98-13602. National Oil and Hazardous Substances Contingency Plan; National Priorities List  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 99 (Friday, May 22, 1998)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 28317-28322]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-13602]
    40 CFR Part 300
    National Oil and Hazardous Substances Contingency Plan; National 
    Priorities List
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency.
    ACTION: Notice of intent to delete Operable Units 100-IU-1 and 100-IU-3 
    of the Hanford 100 Area Superfund Site from the National Priorities 
    SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 10 announces 
    its intent to delete portions of the Hanford 100 Area NPL Superfund 
    Site. The portions proposed to be deleted are the 100-IU-1 and 100-IU-3 
    Operable Units from the National Priories List. The 100-IU-1 and IU-3 
    Operable Units are part of the Hanford 100 Area NPL Site located at the 
    U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Hanford Site, located in southeastern 
    Washington State. EPA is requesting comment on this action.
        The NPL constitutes Appendix B to the National Oil and Hazardous 
    Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP), 40 CFR Part 300, which EPA 
    promulgated pursuant to Section 105 of the Comprehensive Environmental 
    Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). This partial 
    deletion of the 100-IU-1 and 100-IU-3 Operable Units is proposed in 
    accordance with 40 CFR 300.425(e) and the Notice of Policy Change: 
    Partial Deletion of Sites Listed on the National Priorities List. 60 FR 
    55466 (Nov. 1995).
        This proposal for partial deletion pertains to all known waste 
    areas located in the 100-IU-1 and 100-IU-3 Operable Units. The waste 
    areas in 100-IU-3 were associated with former military sites used to 
    defend the Hanford Site during the Cold War. In addition, a 2-4,D 
    burial ground is located in the 100-IU-3 Operable Unit. The primary 
    waste areas in the 100-IU-1 Operable Unit were associated with 
    decontamination of rail cars at the Riverland Railroad Car Wash Pit, a 
    munitions cache, a pesticide container area, and a 2-4,D container 
    DATES: EPA will accept comments concerning its proposal for partial 
    deletion for thirty (30) days after publication of this document in the 
    Federal Register and a newspaper of record.
    ADDRESSES: Comments may be sent to: Dennis Faulk, Superfund Site 
    Manager, USEPA, 712 Swift #5, Richland, Washington 99352; (509) 376-
        Information Repositories: Information and the deletion docket is 
    available for review at the information repository listed below:
    U.S. Department of Energy, Public Reading Room, Washington State 
    University, Tri-Cities Consolidated Information Center, Room 101L, 2770 
    University Drive, Richland, Washington 99352.
        In addition, the Notice of Intent to Delete can be reviewed at the 
    following information repositories: Portland State University, Branford 
    Price Millar Library, Science and Engineering Floor, 934 SW Harrison 
    and Park, Portland, Oregon; University of Washington, Suzzallo Library, 
    Government Publications Room, Seattle, Washington; Gonzaga University, 
    Foley Center, East 502 Boone, Spokane, Washington.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dennis Faulk; (509)376-8631.
    Table of Contents
    I. Introduction
    II. NPL Deletion Criteria
    III. Deletion Procedures
    IV. Basis for Intended Partial Site Deletion
    I. Introduction
        The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 10 
    announces its intent to delete the 100-IU-1 and 100-IU-3 Operable Units 
    from the National Priories List. The 100-IU-1 and IU-3 Operable Units 
    are part of the Hanford 100 Area NPL Site located at The U.S. 
    Department of Energy(DOE) Hanford Site, located in southeastern 
    Washington State. EPA is requesting comment on this action.
        EPA proposes to delete the 100-IU-1 and 100-IU-3 Operable Units 
    from the 100 Area NPL because all appropriate CERCLA response 
    activities have been completed. The waste areas in the 100-IU-1 and 
    100-IU-3 Operable Units were cleaned up by the DOE between 1992 and 
    1994 using expedited response actions (ERA). At the Hanford Site, the 
    term ERA is used to describe actions taken under CERCLA removal 
    authority as described in 40 CFR 300.415. In February 1996, a no 
    further action record of decision was signed documenting that previous 
    ERA's had removed all contaminants from the waste areas in the 100-IU-1 
    and 100-IU-3 Operable Units to below cleanup levels for residential use 
    established under the Washington State Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA). 
    It should be noted, cleanup activities are continuing at other operable 
    units of the Hanford 100 Area NPL Site.
        The NPL is a list maintained by EPA of sites that EPA has 
    determined present a significant risk to human health, welfare, or the 
    environment. Sites on the NPL may be the subject of remedial actions 
    financed by the Hazardous Substance Superfund (Fund). Pursuant to 40 
    CFR 300.425(e) of the NCP, any site or portion of a site deleted from 
    the NPL remains eligible for remedial actions if conditions at the site 
    warrant such action.
        EPA will accept comments concerning its intent for partial deletion 
    for thirty (30) days after publication of this notice in the Federal 
    Register and a newspaper of record.
    II. NPL Deletion Criteria
        The NCP establishes the criteria that EPA uses to delete sites from 
    the NPL. In accordance with 40 CFR 300.425(e), sites may be deleted 
    from the NPL where no further response is appropriate to protect human 
    health or the environment. In making such a determination pursuant to 
    Sec. 300.425(e), EPA will consider, in consultation with the State, 
    whether any of the following criteria have been met:
        Section 300.425(e)(1)(I). Responsible parties or other persons have 
    implemented all appropriate response actions required; or
        Section 300.425(e)(1)(ii). All appropriate response actions under 
    CERCLA have been implemented under DOE's removal authority, and no 
    further response action is deemed necessary; or
        Section 300.425(e)(1)(iii). The remedial investigation has shown 
    that the release poses no significant threat to human health or the 
    environment and, therefore, taking of remedial measures is not 
        Deletion of a portion of a site from the NPL does not preclude 
    eligibility for subsequent remedial actions at the area deleted if 
    future site conditions warrant
    [[Page 28318]]
    such actions. Section 300.425(e)(3) of the NCP provides that remedial 
    actions may be taken at sites that have been deleted from the NPL. A 
    partial deletion of a site from the NPL does not affect or impede EPA's 
    ability to conduct CERCLA response activities at areas not deleted and 
    remaining on the NPL. In addition, deletion of a portion of a site from 
    the NPL does not affect the liability of responsible parties or impede 
    agency efforts to recover costs associated with response efforts.
    III. Deletion Procedures
        Deletion of a portion of a site from the NPL does not itself 
    create, alter, or revoke any person's rights or obligations. The NPL is 
    designed primarily for information purposes and to assist Agency 
        The following procedures were used for the proposed deletion of the 
    100-IU-1 and 100-IU-3 Operable Units:
        (1) EPA Region 10 has recommended the partial deletion and has 
    prepared the relevant documents.
        (2) The State of Washington, through the Washington Department of 
    Ecology, concurs with this proposed partial deletion.
        (3) Concurrent with this national Notice of Intent for Partial 
    Deletion, a notice has been published in a newspaper of record and has 
    been distributed to appropriate federal, State, and local officials and 
    other interested parties. These notices announce a thirty (30) day 
    public comment period on the deletion package, which commences on the 
    date of publication of this notice in the Federal Register and 
    newspaper of record.
        (4) EPA has made all relevant documents available at the 
    information repositories listed previously.
        This Federal Register document, and a concurrent notice in a 
    newspaper of record, announce the initiation of a thirty (30) day 
    public comment period and the availability of the Notice of Intent of 
    Partial Deletion. The public is asked to comment on EPA's proposal to 
    delete the operable units from the NPL. All critical documents needed 
    to evaluate EPA's decision are included in the Deletion Docket and are 
    available for review at the information repository previously listed.
        Upon completion of the thirty (30) day public comment period, EPA 
    will evaluate all comments received before issuing the final decision 
    on the partial deletion. EPA will prepare a Responsiveness Summary for 
    comments received during the public comment period and will address 
    concerns presented in the comments. The Responsiveness Summary will be 
    made available to the public at the information repository previously 
    listed. Members of the public are encouraged to contact EPA Region 10 
    to obtain a copy of the Responsiveness Summary. If, after review of all 
    public comments, EPA determines that the partial deletion from the NPL 
    is appropriate, EPA will publish a final notice of partial deletion in 
    the Federal Register. Deletion of the operable units does not actually 
    occur until the final Notice of Partial Deletion is published in the 
    Federal Register.
