94-13013. 41 CFR Parts 301-3, 301-9, 302-1, 302-6 and 302-11  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 102 (Friday, May 27, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-13013]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: May 27, 1994]
    41 CFR Parts 301-3, 301-9, 302-1, 302-6 and 302-11
    [FTR Amendment 37]
    RIN 3090-AE48
    Federal Travel Regulation; Title Requirements for Reimbursement of 
    Residence Transaction Expenses
    AGENCY: Federal Supply Service, GSA.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: This final rule amends the Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) to 
    allow reimbursement for residence transaction expenses in accordance 
    with equitable title ownership, and to incorporate certain editorial 
    corrections and clarifications. This amendment is intended to provide 
    equitable residence transaction expense reimbursement to Federal 
    employees who transfer in the interest of the Government.
    DATES: Effective date: The provisions of this final rule are effective 
    May 27, 1994.
        Applicability dates: The provisions of this final rule amending 
    chapter 301 apply for travel (including travel incident to a change of 
    official station) performed on or after May 27, 1994. The provisions of 
    this final rule amending chapter 302 apply to an employee whose 
    effective date of transfer (date the employee reports for duty at the 
    new official station) is on or after May 27, 1994.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Robert A. Clauson, Transportation 
    Management Division (FBX), Washington, DC 20406, telephone 703-305-
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This amendment modifies the rules governing 
    residence title requirements to recognize and provide reimbursement to 
    an employee based on equitable title interests. This amendment 
    recognizes the following four specific equitable title situations: (1) 
    when title is held in trust for the benefit of the employee; (2) when 
    title is held in the name of a financial institution pursuant to state 
    laws governing financing arrangements secured by real property; (3) 
    when title is held in the name of an accommodation party; and (4) when 
    title is held by the seller of the real property under a financial 
    arrangement which requires fixed periodic payments and transfer of 
    title to the employee upon completion of the payment schedule. The 
    amendment also recognizes ``other equitable title situations'' when 
    documentation requirements specified in the regulation can be met.
    Title Held in Trust
        This amendment modifies the FTR to allow an employee to be 
    reimbursed for the sale or purchase of real property when title to the 
    property is held in trust for the benefit of the employee, a member of 
    the employee's immediate family, or both. Previously, this was allowed 
    under a decision of the Comptroller General (CG) of the United States 
    (Paul D. Atkinson, 70 Comp. Gen. 363 (1991)). This amendment explicitly 
    states the conditions necessary for reimbursement.
    Title Held by Financial Institution
        This amendment modifies the FTR to allow an employee to be 
    reimbursed for the sale or purchase of real property when title to the 
    property is held by a financial institution pursuant to state financing 
    laws. Some states require that lenders take title to real property in 
    order to perfect (i.e., protect) the lender's security interest. Other 
    states require the lender to record a lien against the title in the 
    residence records to perfect the lender's security interest. This 
    amendment ensures equal treatment for employees who enter into a 
    financing arrangement (e.g., a mortgage) for real property and who 
    offer the real property as security for the financing arrangement.
    Accommodation Parties
        This amendment modifies the FTR to allow an employee to be 
    reimbursed for the sale or purchase of real property when the name of 
    an accommodation party appears on the title document. An accommodation 
    party is an individual who signs an employee's financing arrangement 
    (e.g., a mortgage) to lend his/her name (i.e., credit) to the 
    arrangement. Such an individual is a surety, becoming responsible for 
    the payments should the employee not perform, but the individual has no 
    beneficial interest in the property as long as the arrangement is not 
    in default.
    Financing Arrangements with the Seller of the Property
        This amendment modifies the FTR to allow an employee to be 
    reimbursed for the sale or purchase of real property when the title is 
    held in the name of the seller of the property pursuant to a financing 
    arrangement (e.g., land contract) providing for fixed periodic payments 
    and transfer of title to the employee and/or a member(s) of the 
    immediate family upon completion of the payment schedule. Previously, 
    this was allowed by CG decision (B-200207, September 29, 1981).
    Other Equitable Title Situations
        There are situations other than those listed above in which an 
    employee can demonstrate that he/she has equitable title based on the 
    following criteria: only the employee and/or a member(s) of the 
    immediate family has made payments on the residence, and the employee 
    and/or a member(s) of the immediate family must have received all 
    proceeds from the sale of the property. This amendment modifies the FTR 
    to authorize reimbursement to an employee for the sale of real property 
    in ``other equitable title situations'' meeting these criteria. More 
    extensive documentation requirements enumerated within the amendment 
    apply when this general ``other equitable title situations'' provision 
    is used. When both the general provision and one of the specific 
    equitable title provisions apply, reimbursement to the employee will be 
    covered under the specific provision instead of the general provision.
        This amendment adds language to the section in part 1 of chapter 
    302 that addresses ``applicability'' to clarify that chapter 302 covers 
    ``last move home'' benefits for career appointees to the Senior 
    Executive Service (SES) and prior SES appointees who have elected to 
    retain their SES retirement benefits. This amendment also makes certain 
    editorial and technical corrections. GSA has determined that this rule 
    is not a significant regulatory action for the purposes of Executive 
    Order 12866 of September 30, 1993.
    List of Subjects
    41 CFR Parts 301-3 and 301-9
        Government employees, Travel, Travel allowances, Travel and 
    transportation expenses
    41 CFR Parts 302-1, 302-6, and 302-11
        Government employees, Income taxes, Relocation allowances and 
    entitlements, Transfers
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, 41 CFR parts 301-3, 301-9, 
    302-1, 302-6 and 302-11 are amended to read as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 301-3 continues to read as 
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 5701-5709; E.O. 11609, 36 FR 13747, 3 CFR, 
    1971-1975 Comp., p. 586.
    Sec. 301-3.3  [Amended]
        2. Section 301-3.3 is amended by removing the phrase ``or security 
    reasons'' in the parenthetical in paragraph (e)(1)(vi), and by adding 
    in its place ``security reasons, or inadequate foreign coach-class 
    train accommodations''.
        3. The authority citation for part 301-9 continues to read as 
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 5701-5709; E.O. 11609, 36 FR 13747, 3 CFR, 
    1971-1975 Comp., p. 586.
        4. Section 301-9.2 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(1) to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 301-9.2  Additional travel expenses incurred by an employee with a 
        (a) * * *
        (1) Policy. In accordance with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as 
    amended, (29 U.S.C. 701 et seq.) and 5 U.S.C. 3102, these provisions 
    are intended to accommodate an employee with a disability by providing 
    for reimbursement of necessary additional travel expenses incurred in 
    the performance of official travel.
     * * * * *
        5. The authority citation for part 302-1 continues to read as 
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 5721-5734; 20 U.S.C. 905(a); E.O. 11609, 36 
    FR 13747, 3 CFR, 1971-1975 Comp., p. 586; E.O. 12466, 49 FR 7349, 3 
    CFR, 1984 Comp., p. 165; E.O. 12522, 50 FR 26337, 3 CFR, 1985 Comp., 
    p. 375.
        6. Section 302-1.2 is amended by adding paragraph (a)(7) to read as 
    Sec. 302-1.2  Applicability.
        (a) * * *
        (7) Career appointees to the Senior Executive Service (SES), and 
    prior SES appointees who have elected to retain SES retirement 
    benefits, upon their retirement and return to the place the individual 
    has elected to reside.
     * * * * *
    Sec. 302-1.10  [Amended]
        7. Section 302-1.10 is amended by removing the reference 
    ``paragraph (d)'' in paragraph (b)(1), and by adding in its place, the 
    reference ``paragraph (e)''.
        8. The authority citation for part 302-6 continues to read as 
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 5721-5734; 20 U.S.C. 905(a); E.O. 11609, 36 
    FR 13747, 3 CFR, 1971-1975 Comp., p. 586.
        9. Section 302-6.1 is amended by revising paragraphs (c) and (f) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 302-6.1  Conditions and requirements under which allowances are 
     * * * * *
        (c) Title requirements. The title to the residence or dwelling at 
    the old or new official station, or the interest in a cooperatively 
    owned dwelling or in an unexpired lease, is in the name of the employee 
    alone, or in the joint names of the employee and one or more members of 
    his/her immediate family, or solely in the name of one or more members 
    of his/her immediate family. The rules in paragraphs (c) (1) through 
    (3) of this section apply in determining title to the residence.
        (1) Title interest must have been acquired prior to notification of 
    transfer. For an employee to be eligible for reimbursement of the costs 
    of selling a dwelling or terminating a lease at the old official 
    station, the employee's property interest must have been acquired prior 
    to the date the employee was first officially notified of his/her 
    transfer to the new official station. In the case of an employee 
    covered by paragraph (g) of this section, the employee's interest must 
    have been acquired prior to the date the employee was first officially 
    notified of his/her transfer to the foreign area.
        (2) Legal title interest. Except as provided in paragraph (c)(3) of 
    this section, title to the residence is determined by the name of the 
    party (or parties) on the title document (e.g., the deed).
        (3) Equitable title interest. The employee, and/or a member(s) of 
    his/her immediate family, in a situation listed in paragraphs (c)(3) 
    (i) through (v) of this section is deemed to have title to the 
    residence without regard to whether his/her name appears on the title 
        (i) Title held in trust. The property is held in trust and the 
    conditions in paragraphs (c)(3)(i) (A) through (F) of this section 
        (A) The property must be the employee's residence as described in 
    paragraph (b) of this section.
        (B) The employee and/or a member(s) of the immediate family must be 
    the only beneficiary(ies) of the trust during his/her lifetime.
        (C) The employee and/or a member(s) of the immediate family must 
    retain the right to distribute the property during his/her lifetime.
        (D) The employee and/or a member(s) of the immediate family must 
    retain the right to manage the property.
        (E) The employee and/or a member(s) of the immediate family must be 
    the only grantor/settlor of the trust, or must retain the right to 
    direct distribution of the property upon dissolution of the trust or 
        (F) The employee provides the agency with a copy of the trust 
        (ii) Title held by financial institution. The title is held in the 
    name of a financial institution and the conditions in paragraphs 
    (c)(3)(ii) (A) through (D) of this section apply.
        (A) The property is the employee's residence as described in 
    paragraph (b) of this section.
        (B) The employee and/or a member(s) of the immediate family 
    executed a financing agreement (e.g., mortgage) with the financial 
        (C) State or local law requires that lending parties take title to 
    perfect (i.e., protect) a security interest in the property, or the 
    financial institution requires that it take possession of title as a 
    condition of the financing agreement.
        (D) The employee must provide the agency with a copy of the 
    financing document. The agency may require that the employee also 
    provide proof of state or local laws governing secured credit.
        (iii) Title includes an accommodation party or parties. The title 
    is held both in the names of: the employee singularly, or the employee 
    and one or more members of his/her immediate family jointly, or one or 
    more members of his/her immediate family; and an individual 
    (accommodation party) who is not an immediate family member. In 
    addition, the conditions in paragraphs (c)(3)(iii) (A) through (G) of 
    this section apply. (An accommodation party is an individual who signs 
    an employee's financing agreement (e.g., a mortgage) to lend his/her 
    name (i.e., credit) to the arrangement.)
        (A) The property is the employee's residence as described in 
    paragraph (b) of this section.
        (B) The employee and/or a member(s) of the immediate family has 
    right to use the property and to direct conveyance of the property.
        (C) The lender requires signature of the accommodation party on the 
    financing document.
        (D) The employee and/or a member of the immediate family, is liable 
    for payments under the financing arrangement (e.g., mortgage).
        (E) The accommodation party's name is on the title.
        (F) The accommodation party does not have a financial interest in 
    the property unless the employee and/or a member(s) of the immediate 
    family defaults on the financing arrangement.
        (G) The employee provides the agency with acceptable documentation 
    of the accommodation. Agencies shall issue policy defining acceptable 
    documentation of the accommodation. Such documentation may include a 
    copy of the financing document and/or a written statement from the 
    employee certifying that the conditions in paragraphs (c)(3)(iii) (A) 
    through (G) of this section apply. Such documentation also may include 
    a written statement from the accommodation party certifying that he/she 
    does not have a financial interest in the property.
        (iv) Title held by seller of the property. The title is held in the 
    name of the seller of the property and the conditions in paragraphs 
    (c)(3)(iv) (A) through (D) of this section apply.
        (A) The property is the employee's residence as described in 
    paragraph (b) of this section.
        (B) The employee and/or a member(s) of the immediate family has 
    right to use the property and to direct conveyance of the property.
        (C) The employee and/or a member(s) of the immediate family must 
    have signed a financing agreement with the seller of the property 
    (e.g., a land contract) providing for fixed periodic payments and 
    transfer of title to the employee and/or a member(s) of the immediate 
    family upon completion of the payment schedule.
        (D) The employee must provide the agency with a copy of the 
    financing agreement.
        (v) Other equitable title situations. The title is held both in the 
    names of: the employee singularly, or the employee and one or more 
    members of his/her immediate family jointly, or one or more members of 
    his/her immediate family; and an individual who is not an immediate 
    family member. In addition, the conditions in paragraphs (c)(3)(v) (A) 
    through (E) of this section apply.
        (A) The property is the employee's residence as described in 
    paragraph (b) of this section.
        (B) The employee and/or a member(s) of the immediate family has 
    right to use the property and to direct conveyance of the property.
        (C) Only the employee and/or a member(s) of the immediate family 
    has made payments on the property.
        (D) The employee and/or a member(s) of the immediate family 
    received all proceeds from the sale of the property.
        (E) The employee must provide suitable documentation to the agency 
    that the conditions listed in paragraphs (c)(3)(v) (A) through (D) of 
    this section have been met. Agencies shall issue policy defining 
    acceptable documentation. Such documentation must include financial 
    documents proving that only the employee and/or a member(s) of the 
    immediate family made payments on the property, and financial documents 
    proving that the employee and/or a member(s) of the immediate family 
    received all proceeds from the sale of the property.
     * * * * *
        (f) Reimbursement of expenses. The rules in paragraphs (f) (1) and 
    (2) of this section govern the reimbursement of employee residence 
    transaction expenses.
        (1) Employee must actually incur the expenses. An employee shall be 
    reimbursed only for expenses actually incurred and paid by the employee 
    or a member of the employee's immediate family. If any expenses were 
    shared by persons other than the employee or a member of his/her 
    immediate family, reimbursement is limited to the portion actually paid 
    by the employee and/or a member of his/her immediate family.
        (2) Pro rata reimbursement. The employee shall be reimbursed on a 
    pro rata basis in the situations listed in paragraphs (f)(2) (i) and 
    (ii) of this section. When an employee is deemed to have a title 
    interest under paragraph (c)(3) of this section, the employee shall be 
    reimbursed on a pro rata basis to the extent of his/her actual title 
    interest plus his/her deemed title interest in the residence.
        (i) Multiple occupancy dwelling. If the residence is a duplex or 
    another type of multiple occupancy dwelling which is occupied only 
    partially by the employee, or whenever the employee shares 
    responsibility for a leased property (e.g., a shared apartment 
    arrangement), expenses shall be reimbursed on a pro rata basis.
        (ii) Excess land. The employee shall be limited to pro rata 
    reimbursement when he/she sells or purchases land in excess of that 
    which reasonably relates to the residence site.
     * * * * *
        10. The authority citation for part 302-11 continues to read as 
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 5721-5734; 20 U.S.C. 905(a); E.O. 11609, 36 
    FR 13747, 3 CFR, 1971-1975 Comp., p. 586; E.O. 12466, 49 FR 7349, 3 
    CFR, 1984 Comp., p. 165.
    Sec. 302-11.8  [Amended]
        11. Section 302-11.8 is amended by removing the phrase ``paragraph 
    (e)(4)'' in paragraph (e)(2)(iii), and by adding in its place the 
    phrase ``paragraph (e)(5)''.
        Dated: May 16, 1994.
    Roger W. Johnson,
    Administrator of General Services.
    [FR Doc. 94-13013 Filed 5-26-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6820-24-F

Document Information

Effective Date:
General Services Administration
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Final rule.
Document Number:
Effective date: The provisions of this final rule are effective May 27, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: May 27, 1994
CFR: (6)
41 CFR 301-3.3
41 CFR 301-9.2
41 CFR 302-1.2
41 CFR 302-1.10
41 CFR 302-6.1
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