97-12480. Simultaneous De-designation and Termination of the Mud Dump Site and Designation of the Historic Area Remediation Site  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 92 (Tuesday, May 13, 1997)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 26267-26279]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-12480]
    [[Page 26267]]
    40 CFR Part 228
    Simultaneous De-designation and Termination of the Mud Dump Site 
    and Designation of the Historic Area Remediation Site
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing today 
    to de-designate and terminate the New York Bight Dredged Material 
    Disposal Site (also known as the Mud Dump Site) as of September 1, 
    1997. The Mud Dump Site was designated in 1984 for the disposal of 100 
    million cubic yards of dredged material from navigational dredging and 
    other dredging projects associated with the Port of New York and New 
    Jersey and nearby harbors. Simultaneous with closure of the Mud Dump 
    Site, the site and surrounding areas that have been used historically 
    as disposal sites for dredged materials will be redesignated under 40 
    CFR part 228 as the Historic Area Remediation Site. The Historic Area 
    Remediation Site will be managed to reduce impacts of historical 
    disposal activities at the site to acceptable levels (in accordance 
    with 40 CFR 228.11(c)). This amendment will, when finalized, identify 
    for remediation an area in and around the Mud Dump Site which has 
    exhibited the potential for adverse ecological impacts. As discussed 
    further below, the Historic Area Remediation Site will be remediated 
    with uncontaminated dredged material (i.e., dredged material that meets 
    current Category I standards and will not cause significant undesirable 
    effects including through bioaccumulation) (hereinafter referred to as 
    ``the Material for Remediation'' or ``Remediation Material'').
    DATES: Comments must be received on or before June 30, 1997. The public 
    hearing dates are as follows:
        1. June 16, 1997, at 7:00 PM: Monmouth Beach, New Jersey.
        2. June 17, 1997, at 7:00 PM: Long Island, NY.
        3. June 18, 1997, at 2:00 PM: New York, New York.
    ADDRESSES: Comments on this proposed rule should be addressed to: Mr. 
    Mario P. Del Vicario, Chief, Place Based Protection Branch, U.S. 
    Environmental Protection Agency Region 2, 290 Broadway, New York, NY 
    10007-1866 (E-mail delvicario.mario@epamail.epa.gov). The official 
    record of this rulemaking is available for inspection at the EPA Region 
    2 Library, 16th Floor, 290 Broadway, New York, NY 10007-1866. For 
    access to the docket materials, call Karen Schneider at (212) 637-3189 
    between 9:00 am and 3:30 pm Monday through Friday, excluding legal 
    holidays, for an appointment. The record is also available for viewing 
    at EPA's Region 2 Field Office Library, 2890 Woodbridge Avenue, 
    Building 209, MS-245, Edison, New Jersey 08837. For access to the 
    docket materials, call Ms. Dorothy Szefczyk (908) 321-6762 between 9:00 
    am and 3:30 pm Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays, for an 
    appointment. The EPA public information regulation (40 CFR Part 2) 
    provides that a reasonable fee may be charged for copying.
        The public hearing locations are as follows:
        1. New Jersey--Monmouth Beach Municipal Auditorium, 22 Beach Road, 
    Monmouth Beach, New Jersey, 07750.
        2. Long Island, NY--Social Services Building Auditorium, County 
    Seat Drive, Mineola, Long Island, NY 11501.
        3. New York, NY--Oval Room, Port Authority of New York/New Jersey, 
    Floor 43, 1 World Trade Center, New York, New York 10048.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Mario P. Del Vicario, Chief, Place 
    Based Protection Branch, US EPA Region 2, 290 Broadway, New York, NY 
    10007-1866; (212) 637-3781 (delvicario.mario@epamail.epa.gov).
    I. Regulated Entities
        Entities potentially affected by this action include those who 
    might have sought permits to dump dredged material into ocean waters at 
    the Mud Dump Site (MDS) or those who might seek to place Remediation 
    Material at the proposed Historic Area Remediation Site (HARS), under 
    the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act, 33 U.S.C. 1401 et 
    seq. (hereinafter referred to as the MPRSA). The rule would primarily 
    be of relevance to entities in the New York-New Jersey Harbor and 
    surrounding area seeking permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 
    (USACE) for the ocean dumping of dredged material at the Mud Dump Site 
    or those seeking to place Remediation Material at the HARS, as well as 
    the USACE itself. Potentially affected categories and entities seeking 
    to use the Mud Dump Site or the HARS include:
                                          Examples of potentially affected  
                 Category                             entities              
    Industry.........................  Ports in NY/NJ Harbor and surrounding
                                        areas seeking MPRSA permits for     
                                        dredged material.                   
                                       Marinas in the NY/NJ Harbor and      
                                        surrounding areas seeking MPRSA     
                                        permits for dredged material.       
                                       Shipyards in the NY/NJ Harbor and    
                                        surrounding areas seeking MPRSA     
                                        permits for dredged material.       
                                       Berth owners in the NY/NJ Harbor and 
                                        surrounding area seeking MPRSA      
                                        permits for dredged material.       
    State/local/tribal governments...  Local governments owning ports or    
                                        berths in the NY/NJ Harbor and      
                                        surrounding area seeking MPRSA      
                                        permits for dredged material.       
    Federal..........................  US Army Corps of Engineers for its   
                                        proposed dredging projects in NY/NJ 
                                        Harbor and surrounding areas.       
                                       Federal agencies seeking MPRSA       
                                        permits for dredged material from NY/
                                        NJ Harbor and surrounding areas.    
        This table is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather provides a 
    guide for readers regarding entities likely to be affected by this 
    action. This table lists the types of entities that EPA is now aware 
    could potentially be affected by this action. Other types of entities 
    not listed in the table could also be affected. To determine whether 
    your organization is affected by this action, you should carefully 
    consider whether your organization is subject to the requirement to 
    obtain an MPRSA permit in accordance with the Purpose and Scope 
    provisions of Sec. 220.1 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal 
    Regulations, and you wish to use the site subject to today's proposal. 
    If you have any questions regarding applicability of this action to a 
    particular entity, please consult the person listed in the preceding 
        Other entities potentially affected by today's proposal would 
    include commercial and recreational fishing interests using New York 
    Bight Apex fishing and shellfish grounds. By providing for remediation 
    of areas adversely impacted by historic disposal activities (see 
    discussion below), today's proposal would be expected to have positive 
    effects on fishery and shellfish resources.
    II. Background
        Since the 1800s, the New York Bight Apex and surrounding area has 
    [[Page 26268]]
    used for disposal of dredged material and a variety of waste products, 
    including municipal garbage, building materials, sewage sludge, and 
    industrial waste. The New York Bight Apex is defined as the area of 
    approximately 2,000 km\2\ extending along the New Jersey coastline from 
    Sandy Hook south to 40 deg.10' latitude and east along the Long Island 
    coastline from Rockaway Point to 73 deg.30' longitude. The New York 
    Bight Apex is a small part of the New York Bight. The New York Bight is 
    an approximately 39,000 km\2\ area extending seaward from Cape May, New 
    Jersey to Montauk Point, New York outward to the edge of the 
    continental shelf. Dredged material placement in the New York Bight 
    Apex began ``officially'' in 1888 at a point 2.5 miles south of Coney 
    Island. At that time, the New York Harbor U.S. Congressional Act of 
    1888 established that the Supervisor of New York Harbor had the 
    authority to grant permits for ocean disposal. Due to shoaling off 
    Coney Island, the dredged material disposal location was moved in 1900 
    to a point one-half mile south and eastward of Sandy Hook Lightship. In 
    1903, the location was moved again, to 1.5 miles east of Scotland 
    Lightship. Dredged material placement continued seaward of this area 
    for the next 70 years.
        In 1972, the Congress of the United States enacted the MPRSA to 
    address and control the dumping of materials into ocean waters. Title I 
    of MPRSA authorized the EPA and the USACE to regulate dumping in ocean 
    waters. Since the MPRSA was enacted, and through its subsequent 
    amendments (including the Ocean Dumping Ban Act of 1988, which 
    prohibited ocean dumping of sewage sludge and industrial waste), 
    dumping in the New York Bight has been dramatically reduced through 
    education and implementation actions by EPA, the USACE, the U.S. Coast 
    Guard, and other agencies. In the New York Bight, this has meant 
    permanent closure of the 12-Mile and 106-Mile sewage sludge sites, the 
    Cellar Dirt site, the Acid Waste site, and the Woodburning site.
