98-14251. Notice of the Initiation of a Railroad Research and Development Grant Program in Cooperation with Academic Research Institutions  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 103 (Friday, May 29, 1998)]
    [Pages 29465-29468]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-14251]
    Federal Railroad Administration
    Notice of the Initiation of a Railroad Research and Development 
    Grant Program in Cooperation with Academic Research Institutions
    AGENCY: Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), Department of 
    Transportation (DOT).
    Action: Notice of initiation of grant program and funds availability.
    SUMMARY: FRA announces the initiation of a railroad research and 
    development grant program in cooperation with academic research 
    institutions (``Program''). This Program is intended to foster long-
    range enhancement of FRA's program of research in support of rail 
    transportation by developing cooperative research relationships between 
    the FRA and selected university research organizations. The FRA seeks, 
    via this announcement, to identify specific academic research 
    institutions (broadly referred to hereinafter as universities) that may 
    have expertise useful in complementing the established research program 
    of FRA's Office of Research and Development (OR&D). Selected 
    universities will be expected to buttress FRA's current research 
    program that now operates principally in coordination with non-academic 
    Funding Authority and Related Information
        This program is being undertaken utilizing funds in the Department 
    of Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for Fiscal 
    Year 1998 (Pub. L. 105-66), dated October 27, 1997. FRA anticipates 
    awarding a small number of grants (whose combined value is not to 
    exceed approximately $1,000,000, in the aggregate, in Fiscal Year 1998) 
    for approved university research. Applicants are also encouraged to 
    consider sharing the cost of their proposed projects or identifying in-
    kind contributions. The FRA intends to focus the initial funding 
    associated with this notice on various research and development (R&D) 
    areas of interest relating to or under the general heading of rail 
    safety. In the event future appropriated funds are authorized for the 
    Program, FRA may, at its discretion, provide additional funding for 
    research. Such future grants may focus on rail safety or other rail and 
    adjunct transportation research areas, such as traffic control and 
    intelligent transportation systems.
    Eligible Participants
        Accredited universities, colleges, major academic research 
    institutions, and other public or private academic institutions of 
    higher learning. All otherwise eligible entities must also have 
    demonstrable specialized expertise in rail transportation research, and 
    have a minimum of five years of railroad or rail-related research 
    experience. Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and 
    Minority Institutions (MIs) fitting this description are encouraged to 
    apply. However, no portion of this Program will be set aside 
    exclusively for HBCUs and MIs.
    Exchanges and Points of Contact
        Exchanges of information between interested parties and the 
    Government, prior to submission of an application for consideration 
    under the Program, are strongly encouraged. Such informal exchanges may 
    provide prospective applicants with preliminary information on the 
    Government's level of interest in prospective works or projects or on 
    the availability of funds. Any exchanges of information must be 
    consistent with all applicable statutory or regulatory procurement 
    integrity requirements. Technical inquiries regarding this notice may 
    be directed to: Dr. Magdy El-Sibaie,
    [[Page 29466]]
    Office of Research and Development, Mail Stop 20, 400 7th St. S.W., 
    Washington, DC 20590, TEL 202-632-3259, FAX 202-632-3854. Requests for 
    forms and administrative questions regarding this solicitation may be 
    directed to: Ms. Jill Shohet, Office of Research and Development, Mail 
    Stop 20, 400 7th St. SW, Washington, DC 20590, TEL 202-632-3284, FAX 
    202-632-3854, e-mail: [email protected]
    Program Applications
        To be considered for inclusion in the grouping of selected ``pre-
    qualified'' universities and subsequent award of grants/cooperative 
    agreements to be awarded under the Program, eligible applicants must 
    submit a Program Application. Program Applications--which consist of 
    two sections: University Profile and Proposed Research Projects (from 
    the Areas of Interest)--may be obtained by submitting a written or 
    electronic request (facsimile requests will be honored) to the 
    administrative point of contact identified above, Ms. Shohet. Requests 
    for application forms may be submitted as of the date of (electronic or 
    printed) publication of this Notice.
    Evaluation and Selection Process
        Applications will be evaluated/selected by FRA using a three-step 
    process. In the first step, applications will be evaluated (using the 
    information from Application Section I--University Profile) to assess 
    the applicant's eligibility (as an accredited institution of higher 
    learning), demonstrated specialized expertise in rail transportation 
    research (e.g., technical capabilities and depth of experience of key 
    personnel or principal investigators), and experience in railroad or 
    rail-related research, all as evidenced by cited research contracts/
    grants, published papers or dissertations related to railroad 
    technology, railroad research and test facilities and/or staff with 
    actual railroad experience of five or more years of railroad research. 
    Applicants having satisfactory eligibility, background and experience 
    requirements will then be advanced to the second step, and applications 
    will be reviewed within the context of proposed projects (from 
    Application Section II--Proposed Research Projects). Each proposed 
    project--from the Areas of Interest--will be evaluated based on the 
    following criteria (which are listed in descending order of relative 
    importance): (1) Its overall scientific and/or technical merit; (2) The 
    degree to which it may improve upon or advance railroad safety; (3) The 
    likelihood for its near term adoption and implementation of possible 
    recommendations; (4) The degree with which the proposed project fits 
    into the FRA's overall research objectives; and (5) The reasonableness 
    and realism of the proposed cost, and the availability of funds (to 
    include due consideration for proposed cost-sharing (cash or in-kind 
    contributions) by the applicant). Applicants having advanced from the 
    first step and whose applications contain one or more proposed projects 
    determined by FRA to have fully satisfied the evaluation/selection 
    criteria in the second step, will be advanced to the third step of 
    evaluation/selection. In the third and final step, all applicants will 
    be ranked in order of preference, which for the purposes of this 
    Program will mean a rank order listing of applicants who, in the FRA's 
    judgement, have the highest to the lowest rated qualifications and the 
    most to the least probability for success under the Program (with due 
    consideration to background, personnel, experience and facilities or 
    other resources identified), and the degree to which one or more of 
    their proposed projects are of interest to the FRA as potential grant 
    or cooperative agreement awards (with due consideration to the stated 
    project evaluation criteria). From this order of rank listing, FRA will 
    establish a group of selected universities (initially numbering eight 
    or fewer) that will thereafter be considered ``pre-qualified'' to 
    perform solicited or approved research projects. At the conclusion of 
    the evaluation/selection process, FRA will notify all applicants of the 
    agency's determination and their status (i.e., acceptance or non-
    acceptance into the Program). Applicants not selected under the cutoff 
    in the third step, but meeting the minimum requirements under steps one 
    and two, will have their applications retained by FRA for one year for 
    possible future consideration as replacements or add-ons to the initial 
    pre-qualified grouping of selected universities.
    Future Program Awards
        Any subsequent grant or cooperative agreements entered into under 
    the Program will be on an individual award basis. Pre-qualification 
    will not guarantee selected universities that any FRA research projects 
    or funding will be forthcoming at any time during the period of Program 
    affiliation. However, FRA will only fill actual Program requirements 
    for work through those universities in the pre-qualified grouping 
    selected hereunder. Solicitation of actual requirements for work 
    identified by FRA or requests for project proposals initiated by the 
    FRA, will be at the sole discretion of the FRA, and may be conducted on 
    a fully competitive (i.e., for the purposes of this Program, open to 
    all pre-qualified universities), partially competitive (i.e., for the 
    purposes of this Program, open to two or more pre-qualified 
    universities), or sole source basis (i.e., for the purposes of this 
    Program, limited to a single pre-qualified university). The method of 
    in-house solicitation (i.e., competitive or non-competitive) and 
    subsequent choice for award will be based on FRA's preliminary 
    assessments of the pre-qualified university(s)'s qualifications and 
    capabilities (with regards to the work requirement or project being 
    solicited), past performance under the Program, and its determination 
    on the suitability and probability for success of any one or more pre-
    qualified universities, and on the availability of funding. Research 
    projects may also be proposed (without a solicitation from the FRA) by 
    pre-qualified universities any time during the period of Program 
    affiliation. Research projects proposed by pre-qualified universities 
    will be considered by FRA employing the same selection criteria used 
    under this Notice in evaluating the initial proposal(s) submitted for 
    consideration for both inclusion in the pre-qualified grouping/Program 
    and as probable future projects. (See the five selection criteria under 
    the heading ``Evaluation and Selection Process.'') FRA may use projects 
    initially proposed in the selection process, as well as those 
    subsequently proposed by pre-qualified universities, as the basis for 
    solicitation of more in-depth technical and/or cost proposals, the 
    submission of formal applications for assistance (e.g, SF 424--
    Application for Federal Assistance, SF 424A--Budget Information (Non-
    Construction Programs), etc.) and subsequent award of financial 
    assistance. The determination to approve or disapprove, and fund or not 
    fund a research project proposed by a pre-qualified university is at 
    the sole and final discretion of the FRA. Each approved project will 
    stand independently as a separate award. The specific terms and 
    conditions of potential awards will be identified in the solicitation. 
    Generally speaking, by entering into a financial assistance agreement, 
    pre-qualified universities/prospective recipients will be subject to 49 
    CFR, part 19--Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and 
    Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other 
    Non-Profit Organizations, OMB Circular A-21--Cost Principles for 
    [[Page 29467]]
    Institutions, and OMB Circular A-133--Audits of States, Local 
    Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations. Unless a university loses 
    its eligibility to participate (e.g., Government debarment or 
    suspension (non-procurement)), or the Government has other sufficient 
    cause for termination, or the parties mutually agree to dissolve the 
    pre-qualified status, pre-qualified universities will be considered to 
    be affiliated with the Program and will remain eligible to receive FRA 
    grant/cooperative agreement awards, as described above, for a period of 
    up to three years from the date of notification of acceptance into the 
    Areas of Interest
        The following are areas of current FRA research interest. The 
    subjects listed here identify the breadth of FRA research activities in 
    support of its safety mandate. Applicants should prepare and submit as 
    part of their application, proposed projects in one or more of the 
    listed areas of interest for which they are qualified to perform.
        Note: Applicants may propose more than one project per area of 
    interest, but the total number of all proposed projects may not 
    exceed five.
        Proposed projects may in and of themselves serve as the basis for 
    initial solicitations and awards following the FRA's evaluation of 
    applications and selection of pre-qualified universities. Each project 
    proposal should be a brief, yet comprehensive and fully descriptive 
    overview of the project. Each project proposal should be five pages or 
    less, one-sided, 10- to 12-point type or font, single spaced, and 
    numbered. To facilitate evaluation, project proposals should be 
    formatted using the basic outline set forth in Section II of the 
    application form. (To obtaine a copy of the application form, see 
    information under the heading ``Exchanges and Points of Contact.'')
    1. Modeling and Simulation of Vehicle/Track Interaction
        This research activity involves the development of a comprehensive 
    computer program for modeling and simulating railway vehicle/track 
    systems with an emphasis on the dynamic performance of both vehicle and 
    track and their interaction through the wheel/rail interface. The 
    primary goal is to enhance the government capability for modeling and 
    simulating the dynamic performance of a user-defined vehicle/track 
    system. This computer program will be used by the FRA and other 
    government and regulatory agencies in rail related safety studies and 
    in accident investigations, among other uses.
    2. Smart Transducers and Monitoring Devices for Railroad Safety 
        This research activity focuses on the development of software and 
    hardware tools for the deployment of smart transducers and devices for 
    monitoring the safety of track and rolling stock. Emphasis will be on 
    intelligent sensors and associated logic that are capable of frequent 
    and economic inspection of track and rolling stock and communicating 
    safety hazards in the form of exceptions to remote sites. In addition 
    to innovations in sensor technologies, complementary pattern 
    recognition algorithms, based on methods such as neural networks and 
    statistical techniques, shall be explored. The objective of this 
    research will be to improve the quality and efficiency of track and 
    rolling stock safety inspection.
    3. Advanced Techniques for Detecting and Repairing Weak Track Spots
        This research activity is for the development of automated 
    techniques for identifying spots along the track structure that suffer 
    from rapid deterioration in geometry and/or strength. Such weak track 
    spots often develop along track due to many factors, such as weak 
    subgrade, poor drainage, and poor ballast conditions, resulting in high 
    track maintenance costs. The often resulting rapid rate of track 
    geometry and/or strength deterioration may produce a safety hazard. 
    Research efforts should also consider the development of methods and 
    techniques for an economic and effective repair of such weak spots 
    based on the diagnosed track condition.
    4. Automated Track Bed Subsurface Evaluation
        Track subsurface layers (ballast, sub-ballast, and subgrade) are 
    key factors in the overall track performance and rate of degradation. 
    Poor subsurface conditions can lead to adverse redistribution of loads 
    with the track system, which could in turn lead to overloading of some 
    track components and premature elements failures, or even collapse of 
    the track roadbed. This uneven degradation of components results in 
    costly maintenance, and adversely affects track safety. Thus, although 
    ballast, sub-ballast, and subgrade are key track components that 
    warrant monitoring, these subsurface conditions are not amenable to the 
    current visual methods. In addition, there is no practical methodology 
    currently available for rapid subsurface data acquisition for the 
    evaluation of the engineering properties of soil, accurate 
    determination of location and extent of deteriorated conditions. The 
    principal objectives of this activity are automated data acquisition 
    for soil classification and evaluation of its engineering properties, 
    and the measurement of other pertinent parameters such as in-situ 
    density and moisture content. In this regard, new emerging technologies 
    such as ground penetrating radar may offer the promise of significant 
    improvement by using nondestructive evaluation (NDE) techniques. If 
    successful in accomplishing these objectives, the study would improve 
    the effectiveness of track maintenance, and contribute significantly to 
    the ongoing predictive track degradation model development.
    5. Reliability Design and Analysis
        Tank car accidents, tank car structural failures in components of 
    railroad tank cars suggest that measures of reliability should be 
    better defined. Subsequently, detailed reliability assessment of 
    individual components and component subsystems should be performed that 
    will lead to improved accident performance. Although catastrophic 
    failure is easily recognized, tank car performance as a safe packaging 
    of hazardous materials may deteriorate over time and elements 
    contributing to this deterioration (per-existing defects, corrosion, 
    cracks, pitting, etc.) need documentation. This research activity will 
    focus on the development of a methodology to assess the failure mode. 
    It may consist of parameters needed to establish structural integrity 
    requirements based on value engineering analysis, previous failure 
    experiences and studies. The methodology will consider establishing a 
    level of reliability of a tank car design for the intended service. The 
    development of a methodology that considers expected life, failure 
    rates and hazard functions and which can combine these variables into 
    an overall tank car ``strength'' function can be extremely useful. The 
    results of such an assessment can quantitatively provide the tank car 
    owner with information that may be used to define boundaries of 
    reliability, allowing the tank car owner to implement guidelines for 
    maintenance and use that lead to improved safety performance. This 
    research activity is also concerned with reliability and safety 
    performance aspects of other types of railroad cars and railroad 
    operations and maintenance practices.
    [[Page 29468]]
    6. Epidemiology of Post-Accident Stress in Locomotive Engineers
        It is well established that individuals who are involved in serious 
    accidents or other situations involving loss of life undergo post-
    traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD has been documented in police 
    officers, firemen, and rescue workers, and, because of the debilitating 
    effects of PTSD, mandatory counseling is often provided for individuals 
    who are involved in traumas. Informal discussions with locomotive 
    engineers indicates that during the course of a career most locomotive 
    engineers experience a traumatic grade crossing accident. At present 
    there is no industry approach to PTSD in locomotive engineers, although 
    anecdotal information suggests that safety may be compromised if 
    counseling is not provided. However, the number of locomotive engineers 
    who experience PTSD is not known, and consequently the need for 
    resources to address this problem is also not known. This project will 
    determine the descriptive epidemiology (incidence and prevalence) of 
    PTSD in locomotive engineers so that the magnitude of the problem can 
    be scientifically established.
    Application Submission and Deadline
        In preparing application submissions, applicants are reminded to 
    carefully read this entire Notice and to comply with all content, 
    format and time requirements. An original and four (4) copies of each 
    application should be submitted to the following address: Ms. Jill 
    Shohet, Office of Research and Development, Mail Stop 20, 400 7th St. 
    SW, Washington, DC 20590. Neither electronic nor facsimile submissions 
    will be accepted. Applications will be reviewed as they are received. 
    For applicants to receive full consideration, applications must be 
    received by the FRA at the above address on or before July 17, 1998.
        Dated: May 26, 1998.
    James T. McQueen,
    Associate Administrator for Railroad Development.
    [FR Doc. 98-14251 Filed 5-28-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-06-P

Document Information

Federal Railroad Administration
Entry Type:
Notice of initiation of grant program and funds availability.
Document Number:
29465-29468 (4 pages)
PDF File: