[Federal Register Volume 64, Number 100 (Tuesday, May 25, 1999)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 28143-28151]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 99-13082]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
50 CFR Part 660
[Docket No. 990430115-9115-01; I.D. 030299B]
RIN 0648-AL48
Fisheries Off West Coast States and in the Western Pacific;
Northern Anchovy Fishery; Amendment 8
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
ACTION: Proposed rule; request for comments.
SUMMARY: NMFS proposes regulations to implement Amendment 8 to the
Northern Anchovy Fishery Management Plan (FMP), which has been
submitted by the Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council) to NMFS
for review and approval by the Secretary of Commerce. This proposed
rule to implement Amendment 8 would: Change the name of the FMP to the
Fishery Management Plan for Coastal Pelagic Species (CPS); remove jack
mackerel north of 39 deg. N. lat. from the Pacific Coast Groundfish FMP
and add four species to the management unit of the CPS FMP; define a
new fishery management area and divide it into a limited entry zone and
two new subareas; establish a procedure for setting annual
specifications including harvest guidelines and quotas; provide for
closure of the directed fishery when the directed portion of a harvest
guideline or quota is taken; identify fishing seasons for Pacific
sardine and Pacific mackerel; establish catch restrictions in the
limited entry zone and, when the directed fishery for a CPS is closed,
limit harvest of that species to an incidental trip limit set by the
Southwest Regional Administrator, NMFS (Regional Administrator);
implement a limited entry program; authorize the Regional Administrator
to issue exempted fishing permits for the harvest of CPS that otherwise
would be prohibited; and establish a framework process by which
management decisions could be made without amending the FMP.
As discussed here in the preamble to this proposed rule, Amendment
8 would also: Establish Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) control rules
and define optimum yield (OY) and overfishing; and address requirements
in the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act
regarding Essential Fish Habitat (EFH), bycatch, and fishing
communities. No changes in the regulations implementing the FMP are
required to implement these measures, if approved by NMFS.
DATES: Comments must be submitted in writing by July 9, 1999.
ADDRESSES: Send comments on the proposed rule to Rodney R. McInnis,
Acting Administrator, Southwest Region, NMFS, 501 West Ocean Boulevard,
Suite 4200, Long Beach, CA 90802. Copies of the FMP, which includes the
final supplemental environmental impact statement (FSEIS)/regulatory
impact review/initial regulatory flexibility analysis may be obtained
from Larry Six, Executive Director, Pacific Fishery Management Council,
2130 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 224, Portland, Oregon, 97201. Send comments
regarding the reporting burden estimate or any other aspect of the
collection-of-information requirements in this proposed rule to Rodney.
R. McInnis, Acting Administrator, Southwest Region, NMFS, 501 West
Ocean Boulevard, Suite 4200, Long Beach, CA 90802, and to the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget
(OMB), Washington, DC 00503 (Attn: NOAA Desk Officer).
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: James Morgan, Sustainable Fisheries
Division, NMFS, at 562-980-4036 or Julie Walker, Pacific Fishery
Management Council, at 503-326-6352.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On September 4, 1998 (63 FR 47288), a notice
of availability of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DSEIS) on
Amendment 8 to the FMP was published in the Federal Register. The
Council held public hearings on the amendment from September 8 to 11 in
Washington, Oregon, and California. On September 15, 1998, at its
meeting in Sacramento, California, the Council reviewed public comments
received on the amendment at the hearings, considered written comments,
adopted preferred options and voted to submit Amendment 8 for
Secretarial review. The Council submitted Amendment 8 for Secretarial
review by a letter dated December 11, 1998. On March 12, 1999, a notice
of availability of the FSEIS on Amendment 8 was published in the
Federal Register (64 FR 12279).
The impetus for Amendment 8 and this proposed rule is the
increasing abundance of Pacific sardine, which now extends from Mexico
to Canada, and the recent high demand for squid. Pacific sardine was
overfished in the
[[Page 28144]]
1930s, leading to the collapse of the fishery in the 1950s. Little is
known about the abundance of squid. The high variability of coastal
pelagic resources and the amount of fishing power that could be
employed to their harvest require a comprehensive management approach.
Species in the FMP
Amendment 8 and this proposed rule would place Pacific mackerel
(Scomber japonicus), Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax), Jack mackerel
(Trachurus symmetricus), and market squid (Loligo opalescens) in a
management unit with northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax). All of these
small CPS are harvested by a fleet of vessels using mainly roundhaul
nets (e.g., purse seines). Managed species would be divided into two
categories: ``Actively managed'' and ``monitored.'' Actively managed
species would be subject to annual harvest limits based on estimated
biomass. Monitored species would not be subject to mandatory harvest
limits, although other management measures such as area closures could
apply. Initially, Pacific sardine and Pacific mackerel would be
actively managed, while jack mackerel, northern anchovy, and market
squid would be monitored. This proposed rule would remove jack mackerel
from the Pacific Coast Groundfish FMP.
Fishery Management Areas and Subareas
The fishery management area is the exclusive economic zone (EEZ)
off the coasts of Washington, Oregon, and California between 3 and 200
nautical miles offshore, bounded in the north by the Provisional
International Boundary between the United States and Canada, and
bounded in the south by the International Boundary between the United
States and Mexico. The fishery management area is divided into subareas
for the regulation of fishing for CPS, with the following boundaries:
The CPS Limited Entry Zone means the EEZ between the northern boundary
at 39 deg.00'00'' N. lat. off California, and the southern boundary at
the U.S. Mexico-International Boundary. Subarea A means the EEZ between
the U.S.-Canada Provisional International Boundary and the southern
boundary at Pt. Piedras Blancas, California. Subarea B means the EEZ
between the northern boundary. at Pt. Piedras Blancas, California
35 deg.40'00'' N. lat. and the southern boundary at the U.S.-Mexico
International Boundary.
