99-12832. Agency Information Collection Activities: Submitted for Office of Management and Budget Review; Comment Request  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 98 (Friday, May 21, 1999)]
    [Pages 27805-27806]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-12832]
    Minerals Management Service
    Agency Information Collection Activities: Submitted for Office of 
    Management and Budget Review; Comment Request
    AGENCY: Minerals Management Service (MMS), Interior.
    ACTION: Notice.
    SUMMARY: To comply with the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et 
    seq.), we are notifying you that we have submitted an information 
    collection request (ICR) to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 
    for review and approval. We are also soliciting your comments on this 
    ICR which describes the information collection, its expected costs and 
    burden, and how the data will be collected.
    DATES: Written comments should be received on or before June 21, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: You may submit comments directly to the Office of 
    Information and Regulatory Affairs, OMB, Attention: Desk Officer for 
    the Department of the Interior (OMB Control Number 1010-0073), 725 17th 
    Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20503; telephone (202) 395-7340. Copies 
    of these comments should also be sent to us. The U.S. Postal Service 
    address is Minerals Management Service, Royalty Management Program, 
    Rules and Publications Staff, P.O. Box 25165, MS 3021, Denver, Colorado 
    80225-0165; the courier address is Building 85, Room A-613, Denver 
    Federal Center, Denver, Colorado 80225; and the e:Mail address is 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dennis C. Jones, Rules and 
    Publications Staff, telephone (303) 231-3046, FAX (303) 231-3385, 
    e:Mail Dennis.C.Jones@mms.gov. You may also contact Dennis Jones to 
    obtain a copy of the ICR at no cost.
        Title: Net Profit Share Leases.
        OMB Control Number: 1010-0073.
        Abstract: The Department of the Interior is responsible for matters 
    relevant to mineral resource development in the OCS. The Secretary of 
    the Interior (Secretary) is responsible for managing the production of 
    minerals from Federal and Indian lands and the OCS; for collecting 
    royalties from lessees who produce minerals; and for distributing the 
    funds collected in accordance with applicable laws. The Minerals 
    Management Service (MMS) performs the royalty management functions for 
    the Secretary.
        To encourage exploration and development of oil and gas leases on 
    submerged lands of the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), regulations were 
    promulgated at 30 CFR 260.110(4) implementing a net profit share 
    bidding system. The Net Profit Share Lease (NPSL) bidding system was 
    established to properly balance a fair market return to the Federal 
    Government for the lease of its lands, with a fair profit to companies 
    risking their investment capital. The system provides an incentive for 
    early and expeditious exploration and development, and provides for a 
    sharing of the risks by the lessee and the Government. The bidding 
    system incorporates a fixed capital recovery system as the means 
    through which the lessee recovers costs of exploration and development 
    from production revenues, along with a reasonable return on investment. 
    This collection of information is necessary in order to determine when 
    royalty payments are due, and to determine the proper amount of 
        Under the NPSL bidding system, a notice of OCS lease sale is 
    published in the Federal Register with a net profit share rate and a 
    capital recovery factor (CRF) established for each tract within the 
    sale. The CRF allows the lessee to inflate certain allowable costs by 
    multiplying costs by the CRF. This additional allowance results in a 
    type of risk-sharing arrangement with the Government. Tracts within the 
    same sale may have different profit share rates and different CRF's. 
    The last OCS lease sale involving NPSL's was in August 1983.
        When companies enter into NPSL agreements, they agree to submit the 
    reports required by 30 CFR 220.031. There are no reporting forms 
    required, but the lessees must submit updates containing specific 
    information. Before production begins, reports are required on an 
    annual basis. These reports must document costs incurred, credits 
    received, and the balance in the NPSL capital account. Once production 
    begins, monthly reports are required that include the amount and 
    disposition of oil and gas saved, removed, or sold; the amount of 
    production revenue; the amount and description of costs and credits to 
    the NPSL capital account; the balance in the capital account; the net 
    profit share base and net profit share payment due the Government; and 
    the lessee's monthly profit share. All information submitted is taken 
    directly from the lessee's own records. No unique information is 
    required by MMS.
        Royalty payments are made based on the individual lease's net 
    profit share rate, multiplied by the quantity (revenues and other 
    credits, less costs). MMS uses the data submitted in the annual and 
    monthly reports to verify costs claimed, revenues earned, and royalty 
    payments due. No royalties are paid until the lessee recovers 
    exploration and development expenses. Information provided in the 
    reports is used by MMS auditors. Failure of the respondent to submit 
    the information results in noncompliance with the requirements of 30 
    CFR Part 220 and could result in loss of royalty payments to the 
        An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required 
    to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a 
    currently valid OMB Control Number. The Federal Register Notice with a 
    60-day comment period soliciting comments on this collection
    [[Page 27806]]
    of information was published on December 11, 1998 (63 FR 68472).
        Estimated Number and Type of Respondents/Affected Entities: 
    Approximately 11 Federal and Indian lessees and payors.
        Frequency of Response: Monthly responses are required for 15 
    leases, and annual responses are required for 3 leases.
        Burden Statement and Estimated Annual Reporting and Recordkeeping 
    ``Hour'' Burden: We estimate the respondent burden to average 16 hours 
    per response for a total of 2,928 hours. We estimate 1 hour of 
    recordkeeping for each of the 18 OCS leases with NPSL agreements for a 
    total of 18 hours. Therefore, the total annual burden hour estimate for 
    this collection is 2,946 hours.
        Estimated Annual Reporting and Recordkeeping ``Cost'' Burden: We 
    have identified no paperwork cost burdens for this collection.
        Comments: Section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork Reduction Act 
    requires each agency ``* * * to provide notice * * * and otherwise 
    consult with members of the public and affected agencies concerning 
    each proposed collection of information * * *.'' Agencies must 
    specifically solicit comments to: (a) evaluate whether the proposed 
    collection of information is necessary for the agency to perform its 
    duties, including whether the information is useful; (b) evaluate the 
    accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed 
    collection of information; (c) enhance the quality, usefulness, and 
    clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) minimize the burden 
    on the respondents, including the use of automated collection 
    techniques or other forms of information technology.
        Send your comments directly to the offices listed under the 
    ADDRESSES section of this notice. OMB has up to 60 days to approve or 
    disapprove the information collection but may respond after 30 days. 
    Therefore, to ensure maximum consideration, OMB should receive public 
    comments by June 21, 1999.
        MMS Information Collection Clearance Officer: Jo Ann Lauterbach 
    (202) 208-7744.
        Dated: April 22, 1999.
    Lucy Querques Denett,
    Associate Director for Royalty Management.
    [FR Doc. 99-12832 Filed 5-20-99; 8:45 am]

Document Information

Minerals Management Service
Entry Type:
Document Number:
Written comments should be received on or before June 21, 1999.
27805-27806 (2 pages)
PDF File: