02-11984. Sunshine Act Meeting  

  • Start Preamble MAY 8, 2002.

    The following notice of meeting is published pursuant to section 3(a) of the Government in the Sunshine Act (Pub. L. No. 94-409), 5 U.S.C 552B:


    Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.


    May 15, 2002, 10:00 A.M.


    Room 2C, 888 First Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426.




    Agenda, * Note—Items listed on the agenda may be deleted without further notice.


    Magalie R. Salas, secretary, telephone (202) 208-0400, for a recording listing items stricken from or added to the meeting, call (202) 208-1627.

    This is a list of matters to be considered by the commission. It does not include a listing of all papers relevant to the items on the agenda; however, all public documents may be examined in the reference and information center.

    791ST—Meeting May 15, 2002, regular meeting, 10:00 A.M.

    Administrative Agenda


    Docket# AD02-1, 000, Agency Administrative Matters


    Docket# AD02-7, 000, Customer Matters, Reliability, Security and Market Operations

    Markets, Tariffs and Rates—Electric


    Docket# ER02-1330, 000, Pacific Gas and Electric Company


    Docket# ER02-1401, 000, Allegheny Power


    ER02-1440, 000, PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.

    ER02-1441, 000, PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.


    Docket# ER02-1387, 000, Entergy Louisiana, Inc.


    Docket# ER02-1400, 000, Illinois Power Company


    Docket# EL00-62, 010, NSTAR Services Company v. New England Power Pool

    Other#s EL00-102, 000, Northeast Utilities Service Company and Select Energy, Inc. v. ISO New England Inc.

    EL00-109, 000, Alternate Power Source, Inc. v. ISO New England Inc.

    EL00-109, 001, Alternate Power Source, Inc. v. ISO New England Inc.

    ER00-2052, 008, NSTAR Services Company v. New England Power Pool


    Docket# ER02-211, 000, Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation

    Other#s EL02-53, 000, Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation and Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee, LLC


    Docket# EL00-95, 058, San Diego Gas & Electric Company v. Sellers of Energy and Ancillary Services Into Markets Operated by the California Independent System Operator and the California Power Exchange

    Other#s EL00-97, 003, Reliant Energy Power Generation, Inc., Dynegy Power Marketing, Inc. and Southern Energy California, L.L.C. v. California Independent System Operator Corporation

    EL00-98, 050, Investigation of Practices of the California Independent System Operator and the California Power Exchange EL00-104 008 California Electricity Oversight Board v. All Sellers of Energy and Ancillary Services Into the Energy and Ancillary Services Markets Operated by the California Independent System Operator and the California Power Exchange

    EL00-107, 009, Public Meeting in San Diego, California

    EL01-1, 009, California Municipal Utilities Association v. All Jurisdictional Sellers of Energy and Ancillary Services Into Markets Operated by the California Independent System Operator and the California Power Exchange

    EL01-2, 003, CAlifornians for Renewable Energy, Inc. v. Independent Energy Products, Inc. and All Sellers of Energy and Ancillary Services Into Markets Operated by the California Independent System Operator and the California Power Exchange, All Scheduling Coordinators Acting on Behalf of the Above Sellers, California Independent System Operator Corporation and California Power Exchange Corporation EL01-68 011 Investigation of Wholesale Rates of Public Utility Sellers of Energy and Ancillary Services in the Western Systems Coordinating Council

    E-8. Docket# ER01-3000, 003, International Transmission Company

    Other#s RT01-101, 003, International Transmission Company

    RT01-101, 004, International Transmission Company

    EC01-146, 003, International Transmission Company and DTE Energy Company

    EC01-146, 004, International Transmission Company and DTE Energy Company

    ER01-3000, 004, International Transmission Company


    Docket# ER00-2413, 002, American Electric Power Service Corporation

    Other#s ER00-2413, 003, American Electric Power Service Corporation

    ER00-2413 005 American Electric Power Service Corporation






    Docket# EL01-122, 001, PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.


    Docket# TX98-2, 000, Public Service Company of Colorado


    Docket# ER02-782, 001, Florida Power & Light Company

    Other#s ER02-782, 002, Florida Power & Light Company


    Docket# EG02-99, 001, Garnet Energy LLC


    Docket# ER02-508, 001, Tampa Electric Company

    Other#s ER02-551, 001, Tampa Electric Company


    Docket# ER01-3142, 006, Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc.


    Docket# ER02-851, 002, Southern Company Services, Inc.

    Other#s ER02-851, 003, Southern Company Services, Inc.


    Docket# TX96-2, 003, City of College Station, Texas

    E-20. Start Printed Page 32040

    Docket# ER99-1770, 001, California Independent System Operator Corporation


    Docket# EL00-95, 031, San Diego Gas & Electric Company v. Sellers of Energy and Ancillary Services Into Markets Operated by the California Independent System Operator and the California Power Exchange

    Other#s EL00-98, 030, Investigation of Practices of the California Independent System Operator Corporation and the California Power Exchange

    EL00-98, 033, Investigation of Practices of the California Independent System Operator Corporation and the California Power Exchange

    EL01-68, 000, Investigation of Wholesale Rates of Public Utility Sellers of Energy and Ancillary Services in the Western Systems Coordinating Council

    E-21. (Continued)

    EL01-68, 001, Investigation of Wholesale Rates of Public Utility Sellers of Energy and Ancillary Services in the Western Systems Coordinating Council

    RT01-85, 000, California Independent System Operator Corporation

    RT01-85, 001, California Independent System Operator Corporation




    Docket# EL00-95, 053, San Diego Gas & Electric Company v. Sellers of Energy and Ancillary Service Into Markets Operated by the California Independent System Operator Corporation and the California Power Exchange Corporation

    Other#s EL00-95, 045, San Diego Gas & Electric Company v. Sellers of Energy and Ancillary Service into Markets Operated by the California Independent System Operator Corporation and the California Power Exchange Corporation

    EL00-97, 002, Reliant Energy Power Generation, Inc., Dynegy Power Marketing, Inc. and Southern Energy California, L.L.C. v. California Independent System Operator Corporation

    EL00-98, 042, Investigation of Practices of the California Independent System Operator Corporation and the California Power Exchange

    EL00-98, 047, Investigation of Practices of the California Independent System Operator Corporation and the California Power Exchange

    EL00-104, 007, California Electricity Oversight Board v. All Sellers of Energy and Ancillary Services Into the Energy and Ancillary Services Markets Operated by the California Independent System Operator Corporation and the California Power Exchange

    EL00-107, 008, Public Meeting in San Diego, California

    ER00-3461, 003, California Power Exchange Corporation

    ER00-3673, 002, California Independent System Operator Corporation

    E-23. (Continued)

    EL01-1, 008, California Municipal Utilities Association v. All Jurisdictional Sellers of Energy and Ancillary Services Into Markets Operated by the California Independent System Operator and the California Power Exchange

    EL01-2, 002, CAlifornians for Renewable Energy, Inc. v. Independent Energy Producers, Inc. and All Sellers of Energy and Ancillary Services Into Markets Operated by the California Independent System Operator and the California Power Exchange, All Scheduling Coordinators Acting on Behalf of the Above Sellers, California Independent System Operator Corporation and California Power Exchange Corporation

    EL01-10, 003, Puget Sound Energy, Inc. v. All Jurisdictional Sellers of Energy and/or Capacity at Wholesale Into Electric Energy and/or Capacity Markets in the Pacific Northwest, Including Parties to the Western Systems Power Pool Agreement

    EL01-34, 002, Southern California Edison Company and Pacific Gas and Electric Company

    EL01-68, 009, Investigation of Wholesale Rates of Public Utility Sellers of Energy and Ancillary Services in the Western Systems Coordinating Council

    RT01-85, 007, California Independent System Operator Corporation

    ER01-607, 002, California Independent System Operator Corporation

    ER01-1444, 003, Arizona Public Service Company

    ER01-1445, 003, Automated Power Exchange, Inc.

    ER01-1446, 005, Avista Energy, Inc.

    ER01-1447, 003, California Power Exchange Corporation

    ER01-1448, 005, Duke Energy Trading and Marketing, LLC

    ER01-1449, 006, Dynegy Power Marketing, Inc.

    ER01-1450, 003, Nevada Power Company

    ER01-1451, 006, Portland General Electric Company

    ER01-1452, 003, Public Service Company of Colorado

    ER01-1453, 007, Reliant Energy Services, Inc.

    ER01-1454, 003, Sempra Energy Trading Corporation

    ER01-1455, 009, Mirant California, LLC, Mirant Delta LLC and Mirant Potrero, LLC

    ER01-1456, 010, Williams Energy Services Corporation

    ER01-1579, 003, California Independent System Operator Corporation

    E-24. Docket# EL01-68, 010, Investigation of Wholesale Rates of Public Utility Sellers of Energy and Ancillary Services in the Western Systems Coordinating Council


    Docket# EL00-95, 056, San Diego Gas & Electric Company v. Sellers of Energy and Ancillary Service Into Markets Operated by the California Independent System Operator Corporation and the California Power xchange Corporation

    Other#s EL00-98, 049, Investigation of Practices of the California Independent System Operator Corporation and the California Power Exchange


    Docket# RM01-12, 000, Electricity Market Design and Structure


    Docket# RM02-9, 000, Electronic Filing of FERC Form No. 1 and Elimination of Certain Designated Schedules in FERC Form Nos. 1 and 1-F


    Docket# EL02-70, 000, The United Illuminating Company v. ISO New England Inc.

    Other#s EL02-61, 000, PG&E National Energy Group, PG&E Generating, USGen New England Inc. and PG&E Energy Trading-Power, L.P. v. ISO New England Inc.


    Docket# EL00-35, 000, Platte-Clay Electric Cooperative, Inc.


    Docket# EL01-103, 000, USGen New England, Inc


    Docket# EL98-66, 000, East Texas Electric Cooperative, Inc. v. Central and South West Services, Inc., Central Power and Light Company, West Texas Utilities Company, Public Service Company of Oklahoma and Southwestern Electric Power Company


    Docket# EL01-106, 000, Old Start Printed Page 32041Dominion Electric Cooperative v. PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.

    Other#s ER02-1333, 000, PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.


    Docket# EL02-8, 000, Mirant Americas Energy Marketing, L.P., Mirant Bowline, LLC, Mirant Lovett, LLC and Mirant NY Gen, LLC v. New York Independent System Operator, Inc.


    Docket# EL02-58, 000, Public Service Company of New Mexico v. Arizona Public Service Company




    Docket# EL01-109, 000, Midwest Generation, LLC v. Commonwealth Edison Company


    Docket# EL02-71, 000, State of California, ex rel. Bill Lockyer, Attorney General of the State of California v. British Columbia Power Exchange Corporation, Coral Power, LLC, Dynegy Power Marketing, Inc., Enron Power Marketing, Inc., Mirant Americas Energy Marketing, LP, Reliant Energy Services, Inc., Williams Energy Marketing & Trading Company, All Other Public Utility Sellers of Energy and Ancillary Services to the California Energy Resources Scheduling Division of the California Department of Water Resources, and All Other Public Utility Sellers of Energy and Ancillary Services Into Markets Operated by the California Power Exchange and California Independent System Operator Corporation


    Docket# EL02-12, 000, Sunbury Generation, LLC v. PPL Electric Utilities Corporation


    Docket# EL01-50, 000, KeySpan-Ravenswood, Inc. v. New York Independent System Operator, Inc.


    Docket# ER00-2413, 006, American Electric Power Service Corporation

    Other#s ER00-3435, 003, Carolina Power & Light Company

    ER01-247 004 Virginia Electric and Power Company


    Docket# ER00-3668, 001, Commonwealth Edison Company

    Other#s ER00-3668, 000, Commonwealth Edison Company

    ER00-3668 002 Commonwealth Edison Company


    Docket# ER01-3122, 000, Appalachian Power Company

    Miscellaneous Agenda



    Markets, Tariffs and Rates—Gas


    Docket# RP00-403, 000, Northern Border Pipeline Company

    Other#s RP00-403, 001, Northern Border Pipeline Company

    RP01-85, 000, Northern Border Pipeline Company

    RP01-388, 000, Northern Border Pipeline Company


    Docket# RP00-320, 000, Chandeleur Pipe Line Company

    Other#s RP01-111, 000, Chandeleur Pipe Line Company


    Docket# RP00-462, 000, Equitrans, L.P.

    Other#s RP01-37, 001, Equitrans, L.P.

    RP01-37 002 Equitrans, L.P.


    Docket# RP00-392, 000, Nautilus Pipeline Company, L.L.C.

    Other#s RP00-576, 000, Nautilus Pipeline Company, L.L.C.


    Docket# GT01-25, 003, ANR Pipeline Company

    Other#s RP99-301, 038, ANR Pipeline Company




    Docket# RP01-623, 003, Mississippi River Transmission Corporation

    Other#s RP01-622, 002, Mississippi River Transmission Corporation


    Docket# RP02-129, 001, Southern LNG Inc. ,

    Other#s RP02-129, 002, Southern LNG Inc.




    Docket# RM98-10, 010, Regulation of Short-Term Natural Gas Transportation Services, and Regulation of Interstate Natural Gas Transportation Services


    Docket# RP02-206, 000, Tenaska Marketing Ventures v. Northern Border Pipeline Company


    Docket# OR02-4, 000, Chevron Products Company v. SFPP, L.P.


    Docket# IS01-444, 004, Conoco Pipe Line Company

    Other#s IS01-445, 004, Conoco Pipe Line Company


    Docket# RP00-318, 000, Enbridge Pipelines (KPC)(formerly, Kansas Pipeline Company)

    Other#s RP01-6, 001, Enbridge Pipelines (KPC)(formerly, Kansas Pipeline Company)


    Docket# OR01-8, 000, ARCO, a subsidiary of BP America, Inc. v. Calnev Pipe Line, L.L.C.

    Other#s OR01-8, 001, ARCO, a subsidiary of BP America, Inc. v. Calnev Pipe Line, L.L.C.

    OR02-2, 000, Tosco Corporation v. Calnev Pipe Line, L.L.C.

    OR02-3, 000, Ultramar Inc. v. Calnev Pipe Line, L.L.C.


    Docket# RP00-545, 000, WestGas InterState, Inc.

    Other#s RP01-55, 001, WestGas InterState, Inc.

    RP01-55, 002, WestGas InterState, Inc.


    Docket# PR02-10, 000, Enogex, Inc.


    Docket# RP00-387, 000, Florida Gas Transmission Company

    Other#s RP00-583, 000, Florida Gas Transmission Company

    RP00-583, 001, Florida Gas Transmission Company


    Docket# OR02-7, 001, Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, L.P.

    Energy Projects—Hydro


    Docket# P-2436, 158, Consumers Energy Company

    Other#s P-2447, 148, Consumers Energy Company

    P-2448, 152, Consumers Energy Company

    P-2449, 132, Consumers Energy Company

    P-2450, 128, Consumers Energy Company

    P-2451, 132, Consumers Energy Company

    P-2452, 139, Consumers Energy Company

    P-2453, 158, Consumers Energy Company

    P-2468, 134, Consumers Energy Company

    P-2580, 177, Consumers Energy Company

    P-2599, 145, Consumers Energy Company


    Docket# P-2113, 146, Wisconsin Valley Improvement Company



    H-4. ,


    H-5. Start Printed Page 32042

    Docket# P-137, 036, Pacific Gas and Electric Company

    Other#s P-619, 098, Pacific Gas and Electric Company and City of Santa Clara, California


    Docket# P-2899, 105, Idaho Power Company

    Energy Projects—Ccertificates


    Docket# CP01-439, 000, Columbia Gas Transmission Corporation


    Docket# CP01-45, 002, Colorado Interstate Pipeline Company


    Docket# CP00-36, 004, Guardian Pipeline, L.L.C.

    Other#s CP02-160, 000, ANR Pipeline Company


    Docket# CP01-311, 000, Kinder Morgan Interstate Gas Transmission LLC


    Docket# CP02-133, 000, Aquila Storage and Transportation, LP

    Start Signature

    Magalie R. Salas,


    End Signature End Preamble

    [FR Doc. 02-11984 Filed 5-9-02; 11:21 pm]

    BILLING CODE 6717-01-P

Document Information

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Entry Type:
Document Number:
32039-32042 (4 pages)
of 2002-05-08
PDF File: