96-13547. THC Partners; Notice of Application  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 105 (Thursday, May 30, 1996)]
    [Pages 27116-27118]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-13547]
    [Rel. No. IC-21980; 812-10104]
    THC Partners; Notice of Application
    May 23, 1996.
    AGENCY: Securities and Exchange Commission (``SEC'').
    ACTION: Notice of Application for Exemption under the Investment 
    Company Act of 1940 (the ``Act'').
    APPLICANT: THC Partners.
    RELEVANT ACT SECTIONS: Order requested under section 6(c) of the Act 
    for an exemption from all provisions of the Act.
    SUMMARY OF APPLICATION: Applicant requests an exemption from all 
    provisions of the Act. Applicant is a private family-controlled special 
    purpose investment vehicle whose interests are owned by the family and 
    certain other persons.
    FILING DATES: The application was filed on April 23, 1996 and amended 
    on May 23, 1996.
    HEARING OR NOTIFICATION OF HEARING: An order granting the application 
    will be issued unless the SEC orders a hearing. Interested persons may 
    request a hearing by writing to the SEC's Secretary and serving 
    applicants with a copy of the request, personally or by mail. Hearing 
    requests should be received by the SEC by 5:30 p.m. on June 17, 1996, 
    and should be accompanied by proof of service on the applicants, in the 
    form of an affidavit or, for lawyers, a certificate of service. Hearing 
    requests should state the nature of the writer's interest, the reason 
    for the request, and the issues contested. Persons who wish to be 
    notified of a hearing may request notification by writing to the SEC's 
    ADDRESSES: Secretary, SEC, 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 
    20549. Applicant: 4200 Texas Commerce Tower, 600 Travis, Houston, Texas 
    Marianne H. Khawly, Staff Attorney, at (202) 942-0562, or Alison E. 
    Baur, Branch Chief, at (202) 942-0564 (Office of Investment Company 
    Regulation, Division of Investment Management).
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The following is a summary of the 
    application. The complete application may be obtained for a fee at the 
    SEC's Public Reference Branch.
    Applicant's Representations
        1. Applicant is a Texas general partnership organized in 1977. 
    Applicant's partners consist of the maternal heirs of Howard R. Hughes, 
    Jr. (``Howard Hughes''), including trusts established for family 
    members of maternal heirs and estates of deceased maternal heirs 
    (collectively, the ``Hughes Maternal Heirs'') and partners and former 
    partners of Andrews & Kurth, L.L.P. (``Andrews & Kurth''), a Houston 
    law firm, including trusts established for Andrews & Kurth family 
    members and heirs of deceased Andrews & Kurth partners (collectively, 
    ``A&K''). Applicant's assets presently consist of common stock of The 
    Hughes Corporation (``THC'') and limited partnership interests in 
    Howard Hughes Properties, L.P. (``HHPLP'') (collectively, ``Hughes''). 
    Hughes was formed to hold, manage, and develop the assets of the estate 
    of Howard Hughes (the ``Hughes Estate'') including casinos, a large 
    military aircraft manufacturer, and widespread real estate holdings.
        2. Howard Hughes dies in April 1976 unmarried and childless. A 
    complex estate battle began when 32 wills were offered for probate, and 
    California, Nevada, and Texas each claimed domicile for purposes of 
    subjecting Howard Hughes' assets to death taxes. Andrews & Kurth 
    represented Howard Hughes and various of his companies for over 50 
    years. William R. Lummis, son of Annette Gano Lummis, Howard Hughes' 
    aunt, and a senior partner at Andrews & Kurth, left the firm shortly 
    after Howard Hughes' death to undertake management of the Hughes Estate 
    and serve as executive officer of Hughes.
        3. The Hughes Maternal Heirs, claiming through Annette Gano Lummis, 
    the beneficiary holding the largest single interest in the Hughes 
    Estate, did not possess the resources to finance the long, complicated, 
    multi-jurisdictional legal defense of their claim. The Hughes Maternal 
    Heirs and A&K formed applicant to prosecute and defend the claims of 
    the Hughes Maternal Heirs. In return for the contribution of their 
    interests in the Hughes Estate, the Hughes Maternal Heirs collectively 
    received 66\2/3\% of the interests in applicant. In return for 
    undertaking to defend, or cause to be defended, and otherwise to 
    provide the financial resources to further applicant's purposes, A&K 
    received a 33\1/3\% interest in applicant. In 1983, the last of the 
    final, non-appealable orders establishing ownership of the Hughes 
    Estate was issued that decreed that applicant was the beneficiary of 
    approximately 71% of the Hughes Estate's assets. Other than through 
    gifts and testamentary dispositions, applicant has not changed 
    composition since its inception. As of the date of the filing of this 
    application, the Hughes Maternal Heirs owned 67.279% of the interests 
    [[Page 27117]]
    applicant and A&K owned 32.721%. Currently, there are 86 Maternal Heirs 
    and 124 members of A&K.\1\
        \1\ The method chosen by Andrews & Kurth to determine the 
    relative interests of each of its partners in the firm's interest in 
    the Partnership resulted in an allocation to every person who was a 
    partner of the firm from 1976 to 1983.
        4. Applicant is internally managed by three of the general partners 
    (the ``Managing Partners'') who receive no compensation. The current 
    Managing Partners are Platt W. Davis, III (``Davis''), Frederick R. 
    Lummis, Jr. (``Frederick Lummis''), and Milton H. West, Jr. (``West''). 
    Davis holds interests in applicant both as a donee of his mother, an 
    original Hughes Maternal Heir, and as a legatee under the will of 
    Annette Gano Lummis. Frederick Lummis is William Lummis' brother. West 
    has been a partner of Andrews & Kurth for over 50 years and was the 
    partner in charge of the firm's representation of Howard Hughes. The 
    Managing Partners originally were selected through informal discussions 
    among the Hughes Maternal Heirs and A&K. The Managing Partners are 
    elected at large from among applicant's partners every three years and 
    were most recently elected in 1995. A committee nominates proposed 
    Managing Partners for election but partners holding interests 
    aggregating 10% or more may propose competing slates. Election is by 
    secret written ballot. Currently, the Managing Partners receive no 
    compensation for their services.
        5. Hughes has entered into a merger agreement with The Rouse 
    Company (``Rouse'') that will result in Rouse acquiring all of Hughes 
    (the ``Rouse Transaction''). After consummation of the Rouse 
    Transaction, applicant's assets will consist of: (a) Cash consideration 
    of approximately $85 million; (b) approximately 9 million shares of 
    Rouse (approximately 20% of the outstanding Rouse shares); and (c) 
    contingent rights to receive additional Rouse shares based on the 
    future cash flow generated from, and appraised value of, certain 
    properties acquired by Rouse in the mergers (the ``Earn-Out Rights''). 
    The properties subject to the Earn-Out Rights consist of undeveloped 
    land, rental properties, and interests therein held in four discrete 
    business units in Las Vegas and Los Angeles. The earn-out periods range 
    from 5 to 14 years.
        6. Applicant proposes to incur administrative expenses in an amount 
    not to exceed \1/4\ of 1% of assets following consummation of the Rouse 
    Transaction (the ``Administrative Expense Cap''). Any compensation paid 
    to the Managing Partners will be within the Administrative Expense Cap.
        7. Applicant contemplates continuing its existence after the 
    consummation of the Rouse Transaction for several reasons. First, 
    applicant believes that it can coordinate sales of Rouse shares in the 
    future by arranging block trades and thereby avoid the disruptive 
    effect of the uncoordinated sale of a large amount of stock by various 
    partners acting independently.\2\ Second, applicant believes that 
    significant cost savings can be achieved through the joint investment 
    of the cash received in the Rouse Transaction which would be invested 
    by the Managing Partners in shares of a number of registered open-end 
    investment companies. Third, applicant believes that issues involved in 
    the determination of the amount of the Earn-Out Rights can be more 
    effectively managed by applicant than by its partners individually. 
    Fourth, applicant, on behalf of its partners, is presently involved in 
    a controversy with the Internal Revenue Service and anticipates that 
    litigation of the matter will ensue (the ``Federal Tax Proceedings''). 
    The Internal Revenue Service (``IRS'') has questioned applicant's 
    partners' reporting of their income relative to applicant's formation 
    and operation for its tax year 1987 and subsequent years. 
    Administrative proceedings with respect to these allegations recently 
    have been concluded without resolution of the matter. The IRS may issue 
    a notice of final partnership administrative adjustments which would be 
    a predicate to institution of litigation by applicant.
        \2\ The Partnership is contractually restricted from selling 
    more than 50% of such shares for a period of one year after 
    consummation of the Rouse Transaction.
    Applicant's Legal Analysis
        1. Section 3(a)(3) of the Act defines investment company to include 
    any issuer that is engaged in the business of investing, reinvesting, 
    owning, holding, or trading in securities, and owns or proposes to 
    acquire investment securities having a value exceeding 40% of the value 
    of such issuer's total unconsolidated assets. Applicant submits that it 
    has been exempt from registration under the Act because its business 
    has primarily consisted of its interests in THC and HHPLP, both 
    majority-owned operating companies engaged in real estate development. 
    Upon the consummation of the Rouse Transaction, however, applicant will 
    become an ``investment company'' as that term is defined in section 
    3(a)(3) of the Act.
        2. Applicant was established as a joint venture between the Hughes 
    Maternal Heirs and A&K to pursue the Hughes Maternal Heirs' interest in 
    the Hughes Estate. Applicant contends that since establishing a 70% 
    interest in the Hughes Estate, applicant has operated as a privately 
    owned and family-controlled special purpose entity to which the Act was 
    not intended to apply. Applicant represents that it has not sought, and 
    will not seek, new public or private investors. In addition, each of 
    the partners is related to either the Hughes Maternal Heirs or A&K.
        3. Section 3(c)(1) of the Act excepts from the definition of 
    investment company any issuer whose outstanding securities are 
    beneficially owned by not more than 100 persons and which is not 
    making, and does not presently propose to make, a public offering of 
    its securities. Applicant asserts that the SEC may exempt private 
    investment companies that have more than 100 beneficial owners under 
    section 6(c) of the Act.\3\ Applicant contends that its request for a 
    conditional order under section 6(c) of the Act is consistent with 
    relief granted to other private investment companies substantially 
    owned and controlled by a single family.\4\ Applicant asserts that it 
    will continue to operate as a private investment vehicle not intended 
    to be within the scope of the Act.
        \3\ See Maritime Corporation, 9 SEC 906, 909 (1941).
        \4\ See, e.g., Pitcairn Group L.P, Investment Company Act 
    Release Nos. 21525 (Nov. 20, 1995) (notice) and 21616 (Dec. 20, 
    1995) (order); Heber J. Grant & Company, Investment Company Act 
    Release Nos. 20040 (Jan. 27, 1994) (notice) and 20091 (Feb. 23, 
    1994) (order); and Bessemer Securities Corporation, Investment 
    Company Act Release Nos. 18529 (Feb. 5, 1992) (notice) and 18594 
    (Mar. 3, 1992) (order).
        4. Section 6(c) of the Act provides that the SEC may exempt any 
    person, security, or transaction from any provision of the Act, if and 
    to the extent that such exemption is necessary or appropriate in the 
    public interest and consistent with the protection of investors and the 
    purposes fairly intended by the policy and provisions of the Act. 
    Applicant believes that the requested exemption meets these standards.
    Applicant's Conditions
        Applicant agrees that the order granting the requested relief shall 
    be subject to the following conditions:
        1. Applicant will provide each partner annual financial statements 
    audited by an accounting firm of recognized national standing.
        2. The Partnership shall not issue interests to a new investor who 
    is not
    [[Page 27118]]
    a member of the Hughes' Maternal Heirs or A&K and will not permit the 
    assignment or transfer of any interest therein except by bequest, gift, 
    or operation of law, and in the case of gifts, only to persons who are 
    members of the donor's family.
        3. Applicant will have a ten-year duration from the date of the 
    granting of the order unless earlier terminated pursuant to the terms 
    of the restated partnership agreement or unless it: (a) ceases to be an 
    investment company as such term is defined in the Act; (b) qualifies 
    for a statutory exception from such definition under the Act; (c) 
    obtains an amended exemptive order permitting it to continue as an 
    exempt entity; or (d) registers as an investment company under the Act.
        4. Applicant shall not have elected any new Managing Partner 
    without the approval of a majority in interest of the partners, and 
    such new Managing Partner must be a partner of applicant.
        5. Applicant shall not knowingly make available to any broker or 
    dealer registered under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, any 
    financial information concerning applicant for the purpose of knowingly 
    enabling such broker or dealer to initiate any regular trading market 
    in any units of partnership interest.
        For the Commission, by the Division of Investment Management, 
    under delegated authority.
    Margaret H. McFarland,
    Deputy Secretary.
    [FR Doc. 96-13547 Filed 5-29-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 8010-01-M

Document Information

Securities and Exchange Commission
Entry Type:
Notice of Application for Exemption under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the ``Act'').
Document Number:
The application was filed on April 23, 1996 and amended on May 23, 1996.
27116-27118 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Rel. No. IC-21980, 812-10104
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