94-12898. Availability of Draft Environmental Impact Statement and Public Hearings for the Proposed Pinon Pine Power Project at Tracy Power Station, Nevada  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 101 (Thursday, May 26, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-12898]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: May 26, 1994]
    Availability of Draft Environmental Impact Statement and Public 
    Hearings for the Proposed Pinon Pine Power Project at Tracy Power 
    Station, Nevada
    AGENCY: Department of Energy.
    ACTION: Notice of availability of draft environmental impact statement 
    (draft statement) and notice of public hearings on the draft.
    SUMMARY: The Department of Energy (Department) announces the 
    availability of the Pinon Pine Power Project Draft Statement (EIS-
    0215), prepared to assess the environmental effects of the design, 
    construction, and operation of the proposed Pinon Pine Integrated 
    Gasification Combined Cycle Power Project, a 104-Megawatt-electric 
    coal-fired power generating facility at Tracy Power Station, 17 miles 
    east of Reno, Nevada. As one of the proposals selected under Round IV 
    of the Clean Coal Technology Program, the Pinon Pine Power Project 
    would demonstrate an innovative air-blown, Integrated Gasification 
    Combined Cycle technology. This technology, when compared to 
    conventional coal burning technologies, would result in a cost 
    effective reduction in emissions of sulfur, oxides of nitrogen, and 
    particles from a 104-Megawatt-electric coal-fired (800-ton-per-day) 
    power plant. The proposed action is the cost-shared Federal funding of 
    the project by the Department of approximately $135 million (about 50 
    percent of the total cost of approximately $270 million). The document 
    assesses the long-term reliability, maintainability, and environmental 
    impacts of the Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle technology at a 
    utility scale and setting. The technologies to be demonstrated include 
    a KRW Energy Systems Inc., pressurized, fluidized-bed gasifier with in-
    bed limestone desulfurization and hot-gas clean-up processes, including 
    an external regenerable desulfurization system using zinc-based 
    sorbents and fine particle filters.
    DATES: The Department invites comments on the Draft Statement from all 
    interested parties. Written comments or suggestions regarding the 
    adequacy, accuracy, and completeness of the Draft Statement will be 
    considered in preparing the Final Environmental Impact Statement (Final 
    Statement) and should be received by July 23, 1994. Written comments 
    received after that date will be considered to the degree practicable.
        The Department will also hold three public hearings at which 
    agencies, organizations, and the general public are invited to present 
    oral comments or suggestions on the Draft Statement. Locations, dates, 
    and times for the public hearings are provided in the sections of this 
    notice entitled ``PUBLIC HEARINGS.'' Written and oral comments will be 
    given equal weight and will be considered in preparing the Final 
    Statement. Requests for copies of the Draft Statement and/or Final 
    Statement or questions concerning the project, should be sent to Dr. 
    Suellen A. Van Ooteghem at the address noted below.
    ADDRESSES: Written comments on the Draft Statement should be received 
    by July 23, 1994, for incorporation into the public hearing record. 
    Oral comments will be accepted at the public hearings. Written 
    comments, requests to speak at the hearings, or questions concerning 
    the Pinon Pine Power Project, should be directed to: Dr. Suellen A. Van 
    Ooteghem, Environmental Project Manager, Morgantown Energy Technology 
    Center, 3610 Collins Ferry Road, Morgantown, WV 26507-0880, Telephone: 
    (304) 284-5443.
        If you request to speak, please indicate at which hearing(s). 
    Envelopes should be labeled ``Pinon Pine Power Project Draft EIS.''
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For general information on the 
    Department's Environmental Impact Statement process and other matters 
    related to the National Environmental Policy Act, please contact: Ms. 
    Carol M. Borgstrom, Director, Office of NEPA Oversight (EH-25), U.S. 
    Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 
    20585, Telephone: (202) 586-4600 or (800) 472-2756.
    Background and Need for the Proposed Action
        The Department proposes to provide cost-shared funding support for 
    the design, construction, and operation of a 104-Megawatt-electric 
    (gross) coal-fired power plant at Tracy, Nevada, to demonstrate 
    technology. The Pinon Pine Power Project was proposed by Sierra Pacific 
    Power Company and selected by the Department for negotiation of a 
    Cooperative Agreement for Federal assistance by the Clean Coal 
    Technology program. The Pinon Pine Power Project, when compared to 
    conventional coal-fired power plant technologies, would demonstrate the 
    cost effective reduction in emissions of sulfur dioxide, oxides of 
    nitrogen, and particulate matter from a 104-Megawatt-electric coal-
    fired power plant using innovative Integrated Gasification Combined-
    Cycle and hot gas cleanup technology. Following a 42-month 
    demonstration period anticipated to conclude in August 2000, the 
    facility would enter commercial operation. The proposed Pinon Pine 
    Power Project would be located at Sierra Pacific Power Company's 
    existing Tracy Power Station, a natural gas- and oil-fired 411-
    Megawatt-electric (estimate based on June 1994 projections) power 
    generation facility located on a rural 724-acre plot approximately 17 
    miles east of Reno, Nevada. The proposed new facility would be built 
    adjacent to these facilities.
        On October 23, 1989, Public Law No. 101-121, ``Department of the 
    Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1990,'' was signed 
    into law. This Act, among other things, appropriated funds for the 
    design, construction, and operation of cost-shared, clean coal projects 
    to demonstrate the feasibility of future commercial applications of 
    technologies capable of replacing, retrofitting or repowering existing 
        On January 17, 1991, the Department issued Program Opportunity 
    Notice Number DE-PS01-91FE62271 for Clean Coal Technology IV, 
    soliciting proposals to conduct cost-shared projects to demonstrate 
    innovative, energy-efficient, and economically competitive clean coal 
    technologies. The Pinon Pine Power Project was one of the nine projects 
    selected from among the 33 proposals received.
    Environmental Impact Statement Preparation
        The Draft Statement has been prepared in accordance with section 
    102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act, as implemented in 
    regulations promulgated by the Council on Environmental Quality (40 CFR 
    parts 1500-1508) and by the Department's Implementing Procedures (10 
    CFR part 1021). In accordance with the National Environmental Policy 
    Act, the Department determined that providing cost-shared funding for 
    the Pinon Pine Power Project constitutes a major Federal action that 
    may significantly affect the quality of the human environment. 
    Therefore, the Department has prepared a Draft Statement to assess the 
    potential impacts of both the proposed action and reasonable 
    alternatives to the proposed action on the human and natural 
        A notice of intent (notice) to prepare the Environmental Impact 
    Statement and hold public scoping meetings in Nixon, Fernley, and Reno, 
    Nevada, was published by the Department in the Federal Register on June 
    30, 1992 (57 FR 29067). The Notice invited oral and written comments 
    and suggestions on the proposed scope of the Environmental Impact 
    Statement, including environmental issues and alternatives, and invited 
    public participation in the National Environmental Policy Act process. 
    Overall, 60 scoping comments were received that assisted in identifying 
    major issues for subsequent in-depth analysis in the Draft Statement. 
    As a result of the scoping process, an Environmental Impact Statement 
    Implementation Plan was developed to define the scope and provide 
    further guidance for preparing the Environmental Impact Statement.
        The Draft Statement considers the proposed action and the no-action 
    alternative, which includes a scenario that reasonably could be 
    expected to result as a consequence of the no-action alternative. 
    Impacts to atmospheric resources, surface water, groundwater, 
    biological resources (including threatened and endangered species), and 
    socioeconomic resources (including environmental justice) from 
    construction and operation of the proposed Pinon Pine Power Project 
    have been analyzed.
        The Draft Statement provides an analysis of information prepared to 
    evaluate the potential environmental impacts of the proposed 
    construction and operation of the Pinon Pine Power Project at the 
    proposed site.
    Floodplains Notification
        Pursuant to Executive Order 11988, Floodplain Management, and the 
    Department's Procedures for Compliance with Floodplains/Wetlands 
    Environmental Review Requirements (10 CFR part 1022), the Department 
    hereby provides notice that a new primary electric switchyard proposed 
    as one component of the Pinon Pine Power Project would be constructed 
    and operated in the 100-year floodplain as depicted on the Federal 
    Emergency Management Agency's Flood Insurance Rate Map (Panel Number 
    320033 0020B). Because of its proposed location in the 100-year 
    floodplain, this switchyard could potentially impede the flow of 
    floodwaters. However, there is neither vegetation present in the 
    affected area nor wetlands or ecologically sensitive areas that would 
    be involved. The electric switchyard, required to provide an electrical 
    connection between the Pinon Pine Power Plant and Sierra Pacific Power 
    Company's existing electrical system, would be approximately 75 square 
    feet in size. The switchyard would be sited adjacent to and would 
    expand the existing switchyard for the Tracy Station Plant. The 
    switchyard would directly impact the floodplain because of site grading 
    and filling and the permanent placement of switchyard equipment within 
    the 100-year floodplain. However, impacts to the 100-year floodplain 
    such as flood storage, flood-flow conveyance, and wildlife habitat are 
    expected to be minimal due to the limited size and open structure of 
    the switchyard. The potential environmental impacts of site selection 
    on the floodplain area are discussed in chapters 4 and 9 of the Draft 
    Statement. Comments regarding the effects of the proposed action on 
    floodplains may be submitted to the Department in accordance with the 
    procedures described below.
    Comment Procedures
    Availability of Draft Statement
        Copies of the Draft Statement are being distributed to 
    organizations, environmental groups, and individuals known to be 
    interested in or affected by the proposed project. Additional copies of 
    either the main document or appendices to the main volume may be 
    obtained by contacting the Department as provided in the section of 
    this notice entitled ADDRESSES.
        Copies of the Draft Statement, including the appendix volume and 
    major documents referenced in the Draft Statement, are available for 
    inspection at the locations identified below:
    (1) U.S. Department of Energy, Freedom of Information Reading Room, 
    room 1E-190, Forrestal Building, 1000 Independence Avenue SW., 
    Washington, DC 20585.
    (2) U.S. Department of Energy, Morgantown Energy Technology Center, 
    3610 Collins Ferry Road, P.O. Box 880, Morgantown, WV 26507-0880.
    (3) Lyon County Fernley Branch Library, P.O. Box 647, 575 Silverlace 
    Blvd., Fernley, NV 89408.
    (4) Washoe County Public Library, Government Documents Section, 301 
    South Center Street, Reno, NV 89502.
    (5) Storey County Library, 95 South R Street, Virginia City, NV 89440.
    (6) Sierra Pacific Power Company, 6100 Neil Road, Reno, NV 89511.
    Written Comments
        Interested parties are invited to provide comments on the content 
    of the Draft Statement to the Department as indicated in the section of 
    this notice entitled ADDRESSES. Envelopes should be labeled ``Pinon 
    Pine Power Project Draft EIS.'' Comments should be received no later 
    than July 23, 1994, the close of the public comment period, to ensure 
    consideration in preparing the Final Statement. Comments received after 
    July 23, 1994, will be considered to the extent practicable.
    Public Hearings
        The public is invited to provide comments in person on the Draft 
    Statement to the Department at the scheduled public hearings. Advance 
    registration for presentation of oral comments at the hearings will be 
    accepted up to one week prior to the hearing date by telephone or by 
    mail at the office listed in the ADDRESSES section above. Envelopes 
    should be labeled ``Pinon Pine Power Project Draft EIS.'' Requests to 
    speak at a specific time will be honored if possible. Registrants are 
    allowed only to register themselves to speak and must confirm the time 
    they are scheduled to speak at the registration desk the day of the 
    hearing. Persons who have not registered in advance may register to 
    speak when they arrive at the hearings to the extent that time is 
    available. To ensure that as many persons as possible have the 
    opportunity to present comments, 5 minutes will be allotted to each 
    speaker. Persons presenting comments at the hearings are requested to 
    provide the Department with written copies of their comments at the 
    hearing, if possible.
    Hearing Schedules and Locations
        Public hearings will be held at the following locations, times, and 
    1. Date: June 21, 1994
        Time: 6:30 p.m.
        Place: Pyramid Lake Paiute, Indian Tribal Council Chambers, Nixon, 
    Nevada 89424
    2. Date: June 22, 1994
        Time: 7:00 p.m.
        Place: Rainbow Bend Country Club, 500 Blue Declair, Rainbow Bend, 
    Nevada 89434
    3. Date: June 23, 1994
        Time: 7:00 p.m.
        Place: Alumni Lounge, Jot Travis Student Union, University of 
    Nevada, Reno Campus, Virginia Street, Reno, Nevada 89557.
    Conduct of Hearings
        The Department's rules and procedures for the orderly conduct of 
    the hearings will be announced by the presiding officer at the start of 
    the hearings. The hearings will not be of an adjudicatory or 
    evidentiary nature. Speakers will not be cross-examined, although the 
    presiding officer and the Department of Energy hearing panel members 
    may ask clarifying questions. The Department of Energy hearing panel 
    members will respond to comments and questions from the public. In 
    addition, the Department of Energy's representatives will be available 
    to discuss the project in informal conversations. A transcript of the 
    hearings will be prepared, and the entire record of each hearing, 
    including the transcript, will be placed on file by the Department for 
    inspection at the public locations given above in the COMMENT 
    PROCEDURES section.
        Signed in Washington DC, this 20th day of May 1994, for the 
    United States Department of Energy.
    Peter N. Brush,
    Acting Assistant Secretary, Environment, Safety and Health.
    [FR Doc. 94-12898 Filed 5-25-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6450-01-P

Document Information

Energy Department
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Notice of availability of draft environmental impact statement (draft statement) and notice of public hearings on the draft.
Document Number:
The Department invites comments on the Draft Statement from all interested parties. Written comments or suggestions regarding the adequacy, accuracy, and completeness of the Draft Statement will be considered in preparing the Final Environmental Impact Statement (Final Statement) and should be received by July 23, 1994. Written comments received after that date will be considered to the degree practicable.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: May 26, 1994