96-11034. Plutonium Finishing Plant Stabilization Environmental Impact Statement  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 87 (Friday, May 3, 1996)]
    [Pages 19914-19917]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-11034]
    Plutonium Finishing Plant Stabilization Environmental Impact 
    AGENCY: Department of Energy.
    ACTION: Notice of Limited Reopening of Public Comment Period.
    SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is evaluating alternatives 
    for stabilizing plutonium-bearing materials at the Plutonium Finishing 
    Plant (PFP) Facility, located at the Hanford Site near Richland, 
    Washington. On December 5, 1995 (60 FR 62244), the DOE announced the 
    availability of the Plutonium Finishing Plant Stabilization Draft 
    Environmental Impact Statement (DOE/EIS-0244-D). The Draft 
    Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was prepared pursuant to the 
    National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 and its implementing 
    regulations. Subsequent to issuing the Draft EIS, DOE issued a proposed 
    policy for comment regarding the treatment and disposition of excess 
    residues with plutonium concentrations below 50 weight-percent. 
    Following an analysis using this draft policy, DOE has concluded that 
    it may be cost-effective to immobilize up to 280 kg (617 lb) of the 
    plutonium-bearing materials at the PFP Facility and transport it to 
    Hanford Site solid waste management facilities for storage. The EIS is 
    therefore being revised to include an evaluation of the environmental 
    impacts of implementing this alternative. A determination that this 
    plutonium-bearing material lacks a beneficial use has not been made and 
    this alternative would only be selected subsequent to such a decision. 
    The intent of this notice is to notify the public of an additional 
    alternative that would immobilize certain plutonium-bearing materials, 
    and to reopen the comment period for 21 days in order to solicit 
    comments on the proposed alternative.
    DATES: DOE invites written and oral comments on the immobilization 
    alternative from all interested parties. Comments or suggestions 
    regarding the adequacy, accuracy, and completeness of the 
    immobilization alternative will be
    [[Page 19915]]
    considered in preparing the Record of Decision, and should be submitted 
    (postmarked) by May 24, 1996. Comments received after that date will be 
    considered to the degree practicable.
    ADDRESSES: Comments on the immobilization alternative may be made 
    during the comment period by calling DOE toll free at 1-888-946-3700; 
    by facsimile to 509/946-3734; by electronic mail to InterNet address 
    ``b____ f____ jr____ ben____burton@rl.gov''; or by writing to PFP 
    Stabilization EIS, Attn: Mr. Ben Burton, PO Box 550, MSIN B1-42, 
    Richland, WA 99352.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For general information on the DOE 
    NEPA process, please contact: Ms. Carol M. Borgstrom, Director of NEPA 
    Policy and Assistance, EH-42, U.S. Department of Energy, 1000 
    Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20585, 202/586-4600 or 1-800-
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In two Notices of Intent published in the 
    Federal Register on October 27, 1994 (59 FR 53969) and November 23, 
    1994 (59 FR 60358), the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced its 
    intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to resolve 
    safety issues associated with the continued presence of relatively 
    large quantities of chemically reactive materials at the Plutonium 
    Finishing Plant (PFP) Facility. A Draft EIS was prepared pursuant to 
    Section 102(2)(C) of NEPA in order to provide an objective, technical 
    basis for decision makers and the public to evaluate alternatives to: 
    (1) Convert plutonium-bearing materials at the PFP Facility into a more 
    stable, safer form; (2) reduce radiation exposure to PFP Facility 
    workers; and (3) reduce the cost of maintaining the PFP Facility and 
    its contents. A preferred alternative for resolving the safety issue 
    was identified to remove readily retrievable plutonium-bearing material 
    in hold-up at the PFP Facility and stabilize these and other plutonium-
    bearing materials at the PFP Facility through four treatment processes: 
    (1) Ion exchange, vertical calcination, and thermal stabilization of 
    plutonium-bearing solutions; (2) thermal stabilization using a 
    continuous furnace for oxides, fluorides, and process residues; (3) 
    repackaging of metals and alloys; and (4) pyrolysis of polycubes and 
    combustibles. The availability of this Draft EIS was announced in a 
    Federal Register notice on December 5, 1995 (60 FR 62244).
        Subsequent to issuing the Draft EIS, DOE issued a proposed policy 
    for comment regarding the treatment and disposition of excess 
    plutonium-bearing residues. This draft policy specifies that materials 
    with plutonium concentrations less than 50 weight-percent are 
    candidates for processing as waste for disposal, or separation from its 
    residue matrix and packaging for storage according to DOE's safe 
    storage criteria. Each responsible field office would evaluate which 
    end state would be more cost-effective for each quantity, batch or 
    category of plutonium-bearing residues. The performance factors for 
    cost-effectiveness include worker exposure, waste generation, and cost. 
    In addition, commentors during the public hearing requested that DOE 
    consider an alternative of disposing of plutonium bearing material as 
        Following an analysis using this draft policy, an in consideration 
    of comments received during the public hearing on the Draft EIS, DOE 
    has concluded that it may be cost-effective to immobilize up to 280 kg 
    (617 lb) of the plutonium-bearing materials at the PFP Facility, and 
    transport it to Hanford Site solid waste management facilities for 
    storage. The EIS is therefore being revised to include an evaluation of 
    the environmental impacts associated with this alternative. The 
    following information describes the proposed immobilization alternative 
    and identifies the associated potential environmental impacts. It is 
    organized as follows:
    I. Process Description
    II. Anticipated Environmental Impacts
        A. Health Effects
        B. Air Quality
        C. Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Capacity
        D. Transportation
    III. Alternatives for Immobilization
    IV. Availability of the Immobilization Alternative
    I. Process Description
        The current inventory of plutonium at the PFP Facility includes up 
    to 280 kg (617 lb) of plutonium in concentrations less than 50 weight 
    percent that DOE has identified as potentially being suitable for 
    immobilization. This inventory includes oxides, process residues, and 
    miscellaneous/other combustibles. The bulk of this material is stored 
    in the PFP Facility vaults.
        These plutonium-bearing materials would be immobilized within 
    gloveboxes at the PFP Facility. A cement system was selected as a 
    reasonable method to represent the potential immobilization options 
    because: (1) the ingredients are inexpensive, safe, and readily 
    available; (2) the equipment needs are simple; (3) the final waste form 
    has proven stability and meets the waste acceptance criteria for the 
    Hanford site solid waste management facilities; (4) it has been used 
    extensively at the Hanford Site for immobilizing wastes; and (5) 
    impacts from its use should be similar to those incurred for any other 
    reasonable immobilization technique.
        Equipment for the immobilization process would be identified and 
    sized based on the follow special considerations: (1) waste and cement 
    feeding equipment that would control feed rates; (2) cooling equipment 
    to maintain a low temperature for the cement-waste-water mixture to 
    minimize water vapor in the glovebox; and (3) reuse of containers when 
        The plutonium-bearing material would be mixed with cement, and the 
    mixture would be placed within nominal 3.4-liter (0.9 gallon) 
    containers. The containers would remain in the glovebox and allowed to 
    cure. Curing hardens the mixture and fixes the plutonium into the 
    cemented matrix. After curing, a lid would be placed over the 
    container. Once three containers were readied in this manner, they 
    would be removed from the glovebox and packaged.
        The containers would be packaged in accordance with the waste 
    acceptance criteria for the Hanford Site solid waste management 
    facilities. Packaging would include a 15.25-cm (6-in) diameter pipe 
    container in 55-gallon drum configuration. The pipe container in drum 
    configuration was selected as the preferred packaging technique 
    compared to other packaging methods because it results in the fewest 
    number of total drums and will, therefore, result in less exposure to 
    workers. The pipe container in drum configuration would enable three 
    steel encased, cemented waste containers to be placed in each drum. The 
    maximum allowable limit for plutonium in each pipe container in drum 
    configuration is 200 g (0.44 lb). Up to 1,600 drums of waste with a 
    nominal plutonium content of 170 g (0.37 lb) per drum would be 
    generated by this alternative.
        Following packaging, the drums would be managed as transuranic or 
    radioactive mixed waste. All waste drums would be transferred from the 
    PFP Facility to Hanford site solid waste management facilities for 
    continued onsite storage.
    II. Anticipated Environmental Impacts
        Impacts from the alternative for immobilizing plutonium-bearing 
    materials were evaluated in terms of the following elements: health 
    effects; air quality; waste treatment, storage, and disposal capacity; 
    and transportation.
    [[Page 19916]]
    A. Health Effects
        Health effects to PFP Facility workers, other Hanford Site workers, 
    and members of the public from exposure to ionizing radiation would 
    result from implementing the immobilization alternative. Both normal 
    operations and accident conditions would contribute to radiation 
    exposures. Conservative estimates of the possible consequences from the 
    immobilization activities were quantified in terms of dose and latent 
    cancer fatalities probabilities. Tables 1 and 2 tabulate these possible 
                               Table 1.--Anticipated Health Effects from Routine Releases                           
                                                                                           Latent cancer fatality   
       Exposed individual or population                   Dose received                         probability         
    PFP Facility Workers.................  80 person-rem                               0.03                         
    Hypothetical Maximally Exposed         1.2 x 10-4 rem                              5.0 x 10-8                   
     Individual (Hanford Site Worker).                                                                              
    Hanford Site Workers.................  6.2 x 10-4 person-rem                       2.5 x 10-7                   
    Hypothetical Maximally Exposed         2.3 x 10-5 rem                              1.1 x 10-8                   
     Individual (Off-site Public).                                                                                  
    General Public (352,500 people)......  2.2 person-rem                              1.1 x 10-3                   
                               Table 2.--Anticipated Health Effects from Accident Releases                          
        Hypothetical maximally exposed                                                     Latent cancer fatality   
                  individual                              Dose received                         probability         
    PFP Facility Worker..................  210 rem                                     8.4 x 10-2                   
    Hanford Site Worker..................  1.6 x 10-4 rem                              6.5 x 10-8                   
    Off-site Individual..................  5.7 x 10-5 rem                              2.9 x 10-8                   
    B. Air Quality
        Implementing the immobilization alternative would not result in 
    appreciable impacts to air quality. High efficiency particulate air 
    filters in use at the PFP Facility would minimize the amount of 
    contaminants that would be discharged to the atmosphere. Although most 
    expected air contaminants would be trapped by these filters, some fine 
    particulates, referred to as PM10 (particulates less than 10 
    microns in size) would be emitted. The total estimated release of 
    respirable particles from the immobilization alternative is 7.1 x 
    10-10 g/sec (1.6 x 10-12 lb/sec). The maximum downwind 
    contaminant concentrations projected by an Environmental Protection 
    Agency-approved computer model and the ambient air standards are 
    provided in Table 3. The contaminant levels anticipated from the 
    immobilization alternative are significantly lower than the regulatory 
    ambient air standard.
                 Table 3.--Projected Maximum Ground Level Concentrations of Particulate Air Contaminants            
                                                                            average       Background     Ambient air
                              Air contaminant                           concentrationa  concentrationb    standard  
                                                                          (g/   (g/   (g/
                                                                              m3)             m3)            m3)    
    PM10 (24-hr)......................................................    1.9 x 10-9             81            150  
    PM10 (Annual).....................................................   3.9 x 10-10             27            50   
    Notes: a. Modeled maximum ground-level concentrations occurred at 630 m from the stack.                         
    b. Background concentrations for PM10 taken from 1987 data (Pacific Northwest Laboratories, 1991, Air Quality   
      Impact Analysis, PNL-7681, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington)                                
    C. Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Capacity
        Implementing the immobilization alternative would also result in 
    impacts to treatment, storage, and disposal capacity. Hanford site 
    solid waste management facilities that would receive the 1,600 drums 
    anticipated to be generated as a result of the immobilization alternate 
    include the Low Level Burial Grounds, Transuranic Waste Storage and 
    Assay Facility, Central Waste Complex, and the Waste Receiving and 
    Processing Facility. The available capacity at these facilities for 
    managing low-level radioactive and mixed waste is considered 
    sufficient. The available capacity for managing transuranic and 
    transuranic mixed waste is currently being evaluated. This information 
    will be available in the Final EIS.
    D. Transportation
        Finally, implementing the immobilization alternative would result 
    in transportation impacts. Over a 6 to 12 month period, up to 90 truck 
    trips would result from the shipment of the immobilized materials from 
    the PFP Facility to Hanford Site solid waste management facilities. 
    This corresponds to an average of 7 to 15 trips per month. These trips 
    would be short in distance (2 km [1.2 miles] or less) and would be made 
    during off-peak hours. Compared with the current volume of vehicular 
    traffic on nearby Hanford Site transport roadways, the additional truck 
    trips would not be expected to adversely impact the existing or future 
    Hanford Site transportation system.
    III. Alternatives for Immobilization
        Cementation using a pipe container in drum configuration was 
    selected because of its ability to satisfy packaging and immobilization 
    requirements based on worker safety and economic considerations. A 
    cement system was selected because it would meet acceptance criteria 
    for Hanford Site solid waste management facilities; the ingredients are 
    inexpensive, safe, and readily available; equipment requirements can be 
    very simple; the final form has proven stability; and the method has 
    been used extensively at the Hanford Site for immobilizing transuranic 
    [[Page 19917]]
        In contrast, immobilizing of materials in a glass (i.e., 
    vitrification) or a ceramic matrix was not considered desirable because 
    of the cost, specialized equipment required, lack of such equipment on 
    the Hanford Site, and lack of site experience. These factors would 
    result in delays in implementing these alternatives. The lack of site 
    experience and anticipated delays would result in additional health and 
    safety risks.
        Another alternative would be to mix the plutonium with uranium to 
    produce a mixed oxide fuel suitable for energy production in a nuclear 
    power reactor. Because of the relatively small quantity of plutonium 
    material being considered, it was not considered reasonable to develop 
    the technology at Hanford to support this alternative.
    IV. Availability of the Immobilization Alternative
        Copies of the proposed immobilization alternative may be reviewed 
    at the following locations, or may be obtained by calling DOE at 1-888-
    U.S. Department of Energy, Headquarters, Freedom of Information 
    Reading Room, Forrestall Building, 1000 Independence Ave. SW., Room 
    1E-0190, Washington, DC 20585, 202/586-3142
    DOE Public Reading Room, Washington State University, Tri Cities 
    Branch, 100 Sprout Road, Richland, WA 99352, 509/376-8583
    University of Washington, Suzzallo Library, Government Publications, 
    15th Ave N.E. and Campus Parkway, Seattle, WA 98185, 206/543-1937
    Gonzaga University, Foley Center, E. 502 Boone Avenue, Spokane, WA 
    99258, 509/324-5931
    Portland State University, Branford Price Millar Library, SW 
    Harrison and Park, Portland, OR 97207, 503/725-3690
        Signed in Richland, Washington, this 25th day of April, 1996 for 
    the United States Department of Energy.
    Paul F.X. Dunigan, Jr.,
    NEPA Compliance Officer, Richland Operations Office.
    [FR Doc. 96-11034 Filed 5-2-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6450-01-P

Document Information

Energy Department
Entry Type:
Notice of Limited Reopening of Public Comment Period.
Document Number:
DOE invites written and oral comments on the immobilization alternative from all interested parties. Comments or suggestions regarding the adequacy, accuracy, and completeness of the immobilization alternative will be considered in preparing the Record of Decision, and should be submitted (postmarked) by May 24, 1996. Comments received after that date will be considered to the degree practicable.
19914-19917 (4 pages)
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