C1-2024-06956. Hazardous Materials: Harmonization with International Standards  

  • Start Preamble


    In rule document 2024-06956 beginning on page 25434 in the issue of Wednesday, April 10, 2024, make the following correction:

    Start Amendment Part

    On pages 25473 through 25475, in § 172.101, the Hazardous Material Table should appear as follows:

    End Amendment Part
    Hazardous Materials Table [Corrected] Start Printed Page 41332
    SymbolsHazardous materials descriptions and proper shipping namesHazard class or divisionIdentification NumbersPGLabel CodesSpecial Provisions (§ 172.102) (7)Packaging (§ 173.***)Quantity limitations (see §§ 173.27 and 175.75)Vessel stowage
    Exceptions (8A)Non-bulk (8B)Bulk (8C)Passenger aircraft/rail (9A)Cargo air- craft only (9B)Location (10A)Other (10B)
    *         *         *         *         *         *         *
    GDesensitized explosives, solid, n.o.s.4.1UN3380I4.1164, 197None211NoneForbiddenForbiddenD28, 36
    *         *         *         *         *         *         *
    Ethyl bromide6.1UN1891II6.1IB2, IP8, T7, TP2, TP131532022435 L60 LB40, 85
    *         *         *         *         *         *         *
    Extracts, aromatic, liquid3UN1169II3149, IB2, T4, TP1, TP81502022425 L60 LB
    Extracts, aromatic, liquid3UN1169III3B1, IB3, T2, TP115020324260 L220 LA
    Extracts, flavoring, liquid3UN1197II3149, IB2, T4, TP1, TP81502022425 L60 LB
    Extracts, flavoring, liquid3UN1197III3B1, IB3, T2, TP115020324260 L220 LA
    *         *         *         *         *         *         *
    Hypochlorite solutions8UN1791II8148, A7, B2, B15, IB2, IP5, N34, T7, TP2, TP241542022421 L30 LB26, 53, 58
    *         *         *         *         *         *         *
    *         *         *         *         *         *         *
    GDesensitized explosive, solid, n.o.s.4.1UN3380I4.1164, 197None211NoneForbiddenForbiddenD28, 36
    *         *         *         *         *         *         *
    Cobalt dihydroxide powder, containing not less than 10% respirable particles6.1UN3550I6.1IP22, TP33None2112425 kg50 kgA
    *         *         *         *         *         *         *
    Ethyl bromide3UN1891II3, 6.1IB2, IP8, T7, TP2, TP131502022431 L60 LB40, 85
    *         *         *         *         *         *         *
    Extracts, liquid, for flavor or aroma3UN1197II3149, IB2, T4, TP1, TP81502022425 L60 LB
    Extracts, liquid, for flavor or aroma3UN1197III3B1, IB3, T2, TP115020324260 L220 LA
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    *         *         *         *         *         *         *
    Hypochlorite solutions8UN1791II8148, A7, B2, B15, IB2, IP5, N34, T7, TP2, TP241542022421 L30 LB26
    *         *         *         *         *         *         *
    *         *         *         *         *         *         *
    GArticles containing miscellaneous dangerous goods, n.o.s.9UN3548391, A224None232232ForbiddenForbiddenA
    Articles containing non-flammable, non-toxic gas, n.o.s.2.2UN35382.2391,396, A225None232232ForbiddenForbiddenA
    *         *         *         *         *         *         *
    Batteries, wet, filled with acid, electric storage8UN27948A5115915915930 kg400 kgA53, 58, 146
    Batteries, wet, filled with alkali , electric storage8UN27958A5115915915930 kg400 kgA52, 146
    *         *         *         *         *         *         *
    Butylene see also Petroleum gases, liquefied2.1UN10122.119, 398, T50306304314, 315Forbidden150 kgE40
    *         *         *         *         *         *         *
    Batteries, containing sodium4.3UN32924.3189189189Forbidden400 kgA13, 148
    *         *         *         *         *         *         *
    GCorrosive liquids, toxic, n.o.s.8UN2922I8, 6.1A4, A7, B10, T14, TP2, TP13, TP27None2012430.5 L2.5 LB40
    GCorrosive solids, toxic, n.o.s.8UN2923I8, 6.1A5, IB7, T6, TP33None211242I kg25 kgB40
    *         *         *         *         *         *         *
    Detonators, electronic programmable for blasting1.4BUN05121.4B14863(f), 63(g)62NoneForbidden75 kg0525
    Nitrocellulose with alcohol with not less than 25 percent alcohol by mass, and with not more than 12.6 percent nitrogen, by dry mass4.1UN2556II4.1W31None212None1 kg15 kgD12, 25, 28, 36
    Start Printed Page 41334
    Nitrocellulose, with not more than 12.6 percent nitrogen, by dry mass mixture with or without plasticizer, with or without pigment4.1UN2557II4.144, W31None212None1 kg15 kgD28, 36
    Nitrocellulose with water with not less than 25 percent water, by mass4.1UN2555II4.1W31None212None15 kg50 kgE28, 36
    *         *         *         *         *         *         *
    GPesticides, liquid, flammable, toxic, flash point less than 23 degrees C3UN3021I3, 6.1B5, T14, TP2, TP13, TP27None201243Forbidden30 LB40
    II3, 6.1IB2, T11, TP2, TP13, TP271502022431 L60 LB40
    *         *         *         *         *         *         *
    GPolymerizing substance, liquid, stabilized, n.o.s.4.1UN3532III4.1387, IB3, IP19, N92, T7, TP4, TP6None20324110 L25 LD25, 52, 53
    GPolymerizing substance, liquid, temperature controlled, n.o.s.4.1UN3534III4.1387, IB3, IP19, N92, T7, TP4, TP6None203241ForbiddenForbiddenD2, 25, 52, 53
    GPolymerizing substance, solid, stabilized, n.o.s.4.1UN3531III4.1387, IB7, IP19, N92, T7, TP4, TP6, TP33None21324010 kg25 kgD25, 52, 53
    GPolymerizing substance, solid, temperature controlled, n.o.s.4.1UN3533III4.1387, IB7, IP19, N92, T7, TP4, TP6, TP33None213240ForbiddenForbiddenD2, 25, 52, 53
    *         *         *         *         *         *         *
    GWater-reactive liquid, corrosive, n.o.s.4.3UN3129I4.3, 8T14, TP2, TP7, TP13None201243Forbidden1 LD13, 148
    GII4.3, 8IB1, T11, TP2, TP71512022431 L5 LE13, 85, 148
    GIII4.3, 8IB2, T7, TP2, TP71512032425 L60 LE13, 85, 148
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    *         *         *         *         *         *         *
    GWater-reactive liquid, n.o.s.4.3UN3148I4.3T13, TP2, TP7, W31None201244Forbidden1 LE13, 40, 148
    GII4.3T13, TP2, TP7, W31151201244Forbidden1 LE13, 40, 148
    GIII4.3IB2, T7, TP2, TP7, W311512032425 L60 LE13, 40, 148
    *         *         *         *         *         *         *
    Start Printed Page 41336 End Preamble

    [FR Doc. C1-2024-06956 Filed 5-10-24; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 0099-10-C

Document Information

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Entry Type:
Document Number:
41331-41336 (6 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. PHMSA-2021-0092 (HM-215Q)
2137-AF57: Hazardous Materials: Harmonization With International Standards
RIN Links:
PDF File:
Supporting Documents:
» HMT Changes from 215Q Formatted FINAL
» Regulatory Impact Analysis