99-12173. Use of 112-118 MHz for Differential Global Positioning System (GPS) Correction Data and the Use of Hand-Held Transmitters on Frequencies in the Aeronautical Enroute Service  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 97 (Thursday, May 20, 1999)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 27472-27476]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-12173]
    47 CFR Parts 17 and 87
    [WT Docket No. 96-211, FCC 99-40]
    Use of 112-118 MHz for Differential Global Positioning System 
    (GPS) Correction Data and the Use of Hand-Held Transmitters on 
    Frequencies in the Aeronautical Enroute Service
    AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: This Report and Order (R&O) amends the Commission's rules 
    regarding the use of 112-118 MHz for differential Global Positioning 
    System (GPS) correction data, the use of hand-held transmitters on 
    frequencies in the Aeronautical Enroute Service, and to update Part 17 
    of our rules to incorporate by reference two recently revised FAA 
    Advisory Circulars. These amendments were adopted in response to 
    petitions for rule making filed by the Federal Aviation Administration 
    and the Aeronautical Radio, Inc. The effect of these amendments would 
    increase aircraft and airport safety and facilitate the efficient use 
    of aeronautical radio spectrum.
    DATES: These regulations are effective May 20, 1999. The incorporation 
    by reference of certain publications listed in the regulations is 
    approved by the Director of Federal Register May 20, 1999.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: James Shaffer of the Commission's 
    Wireless Telecommunications Bureau at (202) 418-0680 or via email at 
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a summary of the Commission's R&O, 
    FCC 99-40, adopted February 25, 1999, and released March 3, 1999. The 
    full text of this Report and Order is available for inspection and 
    copying during normal business hours in the FCC Reference Center, Room 
    246, 1919 M Street N.W. Washington, D.C. The complete text may be 
    purchased from the Commission's copy contractor, ITS, Inc., 1231 20th 
    St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, telephone (202) 857-3800.
    Summary of R&O
        1. This R&O amends Part 87 of our rules to permit aeronautical 
    ground stations to use frequencies in the 112-118 MHz band to transmit 
    differential Global Positioning System (GPS) information to aircraft 
    equipped to use advanced landing systems in response to a petition for 
    rule making filed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). This 
    R&O also allows the use of hand-held radios for direct communications 
    between ground service personnel and flight crews on frequencies 
    allocated to the Aeronautical Enroute Service in response to a petition 
    for rule making filed by Aeronautical Radio, Inc. (ARINC). Finally, 
    this R&O updates part 17 of our rules to incorporate by reference two 
    recently revised FAA Advisory Circulars. The actions will increase the 
    safety and efficiency of aircraft navigation and movement of aircraft 
    in and around airports. Further, these amends should promote the use of 
    new radio technologies beneficial to aircraft without allocating 
    additional spectrum.
    Administrative Matters
    Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
        2. As required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 603 
    (RFA), Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analyses (IRFA) were incorporated 
    in the Notice of Proposed Rule Makings WT Docket 96-1 and WT Docket 96-
    211.1 The Commission sought written public comments on the 
    proposals in the Unicom NPRM and Aviation Safety NPRM, including on the 
    IRFA. The Commission's Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (FRFA) in 
    this Report and Order conforms to the RFA, as amended by the Contract 
    With America Advancement Act of 1996.2
        \1\ Amendment of Part 87 of the Commission's Rules to Permit 
    Automatic Operation of Aeronautical Advisory Stations (Unicoms), WT 
    Docket 96-1, Notice of Proposed Rule Making, 11 FCC Rcd 1084 (1996), 
    61 FR 8905, (March 6, 1996), (Unicom NPRM); Amendment of part 87 to 
    Permit the Use of 112-118 MHz for Differential Global Positioning 
    System (GPS) Correction Data and the Use of Hand-held Transmitters 
    on Frequencies in the Aeronautical Enroute Service and Amendment of 
    Part 17 Concerning Construction, Marking, and Lighting of Antenna 
    Structures, WT Docket No. 96-211, Notice of Proposed Rule Making, 11 
    FCC Rcd 15391 (1996), 61 FR 60673, (November 29, 1996), (Aviation 
    Safety NPRM).
        \2\ Public Law No. 104-121, 110 Stat. 847 (1996) (CWAAA). Title 
    II of the CWAAA is ``The Small Business Regulatory Enforcement 
    Fairness Act of 1996'' (SBREFA), codified at 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.
    I. Need for and Objective of the Proposed Rules
        3. Our objective is to improve safety in air navigation by 
    increasing pilots' access to advisory information, promoting the use of 
    satellite technology for the precision landing of aircraft and allowing 
    ground crews to communicate with aircraft on aeronautical enroute 
    frequencies, and to incorporate by reference two recently revised FAA 
    Advisory Circulars. The Report and Order in this proceeding modified 
    the Commission's rules to increase the safety and efficiency of 
    aircraft navigation and movement of aircraft in and around airports.
        4. The public interest is served by modifying our rules to permit 
    the operation of aeronautical advisory stations (unicoms) in an 
    unattended, automated mode, allow aeronautical ground stations to 
    transmit differential GPS augmentation data to aircraft, allow the use 
    of mobile radios for direct communications between ground service 
    personnel and flight crews on Aeronautical Enroute Service frequencies 
    and incorporate, by reference, two FAA Advisory Circulars.
    II. Summary of Significant Issues Raised by the Public Comments in 
    Response to the Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
        5. No comments were submitted in direct response to the IRFA. We 
    have, however, reviewed general comments that may impact small 
        6. Much of the impact will be on small businesses that use, 
    manufacture, design, import, or sell equipment, and will increase 
    safety and efficiency at airports by allowing new uses and technologies 
    for the purpose of communicating important information for flight and 
    ground safety. Commenters submitted suggestions to improve the 
    technical and operational criteria of the proposals. This Report and 
    Order directly benefits small businesses by providing smaller airports 
    that do not have sufficient resources to staff a unicom station with an 
    automated and economically viable alternative to provide important 
    advisory information, providing airports with satellite technology for 
    the precision landing of aircraft to facilitate approaches and landings 
    in poor weather conditions, and improving the safe ground operations at 
    airports and improve the provision of services and supplies to aircraft 
    on the ground. These actions should increase the safety and efficiency 
    of aircraft navigation and movement of aircraft in and around airports.
    III. Description and Estimate of the Number of Small Entities to 
    Which the Rules Apply
        7. The rules adopted in this Report and Order will affect small 
    businesses that use, manufacture, design, import, sell, or use aviation 
    equipment designed for an automated unicom, a GPS augmentation system 
    operating in the 112-118 MHz band, and mobile radios
    [[Page 27473]]
    used for direct communications between ground service personnel and 
    flight crews on Aeronautical Enroute Service frequencies. There are no 
    Commission-imposed requirements, however, for any entity to use these 
    Estimates for Unicoms
        8. The unicom service provides for air-ground communications 
    primarily between general aviation aircraft and airport facilities. 
    Unicom transmissions are limited to the necessities of safe and 
    expeditious operation of aircraft, including runway conditions, types 
    of fuel available, wind conditions, weather information, dispatching, 
    and other necessary safety information. Unicom transmissions may 
    include, on a secondary basis, communications pertaining to the 
    efficient portal-to-portal transit of an aircraft, such as available 
    ground transportation, food, and lodging. Unicoms must provide 
    impartial information concerning available ground services, and must 
    provide service to any aircraft station upon request and without 
    discrimination. For the purpose of determining whether a licensee is a 
    small business as defined by the Small Business Administration (SBA), 
    each licensee would need to be evaluated within its own business area.
        9. Because the Regulatory Flexibility Act amendments were not in 
    effect until the record in this proceeding was closed, the Commission 
    was unable to request information regarding the number of small 
    entities that are unicoms. Therefore, the Commission is unable at this 
    time to determine the number of small businesses which could be 
    impacted by the rules. However, the Commission's data indicates that 
    there were 2775 unicoms licensees operating at the end of October 1996. 
    Further, because any entity engaged in providing unicom service is 
    eligible to hold a unicom license, these rules could potentially impact 
    every small business involved in aviation. Additionally, there are 
    small businesses that will manufacture, design, import, or sell 
    equipment. We concluded that these small businesses are classified in 
    Communications Equipment, N.E.C., (Standard Identification Code 3669) 
    as entities employing less than 750 employees as defined in 13 CFR 
    121.201. The size data provided by the SBA shows that 469 firms out of 
    498 firms in the Communications Equipment, N.E.C. classification have 
    less than 750 employees but did not enable us to make a meaningful 
    estimate of the number of potential manufacturers which are small 
        \3\ U.S. Small Business Administration 1992 Economic Census 
    Industry and Enterprise Report, Table 1D, SIC Code 3669, (Bureau of 
    the Census data adapted by the Office of Advocacy of the U.S. Small 
    Business Administration).
    Estimates for Differential GPS
        10. Differential GPS is ground reference stations licensed to 
    private entities using unassigned VOR frequencies in the 112-118 MHz 
    band to transmit differential GPS augmentation data to aircraft to 
    improve safety in approach and landing of aircraft. For the purpose of 
    determining whether a licensee is a small business as defined by the 
    Small Business Administration (SBA), each licensee would need to be 
    evaluated within its own business area. Additionally, there are small 
    businesses that will manufacture, design, import, or sell equipment. We 
    concluded that these small businesses are classified in Communications 
    Equipment, N.E.C., (Standard Identification Code 3669) as entities 
    employing less than 750 employees as defined in 13 CFR 121.201. We 
    invited comment on whether this is the correct definition to use, but 
    received no comment on this issue. The size data provided by the SBA 
    shows that 469 firms out of 498 firms in the Communications Equipment, 
    N.E.C. classification have less than 750 employees but did not enable 
    us to make a meaningful estimate of the number of potential GPS 
    manufacturers which are small businesses.4 However, based on 
    information from the U.S. GPS Industry Council we estimate that this 
    would include approximately 110 small businesses that would be affected 
    by this proposed rule change.
        \4\ U.S. Small Business Administration 1992 Economic Census 
    Industry and Enterprise Report, Table 1D, SIC Code 3669, (Bureau of 
    the Census data adapted by the Office of Advocacy of the U.S. Small 
    Business Administration).
    IV. Description of Projected Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Other 
    Compliance Requirements of the Rules
        11. There are several reporting, recordkeeping, and compliance 
    requirements applicable to the Commission licensees and equipment 
    manufacturers. These new requirements are necessary to minimize 
    radiofrequency interference of the equipment, and to specify the 
    responsibilities in operating unicom.
        (1) In order to facilitate operation of aviation equipment, these 
    rules may have significant economic impact on a substantial number of 
    small businesses. Prior to marketing aviation equipment in the U.S., a 
    manufacturer must have the unit type accepted by the Commission under 
    the technical criteria set forth in the Commission's Rules. In order to 
    have a unit type accepted, a small entity would have to test the radio 
    equipment and provide clerical support to file the requisite FCC 
    application forms. Both of these functions could be handled by a third 
    party. We estimate that the initial cost to the manufacturer to meet 
    this requirement, if done by a third party, is $900 to test the 
    equipment and complete the filing information, and would require the 
    electronic engineering professional skills. Additionally, there would 
    be a $425 equipment authorization fee to file the application for type 
    acceptance. These costs are one time costs to type accept the equipment 
    and assure that interference to other radio users is minimized.
        (2) In order to clarify the responsibilities in operating unicoms, 
    we require all unicom licensees at airports having more than one unicom 
    to jointly sign a letter of agreement, prior to the operation of a 
    unicom in automatic mode at such an airport, stating the name(s) of the 
    licensee(s) who will control the automatic unicom and, if applicable, 
    how control of the automatic unicom will be divided. A copy of the 
    agreement must be kept with each licensee's station authorization. We 
    estimate that approximately 50 licensees will require 0.7 hours to 
    prepare and file the agreement required.
    V. Steps Taken by Agency To Minimize Significant Economic Impact on 
    Small Entities Consistent With Stated Objectives
        12. The rules would require differential GPS transmitters to be 
    type accepted in accordance with the technical criteria set forth in 
    part 87 subpart D of our rules, in lieu of the more exacting 
    specifications contained in RTCA Document No. DO-217. This flexible 
    approach promotes technological innovations in differential GPS 
    equipment so long as such equipment is compatible with the National 
    Airspace System. Under our present treatment of transmitters operating 
    in the 108-137 MHz band, the FAA is given a 21-day period to object to 
    any application for type acceptance that would adversely affect the 
    performance of the National Airspace System. The rules also take 
    measures to expedite coordination procedures between applicants, the 
    FAA, and the Commission concerning the assignment of a frequency and 
    time slot for differential GPS ground stations. In order to reduce 
    administrative burdens on both the public and the Commission,
    [[Page 27474]]
    we permit mobile units in the aeronautical enroute service to operate 
    under the same authorization and call sign as the associated 
    aeronautical enroute station. This approach would eliminate the need 
    for aviation service organizations to submit forms and fees to the 
    Commission. These decisions benefit small entities and give them an 
    opportunity to provide recommendations to further improve the impact 
    and processes.
    VI. Report to Congress
        13. The Commission shall send a copy of this Final Regulatory 
    Flexibility Analysis, along with the Report and Order, in a report to 
    Congress pursuant to the SBREFA.5 A copy of this FRFA will 
    also be published in the Federal Register.
        \5\ See 5. U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A).
    Ordering Clauses
        14. Accordingly, it is ordered that, pursuant to the authority of 
    Sections 4(i), 303(r), 307(e), and 332(a)(2) of the Communications Act 
    of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 154(i), 303(r), 307(e) and 332(a)(2), 
    parts 80 and 87 of the Commission's Rules, 47 CFR Parts 17 and 87 are 
    amended as set forth in the Rule Changes, effective May 20, 1999.
        15. It is further ordered that these proceedings are terminated.
    List of Subjects
    47 CFR Part 17
        Antenna, Aviation safety, Communications equipment, Incorporation 
    by reference, Radio.
    47 CFR Part 87
        Aviation safety, Communications equipment, Radio.
    Federal Communications Commission.
    Magalie Roman Salas,
    Rule Changes
        For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the Federal 
    Communications Commission amends 47 CFR parts 17 and 87 as follows:
        1. The authority citation for Part 17 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: Secs. 4, 303, 48 Stat. 1066, 1082, as amended; 47 
    U.S.C. 154, 303. Interpret or apply secs. 301, 309 48 Stat. 1081, 
    1085 as amended, 47 U.S.C. 301, 309.
        2. Section 17.23 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 17.23  Specifications for painting and lighting antenna 
        Unless otherwise specified by the Commission, each new or altered 
    antenna structure to be registered on or after January 1, 1996, must 
    conform to the FAA's painting and lighting recommendations set forth on 
    the structure's FAA determination of ``no hazard,'' as referenced in 
    the following FAA Advisory Circulars: AC 70/7460-1J, ``Obstruction 
    Marking and Lighting,'' effective January 1, 1996, and AC 150/5345-43E, 
    ``Specification for Obstruction Lighting Equipment,'' dated October 19, 
    1995. These documents are incorporated by reference in accordance with 
    5 U.S.C. 552(a). The documents contain FAA recommendations for painting 
    and lighting structures which pose a potential hazard to air 
    navigation. For purposes of this part, the specifications, standards, 
    and general requirements stated in these documents are mandatory. The 
    Advisory Circulars listed are available for inspection at the 
    Commission Headquarters in Washington, DC, or may be obtained from 
    Department of Transportation, Property Use and Storage Section, 
    Subsequent Distribution Office, M483.6, Ardmore East Business Center, 
    3341 Q 75th Avenue, Landover, MD 20785, telephone (301) 322-4961, 
    facsimile (301) 386-5394. Copies are also available for public 
    inspection at the Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol 
    Street, Suite 700, Washington, D.C.
        3. The authority citation for Part 87 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 48 Stat. 1066, 1082, as amended; 47 U.S.C. 154, 303, 
    307(e) unless otherwise noted. Interpret or apply 48 Stat. 1064-
    1068, 1081-1105, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 151-156, 301-609.
        4. Section 87.5 is amended by revising the definition of 
    ``automatic weather observation station'' to read as follows:
    Sec. 87.5  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        Automatic weather observation station (AWOS) or automatic surface 
    observation station (ASOS). A land station located at an airport and 
    used to automatically transmit weather information to aircraft.
    * * * * *
        5. Section 87.131 is amended by adding a footnote to Aeronautical 
    advisory entry and adding to the end of the table, an entry for 
    Differential GPS to read as follows:
    Sec. 87.131  Power and emissions.
    * * * * *
                                                                      Authorized emission(s)
              Class of station            Frequency  band/frequency             \9\              Maximum power \1\
    Aeronautical advisory..............  VHF........................  A3E                     10 watts.\10\
    *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *
    Differential GPS...................  VHF........................  G7D                     Various.\2\
    \1\ The power is measured at the transmitter output terminals and the type of power is determined according to
      the emission designator as follows:
      (i) Mean power (pY) for amplitude modulated emissions and transmitting both sidebands using unmodulated full
      (ii) Peak envelope power (pX) for all emission designators other than those referred to in paragraph (i) of
      this note.
    \2\ Power and antenna height are restricted to the minimum necessary to achieve the required service.
                *                *                *                *                *                *
    \9\ Excludes automatic link establishment.
    \10\ Power is limited to 0.5 watt, but may not exceed 2 watts when station is used in an automatic unattended
        6. Section 87.133 is amended by adding to the table in paragraph 
    (a) in the (5) Band-100 to 137 MHz: entry, an entry for Differential 
    GPS to read as follows:
    Sec. 87.133  Frequency stability.
        (a) * * *
    [[Page 27475]]
     Frequency band (lower limit exclusive,
     upper limit inclusive), and categories    Tolerance \1\   Tolerance \2\
                   of stations
    *            *            *            *            *            *
    (5) Band-100 to 137 MHz:
    *            *            *            *            *            *
        Differential GPS....................  ..............         2
    *            *            *            *            *            *
    \1\ This tolerance is the maximum permitted until January 1, 1990, for
      transmitters installed before January 2, 1985, and used at the same
      installation. Tolerance is indicated in parts in 10\6\ unless shown as
      Hertz (Hz).
    \2\ This tolerance is the maximum permitted after January 1, 1985 for
      new and replacement transmitters and to all transmitters after January
      1, 1990. Tolerance is indicated in parts in 10\6\ unless shown as
      Hertz (Hz).
    * * * * *
        7. Section 87.137 is amended by adding to the table in paragraph 
    (a) in its alphabetical order, an entry for G7D to read as follows:
    Sec. 87.137  Types of emission.
        (a) * * *
                                                                             Authorized bandwidth (kilohertz)
             Class of emission               Emission designator                                         Frequency
                                                                       Below 50 MHz    Above 50 MHz      deviation
                     *            *            *            *            *            *            *
    G7D................................  14K0G7D....................  ..............               25
                     *            *            *            *            *            *            *
        8. Section 87.139 is amended by revising the introductory text in 
    paragraph (a), and paragraph (j) to read as follows:
    Sec. 87.139  Emission limitations.
        (a) Except for ELTs and when using single sideband (R3E, H3E, J3E), 
    or frequency modulation (F9) or digital modulation (F9Y) for telemetry 
    or telecommand in the frequency bands 1435-1535 MHz and 2310-2390 MHz 
    or digital modulation (G7D) for differential GPS, the mean power of any 
    emission must be attenuated below the mean power of the transmitter 
    (pY) as follows:
    * * * * *
        (j) When using G7D for differential GPS in the 112-118 MHz band, 
    the amount of power during transmission under all operating conditions 
    when measured over a 25 kHz bandwidth centered on either of the second 
    adjacent channels shall not exceed -25 dBm and shall decrease 5 dB per 
    octave until -52 dBm.
        9. Section 87.171 is amended by adding in its alphabetical order 
    the symbol and class of station for DGP to read as follows:
    Sec. 87.171  Class of station symbols.
    * * * * *
        DGP--Differential GPS.
    * * * * *
        10. Section 87.173 is amended by adding in numeric order the 
    listing 112-118 MHz to read as follows:
    Sec. 87.173  Frequencies.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
         Frequency or frequency band               Subpart              Class of station             Remarks
    *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *
    112-118 MHz.........................  Q                         DGP                      Differential GPS.
    *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *
        11. Section 87.187 is amended by revising paragraph (y) 
    introductory text and the introductory text of paragraph (y)(4) to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 87.187  Frequencies.
    * * * * *
        (y) Brief keyed RF signals (keying the transmitter by momentarily 
    depressing the microphone ``push-to-talk'' button) may be transmitted 
    from aircraft for the control of automated unicoms on the unicom 
    frequencies listed in paragraph (y)(3) of this section, or for the 
    control of airport lights on the following frequencies:
    * * * * *
        (4) Aviation support station frequencies listed in Sec. 87.323(b): 
    * * *
    * * * * *
        12. A new Sec. 87.219 is added to Subpart G to read as follows:
    Sec. 87.219  Automatic operations.
        (a) A station operator need not be present when an automated unicom 
    is in operation.
        (b) Unicoms operating in an automated mode must comply with the 
    requirements of paragraphs (1)-(5) of this section, in addition to the 
    requirements applicable to non-automated unicom operations.
        (1) An automated unicom must transmit only in response to 
    interrogating signals from aircraft,
    [[Page 27476]]
    including but not limited to the brief keyed RF signals specified in 
    Sec. 87.187(y).
        (2) An automated unicom must monitor the unicom frequency prior to 
    transmission, and provide a brief delay between the aircraft's 
    interrogating signal and the automatic unicom's response.
        (3) Automated advisory transmissions must be as brief as possible, 
    and must never exceed one minute in length.
        (4) An automated unicom may not provide weather information at an 
    airport that has an operational, FAA-certified, automatic weather 
    facility, unless the unicom itself is certified by the FAA.
        (5) If weather information is provided by an automated unicom:
        (i) weather sensors must be placed in order to adequately represent 
    the weather conditions at the airport(s) to be served;
        (ii) the weather information must be proceeded by the word 
        (iii) the phrase ``automated advisory'' must be included when the 
    weather information was gathered by real-time sensors or within the 
    last minute; and,
        (iv) the time and date of the last update must be included when the 
    weather information was not gathered within the last minute.
        (c) Only one automated unicom may be operated at an uncontrolled 
    airport. Prior to the operation of an automated unicom at an airport 
    with more than one unicom licensee, all of the licensees at that 
    airport must sign a letter of agreement stating which licensee(s) 
    control the automated unicom operations, and, if control is to be 
    shared among several operators, how that control will be divided or 
    scheduled. The original or a copy of the letter of agreement must be 
    kept with each licensees' station records. Within 90 days of the date 
    upon which a new unicom operator is licensed at an airport where more 
    than one unicom is authorized, and an automated unicom is being 
    operated, an amended letter of agreement that includes the new 
    licensee's signature must be signed or automated unicom operations must 
        13. Section 87.261 is amended by adding paragraphs (e) and (f) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 87.261  Scope of service.
    * * * * *
        (e) Mobile units may be operated under an aeronautical enroute 
    station authorization so long as the units are limited to use at an 
    airport and are only used to communicate with aircraft on the ground or 
    the associated aeronautical enroute station. Mobile units are further 
    limited to operation on the VHF frequencies listed in 87.263(a)(1).
        (f) Mobile units licensed under paragraph (e) of this section shall 
    not be operated on air traffic control frequencies, nor cause harmful 
    interference to, communications on air traffic control frequencies.
        14. Section 87.419 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 87.419  Supplemental eligibility.
        Only one control tower or RCO will be licensed at an airport.
        15. Section 87.475 is amended by adding paragraph (e) to read as 
    Sec. 87.475  Frequencies.
    * * * * *
        (e) Frequencies available for differential GPS stations. 
    Frequencies in the 112-118 MHz band may be assigned to Special Category 
    I (SCAT-I) ground stations for differential GPS data links.
        (1) The frequencies available are on 25 kHz centers with the lowest 
    assignable frequency being centered at 112.000 MHz and the highest 
    assignable frequency being centered at 117.950 MHz.
        (2) Applicants must coordinate a frequency, time slot assignment, 
    and three-letter identifier with the FAA and provide this information 
    to the Commission upon application.
        16. Subpart S is amended by revising the heading to read as 
    Subpart S--Automatic Weather Stations (AWOS/ASOS)
        17. Section 87.525 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 87.525  Scope of service.
        Automatic weather observation stations (AWOS) and automatic surface 
    observation stations (ASOS) must provide up-to-date weather information 
    including the time of the latest weather sequence, altimeter setting, 
    wind speed and direction, dew point, temperature, visibility and other 
    pertinent data needed at airports having neither a full-time control 
    tower nor a full-time FAA Flight Service Station. When a licensee has 
    entered into an agreement with the FAA, an AWOS or an ASOS may also 
    operate as an automatic terminal information station (ATIS) during the 
    control tower's operating hours.
        18. Section 87.527 is amended by revising paragraphs (b) and (c) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 87.527  Supplemental eligibility.
    * * * * *
        (b) Eligibility for an AWOS, an ASOS, or an ATIS is limited to the 
    owner or operator of an airport or to a person who has entered into a 
    written agreement with the owner or operator for exclusive rights to 
    operate and maintain the station. Where applicable a copy of the 
    agreement between the applicant and owner or operator of the airport 
    must be submitted with an application.
        (c) Only one AWOS, ASOS, or ATIS will be licensed at an airport.
        19. Section 87.529 is amended by revising the fourth and fifth 
    sentences to read as follows:
    Sec. 87.529  Frequencies.
        * * * Normally, frequencies available for air traffic control 
    operations set forth in subpart E will be assigned to an AWOS, ASOS, or 
    to an ATIS. When a licensee has entered into an agreement with the FAA 
    to operate the same station as both an AWOS and as an ATIS, or as an 
    ASOS and an ATIS, the same frequency will be used in both modes of 
    [FR Doc. 99-12173 Filed 5-19-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6712-01-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Federal Communications Commission
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
These regulations are effective May 20, 1999. The incorporation by reference of certain publications listed in the regulations is approved by the Director of Federal Register May 20, 1999.
27472-27476 (5 pages)
Docket Numbers:
WT Docket No. 96-211, FCC 99-40
PDF File:
CFR: (17)
47 CFR 87.187(y)
47 CFR 17.23
47 CFR 87.5
47 CFR 87.131
47 CFR 87.133
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