99-13499. Taking of Threatened or Endangered Marine Mammals Incidental to Commercial Fishing Operations; Proposed Permits  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 102 (Thursday, May 27, 1999)]
    [Pages 28800-28802]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-13499]
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    [I.D. 042199C]
    Taking of Threatened or Endangered Marine Mammals Incidental to 
    Commercial Fishing Operations; Proposed Permits
    AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
    ACTION: Notice of proposal for issuance of permits; request for 
    SUMMARY: NMFS proposes to issue permits for those fisheries that have 
    negligible impacts on marine mammal stocks listed as threatened or 
    endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) for a period of 3 
    years. This action would allow the incidental, but not intentional, 
    taking of marine mammals in commercial fishing operations.
    DATES: Comments on the proposed permits will be accepted through July 
    12, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: Send comments to Chief, Marine Mammal Division, Office of 
    Protected Resources, National Marine Fisheries Service, 1315 East-West 
    Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910-2337.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dean Wilkinson, NMFS, 301-713-2322.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section 101(a)(5)(E) of the Marine Mammal 
    Protection Act (MMPA) requires the authorization of the incidental 
    taking of individuals from marine mammal stocks listed as threatened or 
    endangered under the ESA in the course of commercial fishing operations 
    if it is determined that (1) Incidental mortality and serious injury 
    will have a negligible impact on the affected species or stock; (2) a 
    recovery plan has been developed or is being developed for such species 
    or stock under the ESA; and (3) where required under section 118 of the 
    MMPA, a monitoring program has been established, vessels engaged in 
    such fisheries are registered in accordance with section 118 of the 
    MMPA, and a take reduction plan has been developed or is being 
    developed for such species or stock.
        ``Negligible impact'' as defined in 50 CFR 216.103 and as applied 
    here is ``an impact resulting from the specified activity that cannot 
    be reasonably expected to, and is not reasonably likely to, adversely 
    affect the species or stock through effects on annual rates of 
    recruitment or survival.''
        Section 118 of the MMPA requires the registration of vessels in 
    fisheries listed as either Category I or Category II on the annual list 
    of commercial fisheries. A Category I fishery is a fishery with 
    ``frequent incidental mortality and serious injury of marine mammals.'' 
    A Category II fishery is a fishery with ``occasional incidental 
    mortality and serious injury of marine mammals.'' Registration is not 
    required for Category III fisheries which have ``a remote likelihood of 
    or no known incidental mortality or serious injury of marine mammals.'' 
    The list of fisheries for 1999 was published on February 24, 1999 (64 
    FR 9067).
        On August 31, 1995 (60 FR 45399), NMFS issued interim final permits 
    for those fisheries meeting the conditions under section 101(a)(5)(E) 
    of the MMPA. As a starting point for making determinations, NMFS 
    announced it would consider a total annual serious injury and mortality 
    of not more than 10 percent of a threatened or endangered marine mammal 
    stock's potential biological removal (PBR) level to be negligible. PBR 
    is defined in the MMPA as ``the maximum number of animals, not 
    including natural mortalities, that may be removed from a stock while 
    allowing that stock to reach or maintain its optimum sustainable 
    population.'' NMFS also announced that such a criterion would not be 
    the only factor in evaluating whether a particular level of take would 
    be considered negligible. Because population abundance and fishery-
    related mortality information used in calculation of PBR have varying 
    degrees of uncertainty, NMFS determined that such factors as population 
    trend and reliability of abundance and mortality estimates also should 
    be considered.
        Based on requirements of section 101(a)(5)(E) of the MMPA and these 
    criteria, NMFS issued interim final permits to allow the incidental, 
    but not intentional, taking of three stocks of endangered or threatened 
    marine mammals: (1) Humpback whale, central north Pacific stock; (2) 
    Steller sea lion, eastern stock; and (3) Steller sea lion, western 
    stock. Permits were issued for Category I and Category II fisheries
    [[Page 28801]]
    taking animals from these stocks. Consistent with the provisions of 
    section 101(a)(5)(E)(ii) of the MMPA, NMFS determined that permits were 
    not required for Category III fisheries, which are not required to 
    register under section 118 of the MMPA. The only requirement for 
    Category III fisheries is that any serious injury or mortality be 
        On December 30, 1998 (63 FR 71894), NMFS extended the permits until 
    June 30, 1999. At that time, NMFS announced that it was reviewing the 
    criteria for issuance of permits and requested public comment on 
    whether the criteria were adequate or whether changes should be made. 
    No comments were received.
    Process for Determining Negligible Impact
        Based on internal review, NMFS has adopted the following criteria 
    for making the negligible impact determination under section 
    101(a)(5)(E) of the MMPA:
        1. The threshold for initial determination will remain at 0.1 PBR. 
    If total human-related serious injuries and mortalities are less than 
    0.1 PBR, all fisheries may be permitted.
        2. If total human-related serious injuries and mortalities are 
    greater than PBR, and fisheries-related mortality is less than 0.1 PBR, 
    individual fisheries may be permitted if management measures are being 
    taken to address non-fisheries-related serious injuries and 
    mortalities. When fisheries-related serious injury and mortality is 
    less than 10 percent of the total, the appropriate management action is 
    to address components that account for the major portion of the total.
        3. If total fisheries-related serious injuries and mortalities are 
    greater than 0.1 PBR and less than PBR and the population is stable or 
    increasing, fisheries may be permitted subject to individual review and 
    certainty of data. Although the PBR level has been set up as a 
    conservative standard that will allow recovery of a stock, there are 
    reasons for individually reviewing fisheries if serious injuries and 
    mortalities are above the threshold level. First, increases in 
    permitted serious injuries and mortalities should be carefully 
    considered. Second, as serious injuries and mortalities approach the 
    PBR level, uncertainties in elements such as populations size, 
    reproductive rates, and fisheries-related mortalities become more 
        4. If the population abundance of a stock is declining, the 
    threshold level of 0.1 PBR will continue to be used. If a population is 
    declining despite limitations on human-related serious injuries and 
    mortalities below the PBR level, a more conservative criterion is 
        5. If total fisheries related serious injuries and mortalities are 
    greater than PBR, permits may not be issued.
    Summary of Findings
        Using these criteria, the impact of commercial fisheries on 
    specific stocks of endangered and threatened marine mammals can be 
    divided into three groups: (1) Stocks with no fisheries-related 
    mortalities for which permits are not necessary; (2) stocks ineligible 
    for permits under criteria 4 and 5; and (3) stocks for which commercial 
    fisheries are eligible for permits provided other provisions of section 
    101(a)(5)(E) of the MMPA are met and for which NMFS proposes issuance 
    of permits in this document.
        There are no documented fisheries-related serious injuries or 
    mortalities for the following marine mammal stocks which are listed as 
    endangered or threatened under the ESA:
    Blue whale, California/Mexico stock
    Blue whale, Hawaiian stock
    Blue whale, western north Atlantic stock
    Bowhead whale, western Arctic stock
    Fin whale, California/Oregon/Washington stock
    Fin whale, Hawaiian stock
    Fin whale, northeast Pacific stock
    Humpback whale, western north Pacific stock
    Northern right whale, north Pacific stock
    Sei whale, eastern north Pacific stock
    Sei whale, western north Atlantic stock
    Sperm whale, Hawaiian stock
    Sperm whale, western north Atlantic stock
    Guadalupe fur seal
        For the following stocks, NMFS is unable to determine that serious 
    injuries and mortalities incidental to commercial fishing operations 
    will have a negligible impact. No takes of these threatened or 
    endangered marine mammal stocks incidental to commercial fishing 
    operations are allowed.
    Humpback whale, California/Oregon/Washington-Mexico stock
    Northern right whale, western north Atlantic stock
    Sperm whale, California/Oregon/Washington stock
    Sperm whale, north Pacific stock
    Hawaiian monk seal
        Based on the criteria listed above and the 1998 Marine Mammal Stock 
    Assessment Reports, NMFS has determined that the serious injuries and 
    mortalities incidental to commercial fishing operations will have a 
    negligible impact. The Marine Mammal Stock Assessment Reports are 
    available on the NMFS web site at (http://www.nmfs.gov/prot__res/
    mammals/sa__rep/sar.html). Hard copies are available from Chief, Marine 
    Mammal Division (see ADDRESSES). NMFS proposes to issue permits for 
    incidental takes from these stocks for the Category I and II fisheries 
    listed in Table 1 and requests comments. Vessels participating in 
    Category III fisheries included in this list shall not be subject to 
    penalties for the incidental taking of marine mammals listed under the 
    ESA, provided that such takes are reported in accordance with section 
    118 of the MMPA. The stocks for which permits are proposed are:
    Fin whale, western north Atlantic stock
    Humpback whale, central north Pacific stock
    Humpback whale, north Atlantic stock
    Steller sea lion, eastern U.S. stock
    Steller sea lion, western U.S. stock
        Dated: May 19, 1999.
    Hilda Diaz-Soltero,
    Director, Office of Protected Resources, National Marine Fisheries 
     Table 1.--List of Fisheries and Stocks for Which Criteria Under Section
                           101(a)(5)(e) Have Been Met
     [Issuance of permits is proposed for incidental takes from these stocks
      for the Category I and II fisheries indicated. Category III fisheries
         included in this list would not be subject to penalties for the
     incidental taking of marine mammals listed under the ESA, provided that
       such takes are reported in accordance with section 118 of the MMPA]
                                                Stocks for which takes are
                    Fishery                              allowed
    Category I Fisheries:
        CA/OR thresher shark/swordfish       Steller sea lion, Eastern U.S.
         drift gillnet.                       stock.
        Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean, Gulf of   Humpback whale, Western North
         Mexico large pelagics drift          Atlantic stock.
    [[Page 28802]]
        Northeast sink gillnet.............  Humpback whale, Western North
                                              Atlantic stock.
                                             Fin whale, Western North
                                              Atlantic stock.
        Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean, Gulf of   Humpback whale, Western North
         Mexico large pelagics longline.      Atlantic stock.
        Gulf of Maine, U.S. Mid-Atlantic     Humpback whale, Western North
         lobster trap/pot.                    Atlantic stock.
                                             Fin whale, Western North
                                              Atlantic stock.
    Category II Fisheries:
        Prince William Sound salmon drift    Steller sea lion, Western U.S.
         gillnet.                             stock.
        Alaska Peninsula/Aleutian Islands    Steller sea lion, Western U.S.
         salmon set gillnet.                  stock.
        Southeast Alaska salmon drift        Steller sea lion, Eastern U.S.
         gillnet.                             stock.
                                             Humpback whale, Central North
                                              Pacific stock.
        Cook Inlet salmon drift gillnet....  Steller sea lion, Western U.S.
        Cook Inlet salmon set gillnet......  Steller sea lion, Western U.S.
        Bristol Bay salmon drift gillnet...  Steller sea lion, Western U.S.
        Southeast Alaska salmon purse seine  Humpback whale, Central North
                                              Pacific stock.
        U.S. Mid-Atlantic coastal gillnet..  Humpback whale, Western North
                                              Atlantic stock.
        Gulf of Maine small pelagics         Humpback whale, Western North
         surface gillnet.                     Atlantic stock.
    Category III Fisheries:
        Prince William Sound salmon set      Steller sea lion, Western U.S.
         gillnet.                             stock.
        Alaska miscellaneous finfish set     Steller sea lion, Western U.S.
         gillnet.                             stock.
        Alaska salmon troll................  Steller sea lion, Eastern U.S.
        Alaska miscellaneous finfish/        Steller sea lion, Western U.S.
         groundfish longline/set line.        stock.
        Hawaii swordfish, tuna, billfish,    Humpback whale, Central North
         mahi mahi, oceanic sharks longline/  Pacific stock.
         set line.
        Southern Bering Sea, Aleutian        Steller sea lion, Western U.S.
         Islands, and western Gulf of         stock.
         Alaska sablefish longline/set line
         (federally regulated waters).
        Alaska halibut longline/set line...  Steller sea lion, Western U.S.
        Gulf of Alaska groundfish trawl....  Steller sea lion, Western U.S.
        Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands      Steller sea lion, Western U.S.
         groundfish trawl.                    stock.
        WA/OR/CA groundfish trawl..........  Steller sea lion, Eastern U.S.
        RI, southern MA, and New York Bight  Humpback whale, Western North
         inshore gillnet.                     Atlantic stock.
        Long Island Sound inshore gillnet..  Humpback whale, Western North
                                              Atlantic stock.
        Delaware Bay inshore gillnet.......  Humpback whale, Western North
                                              Atlantic stock.
        Gulf of Maine, U.S. Mid-Atlantic     Humpback whale, Western North
         mixed species trap/pot.              Atlantic stock.
        Gulf of Maine herring and Atlantic   Humpback whale, Western North
         mackerel/stop seine/weir.            Atlantic stock.
    [FR Doc. 99-13499 Filed 5-26-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3510-22-P

Document Information

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Entry Type:
Notice of proposal for issuance of permits; request for comments.
Document Number:
Comments on the proposed permits will be accepted through July 12, 1999.
28800-28802 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
I.D. 042199C
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