Start Preamble
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, HUD.
This Notice identifies unutilized, underutilized, excess, and surplus Federal property reviewed by HUD for suitability for possible use to assist the homeless.
Mark Johnston, room 7266, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20410; telephone (202) 708-1234; TTY number for the hearing- and speech-impaired (202) 708-2565 (these telephone numbers are not toll-free), or call the toll-free Title V information line at 1-800-927-7588.
End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental InformationSUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
In accordance with 24 CFR part 581 and section 501 of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11411), as amended, HUD is publishing this Notice to identify Federal buildings and other real property that HUD has reviewed for suitability for use to assist the homeless. The properties were reviewed using information provided to HUD by Federal landholding agencies regarding unutilized and underutilized buildings and real property controlled by such agencies or by GSA regarding its inventory of excess or surplus Federal property. This Notice is also published in order to comply with the December 12, 1998 Court Order in National Coalition for the Homeless v. Veterans Administration, No. 88-2503-OG (D.D.C.).
Properties reviewed are listed in this Notice according to the following categories: Suitable/available, suitable/unavailable, suitable/to be excess, and unsuitable. The properties listed in the three suitable categories have been reviewed by the landholding agencies, and each agency has transmitted to HUD: (1) Its intention to make the property available for use to assist the homeless, (2) its intention to declare the property excess to the agency's needs, or (3) a statement of the reasons that the property cannot be declared excess or made available for use as facilities to assist the homeless.
Properties listed as suitable/available will be available exclusively for homeless use for a period of 60 days from the date of this Notice. Where property is described as for “off-site use only” recipients of the property will be required to relocate the building to their own site at their own expense. Homeless assistance providers interested in any such property should send a written expression of interest to HHS, addressed to Brian Rooney, Division of Property Management, Program Support Center, HHS, room 5B-41, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857; (301) 443-2265. (This is not a toll-free number.) HHS will mail to the interested provider an application packet, which will include instructions for completing the application. In order to maximize the opportunity to utilize a suitable property, providers should submit their written expressions of interest as soon as possible. For complete details concerning the processing of applications, the reader is encouraged to refer to the interim rule governing this program, 24 CFR part 581.
For properties listed as suitable to be excess, that property may, if subsequently accepted as excess by GSA, be made available for use by the homeless in accordance with applicable law, subject to screening for other Federal use. At the appropriate time, HUD will publish the property in a Notice showing it as either suitable/available or suitable/unavailable.
For properties listed as suitable/unavailable, the landholding agency has decided that the property cannot be declared excess or made available for use to assist the homeless, and the property will not be available.
Properties listed as unsuitable will not be made available for any other purpose for 20 days from the date of this Notice. Homeless assistance providers interested in a review by HUD of the determination of unsuitability should call the toll free information line at 1-800-927-7588 for detailed instructions or write a letter to Mark Johnston at the address listed at the beginning of this Notice. Included in the request for Start Printed Page 35130review should be the property address (including zip code), the date of publication in the Federal Register, the landholding agency, and the property number.
For more information regarding particular properties identified in this notice (i.e., acreage, floor plan, existing sanitary facilities, exact street address), providers should contact the appropriate landholding agencies at the following addresses: ARMY: Ms. Julie Jones-Conte, Headquarters, department of the Army, Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation management, Program Integration Office, Attn: DAIM-MD, Room 1E677, 600 Army Pentagon, Washington, DC 20310-0600; (703) 692-9223; DOT: Mr. Rugene Spruill, Principal, Space Management, SVC-140, Transportation Administrative Service Center, Department of Transportation, 400 7th Street, SW., Room 2310, Washington, DC 20590; (202) 366-4246; ENERGY: Mr. Tom Knox, Department of Energy, Office of Engineering & Construction Management, CR-80, Washington, DC 20585; (202) 586-8715; GSA: Mr. Brian K. Polly, Assistant Commissioner, General Services Administration, Office of Property Disposal, 18th and F Streets, NW., Washington, DC 20405; (202) 501-0052; INTERIOR: Ms. Linda Tribby, Acquisition & Property Management, Department of the Interior, 1849 C Street, NW., MS5512, Washington, DC 20240; (202) 219-0728; NAVY: Mr. Charles C. Cocks, Director, Department of the Navy, Real Estate Policy Division, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Washington Navy Yard, 1322 Patterson Ave., SE., Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20374-5065; (202) 685-9200; (These are not toll-free numbers).
Start SignatureDated: May 9, 2002.
Mark R. Johnston,
Deputy Director, Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs.
Title V, Federal Surplus Property Program Federal Register Report for 5/17/02
Suitable/Available Properties
Buildings (by State)
Bldgs. 44021-44025
Fort Huachuca
Ft. Huachuca Co: Cochise AZ 85613-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220099
Status: Excess
Comment: fourplex 895 sq. ft./unit, most recent use—residential, off-site use only
Bldgs. 68818-68826
Fort Huachuca
Ft. Huachuca Co: Cochise AZ 85613-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220100
Status: Excess
Comment: duplex, 1046 sq. ft./unit, most recent use—residential, off-site use only
Bldgs. 68829-68832
Fort Huachuca
Ft. Huachuca Co: Cochise AZ 85613-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220101
Status: Excess
Comment: duplex, 1046 sq. ft./unit, most recent use—residential, off-site use only
Bldgs. 68833-68835
Fort Huachuca
Ft. Huachuca Co: Cochise AZ 85613-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220102
Status: Excess
Comment: duplex, 1193 sq. ft./unit, most recent use—residential, off-site use only
Bldg. 00597
Mare Island USARC
Vallejo Co: Solano CA 94592-5100
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220103
Status: Excess
Comment: 9040 sq. ft., presence of asbestos/lead paint, most recent use—reserve center, off-site use only
Quarters 5
Chattahoochee River Natl Rec Area
1425 Indian Trail
Atlanta Co: Fulton GA 30327-
Landholding Agency: Interior
Property Number: 61200220011
Status: Excess
Comment: 1200 sq. ft., most recent use—residential, off-site use only
Bldg 01227
Schofield Barracks
Wahiawa Co: HI 96786-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220104
Status: Unutilized
Comment: 525 sq. ft., poor condition, most recent use—storage, off-site use only
Bldg. 4334
Schofield Barracks
Wahiawa Co: HI 96786-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220105
Status: Unutilized
Comment: 7402 sq. ft., concrete, needs repair, most recent use—housing, off-site use only
Bldg. 06508
Schofield Barracks
Wahiawa Co: HI 96786-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220106
Status: Unutilized
Comment: 1140 sq. ft., most recent use—office, off-site use only
Bldg. 124
Rock Island Arsenal
Rock Island Co: IL 61299-5000
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220107
Status: Unutilized
Comment: 107 sq. ft., off-site use only
Bldg. 00546
Fort Meade
Ft. Meade Co: Anne Arundel MD 20755-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220109
Status: Unutilized
Comment: 5659 sq. ft., possible asbestos/lead paint, most recent use—admin., off-site use only
Bldg. 00939
Fort Meade
Ft. Meade Co: Anne Arundel MD 20755-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220110
Status: Unutilized
Comment: 8185 sq. ft., possible asbestos/lead paint, most recent use—admin., off-site use only
Bldg. 02206
Fort Meade
Ft. Meade Co: Anne Arundel MD 29755-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220111
Status: Unutilized
Comment: 3075 sq. ft., possible asbestos/lead paint, most recent use—admin., off-site use only
Bldg. 02207
Fort Meade
Ft. Meade Co: Anne Arundel MD 20755-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220112
Status: Unutilized
Comment: 6855 sq. ft., possible asbestos/lead paint, most recent use—storage, off-site use only
Bldg. 02266
Fort Meade
Ft. Meade Co: Anne Arundel MD 20755-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220113
Status: Unutilized
Comment: 10,080 sq. ft., possible asbestos/lead paint, most recent use—storage, off-site use only
Bldg. 02271
Fort Meade
Ft. Meade Co: Anne Arundel MD 20755-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220114
Status: Unutilized
Comment: 10,080 sq. ft., possible asbestos/lead paint, most recent use—storage, off-site use only
Bldg. 04675
Fort Meade
Ft. Meade Co: Anne Arundel MD 20755-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220115
Status: Unutilized
Comment: 1710 sq. ft., possible asbestos/lead paint, most recent use—rental store, off-site use only
Russell House
Minute Man Natl Historical Pk
112 North Great Road
Lincoln Co: Middlesex MA 01773-
Landholding Agency: Interior
Property Number: 61200220004
Status: Excess
Comment: 2365 sq. ft., off-set use only, moving could be cost prohibitive, must Start Printed Page 35131secure all state & local permits/perform site restoration/meet timelines
Downing House
Minute Man Natl Historical Pk
58 Bedford Lane
Lincoln Co: Middlesex MA 01773-
Landholding Agency: Interior
Property Number: 61200220005
Status: Excess
Comment: 1215 sq. ft., off-site use only, moving could be cost prohibitive, must secure all state & local permits/perform site restoration/meet timelines
New Mexico
Bldg. 00304
White Sands Missile Range
Dona Ana Co: NM 88002-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220116
Status: Excess
Comment: 594 sq. ft., poor condition, presence of asbestos, most recent use—equipment bldg., off-site use only
Bldg. 01711
White Sands Missile Range
Dona Ana Co: NM 88002-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220117
Status: Excess
Comment: 80 sq. ft., poor condition, presence of asbestos, most recent use—car wash bldg., off-site use only
Bldg. 01716
White Sands Missile Range
Dona Ana Co: NM 88002-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220118
Status: Excess
Comment: 208 sq. ft., poor condition, presence of asbestos, most recent use—car wash and shed, off-site use only
Bldg. 01758
White Sands Missile Range
Dona Ana Co: NM 88002-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220119
Status: Excess
Comment: 2160 sq. ft., poor condition, presence of asbestos, most recent use—contractor bldg., off-site use only
Bldg. 01796
White Sands Missile Range
Dona Ana Co: NM 88002-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220120
Status: Excess
Comment: 1200 sq. ft., poor condition, presence of asbestos, most recent use—admin., off-site use only
Bldg. 21238
White Sands Missile Range
Dona Ana Co: NM 88002-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220121
Status: Excess
Comment: 675 sq. ft., poor condition, presence of asbestos, most recent use—sentry station, off-site use only
Bldg. 30724
White Sands Missile Range
Dona Ana Co: NM 88002-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220122
Status: Excess
Comment: 255 sq. ft., poor condition, presence of asbestos, most recent use—rote bldg., off-site use only
Bldg. 30740
White Sands Missile Range
Dona Ana Co: NM 88002-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220123
Status: Excess
Comment: 466 sq. ft., poor condition, presence of asbestos, most recent use—admin., off-site use only
Bldg. 30775
White Sands Missile Range
Dona Ana Co: NM 88002-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220124
Status: Excess
Comment: 864 sq. ft., poor condition, presence of asbestos, most recent use—storage, off-site use only
Bldg. 30779
White Sands Missile Range
Dona Ana Co: NM 88002-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220125
Status: Excess
Comment: 188 sq. ft., poor condition, presence of asbestos, off-site use only
Bldg. 30780
White Sands Missile Range
Dona Ana Co: NM 88002-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220126
Status: Excess
Comment: 960 sq. ft., poor condition, presence of asbestos, most recent use—maint. shop, off-site use only
Bldg. 31725
White Sands Missile Range
Dona Ana Co: NM 88002-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220127
Status: Excess
Comment: 4640 sq. ft., poor condition, presence of asbestos, most recent use—storage, off-site use only
Bldg. 31741
White Sands Missile Range
Dona Ana Co: NM 88002-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220128
Status: Excess
Comment: 1920 sq. ft., poor condition, presence of asbestos, most recent use—maint. shop, off-site use only
Bldg. 31754
White Sands Missile Range
Dona Ana Co: NM 88002-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220129
Status: Excess
Comment: 2400 sq. ft., poor condition, presence of asbestos, most recent use—warehouse, off-site use only
Bldg. 31765
White Sands Missile Range
Dona Ana Co: NM 88002-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220130
Status: Excess
Comment: 107 sq. ft., poor condition, presence of asbestos, most recent use—water plant bldg., off-site use only
Bldg. 00420
Carlisle Barraks
Carlisle Co: Cumberland PA 17013-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220131
Status: Unutilized
Comment: 18,233 sq. ft., 3-story, needs rehab, presence of asbestos/radon gas, most recent use—barracks/admin, historic bldg., off-site use only
South Dakota
Alppha Launch Control Fac.
NE of Ellsworth AFB
Quinn Co: Pennington SD 57779-
Landholding Agency: GSA
Property Number: 54200220009
Status: Surplus
Comment: 2 equipment bldgs. consisting of 6307 sq. ft., presence of asbestos/lead paint, deed restrictions
GSA Number: 7-D-SD-521-2A
Federal Building
309 N. Church Street
Dyersburg Co: Dyers TN 38024-
Landholding Agency: GSA
Property Number: 54200220008
Status: Excess
Comment: 24,325 sq. ft., most recent use—office, approx. 65% of bldg. will remain occupied by the U.S. Post Office and U.S. Fish & Wildlife
GSA Number: 4-G-TN-0655
Batten Tract 01-198
Stones River Natl Battlefield
Murfreesboro Co: Rutherford TN 37129-
Landholding Agency: Interior
Property Number: 61200220012
Status: Excess
Comment: 1152 sq. ft., presence of asbestos/lead paint, most recent use—residential, off-site use only
Bell Tract 01-189
Stones River Natl Battlefield
Old Nashville Hwy
Murfreesboro Co: Rutherford TN 37129-
Landholding Agency: Interior
Property Number: 61200220013
Status: Excess
Comment: 1755 sq. ft., most recent use—residential, off-site use only
Simons Tract 01-197
Stones River Natl Battlefield
Nickens Lane
Murfreesboro Co: Rutherford TN 37129-
Landholding Agency: Interior
Property Number: 61200220014
Status: Excess
Comment: 1375 sq. ft., needs extensive repairs, presence of asbestos/lead paint, most recent use—residential, off-site use only
Bldg. 7173
Fort Bliss
El Paso Co: TX 79916-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220132
Status: Unutilized
Comment: 8855 sq. ft., presence of asbestos/lead paint, most recent use—child development center, off-site use only
Bldg. T5900Start Printed Page 35132
Camp Bullis
San Antonio Co: Bexar TX 78257-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220133
Status: Excess
Comment: 9876 sq. ft., possible lead paint, most recent use—theater/training bldg., off-site use only
Bldg. T6111
Camp Bullis
San Antonio Co: Bexar TX 78257-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220134
Status: Excess
Comment: 521 sq. ft., possible lead paint, most recent use—gas station, off-site use only
Bldg. T5002
Camp Bullis
San Antonio Co: Bexar TX 78257-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220135
Status: Excess
Comment: 370 sq. ft., presence of lead paint, off-site use only
Bldgs. 107, 108
Fort Hood
Ft. Hood Co: Bell TX 76544-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220136
Status: Unutilized
Comment: 13,319 & 28,051 sq. ft., most recent use—admin., off-site use only
Bldg. 120
Fort Hood
Ft. Hood Co: Bell TX 76544-
Landholding Agency: 21200220137
Status: Unutilized
Comment: 1450 sq. ft., most recent use—dental clinic, off-site use only
Bldg. 134
Fort Hood
Ft. Hood Co: Bell TX 76544-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220138
Status: Unutilized
Comment: 16,114 sq. ft., most recent use—auditorium, off-site use only
Bldg. 56305
Fort Hood
Ft. Hood Co: Bell TX 76544-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220143
Status: Unutilized
Comment: 2160 sq. ft., most recent use—admin., off-site only
Bldg. 56402
Fort Hood
Ft. Hood Co: Bell TX 76544-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220144
Status: Unutilized
Comment: 2680 sq. ft., most recent use—recreation center, off-site use only
Bldgs. 56403, 56405
Fort Hood
Ft. Hood Co: Bell TX 76544-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 2120220145
Status: Unutilized
Comment: 480 sq. ft., most recent use—shower, off-site use only
Bldgs. 56620, 56621
Fort Hood
Ft. Hood Co: Bell TX 76544-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220146
Status: Unutilized
Comment: 1120 sq. ft., most recent use—shower, off-site use only
Bldgs. 56626, 56627
Fort Hood
Ft. Hood Co: Bell TX 76544-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220147
Status: Unutilized
Comment: 1120 sq. ft., most recent use—shower, off-site only
Bldg. 56628
Fort Hood
Ft. Hood Co: Bell TX 76544-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220148
Status: Unutilized
Comment: 1133 sq. ft., most recent use—shower, off-site use only
Bldgs. 56630, 56631
Fort Hood
Ft. Hood Co: Bell TX 76544-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220149
Status: Unutilized
Comment: 1120 sq. ft., most recent use—shower, off-site use only
Bldgs. 56636, 56637
Fort Hood
Ft. Hood Co: Bell TX 76544-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220150
Status: Unutilized
Comment: 1120 sq. ft., most recent use—shower, off-site use only
Bldg. 56638
Fort Hood
Ft. Hood Co: Bell TX 76544-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220151
Status: Unutilized
Comment: 1133 sq. ft., most recent use—shower, off-site use only
Bldgs. 56703, 56708
Fort Hood
Ft. Hood Co: Bell TX 76544-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220152
Status: Unutilized
Comment: 1306 sq. ft., most recent use—shower, off-site use only
Bldgs. 56750, 56751
Fort Hood
Ft. Hood Co: Bell TX 76544-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220153
Status: Unutilized
Comment: 1120 sq. ft., most recent use—shower, off-site use only
Bldg. 56758
Fort Hood
Ft. Hood Co: Bell TX 76544-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220154
Status: Unutilized
Comment: 1133 sq. ft., most recent use—shower, off-site use only
Bldg. P2789
Fort Sam Houston
San Antonio Co: Bexar TX 78234-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220155
Status: Excess
Comment: 25,784 sq. ft., presence of asbestos/lead paint, provider responsible for hazard abatement, most recent use—dining, Historic Preservation requirement, off-site use only
Bldg. P6202
Fort Sam Houston
San Antonio Co: Bexar TX 78234-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220156
Status: Excess
Comment: 1479 sq. ft., presence of asbestos/lead paint, provider responsible for hazard abatement, most recent use—officer's family quarters, off-site use only
Bldg. P6203
Fort Sam Houston
San Antonio Co: Bexar TX 78234-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220157
Status: Excess
Comment: 1381 sq. ft., presence of asbestos/lead paint, provider responsible for hazard abatement, most recent use—military family quarters, off-site use only
Bldg. P6204
Fort Sam Houston
San Antonio Co: Bexar TX 78234-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220158
Status: Excess
Comment: 1454 sq. ft., presence of asbestos/lead paint, provider responsible for hazard abatement, most recent use—military family quarters, off-site use only
House #16
Seminoe Dam Camp
Rawlins Co: Carbon WY
Landholding Agency: Interior
Property Number: 61200220007
Status: Excess
Comment: 1794 sq. ft., most recent use—residential, off-site use only
House #17
Seminoe Dam Camp
Rawlins Co: Carbon WY
Landholding Agency: Interior
Property Number: 61200220008
Status: Excess
Comment: 1794 sq. ft., most recent use—residential, off-site use only
Bldg. 01433
Fort Rucker
Ft. Rucker Co: Dale AL 36362-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220098
Status: Excess
Comment: 800 sq. ft., most recent use—office, off-site use only
Bldgs. 4219, 4227
Fort Hood
Ft. Hood Co: Bell TX 76544-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220139
Status: Unutilized
Comment: 8056 & 10,500 sq. ft., most recent use—admin., off-site use only
Bldgs. 4229, 4230, 4231Start Printed Page 35133
Fort Hood
Ft. Hood Co: Bell TX 76544-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220140
Status: Unutilized
Comment: 9000 sq. ft., most recent use—hq. bldg., off-site use only
Bldgs. 4244, 4246
Fort Hood
Ft. Hood Co: Bell TX 76544-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220141
Status: Unutilized
Comment: 9000 sq. ft., most recent use—storage, off-site use only
Bldgs. 4260, 4261, 4262
Fort Hood
Ft. Hood Co: Bell TX 76544-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220142
Status: Unutilized
Comment: 7680 sq. ft., most recent use—storage, off-site use only
Bldgs. 03272
Fort Lewis
Tacoma Co: Pierce WA 98335-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200220160
Status: Unutilized
Comment: 21,373 sq. ft., most recent use—storage, off-site use only
Unsuitable Properties
Buildings (by State)
U.S. Coast Guard
Valdez Co: AK 99686-
Landholding Agency: DOT
Property Number: 87200220006
Status: Excess
Reason: Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 4090
Yosemite National Park
7977 Forest Dr.
Wawona Co: Mariposa CA 95389-
Landholding Agency: Interior
Property Number: 61200220002
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 4090
Yosemite National Park
7977 Forest Dr.
Wawona Co: Mariposa CA 95389-
Landholding Agency: Interior
Property Number: 61200220002
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 4190
Yosemite National Park
7977 Forest Dr.
Wawona Co: Mariposa CA 95389-
Landholding Agency: Interior
Property Number: 61200220003
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 2254
Marine Corps Air Station
Miramar Co: CA
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77200220027
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 24002
Marine Corps Air Station
Miramar CO: CA
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77200220028
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 9496
Marine Corps Air Station
Miramar Co: CA
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77200220029
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
Nelson Cabin
Tract No. 01-108
National Monument
Florissant Co: Teller Co 80816-
Landholding Agency: Interior
Property Number: 61200220009
Status: Unutilized
Reason: No legal access
Bldg. 585
Naval Air Station
Patuxent River Co: MD
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77200220030
Status: Excess
Reason: Extensive deterioration
Relocatable House
Yellowtail Dam
Fort Smith Co: Big Horn MT 59035-
Landholding Agency: Interior
Property Number: 61200220006
Status: Excess
Reason: Extensive deterioration
4 Bldgs.
Y-12 Natl Security Complex
9418-4, 9418-5, 9418-6, 9418-9
Oak Ridge Co: Anderson TN 37831-
Landholding Agency: Energy
Property Number: 41200220038
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Secured Area
Bldg. 9620-2
Y-12 Natl Security Complex
Oak Ridge Co: Anderson TN 37831-
Landholding Agency: Energy
Property Number: 41200220039
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration
Bldgs. 9769, 9770-3
Y-12 Natl Security Complex
Oak Ridge Co: Anderson TN 37831-
Landholding Agency: Energy
Property Number: 41200220040
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Secured Area
Bldgs. 9720-1, 9720-2
Y-12 Natl Security Complex
Oak Ridge Co: Anderson TN 37831-
Landholding Agency: Energy
Property Number: 41200220041
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Secured Area, Extensive deterioration
Tract No. 126-14
Big Thicket Natl Preserve
Rye Co: Liberty TX
Landholding Agency: Interior
Property Number: 61200220010
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 002
USCG Eastern Shore
Chincoteague Co: Accomak VA 23336-
Landholding Agency: DOT
Property Number: 87200220007
Status: Excess
Reason: Secured Area
End Supplemental Information[FR Doc. 02-12077 Filed 5-16-02; 8:45 am]
Document Information
- Published:
- 05/17/2002
- Department:
- Housing and Urban Development Department
- Entry Type:
- Notice
- Action:
- Notice.
- Document Number:
- 02-12077
- Pages:
- 35129-35133 (5 pages)
- Docket Numbers:
- Docket No. FR-4730-N-20
- PDF File:
- 02-12077.pdf