        Regulations implementing the MPRSA are set forth at 40 CFR Parts 
    220 through 229. With few exceptions, the MPRSA prohibits the 
    transportation of material from the United States for the purpose of 
    ocean dumping except as may be authorized by a permit issued under the 
    MPRSA. The MPRSA divides permitting responsibility between EPA and the 
    USACE. Under Section 102 of the MPRSA, EPA has responsibility for 
    issuing permits for all materials other than dredged material (e.g., 
    fish wastes, burial at sea). Under Section 103 of the MPRSA, the 
    Secretary of the Army has the responsibility for issuing permits for 
    the ocean dumping of dredged material. This permitting authority has 
    been delegated to the USACE. Determinations to issue MPRSA permits for 
    dredged material are subject to EPA review and concurrence. Sediments 
    proposed for ocean disposal within EPA Region 2 and the USACE New York 
    District (NYD) have been separated into 3 categories (see Supplemental 
    EIS), with Category I being allowed for ocean disposal without capping, 
    Category II allowed for ocean disposal with capping, and Category III 
    prohibited from ocean disposal.
        Section 102(c) of the MPRSA also provides that EPA may designate 
    recommended times and sites for ocean dumping, and Section 103(b) 
    further provides that the USACE should use such EPA designated sites to 
    the maximum extent feasible. EPA's ocean dumping regulations provide 
    that EPA's designation of an ocean dumping site is accomplished by 
    promulgation of a site designation in 40 CFR part 228 specifying the 
    site. On October 1, 1986, the Administrator delegated the authority to 
    designate/de-designate ocean dumping sites for dredged material to the 
    Regional Administrator of the Region in which the site is located. EPA 
    is proposing the de-designation and termination of the Mud Dump Site 
    and simultaneous HARS designation pursuant to the foregoing authorities 
    and 40 CFR 228.5, 228.6, 228.10, and 228.11. Today's proposal consists 
    of a single rulemaking action that would amend Sec. 228.15(d)(6) by 
    deleting existing language that lists the Mud Dump Site as a designated 
    site and simultaneously replacing it with language designating the 
    HARS. It should be noted that MPRSA site designation does not 
    constitute or imply EPA's approval of actual placement of material at 
    the site. Before placement of the Material for Remediation at the HARS 
    may commence, the USACE must evaluate permit applications according to 
    EPA's Ocean Dumping Regulations.
        Interested persons may participate in this proposed rulemaking by 
    submitting written comments to the address given above on or before the 
    close of the public comment period specified in the DATES section of 
    this Preamble. Because of the September 1, 1997, deadline for 
    completion of this action (see paragraph below), comments must be 
    timely received in order to enable their consideration.
    III. Need for Remediation
        As stated in a letter to several New Jersey Congressmen, signed by 
    EPA Administrator Carol Browner, then-Secretary of Transportation 
    Federico F. Pena, and Secretary of the Army Togo D. West, Jr. (July 24, 
    1996, 3-party letter):
        ``EPA will immediately begin the administrative process for closure 
    of the Mud Dump Site by September 1, 1997. The proposed closure shall 
    be finalized no later than that date. Post-closure use of the site 
    would be limited, consistent with the management standards in 40 CFR 
    228.11(c). Simultaneous with closure of the Mud Dump Site, the site and 
    surrounding areas that have been used historically as disposal sites 
    for contaminated material will be redesignated under 40 CFR part 228 as 
    the Historic Area Remediation Site. This designation will include a 
    proposal that the site be managed to reduce impacts at the site to 
    acceptable levels (in accordance with 40 CFR 228.11(c)). The Historic 
    Area Remediation Site will be remediated with uncontaminated dredged 
    material (i.e., dredged material that meets current Category I 
    standards and will not cause significant undesirable effects including 
    through bioaccumulation)'' (referred to hereinafter as ``the Material 
    for Remediation'' or ``Remediation Material''). As also stated in the 
    July 24, 1996, 3-Party Letter: ``The designation of the Historic Area 
    Remediation Site will assure long-term use of Category I dredge 
        As discussed and documented in the Supplemental environmental 
    impact statement (EIS) accompanying today's proposed action (see 
    section IV of preamble, below), field studies of the New York Bight 
    Apex have found undesirable levels of bioaccumulative contaminants and 
    toxicity in the surface sediments of much of the MDS and in sediments 
    immediately surrounding the MDS. Further, it was found that some of 
    these sediments cause toxicity in amphipod bioassays. Amphipods are 
    small-bodied crustaceans that live in the surface layers of sediment, 
    and are important prey items for many coastal marine organisms. These 
    and other organisms are used by EPA and the USACE to evaluate sediment 
    samples from proposed dredging sites.
        While it is impossible to quantify how much of New York Bight Apex 
    contamination is the direct result of past dredged material disposal, 
    other ocean dumping activities (e.g., former sewage sludge disposal at 
    the 12-Mile Site), or other sources (e.g., via Hudson River plume or 
    atmospheric deposition), the presence of these degraded sediments in 
    the Apex is cause for concern. Organisms living in or near these 
    degraded surface sediments in
    [[Page 26269]]
    nearshore waters will be continually exposed to contaminants until the 
    contaminants are buried by natural sedimentation, placement of 
    Remediation Material, or otherwise isolated or removed. Exposed 
    sediments can directly and indirectly impact benthic and pelagic 
    organisms. Impacts to terrestrial organisms (including human beings) 
    are also possible if the contaminants were to undergo trophic transfer.
        EPA employed several types of evaluations to determine the extent 
    and location of potential environmental impacts in the vicinity of the 
    MDS and historic dredged material disposal areas. These included the 
    type of amphipod bioassays normally conducted on sediment samples from 
    proposed dredging sites, contaminant-bioaccumulation evaluations of 
    infaunal organisms and sediment from the Study Area (a 30 square 
    nautical mile area within the New York Bight Apex encompassing benthic 
    areas that showed evidence of dredged material disposal (presence of 
    craters and mounds)), and evaluation of the benthic community structure 
    in the potentially impacted areas. The results of these evaluations and 
    the main factors that make remediation necessary are summarized below.
    Contaminant Toxicity
        Potential toxicity of sediments was evaluated using the same 10-day 
    amphipod (Ampelisca abdita) bioassay test used as part of the 
    evaluation of the suitability of sediment for ocean disposal by EPA 
    Region 2 and the USACE New York District (NYD). The data from amphipod 
    bioassays of sediments from 1994 Study Area samples indicated 
    widespread toxic conditions in sediment from areas around the MDS. If 
    these surface sediments from the Study Area were from a proposed Region 
    2/NYD dredging project site, the sediments would have been categorized 
    as Category III and found to not meet the limiting permissible 
    concentration (LPC) in EPA's Ocean Dumping Regulations (40 CFR 227.27), 
    and thus would not be permitted for disposal at the MDS.
    Contaminant Bioaccumulation/Trophic Transfer
        Contaminant bioaccumulation was evaluated by analyzing the tissues 
    of infaunal worms collected from the Study Area sediments. Infaunal 
    organism bioaccumulation of sediment-associated contaminants can, if 
    accumulated to high enough levels, result in both acute and chronic 
    impacts and eventually transform benthic community structure. Such 
    changes can affect the food source of demersal predators. When demersal 
    predators feed on infauna with contaminated tissues, the contaminants 
    can be transferred to and potentially accumulate in the predator. These 
    contaminants can then potentially be consumed by humans. EPA's 
    evaluation of contaminant bioaccumulation in the Study Area was similar 
    to the national testing manual's (Green Book) Tier IV ``steady-state'' 
    evaluations, which are used in determining compliance with the ocean 
    dumping criteria. The results showed that there were areas in the 
    vicinity of the MDS where these benthic worms were accumulating 
    undesirable levels of contaminants from the sediments.
    Contaminants in Sediments
        Contaminant concentrations in sediments in the vicinity of the MDS 
    were compared to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 
    ER-L (Effects Range-Low) and ER-M (Effects Range-Median) values which 
    have been derived from a broad range of biological and chemical data 
    collected synoptically from field and laboratory experiments. Although 
    ER-L/ER-M values are not appropriate for regulatory decision making, 
    they are useful in sediment evaluations when considered concurrently 
    with other data. In general, the comparisons of ER-L/ER-M values to 
    contaminant levels in sediments from parts of the Study Area indicated 
    that, based on contaminant levels in the sediment, negative biological 
    effects could be possible at many stations. This conclusion is 
    corroborated by the results of the toxicity and contaminant 
    bioaccumulation tests described above.
    Contaminant Levels in Area Lobsters
        NOAA tissue data from lobsters that were harvested in the New York 
    Bight Apex in 1994 revealed that PCB and 2,3,7,8-TCDD (dioxin) 
    concentrations in the hepatic tissue (tomalley) of the lobsters were 
    above U.S. Food and Drug Administration consumption guidelines. Other 
    contaminants were also present in the hepatopancreas and other tissues, 
    but the concentrations of these contaminants were within consumption 
        It must be kept in mind that the lobsters analyzed in the NOAA 
    study were harvested from wild stocks in the Apex, whose populations 
    migrate seasonally through the region, including perhaps the SEIS Study 
    Area. Contamination of these animals cannot be definitively linked to 
    specific areas of dredged material disposal, to other past dumping 
    activities, or to other ongoing pollution sources. Nor does the study 
    data indicate that human consumption of lobster muscle tissue (meat) 
    presents health risks. However, the lobster study data do show that 
    contaminants are being accumulated, and that concern about potential 
    human-health risks is warranted. This contaminant data set complements 
    other evidence of benthic contamination in the Bight Apex region.
    Solutions to Sediment Degradation in the Study Area
        Today's proposal to terminate and de-designate the Mud Dump Site, 
    and simultaneously redesignate the area of that site and surrounding 
    degraded areas as the Historic Area Remediation Site is amply supported 
    by the presence of toxic effects (a Category III sediment 
    characteristic), dioxin bioaccumulation exceeding Category I levels in 
    worm tissue (a Category II sediment characteristic), ER-L/ER-M 
    exceedances in some Study Area sediments, as well as TCDD/PCB 
    contamination in area lobster stocks. Individual elements of the 
    aforementioned data do not prove that sediments within the Study Area 
    are imminent hazards to the New York Bight Apex ecosystem, living 
    resources, or human health. However, the collective evidence presents 
    cause for concern, justifies the conclusion of the July 24, 1996, 3-
    Party Letter that a need for remediation exists, that the site is 
    Impact Category I (see, 40 CFR 228.10), and that the site should be 
    managed to reduce impacts to acceptable levels (see, 40 CFR 228.11(c)). 
    Further information on the conditions in the Study Area and the surveys 
    performed may be found in the Supplemental Environmental Impact 
    Statement described immediately below.
    IV. EIS Development
        Section 102(c) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 
    Section 4321 et seq. (NEPA) requires that Federal agencies prepare an 
    environmental impact statement (EIS) on proposals for major Federal 
    actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment. 
    The object of NEPA is to build into the Agency decision making process 
    careful consideration of all environmental aspects of proposed actions. 
    Although EPA activities have been determined to be ``functionally 
    equivalent'' with NEPA, EPA has voluntarily undertaken to prepare an 
    EIS when designating ocean dumping sites. See, 39 FR 16186 (May 7, 
        In August 1982, EPA published a final EIS entitled, ``Environmental 
    Impact Statement for the New York Dredged
    [[Page 26270]]
    Material Disposal Site Designation.'' The EIS assessed the 
    environmental impacts of establishing an ocean disposal site for 100 
    million cubic yards (mcy) of dredged materials generated within the 
    Port of New York and New Jersey. After completion of the environmental 
    studies and publication of the EIS, EPA designated the Mud Dump Site as 
    an Impact Category I disposal site on May 4, 1984 at 49 FR 19012 (see, 
    40 CFR 228.10(c)). The resulting rule specifying the Mud Dump Site 
    established a capacity of 100 mcy (see, 40 CFR 228.15(d)(6)). 
    Approximately 68 mcy of dredged material has been disposed of at the 
    Mud Dump Site since that designation; the remaining capacity of the Mud 
    Dump Site is affected by a variety of factors, including disposal 
    strategies and mound height restrictions for dredged material. 
    Consistent with the need for remediation and the above-quoted provision 
    of the July 24, 1996, 3-Party letter, on September 11, 1996, EPA 
    announced the following actions: (1) Modification of the scope of the 
    existing supplemental environmental impact statement (EIS) by 
    eliminating the proposal to expand the Mud Dump Site for Category II 
    dredged material disposal; and (2) implementation of the July 24, 1996, 
    3-Party letter by closing the Mud Dump Site by September 1, 1997, and 
    simultaneously designating the HARS for the purpose of remediation. 
    Accordingly, EPA has prepared a Supplemental EIS entitled, ``Supplement 
    to the Environmental Impact Statement on the New York Dredged Material 
    Disposal Site Designation for the Designation of the Historic Area 
    Remediation Site (HARS) in the New York Bight Apex.'' The document 
    addresses the environmental considerations relevant to the HARS, and 
    identifies the Priority Remediation Area (PRA) within the HARS. Anyone 
    desiring a copy of the Supplemental EIS may obtain one from the address 
    given above.
        The action discussed in the Supplemental EIS is the simultaneous 
    termination/de-designation of the Mud Dump Site and designation of the 
    HARS. The appropriateness of placing specific material at a designated 
    site is determined on a case-by-case basis as part of the process of 
    issuing permits under the MPRSA. The Category II capacity of the 
    existing Mud Dump Site will be reached by September 1, 1997. The basis 
    for this limit is explained in the Mud Dump Site Management and 
    Monitoring Plan (SMMP), which can be obtained by contacting Douglas A. 
    Pabst, EPA Region 2, at (212) 637-3797 (E-mail 
    pabst.douglas@epamail.epa.gov) or Brian May, USACE-New York District 
    (NYD), at (212) 264-1853 (E-mail: [email protected]).
        The following alternatives were evaluated in detail in the 
    Supplemental EIS:
    1. No Action
        Under this alternative, there would be no designation of a HARS in 
    the New York Bight Apex for the placement of Remediation Material. With 
    the no action alternative, Category II dredged material capacity will 
    be reached by September 1, 1997; no Category II disposal will be 
    allowed at the Mud Dump Site after capacity is reached. The disposal of 
    Category I dredged materials would continue until the capacity of the 
    Mud Dump Site is reached (i.e., 31 mcy of Category I). There would be 
    no change to the size or management of the present Mud Dump Site. EPA 
    has not selected the no action alternative because this alternative 
    does not allow for any remediation of the degraded sediments outside 
    the Mud Dump Site.
    2. Closure of the Mud Dump Site With No Designation of the HARS
        Under this alternative, the Mud Dump Site would be closed/de-
    designated by September 1, 1997, and there would be no designation of 
    the HARS. Similar to the no action alternative, this option does not 
    allow for any remediation of degraded sediments inside or outside of 
    the Mud Dump Site, and thus was not selected.
    3. Remediation (Preferred Alternative)
        Under the remediation alternative (which is the subject of today's 
    proposed rule), there would be simultaneous closure/de-designation of 
    the Mud Dump Site and designation of the HARS by September 1, 1997. The 
    proposed HARS, which will include the 2.2 square nautical mile area of 
    the Mud Dump Site, would be an approximately 15.7 square nautical mile 
    area located approximately 3.5 nautical miles east of Highlands, New 
    Jersey and 7.7 nautical miles south of Rockaway, New York. The Mud Dump 
    Site is located approximately 5.3 nautical miles east of Highlands, New 
    Jersey and 9.6 nautical miles south of Rockaway, New York. The proposed 
    HARS will include the following three areas (See Figure 1):
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P
    [[Page 26271]]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-C
    [[Page 26272]]
        Priority Remediation Area (PRA): A 9.0 square nautical mile area to 
    be remediated with at least 1 meter of Remediation Material. The PRA 
    encompasses the area of degraded sediments as described in greater 
    detail in the Supplemental EIS.
        Buffer Zone: An approximately 5.7 square nautical mile area (0.27 
    nautical mile wide band around the PRA) in which no placement of the 
    Material for Remediation will be allowed, but may receive Material for 
    Remediation that incidentally spreads out of the PRA.
        No Discharge Zone: An approximately 1.0 square nautical mile area 
    in which no placement or incidental spread of Material for Remediation 
    is allowed.
        Remediation would be accomplished by covering all areas within the 
    PRA, prioritized by the degree of degradation, with at least a 1 meter 
    cap (minimum required cap thickness) of the Material for Remediation.
        The Supplemental EIS selects remediation as the preferred 
    alternative following a comparison of the four proposed project 
    alternatives. The remediation alternative would reduce the toxicity of 
    area sediments to sensitive marine organisms and would decrease the 
    contaminant bioavailability and possible sublethal effects to fish and 
    shellfish resources, thereby reducing potential trophic transfer of 
    contaminants to piscivorous marine birds, mammals and human beings. As 
    stated in the July 24, 1996, 3-Party letter: ``Simultaneous with 
    closure of the MDS, the site and surrounding areas that have been used 
    historically as disposal sites for contaminated material will be 
    redesignated under 40 CFR part 228 as the Historic Area Remediation 
    Site. This designation will include a proposal that the site be managed 
    to reduce impacts at the site to acceptable levels (in accordance with 
    40 CFR 228.11(c)).'' As further stated in the July 24, 1996, 3-Party 
    Letter: ``The designation of the Historic Area Remediation Site will 
    assure long-term use of category I dredge material.'' A draft SMMP for 
    the HARS has been prepared and may be obtained by contacting Douglas A. 
    Pabst, EPA Region 2, at (212) 637-3797 (E-mail: 
    pabst.douglas@epamail.epa.gov) or Brian May, USACE-New York District 
    (NYD), at (212) 264-1853 (E-mail: [email protected]).
    4. Restoration
        Under the restoration alternative, there would be the simultaneous 
    closure/de-designation of the Mud Dump Site and designation of the HARS 
    by September 1, 1997. The HARS would include the present area of the 
    Mud Dump Site and areas outside the Mud Dump Site found to be degraded 
    by historical dredged material disposal. The restoration work would be 
    conducted by covering degraded sediment areas with at least a one meter 
    cover of sandy Material for Remediation (0 to 10% fines). Restoration 
    work would be prioritized by the degree of degradation--that is, areas 
    exhibiting the greatest degradation would be restored first. EPA did 
    not select this alternative since it would have contributed to a loss 
    of mud, and muddy sand habitats, with possible negative effects to 
    living resources (e.g., lobster and winter flounder). Further, there is 
    limited availability of sandy Material for Remediation from New York-
    New Jersey Harbor and surrounding areas, and no dedicated funding for 
    obtaining suitable material from other sources (e.g., inlet projects or 
    mining sites). This could make restoration infeasible or result in a 
    much longer restoration period than Alternative 3, with continued 
    exposure of degraded sediments to the biotic zone of the New York 
    Bight. In addition, one of the objectives of the July 24, 1996, 3-Party 
    letter is that the designation of the Historic Area Remediation Site 
    assures long-term use of Category I dredged material.
    V. Proposed Action
        Today's proposal would implement Alternative 3 of the Supplemental 
    EIS. The proposed HARS (which includes the 2.2 square nautical mile Mud 
    Dump Site) is a 15.7 square nautical mile area located approximately 
    3.5 nautical miles east of Highlands, New Jersey, and 7.7 nautical 
    miles south of Rockaway, New York, and bounded by the coordinates shown 
    in Table 1.
        In order to reduce adverse effects that have occurred within the 
    HARS (see, 40 CFR 228.11(c)), use of the site would be limited to the 
    placement of Remediation Material. Remediation Material, as provided in 
    the July 24, 1996, 3-party letter, is ``uncontaminated dredged material 
    (i.e., dredged material that meets current Category I standards and 
    will not cause significant undesirable effects, including through 
    bioaccumulation)''. Based upon evaluation for environmental impact 
    under 40 CFR part 227, subpart B, material to be used for remediation 
    must satisfy the criteria of 40 CFR 227.6 and 227.27 and not indicate a 
    potential for short term (acute) impacts or long term (chronic) 
    impacts. Consistent with achieving the objective of remediating the 
    HARS to acceptable levels of impact, material to be used for 
    remediation will possess characteristics that demonstrably contribute 
    to the improvement of conditions within the area in which they are to 
    be placed so as to enable development of sustainable and diverse 
    communities of healthy benthic marine life.
        If at any time remediation operations at the site cause significant 
    adverse environmental impacts, EPA will place such additional 
    limitations on site use as are necessary to reduce the impacts to 
    acceptable levels, particularly taking into account the following 
    factors: movement of materials into estuaries or marine sanctuaries, or 
    onto oceanfront beaches, or shorelines; movement of materials toward 
    productive fishery or shell fishery areas; absence from the HARS of 
    pollution-sensitive biota characteristic of the general area; 
    progressive, non-seasonal changes in water quality or sediment 
    composition at the HARS, when these changes are attributable to 
    material placed at the HARS; progressive, non-seasonal changes in 
    composition or numbers of pelagic, demersal, or benthic biota at or 
    near the HARS, when these changes are attributable to the material 
    placed at the HARS; and accumulation of constituents from the material 
    in marine biota near the HARS. See, 40 CFR 228.10.
    VI. Site Designation Criteria
        Under 40 CFR 228.5, five general criteria are used in the selection 
    and approval of sites under section 102 of the MPRSA for continuing 
    use. Pursuant to Sec. 228.5(a), sites are selected so as to minimize 
    interference with other marine activities, particularly avoiding areas 
    of existing fisheries or shell fisheries, and areas of heavy 
    navigational use. For additional information on Sec. 228.5(a) see 
    sections 3.5, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.2.1, 4.2.2, and 4.2.4 of the 
    Supplemental EIS. Pursuant to Sec. 228.5(b), sites are situated such 
    that temporary water quality perturbations caused by site operations 
    would be expected to be reduced to normal ambient levels before 
    reaching any beach shoreline, sanctuary or geographically limited 
    fishery area. For additional information on Sec. 228.5(b) see Sections 
    3.2.4, 4.2.2, 4.2.3, and 5.0 of the Supplemental EIS. Pursuant to 
    Sec. 228.5(c), if site designation studies show that any interim site 
    does not meet the site selection criteria, use of such site shall be 
    terminated as soon as an alternate site can be designated. Pursuant to 
    Sec. 228.5(d), site size is limited in order to localize for 
    identification and control any immediate adverse impacts, and to 
    facilitate effective monitoring for long-range effects. For additional 
    [[Page 26273]]
    on Sec. 228.5(d) see Section 5.0 of the Supplemental EIS. Pursuant to 
    Sec. 228.5(e), EPA will, wherever feasible, designate sites beyond the 
    edge of the continental shelf or sites that have been historically 
    used. For additional information on Sec. 228.5(e) see Sections 3.2.1 
    and 3.2.2 of the Supplemental EIS.
        As described in Chapter 4 of the Supplemental EIS, today's proposal 
    complies with the general criteria of Sec. 228.5. Specifically, the 
    HARS, which will be remediated to improve its current condition, is not 
    in a geographically limited fishery area, is not in a major navigation 
    area and otherwise has no geographically limited resource values that 
    are not abundant in other parts of this coastal region. The Material 
    for Remediation placed at the site will not reach any significant areas 
    such as a marine sanctuary, beach, or other important natural resource 
    area (i.e., the buffer zone ensures that transport beyond the HARS 
    boundaries during initial mixing is avoided). Neither the HARS nor the 
    existing Mud Dump Site are interim sites, and the HARS has an 
    appropriately limited size that will allow for effective monitoring and 
    localize impacts. Although the site is not located off the Continental 
    Shelf, it is located in an area previously affected by historical 
    dredged material disposal. Use of a site off the Continental Shelf is 
    not feasible because a major underlying purpose of the HARS designation 
    is to provide for remediation of such historically used areas, and 
    these areas are located on the continental shelf.
        Section 228.6 of the Ocean Dumping Regulations also lists eleven 
    specific factors used in evaluating a proposed site. These 11 specific 
    criteria were also considered in developing today's proposed rule, as 
    described below, and documented in the Supplemental EIS.
        1. Geographical position, depth of water, bottom topography and 
    distance from coast (40 CFR 228.6(a)(1): The HARS (which includes the 
    2.2 square nautical area of the mile Mud Dump Site) is a 15.7 square 
    nautical mile area located approximately 3.5 nautical miles east of 
    Highlands, New Jersey and 7.7 nautical miles south of Rockaway, New 
    York, bounded by the following coordinates:
                                                         Table 1                                                    
                          Point                        Latitude DMS    Longitude DMS   Latitude DDM    Longitude DDM
    A...............................................  40 deg.25'39''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.53'55''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.25.65'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.53.92'
    M...............................................  40 deg.25'39''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.48'58''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.25.65'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.48.97'
    P...............................................  40 deg.21'19''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.48'57''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.21.32'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.48.95'
    R...............................................  40 deg.21'19''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.52'30''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.21.32'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.52.50'
    S...............................................  40 deg.21'52''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.53'55''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.21.87'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.53.92'
    V...............................................  40 deg.21'52''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.52'30''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.21.87'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.52.50'
    DMS = Degrees, Minutes, Seconds                                                                                 
    DDM = Degrees, Decimal Minutes                                                                                  
        The proposed HARS includes the following 3 areas:
        Priority Remediation Area (PRA): 9.0 square nautical mile area to 
    be remediated with at least 1 meter of Remediation Material, bounded by 
    the following coordinates:
                                                         Table 2                                                    
                          Point                        Latitude DMS    Longitude DMS   Latitude DDM    Longitude DDM
    B...............................................  40 deg.25'23''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.53'34''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.25.38'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.53.57'
    D...............................................  40 deg.25'22''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.52'08''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.25.37'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.52.13'
    F...............................................  40 deg.23'13''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.52'09''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.23.22'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.52.15'
    G...............................................  40 deg.23'13''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.51'28''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.23.22'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.51.47'
    H...............................................  40 deg.22'41''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.51'28''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.22.68'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.51.47'
    I...............................................  40 deg.22'41''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.50'43''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.22.68'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.50.72'
    L...............................................  40 deg.25'22''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.50'44''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.25.37'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.50.73'
    N...............................................  40 deg.25'22''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.49'19''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.25.37'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.49.32'
    O...............................................  40 deg.21'35''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.49'19''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.21.58'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.49.32'
    Q...............................................  40 deg.21'36''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.52'08''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.21.60'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.52.13'
    T...............................................  40 deg.22'08''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.52'08''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.22.13'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.52.13'
    U...............................................  40 deg.22'08''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.53'34''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.22.13'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.53.57'
    DMS = Degrees, Minutes, Seconds                                                                                 
    DDM = Degrees, Decimal Minutes                                                                                  
        Water depths within this area range from 40 feet (12 meters) to 138 
    feet (42 meters). The bottom topography is characterized by mounds from 
    previous disposal activities that gradually slope downward toward the 
    southeast near the Hudson Shelf Valley.
        Buffer Zone: an approximately 5.7 square nautical mile area (0.27 
    nautical mile wide band around the PRA) in which no placement of the 
    Material for Remediation will be allowed, but which may receive 
    Remediation Material that incidentally spreads out of the PRA, bounded 
    by the following coordinates:
                                                         Table 3                                                    
                          Point                        Latitude DMS    Longitude DMS   Latitude DDM    Longitude DDM
    A...............................................  40 deg.25'39''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.53'55''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.25.65'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.53.92'
    [[Page 26274]]
    B...............................................  40 deg.25'23''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.53'34''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.25.38'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.53.57'
    C...............................................  40 deg.25'39''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.51'48''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.25.65'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.51.80'
    D...............................................  40 deg.25'22''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.52'08''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.25.37'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.52.13'
    E...............................................  40 deg.23'48''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.51'48''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.23.80'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.51.80'
    F...............................................  40 deg.23'13''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.52'09''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.23.22'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.52.15'
    G...............................................  40 deg.23'13''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.51'28''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.23.22'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.51.47'
    H...............................................  40 deg.22'41''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.51'28''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.22.68'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.51.47'
    I...............................................  40 deg.22'41''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.50'43''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.22.68'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.50.72'
    J...............................................  40 deg.23'48''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.51'06''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.23.80'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.51.10'
    K...............................................  40 deg.25'39''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.51'06''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.25.65'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.51.10'
    L...............................................  40 deg.25'22''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.50'44''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.25.37'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.50.73'
    M...............................................  40 deg.25'39''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.48'58''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.25.65'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.48.97'
    N...............................................  40 deg.25'22''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.49'19''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.25.37'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.49.32'
    O...............................................  40 deg.21'35''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.49'19''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.21.58'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.49.32'
    P...............................................  40 deg.21'19''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.48'57''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.21.32'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.48.95'
    Q...............................................  40 deg.21'36''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.52'08''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.21.60'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.52.13'
    R...............................................  40 deg.21'19''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.52'30''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.21.32'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.52.50'
    S...............................................  40 deg.21'52''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.53'55''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.21.87'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.53.92'
    T...............................................  40 deg.22'08''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.52'08''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.22.13'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.52.13'
    U...............................................  40 deg.22'08''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.53'34''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.22.13'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.53.57'
    V...............................................  40 deg.21'52''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.52'30''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.21.87'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.52.50'
    DMS = Degrees, Minutes, Seconds                                                                                 
    DDM = Degrees, Decimal Minutes                                                                                  
        No Discharge Zone: an approximately 1.0 square nautical mile area 
    in which no placement or incidental spread of the Material for 
    Remediation is allowed, bounded by the following coordinates:
                                                         Table 4                                                    
                          Point                        Latitude  DMS  Longitude  DMS   Latitude  DDM  Longitude  DDM
    C...............................................  40 deg.25'39''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.51'48''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.25.65'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.51.80'
    E...............................................     40 deg. 23'                                                
                                                              48'' N     73 deg. 51'                                
                                                                              48'' W  40 deg. 23.80'                
                                                                                                   N  73 deg. 51.80'
    J...............................................     40 deg. 23'                                                
                                                              48'' N     73 deg. 51'                                
                                                                              06'' W  40 deg. 23.80'                
                                                                                                   N  73 deg. 51.10'
    K...............................................     40 deg. 25'                                                
                                                              39'' N     73 deg. 51'                                
                                                                              06'' W  40 deg. 25.65'                
                                                                                                   N  73 deg. 51.10'
    DMS = Degrees, Minutes, Seconds                                                                                 
    DDM = Degrees, Decimal Minutes                                                                                  
        For additional information see Sections 3.1, 3.2.2, 3.3.1, 3.3.4, 
    4.1, 4.2, 4.2.9 of the Supplemental EIS.
        2. Location in relation to breeding, spawning, nursery, feeding, or 
    passage areas of living resources in adult or juvenile phases (40 CFR 
    228.6(a)(2)): There are substantial living marine resources that breed, 
    spawn, feed and transit the proposed HARS in both juvenile and adult 
    phases. These biological resources are utilized by commercial and 
    recreational fishermen. Placement of the Material for Remediation at 
    the HARS is intended to help improve the sediment conditions in the 
    area, and thus should be beneficial to marine life.
        Approximately 30 species of whales, seals, and dolphins are 
    observed in the mid-Atlantic area in the course of their migration. 
    Three endangered and two threatened species of sea turtles are found in 
    the mid-Atlantic. Two of the five, the Kemp's ridley and loggerhead 
    turtle, are known to occur near shore. Fin and humpback whales occur in 
    both near shore and offshore waters. Several species of seabirds breed 
    in the middle Atlantic states, with New Jersey and Long Island 
    harboring the largest nesting areas. Of particular concern are the 
    least tern, roseate tern, and the black skimmer, as the present 
    populations of these species are greatly reduced over historic 
    population sizes. The HARS lies within the Atlantic Flyway through 
    which over three million migratory waterfowl travel annually. Although 
    these activities occur in the vicinity of the proposed HARS, no feature 
    of the life history of valuable organisms is known to be unique to the 
        With respect to endangered and threatened species, informal 
    consultation was conducted with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 
    (USFWS) and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). The USFWS 
    concurred with EPA's determination that species under its jurisdiction 
    would not likely be adversely affected by the proposed action. EPA 
    prepared a Biological Assessment of the proposed action on four species 
    under NMFS jurisdiction: Kemp's ridley sea turtle, loggerhead sea 
    turtle, humpback whale, and the fin whale. The Biological Assessment, 
    which concludes that the proposed action is not likely to affect these 
    four species, is available upon request by contacting the person listed 
    in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section. For additional 
    information see Sections 3.4, 3.5, 4.2.2,,, of 
    the Supplemental EIS.
        3. Location in relation to beaches and other amenity areas (40 CFR 
    228.6(a)(3)): There are heavily used beaches, public shorelines and 
    recreational facilities on the southern coast of Long Island, New York, 
    and the Atlantic shore of New Jersey. The HARS encompasses all benthic 
    areas that EPA has determined are appropriate for remediation and show 
    evidence of dredged material disposal and/or historical ocean dumping 
    activities as found within the 30 square nautical mile Study Area 
    evaluated in the SEIS. Portions of the ocean front beaches in
    [[Page 26275]]
    New Jersey will be as close as 3.5 nautical miles west of the HARS; 
    amenity areas in Long Island, New York, will be 7.4 nautical miles from 
    the HARS. Given the rapid dissipation characteristics of dredge plumes 
    (i.e., plume dilution after two hours, based on total suspended solids, 
    ranged from approximately 64,000:1 to 557,000:1) and that virtually all 
    released materials settle to the bottom near the release point, the 
    Material for Remediation placed in the HARS would not adversely affect 
    beaches or similar amenities. For additional information see Sections 
    3.1, 4.2.1, 4.2.3 of the Supplemental EIS.
        4. Types and quantities of wastes proposed to be disposed of , and 
    proposed methods of release, including methods of packing the waste, if 
    any (40 CFR 228.6(a)(4)): Approximately 41 mcy of the Material for 
    Remediation will be placed at the HARS. This estimate is based upon the 
    placement of a 1 meter cap (minimum required cap thickness) of the 
    Material for Remediation on sediments within the PRA. This volume is an 
    estimate; past capping experience suggests that the actual remediation 
    volume will be higher due to settling and mounding of the material. The 
    Material for Remediation will be generated through the maintenance and 
    development of navigation channels and berthing areas in the Port of 
    New York and New Jersey and surrounding areas, and could also be 
    generated as a result of non-navigational dredging. All of the 
    materials would be transported to the HARS by dump scow or hopper 
    dredge. The Material for Remediation placed in the HARS would not be 
    containerized or packaged. For additional information see Sections 
    3.2.3, 3.2.4, and 5.0 of the Supplemental EIS.
        5. Feasibility of surveillance and monitoring (40 CFR 228.6(a)(5)): 
    Surveillance of the site can be accomplished by boat, helicopter, 
    disposal inspectors aboard barges, scows, and tugboats, or through 
    radar or satellite. This effort would be conducted jointly by the EPA--
    USACE New York District , and the U.S. Coast Guard. The EPA has 
    developed a draft HARS SMMP which covers post-closure activities at the 
    Mud Dump Site and remediation activities within the HARS upon its 
    designation (see below for information on obtaining the HARS SMMP). The 
    HARS will be managed to reduce impacts at the site to acceptable levels 
    (in accordance with 40 CFR 228.11 (c)). For additional information see 
    Sections 3.2.4,,,,, and 5.0 of the 
    Supplemental EIS.
        6. Dispersal, horizontal transport and vertical mixing 
    characteristics of the area, including prevailing current direction and 
    velocity, if any (40 CFR 228.6(a)(6)): Prevailing long-term currents in 
    the New York Bight, which includes the area of the HARS, are to the 
    southwest at mean speeds of approximately 3.7 cm/second, with an 
    occasional clockwise eddy in the Bight Apex. Surface waves are 
    generally less than 2 meters in height except during major storms which 
    occur most frequently in the fall and winter seasons. Wave-induced near 
    bottom currents are greater than 20 cm/second only when surface wave 
    heights exceed 3 meters, wave periods are in excess of 10 seconds, and 
    storm centers are to the east or southeast. These wave conditions are 
    encountered less than 3% of the time in the fall and winter, and less 
    than 1% of the time in the spring and summer. Near bottom oscillatory 
    currents at the HARS are relatively weak with maximum speeds on the 
    order of 10 cm/s. Mean currents are also weak, with direction that is 
    dependent upon location, water depth, and bottom topography.
        Short term dispersion in the water column is a function of tidal 
    forces and currents at the time of placement. Deposited Remediation 
    Material sediments are relatively stable under non-storm conditions. 
    Resuspension and dispersion after deposition is primarily caused by 
    major storm activity and the most intense storms can resuspend and 
    transport sandy sediments deposited in less than 20 m of water. Any 
    potential for transport of the Material for Remediation to beaches and 
    amenities is negligible. For additional information see Sections 3.3.3, 
    3.3.4, 3.3.5, 3.3.6, 3.3.7, 3.3.8, and 4.2.3 of the Supplemental EIS.
        7. Existence and effects of current and previous discharges and 
    dumping in the area (including cumulative effects) (40 CFR 
    228.6(a)(7)): The NY Bight Apex has been historically utilized for 
    ocean disposal of dredged material and a variety of waste products 
    since the 1800's (e.g., building materials, sewage sludge, industrial 
    waste). Ocean disposal of garbage was eliminated in 1934; other 
    industrial waste product disposal practices ended as a result of the 
    passage of the Ocean Dumping Ban Act (sewage sludge disposal ended in 
    1992). The size of the PRA within the HARS is 9.0 square nautical 
    miles. For additional information see Sections 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3,,, and of the Supplemental EIS.
        As previously discussed in today's preamble and further explained 
    in Chapters 1 and 3 of the Supplemental EIS accompanying today's 
    proposal, field surveys have identified areas of sediments exhibiting 
    unacceptable toxicity to amphipods and elevated levels of 
    bioaccumulative contaminants within the MDS and surrounding areas. 
    Although precise quantification of the sources of such contamination is 
    not possible (with potential sources including historical dredged 
    material disposal, former 12-Mile Site sewage sludge dumping, the 
    Hudson River Plume, and atmospheric deposition), the presence of 
    degraded sediments exhibiting unacceptable toxicity and/or unacceptable 
    bioaccumulation is cause for concern. Bathymetric and side scan data 
    show evidence of dredged material disposal mounds in the Supplemental 
    EIS study area. The available information, as documented in the 
    accompanying Supplemental EIS, supports both the closure of the MDS and 
    designation and remediation of the HARS.
        8. Interference with shipping, fishing, recreation, mineral 
    extraction, desalination, fish and shellfish culture, areas of special 
    scientific importance and other legitimate uses of the ocean (40 CFR 
    228.6(a)(8)): The site is located in the entrance to New York Harbor. 
    It is within the precautionary zone established by the U.S. Coast Guard 
    for commercial and recreational ship traffic. Discussions with local 
    harbor pilots indicate that the proposed activities at the HARS will 
    not interfere with commercial navigation activity. Neither desalination 
    nor fish or shellfish culture occurs near the site. This action is 
    intended to help improve sediment conditions in the area, and thus 
    should be beneficial to fishing. Sand mining in the area of the HARS 
    has been precluded by a 1996 statement of policy from the Minerals 
    Management Service (MMS). In a related matter, the MMS has stated that 
    areas of low petroleum potential in the vicinity of the site are under 
    moratorium for oil and gas exploration. The HARS is not a 
    scientifically important area. For additional information see Sections 
    3.5, 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.2.4, 4.2.5,,, 4.2.6, and 4.2.8 of 
    the Supplemental EIS.
        9. The existing water quality and ecology of the site as determined 
    by available data or by trend assessment or baseline surveys (40 CFR 
    228.6(a)(9)): From 1994 to 1996, EPA Region 2 and the USACE NYD 
    conducted a variety of oceanographic surveys within an approximately 30 
    square nautical mile study area (including the 15.7 square nautical 
    mile HARS). Water quality in and near the HARS meets applicable Federal 
    marine water quality criteria; the water quality can be affected by 
    Hudson River outflow/plume and
    [[Page 26276]]
    natural seasonal cycles. With respect to site ecology, demersal and 
    pelagic fish are abundant in the site. Two benthic infaunal communities 
    (i.e., sandy and fine grain) occur in the site. Abundance of both 
    benthic communities is high, diversity is moderate. Neither of the 
    benthic communities is detectably impaired by contaminants in the 
    sediments. Studies conducted by EPA, however, indicate that when 
    sediments from the HARS area are removed and brought back to the 
    laboratory for subsequent toxicity testing using standard 10-day 
    amphipod (ampelisca abdita) acute toxicity test procedures, sediment 
    toxicity is observed in sediments from many areas of the HARS. These 
    studies revealed levels of toxicity within the HARS that would fail the 
    ocean disposal criteria and qualify as Category III dredged material. 
    Analyses conducted on worm tissue collected from the HARS revealed 
    levels of dioxin in excess of Category I levels but below Category III 
    levels. For additional information see Section 3.3.10, 3.4, and 3.5.2 
    of the Supplemental EIS.
        10. Potential for the development or recruitment of nuisance 
    species in the site (40 CFR 228.6(a)(10)): Based on the available 
    evidence, including monitoring studies of the New York Bight Apex and 
    the Mud Dump Site, the Material for Remediation is not a potential 
    source for the development or recruitment of nuisance species in the 
    HARS. Monitoring results and available data indicate that placement of 
    dredged material at the Mud Dump Site has not extended the range of 
    undesirable living organisms or pathogens or degraded uninfected areas, 
    or introduced viable non-indigenous species into the area. For 
    additional information see sections 3.3,,, and 
    of the Supplemental EIS.
        11. Existence at or in close proximity to the site of any 
    significant natural or cultural feature of historical importance (40 
    CFR 228.6(a)(11)): The site is located approximately 7.7 nautical miles 
    from the Gateway National Recreational Areas in Rockaway, NY, and 3.5 
    nautical miles from Sandy Hook, NJ. It is also near a number of 
    important features of historic importance, including the Marconi Twin 
    Lights (3.5 nautical miles away). Dredged material placed at the nearby 
    Mud Dump Site has not been found to affect state or national parks, 
    beaches, or features of historical importance. A cultural resources 
    survey of the study area was conducted as part of the development of 
    the Supplemental EIS; 15 shipwrecks were located within the study area. 
    EPA has determined to avoid (i.e., no placement within 500 meters of a 
    wreck) four of the vessels that are located in the PRA that have 
    potential eligibility to the National Register of Historic Places. 
    Avoidance ensures that the wrecks are available for further 
    investigation and determination for eligibility for nomination should 
    any future federal action be planned in the area. For additional 
    information see Sections 3.5.7,,,, and 
    of the Supplemental EIS.
        In conclusion, the available information, as documented in the 
    accompanying SEIS, supports both the closure of the MDS and designation 
    and remediation of the HARS.
    VII. Summary
        Today's proposal would de-designate the Mud Dump Site and 
    simultaneously redesignate the area of that site and surrounding 
    degraded areas as the Historic Area Remediation Site. The proposed HARS 
    is compatible with the general criteria and specific factors used for 
    site evaluation. EPA thus is proposing the designation of the HARS as 
    an EPA approved site under authorities contained in MPRSA Section 
    102(c). Management of this site is delegated to the Regional 
    Administrator of EPA Region 2. Today's proposal would revise 
    Sec. 228.15(d)(6) to de-designate the Mud Dump Site and simultaneously 
    designate the HARS.
        The proposed action would provide for remediation of the area 
    containing sediments exhibiting Category II and III characteristics. 
    These areas will be remediated with at least a 1 meter cap of 
    Remediation Material in order to isolate the areas from the marine 
    environment, thus assuring the potential effects of historical dumping 
    in the HARS are reduced to acceptable levels.
    VIII. Compliance With Other Acts and Orders
    A. Executive Order 12866
        Under Executive Order 12866 (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993), the 
    Agency must determine whether the regulatory action is ``significant'' 
    and therefore subject to OMB review and the requirements of the 
    Executive Order. The Order defines ``significant regulatory action'' as 
    one that is likely to result in a rule that may:
        (1) Have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more or 
    adversely affect in a material way the economy, a sector of the 
    economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, public 
    health or safety, or State, local or tribal governments or communities;
        (2) Create a serious inconsistency or otherwise interfere with an 
    action taken or planned by another agency;
        (3) Materially alter the budgetary impact of entitlement, grants, 
    user fees, or loan programs or the rights and obligations of recipients 
    thereof; or
        (4) Raise novel legal or policy issues arising out of legal 
    mandates, the President's priorities, or the principles set forth in 
    the Executive Order.''
        Today's proposed action, which would simultaneously de-designate 
    the Mud Dump Site and designate the HARS, is not a significant 
    regulatory action. The de-designation of the Mud Dump Site would not 
    affect the disposal of Category II material, because the Mud Dump Site 
    will reach capacity for Category II materials in the next few months 
    (before September 1, 1997) due to already existing technical 
    limitations on the height of the mound. This would occur regardless of 
    whether the Agency goes forward with today's proposed action. With 
    regard to Category I material, the proposed HARS would continue to 
    provide an EPA-designated site for the placement of ``uncontaminated 
    dredged material (i.e., dredged material that meets current Category I 
    standards and will not cause significant undesirable effects including 
    through bioaccumulation)'' (July 24,1996, 3-party letter). It thus has 
    been determined that this rule is not a ``significant regulatory 
    action'' under the terms of the Executive Order 12866 and is therefore 
    not subject to OMB review.
    B. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) provides that, whenever an 
    agency proposes a rule subject to notice and comment requirements under 
    5 U.S.C. 553, it must prepare an initial regulatory flexibility 
    analysis unless the head of the agency certifies that the rule will not 
    have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities (5 U.S.C. 604 and 605). Today's proposal is not likely to 
    impact a substantial number of small entities. Even if small pier and 
    berth owners and small marinas might be economically affected, such 
    economic effects would be slight because although today's proposal 
    would terminate the Mud Dump Site, it also would simultaneously 
    designate an area (the HARS) for the placement of Material for 
    Remediation. As provided in the July 24, 1996, 3-Party letter, such 
    material is ``* * * uncontaminated dredged material (i.e., dredged 
    material that meets current Category I standards and will not cause 
    significant undesirable effects, including through bioaccumulation).'' 
    Thus, today's
    [[Page 26277]]
    proposal will help assure the ``* * * long-term use of category 1 
    dredge material.'' from NY/NJ Harbor and surrounding areas. With 
    respect to Category II dredged material, the capacity of the Mud Dump 
    Site to receive Category II material will be used up by September 1, 
    1997 as a result of pre-existing constraints, even in the absence of 
    today's proposal. For all of these reasons, the Regional Administrator 
    certifies, pursuant to Section 605(b) of the RFA, that the rule will 
    not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    C. Paperwork Reduction Act
        The Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq., is intended to 
    minimize the reporting and record keeping burden on the regulated 
    community, as well as to minimize the cost of Federal information 
    collection and dissemination. In general, the Act requires that 
    information requests and record-keeping requirements affecting ten or 
    more non-Federal respondents be approved by the Office of Management 
    and Budget. Since this rule does not establish or modify any 
    information or record-keeping requirements, it is not subject to the 
    requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act.
    D. The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act and Executive Order 12875
        Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA), Public Law 
    104-4, establishes requirements for Federal agencies to assess the 
    effects of their regulatory actions on State, local, and tribal 
    governments and the private sector. Under section 202 of the UMRA, EPA 
    generally must prepare a written statement, including a cost-benefit 
    analysis, for proposed and final rules with ``Federal Mandates'' that 
    may result in expenditures to State, local, and tribal governments, in 
    the aggregate, or to the private sector, of $100 million or more in any 
    one year. Before promulgating an EPA rule for which a written statement 
    is needed, section 205 of the UMRA generally requires EPA to identify 
    and consider a reasonable number of regulatory alternatives and adopt 
    the least costly, most cost-effective or least burdensome alternative 
    that achieves the objectives of the rule. The provisions of section 205 
    do not apply when they are inconsistent with applicable law. Moreover, 
    section 205 allows EPA to adopt an alternative other than the least 
    costly, most cost-effective or least burdensome alternative if the 
    Administrator publishes with the final rule an explanation of why that 
    alternative was not adopted. Before EPA establishes any regulatory 
    requirements that may significantly or uniquely affect small 
    governments, including tribal governments, it must have developed under 
    section 203 of the UMRA a small government agency plan. The plan must 
    provide for notifying potentially affected small governments to have 
    meaningful and timely input in the development of EPA regulatory 
    proposals with significant Federal intergovernmental mandates, and 
    informing, educating, and advising small governments on compliance with 
    the regulatory requirements.
        This rule contains no Federal mandates (under the regulatory 
    provisions of the UMRA) for State, local, or tribal governments or 
    sections 205 and 205 of the UMRA. As is explained elsewhere in this 
    preamble, the proposed rule de-designates the Mud Dump Site, and 
    designates instead an area in the ocean suitable for the placement of 
    Remediation Material. Accordingly, it imposes no new enforceable duty 
    on any State, local or tribal governments or the private sector. Even 
    if this rule did contain a Federal mandate, it would not result in 
    annual expenditures of $100 million or more for State, local or tribal 
    governments in the aggregate, or the private sector. Thus, this rule is 
    not subject to the requirements of sections 202 and 205 of UMRA.
        For the foregoing reasons, EPA also has determined that this rule 
    contains no regulatory requirements that might significantly or 
    uniquely affect small governments. Thus, the requirements of section 
    203 of UMRA also do not apply to this rule.
    E. The Endangered Species Act
        Under Section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered Species Act, 16 U.S.C. 
    1536(a)(2), federal agencies are required to ``insure that any action 
    authorized, funded, or carried on by such agency * * * is not likely to 
    jeopardize the continued existence of any endangered or threatened 
    species or result in the destruction or adverse modification of habitat 
    of such species. * * *'' Under regulations implementing the Endangered 
    Species Act, a federal agency is required to consult with either the U. 
    S. Fish and Wildlife Service or the National Marine Fisheries Service 
    (depending on the species involved) if the agency's action ``may 
    affect'' endangered or threatened species or their critical habitat. 
    See, 50 CFR 402.14(a).
        EPA initiated its consultation process with the U.S. Fish and 
    Wildlife Service on April 6, 1995. The consultation process was 
    concluded with them on July 28, 1995, with their concurrence that EPA's 
    action was not likely to adversely affect federally listed species 
    under U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service jurisdiction. EPA initiated 
    threatened and endangered species consultation with the National Marine 
    Fisheries Service on April 4, 1996. Based on this coordination, EPA 
    concluded that the preparation of a biological assessment was warranted 
    for the Kemp's ridley and loggerhead sea turtles, and the humpback and 
    fin whales within the Mud Dump Site and surrounding areas. The National 
    Marine Fisheries Service concurred with this approach on May 8, 1996, 
    and EPA sent them a Biological Assessment in May, 1997, which concluded 
    that there are unlikely to be any effects on the threatened or 
    endangered species or their critical habitat.
    List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 228
        Environmental protection, Water pollution control.
        Dated: May 6, 1997.
    William J. Muszynski,
    Acting Regional Administrator, EPA Region 2.
        In consideration of the foregoing, EPA is proposing to amend part 
    228 of title 40 as set forth below.
        1. The authority citation for part 228 continues to read as 
        Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1412 and 1418.
        2. Section 228.15 is amended by revising paragraph (d)(6) to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 228.15  Dumping sites designated on a final basis.
    * * * * *
        (d) * * *
        (6) Historical Area Remediation Site (HARS) Designation/Mud Dump 
    Site Termination.
        (i) Status of Former Mud Dump Site: The Mud Dump Site, designated 
    as an Impact Category I site on May 4, 1984, is terminated.
        (ii) Location: (A) The HARS (which includes the 2.2 square nautical 
    mile area of the former Mud Dump Site) is a 15.7 square nautical mile 
    area located approximately 3.5 nautical miles east of Highlands, New 
    Jersey and 7.7 nautical miles south of Rockaway, Long Island. The HARS 
    consists of a Primary Remediation Area (PRA), a Buffer Zone, and a No 
    Discharge Zone. The HARS is bounded by the following coordinates:
    [[Page 26278]]
                          Point                        Latitude  DMS  Longitude  DMS   Latitude  DDM  Longitude  DDM
    A...............................................  40 deg.25'39''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.53'55''                                
                                                                                   W  40 deg.25.65'N   73 deg.53.92'
    M...............................................  40 deg.25'39''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.48'58''                                
                                                                                   W  40 deg.25.65'N   73 deg.48.97'
    P...............................................  40 deg.21'19''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.48'57''                                
                                                                                   W  40 deg.21.32'N   73 deg.48.95'
    R...............................................  40 deg.21'19''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.52'30''                                
                                                                                   W  40 deg.21.32'N   73 deg.52.50'
    S...............................................  40 deg.21'52''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.53'55''                                
                                                                                   W  40 deg.21.87'N   73 deg.53.92'
    V...............................................  40 deg.21'52''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.52'30''                                
                                                                                   W  40 deg.21.87'N   73 deg.52.50'
    DMS = Degrees, Minutes, Seconds                                                                                 
    DDM = Degrees, Decimal Minutes                                                                                  
        (B) The PRA, is a 9.0 square nautical mile area to be remediated 
    with at least a 1 meter cap of the Material for Remediation. The PRA is 
    bounded by the following coordinates:
                          Point                        Latitude  DMS  Longitude  DMS   Latitude  DDM  Longitude  DDM
    B...............................................  40 deg.25'23''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.53'34''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.25.38'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.53.57'
    D...............................................  40 deg.25'22''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.52'08''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.25.37'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.52.13'
    F...............................................  40 deg.23'13''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.52'09''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.23.22'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.52.15'
    G...............................................  40 deg.23'13''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.51'28''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.23.22'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.51.47'
    H...............................................  40 deg.22'41''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.51'28''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.22.68'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.51.47'
    I...............................................  40 deg.22'41''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.50'43''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.22.68'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.50.72'
    L...............................................  40 deg.25'22''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.50'44''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.25.37'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.50.73'
    N...............................................  40 deg.25'22''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.49'19''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.25.37'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.49.32'
    O...............................................  40 deg.21'35''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.49'19''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.21.58'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.49.32'
    Q...............................................  40 deg.21'36''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.52'08''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.21.60'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.52.13'
    T...............................................  40 deg.22'08''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.52'08''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.22.13'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.52.13'
    U...............................................  40 deg.22'08''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.53'34''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.22.13'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.53.57'
    DMS = Degrees, Minutes, Seconds                                                                                 
    DDM = Degrees, Decimal Minutes                                                                                  
        (iii) Size: 15.7 square nautical miles.
        (iv) Depth: Ranges from 12 to 42 meters.
        (v) Restrictions on Use:
        (A) The site will be managed so as to reduce impacts within the PRA 
    to acceptable levels in accordance with 40 CFR 228.11(c). Use of the 
    site will be restricted to dredged material suitable for use as the 
    Material for Remediation. This material shall be selected so as to 
    ensure it will not cause significant undesirable effects including 
    through bioaccumulation or unacceptable toxicity, in accordance with 40 
    CFR 227.6.
        (B) Placement of Material for Remediation will be limited to the 
    PRA. Placement of Material for Remediation within the PRA is not 
    allowed in a 0.27 nautical mile radius around the following coordinates 
    due to the presence of shipwrecks: 40 deg.25.30' W , 73 deg.52.80' N; 
    40 deg.25.27' W, 73 deg.52.13' N; 40 deg.25.07' W, 73 deg.50.05' N; 
    40 deg.22.46' W, 73 deg.53.27' N.
        (C) No placement of material may take place within the Buffer Zone, 
    although this zone may receive material that incidentally spreads out 
    of the PRA. The Buffer Zone is an approximately 5.7 square nautical 
    mile area (0.27 nautical mile wide band around the PRA), which is 
    bounded by the following coordinates:
                          Point                        Latitude  DMS  Longitude  DMS   Latitude  DDM  Longitude  DDM
    A...............................................  40 deg.25'39''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.53'55''                                
                                                                                   W  40 deg.25.65'N  73 deg.53.92'W
    B...............................................  40 deg.25'23''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.53'34''                                
                                                                                   W  40 deg.25.38'N  73 deg.53.57'W
    C...............................................  40 deg.25'39''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.51'48''                                
                                                                                   W  40 deg.25.65'N  73 deg.51.80'W
    D...............................................  40 deg.25'22''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.52'08''                                
                                                                                   W  40 deg.25.37'N  73 deg.52.13'W
    E...............................................  40 deg.23'48''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.51'48''                                
                                                                                   W  40 deg.23.80'N  73 deg.51.80'W
    F...............................................  40 deg.23'13''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.52'09''                                
                                                                                   W  40 deg.23.22'N  73 deg.52.15'W
    G...............................................  40 deg.23'13''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.51'28''                                
                                                                                   W  40 deg.23.22'N  73 deg.51.47'W
    H...............................................  40 deg.22'41''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.51'28''                                
                                                                                   W  40 deg.22.68'N  73 deg.51.47'W
    I...............................................  40 deg.22'41''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.50'43''                                
                                                                                   W  40 deg.22.68'N  73 deg.50.72'W
    J...............................................  40 deg.23'48''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.51'06''                                
                                                                                   W  40 deg.23.80'N  73 deg.51.10'W
    K...............................................  40 deg.25'39''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.51'06''                                
                                                                                   W  40 deg.25.65'N  73 deg.51.10'W
    L...............................................  40 deg.25'22''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.50'44''                                
                                                                                   W  40 deg.25.37'N  73 deg.50.73'W
    M...............................................  40 deg.25'39''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.48'58''                                
                                                                                   W  40 deg.25.65'N  73 deg.48.97'W
    N...............................................  40 deg.25'22''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.49'19''                                
                                                                                   W  40 deg.25.37'N  73 deg.49.32'W
    O...............................................  40 deg.21'35''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.49'19''                                
                                                                                   W  40 deg.21.58'N  73 deg.49.32'W
    P...............................................  40 deg.21'19''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.48'57''                                
                                                                                   W  40 deg.21.32'N  73 deg.48.95'W
    Q...............................................  40 deg.21'36''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.52'08''                                
                                                                                   W  40 deg.21.60'N  73 deg.52.13'W
    R...............................................  40 deg.21'19''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.52'30''                                
                                                                                   W  40 deg.21.32'N  73 deg.52.50'W
    S...............................................  40 deg.21'52'#                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.53'55''                                
                                                                                   W  40 deg.21.87'N  73 deg.53.92'W
    T...............................................  40 deg.22'08''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.52'08''                                
                                                                                   W  40 deg.22.13'N  73 deg.52.13'W
    U...............................................  40 deg.22'08''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.53'34''                                
                                                                                   W  40 deg.22.13'N  73 deg.53.57'W
    V...............................................  40 deg.21'52''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.52'30''                                
                                                                                   W  40 deg.21.87'N  73 deg.52.50'W
    DMS = Degrees, Minutes, Seconds                                                                                 
    DDM = Degrees, Decimal Minutes                                                                                  
    [[Page 26279]]
        (D) No placement or incidental spread of the material is allowed 
    within the No Discharge Zone, an approximately 1.0 square nautical mile 
    area, bounded by the following coordinates:
                          Point                        Latitude  DMS  Longitude  DMS   Latitude  DDM  Longitude  DDM
    C...............................................  40 deg.25'39''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.51'48''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.25.65'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.51.80'
    E...............................................  40 deg.23'48''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.51'48''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.23.80'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.51.80'
    J...............................................  40 deg.23'48''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.51'06''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.23.80'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.51.10'
    K...............................................  40 deg.25'39''                                                
                                                                   N  73 deg.51'06''                                
                                                                                   W   40 deg.25.65'                
                                                                                                   N   73 deg.51.10'
    DMS = Degrees, Minutes, Seconds                                                                                 
    DDM = Degrees, Decimal Minutes                                                                                  
        (vi) Period of Use: Continuing use until EPA determines that the 
    PRA has been sufficiently capped with at least 1 meter of the Material 
    for Remediation. At that time, EPA will undertake any necessary 
    rulemaking to de-designate the HARS.
    * * * * *
    [FR Doc. 97-12480 Filed 5-8-97; 3:15 pm]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Comments must be received on or before June 30, 1997. The public hearing dates are as follows:
26267-26279 (13 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
40 CFR 228.15