[Federal Register Volume 64, Number 95 (Tuesday, May 18, 1999)]
[Pages 26967-26969]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 99-12442]
Centers for Disease Control And Prevention
Proposed Data Collections Submitted for Public Comment and
In compliance with the requirement of Section 3506 (c) (2) (A) of
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention is providing opportunity for public comment on proposed
data collection projects. To request more information on the proposed
projects or to obtain a copy of the data collection plans and
instruments, call the CDC Reports Clearance Officer on (404) 639-7090.
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of
the agency, including whether the information shall have practical
utility; (b) the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information; (c) ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) ways
to minimize the burden of the collection of information on respondents,
including through the use of automated collection techniques for other
forms of information technology. Send comments to Seleda Perryman, CDC
Assistant Reports Clearance Officer, 1600 Clifton Road, MS-D24,
Atlanta, GA 30333. Written comments should be received with 60 days of
this notice.
Proposed Project
1. School Health Policies and Programs Study 2000 (SHPPS 2000)-
(0920-0445)--Revision--The National Center for Chronic Disease
Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP). The purpose of this request
is to obtain OMB clearance to conduct the main data collection studies
and the validity/reliability studies. The pilot portion of the data
collection was approved in April. Upon the completion of the pilot this
package will be submitted for OMB review for the remainder of the
survey. The studies involve school health policies and programs in
elementary, middle/junior, and senior high schools nationwide. A
similar study was conducted in 1994 (OMB No. 0920-0340). SHPPS 2000
will assess the characteristics of eight components of school health
programs at the elementary, middle/junior, and senior high school
levels: health education, physical education and activity, health
services, food service, school policy and environment, mental health
and social services, faculty and staff health promotion, and family and
community involvement. SHPPS 2000 data will be used to provide end-of-
decade measures for 18 national health objectives for 2000 and as a
baseline measure for at least 17 draft objectives for 2010. No other
national source of data exists for these 2000 and draft 2010
objectives. The data also will have significant implications for policy
and program development for school health programs nationwide. The
total estimated cost to respondents $602,664.
Annual Burden Hours for SHPPS 2000 Main Data Collection, Spring 2000
Burden Total
Questionnaire/activity Respondent Number of hours per burden
respondents respondent hours
State Health Education.................... State officials.............. 51 1.00 51.0
State Physical Education and Activity..... State officials.............. 51 1.00 51.0
State Health Services..................... State officials.............. 51 1.00 51.0
State Food Service........................ State officials.............. 51 1.00 51.0
State Questionnaire on School Policy and State officials.............. 51 1.25 63.8
State Mental Health and Social Services... State officials.............. 51 1.00 51.0
State Faculty and Staff Health Promotion.. State officials.............. 51 0.50 25.5
Assist with identifying state level State officials.............. 51 1.00 51.0
respondents and with recruiting districts
and schools.
District Health Education................. District officials........... 1148 1.00 1148.0
District Physical Education and Activity.. District officials........... 1148 1.00 1148.0
District Health Services.................. District officials........... 1148 1.00 1148.0
District Food Service..................... District officials........... 1148 1.00 1148.0
District Questionnaire on School Policy District officials........... 1148 1.25 1435.0
and Environment.
District Mental Health and Social Services District officials........... 1148 1.00 1148.0
District Faculty and Staff Health District officials........... 1148 0.50 574.0
Assist with identifying district and District officials........... 350 1.00 350.0
school level respondents and with
recruiting schools.
[[Page 26968]]
Assist with identifying and scheduling School officials............. 1539 1.00 1539.0
school level respondents.
School Health Education................... Health education lead 1539 1.00 1539.0
teachers, principals, or
School Physical Education and Activity.... Physical education lead 1539 1.00 1539.0
teachers, principals, or
School Health Services.................... School nurses, principals, or 1539 1.00 1539.0
School Food Service....................... Food service managers, 1539 1.00 1539.0
principals, or designees.
School Questionnaire on School Policy and Principals or designees...... 1539 1.50 2308.5
School Mental Health and Social Services.. Counselors, principals, or 1539 1.00 1539.0
School Faculty and Staff Health Promotion. Principals or designees...... 1539 0.50 769.5
Health Education Classroom Teacher........ Health education teachers 2309 0.80 1847.2
(Average 1.5 per school).
Physical Education and Activity Classroom Physical education teachers 3078 0.80 2462.4
Teacher. (Average 2 per school).
Total................................. ............................. 26,493 ........... 25,115.9
Annual Burden Hours for Validity/Reliability Study, Spring 2000
Burden Total
Questionnaire Respondent Number of hours per burden
respondents respondent hours
State Health Education.................... State officials.............. 32 0.25 8.0
State Physical Education and Activity..... State officials.............. 32 0.25 8.0
State Health Services..................... State officials.............. 32 0.20 6.4
State Food Service........................ State officials.............. 32 0.20 6.4
State Questionnaire on School Policy and State officials.............. 32 0.40 12.8
State Mental Health and Social Services... State officials.............. 32 0.25 8.0
State Faculty and Staff Health Promotion.. State officials.............. 32 0.20 6.4
District Health Education................. District officials........... 82 0.25 20.5
District Physical Education and Activity.. District officials........... 82 0.25 20.5
District Health Services.................. District officials........... 82 0.20 16.4
District Food Service..................... District officials........... 82 0.20 16.4
District Questionnaire on School Policy District officials........... 82 0.40 32.8
and Environment.
District Mental Health and Social Services District officials........... 82 0.25 20.5
District Faculty and Staff Health District officials........... 82 0.40 32.8
School Health Education................... Health education lead 82 0.80 65.6
teachers, principals, or
School Physical Education and Activity.... Physical education lead 82 0.80 65.6
teachers, principals, or
School Health Services.................... School nurses, principals, or 82 0.80 65.6
School Food Service....................... Food service managers, 82 0.80 65.6
principals, or designees.
School Questionnaire on School Policy and Principals or designees...... 82 1.25 102.5
School Mental Health and Social Services.. Counselors, principals, or 82 0.80 65.6
School Faculty and Staff Health........... Principals or designees...... 82 0.40 32.8
Promotion Health Education Classroom Health education teachers 82 0.80 65.6
Teacher. (Average 1.5 per school).
Physical Education and Activity Classroom Physical education teachers 82 0.80 65.6
Teacher. (Average 2 per school).
Total................................. ............................. 1,536 ........... 810.4
Annual Burden Hours Across All SHPPS 2000 Study Components
Number of Total burden
Study component respondents hours
Main Study Data Collection, Spring 2000. 26,493 25,115.9
Validity/Reliability Study, Spring 2000. 1,536 810.4
Total............................... 28,029 25,926.3
[[Page 26969]]
Dated: May 12, 1999.
Nancy Cheal,
Acting Associate Director for Policy Planning and Evaluation, Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention.
[FR Doc. 99-12442 Filed 5-17-99; 8:45 am]