96-10997. Tank Vessel and Facility Response Plans, and Response Equipment for Hazardous Substances  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 87 (Friday, May 3, 1996)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 20084-20094]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-10997]
    [[Page 20083]]
    Part VI
    Department of Transportation
    Coast Guard
    33 CFR Parts 154 and 155
    Tank Vessel and Facility Response Plans, and Response Equipment for 
    Hazardous Substances; Proposed Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 87 / Friday, May 3, 1996 / Proposed 
    [[Page 20084]]
    Coast Guard
    33 CFR Parts 154 and 155
    [CGD 94-032 and 94-048]
    RIN 2115-AE87 and 2115-AE88
    Tank Vessel and Facility Response Plans, and Response Equipment 
    for Hazardous Substances
    AGENCY: Coast Guard, DOT.
    ACTION: Advance notice of proposed rulemaking.
    SUMMARY: The Coast Guard is soliciting comments relating to proposed 
    regulations requiring response plans for: certain tank vessels 
    operating on the navigable waters of the United States or any marine 
    transportation-related (MTR) facility that, because of its location, 
    could reasonably be expected to cause substantial or significant and 
    substantial harm to the environment by discharging a hazardous 
    substance. These regulations are mandated by the Oil Pollution Act of 
    1990 (OPA 90), which requires the President to issue regulations 
    requiring the preparation of hazardous substance response plans. The 
    purpose of requiring response plans is to minimize the impact of a 
    discharge or release of hazardous substances into the navigable waters 
    of the United States.
    DATES: Comments must be received on or before September 3, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: Comments may be mailed to the Executive Secretary, Marine 
    Safety Council [G-LRA-2/3406] (CGD 94-032, 94-048), U.S. Coast Guard 
    Headquarters, 2100 Second Street SW., Washington, DC 20593-0001, or may 
    be delivered to room 3406 at the above address between 8 a.m. and 3 
    p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. The telephone 
    number is (202) 267-1477.
        The Executive Secretary maintains the public docket for this 
    rulemaking. Comments will become part of this docket and will be 
    available for inspection or copying at room 3406, U.S. Coast Guard 
    LT Cliff Thomas, Standards Evaluation and Development Division (G-MES), 
    (202) 267-1099.
    Request for Comments
        The Coast Guard encourages interested persons to participate in the 
    early stages of this rulemaking by submitting written data, views, or 
    arguments. Persons submitting comments should include their names and 
    addresses, identify this specific advance notice (CGD 94-032, 94-048), 
    and the specific section of the action being addressed or the issue to 
    which each comment applies, and give the reason for each comment. 
    Please submit two copies of all comments and attachments in an unbound 
    format, no larger than 8\1/2\ by 11 inches, suitable for copying and 
    electronic filing. Persons wanting acknowledgment of receipt of 
    comments should enclose stamped, self-addressed postcards or envelopes.
        The Coast Guard will consider all comments received during the 
    comment period. All comments will be considered in drafting the notice 
    of proposed rulemaking.
        The Coast Guard plans to hold a public meeting in Washington, DC 
    regarding this proposed rulemaking between 45 to 60 days after 
    publication of this advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM). This 
    meeting will be conducted for the purpose of receiving views on what 
    should be regulated and what appropriate regulations would be. The date 
    and time will be announced by a later notice in the Federal Register. 
    Persons may request additional public meetings by writing to the Marine 
    Safety Council at the address under addresses. The request should 
    include the reasons why a meeting would be beneficial. If it determines 
    that an additional opportunity for oral presentations will aid this 
    rulemaking, the Coast Guard will hold another public meeting at a time 
    and place announced by a later notice in the Federal Register.
        Drafting Information. The principal persons involved in drafting 
    this document are LT Cliff Thomas, Standards Evaluation Division, 
    (G-MES), LCDR Walter (Bud) Hunt, Response Division, (G-MRO), and 
    Jacqueline Sullivan, Project Counsel, Office of the Chief Counsel.
    Background and Purpose
    1. General
        Section 311(j)(5) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act 
    (FWPCA) [33 U.S.C. 1321(j)(5)], as amended by section 4202(a) of OPA 
    90, requires owners or operators of tank vessels, offshore facilities, 
    and onshore facilities that could reasonably by expected to cause 
    substantial harm to the environment to prepare and submit plans for 
    responding, to the maximum extent practicable, to a worst case 
    discharge, or a substantial threat of such a discharge, of oil or a 
    hazardous substance. Section 4202(b)(4) of OPA 90 establishes an 
    implementation schedule for these requirements with regard to oil. 
    Under section 4202(b)(4), an owner or operator of a tank vessel or 
    facility for which a response plan was required under 33 U.S.C. 
    1321(j)(5) and which handled, stored, or transported oil was required 
    to be operating in compliance with an approved response plan by August 
    18, 1993. However, section 4202(b)(4) did not establish a compliance 
    date requiring response plans for hazardous substances. For the 
    purposes of this ANPRM, discharge and release are synonymous.
    2. Oil Response Plan Regulations
        The Coast Guard issued two separate interim final rules (IRS) on 
    February 5, 1993: one requiring response plans for tank vessels 
    carrying oil in bulk as cargo (VRP IFR) [33 CFR 155] and another 
    requiring response plans for MTR facilities that handle, store, or 
    transport oil in bulk (FRP IFR) [33 CFR 154]. These IFRs define many 
    concepts such as ``marine transportation-related facility,'' ``maximum 
    extent practicable,'' and ``worst case discharge.'' The rules also 
    provide a specific format for response plans; however, they allow for 
    deviations from this format as long as the required information is 
    included and there is a cross reference sheet identifying its location. 
    The Coast Guard is considering using these concepts or modifying them 
    as necessary in the regulations for response plans for hazardous 
    3. Tank Vessels
        The VRP IFR for oil uses the definition of ``tank vessel'' in 46 
    U.S.C. 2101. The same definition applies for purposes of implementing 
    the OPA 90 provisions for hazardous substance response plans. This 
    definition applies the requirement for hazardous substance response 
    plans to all tank vessels that carry hazardous substances in bulk as 
    cargo. Offshore supply vessels (OSVs) and certain fishing and fish 
    tender vessels are exempt from the requirements for hazardous substance 
    response plans because, in accordance with section 5209(b) of the Coast 
    Guard Authorization Act of 1992 [Pub L. 102-587, 106 Stat. 5039 at 
    5076], they are not considered tank vessels for the purposes of any 
        The VRP IFR for oil establishes three categories for tank vessels: 
    manned vessels carrying oil as a primary cargo, unmanned tank barges 
    carrying oil as a primary cargo, and vessels carrying oil as a 
    secondary cargo. The Coast Guard is considering applying this scheme 
    for categorizing tank vessels to regulations requiring hazardous 
    substance response plans.
    [[Page 20085]]
    4. Marine Transportation Related Facilities
        OPA 90 requires hazardous substance response plans for any offshore 
    facility or any onshore facility that, because of its location, could 
    reasonably be expected to cause substantial or significant and 
    substantial harm to the environment by discharging a hazardous 
    substance. In Executive Order (E.O.) 12777, the President divided the 
    responsibility for implementing the provisions of OPA 90 regarding 
    hazardous substance response plans among various Federal agencies. 
    Through a series of delegations, the Coast Guard was granted the 
    authority to implement hazardous substance response plan requirements 
    for fixed and mobile onshore MTR facilities and for deepwater ports. 
    The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was granted the authority to 
    regulate fixed onshore non-transportation-related facilities. The 
    Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA) was granted the 
    authority to regulate onshore non-marine transportation-related 
    facilities (i.e., pipelines, motor carriers, and railways). The 
    Department of Interior's Minerals Management Service (MMS) was granted 
    the authority to regulate offshore facilities and associated pipelines, 
    other than deepwater ports subject to the Deepwater Ports Act of 1974.
        That segment of the MTR facility that is over water is considered 
    to be an ``offshore facility'' under the FWPCA. Under E.O. 12777, this 
    segment is under the purview of MMS. A memorandum of understanding 
    (MOU) between the Department of Interior (DOI), Department of 
    Transportation (DOT), and the EPA establishing Federal jurisdictional 
    boundaries for offshore facilities became effective on February 3, 1994 
    [59 FR 9494; February 28, 1994]. To avoid any confusion caused by the 
    definition of ``offshore facility'', MMS coordinated an effort to 
    establish jurisdictional boundaries for oil spill prevention and 
    control, response planning, and response equipment inspection 
    activities. The Secretary of the Interior redelegated DOI's functions 
    under section 2(i) of E.O. 12777 to give the EPA jurisdiction over non-
    transportation-related offshore facilities landward of the coast line 
    and to give DOT jurisdiction over transportation-related offshore 
    facilities located landward of the coast line. This MOU does not 
    include jurisdictional boundaries for oil spill financial 
        The FRP IFR for oil defines an MTR facility as any onshore 
    facility, including piping and structures used for the transfer or oil 
    to or from a vessel and any deepwater port subject to regulation under 
    33 CFR part 150. This definition includes not only large fixed onshore 
    facilities but also tank trucks, marinas, and railroad tank cars that 
    transfer oil to or from vessels where the vessel has a capacity of 250 
    barrels of oil or more. This definition, modified by substituting the 
    phrase ``hazardous substance'' for the word ``oil'', could be applied 
    to regulations requiring hazardous substance response plans.
        As Coast Guard-regulated fixed onshore MTR facility is generally a 
    segment of a larger facility or complex. The FRP IFR for oil describes 
    a complex as a facility that contains portions which are regulated by 
    two or more Federal agencies. Onshore non-transportation related fixed 
    facilities, which can be part of a complex, are already covered by a 
    web of existing statutes and regulations at the Federal, state, and 
    local levels that address preparedness for, and response to, hazardous 
    substance releases. One of the purposes of this ANPRM is to address any 
    potential gaps in the coverage of these facilities and to prevent 
    imposing duplicative, overlapping, or conflicting regulations.
        OPA 90 makes the distinction between onshore facilities that could 
    reasonably be expected to cause substantial harm to the environment 
    (substantial harm facilities) and facilities that could reasonably be 
    expected to cause significant and substantial harm to the environment 
    (significant and substantial harm facilities). Response plans must be 
    prepared and submitted for both types of MTR facilities; however, 
    response plans for significant and substantial harm MTR facilities also 
    must be reviewed and approved by the Coast Guard.
        Under the FRP IFR for oil, all MTR facilities, including mobile 
    facilities, that are capable of transferring oil in bulk to or from 
    vessels with a capacity of 250 barrels or more, and MTR facilities that 
    are specifically so designated by the Coast Guard Captain of the Port 
    (COTP) are classified as substantial harm facilities. However, within 
    this set of substantial harm facilities, there is a subset of 
    significant and substantial harm facilities. Significant and 
    substantial harm facilities are fixed onshore MTR facilities, capable 
    of transferring oil in bulk to or from vessels with a capacity of 250 
    barrels or more, deepwater ports, or facilities that are specifically 
    so designated by the COTP. Mobile MTR facilities are not considered to 
    be significant and substantial harm facilities unless so designated by 
    the COTP.
        The terms substantial harm facility and significant and substantial 
    harm facility, as defined in the FRP IFR for oil, could be used in the 
    FRP response plan regulations for hazardous substances if the phrase 
    ``hazardous substances'' were substituted for the word ``oil'' in the 
    definitions of those terms.
        The Coast Guard considered developing criteria for designation of 
    facilities that handle, store, or transport hazardous substances as 
    substantial harm and as significant and substantial harm facilities 
    that would be different from those criteria used in the oil FRP IFR. 
    The criteria considered would reflect the prospect that discharges of 
    hazardous substances present a different type and degree of potential 
    damage to human health and the environment than oil discharges.
        EPA uses the concept of a ``reportable quantity'' to set the amount 
    of a discharge of a hazardous substance which requires the releaser to 
    report the discharge to the government. Section 117.1 of 40 CFR defines 
    ``reportable quantity'' as that quantity that may be harmful and is a 
    violation of section 311(b)(3) of the FWPCA [33 U.S.C. 1321(b)(3)] when 
    discharged into or upon navigable waters, adjoining shorelines, the 
    contiguous zone, or in conjunction with activities under the Outer 
    Continental Shelf Lands Act [43 U.S.C. 1331, et seq.] or Deepwater 
    Ports Act of 1974 [33 U.S.C. 1501 through 1524]. Table 117.3 of 40 CFR 
    lists the reportable quantities of substances designated as hazardous 
    substances under section 311(b)(4) of the FWPCA [33 U.S.C. 1321(b)(4)].
        One criterion considered was to designate an MTR facility that 
    handles, stores, or transports a hazardous substance in an amount 
    exceeding the reportable quantity of that hazardous substance as a 
    substantial harm facility. A criterion considered in designating 
    significant and substantial harm facilities was to identify facilities 
    that handle, store, or transport hazardous substances above 10 times 
    the reportable quantity. Alternately, facilities could be designated as 
    significant and substantial harm facilities if they handle, store, or 
    transport hazardous substances 100 times above the reportable quantity.
        Using the concept of a reportable quantity to define what 
    constitutes a substantial harm facility, and distinguishing it from a 
    significant and substantial harm facility has the advantage of building 
    a regulatory
    [[Page 20086]]
    structure with a concept that incorporates quantifiable values that 
    already exist and are based on rational decisions through the 
    rulemaking process. The added advantage is that the public, industry, 
    and Coast Guard are familiar with these concepts. However, it may also 
    result in selection criteria that are unnecessarily complicated and 
    that are not consistent with those established in the FRP IFR for oil. 
    Additionally, the reportable quantity concept may not be applicable to 
    non-FWPCA hazardous chemicals. It is also not clear that using this 
    criteria will appreciably increase the likelihood of predicting the 
    harm that may occur to the environment in the event of a discharge of 
    hazardous substances from the MTR portion of a complex facility.
        The applicability criteria established in 33 CFR 154.1015 for the 
    FRP oil regulations will be considered in drafting hazardous substances 
    response planning regulations. These criteria build on two existing 
    regulatory regimes which include pollution prevention regulations for 
    oil and hazardous substances and response planning regulations for oil 
        The applicability in 33 CFR 154.1015 is based on the ability of a 
    facility to transfer to or from a vessel with a capacity of 250 barrels 
    or more. The determination of substantial harm and significant and 
    substantial harm is associated with the capacity of an MTR facility and 
    its proximity to navigable waters, adjoining shorelines, or the 
    exclusive economic zone (EEZ), as well as other factors such as a 
    facility's proximity to public and commercial water supply intakes and 
    to areas of economic importance and environmental sensitivity. Such 
    determining factors are as relevant for hazardous substances as they 
    were for oils.
        Using the FRP applicability for oil for hazardous substances would 
    provide that all MTR facilities that are capable of transferring to or 
    from a vessel with a capacity of 250 barrels or more could reasonably 
    be expected to experience a release of a hazardous substance, into or 
    on the navigable waters, adjoining shorelines, or EEZ, which would 
    result in substantial harm to the environment. All MTR facilities would 
    be classified as substantial harm facilities. Fixed MTR facilities 
    would be classified as significant and substantial harm facilities. As 
    in the FRP IFR, the COTP would have the authority to upgrade an MTR 
    facility classification to substantial harm or significant and 
    substantial harm. An owner or operator of an MTR facility who does not 
    agree with the initial classification would be provided with a process 
    to request review of the MTR facility's classification by the COTP 
    using the appeal process established in 33 CFR 154.1075.
    5. Defining Hazardous Substances
        OPA 90 does not define the term ``hazardous substance,'' but relies 
    on the existing definition of hazardous substance in section 311(a) of 
    the FWPCA [33 U.S.C. 1321(a)]. Section 311(a) defines ``hazardous 
    substance'' as ``any substance designated pursuant to subsection (b)(2) 
    [33 U.S.C. 1321(b)(2)] of this section.'' Under section 311(b)(2), the 
    EPA Administrator is tasked with developing, issuing, and revising a 
    list of hazardous substances which may affect natural resources or 
    present imminent and substantial danger to public health or welfare, 
    including but not limited to fish, shellfish, wildlife, shorelines, and 
    beaches. The EPA Administrator has designated 296 chemicals as 
    hazardous substances under the FWPCA. The list of hazardous substances 
    is located at 40 CFR part 116.
        Section 1321(j)(5) of title 33 of the U.S.C., as amended by section 
    4202(a) of OPA 90, requires the Coast Guard to issue response plan 
    regulations for those hazardous substances designated under the FWPCA. 
    The Coast Guard notes that a number of dangerous chemicals other than 
    those designated as hazardous substances are carried in bulk as cargo 
    in the marine environment.
        The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has begun to address 
    response plan requirements for hazardous chemicals. Its intention is to 
    use the basic guidelines for vessels contained in Regulation 26 of 
    Annex I of MARPOL as a model for such requirements. The approach 
    proposed here is consistent with that under consideration by IMO.
    6. Maximum Extent Practicable and Worst Case Discharge
        OPA 90 requires vessels and facilities to prepare and submit plans 
    for responding, ``to the maximum extent practicable, to a worst case 
    discharge, and to a substantial threat of such a discharge.'' For 
    regulatory purposes, both maximum extent practicable and worst case 
    discharge are defined in the VRP and FRP regulations for oil. These 
    concepts could be applied to the requirements for response plans for 
    hazardous substances.
        For vessels, the worst case discharge is defined at 33 CFR 155.1020 
    as ``a discharge in adverse weather conditions of a vessel's entire oil 
    cargo.'' For facilities, the worst case discharge is defined to mean 
    ``in the case of an onshore facility and deepwater port, the largest 
    foreseeable discharge [of oil] in adverse weather conditions * * *'' 
    The FRP IFR provides at 33 CFR 154.1029 a formula for calculating the 
    worst case discharge for each facility. By substituting the phrase 
    ``hazardous substances,'' in lieu of ``oil'', the definitions of worst 
    case discharge for vessels and facilities could be applied to the 
    hazardous substance regulations.
        For vessels and facilities, maximum extent practicable is ``the 
    planned capability to respond to a worst case discharge in adverse 
    weather.'' Maximum extent practicable is tied to a quantity of 
    equipment and personnel needed to respond to a worst case discharge. It 
    recognizes the limits on available current technology and private 
    response capabilities and places a limit or cap on the worst case 
    discharge volumes for which an owner or operator must plan to respond. 
    However, this cap does not limit the amount of response resources which 
    owners or operators may have to provide during an actual spill 
        For oil, planning to respond to the maximum extent practicable 
    generally implies planning for the containment and recovery of spilled 
    oil. However, the Coast Guard recognizes that the concept of 
    containment and recovery does not apply to all hazardous substances. 
    Some hazardous substances that are released in the water will not be 
    recoverable. For the hazardous substance regulations, planning to 
    respond to the maximum extent practicable will require planning to 
    protect the public health and safety, facility and vessel personnel, 
    responders, and the environment. This protection may require planning 
    for actions other than containment and recovery of discharged hazardous 
    substances. Through rulemaking, the Coast Guard would be able to 
    determine what types of response strategies would be required to 
    address releases of the various types of hazardous substances. The 
    Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations (CAMEO) appears to be 
    the most effective method for determining the appropriateness of a 
    response to a hazardous substance release. CAMEO is a computer program 
    used by many response organizations to properly prepare for and respond 
    to a hazardous substance release. It was developed by the National 
    Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), EPA, and the National 
    Safety Council. It is kept current by frequent updates, is widely used, 
    and is readily available.
    [[Page 20087]]
    7. Average Most Probable Discharge and Maximum Most Probable Discharge
        Although OPA 90 requires the issuance of regulations that address 
    only the worst case discharge from a vessel or a facility, the VRP and 
    FRP IFRs for oil require owners or operators to plan also for the 
    average most probable discharges and the maximum most probable 
    discharges. These concepts were developed to address the majority of 
    the spills that occur on vessels and at facilities--spills which are 
    significantly lower in volume than the worst case discharge volume 
    required to be addressed in response plans by OPA 90.
        In the VRP IFR for oil, the average most probable discharge is 
    defined as a discharge of 50 barrels of oil from the vessel during 
    transfer operations. The maximum most probable discharge is a discharge 
    of (1) 2,500 barrels of oil for vessels with an oil cargo capacity 
    equal to or greater than 25,000 barrels; or (2) 10 percent of the 
    vessel oil cargo capacity if less than 25,000 barrels.
        If the FRP IFR for oil, the average most probable discharge is 
    defined as a discharge of the lesser of 50 barrels or 1 percent of the 
    volume of a worst case discharge. The maximum most probable discharge 
    is the discharge of the lesser of 1,200 barrels or 10 percent of the 
    volume of a worst case discharge.
        The concepts for the average and maximum most probable discharge in 
    the VRP and FRP IFRs for oil could be applied to the regulations 
    requiring response plans for hazardous substances; however, the 
    definitions of the terms may need to be modified to specifically 
    address the differences inherent in hazardous substances. These 
    definitions in the oil regulations are based on historical spill data 
    of the volumes of oil discharged into the marine environment. For 
    hazardous substance response plan regulations, the definitions may need 
    to be modified to reflect the historical data for the volumes of 
    hazardous substances that have been released in the marine environment 
    provided that the data is reliable.
    8. Other Response Plan Requirements
        Section 4202(a) of OPA 90 requires both oil and hazardous substance 
    response plan regulations to address issues such as plan review and 
    approval; consistency with the National Contingency Plan and Area 
    Contingency Plans; identification of the qualified individual; 
    identification by contract or other approved means of private response 
    resources; description of training, equipment testing, drills, and 
    responsibilities of vessel and facility personnel; periodic updating of 
    plans; and resubmission and approval after each significant change of a 
    plan. These issues and others (i.e., plan format) are addressed in the 
    VRP and FRP IFRs for oil and could be handled similarly for the 
    hazardous substance response plan regulations.
    9. Developing Effective Response Plans
        A key element in developing effective response plans for hazardous 
    substances is the development of an approach for addressing the 
    different types of hazardous chemicals. In addition to the 296 
    hazardous substances regulated by the FWPCA, there are a number of 
    additional hazardous chemicals that are not designated as hazardous 
    substances by the EPA under FWPCA but that are transported in bulk in 
    the marine environment. Effective response planning should include all 
    hazardous chemicals carried in bulk, not just those determined as 
    hazardous substances by the EPA. The Coast Guard is interested in the 
    views of the regulated community and the general public with respect to 
    response plans for hazardous chemicals not regulated under the FWPCA.
    Discussion of Areas of Regulation Under Consideration
        Regulations covering the following areas are being considered to 
    implement the response plan requirements of section 311(j) of the 
    FWPCA. Comments and suggestions from interested parties are invited.
    1. Response Plans
        (a) Response plans for MTR facilities would be submitted to the 
    cognizant Captain of the Port (COTP) for approval.
        (b) Response plans for vessels would be submitted to the Commandant 
    (G-MEP), U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters, Washington, DC for approval.
        (c) Each plan may be required to contain the following information:
    --Emergency notification procedures.
    --Vessel-specific or facility-specific information.
    --Name of qualified individual.
    --List and location of release response and fire extinguishing 
    equipment (including equipment on board the vessel or equipment located 
    at the facility).
    --Response personnel, job descriptions for key positions, and their 
    --Cargo or commodity hazard identification.
    --Emergency response guidelines for each hazardous substance (i.e., 
    containment, cleanup, or other appropriate response measures).
    --Emergency response guidelines for different scenarios (i.e., large 
    and small, fires and explosions, collision, grounding, salvage 
    operations, piping failure, releases in sensitive or populated areas, 
    offshore and shoreside releases, etc.).
    --Salvage operations (vessels only).
    --Lightering capabilities (vessels only).
    --Waste disposal.
    --Worker health and safety.
    --Threats to environment or public health and safety.
    --Identification of sensitive areas and resources to protect sensitive 
    areas (facilities only).
        (d) Response plans would be required to be consistent with the 
    National Contingency Plan (NCP) [40 CFR part 300], as required by 33 
    U.S.C. 1321(c)(2), and the Area Contingency Plan (ACP) as required by 
    section 311(j)(4) of the FWPCA [33 U.S.C. 1321(j)(4)], as amended by 
    section 4202(a) of OPA 90.
        All plans may be required to follow a general format. Certain 
    aspects of the response plan for vessels, such as on board emergency 
    response procedures would be ``generic'' in form, regardless of the 
    vessel's port of call. These generic aspects would form the main 
    ``core'' of the response plan. Information that is unique to a port of 
    call, however, such as clean up contractors or local contracting 
    representatives, would be included in the response plan as appendices.
        (e) A qualified individual would have to be identified in the 
    response plan. A ``qualified individual'' is a representative of a 
    vessel or facility with written authority to engage in contracting with 
    response companies and to activate necessary funds from the owner or 
    operator to carry out cleanup activities. This individual should have 
    sufficient training to direct response contractors pending the arrival 
    of a company representative. The qualified individual must have the 
    means for immediate communication with the appropriate Federal official 
    and the persons providing personnel and equipment for release response.
        (f) A communications network, such as a release response telephone 
    list, would be required to identify which parties must be contacted 
    (i.e., Federal agencies, contractors, a call-up tree) and how those 
    communications would be established.
        (g) Vessel and facility owners or operators would be required to 
    identify and ensure by contract or other approved means, the 
    availability of private personnel and equipment necessary to respond to 
    a release. When
    [[Page 20088]]
    appropriate, the Coast Guard would provide guidelines regarding what 
    type and amounts of equipment are required for an average most 
    probable, maximum most probable, and worst case discharge.
        The Coast Guard would maintain an oversight and enforcement role in 
    verifying the contractual availability of equipment and personnel 
    between pollution contractors and owners or operators of tank vessels 
    or facilities. The local COTP representative would determine that local 
    contractors possess the necessary qualifications and resources to 
    address hazardous substance releases for which they are contracted. In 
    addition, the Coast Guard could review the contract arrangements 
    between the vessel or facility and contractor for the interim period 
    when the response plans are submitted but not yet approved.
        (h) The plan would be required to address training, equipment 
    testing, periodic unannounced drills, and the response actions of 
    vessel or facility personnel. The regulations would specify criteria 
    describing acceptable levels for approval. For vessels, response 
    actions and persons assigned would be listed in the ship's station 
    bills and muster list, which is currently required under 46 CFR subpart 
    35.10--Fire and Emergency Requirements.
        (i) Response plans would be submitted for initial approval as well 
    as for approval of each significant change. Significant changes would 
    include changes in a vessel's or facility's configuration; changes in 
    hazardous substance handled, stored, or transported; changes in the 
    name and authority of a person in charge; changes of the owners or 
    operators (depending on who received approval of the plan); or changes 
    in the identification of cleanup operators.
        (j) Response plans would be required to be updated periodically.
    2. Response Equipment
        The response planning requirements for the response equipment would 
    address the following areas:
        (a) The type, quantity, and capacity of response equipment to be 
    carried on tank vessels or staged at locations ashore.
        (b) The periodic inspection of response equipment, including the 
    standards of inspection.
        (c) The method for enforcement, whether through required 
    recordkeeping or other means.
        The regulations regarding vessel and facility response plans for 
    discharges of hazardous substances may closely parallel those 
    regulations for vessel and facility response plans for discharges of 
    oil. Because the physical properties of these various hazardous 
    substances are different from those of oil, alternative cleanup 
    measures will need to be considered.
    3. Federal Response and Contingency Plan Requirements
        OPA 90 is the latest of a series of statutes that regulate 
    hazardous chemicals. An onshore facility is required to comply with 
    numerous planning requirements associated with the handling, storage, 
    transportation, and manufacturing of various hazardous chemicals. The 
    following discussion is a brief summary of the various Federal planning 
    requirements for hazardous chemicals.
        Section 311(j)(5)(c) of the FWPCA [33 U.S.C. 1321(j)(5)(c)], as 
    amended by the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90), sets forth certain 
    minimum requirements for vessel and facility response plans for FWPCA 
    hazardous substances. The plans must--
    --Be consistent with the requirements of the National Oil and Hazardous 
    Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) and Area Contingency Plans 
    --Identify the qualified individual having full authority to implement 
    response actions, and require immediate communications between that 
    individual and the appropriate Federal official and the persons 
    providing response personnel and equipment;
    --Identify and ensure by contract or other approved means the 
    availability of private personnel and equipment necessary to respond, 
    to the maximum extent practicable, to a worst case discharge (including 
    a discharge resulting from fire or explosion), and to mitigate or 
    prevent a substantial threat of such a discharge;
    --Describe the training, equipment testing, periodic unannounced 
    drills, and response actions of persons at the facility, to be carried 
    out under the plan to ensure the safety of the facility and to mitigate 
    or prevent a discharge or the substantial threat of a discharge;
    --Be updated periodically; and
    --Be resubmitted for approval of each significant change.
        In the case of onshore facilities, the OPA 90 Conference Report 
    recognizes that a ``substantial number of facilities that handle, store 
    or transport hazardous substances are subject to emergency planning 
    requirements under the Solid Waste Disposal Act, the Comprehensive 
    Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, the 
    Occupational Safety and Health Act, and other Federal statutes.'' [H.R. 
    Rep. No. 101-653, 101st Cong. 2nd Sess. 1990 at p. 151] Additionally, 
    the Conference Report recognizes that chemical emergency planning 
    requirements are in effect for communities under the Emergency Planning 
    and Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA). The Report also states that 
    the President should select onshore facility response plans in a manner 
    that will avoid duplicative or conflicting response plan review 
    requirements and should ensure that such plans are coordinated with the 
    community emergency planning effort under EPCRA.
    Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
        EPA regulations at 40 CFR part 264, subpart D issued under RCRA 
    establish requirements for owners and operators of hazardous waste 
    facilities to use in developing facility-specific contingency plans. 
    The plans must include response procedures; a list of all persons 
    qualified to act as a facility emergency coordinator; a list of all 
    emergency equipment and, when required, decontamination equipment at 
    the facility; evacuation plans, when evacuation could be necessary; and 
    arrangements upon which local police departments, fire departments, 
    hospitals, contractors, and State and local emergency response teams 
    have agreed to coordinate emergency services. The regulations pertain 
    to facilities that treat, store, or dispose of hazardous wastes as 
    defined in 40 CFR 261.3. Hazardous wastes include characteristics 
    wastes (see 40 CFR part 261, subpart C) and listed wastes (see 40 CFR 
    part 261, subpart D).
    EPCRA or Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act 
    of 1986 (SARA)
        EPCRA requires Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs) to 
    develop local emergency response plans for their community and review 
    them at least annually. Under EPCRA, facilities are required to notify 
    the State Emergency Response Commission (SERC) and Local Emergency 
    Planning Committee (LEPC) if they have ``extremely hazardous 
    substances'' (see 40 CFR part 355 for a list of the 360 ``extremely 
    hazardous substances'') present above threshold planning quantities. In 
    addition, upon request of the SERC or LEPC, the facility is required to 
    provide the LEPC with any information necessary to develop and
    [[Page 20089]]
    implement the LEPC plan. Local emergency response plans must identify 
    regulated facilities; describe procedures, equipment, and personnel to 
    respond to releases; and include evacuation plans. Because of this 
    requirement that certain facilities participate in emergency planning 
    under EPCRA, it is likely that some overlap may exist with OPA 90 
    response plan requirements. In addition, under some state EPCRA laws 
    facilities are required to prepare contingency plans.
    Clean Air Act
        Under section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act (CAA), as amended, owners 
    and operators of stationary sources with ``regulated substances'' above 
    specified threshold quantities will be required to prepare risk 
    management plans (RMPs), which must include a hazard assessment 
    (including, among other things, an evaluation of worst-case accidental 
    releases), a prevention program, and a response program. Owners and 
    operators are to provide a copy of the RMPs to the State, local 
    planning and response authorities, and the Chemical Safety and Hazard 
    Investigation Board. The list of ``regulated substances'' promulgated 
    under section 112(r) authority includes a diverse array of toxins (77), 
    flammables (63), and high explosives [see 59 FR 4493; January 31, 
        Section 112(r)(7) of the CAA requires that the hazard assessment 
    evaluate worst case accidental releases, estimate potential release 
    quantities, and determine downwind effects including potential 
    exposures to affected populations. Owners or operators must also 
    develop an emergency response program that includes specific actions to 
    be taken in response to a release including procedures for notifying 
    the public and response agencies, emergency health care, and employee 
    training measures. EPA is currently developing regulations to implement 
    the new CAA RMP requirements. In addition, some states already have RMP 
    rules in place that require facilities to develop emergency plans.
        In addition, section 112(r)(1) of the CAA, as amended, indicates 
    that stationary sources have a general duty in the same manner and to 
    the same extent as under the Occupational Safety and Health Act to--
    --Identify hazards that may result from accidental releases of 
    regulated substances or other extremely hazardous substances;
    --Design and maintain a safe facility, taking such steps as are 
    necessary to prevent releases; and
    --Minimize the consequences of accidental releases which do occur.
        Section 112(r)(1) imposes upon owners and operators of facilities 
    emergency response duties for a broad range of hazardous chemicals not 
    restricted to a named list. Also under CAA section 112(r)(9), the EPA 
    Administrator may issue an administrative order to seek such judicial 
    relief as is necessary to abate an actual or threatened accidental 
    release when the Administrator determines there may be an imminent and 
    substantial endangerment to human health or the environment.
    Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)
        OSHA has several sets of standards that envision some form of 
    emergency response planning for facilities that handle, store, or 
    transport hazardous substances. These requirements are directed mostly 
    at the protection of facility employees and emergency responders. The 
    OSHA Process Safety Management Standard (see 29 CFR 1910.119) requires 
    the preparation of emergency response plans under 29 CFR 1910.38(a) or 
    29 CFR 1910.120 for employers to prevent or minimize the consequences 
    of catastrophic releases of certain chemicals in the workplace. 
    Employers must develop formal process safety management program for 
    facility processes that involve a listed highly hazardous substance at 
    or above the threshold quantity. The list of highly hazardous 
    substances (see 29 CFR 191.119) includes 125 toxic and reactive 
    chemicals as well as several mixtures. The program covers employee 
    participation, process safety information, process hazard analysis, 
    operating procedures, training, contractors, pre-start up review, 
    mechanical integrity, hot work permits, management of change, incident 
    investigation, emergency planning and response, and compliance audits.
        The EPA/OSHA Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response 
    (HAZWOPER) Standard (see 29 CFR 1910.120) establishes requirements for 
    employers and organizations to protect the safety and health of workers 
    involved in such operations. The operations covered by this standard 
    are cleanups at uncontrolled hazardous waste sites, corrective actions 
    and routine hazardous waste operations at RCRA treatment, storage, or 
    disposal (TSD) facilities, and emergency response operations without 
    regard to location. Employers must implement a written safety and 
    health program that includes an organizational work plan, site 
    evaluation and control, information and training, personal protective 
    equipment, monitoring, medical surveillance, decontamination 
    procedures, and an emergency response program. The HAZWOPER list of 
    substances is broad and includes all 296 FWPCA hazardous substances.
    Coordination of Planning Requirements
        The issue of coordinating multiple contingency planning 
    requirements in an attempt to minimize duplication on the regulated 
    community is a focal point of the recently published Presidential 
    review of Federal agency authorities and coordination responsibilities 
    for release prevention, mitigation, and response required by section 
    112(r)(10) of CAA. EPA's Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention 
    Office, in cooperation with the National Response Team, conducted a 
    study titled A Review of Federal Authorities for Hazardous Materials 
    Accident Safety (EPA550-R-93-002) to fulfill the Congressional mandate. 
    The review concludes that, while achieving its statutory goals, the 
    existing regulatory scheme is both complex and costly.
        With respect to contingency planning, the report notes that the 
    previously mentioned statutes were enacted independently of one another 
    resulting in inconsistent components in the regulatory process. Some 
    planning requirements are more stringent than others; some require 
    specific technical features; and some require submission of the 
    contingency plans for Federal or State and local review. Also, because 
    different statutes address slightly different hazards using different 
    lists of substances, the number and type of facilities required to 
    develop these plans varies. Moreover, there is seldom harmony in the 
    required formats or elements of particular plans. Although the study 
    team did not find many actual conflicts among planning requirements, 
    there were numerous differences in terminology and emphases: these 
    differences have resulted in facilities preparing multiple plans to 
    ensure compliance.
        To provide relief for the redundant and overlapping federal 
    response planning requirements faced by facility operators, under the 
    leadership of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the National 
    Response Team is producing guidance on an integrated planning approach 
    which would ultimately result in the ability to prepare one plan to 
    cover multiple federal response planning requirements, thereby reducing 
    burden and cost for the regulated community. The ``One Plan'' guidance 
    is being developed
    [[Page 20090]]
    through a cooperative effort among numerous NRT agencies, state and 
    local officials, and industry and community representatives. Response 
    plans developed in accordance with One Plan guidance will be acceptable 
    to the federal agencies responsible for reviewing and/or approving 
    response plans developed to comply with the following regulations:
        (a) EPA Oil Pollution Prevention Regulation (Spill Prevention, 
    Control and Countermeasure and Facility Response Plan Requirements)--40 
    CFR part 112;
        (b) MMS Facility Responses Plan Regulation--30 CFR part 254;
        (c) RSPA Pipeline Response Plan Regulation--49 CFR part 194;
        (d) USCG Facility Response Plan Regulation--33 CFR part 154, 
    Subpart F;
        (e) EPA Risk Management Programs Regulation--40 CFR part 68 
        (f) OSHA Emergency Action Plan Regulation--29 CFR 1910.38(a);
        (g) OSHA Process Safety Standard--29 CFR 1910.119;
        (h) OSHA HAZWOPER Regulation--29 CFR 1910.120; and
        (i) EPA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Contingency Planning 
    Requirement--40 CFR part 264, Subpart D, 40 CFR part 265, Subpart D, 
    and 40 CFR 279.52.
        The integrated contingency planning approach is an effective way to 
    ensure response procedures are coordinated throughout the facility and 
    to avoid duplicative and potentially conflicting plans. The One Plan 
    format does not change the actual planning requirements imposed by 
    federal statute. The Coast Guard fully expects that any future 
    hazardous substance response planning requirements resulting from this 
    ANPRM will be accommodated within a facility's ``One Plan''.
        Analysis reveals that there may be a significant degree of overlap 
    between the types of facilities and chemicals that would be regulated 
    under prospective OPA 90 requirements and those under existing response 
    planning requirements. However, the specific intent of OPA 90, with 
    respect to hazardous substances, is to address the discharge or 
    substantial threat of a discharge of a limited number and type of 
    substances (i.e., FWPCA hazardous substances) to U.S. surface waters. 
    The other regulatory programs discussed previously, for the most part, 
    have slightly different emphases in terms of the type of chemicals 
    covered, the primary media considered (e.g., air, land, water), and the 
    general purpose of the regulation (i.e., protection of the environment, 
    protection of workers, etc.).
        The existence of these related planning requirements provide an 
    opportunity for the promulgation of regulations which allow a certain 
    degree of flexibility in the way owners or operators meet the OPA 90 
    statutory requirements. The Coast Guard requests comment on specific 
    examples of how existing Federal and State planning requirements can be 
    shown to satisfy one or more of the OPA 90 mandates. The Coast Guard 
    also requests comment on which OPA 90 requirements may not be 
    adequately addressed in existing plans and how such requirements can be 
    implemented in the least burdensome manner. For example, if the Coast 
    Guard accepted a plan prepared to meet State or other Federal 
    requirements (or the Federal baseline standard mentioned previously) as 
    long as it was adopted to meet OPA 90 requirements and cross-referenced 
    in an appropriate manner, would owners or operators still choose to 
    develop a separate plan?
        The Coast Guard will provide the responses to this ANPRM to other 
    Federal agencies so that these agencies may develop options to satisfy 
    the OPA 90 mandate while minimizing the burden on facility owners and 
        At this early stage in the rulemaking process, the Coast Guard 
    anticipates that any final rule may be considered a significant 
    regulatory action under section 3(f) under E.O. 12866. The Coast Guard 
    anticipates that any final rule will also require an assessment of 
    potential costs and benefits under section 6(a)(3) of that order. It is 
    significant under the regulatory policies and procedures of the 
    Department of Transportation (44 FR 11030; February 26, 1979).
        This rulemaking may have a substantial effect on States that have 
    or are developing response plan requirements. It may also affect 
    domestic and international shipment of hazardous substances to and from 
    the United States and may generate substantial public interest and 
    controversy. The primary economic impact of these regulations would be 
    on those tank vessel and facility owners that would have to comply with 
    any new requirements. These vessels would include approximately 270 
    tank vessels and 540 tank barges carrying hazardous materials: these 
    figures represent the number of these vessels that called in United 
    States waters in 1990. The Coast Guard estimates that this regulation 
    would affect 300 MTR facilities. In addition, these regulations may 
    also impact private hazardous substance release response contractors 
    and spill cooperatives.
        Several alternative methods of implementing the rulemaking for 
    vessel response plans have been identified. These include the 
    following: (1) Requiring response plans for specific tank vessels based 
    on factors such as vessel route, capacity, or product carried; (2) 
    requiring generic response plans for all tank vessels, with port 
    specific appendices; and (3) requiring individualized response plans 
    for each tank vessel and each facility.
        The full extent of the economic and operational impact cannot be 
    quantified at this time. A primary purpose of this advance notice is to 
    help the Coast Guard to develop the rule and determine the cost of any 
    new requirements, to the extent that they exceed current legal and 
    regulatory requirements or current industry practice. The Coast Guard 
    anticipates that the public response to this advance notice will assist 
    it in writing proposed rule and a draft regulatory impact analysis.
    Small Entities
        Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.), the 
    Coast Guard must consider whether this proposal, if adopted, will have 
    a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities. ``Small entities'' may include (1) Small business and not-
    for-profit organizations that are independently owned and operated and 
    are not dominant in their fields and (2) governmental jurisdictions 
    with populations of less than 50,000.
        Because specific requirements have not yet been proposed, the Coast 
    Guard is currently unable to determine the effect of regulations upon 
    small entities. Accordingly, an Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis 
    discussing the impact of this anticipated rulemaking on small entities 
    has not been prepared. However, the Coast Guard anticipates that there 
    is a potential significant impact on a substantial number of small 
    businesses, small not-for-profit organizations, and State and local 
    governments. The Coast Guard expects that the comments received on this 
    advance notice will assist it in determining the number of affected 
    small entities, and in weighing the impacts of various regulatory 
    alternatives for the purpose of drafting these regulations.
    Collection of Information
        Under the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), the 
    Office of
    [[Page 20091]]
    Management and Budget (OMB) reviews each proposed rule that contains a 
    collection-of-information requirement to determine whether the 
    practical value of the information is worth the burden imposed by its 
    collection. Collection-of-information requirements include reporting, 
    recordkeeping, notification, and other, similar requirements.
        The Coast Guard cannot yet estimate the paperwork burden associated 
    with this rulemaking because no regulations have been drafted. However, 
    at a future stage, the Coast Guard may require that tank vessel and 
    facility owners and operators maintain records of response plan 
    approvals and equipment inspections which would be available upon 
    request to the Coast Guard as well as developing and maintaining 
    response plans. The Coast Guard expects that comments received on this 
    advance notice will assist it in estimating the potential paperwork 
    burden, as required under the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 
    et seq.). Once estimated, the Coast Guard will submit this proposed 
    recordkeeping requirement to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 
    for approval.
        This advance notice of proposed rulemaking has been analyzed in 
    accordance with the principles and criteria contained in Executive 
    Order 12612. Based on the information available to it at this time, the 
    Coast Guard is unable to determine whether this rulemaking would have 
    sufficient federalism implications to warrant the preparation of a 
    Federalism Assessment. Some standardization of vessel response plan 
    requirements is necessary because affected vessels move from port to 
    port in the national marketplace and separate regulations and plans for 
    each port would be economically burdensome and potentially unsafe.
        Some standardization of the MTR facility response plans may also be 
    necessary. MTR facilities may be regulated by other Federal agencies, 
    and some States may impose their own response planning requirements. 
    OPA 90 prohibits Federal preemption. Many facilities operate in the 
    national marketplace and excessive variation in the requirements would 
    be economically burdensome and potentially unsafe. The Coast Guard 
    specifically seeks public comment on the federalism implications of 
    this proposal.
        The Coast Guard considered the environment impact of this 
    anticipated rulemaking and expects that it should have a positive 
    impact on the environment by ensuring that hazardous substance response 
    planning has been conducted by owners or operators of tank vessels and 
    facilities for the purpose of enhancing preparedness to contain and 
    recover releases of these products. Before a proposed rule is 
    published, an environment analysis will be prepared in accordance with 
    Coast Guard requirements, COMDTINST M16475.1B. That document, which 
    will describe the anticipated environmental effects of the proposed 
    rulemaking, will be placed in the docket for inspection or copying at a 
    location indicated in the proposed rule. The Coast Guard invites 
    comments addressing possible effects this proposal may have on the 
    human environment, or on potential inconsistencies with any Federal, 
    State, or local law or administrative determinations relating to the 
    environment. A final determination regarding the possible need for an 
    environmental assessment will be made after receipt of relevant written 
        To adequately address the issues discussed in this advance notice, 
    additional information is needed. Responses to the following questions 
    would be particularly useful in developing a future Notice of Proposed 
    Rulemaking (NPRM).
    Reponse Plans
        1. Are there any historical data existing on hazardous substance 
    discharges in the marine environment (e.g., causes of discharges, 
    resulting injuries or fatalities, number of hazardous substances 
    discharged, volume of discharges, need to evacuate, and resulting 
    natural resource and property damage? If so, where can such data be 
    found? Are there any restrictions on the accessibility of this data?
        2. Are there any data regarding the effectiveness of hazardous 
    substance response planning in terms of preventing occurrences of 
    casualties and incidents, reducing the volume of releases after the 
    occurrences of casualties and incidents, improving containment and 
    recovery, if possible, and avoiding injuries and fatalities)?
        3. How many companies operate tank vessels that carry, or 
    facilities that store or transport hazardous substances? On the 
    average, how many vessels or facilities are operated by a single 
        4. How should response plans for non-FWPCA hazardous chemicals 
    which are carried in bulk (e.g., noxious liquid substances as listed in 
    Annex II of MARPOL) be addressed?
        5. How many different types of hazardous substances are carried 
    during a single voyage? How many different types of hazardous 
    substances are handled, stored, or transported by a single MTR 
        6. What are appropriate hazardous substance storage and throughout 
    thresholds for selecting facilities that could cause substantial harm 
    to the environment and for selecting the subset of those facilities 
    that could reasonably be expected to cause significant and substantial 
    harm to the environment? Should the Coast Guard use the capacity of a 
    vessel calling at an MTR facility as a means of selecting facilities 
    that could reasonably be expected to cause significant and substantial 
    harm to the environment?
        7. Should the CAMEO program be used to determine the appropriate 
    response strategies for the various hazardous substances which may be 
    involved in a potential release? What alternative guidance is 
    available? Would you consider it more appropriate? If so, why?
        8. For MTR facilities that are part of an onshore non-
    transportation related fixed facility complex, are there potential 
    conflicts in the areas of hazardous substances regulated and the amount 
    of a worst case discharge?
        9. Are there potential gaps in existing Federal regulatory coverage 
    for hazardous substance response plans for the onshore non-
    transportation fixed facility portion of an MTR complex?
        10. What information should be required in the tank vessel and 
    facility response plans?
        11. Should the information provided in response plans for vessels 
    carrying hazardous substances and for facilities handling hazardous 
    substances vary depending on the type of substances transported? How 
    should substances be classified? Should each class of hazardous 
    substance have a different plan? Should vessel owners and facility 
    owners have a separate plan for each product they handle or should they 
    have product groups within the plan? How would response strategies 
    differ for the various types of hazardous substances?
        12. Should all FWPCA hazardous substance be regulated at the same 
    threshold or should thresholds for individual substances be set based 
    upon the specific considerations associated with each substance? Should 
    the threshold level be based upon the reportable quantity (i.e., 
    quantities of hazardous substances that may be harmful as set forth in 
    40 CFR 117.3, the
    [[Page 20092]]
    discharge of which is a violation of section 311(b)(3) of the FWPCA [33 
    U.S.C. 1321(b)(3)] and requires notice as set forth in 40 CFR 117.21 
    for the substance) or a multiple of the reportable quantity? What would 
    be an appropriate multiplier for such a determination?
        13. How should the concept of ``responding to the maximum extent 
    practicable'' be applied for purposes of planning the response to a 
    worst case discharge of a hazardous substance? Should it be the same 
    for hazardous substances as it is for oil in 33 CFR parts 154 and 155?
        14. How many U.S. companies provide response services for hazardous 
    substance releases and in what geographic areas would these services be 
    available? What response capabilities do these services have in terms 
    of amount and type of equipment and personnel available?
        15. How should the concept of ``contracts or other approved means'' 
    be applied for the purposes of planning the response to a worst case 
    discharge of a hazardous substance? What aspects of hazardous substance 
    spill response may warrant treatment different form oil spill 
    responses? What role do public responders (e.g., local fire department 
    personnel) play in response to releases of FWPCA hazardous substances 
    and how should their involvement be reflected in the planning 
        16. What format should be used for the response plans?
        17. For vessel response plans, what information should be required 
    in the ``core plans'' and in port specific annexes?
        18. How often should the response plans be reviewed and updated by 
    vessel and facility owners and the Coast Guard? Should there be any 
    other reviewing entity? Should the frequency of review be dependent on 
    the type of substance transported?
        19. Where should the response plans be kept on an unmanned tank 
    barge or a tank barge that is at anchor or underway? Should the plans 
    be kept on board a towboat when engaged in towing a barge with a 
    hazardous substance in bulk as cargo?
        20. Are there vessels and facilities which have voluntarily 
    prepared response plans addressing a potential release of a hazardous 
    substance? Are there response plans for hazardous substances which were 
    prepared in response to other U.S. or international regulations or 
        21. Should the owner or operator of a facility that has already 
    prepared an emergency or contingency plan under Title III of the 
    Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) [Pub. L. 
    99-499, 100 Stat. 1613] or other applicable statute (EPCRA, RCRA, CAA, 
    and HAZWOPER) be permitted to amend that plan to incorporate hazardous 
    substance response plan provisions to comply with the requirements of 
    OPA 90?
        22. If requested, the owner or operator of a facility must submit 
    Tier Two information forms to local authorities with jurisdiction over 
    the facility under Title III of SARA. Could the Title III, Tier Two 
    form be supplemented to comply with the requirements of OPA 90 
        23. Should the term ``qualified individual'' be define differently 
    from its definition in oil response plan regulations? If so, why?
        24. In addition to navigating the vessel, should the vessel crew be 
    required to do more than attempt to control or stop the discharge and 
    report it to the proper authorities?
        25. Should hazardous substance response contractors listed by a 
    vessel or a facility (as a condition of approval of the vessel's or 
    facility's plan) be required to develop a local response plan 
    consistent with the Area Contingency Plan?
        26. How should worst case discharges be determined for an MTR 
    facility? Should it be the same for hazardous substances as it is for 
    oil? If not, upon what should this determination be based? Should worst 
    case discharge quantities be based on probable accident or incident 
    scenarios and resulting releases?
        27. How should adverse weather be defined and considered in 
    determining a worst case discharge of a FWPCA hazardous substance? How 
    might weather concerns differ when responding to a hazardous substance 
    discharge versus an oil discharge? For example, could a lack of wind, 
    rain, and strong currents result in a riskier situation when a 
    discharge of a hazardous substance is involved because of the potential 
    for the substance to accumulate due to lack of dispersion?
        28. What should the definition of average most probable and maximum 
    most probable discharge be for vessels and facilities?
        29. Do discharges that are smaller than a worst case discharge 
    dictate different response strategies and resource commitments?
        30. What is an appropriate response action for releases of 
    hazardous substances as defined in the National Contingency Plan [40 
    CFR 300.5] as minor, medium, major, or catastrophic releases, or for a 
    worst case discharge, as defined in section 311(a) of the FWPCA [33 
    U.S.C. 1321(a)], as amended by section 4201 of OPA 90? How would the 
    appropriate response action be determined? Would it be measured by 
    distance from the release, distance from the closest equipment 
    launching facility, type of substance discharged, or by another means? 
    Should response action planning requirements reflect consideration of 
    the hazardous substance properties and hazards?
        31. Should vessel damage stability and general arrangement plans be 
    maintained off the vessel as well as on board for salvage and 
    firefighting purposes? Where should they be located (i.e., Coast Guard 
    Marine Safety Center, local COTP, classification societies)? How 
    accessible should they be?
        32. Should each vessel owner be required to maintain a response 
    plan for each U.S. port of call? Should the vessel owner or agent 
    representative in each port maintain a local plan which would be 
    sufficient for the vessels calling under his control?
        33. What involvement, if any, should State or local authorities 
    have in the review or approval of vessel and facility response plans?
        34. Using the definition of ``tank vessel'' in 46 U.S.C. 2101, what 
    impact will these regulations have on vessels that carry limited 
    quantities of hazardous substances in bulk as cargo or cargo residue 
    (passenger, cargo, or miscellaneous vessels)? Should any vessels be 
    exempt from these requirements? If so, what types, tonnages, and 
    capacities should these exemptions cover and why?
        35. For certain classes of materials should the response plan 
    include evacuation and public notification procedures for areas 
    affected by the release as appropriate? How should plans address 
    threats to public health and safety, including bodies of water used for 
    drinking supplies? How should plans address threats to air quality?
        36. Should a facility be required to plan for possible releases of 
    all hazardous substances carried by vessels calling at the facility 
    even if the facility does not typically handle those substances?
        37. What type of response equipment should be required at 
    facilities? To what size discharge, if any, should the facility be 
    prepared to respond?
        38. Should dispersion modeling (air and water) be required? Should 
    a minimum standard be set? What models are available to estimate the 
    dispersion of hazardous substances in the air or water?
        39. Following an incident, what requirements should be in place for
    [[Page 20093]]
    taking samples of the water and the air? Should response plans include 
    requirements for air and water sampling?
    Carriage and Inspection of Response and Firefighting Equipment
        40. What types and how much hazardous substance response equipment 
    and firefighting equipment currently are carried on board tank vessels 
    or located at facilities?
        41. Should all vessels required to have response plans also be 
    required to carry response equipment? Should some vessels be exempt 
    from equipment requirements?
        42. What firefighting equipment would be necessary to have on board 
    a vessel or staged at a facility to respond to a possible fire 
    associated with the discharge of hazardous substances? Would the type 
    of equipment needed vary dependent upon the type of substance 
    discharged? What are the various firefighting options?
        43. What equipment other than response and firefighting equipment 
    (e.g., transfer equipment, rescue equipment, and monitoring equipment) 
    should be addressed in response plans to prevent or mitigate a 
    potential hazardous substance release?
        44. What response equipment is appropriate for vessels or manned 
    tank barges to carry, if any? Would the type of response equipment 
    needed vary dependent upon the type of substances carried?
        45. What response equipment should be carried on board unmanned 
    tank barges, if any?
        46. What are the appropriate capabilities of the equipment?
        47. Should MTR facilities be required to have response equipment 
    staged at the facility?
        48. If facilities are not required to stage equipment at the 
    facility, how much time should be allowed to bring response resources 
    to the facility?
        49. How large a discharge should the response equipment be capable 
    of handling?
        50. What equipment-inspection requirements are appropriate?
        51. What equipment needs to be inspected?
        52. Should the inspection be the responsibility of the owner or 
    operator and who should be required to maintain a record of that 
        53. Should spot inspections of the equipment be made by Coast Guard 
    personnel as part of the vessel and facility inspection?
        54. Should third-party inspection be used?
        55. What action should be taken if required equipment is missing or 
    in disrepair?
        56. What inspection requirements are appropriate for equipment 
    maintained by a cooperative or an independent organization?
        57. Should the required equipment be approved by the Coast Guard?
        58. Should the area of the vessel's operation or the regional 
    availability of support equipment affect the on board equipment-
    carriage requirements?
        59. Should tank barges in the same tow or fleeting area be 
    permitted to share equipment?
        60. How should response equipment be deployed on unmanned tank 
    barges? Who should deploy the response equipment?
        61. If containment boom is required, how much should be carried? 
    Should it be sufficient to completely encircle the vessel?
        62. Should plans require an assessment of a local port's municipal 
    capabilities to respond to a hazardous substance release, including 
    firefighting capabilities?
        63. What involvement, if any, should State or local authorities 
    have in the approval or inspection of response equipment?
        64. Are there methods available to rate the capabilities of the 
    response and containment equipment?
        65. Should frequency of inspections be the same as in the existing 
    oil response planning regulations?
        66. How would compliance with this proposed regulation impact 
    compliance with other existing hazardous substance requirements?
        67. Is there sufficient response equipment available to respond to 
    a worse case discharge? What, if any, caps should be placed on 
    equipment requirements?
        68. Where is response equipment currently located? How should 
    required response times take into consideration the location of the 
    equipment? Are the response times established in the VRP and FRP IFRs 
    for oil appropriate for hazardous substance response planning in rivers 
    and canals, inland, nearshore, offshore, ocean, and Great Lakes waters? 
    If not, what other response times are appropriate?
        69. At the present time, what type of training do vessel and 
    facility personnel receive in the worker safety and response aspects to 
    hazardous substance releases? How many vessel and facility personnel 
    receive such training?
        70. What training in the use of response equipment should be 
    required for vessel and facility personnel?
        71. Should the Coast Guard or another entity certify providers of 
    this training?
        72. Who should be required to have response training (i.e., 
    licensed, unlicensed, deck or engine department personnel on board 
    vessels) among the vessel's crew and the facility's employees?
        73. Should mariners be required to have their licenses or merchant 
    mariners' documents endorsed to show that the mariners have completed 
    emergency response training?
        74. How can mariners and facility personnel demonstrate completion 
    of emergency response training?
        75. What training in the implementation of the required response 
    plans should be included?
        76. What specialized firefighting training should be required for 
    the crew of vessels carrying hazardous substances and personnel of 
    facilities that handle, store, or transport hazardous substances? How 
    will the training vary dependent upon the type of substances 
    transported by the vessel or handled, stored, or transported by the 
        77. What level of training will be required for qualified 
    individuals and responders?
        78. Should hazardous substance response contractors be separately 
    classified by the Coast Guard? if yes, what should the criterion be?
        79. Should drills be required in accordance with existing 
    regulations, i.e., as required in 33 CFR parts 154 and 155?
        80. Should the Coast Guard adopt the National Preparedness for 
    Response Exercise Program (PREP) guidelines for hazardous substances?
        81. Should there be a requirement to maintain a record of drills 
    conducted? Assuming records of drills will be required, where should 
    they be maintained? Should they be maintained on board vessels and at 
        82. How should drill performance be measured?
        83. What should the drill requirements be and should they be 
    different for different classes of substances?
        84. How should drill performance be measured? What should be 
    considered acceptable performance (i.e., notification time, response 
    mobilization time, etc.)?
    Economic Issues
        85. What would be the economic impact of requiring each tank vessel 
    and facility to develop and implement a hazardous substance release 
    response plan? How would this impact vary
    [[Page 20094]]
    dependent upon the type of hazardous substances transported or handled?
        86. How much would it cost to develop a hazardous substance 
    response plan, as described in this ANPRM, for single tank vessel or 
    facility? How would this cost vary depending upon the size and type of 
    tank vessel or facility? How would this cost vary by type of hazardous 
    substance transported, handled, or stored?
        87. Would the per vessel or per facility cost to develop a response 
    plan for a fleet or tank vessels or group of facilities be lower than 
    the cost to prepare a response plan for a single vessel or facility?
        88. What would be the cost to owners and operators of vessels and 
    facilities to annually review and update response plans?
        89. What would be the economic impact for tank vessel or facility 
    owners or operators of maintaining on board or on site specialized 
    firefighting equipment?
        90. What would be the economic impact on tank vessel or facility 
    owners or operators of reviewing and updating hazardous substance 
    release response plans?
        91. What would be the economic impact on tank vessel or facility 
    owners or operators of maintaining on board or on site hazardous 
    substance release response equipment?
        92. What would be the economic impact of these requirements on 
    small entities, as defined by section 605(b) of the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act [5 U.S.C. 605(b)]?
        93. What would be the economic impact for tank vessel and facility 
    owners or operators of maintaining contracts with release response 
    companies in each port they utilize?
        94. What would be the economic impact on the cleanup industry of 
    enhancing hazardous substance response capabilities?
        95. How much would it cost annually for a facility or tank vessel 
    to retain the services of a hazardous substance spill response 
    contractor to address its worst case discharge? How would this cost 
    vary by size and type of facility or vessel?
        96. What would be the economic impact of requiring tank vessel and 
    facility owners or operators to train and drill personnel in worker 
    safety and release response?
        Comments are not limited to the preceding questions and are invited 
    on any aspect of implementing the response planning requirements for 
    hazardous substance releases and the carriage of response and 
    firefighting equipment.
        Dated: April 24, 1996.
    Robert E. Kramek,
    Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard, Commandant.
    [FR Doc. 96-10997 Filed 5-2-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-14-M

Document Information

Transportation Department
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Advance notice of proposed rulemaking.
Document Number:
Comments must be received on or before September 3, 1996.
20084-20094 (11 pages)
Docket Numbers:
CGD 94-032 and 94-048
2115-AE87: Marine Transportation-Related Facility Response Plans for Hazardous Substances (USCG-1999-5705), 2115-AE88: Tank Vessel Response Plans for Hazardous Substances (USCG-1998-4354)
RIN Links:
https://www.federalregister.gov/regulations/2115-AE87/marine-transportation-related-facility-response-plans-for-hazardous-substances-uscg-1999-5705-, https://www.federalregister.gov/regulations/2115-AE88/tank-vessel-response-plans-for-hazardous-substances-uscg-1998-4354-
PDF File:
CFR: (2)
33 CFR 154
33 CFR 155