94-11837. Submission of Proposed Information Collection to OMB  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 93 (Monday, May 16, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
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    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-11837]
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    [Federal Register: May 16, 1994]
    [Docket No. N-94-3768]
    Submission of Proposed Information Collection to OMB
    AGENCY: Office of Administration, HUD.
    ACTION: Notice.
    SUMMARY: The proposed information collection requirement described 
    below has been submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 
    as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act for expedited review. The 
    Department is soliciting public comments on the subject proposal.
    DATES: Comments due date: May 26, 1994.
    ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding 
    this proposal. Comments must be received within ten (10) days from the 
    date of this Notice. Comments should refer to the proposal by name and 
    should be sent to: Joseph F. Lackey, Jr., OMB Desk Officer, Office of 
    Management and Budget, New Executive Office Building, Washington, DC 
    Kay F. Weaver, Reports Management Officer, Department of Housing and 
    Urban Development, 451 7th Street, Southwest, Washington, DC 20410. 
    Copies of the proposed forms and other available documents submitted to 
    OMB may be obtained from Ms. Weaver.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This Notice informs the public that the 
    Department of Housing and Urban Development has submitted to OMB, for 
    expedited processing, a form to be used to report annual 
    accomplishments regarding employment, training, and contracting 
    opportunities under Section 3, and a (complaint) form for filing with 
    the Department allegations of non-compliance with section 3. HUD is 
    requesting a 10-day OMB review of the documents.
        The Department has submitted the proposal for the collection of 
    information as described below, to OMB for review, as required by the 
    Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. chapter 35):
        (1) The title of the information collection proposal;
        (2) The Office of the agency to collect the information;
        (3) The description of the need for the information and its 
    proposed use;
        (4) The agency form number, if applicable;
        (5) What members of the public will be affected by the proposal;
        (6) How often information submission will be required;
        (7) An estimate of the total number of hours needed to prepare the 
    information submission including number of respondents, frequency of 
    response, and hours for preparing the response;
        (8) Whether the proposal is new or an extension, reinstatement, or 
    revision of an information collection requirement; and
        (9) The name and telephone numbers of an agency official familiar 
    with the proposal and of the OMB Desk Officer for the Department.
        Authority: Section 3507 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of, 44 
    U.S.C. 3507; Section 7(d) of the Department of Housing and Urban 
    Development Act, 42 U.S.C. 3535(d).
        Dated: May 2, 1994.
    Roberta Achtenberg,
    Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity.
    Notice of Submission of Proposed Information Collection to OMB
    Proposal: Information Collection for Part 135--Employment Opportunities 
    for Low and Very Low-Income Persons
    Office: Office of Economic Opportunity, EPE Assistant Secretary for 
    Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity
    Description of the Need for the Information and its Proposed Use: This 
    information collection will facilitate the collection of Section 3 
    information to assess the impact of HUD-assisted activities on 
    enhancing the employment opportunities for lower income persons and the 
    use of businesses that provide economic opportunities to them.
    Form Number: Form HUD 958 and Form HUD 60002
    Respondents: HUD recipients and their contractors and subcontractors
    Frequency of Submission: Annually
    Reporting Burden: Form Hud-60002
                                                Number     Hours            
              Number of respondents               of        per      Total  
                                                reports   report     hours  
    58,403 (recipients)......................         1         2    116,806
    75,000 (contractors and subcontractors)..         1         2    150,000
    Form HUD-958
              Number of respondents            Number of     per      Total 
                                               responses  response    hours 
    100 complainants.........................        100         1       100
    100 respondents..........................         90         4       360
    Total Estimated Burden Hours: 534,072
    Status: Revision of a currently approved collection
    Contact: Maxine B. Cunningham, HUD (202) 708-2251, Joseph F. Lackey, 
    Jr., OMB (202) 395-6880
    Date: May 2, 1994
    Supporting Statement
    1. Need for Information and Legal Requirements
    Section 3 Reporting Form
        Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 
    (Section 3) mandates that the Department ensure that employment and 
    other economic opportunities generated by its housing and community 
    development assistance programs are, to the greatest extent 
    feasible, directed toward low- and very low-income persons, 
    particularly those who are recipients of government assistance for 
        The Housing and Community Development Act (HCDA) of 1992 
    requires the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to 
    submit to the Congress, not later than one year after the date of 
    enactment, a report describing (1) the Secretary's efforts to 
    enforce Section 3; (2) barriers to full implementation of Section 3; 
    (3) the anticipated costs and benefits of full implementation of 
    Section 3; and (4) recommendations for legislative changes to 
    enhance the effectiveness of Section 3.
        Congressional actions support the need for a data collection 
    instrument to assess Section 3's impact. Responding to a directive 
    in the Conference Report on the Housing and Community Development 
    Act of 1987, the Department in FY 1991 issued a report to Congress. 
    This report assessed the impact of HUD-assisted activities on 
    enhancing the employment opportunities for lower income persons and 
    the use of businesses located in the area of assisted projects. 
    Further, the Fair Housing Act, as amended in 1988, at Section 
    808(e)(6) requires the Secretary of HUD to report annually to 
    Congress, and make available to the public, data on beneficiaries of 
    HUD-assisted programs pursuant to Section 3. In addition, Section 
    562 paragraph (a) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 
    1987 requires HUD to collect data and report annually to Congress on 
    the racial and ethnic characteristics of persons eligible for, 
    assisted by or otherwise benefiting from each community development 
    and housing assistance program administered by HUD. Since the 
    provisions of Section 3 apply to community development and housing 
    assistance programs, Section 562 authorizes the Secretary to collect 
    information determined to be necessary and appropriate in order to 
    complete this report. In spite of these numerous reporting 
    requirements, no data is collected on Section 3 which allows the 
    Department to determine the potential or to evaluate the impact of 
    the statute in meeting its objectives.
        Congress, as well as the Department's Office of Inspector 
    General, have admonished the Department in failing to systematically 
    implement Section 3. The primary impediment is the absence of a 
    regulation which conforms to the statute and applies to all Section 
    3 covered assistance.
        The regulations governing Section 3 at 24 CFR Part 135 have been 
    revised to incorporate the statutory amendments in the Housing and 
    Community Development Act of 1992; reflect certain changes in the 
    Department's programs that are subject to the Section 3 regulations; 
    clarify the obligations of individuals and entities subject to the 
    requirements of Section 3; and simplify the Department's 
    administration of Section 3 requirements. The revised regulations 
    include recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
        The section 3 proposed rule was published on October 8, 1993 for 
    public comment. As a result of comments received, the Department 
    made a number of changes to the rule. Accordingly, the previously 
    approved section 3 reporting form, OMB No. 2529-0043, was revised to 
    reflect the changes made in the rule.
        Changes in the rule affecting the recordkeeping and reporting 
    requirements are the establishment of numerical goals to be reported 
    in staff hours for training and employment and numerical goals to be 
    reported in percentages for contracting opportunities. The section 3 
    reporting form, OMB No. 2529-0043, requested that data be reported 
    on the number of section 3 residents hired in available positions 
    and the total dollar amount of contracts awarded to section 3 
    business concerns. Based on revisions to the rule, the data 
    collection will reflect staff hours for new hires and section 3 
    positions, and a percentage of the total dollar amount of contracts 
    awarded to section 3 business concerns. These are elements needed 
    for an effective program performance measurement system as required 
    under the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993.
        In addition, we are adding a Complaint Register which will be 
    used to file section 3 complaints for your approval. Although the 
    regulations implementing section 3, since 1973 have provided for HUD 
    processing of allegations of non-compliance, this is the first 
    request for OMB approval of a formal complaint form for this 
        The Department is seeking a three year approval of the revised 
    section 3 reporting form, OMB No. 2529-0043; and the section 3 
    complaint form.
    Complaint Register
        The Complaint Register for section 3 of the Housing and Urban 
    Development Act of 1968 (Section 3 Compliant Form) is necessary for 
    the collection of information relative to the investigation of 
    allegations of noncompliance pursuant to Section 3 of the Housing 
    and Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended (Section 3). Section 3 
    requires that the Department, to the greatest extent feasible, 
    provide: (1) job and training opportunities for lower income persons 
    within that unit of local government or the metropolitan area (or 
    nonmetropolitan county) where the project is located; and (2) 
    business opportunities for firms located or owned in substantial 
    part by persons in the same metropolitan area (or nonmetropolitan 
    county) as the project. The regulation at 24 CFR part 135 provides 
    that Section 3 residents and business concerns may file a complaint 
    alleging noncompliance with Section 3 by a recipient, contractor or 
    subcontractor. The complaint must be filed within 180 days of the 
    alleged violation.
        It is anticipated that the Section 3 Complaint Form will help to 
    expedite the acceptance of complaints because the form guides the 
    complainants to include all necessary components of the complaint, 
    thereby saving costs associated with staff time that would otherwise 
    be spent securing additional information that would be necessary to 
    complete a complaint.
    Statutory Authority
        The authorization for the information collection on the Section 
    3 Reporting Form is Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development 
    Act of 1968, as amended, 12 U.S.C. 1701u. The implementing 
    regulations are found at 24 CFR Part 135 Subpart F--Recordkeeping 
    and Reporting.
        The authorization for Section 3 Complaint Form is Section 3 of 
    the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended, 12 U.S.C. 
    1701u. The implementing regulations are found at 24 CFR Part 135 
    Subpart D--Complaint and Compliance Review. The Section 3 Complaint 
    Form was developed to provide for uniformity in the information 
    that, by regulation, must be included in a complaint and for the 
    convenience of the public. The Section 3 regulation (24 CFR Part 
    135) states what each complaint should contain. For purposes of 
    meeting the time requirement for filing complaints (180 days), 
    initially these complaints do not have to be submitted on the form 
    that HUD provides.
    2. Use of Information
        The Section 3 Reporting Form will be used by the Department to 
    monitor program recipients' compliance with Section 3. HUD 
    Headquarters will use the information to assess the results of the 
    Department's efforts to meet the statutory objectives of Section 3. 
    Also, the data collected will be used by recipients as a self-
    monitoring tool. If the information is not collected, HUD will be 
    unable to prepare the mandatory reports to Congress or to assess the 
    effectiveness of Section 3.
        The Section 3 Complaint Form will be used by a complainant to 
    provide the necessary information to file a complaint. A complaint 
    may be filed by mail, in person or by telephone with the Office of 
    Fair Housing And Equal Opportunity (FHEO), Department of Housing and 
    Urban Development. FHEO staff will use the information provided by 
    this form as the basis for the Department's determination of 
    jurisdiction over a complainants' allegations.
    3. Improved Technology To Reduce Burden
        This issue is not applicable to the Section 3 Reporting Form.
        The collection of data on the Section 3 Complaint Form is 
    consistent with the use of improved technology as the Department 
    prepares to convert their form to a direct electronic input source. 
    This electronic input source will reduce the burden of completing 
    the form manually before the information is stored on to an 
    electronic media for use in the Department's automated tracking 
    4. Duplication
        The Section 3 Reporting Form does not duplicate any other 
    reporting requirement in the Department.
        The Section 3 Complaint Form does not duplicate any other 
    information collection process. HUD is the only Federal agency with 
    responsibility for administration of Section 3. This form is unique 
    to the processing of a allegation of noncompliance with the Section 
    3 statute or implementing regulations.
    5. No Similar Information
        No similar information is available to HUD with respect to the 
    Section 3 Reporting Form.
    6. Small Business Burden
        The collection of information by the Section 3 Reporting Form 
    involves recipients, contractors, and subcontractors receiving 
    Federal financial assistance for housing and community development 
    programs covered by Section 3. To minimize the burden, the 
    Department has attempted to provide clear guidance on the required 
    information collection. This guidance will prevent the recipient 
    from collecting and submitting unnecessary or duplicative 
    information. The Section 3 regulations apply to any Public and 
    Indian Housing programs that receive: (1) Development assistance 
    pursuant to Section 5 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937; (2) operating 
    assistance pursuant to Section 9 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937; or 
    (3) modernization grants pursuant to Section 14 of the U.S. Housing 
    Act of 1937. The regulations also apply to other housing and 
    community development assistance expended for: (1) housing 
    rehabilitation (including reduction and abatement of lead-based 
    paint hazards); (2) housing construction; (3) other public 
    construction projects; and (4) housing and community development 
    assistance for which the HUD share of the project cost (as defined 
    in Sec. 135.5) for such activity exceeds $100,000, or the amount of 
    any subcontract awarded in connection with the covered activity 
    exceeds $50,000.
        Recipients and contractors subject to Section 3 requirements 
    must maintain appropriate documentation to establish that, at a 
    minimum, a good faith effort was made to provide economic 
    opportunities resulting from financial assistance for housing and 
    community development programs to low- and very low-income 
    residents. Each recipient who receives Section 3 covered assistance 
    from HUD shall submit to the Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing 
    and Equal Opportunity an annual report in such form and with such 
    information as the Assistant Secretary may request, for the purpose 
    of determining the results of Section 3 activities.
        These results are used to assess the impact of the law, to 
    target monitoring and compliance reviews, and to prepare reports to 
        A Section 3 complaint may be filed by an individual representing 
    the interests of a small business. The information required on the 
    Section 3 Complaint Form, is the same type of information 
    voluntarily provided by a person representing an individual. 
    Complainants are individuals or businesses who chose to submit this 
    form to HUD, and by electing to do so, are required to only submit 
    it once. No reporting of any kind is required, nor are respondents 
    remunerated by HUD for this effort.
    7. Reporting Cycle
        Section 3 Reporting Form information will be collected annually. 
    The report may be submitted on the same cycle as the performance 
    report required by the program under which Section 3 covered 
    assistance is provided. Where a performance report is not required, 
    the Section 3 report is due to the local HUD (Category A) Office 
    within ten (10) days after the end of the reporting period indicated 
    in Block 8 of form HUD-60002 or at the completion of the project if 
    sooner. Also, an annual reporting cycle will assist HUD in meeting 
    its reporting requirements under Section 808(e)(6) of the Fair 
    Housing Act, Section 561 of the HCDA of 1987 and Section 916 of the 
    HCDA of 1992. This report also will assist the Department in 
    evaluating and managing program performance.
        The Section 3 Complaint Form mandates no specific requirements 
    with respect to the frequency of collection of information. The 
    Section 3 Compliant Form is made available to the public for use by 
    individuals or businesses who wish to file a Section 3 compliant 
    with HUD. Complaints are individuals who chose to submit this form 
    to HUD, and by electing to do so, are required to only submit it 
    once. No remunerated by HUD for this effort.
    8. Consistency With 5 CFR 1320.6
        Use of the Section 3 Reporting Form is consistent with 24 CFR 
    part 1320.6.
        Use of the Section 3 Complaint Form is consistent with 24 CFR 
    part 1320.6.
    9. Outside Consultation
        Pursuant to statutory requirements, staff from the Departments 
    of Labor and Commerce, and the Small Business Administration have 
    been contacted regarding the Section 3 Reporting Form. The attached 
    Section 3 Reporting Form--Economic Opportunities for Low- and Very 
    Low-Income Persons, Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, has 
    been developed by the Section 3 Compliance Division for collecting 
    Section 3 data. Form HUD-2516 is modified to collect Section 3 
    contracting data from public and Indian housing programs and all 
    community development programs except those administered by States. 
    Form HUD-60002 is designed to collect Section 3 contracting data 
    from all other Section 3 covered programs and to collect training 
    and employment data on all Section 3 covered programs. These data 
    collection forms are the only instruments that collect Section 3 
    employment, training and contracting information.
        No one was consulted outside the Department with respect to the 
    Section 3 Complaint Form. The instructions are specific, and the 
    information provided by the complainant is unique on each form.
    10. Confidentiality
        An assurance of confidentiality is not applicable to the Section 
    3 Reporting Form. The form will be filed with HUD's Office of Fair 
    Housing and Equal Opportunity. The Privacy Act of 1974 and OMB 
    Circular A-108 are not applicable.
        All information collected by the Section 3 Complaint Form 
    complies with the Privacy Act of 1974 and OMB Circular A-108, 
    ``Responsibilities for Maintenance of Records About Individuals by 
    Federal Agencies''. Each respondent is apprised of the filing of a 
    Section 3 Complaint against them. However, information obtained 
    during the investigation is held in confidence and may not be 
    divulged while the investigation is in progress.
    11. Sensitive Questions
        The Section 3 Reporting Form reporting requirements do not 
    contain sensitive questions. The information requested deals with 
    the results of the recipient's good faith efforts to provide 
    opportunities for lower income residents to receive job training and 
    employment and for local businesses to receive contracts in 
    connection with HUD assisted programs. Data is cumulative and 
    personal identifying information is not included.
        The Section 3 Complaint Form does not request information of a 
    sensitive nature such as sexual behavior and attitudes, religious 
    beliefs and other matters that are commonly considered private. 
    Section 3 is racially neutral and as such the complaint form does 
    not request information regarding the complainants' race, color, 
    sex, or national origin because these areas are not protected 
    classes or issues which determine beneficiaries of Section 3. The 
    information provided on this complaint form is given voluntarily and 
    provides the basis for HUD's investigation of the complaint to 
    determine if the allegations of noncompliance are valid.
    12. Estimate of Costs
       For HUD Section 3 Reporting Form--Preparing the Report               
      GS-13 to compile and analyze the information at $25.18 per            
       hour for approximately 8 hours...........................     $201.44
      GS-15 to review and approve at $35 per hour for                       
       approximately 3 hours....................................      105.00
      GS-7 to type, copy, and prepare report for mailing at                 
       $11.94 per hour for approximately 8 hours................       95.52
      Mailing costs for first class for 58,403 packages per                 
       recipient @ $1 per report. (33,000 PHI recipients, 403               
       Housing recipients, & 25,000 CPD recipients).............   58,403.00
          Total.................................................   58.804.96
       For Respondents--Recordkeeping and Reporting Recipients              
    One professional staff at $25 per hour for approximately 3              
     hours......................................................       75.00
    One secretary to type, copy, and prepare report for mailing             
     at $11 per hour for approximately 12 hours.................      132.00
    Mailing costs for first class for 1 package @ $1 per report.        1.00
          Total.................................................      208.00
    One professional staff at $25 per hour for approximately 1\1/           
     2\ hours...................................................       37.50
    One secretary to type, copy, and prepare report for mailing             
     at $11 per hour for approximately 4 hours..................       44.00
    Mailing costs for first class for one package @ $1 per                  
     report.....................................................        1.00
          Total.................................................       82.50
           For HUD--Reviewing the Section 3 Complaint Form                  
      GS-12 to review each Section 3 Complaint Form at $19 per              
       hour for \1/3\hour.......................................            
      HUD anticipates a receipt of 100 complaints annually. 100             
       complaints x .33 minutes = 33 hrs........................            
      33 hrs x $19 per hour.....................................      627.00
      10 % overhead.............................................       62.70
          Total.................................................      689.70
      For Complainants--Completion of Section 3 Complaint Form              
    This form is voluntarily filled out by a Section 3                      
     Complainant in one hour. There is no financial investment              
     required or expected                                                   
       For Respondents--Completion of Section 3 Complaint Form              
    A Respondent does not complete the Section 3 Complaint Form.            
     However, the respondent is required to respond and/or                  
     resolve the allegations identified on the Section 3                    
     Complaint Form. The estimated time for response is four (4)            
     hours. The estimated cost for this response time is as                 
      One professional staff (attorney) at $75 per hour for                 
       approximately 3 hours....................................      225.00
      One secretary to type, copy, and prepare response for                 
       mailing at $11 per hour for approximately 1 hour.........       11.00
      Mailing costs for first class for one package @ $1 per                
       response.................................................        1.00
          Total.................................................      237.00
    13. Estimate of Collection Burden
        For the Section 3 Reporting Form the total universe of potential 
    respondents, including recipients, prime contractors and 
    subcontractors, is approximately 133,403. We anticipate that about 
    58,403 respondents (HUD recipients) will submit summary reports to 
    HUD. Prime contractors and subcontractors will submit reports, as 
    requested, to the recipients. The required summary report from the 
    recipients is submitted to HUD annually, 10 days after the end of 
    the designated reporting period. The information is generated by the 
    recipient through maintaining documentation that summarizes efforts 
    made, and the results of those efforts, to provide opportunities for 
    training and employment arising from HUD assistance to low- and very 
    low-income residents. The data will be recorded on the Section 3 
    reporting form (form HUD-60002, Economic Opportunities for Low- and 
    Very Low-Income Persons). It is estimated that two hours per 
    reporting period will be required of the recipients, contractors and 
    subcontractors to prepare the Section 3 report. We estimate that the 
    burden will not vary significantly among the respondents.
    Form HUD-60002
                                                 Number     Hours           
              Number of respondents                of        per      Total 
                                                reports    report     hours 
    58,403 (recipients).......................         1         2   116,806
    75,000 (contractors and subcontractors)...         1         2   150,000
        For the Section 3 Complaint Form, the Department estimates that 
    during the course of a year approximately 100 Section 3 complaints 
    will be filed. It is anticipated that it will take the complainant 
    approximately one (1) hour to complete the complaint form. It is 
    anticipated that it will take the respondent approximately four 
    hours to respond to the allegations of the complaint. Of the 100 
    complaints anticipated for receipt, HUD does not expect to require 
    or receive a response from each respondent. About 10% of the 
    complaints received will be administratively closed for lack of 
    jurisdiction prior to the notification of the respondent. Therefore, 
    the number of responses by the respondent has been lessened by 10% 
    (to 90 responses) resulting in 360 total response hours for a 
        The total number of burden hours for the Section 3 Complaint 
    Form is 460 hours calculated as follows:
    Section 3 Complaint Form
                                               Number of     per      Total 
              Number of respondents            responses  response    hours 
    100 complainants.........................        100         1       100
    100 respondents..........................         90         4       360
      133,403 recipients, contractors &                                     
       subcontractors........................          1         4   266,806
    14. Change in Burden
        The Section 3 Reporting Form is revised to reflect public 
    comments to the proposed rule.
        This is the first time that the Section 3 Complaint Form 
    information has been requested.
    15. Publication of Data
        There are no existing plans for the tabulation and publication 
    of Section 3 Reporting Form data.
        There are no existing plans for the tabulation and publication of 
    Section 3 Complaint Form data.
    [FR Doc. 94-11837 Filed 5-13-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4210-01-C

Document Information

Housing and Urban Development Department
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Document Number:
Comments due date: May 26, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: May 16, 1994, Docket No. N-94-3768