96-12057. Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Other Products (Inspection, Certification, and Standards)  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 94 (Tuesday, May 14, 1996)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 24247-24249]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-12057]
    Proposed Rules
                                                    Federal Register
    This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains notices to the public of 
    the proposed issuance of rules and regulations. The purpose of these 
    notices is to give interested persons an opportunity to participate in 
    the rule making prior to the adoption of the final rules.
    Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 94 / Tuesday, May 14, 1996 / Proposed 
    [[Page 24247]]
    Agricultural Marketing Service
    7 CFR PART 51
    [Docket Number FV-95-306]
    Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Other Products (Inspection, 
    Certification, and Standards)
    AGENCY: Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: This document would revise the regulations governing 
    inspection and certification for fresh fruits, vegetables and other 
    products by increasing the fees charged for the inspection of these 
    products at destination markets. These revisions are necessary in order 
    to recover, as nearly as practicable, the costs of performing 
    inspection services at destination markets under the Agricultural 
    Marketing Act of 1946.
    DATES: Comments must be postmarked or courier dated on or before July 
    15, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit written comments 
    concerning this proposal. Comments must be sent in duplicate to the 
    Office of the Branch Chief, Fresh Products Branch, Fruit and Vegetable 
    Division, Agricultural Marketing Service, U.S. Department of 
    Agriculture, P.O. Box 96456, Room 2049 South Building, Washington, DC 
    20090-6456. Comments should note the date and page number of this issue 
    of the Federal Register and will be made available for public 
    inspection in the office of the Branch Chief during regular business 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Robert J. Huttenlocker, at the above 
    address or call, (202) 720-0297.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This proposed rule has been determined to be 
    not significant for purposes of Executive Order 12866, and therefore 
    has not been reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget.
        This proposed rule has been reviewed under Executive Order 12778, 
    Civil Justice Reform. This action is not intended to have retroactive 
    effect. This rule will not preempt any State or local laws, 
    regulations, or policies, unless they present an irreconcilable 
    conflict with this rule. There are no administrative procedures which 
    must be exhausted prior to any judicial challenge to the provisions of 
    this rule.
        The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), has certified that this 
    action will not have a significant impact on a substantial number of 
    small entities, as defined in the Regulatory Flexibility Act, (5 U.S.C. 
    601). The proposed rule reflects certain fee increases needed to 
    recover the costs of inspection services rendered in accordance with 
    the Agricultural Marketing Act (AMA) of 1946.
        The AMA authorizes official inspection, grading, and certification 
    on a user-fee basis, of fresh fruits, vegetables, and other products 
    such as raw nuts, Christmas trees, and flowers. The AMA provides that 
    reasonable fees be collected from the user of the program services to 
    cover, as nearly as practicable, the costs of services rendered. This 
    proposal would amend the schedule for fees and charges for inspection 
    services rendered to the fresh fruit and vegetable industry to reflect 
    the costs currently associated with the program.
        AMS regularly reviews these programs to determine if fees are 
    adequate. Employee salaries and benefits are major program costs that 
    account for approximately 86 percent of the total operating budget. A 
    general and locality salary increase for Federal employees, ranging 
    from 3.09 to 6.25 percent depending on locality, effective January 
    1995, has materially affected program costs. Another general and 
    locality salary increase, ranging from 2.39 to 2.87 percent depending 
    upon locality (amounting to approximately $253,000), was effective 
    January 1996; further standardization program costs must be paid for by 
    user fees.
        While a concerted effort to cut costs resulted in overhead savings 
    of $350,000 in FY 95 over FY 94, the last fee increase of June 1994 did 
    not result in collection of enough revenue to cover all these increases 
    and still maintain an adequate reserve balance (four months of costs) 
    called for by Agency policy (AMS Directive 407.1) and prudent financial 
    management. Currently the Fresh Products Branch (FPB) trust fund 
    reserve balance for the market program is approximately $1 mil. under 
    the desired level of $3.9 mil. Further action is necessary to meet 
    rising costs and maintain adequate reserve balances. This action will 
    assist in moving the FPB trust fund toward a more adequate level and 
    will result in an estimated $614,000 in additional revenues. Projected 
    FY96 revenues for market inspection are $12.555 mil with costs 
    projected at $11.594 mil and a reserve of $3.093.
        Based on the Agency's analysis of increased costs since 1994, AMS 
    proposes to increase the fees for destination market inspection 
    services. The following table compares current fees and charges with 
    proposed fees and charges for fresh fruit and vegetable inspection as 
    found in 7 CFR 51.38. Unless otherwise provided for by regulation or 
    written agreement between the applicant and the Administrator, the 
    charges in the schedule of fees as found in Sec. 51.38 are:
                      Service                                 Current                           Proposed            
    Quality and condition inspections of one to                                                                     
     four products each in quantities of 51 or                                                                      
     more packages and unloaded from the same                                                                       
     land or air conveyance:                                                                                        
        Over a half carlot equivalent of each    $74..............................  $78.                            
        Half carlot equivalent or less of each   $62..............................  $65.                            
        For each additional lot of the same      $12..............................  $13.                            
    Condition inspections of one to four                                                                            
     products each in quantities of 51 or more                                                                      
     packages and unloaded from the same land                                                                       
     or air conveyance:                                                                                             
        Over a half carlot equivalent of each    $62..............................  $65.                            
    [[Page 24248]]
        Half carlot equivalent or less of each   $57..............................  $60.                            
        For each additional lot of the same      $12..............................  $13.                            
    Inspections of five or more products each                                                                       
     in quantities of 51 or more packages and                                                                       
     unloaded from the same land or air                                                                             
        For the first five products............  $264.............................  $277.                           
        For each additional product............  $37..............................  $39.                            
        For each additional lot of any of the    $12..............................  $13.                            
         same product.                                                                                              
    Inspections of products each in quantities                                                                      
     of 50 or less packages unloaded from the                                                                       
     same land or air conveyance:                                                                                   
        For each product.......................  $37..............................  $39.                            
        For each additional lot of any of the    $12..............................  $13.                            
         same product.                                                                                              
    Dock-side inspections of an individual                                                                          
     product unloaded directly from the same                                                                        
        For each package weighing less than 15   1 cent...........................  No change.                      
        For each package weighing 15 to 29       2 cents..........................  No change.                      
        For each package weighing 30 or more     3 cents..........................  No change.                      
        For each additional lot of any of the    $12..............................  $13.                            
         same product.                                                                                              
    Minimum charge per individual product......  $74..............................  $78.                            
    Inspections performed for other purposes     $37 per hour.....................  $39 per hour.                   
     during the grader's regularly scheduled                                                                        
     work week.                                                                                                     
    Overtime or holiday premium rate for all     $18.50 per hour..................  $19.50 per hour.                
     inspections performed outside the                                                                              
     hourgrader's regularly scheduled work week.                                                                    
    List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 51
        Agricultural commodities, Food grades and standards, Fruits, Nuts, 
    Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Trees, Vegetables.
    PART 51--[AMENDED]
        For reasons set forth in the preamble, 7 CFR Part 51 is proposed to 
    be amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for 7 CFR Part 51 continues to read as 
        Authority: 7 U.S.C. 1621-1627.
        2. Section 51.38 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 51.38  Basis for fees and rates.
        (a) When performing inspections of product unloaded directly from 
    land or air transportation, the charges shall be determined on the 
    following basis:
        (1) For products in quantities of 51 or more packages:
        (i) Quality and condition inspection of 1 to 4 products unloaded 
    from the same conveyance:
        (A) $78 for over a half carlot equivalent of an individual product.
        (B) $65 for a half carlot equivalent or less of an individual 
        (C) $13 for each additional lot of the same product.
        (ii) Condition only inspection of 1 to 4 products unloaded from the 
    same conveyance:
        (A) $65 for over a half carlot equivalent of an individual product.
        (B) $60 for a half carlot equivalent or less of an individual 
        (C) $13 for each additional lot of the same product.
        (iii) Quality and condition inspection and/or condition only 
    inspection of 5 or more products unloaded from the same conveyance:
        (A) $277 for the first 5 products.
        (B) $39 for each additional product.
        (C) $13 for each additional lot of any of the same product.
        (2) For quality and condition inspection and/or condition only 
    inspection of products in quantities of 50 or less packages unloaded 
    from the same conveyance:
        (i) $39 for each individual product.
        (ii) $13 for each additional lot of any of the same product.
        (b) When performing inspections of palletized products unloaded 
    directly from sea transportation or when palletized product is first 
    offered for inspection before being transported from the dock-side 
    facility, charges shall be determined on the following basis:
        (1) For each package inspected according to the following rates:
        (i) 1 cent per package weighing less than 15 pounds;
        (ii) 2 cents per package weighing 15 to 29 pounds; and
        (iii) 3 cents per package weighing 30 or more pounds.
        (2) $13 for each additional lot of any of the same product.
        (3) A minimum charge of $78 for each product inspected.
        (c) When performing inspections of products from sea containers 
    unloaded directly from sea transportation or when palletized products 
    unloaded directly from sea transportation are not offered for 
    inspection at dockside, the car-lot fees in Sec. 51.38(a) shall apply.
        (d) When performing inspections for Government agencies, or for 
    purposes other than those prescribed in the preceding paragraphs, 
    including weight-only and freezing-only inspections, fees for 
    inspection shall be based on the time consumed by the grader in 
    connection with such inspections, computed at a rate of $39 an hour: 
    Provided, That:
        (1) Charges for time shall be rounded to the nearest half hour;
        (2) The minimum fee shall be two hours for weight-only inspections, 
    and one- half hour for other inspections;
        (3) When weight certification is provided in addition to quality 
    and/or condition inspection, a one-hour charge shall be added to the 
    carlot fee.
        (4) When inspections are performed to certify product compliance 
    for Defense Personnel Support Centers, the daily or weekly charge shall 
    be determined by multiplying the total hours consumed to conduct 
    inspections by the hourly rate. The daily or weekly charge shall be 
    prorated among applicants by multiplying the daily or weekly charge by 
    the percentage of product passed and/or failed for each applicant 
    during that day or week. Waiting time and overtime charges shall be 
    charged directly to the applicant responsible for their incurrence.
        (e) When performing inspections at the request of the applicant 
    during periods which are outside the graders regularly scheduled work 
    week, a charge for overtime or holiday work shall be made at the rate 
    of $19.50 per hour or portion thereof in addition to the carlot 
    equivalent fee, package charge, or hourly charge specified in this 
    subpart. Overtime or holiday charges for time shall be rounded to the 
    nearest half hour.
        (f) When an inspection is delayed because product is not available 
    or readily accessible, a charge for waiting time shall be made at the 
    prevailing hourly rate in addition to the carlot equivalent fee, 
    package charge, or hourly charge specified in this subpart. Waiting 
    time shall be rounded to the nearest half hour.
    [[Page 24249]]
        Dated: May 8, 1996.
    Robert C. Keeney,
    Director, Fruit and Vegetable Division.
    [FR Doc. 96-12057 Filed 5-13-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3410-02-P

Document Information

Agricultural Marketing Service
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Comments must be postmarked or courier dated on or before July 15, 1996.
24247-24249 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket Number FV-95-306
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
7 CFR 51.38