    IV. Basis for Intended Partial Site Deletion
        The following provides EPA's rationale for deletion of the 100-IU-1 
    and 100-IU-3 Operable Units of the Hanford 100 Area NPL Site and EPA's 
    finding that the criteria in 40 CFR 300.425(e) are satisfied.
        The Hanford 100 Area Site was added to the NPL in November 1989. 
    EPA Region 10 is proposing deletion of portions of the Hanford 100 Area 
    NPL Site. Specifically the 100-IU-1 Operable Unit and 100-IU-3 Operable 
    Unit. The 100-IU-1 Operable Unit is a 13 square mile area with 
    boundaries of Washington State Route 240 on the east, Washington State 
    Highway 24 on the south, Hanford Site boundary on the west, and the 
    Columbia River on the north. The 100-IU-3 Operable Unit is a 140 square 
    mile area located at the northern most extent of the Hanford 100 Area 
    NPL Site, north of the Columbia River.
    100-IU-1 Operable Unit
        Based on past disposal practices two waste areas; the Army 
    Munitions Burial Site (munitions cache) and the Riverland Railroad Car 
    Wash Pit were included as subunits in the 100-IU-1 Operable Unit. In 
    addition, during investigations a pesticide container disposal area and 
    a 2-4,D container area were also discovered and included as part of the 
    operable unit.
        The Riverland Railroad Car Wash Pit operated from 1943 until 1956 
    and was used to decontaminate railcars. Radioactive decontamination was 
    required before railroad maintenance personnel could work on the 
    railcars and locomotives.
        An operable unit visual inspection found one homestead area 
    containing a pile of empty pesticide containers. Characterization 
    activities identified aldrin and dieldrin as contaminants of concern in 
    the soil. Aldrin and dieldrin are carcinogenic and relatively immobile 
    in soils. The chemicals were produced for about 10 years, from the 
    early 1950s to early 1960s.
        A 2-4,D container area was discovered in July 1994 during an 
    archaeological survey performed by Pacific Northwest Laboratories. Two 
    5-gallon containers were found on the surface among some sage brush. In 
    addition, nine 5-gallon containers, with just the pour spouts exposed, 
    were found buried among the sage brush. Partial container markings 
    indicated that the containers may have contained 2-4,D.
        The munitions cache received various military explosives in the 
    1970s. The explosives were remnants left from various military 
    exercises in the area. The area consisted of a wooden box placed in a 
    hole in the ground about 0.6 m by 0.9 m by 0.6 m (2 ft by 3 ft by 2 ft) 
    deep. On May 22, 1986, the box with contents went to the Yakima Firing 
    Range for destruction.
        Characterization activities confirmed the presence of diesel fuel 
    contamination in the concrete and soil at the Riverland Railroad Car 
    Wash Pit and pesticide soil contamination at the pesticide container 
    area. Characterization of the 2-4,D container area did not find any 
    contaminated soil around or beneath the containers. Based on results of 
    sampling at the 2-4,D container area, the empty containers were 
    designated nonregulated. At the pesticide container area, sampling 
    indicated the primary hazardous constituents of concern were aldrin and 
    dieldrin contaminated soils. The munitions cache was sampled and no 
    contamination was present.
        There is no known groundwater contamination associated with the 
    100-IU-1 Operable Unit. There are two shallow depth groundwater 
    monitoring wells within the Operable Unit. One well is located down 
    gradient of the Riverland Railroad Car Wash Pit and the second well is 
    located down gradient and to the northwest. Sample analysis data from 
    as far back as 1971 do not show groundwater contamination.
        EPA and Ecology issued an action memorandum to DOE in June, 1993 
    requiring the removal of all pesticide contaminated soils, filling in 
    the munitions cache hole, performing an explosive ordnance survey, and 
    cleaning up the diesel contaminated concrete and soils at the Riverland 
    Railroad Car Wash Pit.
        The munitions cache hole was filled in on July 27, 1993. The 
    Riverland Ordnance Survey was part of the Hanford Site-wide ordnance 
    and explosive waste (OEW) archive search conducted by the U. S. Army 
    Corps of Engineers. This search indicated that
    [[Page 28319]]
    the potential for ordnance in 100-IU-1 was minimal and, therefore, no 
    further action was required regarding ordnance.
        The pesticide container area cleanup activities started on July 6, 
    1993. On-site immunoassay field screening was used to monitor cleanup 
    activity success. Drums containing crushed pesticide containers and 
    drums containing aldrin and dieldrin contaminated soils were sent to an 
    appropriate disposal facility located in the 200 Area of Hanford. The 
    pesticide area was backfilled on September 1, 1993 after laboratory 
    sample results confirmed that the soil contamination levels were below 
    2 parts per million (pmm) which is the cleanup level for aldrin and 
    dieldrin as specified by the MTCA.
        The Riverland Railroad Wash Car Pit cleanup activities started on 
    July 12, 1993 when the soil covering the shop concrete pad was removed. 
    The entire cleanup action was monitored with immunoassay field 
    screening kits that detected diesel (TPH) concentrations at or above 
    200 ppm. Demolition of the concrete pad began on September 21, 1993 and 
    diesel contaminated soil removal started on September 27, 1993. The 
    contaminated material consisted of soils beneath the concrete pad, clay 
    drain pipes and associated soils, and drainage ditch soils. A total of 
    430 cubic yards of material were removed and hauled to a bioremediation 
    facility onsite. Bioremediation activities were completed in 1996. 
    Sample results indicated that all soils were below the MTCA cleanup 
    level of 200 ppm for TPH. All excavations were backfilled with clean 
        In April of 1992, Ecology and the EPA recommended that the 100-IU-3 
    Operable Unit be investigated and remediated using a non-time critical 
    ERA. Results of field work which commenced in the summer of 1992 
    indicated that full scale hazard mitigation and the proper abandonment 
    of water wells needed to be performed. Field work also indicated 
    investigation and remediation of the 100-IU-3 military landfills was 
    warranted. The H-O6-L landfill, considered to be the largest and 
    suspected to contain the most hazardous waste, would be fully 
    characterized (i.e., anomalous areas identified within the landfill 
    boundaries would be fully excavated to undisturbed or natural horizons; 
    excavated materials would be field screened, sampled and analyzed if 
    necessary). Materials identified as hazardous or regulated would be 
    stockpiled for treatment or off-site disposal.
        Additional characterization and remediation of the other landfills 
    would be dependent on the amounts and types of wastes found at the H-
    O6-L landfill. It was reasoned that because the military areas were 
    under the same command, similar operating practices would be in place 
    for each. Therefore, using an analogous approach, environmental waste 
    found at the H-O6-L landfill would be expected to be present at the 
    other landfills. Similarly, if no environmental waste was discovered at 
    the H-O6-L landfill, the expectation was that the other landfills would 
    also be free of contamination.
        The Action Memorandum also required that DOE investigate the 
    possible presence of ordnance in the 100-IU-3 Operable Unit. Ordnance, 
    if found, was to be handled and disposed of in accordance with current 
    U.S. Army regulations. An ordnance and explosive waste (OEW) record 
    search was initiated in November of 1993. The search consisted of a 
    records review and site visit, ordnance and explosive waste 
    contamination analysis, and an archives search. The search concluded 
    that there is a very small potential for the presence of OEW. Given the 
    expanse of the 100-IU-3 Operable Unit, the likelihood of finding any 
    ordnance through a field search would be minimal, and the costs would 
    be great. Therefore, no further action was recommended.
        Decommissioning of water wells began in June 1994 and was concluded 
    in October 1994. In all, 9 water supply wells and one monitoring well 
    were decommissioned in accordance with requirements set forth by the 
    Washington State Department of Ecology. Localized contamination was 
    discovered in three 100-IU-3 Operable Unit water supply wells. The 
    contamination appeared to have been a result of vandals dumping oil and 
    other debris down the well casing. In each case the contamination was 
    contained within the casing. The oil and contaminated water were 
    successfully purged from each well and the casings were steamed 
    cleaned. Follow up water sampling and testing was conducted to confirm 
        Full characterization and remediation at the H-06-L landfill began 
    on April 19, 1994. Activities conducted consisted of geophysical 
    investigations, excavation and field screening of buried wastes, 
    sampling and analysis of suspect wastes, and segregation of confirmed 
    hazardous or contaminated materials. Geophysical investigations 
    employed electromagnetic profiling and magnetic techniques to locate 
    buried metallic and non-metallic waste materials. Areas exhibiting 
    anomalous geophysical response were marked in the field for subsequent 
        Excavated wastes were field screened using several criteria 
    including visual observation, direct-reading instruments, and analyte-
    specific field analytical kits. Suspect wastes were sampled for 
    characterization by an off-site laboratory under a quick turn-around 
    schedule. Materials confirmed as hazardous were segregated pending 
    determination of proper waste designation and disposition. Excavations 
    were backfilled with clean material and graded to original conditions.
        Approximately 600 cubic yards of DDT contaminated soil were 
    discovered at the H-O6-L landfill. This material was disposed of at an 
    off-site permitted landfill. Also, 200 cubic yards of petroleum 
    contaminated soil was found and disposed of at an approved off-site 
    facility. Six drums of soil contaminated with metals and soil from 
    beneath several pesticide cans were disposed at an off-site facility. 
    No ordnance or explosive waste was discovered.
        The remaining 100-IU-3 military landfills received limited 
    characterization and remediation that required excavation at each 
    identified geophysical anomaly. Full excavations would only be required 
    when field screening indicated the possible presence of contaminants. 
    Characterization and remediation of 100-IU-3 landfills concluded on 
    August 11, 1994.
        In July of 1994, four exploratory holes were drilled under the 
    buried tanks at the 2,4-D burial ground. The tanks were first located 
    using a magnetometer. The holes were drilled at an incline in order to 
    obtain samples from directly beneath the tanks. Eighteen samples were 
    taken and no samples detected 2,4-D. In 1997, new information led to a 
    re-investigation of the 2,4-D burial ground. Laboratory data showed 
    elevated levels of 2,4-D and dioxin. The site was excavated and soils 
    containing 2, 4-D and dioxin were shipped off-site for disposal. A 
    portion of the soil was contaminated with 2,4-D only and was 
    bioremediated onsite.
    Community Involvement
        Public participation activities for the cleanup of the 100-IU-1 and 
    100-IU-3 Operable Units were conducted as required under CERCLA Section 
    113(k), 42 U.S.C. 9613(k) and Section 117, 42 U.S.C. 9617. Public 
    review included the following activities:
        Public comment on the removal cleanup plan for 100-IU-1 from May 3 
    through June 9, 1993.
        Public comment was accepted from November 8, 1993 through January 
    [[Page 28320]]
    1994 for the 100-IU-3 removal cleanup plan. A public meeting was held 
    in Mattawa, Washington on December 14, 1993 for the 100-IU-3 Operable 
        Public comment was held from June 25 through August 9, 1995 
    regarding the proposed plan for 100-IU-1 and 100-IU-3 Operable Units.
    Current Status
        In February 1996, a no further action record of decision was signed 
    documenting that previous removal actions done in 1993 and 1994 removed 
    all contaminants to below the Washington Administrative Code (WAC), WAC 
    173-340 Washington State Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) and that these 
    areas do not pose a threat to human health or the environment.
        The State of Washington, through the Department of Ecology, concurs 
    with EPA's final determination regarding this proposed partial 
        Dated: May 15, 1998.
    Charles E. Findley,
    Acting Regional Administrator, Region 10, Environmental Protection 
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P
    [[Page 28321]]
    Appendix--Map of USDOE Hanford 100 Area
    [[Page 28322]]
    [FR Doc. 98-13602 Filed 5-21-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-C

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of intent to delete Operable Units 100-IU-1 and 100-IU-3 of the Hanford 100 Area Superfund Site from the National Priorities List.
Document Number:
EPA will accept comments concerning its proposal for partial deletion for thirty (30) days after publication of this document in the Federal Register and a newspaper of record.
28317-28322 (6 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
40 CFR 300.425(e)