99-13490. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Proposed Establishment of Nonessential Experimental Population Status for Sixteen Freshwater Mussels (Alabama Lampmussel, Birdwing Pearlymussel, Clubshell, Cracking Pearlymussel, Cumberland ...  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 102 (Thursday, May 27, 1999)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 28779-28791]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-13490]
    Fish and Wildlife Service
    50 CFR Part 17
    RIN 1018-AE92
    Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Proposed 
    Establishment of Nonessential Experimental Population Status for 
    Sixteen Freshwater Mussels (Alabama Lampmussel, Birdwing Pearlymussel, 
    Clubshell, Cracking Pearlymussel, Cumberland Bean Pearlymussel, 
    Cumberlandian Combshell, Cumberland Monkeyface Pearlymussel, Dromedary 
    Pearlymussel, Fine-Rayed Pigtoe, Oyster Mussel, Purple Cat's Paw 
    Pearlymussel, Shiny Pigtoe, Tubercled-blossom Pearlymussel, Turgid-
    blossom Pearlymussel, Winged Mapleleaf Mussel, and Yellow-blossom 
    Pearlymussel) and One Freshwater Snail (Anthony's Riversnail) in the 
    Free-flowing Reach of the Tennessee River below the Wilson Dam, Colbert 
    and Lauderdale Counties, Alabama
    AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: The Fish and Wildlife Service (Service; also, ``we'', ``us'', 
    ``our'') proposes to reintroduce 16 federally listed endangered mussels 
    (Alabama lampmussel (Lampsilis virescens), birdwing pearlymussel 
    (Conradilla caelata), clubshell (Pleurobema clava), cracking 
    pearlymussel (Hemistena lata), Cumberland bean pearlymussel (Villosa 
    trabalis), Cumberlandian combshell (Epioblasma brevidens), Cumberland 
    monkeyface pearlymussel (Quadrula intermedia), dromedary pearlymussel 
    (Dromus dromas), fine-rayed pigtoe (Fusconaia cuneolus), oyster mussel 
    (Epioblasma capsaeformis), purple cat's paw pearlymussel (Epioblasma 
    obliquata obliquata), shiny pigtoe (Fusconaia cor), tubercled-blossom 
    pearlymussel (Epioblasma torulosa torulosa), turgid-blossom 
    pearlymussel (Epioblasma turgidula), winged mapleleaf mussel (Quadrula 
    fragosa), and yellow-blossom pearlymussel (Epioblasma florentina 
    florentina)) and 1 federally listed endangered aquatic snail (Anthony's 
    riversnail (Athearnia anthonyi)) into historic habitat in the free-
    flowing reach of the Tennessee River from about 1.4 river miles (RM) 
    (2.2 kilometers [km]) below Wilson Dam to the backwaters of Pickwick 
    Reservoir (RM 258.0 [412.8 km]) to (RM 246.0 [393.6 km]) in Colbert and 
    Lauderdale counties, Alabama. These reintroduced populations are 
    proposed to be classified as nonessential experimental populations 
    (NEP) under section 10(j) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as 
    amended (Act). Based on the evaluation of species experts and the 
    State, none of these species are currently known to exist in this river 
    reach or its tributaries. Ongoing surveys conducted by the Tennessee 
    Valley Authority (TVA) and the State of Alabama over the past 20 years 
    have failed to locate any individuals of the species proposed for NEP 
    status under this rule.
        To ensure that any reintroduced species that move upstream to 
    Wilson Dam or into the tributaries are covered by these NEP 
    designations, we propose that the geographic boundaries of the NEPs 
    extend from the base of the Wilson Dam (RM 259.4 [414.0 km]) to the 
    backwaters of the Pickwick Reservoir (RM 246.0 [393.6 km]) and include 
    the lower 5 RM (8 km) of all tributaries that enter the Wilson Dam 
    tailwater. In the future, if any of the aforementioned mollusks are 
    found upstream beyond the lower 5 RM (8 km) of these tributaries, the 
    animals will be presumed to have come from the reintroduced NEP, and 
    the boundaries of the NEP will be enlarged to include the entire range 
    of the expanded population. No designation of critical habitat will be 
    made for any of these NEPs. Additionally, we do not intend to change 
    these NEPs from ``nonessential'' to ``essential'' or to ``threatened'' 
    or ``endangered'' without the full cooperation of the State of Alabama 
    and other affected parties within the NEP areas. These proposed 
    reintroductions are recovery actions and part of a series of 
    reintroductions and other recovery actions the Service, Federal and 
    State agencies, and other partners are considering and conducting 
    throughout the species' historic ranges. The only change to the NEPs we 
    foresee would be elimination of the designations if the species are 
    recovered and removed from the Act's protection. This proposed rule 
    sets forth a plan for establishing the nonessential experimental 
    population and provides for limited allowable legal take of the 
    aforementioned mollusks within the defined NEP areas.
    DATES: Comments from all interested parties must be submitted on or 
    before July 26, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: Send comments and material concerning this proposal to the 
    State Supervisor, Asheville Field Office, U.S. Fish and Wildlife 
    Service, 160 Zillicoa Street, Asheville, North Carolina 28801. Comments 
    and material received will be available for public inspection, by 
    appointment, during
    [[Page 28780]]
    normal business hours at the above address.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Richard G. Biggins, Fish and 
    Mollusk Recovery Coordinator (see Addresses section), telephone 704/
    258-3939, Ext. 228, or facsimile 704/258-5330.
        Legislative: The Endangered Species Act Amendments of 1982, Pub. L. 
    97-327, made significant changes to the Act, including the creation of 
    section 10(j), which provides for the designation of specific 
    populations of listed species as ``experimental populations'' (EP). 
    Under previous authorities of the Act, the Service was permitted to 
    reestablish (reintroduce) populations of a listed species into 
    unoccupied portions of its historic range for conservation and recovery 
    purposes. However, local opposition to reintroduction efforts, stemming 
    from concerns by some about potential restrictions, and prohibitions on 
    Federal and private activities contained in sections 7 and 9 of the 
    Act, reduced the effectiveness of reintroduction as a management tool.
        Under section 10(j), a population of a listed species reestablished 
    outside its current range but within its probable historic range may be 
    designated as ``experimental,'' at the discretion of the Secretary of 
    the Interior, if reintroduction of the EP furthers the conservation of 
    the listed species. An EP must be separated geographically from 
    nonexperimental populations of the same species. Designation of a 
    population as an EP increases our management flexibility.
        Additional management flexibility exists if the Secretary of the 
    Interior finds the EP to be ``nonessential'' to the continued existence 
    of the species. For purposes of section 7 (except section 7(a)(1), 
    which requires Federal agencies to use their authorities to conserve 
    listed species), NEPs located outside National Wildlife Refuge or 
    National Park lands are treated under 50 CFR part 17.83(a) as if they 
    are proposed for listing. This means that Federal agencies are 
    obligated to confer (as if the species were only proposed for listing), 
    as opposed to consult (required for a listed species), on any actions 
    authorized, funded, or carried out by them that are likely to 
    jeopardize the continued existence of the species (see ``Management'' 
    section). NEPs located on National Wildlife Refuge or National Park 
    lands are treated as threatened, and formal consultation may be 
    required. Activities undertaken on private land are not affected by 
    section 7 of the Act unless they are authorized, funded, or carried out 
    by a Federal agency.
        For the purposes of section 9 of the Act, endangered species 
    designated as EPs or NEPs are treated as threatened species. Therefore, 
    special rules can be written that lessen restrictions regarding take of 
    the covered listed species from the EP or NEP area [see under ``Special 
    rules--invertebrates (3)(i-iii)'' sections below].
        Individual animals used in establishing an EP or NEP can be removed 
    from a source population if their removal is not likely to jeopardize 
    the continued existence of the species (see ``Status of Reintroduced 
    Populations'' section of these rules) and a permit has been issued in 
    accordance with 50 CFR part 17.22.
        Justification for the proposal, listing history, and the dates of 
    any recovery plans developed for the 16 mussels and 1 snail proposed 
    for these NEPs are presented below in the ``Biological'' section. 
    Recovery plans for these species guide recovery efforts, outline 
    recommended recovery tasks, and set forth a series of recovery criteria 
    (e.g., number of restored historic populations) that must be met before 
    the species can be considered for removal from the Federal List of 
    Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants.
        Biological: In a December 9, 1996, letter from the Director of the 
    Alabama Division of Game and Fish (ADGF) to the Regional Director of 
    the Service's Southeast Region, the ADGF Director stated:
        Because of recent improvements in water quality, due primarily 
    to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Clean Water Act of 
    1971 and the Tennessee Valley Authority's committal to maintenance 
    of good water quality below their dams, mollusk populations below 
    Guntersville, Wheeler, and Wilson Dams are in excellent condition.
        The Director of the ADGF further stated:
        Although several species have been extirpated from these areas 
    in the past, both mussels and snails which now occur there are 
    abundant and a healthy range of size classes are present.
        Based on the improving status of mollusks in these river reaches 
    and the fact that recent advances in mussel culture techniques will 
    likely lead to the availability of endangered juvenile mussels for 
    release, the ADGF Director requested that we consider designating NEP 
    status for the reintroduction of federally listed mussel and snail 
    species that historically existed in the riverine habitat below these 
        A Service biologist met with representatives of the ADGF in January 
    1997 to discuss the possibility of designating NEP status for the 
    reintroduction of federally listed mollusks into the tailwaters of 
    Guntersville, Wheeler, and Wilson Dams. The consensus at that meeting 
    was that: (1) the tailwaters of Wilson Dam (the remains of Muscle 
    Shoals) provided the best opportunity for successfully reestablishing 
    federally listed mollusks; and (2) the tailwaters of Guntersville and 
    Wheeler Dams should be considered for mollusk reintroductions at a 
    later time.
        Muscle Shoals (sometimes referred to as Mussel Shoals), a 53-mile 
    (85-km) reach of the Tennessee River in Colbert and Lauderdale 
    Counties, Alabama, once supported the world's greatest assemblage of 
    freshwater mussels (van der Schalie 1939) and was one of the finest 
    mussel habitats ever known (Isom 1969). Ortmann (1924) stated that 
    there was no other place on earth that could compare to this shoal with 
    respect to freshwater mussels. This river reach historically contained 
    nearly 80 percent of all the mussel taxa known from the entire 
    Tennessee River system (ca. 100 taxa) and about 25 percent of the total 
    North American mussel fauna (ca. 300 taxa). Ortmann (1925) listed 69 
    mussel species and varieties from this shoal complex. Stansbery (1964), 
    using current nomenclatural concepts, excluding subspecies, and adding 
    a species not reported by Ortmann (1925), reported the mussel diversity 
    at 63 species. A biologist with the ADGF (J. Garner, personal 
    communication, 1997) combined historic distribution records (Ortmann 
    1925, van der Schalie 1939, Scruggs 1960, Stansbery 1964, Gooch et al. 
    1979) with personal observations and the observations of malacologists 
    (scientists who study molluscs) familiar with the area (P. Yokley and 
    T. Richardson, University of North Alabama, and S. Ahlstedt, U.S. 
    Geological Survey, personal communication, 1997) and found that a total 
    of 78 mussel taxa had been reported from Muscle Shoals. Goodrich (1931) 
    reported that Anthony's riversnail also occurred at Muscle Shoals. 
    However, the species is no longer found in the area (Garner, personal 
    communication, 1997).
        With the completion of Wilson Dam (completed 1924), Wheeler Dam 
    (completed in 1936), and Pickwick Dam (completed in 1938), about 41 RM 
    (66 km) of shoal habitat were impounded. Although some mussel species 
    survived in the remaining 12 RM (19 km) of shoal habitat between Wilson 
    Dam and the backwaters of Pickwick Reservoir, much of the reach's 
    mussel diversity and abundance began to disappear. Based
    [[Page 28781]]
    largely on a 1931 survey of Muscle Shoals, van der Schalie (1939) 
    reported the resident mussel fauna at 40 species; Stansbery (1964) 
    listed 30 species from a 1963 mussel survey of remaining shoal habitat; 
    and Isom (1969) reported that 31 species existed on the shoal. Garner 
    (personal communication, 1997) reviewed current and recent historic 
    records (last 20 years) and concluded that possibly as many as 44 
    mussel species, including 6 federally listed mussels; fanshell 
    (Cyprogenia stegaria), orange-foot pimple back pearlymussel 
    (Plethobasus cooperianus), pink mucket (Lampsilis abrupta), ring pink 
    (Obovaria retusa), rough pigtoe (Pleurobema plenum), and white 
    wartyback pearlymussel (Plethobasus cicatricosus); are known or 
    presumed to still exist in the free-flowing riverine habitat below 
    Wilson Dam. (Note: As these six listed mollusks exist or are believed 
    to still exist in this river reach, they cannot be included in the NEP. 
    However, these populations could be augmented with artificially 
    propagated juveniles.) Based on a review of the most recent records, it 
    is presumed that 34 mussel species, including 16 federally listed 
    mussels and the Anthony's riversnail, have been extirpated from the 
    Muscle Shoals complex (Garner, personal communication, 1997).
        Although many aquatic mollusks have been lost from Muscle Shoals, 
    habitat quality has been improving in the remaining shoal habitat in 
    recent years. The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) (1993), reporting on 
    their Clean Water Initiative, rated macroinvertebrates below Wilson Dam 
    as excellent. They stated: ``The 1993 results indicate continued 
    improvement in the benthos [bottom dwelling organisms].'' The Reservoir 
    Fish Assemblage Index, a measure TVA uses to rate the health of the 
    fish fauna at sites throughout the Tennessee River valley, was rated as 
    good in the Wilson Dam tailwater during 1993, 1994, and 1996; no figure 
    was given for 1995 (E. Scott, TVA, personal communication, 1997). 
    Additionally, the ADGF Director, in his December 9, 1996, letter to the 
    Service, points to the improving water quality and the improved health 
    of mussel and snail populations below Wilson Dam and other TVA dams on 
    the Tennessee River in Alabama.
        The Tennessee River from about 1.4 RM (2.2 km) below Wilson Dam to 
    the backwaters of Pickwick Reservoir [about 12 RM (19 km)] now appears 
    suitable for a mollusk reintroduction effort for several reasons, as 
    follows: (1) habitat quality in the Wilson Dam tailwater has improved; 
    (2) existing aquatic mollusk populations have responded positively to 
    the improved habitat quality; (3) Muscle Shoals historically contained 
    a rich mollusk fauna, and some of the shoal habitat that once supported 
    this fauna still remains; and (4) the reestablishment of listed 
    mollusks to historic habitat is identified as a high-priority task in 
    listed aquatic mollusk recovery plans. Based on these factors and 
    discussions with knowledgeable individuals with regard to the 
    endangered mollusks of the Tennessee River, we propose to reintroduce 
    16 federally endangered mussels (Alabama lampmussel (Lampsilis 
    virescens), birdwing pearlymussel (Conradilla caelata), clubshell 
    (Pleurobema clava), cracking pearlymussel (Hemistena lata), Cumberland 
    bean pearlymussel (Villosa trabalis), Cumberlandian combshell 
    (Epioblasma brevidens), Cumberland monkeyface pearlymussel (Quadrula 
    intermedia), dromedary pearlymussel (Dromus dromas), fine-rayed pigtoe 
    (Fusconaia cuneolus), oyster mussel (Epioblasma capsaeformis), purple 
    cat's paw pearlymussel (Epioblasma obliquata obliquata), shiny pigtoe 
    (Fusconaia cor), tubercled-blossom pearlymussel (Epioblasma torulosa 
    torulosa), turgid-blossom pearlymussel (Epioblasma turgidula), winged 
    mapleleaf mussel (Quadrula fragosa), and yellow-blossom pearlymussel 
    (Epioblasma florentina florentina)) and 1 federally listed endangered 
    aquatic snail (Anthony's riversnail (Athearnia anthonyi)) into historic 
    habitat in the free-flowing reach of the Tennessee River from about 1.4 
    RM (2.2 km) below Wilson Dam to the backwaters of Pickwick Reservoir, 
    Tennessee River, Colbert and Lauderdale counties, Alabama. These 
    reintroduced populations are proposed to be classified as NEPs under 
    section 10(j) of the Act (see the ``Status of Reintroduced 
    Populations'' section for a description of the proposed NEPs).
        The Alabama lampmussel (Lampsilis virescens) (Lea 1858), a 
    Tennessee River system endemic, was listed as an endangered species on 
    June 14, 1976 (41 FR 24062). A recovery plan for this species was 
    completed in July 1985 (Service 1985a). The Alabama lampmussel was 
    historically known from seven rivers in the Tennessee River system 
    (Ortmann 1918, Bogan and Parmalee 1983, Service 1985a). The species was 
    last collected at Muscle Shoals prior to 1925 (Ortmann 1925) and is 
    presumed to be extirpated from the shoal. Currently, the species is 
    known to survive only in the upper Paint Rock River system, Jackson 
    County, Alabama (Service 1985a). The delisting objectives in the 
    recovery plan call for: (1) restoring the viability of the population 
    in the Paint Rock River and its tributaries; (2) reestablishing or 
    discovering viable populations in two additional rivers; and (3) 
    ensuring there are no foreseeable threats to the continued existence of 
    any of the populations. No downlisting criteria are provided in the 
    recovery plan.
        The birdwing pearlymussel (Conradilla caelata) (Conrad 1834) was 
    listed as an endangered species on June 14, 1976 (41 FR 24064), and a 
    recovery plan for the species was finalized in July 1984 (Service 
    1984a). This species was originally known from 11 rivers in the 
    Tennessee River system, and one record exists from an unknown location 
    in the Cumberland River. The species was last collected from Muscle 
    Shoals prior to 1925 (Ortmann 1925) and is presumed to be extirpated 
    from the shoal. It currently survives in the Clinch and Powell Rivers 
    in Tennessee and Virginia, and in the Duck and Elk Rivers, Tennessee 
    (Service 1984a). The delisting objectives presented in the recovery 
    plan call for: (1) restoring the viability of the populations in the 
    Clinch and Powell Rivers; (2) reestablishing or discovering viable 
    populations in three additional rivers (only two rivers if Columbia Dam 
    on the Duck River is not built); (3) ensuring there are no foreseeable 
    threats to the continued existence of any of the populations; and (4) 
    noticeable improvements in coal-related problems and substrate quality 
    in the Powell River and no increase in coal-related sedimentation in 
    the Clinch River. No downlisting criteria are given in the recovery 
        The clubshell (Pleurobema clava) (Lamarck 1819) was listed as an 
    endangered species on January 22, 1993 (58 FR 5642). A recovery plan 
    for the species was finalized in September 1993 (Service 1993a). This 
    widespread species occurred in the Ohio River and Lake Erie basins but 
    now survives in only a few small and isolated populations in both 
    basins (Service 1993a). It was last found at Muscle Shoals prior to 
    1925 (Ortmann 1925) and is presumed to no longer survive in this river 
    reach. The downlisting objectives in the recovery plan call for the 
    establishment of ten viable populations and ensuring there are no 
    foreseeable threats to the continued existence of any of the 
    populations. The delisting objectives call for: (1) the establishment 
    of ten viable populations; (2) populations to be large enough to 
    survive a single adverse ecological event; and (3) ensuring that there 
    are no foreseeable threats to the continued existence of any of the 
    [[Page 28782]]
        The cracking pearlymussel (Hemistena lata) (Rafinesque 1820) was 
    listed as an endangered species on September 28, 1989 (54 FR 39853). A 
    recovery plan for the species was finalized in July 1991 (Service 
    1991). This widespread species historically occurred in the Ohio, 
    Cumberland, and Tennessee River systems (Bogan and Parmalee 1983, 
    Service 1991). It has been extirpated throughout much of its range. It 
    was last collected at Muscle Shoals prior to 1925 (Ortmann 1925) and is 
    presumed to no longer survive in this river reach. It is presently 
    known to survive at only a few shoals in the Clinch and Powell Rivers 
    in Tennessee and Virginia (Bogan and Parmalee 1983, Neves 1991). This 
    species possibly survives in the Green River, Kentucky, and below 
    Pickwick Reservoir in the Tennessee River, Tennessee (Service 1991). 
    The downlisting objectives in the recovery plan call for the 
    establishment of five viable populations and ensuring that there are no 
    foreseeable threats to the continued existence of any of the 
    populations. The delisting objectives call for the establishment of 
    eight viable populations.
        The Cumberland bean pearlymussel (Villosa trabalis) (Conrad 1834) 
    was listed as an endangered species on June 14, 1976 (41 FR 24064). A 
    recovery plan for the species was approved August 22, 1984 (Service 
    1984b). This species was historically known from ten river systems in 
    the Cumberland and Tennessee river basins (Service 1984b). It was last 
    collected at Muscle Shoals, which may represent its type locality, 
    prior to 1925 (Ortmann 1925) and is presumed to be extirpated from the 
    shoal. The Cumberland bean currently survives only in the Hiwassee 
    River in Tennessee and in Buck Creek, the Little South Fork of the 
    Cumberland River, and the Rockcastle River system in Kentucky (Service 
    1984b). The delisting objectives in the recovery plan call for: (1) 
    restoring the viability of its populations in Buck Creek, the 
    Rockcastle River, and the Little South Fork River in Kentucky; (2) 
    reestablishing or discovering viable populations in two additional 
    rivers; and (3) ensuring that there are no foreseeable threats to the 
    continued existence of any of the populations. No downlisting criteria 
    are given in the recovery plan.
        The Cumberland monkeyface pearlymussel (Quadrula intermedia) 
    (Conrad 1836) was listed as an endangered species on June 24, 1976 (41 
    FR 24064). A recovery plan for the species was completed in November 
    1983 (Service 1983a). This species was historically known from 11 
    rivers in the Tennessee River system (Service 1983a). It was last 
    collected from Muscle Shoals around 1900 by R.E. Call and A.A. Hinkley 
    (Ortmann 1925) and is presumed to be extirpated from the shoal. 
    Currently, the species survives only at a few shoals in the Powell 
    River, Tennessee and Virginia, and the Elk and Duck Rivers, Tennessee 
    (Service 1983a). The delisting objectives presented in the recovery 
    plan call for: (1) restoring the viability of the populations in the 
    Powell and Elk Rivers; (2) reestablishing or discovering viable 
    populations in two additional rivers; and (3) ensuring that there are 
    no foreseeable threats to the continued existence of any of the 
    populations. No downlisting criteria are given in the recovery plan.
        The Cumberlandian combshell (Epioblasma brevidens) (Lea 1831) was 
    listed as an endangered species on January 10, 1997 (62 FR 1647). This 
    mussel was historically distributed throughout much of the 
    Cumberlandian Region of the Tennessee and Cumberland River drainages in 
    Alabama, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia (Gordon 1991). Currently, 
    only small populations survive in a few river reaches in both river 
    systems (Gordon 1991). The species was last collected from Muscle 
    Shoals prior to 1925 (Ortmann 1925) and is presumed to be extirpated 
    from the shoal. Although no Cumberlandian combshell recovery plan has 
    been developed, a recovery outline, which briefly enumerates 
    anticipated recovery actions, was developed prior to the final listing 
    decision. The recovery outline identified reintroduction into historic 
    habitat as a method that would likely be needed to recover the species.
        The dromedary pearlymussel (Dromus dromas) (Lea 1845) was listed as 
    an endangered species on June 24, 1976 (41 FR 24064). A recovery plan 
    for the species was completed in November 1983 (Service 1983b). This 
    species was historically widespread in the Cumberland and Tennessee 
    River systems (Bogan and Parmalee 1983). It was last collected at 
    Muscle Shoals prior to 1931 (van der Schalie 1939) and is presumed to 
    be extirpated from the shoal. The species survives at a few shoals in 
    the Powell and Clinch Rivers, Tennessee and Virginia, and possibly in 
    the Cumberland River, Tennessee (Service 1983b, Neves 1991). The 
    delisting objectives in the recovery plan call for: (1) restoring the 
    viability of the populations in the Clinch and Powell Rivers; (2) 
    reestablishing viable populations in three additional rivers; and (3) 
    ensuring there are no foreseeable threats to the continued existence of 
    any of the populations. No downlisting criteria are provided in the 
    recovery plan.
        The fine-rayed pigtoe (Fusconaia cuneolus) (Lea 1840) was listed as 
    an endangered species on June 14, 1976 (41 FR 24064). A recovery plan 
    for the species was approved in September 1984 (Service 1984c). This 
    species was historically known from 15 Tennessee River tributaries and 
    is currently known from seven rivers (Service 1984c). The species was 
    last collected from Muscle Shoals prior to 1925 (Ortmann 1925) and is 
    presumed to be extirpated from the shoal. The recovery objectives call 
    for: (1) restoring the viability of the populations in the Clinch, 
    Powell, and North Fork Holston Rivers and in the Little River and 
    Copper Creek (Clinch River tributaries); (2) reestablishing or 
    discovering one additional viable population; and (3) ensuring there 
    are no foreseeable threats to the continued existence of any of the 
    populations. No downlisting criteria are given.
        The oyster mussel (Epioblasma capsaeformis) (Lea 1834) was listed 
    as an endangered species on January 10, 1997 (62 FR 1647). This mussel 
    was historically distributed throughout much of the Cumberlandian 
    Region of the Tennessee and Cumberland River drainages (Gordon 1991). 
    Currently, only small populations survive in a few river reaches in 
    both river systems (Gordon 1991). The species was last collected from 
    Muscle Shoals prior to 1925 (Ortmann 1925) and is presumed to be 
    extirpated from the shoal. Although no oyster mussel recovery plan has 
    been developed, a recovery outline, which briefly enumerates 
    anticipated recovery actions, was developed prior to the final listing 
    decision. The recovery outline identified reintroduction into historic 
    habitat as a method that would likely be needed to recover the species.
        The purple cat's paw pearlymussel (Epioblasma obliquata obliquata) 
    (Rafinesque 1820) was listed as an endangered species on July 10, 1990 
    (55 FR 28210). A recovery plan for the species was finalized in March 
    1992 (Service 1992). This once widespread species historically occurred 
    in the larger rivers of the Ohio River system (Service 1992). The 
    species is currently known from two apparently nonreproducing 
    populations (Green River, Kentucky, and Cumberland River, Tennessee) 
    and one reproducing population in Killbuck Creek, Muskingum River 
    system, Ohio. It was last collected at Muscle Shoals by A. E. Ortmann 
    sometime prior to 1925 (Ortmann 1925) and is presumed to no longer 
    survive in this river reach. The downlisting objectives in the recovery
    [[Page 28783]]
    plan call for: (1) the establishment of four viable populations; (2) 
    two naturally produced year classes to exist in each of the four 
    populations; (3) biological studies on the species to have been 
    completed; and (4) recovery measures to have resulted in an increase in 
    population density and/or length of the river inhabited. The delisting 
    objectives call for the establishment of six viable populations in 
    addition to criteria (2) through (4) above.
        The shiny pigtoe (Fusconaia cor) (Conrad 1834) was listed as an 
    endangered species on June 14, 1976 (41 FR 24064). A recovery plan for 
    the species was completed in July 1984 (Service 1984d). This species 
    was historically known from the Tennessee River and ten of its 
    tributaries. It is currently known from five river systems; the Clinch, 
    Powell, North Fork Holston, Elk, and Paint Rock (Service 1984d). The 
    species was last collected at Muscle Shoals prior to 1925 (Ortmann 
    1925) and is presumed to be extirpated from the shoal. The delisting 
    objectives call for: (1) restoring the viability of the populations in 
    the Clinch, Powell, North Fork Holston, and Paint Rock Rivers; (2) 
    reestablishing or discovering one additional viable population; and (3) 
    ensuring there are no foreseeable threats to the continued existence of 
    any of the populations. No downlisting criteria are provided in the 
    recovery plan.
        The tubercled-blossom pearlymussel (Epioblasma torulosa torulosa) 
    (Rafinesque 1820) was listed as an endangered species on June 14, 1976 
    (41 FR 24062). A recovery plan for the species was completed in January 
    1985 (Service 1985b). This species was historically known from nine 
    rivers in the Ohio River system (Service 1985b). The species was last 
    collected at Muscle Shoals around 1900 by A. A. Hinkley (Ortmann 1925); 
    it has not been collected anywhere since 1969 (Stansbery 1976, Service 
    1985b). However, the Service continues its efforts to determine whether 
    any extant populations occur and the species is therefore included in 
    these NEP proposals. If the species is found and can be propagated, the 
    area below Wilson Dam could be considered for a reintroduction effort 
    without going through a separate NEP rulemaking. No downlisting or 
    delisting criteria are presented in the recovery plan. However, the 
    plan does call for recovery efforts to be reevaluated if the species is 
        The turgid-blossom pearlymussel (Epioblasma turgidula) (Lea 1858) 
    was listed as an endangered species on June 14, 1976 (41 FR 24062). A 
    recovery plan for the species was completed in January 1985 (Service 
    1985b). This widespread species was historically known from 12 rivers 
    in Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee, and Alabama (Service 1985b). The 
    species was last collected at Muscle Shoals (its type locality, along 
    with the Cumberland River, Tennessee) prior to 1925 (Ortmann 1925); it 
    has not been collected anywhere since the early 1960s (Stansbery 1971, 
    Service 1985b). However, the Service continues its efforts to determine 
    whether any extant populations occur and the species is therefore 
    included in these NEP proposals. If the species is found and can be 
    propagated, the area below Wilson Dam could be considered for a 
    reintroduction effort without going through a separate NEP rulemaking. 
    No downlisting or delisting criteria are presented in the recovery 
    plan. However, the plan does call for recovery efforts to be 
    reevaluated if the species is found.
        The winged mapleleaf mussel (Quadrula fragosa) (Conrad 1835) was 
    listed as an endangered species on June 20, 1991 (56 FR 28349). The 
    final recovery plan for the species was completed in June 1997 (Service 
    1997). This species was historically reported from 34 rivers in 12 
    states in the Mississippi River drainage (Service 1997). It is now 
    believed to be extirpated from all but one remnant population in the 
    St. Croix River between Minnesota and Wisconsin. The species was 
    reported from the Tennessee River below Wilson Dam by Scruggs (1960). 
    However, our 1997 Recovery Plan reports that the record may be the 
    mapleleaf (Q. quadrula) instead of the winged mapleleaf. As the winged 
    mapleleaf was historically reported from the Wilson Dam tailwater, it 
    is included in this proposed NEP. However, because of the question 
    regarding the identification of the collection, the winged mapleleaf 
    will not be released into the NEP area until this question is resolved. 
    The downlisting objectives in the recovery plan call for: (1) the 
    existence of three distinct viable populations in at least two 
    tributaries of the Mississippi River basin; and (2) the long-term 
    protection of all three populations. Delisting objectives call for: (1) 
    the existence of five distinct viable populations; and (2) the long-
    term protection of all five populations.
        The yellow-blossom pearlymussel (Epioblasma florentina florentina) 
    (Lea 1857) was listed as an endangered species on June 14, 1976 (41 FR 
    24062). A recovery plan for the species was completed in January 1985 
    (Service 1985b). This species was historically known from 13 rivers in 
    the Cumberland and Tennessee River systems (Service 1985b). The species 
    was last collected at Muscle Shoals, its type locality, prior to 1925 
    (Ortmann 1925); it has not been collected anywhere in over 50 years 
    (Stansbery 1971, Service 1985b). However, the Service continues its 
    efforts to determine whether any extant populations occur and the 
    species is therefore included in these NEP proposals. If the species is 
    found and can be propagated, the area below Wilson Dam could be 
    considered for a reintroduction effort without going through a separate 
    NEP rulemaking. No downlisting or delisting criteria are presented in 
    the recovery plan; however, it does call for the recovery efforts to be 
    reevaluated if the species is found.
        Anthony's riversnail (Athearnia anthonyi) was listed as an 
    endangered species on April 15, 1994 (59 FR 17994). The final recovery 
    plan for the species was completed in August 1997 (Service 1997). This 
    snail was historically found in the Tennessee River and the lower 
    reaches of some of its tributaries from Muscle Shoals, Colbert and 
    Lauderdale counties, Alabama, upstream to the Clinch and Nolichucky 
    Rivers, Tennessee (Bogan and Parmalee 1983). Currently, two populations 
    are known to survive; one in Limestone Creek, Limestone County, 
    Alabama, and one in the Tennessee River and the lower portion of the 
    Sequatchie River (a tributary to this reach of the Tennessee River), 
    Marion County, Tennessee, and Jackson County, Alabama (Service 1996). 
    It is apparently extirpated from Muscle Shoals (Garner, personal 
    communication, 1997). The downlisting objectives in the recovery plan 
    call for: (1) the establishment of four viable populations; (2) two 
    naturally produced year classes to exist in each of the four 
    populations; (3) biological studies on the species to have been 
    completed; (4) noticeable improvements in water and substratum quality 
    where habitat is degraded; (5) each of the populations to be protected 
    from present and foreseeable threats; and (6) all four populations to 
    remain stable or increase over a 10-year period. The delisting 
    objectives call for the establishment of six viable populations in 
    addition to criteria (2) through (5) above and for six populations to 
    remain stable or increase over a 15-year period.
        The recovery objectives in the recovery plans and recovery outlines 
    for the aforementioned species generally agree that, to reach recovery: 
    (1) existing populations should be restored to viable
    [[Page 28784]]
    levels; (2) the species should be protected from threats to their 
    continued existence; and (3) viable populations should be reestablished 
    in historic habitat. The number of secure, viable populations (existing 
    and restored) needed to achieve recovery varies from species to 
    species, depending on the extent of the species' former range (i.e., 
    species that were once widespread require a greater number of 
    populations for recovery than species that were historically more 
    restricted in distribution). However, the reestablishment of historic 
    populations is a critical component to the recovery of all these 
    Preliminary Notification and Comment
        On June 18, 1997, we notified (by mail, 54 letters) potentially 
    affected congressional offices, Federal and State agencies, local 
    governments, and interested parties that we were considering proposing 
    NEP status for 17 mollusks. We received six written responses.
        TVA suggested that although reintroduced Cumberlandian mussel 
    species might survive below Wilson Dam, they might not be able to 
    reproduce there. Based on the improved reproductive success of the 
    mussel fauna below Wilson Dam, we are optimistic that at least some of 
    the Cumberlandian species will reproduce. However, even if these 
    species are unable to reproduce, the establishment of nonreproducing 
    populations of listed Cumberlandian mussels will assist in the recovery 
    effort. Mussels are long-lived (40 years or more); thus, any surviving 
    mussels could be available to researchers and managers for a number of 
    years after they are reintroduced.
        TVA cautioned that current conditions (i.e., variations in hydro 
    power discharges, seasonal low dissolved oxygen levels, urban related 
    impacts) and potential impacts (i.e., invasion of zebra mussels, 
    navigation improvements, and additional municipal developments) are 
    likely to limit the success of mollusk reintroductions below Wilson 
    Dam. We agree that there are many factors that could limit the success 
    of these proposed mollusk reintroductions, but there is always a risk 
    of failure with any EP reintroduction. There are only a few river 
    reaches in the Tennessee River basin that appear to have suitable 
    habitat for reintroductions. Our goal is to recover the region's 
    federally listed mussels; therefore, we will attempt to reestablish 
    populations in as many reaches as possible.
        TVA encouraged us to evaluate the reintroduction sites before any 
    mollusks are released. The ADGF, in cooperation with the Service, is 
    evaluating specific reaches of the Wilson Dam tailwaters for 
        Although TVA expressed some concerns regarding the potential 
    success of reintroducing listed mollusks below Wilson Dam, their 
    response to the notice was generally positive. They agreed that now 
    (because of advances in mussel propagation technology and water quality 
    improvements below many of their reservoirs) ``* * * may be an 
    appropriate time to start reintroducing and augmenting mussel stocks 
    within their historic ranges * * *'' in the Tennessee River system. 
    They further stated that designating NEPs below Wilson Dam would not 
    result ``* * * in any additional regulatory burden for TVA,'' and they 
    offered to assist in reintroducing mollusks below Wilson Dam. We 
    appreciate TVA's comments and their generally positive assessment of 
    the notice, and we especially appreciate their offer to assist in 
    mussel reintroductions below Wilson Dam. Our agencies have had a long 
    and productive relationship with regard to mussel recovery issues, and 
    we look forward to a continued partnership that will work toward 
    recovering the Tennessee River valley's aquatic mollusk resources.
        The Director of the ADGF reconfirmed his support for the project 
    and stated: ``This is an opportunity to take a major step towards 
    restoring the native fauna of our rivers to their historic diversity.''
        Although the proposed action will not occur within the State of 
    Tennessee, the Executive Director of the Tennessee Wildlife Resources 
    Agency (TWRA) supported the designation of NEPs and mollusk 
    reintroductions below Wilson Dam. He stated:
        We understand that this is part of the ongoing program conducted 
    by state and federal agency partners to improve the status of these 
    mollusks where they no longer need endangered species protection.
        A consulting firm (Firm) for the City of Florence, Alabama, (City) 
    provided information on the City's plans to construct a submerged 
    muliport diffuser in the Tennessee River below Wilson Dam as part of a 
    sewer system improvement project. The Firm stated:
        We hope that you will coordinate your department's restocking 
    program with the City's plans to avoid the areas that may be 
    affected by both the relocation program and subsequent diffuser 
        We are aware of the City's proposed construction project, and we 
    assured the Firm and the City that the reintroduction of endangered 
    mollusks under this proposed NEP designation would not negatively 
    impact the City's proposed sewer system improvement project.
        Letters of support were also received from the University of North 
    Alabama and a local chapter of the Sierra Club.
    Status of Reintroduced Populations
        We propose to reintroduce populations of 16 mussels (Alabama 
    lampmussel, birdwing pearlymussel, clubshell, cracking pearlymussel, 
    Cumberland bean pearlymussel, Cumberlandian combshell, Cumberland 
    monkeyface pearlymussel, dromedary pearlymussel, fine-rayed pigtoe, 
    oyster mussel, purple cat's paw pearlymussel, shiny pigtoe, tubercled-
    blossom pearlymussel, turgid-blossom pearlymussel, winged mapleleaf 
    mussel, and yellow-blossom pearlymussel))and 1 freshwater snail 
    (Anthony's riversnail) in the free-flowing reach of the Tennessee River 
    from about 1.4 river miles (RM) (2.2 kilometers [km]) below Wilson Dam 
    to the backwaters of Pickwick Reservoir (RM 258.0 [412.8 kilometers 
    [km]) to RM 246.0 [393.6 km])in Colbert and Lauderdale counties, 
        These populations are proposed to be designated NEPs according to 
    the provisions of section 10(j) of the Act. None of these species are 
    known to currently exist in this river reach or in tributaries to this 
    reach nor are they expected to populate the area immediately below 
    Wilson Dam. Thus, to give the regulatory relief provided by a NEP 
    designation for any reintroduced listed mollusk that may move upstream 
    to the base of Wilson Dam or into tributaries of this reach, we propose 
    that the geographic boundaries of the NEP designation extend from the 
    base of the Wilson Dam (RM 259.4 [414.0 km] to the backwaters of the 
    Pickwick Reservoir (RM 246.0 [393.6 km]) and include the lower 5 RM (8 
    km) of all tributaries that enter the river reach from the tailwaters 
    of Wilson Dam to the backwaters of Pickwick Reservoir. Additionally, if 
    any of the reintroduced endangered mollusks move upstream beyond the 
    lower 5 RM (8 km) of these tributaries, the animals will be presumed to 
    have come from the reintroduced NEP, and the boundaries of the NEP will 
    be enlarged to include the entire range of the expanded population. 
    Thus, the proposed NEP designation includes the following: the free-
    flowing reach of the Tennessee River from the base of Wilson Dam 
    downstream to the backwaters of Pickwick Reservoir (about 12 RM [19 
    km]) and 5 RM (8 km) upstream of all tributaries to this reach in 
    Colbert and Lauderdale Counties, Alabama.
    [[Page 28785]]
        We considered designating EP status instead of NEP status for these 
    reintroductions. However, the designation of NEP status, which provides 
    for the maximum degree of management flexibility and regulatory relief 
    was necessary to gain the support of local governments, State agencies, 
    industry, local communities, and landowners. Therefore, we believe it 
    is the appropriate designation for reintroducing these species under 
    section 10(j). We will ensure, through our section 10 permit authority 
    and section 7 consultation process, that the use of animals from any 
    donor population for this proposed reintroduction project is not likely 
    to jeopardize the continued existence of the species or the donor 
    population. Therefore, if any introduced populations become established 
    and are subsequently lost, it would not reduce the likelihood of the 
    species' survival in the wild or jeopardize its continued existence. In 
    fact, the anticipated success of these reintroductions will enhance the 
    species' conservation status by extending their present range into 
    currently unoccupied historic habitat.
    Location of Reintroduced Population
        The sites for the proposed reintroductions (free-flowing reach of 
    the Tennessee River between Wilson Dam and the backwaters of Pickwick 
    Reservoir, Colbert and Lauderdale Counties, Alabama) are within the 
    proposed NEP areas; these NEP areas are totally isolated from existing 
    populations of these species by large reservoirs; and none of these 
    mollusks are known to occur in reservoir habitat. These reservoirs 
    will, therefore, act as barriers to the expansion of these species 
    upstream or downstream in the main stem of the Tennessee River and 
    ensure that these proposed NEPs remain geographically isolated and 
    easily identifiable as distinct populations.
        The proposed dates for these reintroductions, the specific sites 
    (between about 1.4 river miles RM [2.2 km] below Wilson Dam to the 
    backwaters of Pickwick Reservoir RM 258.0 (412.8 km) to RM 246.0 (393.6 
    km) in Colbert and Lauderdale counties, Alabama) where the mussel and 
    snail species will be released, and the actual number of individuals to 
    be released cannot be determined at this time. Individual endangered 
    mussels to be used in the proposed NEP reintroductions will be, 
    primarily, artificially propagated juveniles. However, it is possible 
    that wild adult stock of some mussels could be released into the area 
    (see below). Mussel propagation and juvenile rearing technology are 
    currently being developed using nonendangered surrogate species, and it 
    is expected that juvenile endangered mussels of some species will be 
    available for the reintroduction effort within 2 to 3 years. The parent 
    stock for juveniles to be used for the NEPs will come from existing 
    wild populations, and in most cases they will be returned live to that 
    wild population. Under some circumstances, adult endangered mussels 
    could be permanently relocated to propagation facilities or be moved 
    directly into the NEP areas. Anthony's riversnails will be collected 
    from a large naturally reproducing population located in the Tennessee 
    River, Jackson County, Alabama, and Marion County, Tennessee, and 
    relocated directly into the NEP area.
        The permanent removal of adults from the wild for their use in 
    reintroduction efforts could occur when one or more of the following 
    conditions exists: (1) sufficient adult endangered mussels and 
    Anthony's riversnails are available within a donor population to 
    withstand the loss without jeopardizing their continued existence; (2) 
    the species must be removed from an area because of an imminent threat 
    that is likely to eliminate the population or specific individuals 
    present; or (3) when the donor population is not reproducing. To ensure 
    that the nonlethal use of a parent stock or the permanent removal of 
    adults is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of the donor 
    population of the species, a section 10 (a)(1)(A) permit will be issued 
    before any take occurs. We will coordinate these actions with the 
    appropriate lead Regions and State natural resources agencies.
        We do not believe these proposed reintroductions would conflict 
    with existing or proposed human activities or hinder public utilization 
    of the proposed NEP areas. If this proposed rule is finalized, the NEPs 
    would be treated as threatened species under all provisions of the Act, 
    except section 7 (see ``Legislative'' section of these rules). The NEPs 
    are treated under section 7(a)(4) of the Act as species proposed to be 
    listed under the Act. For proposed species, section 7(a)(4) requires 
    that Federal agencies confer with the Service on actions that the 
    Federal agency itself finds are likely to jeopardize a species' 
    continued existence. We then produce a conference report outlining 
    measures that could be taken to avoid jeopardy. However, the measures 
    we recommend are only advisory. The Federal agency is not required to 
    implement any of the recommended measures, and the Act does not 
    prohibit the Federal agency from implementing the Federal action as was 
    originally planned. Therefore, these proposed reintroductions are not 
    expected to conflict with existing or proposed Federal activities in 
    the NEP areas.
        The Act, under section 10(j), allows special rules (protective 
    regulations), which contain all prohibitions and exceptions regarding 
    the taking of individual animals, to be written for experimental 
    populations. Thus, section 17.85 (a)(3) of the proposed special rule 
    defines the circumstances under which it will be a violation of the Act 
    to take animals from these introduced populations. We do not expect 
    these proposed reintroductions to conflict with existing or proposed 
    Federal activities or to hinder the public's utilization of the NEP 
    areas. We will work cooperatively with private landowners and will not 
    impose any land-use restrictions on private lands for the recovery of 
    these species without prior concurrence from the landowners.
    Public Comments Solicited
        We intend for any rule that is finally adopted to be as effective 
    as possible. Therefore, we invite the public, concerned government 
    agencies, the scientific community, industry, and other interested 
    parties to submit comments or recommendations concerning any aspect of 
    this proposed rule (see ``Addresses'' section).
        Executive Order 12866 requires each agency to write regulations 
    that are easy to understand. We invite your comments on how to make 
    this rule easier to understand including answers to questions such as 
    the following: (1) Are the requirements in the rule clearly stated?, 
    (2) Does the rule contain technical language or jargon that interferes 
    with its clarity?, (3) Does the format of the rule (grouping and order 
    of sections, use of headings, paragraphing, etc.) aid or reduce its 
    clarity?, (4) Would the rule be easier to understand if it were divided 
    into more (but shorter) sections? (A ``section'' is preceded by the 
    symbol ``Sec. '' and a numbered heading; for example, Sec. 17.11 
    Endangered and threatened wildlife), (5) Is the description of the rule 
    in the ``Supplementary Information'' section of the preamble helpful in 
    understanding the rule? What else could we do to make the rule easier 
    to understand?
        Send a copy of any comments that concern how we could make this 
    rule easier to understand to: Office of Regulatory Affairs, Department 
    of the Interior, room 7229, 1849 C Street, NW, Washington, DC 20240. 
    You may also e-
    [[Page 28786]]
    mail the comments to this address: Exsec@ios.doi.gov
        However, as noted earlier, all comments related to the proposed 
    reintroduction to establish the nonessential experimental populations 
    should be directed to the Service's Asheville, North Carolina Field 
    Office (see ADDRESS section). Comments must be received within 60 days 
    of publication of this proposed rule in the Federal Register.
        Any final decision on this proposed rule will take into 
    consideration the comments and any additional information received. 
    These may lead to a final rule that differs from this proposal.
    National Environmental Policy Act
        We have determined that the issuance of a proposed rule for these 
    NEPs is categorically excluded under our National Environmental Policy 
    Act procedures (516 DM 6, Appendix 1.4 B (6)), which states:
        * * * The reintroduction or supplementation (e.g., stocking) of 
    native, formerly native, or established species into suitable 
    habitat within their historical or established range, where no or 
    negligible environmental disturbances are anticipated * * *.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        This proposed rule contains no collections of information requiring 
    approval from the Office of Management and Budget under 44 U.S.C. 3501 
    et seq.
    Required Determinations
        This proposed rule to designate NEP status for 16 mussels and 1 
    freshwater snail in the free-flowing reach of the Tennessee River below 
    Wilson Dam in Colbert and Lauderdale Counties, Alabama, will not have 
    significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities 
    under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601, et seq.).
        Shellfish harvesting in the United States is dominated by small 
    firms. Of the 441 firms included in Standard Industrial Code 0913 for 
    ``establishments primarily engaged in the catching or taking of 
    shellfish,'' 421 have fewer than 20 employees, 353 have fewer than five 
    employees. These figures include saltwater shellfishing (lobsters, 
    crabs, clams, etc.) so freshwater mussel harvesting is only a fraction 
    of this small industry (Office of Advocacy, U.S. Small Business 
    Administration based on data provided by the Department of Commerce, 
    Bureau of the Census).
        The rule is not expected to have any impact on the use of the 
    river. Mussels are harvested from the relevant reach primarily by 
    diving from one or two person boats. Harvesters are seeking larger 
    mussels of a dozen specific permitted species to be used as seed in the 
    Japanese cultured pearl industry. Two endangered species are already 
    present in the area and divers are careful to identify species in situ 
    to avoid carrying extra weight to the surface. The added species are 
    not expected to complicate this task. Other river activities will not 
    be affected.
        The final rule will not significantly change costs to industry or 
    government. Furthermore, this rule produces no adverse effects on 
    competition, employment, investment, productivity, innovation, or the 
    ability of United States enterprises to compete with foreign-based 
    enterprises in domestic or export markets.
        This rule is not a significant regulatory action and was not 
    subject to review by the Office of Management and Budget under 
    Executive Order 12866. It is not a major rule under 5 U.S.C. 804(2), 
    the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act. This rule will 
    not have an annual economic effect of $100 million or adversely affect 
    an economic sector, productivity, jobs, the environment, or other units 
    of government. A cost-benefit and economic analysis not required. The 
    area affected by this rule consists of a very limited and discrete 
    geographic segment (only 12 river miles) of the Tennessee River in 
    northern Alabama. Therefore no significant impacts on existing economic 
    activities associated with this stream reach as a result of this rule 
    are anticipated.
        This rule will not create inconsistencies with other agencies' 
    actions. Designating reintroduced populations of federally listed 
    species as NEPs significantly reduces the Act's regulatory requirements 
    regarding the reintroduced listed species within the NEP. Because of 
    the substantial regulatory relief provided by NEP designations, the 
    Service does not believe the reintroduction of these mollusks would 
    conflict with existing or proposed human activities or hinder public 
    utilization of the Tennessee River system.
        This rule will not materially affect entitlements, grants, user 
    fees, loan programs, or the rights and obligations of their recipients. 
    Because there are no expected impacts or restrictions to existing human 
    uses of the Tennessee River as a result of this rule, no entitlements, 
    grants, user fees, loan programs or the rights and obligations of their 
    recipients are expected to occur.
        This rule will not raise novel legal or policy issues. The Service 
    has previously promulgated more than a dozen section 10 (j) rules for 
    experimental populations of other listed threatened and endangered 
    species in various localities since 1984. The rules are designed to 
    reduce the regulatory burden that would otherwise exist when 
    reintroducing listed species to the wild.
        We have determined and certified, pursuant to the Unfunded Mandates 
    Reform Act, 2 U.S.C. 1501 et seq., that this rulemaking will not impose 
    a cost of $100 million or more in any given year on local or State 
    governments or private entities. Further, this rule will not 
    ``significantly or uniquely'' affect small governments. A Small 
    Government Agency Plan is not required. The ADGF, which manages the 
    aquatic mollusks in the Tennessee River below Wilson Dam, requested the 
    Service consider this reintroduction under a NEP designation. However, 
    they will not be required by the Act to specifically manage for any 
    reintroduced species.
        This proposed rule has been reviewed under Executive Order 12630, 
    the Attorney General Guidelines, Departmental Guidelines, and the 
    Attorney General Supplemental Guidelines to determine the taking 
    implications of this proposed rule if it were promulgated as currently 
    drafted. The implementation of this proposed rule will not result in 
    any ``taking'' under the 5th Amendment. In accordance with Executive 
    Order 12630, the rule does not have significant takings implications. A 
    takings implication assessment is not required.
        Designating reintroduced populations of federally listed species as 
    NEPs significantly reduces the Act's regulatory requirements regarding 
    the reintroduced listed species within the NEP. Under NEP designations, 
    the Act requires a Federal agency to confer with the Service if the 
    agency determines that its action within the NEP is likely to 
    jeopardize the continued existence of the reintroduced species. 
    However, even if an agency action would totally eliminate a 
    reintroduced species from a NEP and jeopardize the species continued 
    existence, the Act does not compel a Federal agency to stop a project, 
    deny issuing a permit, or cease any activity. Additionally, regulatory 
    relief can be provided here regarding take of reintroduced species 
    within NEP areas, and the special rule has been proposed stipulating 
    that there would be no violation of the Act for unavoidable and 
    unintentional take (including killing or injuring) of these 
    reintroduced mollusks, when such take
    [[Page 28787]]
    is non-negligent and incidental to a legal activity (e.g., boating, 
    commercial navigation, commercial musseling, fishing) and the activity 
    is in accordance with State laws or regulations. Because of the 
    substantial regulatory relief provided by NEP designations, the Service 
    does not believe the reintroduction of these mollusks would conflict 
    with existing or proposed human activities or hinder public utilization 
    of the Tennessee River system.
        This proposed rule has been reviewed under Executive Order 12612 to 
    determine Federalism considerations in policy formulation and 
    implementation. This proposed rule does not require a Federalism 
    assessment under Executive Order 12612 since it will not have any 
    significant Federalism effects as described in the order. Nevertheless, 
    we have endeavored to cooperate with the Alabama Division of Game and 
    Fish in the preparation of this proposed rule.
        The Department of the Interior has determined that this proposed 
    regulation meets the applicable standards provided in sections (3)(a) 
    and (3)(b)(2) of Executive Order 12988.
    Literature Cited
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    Volume II: The Mollusks. 123 pp.
    Gooch, C. H., W. J. Pardue, and D. C. Wade. 1979. Recent mollusk 
    investigations on the Tennessee River, 1978. Tennessee Valley 
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    Goodrich, C. 1931. The pleurocerid genus Eurycaelon. Occasional 
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    Gordon, M. E. 1991. Species accounts for Cumberland elktoe 
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    Fisheries, 370:1-40.
    Stansbery, D. H. 1964. The Mussel (Muscle) Shoals of the Tennessee 
    River revisited. Annual Report for 1964 of the American 
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    ------. 1984a. Birdwing Pearlymussel Recovery Plan. Atlanta, GA. 56 
    ------. 1984b. Cumberland Bean Pearlymussel Recovery Plan. Atlanta, 
    GA. 58 pp.
    ------. 1984c. Fine-rayed Pigtoe Recovery Plan. Atlanta, GA. 67 pp.
    ------. 1984d. Shiny Pigtoe Recovery Plan. Atlanta, GA. 67 pp.
    ------. 1985a. Alabama Lampmussel Recovery Plan. Atlanta, GA. 41 pp.
    ------. 1985b. Tubercled-blossom Pearlymussel, Turgid-blossom 
    Pearlymussel, and Yellow-blossom Pearlymussel Recovery Plan. 
    Atlanta, GA. 42 pp.
    ------. 1991. Cracking Pearlymussel Recovery Plan. Atlanta, GA. 25 
    ------. 1992. Purple Cat's Paw Pearlymussel Recovery Plan. Atlanta, 
    GA. 26 pp.
    ------. 1993a. Clubshell and Northern Riffleshell Recovery Plan. 
    Hadley, MA. 55 pp.
    ------. 1997. Recovery Plan for Anthony's Riversnail. Atlanta, GA. 
    21 pp.
    ------. 1997. Winged Mapleleaf Mussel (Quadrula fragosa) Recovery 
    Plan. Ft. Snelling, MN. 69 pp.
    van der Schalie, H. 1939. Additional notes on the naiades 
    (freshwater mussels) of the lower Tennessee River. The American 
    Midland Naturalist 22:452-457.
        The principal author of this proposed rule is Richard G. Biggins 
    (see Addresses section).
    List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 17
        Endangered and threatened species, Exports, Imports, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Transportation.
    Proposed Regulation Promulgation
        Accordingly, we hereby propose to amend part 17, subchapter B of 
    chapter I, title 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations as set forth 
    PART 17--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 17 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361-1407; 16 U.S.C. 1531-1544; 16 U.S.C. 
    4201-4245; Pub. L. 99-625, 100 Stat. 3500, unless otherwise noted.
        2. In Sec. 17.11(h). revise the entries in the table under CLAMS 
    for ``Clubshell'': ``Combshell, Cumberlandian''; ``Lampmussel, 
    Alabama''; ``Mussel, Oyster''; ``Mussel, winged mapleleaf''; 
    ``Pearlymussel, birdwing''; ``Pearlymussel, cracking''; ``Pearlymussel, 
    Cumberland bean''; ``Pearlymussel, Cumberland monkeyface''; 
    ``Pearlymussel, dromedary''; ``Pearlymussel, purple cat's paw''; 
    ``Pearlymussel, tubercled-blossom''; ``Pearlymussel, turgid-blossom''; 
    and ``Pearlymussel, yellow-blossom''; ``Pigtoe, fine-rayed''; ``Pigtoe, 
    shiny''; and the table entry under SNAILS for ``Riversnail, Anthony's'' 
    to read as follows:
    Sec. 17.11  Endangered and threatened wildlife.
    * * * * *
        (h) * * *
                           Species                                                Experimental
    ------------------------------------------------------                        population or
                                                                                   vertebrate                                         Critical     Special
                                                             Historic range     population where       Status        When listed      habitat       rules
               Common name              Scientific name                           endangered or
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *
    [[Page 28788]]
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *
    Clubshell.......................  Pleurobema clava...  U.S.A. (AL, IL,     NA................  E              488                        NA           NA
                                                            IN, KY, MI, OH,
                                                            PA, TN, WV).
        Do..........................  ...... do..........  ...... do.........  U.S.A. (AL--The     XN             488, ____                  NA     17.85(a)
                                                                                reach of the
                                                                                Tennessee R. from
                                                                                the base of
                                                                                Wilson Dam
                                                                                downstream to the
                                                                                backwaters of
                                                                                Reservoir [about
                                                                                12 RM (19 km)]
                                                                                and 5 RM [8 km]
                                                                                upstream of all
                                                                                tributaries to
                                                                                this reach in
                                                                                Colbert and
                                                                                Lauderdale Cos.,
                                                                                see 17.85(a)).
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *
    Combshell, Cumberlandian........  Epioblasma           U.S.A. (AL, KY,     NA................  E              602                        NA           NA
                                       brevidens.           TN, VA).
        Do..........................  ...... do..........  ...... do.........  U.S.A. (AL--        XN             602, ____                  NA     17.85(a)
                                                                                deregulated zone
                                                                                in the Tennessee
                                                                                R., see 17.85(a)).
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *
    Lampmussel, Alabama.............  Lampsilis virescens  U.S.A. (AL, TN)...  NA................  E              15                         NA           NA
        Do..........................  ...... do..........  ...... do.........  U.S.A. (AL--        XN             15, ____                   NA     17.85(a)
                                                                                deregulated zone
                                                                                in the Tennessee
                                                                                R., see 17.85(a)).
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *
    Mussel, oyster..................  Epioblasma           U.S.A. (AL, KY,     NA................  E              602                        NA           NA
                                       capsaeformis.        TN, VA).
        Do..........................  ...... do..........  ...... do.........  U.S.A. (AL--        XN             602, ____                  NA     17.85(a)
                                                                                deregulated zone
                                                                                in the Tennessee
                                                                                R., see 17.85(a)).
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *
    Mussel, winged mapleleaf........  Quadrula fragosa...  U.S.A. (AL, IA,     NA................  E              426                        NA           NA
                                                            IL, IN, KY, MN,
                                                            MO, NE, OH, OK,
                                                            TN, WV).
        Do..........................  ......do...........  ......do..........  U.S.A. (AL--        XN             426, ____                  NA     17.85(a)
                                                                                deregulated zone
                                                                                in the Tennessee
                                                                                R., see 17.85(a)).
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *
    Pearlymussel, birdwing..........  Conradilla caelata.  U.S.A. (AL, TN,     NA................  E              15                         NA           NA
        Do..........................  ......do...........  ......do..........  U.S.A. (AL--        XN             15, 9/16____               NA     17.85(a)
                                                                                deregulated zone
                                                                                in the Tennessee
                                                                                R., see 17.85(a)).
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *
    Pearlymussel, cracking..........  Hemistena (=         U.S.A. (AL, IL,     NA................  E              366                        NA           NA
                                       Lastena) lata.       IN, KY, OH, TN,
        Do..........................  ......do...........  ......do..........  U.S.A. (AL--        XN             366, 9/16____              NA     17.85(a)
                                                                                deregulated zone
                                                                                in the Tennessee
                                                                                R., see 17.85(a)).
    [[Page 28789]]
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *
    Pearlymussel, Cumberland bean...  Villosa (=           U.S.A. (AL, KY,     NA................  E              15                         NA           NA
                                       Micromya) trabalis.  TN, VA).
        Do..........................  ......do...........  ......do..........  U.S.A. (AL--        XN             15, 9/16____               NA     17.85(a)
                                                                                deregulated zone
                                                                                in the Tennessee
                                                                                R., see
    Pearlymussel, Cumberland          Quadrula intermedia  U.S.A. (AL, TN,     NA................  E              15                         NA           NA
     monkeyface.                                            VA).
        Do..........................  ......do...........  ......do..........  U.S.A. (AL--        XN             15, 9/16____               NA     17.85(a)
                                                                                deregulated zone
                                                                                in the Tennessee
                                                                                R., see 17.85(a)).
                    *                   *                   *                   *                   *                   *                   *
    Pearlymussel, dromedary.........  Dromus Dromas......  U.S.A. (AL, KY,     NA................  E              15                         NA           NA
                                                            TN, VA).
        Do..........................  ......do...........  ......do..........  U.S.A. (AL--        XN 1           5, ____                    NA     17.85(a)
                                                                                deregulated zone
                                                                                in the Tennessee
                                                                                R., see 17.85(a)).
                    *                   *                   *                   *                   *                   *                   *
    Pearlymussel, purple cat's paw..  Epioblasma           U.S.A. (AL, IL,     NA................  E              394                        NA           NA
                                       obliquata            IN, KY, OH, TN).
        Do..........................  ......do...........  ......do..........  U.S.A. (AL--        XN             394, ____                  NA     17.85(a)
                                                                                deregulated zone
                                                                                in the Tennessee
                                                                                R., see 17.85(a)).
                    *                   *                   *                   *                   *                   *                   *
    Pearlymussel, tubercled-blossom.  Epioblasma           U.S.A. (AL, IL,     NA................  E              15                         NA           NA
                                       (=Dysnomia)          IN, KY, TN, WV).
                                       torulosa torulosa.
        Do..........................  ......do...........  ......do..........  U.S.A. (AL--        XN             15, ____                   NA     17.85(a)
                                                                                deregulated zone
                                                                                in the Tennessee
                                                                                R., see 17.85(a)).
    Pearlymussel, turgid-blossom....  Epioblasma           U.S.A. (AL, TN)...  NA................  E              15                         NA           NA
        Do..........................  ......do...........  ......do..........  U.S.A. (AL--        XN             15, ____                   NA     17.85(a)
                                                                                deregulated zone
                                                                                in the Tennessee
                                                                                R., see 17.85(a)).
                    *                   *                   *                   *                   *                   *                   *
    Pearlymussel, yellow-blossom....  Epioblasma           U.S.A. (AL, TN)...  NA................  E              15                         NA           NA
                                       florentina .
        Do..........................  ......do...........  ......do..........  U.S.A. (AL--        XN             15, ____                   NA     17.85(a)
                                                                                deregulated zone
                                                                                in the Tennessee
                                                                                R., see 17.85(a)).
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *
    Pigtoe, fine-rayed..............  Fusconaia cuneolus.  U.S.A. (AL, TN,     NA................  E              15                         NA           NA
        Do..........................  ......do...........  ......Do..........  U.S.A. (AL--        XN             15, ____                   NA     17.85(a)
                                                                                deregulated zone
                                                                                in the Tennessee
                                                                                R., see 17.85(a)).
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *
    Pigtoe, shiny...................  Fusconaia cor (=     U.S.A. (AL, TN,     NA................  E              15                         NA           NA
                                       edgariana).          VA).
    [[Page 28790]]
        Do..........................  ......do...........  ......do..........  U.S.A. (AL--        XN             15, ____                   NA     17.85(a)
                                                                                deregulated zone
                                                                                in the Tennessee
                                                                                R., see 17.85(a)).
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *
    Riversnail, Anthony's...........  Athearnia anthonyi.  U.S.A. (AL, GA,     NA................  E              538                        NA           NA
        Do..........................  ......do...........  ......do..........  U.S.A. (AL--        XN             538, ____                  NA     17.85(a)
                                                                                deregulated zone
                                                                                in the Tennessee
                                                                                R., see 17.85(a)).
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *
        3. Section 17.85 is amended by adding text to read as follows:
    Sec. 17.85  Special rules--invertebrates.
        (a)(1) What species are covered by this special rule?
             Common name                        Scientific name
    Alabama lampmussel...........  Lampsilis virescens.
    Anthony's riversnail.........  Athearnia anthonyi.
    birdwing pearlymussel........  Conradilla caelata.
    clubshell....................  Pleurobema clava.
    cracking pearlymussel........  Hemistena lata.
    Cumberland bean pearlymussel.  Villosa trabalis.
    Cumberlandian combshell......  Epioblasma brevidens.
    Cumberland monkeyface          Quadrula intermedia.
    dromedary pearlymussel.......  Dromus dromas.
    fine-rayed pigtoe............  Fusconaia cuneolus.
    oyster mussel................  Epioblasma capsaeformis.
    purple cat's paw pearlymussel  Epioblasma o. obliquata.
    shiny pigtoe.................  Fusconaia cor.
    tubercled-blossom              Epioblasma torulosa torulosa.
    turgid-blossom pearlymussel..  Epioblasma turgidula.
    winged mapleleaf mussel......  Quadrula fragosa.
    yellow-blossom pearlymussel..  Epioblasma f. florentina.
        (ii) [Reserved]
        (2) Where does this special rule apply?
        (i) The designated recovery areas classified as NEPs for the 
    aforementioned 17 mollusks in paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section are 
    within the species' historic ranges and are defined as follows:
        The free-flowing reach of the Tennessee River from the base of 
    Wilson Dam downstream to the backwaters of Pickwick Reservoir (RM 
    258.0 [412.8 km] to RM 246.0 [393.6 km]about 12 RM [19 km]) and 5 RM 
    (8 km) upstream of all tributaries to this reach in Colbert and 
    Lauderdale Counties, Alabama.
        (ii) None of the aforementioned species is known from any of the 
    tributaries to the free-flowing reach of the Tennessee River below 
    Wilson Dam, Colbert and Lauderdale Counties, Alabama. In the future, if 
    any of the aforementioned 17 mollusks are found upstream beyond the 
    lower 5 RM (8 km) of these tributaries, we will presume the animals to 
    have come from the reintroduced NEP, and the boundaries of the NEP will 
    be enlarged to include the entire range of the expanded population.
        (3) What is the legal status of the species described in the rule?
        (i) The species identified for reintroduction in paragraph (a)(1) 
    of this section are listed as ``endangered'' and protected under 50 CFR 
    17.11 (h). The Alabama lampmussel, birdwing pearlymussel, clubshell, 
    cracking pearlymussel, Cumberland bean pearlymussel, Cumberlandian 
    combshell, Cumberland monkeyface pearlymussel, dromedary pearlymussel, 
    fine-rayed pigtoe, oyster mussel, purple cat's paw pearlymussel, shiny 
    pigtoe, tubercled-blossom pearlymussel, turgid-blossom pearlymussel, 
    winged mapleleaf mussel, yellow-blossom pearlymussel, and Anthony's 
    riversnail, identified in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, are 
    nonessential experimental populations. These NEPs will be managed in 
    accordance with these provisions.
        (ii) We find, under 50 CFR 17.81 (b), that the reintroduction of an 
    experimental population of the aforementioned 17 mollusks into their 
    historic range will further their conservation. We also find, under 50 
    CFR 17.81(c)(2) that the experimental population is not essential to 
    the continued existence of the species in the wild.
        (4) What activities are prohibited?
    [[Page 28791]]
        (i) You may not take any of the aforementioned 17 mollusks in the 
    wild within these species' NEP areas except in accordance with the 
    applicable laws or regulations of the State of Alabama and as provided 
    by these rules. We may refer unauthorized take of these species to the 
    appropriate authorities for prosecution.
        (ii) This provision does not exempt Federal agencies from complying 
    with section 7(a)(4) of the Act, which requires them to confer with the 
    Service if they propose an action that is likely to jeopardize the 
    continued existence of one or more of these species.
        (iii) You may not possess, sell, deliver, carry, transport, ship, 
    import, or export by any means whatsoever any of the aforementioned 17 
    mollusks, or parts thereof, from these NEPs that are taken or possessed 
    in violation of these regulations or in violation of the applicable 
    laws or regulations of the State of Alabama.
        (iv) You may not attempt to commit, solicit another to commit, or 
    cause to be committed any offense defined in this paragraph (a).
        (5) What activities are allowed?
        (i) Throughout the entire NEP areas for the aforementioned 17 
    mollusks, you will not be in violation of the Act for unavoidable and 
    unintentional take (including killing or injuring) of these species 
    when such take is incidental to a legal activity, such as fishing, 
    boating, commercial navigation, trapping, wading, mussel harvesting, or 
    other activities, and the activity is in accordance with the laws or 
    regulations of the State of Alabama.
        (ii) Throughout the entire NEP areas for the aforementioned 17 
    mollusks, no Federal agency or its contractors will be in violation of 
    the Act for take of these species resulting from any authorized agency 
        (6) What are we doing for these species?
        (i) We will continuously evaluate the progress of the 
    aforementioned 17 mollusk reintroductions. We will prepare periodic 
    progress reports and fully evaluate these reintroduction efforts after 
    5 and 10 years to determine whether to continue or terminate the 
    reintroduction efforts.
        (ii) We will work cooperatively with private landowners and will 
    not impose any land-use restrictions on private lands for the recovery 
    of these species without prior concurrence from the landowners.
        (iii) We do not intend to change the NEP designations to 
    ``essential experimental,'' ``threatened,'' or ``endangered'' without 
    the full cooperation of the State of Alabama and the affected parties 
    within the NEP areas. Additionally, we will not designate critical 
    habitat for these NEPs. We cannot designate critical habitat under the 
    NEP classification, as provided by 16 U.S.C. 1539(j)(2)(C)(ii).
        (b) [Reserved]
        Dated: April 30, 1999.
    Donald J. Barry,
    Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks.
    [FR Doc. 99-13490 Filed 5-26-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-55-P

Document Information

Fish and Wildlife Service
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Comments from all interested parties must be submitted on or before July 26, 1999.
28779-28791 (13 pages)
1018-AE92: Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Establishment of Nonessential Experimental Population Status for 16 Freshwater Mussels and 1 Freshwater Snail
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (2)
50 CFR 17.11
50 CFR 17.85