96-12815. Chickamauga DamNavigation Lock Project  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 100 (Wednesday, May 22, 1996)]
    [Pages 25727-25729]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-12815]
    Chickamauga Dam--Navigation Lock Project
    AGENCY: Tennessee Valley Authority.
    ACTION: Issuance of record of decision.
    SUMMARY: This notice is provided in accordance with the Council on 
    Environmental Quality's regulations and with TVA's procedures 
    implementing the National Environmental Policy Act. TVA has decided to 
    adopt the preferred alternative identified in TVA's final environmental 
    impact statement (EIS) made available to the public on March 26, 1996. 
    A Notice of Availability of the final EIS was published in the Federal 
    Register on April 5, 1996 (61 FR 15252). The preferred alternative is 
    to construct a new 110 x 600 foot lock to replace the existing lock at 
    Chickamauga Dam. Because of structural problems and safety concerns 
    caused by concrete growth, the existing lock at Chickamauga Dam has a 
    limited life expectancy, at most 10 years. TVA will continue to monitor 
    the existing lock and make the necessary repairs to keep the lock in 
    operation until the new lock is available for service. Design and 
    construction of the new lock, subject to available funding, are 
    expected to begin five years prior to closure of the existing lock. 
    This will allow the new lock to be operational before the existing lock 
    is closed, thereby maintaining navigation on the upper Tennessee River.
    W. Gary Brock, Manager, Water Resources Projects and Planning, 
    Tennessee Valley Authority, West Tower 10C-432, Knoxville, Tennessee 
    37902, or by calling (423) 632-8877.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Tennessee River is formed at the 
    confluence of the Holston and French Bread Rivers near Knoxville in 
    eastern Tennessee. From this confluence, the river flows 652 miles 
    through Tennessee, northern Alabama, northeastern Mississippi, and 
    western Kentucky to enter the Ohio River near Paducah, Kentucky. Along 
    most of its counsel, the river falls gradually for a total of 515 feet 
    except in the Muscle Shoals, Alabama, area where a drop of 100 feet 
    occurs in less than 20 miles.
        The existing navigation system on the Tennessee River consists of 
    nine multipurpose dams and lock projects with a total of 13 navigation 
    locks. The system creates a series of navigation pools that provide a 
    nine foot navigable channel along the entire length of the river except 
    for a three mile stretch at Knoxville where, in periods of low water, 
    the depth diminishes to seven feet and the channel width diminishes to 
    about 200 feet. Navigation locks on the Tennessee River range in size 
    from 110 x 1000 foot lock at Pickwick Dam to 60 x 300 foot double lift 
    auxiliary lock at Wilson Dam.
        The upper Tennessee River navigation system begins at Chickamauga 
    Dam, river mile 471, and extends 181 upstream to the confluence of the 
    Holston and French Broad Rivers. The system consists of four navigation 
    locks located at Chickamauga, Watts Bar, Fort Loudoun, and Melton Hill 
    dams. The four locks were constructed in 1937, 1941, 1942 and 1963 
    respectively. The predominant commodities trafficked on the upper 
    Tennessee River system are asphalt, grains, ores and minerals, and 
    forest products.
        TVA's Chickamauga Dam and Navigation Lock Project is located in 
    Hamilton County, Tennessee, approximately 13 miles northeast of 
    downtown Chattanooga, Tennessee. Chickamauga Lock currently has a 
    traffic level of about 2.1 million tons per year.
        TVA and the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) began 
    studying navigation problems on the upper Tennessee River in 1987. The 
    study results were published in 1988 by the Nashville District of the 
    USACE in a report entitled, Commodity Traffic and Benefit Study for 
    Navigation Improvements on the Upper Tennessee River. Both agencies 
    agreed that the small and aging locks on the upper Tennessee River--
    Chickamauga, Watts Bar, Fort Loudoun--were constraints to navigation 
    and that concrete growth at Chickamauga lock threatened its continued 
    operation. Concrete growth was not a problem at Watts Bar and Fort 
    Loudoun because of the type of cement and aggregate used to construct 
    the projects.
        The 1988 study examined the feasibility of increasing the existing 
    locks to 110 x 600 feet size in order to bring the upper Tennessee 
    navigation locks into conformance with locks below Chickamauga on the 
    lower Tennessee River. The study concluded, however, that the benefits 
    would not justify the cost of three new locks on the upper Tennessee 
    River, and that TVA transportation planners should concentrate on 
    improvements at Chickamauga and Watts Bar Locks.
        The results of the study of lock improvement benefits at 
    Chickamauga and Watts Bar Dams were presented in a USACE report 
    entitled Upper Tennessee River Navigation Improvement Study Navigation 
    System Analysis (1993) which was produced under contract for TVA. The 
    focus of this study was to estimate benefits that would accrue from a 
    new 110 x 600 foot lock at Chickamauga which would be constructed 
    before the existing lock was closed for an 18 month rehabilitation. At 
    that time, engineering data indicated that the lock could be 
    rehabilitated to function as an auxiliary lock. The study concluded 
    that if any capacity constraints occurred at Watts Bar Lock, 
    nonstructural measures could be used to
    [[Page 25728]]
    control the situation. TVA will continue to evaluate Watts Bar and Fort 
    Loudoun projects. However, TVA has no planned upgrades of these 
    facilities in the foreseeable future.
        Because of structural problems and safety concerns TVA continued to 
    perform engineering analyses of the Chickamauga Lock and Dam using new 
    methodology referred to as finite element analysis. The finite element 
    analysis completed in 1995, revealed that because of concrete growth 
    the lock could not be rehabilitated and that, at best, could function 
    for another ten years. At some point, the lock would have to be closed 
    to form a permanent water barrier at the dam. To close the lock, a 
    concrete plug would be poured into the lock chamber to form a permanent 
    water barrier.
        Extensive structural repairs and maintenance activities to 
    alleviate problems resulting from concrete continue to be made at 
    Chickamauga Lock. Instrumentation was installed to monitor structural 
    movements and internal stresses.
        In its evaluation of alternatives to replace the existing lock at 
    Chickamauga Dam, plugging the lock was defined as TVA's no action 
    alternative. At this time, the alternative of taking absolutely no 
    action is not acceptable because of the deteriorating nature of the 
    lock and potential consequences of dam safety and navigation.
        TVA issued a draft EIS on May 10, 1995, that considered the 
    alternative of continued operation of the existing lock. The final EIS 
    does not consider the alternative of rehabilitating the lock because of 
    information described above that became available after release of the 
    draft EIS.
    Alternatives Considered
        The following four alternatives were considered by TVA in its final 
    EIS in attempting to address the structural problems and safety 
    concerns caused by concrete growth at the Chickamauga Lock.
        Alternative 1. Construct a new 110 x 600 foot lock (preferred 
        Alternative 2. Permanently close existing lock (no action 
        Alternative 3. Construct new 60 x 360 foot lock (replacement in-
        Alternative 4. Construct new 75 x 400 foot lock.
        The environmental impacts of these alternatives were evaluated in 
    the final EIS. Because of the structural problems and safety concerns, 
    all construction alternatives include plugging the existing lock after 
    the new lock is completed.
        Under the no action alternative, the existing lock would have been 
    plugged and no replacement lock built in its place. This would have 
    eliminated navigation through Chickamauga Dam. Upstream industries 
    dependent upon barge transportation would be forced to shift to truck 
    or rail transport of commodities, and recreational boaters and 
    commercial tour operator would not be able to move between Chickamauga 
    and Nickajack Reservoirs. Plugging the existing lock at a cost of $6.8 
    million to form a permanent water barrier at the dam would have been 
    the least cost alternative for solving the structural problems at the 
        The 110 x 600 foot lock represents the general standard for locks 
    on the lower Tennessee River and thus, is well suited for barges in 
    general use today. Lock capacity for the 110 x 600 foot lock has been 
    rated at 35.7 million tons. Construction of the 110 x 600 foot lock is 
    estimated to cost $225 million. Total cost of the new lock, including 
    $6.8 million for closure of the existing lock, is $231.8 million in 
    1995 dollars. Construction of the 60 x 360 and 75 x 400 foot locks 
    would have cost $135 million and $160 million respectively.
    Basis for the Decision
        TVA decided to adopt Alternative 1, that is, construct a new 110 x 
    600 foot lock, to address the structural problems at Chickamauga Lock 
    based on environmental, social, economic, recreational, and engineering 
    and public safety considerations. Alternative 1 was chosen as the 
    preferred alternative because it would maintain navigation on the upper 
    Tennessee River and represents the general standard for locks on the 
    lower Tennessee River and, thus is well suited for barges in general 
    use today.
        Overall benefits include (1) economies related to a more efficient 
    lock at Chickamauga, (2) a cheaper competitive barge alternative to 
    overland transportation, and (3) construction of a reliable lock at 
        Among the three lock sizes considered in this EIS, the benefit cost 
    ratio (4.3) for the 110 x 600 foot lock is higher than the benefit cost 
    ratio (2.5) for the other two locks. The environmental impacts from the 
    construction and operation of the smaller 60 x 360 and 75 x 400 foot 
    locks would be similar to the impacts associated with the preferred 110 
    x 600 foot lock.
        A new 110 x 600 foot lock is expected to generate 467 new jobs and 
    $16.7 million in new income annually in the Hamilton County area over 
    its five-year construction period. Of the 467 jobs, 267 would be 
    directly created while 200 mostly commercial sector positions would be 
    indirectly created. The $9.8 million directly generated income would 
    also result in an additional $6.87 million in indirect monetary gain. 
    While the bulk of these employment and income benefits would accrue to 
    Hamilton County, the project would also have a positive impact on seven 
    other counties identified in the project area.
        Under alternative 2, plugging the lock would result in the 
    abandonment of 297 miles of navigable inland waterway and the public's 
    investment in three navigation locks (Watts Bar, Fort Loudoun, and 
    Melton Hill) above Chickamauga. The loss of commercial traffic on the 
    upper Tennessee River is estimated to cost the nation $25 million 
    annually. Additionally, having a lock in place at Chickamauga Dam 
    provides shippers in east Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia, and 
    South Carolina a competitive alternative to overland transportation 
    modes and a low cost source of certain commodities. For these reasons, 
    the no action alternative is unacceptable to TVA.
        TVA also considered the use of portage facilities around 
    Chickamauga Dam to support upstream barge use without the construction 
    of a new lock. However, because this alternative was not economically 
    feasible, it was not evaluated in detail.
        Construction of a new lock would result in the loss of some 
    specimen of the endangered pink mucket during dredging for channel 
    improvements. Other potential adverse environmental impacts from 
    construction of a new lock can be substantially avoided or minimized 
    through mitigation measures. By comparison, the no action alternative 
    of plugging the lock without replacing it would stop navigation between 
    Chickamauaga and Nickajack reservoirs, isolate the upper from the lower 
    Tennessee River, and block the potential upstream movement of spawning 
    migratory species such as sauger and buffalo. TVA has therefore 
    concluded that there is no clear environmentally preferable alternative 
    for the Chickamauga Dam--Navigation Lock Project.
    Environmental Consequences and Commitments
        Environmental consequences associated with construction of a new 
    110 x 600 foot lock are set out in the final EIS. Environmental impacts 
    include minor loss of aquatic habitat and resident population of 
    freshwater mussels, included one listed
    [[Page 25729]]
    endangered species (pink mucket, Lampsillis orbiculata) These losses 
    would be mitigated by relocating the mussels and possibly by other 
    means to be determined during consultation with the United States Fish 
    and Wildlife Service. Disposal sites would be landscaped and vegetated, 
    and potential impacts to a federally endangered plant (Mountain 
    skullcap, Scutellaria montana) located adjacent to a disposal site will 
    be mitigated through maintenance of a contiguous 250-foot forest buffer 
    zone. Shoreline restoration downstream will be performed so as to 
    offset erosion and improve riverine wetlands downstream of the project. 
    Fugitive dust would be reasonably controlled through periodic wetting 
    of construction road surfaces or as required by local and state air 
    regulations. No chemical agents, such as oils, will be used to control 
    fugitive dust. Construction of a new lock will have an impact on the 
    existing historic dam complex and will require a Section 106 review. No 
    potential adverse effects on archaeological or cultural resources are 
    anticipated. Temporary high noise levels and navigation traffic 
    congestion would be expected during construction.
        Environmental impacts associated with the operation of the new lock 
    include socioeconomic benefits associated with the continuation of 
    commercial and recreation lockages and the loss of four spillway bays. 
    Loss of four spillways bays will not adversely impact TVA's ability to 
    control flooding up to a 5500 year flood event. Further, through 
    appropriate design of discharge structures, TVA will attempt to 
    minimize potential impact on the upstream migration of certain fish 
    species, such as sauger and buffalo.
        The construction and operational environmental impacts for the 
    smaller 60  x  360 and 75  x  400 foot locks would be similar to the 
    impacts associated with the proposed 110  x  600 foot lock.
        Environmental impacts associated with the no action alternative of 
    plugging the lock without replacing it, include blocking the potential 
    upstream movement of spawning migratory fishes, such as sauger and 
    buffalo. Additionally, navigation through Chickamauga Dam would cease, 
    causing significant economic impact to industry and recreation and 
    would isolate the upper Tennessee River from the lower river system for 
    commercial navigation. This would result in a shift to land transport 
    of goods shipped through Chickamauga Lock which would have adverse 
    impact on air quality from increased truck and rail traffic. Further, 
    separation of the National Oak Ridge Laboratory and other industry from 
    access to barge transportation could result in lost opportunities for 
    industrial expansion, and at Oak Ridge, the inability to move certain 
    national defense equipment there for maintenance and repair.
        Additionally, a number of mitigation and monitoring requirements 
    will be incorporated in construction and operational permits needed for 
    the Chickamauga Dam--Navigation Lock Project.
        Dated: May 13, 1996.
    Kathryn J. Jackson,
    Senior Vice President, Resource Group.
    [FR Doc. 96-12815 Filed 5-21-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 8120-01-M

Document Information

Tennessee Valley Authority
Entry Type:
Issuance of record of decision.
Document Number:
25727-25729 (3 pages)
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