Limited Entry System
The limited entry system would be established in the commercial
fishery for CPS finfish (squid is not included) south of 39 deg. N.
latitude (Pt. Arena, California). Open access would continue north of
39 deg. N. latitude. Historically, 99 percent of the sardine resource
has been harvested south of Pt. Arena. When abundance is high,
fishermen in more northern areas would still be able to gain benefits
from the high abundance through the open access fishery. When abundance
declines, the resource tends to disappear from the north and move
To qualify for a limited entry permit, a vessel would have had to
land at least 100 metric tons (mt) of CPS finfish during the period
January 1, 1993, through November 5, 1997. The estimated number of
vessels that would qualify for a limited entry permit is 70. These
vessels are responsible for approximately 99 percent of the harvest of
The limited entry program would take effect on January 1, 2000.
Permits would be issued to the owner of the qualifying vessel and could
be transferred once only during the year 2000. This one-time transfer
would afford the owner of a qualifying vessel the opportunity to
upgrade his/her fishing vessel and would allow those who wish to enter
the fishery a 1-year opportunity to buy a permit. After the year 2000,
a permit could not be transferred to another person, but could be
registered for use with another vessel only if the permitted vessel was
lost, stolen, or was removed from all federally managed fisheries.
Currently, there is no way to ensure that a vessel that is able to fish
will not operate in another federally regulated fishery. Therefore, the
only way a permit may be transferred to a different vessel after
December 31, 2000, will be if the permitted vessel has been totally
lost, stolen, or scrapped. NMFS will investigate whether there is
another way to ensure a vessel may not be used in another fishery, such
as through documentation restrictions.
Under the amendment, vessels fishing for CPS in the limited entry
fishery could land no more than 125 mt tons of CPS from any fishing
trip. This limit is designed to curtail increases in harvest capacity.
Under the proposed system, vessel owners may make changes in fishing
gear, engines, or refrigeration, to adapt to changing conditions in the
fishery. Vessels harvesting CPS for live bait or in small amounts (as
described below) would be exempt from permit requirements.
In an effort to focus public comment, NMFS is highlighting two
aspects of Amendment 8: first, failing to include under-construction
exceptions to the limited entry criteria and, second, allowing vessels
to land small amounts of CPS in the Limited Entry Zone without a
Amendment 8 and this proposed rule would not except vessels that
were under construction or were contracted for construction during the
limited entry qualifying period (January 1, 1993, through November 5,
1997). A vessel falling into this category would not qualify for a
permit. NMFS is interested in receiving information from owners of
vessels that would be affected by the lack of an exception.
Many vessels that would not qualify for a limited entry permit have
landed small amounts of CPS for dead bait or for small speciality
markets. Under the framework provisions of Amendment 8, the Council
could recommend landings between 1 and 5 mt by vessels without a
permit. Any change in the exempted trip limit would be implemented
through rulemaking. The proposed regulations would initially set the
exempted trip limit at 5 mt. NMFS request comments on the appropriate
level for the exempted trip limit.
Framework Process
A framework process similar to that used in the Council's
groundfish fishery would allow for management actions without amending
the plan. This proposed rule would establish a framework process to set
and adjust fishery specifications and management measures in accordance
with procedures and standards described in section 2 of Amendment 8.
The framework process consists of two procedural categories, the point-
of-concern framework procedure and the socio-economic framework
procedure, according to which the Council may recommend and NMFS
approve the establishment and adjustment of management measures. The
point-of-concern framework procedure would be used in response to
resource conservation and ecological issues, while the socio-economic
framework procedure would be used to address socio-economic issues in
the fishery. Under both of these procedures, the Council and NMFS may
carry out four types of actions: (1) Automatic actions for non-
discretionary actions, which would become effective upon publication of
a Federal Register notice without prior public notice and opportunity
for comment, and without a prior Council meeting; (2) notice actions,
which would be used for all
[[Page 28145]]
management actions, except automatic action, intended to have temporary
affect that are either non-discretionary or have probable impacts that
were previously analyzed and which would require at least one Council
meeting and publication of one Federal Register notice; (3) abbreviated
rulemaking actions; which would be used for all discretionary
management actions intended to have permanent effect, the impacts of
which have not been previously analyzed, and which would require at
least one Council meeting and publication of one rule in the Federal
Register; and (4) full rulemaking actions, which would require at least
two Council meetings and publication of proposed and final rules in the
Federal Register with an opportunity for public comment.
Under the framework system, many different types of actions could
be taken to respond quickly to changes in the fishery. For example,
actively managed and monitored species could be moved between
categories as circumstances require. Other actions include trip
frequency limits, area or subarea closures, seasons, size limits, gear
limitations, and other appropriate measures. Amendment 8 and this
proposed rule authorize the Council to designate certain management
measures as ``routine management measures.'' This designation would
enable the Council to modify the measure through the single meeting
notice procedure described here.
Harvest Guidelines
Annually, the Regional Administrator would calculate the harvest
guidelines for actively managed CPS based on the estimated biomass and
the standards set in the FMP. This is the same process that has been
used in the northern anchovy fishery and would be adapted for actively
managed CPS. The formulas used to set harvest guidelines for CPS are
straightforward and provide little latitude for judgement; therefore,
there is little discretion involved in setting annual specifications
for CPS.
Harvest guidelines for CPS would be calculated using the current
biomass estimate multiplied by a fixed harvest rate. The portion of the
resource in U.S. waters may change year to year; the harvest guidelines
would be calculated using the best estimate available. The amount of
the harvest guideline needed for incidental trip limits when the
fishery is nearing closure will vary depending on when the harvest
guideline is projected to be achieved, but the sum of the incidental
amount and the amount harvested directly must equal the total harvest
Following the determination of the estimated biomass, a public
meeting would be held, where the Coastal Pelagics Management Team and
Advisory Subpanel would review the biomass estimate and resultant
harvest guideline. Public comments and comments of the Advisory
Subpanel would be reported to the Council. After hearing public
comments at its meeting, the Council would either adopt the harvest
guideline for the upcoming fishing season or recommend a different
harvest guideline, accompanied by a justification for the
recommendation. There is little flexibility in setting harvest
guidelines, but errors in calculations and in the way the specific
factors were used in determining the biomass are elements that could be
The annual process for calculating harvest guidelines would include
public review of the estimated biomass and harvest guidelines before
the fishing season begins; however, the Regional Administrator is not
precluded from announcing the harvest guideline in the Federal Register
before the process is completed so that fishermen may plan their
activities and begin harvesting when the fishing season begins.
Fishing Seasons
This proposed rule would set the Pacific sardine season at January
1 to December 31, unless closed earlier, and the Pacific mackerel
season at July 1 to June 30, unless closed earlier.
Other Elements of Amendment 8
The SFA amended section 303(a) of the Magnuson-Stevens Act, which
describes the required components of each FMP. The SFA established a 2-
year deadline (ending October 11, 1998) by which each Regional Fishery
Management Council was required to submit amendments to NMFS to bring
all FMPs into compliance with the new provisions of section 303(a).
Amendment 8 seeks to make the FMP consistent with the Magnuson-Stevens
Act, as amended by the SFA, by defining, OY, overfishing, and levels at
which managed stocks are considered overfished and by addressing EFH,
bycatch in the fisheries for CPS, and social and economic data on
fishing communities.
MSY, OY, and Overfishing Definitions
Harvest strategies for CPS would take into account uncontrolled
harvests in the Mexican fishery, natural variability in the stocks, and
the importance of coastal pelagics as forage for other fish, marine
mammals, and birds. The harvest strategies are established through the
definition of OY, MSY control rules, and levels at which species would
be considered overfished. Amendment 8 contains a default CPS MSY
control rule and default overfishing definitions for northern anchovy,
jack mackerel, and market squid. It also contains specific MSY control
rules and overfishing definitions for Pacific sardine and Pacific
(chub) mackerel.
Bycatch, as defined in the Magnuson-Stevens Act, is minimal in the
CPS fisheries. Any bycatch issues that might arise if a high volume
fishery occurred in the northern portion of the management area are
unknown. Amendment 8 authorizes the Council to set incidental catch
allowances as a percentage of landed weight or as an allowable
incidental trip limit.
Presence/absence data were used to determine EFH for CPS and are
based on a thermal range bordered within the geographic area where a
CPS species occurs at any life stage, where the CPS species has
occurred historically during periods of similar environmental
conditions, or where environmental conditions do not preclude
colonization by the CPS species. The amendment discusses non-fishing
and fishing impacts on CPS EFH, and conservation and enhancement
measures. No new management measures are proposed to address fishing
impacts on EFH.
Fishing Communities
Amendment 8 describes the commercial and recreational CPS
fisheries. It also profiles several fishing communities.
At this time, NMFS has not determined that Amendment 8, which this
rule would implement, is consistent with the national standards of the
Magnuson-Stevens Act and other applicable laws. NMFS, in making that
determination, will take into account the data, views, and comments
received during the comment period.
The Council prepared a DSEIS for Amendment 8; a notice of
availability was published in the Federal Register on September 4, 1998
(63 FR 47288), inviting public comment. The comments are addressed in
the FSEIS. The FSEIS for Amendment 8 was filed with the Environmental
Protection Agency on March 19, 1999. A notice of availability of the
FSEIS was published in the Federal Register on March 26, 1999 (64 FR
[[Page 28146]]
The environmental impacts of the various measures contained in
Amendment 8 are expected to be neutral or positive. These impacts are
summarized below by key management measures. Limited entry--The effects
of limited entry and open access management are primarily socioeconomic
although some positive environmental effects may arise if the tendency
to overfish in open access fisheries is reduced by limited entry.
Environmental effects in the open access fishery are expected to be
neutral unless fishing effort increases and overfishing occurs. OY,
MSY, and Overfishing definitions--Harvest of forage fish like sardine
involves direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts on the environment.
Species specific control rules are recommended for Pacific sardine and
Pacific mackerel. Allowable harvest is based on MSY and the importance
of each species as forage for other fish, marine mammals, and birds.
This approach is expected to minimize environmental impacts. The
default MSY control rules proposed for northern anchovy and jack
mackerel (which are underutilized species with low levels of catch) are
conservative and will have minimal environmental impacts. There is not
enough information available to evaluate impacts of the default MSY
control rule for market squid because there is little information
available for this species. However, an aggressive research program is
underway to define the status of the resource, develop a management
program, and minimize any possible impacts resulting from the harvest
of market squid. Framework management--Impacts of establishing a
framework management procedure are procedural and not environmental.
EFH--The identification and description of EFH for coastal pelagic
species per se is expected to have no effect on the environment,
because NMFS is making an administrative designation. However, given
the fact that once EFH is designated, the effect of fishing and non-
fishing activities on CPS EFH must be analyzed, there is a greater
chance of habitat protection. Bycatch and Incidental Catch--There are
no direct, indirect, or cumulative impacts from the recommended options
for managing incidental catch. There are no recommended options for
managing bycatch.
This proposed rule has been determined to be not significant for
the purposes of E.O. 12866.
The Chief Counsel for Regulation of the Department of Commerce
certified to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business
Administration that this proposed rule, if adopted, would not have a
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities
as follows:
The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) considers an impact
to be ``significant'' if it results in a reduction in annual gross
revenues by more than 5 percent, an increase in compliance costs at
least 10 percent higher for smaller entities than for large
entities, compliance costs that require significant capital
expenditures, or the likelihood that 2 percent of the small entities
would be forced out of business. NMFS considers a ``substantial
number'' of small entities to be more than 20 percent of those small
entities affected by the regulation engaged in the fishery.
Coastwide, 811 vessels landed at least some CPS finfish or
squid, or both, during the 1993-1997 window period. All vessels are
small entities. Of these 811 vessels, 640 had CPS finfish landings
south of 39 deg. N. latitude. This is the population affected by
limited entry. The other 171 vessels are expected to experience
minimal or no economic impact as a result of this proposed rule. A
total of 570 vessels would not qualify for a limited entry permit.
Of these non-qualifying vessels, only 122 vessels depended on CPS
finfish landings for at least 5 percent of their total exvessel
revenues, which is 19 percent of the affected population. However,
average aggregate CPS finfish landings for these 122 vessels was 10
mt for the 1993-1997 period, or 2 mt per year. Even at one trip per
year at 2 mt per trip, the 122 non-qualifying vessels would be
allowed to continue landing CPS finfish under the proposed 5 mt
exempted landing limit. If the exempted landing limit were lowered
to 1 mt, then up to 12 of the 122 vessels could be forced to reduce
harvests south of 39 deg. N. latitude and, depending on per trip
costs, could be forced out of business, because with annual total
exvessel revenues less than $2,000, they would not be able to afford
the purchase of a limited entry permit. These vessels would comprise
less than 2 percent of the affected population.
A total of 70 vessels accounted for 99 percent of all finfish
landings during the qualifying period.
Because of this certification, an Initial Regulatory Flexibility
Analysis was not required and one was not prepared.
This proposed rule contains collection-of-information requirements
subject to review and approval by OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act
(PRA). These requirements have been submitted to OMB for approval. The
public reporting burden for these requirements is estimated to be 30
minutes for a limited entry permit application, 30 minutes for
requesting the transfer of a permit, 2 hours to prepare a request for
the appeal of the decision to deny a permit, and 45 minutes to affix
the official number of a vessel to its bow and weather deck. The
additional permit qualification evidence and burden of proof is
estimated to take 1 hour per response. These estimates include the time
for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering
and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the
collection of information.
Public comment is sought regarding whether these proposed
collections of information are necessary for the proper performance of
the functions of the agency, including whether the information shall
have practical utility, the accuracy of the burden estimate, ways to
enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be
collected, and ways to minimize the burden of the collection of
information, including through the use of automated collection
techniques or other forms of information technology. Send comments on
these or any other aspects of the collection of information to NMFS,
Southwest Region (see ADDRESSES), and to OMB at the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget,
Washington, DC 20503 (Attn: NOAA Desk Officer).
Notwithstanding any other provision of the law, no person is
required to respond to, nor shall any person be subject to a penalty
for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the
requirements of the PRA, unless that collection of information displays
a currently valid OMB control number.
An informal consultation under the Endangered Species Act has been
initiated with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) with regard to
the possible effects of the fishery on endangered and threatened
seabirds under FWS jurisdiction that forage on coastal pelagic species.
Consultation is also underway within NMFS with regard to the possible
effects of the fishery on endangered or threatened marine mammals,
Pacific salmon, and steelhead.
List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 660
Administrative practice and procedure, American Samoa, Fisheries,
Fishing, Guam, Hawaiian Natives, Indians, Northern Mariana Islands,
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
Dated: May 18, 1999.
Andrew A. Rosenberg,
Deputy Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries
For the reasons set out in the preamble, NMFS proposes to amend 50
CFR part 660 as follows:
[[Page 28147]]
1. The authority citation for part 660 continues to read as
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
Sec. 660.302 [Amended]
2. In Sec. 660.302, under the definition of ``Groundfish'' and
under the term ``Roundfish,'' remove the text ``jack mackerel (north of
39 deg. N. lat.), Trachurus symmetricus''.
3. In Sec. 660.337, paragraph (a)(1) is revised to read as follows:
Sec. 660.337 Limited entry permits--``designated species B''
(a) * * *
(1) General. Designated species means Pacific whiting and
shortbelly rockfish. Bycatch allowances in fisheries for these species
will be established using the procedures specified for incidental
allowances in joint venture and foreign fisheries in the PCGFMP.
* * * * *
4. Revise Subpart I to read as follows:
Subpart I--Coastal Pelagics Fisheries
660.501 Purpose and scope.
660.502 Definitions.
660.503 Management subareas.
660.504 Vessel identification.
660.505 Prohibitions.
660.506 Gear restrictions.
660.507 Closed areas to reduction fishing.
660.508 Annual specifications.
660.509 Closure of directed fishery.
660.510 Fishing seasons.
660.511 Catch restrictions.
660.512 Limited entry fishery.
660.513 Permit conditions.
660.514 Transferability.
660.515 Renewal of limited entry permits.
660.516 Exempted fishing.
660.517 Framework for revising regulations.
Figure 1 to Subpart I of Part 660--Existing California Area Closures
Subpart I--Coastal Pelagics Fisheries
Sec. 660.501 Purpose and scope.
This subpart implements the Fishery Management Plan for Coastal
Pelagic Species (FMP). These regulations govern commercial fishing for
CPS in the EEZ off the coasts of Washington, Oregon, and California.
Sec. 660.502 Definitions.
In addition to the definitions in the Magnuson-Stevens Act and in
Sec. 610.10 of this chapter, the terms used in this subpart have the
following meanings:
Actively managed species (AMS) means those CPS for which the
Secretary has determined that harvest guidelines or quotas are needed
by Federal management according to the provisions of the FMP.
Advisory Subpanel (AP) means the Coastal Pelagic Species Advisory
Subpanel that comprises members of the fishing industry and public
appointed by the Council to review proposed actions for managing the
coastal pelagic fisheries.
Biomass means the estimated amount, by weight, of a coastal pelagic
species population. The term biomass means total biomass (age 1 and
above) unless stated otherwise.
Coastal pelagic species (CPS) means northern anchovy (Engraulis
mordax), Pacific mackerel (Scomber japonicus), Pacific sardine
(Sardinops sagax), jack mackerel (Trachurus symmetricus), and market
squid (Loligo opelescens).
Coastal Pelagic Species Management Team (CPSMT) means the
individuals appointed by the Council to review, analyze, and develop
management measures for the CPS fishery.
Council means the Pacific Fishery Management Council, including its
CPSMT, AP, Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC), and any other
committee established by the Council.
Finfish means northern anchovy, Pacific mackerel, Pacific sardine,
and jack mackerel.
Fishery Management Area means the EEZ off the coasts of Washington,
Oregon, and California between 3 and 200 nautical miles offshore,
bounded in the north by the Provisional International Boundary between
the United States and Canada, and bounded in the south by the
International Boundary between the United States and Mexico.
Fishing trip means a period of time between landings when fishing
is conducted.
Harvest guideline means a specified numerical harvest objective
that is not a quota. Attainment of a harvest guideline does not require
complete closure of a fishery.
Harvesting vessel means a vessel involved in the attempt or actual
catching, taking or harvesting of fish, or any activity that can
reasonably be expected to result in the catching, taking or harvesting
of fish.
Land or Landing means to begin transfer of fish from a fishing
vessel. Once transfer begins, all fish aboard the vessel are counted as
part of the landing.
Limited entry fishery means the commercial fishery consisting of
vessels fishing for CPS in the CPS Management Zone under limited entry
permits issued under Sec. 660.512.
Live bait fishery means fishing for CPS for use as live bait in
other fisheries.
Monitored species (MS) means those CPS the Secretary has determined
not to need management by harvest guidelines or quotas according to the
provisions of the FMP.
Nonreduction fishery means fishing for CPS for use as dead bait or
for processing for direct human consumption.
Owner, as used in this subpart, means a person who is identified as
the current owner in the Certificate of Documentation (CG-1270) issued
by the U.S. Coast Guard for a documented vessel, or in a registration
certificate issued by a state or the U.S. Coast Guard for an
undocumented vessel.
Person, as used in this subpart, means any individual, corporation,
partnership, association or other entity (whether or not organized or
existing under the laws of any state), and any Federal, state, or local
government, or any entity of any such government that is eligible to
own a documented vessel under the terms of 46 U.S.C. 12102(a).
Processing or to process means preparing or packaging coastal
pelagic species to render the fish suitable for human consumption, pet
food, industrial uses or long-term storage, including, but not limited
to, cooking, canning, smoking, salting, drying, filleting, freezing, or
rendering into meal or oil, but does not mean heading and gutting
unless there is additional preparation.
Quota means a specified numerical harvest objective for a single
species of CPS, the attainment (or expected attainment) of which causes
the complete closure of the fishery for that species.
Reduction fishery means fishing for CPS for the purposes of
conversion into fish flour, fish meal, fish scrap, fertilizer, fish
oil, other fishery products, or byproducts for purposes other than
direct human consumption.
Regional Administrator means the Administrator, Southwest Region,
NMFS, 501 W. Ocean Boulevard, Suite 4200, Long Beach, CA 90802-4213, or
a designee.
Reserve means a portion of the harvest guideline or quota set aside
at the beginning of the year for specific purposes, such as for
individual harvesting groups to ensure equitable distribution of the
resource or to allow for uncertainties in preseason estimates of DAP
and JVP.
Sustainable Fisheries Division (SFD) means the Assistant Regional
Administrator for Sustainable Fisheries, Southwest Region, NMFS, or a
Totally lost means that the vessel being replaced no longer exists
in specie, or is absolutely and irretrievably
[[Page 28148]]
sunk or otherwise beyond the possible control of the owner, or the
costs of repair (including recovery) would exceed the repaired value of
the vessel.
Trip limit means the total allowable amount of a CPS species by
weight or by percentage of weight of fish on board the vessel that may
be taken and retained, possessed, or landed from a single fishing trip
by a vessel that harvests CPS.
Sec. 660.503 Management subareas.
The fishery management area is divided into subareas for the
regulation of fishing for CPS, with the following designations and
(a) CPS Limited Entry Zone means the EEZ between:
(1) Northern boundary--at 39 deg.00'00'' N. lat. off California;
(2) Southern boundary--the United States-Mexico International
Boundary, which is a line connecting the following coordinates:
32 deg.35'22'' N. lat., 117 deg.27'49'' W. long.
32 deg.37'37'' N. lat., 117 deg.49'31'' W. long.
31 deg.07'58'' N. lat., 118 deg.36'18'' W. long.
30 deg.32'31'' N. lat., 121 deg.51'58'' W. long.
(b) Subarea A means the EEZ between:
(1) Northern boundary--the United States-Canada Provisional
International Boundary, which is a line connecting the following
48 deg.29'37.19'' N. lat., 124 deg.43'33.19'' W. long.
48 deg.30'11'' N. lat., 124 deg.47'13'' W. long.
48 deg.30'22'' N. lat., 124 deg.50'21'' W. long.
48 deg.30'14'' N. lat., 124 deg.54'52'' W. long.
48 deg.29'57'' N. lat., 124 deg.59'14'' W. long.
48 deg.29'44'' N. lat., 125 deg.00'06'' W. long.
48 deg.28'09'' N. lat., 125 deg.05'47'' W. long.
48 deg.27'10'' N. lat., 125 deg.08'25'' W. long.
48 deg.26'47'' N. lat., 125 deg.09'12'' W. long.
48 deg.20'16'' N. lat., 125 deg.22'48'' W. long.
48 deg.18'22'' N. lat., 125 deg.29'58'' W. long.
48 deg.11'05'' N. lat., 125 deg.53'48'' W. long.
47 deg.49'15'' N. lat., 126 deg.40'57'' W. long.
47 deg.36'47'' N. lat., 127 deg.11'58'' W. long.
47 deg.22'00'' N. lat., 127 deg.41'23'' W. long.
46 deg.42'05'' N. lat., 128 deg.51'56'' W. long.
46 deg.31'47'' N. lat., 129 deg.07'39'' W. long.; and
(2) Southern boundary--at 35 deg.40'00'' N. lat. (Pt. Piedras
(c) Subarea B means the EEZ between:
(1) Northern boundary--35 deg.40'00'' N. lat. (Pt. Piedras
Blancas); and
(2) Southern boundary--the United States-Mexico International
Boundary described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
Sec. 660.504 Vessel identification.
(a) Official number. Each fishing vessel subject to this subpart
must display its official number on the port and starboard sides of the
deckhouse or hull, and on an appropriate weather deck so as to be
visible from enforcement vessels and aircraft.
(b) Numerals. The official number must be affixed to each vessel
subject to this subpart in block Arabic numerals at least 14 inches
(35.56 cm) in height. Markings must be legible and of a color that
contrasts with the background.
Sec. 660.505 Prohibitions.
In addition to the general prohibitions specified in Sec. 600.725
of this chapter, it is unlawful for any person to do any of the
(a) In the CPS Limited Entry Zone, take and retain, possess or land
more than 5 mt of CPS finfish, other than live bait, on a harvesting
vessel without a limited entry permit.
(b) In the CPS Limited Entry Zone, take and retain, possess or land
more than 125 mt of CPS finfish on a harvesting vessel.
(c) Sell CPS without an applicable commercial state fishery
(d) Fish in the reduction fishery for CPS in any closed area
specified in Sec. 660.507.
(e) Fish in the reduction fishery for northern anchovy using gear
not authorized under Sec. 660.506.
(f) When fishing for CPS, not to return a prohibited species to the
sea as soon as practicable with a minimum of injury.
(g) Falsify or fail to affix and maintain vessel markings as
required by Sec. 660.504.
(h) Fish for CPS in violation of any terms or conditions attached
to an exempted fishing permit issued under Sec. 600.745 of this
(i) When a directed fishery has been closed, take and retain,
possess or land more than the incidental trip limit announced in the
Federal Register.
(j) Refuse to submit fishing gear or fish subject to such person's
control to inspection by an authorized officer, or to interfere with or
prevent, by any means, such an inspection.
(k) Falsify or fail to make and/or file any and all reports of
fishing, landing, or any other activity involving CPS, containing all
data, and in the exact manner, required by the applicable State law, as
specified in Sec. 660.3.
(l) Fail to carry aboard a vessel that vessel's limited entry
permit issued under Sec. 660.512 or exempted fishing permit issued
under Sec. 660.516.
(m) Make a false statement on an application for issuing, renewing,
transferring, or replacing a limited entry permit for the CPS fishery.
Sec. 660.506 Gear restrictions.
Only authorized fishing gear may be used in the reduction fishery
for northern anchovy off California. Authorized fishing gear is round
haul nets that have a minimum wet-stretch mesh size of \10/16\ of an
inch (1.59 cm) excluding the bag portion of a purse seine. The bag
portion must be constructed as a single unit and must not exceed a
rectangular area, adjacent to 20 percent of the total corkline of the
purse seine. Minimum mesh size requirements are met if a stainless
steel wedge can be passed with only thumb pressure through 16 of 20
sets of 2 meshes each of wet mesh. The wedges used to measure trawl
mesh size are made of 20 gauge stainless steel, and will be no wider
than \10/16\ of an inch (1.59 cm) less one thickness of the metal at
the widest part.
Sec. 660.507 Closed areas to reduction fishing.
The following areas are closed to reduction fishing:
(a) Farallon Islands closure (see Figure 1 to this subpart). The
portion of Subarea A bounded by--
(1) A straight line joining Pigeon Point Light (37 deg.10.9' N.
lat., 122 deg.23.6' W. long.) and the U.S. navigation light on
Southeast Farallon Island (37 deg.42.0' N. lat., 123 deg.00.1' W.
long.); and
(2) A straight line joining the U.S. navigation light on Southeast
Farallon Island (37 deg.42.0' N. lat., 123 deg.00.1' W. long.) and the
U.S. navigation light on Point Reyes (37 deg.59.7' N. lat.,
123 deg.01.3' W. long.).
(b) Subarea B closures. Those portions of Subarea B described as--
(1) Oxnard closure (see Figure 1 to this subpart). The area that
extends offshore 4 miles from the mainland shore between lines running
250 deg. true from the steam plant stack at Manadalay Beach
(34 deg.12.4' N. lat., 119 deg.15.0' W. long.) and 220 deg. true from
the steam plant stack at Ormond Beach (34 deg.07.8' N. lat.,
119 deg.10.0' W. long.).
(2) Santa Monica Bay closure (see Figure 1 to this subpart). Santa
Monica Bay shoreward of that line from Malibu Point (34 deg.01.8' N.
lat., 188 deg.40.8' W. long.) to Rocky Point (Palos Verdes Point)
(33 deg.46.5' N. lat., 118 deg.25.7' W. long.).
(3) Los Angeles Harbor closure (see Figure 1 to this subpart). The
area outside Los Angeles Harbor described by a line extending 6 miles
180 deg. true from Point Fermin (33 deg.42.3' N. lat., 118 deg.17.6' W.
long.) and then to a point located 3 miles offshore on a line 225 deg.
true from Huntington Beach Pier (33 deg.39.2' N. lat., 118 deg.00.3' W.
(4) Oceanside to San Diego closure (see Figure 1 to this subpart).
The area 6 miles from the mainland shore south of a line running
225 deg. true from the tip of the outer breakwater (33 deg.12.4' N.
lat., 117 deg.24.1' W. long.) of Oceanside Harbor
[[Page 28149]]
to the United States-Mexico International Boundary.
Sec. 660.508 Annual specifications.
(a) The Regional Administrator will determine the harvest
guidelines or quotas for all AMS from the estimated biomass and the
formulas in the FMP.
(b) Harvest guidelines or quotas, including any apportionment
between the directed fishery and set-aside for incidental harvest, will
be published in the Federal Register before the beginning of the
fishing season for each CPS.
(c) The announcement of each harvest guideline or quota will
contain the following information:
(1) A summary of the status of AMS and MS;
(2) The estimated biomass on which the harvest guideline or quota
was determined;
(3) The portion, if appropriate, of the harvest guideline or quota
set aside to allow for incidental harvests after closure of the
directed fishery;
(4) The estimated level of the incidental trip limit that will be
allowed after the directed fishery is closed; and
(5) The allocation, if appropriate, between Subarea A and Subarea
(d) Harvest guidelines and quotas will receive a public review
according to the following procedure:
(1) A meeting will be held between the Council's CPSMT and AP,
where the estimated biomass and the harvest guideline or quota will be
reviewed and public comments received. This meeting will be announced
in the Federal Register before the date of the meeting.
(2) All materials relating to the biomass and harvest guideline or
quota will be forwarded to the Council and its Scientific and
Statistical Committee and will be available to the public from the
Regional Administrator.
(3) At a regular meeting of the Council, the Council will review
the estimated biomass and harvest guideline or quota and offer time for
public comment. If the Council requests a revision, justification must
be provided.
(4) The Regional Administrator will review the Council's
recommendations, justification, and public comments and base his or her
final decision on the requirements of the FMP.
Sec. 660.509 Closure of directed fishery.
When the directed fishery portion of the harvest guideline or quota
is estimated to be taken, the Regional Administrator will announce in
the Federal Register the date of closure of the directed fishery for
CPS and the amount of the incidental trip limit that will be allowed.
Sec. 660.510 Fishing seasons.
(a) All seasons will begin at 0001 hours and terminate at 2400
hours local time. Fishing seasons for the following CPS species are:
(1) Pacific sardine. January 1 to December 31, or until closed
under Sec. 660.509.
(2) Pacific mackerel. July 1 to June 30, or until closed under
Sec. 660.509.
Sec. 660.511 Catch restrictions.
(a) All CPS harvested shoreward of the outer boundary of the EEZ
(0-200 nautical miles off shore) will be counted toward the catch
limitations specified in this section.
(b) The trip limit for harvesting vessels fishing in the CPS
Limited Entry Zone for CPS other than live bait without a limited entry
permit is 5 mt tons of all CPS finfish combined.
(c) The trip limit for vessels with a limited entry permit on a
fishing trip in which the vessel fishes or lands fish in the Limited
Entry Zone is 125 mt of all CPS finfish combined.
(d) After the directed fishery for a CPS is closed under
Sec. 660.509, no person may take and retain, possess or land more of
that species than the incidental trip limit set by the Regional
(e) While fishing for CPS, all species of trout and salmon
(Salmonidae) and Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) are
prohibited species and must be released immediately with a minimum of
Sec. 660.512 Limited entry fishery.
(a) General. (1) This section applies to fishing for or landing CPS
finfish in the limited entry fishery in the Limited Entry Zone.
(2) Effective January 1, 2000, the owner of a vessel with more than
5 mt of CPS finfish on board in the CPS Limited Entry Zone, other than
live bait, must have a limited entry permit registered for use with
that vessel.
(3) Only a person eligible to own a documented vessel under the
terms of 46 U.S.C. 12102(a) may be issued or hold; by ownership or
otherwise, a limited entry permit.
(b) Initial qualification. (1) SFD will issue a limited entry
permit only for a vessel that landed 100 mt tons of CPS finfish from
January 1, 1993, through November 5, 1997.
(2) A limited entry permit will be issued only to the current owner
of the vessel, unless:
(i) The previous owner of a vessel qualifying for a permit, by the
express terms of a written contract, reserved the right to the limited
entry permit, in which case the limited entry permit will be issued to
the previous owner based on the catch history of the qualifying vessel,
(ii) A vessel that would have qualified for a limited entry permit
was totally lost prior to issuance of a limited entry permit. In this
case, the owner of the vessel at the time it was lost retains the right
to a permit for a replacement vessel, unless the owner conveyed the
right to another person by the express terms of a written contract. The
lost vessel must be replaced within 2 years of the date that the
qualifying vessel was lost, and the replaced vessel must be of equal or
less net tonnage.
(c) Evidence and burden of proof. A vessel owner (or person holding
limited entry rights under the express terms of a written contract as
specified in paragraph (a)(2) of this section) applying for issuance,
renewal, transfer, or registration of a limited entry permit has the
burden to submit evidence to prove that qualification requirements are
met. The following evidentiary standards apply:
(1) A certified copy of the vessel's documentation as a fishing
vessel of the United States (U.S. Coast Guard or state) is the best
evidence of vessel ownership;
(2) A certified copy of a state fish landing receipt is the best
evidence of a landing of a vessel;
(3) A copy of a written contract reserving or conveying limited
entry rights is the best evidence of reserved or acquired rights; and
(4) Other relevant, credible evidence that the applicant may submit
or that the SFD may request or require may also be considered.
(d) Fees. The Regional Administrator may charge fees to cover
administrative expenses related to issuing limited entry permits, as
well as renewing, transferring, and replacing permits. The amount of
the fee is calculated in accordance with the procedures of the NOAA
Finance Handbook for determining the administrative costs of each
special product or service. The fee may not exceed such costs and is
specified with each application form. The appropriate fee must
accompany each application.
(e) Initial decisions. (1) The SFD will make initial decisions
regarding issuing, renewing, transferring, and registering limited
entry permits.
(2) Adverse decisions shall be in writing and shall state the
reasons for the adverse decision.
(3) The SFD may decline to act on an application for issuing,
renewing, transferring, or registering a limited entry permit if the
permit sanction provisions of the Magnuson-Stevens Act at 16 U.S.C.
1858(a) and implementing
[[Page 28150]]
regulations at 15 CFR part 904, subpart D, apply.
(f) Initial issuance. (1) The SFD will issue limited entry permits.
(2) In order to receive a final decision on a limited entry permit
application before January 1, 2000, an applicant must submit the
application to the SFD on or before August 1, 1999.
(3) A separate, complete, and accurate application form,
accompanied by any required supporting documentation and the
appropriate fee, must be submitted for each vessel for which a limited
entry permit is sought.
(4) Upon receipt of an incomplete or improperly executed
application, the SFD will notify the applicant of the deficiency. If
the applicant fails to correct the deficiency within 30 days following
the date of notification, the application will be considered void.
(5) The SFD may request further documentation before acting on an
(6) The SFD will not accept applications for a limited entry permit
after July 1, 2000.
(g) Appeals. (1) Any applicant for an initial permit may appeal the
initial issuance decision to the Regional Administrator. To be
considered by the Regional Administrator, such appeal must be in
writing and state the reasons for the appeal, and must be submitted
within 30 days of the action by the Regional Administrator. The
appellant may request an informal hearing on the appeal.
(2) Upon receipt of an appeal authorized by this section, the
Regional Administrator will notify the permit applicant, or permit
holder as appropriate, and will request such additional information and
in such form as will allow action upon the appeal.
(3) Upon receipt of sufficient information, the Regional
Administrator will decide the appeal in accordance with the permit
eligibility criteria set forth in this section and in the FMP, as
appropriate, based upon information relative to the application on file
at NMFS and the Council and any additional information submitted to or
obtained by the Regional Administrator, the summary record kept of any
hearing and the hearing officer's recommended decision, if any, and
such other considerations as the Regional Administrator deems
appropriate. The Regional Administrator will notify all interested
persons of the decision, and the reasons for the decision, in writing,
normally within 30 days of the receipt of sufficient information,
unless additional time is needed for a hearing.
(4) If a hearing is requested, or if the Regional Administrator
determines that one is appropriate, the Regional Administrator may
grant an informal hearing before a hearing officer designated for that
purpose after first giving notice of the time, place, and subject
matter of the hearing to the applicant. The appellant, and, at the
discretion of the hearing officer, other interested persons, may appear
personally or be represented by counsel at the hearing and submit
information and present arguments as determined appropriate by the
hearing officer. Within 30 days of the last day of the hearing, the
hearing officer shall recommend in writing a decision to the Regional
(5) The Regional Administrator may adopt the hearing officer's
recommended decision, in whole or in part, or may reject or modify it.
In any event, the Regional Administrator will notify interested persons
of the decision, and the reason(s) therefore, in writing, within 30
days of receipt of the hearing officer's recommended decision. The
Regional Administrator's decision will constitute the final
administrative action by NMFS on the matter.
(6) Any time limit prescribed in this section may be extended for a
period not to exceed 30 days by the Regional Administrator for good
cause, either upon his or her own motion or upon written request from
the appellant stating the reason(s) therefore.
Sec. 660.513 Permit conditions.
(a) A limited entry permit expires on failure to renew the limited
entry permit as specified in Sec. 660.515.
(b) A limited entry permit may not be used with a vessel unless it
is registered for use with that vessel. Limited entry permits will be
registered for use with a particular vessel at the time the permit is
issued, renewed, or transferred.
(c) Limited entry permits issued or applied for under this subpart
are subject to sanctions pursuant to the Magnuson-Stevens Act, 16
U.S.C. 1858(g), and 15 CFR part 904, subpart D.
Sec. 660.514 Transferability.
(a) Upon application by the permit holder, the SFD will process
applications for transferring limited entry permits according to this
(b) Before January 1, 2001, a limited entry permit may be
transferred only one time to a different owner and/or for use with a
different vessel. No transfer is effective until the limited entry
permit has been reissued and is in the possession of the new permit
(c) After December 31, 2000, a permit may not be registered for use
with a vessel other than the vessel for which it was registered on
December 31, 2000, except as follows:
(1) The vessel to which the permit was registered on December 31,
2000 (the replaced vessel), is totally lost, stolen, or scrapped, such
that it cannot be used in a Federally regulated commercial fishery, and
(2) The replacement vessel to which the permit will be registered
is of equal or less net tonnage than the replaced vessel, and
(3) The replaced vessel is owned by the permit holder.
(d) After December 31, 2000, a limited entry permit may not be
transferred to another permit holder.
Sec. 660.515 Renewal of limited entry permits.
(a) Each limited entry permit must be renewed by January 1 of even
numbered years.
(b) The SFD will send notices to renew limited entry permits to the
most recent address of the permit holder.
(c) The permit owner must provide SFD with notice of any address
change within 15 days of the change.
(d) The permit holder must submit applications for renewal of a
permit on forms available from the SFD.
(e) The permit owner is responsible for renewing a limited entry
(f) An expired permit cannot be used to fish for CPS in the limited
entry fishery.
Sec. 660.516 Exempted fishing.
(a) General. In the interest of developing an efficient and
productive fishery for CPS, the Regional Administrator may issue
exempted fishing permits (EFP) for the harvest of CPS that otherwise
would be prohibited.
(b) No exempted fishing for CPS may be conducted unless authorized
by an EFP issued for the participating vessel in accordance with the
criteria and procedures specified in Sec. 600.745 of this chapter.
Sec. 660.517 Framework for revising regulations.
(a) General. NMFS will establish and adjust specifications and
management measures in accordance with procedures and standards in
Amendment 8 to the FMP.
(b) Annual actions. Annual specifications are developed and
implemented according to Sec. 660.508.
(c) Routine management measures. Consistent with sec. 2.1 of
Amendment 8 to the FMP, management measures designated as routine may
be adjusted during the year after recommendation from the Council,
approval by NMFS, and publication in the Federal Register.
(d) Changes to the regulations. Regulations under this subpart may
[[Page 28151]]
promulgated, removed, or revised. Any such action will be made
according to the framework measures in section 2 of Amendment 8 to the
FMP and will be published in the Federal Register.
Figure 1 to Subpart I of Part 660--Existing California Area
Closures (hatched areas extend to 3 miles offshore; cross-hatched areas
extend beyond 3 miles offshore) and optional Catalina Channel foreign
vessel closure (outlined by dashed lines)
[FR Doc. 99-13082 Filed 5-24-99; 8:45 am]