94-12890. Statement of Organization, Functions and Delegations of Authority  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 101 (Thursday, May 26, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-12890]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: May 26, 1994]
    Social Security Administration
    Statement of Organization, Functions and Delegations of Authority
        Part S of the Statement of Organization, Functions and Delegations 
    of Authority for the Department of Health and Human Services covers the 
    Social Security Administration (SSA). Chapter S3 covers the Deputy 
    Commissioner for Programs. Notice is hereby given that Subchapter S3G, 
    Office of Hearings and Appeals, is being amended to reflect changes in 
    the organizational designations and functional responsibilities in the 
    Office of the Chief Administrative Law Judge (S3GJ), Office of 
    Appellate Operations (S3GC) and the Office of Management, Systems and 
    Policy (S3GX). Notice is further given that subchapter S3G is being 
    amended to reflect the abolishment of the Office of Civil Actions 
    (S3GL). In addition, a functional statement is being inserted for the 
    Vocational Expert and Medical Advisor Staff in the Office of the Chief 
    Administrative Law Judge. The changes are as follows:
    Section S3G.10 The Office of Hearings and Appeals--(Organization)
    D. The Office of the Chief Administrative Law Judge (S3GJ)
        4. The Division of Medicare part B (S3GJ5).
    F. The Office of Appellate Operations (S3GC)
    Change Opening Sentence To Read
        ``The Office of Appellate Operations (S3GC), which includes the 
    Executive Director who also serves as Deputy Chair of the Appeals 
    Council, the Appeals Council and its Administrative Appeals Judges, a 
    Deputy Director to the Executive Director, and a Director of 
        2. The Administrative Support Staff (S3GC4) To: ``The Division of 
    Program Support (S3GC4).''
        3. The Retirement and Survivors Insurance, Health Insurance and 
    Supplemental Security Income Staff (S3GC5) in its entirety.
        3. The Medical Support Staff (S3GCX).
        4. The Program Review Branch 1 (S3GC6) To: ``The Disability Program 
    Branch 1 (S3GC6).''
        5. The Program Review Branch 2 (S3GC7) To: ``The Disability Program 
    Branch 2 (S3GC7).''
        6. The Program Review Branch 3 (S3GC8) To: ``The Disability Program 
    Branch 3 (S3GC8).''
        7. The Program Review Branch 4 (S3GC9) To: ``The Disability Program 
    Branch 4 (S3GC9).''
        8. The Program Review Branch 5 (S3GCA) To: ``The Disability Program 
    Branch 5 (S3GCA).''
        9. The Program Review Branch 6 (S3GCB) To: ``The Disability Program 
    Branch 6 (S3GCB).''
        10. The Program Review Branch 7 (S3GCC) To: ``The Disability 
    Program Branch 7 (S3GCC).''
        11. The Program Review Branch 8 (S3GCE) To: ``The Disability 
    Program Branch 8 (S3GCE).''
        12. The Program Review Branch 9 (S3GCG) To: ``The Disability 
    Program Branch 9 (S3GCG).''
        13. The Program Review Branch 10 (S3GCH) To: ``The Disability 
    Program Branch 10 (S3GCH).''
        14. The Program Review Branch 11 (S3GCJ) To: ``The Disability 
    Program Branch 11 (S3GCJ).''
        15. The Program Review Branch 12 (S3GCK) To: ``The Disability 
    Program Branch 12 (S3GCK).''
        16. The Program Review Branch 13 (S3GCL) To: ``The Disability 
    Program Branch 13 (S3GCL).''
        17. The Program Review Branch 14 (S3GCM) To: ``The Disability 
    Program Branch 14 (S3GCM).''
        18. The Program Review Branch 15 (S3GCN) To: ``The Disability 
    Program Branch 15 (S3GCN).''
        19. The Program Review Branch 16 (S3GCP) To: ``The Disability 
    Program Branch 16 (S3GCP).''
        20. The Disability Program Branch 17 (S3GCQ).
        21. The Disability Program Branch 18 (S3GCR).
        22. The Disability Program Branch 19 (S3GCS).
        23. The Health Insurance Branch (S3GCT).
        24. The Retirement and Survivors Insurance and Supplemental 
    Security Income Branch (S3GCU).
        25. The Court Case Preparation and Review Branch 1 (S3GCV).
        26. The Court Case Preparation and Review Branch 2 (S3GCW).
    G. The Office of Civil Actions (S3GL) In Its Entirety
    G. The Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation (S3GK)
    1. The Division of Litigation Analysis and Implementation (S3GK1).
    2. The Division of Planning and Evaluation (S3GK2).
    3. The Division of Policy (S3GK3).
    H. The Office of Management, Systems and Policy (S3GX) to ``The Office 
    of Management (S3GX)''
        2. The Division of Policy, Planning and Evaluation (S3GX2).
        ``3'' to ``2'', ``4'' to ``3'', ``5'' to ``4'', ``6'' to ``5'' and 
    ``7'' to ``6''.
    Section S3G.20. The Office of Hearings and Appeals--(Functions)
    D. The Office of the Chief Administrative Law Judge (S3GJ)
        Replace ``seven'' with ``ten'' in the fifth sentence. Add the 
    following after ``coordinates hearing office activities;'' in the last 
    sentence: ``Preparing, reviewing and drafting decisions and dismissals 
    in Medicare part B cases;''
        3. The Vocational Expert and Medical Advisor Staff (S3GJ2) 
    formulates, develops and oversees the national program for recruitment 
    and use of Vocational Experts and Medical Experts at hearings before 
    Administrative Law Judges. On an ongoing basis, monitors Regional and 
    Hearing Office operations regarding the program and when appropriate 
    provides guidance and makes necessary changes. Responsible for 
    monitoring court trends and determines their impact on the progam and 
    the need for additional expert witnesses. Is responsible for reviewing 
    fees and revising national fee schedules when appropriate. Identifies 
    the need for special studies or management reviews of the Program.
        4. The Division of Medicare part B (S3GJ5) processes Medicare part 
    B cases on receipt from Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) 
    contractors. Assigns docket numbers and establishes case control, 
    identifies proposed exhibits, prepares exhibit files, drafts exhibit 
    lists. Identifies technical dismissals and drafts all orders of 
    dismissal for the signature of the Administrative Law Judge. Prepares a 
    detailed analysis of the facts and issues in each case that reaches the 
    hearing level, including appropriate citations of law, regulations and 
    policy, and recommendations for development of additional evidence or 
    testimony from the claimant or expert witnesses at the hearing. 
    Researches the law, regulations and relevant policy to resolve case-
    related issues as necessary. Drafts all decisions where an on-the-
    record decision is requested and drafts decisions where hearings are 
    held by an Administrative Law Judge. Receives post-hearing files from 
    Hearing Offices, identifies and forwards favorable decisions to the 
    Health Care Financing Administration Regional Office for effectuation. 
    Maintains all relevant case processing and workflow statistics relating 
    to the part B workload and prepares all management reports. Serves as 
    custodian of all files until full appeals rights are exhausted, that 
    is, through Appeals Council or court action. Receives requests for 
    Appeals Council review. Processes Appeals Council remands and obtains 
    any requested development. Provides technical and staff assistance to 
    the Chief Administrative Law Judge and all Administrative Law Judges 
    concerning the adjudication of Medicare part B cases.
    F. The Office of Appellate Operations (S3GC)
    Add As the Second Paragraph:
        The Office of Appellate Operations (S3GC) is also responsible for 
    OHA action on cases in which a civil suit has been filed, including 
    actions on new court case requests for voluntary remand and court 
    remands. Provides professional and technical advice to the Associate 
    Commissioner, the Appeals Council, the Chief Administrative Law Judge 
    and other OHA officials in all litigated cases involving claims for 
    benefits filed under Titles II, XVI and XVIII of the Social Security 
    Act, as amended, and Title IV of the Federal Coal Mine Health and 
    Safety Act of 1969, as amended; claims to establish dependency status 
    under Title II of the Act; claims for individual enrollment to 
    participate under parts A and/or part B of Title XVIII of the Act; and 
    claims by hospitals, skilled nursing facilities and independent 
    laboratories seeking certification or continued certification under the 
    Social Security Act. Tracks and analyzes court case trends and 
    disseminates information to guide adjudicators with respect to case 
    law, to implement an effective appeals strategy, and to identify areas 
    and make recommendations as to policies which need to be developed and/
    or clarified, new regulations which need to be developed, or clarifying 
    legislation which should be sought.
        2. The Administrative Support Staff (S3GC4) To: `` The Division of 
    Program Support (S3GC4).'' Delete statement beginning with ``under'' 
    and replace with the following:
        2. ``Under the direction of the Director of Operations of the 
    Office of Appellate Operations, provides support services to Appeals 
    Council Members, including reconstruction of lost claim files and 
    receiving and analyzing fee petitions. Provides reprographic services 
    in preparation of the official answer to civil actions filed against 
    the Secretary of DHHS under Titles II, XVI, and XVIII of the Social 
    Security Act, as amended, and Title IV of the Federal Coal Mine Health 
    and Safety Act of 1969, as amended. This includes reproduction of 
    documents for all individual litigant cases as well as class action 
    cases and discovery requests. Manages equipment, personnel and 
    facilities necessary to ensure timely provision of reprographic 
    services. Controls and maintains all requests for transcription of 
    hearing cassettes and performs audit functions for hearing transcripts 
    returned from the private contractor.''
    Delete in Its Entirety
        3. The Retirement and Survivors Insurance, Health Insurance and 
    Supplemental Security Income Staff (S3GC5).
        3. The Medical Support Staff (S3GCX) provides expert professional 
    judgment to the Appeals Council on individual disability and health 
    insurance claims. The Medical Support Staff also provides 
    informational, advisory and consultant services to Administrative 
    Appeals Judges and their support staff on matters of interpretation and 
    application of national policy on SSA and OHA disability criteria and 
    regulations. It consists of staff physicians, consulting physicians, 
    and support staff. The qualifications of these physicians are 
    representative of the major medical specialities. Each physician is 
    familiar with the pertinent provisions of the Social Security Rules and 
    Regulations. The physicians conduct training seminars for the Appeals 
    Council and its support staff and newly appointed Administrative Law 
    Judges. They review disability evaluation training manuals for 
    consistency and national uniformity. The Medical Support Staff 
    represents OHA in contacts with appropriate professional affiliations 
    to promote understanding of OHA practices and problems in the 
    evaluation of disability. It advises and participates with the Appeals 
    Program Officer and Executive Director of OAO in the recruitment, 
    selection and training of the medical consultant staff. The Medical 
    Support Staff coordinates with the Office of Disability and 
    International Operations all matters of joint interest in the area of 
    medical disability evaluation.
        20. The Disability Program Branch 17 (S3GCQ).
        21. The Disability Program Branch 18 (S3GCR).
        22. The Disability Program Branch 19 (S3GCS).
    Add as the Last Five Sentences
        4.-22. The Disability Program Branches (S3GC6-9 and S3GCA-S). 
    Analyze and recommend action on cases referred by the Office of General 
    Counsel (OGC) for consideration of whether remand should be requested 
    at the Secretary's motion. Recommend to OGC defense on the record of 
    certain litigated cases if further administrative action is not 
    warranted. Analyze and recommend action of cases remanded by the 
    courts. Prepare affidavits and related correspondence; and, as 
    necessary, prepare comprehensive decisions and remand orders for the 
    signature of the Executive Director and other Administrative Appeals 
    Judges in civil action cases.
        23. The Health Insurance Branch (S3GCT) serves as a support staff 
    for the Appeals Council in reviewing Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) 
    decisions and dismissals involving claims to establish entitlement to 
    Health Insurance benefits under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act, 
    including claims for individual enrollment to participate under Parts A 
    and/or B of Title XVIII and claims by hospitals, skilled nursing 
    facilities and independent laboratories seeking certification under the 
    Social Security Act. Advises the Appeals Council on all matters 
    relating to entitlement to benefits under the Social Security Act, as 
    amended, for health insurance claims, and supports the Appeals Council 
    in all phases of its review function as the final step in the 
    administrative appeals process. Acting on behalf of the Appeals 
    Council, undertakes necessary development and responds to such 
    administrative matters as requests for extensions of time to submit 
    additional evidence, requests for copies of exhibits from the claim 
    file and requests for copies of the hearing cassette or transcript of 
    the hearing. Following an analysis of the record and any additional 
    evidence and/or argument submitted, and applying a thorough knowledge 
    of applicable case law, examines hearing decisions and other final 
    actions of the Administrative Law Judge and requests for Appeals 
    Council review and makes recommendations to the Administrative Appeals 
    Judges as to what action should be taken on cases pending before the 
    Council. Recommendations include whether own motion review should be 
    taken or review granted and the appropriate course of action if 
    jurisdiction is assumed, including issuing a decision, dismissal, or 
    remand of the case to an Administrative Law Judge. The staff initiates 
    implementing action on behalf of the Administrative Appeals Judges 
    including drafting comprehensive decisions and orders. Analyzes and 
    recommends action on cases referred by OGC for consideration of whether 
    remand should be requested at the Secretary's motion. Recommends to OGC 
    defense on the record of certain litigated cases if further 
    administrative action is not warranted. Analyzes and recommends action 
    of cases remanded by the courts. Prepares affidavits and related 
    correspondence; and, as necessary, prepares comprehensive decisions and 
    remand orders for the signature of the Executive Director and other 
    Administrative Appeals Judges in civil action cases.
        24. The Retirement and Survivors Insurance and Supplemental 
    Security Income Branch (S3GCU) serves as a support staff for the 
    Appeals Council in reviewing Administrative Law Judge decisions and 
    dismissals involving claims to establish entitlement and the amount of 
    benefits in old-age, survivors and disability under Title II of the 
    Social Security Act; and claims to establish eligibility for and 
    benefits payable in Title XVI cases. Advises the Appeals Council on all 
    matters relating to entitlement to benefits under the Social Security 
    Act and supports the Appeals Council in all phases of its review 
    function as the final step in the administrative appeals process. 
    Acting on behalf of the Appeals Council, the staff undertakes necessary 
    development and responds to such administrative matters as requests for 
    extensions of time to submit additional evidence, requests for copies 
    of exhibits from the claim file and requests for copies of the hearing 
    cassette or transcript of the hearing. Following an analysis of the 
    record and any additional evidence and/or argument submitted and 
    applying a thorough knowledge of applicable case law, examines hearing 
    decisions and other final actions of the Administrative Law Judge and 
    requests for Appeals Council review and makes recommendations to the 
    Administrative Appeals Judges Member as to what action should be taken 
    on cases pending before the Council whether before or after a civil 
    action is filed. Recommendations include whether own motion review 
    should be taken or review granted and the appropriate course of action 
    if jurisdiction is assumed, including issuing a decision, dismissal, or 
    remand of the case to an Administrative Law Judge. The staff initiates 
    implementing action on behalf of the Administrative Appeals Judges 
    including drafting comprehensive decisions and orders. Analyzes and 
    recommends action on cases referred by OGC for consideration of whether 
    remand should be requested at the Secretary's motion. Recommends to OGC 
    defense on the record of certain litigated cases if further 
    administrative action is not warranted. Analyzes and recommends action 
    of cases remanded by the courts. Prepares affidavits and related 
    correspondence; and, as necessary, prepares comprehensive decisions and 
    remand orders for the signature of the Executive Director and other 
    Administrative Appeals Judges in civil actions cases.
        25.-26. The Court Case Preparation and Review Branches 1-2 (S3GCV-
    S3GCW) serve as a support staff to the Office of Appellate Operations. 
    Prepare remand orders and affidavits and related correspondence. Within 
    published guidelines, recommend to OGC defense on the record for 
    certain litigated cases if further administrative action is not 
    warranted. Analyze and recommend action on cases remanded by the 
    courts. Prepares all court transcripts and controls and maintains all 
    certified records of claims at the civil actions level.
    G. The Office of Civil Actions (S3GL) In Its Entirety
        G. The Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation (S3GK) plans, 
    analyzes and develops OHA-wide policy for the hearings, appeals and 
    civil actions processes. Manages the overall OHA policy communications 
    system. Is responsible for OHA activity with respect to Social Security 
    regulations, including developing an OHA position with respect to 
    program regulations proposed by SSA components. Monitors OHA's 
    implementation of program regulations governing the hearings and 
    appeals process. Plans and conducts a comprehensive OHA-wide evaluation 
    program designed to support OHA policy and regulatory initiatives and 
    measure the overall effectiveness of the nationwide hearings and 
    appeals process. Provides advice and guidance throughout OHA on matters 
    involving program policies, planning and evaluation. Coordinates 
    policy, planning and evaluation matters within OHA, with other SSA 
    components and with HCFA, OGC and other HHS components, other Federal 
    agencies and private organizations. Responsible for SSA policy with 
    respect to claimant representation and the fees charged for these 
    services. Develops and coordinates program training in conjunction with 
    appropriate OHA, SSA, HCFA, HHS and OGC components. Develops and 
    implements an appeals strategy, in conjunction with other OHA 
    components, that identifies the issues and types of cases which OHA 
    believes should be appealed. Captures court trend information for 
    dissemination to other components to assist in formulating the Agency's 
    litigation strategy and improving the adjudication process.
        1. The Division of Litigation Analysis and Implementation (S3GK1) 
    develops and implements, in conjunction with other OHA components, an 
    appeals strategy that identifies the issues and types of cases which 
    OHA believes should be appealed. Captures court trend information for 
    dissemination to other components to assist in formulating the agency's 
    litigation strategy and improving the adjudication process. Develops 
    and maintains a compendium of circuit court case law with systems-based 
    access. Tracks pending class actions, forecasts potential workload 
    impact, and makes recommendations to workload components regarding 
    workload impact. Uses court trend information to identify and make 
    appropriate recommendations with respect to areas in which policies 
    need to be developed and/or clarified, new regulations need to be 
    developed, or clarifying legislation should be sought. Prepares and 
    updates significant court case requirements used in reviewing court 
    cases. Uses court trend information to identify areas where additional 
    training is needed or other measures are needed to improve 
    defensibility. Advises the Associate Commissioner, the Chief 
    Administrative Law Judge and other OHA officials, as appropriate, of 
    significant cases and trends and of litigation issues which may require 
    revision of operating instructions, and assists with the preparation of 
    the instructions. Coordinates OHA's views on proposed Social Security 
    Acquiescence Rulings. In response to OHA-identified cases and to 
    requests for appeals recommendations from the Litigation Staff, Office 
    of the Deputy Commissioner for Programs, obtains the views of affected 
    OHA components and formulates an OHA position on appeal. Maintains 
    liaison with OGC and the Litigation Staffs of the Office of the Deputy 
    Commissioner for Programs and the Office of Disability to coordinate 
    the settlement of class actions and class action implementation. In 
    coordination with the Office of the Chief Administrative Law Judge and 
    other OHA components, develops instructions for OHA implementation of 
    class action orders and monitors implementation. Serves as a focal 
    point for questions from OHA adjudicators concerning class action 
    orders. Responds to requests from OGC and the SSA Litigation Staff 
    regarding OHA's procedures, statistics and other information with 
    respect to OHA operations requested in the course of litigation. 
    Coordinates OHA's response to discovery requests, including maintaining 
    a central file of information disclosed. Administers and coordinates 
    the Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act provisions for OHA.
        2. The Division of Planning and Evaluation (S3GK2) develops, 
    coordinates and conducts a comprehensive OHA-wide program of studies 
    and analyses of the application of and compliance with SSA and OHA 
    policies and procedures in all phases of OHA's hearings and appeals 
    processes and the quality of results achieved. Provides advice and 
    assistance to other OHA components in designing and implementing 
    appropriate systems and procedures for collecting, recording, analyzing 
    and evaluating data pertinent to assessing the quality of work 
    emanating from the hearings and appeals processes. Conducts studies of 
    policy implementation within OHA. Conducts special studies and analyses 
    of the timeliness of the hearings and appeals process, OHA workloads 
    and/or results to develop OHA recommendations for SSA policy and 
    procedural changes or other corrective managerial initiatives. 
    Identifies problem areas and deficiencies in policies, policy 
    application, methods and procedures and recommends corrective action. 
    Develops techniques and systems for conducting evaluations of the 
    substantive and technical aspects of claims throughout OHA. Designs and 
    conducts a variety of program evaluation studies and analyses in 
    support of OHA program policy and administrative initiatives and 
    coordinates OHA action on initiatives for simplifying the appeals 
    process. Designs and conducts various program integrity studies and 
    analyses of OHA processes and operations to ensure that OHA programs, 
    policies and practices are consistent with the highest standards of 
    integrity and equity. Analyzes the results of OHA's evaluation systems 
    to determine deviations from statutory, regulatory, policy, or 
    procedural requirements and/or from established administrative quality 
    standards. Assesses the compatibility of operating results with program 
    philosophy and objectives, and recommends corrective action to program 
    managers and other OHA officials.
        3. The Division of Policy (S3GK3) plans, develops and coordinates 
    the preparation of regulations, policies and guidelines for the 
    hearings, appeals, civil actions and claimant representation processes 
    under Titles II, XVI and XVIII of the Social Security Act, as amended, 
    and under Title IV of the Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 
    1969, as amended. Ensures that operating procedures and instructions 
    developed to implement the hearings and appeals process conform with 
    national SSA and OHA policy. Provides advisory services, consultation, 
    and staff assistance to other components of OHA. Maintains an effective 
    system for communicating policy positions through program guides and 
    directives and informational notices necessary for an effective 
    hearings and appeals process. Develops and maintains publications, 
    informational materials, references and forms on the hearings, appeals, 
    claimant representation and civil actions processes. Maintains ongoing 
    liaison with SSA, HCFA, HHS, OGC and others with respect to program, 
    legislative and policy matters. Develops and coordinates benefit 
    program policy and regulatory activity for OHA. Reviews, coordinates, 
    develops and comments on program regulations, rulings, and other 
    program instructions emanating from SSA, HHS and other administrative 
    law bodies that may influence or impact on OHA policy areas. Reviews 
    current and developing trends in administrative law and litigation; 
    analyzes and prepares policy recommendations; and develops long-range 
    and short-range plans for hearing and appeals policy matters and OHA's 
    implementation of benefit program policy matters. Develops and 
    coordinates program training in conjunction with other OHA components 
    and SSA, HCFA, HHS and OGC program components.
    H. The Office of Management, Systems and Policy (S3GX) to ``The Office 
    of Management (S3GX)''
    Delete First Three Ssentences and Replace With the Following
        The Office of Management provides administrative support to the 
    Associate Commissioner for all management and systems related 
    activities for OHA. Coordinates with the Chief Administrative Law Judge 
    with respect to management and systems support functions which affect 
    the field operations.
        ``3'' to ``2'', ``4'' to ``3'', ``5'' to ``4'', ``6'' to ``5'' and 
    ``7'' to ``6''.
        Dated: May 9, 1994.
    Ruth A. Pierce,
    Deputy Commissioner, for Human Resources.
    [FR Doc. 94-12890 Filed 5-25-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4190-29-P

Document Information

Social Security Administration
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Document Number:
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: May 26, 1994