99-11916. Public Housing Assessment System; Resident Service and Satisfaction Scoring Process  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 92 (Thursday, May 13, 1999)]
    [Pages 26236-26238]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-11916]
    [[Page 26235]]
    Part IX
    Department of Housing and Urban Development
    Public Housing Assessment System; Resident Service and Satisfaction 
    Scoring Process; Notice
    Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 92 / Thursday, May 13, 1999 / 
    [[Page 26236]]
    [Docket No. FR 4509-N-06]
    Public Housing Assessment System; Resident Service and 
    Satisfaction Scoring Process
    AGENCY: Office of the Director, Real Estate Assessment Center, HUD.
    ACTION: Notice.
    SUMMARY: This notice provides additional information to public housing 
    agencies, and members of the public, regarding HUD's process for 
    issuing scores under the Resident Service and Satisfaction Indicator of 
    the Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS).
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For further information contact Wanda 
    Funk, Real Estate Assessment Center, Department of Housing and Urban 
    Development, 1280 Maryland Avenue, SW, Suite 800, Washington DC, 20024; 
    telephone Customer Service Center at 1-888-245-4860 (this is a toll 
    free number). Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access 
    that number via TTY by calling the Federal Information Relay Service at 
    (800) 877-8339. Additional information is available from the REAC 
    Internet Site, http://www.hud.gov/reac.
    1. Purpose of This Notice
        The purpose of this notice is to provide additional information 
    about the scoring process for PHAS Indicator #4, Resident Service and 
    Satisfaction. The purposes of the Resident Service and Satisfaction 
    assessment are to measure the level of resident satisfaction with 
    living conditions at their public housing, to facilitate positive 
    interaction and communication between public housing agencies (PHAs) 
    and residents, and to guide PHAs in recognizing areas of concern 
    identified by residents in survey responses. The Resident Service and 
    Satisfaction assessment is an important indicator of a PHA's 
        Of the total 100 points available for a PHAS score, a PHA may 
    receive up to ten points under PHAS Indicator #4. Unlike PHAS 
    Indicators #1, #2, or #3, PHAs will not be designated as ``troubled'' 
    for a failing score under Indicator #4 in accordance with 24 CFR 
    902.67. The Resident Service and Satisfaction score, however, is 
    included in the aggregate PHAS score.
    2. Elements of Scoring
        The score of the Resident Service and Satisfaction assessment for 
    all PHAs will be based upon two components, plus a threshold 
    First Component
        The first component will be the aggregate score of the survey 
    Second Component
        The second component will be a score based on the PHA's 
    certification that plans for survey implementation and follow-up 
    corrective actions have been prepared by the PHA and have or will be 
    acted upon. HUD's PHAS regulation at 24 CFR 902.53 provides that the 
    second component will be a point score based on the level of 
    implementation and follow-up or corrective actions based on the survey 
        Each of the components are worth five points, for a total of ten 
    points, as outlined under Indicator #4 in the PHAS final rule (24 CFR 
    902.53). A PHA will receive a passing score if it receives at least six 
    points of the available ten points. As noted earlier in this notice, 
    however, a failing score under this Indicator will not cause a PHA to 
    be designated as troubled.
    Threshold Requirement
        A PHA will not receive any points under PHAS Indicator #4 if the 
    survey process is not managed as directed by HUD or the survey results 
    are determined to have been altered. The threshold requirement is 
    subject to verification.
        The following chart shows the scoring components and point range.
                   Scoring components                      Point range
    Component One--Survey Results (5 points):
        Maintenance and Repair Section.............  0-1.
        Communication Section......................  0-1.
        Safety Section.............................  0-1.
        Services Section...........................  0-1.
        Neighborhood Section.......................  0-1.
    Component Two--Implementation/Follow-Up Plan (5
        Survey Implementation Plan.................  0 or 2.
        Survey Follow-up Plan......................  0 or 3.
            Total Possible Score...................  10.
    3. Scoring Process
        The scoring process for the Resident Service and Satisfaction 
    Indicator is dependent upon electronic updating, submission and 
    certification of information by PHAs. Although this notice discusses 
    these electronic steps in terms of requirements, HUD has made allowance 
    for manual submission of information, as discussed later in the notice.
    Unit Address Update and Verification
        The scoring process for PHAS Indicator #4 begins with ensuring 
    accurate information about the PHA's units. PHAs will be required to 
    electronically update unit address information initially obtained by 
    the REAC from the recently revised form HUD-50058, Family Report. The 
    REAC will supply a list of current units (listed by development) to 
    PHAs via the internet. PHAs will be asked to make additions, deletions 
    and corrections to their unit address list. After updating the list, 
    PHAs must verify that the list of unit addresses under their 
    jurisdiction is complete. Any incorrect or obsolete address information 
    will have a detrimental impact on the survey results. A statistically 
    valid number of residents cannot be selected to participate in the 
    survey if the unit addresses are incorrect or obsolete. If a PHA does 
    not verify the address information within 30 calendar days of 
    submission of the list of current units to the PHA by the REAC, and the 
    address information is not valid, the REAC will not be able to conduct 
    the survey at that PHA. Under those conditions, the PHA would not 
    receive any points for the PHAS Resident Service and Satisfaction 
    Electronic Update of Address List
        The preferred method for updating a unit address list is electronic 
    updating. If a PHA does not have this capability
    [[Page 26237]]
    in-house, the PHA should consider utilizing local resources, such as 
    the library or another local government entity that has internet 
    access. In the event local resources are not available, the PHA may go 
    to the nearest HUD Public and Indian Housing (PIH) program office and 
    assistance will be given to transmit the unit address information. The 
    PIH office will assist the PHA in electronically updating and 
    transmitting its unit address list to the REAC. If circumstances 
    preclude a PHA from updating and submitting its unit address list 
    electronically, HUD will consider granting approval to allow a PHA to 
    submit the updated unit address list information manually. A PHA that 
    seeks approval to update its unit address list manually must ensure 
    that the REAC receives the PHA's written request for manual submission 
    30 calendar days before the submission due date. The written request 
    must include the reasons why the PHA cannot update the list 
    electronically. The REAC will respond to the PHA's request within 15 
    calendar days of receipt of the request.
        A statistically valid number of residents will be chosen to receive 
    the Resident Service and Satisfaction survey. These residents will be 
    randomly selected using a computerized program based on the total 
    number of occupied and vacant units of the PHA. The Resident Service 
    and Satisfaction assessment takes into account the different properties 
    managed by a PHA by organizing the resident sampling based on the 
    resident representation of each development in relation to the size of 
    the entire PHA resident population. This procedure is known as 
    selection with probability proportional to size. For example, if a PHA 
    houses five percent of its residents in a given development, then five 
    percent of the sample will be chosen from that development. A PHA's 
    score, however, will represent the entire population within that 
    Survey Distribution
        The Resident Service and Satisfaction survey will be distributed to 
    the randomly selected sample of residents of each PHA by a third party 
    organization designated by HUD. The third party organization will also 
    be responsible for collecting, scanning and aggregating results of the 
    survey. The aggregate results will be transmitted to HUD for analysis 
    and scoring. HUD will keep individual responses to the survey 
    Component One--Survey Results (5 Points)
        The Resident Service and Satisfaction survey form, published in the 
    Federal Register on November 23, 1998, with OMB approval No. 2535-0108, 
    may be modified for nationwide implementation based on the pilot test 
    currently underway at 32 public housing agencies. The modifications may 
    include, but are not limited to, rewording of specific questions and 
    possible elimination of some questions. No additional questions will be 
    added to the existing Resident Service and Satisfaction survey. In 
    addition, the basic content of the survey, as described in 24 CFR 
    902.53, will not be modified.
        Once the survey form is finalized, weights will be assigned to 
    individual questions. Answers to some questions on the survey will be 
    used for informational purposes only and will not be calculated into 
    the score for the PHA. For example, questions regarding overall 
    satisfaction with the PHA will be used to confirm survey results and 
    will not be calculated into the final survey score. The only questions 
    that will be included in the score for the PHA will be questions that 
    are directly related to compliance with the regulations or statutes 
    applicable to the management of public housing. The score for the 
    Resident Service and Satisfaction survey will be based on a total 
    possible score of five points.
    Five Survey Sections
        There are five survey sections as follows:
        (1) Maintenance and repair (e.g., work order response);
        (2) Communication (e.g., perceived effectiveness);
        (3) Safety (e.g., perception of personal security);
        (4) Services (e.g., recreation and personal programs); and
        (5) Neighborhood appearance.
        Scores for each survey section will be calculated in the following 
    manner. Each section will be given a score between zero and one. For 
    example, if the maintenance and repair survey section has 83 percent of 
    the possible points for that section, then it would be given a score of 
    .83. The total survey score will be the sum of the five survey section 
    scores. Thus, there are five possible points for the survey results. 
    This part of the score will be presented in a numeric format with one 
    decimal place (i.e., 4.3).
    Component Two--Implementation and Follow-Up Plans (5 Points)
        Points awarded for component two are based on the level of 
    implementation of the survey and follow-up on the results of the 
    survey, where necessary.
    Survey Implementation Plan
        Although as noted earlier, a third party organization will be 
    responsible for distributing and collecting the survey results, the PHA 
    will be responsible for disseminating information about the survey to 
    its residents based on Survey Implementation Plan provided by HUD. The 
    Survey Implementation Plan will explicitly outline required 
    implementation activities. The PHA must certify to the dates the 
    implementation activities are carried out. Activities will include, but 
    are not limited to, displaying posters supplied by HUD; conducting 
    meetings with residents and/or communicating with residents through a 
    newsletter; and distributing flyers.
