94-12603. Common Carriers; Open Network Architecture Requirements an Nondiscrimination Safeguards  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 99 (Tuesday, May 24, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
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    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-12603]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: May 24, 1994]
    47 CFR Part 64
    [CC Docket No. 92-256, FCC 94-58]
    Common Carriers; Open Network Architecture Requirements an 
    Nondiscrimination Safeguards
    AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Commission adopted an order applying to GTE Corporation 
    the same regulatory framework of Open Network Architecture (ONA) 
    requirements and nondiscrimination safeguards that apply to the Bell 
    Operating Companies (BOCs) for GTE's participation in the enhanced 
    services market. Under this order, GTE will be required to file an ONA 
    plan within nine months of the release of this order, file federal and 
    state ONA tariffs three months later, and implement ONA requirements 
    and nondiscrimination safeguards fifteen months from the release of 
    this order. The Commission stated that the public interest benefits of 
    applying these measures to GTE amply justify its taking the next 
    logical step toward an overall environment that will foster a fully 
    competitive market for the provision of enhanced services to the 
    American public.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: June 23, 1994.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Peggy Reitzel, Policy and Program 
    Planning Division, Common Carrier Bureau (202) 632-1300.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        The requirements have been analyzed with respect to the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act of 1980, as amended, 44 U.S.C. Sec. Sec. 3501-20. The 
    information collection contained herein is not subject to the clearance 
    provisions of 44 U.S.C. 3507 because it is imposed on less than nine 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        In the NPRM the Commission certified that the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act of 1980 did not apply to this proceeding because the 
    rule amendments would not have a significant economic impact on a 
    substantial number of small business entities, as defined by section 
    601(3) of the Regulatory Flexibility Act. The rule changes directly 
    apply only to GTE which is considered dominant in its field of 
    operation. Neither the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business 
    Administration nor any commenting party challenged the Commission's 
    analysis. The Secretary of the Commission is required to send a copy of 
    this Report and Order, including the certification, to the Chief 
    Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration in accordance 
    with paragraph 605(b) of the regulatory Flexibility Act. Pub. L. No. 
    96-354, 94 Stat. 1164, 5 U.S.C. Section 601 et seq.
    Summary of Report and Order
        1. This is a summary of the Report and Order in Common Carrier 
    Docket No. 92-256, Application of Open Network Architecture and 
    Nondiscrimination Safeguards to GTE Corporation, adopted March 8, 1994, 
    and released April 4, 1994 (FCC 94-58). The full text of the 
    Commission's decision is available for inspection and copying, Monday 
    through Friday, 9 a.m.--4:30 p.m., in the FCC Reference Room (room 
    239), 1919 M Street, NW., Washington, DC 20554. The complete text of 
    the Report and Order may also be purchased from the Commission's copy 
    contractor, ITS, Inc., (202) 857-3800, 2100 M Street, NW., suite 140, 
    Washington, DC 20037.
        2. Over the last eight years, the Commission established a 
    comprehensive regulatory framework of nonstructural safeguards, 
    including Open Network Architecture (ONA) requirements and 
    nondiscrimination safeguards, to govern the Bell Operating Companies' 
    (BOCs') participation in the enhanced services marketplace. Under ONA, 
    BOCs are required to offer unbundled ONA services to enhanced service 
    providers (ESPs). By requiring the BOCs to offer unbundled network 
    services to ESPs, ONA increases opportunities for enhanced services 
    providers (ESPs) to provide, and customers to receive, a wide range of 
    enhanced services. The nondiscrimination safeguards consist of Customer 
    Proprietary Network Information (CPNI) rules, Network Information 
    Disclosure rules, and nondiscrimination reporting requirements.
        3. The Commission initially did not require local telephone 
    companies other than the BOCs to comply with ONA requirements and 
    nondiscrimination safeguards. The Commission stated that it would 
    revisit the issue of applying these requirements to GTE once initial 
    ONA implementation by the BOCs was completed. After gaining substantial 
    experience with the BOCs, on December 2, 1992, the Commission released 
    a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) to seek comment on its proposal 
    to apply to GTE the ONA requirements and nondiscrimination safeguards 
    that govern the BOCs' participation in the enhanced services market (57 
    FR 62544, Dec. 21, 1992).
        4. In the Report and Order adopted March 8, 1994 (FCC 94-58), the 
    Commission decided that it should no longer exempt GTE from complying 
    with ONA requirements and nondiscrimination safeguards. The Commission 
    concluded that applying these measures to GTE will extend greater 
    access to the largest non-BOC local telephone company, thus 
    facilitating the provision of additional information age services and 
    greater price competition to consumers.
        5. GTE's primary argument against the imposition of these 
    requirements appeared to be the implementation costs. The Commission, 
    however, concluded that the benefits of applying these requirements to 
    GTE substantially outweigh the costs involved based on GTE's estimated 
    implementation costs. The Commission concluded that the implementation 
    costs are not greatly affected by inclusion of GTE's more dispersed, 
    rural service areas because, according to GTE, the costs of 
    implementing ONA are primarily fixed costs related to modifying GTE's 
    centralized systems.
        6. In addition, the Commission concluded that GTE, by many 
    measures, is one of the largest local telephone companies in the United 
    States. When compared to the BOCs, GTE ranks second behind BellSouth in 
    total operating revenue, total gross plant, and the number of 
    employees. While GTE has many service areas that are smaller and more 
    rural than those of the BOCs, it has more working loops than 
    Southwestern Bell even if GTE study areas with less than 200,000 
    working loops are excluded. GTE also serves a number of major urban 
    areas in Florida, California, Hawaii, and Texas, that resemble BOC 
    service areas. The Commission concluded that consumers in GTE's large 
    service areas would benefit substantially from an environment that 
    fosters the competitive provision of enhanced services.
        7. The Commission also concluded that GTE's voluntary ONA measures, 
    while commendable, fall short of the BOC standards and cannot achieve 
    the Commission's goals. Specifically, the Commission concluded that 
    GTE's network disclosure and customer proprietary network information 
    (CPNI) programs lack certain important elements contained in the BOC's 
    requirements. Also, GTE's voluntary program does not include disclosure 
    of important information that the BOCs must report. Thus, the 
    Commission required GTE to implement BOC ONA requirements and comply 
    with the BOC nondiscrimination safeguards.
        8. Based on the experience gained in implementing ONA for the BOCs, 
    the Commission was able to streamline this process for GTE. The 
    Commission referred GTE to the numerous orders in the Computer III and 
    ONA proceedings that provide detailed review and guidance on how it 
    should implement ONA. The Commission required GTE to comply with the 
    comparably efficient interconnection requirements and all other ONA 
    requirements imposed in the Computer III and ONA proceedings. The 
    Commission did not require that GTE detail these measures in the ONA 
    plan it must submit to the Commission as long as GTE's ONA program 
    follows specific procedures approved for the BOCs and is consistent 
    with requirements set out in the ONA orders. If GTE wants to request 
    authority to meet the requirements in a different way, it must justify 
    the request in its ONA plan.
        9. GTE is also required to participate in the Information Industry 
    Liaison Committee (IILC) beginning thirty days after publication of 
    this Order in the Federal Register. GTE also must report to the 
    Commission on its progress on IILC activities as the BOCs are required 
    to do.
        10. GTE is required to demonstrate in its ONA plan that its 
    proposed initial offering of ONA services will adequately meet the 
    needs of enhanced service providers (ESPs) in its service areas. GTE 
    also must comply with the ONA deployment projection reporting 
    requirements applicable to the BOCs. This information must be filed 
    with GTE's ONA plan nine months after release of this order. 
    Thereafter, the deployment report must be filed annually with the other 
    annual reports on July 31 of each year beginning July 31, 1996. GTE 
    will also be subject to all of the annual and semi-annual ONA reporting 
    requirements that are applicable to the BOCs, and the reports must be 
    filed on July 31 of each year beginning July 31, 1996. In addition, GTE 
    is required to begin providing the semi-annual tariff report that the 
    BOCs are required to file. The Commission required GTE to begin 
    providing this report to the Commission on September 30, 1995, and 
    every six months thereafter.
        11. The Commission also required GTE to comply with the 
    nondiscrimination requirements that govern the BOCs' provision of 
    enhanced services. These nondiscrimination safeguards consist of CPNI 
    rules, network information disclosure rules, and nondiscrimination 
    reporting requirements. The Commission stated that as a Tier 1 local 
    exchange carrier, GTE is already fully subject to the cost accounting 
    safeguards adopted in the BOC Safeguards Order.
        12. The Commission required GTE to comply with the CPNI 
    requirements established for the BOCs within fifteen months of the 
    release of this Order. Since GTE may need additional time to implement 
    password ID systems, the Commission allowed GTE two years from the 
    release of this order to comply with the password ID requirements. GTE 
    must describe in its ONA plan how it will meet the CPNI requirements 
    and include the CPNI notification letter it proposes to send to its 
    multiline business customers.
        13. GTE is also required to comply with the Commission's Operations 
    Support Systems (OSS) requirements within fifteen months from the 
    release of this Order. The Commission also required GTE to comply with 
    the network disclosure rules effective fifteen months from the release 
    of this Order. GTE is not required to detail how it meets these 
    requirements in its ONA plan as long as GTE's procedures follow 
    specific procedures approved for the BOCs and are consistent with the 
    Commission's requirements in a specific manner already approved for the 
        14. The Commission also required GTE to comply with the 
    nondiscrimination reporting requirements applicable to the BOCs. In 
    particular, GTE must file an annual affidavit stating that it does not 
    discriminate in providing ONA services to competitive ESPs and their 
    customers, including the installation, maintenance, and quality of such 
    services. The annual affidavit must be signed by the officer 
    principally responsible for ONA service quality, installation, and 
    maintenance. GTE is also required to file quarterly installation and 
    maintenance reports using the reporting categories adopted for BOC 
    reports unless GTE proposes and the Commission approves a different 
    format for its quarterly report in GTE's ONA plan. GTE's initial 
    installation and maintenance report is to cover the first full calendar 
    quarter following the implementation date for ONA requirements and 
    nondiscrimination safeguards and thereafter must be filed quarterly. 
    The report for each calendar quarter is due thirty days after the close 
    of that calendar quarter. GTE's format should be consistent with the 
    installation and maintenance system reports required of the BOCs and 
    described in the BOC ONA Reconsideration Order.
        GTE may, however, attempt to justify different service categories 
    at a comparable level of detail. The Commission delegated authority to 
    the Chief, Common Carrier Bureau to review and to act on any requested 
    changes to the reporting categories.
        15. The Commission concluded that the experience it has gained from 
    its lengthy review of the BOCs' initial ONA plans and tariffs, as well 
    as from the implementation of approved BOC ONA service offerings, will 
    enable it to streamline the review of GTE's initial ONA service 
    offerings. GTE shall submit an ONA plan within nine months of the 
    release of this Order and shall file state and federal ONA tariffs for 
    its ONA services within one year of the release of this order. The 
    Commission required that GTE implement all ONA requirements and 
    nondiscrimination safeguards fifteen months after the release of this 
    order unless another time period is specified in the order. These 
    requirements include those that have been developed in the Computer III 
    and Computer III remand proceedings and the ONA orders, as well as any 
    future requirements that the Commission may establish for the BOCs, 
    unless GTE is specifically exempted. The tariffs will be subject to the 
    requirements established in the ONA proceeding and the federal tariffs 
    will also be subject to the pricing and other requirements of CC Docket 
    No. 89-79, relating to the creation of access charge subelements and 
    cost support requirements for ONA. GTE must amend its initial federal 
    ONA tariff to include any additional requirements that are adopted so 
    close to the GTE tariff filing date that they cannot be reflected in 
    the initial tariff filing as soon as possible during the three month 
    public notice period.
        16. The Commission described filing dates in this order as being a 
    certain number of months after a particular event. In such cases the 
    filing or other such date will be the same day of the month as the 
    triggering event, but the specified number of months later. Months 
    shall be counted beginning with the month after the one in which the 
    triggering event occurs. Filing dates falling on a weekend or official 
    federal government holiday will be moved to the next business day.
        17. Finally, the Commission adopted the same preemption of state 
    network disclosure requirements for GTE that was established for the 
    BOCs in the BOC Safeguards Order. The Commission determined that no 
    other modification to the preemption of state requirements adopted in 
    the BOC Safeguards Order was warranted.
    Ordering Clauses
        18. Accordingly, It is ordered, that pursuant to Sections 1, 4 (i) 
    and (j), 201-205, 218, 220 & 404 of the Communications Act of 1934, as 
    amended, 47 U.S.C. 151, 154 (i) & (j), 201-205, 218, 220 & 404, and 
    Section 553 of the Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C., 553, that 
    the policies, rules, and requirements set forth herein are adopted.
        19. It is further ordered, That GTE shall file an ONA plan nine 
    months after release of this Order.
        20. It is further ordered, That GTE shall file ONA tariffs three 
    months after the date for filing the ONA plan. The federal tariffs 
    shall be scheduled to become effective on three months public notice.
        21. It is further ordered, That GTE shall implement ONA 
    requirements and nondiscrimination safeguards within fifteen months 
    from the release of this Order.
        22. It is further ordered, That GTE shall provide the reports 
    described herein.
        23. It is further ordered, That GTE shall comply with the CPNI 
    password ID requirements within two years from the release of this 
        24. It is further ordered, That the petition to expand the scope of 
    this proceeding filed by North American Telecommunications Association 
    (NATA) is denied.
        25. It is further ordered, That the decisions in this Report and 
    Order shall be effective thirty days after publication in the Federal 
    List of Subjects in 47 CFR Part 64
        Communications common carriers, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    requirements, Telephone, Computer technology.
    Federal Communications Commission.
    William F. Caton,
    Acting Secretary.
    [FR Doc. 94-12603 Filed 5-23-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6712-01-M

Document Information

Federal Communications Commission
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Final rule.
Document Number:
June 23, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: May 24, 1994, CC Docket No. 92-256, FCC 94-58
CFR: (1)
47 CFR 64