[Federal Register Volume 60, Number 98 (Monday, May 22, 1995)]
[Pages 27083-27087]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 95-12510]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
[Docket Number 950503125-5125-01]
RIN 0648-XX19
Announcement of Opportunities for Research Funding in the
National Estuarine Research Reserve System for Fiscal Year 1996
AGENCY: Sanctuaries and Reserves Division (SRD), Office of Ocean and
Coastal Resource Management (OCRM), National Ocean Service (NOS),
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Department of
Commerce (DOC).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Sanctuaries and Reserves Division of the Office of Ocean
and Coastal Resource Management is soliciting proposals for funding
research within the National Estuarine Research Reserve System. The
focus of funding for the upcoming annual grant period is the
restoration of estuarine and estuarine-like ecosystems. This notice
sets forth funding priorities, selection criteria, and procedures for
proposal submission.
DATES: All pre-proposals must be postmarked no later than July 14,
1995. Notification regarding the disposition of the pre-proposals will
be issued on or about September 1, 1995. Final proposals must be
postmarked no later than November 1, 1995.
ADDRESSES: Dr. Dwight Trueblood, Research Coordinator, Sanctuaries and
Reserves Division, NOAA/Office of [[Page 27084]] Ocean and Coastal
Resource Management, 1305 East-West Highway, N/ORM2, SSMC4, 12th Floor,
Silver Spring, MD 20910, Attn: FY96 NERRS Research. Phone: 301-713-3145
ext. 174 Fax: 301-713-0404. See Appendix I for National Estuarine
Research Reserve addresses.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For further information on research
opportunities under the National Estuarine Research Reserve System,
contact the on-site personnel listed in Appendix I or the Research
Coordinator of the Sanctuaries and Reserves Division (see Addresses
I. Authority and Background
Section 315 of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended
(CZMA), 16 U.S.C. 1461, establishes the National Estuarine Research
Reserve System (NERRS). 16 U.S.C. 1461(e)(1)(B) authorizes the
Secretary of Commerce to make grants to any coastal state or public or
private person for purposes of supporting research and monitoring
within a national estuarine reserve that are consistent with the
research guidelines developed under subsection (c). This program is
listed in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) under
``Coastal Zone Management Estuarine Research Reserve,'' Number 11.420.
II. Information on Established National Estuarine Research Reserves
The NERRS consists of estuarine areas of the United States which
are designated, developed, and managed for research and educational
purposes. Each National Estuarine Research Reserve (Reserve) within the
NERRS is chosen to reflect regional differences and to include a
variety of ecosystem types in accordance with the classification scheme
of the national program as presented in 15 CFR part 921.
Each Reserve is suited to support a wide range of beneficial uses
of ecological, economic, recreational, and aesthetic value which are
dependent upon maintenance of a healthy ecosystem. Each site provides
habitat for a wide range of ecologically and commercially important
species of fish, shellfish, birds, and other aquatic and terrestrial
wildlife. Each Reserve has been designed to ensure its effectiveness as
a conservation unit and as a site for long-term research and
monitoring. As part of a national system, the Reserves collectively
provide an excellent opportunity to address research questions and
estuarine management issues of national significance. For a detailed
description of the sites, contact individual site Managers and/or
Research Coordinators. The on-site contacts and addresses of the
National Estuarine Research Reserves are provide in Appendix I.
III. Availability of Funds
Funds are expected to be available on a competitive basis to any
public or private university, qualified public or private institution,
individual, or coastal state (including Great Lakes States, Puerto
Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Northern Marianas
Islands) to conduct research within National Estuarine Research
Reserves. Because NOAA has substantial involvement in the research,
NEERS research funds are normally awarded through a cooperative
agreement. NOAA may be involved in the project in the following manner:
The Sanctuaries and Reserves Division (SRD), Office of Ocean and
Coastal Resource Management, reserves the right to immediately halt
activity on this project if it becomes obvious that the project is
not fulfilling the mission of the National Estuarine Research
Reserve System goals. While day-to-day management is the
responsibility of the Principal Investigators, frequent guidance and
direction is provided by the Federal Government for the successful
conduct of this project. Non-compliance with a Federally approved
management plan may result in immediate halting of the project.
SRD generally will review and approve each stage of work before
the next begins to assure quality scientific progression and results
that will produce viable information on which to form valid,
productive coastal management decisions.
Managers, Research Coordinators, and all other staff at NERRS sites
are ineligible to submit competitive research proposals under this
Announcement. In FY92 through FY95, SRD provided funding in the amount
of approximately $700,000, each year, for research in the NERRS. The
approximate range of annual funding per successful project in recent
years has been between $40,000 and $70,000. In FY96, it is expected
that approximately $300,000 will be available for funding new one-year
projects at similar levels. Federal funds requested must be matched by
the applicant by at least 30% of the TOTAL cost, not the Federal share,
of the project. For example, if the total project cost is $10,000, the
Federal share is $7,000, the non-Federal match is $3,000.
The required match must be with cash or the value of goods and
services directly benefiting the project in accordance with 15 CFR part
24, ``Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative
Agreements with State and Local Governments,'' and OMB Circular A-110,
``Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements with
Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Nonprofit
Organizations.'' It is anticipated that projects receiving funding
under this announcement will begin in the spring/summer of 1996.
Earliest anticipated start date is May 1, 1996.
IV. Purpose and Priorities
Research funds are used to support management-related projects that
will: Enhance scientific understanding of Reserve environments; provide
information needed by Reserve Managers and coastal zone decision
makers; and improve public awareness of estuaries and estuarine
management issues. Research projects may be oriented to specific
Reserves; however, projects that involve or benefit more than one
Reserve in the national system will be given higher priority.
The primary research objective for the NERRS is the study of the
causes and effects of natural and anthropogenically-induced change in
the ecology of estuarine and estuarine-like ecosystems. All research
funded through SRD should be designed to provide information of
significant value to the development and implementation of resource
management policy governing the U.S. coastal zone, for which NOAA's
Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management has management and
regulatory responsibilities. Beginning in FY93, SRD established a
series of two-year research priority categories to serve as foci for
the SRD competitive research program. The FY95-96 research priority,
which is the subject of this notice, is habitat restoration.
Research proposals for FY 96 should be designed to answer some
aspect(s) of the following broad management-oriented question: What are
the most appropriate methods, experimental designs, models and/or
evaluative criteria for restoring estuarine and estuarine-like
ecosystems? While this theme is the primary funding priority for SRD in
FY95/96, consideration may also be given to projects of special merit
that address other significant coastal management issues (e.g., non-
profit source pollution) on a regional or national scale. The
availability of funding for such projects of special merit will,
however, be extremely limited, and will be determined after the primary
research priority has been addressed. [[Page 27085]]
Research proposals submitted in response to this announcement must:
Address coastal management issues identified as having regional or
national significance; relate them to the National Research Priority
described in this announcement; and be conducted (at least partially)
within one or more designated NERRS sites. In general, research
projects are funded for a duration of either one or two years. Multiple
year projects will always be initiated in the first year of a two-year
priority; one-year projects may be submitted in either year of a two-
year priority. Therefore, proposals submitted under this announcement
for FY96 funding must be of one-year duration.
The research topic and the Reserve must be carefully chosen to
ensure that the resource management issues of primary concern to the
Reserve and the NERRS are addressed. Thus, it is critical that all
prospective researchers contact the appropriate Reserve manager or
research coordinator (see Appendix I) before submitting a proposal
responding to this announcement.
V. Guidelines for Proposal Preparation, Proposal Review and Evaluation,
and Reporting Requirements
Applicants for SRD research funds must follow the guidelines
presented herein when preparing pre-proposals and proposals for
research in Reserves. Pre-proposals and proposals not following these
guidelines will be returned to the applicant without further review.
Proposals for research in the NERRS are solicited annually for
award the following fiscal year. Proposal due dates and other pertinent
information are contained in this announcement of research
opportunities. All proposals sent to SRD must cite and reference this
Federal Register notice (i.e., docket number). Proposers must submit an
original and two (2) copies of each proposal and all supporting
documents (curricula vitae, literature referenced, etc.).
Each proposal will be reviewed only as a one-year project.
Applicants whose pre-proposals are approved for further review must
submit an original and two (2) copies of their full proposals as well.
A. Pre-proposals
Pre-proposals are required and will be used by SRD to evaluate the
applicability of the research plan with regard to the goals of this
announcement. Pre-proposals may not exceed six (6) double-spaced pages
(in a font no smaller than 12-point courier) including the abstract,
introduction, objectives, statement of hypothesis, brief methods
description, and discussion of anticipated results and benefits. A
discussion of coordination with other research in progress or proposed
is encouraged. Each pre-proposal must include a cover page which
clearly identifies: The principal investigator(s) name(s), address(es)
and telephone number(s); proposal title; name of institution providing
matching funds, amount of Federal funds requested and amount of match;
requested start date (month); site(s) where research is to be
conducted; and whether the project is special merit (i.e., other than
habitat restoration). Curricula vitae (not to exceed 4 pages each) for
each researcher and a detailed budget showing matching funds must be
included. The 6 double-spaced page limit does not include budget and
budget description, cover page, curriculum vitae, literature cited
section, or any tables or figures. No Federal forms need be submitted
with a pre-proposal. The pre-proposal and additional sections should be
submitted to Dr. Dwight Trueblood at the address provided in the
Addresses section. Receipt of all pre-proposals will be acknowledged
and a copy sent to the appropriate Reserve staff. All pre-proposals
will be reviewed by SRD research staff, the SRD Headquarters Regional
Managers staff, and the relevant Reserve Manager, Research Coordinator,
and their research advisory committees, where applicable. Pre-proposals
will be rated using the criteria listed in section C below, ``Proposal
Review and Evaluation.'' Applicants whose research projects are
selected for further consideration will be requested to submit a full
proposal. Applicants whose projects are eliminated at this point will
be notified.
Incomplete pre-proposals will be returned to the Principal
Investigator without further review.
B. Full Proposals
Full proposals may be submitted only by those individuals requested
to do so following review of pre-proposals. Unsolicited full proposals
will be returned without review. One (1) original and two (2) copies of
the proposal (Including all forms, curricula vitae, etc.) must be
submitted to the same address as the preposals. The proposal may not
exceed 30 double-spaced pages, (in a font no smaller than 12-point
courier) excluding Federal forms, table of contents, title page,
literature cited, curricula vitae, budget, and figures and tables.
Incomplete proposals will be returned without further review.
An Application Kit will be sent to those individuals who are
requested to submit full proposals. This kit will include all required
Federal forms, with instructions, as well as SRD guidelines for content
and format of the full proposal.
C. Proposal Review and Evaluation
Pre-proposals will be reviewed as outlined in Section A, ``Pre-
proposals,'' above. All full proposals will be reviewed by: SRD
research staff; outside peer reviews who are acknowledged experts in
the particular field represented by the proposal; and an outside panel
of experts. Each full proposal is also forwarded to the appropriate SRD
Regional, State Coastal Zone Management, and Reserve staffs for
comments. Verbatim copies of all peer reviews, excluding the name of
the reviewer, will be sent to the applicant. Applicants will have two
weeks to address and rebut peer reviews. These rebuttals will be
considered by SRD when final funding decisions are made. All
recommendations for funding by SRD must be approved by the NOAA Grants
Management Division before awards are made.
In order to provide for the fair and equitable selection of the
most meritorious research projects for support, SRD has established
specific criteria for their review and evaluation. These criteria will
be applied to all research proposal in accordance with the SRD Research
Priorities set forth in this announcement. The criteria used in both
pre-proposal and full proposal review process are listed below,
together with the elements that constitute each criterion and their
relative weights (in parentheses):
1. Scientific Merit (40%). This criterion is used to evaluate
whether the objectives of the proposal are: Important to the field;
consistent with the stated national research priorities; and likely to
improve the scientific understanding of estuarine processes within the
Reserve(s) as well as in other similar estuaries.
2. Technical Approach (40%). This criterion is used to assess: The
technical feasibility of the proposed effort; the reasonableness of the
hypotheses; the degree to which the proposed timeline is realistics;
the appropriateness and scientific validity of the proposed analytical
methods; the degree to which the proposal demonstrates an understanding
of the Reserve environment and management needs; the current state of
knowledge in the particular field of research interest; and the total
research requirements.
3. Qualifications of P.I. and Key Personnel (10%). This criterion
relates to the experience and past performance [[Page 27086]] of the
principal investigator and key personnel, their familiarity with the
geographic area of the proposed study, and their publication record.
4. Institutional Support and Capabilities (5%). This criterion
relates to the extent of the applicant institution's support for and
commitment to the proposed research and what facilities, equipment, and
other resources are available to the principal investigator and key
personnel from his/her institution for use in accomplishing the
proposed work.
5. Budget (5%). This criterion is used to determine whether the
budget is a realistic and reasonable for accomplishing the proposed
The external science panel will review and rank the proposals based
solely on the technical criteria above. The panel will submit its
rankings to SRD. In making final funding decisions among qualified
proposals ranked highly by the above technical criteria, SRD will also
take into consideration the following programmatic policy factors:
Utility to Reserve Management and to Regional Coastal Management
Issues. This criterion is used to assess the likelihood that results of
this research will support the management of the affected Reserve(s)
and will enhance wise coastal resource management within the region(s)
of study.
Relevance to National Research Priorities and Utility to National
Coastal Management Issues. This criterion is used to assess the
relationship between the objectives of the proposed project and the
National Research Priorities established by NOAA, and to assess the
likelihood that results of this research will be important to national
coastal management issues across the NERR System and coastal states.
Consequently, proposals ranked highest on technical criteria will
not necessarily receive funding from SRD. Final funding decisions will
be made by the Chief of the Sanctuaries and Reserves Division, based
upon review panel rankings and programmatic considerations.
VI. Other Requirements
Recipients and subrecipients are subject to all Federal laws and
Federal and DOC policies, regulations, and procedures applicable to
Federal financial assistance awards.
All non-profit and for-profit applicants are subject to a name-
check review process. Name checks are intended to reveal if any key
individuals associated with the applicant have been convicted of or are
presently facing criminal charges such as fraud, theft, perjury, or
other matters which significantly reflect on the applicant's management
honesty or financial integrity.
No award of Federal funds shall be made to an applicant who has an
outstanding delinquent Federal debt until either: (1) The delinquent
account is paid in full; (2) A negotiated repayment schedule is
established and at least one payment is received; or (3) Other
arrangements satisfactory to the Department of Commerce are made.
Unsatisfactory performance under prior Federal awards may result in
an application not being considered for funding. In addition, any
recipients who are past due for submitting acceptable final reports
under any previous SRD-funded research will be ineligible to be
considered for new awards until final reports are received, reviewed
and deemed acceptable by SRD.
A false statement on an application is grounds for denial or
termination of funds and grounds for possible punishment by a fine or
imprisonment as provided in 18 U.S.C. 1001.
If an application is selected for funding, the Department of
Commerce (DOC) has no obligation to provide any additional future
funding in connection with that award. Renewal of an award to increase
funding or extend the period of performance is at the total discretion
of DOC. However, funding priority will be given to the second year of
multi-year proposals upon satisfactory completion of the first year of
Applications under this program are subject to Executive Order
12372, ``Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs.''
All primary applicants must submit a completed Form CD-511,
``Certifications Regarding Debarment, Suspension and Other
Responsibility Matter; Drug-Free Workplace Requirements and
Lobbying,''and the following explanations are hereby provided:
1. Nonprocurement Debarment and Suspension. Prospective
participants (as defined at 15 CFR part 26, section 105) are subject to
15 CFR part 26, ``Nonprocurement Debarment and Suspension,'' and the
related section of the certification form prescribed above applies;
2. Drug-Free Workplace. Grantees (as defined at 15 CFR part 26,
Section 605) are subject to 15 CFR part 26, subpart F, ``Governmentwide
Requirements for Drug-Free Workplace (Grants)'' and the related section
of the certification form prescribed above applies;
3. Anti-Lobbying. Persons (as defined at 15 CFR part 28, section
105) are subject to the lobbying provisions of 31 U.S.C. 1352,
``Limitation on the use of appropriated funds to influence certain
Federal contracting and financial transactions,'' and the lobbying
section of the certification form which applies to applications/bids
for grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts for more than
$100,000, and loans and loan guarantees for more than $150,000, or the
single family maximum mortgage limit for affected programs, whichever
is greater; and
4. Anti-Lobbying Disclosures. Any applicant that has paid or will
pay for lobbying using any funds must submit an SF-LLL, ``Disclosure of
Lobbying Activities,'' as required under 15 CFR Part 28, Appendix B.
5. Lower Tier Certifications. Recipients shall require applicants/
bidders for subgrants, contracts, subcontracts, or other lower tier
covered transactions at any tier under the award to submit, if
applicable, a completed CD-512, ``Certifications Regarding Debarment,
Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion--Lower Tier Covered
Transactions and Lobbying,'' and disclosure form SF-LLL ``Disclosure of
Lobbying Activities.'' The original form CD-512 is intended for the use
of recipients. SF-LLL submitted by any tier recipient or subrecipient
should be submitted to DOC in accordance with the instructions
contained in the award document.
Buy American-Made Equipment or Products: Applicants are hereby
notified that any equipment or products authorized to be purchased with
funding provided under this program should be American-made to the
extent feasible.
Indirect Costs: The total dollar amount of the indirect costs
proposed in an application under this program must not exceed the
indirect cost rate negotiated and approved by a cognizant Federal
agency prior to the proposed effective date of the award or 100 percent
of the total proposed direct costs dollar amount in the application,
whichever is less.
Preaward Activities: If applicants incur any costs prior to an
award being made, they do so solely at their own risk of not being
reimbursed by the Government. Notwithstanding any verbal or written
assurance that may have been received, there is no obligation on the
part of DOC to cover preaward costs.
VII. Classification
This notice has been determined to be ``not significant'' for
purposes of E.O. 12866. [[Page 27087]]
This action is categorically excluded from the requirement to
prepare an environmental assessment by NOAA Administrative Order 216-6.
This notice does not contain policies with federalism implications
sufficient to warrant preparation of a federalism assessment under
Executive Order 12612.
This notice contains a collection of information requirement
subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act. The collection of this
information has been approved by the Office of Management and Budget,
OMB Control Number 0648-0121.
(Federal Domestic Assistance Catalog Number 11.420 Coastal Zone
Management Estuarine Research Reserves)
Dated: April 27, 1995.
W. Stanley Wilson,
Assistant Administrator, Ocean Services and Coastal Zone Management.
Appendix I. NERRS On-Site Staff
Mr. L.G. Adams, Acting Manager, Weeks Bay National Estuarine
Research Service, 10936-B, U.S. Highway 98, Fairhope, AL 36532,
(334) 928-9792
Mr. Steve Kimple, Manager, Dr. Andrew DeVogelaere, Research
Coordinator, Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve,
1700 Elkhorn Road, Watsonville, CA 95076, (408) 728-2822
Ms. Joanne Kerbavaz, Manager, Tijuana River National Estuarine
Research Reserve, 301 Caspian Way, Imperial Beach, CA 92032, (619)
Ms. Sarah Cooksey, Manager, Dr. Bill Meredith, Research Coordinator,
Delaware NERR, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental
Control, Division of Parks and Recreation, P.O. Box 1401, Dover, DE
19903, (302) 739-3451 (Cooksey), (302) 739-3493 (Meredith)
Mr. Woodard Miley II, Manager, Mr. Lee Edmiston, Research
Coordinator, Apalachicola River National Estuarine Research Reserve,
261 7th Street, Apalachicola, FL 32320, (904) 653-8063
Mr. Gary Lytton, Manager, Mr. Todd Hopkins, Research Coordinator,
Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, 10 Shell Island
Road, Naples, FL 33942, (813) 775-8845
Mr. Buddy Sullivan, Manager, Dr. Stuart Stevens, Research
Coordinator, Sapelo Island National Estuarine Research Reserve,
Department of National Resources, P.O. Box 15, Sapelo Island, GA
31327, (912) 485-2251 (Sullivan), (912) 264-7218 (Stevens)
Mr. William Stormont, Manager, Waimanu Valley National Estuarine
Research Reserve, Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division
of Forestry and Wildlife, 1151 Punchbowl Street, Honolulu, HI 96813,
(808) 587-0051
Note: The State of Hawaii has requested that Waimanu Valley NERR
be formally removed from the NERRS. This may affect future research
resources and opportunities at this site.
Mr. James List, Manager, Dr. Michele Dionne, Research Coordinator,
Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve, RR #2, Box 806, Wells, ME
04090, (207) 646-1555
Ms. Mary Ellen Dore, Manager, Mr. David Nemazie, Research
Coordinator, Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in
Maryland, Dept. of Natural Resources, Tawes State Office Building,
B-3, 580 Taylor Avenue, Annapolis, MD 21401, (410) 974-3382 (Dore),
(410) 228-9250 (Nemazie)
Ms. Christine Gault, Manager, Dr. Richard Crawford, Research
Coordinator, Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Dept.
of Environmental Management, P.O. Box 3092, Waquoit, MA 02536, (508)
New Hampshire
Mr. Peter Wellenberger, Manager, Great Bay National Estuarine
Research Reserve, New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, 37 Concord
Road, Durham, NH 03824, (603) 868-1095
New York
Ms. Elizabeth Blair, Manager, Mr. Chuck Nieder, Research
Coordinator, Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve, New
York State Department of Environmental Conservation, c/o Bard
College Field Station, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 12504, (914) 758-5193
North Carolina
Dr. John Taggart, Manager, Dr. Steve Ross, Research Coordinator,
North Carolina National Estuarine Research Reserve, University of
North Carolina at Wilmington, 7205 Wrightsville Avenue, Wilmington,
NC 28403, (910) 256-3721 (Taggart), (910) 395-3905 (Ross)
Mr. Eugene Wright, Manager, Dr. David Klarer, Research Coordinator,
Old Woman Creek National Estuarine Research Reserve, 2514 Cleveland
Road, East, Huron, OH 44839, (419) 433-4601
Mr. Michael Graybill, Manager, Dr. Steve Rumrill, Research
Coordinator, South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, P.O.
Box 5417, Charleston, OR 97420, (503) 888-5558
Puerto Rico
Ms. Carmen Gonzalez, Manager, Jobos Bay National Estuarine Research
Reserve, Dept. of Natural Resources, Call Box B, Aguirre, PR 00704,
(809) 853-4617
Rhode Island
Mr. Al Beck, Manager, Narragansett Bay National Estuarine Research
Reserve, Dept. of Environmental Management, Box 151, Prudence
Island, RI 02872, (401) 683-5061
South Carolina
Mr. Michael D. McKenzie, Manager, Dr. Elizabeth Wenner, Research
Coordinator, Ashepoo-Combahee-Edisto (ACE) Basin, South Carolina
Wildlife and Marine Resources Department, P.O. Box 12559,
Charleston, SC 29412, (803) 762-5052 (McKenzie), (803) 736-5050
Dr. Dennis Allen, Manager, Dr. Joe Schubauer-Berigan, Research
Coordinator, North Inlet-Winyah Bay, Baruch Marine Field Laboratory,
P.O. Box 1630, Georgetown, SC 29442, (803) 546-3623
Dr. Maurice P. Lynch, Manager, Dr. Jeffrey Shields, Research
Coordinator, Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in
Virginia, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William
and Mary, P.O. Box 1347, Gloucester Point, VA 23062, (804) 642-7135
Mr. Terry Stevens, Manager, Dr. Douglas Bulthuis, Research
Coordinator, Padilla Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, 1043
Bayview-Edison Road, Mt. Vernon, WA 98273, (360) 428-1558
[FR Doc. 95-12510 Filed 5-19-95; 8:45 am]