        If the PHA certifies to having completed the above activities prior 
    to the date set by HUD, the PHA will receive the full two points for 
    this section. All implementation activities should take place prior to 
    residents' receipt of the survey. HUD will set deadlines for electronic 
    submission of Survey Implementation Plans by PHAs. All Survey 
    Implementation Plans received past the deadline will not be considered, 
    and the PHA will not receive any points for this component.
    Survey Follow-up Plan
        HUD will supply PHAs with an electronic template to develop a 
    Survey Follow-up Plan based on the results of the survey. If a PHA 
    scores 4.5 or higher on the resident survey, a follow-up plan will not 
    be required and the PHA will receive the additional three points. The 
    PHA will receive its aggregate survey results electronically prior to 
    its PHAS Resident Service and Satisfaction certification due date. Once 
    the PHA receives its survey results, the PHA must electronically access 
    a template to be completed outlining any follow-up actions. The 
    appropriate HUD Office will supply suggested actions to assist the PHA 
    in completing its Survey Follow-up Plan. Follow-up actions will be 
    directly related to the five survey sections listed above. The PHA will 
    be able to develop its Survey Follow-up Plan based on areas identified 
    by the survey which need improvement. As part of the Survey Follow-up 
    Plan, the PHA will need to specify the following:
         Actions to be taken in the next fiscal year;
         The target date of completion;
         The funding source (if required) that will be utilized;
    [[Page 26238]]
         The section of the survey being addressed with the action 
    (i.e., communication, safety, etc.).
        A PHA will receive the full three points for this section by 
    completing its Survey Follow-up Plan and submitting a copy of it 
    electronically to HUD/REAC by the due date. Survey Follow-up Plans will 
    then be bundled and forwarded via the internet to the Public Housing 
    Director in the appropriate HUD Field Office. Where appropriate, Field 
    Office staff may offer technical assistance to a PHA regarding the 
    Survey Follow-up Plan. Survey Follow-up Plans shall be retained for 
    three years, and available for review at REAC or the PHA by HUD 
    auditors. No points will be awarded for this component if a PHA fails 
    to submit its Survey Follow-up Plan.
        Where appropriate, the Survey Follow-up Plan will be subject to 
    audit. If the auditor finds that the PHA is not following its plan in 
    good faith, the PHA will not receive the three points for the Survey 
    Follow-up Plan portion of the Resident Service and Satisfaction 
    assessment score.
    Submission of Resident Service and Satisfaction Certification
        Submission to the REAC by the PHA of its Resident Service and 
    Satisfaction certification brings a close to the scoring process for 
    this PHAS Indicator. Through the Resident Service and Satisfaction 
    certification, the PHA certifies that the resident survey process has 
    been managed as directed by HUD. PHAs are required to electronically 
    submit their Resident Service and Satisfaction certification. If a PHA 
    does not have this capability in-house, the PHA should consider 
    utilizing local resources, such as the library or another local 
    government entity that has internet access. In the event local 
    resources are not available, the PHA may go to the nearest HUD PIH 
    program office and assistance will be given to the PHA to transmit its 
    Resident Service and Satisfaction certification.
        If circumstances preclude the PHA from reporting electronically, 
    HUD will consider granting approval to allow a PHA to submit its 
    Resident Service and Satisfaction certification manually. A PHA that 
    seeks approval to submit the certification manually must ensure that 
    the REAC receives the PHA's written request for manual submission 60 
    calendar days before the submission due date of its Resident Service 
    and Satisfaction certification. The written request must include the 
    reasons why the PHA cannot submit the certification electronically. The 
    REAC will respond to the PHA's request and will manually forward its 
    determination in writing to the PHA.
    Technical Review of the Resident Survey
        The REAC will consider conducting a technical review of a PHA's 
    resident survey results in cases where the contracted third party 
    organization can be shown by the PHA to be in error. The burden of 
    proof, however, rests with the PHA to provide objectively verifiable 
    evidence that a technical error occurred. Examples include, but are not 
    limited to, incorrect material being mailed to residents; too few 
    survey forms sent, which could render the sample size invalid; or the 
    PHA's units addresses were incorrect due to the third party 
    organization's error, such as unit numbers being omitted from the 
    addresses. A PHA that does not update its unit address list as 
    described, above, will not be eligible for a technical review based on 
    incorrect addresses.
        Dated: May 6, 1999.
    Barbara L. Burkhalter,
    Deputy Director, Real Estate Assessment Center.
    [FR Doc. 99-11916 Filed 5-12-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4210-32-P

Document Information

Housing and Urban Development Department
Entry Type:
Document Number:
26236-26238 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. FR 4509-N-06
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