97-12910. Notice of Filing of Pesticide Petitions  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 95 (Friday, May 16, 1997)]
    [Pages 27027-27033]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-12910]
    [PF-733; FRL-5717-6]
    Notice of Filing of Pesticide Petitions
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Notice.
    SUMMARY: This notice announces the initial filing of pesticide 
    petitions proposing the establishment of regulations for residues of 
    certain pesticide chemicals in or on various food commodities.
    DATES: Comments, identified by the docket control number PF-733, must 
    be received on or before June 16, 1997.
    ADDRESSES: By mail submit written comments to: Public Information and 
    Records Integrity Branch, Information Resources and Services Division 
    (7506C), Office of Pesticides Programs, Environmental Protection 
    Agency, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460. In person bring comments 
    to: Rm. 1132, CM #2, 1921 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA.
        Comments and data may also be submitted electronically by following 
    the instructions under ``SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION.'' No confidential 
    business information should be submitted through e-mail.
        Information submitted as a comment concerning this document may be 
    claimed confidential by marking any part or all of that information as 
    ``Confidential Business Information'' (CBI). CBI should not be 
    submitted through e-mail. Information marked as CBI will not be 
    disclosed except in accordance with procedures set forth in 40 CFR part 
    2. A copy of the comment that does not contain CBI must be submitted 
    for inclusion in the public record. Information not marked confidential 
    may be disclosed publicly by EPA without prior notice. All written 
    comments will be available for public inspection in Rm. 1132 at the 
    address given above, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, 
    excluding legal holidays.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: By mail: Jim Tompkins, Acting Product 
    Manager (PM) 25, Registration Division, (7505C), Office of Pesticide 
    Programs, Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M St., SW., Washington, 
    DC 20460. Office location and telephone number: Rm. 229, CM #2, 1921 
    Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA. 22202, (703) 305-5697; e-mail: 
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: EPA has received pesticide petitions as 
    follows proposing the establishment and/or amendment of regulations for 
    residues of certain pesticide chemicals in or on various food 
    commodities under section 408 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Comestic 
    Act (FFDCA), 21 U.S.C. 346a. EPA has determined that these petitions 
    contain data or information regarding the elements set forth in section 
    408(d)(2); however, EPA has not fully evaluated the sufficiency of the 
    submitted data at this time or whether the data supports granting of 
    the petition. Additional data may be needed before EPA rules on the 
        The official record for this notice of filing, as well as the 
    public version, has been established for this notice of filing under 
    docket control number [PF-733] (including comments and data submitted 
    electronically as described below). A public version of this record, 
    including printed, paper versions of electronic comments, which does 
    not include any information claimed as CBI, is available for inspection 
    from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal 
    holidays. The official record is located at the address in 
    ``ADDRESSES'' at the beginning of this document.
    [[Page 27028]]
        Electronic comments can be sent directly to EPA at:
        Electronic comments must be submitted as an ASCII file avoiding the 
    use of special characters and any form of encryption. Comment and data 
    will also be accepted on disks in Wordperfect 5.1 file format or ASCII 
    file format. All comments and data in electronic form must be 
    identified by the docket number [PF-733] and appropriate petition 
    number. Electronic comments on this notice may be filed online at many 
    Federal Depository Libraries.
    List of Subjects
        Environmental protection, Agricultural commodities, Food additives, 
    Feed additives, Pesticides and pests, Reporting and recordkeeping 
        Dated: May 8, 1997.
    James Jones,
    Acting Director, Registration Division, Office of Pesticide Programs.
    Summaries of Petitions
        Petitioner summaries of the pesticide petitions are printed below 
    as required by section 408(d)(3) of the FFDCA. The summaries of the 
    petitions were prepared by the petitioners and represent the views of 
    the petitioners. EPA is publishing the petition summaries verbatim 
    without editing them in any way. The petition summary announces the 
    availability of a description of the analytical methods available to 
    EPA for the detection and measurement of the pesticide chemical 
    residues or an explanation of why no such method is needed.
    1. BASF Corporation
    PP 9F3804
        BASF has submitted a pesticide petition (PP 9F3804) proposing 
    tolerances for residues of the pesticide, sethoxydim, [2-(1-
    one] and its metabolites containing the 2-cyclohexen-1-one moiety 
    (calculated as the herbicide) in or on the raw agricultural 
    commodities, apricots, cherries (sweet and sour), nectarines, and 
    peaches, at 0.2 parts per million (ppm).
    A. Residue Chemistry
        1. Plant and animal metabolism. The qualitative nature of the 
    residues in plants and animals is adequately understood for the 
    purposes of registration. Metabolic pathways in apricots, cherries 
    (sweet and sour), nectarines, and peaches are similar. Analytical 
    methods for detecting levels of sethoxydim and its metabolites in or on 
    food with a limit of detection that allows monitoring of food with 
    residues at or above the levels set in these tolerances was submitted 
    to EPA.
        2. Analytical method. The proposed analytical method involves 
    extraction, partition, and clean-up. Samples are then analyzed by gas 
    chromatography with sulfur-specific flame photometric detection. The 
    limit of quantitation is 0.05 ppm.
        3. Magnitude of the residues. Peach samples from eleven trials in 
    six states (CA, GA, SC, NJ, WA, WV) were analyzed for residues of 
    sethoxydim and its metabolites. In none of the trials did the total 
    residue in treated samples exceed 0.10 ppm of sethoxydim equivalents. 
    Preharvest intervals (PHIs) ranged from 10 to 89 days with most samples 
    harvested at a 10 to 20 day PHI. The treatment program included 
    multiple applications at rates varying from 0.5 to 2.0 lb active 
    ingredient (a.i.)/acre. Most samples received three applications of 0.5 
    lb a.i./acre. BASF is proposing a tolerance of 0.2 ppm to account for 
    loss of residue during the first 30 days of frozen storage.
        Sour cherry samples from six trials in five states (MI, PA, OR, UT, 
    WI) and sweet cherry samples from six trials in four states (WA, OR, 
    MI, CA) were analyzed for residues of sethoxydim and its metabolites. 
    In only one of the trials did the total residue in treated samples 
    exceed 0.10 ppm of sethoxydim equivalents. The maximum residue found in 
    this sample was only 0.13 ppm. PHIs ranged from 7 to 17 days with the 
    exception of one sweet cherry sample which had a PHI of 43 days. The 
    treatment program included multiple applications at rates varying from 
    0.3 or 0.5 lb a.i./acre. Most samples received two applications of 0.5 
    lb a.i./acre. BASF is proposing a tolerance of 0.2 ppm to account for 
    loss of residue during the first 30 days of frozen storage.
        One apricot sample and one nectarine sample from separate trials in 
    California were analyzed for residues of sethoxydim and its 
    metabolites. The apricot sample showed a total residue of less than 
    0.10 ppm of sethoxydim equivalents. The nectarine sample contained a 
    total of 0.11 ppm of sethoxydim equivalents. The PHI was 17 days for 
    the apricot sample and 21 days for the nectarine sample. The treatment 
    program was two applications of 0.5 lb a.i./acre. BASF is proposing a 
    tolerance of 0.2 ppm to account for loss of residue during the first 30 
    days of frozen storage.
    B. Toxicological Profile
        1. Acute toxicity testing. Based on the available acute toxicity 
    data, sethoxydim does not pose any acute dietary risks. A summary of 
    the acute toxicity studies follows.
        i. Acute oral toxicity, rat: Toxicity Category III; 
    LD50=3,125 mg/kg (male), 2,676 mg/kg (female).
        ii. Acute dermal toxicity, rat: Toxicity Category III; 
    LD50>5,000 mg/kg (male and female).
        iii. Acute inhalation toxicity, rat: Toxicity Category III; 
    LC50 (4-hour)=6.03 mg/L (male), 6.28 mg/L (female).
        iv. Primary eye irritation, rabbit: Toxicity Category IV; no 
        v. Primary dermal irritation, rabbit: Toxicity Category IV; no 
        vi. Dermal sensitization, guinea pig: Waived because no 
    sensitization was seen in guinea pigs dosed with the end-use product 
    Poast (18 percent a.i.).
        2. Subchronic toxicity testing. A summary of the subchronic 
    toxicity data follows.
        A 21-day dermal study in rabbits with a no-observed-adverse-effect-
    level (NOAEL) of >1,000 mg/kg/day (limit dose). The only dose-related 
    finding was slight epidermal hyperplasia at the dosing site in nearly 
    all males and females dosed at 1,000 mg/kg/day. This was probably an 
    adaptive response.
        3. Chronic toxicity testing. A summary of the chronic toxicity 
    studies follows.
        i. A 1-year feeding study with dogs fed diets containing 0, 8.86/
    9.41, 17.5/19.9, and 110/129 milligrams (mg)/kilogram (kg)/day (males/
    females) with a no-observed-effect-level (NOEL) of 8.86/9.41 mg/kg/day 
    (males/females) based on equivocal anemia in male dogs at the 17.5-mg/
    kg/day dose level.
        ii. A 2-year chronic feeding/carcinogenicity study with mice fed 
    diets containing 0, 40, 120, 360, and 1,080 ppm (equivalent to 0, 6, 
    18, 54, and 162 mg/kg/day) with a systemic NOEL of 120 ppm (18 mg/kg/
    day) based on non-neoplastic liver lesions in male mice at the 360-ppm 
    (54 mg/kg/day) dose level. There were no carcinogenic effects observed 
    under the conditions of the study. The maximum tolerated dose (MTD) was 
    not achieved in female mice.
        iii. A 2-year chronic feeding/carcinogenic study with rats fed 
    diets containing 0, 2, 6, and 18 mg/kg/day with a systemic NOEL greater 
    than or equal to 18 mg/kg/day (highest dose tested). There were no 
    carcinogenic effects observed under the conditions of the study. This 
    study was reviewed under current guidelines and was found to be 
    unacceptable because the doses
    [[Page 27029]]
    used were insufficient to induce a toxic response and an MTD was not 
        iv. A second chronic feeding/carcinogenic study with rats fed diets 
    containing 0, 360, and 1,080 ppm (equivalent to 18.2/23.0, and 55.9/
    71.8 mg/kg/day (males/females). The dose levels were too low to elicit 
    a toxic response in the test animals and failed to achieve an MTD or 
    define a lowest effect level (LEL). Slight decreases in body weight in 
    rats at the 1,080-ppm dose level, although not biologically 
    significant, support a free-standing no-observed-adverse-effect-level 
    (NOAEL) of 1,080 ppm (55.9/71.8 mg/kg/day (males/females)). There were 
    no carcinogenic effects observed under the conditions of the study.
        v. In a rat metabolism study, excretion was extremely rapid and 
    tissue accumulation was negligible.
        4. Developmental toxicity testing. A developmental toxicity study 
    in rats fed dosages of 0, 50, 180, 650, and 1,000 mg/kg/day with a 
    maternal NOAEL of 180 mg/kg/day and a maternal LEL of 650 mg/kg/day 
    (irregular gait, decreased activity, excessive salivation, and 
    anogenital staining); and a developmental NOAEL of 180 mg/kg/day, and a 
    developmental LEL of 650 mg/kg/day (21 to 22 percent decrease in fetal 
    weights, filamentous tail, and lack of tail due to the absence of 
    sacral and/or caudal vertebrae, and delayed ossification in the hyoids, 
    vertebral centrum and/or transverse processes, sternebrae and/or 
    metatarsals, and pubes).
        A developmental toxicity study in rabbits fed doses of 0, 80, 160, 
    320, and 400 mg/kg/day with a maternal NOEL of 320 mg/kg/day and a 
    maternal LOEL of 400 mg/kg/day (37 percent reduction in body weight 
    gain without significant differences in group mean body weights and 
    decreased food consumption during dosing); and a developmental NOEL 
    greater than 400 mg/kg/day (highest dose tested).
        5. Reproductive toxicity testing. A 2-generation reproduction study 
    with rats fed diets containing 0, 150, 600, and 3,000 ppm 
    (approximately 0, 7.5, 30, and 150 mg/kg/day) with no reproductive 
    effects observed under the conditions of the study.
        6. Mutagenicity testing. Ames assays were negative for gene 
    mutation in Salmonella typhimurium strains TA98, TA100, TA1535, and TA 
    1537, with and without metabolic activity.
        A Chinese hamster bone marrow cytogenetic assay was negative for 
    structural chromosomal aberrations at doses up to 5,000 mg/kg in 
    Chinese hamster bone marrow cells in vivo.
        Recombinant assays and forward mutations tests in Bacillus 
    subtilis, Escherichia coli, and S. typhimurium were all negative for 
    genotoxic effects at concentrations of greater than or equal to 100 
    C. Threshold Effects
        Based on the available chronic toxicity data, EPA has established 
    the Reference Dose (RfD) for sethoxydim at 0.09 mg/kg bw/day. The RfD 
    for sethoxydim is based on a 1-year feeding study in dogs with a 
    threshold NOEL of 8.86 mg/kg/day and an uncertainty factor of 100.
    D. Non-Threshold Effects
        A repeat chronic feeding/carcinogenicity study in rats was 
    submitted to EPA in November of 1995 and is awaiting review. The Agency 
    will reassess sethoxydim tolerances based on the outcome of the rat 
    chronic feeding/carcinogenicity study. In the interim, there is little 
    risk from establishment of the proposed tolerances since available 
    studies in rats and mice indicate no carcinogenic effects, there are 
    adequate data to establish a RfD, existing tolerances and the proposed 
    tolerances do not exceed the RfD, and the proposed tolerances utilize 
    less than 1 percent of the RfD. Thus, a cancer risk assessment is not 
    E. Aggregate Exposure
        1. Dietary exposure. For purposes of assessing the potential 
    dietary exposure, BASF has estimated aggregate exposure based on the 
    Theoretical Maximum Residue Contribution (TMRC) from the tolerances of 
    sethoxydim on: apricots at 0.2 ppm, cherries at 0.2 ppm, nectarines at 
    0.2 ppm, and peaches at 0.2 ppm. (The TMRC is a ``worst case'' estimate 
    of dietary exposure since it is assumed that 100 percent of all crops 
    for which tolerances are established are treated and that pesticide 
    residues are at the tolerance levels.) The TMRC from existing 
    tolerances for the overall US population is estimated at approximately 
    37 percent of the RfD. Dietary exposure to residues of sethoxydim in or 
    on food from these proposed tolerances increases the TMRC by less than 
    1 percent of the RfD for the overall US population. BASF estimates 
    indicate that dietary exposure will not exceed the RfD for any 
    population subgroup for which EPA has data [ref. Proposed Rule at 60 FR 
    13941 March 15, 1995]. This exposure assessment relies on very 
    conservative assumptions-100 percent of crops will contain sethoxydim 
    residues and those residues would be at the level of the tolerance-
    which results in an overestimate of human exposure.
        2. ``Other'' exposure. Other potential sources of exposure of the 
    general population to residues of pesticides are residues in drinking 
    water and exposure from non-occupational sources. Based on the 
    available studies submitted to EPA for assessment of environmental 
    risk, BASF does not anticipate exposure to residues of sethoxydim in 
    drinking water. There is no established Maximum Concentration Level 
    (MCL) for residues of sethoxydim in drinking water under the Safe 
    Drinking Water Act (SDWA).
        BASF has not estimated non-occupational exposure for sethoxydim. 
    Sethoxydim is labeled for use by homeowners on and around the following 
    use sites: flowers, evergreens, shrubs, trees, fruits, vegetables, 
    ornamental groundcovers, and bedding plants. Hence, the potential for 
    non-occupational exposure to the general population exists. However, 
    these use sites do not appreciably increase exposure. Protective 
    clothing requirements, including the use of gloves, adequately protect 
    homeowners when applying the product. The product may only be applied 
    through hose-end sprayers or tank sprayers as a 0.14 percent solution. 
    Sethoxydim is not a volatile compound so inhalation exposure during and 
    after application would be negligible. Dermal exposure would be minimal 
    in light of the protective clothing and the low application rate. Post-
    treatment (re-entry) exposure would be negligible for these use sites 
    as contact with treated surfaces would be low. Dietary risks from 
    treated food crops are already adequately regulated by the established 
    tolerances. The additional usesapricots, cherries, nectarines, and 
    peacheswill not increase the non-occupational exposure appreciably, if 
    at all. The potential for non-occupational exposure to the general 
    population is, thus, insignificant.
    F. Cumulative Exposure
        BASF also considered the potential for cumulative effects of 
    sethoxydim and other substances that have a common mechanism of 
    toxicity. BASF is aware of one other active ingredient which is 
    structurally similar, clethodim. However BASF believes that 
    consideration of a common mechanism of toxicity is not appropriate at 
    this time. BASF does not have any reliable information to indicate that 
    toxic effects produced by sethoxydim would be cumulative with clethodim 
    or any other chemical; thus BASF is considering
    [[Page 27030]]
    only the potential risks of sethoxydim in its exposure assessment.
    G. Safety Determination
        1. U.S. population. Reference Dose (RfD), using the conservative 
    exposure assumptions described above, BASF has estimated that aggregate 
    exposure to sethoxydim will utilize <38 percent="" of="" the="" rfd="" for="" the="" us="" population.="" epa="" generally="" has="" no="" concern="" for="" exposures="" below="" 100="" percent="" of="" the="" rfd.="" therefore,="" based="" on="" the="" completeness="" and="" reliability="" of="" the="" toxicity="" data,="" and="" the="" conservative="" exposure="" assessment,="" basf="" concludes="" that="" there="" is="" a="" reasonable="" certainty="" that="" no="" harm="" will="" result="" from="" aggregate="" exposure="" to="" residues="" of="" sethoxydim,="" including="" all="" anticipated="" dietary="" exposure="" and="" all="" other="" non-="" occupational="" exposures.="" 2.="" infants="" and="" children.="" developmental="" toxicity="" was="" observed="" in="" a="" developmental="" toxicity="" study="" using="" rats="" but="" was="" not="" seen="" in="" a="" developmental="" toxicity="" study="" using="" rabbits.="" in="" the="" developmental="" toxicity="" study="" in="" rats="" a="" maternal="" noael="" of="" 180="" mg/kg/day="" and="" a="" maternal="" lel="" of="" 650="" mg/kg/day="" (irregular="" gait,="" decreased="" activity,="" excessive="" salivation,="" and="" anogenital="" staining)="" was="" determined.="" a="" developmental="" noael="" of="" 180="" mg/kg/day="" and="" a="" developmental="" lel="" of="" 650="" mg/kg/day="" (21="" to="" 22="" percent="" decrease="" in="" fetal="" weights,="" filamentous="" tail="" and="" lack="" of="" tail="" due="" to="" the="" absence="" of="" sacral="" and/or="" caudal="" vertebrae,="" and="" delayed="" ossification="" in="" the="" hyoids,="" vertebral="" centrum="" and/or="" transverse="" processes,="" sternebrae="" and/or="" metatarsals,="" and="" pubes).="" since="" developmental="" effects="" were="" observed="" only="" at="" doses="" where="" maternal="" toxicity="" was="" noted,="" the="" developmental="" effects="" observed="" are="" believed="" to="" be="" secondary="" effects="" resulting="" from="" maternal="" stress.="" 3.="" reproductive="" toxicity.="" a="" 2-generation="" reproduction="" study="" with="" rats="" fed="" diets="" containing="" 0,="" 150,="" 600,="" and="" 3,000="" ppm="" (approximately="" 0,="" 7.5,="" 30,="" and="" 150="" mg/kg/day)="" produced="" no="" reproductive="" effects="" during="" the="" course="" of="" the="" study.="" although="" the="" dose="" levels="" were="" insufficient="" to="" elicit="" a="" toxic="" response,="" the="" agency="" has="" considered="" this="" study="" usable="" for="" regulatory="" purposes="" and="" has="" established="" a="" free-standing="" noel="" of="" 3,000="" ppm="" (approximately="" 150="" mg/kg/day)="" [ref.="" proposed="" rule="" at="" 60="" fr="" 13941].="" 4.="" reference="" dose.="" based="" on="" the="" demonstrated="" lack="" of="" significant="" developmental="" or="" reproductive="" toxicity="" basf="" believes="" that="" the="" rfd="" used="" to="" assess="" safety="" to="" children="" should="" be="" the="" same="" as="" that="" for="" the="" general="" population,="" 0.09="" mg/kg/day.="" using="" the="" conservative="" exposure="" assumptions="" described="" above,="" basf="" has="" concluded="" that="" the="" most="" sensitive="" child="" population="" is="" that="" of="" children="" ages="" 1="" to="" 6.="" basf="" calculates="" the="" exposure="" to="" this="" group="" to="" be=""><75 percent="" of="" the="" rfd="" for="" all="" uses="" (including="" those="" proposed="" in="" this="" document).="" the="" proposed="" tolerances="" in="" apricots,="" cherries,="" nectarines,="" and="" peaches="" represent="" an="" exposure="" to="" this="" group="" of=""><1 percent="" of="" the="" rfd.="" based="" on="" the="" completeness="" and="" reliability="" of="" the="" toxicity="" data="" and="" the="" conservative="" exposure="" assessment,="" basf="" concludes="" that="" there="" is="" a="" reasonable="" certainty="" that="" no="" harm="" will="" result="" to="" infants="" and="" children="" from="" aggregate="" exposure="" to="" the="" residues="" of="" sethoxydim,="" including="" all="" anticipated="" dietary="" exposure="" and="" all="" other="" non-occupational="" exposures.="" h.="" other="" considerations="" the="" nature="" of="" the="" residue="" is="" adequately="" understood,="" and="" practical="" and="" adequate="" analytical="" methods="" are="" available="" for="" enforcement="" purposes.="" enforcement="" methods="" for="" sethoxydim="" are="" listed="" in="" the="" pesticide="" analytical="" manual,="" vol.="" ii="" (pam="" ii).="" enforcement="" methods="" have="" also="" been="" submitted="" to="" the="" food="" and="" drug="" administration="" for="" publication="" in="" pam="" ii.="" there="" is="" no="" reasonable="" expectation="" that="" secondary="" residues="" will="" occur="" in="" milk,="" eggs="" or="" meat="" of="" livestock="" and="" poultry="" from="" the="" proposed="" uses="" of="" sethoxydim="" on="" apricots,="" cherries,="" nectarines,="" and="" peaches;="" there="" are="" no="" livestock="" feed="" items="" associated="" with="" these="" commodities.="" i.="" international="" tolerances="" a="" maximum="" residue="" level="" has="" not="" been="" established="" for="" sethoxydim="" in="" apricots,="" cherries="" (sweet="" and="" sour),="" peaches,="" and="" nectarines="" by="" the="" codex="" alimentarius="" commission.="" 2.="" monsanto="" company="" pp="" 8f2128="" monsanto="" company="" has="" submitted="" pesticide="" petition="" (pp="" 8f2128)="" proposing="" the="" establishment="" of="" tolerances="" for="" residues="" of="" the="" herbicide="" triallate="" (s-2,3,3,="" trichloroallyl="" diisopropyl="" thiocarbamate)="" and="" its="" metabolite="" 2,3,3,-trichloro-2-propene="" sulfonic="" acid="" (tscpa)="" expressed="" as="" the="" parent="" equivalent,="" in="" on="" on="" the="" raw="" agricultural="" commodities="" sugarbeet="" roots="" at="" 0.1="" ppm="" and="" sugarbeet="" foliage="" at="" 0.5="" ppm.="" a.="" toxicological="" profile="" monsanto="" has="" submitted="" numerous="" toxicology="" studies="" in="" support="" of="" triallate.="" the="" following="" are="" summaries="" of="" key="" toxicology="" studies.="" 1.="" several="" acute="" toxicology="" studies="" place="" technical="" triallate="" in="" acute="" toxicity="" category="" iii="" for="" acute="" oral="" and="" dermal="" toxicity,="" primary="" eye="" and="" dermal="" irritation,="" and="" in="" toxicity="" category="" iv="" for="" acute="" inhalation="" toxicity.="" triallate="" is="" not="" a="" skin="" sensitizer.="" the="" noel="" for="" acute="" oral="" toxicity="" in="" rats="" is="" 50="" mg/kg="" with="" a="" loel="" of="" 100="" mg/kg="" based="" on="" flat-footed="" appearance="" of="" the="" hindlimbs="" observed="" at="" the="" 100="" mg/kg="" dose="" level.="" 2.="" a="" more="" thorough="" acute="" neurotoxicity="" study="" in="" rats="" was="" conducted="" in="" which="" the="" observers="" were="" unaware="" of="" treatment="" level.="" in="" this="" acute="" neurotoxicity="" study="" rats="" were="" administered="" gavage="" dosage="" levels="" of="" 0,="" 60,="" 300,="" or="" 600="" mg/kg.="" the="" loel="" and="" noel="" of="" this="" study="" was="" determined="" to="" be="" 300="" mg/kg="" and="" 60="" mg/kg,="" respectively.="" the="" loel="" was="" based="" on="" a="" transient="" decrease="" in="" motor="" activity="" detected="" at="" the="" time="" of="" peak="" effect="" (7="" hr,="" postdosing).="" no="" gross="" pathological="" findings="" were="" present;="" neurohistopathological="" examinations="" did="" not="" reveal="" any="" treatment-="" related="" lesions="" in="" either="" the="" central="" or="" peripheral="" nervous="" systems.="" abnormal="" behavioral="" effects="" were="" detected="" at="" the="" 600="" mg/kg="" dose="" but="" not="" at="" any="" of="" the="" lower="" dose="" levels.="" 3.="" a="" subchronic="" neurotoxicity="" study="" in="" rats="" exposed="" for="" 13-weeks="" through="" the="" diet="" to="" 0,="" 100,="" 500="" or="" 2,000="" ppm="" triallate="" (0,6.38,="" 32.9,="" or="" 128.8="" mg/kg/day,="" males,="" respectively;="" 0,="" 8.14,="" 38.9,="" or="" 146.6,="" females,="" respectively).the="" loel="" for="" systemic="" toxicity="" and="" neurotoxicity="" was="" 500="" ppm="" (mg/kg/day:="" 32.9,="" males;="" 38.9,="" females);="" the="" noel="" was="" 100="" ppm="" (mg/kg/day:="" 6.38,="" males;="" 8.14,="" females).="" the="" loel="" was="" based="" on="" treatment-related="" lesions="" in="" the="" spinal="" cord="" and="" peripheral="" nervous="" systems.="" abnormal="" behavioral="" effects="" were="" detected="" at="" the="" 2,000="" ppm="" level="" but="" not="" at="" any="" of="" the="" lower="" dose="" levels.="" 4.="" a="" 2-year="" feeding="" study="" with="" dogs="" fed="" dosage="" levels="" of="" 0,="" 1.275,="" 4.25="" and="" 12.75="" milligrams/kilograms/day="" (mg/kg/day)="" with="" a="" no-observed="" effect="" level="" (noel)="" of="" 1.275="" mg/kg/day="" and="" a="" lel="" of="" 4.25="" mg/kg/day="" based="" on="" increased="" liver="" weight,="" elevated="" serum="" alkaline="" phosphate="" values,="" and="" increased="" hemosiderin="" deposition.="" the="" rfd="" for="" triallate="" is="" 0.013="" mg/kg/day="" based="" on="" the="" noel="" of="" 1.275="" mg/kg/day="" and="" an="" uncertainty="" factor="" of="" 100="" for="" intra-="" and="" inter-species="" variation.="" cholinesterase="" activity="" in="" plasma,="" erythrocytes="" and="" brain="" was="" not="" inhibited="" after="" 1.5,="" 3,="" 6,="" 12,="" 18="" and="" 24="" months="" of="" exposure.="" 5.="" a="" second="" chronic="" dog="" study="" was="" conducted="" in="" which="" dogs="" were="" administered="" gelatin="" capsules="" containing="" doses="" of="" 0,="" 0.5,="" 2.5,="" or="" 15="" mg="" triallate/kg/day="" for="" 1-year.="" the="" lel="" based="" on="" an="" increase="" in="" serum="" alkaline="" [[page="" 27031]]="" phosphatase="" level="" was="" 15="" mg/kg/day="" and="" the="" noel="" was="" 2.5="" mg/kg/day.="" 6.="" a="" 2-year="" chronic="" feeding/="" carcinogenicity="" study="" in="" b6c3f1="" mice="" fed="" dosage="" levels="" of="" 0,="" 3,="" 9,="" or="" 37.5="" mg/kg/day="" resulted="" in="" a="" statistically="" significant="" increased="" incidence="" of="" hepatocellular="" carcinomas="" in="" males="" at="" 37.5="" mg/kg/day="" and="" a="" positive="" trend="" and="" a="" borderline="" significant="" increase="" in="" females="" at="" 37.5="" mg/kg/day.="" for="" chronic="" toxicity,="" the="" noel="" was="" 3="" mg/kg/day="" and="" the="" lel="" was="" 9="" mg/kg/day.="" the="" lel="" was="" based="" on="" increases="" in="" liver="" weights;="" the="" incidence="" of="" altered="" hepatic="" foci="" of="" the="" liver;="" splenic="" hematopoiesis="" and="" blood="" glucose="" levels="" in="" males="" at="" 60="" and="" 250="" ppm.="" 7.="" a="" 2-year="" chronic="" feeding/carcinogenicity="" study="" in="" male="" and="" female="" rats="" fed="" dose="" levels="" of="" 0,="" 0.5,="" 2.5,="" and="" 12.5="" mg/kg/day="" resulted="" in="" an="" increased="" incidence="" in="" renal="" tubular="" cell="" adenoma="" above="" historical="" control="" levels.="" although="" no="" absolute="" pair-wise="" statistical="" significance="" was="" found,="" renal="" tubular="" cell="" adenoma="" is="" considered="" a="" rare="" tumor="" type="" making="" this="" finding="" biologically="" significant.="" for="" chronic="" toxicity,="" the="" noel="" was="" 2.5="" mg/kg/day="" and="" the="" lel="" was="" 12.5="" mg/kg/day.="" the="" lel="" was="" based="" on="" decreased="" survival="" in="" high-dose="" males="" and="" females,="" decreased="" mean="" body="" weight="" in="" high-dose="" males,="" and="" increased="" adrenal="" weights="" in="" high-dose="" males.="" 8.="" a="" chronic/oncogenicity="" study="" of="" triallate="" was="" also="" conducted="" in="" hamsters="" at="" 50,="" 300,="" or="" 2,000="" ppm="" for="" 79="" (females)="" or="" 95="" (males)="" weeks.="" the="" objective="" of="" this="" study="" was="" to="" see="" if="" triallate="" induces="" melanotic="" changes="" (nodular="" aggregated="" of="" melanocyte,="" possibly="" premalignant)="" in="" skin="" of="" hamsters="" similar="" to="" those="" induced="" by="" diallate,="" a="" compound="" structurally="" similar="" to="" triallate.="" there="" were="" no="" increases="" in="" either="" non-neoplastic="" or="" neoplastic="" lesions="" in="" any="" organs.="" for="" chronic="" toxicity,="" the="" noel="" was="" 300="" ppm="" and="" lel="" was="" 2,000="" ppm="" based="" on="" a="" decrease="" in="" body="" weight="" gain="" and="" corresponding="" decrease="" in="" food="" consumption="" by="" males="" fed="" the="" 2,000="" ppm="" diet="" during="" the="" first="" 13="" weeks="" of="" the="" study="" but="" not="" thereafter.="" 9.="" a="" 2-generation="" reproduction="" study="" with="" rats="" fed="" dose="" levels="" of="" 0,="" 50,="" 150="" or="" 600="" ppm="" resulted="" in="" a="" reproductive="" noel="" of="" 150="" ppm="" and="" a="" lel="" of="" 600="" ppm.="" treatment-related="" reproductive="" effects="" were:="" reduced="" pregnancy="" rates;="" shortened="" gestation="" period;="" increased="" neonate="" mortality="" in="" the="" f2b="" litter;="" reduced="" pup="" weights="" at="" birth="" in="" the="" f2b="" litter;="" and="" reduced="" pup="" weights="" in="" late="" lactation="" in="" all="" litters.="" these="" effects="" were="" only="" observed="" in="" rats="" treated="" with="" the="" highest="" dose="" level="" which="" also="" caused="" maternal="" toxicity="" was="" manifested="" by="" an="" increase="" in="" mortality,="" decrease="" in="" body="" weight,="" increase="" in="" chronic="" nephritis,="" and="" head="" bobbing="" and="" circling.="" for="" maternal="" toxicity,="" the="" lel="" was="" 600="" ppm="" and="" noel="" was="" 150="" ppm.="" 10.="" a="" developmental="" toxicity="" study="" in="" rats="" fed="" dose="" levels="" of="" 0,="" 10,="" 30,="" or="" 90="" mg/kg/day="" during="" gestation="" days="" 6-21="" resulted="" in="" a="" developmental="" toxicity="" noel="" greater="" than="" 90="" mg/kg/day.="" for="" fetotoxicity,="" the="" lel="" was="" 90="" mg/kg/day="" and="" the="" noel="" was="" 30="" mg/kg/day="" based="" on="" reduced="" body="" weight,="" reduced="" ossification="" of="" the="" skull,="" and="" malaligned="" sternebrae.="" for="" maternal="" toxicity,="" the="" lel="" was="" 90="" mg/kg/day="" and="" the="" noel="" was="" 30="" mg/kg/day="" based="" on="" reduction="" in="" maternal="" body="" weight.="" the="" teratogenic="" noel="" was=""> 90 mg/kg/day.
        11. A developmental toxicity study in rabbits fed doses of 0, 5, 
    15, and 45 mg/kg/day on gestation days 6 through 28 resulted in a 
    developmental toxicity NOEL greater than 45 mg/kg/day. For 
    fetotoxicity, the LEL was 15 mg/kg/day and the NOEL was 5 mg/kg/day 
    based on an increase in fused sternebrae, increased number of bent 
    hyoid arch bones, as well as decreased body weight. The NOEL was >45 
    mg/kg/day for teratogenicity.
        12. Numerous mutagenicity assays have been conducted with triallate 
    resulting in mixed results. Triallate gave a positive response for base 
    pair conversions in Salmonella strains TA100 and TA1535 with and 
    without activation and negative results without activation in Ames 
    assays. Triallate was positive for mitotic recombination in 
    Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain D3 but was negative for gene conversion 
    in strain D4. The mouse lymphoma gene mutation assay produced both 
    positive results for forward mutations at the TK+/- locus 
    with and without activation and negative results at this locus. 
    Triallate was nonmutagenic in a dominant lethal test with mice given a 
    single intraperitoneal injection; this study however, was considered 
    inadequate by current test guideline/standards. Triallate did not 
    induce gene mutations (HGPRT) locus) in Chinese hamster ovary cells 
    (CHO) with and without metabolic activation. It gave a positive 
    response for sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) in CHO cells both with 
    and without metabolic activation. Triallate did not induce unscheduled 
    DNA synthesis in rat hepatocytes. In an in vivo cytogenetic assay, no 
    mutagenic response was seen in the bone marrow cells of hamsters. 
    Overall, triallate is genotoxic in in vitro systems and negative in in 
    vivo systems and is considered a genotoxic compound.
    B. Threshold Effects
        1. Chronic effects. Based on a complete and reliable toxicity 
    database, the EPA has adopted a reference dose (RfD) value of 0.013 mg/
    kg bwt/day using the NOEL of 1.275 mg/kg bwt/day from a 2-year dog 
    feeding study and an uncertainty factor of 100. The endpoint effect in 
    this study was increased liver weights and hemosiderin and serum 
    alkaline phosphate (SAP) levels.
        2. Acute effects. EPA has determined that the appropriate NOEL to 
    use to assess safety of acute exposure is 5 mg/kg bwt/day from a 
    developmental toxicity study in rabbits, based in increases in the 
    incidences of skeletal malformations in rabbit fetuses. EPA has 
    concluded that the subpopulation of concern for this endpoint are 
    females older than 13 years old.
    C. Non-Threshold Effects
         Carcinogenicity. Triallate has been classified by EPA as Group C - 
    possible human carcinogen. EPA based this classification on a 
    statistically significant increase in hepatocellular tumors in male 
    mice, with a positive trend and a borderline significant increase in 
    females. In addition, the increased incidence of renal tubular cell 
    adenoma, a rare tumor type, in male rats was considered by EPA to be 
    biologically significant although no absolute pair-wise statistical 
    significance was found. Triallate is considered genotoxic and has 
    structural similarities to carcinogenic analogues. EPA is currently 
    applying the extrapolation model approach for risk assessment and has 
    calculated the upper bound potency factor Q1* to be 0.08320 
    D. Aggregate Exposure
        For purposes of assessing the potential dietary exposure, the 
    theoretical maximum residue concentration (TMRC) and anticipated 
    chronic dietary risk assessment based on exposure to all crops for 
    which triallate is labelled is an appropriate estimate of aggregate 
    exposure. EPA has notified the petitioner that these analyses include 
    permanent tolerances of 0.05 ppm for peas, lentils, barley, and wheat, 
    as established under 40 CFR 180.314. Tolerances are also established 
    for canary grass; however, EPA's Dietary Risk Evaluation Section (DRES) 
    does not have consumption figures for this RAC, and its contribution is 
    expected to be negligible. Anticipated residues, and 100 percent of 
    crop treated was used for sugarbeet sugar. Sugarbeet foliage is a 
    potential animal feed item associated with this use. However, based on 
    [[Page 27032]]
    results of animal metabolism studies, EPA has concluded that secondary 
    residues are not expected to occur in meat, milk, poultry, and eggs as 
    a result of this proposed use.
        EPA has also conducted an acute dietary exposure assessment. It is 
    EPA policy to use ``high-end'' residue level estimates for acute 
    exposure analyses; in this case, tolerance levels were used for all 
        Other potential sources of exposure of the general population to 
    residues of pesticides are residues in drinking water and exposure from 
    non-occupational sources. Based on the available studies used in EPA's 
    assessment of environmental risk, triallate appears to be moderately 
    persistent and immobile to highly immobile in different soils. EPA's 
    ``Pesticides in Ground Water Database'' (EPA 734-122-92-001, September 
    1992), shows no detections for triallate in ground water, and it does 
    not exceed the proposed criteria for establishing a pesticide as 
    restricted use due to ground water concerns. It was not a target of 
    EPA's National Survey of Wells for Pesticides, and is not listed as a 
    unregulated contaminant for monitoring in drinking watersupplies under 
    the Safe Drinking Water Act. No Maximum Contaminant Level or Health 
    Advisory levels have been established for triallate.
        Previous experience with persistent and immobile pesticides for 
    which there have been available data to perform quantitative risk 
    assessments have demonstrated that drinking water exposure is typically 
    a small percentage of the total exposure when compared to the total 
    dietary exposure. This observation holds even for pesticides detected 
    in wells and drinking water at levels nearing or exceeding established 
    MCLs. Based on this experience and considering the low fraction of a 
    percent of the RfD (<.04 percent)="" occupied="" by="" dietary="" exposure="" to="" triallate,="" combined="" exposure="" from="" drinking="" water="" and="" dietary="" exposure="" would="" not="" be="" expected="" to="" result="" in="" an="" arc="" that="" exceeds="" 100="" percent="" of="" the="" rfd.="" therefore,="" potential="" triallate="" residues="" in="" drinking="" water="" are="" not="" likely="" to="" pose="" a="" human="" health="" concern.="" epa="" consideration="" of="" a="" common="" mechanism="" of="" toxicity="" is="" not="" appropriate="" at="" this="" time="" since="" there="" is="" no="" information="" to="" indicate="" that="" toxic="" effects="" produced="" by="" triallate="" would="" be="" cumulative="" with="" those="" of="" any="" other="" chemical="" compound.="" triallate="" is="" a="" thiocarbamate="" herbicide.="" thiocarbamate="" herbicides="" are="" not="" applied="" to="" any="" significant="" degree="" in="" areas="" where="" triallate="" would="" be="" used="" to="" control="" wild="" oats="" in="" sugarbeet="" crops.="" thiocarbamates="" are="" only="" used="" to="" a="" small="" extent="" in="" other="" crops.="" hence,="" dietary="" exposure="" to="" thiocarbamate="" herbicides="" is="" expected="" to="" be="" minimal.="" considering="" the="" low="" fraction="" of="" the="" percent="" of="" the="" rfd=""><.04 percent)="" occupied="" by="" dietary="" exposure="" and="" the="" minimal="" exposure="" levels="" to="" other="" thiocarbamate="" herbicides="" through="" the="" diet;="" the="" combined="" exposure="" to="" other="" thiocarbamate="" herbicides="" would="" not="" be="" expected="" to="" pose="" a="" human="" health="" concern.="" there="" is="" also="" no="" data="" to="" indicate="" that="" there="" are="" similar="" mechanisms="" of="" toxicity="" between="" triallate="" and="" carbamate="" insecticides="" that="" inhibit="" cholinesterase="" activity.="" triallate="" does="" not="" inhibit="" cholinesterase="" activity="" in="" plasma,="" erythrocytes="" and="" brain="" in="" dogs="" after="" chronic="" exposure="" to="" triallate.="" triallate="" does="" not="" cause="" symptoms="" typical="" of="" cholinesterase="" inhibition="" in="" rats="" after="" acute="" or="" subchronic="" exposure="" to="" triallate.="" e.="" determination="" of="" safety="" for="" u.s.="" population="" and="" sub-populations.="" 1.="" upper="" bound="" carcinogenic="" exposure.="" based="" on="" epa's="">1* 
    value of 0.08320 (mg/kg/day)-1, the upper bound cancer risk 
    contributed by all the published uses, plus this new use on sugarbeets 
    was calculated by EPA to be 1.7 x 10-7 for the U.S. 
    Population in general; risks from the established uses contribute 
    approximately 1 x 10-7 to this risk, and the proposed use on 
    sugarbeets contributes approximately 0.7 x 10-7. The sub-
    population with the highest exposure level were children (1 to 6 years 
    old) which has an upper bound cancer risk was 4.2 x 10-7. 
    These levels of risk are below the level of risk generally considered 
    to be of concern by EPA (1 x 10-6). EPA has concluded that 
    the dietary cancer risk posed by use of triallate is not considered to 
    be of concern.
        2. Chronic dietary exposure. Using anticipated residues and 
    realistic estimates of percent of crop treated, the anticipated residue 
    concentration (ARC) for the overall U.S. Population is calculated by 
    EPA to be 0.000002 mg/kg bwt/day, representing 0.01 percent of the RfD, 
    for established uses and this proposed use on sugarbeets. The ARCs for 
    the U.S. Population and the 22 population subgroups all utilized <0.04 percent="" of="" the="" rfd,="" with="" the="" highest="" exposed="" subgroup,="" being="" children="" (1="" to="" 6="" years="" old),="" with="" 0.035="" percent="" of="" the="" rfd="" utilized.="" epa="" has="" concluded="" that="" the="" chronic="" dietary="" risk="" exposure="" from="" triallate="" appears="" to="" be="" minimal="" for="" this="" petition="" for="" use="" on="" sugarbeets,="" and="" does="" not="" exceed="" the="" rfd="" for="" any="" of="" the="" dres="" subgroups.="" 3.="" acute="" dietary="" exposure.="" epa="" used="" ``high-end''="" residue="" level="" estimates="" for="" acute="" exposure="" analyses;="" in="" this="" case,="" tolerance="" levels="" were="" used="" for="" all="" commodities.="" since="" the="" endpoint="" used="" for="" risk="" assessment="" of="" the="" acute="" risk="" is="" derived="" from="" a="" rabbit="" developmental="" study,="" epa="" concluded="" that="" the="" population="" subgroup="" of="" concern="" would="" be="" females="" (13+="" years="" old).="" the="" moe="" value="" calculated="" for="" this="" subgroup="" is="" 12,500,="" which="" is="" well="" above="" the="" level="" considered="" by="" epa="" to="" be="" of="" concern="" (="">100). EPA has concluded that there is little concern for 
    acute effects due to dietary exposure to this chemical.
        4. Conclusion. Based on the above risk assessments, there is a 
    reasonable certainty that no harm will result from aggregate exposure 
    to triallate residues.
    F. Determination of Safety for Infants and Children
        In assessing the potential for additional sensitivity of infants 
    and children to residues of triallate, the developmental toxicity 
    studies in the rat and rabbit and the 2-generation reproduction study 
    in the rat should be considered. The developmental toxicity studies are 
    designed to evaluate adverse effects on the developing organism 
    resulting from pesticide exposure during prenatal development to one or 
    both parents. Reproduction studies provide information relating to 
    effects from exposure to the pesticide on the reproductive capability 
    of mating animals and data on systemic toxicity. The results of these 
    studies indicate that triallate is not a specific teratogen or 
    reproductive toxin. The only evidence of developmental toxicity 
    occuring below maternally toxic doses was an increase in fused 
    sternebrae, increase number of bent hyoid arch bones, as well as 
    decreased body weight in rabbits. In most instances, fusion only 
    involved two adjacent sternebrae and not the entire chain. 
    Consequently, this type of skeletal defect is considered a minor 
    anomaly rather than a major malformation. The incidence of bent hyoid 
    arch bones was increased from control values but within the 
    laboratory's historical control range. The LEL for fetotoxicity in 
    rabbits was considered by EPA to be 15 mg/kg/day and the NOEL was 5 mg/
        The FFDCA section 408 provides that EPA may apply an additional 
    safety factor for infants and children in the case of threshold effects 
    to account for completeness of the database or for significant 
    developmental effects. The toxicological database relative to pre-and 
    post-natal effects of triallate is complete. There are no developmental 
    effects that are of substantial concern. Thus, an additional safety 
    factor is not necessary.
    [[Page 27033]]
        The cancer risk and percent of the RfD that will be utilized by 
    aggregate exposure to residues of triallate is less than 1 x 
    10-6 and 0.04 percent of the RfD, respectively, for all 
    populations and subgroups including infants and children. Therefore, 
    based on the completeness and reliability of the toxicity data and the 
    conservative exposure assessment, it is concluded that there is a 
    reasonable certainty that no harm will result to infants and children 
    from aggregate exposures to triallate.
    G. Estrogenic Effects
        The toxicity studies required by EPA for the registration of 
    pesticides measure numerous endpoints with sufficient sensitivity to 
    detect potential endocrine-modulating activity. No effects have been 
    identified in subchronic, chronic, developmental, or reproductive 
    toxicity studies to indicate any endocrine-modulating activity by 
    triallate. The subchronic and chronic toxicity studies examines tissues 
    from the male and female reproductive system. The multi-generation 
    reproduction study in rodents is a complex study design which measures 
    a broad range of endpoints in the reproductive system and in developing 
    offspring that are sensitive to alterations by chemical agents. 
    Triallate only caused effects in the reproduction study at doses that 
    were maternally toxic including an increase in mortality. Thus, these 
    results demonstrate that triallate is not a specific reproductive 
    H. Chemical Residue
        Permanent tolerances are established for triallate parent at 0.05 
    ppm for peas, lentils, barley and wheat, as established under 40 CFR 
    180.314. Triallate is metabolized in plants and animals to one major 
    metabolite, TCPSA (2,3,3-trichloroprop-2-enesulfonic acid), and 
    numerous natural constituents. Since the establishment of permanent 
    tolerances for triallate, EPA has decided that TCPSA should also be 
    regulated. Based on results of residue trials, tolerances have been 
    proposed by Monsanto for combined residues of triallate and TCPSA in 
    sugarbeet commodities at 0.1 ppm in sugarbeet roots, 0.5 ppm in 
    sugarbeet tops, and 0.2 ppm in sugarbeet pulp. A practical method for 
    determining triallate has been approved by EPA and is available from 
    the Field Operations Division, Office of Pesticide Programs. Monsanto 
    is in the process of developing a practical method for TCPSA. These 
    methods include extraction followed by partitioning with methylene 
    chloride to isolate triallate fromTCPSA. The triallate portion is 
    eluted through a Florsil clean-up column, concentrated and quantitated 
    by capillary GC using electron capture detection (ECD). The TCPSA 
    portion is isolated using a phase transfer catalyst, derivatized 
    cleaned up using SPE, and quantitated by capillary GC using ECD. 
    Residue studies show that TCPSA is the major residue in sugarbeet 
    foliage, but is not a significant residue in sugarbeet roots since it 
    was not detected above the lower limit of method validation (0.01 ppm) 
    when triallate was applied at maximum application rates. Since 
    sugarbeet foliage seldom enters interstate commerce, EPA has informed 
    the petitioner that enforcement of the proposed tolerances would be 
    limited to sugarbeet roots and dried pulp. As triallate is the primary 
    residue in sugarbeet roots and dried pulp, EPA has concluded that the 
    currently available enforcement for parent only is adequate to enforce 
    the tolerances on a time-limited basis.
        Sugarbeet foliage is considered by EPA as an animal feed item. 
    However, EPA has informed the petitioner that based on animal 
    metabolism studies and animal residue studies, secondary residues are 
    not expected to occur in meat, milk, poultry, and eggs as a result of 
    this proposed use.
    I. Environmental Fate
        Laboratory studies indicate that triallate degrades in soil with a 
    half-lives ranging from 18 to 21 days. Field dissipation studies show 
    that triallate degrades with half-lives ranging from 20 to 190 days, 
    but 190 days is clearly an outlier based on all other data. Average 
    field half-life from all other locations is 49 days. Triallate 
    metabolizes to CO2, bound residues, and TCPSA. Triallate and 
    TCPSA do not appear to move below a 6-inch depth.
        In a laboratory study conducted with worst-case conditions, 50 
    percent of applied triallate volatized from agricultural sand with a 
    very low organic content. Triallate volatility decreases from soils 
    with higher organic content since triallate binds to organic matter in 
    the soil. Triallate is typically soil incorporated when applied so 
    volatization is minimized. Triallate is fairly stable to hydrolysis and 
        Triallate is not likely to leach into ground water. Triallate was 
    immobile in batch adsorption/desorption studies, and soil column and 
    soil tlc results confirmed its low mobility. Triallate is unlikely to 
    runoff into surface water, it would stick to the soil. If triallate did 
    get into surface water, it would be part of the sediment and undergo 
    microbial degradation.
    [FR Doc. 97-12910 Filed 5-15-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-F

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Document Number:
Comments, identified by the docket control number PF-733, must be received on or before June 16, 1997.
27027-27033 (7 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PF-733, FRL-5717-6
PDF File: