96-11948. Notice of Availability of the Department of the Navy Draft Environmental Impact Statement for a Container System for the Management of Naval Spent Nuclear Fuel; and Announcement of Public Hearings  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 94 (Tuesday, May 14, 1996)]
    [Pages 24293-24295]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-11948]
    Department of the Navy
    Notice of Availability of the Department of the Navy Draft 
    Environmental Impact Statement for a Container System for the 
    Management of Naval Spent Nuclear Fuel; and Announcement of Public 
    SUMMARY: The Department of the Navy (Navy) is giving notice of the 
    availability of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for a 
    Container System for the Management of Naval Spent Nuclear Fuel.
        The draft EIS was prepared in accordance with the requirements of 
    the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA); Council on 
    Environmental Quality regulations implementing NEPA, 40 CFR Parts 1500-
    1508; and the Chief of Naval Operations Environmental and Natural 
    Resources Program Manual, OPNAV Instruction 5090.1B. The Navy will 
    conduct public hearings and receive comments on the draft EIS which 
    addresses the need, alternatives, and environmental impacts of 
    manufacturing containers; loading containers; handling, and storage of 
    naval spent nuclear fuel at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory 
    (INEL); transportation of naval spent nuclear fuel loaded containers to 
    a notional repository or centralized interim storage site; and the 
    storage, handling, and transportation of certain radioactive waste 
    associated with naval spent nuclear fuel management. The Department of 
    Energy is a cooperating agency for this draft EIS.
        General distribution of the document is complete and the Navy has 
    filed the draft EIS with the Environmental
    [[Page 24294]]
    Protection Agency prior to publishing this Notice of Availability in 
    the Federal Register. The draft EIS is available to the public in 
    reading rooms and designated information locations which are identified 
    in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of this notice.
    DATES: The Navy invites interested agencies, organizations, and the 
    general public to provide comments on the draft EIS. The Navy is 
    providing a 45 day public comment period and all comments on the draft 
    EIS are due by July 3, 1996. Oral comments will be accepted at the 
    public hearings to be held at the times and locations listed below.
    ADDRESSES: Comments should be sent to: Mr. William Knoll of the Naval 
    Nuclear Propulsion Program of the Department of the Navy, Code NAVSEA 
    08U, 2531 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22242-5160, Telephone: 
    703-602-8229. Copies of the draft EIS may be obtained by following 
    instructions given below in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section.
        Hearing Schedule and Locations: Six public hearings at three 
    locations will be held during the 45 day comment period. The locations 
    and dates of these public hearings are: (1) Fort Hall, Idaho, on 
    Monday, June 3, 1996 from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 
    p.m. at the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes' Tribal Business Center, Pima 
    Drive; (2) Boise, Idaho, on Wednesday, June 5, 1996 from 1:00 p.m. to 
    5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. at The Boise Centre on the Grove, 
    850 West Front Street; and (3) Salt Lake City, Utah, on Friday, June 7, 
    1996 from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. at the 
    Best Western Olympus Hotel, 161 West 600 South.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For further information on this draft 
    EIS, please contact Mr. William Knoll of the Naval Nuclear Propulsion 
    Program, Department of the Navy, Code NAVSEA 08U, 2531 Jefferson Davis 
    Highway, Arlington, VA 22242-5160, Telephone: 703-602-8229.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On October 24, 1994, the DOE published in 
    the Federal Register (59 FR 53442) a Notice of Intent to prepare an EIS 
    for a multi-purpose canister system for the management of civilian 
    spent nuclear fuel. Under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, as 
    amended (42 U.S.C. 10101 et seq.), DOE is responsible for disposal of 
    civilian spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste in a 
    geologic repository. DOE is also responsible for any monitored 
    retrievable storage (centralized interim storage) prior to disposal, 
    and transportation of civilian spent nuclear fuel in connection with 
    disposal or storage. As part of carrying out these responsibilities, 
    DOE was in the process of evaluating in an EIS the environmental 
    impacts of fabricating and deploying a standardized container system to 
    enable storage, transportation, and possible disposal of spent nuclear 
        During the scoping process for the multi-purpose canister EIS, the 
    scope of the EIS was broadened, based on a comment by the Navy, to 
    include naval spent nuclear fuel. The total amount of naval spent 
    nuclear fuel projected to be in existence by the year 2035 is 65 metric 
    tons heavy metal, which is less than 0.1% of the commercial spent 
    nuclear fuel expected by that date (approximately 85,000 metric tons). 
    In addition to its responsibility for civilian spent nuclear fuel, DOE 
    is also responsible for the management of spent nuclear fuel derived 
    from atomic energy defense activities, including that from the Naval 
    Nuclear Propulsion Program (42 U.S.C. 2121(a)(3)). Since naval spent 
    nuclear fuel is rugged, well characterized and compatible with 
    standardized container system technology, DOE determined that naval 
    spent fuel should be included in the EIS. This determination was 
    announced in the Implementation Plan issued by DOE in August 1995 under 
    DOE's NEPA regulations. The availability of the Implementation Plan was 
    announced in the Federal Register on August 30, 1995 (60 FR 45147).
        In October 1995, DOE advised the Navy that because of insufficient 
    funding in Congress' fiscal year 1996 appropriation to the DOE Office 
    of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management, DOE would withdraw its 
    proposal to fabricate and deploy a multi-purpose canister based system. 
    As a result, DOE ceased preparation of the Environmental Impact 
    Statement for a Multi-Purpose Canister System for Management of 
    Civilian and Naval Spent Nuclear Fuel.
        The Navy decided to proceed with that part of the multi-purpose 
    canister EIS covering naval spent nuclear fuel. The Navy announced it 
    would assume lead responsibility for the EIS in the Federal Register on 
    December 7, 1995 (60 FR 62828). DOE is participating as a cooperating 
    agency since naval spent nuclear fuel is managed at DOE facilities. 
    Unlike civilian spent nuclear fuel which is stored in plants throughout 
    the country, all naval spent nuclear fuel, after removal from naval 
    reactors, is shipped to one place, the INEL, for examination and 
    temporary storage as set forth in the Department of Energy Programmatic 
    Spent Nuclear Fuel Management and Idaho National Engineering Laboratory 
    Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Programs Final 
    Environmental Impact Statement and in the associated Record of Decision 
    issued June 1, 1995 and amended Record of Decision issued March 8, 
    1996. Therefore, the container system EIS evaluations for the storage 
    and transportation of naval spent nuclear fuel at INEL make use of 
    information specific to that location.
        The range of alternatives considered in the EIS did not change as a 
    result of the reduction in scope covering naval spent fuel only. Thus, 
    no additional scoping was needed as a result of the EIS being limited 
    to naval spent nuclear fuel. The six container system alternatives 
    considered are:
        (1) No-Action Alterative--Use of existing technology to handle, 
    store, and subsequently transport naval spent nuclear fuel to a 
    geologic repository or a centralized interim storage site using the 
    Navy M-140 transportation cask. Prior to shipment to a repository or 
    centralized interim storage site, naval spent nuclear fuel would be 
    managed at INEL in water pools or dry containers, then loaded into M-
    140 transportation casks. At the repository, the naval spent fuel would 
    be unloaded from the M-140 transportation casks and placed in a 
    geologic repository's surface facilities for loading into disposal 
    containers. Following unloading, the M-140 transportation casks would 
    be returned to INEL for reuse.
        (2) Multi-Purpose Canister Alternative--Use of large multi-purpose 
    canisters, such as those currently being designed under a DOE contract, 
    for storage, transportation, and disposal of naval spent nuclear fuel, 
    without repackaging or further handling of individual spent nuclear 
    fuel assemblies. In addition to the sealed metal canisters, specialized 
    casks or overpacks would be required for different stages of the 
    process, such as on-site transfer, dry storage, transportation to a 
    geologic repository or a centralized interim storage site, and 
        (3) Current Technology/Supplemented by High Capacity Rail 
    Alternative--Use of existing M-140 transportation casks, but with 
    redesigned internal structures to accommodate a larger amount of naval 
    spent nuclear fuel per cask, thus reducing the total number of 
    shipments required.
        (4) Transportable Storage Cask Alternative--Use of an existing, 
    commercially available cask for storage at INEL and shipment of naval 
    [[Page 24295]]
    nuclear fuel to a geologic repository or centralized interim storage 
    site. At a repository, the naval spent fuel would be unloaded from the 
    casks and placed in a geologic repository's surface facilities for 
    loading into disposal containers. The unloaded transportable storage 
    casks could be returned to INEL for further storage and transport.
        (5) Dual-Purpose Canister Alternative--Use of an existing, 
    commercially available canister and overpack system for storage at INEL 
    and shipment of naval spent nuclear fuel to a geologic repository or 
    centralized interim storage site. At a repository, the naval spent fuel 
    would be unloaded from the canisters and placed in a geologic 
    repository's surface facilities for loading into disposal containers.
        (6) Small Multi-Purpose Canister Alternative--Use of smaller multi-
    purpose canisters, such as those currently being designed under a DOE 
    contract, rather than large multi-purpose canisters. The small multi-
    purpose canisters would be similar in design, operations, and function 
    to the large multi-purpose canisters, but would offer a lower weight 
    and size alternative for transportation and handling at a geologic 
    repository or centralized interim storage site.
        In addition, the environmental evaluations in this draft EIS 
    include several actions which are related to the container system 
    choice: manufacturing the container system; handling and transportation 
    associated with the container system; modifications at INEL to support 
    loading naval spent nuclear fuel into containers for dry storage; the 
    location of the dry storage at INEL; and the storage, handling, and 
    transportation of certain radioactive waste (called ``special case 
    waste'') associated with naval spent nuclear fuel management.
        The draft EIS does not contain a preferred alternative. Instead, 
    the Navy will identify a preferred alternative in the Final EIS, and 
    select an alternative in the Record of Decision, taking into 
    consideration the following factors: (1) Public comments; (2) 
    protection of human health and the environment; (3) cost; (4) technical 
    feasibility; (5) operational efficiency; (6) regulatory impacts; and 
    (7) storage or disposal criteria which may be established for a 
    repository or centralized interim storage site outside the State of 
    Availability of Copies of the Draft EIS
        Copies of the draft EIS have been distributed to Federal, State, 
    and local officials and agencies; and to organizations and individuals 
    known to be interested in the EIS. Copies of the draft EIS are 
    available for public review at the locations listed below. Copies of 
    selected reference materials are also available in Reading Rooms and 
    Other Information Locations listed below. Copies of the reference 
    material may also be obtained upon request from Mr. Knoll at the 
    address given above (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT).
        Requests for copies of the draft EIS should be directed to: Argonne 
    National Laboratory, EAD, Building 900, Mail Stop 1, 9700 South Cass 
    Avenue, Argonne, IL 60439., ATTN: Naval Spent Fuel Container System 
    EIS. The draft EIS, including appendices, is about 300 pages in length. 
    Separately bound copies of the 20-page Executive Summary are available 
    for review for those who do not wish to receive the entire draft EIS. 
    When requesting copies of the draft EIS, please indicate whether you 
    wish to receive only the Executive Summary, or the entire draft EIS.
    Location of Reading Rooms
    --Public Reading Room for U.S. DOE Headquarters; 1000 Independence 
    Avenue, SW; Room 1E-190; Forestall Building; Washington, DC
    --Public Reading Room for U.S. DOE--Idaho Operations Office; 1776 
    Science Center Drive; Idaho Falls, ID
    --Public Reading Room for U.S. DOE--Nevada Operations Office; 3004 
    South Highland Drive; Las Vegas, NV
    --Flagstaff Public Library; 300 West Aspen Street; Flagstaff, AZ
    --Sacramento Library; Central Office; 828 I Street; Sacramento, CA
    --Denver Public Library; 1357 Broadway; Denver, CO
    --Boise Public Library; 715 South Capital Boulevard; Boise, ID
    --Shoshone-Bannock Library; Bannock and Pima Streets; HRDC Building; 
    Fort Hall, ID
    --Idaho Falls Public Library; 457 Broadway; Idaho Falls, ID
    --Pocatello Public Library; 812 East Clark Street; Pocatello, ID
    --Albuquerque Bernalillo County Library; 501 Copper NW; Albuquerque, NM
    --Deschutes County Library; 507 NW Wall Street; Bend, OR
    --Salt Lake City Public Library; 209 East 500 South; Salt Lake City, UT
    --Laramie County Library; 2800 Central Avenue; Cheyenne, WY
    Other Information Locations
    --Lost River Community Library; 126 South Front Street; Arco, ID
    --Idaho State Library; 325 West State Street; Boise, ID
    --City of Burley, Public Library; 1300 Miller Avenue; Burley, ID
    --Coeur d'Alene Public Library; 201 Harrison Avenue; Coeur d'Alene, ID
    --City of Emmett, Public Library; 275 South Hayes; Emmett, ID
    --City of Gooding Public Library; 306 5th Avenue, West Gooding, ID
    --Consolidated Free Library; 8385 North Government Way; Hayden Branch, 
    Hayden Lake, ID
    --City of Homedale, Public Library; 125 West Owyhee; Homedale, ID
    --Idaho Falls Public Library; Reference Desk; 457 Broadway; Idaho 
    Falls, ID
    --Ketchum Public Library; 415 Bruce North; Ketchum, ID
    --University of Idaho Library; Rayburn Street; Government Documents; 
    Moscow, ID
    --Moscow Public Library; 110 South Jefferson; Moscow, ID
    --Ola District Library; 11475 Ola School Road; Ola, ID
    --Clearwater Memorial Library; 402 Michigan Avenue; Orofino, ID
    --Idaho State University; Documents Department; Pocatello, ID
    --Salmon Public Library; 204 Main Street; Salmon, ID
    --Shoshone Public Library; 211 South Rail Street; Shoshone, ID
    --Twin Falls Public Library; 434 2nd Street, East; Reference Desk; Twin 
    Falls, ID
    --Caliente Public Library; 120 Depot Avenue; Caliente, NV
    --Carson City Public Library; 900 North Roop Street; Carson City, NV
    --Elko Public Library; 720 Court Street; Elko, NV
    --Las Vegas Public Library; 833 Las Vegas Boulevard, North; Las Vegas, 
    --Brigham City Library; 20 North Main Street; Brigham City, UT
    --Cedar City Library; 136 West Center; Cedar City, UT
    --Delta City Library; 76 North 200 West; Delta, UT
    --Logan City Library; 255 North Main; Logan, UT
    --Marriott Library; University of Utah; Salt Lake City, UT
        The final EIS is scheduled to be available no later than November 
    30, 1996.
        Dated: May 3, 1996.
    B. DeMars,
    Admiral, USN, Director, Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program.
    [FR Doc. 96-11948 Filed 5-13-96; 8:45 am]

Document Information

Navy Department
Entry Type:
Document Number:
The Navy invites interested agencies, organizations, and the general public to provide comments on the draft EIS. The Navy is providing a 45 day public comment period and all comments on the draft EIS are due by July 3, 1996. Oral comments will be accepted at the public hearings to be held at the times and locations listed below.
24293-24295 (3 pages)
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