99-12456. State-Administered Programs  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 95 (Tuesday, May 18, 1999)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 27152-27158]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-12456]
    [[Page 27151]]
    Part VI
    Department of Education
    34 CFR Part 76
    State-Administered Programs; Proposed Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 95 / Tuesday, May 18, 1999 / Proposed 
    [[Page 27152]]
    34 CFR Part 76
    State-Administered Programs
    AGENCY: Department of Education.
    ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
    SUMMARY: The Secretary proposes to amend the Education Department 
    General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) governing State-administered 
    programs. These proposed regulations are necessary to implement a 
    recent statutory change that affects all elementary and secondary 
    education programs administered by the United States Department of 
    Education (Department) under which the Secretary allocates funds to 
    States on a formula basis. The proposed regulations would ensure that 
    charter schools opening for the first time or significantly expanding 
    their enrollment receive the funds for which they are eligible under 
    these programs.
    DATES: We must receive your comments on or before July 19, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: Address all comments about these proposed regulations to 
    Leslie Hankerson, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, 
    SW., room 3C120, Washington, DC 20202-6140. If you prefer to send your 
    comments through the Internet, use the following address: 
    comments@ed.gov. You must include the term ``Charter Schools'' in the 
    subject line of your electronic message.
        If you want to comment on the information collection requirements, 
    you must send your comments to the Office of Management and Budget at 
    the address listed in the Paperwork Reduction Act section of this 
    preamble. You may also send a copy of these comments to the Department 
    representative named in this section.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Leslie Hankerson, U.S. Department of 
    Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW., room 3C120, Washington, DC 20202-
    6140. Telephone: (202) 205-8524. If you use a telecommunications device 
    for the deaf (TDD), you may call the Federal Information Relay Service 
    (FIRS) at 1-800-877-8339.
        Individuals with disabilities may obtain this document in an 
    alternative format (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, or computer 
    diskette) on request to the contact person listed in the preceding 
    Invitation To Comment
        We invite you to submit comments regarding these proposed 
    regulations. The Secretary is particularly interested in public 
    comments on whether the Department should regulate on what constitutes 
    an expansion of enrollment, or allow States the flexibility to define 
    the term within the context of the State procedures established under 
    these proposed regulations. The Secretary is also particularly 
    interested in public comments on the practical administrative issues 
    that States and local educational agencies (LEAs) will need to address 
    when allocating funds to charter schools under these proposed 
    regulations. One issue that arises under programs that provide for 
    formula allocations by State educational agencies (SEAs) to LEAs, such 
    as Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 
    for example, is whether additional guidance is needed on the range of 
    permissible options available to SEAs in meeting their obligations 
    under these proposed regulations. To ensure that your comments are 
    fully considered in developing the final regulations, we urge you to 
    identify clearly the specific section or sections of the proposed 
    regulations that each of your comments addresses and to arrange your 
    comments in the same order as the proposed regulations.
        Under the Department's Principles for Regulating, we regulate only 
    if absolutely necessary, and then only in the least burdensome manner 
    necessary. These proposed regulations contain some provisions that 
    either repeat statutory requirements, give the Department's 
    interpretations of the statute, or describe permissible, rather than 
    required, ways of implementing the statute. The Secretary particularly 
    requests public comment on whether any or all of these provisions 
    should be removed from the regulations and issued instead in the form 
    of guidance.
        We invite you to assist us in complying with the specific 
    requirements of Executive Order 12866 and its overall requirement of 
    reducing regulatory burden that might result from these proposed 
    regulations. Please let us know of any further opportunities we should 
    take to reduce potential costs or increase potential benefits while 
    preserving the effective and efficient administration of the program.
        During and after the comment period, you may inspect all public 
    comments about these proposed regulations in room 3C120, Federal Office 
    Building 6, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW., 
    Washington, DC, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Eastern 
    time, Monday through Friday of each week except Federal holidays.
    Assistance to Individuals With Disabilities in Reviewing the 
    Rulemaking Record
        On request, we will supply an appropriate aid, such as a reader or 
    print magnifier, to an individual with a disability who needs 
    assistance to review the comments or other documents in the public 
    rulemaking record for these proposed regulations. If you want to 
    schedule an appointment for this type of aid you may call (202) 205-
    8113 or (202) 260-9895. If you use a TDD, you may call the Federal 
    Information Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339.
        Congress enacted the Charter School Expansion Act of 1998 (Act) on 
    October 22, 1998. Among other things, the Act amended title X, part C 
    of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) and 
    reauthorized the Public Charter Schools Program (PCSP) through fiscal 
    year 2003. The Act also added a requirement under section 10306 of the 
    ESEA that applies to all Department programs under which the Secretary 
    allocates funds to States on a formula basis. Section 10306 requires 
    the Secretary and States to take measures to ensure that eligible 
    charter schools receive their commensurate share of funds under the 
    covered programs in their first year of operation and in succeeding 
    years when they expand their enrollment (20 U.S.C. 8065a).
        These proposed regulations are necessary to ensure that States 
    understand their responsibilities under section 10306 of the ESEA and 
    take appropriate steps to fulfill those responsibilities. The Secretary 
    encourages States to use these proposed regulations as a guide in 
    meeting the requirements of section 10306 of the ESEA pending issuance 
    of final regulations.
    Summary of Proposed Provisions
        The proposed provisions would amend Part 76 of EDGAR by 
    redesignating subpart H as subpart I, and adding a new subpart H. For 
    covered programs in which States and LEAs allocate funds by formula, 
    this subpart would require States and LEAs to implement procedures that 
    ensure that each charter school opening for the first time or 
    significantly expanding its enrollment on or before November 1 of an 
    academic year receives the full amount of funds for which it is 
    eligible within five months of the date the charter school opens or 
    significantly expands its enrollment. For each charter
    [[Page 27153]]
    school opening or significantly expanding its enrollment after November 
    1 but before February 1 of an academic year, this subpart would require 
    States and LEAs to implement procedures that ensure that the charter 
    school receives at least a pro rata portion of the funds for which the 
    charter school is eligible within five months of the date the charter 
    school opens or significantly expands its enrollment. For each charter 
    school opening or significantly expanding its enrollment on or after 
    February 1, this subpart would permit, but not require, States and LEAs 
    to implement procedures to provide the charter school with a pro rata 
    portion of the funds for which the charter school is eligible under a 
    covered program. For covered programs in which States and LEAs award 
    funds through a competitive process, this subpart would require States 
    and LEAs to implement procedures that ensure that each eligible charter 
    school scheduled to open during the academic year has a full and fair 
    opportunity to compete to participate in the program.
        In determining a charter school's eligibility to receive funds 
    under a covered program during an academic year in which the charter 
    school opens for the first time or significantly expands its 
    enrollment, States and LEAs could not, under this subpart, rely on 
    enrollment or eligibility data from a prior year, even if allocations 
    to other LEAs or public schools are based on a prior year's data. These 
    proposed regulations are based on statutory provisions that require 
    eligibility to be determined based on current enrollment data of newly 
    opened or expanded charter schools. This subpart would not apply to 
    SEAs or LEAs that do not allocate funds or hold competitions among 
    eligible applicants under an applicable covered program. Nor would this 
    subpart have any effect on a charter school's eligibility to receive 
    funds under a covered program during years in which the charter school 
    is neither opening for the first time nor significantly expanding its 
    enrollment. In those years, SEAs and LEAs should provide funds to 
    charter schools meeting the statutory requirements for eligibility 
    under the applicable program on the same basis as they provide funds to 
    other LEAs and public schools. This subpart would override other 
    Federal regulations to the extent that they are inconsistent with the 
    provisions of this subpart.
        Sections 76.785 through 76.787 describe the purpose of, define 
    several key terms, and identify the entities that would be governed by 
    this subpart. This subpart would apply to all SEAs and LEAs that fund 
    charter schools under a covered program, even if the State does not 
    participate in the PCSP. Any State agency that is not an SEA but 
    administers a covered program would also be required to comply with the 
    provisions of this subpart that apply to SEAs. Examples of these State 
    agencies include, but are not limited to, State vocational education 
    agencies (Vocational Education Basic Grants and Tech-Prep Education), 
    State agencies for higher education (Eisenhower Professional 
    Development Grants), and the State agency that administers the 
    Governor's Programs under the Department's Safe and Drug-Free Schools 
    Program. Charter schools that are scheduled to open for the first time 
    or significantly expand their enrollment during a given academic year, 
    and wish to participate in a covered program in accordance with this 
    subpart, would have to meet certain requirements.
        The Secretary considers an expansion in enrollment to be 
    significant when a charter school experiences a substantial increase in 
    the number of eligible students under a covered program due to a 
    significant event that is unlikely to occur on a regular basis, such as 
    the addition of one or more grades or educational programs at the 
    charter school.
        Section 76.787 defines several key terms that are used in this 
    subpart. Charter school has the same meaning as provided in the 
    authorizing statute for the PCSP, title X, part C of the ESEA. A 
    charter school that meets this definition and meets the eligibility 
    requirements of the applicable covered program could receive funds 
    under the program in accordance with the requirements of this subpart, 
    regardless of whether the charter school receives funds under the PCSP. 
    In order for a charter school to meet the ESEA definition, the charter 
    school, among other things, would have to be located in a State with a 
    law specifically authorizing the establishment of charter schools. This 
    subpart defines charter school LEA as a charter school that is treated 
    as an LEA for purposes of the applicable covered program. Under this 
    definition, a charter school could be treated as an LEA for purposes of 
    some covered programs but not others.
        This subpart defines a covered program as any elementary or 
    secondary education program administered by the Department in which the 
    Secretary allocates funds to States on a formula basis. This definition 
    includes the Department's major formula grant programs under which 
    States sub-allocate funds to LEAs by formula, such as Title I, Part A 
    (Basic Grants to LEAs) of the ESEA; Part B (Grants to States and 
    Preschool Grants) of IDEA; and Titles I and II (Basic Grants and Tech-
    Prep, respectively) of the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical 
    Education Act of 1998. The covered programs also include programs such 
    as Safe and Drug-Free Schools, Even Start Family Literacy, Goals 2000, 
    and Adult Education and Family Literacy, under which the Secretary 
    allocates funds to States by formula but States award some or all 
    subgrants to LEAs and other eligible applicants through a competition. 
    The term covered program does not include formula grant programs, such 
    as Impact Aid or Indian Education, under which the Secretary allocates 
    funds directly to LEAs.
        Local educational agency would have the same meaning in this 
    subpart as it has in the authorizing statute for the applicable covered 
    program. For covered programs authorized under the ESEA, for example, 
    the Title XIV definition of LEA would apply; for covered programs 
    authorized under Part B of IDEA, LEA would have the same meaning as 
    provided in section 602 of IDEA and 34 CFR 300.18. Because both the 
    ESEA and IDEA definitions of LEA rely heavily on State law, the 
    Secretary generally defers to States in determining whether a charter 
    school is an LEA for purposes of a covered program. The State 
    determination must be consistent with Federal and State law, however, 
    and may not violate any established State policies or practices. The 
    Secretary urges States to develop clear policies for determining 
    whether charter schools in the State are LEAs or public schools within 
    an LEA for purposes of a covered program.
    Responsibilities for Notice and Information
        Sections 76.788 and 76.789 describe the responsibilities of the 
    entities that would be governed by this subpart to provide notice and 
    information. A charter school that is scheduled to open for the first 
    time or significantly expand its enrollment during the academic year 
    and wishes to receive funds under a covered program in accordance with 
    this subpart would be required to provide its SEA (or other responsible 
    State agency) or LEA, as appropriate, with at least 120 days' written 
    notice of the date the charter school is scheduled to open or 
    significantly expand its enrollment. An eligible charter school that 
    fails to comply with this notice requirement still would receive its 
    allocation under the applicable covered
    [[Page 27154]]
    program, but the responsible SEA or LEA would not necessarily be bound 
    by the time periods specified in Sec. 76.793. Unless the SEA or LEA 
    receives actual notice of the date the charter school is scheduled to 
    open or significantly expand its enrollment from another source (e.g., 
    an authorized chartering agency) at least 120 days before that date, 
    the SEA or LEA would be required only to make allocations to the 
    eligible charter school within a reasonable period of time after the 
    charter school opens or significantly expands its enrollment.
        In order to receive funds under a covered program, a charter school 
    must establish its compliance with all applicable program requirements 
    on the same basis as other LEAs. Upon request, a charter school must 
    also provide its SEA or LEA with any data or information that is 
    readily available to the charter school and that the SEA or LEA 
    believes will assist it in estimating the amount of funds the charter 
    school may be eligible to receive under a covered program when the 
    charter school actually opens or significantly expands its enrollment. 
    An SEA or LEA might request, for example, pre-registration lists or 
    enrollment data from the prior academic year. While an SEA or LEA could 
    not require a charter school to create any new data or information 
    prior to opening or significantly expanding its enrollment, once the 
    charter school has opened or significantly expanded its enrollment, it 
    would be required to provide the SEA or LEA with actual enrollment and 
    eligibility data at a time reasonably required by the SEA or LEA. If a 
    charter school fails to provide any required enrollment or eligibility 
    data to its SEA or LEA, the SEA or LEA could withhold funds from the 
    charter school until the charter school provides the data.
        While enrollment or eligibility data from a prior year may be used 
    to estimate a charter school's projected enrollment on or after the 
    date the charter school opens or significantly expands its enrollment, 
    in accordance with Secs. 76.791(a) and 76.796(b), an SEA or LEA could 
    not use a prior year's data to determine the charter school's 
    eligibility to participate in a covered program or to make any required 
    adjustments to allocations under a covered program. This subpart would 
    not preclude an SEA or LEA, however, from relying on data from a prior 
    year to determine the amount of funds a charter school that is not 
    opening for the first time or significantly expanding its enrollment is 
    eligible to receive under a covered program.
        Once an SEA or LEA has received notice of the date a charter school 
    is scheduled to open or significantly expand its enrollment, 
    Sec. 76.789 of this subpart would require the SEA or LEA to provide the 
    charter school with timely and meaningful information about each 
    covered program in which the charter school may be eligible to apply to 
    participate. The SEA or LEA would be required to provide this 
    information to the charter school, regardless of whether the charter 
    school complies with the notice requirement in Sec. 76.788(a), if the 
    SEA or LEA receives actual notice of the date the charter school is 
    scheduled to open or significantly expand its enrollment through some 
    other means or source. In cases where the responsible SEA or LEA also 
    serves as the authorized chartering agency, for example, the SEA or LEA 
    is likely to have actual notice of the date the charter school is 
    scheduled to open or significantly expand its enrollment, even if the 
    charter school does not provide official notice in accordance with 
    Sec. 76.788(a).
        Under this subpart, an SEA or LEA would be considered to have 
    provided timely information to a charter school if the charter school 
    receives the information well enough in advance to be able to take the 
    necessary steps to apply to participate in the program, but not so far 
    in advance that the information is of little or no use to the charter 
    school. An SEA or LEA would be considered to have provided meaningful 
    information to a charter school if the information is complete and in a 
    format that is clear and understandable.
    Allocation of Funds
        Section 76.790 describes the circumstances under which SEAs and 
    LEAs would have to comply with this subpart. In order for a charter 
    school to receive funds from an SEA or LEA in accordance with this 
    subpart, the charter school would have to (1) open for the first time 
    or significantly expand its enrollment during the academic year; (2) 
    meet the eligibility requirements of the applicable covered program; 
    and (3) comply with Sec. 76.788(a) (notice). In order to ensure that 
    charter schools receive the funds for which they are eligible in 
    accordance with this subpart, paragraph (b) of Sec. 76.790 would permit 
    SEAs and LEAs to reserve funds or make initial allocations to eligible 
    charter schools based on estimates of the projected enrollment at the 
    charter school on or after the date the charter school opens or 
    significantly expands its enrollment.
        Under Sec. 76.791, the determination of whether a charter school is 
    eligible to receive funds under a covered program must be based on 
    actual enrollment or other eligibility data for the charter school on 
    or after the date the charter school first opens or significantly 
    expands its enrollment. For the year a charter school is opening or 
    significantly expanding its enrollment, an SEA or LEA would be 
    precluded from determining the charter school's eligibility to 
    participate in a covered program on the basis of enrollment or 
    eligibility data from a prior year, even if eligibility determinations 
    for other LEAs and public schools under the program normally are based 
    on data from a prior year. Thus, an SEA or LEA could not deny funding 
    to an otherwise eligible charter school merely because the amount of 
    funds LEAs or public schools are eligible to receive under the program 
    is based on data from a prior year. Nor could an SEA or LEA deny 
    funding to an otherwise eligible charter school merely because the 
    charter school is not open or has not significantly expanded its 
    enrollment as of the date the SEA or LEA makes allocations to other 
    LEAs or public schools under the applicable covered program.
        Section 76.792 would require SEAs and LEAs to implement procedures 
    to ensure that eligible charter schools receive their commensurate 
    share of funds under a covered program. Eligible charter schools that 
    first open or significantly expand their enrollment on or before 
    November 1 of an academic year would receive their full allocations 
    under a covered program, and eligible charter schools that first open 
    or significantly expand their enrollment between November 1 and 
    February 1 would receive a pro rata share of funds. The pro rata amount 
    would be based on the number of months during the academic year that 
    the charter school will participate in the applicable program compared 
    to the total number of months in the academic year. Although eligible 
    charter schools that open on or after February 1 would not necessarily 
    receive any funds under a covered program, this subpart would give 
    States discretion to implement procedures to provide eligible charter 
    schools in this category with a pro rata portion of funds.
        The Secretary recognizes the potential administrative burden that 
    the new statutory requirement may place on States and localities and, 
    accordingly, intends to allow SEAs and LEAs maximum flexibility to 
    develop procedures under this subpart that will enable them to comply 
    with section
    [[Page 27155]]
    10306 of the ESEA in a manner that minimizes any disruption in State 
    and local administration of covered programs. Examples of procedures 
    SEAs and LEAs could implement include reserving an appropriate amount 
    of funds from their total allocation under a covered program; reserving 
    an appropriate amount of funds from the allocation to a particular LEA 
    or public school based on the number of students from that LEA or 
    public school who are expected to attend the charter school; and using, 
    for charter school allocations, any carryover, reallocation, State or 
    local administration, or other discretionary funds that may be 
    available at the State and local levels.
        Section 76.793 specifies the time periods within which SEAs and 
    LEAs would be required to make allocations to eligible charter schools 
    under this subpart. SEAs and LEAs with at least 120 days' notice of the 
    date an eligible charter school is scheduled to open or significantly 
    expand its enrollment would be required to make allocations to a 
    charter school that first opens or significantly expands its enrollment 
    on or before November 1 of an academic year within five months. SEAs 
    and LEAs would also be required to make allocations to eligible charter 
    schools that first open or significantly expand their enrollment 
    between November 1 and February 1 of an academic year within five 
    months. In accordance with Sec. 76.788(a)(2), SEAs and LEAs would not 
    be required to meet these deadlines if they do not receive actual 
    notice of the date an eligible charter school is opening or 
    significantly expanding its enrollment at least 120 days before the 
    opening or expansion.
        Section 76.794 addresses the applicability of this subpart to 
    covered programs in which SEAs and LEAs award funds on a competitive 
    basis. Because the ultimate decision on whether to fund an eligible 
    applicant under a discretionary covered program lies within the 
    discretion of the SEA or LEA, a charter school could be eligible to 
    participate in a discretionary covered program and still not receive 
    funding under the program. Accordingly, Sec. 76.794(a) applies to 
    competitive discretionary programs and would require SEAs and LEAs to 
    provide charter schools that are scheduled to open for the first time 
    or significantly expand their enrollment on or before the closing date 
    of any competition with a full and fair opportunity to apply to 
    participate in the program.
        An SEA or LEA generally provides a charter school with a full and 
    fair opportunity to participate in a discretionary covered program if 
    it provides the charter school with timely and meaningful information 
    about the program, including notice of the dates of any upcoming 
    competitions. When awarding funds under competitive discretionary 
    programs, an SEA would not be required to provide a full and fair 
    opportunity to apply to participate to any charter school LEA that is 
    scheduled to open after the closing date of a subgrant competition. Nor 
    would the SEA be required to delay a subgrant competition in order to 
    allow a charter school LEA that has not yet opened to compete for funds 
    under a covered program. Paragraph (b) of Sec. 76.794 would specify 
    that SEAs and LEAs would not be required to comply with the 
    requirements of this subpart when distributing funds under 
    discretionary covered programs in which the SEA or LEA does not hold a 
    competition. When distributing funds under noncompetitive discretionary 
    programs, however, SEAs and LEAs are encouraged to consider charter 
    schools on an equitable basis with other LEAs and public schools.
        Under Sec. 76.796, an SEA or LEA that allocates more or fewer funds 
    to a charter school than the amount for which the charter school is 
    eligible to receive under a covered program would be required to make 
    appropriate adjustments. While SEAs and LEAs would have the flexibility 
    to make the adjustments during the same year if they choose, they would 
    not be required to make any adjustments until the succeeding year when 
    they make allocations under the applicable covered program.
        Any required adjustments to allocations for a given academic year 
    must be based on actual enrollment or eligibility data for the charter 
    school on or after the date the charter school opens or significantly 
    expands its enrollment. The adjustments may not be based on enrollment 
    or eligibility data from a prior year, even if allocations to other 
    LEAs and public schools under the applicable covered program are based 
    on a prior year's data.
    Applicability of This Subpart to LEAs
        Section 76.799 clarifies that this subpart would apply to LEAs that 
    are responsible for funding charter schools under covered programs on 
    the same basis as the subpart would apply to SEAs. In accordance with 
    existing Federal regulations applicable to the covered programs, the 
    State would be directly responsible for ensuring that LEAs meet the 
    requirements of section 10306 of the ESEA as well as this subpart.
    Clarity of the Regulations
        Executive Order 12866 and the President's Memorandum of June 1, 
    1998 on ``Plain Language in Government Writing'' require each agency to 
    write regulations that are easy to understand.
        The Secretary invites comments on how to make these proposed 
    regulations easier to understand, including answers to questions such 
    as the following:
         Are the requirements in the proposed regulations 
    clearly stated?
         Do the proposed regulations contain technical terms or 
    other wording that interferes with their clarity?
         Does the format of the proposed regulations (grouping 
    and order of sections, use of headings, paragraphing, etc.) aid or 
    reduce their clarity?
         Would the proposed regulations be easier to understand 
    if we divided them into more (but shorter) sections? (A ``section'' 
    is preceded by the symbol ``Sec. ''and a numbered heading; for 
    example, Sec. 76.785 What is the purpose of this subpart?)
         Could the description of the proposed regulations in 
    the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of this preamble be more 
    helpful in making the proposed regulations easier to understand? If 
    so, how?
         What else could we do to make the proposed regulations 
    easier to understand?
        Send any comments that concern how the Department could make these 
    proposed regulations easier to understand to the person listed in the 
    ADDRESSES section of the preamble.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act Certification
        The Secretary certifies that these proposed regulations would not 
    have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities. The small entities affected would be small LEAs and charter 
    schools. The requirements in these proposed regulations would benefit 
    charter schools by ensuring that they receive the Federal-to-State 
    formula funds for which they are eligible within their first year of 
    operation and in subsequent years when they significantly expand their 
    enrollment. The flexibility in these proposed regulations would benefit 
    charter schools by improving customer service, and States by easing the 
    increased administrative burden that is anticipated as a result of the 
    statutory requirement.
    Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
        Sections 76.788, 76.789, 76.792, and 76.794 contain information 
    collection requirements. Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 
    U.S.C. 3507(d)), the Department of Education has submitted copies of 
    these sections to
    [[Page 27156]]
    the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for its review.
    Collection of Information: State-Administered Programs--Allocation of 
    Funds to Charter Schools
        These regulations would affect charter schools, LEAs, and SEAs (and 
    other State agencies that administer covered programs). SEAs and LEAs 
    will need and use the information to determine whether a charter school 
    is eligible to receive funds under a covered program, to estimate the 
    amount of funds the charter school is eligible to receive, and to 
    ensure that the charter school receives that amount.
        The Department estimates that SEAs will incur approximately 48.5 
    burden hours in the first year, and approximately 30.5 burden hours in 
    subsequent years. The Department estimates the annual burden for 
    charter schools and LEAs to be approximately 2.5 hours. The total 
    annual reporting and recordkeeping burden for charter schools, SEAs, 
    and LEAs after the first year will be determined by the number of 
    eligible charter schools that open or significantly expand their 
    enrollment each academic year.
        If you want to comment on the information collection requirements, 
    please send your comments to the Office of Information and Regulatory 
    Affairs, OMB, room 10235, New Executive Office Building, Washington, DC 
    20503; Attention: Desk Officer for U.S. Department of Education. You 
    may also send a copy of these comments to the Department representative 
    named in the ADDRESSES section of this preamble.
        We consider your comments on these proposed collections of 
    information in--
         Deciding whether the proposed collections are necessary 
    for the proper performance of our functions, including whether the 
    information will have practical use;
         Evaluating the accuracy of our estimate of the burden 
    of the proposed collections, including the validity of our 
    methodology and assumptions;
         Enhancing the quality, usefulness, and clarity of the 
    information we collect; and
         Minimizing the burden on those who must respond. This 
    includes exploring the use of appropriate automated, electronic, 
    mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other 
    forms of information technology; e.g., permitting electronic 
    submission of responses.
        OMB is required to make a decision concerning the collections of 
    information contained in these proposed regulations between 30 and 60 
    days after publication of this document in the Federal Register. 
    Therefore, to ensure that OMB gives your comments full consideration, 
    it is important that OMB receives the comments within 30 days of 
    publication. This does not affect the deadline for your comments to us 
    on the proposed regulations.
    Intergovernmental Review
        Some of the programs that would be affected by these regulations 
    are subject to the requirements of Executive Order 12372 and the 
    regulations in 34 CFR Part 79. The objective of the Executive order is 
    to foster an intergovernmental partnership and a strengthened 
    federalism by relying on processes developed by State and local 
    governments for coordination and review of proposed Federal financial 
        In accordance with the order, this document is intended to provide 
    early notification of the Department's specific plans and actions for 
    these programs.
    Assessment of Educational Impact
        The Secretary particularly requests comments on whether these 
    proposed regulations would require transmission of information that any 
    other agency or authority of the United States gathers or makes 
    Electronic Access to This Document
        You may view this document, as well as all other Department of 
    Education documents published in the Federal Register, in text or Adobe 
    Portable Document Format (PDF) on the Internet at either of the 
    following sites:
    To use the PDF you must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader Program with 
    Search, which is available free at either of the previous sites. If you 
    have questions about using the PDF, call the U.S. Government Printing 
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        Note: The official version of this document is the document 
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    (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number does not apply)
    List of Subjects in 34 CFR Part 76
        Administrative practice and procedure, Compliance, Eligibility, 
    Grant administration, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
        Dated: May 12, 1999.
    Richard W. Riley,
    Secretary of Education.
        The Secretary proposes to amend part 76 of title 34 of the Code of 
    Federal Regulations as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 76 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1221e-3, 3474, 6511(a), and 8065a, unless 
    otherwise noted.
        2. Subpart H of part 76 is redesignated as subpart I.
        3. A new subpart H is added to part 76 to read as follows:
    Subpart H--Allocation of Funds to Charter Schools
    76.785  What is the purpose of this subpart?
    76.786  What entities are governed by this subpart?
    76.787  What definitions apply to this subpart?
    Responsibilities for Notice and Information
    76.788  What are a charter school LEA's responsibilities under this 
    76.789  What are an SEA's responsibilities under this subpart?
    Allocation of Funds by State Educational Agencies
    76.790  Under what circumstances must an SEA comply with the 
    requirements of this subpart?
    76.791  On what basis does an SEA determine whether a charter school 
    LEA that opens or significantly expands its enrollment is eligible 
    to receive funds under a covered program?
    76.792  How does an SEA allocate funds to eligible charter school 
    LEAs under a covered program in which the SEA awards subgrants on a 
    formula basis?
    76.793  When is an SEA required to allocate funds to a charter 
    school LEA under this subpart?
    76.794  How does an SEA allocate funds to charter school LEAs under 
    a covered program in which the SEA awards subgrants on a 
    discretionary basis?
    76.796  What are the consequences of an SEA allocating more or fewer 
    funds to a charter school LEA under a covered program than the 
    amount for which the charter school LEA is eligible when the charter 
    school LEA actually opens or significantly expands its enrollment?
    76.797  When is an SEA required to make adjustments to allocations 
    under this subpart?
    Applicability of This Subpart to Local Educational Agencies
    76.799  Do the requirements in this subpart apply to LEAs?
    [[Page 27157]]
    Subpart H--Allocation of Funds to Charter Schools
    Sec. 76.785  What is the purpose of this subpart?
        The regulations in this subpart implement section 10306 of the 
    Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), which requires 
    States to take measures to ensure that each charter school in the State 
    receives the funds under a covered program for which the charter school 
    is eligible during its first year of operation and during subsequent 
    years in which the charter school expands its enrollment.
    (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 8065a)
    Sec. 76.786  What entities are governed by this subpart?
        The regulations in this subpart apply to--
        (a) State educational agencies (SEAs) and local educational 
    agencies (LEAs) that fund charter schools under a covered program, 
    including SEAs and LEAs located in States that do not participate in 
    the United States Department of Education's (Department) Public Charter 
    Schools Program;
        (b) State agencies that are not SEAs, if they are responsible for 
    administering a covered program. State agencies that are not SEAs must 
    comply with the provisions in this subpart that are applicable to SEAs; 
        (c) Charter schools that are scheduled to open or significantly 
    expand their enrollment during the academic year and wish to 
    participate in a covered program.
    (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 8065a)
    Sec. 76.787  What definitions apply to this subpart?
        For purposes of this subpart--
        Charter school has the same meaning as provided in title X, part C 
    of the ESEA.
        Charter school LEA means a charter school that is treated as a 
    local educational agency for purposes of the applicable covered 
        Covered program means an elementary or secondary education program 
    administered by the Department under which the Secretary allocates 
    funds to States on a formula basis.
        Local educational agency has the same meaning for each covered 
    program as provided in the authorizing statute for the program.
    (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 8065a)
    Responsibilities for Notice and Information
    Sec. 76.788  What are a charter school LEA's responsibilities under 
    this subpart?
        (a) Notice. (1) At least 120 days before the date a charter school 
    LEA is scheduled to open or significantly expand its enrollment, the 
    charter school LEA must provide its SEA with written notification of 
    that date. (2)(i) The failure of an eligible charter school LEA to 
    comply with paragraph (a)(1) of this section relieves the SEA of its 
    obligation to comply with Sec. 76.793, unless the SEA receives actual 
    notice of the date the charter school LEA is scheduled to open or 
    significantly expand its enrollment from another source at least 120 
    days before that date.
        (ii) An SEA that does not receive at least 120 days' actual notice 
    of the date an eligible charter school LEA is scheduled to open or 
    significantly expand its enrollment must provide funds to the charter 
    school LEA within a reasonable period of time after the charter school 
    LEA opens or significantly expands its enrollment, consistent with the 
    requirements of this subpart.
        (b) Information. (1) In order to receive funds, a charter school 
    LEA must--
        (i) Provide to the SEA any available data or information that the 
    SEA may reasonably require to assist the SEA in estimating the amount 
    of funds the charter school LEA may be eligible to receive under a 
    covered program; and
        (ii) Establish its compliance with all applicable program 
    requirements on the same basis as other LEAs.
        (2) Once a charter school LEA has opened or significantly expanded 
    its enrollment, the charter school LEA must provide actual enrollment 
    and eligibility data to the SEA at a time the SEA may reasonably 
    require. An SEA may withhold funds from a charter school LEA until the 
    charter school LEA provides the SEA with the required actual enrollment 
    and eligibility data.
    (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 8065a)
    Sec. 76.789  What are an SEA's responsibilities under this subpart?
        Upon receiving notice, under Sec. 76.788(a)(1) or otherwise, of the 
    date a charter school LEA is scheduled to open or significantly expand 
    its enrollment, an SEA must provide the charter school LEA with timely 
    and meaningful information about each covered program in which the 
    charter school LEA may be eligible to participate, including notice of 
    any upcoming competitions under the program.
    (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 8065a)
    Allocation of Funds by State Educational Agencies
    Sec. 76.790  Under what circumstances must an SEA comply with the 
    requirements of this subpart?
        (a) An SEA must comply with the requirements of this subpart with 
    respect to any charter school LEA that--
        (1) Opens for the first time or significantly expands its 
    enrollment during an academic year for which the State awards funds by 
    formula or through a competition under a covered program;
        (2) Meets the eligibility requirements of the applicable covered 
    program; and
        (3) Meets the requirements of Sec. 76.788(a).
        (b) In order to meet the requirements of this subpart, an SEA may 
    allocate funds to, or reserve funds for, an eligible charter school LEA 
    based on estimates of projected enrollment at the charter school LEA on 
    or after the date the charter school LEA actually opens or 
    significantly expands its enrollment.
    (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 8065a)
    Sec. 76.791  On what basis does an SEA determine whether a charter 
    school LEA that opens or significantly expands its enrollment is 
    eligible to receive funds under a covered program?
        (a) For purposes of this subpart, an SEA must determine whether a 
    charter school LEA is eligible to receive funds under a covered program 
    based on actual enrollment or other eligibility data for the charter 
    school LEA on or after the date the charter school LEA opens or 
    significantly expands its enrollment. For the year the charter school 
    LEA opens or significantly expands its enrollment, the eligibility 
    determination may not be based on enrollment or eligibility data from a 
    prior year, even if the SEA makes eligibility determinations for other 
    LEAs under the program based on enrollment or eligibility data from a 
    prior year.
        (b) Except as provided in Sec. 76.788(b)(2), a charter school LEA 
    must receive the funds for which it is eligible in accordance with this 
    subpart, even if the charter school LEA opens or significantly expands 
    its enrollment after the date the SEA makes allocations to other LEAs 
    under an applicable covered program.
    (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 8065a)
    Sec. 76.792  How does an SEA allocate funds to eligible charter school 
    LEAs under a covered program in which the SEA awards subgrants on a 
    formula basis?
        (a) For each eligible charter school LEA that is scheduled to open 
    or significantly expand its enrollment on or before November 1 of an 
    [[Page 27158]]
    year, the SEA must implement procedures that ensure that the charter 
    school LEA receives the full amount of funds for which the charter 
    school LEA is eligible under each covered program.
        (b) For each eligible charter school LEA that is scheduled to open 
    or significantly expand its enrollment after November 1 but before 
    February 1 of an academic year, the SEA must implement procedures that 
    ensure that the charter school LEA receives at least a pro rata portion 
    of the funds for which the charter school LEA is eligible under each 
    covered program. The pro rata amount must be based on the number of 
    months during the academic year the charter school LEA will participate 
    in the program as compared to the total number of months in the 
    academic year.
        (c) For each eligible charter school LEA that is scheduled to open 
    or significantly expand its enrollment on or after February 1 of an 
    academic year, the SEA may implement procedures to provide the charter 
    school LEA with a pro rata portion of the funds for which the charter 
    school LEA is eligible under each covered program.
    (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 8065a)
    Sec. 76.793  When is an SEA required to allocate funds to a charter 
    school LEA under this subpart?
        Except as provided in Secs. 76.788(a)(2) and 76.788(b)(2), for 
    eligible charter school LEAs that open or significantly expand their 
    enrollment before February 1 of an academic year, the SEA must allocate 
    funds to the charter school LEA within five months of the date the 
    charter school LEA opens or significantly expands its enrollment.
    (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 8065a)
    Sec. 76.794  How does an SEA award funds to charter school LEAs under a 
    covered program in which the SEA awards subgrants on a discretionary 
        (a) Competitive programs. (1) For covered programs in which the SEA 
    awards subgrants on a competitive basis, the SEA must provide each 
    eligible charter school LEA in the State that is scheduled to open on 
    or before the closing date of any competition under the program a full 
    and fair opportunity to apply to participate in the program.
        (2) An SEA is not required to delay the competitive process in 
    order to allow a charter school LEA that has not yet opened or 
    significantly expanded its enrollment to compete for funds under a 
    covered program.
        (b) Noncompetitive discretionary programs. The requirements in this 
    subpart do not apply to discretionary covered programs under which the 
    SEA does not award subgrants through a competition.
    (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 8065a)
    Sec. 76.796  What are the consequences of an SEA allocating more or 
    fewer funds to a charter school LEA under a covered program than the 
    amount for which the charter school LEA is eligible when the charter 
    school LEA actually opens or significantly expands its enrollment?
        (a) An SEA that allocates more or fewer funds to a charter school 
    LEA than the amount for which the charter school LEA is eligible, based 
    on actual enrollment or eligibility data when the charter school LEA 
    opens or significantly expands its enrollment, must make appropriate 
    adjustments to the amount of funds allocated to the charter school LEA 
    as well as to other LEAs under the applicable program.
        (b) Any adjustments to allocations to charter school LEAs under 
    this subpart must be based on actual enrollment or other eligibility 
    data for the charter school LEA on or after the date the charter school 
    LEA first opens or significantly expands its enrollment, even if 
    allocations or adjustments to allocations to other LEAs in the State 
    are based on enrollment or eligibility data from a prior year.
    (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 8065a)
    Sec. 76.797  When is an SEA required to make adjustments to allocations 
    under this subpart?
        The SEA must make any necessary adjustments to allocations under a 
    covered program on or before the date the SEA allocates funds to LEAs 
    under the program for the succeeding academic year.
    (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 8065a)
    Applicability of This Subpart to Local Educational Agencies
    Sec. 76.799  Do the requirements in this subpart apply to LEAs?
        (a) Each LEA that is responsible for funding a charter school under 
    a covered program must comply with the requirements in this subpart on 
    the same basis as SEAs are required to comply with the requirements in 
    this subpart.
        (b) In applying the requirements in this subpart (except for 
    Secs. 76.785, 76.786, and 76.787) to LEAs, references to SEA (and State 
    in Secs. 76.794(a) and 76.796(b)), charter school LEA, and LEA must be 
    read as references to LEA, charter school, and public school, 
    (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 8065a)
    [FR Doc. 99-12456 Filed 5-17-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4000-01-U

Document Information

Education Department
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of proposed rulemaking.
Document Number:
We must receive your comments on or before July 19, 1999.
27152-27158 (7 pages)
PDF File:
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34 CFR 76.785
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