Schedule 
    B, Statistical Classification of Domestic and Foreign Commodities 
    Exported from the United States, cannot be substituted for the number 
    of the 8-digit tariff subheading in the United States, Mexican or 
    Canadian tariff schedules. Petitions using Schedule B commodity numbers 
    for this purpose cannot be considered. Petitioners are responsible for 
    assuring that the products of interest are classified in the tariff 
    subheading being petitioned. We recommend that petitions include the 
    information described in paragraph 3 above on representative products 
    for which the petitioner is seeking accelerated tariff elimination.
        4. Petitioner/product relationship (number 7). At least one item 
    must be checked. If item ``e'', ``j'' or ``o'' is checked, specify the 
    relationship or interest that the petitioner has in the product.
        5. Supplemental information (Section C). This section of the 
    petition should be used to provide information supplementing that 
    provided in numbers 1 through 11 (specify the relevant number(s) being 
    supplemented), or any other relevant information that may assist in 
    consideration of the petition.
        6. Submission of petitions.
        a. Electronic submissions: USTR prefers that petitions be submitted 
    in electronic form, either interactively via the Internet, or by 
    submission of floppy disk. If disks are being submitted, one hard copy 
    of each petition should also be enclosed; if multiple requests are 
    being filed, they may be submitted on a single disk, with a hard copy 
    list of all the petitions by HTS number included. The form, and 
    instructions for electronic submissions can be obtained, beginning May 
    20, 1997, from the USTR Internet home page: www.ustr.gov under the 
    ``What's New'' heading. Technical questions regarding electronic 
    submission may be made after May 20 by contacting the USTR computer 
    operations office at (202) 395-3417 during business hours.
        b. Paper submissions: Petitions must be type-written and submitted 
    in 10 copies, in English, at the earliest possible date, but not later 
    than June 13, 1997 to: Office of the Western Hemisphere, Office of the 
    United States Trade Representative, Room 501, 600 17th Street, NW, 
    Washington, D.C. 20508, ATTN: NAFTA Tariff Acceleration desk. Petitions 
    received after the deadline cannot be considered.
    V. Consideration of Petitions
        All petitions received by June 13, 1997, and containing complete 
    and correct information as required in this notice will be reviewed and 
    a decision made as to which articles will be proposed to the Government 
    of Mexico for possible accelerated tariff elimination. As noted above, 
    petitions for articles on which the duty is currently scheduled for 
    elimination on or before January 1, 1998 in Annex 302.2 of the NAFTA, 
    as modified, cannot be considered.
        Petitions not containing complete and accurate information required 
    in numbers 1 through 11 of sections A and B cannot be considered.
        Petitions not containing complete and accurate information required 
    in numbers 1 through 11 of sections A and B cannot be considered.
        Petitions for products previously considered for acceleration under 
    the NAFTA will be considered only if USTR determines that circumstances 
    have sufficiently changed to warrant reconsideration at this time. Such 
    petitions should include information in Section C of the petition 
    documenting such a change. Products considered in the first NAFTA 
    rounds are listed in the Federal Register notice May 23, 1994, Volume 
    59, Number 98, at pages 26688 through 26690. Information on whether a 
    product was considered in the first NAFTA product round may also be 
    obtained from: The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, NAFTA 
    Acceleration Help Desk (202) 395-3412, or The U.S. Department of 
    Commerce, Office of NAFTA (202) 482-0305.
        Normally, the accelerated elimination of tariffs between the United 
    States and Mexico will be pursued on a reciprocal basis. Petitions 
    containing requests for the accelerated elimination of Mexican tariffs 
    will be treated as applying equally to corresponding U.S. tariff 
    treatment, and vice versa. Petitions requesting other than reciprocal 
    acceleration must note the reasons for the exclusion of the other 
    Peter F. Allgeier,
    Associate U.S. Trade Representative for the Western Hemisphere.
    Model Petition To Accelerate the Removal of Tariffs Under the North 
    American Free Trade Agreement
    1997 Round Form for U.S. Petitioners
    Section A. Petitioner Identification
    1. Petitioner:---------------------------------------------------------
    2. Address:------------------------------------------------------------
    3. Contact Person:-----------------------------------------------------
    4. Telephone Number: (______)------------------------------------------
    Section B. Product Identification and Tariff Information
    5. Product Description:------------------------------------------------
    (Important: See paragraph IV.3 of General Instructions. Supplement 
    in Section C, if necessary.)
    6. The product is classified in the following 8-digit tariff 
        a. __________ in the 1997 Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the 
    United States
        b. __________ in the 1997 Tariff Schedule of Mexico
        c. __________ in the 1997 Customs Tariff of Canada
    (Note: petitions cannot be accepted without this information.)
    7. Petitioner/Product Relationship (check all that apply):
        a. __ Producer in the United States
        b. __ Importer in the United States
        c. __ Exporter in the United States
        d. __ Consumer in the United States
        e. __ Other, in the United States
          Specify: __________
        f. __ Producer in Mexico
        g. __ Importer in Mexico
        h. __ Exporter in Mexico
        i. __ Consumer in Mexico
        j. __ Other, in Mexico
          Specify: __________
        k. __ Producer in Canada
        l. __ Importer in Canada
        m. __ Exporter in Canada
        n. __ Consumer in Canada
        o. __ Other, in Canada
          Specify: __________
    8. This petition:
        a. __--covers all products in the U.S. 8-digit tariff subheading
        b. __--does not cover all products in the U.S. 8-digit tariff 
        c. __--covers all products in the Mexican 8-digit tariff 
        d. __--does not cover all products in the Mexican 8-digit tariff 
        e. __--covers all products in the Canadian 8-digit tariff 
        f. __--does not cover all products in the Canadian 8-digit 
    tariff subheading
    (Important: If items ``b'', ``d'' or ``f'' are checked, the 
    information required in paragraph 3 of the General Instructions for 
    product descriptions of single products within an 8-digit subheading 
    must be provided with this petition.)
    [[Page 25995]]
    9. Under the NAFTA, the duty is currently scheduled to be eliminated 
    on January 1:
        For U.S. imports: __1999 __2000 __2001 __2002 __2003 __2004 
    __2005 __2006 __2007
        For Mexico imports: __1999 __2000 __2001 __2002 __2003 __2004 
    __2005 __2006 __2007
    10. Accelerated removal is requested for:
        a. __ the United States duty on Mexico
        b. __ the Mexican duty on the U.S.
    (Note: if the request is not made for both Parties, note reason for 
    exclusion, such as current duty-free status.)
    11. The petitioner requests elimination of the tariff/s:
        a. __ immediately without further staging
        b. __ with accelerated staging
          Specify: __________
    Section C. Supplemental Information
    (Use additional pages as necessary.)
    Signature of person filing the petition:-------------------------------
    Title or position:-----------------------------------------------------
    [FR Doc. 97-12406 Filed 5-9-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3190-01-M

Document Information

Trade Representative, Office of United States
Entry Type:
Notification of an opportunity to file petitions requesting accelerated tariff elimination under the North American Free Trade Agreement.
Document Number:
25992-25995 (4 pages)
PDF File: