03-10561. Federal Property Suitable as Facilities To Assist the Homeless  

  • Start Preamble


    Office of the Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, HUD.




    This Notice identifies unutilized, underutilized, excess, and surplus Federal property reviewed by HUD for suitability for possible use to assist the homeless.

    Start Further Info


    Mark Johnston, room 7266, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20410; telephone (202) 7078-1234; TTY number for the hearing- and speech-impaired (202) 708-2565 (these telephone numbers are not toll-free), or call the toll-free Title V information line at 1-800-927-7588.

    End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information


    In accordance with 24 CFR part 581 and Start Printed Page 23475section 501 of the Steward B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11411), as amended, HUD is publishing this Notice to identify Federal buildings and other real property that HUD has reviewed for suitability for use to assist the homeless. The properties were reviewed using information provided to HUD by Federal landholding agencies regarding unutilized and underutilized buildings and real property controlled by such agencies or by GSA regarding its inventory of excess or surplus Federal property. This Notice is also published in order to comply with the December 12, 1988 Court Order in National Coalition for the Homeless v. Veterans Administration, No. 88-2503-OG (D.D.C.).

    Properties reviewed are listed in this Notice according to the following categories: Suitable/available, suitable/unavailable, suitable/to be excess, and unsuitable. The properties listed in the three suitable categories have been reviewed by the landholding agencies, and each agency has transmitted to HUD: (1) Its intention to make the property available for use to assist the homeless, (2) its intention to declare the property excess to the agency's needs, or (3) a statement of the reasons that the property cannot be declared excess or made available for use as facilities to assist the homeless.

    Properties listed as suitable/available will be available exclusively for homeless use for a period of 60 days from the date of this Notice. Where property is described as for “off-site use only” recipients of the property will be required to relocate the building to their own site at their own expense. Homeless assistance providers interested in any such property should send a written expression of interest to HHS, addressed to Shirley Kramer, Division of Property Management, Program Support Center, HHS, room 5B-41, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857; (301) 443-2265. (This is not a toll-free number.) HHS will mail to the interested provider an application packet, which will include instructions for completing the application. In order to maximize the opportunity to utilize a suitable property, providers should submit their written expressions of interest as soon as possible. For complete details concerning the processing of applications, the reader is encouraged to refer to the interim rule governing this program, 24 CFR part 581.

    For properties listed as suitable/to be excess, that property may, if subsequently accepted as excess by GSA, be made available for use by the homeless in accordance with applicable law, subject to screening for other Federal use. At the appropriate time, HUD will publish the property in a Notice showing it as either suitable/available or suitable/unavailable.

    For properties listed as suitable/unavailable, the landholding agency has decided that the property cannot be declared excess or made available for use to assist the homeless, and the property will not be available.

    Properties listed as unsuitable will not be made available for any other purpose for 20 days from the date of this Notice. Homeless assistance providers interested in a review by HUD of the determination of unsuitability should call the toll free information line at 1-800-927-7588 for detailed instructions or write a letter to Mark Johnston at the address listed at the beginning of this Notice. Included in the request for review should be the property address (including zip code), the date of publication in the Federal Register, the landholding agency, and the property number.

    For more information regarding particular properties identified in this Notice (i.e., acreage, floor plan, existing sanitary facilities, exact street address), providers should contact the appropriate landholding agencies at the following addresses: Army: Ms. Julie Jones-Conte, Department of the Army, Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management, Attn: DAIM-MD, Room 1E677, 600 Army Pentagon, Washington, DC 20310-600; (703) 692-9223; COE: Ms. Shirley Middleswarth, Army Corps of Engineers, Civil Division, Directorate of Real Estate, 441 G Street, NW., Washington, DC 20314-1000; (202) 761-7425; DOT: Mr. Rugene Spruill, DOT Headquarters Project Team, Department of Transportation, 400 7th Street, SW., Room 10314, Washington, DC 20590; (202) 366-4246; Energy: Mr. Tom Knox, Department of Energy, Office of Engineering & Construction Management, CR-80, Washington, DC 20585; (202) 586-8715; GSA: Mr. Brian K. Polly, Assistant Commissioner, General Services Administration, Office of Property Disposal, 18th and F Streets, NW., Washington, DC 20405; (202) 501-0052; Interior: Ms. Linda Tribby, Acquisition & Property Management, Department of the Interior, 1849 C Street, NW., MS5512, Washington, DC 20240; (202) 219-0728; Navy: Mr. Charles C. Cocks, Director, Department of the Navy, Real Estate Policy Division, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Washington Navy Yard, 1322 Patterson Ave., SE., Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20374-5065; (202) 685-9200 (These are not toll-free numbers).

    Start Signature

    Dated: April 24, 2003.

    John D. Garrity,

    Director, Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs.

    End Signature

    Title V, Federal Surplus Property Program Federal Register Report for 5/2/03

    Suitable/Available Properties

    Buildings (by State)


    Tract No. 105-70

    San Antonio Mission

    San Antonio Co: Bexar TX 78223-

    Landholding Agency: Interior

    Property Number: 61200320001

    Status: Unutilized

    Comment: 2056 sq. ft., most recent use—residential, historical significance, off-site use only

    Land (by State)


    37.109 acres

    U.S. Coast Guard

    Gibson Cove Co: Kodiak AK

    Landholding Agency: GSA

    Property Number: 54200320001

    Status: Surplus

    Comment: Easements for highway, electrical and communication lines, historical landmark

    GSA Number: 9-U-AK-783


    Land w/highway interchange

    Fort Benning

    I-185 and Hwy 27/280

    Columbus Co: Muscogee GA 31905-

    Landholding Agency: GSA

    Property Number: 54200320002

    Status: Excess

    Comment: 113 acres—98 acres of this land encumbered by highway interchange

    GSA Number: 4-D-GA-0872

    North Carolina

    Oak Island Light Tower

    Caswell Beach Co: Brunswick NC 28465-

    Landholding Agency: GSA

    Property Number: 54200320003

    Status: Excess

    Comment: 5.36 acres w/light tower, endangered species and wetlands, controlled access

    GSA Number: 4-U-NC-742


    Former VORTAC Facility

    Bridgeport Co: Wise TX

    Landholding Agency: GSA

    Property Number: 54200320006

    Status: Surplus

    Comment: 0.23 acres w/73.34 acres of easements, limited access

    GSA Number: 7-U-TX-1072

    Unsuitable Properties

    Buildings (by State)


    Bldg. 03437

    Redstone Arsenal

    Redstone Arsenal Co: Madison AL 35898-5000

    Landholding Agency: ArmyStart Printed Page 23476

    Property Number: 21200320006

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration


    Bldgs. 1209, 1234, 1237, 1272

    Fort Richardson

    Ft. Richardson Co: AK 99505-6500

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320001

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 15182, 17112

    Fort Richardson

    Ft. Richardson Co: AK 99505-6500

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320002

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Extensive deterioration

    5 Bldgs.

    Fort Richardson

    17301, 17302, 17303, 17305, 17312

    Ft. Richardson Co: AK 99505-6500

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320003

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 18101, 19101

    Fort Richardson

    Ft. Richardson Co: AK 99505-6500

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320004

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 1501, 1502

    Fort Wainwright

    Ft. Wainwright Co: AK 99505-6500

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320005

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Extensive deterioration


    Naval Arctic Research Lab

    Cape Sabine Co: AK

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200320001

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Operations Bldg.

    Naval Arctic Research Lab

    Cape Sabine Co: AK

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200320002

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Extensive deterioration


    Bldgs. 23, 25, 29

    US Naval Ship Repair Facility

    Marianas Co: GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200320003

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 31, 36, 38

    US Naval Ship Repair Facility

    Marianas Co: GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200320004

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 93-1, 94

    US Naval Ship Repair Facility

    Marianas Co: GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200320005

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 2001A, 2004

    US Naval Ship Repair Facility

    Marianas Co: GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200320006

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 2008, 2062

    US Naval Ship Repair


    Marianas Co: GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200320007

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured area; Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 2010, 2013, 2028

    US Naval Ship Repair


    Marianas Co: GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200320008

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 2039-2044

    US Naval Ship Repair


    Marianas Co: GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200320009

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 2049

    US Naval Ship Repair


    Marianas Co: GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200320010

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 2053, 2054, 2055

    US Naval Ship Repair


    Marianas Co: GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200320011

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 2061, 2068, 2069

    US Naval Ship Repair


    Marianas Co: GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200320012

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 2070, 2071, 2074

    US Naval Ship Repair


    Marianas Co: GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200320013

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 2081

    US Naval Ship Repair


    Marianas Co: GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200320014

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 2100, 2102

    US Naval Ship Repair


    Marianas Co: GU

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200320015

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration


    Bldgs. A0695, A0697

    Schofield Barracks

    Wahiawa Co: Honolulu HI 96786-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320007

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. A0698

    Schofield Barracks

    Wahiawa Co: Honolulu HI 96786-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320008

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. A3010, H3010

    Schofield Barracks

    Wahiawa Co: Honolulu HI 96786-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320009

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. A0046

    Fort Shafter

    Honolulu Co: 96818-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320010

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration


    Bldgs. 111, 145

    Col. Schulstad Memorial USARC

    Arlington Heights Co: Cook IL 60005-2475

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320012

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration


    Bldg. 300

    Fort Benjamin Harrison

    Indianapolis Co: Marion IN 46216-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320011

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: contamination


    Bldgs. 01138, 01142, 01144

    Fort KnoxStart Printed Page 23477

    Ft. Knox Co: Hardin KY 40121-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320013

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 04265, 04278

    Fort Knox

    Ft. Knox Co: Hardin KY 40121-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320014

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 2912

    Fort Campbell

    Christian Co: KY 42223-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320015

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 3106, 3107, 3108

    Fort Campbell

    Christian Co: KY 42223-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320016

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 3107, 3112

    Fort Campbell

    Christian Co: KY 42223-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320017

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 3601

    Fort Campbell

    Christian Co: KY 42223-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320018

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 5846, 5848

    Fort Campbell

    Christian Co: KY 42223-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320019

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 5852, 5854, 5856

    Fort Campbell

    Christian Co: KY 42223-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320020

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 5908, 5913, 5916

    Fort Campbell

    Christian Co: KY 42223-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320021

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 5918, 5920, 5922

    Fort Campbell

    Christian Co: KY 42223-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320022

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 5926

    Fort Campbell

    Christian Co: KY 42223-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320023

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration


    Bldg. 00211

    Curtis Bay Ordnance Depot

    Baltimore Co: MD 21226-1790

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320024

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration


    Buoy Shed

    U.S. Coast Guard Station

    Sault Ste. Marie Co: Chippewa MI 49783-9501

    Landholding Agency: DOT

    Property Number: 87200320001

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Secured Area


    Bldgs. 02200, 02205, 02223

    Fort Leonard Wood

    Ft. Leonard Wood Co: Pulaski Mo 65743-8944

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320025

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 05067

    Fort Leonard Wood

    Ft. Leonard Wood Co: Pulaski MO 65743-8944

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320026

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 05237, 05238

    Fort Leonard Wood

    Ft. Leonard Wood Co: Pulaski MO 65743-8944

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320027

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 05307, 05308

    Fort Leonard Wood

    Ft. Leonard Wood Co: Pulaski MO 65743-8944

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320028

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 05353, 05381

    Fort Leonard Wood

    Ft. Leonard Wood Co: Pulaski MO 65743-8944

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320029

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 06126

    Fort Leonard Wood

    Ft. Leonard Wood Co: Pulaski MO 65743-8944

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320030

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 12706

    Fort Leonard Wood

    Ft. Leonard Wood Co: Pulaski MO 65743-8944

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320031

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 13603, 13604

    Fort Leonard Wood

    Ft. Leonard Wood Co: Pulaski MO 65743-8944

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320032

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    New Jersey

    Bldgs. T4440, P4460

    Fort Dix

    Ft. Dix Co: Burlington NJ 08640-5506

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320034

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    New York

    Bldg. 00191

    Fort Drum

    Ft. Drum Co: Jefferson NY 13602-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320035

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 00687

    Fort Drum

    Ft. Drum Co: Jefferson NY 13602-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320036

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 02314, 02315, 02316

    Fort Drum

    Ft. Drum Co: Jefferson NY 13602-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320037

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 21684, 21694

    Fort Drum

    Ft. Drum Co: Jefferson NY 13602-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320038

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 21848

    Fort Drum

    Ft. Drum Co: Jefferson NY 13602-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320039

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 444, 445

    Brookhaven National Lab

    Upton Co: Suffolk NY 11973-

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200320001

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Contamination; Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 446, 447, 448

    Brookhaven National Lab

    Upton Co: Suffolk NY 11973-

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200320002

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Contamination; Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 483

    Brookhaven National Lab

    Upton Co: Suffolk NY 11973-Start Printed Page 23478

    Landholding Agency: Energy

    Property Number: 41200320003

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Contamination

    North Carolina

    Bldg. 14

    Military Ocean Terminal

    Southport Co: Brunswick NC 28461-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320033

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    10 Facilities

    Wilkes County Recreation Area

    Wilkesboro Co: NC

    Landholding Agency: COE

    Property Number: 31200320001

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration


    61 Bldgs.

    Ravenna Army Ammo Plant

    Misc/Load Line 9, 2, 3, 4, 7, 10

    Ravenna Co: Portage OH 44266-9297

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320040

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration.

    21 Bldgs.

    Ravenna Army Ammo Plant

    Load Line 11

    Ravenna Co: Portage OH 44266-9297

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320041

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration.

    19 Bldgs.

    Ravenna Army Ammo Plant

    Load Line 8

    Ravenna Co: Portage OH 44266-9297

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320042

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration.

    24 Bldgs.

    Ravenna Army Ammo Plant

    Load Line 7

    Ravenna Co: Portage OH 44266-9297

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320043

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration.

    23 Bldgs.

    Ravenna Army Ammo Plant

    Load Line 5

    Ravenna Co: Portage OH 44266-9297

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320044

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration.

    30 Bldgs.

    Ravenna Army Ammo Plant

    Load Line 4

    Ravenna Co: Portage OH 44266-9297

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320045

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration.


    Federal Building

    256 Warner-Milne Road

    Oregon City Co: OR 97045-

    Landholding Agency: GSA

    Property Number: 54200320004

    Status: Surplus

    Reason: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material GSA Number: 9-G-OR-740

    Coos Head Air National Guard S.

    Charleston Co: OR

    Landholding Agency: GSA

    Property Number: 54200320005

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Extensive deterioration,

    GSA Number: 9-D-OR-538E

    South Carolina

    17 Bldgs. Naval Weapons Station

    Goose Creek Co: Berkeley SC 29445-

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200320017

    Status: Unutilized

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area


    Bldgs. 2180, 2429

    Fort Campbell

    Montgomery Co: TN 42223-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320046

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 2517, 2519

    Fort Campbell

    Montgomery Co: TN 42223-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320047

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 2531, 2533, 2535

    Fort Campbell

    Montgomery Co: TN 42223-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320048

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 2550, 2552, 2554

    Fort Campbell

    Montgomery Co: TN 42223-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320049

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 2615, 2617, 2636

    Fort Campbell

    Montgomery Co: TN 42223-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320050

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 2625, 2627, 2746

    Fort Campbell

    Montgomery Co: TN 42223-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320051

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. 2642, 2646, 2648

    Fort Campbell

    Montgomery Co: TN 42223-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320052

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. C-1, C-3, C-5, C-7, C-9

    Holston Army Ammo Plant

    Kingsport Co: Hawkins TN 37660-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320053

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. D-1, D-2, D-6, thru D-10

    Holston Army Ammo Plant

    Kingsport Co: Hawkins TN 37660-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320054

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    6 Bldgs.

    Holston Army Ammo Plant

    E-1, E-2, E-5, E-7 thru E-9

    Kingsport Co: Hawkins TN 37660-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320055

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. G-1, G-2, G-3, G-9

    Holston Army Ammo Plant

    Kingsport Co: Hawkins TN 37660-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320056

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    5 Bldgs.

    Holston Army Ammo Plant

    H-1, thru H-3, H-9, H-10

    Kingsport Co: Hawkins TN 37660-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320057

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    5 Bldgs.

    Holston Army Ammo Plant

    I-1, I-2, I-7, I-8, I-9

    Kingsport Co: Hawkins TN 37660-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320058

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. K-1, K-7, K-9

    Holston Army Ammo Plant

    Kingsport Co: Hawkins TN 37660-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320059

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Start Printed Page 23479

    Bldgs. L-1M, L-2, L-9

    Holston Army Ammo Plant

    Kingsport Co: Hawkins TN 37660-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320060

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. O-1, O-7, O-9

    Holston Army Ammo Plant

    Kingsport Co: Hawkins TN 37660-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320061

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration

    Bldgs. J-2, J-6 thru J-9

    Holston Army Ammo Plant

    Kingsport Co: Hawkins TN 37660-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320062

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration.

    Bldgs. M-2, M-7, M-9

    Holston Army Ammo Plant

    Kingsport Co: Hawkins TN 37660-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320063

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration.

    Bldgs. U-2

    Holston Army Ammo Plant

    Kingsport Co: Hawkins TN 37660-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320064

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration.

    Bldgs. P-3, P-7

    Holston Army Ammo Plant

    Kingsport Co: Hawkins TN 37660-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320065

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration.

    Bldgs. 4, A-5, B-5, B-9

    Holston Army Ammo Plant

    Kingsport Co: Hawkins TN 37660-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320066

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration.

    Bldgs. C-6, N-9, N-10, V-10

    Holston Army Ammo Plant

    Kingsport Co: Hawkins TN 37660-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320067

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration.

    Bldgs. A14, A20, A28

    Holston Army Ammo Plant

    Kingsport Co: Hawkins TN 37660-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320068

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration.

    Bldgs. 109, 152

    Holston Army Ammo Plant

    Kingsport Co: Hawkins TN 37660-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320069

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration.

    5 Bldgs.

    Holston Army Ammo Plant 209, 221, 222, 228, 230

    Kingsport Co: Hawkins TN 37660-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320070

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration.

    4 Bldgs.

    Holston Army Ammo Plant 301, 303B, 304, 312

    Kingsport Co: Hawkins TN 37660-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320071

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration.

    4 Bldgs.

    Holston Army Ammo Plant 333, 336, 343, 345

    Kingsport Co: Hawkins TN 37660-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320072

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration.

    Bldgs. 401, 408

    Holston Army Ammo Plant

    Kingsport Co: Hawkins TN 37660-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320073

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration.

    Bldgs. 549, 558

    Holston Army Ammo Plant

    Kingsport Co: Hawkins TN 37660-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320074

    Status: Excess

    Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration.


    Bldgs. 1378, 2019

    Fort Bliss

    El Paso Co: TX 79916-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320075

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration.

    Bldgs. 2650, 2651

    Fort Bliss

    El Paso Co: TX 79916-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320076

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration.

    Bldgs. 9814, 9866, 9887

    Fort Bliss

    El Paso Co: TX 79916-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320077

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration.

    4 Bldgs.

    Fort Bliss

    9890, 9892, 9893, 9894

    El Paso Co: TX 79916-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320078

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration.

    Bldg. 9901

    Fort Bliss

    El Paso Co: TX 79916-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320079

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration.


    4 Bldgs.

    Fort Pickett

    T2212, T2213, T2214, T2215

    Blackstone Co: Nottoway VA 23824-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320080

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration.

    5 Bldgs.

    Fort Pickett

    T2221, T2222, T2223, T2224, T2228

    Blackstone Co: Nottoway VA 23824-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320081

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration.

    Bldgs. T2602, T2619

    Fort Pickett

    Blackstone Co: Nottoway VA 23824-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320082

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration.

    4 Bldgs.

    Fort Pickett

    T2640, T2641, T2645, T2651

    Blackstone Co: Nottoway VA 23824-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320083

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration.

    6 Bldgs.

    Fort Pickett

    T2800, T2801, T2803, T2808, T2809, T2810

    Blackstone Co: Nottoway VA 23824-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320084

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration.

    3 Bldgs.

    Fort Pickett

    T2824, T2830, T2831

    Blackstone Co: Nottoway VA 23824-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320085

    Status: UnutilizedStart Printed Page 23480

    Reason: Extensive deterioration.

    5 Bldgs.

    Fort Pickett

    T2832, T2834, T2835, T2839, T2840

    Blackstone Co: Nottoway VA 23824-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320086

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration.

    3 Bldgs.

    Fort Pickett

    T2843, T2844, T2845

    Blackstone Co: Nottoway VA 23824-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320087

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration.

    Bldg. T0113

    Fort AP Hill

    Bowling Green Co: VA 22427-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320088

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration.

    Bldg. T0114

    Fort AP Hill

    Bowling Green Co: VA 22427-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320089

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. T0114

    Fort AP Hill

    Bowling Green Co: VA 22427-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320090

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 584

    Langley Air Force Base

    Hampton Co: VA 23665-

    Landholding Agency: GSA

    Property Number: 54200320007

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Secured Area

    GSA Number: 4-Z-VA-740-B

    Bldg. 720

    Langley Air Force Base

    Hampton Co: VA 23665-

    Landholding Agency: GSA

    Property Number: 54200320008

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Secured Area

    GSA Number: 4-Z-VA-740-A

    Bldg. 1443/adj. bldg.

    Norfolk Naval Shipyard

    Portsmouth Co: VA 23704-

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200320018

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Extensive deterioration


    Bldg. A1001

    Fort Lewis

    Ft. Lewis Co: Pierce WA 98443-

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320091

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Bldg. 09778

    Fort Lewis

    Ft. Lewis Co: Pierce WA 98433-9500

    Landholding Agency: Army

    Property Number: 21200320092

    Status: Unutilized

    Reason: Extensive deterioration

    Land (by State)

    New Jersey

    2.1 acres

    Naval Weapons Station

    Earle Co: NJ

    Landholding Agency: Navy

    Property Number: 77200320016

    Status: Excess

    Reason: Secured Area

    End Supplemental Information

    [FR Doc. 03-10561 Filed 5-1-03; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 4210-29-M

Document Information

Housing and Urban Development Department
Entry Type:
Document Number:
23474-23480 (7 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. FR-4809-N-18
PDF File: