96-13486. Portland Natural Gas Transmission System; Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed PNGTS Project, Request for Comments and Environmental Issues, and Notice of Public Scoping Meeting (NOI)  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 105 (Thursday, May 30, 1996)]
    [Pages 27069-27072]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-13486]
    [[Page 27070]]
    [Docket No. CP96-248-000 and CP96-249-000]
    Portland Natural Gas Transmission System; Notice of Intent To 
    Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed PNGTS 
    Project, Request for Comments and Environmental Issues, and Notice of 
    Public Scoping Meeting (NOI)
    May 23, 1996.
        The staff of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC or 
    Commission) will prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS) that 
    will discuss the environmental impacts of the construction and 
    operation of the 246.2 miles of pipeline and metering facilities 
    proposed in the PNGTS Project.\1\ This EIS will be used by the 
    Commission in its decision-making process to determine whether to 
    approve the project.
        \1\ Portland Natural Gas Transmission System's applications were 
    filed with the Commission under Sections 3 and 7 of the Natural Gas 
    Act and Parts 153 and 157 of the Commission's regulations.
        We are asking a number of Federal and state agencies to indicate 
    whether they wish to cooperate with us in the preparation of the EIS. 
    These agencies are listed in appendix 1 and may choose to participate 
    once they have evaluated the proposal relative to their agencies' 
        \2\ Appendices 2 through 5 referenced in this notice are not 
    being printed in the Federal Register. Copies are available from the 
    Commission's Public Reference and Files Maintenance Branch, 888 
    First Street, NE, Room 2A, Washington, DC 20426 or call (202) 208-
    1371. Copies of the appendices were sent to all those receiving this 
    notice in the mail.
    Summary of the Proposed Project
        Portland Natural Gas Transmission System (PNGTS) wants to build new 
    natural gas pipeline facilities in Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, and 
    Massachusetts, with a peak day capacity of 178,000 thousand cubic feet 
    per day (Mcf/d), of natural gas to transport up to 167,000 Mcf/d of 
    natural gas for four shippers. PNGTS requests Commission authorization, 
    in Docket CP96-249-000, to construct and operate the following 
         241.9 miles of 20-inch-diameter pipeline (mainline) 
    extending from a connection with TransCanada PipeLines Limited (TCPL) 
    at the border of the United States and Canada near North Troy, Vermont 
    to the existing Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company transmission system in 
    Haverhill, Massachusetts. Of the 241.9-mile-long mainline, about 58.8 
    miles would be in Vermont, 65.9 miles would be in New Hampshire, 117.1 
    miles would be in Maine, and 0.1 mile would be in Massachusetts;
         3.3 miles of 12-inch-diameter pipeline lateral connected 
    to the mainline in Westbrook, Maine and ending in Falmouth, Maine;
         1.0 mile of 12-inch-diameter pipeline lateral connected to 
    the mainline in Newington, New Hampshire and ending near Portsmouth, 
    New Hampshire;
         Four new meter stations, one each in Falmouth and Wells, 
    Maine; Newington, New Hampshire; and Haverhill, Massachusetts;
         Acquisition and modification of an existing meter station 
    in Newington, New Hampshire adjacent to the proposed new meter station; 
         Associated pipeline facilities, such as 15 mainline block 
    valves and 4 pig launchers and/or receivers.
        PNGTS has also requested authorization in Docket No. CP96-248-000 
    to construct, operate, and maintain border facilities to import gas 
    from Canada. The import point border facilities would include about 500 
    feet of 20-inch-diameter pipeline to connect with the facilities of 
    TCPL near North Troy, Vermont.
        PNGTS proposes to have the facilities in service by November 1, 
    1998. PNGTS also plans to construct but has not yet filed an 
    application for additional pipeline laterals (future laterals) to serve 
    markets near Newport, St. Johnsbury, and Gilman, Vermont; Groveton and 
    Berlin, New Hampshire; and Jay, Maine. PNGTS indicates that it will 
    file a separate application for these facilities in the fall of 1996.
        The general locations of the project facilities are shown in 
    appendix 2. The general locations of PNGTS future laterals and other 
    natural gas projects under Commission review occurring in the same 
    region and within the same timeframe (Granite State Gas Transmission, 
    Inc. [Granite State], Granite State LNG Project, Docket No. CP95-52-000 
    and Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline, L.L.C. [M&NP], Maritimes & 
    Northeast Pipeline [Maritimes Project], Docket No. CP96-178-000) as 
    shown in appendix 3. If you are interested in obtaining detailed maps 
    of a specific portion of the project, contact the EIS Project Manager 
    identified at the end of this notice.
    Land Requirements for Construction
        Construction of the proposed facilities would affect about 2,506 
    acres of land. Approximately 93 percent of the proposed pipeline and 
    pipeline laterals would parallel existing pipeline, powerline, or other 
    rights-of-way. The nominal construction rights-of-way for the 20-inch-
    diameter pipeline and 12-inch-diameter pipeline laterals would be 75 
    feet wide. Extra temporary work spaces would be used at road, stream, 
    and large wetland crossings, as well as for pipeyards and contractor 
    yards and areas where temporary topsoil or rock storage is required.
        Following construction, about 1,473 acres of the land affected by 
    the project would be retained for operation of the pipeline and 
    aboveground facilities. This total includes about 0.5 acre for each of 
    the four new and one existing meter stations and about 1.0 acre for 
    each of the four pig launchers and/or receivers. Permanent 50-foot-wide 
    rights-of-way would be maintained for the 20- and 12-inch-diameter 
    pipelines. The mainline block valves would be within the permanent 
    rights-of-way. Existing land uses on the remainder of the disturbed 
    area, as well as most land uses on the permanent rights-of-way, would 
    be allowed to continue following construction.
    The EIS Process
        The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires the 
    Commission to take into account the environmental impacts that could 
    result from an action whenever it considers the issuance of a 
    Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity. NEPA also requires us 
    to discover and address concerns the public may have about proposals. 
    We call this ``scoping.'' The main goal of the scoping process is to 
    focus the analysis in the EIS on the important environmental issues. By 
    this NOI, the Commission requests public comments on the scope of the 
    issues it will address in the EIS. All comments received are considered 
    during the preparation of the EIS. State and local government 
    representatives are encouraged to notify their constituents of this 
    proposed action and encourage them to comment on their areas concern.
        The EIS will discuss impacts that could occur as a result of the 
    construction and operation of the proposed project. We have already 
    identified a number of issues under each topic that we think deserve 
    attention based on a preliminary review of the proposed facilities and 
    the environmental information provided by the applicant. These issues 
    are listed below. This is a preliminary list of issues and may be 
    changed based on your comments and our analysis.
     Geology and Soils
    --Seismology, soil liquefaction, and areas susceptible to landslide.
    --39.6 miles of near-surface bedrock that may require blasting.
    --Effect on exploitable mineral resources.
    [[Page 27071]]
    --Effect on farmland.
    --Erosion control and right-of-way revegetation procedures.
     Water Resources
    --Effect on groundwater and surface water supplies.
    --832 crossings of perennial and intermittent waterbodies, including 9 
    crossings of waterbodies over 100 feet wide (Moos, Connecticut, 
    Peabody, Androscoggin, Presumpscot, Saco, Mousam, Squamscott, and 
    Piscataqua Rivers) and crossings of the Missisquoi, Israel, and Exeter 
    Rivers and Great Brook.
    --Consistency with state Coastal Zone Management Programs.
     Biological Resources
    --Clearing of upland forest and the permanent conversion of forest to 
    open land.
    --Effect on wetland habitat, including tidal salt marshes along the 
    Squamscott and Piscataqua Rivers, resulting from the crossing of 940 
    --Effect on warmwater, coldwater, anadromous, and estuarine fisheries, 
    --Effect on wildlife habitat, including deer wintering areas and 
    waterfowl and wading bird habitat.
    --Effect on Federal threatened and endangered species and state special 
    concern species.
    --Effect on Kennebunk Plains, an unusual dry grassland community.
     Cultural Resources
    --Effect on historic and prehistoric sites.
    --Native American and tribal concerns.
     Land Use
    --Effect on 103 residences within 50 feet of construction work areas.
    --Effect on planned residential developments.
    --Effect on public and recreation lands, including the Willoughby State 
    Forest, Victory State Forest, Victory Bog State Wildlife Management 
    Area, Roaring Brook Park, White Birches Campground, Bean Pond Fish and 
    Wildlife Area, White Mountain National Forest, and the Pease 
    Development Authority property.
    --Effect on snowmobile, jeep, and hiking trails, several of which are 
    important to the Appalachian Mountain Club and Randolph Mountain Club, 
    including the Carter-Moriah Trail and Appalachian Trail.
    --Effect on scenic waterbodies and byways, including the Connecticut, 
    Exeter, and Piscataqua Rivers; and Routes 3, 116, 16, 2, 107, and 238 
    in New Hampshire and Route 11 in Maine.
    --Effects resulting from crossing over or near known hazardous waste 
    --Effect of construction workforce on surrounding areas.
    --Effect on property values.
     Air Quality and Noise
    --Effect on local air quality and noise environment as a result of 
     Reliability and Safety
    --Assessment of hazards associated with natural gas pipelines.
     Cumulative Impact
    --Assessment of the combined effect of the proposed project with other 
    projects occurring in the same general area and within the same time 
    frame, including the Granite State LNG Project and Maritimes Project.
        We will also evaluate possible alternatives to the proposed project 
    or portions of the project, and make recommendations on how to lessen 
    or avoid impacts on the various resource areas.
        Our independent analysis of the issues will be in the Draft EIS 
    which will be mailed to Federal, state, and local agencies, public 
    interest groups, interested individuals, affected landowners, 
    newspapers, libraries, and the Commission's official service list for 
    this proceeding. A 45-day comment period will be allotted for review of 
    the Draft EIS. We will consider all comments on the Draft EIS and 
    revise the document, as necessary, before issuing a Final EIS. The 
    Final EIS will include our response to each comment received and will 
    be used by the Commission in its decision-making process to determine 
    whether to approve the project.
    Public Participation and Scoping Meetings
        You can make a difference by sending a letter addressing your 
    specific comments or concerns about the project. You should focus on 
    the potential environmental effects of the proposal, alternatives to 
    the proposal (including alternative routes), and measures to avoid or 
    lessen environmental impact. The more specific your comments, the more 
    useful they will be. Please follow the instructions below to ensure 
    that your comments are received and properly recorded:
         Address your letter to: Lois Cashell, Secretary, Federal 
    Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street, NE., Washington, DC 
         Reference Docket No. CP96-249-000;
         Send a copy of your letter to: Mr. Mark Jensen, EIS 
    Project Manager, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First 
    Street, NE, Room 72-65, Washington, DC 20426; and
         Mail your comments so that they will be received in 
    Washington, DC on or before June 28, 1996.
        In addition to sending written comments, you may attend public 
    scoping meetings. We will conduct four public scoping meetings 
    comprising six sessions at the following times and locations:
              Date                     Time                  Location       
    June 17, 1996...........  7:00 p.m..............  Orleans, VT.          
    June 18, 1996...........  7:00 p.m..............  Gorham, NH.           
    June 19, 1996...........  4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m  Wells, ME.            
    June 20, 1996...........  4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m  Newton, NH.           
        The meetings in Newton and Wells will also cover the proposed 
    Maritimes Project in New Hampshire and Maine. We will send a separate 
    NOI for the Maritimes Project to landowners affected by that project. 
    PNGTS and/or M&NP will be invited to present a description of their 
    proposals at the appropriate meetings. The Newton and Wells meetings 
    will have two sessions in order to provide sufficient time to discuss 
    both projects at each session. While all are invited to attend either 
    session, we are requesting that state and local governments plan on 
    attending the 4:00 p.m. session.
        The meeting in Orleans, Vermont will be held at the Lake Region 
    Union High School. The meeting in Gorham, New Hampshire will be held at 
    the Town and Country Motor Inn, Route 2. The two meetings in Wells, 
    Maine will be held at the Wells High School Gymnasium, Sanford Road. 
    The two meetings in Newton, New Hampshire will be held at the Memorial 
    Grammar School Gymnasium, 31 West Main Street.
        The purpose of the scoping meetings is to obtain input from state 
    and local governments and from the public. Federal agencies have formal 
    channels for input into the Federal process (including separate 
    meetings which we have arranged) on an interagency basis. Federal 
    agencies are expected to transmit their comments directly to the
    [[Page 27072]]
    FERC and not use the scoping meetings for this purpose.
        Interested groups and individuals are encouraged to attend the 
    meetings and present oral comments on the environmental issues which 
    they believe should be addressed in the Draft EIS. The more specific 
    your comments, the more useful they will be. Anyone who would like to 
    make an oral presentation at the meeting should contact the EIS Project 
    Manager identified at the end of this notice to have his or her name 
    placed on the list of speakers. Priority will be given to those persons 
    representing groups. A list will be available at the public meetings to 
    allow for non-preregistered speakers to sign up. A transcript will be 
    made of the meetings and comments will be used to help determine the 
    scope of the Draft EIS.
    Becoming an Intervenor
        In addition to involvement in the EIS scoping process, you may want 
    to become an official party to the proceeding or become an 
    ``intervenor.'' Among other things, intervenors have the right to 
    receive copies of case-related Commission documents and filings by 
    other intervenors. Likewise, each intervenor must provide copies of its 
    filings to all other parties. If you want to become an intervenor you 
    must file a motion to intervene according to Rule 214 of the 
    Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (18 CFR 385.214) (see 
    appendix 4).
        The date for filing of timely motions to intervene in this 
    proceeding has passed. Therefore, parties now seeking to file late 
    interventions must show good cause, as required by section 
    385.214(b)(3), why this time limitation should be waived. Environmental 
    issues have been viewed as good cause for late intervention. You do not 
    need intervenor status to have your scoping comments considered.
    Environmental Mailing List
        This notice is being sent to individuals, organizations, and 
    government entities interested in and/or potentially affected by the 
    proposed project. It is also being sent to all potential right-of-way 
    grantors to solicit comments regarding environmental considerations 
    related to the proposed project. As details of the project become 
    established, representatives to PNGTS may also separately contact 
    landowners, communities, and public agencies concerning project 
    matters, including acquisition of permits and rights-of-way.
        If you do not want to send comments at this time but still want to 
    keep informed and receive copies of the Draft and Final EIS's, please 
    return the Information Request (appendix 5). If you do not return the 
    Information Request, you will be taken off the mailing list.
        Additional information about the proposed project is available from 
    Mr. Mark Jensen, EIS Project Manager, at (202) 208-0828.
    Lois D. Cashell,
    Appendix 1--Cooperating Agencies
        The following Federal and state agencies are asked to indicate 
    whether they want to be cooperating agencies for purposes of producing 
    an EIS:
    Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
    Department of Agriculture
        Natural Resources Conservation Service
    Department of the Army
        Army Corps of Engineers
    Department of Commerce
    National Marine Fisheries Service
    Department of Energy
    Department of the Interior
        Bureau of Indian Affairs
        Fish and Wildlife Service
        Geological Survey
        National Park Service
    Department of Transportation
        Federal Highway Administration
    Environmental Protection Agency
    Vermont Agency of Natural Resources
    New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
    Maine Department of Environmental Protection
        These, or any other Federal, state, or local agencies wanting to 
    participate as a cooperating agency should send a letter describing the 
    extent to which they want to be involved. Follow the instructions below 
    if your agency wishes to participate in the EIS process or comment on 
    the project:
         Address your letter to: Lois Cashell, Secretary, Federal 
    Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street, NE., Washington, DC 
         Reference Docket No. CP96-249-000;
         Send a copy of your letter to: Mr. Mark Jensen, EIS 
    Project Manager, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First 
    Street, NE, Room 72-65, Washington, DC 20426; and Docket No. CP96-248-
    000, et al.
         Mail your comments so that they will be received in 
    Washington, DC on or before June 28, 1996.
        Cooperating agencies are encouraged to participate in the scoping 
    process and provide us written comments. Agencies are also welcome to 
    suggest format and content changes that will make it easier for them to 
    adopt the EIS. However, we will decide what modifications will be 
    adopted in light of our production constraints.
    [FR Doc. 96-13486 Filed 5-29-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 0717-01-M

Document Information

Energy Department
Entry Type:
Document Number:
27069-27072 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. CP96-248-000 and CP96-249-000
PDF File: