96-13106. Bioequivalence Guidance, 1996; Availability  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 102 (Friday, May 24, 1996)]
    [Pages 26182-26186]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-13106]
    Food and Drug Administration
    [Docket No. 94D-0401]
    Bioequivalence Guidance, 1996; Availability
    AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.
    ACTION: Notice.
    SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing the 
    availability of the revised guidance document entitled ``Bioequivalence 
    Guidance, 1996'' prepared by the Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM). 
    The availability of a draft guideline entitled ``Bioequivalence 
    Guideline (Draft) 1994'' was announced in the Federal Register of March 
    1, 1995 (60 FR 11097) (hereinafter referred to as the 1994 draft 
    guideline). The 1994 draft guideline was a revision of the 1990 version 
    and covered the following areas: General considerations, blood level 
    studies, pharmacologic endpoints, clinical endpoints, and human food 
    safety. The guidance is intended to assist sponsors of new animal drug 
    applications (NADA's) in the design and analysis of in vivo 
    bioequivalence studies. This notice addresses comments submitted on the 
    1994 draft guideline.
    DATES: Written comments on the guidance document may be submitted at 
    any time.
    ADDRESSES: Submit written requests for single copies of the guidance 
    document entitled ``Bioequivalence Guidance, 1996'' to the 
    Communications and Education Branch (HFV-12), Center for Veterinary 
    Medicine, Food and Drug Administration, 7500 Standish Pl., Rockville, 
    MD 20855, 301-594-1755. Send two self-addressed adhesive labels to 
    assist that office in processing your requests. Submit written comments 
    on the guidance document to the Dockets Management Branch (HFA-305), 
    [[Page 26183]]
    and Drug Administration, 12420 Parklawn Dr., rm. 1-23, Rockville, MD 
    20857. Requests and comments should be identified with the docket 
    number found in brackets in the heading of this document. A copy of the 
    guidance document and received comments may be seen at the Dockets 
    Management Branch between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Melanie R. Berson, Center for 
    Veterinary Medicine (HFV-135), Food and Drug Administration, 7500 
    Standish Pl., Rockville, MD 20855, 301-594-1643.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: FDA is announcing the availability of the 
    revised guidance entitled ``Bioequivalence Guidance, 1996''. The 
    guidance may be used by sponsors of NADA's for the design and analysis 
    of in vivo bioequivalence studies.
        In a notice published in the Federal Register of March 1, 1995 (60 
    FR 11097), FDA announced the availability of the 1994 draft guideline 
    entitled ``Bioequivalence Guideline (Draft) 1994''. The 1994 draft 
    guideline was based on an April 1990 bioequivalence guidance and 
    reports from panel presentations at the 1993 Veterinary Drug 
    Bioequivalence Workshop held in Rockville, MD. New topics addressed in 
    the 1994 draft guideline included: Bioequivalence overdose studies, 
    testing for multiple strength solid oral dosage forms, assay 
    considerations, area under the curve and maximum blood concentration as 
    pivotal parameters, and blood level studies with good laboratory 
    practice tissue residue depletion studies for generic products for food 
    animals. Interested persons were given until May 30, 1995, to comment 
    on the 1994 draft guideline.
        Comments on the 1994 draft guideline were received from a 
    pharmaceutical company and an industry group. The 1994 draft guideline 
    has been revised as a result of these comments and from internal 
    discussions within CVM. In the following section on received comments 
    and CVM responses, the page numbers and sections refer to those found 
    in the 1994 draft guideline.
        1. Section II.E. Dose Selection. The comment objected to the use of 
    the term ``overdose bioequivalence study'' since ``overdose'' has 
    toxicological connotations.
        CVM accepts the comments and will change the wording from 
    ``overdose'' to ``higher than approved dose.''
        2. Section II.F. Multiple Strengths of Solid Oral Dosage Forms. One 
    comment asked for the rationale for requiring two bioequivalence 
    studies in order to obtain approval when there are more than three 
    strengths of exactly proportional formulations.
        CVM accepts the comment and has modified the guidance to allow more 
    flexibility in the determination of the need for more than one 
    bioequivalence study for multiple strengths of solid oral dosage forms. 
    The guidance has been modified to read as follows:
        The generic sponsor should discuss with CVM the appropriate in 
    vivo bioequivalence testing and in vitro dissolution testing to 
    obtain approval for multiple strengths (or concentrations) of solid 
    oral dosage forms.
        CVM will consider the ratio of active to inactive ingredients 
    and the in vitro dissolution profiles of the different strengths, 
    the water solubility of the drug, and the range of strengths for 
    which approval is sought.
        One in vivo bioequivalence study with the highest strength 
    product may suffice, if the multiple strength products have the same 
    ratio of active to inactive ingredients and are otherwise identical 
    in formulation.
        In vitro dissolution testing should be conducted, using an FDA 
    approved method, to compare each strength of the generic product to 
    the corresponding strength of the reference product.
        3. Section II.G. Manufacturing of Pilot Batch (``Biobatch''). One 
    comment requested that terms such as `pilot' and `biobatch' need to be 
    precisely defined in this document or reference made to the 
    manufacturing guidelines.
        CVM refers the reader to CVM's ``Animal Drug Manufacturing 
    Guidelines, 1994'' for definition of terms.
        4. Section III.A. Assay Considerations. One comment requests that 
    CVM should adopt the same guidance as established in the joint 
    industry/academia conference on ``Analytical Methods Validation: 
    Bioavailability, Bioequivalence, and Pharmacokinetics Studies'' 
    published in several journals including the Journal of Pharmaceutical 
    Sciences, 81(3), 309-312, 1992.
        CVM does not agree with this comment. The substance of CVM's 
    guidance does not differ substantially from those used by CDER. Any 
    difference is the result of CVM's interest in maintaining consistency 
    among its analytical criteria for drug residues in the edible tissues. 
    Drug residue measurement in edible tissues is specific to animal drugs 
    and is not applicable to CDER (human drugs).
        5. Section III.C.6.a. Area Under the Curve (AUC) Estimates. One 
    comment questioned whether AUC by the linear trapezoidal rule is the 
    preferred method to estimate AUC, and noted that the method is subject 
    to substantial error when data points are widely spaced (e.g., during 
    the terminal exponential disposition phase).
        CVM accepts the comment and will modify the wording in the guidance 
    to acknowledge that methods other than the linear trapezoidal rule may 
    be used for estimating AUC, but the alternative method should be 
    accompanied by appropriate references.
        6. Section III.C.6.a. One comment questioned the reason to equate 
    AUC over a dosing interval at steady-state to single-dose AUC zero to 
    infinity. The comment stated that this relationship only holds if 
    pharmacokinetics are linear over the relevant dose range and one of the 
    prime reasons for doing a multiple-dose bioequivalence study is when 
    kinetics are nonlinear.
        CVM has modified the guidance to read as follows:
        Under steady state conditions, AUC0-t equals the full 
    extent of bioavailability of the individual dose (AUC0-INF), 
    assuming linear kinetics. For drugs which are known to follow 
    nonlinear kinetics, the sponsor should consult with CVM to determine 
    the appropriate parameters for the bioequivalence determination.
        7. Section III.C.6.c. Determination of Product Bioequivalence. One 
    comment requested that the sponsor should be allowed to extend the 
    range of acceptable bioequivalence limits for drugs exhibiting highly 
    variable pharmacokinetics, if adequate justification is provided.
        CVM accepts the comment and has modified the guidance to include 
    the following statement:
        The sponsor and CVM should agree to the acceptable bounds for 
    the confidence limits for the particular drug and formulation during 
    protocol development. If studies or literature demonstrate that the 
    pioneer drug product exhibits highly variable kinetics, then the 
    generic drug sponsor may propose alternatives to the generally 
    acceptable bounds for the confidence limits.
        8. One comment requested that the repeated references to flip-flop 
    kinetics should be replaced by the more general term ``prolonged 
        CVM accepts the comment and has replaced the term ``flip-flop 
    kinetics'' with ``sustained or prolonged absorption.''
        9. One comment requested that the Bioequivalence Guidance provide 
    more detail on evaluation of Production Drugs and Short Term 
    Therapeutic Treatments in Feed (Staff Manual Guide 1240.4145).
        CVM does not agree with the request to elaborate on combination 
    drugs for use in feed. The focus of the Bioequivalence Guidance is the 
    approval of generic animal drugs, although many of the principles may 
    be applied to blood level studies conducted for other purposes. CVM 
    considers it beyond the scope and intent of this guidance to discuss 
    combination approvals for feeds.
        10. Page 1, section I. INTRODUCTION, fifth paragraph. One
    [[Page 26184]]
    comment requested insertion of the following paragraph:
        Tissue residue studies will not normally be required if blood 
    concentration curve shape and depletion time through the reference 
    product's withdrawal time are the same for generic and reference 
    products. Tissue residue studies will normally be required where the 
    blood levels cannot be measured prior to the elapse of the reference 
    product's withdrawal period.
        CVM does not agree with the change proposed by this comment. The 
    pivotal parameters for the drug concentration versus time curve are AUC 
    and CMAX. CVM does not intend to evaluate curve shape and 
    depletion time as pivotal parameters. For clarity, however, the 
    guidance has been modified to read as follows:
        The Center has concluded that the tissue residue depletion of 
    the generic product is not adequately addressed through 
    bioequivalence studies. Therefore, ANADA's for drug products for 
    food-producing animals will generally be required to include 
    bioequivalence and tissue residue studies. A tissue residue study 
    will generally be required to accompany clinical end-point and 
    pharmacologic end-point bioequivalence studies, and blood level 
    bioequivalence studies that can not quantify the concentration of 
    the drug in blood throughout the established withdrawal period.
        11. Page 2, section II.A. Selection of Reference Product for 
    Bioequivalence Testing, second paragraph. One comment suggested that 
    the paragraph should read ``but remains eligible to be copied, then the 
    first approved and available generic copy of the pioneer should be used 
    * * *.''
        CVM accepts the comment and has reworded the paragraph.
        12. Page 5, first full paragraph. One comment suggests that 
    multiple bioequivalence studies at different doses should only be 
    required if the pharmacokinetics are not linear.
        CVM accepts the recommendation and has modified the guidance to 
    read as follows:
        For products labeled for multiple claims involving different 
    pharmacologic actions at a broad dose range (e.g., therapeutic and 
    production claims), a single bioequivalence study at the highest 
    approved dose will usually be adequate. However, multiple 
    bioequivalence studies at different doses may be needed if the drug 
    is known to follow nonlinear kinetics. The sponsor should consult 
    with CVM to discuss the bioequivalence study or studies appropriate 
    to a particular drug.
        13. Page 6, section III.A.1. Concentration Range and Linearity. One 
    comment proposed that ``at least 5-8 concentrations'' is vague and 
    suggested ``at least 5 concentrations.''
        CVM accepts the comment and has changed the wording to ``at least 5 
        14. Page 7, section III.A.4. Specificity. One comment requested 
    that CVM provide further detail on statistical methods for 
    demonstrating ``parallelism and superimposability.'' Analysis of 
    variance is used to compare means but could be used to compare slopes 
    in this case. This is computationally straightforward for linear curves 
    but nonlinear curves (e.g., microbiological assays) pose unique 
        CVM's response is that the type of statistical procedure used to 
    process data demonstrating parallelism and superimposability of curves 
    depends on the nature of the experimental data. CVM is allowing the 
    sponsor the flexibility to determine the algorithm used to evaluate 
    data. Whatever statistical procedure is used should be justified by the 
        The use of microbiological assays for drug analysis will be 
    addressed in a future CVM guidance.
        15. Page 8, sections III.A.5. Accuracy (Recovery) and III.A.6. 
    Precision. One comment requested that ``replicate injections'' be 
    changed to ``replicates.''
        CVM accepts the comment.
        16. Page 8, section III.A.6. Precision. One comment stated that the 
    suggested coefficient of variation of  10 percent for 
    concentrations at or above 0.1 micrograms per milliliter (mL) is too 
    stringent. The comment suggested 15 percent as an 
    alternative coefficient of variation to target.
        CVM does not agree with this comment. In light of today's 
    analytical technology, 10 percent coefficient of variation 
    is not unreasonable and is consistent with CVM policy in other 
    analytical areas. In addition, CVM does not believe anything is gained 
    by a detailed analysis of the sources of variation in analytical 
        17. Page 8, section III.A.7. Analyte Stability, second paragraph. 
    One comment recommended that stability samples at only two 
    concentrations are necessary, rather than three as suggested in the 
    1994 draft guideline. It is critically important to validate the assay 
    before conduct of the bioequivalence study. However, analyte stability 
    cannot be done without the use of more animals than required by the 
    bioequivalence study so as to have a valid method in place prior to 
    study initiation. It is impossible to store and begin analyzing 
    stability samples throughout the duration of the bioequivalence study 
    analysis phase unless the method has been validated prior to that 
    study's initiation.
        CVM does not agree with this comment. No study should be undertaken 
    until the analytical methods that will be used to develop the data are 
    properly validated and shown to be operating in a state of control in 
    the laboratory. This means that after the method is validated, the 
    laboratory intending to use the method for a study, must practice with 
    the method to assure full familiarization with technical details. CVM 
    does not make any recommendation on how much practice is required. This 
    depends on the complexity of the method and on the experience of the 
        18. Page 8, section III.A.8. Analytical System Stability. One 
    comment stated that it was unclear how the use of standards (of 
    multiple concentrations) repetitively run to assure analytical system 
    stability differs from quality control methods of assuring the same 
        CVM accepts the comment that the wording on the use of standards 
    may be unclear. The guidance section on ``Assay Considerations'' has 
    been extensively reworded for clarity.
        19. Page 9, section III.B.1. Dosing by Labeled Concentration. One 
    comment asked how the assay prior to study will be used to ensure 
    specifications. What actions can the sponsor take if the pioneer assays 
    at -5 percent while the generic assays at +5 percent.
        CVM's response is that the pioneer and generic products should be 
    assayed to determine that the particular lots are within 
    specifications. No action can be taken if the pioneer assays at -5 
    percent while the generic assays at +5 percent.
        For clarity, the guidance has been reworded to read as follows: 
    ``To maximize the ability to demonstrate bioequivalence, the Center 
    recommends that the potency of the pioneer and generic lots should 
    differ by no more than 5% for dosage form products.''
        20. Page 10, section III.B.2. Single Dose vs Multiple Dose Studies. 
    One comment questioned whether documentation of flip-flop kinetics is 
        CVM agrees with this comment and has modified the guidance to read 
    as follows:
        A multiple dose study may also be needed when assay sensitivity 
    is inadequate to permit drug quantitation out to 3 terminal 
    elimination half-lives beyond the time when maximum blood 
    concentrations (Cmax) are achieved, or in cases where prolonged 
    or delayed absorption2 exist. The determination of prolonged or 
    delayed absorption (i.e., flip-flop kinetics) may be made from pilot 
    data, from the literature, or from the CVM database on the 
    particular drug or family of drugs.
        21. Page 11, section III.B.4. Fed vs Fasted State, last paragraph. 
    One comment stated that it was unclear whether studies in both the fed 
    and fasted states should be required for enteric-coated or sustained 
    release oral
    [[Page 26185]]
    products. If the referenced product is limited to administration either 
    in the fed or the fasted state, then the test formulation should also 
    be administered in the same situation conforming to the reference 
    product's label.
        CVM agrees with this comment and has modified the guidance as 
        If a pioneer product label indicates that the product is limited 
    to administration either in the fed or fasted state, then the 
    bioequivalence study should be conducted accordingly. If the 
    bioequivalence study parameters pass the agreed upon confidence 
    intervals, then the single study is acceptable as the basis for 
    approval of the generic product.
        However, for certain product classifications or drug entities, 
    such as enteric coated and oral sustained release products, 
    demonstration of bioequivalence in both the fasted and fed states 
    may be necessary, if the drug is highly variable under feeding 
    conditions, as determined from the literature or from pilot data. A 
    bioequivalence study conducted under fasted conditions may be 
    necessary to pass the confidence intervals. A second smaller study 
    may be necessary to examine meal effects. CVM will evaluate the 
    smaller study with respect to the means of the pivotal parameters 
    (AUC, CMAX). The sponsor should consult with CVM prior to 
    conducting the studies.
        22. Page 12, section III.C.2. Protein Binding. One comment stated 
    that it is not clear from the 1994 draft guideline to what extent the 
    protein binding must be nonlinear within the therapeutic dosing range, 
    nor how determination of linearity is to be conducted. If it is a 
    judgment and not a statistical criterion, then the parameters within 
    which that judgment is made need to be determined prior to embarking 
    upon the abbreviated NADA. In addition, the type of blood protein to 
    which the drug binds is only pertinent in very unique situations (i.e., 
    low capacity protein binding situations). These determinations of the 
    type of blood protein to which the drug binds are very tedious, time-
    consuming and expensive technical studies that may only rarely be 
    relevant, whereas the magnitude of protein binding is critical. The 
    type of blood protein to which the drug binds is only a consideration 
    if prior data indicate it is a concern. There are numerous instances 
    where CVM requires additional studies ``if ------------------ is known 
    to occur.'' What are the criteria for knowing? This general statement 
    could lead to intractable situations. Specifically for this section, 
    the wording allows CVM to require protein binding studies for all 
    approvals. A proposal would be to first evaluate the blood profiles 
    observed in the pilot studies to see if there is evidence of such 
    binding (multicompartment phenomena). If not, then eliminate the need 
    for further studies. For combination approvals, the necessary 
    fractionation and assessment of matrix effects using micro methods 
    would be a formidable task.
        CVM notes that the Bioequivalence Guidance is not intended to 
    address combination drug approvals. The issue of protein binding for 
    generic approvals would be addressed only if literature or pilot data 
    indicate that protein binding is significant to the drug in question. 
    For clarity, however, the guidance has been modified to read as 
        However, if nonlinear protein binding is known to occur within 
    the therapeutic dosing range (as determined from literature or pilot 
    data), then sponsors may need to submit data on both the free and 
    total drug concentrations for the generic and pioneer products.
        23. Page 14, section III.C.4. Cross-over and Parallel Design 
    Considerations, last sentence. One comment proposed that the pilot data 
    be used in support of alternative study designs during discussions with 
        CVM agrees with the comment. The guidance statement has been 
    modified to read as follows: ``The use of alternative study designs 
    should be discussed with CVM prior to conducting the bioequivalence 
    study. Pilot data or literature may be used in support of alternative 
    study designs.''
        24. Page 15, top paragraph. One comment regarding the duration of 
    washout time was that prolonged tissue binding may not be a consequence 
    if drug concentrations in plasma are less than the limit of detection. 
    The onus is on the sponsor for having a sufficiently long washout 
    period to allow the second period of the cross-over study to be 
    applicable in the statistical analysis. If sequence effects are noted, 
    it must be emphasized that at the very minimum the same data from the 
    first period alone can be evaluated as a parallel design study.
        CVM agrees with the comments and has modified the paragraph in the 
    guidance to read as follows:
        The washout period should be sufficiently long to allow the 
    second period of the cross-over study to be applicable in the 
    statistical analysis. However, if sequence effects are noted, the 
    data from the first period may be evaluated as a parallel design 
        25. Page 15, section III.C.6.a., AUC Estimate. One comment stated 
    that it is implied from the discussions regarding AUC and CMAX 
    that ratio testing (the ratio of the test versus the reference product) 
    is considered to be the more appropriate comparison rather than the 
    difference between the test and the reference product. This is not 
    universally accepted as the case. The responsibility for whether the 
    difference between the two is used or the ratio of the two is used 
    should be placed upon the sponsor and should be concurred with by CVM 
    prior to conduct of the study.
        CVM does not agree with nor completely understand the comment's 
    interpretation of the guidance. CVM has, however, changed the word 
    ``ratio'' to ``comparison'' in the following sentence:
        The comparison of the test and reference product value for this 
    noninfinity estimate provides the closest approximation of the 
    measure of uncertainty (variance) and the relative bioavailability 
    estimate associated with AUC0-INF' the full extent of product 
        26. Page 15, section III.C.6.a. One comment stated that AUC0-
    INF is an estimated value and questioned how CVM intends this to be 
    derived using ``model independent methods?''
        CVM has added the following statement to the guidance: ``The method 
    for estimating the terminal elimination phase should be described in 
    the protocol and the final study report.''
        27. Page 16, section III.C.6.b. Rate of Absorption. One comment 
    requested that the revised guidance define CMIN. The 1994 draft 
    guideline stated that three successive CMIN values should be 
    provided. The comment proposes that to determine a steady state 
    concentration, the values should be regressed over time and the 
    resultant slope should be tested as being different from zero.
        CVM agrees with the comment and has modified the guidance to read 
    as follows:
        When conducting a steady-state investigation, data on the 
    minimum drug concentrations (trough values) observed during a single 
    dosing interval (CMIN) should also be collected. Generally, 
    three successive CMIN values should be provided to verify that 
    steady-state conditions have been achieved. Although CMIN most 
    frequently occurs immediately prior to the next successive dose, 
    situations do occur with CMIN observed subsequent to dosing. To 
    determine a steady state concentration, the CMIN values should 
    be regressed over time and the resultant slope should be tested for 
    its difference from zero.
        28. Page 16, section III.C.6.c. Determination of Product 
    Bioequivalence. One comment states that for multiple dose studies, 
    CMAX and AUCO-t are applicable only if done at steady state. 
    It is not clear from the current description that these must be steady 
    state values to have the appropriate interpretation for bioequivalence 
        CVM does not agree with the comment because a multiple dose 
    bioequivalence study could be conducted with a drug that never achieves 
    steady-state. However, the pioneer and generic products CMAX and
    [[Page 26186]]
    AUCO-t should be equivalent at any dosing interval whether or not 
    steady-state is achieved.
        29. Page 17, section III.D. Statistical Analysis, second paragraph. 
    The choice of whether to use untransformed data should be made by the 
    sponsor based on whether transformation is necessary to allow for 
    homogeneity of variance. It should not be determined prior to the study 
    because the data should dictate which transformation, if any, is 
        CVM does not agree with this recommendation. The sponsor has the 
    option to use untransformed or log transformed data, but the decision 
    should be made prior to conducting the study.
        30. Page 19, section III.D., second from the last paragraph 
    relating to selection of confidence interval. One comment noted that 
    CVM states that in general the confidence interval for untransformed 
    data should be 80 to 120. Firstly, percent should be specified. 
    Secondly, emphasis should be added that these are general rather than 
    the adamant and steadfast specifications of CVM. The opinion of many 
    statisticians with considerable experience in this field is that the 
    20 percent interval is entirely too restrictive. In the 
    animal health market, the potential cost to evaluate generics or 
    combinations may be so great as to preclude bringing a useful drug/
    combination to the market.
        CVM has made the requested editorial changes. However, CVM will 
    continue to accept 20 percent as the acceptable confidence 
    interval for the pivotal parameters. CVM invites sponsors to submit 
    data to justify broadening the confidence interval for a particular 
        31. Page 20, section IV.B. Statistical Analysis. One comment noted 
    that for pharmacologic endpoint studies as described, it appears that 
    these studies described are evaluating significant differences rather 
    than statistical equivalence. As such, these pharmacological endpoint 
    studies are not as rigorously designed from a statistical standpoint as 
    classic bioequivalence plasma level studies, inasmuch as differences 
    are being evaluated rather than equivalence. The comment suggested that 
    pharmacological endpoint studies should also be evaluating statistical 
    equivalence, rather than significant differences. In fact, a comparable 
    equivalence testing is alluded to on page 22 regarding clinical 
    endpoint studies, studies which would be expected to be less able to 
    prove equivalence than pharmacologic endpoint studies.
        CVM agrees with the comment and has modified the guidance to read 
    as follows:
        For parameters which can be measured over time, a time vs effect 
    profile is generated, and equivalence is determined with the method 
    of statistical analysis essentially the same as for the blood level 
    bioequivalence study.
        For pharmacologic effects for which effect vs time curves can 
    not be generated, then alternative procedures for statistical 
    analysis should be discussed with CVM prior to conducting the study.
        32. Page 23, section VI. Human Food Safety Considerations. One 
    comment asked if there is a need for determining a full depletion 
    profile for the generic? The sponsor proposed that a single point 
    tissue residue study completed out to the withdrawal time of the 
    pioneer would be sufficient.
        The Center does not agree with the use of a single point tissue 
    residue study at the withdrawal time of the pioneer as a general 
        A traditional tissue residue depletion study has always been 
    required for generic products where bioequivalence is determined with a 
    pharmacological or clinical endpoint study. The need for a traditional 
    tissue residue depletion profile is expanded in the revised guidance to 
    include blood level bioequivalence studies, because the Center has 
    concluded that, with the exception of those examples listed in section 
    VI. of the guidance, the tissue residue depletion of the generic 
    product is not adequately addressed through bioequivalence studies.
        The use of the traditional tissue residue depletion study provides 
    the Center with the data needed to compute a withdrawal period for the 
    drug product in question, using our statistical tolerance limit model, 
    whereby the 99th percentile is calculated with 95 percent confidence. 
    Use of a single point tissue residue study ordinarily would not provide 
    the data needed to use our current model, since the single-point study 
    would not contain sufficient information regarding the variability of 
    the residue depletion profile. Additionally, since the analytical 
    methods approved for regulatory purposes can rarely measure the marker 
    residue at the withdrawal time, a single point residue study at the 
    pioneer withdrawal time would be limited by the efficiency of the 
    regulatory analytical method at the drug concentrations typically seen 
    at the pioneer withdrawal time. When the tissue residue values include 
    negative or zero values (i.e., values below the limit of quantitation 
    for the assay), the number of animals needed in the study will depend 
    on the method variance and the number of zero values, and will vary 
    from drug to drug. It is not possible to predict, a priori, the number 
    of animals that will be needed to provide data of sufficient confidence 
    for a single point tissue residue depletion study to obtain the 
    confidence similar to that seen for the pioneer drug using our 
    traditional residue depletion study design.
        The Center will consider the use of a single point tissue residue 
    depletion study in those cases where the regulatory analytical method 
    can be validated and demonstrated to measure reliably residues in the 
    treated animals at the pioneer withdrawal time so that a 99th 
    percentile statistical tolerance limit with 95 percent confidence can 
    be calculated.
        A person may follow the guidance or may choose to follow alternate 
    procedures or practices. If a person chooses to use alternate 
    procedures or practices, that person may wish to discuss the matter 
    further with the agency to prevent an expenditure of money and effort 
    on activities that may later be determined to be unacceptable to FDA. 
    Although this guidance document does not bind the agency or the public, 
    and it does not create or confer any rights, privileges, or benefits 
    for or on any person, it represents FDA's current thinking on 
    bioequivalence testing for animal drugs. When a guidance document 
    states a requirement imposed by statute or regulation, the requirement 
    is law and its force and effect are not changed in any way by virtue of 
    its inclusion in the guidance.
        Interested persons may, at any time, submit to the Dockets 
    Management Branch (address above) written comments on the document. Two 
    copies of any comments are to be submitted, except that individuals may 
    submit one copy. Comments are to be identified with the docket number 
    found in brackets in the heading of this document. The documents and 
    received comments are available for public examination in the Dockets 
    Management Branch between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.
        Dated: May 17, 1996.
    William K. Hubbard,
    Associate Commissioner for Policy Coordination.
    [FR Doc. 96-13106 Filed 5-23-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4160-01-F

Document Information

Food and Drug Administration
Entry Type:
Document Number:
Written comments on the guidance document may be submitted at any time.
26182-26186 (5 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 94D-0401
PDF File: